THE CENTKE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pa, Th nil. .lan. 24, <R. f 'Jpe - year, when pail in mlranrt; v htn not pttid in advance. idrertisements 90*1* per Itnefor there in trrtinv*. and A cent* per line lor every sub .rquent insertion. Advertisement**)/ thr •>rar at a liberal discount. Subscribers outside the e ninty should re tmt w.i 10 cfs. amount of one year's fnish aye, instead of'JOcts as formerly schenpaid by themselves. Subscribers can always tell how their ar counts stand at the Reverter ofhee by con suiting the tables on Arir papers. It the table read* "John Roe 1 Jan '76" it means that Jrhn is indebted for subacrsption from the Ist of January, 1576. and that il is time he sras paving the printer, Lonoi mmtieoi C**T*r Hht.Toivia,N.**.J O.ofO, meets evers Mii.inUj #nln InthtOdd J M OlUlum>,lwt. M. r. **■*. A Oi l! roT t/WXW. K MW. F. A * . Mon.lsl sntn on or hforo s*eh full •>*> la lbs Odd lWWw* Hwl. • vi or. lUmiaACM**. J. A. n * Oasxov. Xa. S* Vet H. Hl!,i ntrHllonth SHoU 'TL'isTssrd ,¥ it two rni-* Msstsr d. w Btvsl.eevs —, LOCAL ITEMS. Sale, largo farm stock of B. "• Sbuev, near Fillmore. C I eb. Mr. Ji>s. Peck sold h' dwelling house and blacksmith shop to the Long Briis., of near Madiionburg. Jtßeph in tends moving to Kansas and try farming. Mr. George Gram ley sold his farm te Jacob Gepbart of Madisoaburg. for the neat sum of s4Boi). county families intend moving west naat spring. The Slifer. Walls A Sbriner Mtg. Co., of Lewisburg. is getting up a hay rake for the Paris Exposition that will ex ceed anything in way of finish that has yet been produced by Lewisburg mechanics. All the iron and stsel work i* heavi > nickel plated, and the wood work is ne walnut inlaid w ; th the whitest ash. It varnished as smoothly and brilliantly as a mirror. A panther attacked a little daugh ter of John Campbells about a mile above Julian Furnace, Centre county. She suc ceeded in getting away by leaving her clothes in its possession which were torn off her. It is thought her screams fright- . ened it off. B. K. V. RR.—At * meeting of the stockholders of Bli Kagle \ KL., held in Lock lUven on the Yoth instant, the following were chosen : President, Hon. L. A. Mackey ; Directors, Thos. A. Scott. C. A Mayer. A. C. Noye*. James Gmble, A. G. Curtin. SecreUry nd Treasurer, Wb. Wilson. So other remedy h* proved so ef fectual in relieving Coughs r.d Colds *s Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup A silent mill-feed hss been invent ed by A. ¥. Winklebleeh of Aaronsburg. which is simple, cheap and said to worh to perfection. It feeds fast or slow and in this regard is regulated by the momentum of the stones, a point gained which is said to be possessed by no other mill-feed. The Dexter King Spring is the cosi est thing for a buggy out. Already 4,000 of them have been sold. Read advertise ment in another column. Toucan always get any thing yon want in the line of groceries, fresh, good and cheap, at SechlePs. Wilton, the Dto ? swindler, one of whoso confidence letters we published in last week's Reporter, has been arrested. A long list of names of parties in Penn sylvaniaand other states, were found in his possession. Let him have 20 years in the penitentiary. Newman wishes to inform the pub lie that he is now actually selling over coats at cost. Go for tbem. —The subject of the item below, from the Williamsport Bulletin, is a daughter of Rev. Bennington, formerly of this place. Miss Bennington also taught school here : "The acquiu 1 of Miss Mollie E. Benning ton—though not officially announced —of assault and battery- in punishing a mis chievious boy in her school at Newberry, is generally approved by the public, and cannot fail to have a salutary effect on the public schools of the city. School govern ment mutt be maintained, or there is an end to that discipline so essential to the success of the educational department. While there rasy be a diversity of opinion regarding the propriety of corporal pun ishment, there can be little doubt of the impropriety of dragging this young lady before the court for applying the birch to the back of what has been shown to have been a refractory pupil. There U no better remedy for ■ cough or affections of the throat and lungs, asthma, croup, and the earlier stages of consumotion than F. P. Green Compound Syrup of Tar, Iloney, and Blood-root. Ask at your stores for it, or <er.d to Green's at Bellefonte. It is a truly valuable remedy. Millheimers are now talking about having horse cars lrom Coburn station to their town* "With iron bars spiked on wooden rails, as in the early days of rail roading, this might do. These iren bars were i and i inch thick, and 2i to 41 inch es wide, and it could be constructed for about $6,000 per mile, distance 2i miles total $15,000. Two cars, one for freight and one for passengers, would do the traffic, and might cost ssooo—total SIB,OOO for roadbed and rolling slock. Internal on this at 6 percent., would bo $1080; wear and tear, annual average 3 per cent, $540 ; four men to ran horse cars, would cost at least SI2OO per year ; lour horses s¥o; feed Ac., S3OO. This would require the road to earn $8720 to pay interest on construction and expenses for running road annually, without yet leaving profit to stockholders, which should be at least C per cent, additional to leave them a fair profit—er in other words, the gross receipts should be about S6OOO per year to pay operating expenses and leave a fair profit to the stockholders. Mow the thing for our neighbors at Miiibeim to consider, is, will it pay ? Suppose there were an aver, age of six passengers per dy, at 50 cents per head from Coburn to Millbefm, would be say SIOOO per year. Then the next question is will there be enough of freight traffic to make up the $5000? Let's cal culate—teams now charge 60c per ton from Coburn to Millheim, at which rate it would require 10,000 tons of freight, at 60c per ton, which is high. This would be close to one thousand tons per month, or s?.y an average of 39 tons per day. Now we question very much whether there is one quarter that number of tons received and sent from Coburn station, and much of that would be hauled by wagons, even if there should be a tram-road built, which would lessen the amount to be car ried on the horse-cars. Allow that our estimates are too high, cut tbem down to one half, and then see whether it would pay. Jfever misa the most interesting place in Bellefonte, when you go there, farmers and housekeepers. We mean Sechler's grocery in the Bush house block. It is worth while to see their stock and the variety of it. Their assortment it at complete as any grocery can be, and none in the county Competes with them for variety, and low prices. Published by Request. Extract from report of Committee on Resolutions at the meeting of Centre County Pomona Grange, P. of H., held • at Centre Hall, January 16, 1878 : Resolved, That we regard the failure of the compilers of the recent histoid of the Industrie* and Institution* of Centre county, to present to their reader* any account of tl e organization of the order of Patrons of Husbandry, as either an inex cusable blunder, or evidence of a preju dice which shows their unfitness as histo rians. In either case we feel that their act of omission calls upon us to prove our ex istence by the steadfast maintenance of the principle# of our beloved order and their exemplification in the presence of the people. Signet by the Committee. JANUARY COURT-GRAND JU ROUS. Spring— Wm. Pormii, ■'* Tressler Ferguson J W ("Jno hailey, Saml Harpatr, Jas Krai>. BeMefonte J llartruff. J P Zimmerman II Twitmire, Union—l* H Bush. Burnside—S Dixon. Rout - A C Withentc. .' M Lucas. Wm Foorman. Philipaburg—O Hancock. College Gr Lvtle. FotleT -John Arney, (i. Durst, jr. Unioatllla-B Rich Banner—H Sampsel. Walker—H C Suavely, S GoouharL Hnine*— AYm Ron or. Penn—D S Kerstetter. Traverse — let Week. Gregg—B J Herring. Mlletburg — D Boileau, t' look, A I Roggs. Union II Hoover, \\ A 1 eters. ltenner- D herlin. J 11 Vishburn. Unionville—N M Hall. Spring— F. D Null. 8 Lyon, il Kaufman Rellefbnte G A Bayard. 11 A Will iams. Geo Wolf, J Curtln. J K linger. Philipsburg-S Fleck, C A Falkncr, A Adams ... Potter—Wm Allison. H t Sankey. J H Miller. Halftnoon, A Sline. Liberty— H A Snyder. Walker—Mich Shafbr. RH oneda, R F Wlnkelman. , , _ Harris R F Rrown, U Frederics, 1> Stover, A H Hoaterman. Curtln—W WmUel. Ferguson—F Boltorf, Snowshc>e—A C Hinton. Miles—J Kinney, I'.Shafcr. Auslt.ram ly, S Kleckner. renn—Wm Mauk Rush—D 11 Chandler, M m Pechdal. Howard—J W tiardaer, F Confer. Haines—-lerrv Tayler—John Fink. Howard— F Confer. College—Jas Glenn. Trial List—Kirat Week. Alexander Lodor vs J A Cryder. K L Wian vs M Max. John BiggUman vs J A Cryder. R B Hartman vs tA m ConJo, Chas McCsstfhrtv use of vs Tobias Grew, L C and S C RR Co vs K W Sweeny. L 0 and S C RR Co * > Geo B Jack. 1. C and SCRRCo vs W>o Bradford. L C and 8 C RRCe v James Osman. J P Bullock vs T M Hall. Schmidt vs T M llall. Last Saturday night, about mid night, three stables were burned at Belle font#. The one was occupied by Hicks Bros, and in it three horse* were burned one of tbe animals was gotten out alive, but so badly burned that he was shot to end his misery. One of the other was occupied by Howard Spargltr, as a livery. Mr. Spangler's Horses were only driven out with tbe greatest difficulty, but 6 or 6 of his aleighs were burned, alao sev eral buggies, and his Urge Mountain Echo wagon. The harness was saved. The fire was the work of an incendiary, and was in the heart of the town in a locality that was closely built up with stables. It R owing to gallant tervieea of tha two fire companies that the spread of tbe hre was checked and a terrible conflagration pre vented. Howard Spangler's loas is about which is covered by an insurance cf }SOO to WO. Mr. Hicks also had an insurance on his iwo horses, the other horse belong ed to Mr. Eaton. We have heard enough of persons hurrah for Newman, to make any man governor of the stste. The reason is be cause he has sold Clothing so low this wiater. If it were not for the Eagle Cloth-* ing Hall, clothing would be 40 per ct. higher now in this county. To the phi* lanthropic Newman let all praise be given tor this, and let every man in the county encourage him by purchasing Clothing of him. "Hurrah for Newman 1" we say too, for he has gone to get married. About two years ago, or over, Mr. Christian Hager. who was the owner of a tract of land and a sawmill in Sugar Val ley, left Lock Haven some time in the af ternocn for home, a distance of 12 or 14 miles. Nothing was heard of him until about ten days ago, when two hunter* found his bones on the Sugar Valley mountain. In his decayed clothing was found one hundred and forty dollars, the bills were so weather beaten and rotten that they ceuld scarcely be handled. On the bone of one of the Angers wastound a silver ring, on which were the initials "C. H.'' By this ring it is positively known that the wearer was Christian Hager. At the time of his disappearance, various slo-1 rias and predictions were sfloal specula tive of the eveut. It was known that he had gone to Leek Haven for money, and it was also known that he had gotten it, and by many it was supposed that ho had been robbed and his body buried. By others it was lUpposcd that be bad left the country, as it was known that financial troubles were weighing upon bis mind. But now the mystery it solved. What caused his death is, of course, not known. It is said that his life was insured for $lO,- ! 000. Sechlers hare just opened a new supply of groceries. If you want fresh teas, sugars, coffee, syrup, fruits, confec tioneries, cracker#,- dry beef, ham, cheese, beans, soap, spices, best pure vlnerar, York state apple*, dried peaehes'of the very beat, canned fruit all kioda of the choicest, and a thousand of other good uaeful, wholesome, pure, and cheap arti cles. Scchlers is the place to go to for them. —A lot of new cane bottom chairsjust received at Kamp's furniture rooms, Cen tre 11*11. Offered cheap. Go and see them. AH kinds of stick car.dy are manu factured at Kauth's Bellefonte bakery, where confectioners cen buy their candies fully ss cheap as in the city. Capt. Hunter, nfUalfrnoon, informs us that his tobacco crop turned our fair, and next summer he will put out double the number of acres. Lycoming and Clinton counties had a crop last summer estimated at one million pounds. D. F. Taylor has been appointed post-master at Lemont. A number of subscribers complain that neighbors much better able than themselves regularly borrow the Reporter and read it. Thai's wrong, the Reporter is a good, readabla paper, and borrowers should take the bint—subscribe and pay fot it. This would enable them to sleep sounder and dream sweeter. A GOOD OVKXR.— A pair of handsome (jib chromos is offered at a gift to every one that will tend fifteen centa (postage ttamps taken) for a three months' sub tcription to Leisure Uourt, a mammoth 1C page (04 column) family paper, filled with the choicest literature, stories, poetry, •tc , by the ablest writers. The papen tent will contain the opening chapters of ackraming story entitled "Holden with the Cords," by the author of "Shlloh, 1 "My "Winter in Cuba," etc. To induce every one to send for tbia short subscrip tion—which is offered at half price—the publishers, J. L. Patton A Co., 102 Wil liam Street. New York, offer free the pair of cbromoi—which are excellent pictures and worthy to adorn any home. Monay will be returned to any one not satisfied that they do not gel twice its value. fl, 500 in prizes it given free to agents. MUSICAL CONVENTION. A Musical Convention wilLhe held in Salem's Church, Pine Grove Mills. Centre county, Penn'a. to commence Monday, February 4, 1878, and to continue five days, under the leadership of John A. Weaver and Wm. T. Meyer. Three sessions each day. Books furnish ed free. Convention to close with Two Grand Concert*, Friday and Saturday evenings. All lovers of music are cordially invited to attend. Persons coming from a dis tance will stop at the church where a com mittee will conduct them to boarding places. Accommodation free. Admission to Term Admission to each Rehearsal Admission to Copcert, 25 cents. Family Ticket* to be hadlrom tbe Com mittee. By order of tbe Committee. GXOKQX ECELE, JOHN L. MUSSES, Jxxa KBAPX, JOXXXR, iixw, SPRING MILLS ITEMS. | The telegraph u now in full operation. J Hicks A Uro. have changed clerks Orcut who is oi cry inch a gentleman has : :nk.n the place of Geo. Raton LongmgJ the firm (leurisli. Mr Cleveneune, oi t Ilnblersburg ha- itarte.ta shoemakershop, | n Mr. Lmg i saddler shop, as he ki on • how to ruako good oles he should adver-. tise in Reporter. Mr Btebblns' lecture on Kansas was satisfactory and has given some the lever, but they w ill get over il by March. Our school is improving under' the control of Prof Wm A Krisc; ho has a large school and the scholars think highly of him, The coal trade seems to bo as lively as ever there is much lime burner's coal shipped to this point, a lot > f pork i-hanged hands here last week the moat at $1 -<0 per hundred, some at mm IB ru A ioi&' Ni'TicK. Letters of administration en the estate of Bonj. Peters, late oflVllegc twp, dec d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing thenuelves to he in debted to Saul decedent aro requeued to make immediate payment, and persons havingolaliu* agwitisl the estate will pre sent them authenticated tor settlement, SAMI'KUiII.UI.AM', A I ST I N 1 VLK. tan'U Administrators. N'OTICK is hcrebv given that applica tion will be made t the l.cgislal re now in c;siou to t>as an act repealing the Act il" A*hoHb'v approfinl 'JHihdny of April, A. D , INW. entitled an act to ' In corporate tbo Wolt Ron lmproveuieol Company in Centra county. l.jar. s; N M A L ST AT K M KN T Office of tbe F. M. F. Ins. Company of Centre County, Pa. Centre Hall. Jan 14. HRH.-ln compli ance with the provisions ol their charter the Twentieth Annual Statement ot the transactions of the Company is here with presented: ASSETS. Bills receivable being premium notes due and payable by mem bor* for insurance the past year. $19.938 ol Paid on tame. J7'J,4C Leaving due on pre mi I um notes taken the | past year. 19,606 U6 j To which add cash in the treasury. 170 do Making tbe total avail able assets of tbe past year, 19,7Jd ol EXPENSES. Compensation of di rectors. 12S lis Salary of Secretary. 1(a) ih " Treasurer. hOlk) Printing, rent, postage and stationery. B9 60 Letter press. 6 00 Election board. 5 00 Chas Warner on barn.lßS 00 , Henry Krebs on thresh , er. SO 00 Slate Insurance tax. 26 00 ( Expenses instituting _ ... ] suit against J Durst t>2-> Cii *aV Toul accruing asseu and funds of the Company the past year after deducting 1 expenses. 1.',06e tl. To which add notes of 1573. 'l, '5 and 'tl. 118.930 <o^ 137,908 01 Minus nolo* expired j and cancelled, cash premiums, and tax M of '73. C,C3O 63| Total available assets , of th. Comp.n, .hU . }131M15 . Risks and insur ances taken the past year. 211,069 36 Same reported for previous years. 1.3J0,1d8 88 Making the risks of the Company this Jay. 1,078,106 24 | Due the Company i from agents. 646 96j At an election held the same day the ' following named members were elected i directors for the ensuing year: J. W.l' Kruinreine, J. \\ . Campbell. Henry Kel lar. Jos Baker, Fred Kurta, John Kishel, Mnj J. B, Fisher, S. J. Herring, Amos Alexander, J. H. Musser. Sani'l Gramly . and J K llosterman. Whcreupen the 1 board organized and elected the following officers : President—Henry Keller. Viro President—S. J. Herring. Secretary—l* F. Lus. Treasurer— Henry Witmer. i D. F. Li-ax, Hx.nkt Kkller, 1 3i Sec'y. Vice Prea't.r REGISTER'S NOTICE.—The follow > ing accounts have been examined snd passed by rue and remain filed of rc ;ord in this office for the inspection ofj heirs, legatees, creditors, and ali others in ; r,y war interested and will ho presented to the Orphan sCourt of Centrecounty, on Wednesday, the 80tb day of January, A. L). 187S, for confirmation and allowance.- 1, The account of IX M. Wagner, guardian of Clarissa A. ilsusr. lata Clar-: issa A. Thompson, minor child nf William A. Thompson, into of Centre county, de ceased. '2. The account of Sarah 11. Chrissinan, executrix of etc., of Adam Crisstuan, lato of Snowshoe township, deceased. ".The account of Wm. P. Wilson, guardian of the minor childernof Kmelina Sheats, formerly Lucas, late of Union tw p. deceased. i 4. The first and final account of Joseph Bitner. guardian of John Pashem and Mary I, Liashem, children of Jacob Dash cm. deceases!. 6. Tho account of Jonathan Musser, guardian ofCarrie A. Kepler, deceased, a minor child of Jacob Kepler, late of Fer guson township, deceasca. 6. The account of W. C. Beatty, admin istrator of Ac., of John Beatty, late of Marion township, dee'd. ". The second account of J. P -Gephart, trustee appointed to sell the real estate of Daniel and Mary Hastings, late of said county, deceased. 8. The final account of J. P. Gephart, trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court,; to make sale of the real estate of Jacob S. Awl. late of said county, deceased 9. The first partial account of John and' Nathan M'Closky, executors of Joseph McCloskey. late of Curtin township, dee'd as filed by John McCllosky. 10. The final account or Joseph G. Car son, admistrator of Ac , of George Carlln, late of Potter township, dee'd. 11. The account of J. H. Brown, guar-; dian of Nora C child of John ! Green, late of Snowshoe twp.. deceased. i 12. The account of J. H. Brown, guar-j dian of Maggie B. Green, minor child of John Green, late of Snowshoe twp , dee'd. i 13. The second and final account of Ed-j ward F. Lloyd and Austin J. Montgome ry, trustees of e.-tate of Hardtnan Philips, I deceased. 14. The final account of J. O. Meyer, f uardian of tho minor children of Mngda ene Meyer, deceased. 15. The account of John Q. Packer, ad-1 minirtrator of Ac., of O. P horringcr, late of Curtin township, deceased. 16. The first sua partial account of Geo -11. llnrkins and John Harkins, adminis trators of Ac . of William Harkins, late of Potter township, deceased, as filod by John Harkins, one of the administrators. 17. The account of Rebecca Jodon and Lewis Edgar Jodon, executors of Ac., of Frar.cis Joion, late of Spring township, deceased. WM. E- BUBCHFIKLD. Bjan Rtgistfr. Where to Goantl How to C*o W es.t I 2,000.000 acres of land for sale cheap in the garden of the West. For circular-, maps of Kansas, full information as to best Railroads to travel on. Tickets, Freight Rates, etc., apply or write to WM. SHORTLIDGK. Agent Atcbinson, Topeka A Santa FeKR. 20dec 3m Bellefonte, Pa. Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE SALE! The undersigned offer# for sale hi* farm in Potter township, Centre county, one mile east of Centre Hall, known as the Robert Pennington farm. Containing 146 ACRES, in good state of cultivation, no hills but gently rolling, most all limestone land, about 125 Acres cleared, balance wood land near the buildings Upon tbe farm are a largo BAN K BARN, Frame House, Nearly New, of modern etyifit Hug-pen, Smoko bousei etc., Two Apple Orchard* on the farm, water piped into the house-yard and into bam yard. The farm i* well fenced, and one mile from blacksmith shops storta, churches. The term* will be made,easy. Bounded on east by land* of late Bam'l Huston, south by lands oflate Wm. Kel ler west by Keller and Bible, and north by' Bible and Huston. Also ninety-six acres of mountain land. Address or apply to RCBEKT A. MEANS, Lewistown. IllfllwpwifiV? F> ir childriii f Sam ii'l Hoffman, of, Cambria county. f ivo U >d < ? diphtheria in two >l IRRIED. On tho OVUM UK (tin ll'l!' !!'! 11l till* house of I ton rv Kit in, rot h, I ->i . Pleasant tinp. I'T Ivor. .1 K M or Mr Jf|ih Brook*to Miss Carolim I.' Shaw ley, both of Huntingdon count\ j On lft, at Uork 1t,,1, 1-1 li-v. Stover, It. It. Triester mul M,,t Lydia Zellle, both of Centre Hill. On ?"i, ull, at the r< >i.|enee of the bride'e father, by Kev. \\ M l.m <ll, Mr. \\ in .1. Munnr ot Oratiguvillr, 111., to Mm Jnili .m . Wolf i .I 'I daughUt if iThoina* tV(i!f, I ■j , •( Woll * Store, Brush \ ah. i tbi 17, i:it ,Inlt i Tom'iiuon. Mr J. t,. lo M Kiu . limerick, both ■ ot Potter low n.hlp On ,I ■ ivui tics v. oflVnn, and Mm , Mary I. 1 ashem, ~f 1\ iter. In Uium'i Valley, 'ln' l by \\ K Fischer, Mr William Krhard, of Old Fort mul Mr*. Hannah Jamison, of Spring Mill*. iiKATUH. i On the 22 ml ult a'. Howard, Centre county. Mr. John lilimner, aged C yrtn, ■ 1 mouth multi ilny i, tin 10, near Potter's Mill*, Mm Kile llenuy, aged lb year*. 7 month* mid 20 day* On 22, at Mad is mburg John Guiser, aged about 70 years At hi* residence, near liable rtburg ' January 11 1b,"7. of dropsy, niter itn illness of ti* weeks Ailmn Decker, sr., uged bl • veer*. t> months and days Tha thanks Of ibo tamily arc horrby {tandereil in the friends and neighbors tor ibcir many kind aKmltons and assistance i hrfore and at the funeral of tba descasnd Ki cry ttnng was dono that kind hearts imagined necessary, and it i* with greate tul leeluigs that tbeso knidnMsos are tc knowUdged. IV*. D. In l.cna, January Jacob Oroasman, agej b*d ycar, 'J month* and 10 days Father Uroasman e born in Putter township. Centre county, l'enna, wherehr lived until lsy. a l.iiU lie emigrated to the far west i-eltlirig in Siephonin county, 111., being una of the Br<; e e!tler*. lfe did much : ward improving the country, and especially in establishing the Luther* an Church of which he *> a worthy member from the time bo was lii years of age-having joined the church of his choico in what i known a* tha Ltop, where there are many of Li old acquaint ances who will remember him as the lead er of their choir there ; but bit voice i* hushed in death lie has passed over the, Kivar and is now .ingmg the anthem* ofi the blest with the reileemrd lu heaven. B. \ fJUBLIC BALI At the residence of the undersigned at Logan's flap, 'J mils'* north of Farmer s Mill*, en Thursday, January 24. 187 M : Two Marcs, one heavy with foal, two Cows, one Heifer, 8 Pig., 18 head Sheep, 2 Uore wagon, 1 priug Wagon, Hied, list rake. Wind mill, 2. horse Cultivator, t'orc planter, Coriucra per, I single Cultivator. Plow. Harrow, , Crupper iiear*, tingle Harness, Saddle Collar*, Bridle*, and other article* too nu- , uierou* lo mention Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. J Ne(T, auct ITjan WM.T MAYS, i Valuable Farm i AT. PRIVATE SALE! ■ The well-known farm late of Rev. P. S.' Kiher. dee d, situate in Gregg township. | 'Contro county, I mile west of Spring Mills rr. station, and at present occupied by Cbas. Homer, is offered at privatesale. | Consisting of 135 ACRES, 1 and one of the best producing farms in the. vallov. It has all necessary building*, and the Barn is entirely new. It is under j good fences, has g>o>l. heavy timber land,' 2 good Orchards, and with Penns Creek running through centre ol the farm, and ■ has An Excellent Mill Seat. Tor further particulars nppty to Maj. J. B Fisher, Penn Hall, Pa. ->r t C. P. W FISHER, jjan 8 8t lioalsburg. Pa, Candy Manufactory &. Bakery. Mr. Albert kauth, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, j is now making the rerv best BREAD, CAKKS ANI) PIF.S, j in JJel'efonte. Caodist* aud Uoufccticn*. • He also manufactures all kinds of can- 1 dies, and dealers can purchase of him as low as in the city. Candles of all kinds al-' ways on hand, together with Oranges, ' Lemons. Figs, Date-, Null, Syrup*, Jel- Hies and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT, i An Excellent oyster saloon also at tached to the Bakery. Call and see me. ALBERT KAUTH. r.oylfi lEGAL NOTICE —N lice is hereby j given that application will be made i to the Legislature of Pennsylvania during ' iU next session, to have tlie set end section i of the Act of Assembly approved January , a Ist, I>4. erecting Henrysburg. in Centre i cotjnty, into a borough, so changed as to I secure a more cuuitab.u assessment of wat*r i taxes. jialTSt riraml Opening. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. NEW STORE AT CENTRE HALL! I. Gt tiGEXIIKIMKR, HAH JUST RECEIVED THE LARG EST. CHEAPEST AND lIKST AS. SORTM ENTS OF NEW WINTER GOODS, EVER OFFERED IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. MANY OF THEM Jo TO fiO PERCENT CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE! CONSISTING IN PART OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. CARPETS. FLOOR 01 L CLOTHS^IIATS, CAPS, UMUUKL LAS, BOOTS. SHOES. GAITERS, WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPER, yUEKNESVARK GLASSWARE, SPICKS, GROCERIES, TO BACCO SKGARS, FISH, BACON, SALT. Jtc. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS <> PFE It E D TO CASH BUYERS. Clover seed, TAKEN IN ANI) THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICKS PAID IN CASH OK TRADE. STORE IN THE, OLD BOOM CONNECTED WITH SPANGLEBS HOTEL. HMec PIMPLES. I will moll (Pro* the* melt* far • slmula \ agatabl* Halm that will Tan, KIlhC'K I.KM PIMPLY •nd Blotches, listing the akin soft, clear and bsutl ful also MUMMM for pfMhMtaf a luiurtant growlh of nalr on a bald haad or smooth faoa, Addreas, In* closing 3 ct, atguip.Beo. \ andalf A l)o, 3U Aan hi-, N Y To Consumptives. Tha advartUnr, having Loan pertnaoantly cured of thai dread dlaeaeo, <'<uuniption. by a alropla rvmgdy. laanitouaUi mako known u hit frllnw auffarerti the ■OK— < f cure daalra •, b* will aaod a ropy of th* preMrlptiun used, (free f clurie), with tha direction* for preparing and using thaaama. whirl, they will find aanra tiara fur Consumption, Aathma. Bronchitis, de- Part Imi wishing tha prescription will pleas* address. K. A. WIUO *, 104 Pann ht . Williamsburg. 5. V TRANSPARF.NTTK ACHING CARDM. Instruction and Ainoas-iticnl combined Important to paranta and Utaohara. M different artlatlc designs. Tha anttra rmck aaot fraa for 36 eta. currency or stamp*. Van Ualf A . -o. ft) Ann St., N Y. A El**" DA AOIHLTB profits par weak. Will SO7 lOU l—wtt.rlorf-lt tm. Mtl ERRORS OF YOUTH" AGKNTLFIIAN who anffcrad for joart from Ner ▼ou* Debility Premature Decay, aud all the effect* of youthful Indiarretlon, will for tha aaka of suffering! humanity, aend frna to all who need It, tba recipe and Direction for making tho simple rmwly which ha was, cured. Sufferers wishing to imdit by the advertiaer's eiperlenoa can do ao by addressing In perfect confl* , OflPit*, tt os4r St., W.w York^ THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. \\ O bus a I vary latge and complete tJfk of Kurd ware, the Impart that *st ater before offered by mty Arm io the people of tbie oounty.'atnlJarelmLing at tbeltery low-; est potiibie rate* Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, Class and PuHv. l\ir Wl lie Leeds and Linseed Oil ; Turpentine* and Varnish**, alt which we warrant to give *nti*faction. Our Pur* Lead will co a* much surface a* any in the market and cannot be nsi ellod for whiteriaa*. HKADY MI X Kl> PA INT put up in any quantity to auit people, from one-pound can* to one gallon ean, all ready for rise. The*' 'paint* we warrant to be mixed with pure Iced arid oil, and are tree from all adulteration * MECHANICS TOOLS We pnv special eUenlion to lhi branch, and keep a full line of Haw*. Chisel* Hammers and Bailey s Iron Planes Horee naiU ofal) kind*,Tracr Chains. Heme*. Ktc FULL LINE OK SADULKKV OF ALL DKSCKIPTIONB. COACH WOOD WOHK Spoke*. Felloe*. Patent Whet 1. of the w* m proved pat ent*; Mr*. P.tu Improved Flat Iron*, cheap, convenient and durable polished end nickelplktud. Johnston * Prepared Kaliomino ; put up In C-poumi package* ; eaaily pat 08, and cheaper than paper. We have all color*. ,„ m S T () V E S. We have the only Keverslble, Top-plate Cooking Stove* in the market The Keyitone. Suouthar,na and Juniata, which we warrant to he the'hestbaker* and thabeav leat .love, in the 2Viw*sMtf S ft wmUu ". AIo all kinds ofltmige* and other .love*. COM K A ND'HKE OUH KKYBTON* COOK STOV K ; II IS TUt HAND3OMEST IN THE VSOKLD. , S3 NVcek. Pbilipaburc—K Keoder, J A Lukena. Potter- J O'Sankey, Wui Stiver Perm —Jacob Dutweiler, W P Caler man. limner- J Kcklr, 8 D Nwart*. Sjinng Morria Purey, John Null. Howard Jacob Hollar, \V Doughen bach _ Bellefonte F Smith, O F Brew, O M Swartr.. Palton— Jehn Chamber*, It II Sline Snowshow— CJ F Chceaeiuan, J J Potter, 11 \V ilherite College—J f Irwin Gregg—D Kunkle. K KsltsrhoC Boggt -T Harvey, B Charlea. iiurntid* -S Fuher. Marlon--J H M Cauly, Milesburg—T Ciawford. Liberty— 8 Lingle, J W Toner. Humes —M Fiodler. Harris ~<A Hess Taylor—ll tianor. Ferguson—H C Campbell. Houston -9 Naion. Newspaper law ssys if * person orders bit paper discontinued he muit psy all ar or the publisher- way continue to sei.d it until payment it made and col lect the whole amount whether the paper is taken from the post olßee or not. Alto, action for fraud can ho instituted agalnat any person. whether he is retponaible in a financial view or not, who refuaet to pay aubarripliona due for a publication. A word to the wiae ia sufficient. IOTICKI OTICK la herwhy given Sat the fol iy| lowing named peraona have died their petitions for licenae. in the office ©t the Clerk of the Court ot Quarter Sessions I of the Peace in aud for Centre county and that application will be made at the neat sessions of aaid court to grant the tame : J John O Uarle Tavern Snow Shoo twp Perry II Sinner do Penu two John Aridorton Saloon BcliolonU A bra m Bautn Wholes le do Joetl Kliri S jr Tavern Marion Robert Taylor Tarern i'hilipsburg boro; A WILLIAMS. ProtVy. j Spring Milla Market White Wheat. I 26. Ked M & Kye. We. Corn, ear*, per bu. new, ,4oc Oata, "3c Buckwheat. 76c. Ctoversesd, $1 26 U> $-> 00, Chop, per ton, ftS.OO. Platter, ground per ton, $lO W Potatoes, 0c perjsush. Flour, per bhl, i" Butter, 20c. Tallow to. Uagt, 4c. Kgga per do*., 2(V. Coal, Egg, I* - ' ton. s4.iki. '• Stove. 4 60. * Chestnut, 4.3. *• Pro. S.U). BautifosTa Mamcrra.— by tsuovtlldge A Co, Flour per barrel, wholesale. fib 26. retail. >7OO White wheat. 1 30 Ked " I 20. Kye. 66. Corn, shelled, 46 Corn, cob. 40 Oats, 28 to 30. Barley, rye weight, 66. Clotcrtecd $4 60 per *4 pounds. Potatoes retail, 40 Nora Scotia plaster, ground, 10<*>. Cayuga " SVOU. Potatoes, .40. Unions, .60c. Butter, per Iks-, tf-'o. kacon, sides. . ItV. " shoulders, 10c. " Haws, 14c. Tallow, 7c. Uagt, 2c. ' HEALTH AND HAPPINESS! H-siih sta nrt">e- "• iw* wsnk w im> *a4 jwt iLr; • lUil* tM nMi •* •••? rwgIUHTS LIVER PILLS. Tfc# only ittra fttr far Turtk4 li*r. f*' 1 - Stils." If job* l>r-c;*t .lit e.H WKfil •tr d * ?o >a*bniU> tUnicY.Kctl-C A U, fs * SO. si j rhUsdslphl*. If or *> j CJKT READY FOR WINTER!! IF YOU WAST THE YER >' BEST AN D CHEAPEST PARLOR STOVES, Buy the "Laurel Wreath (Single or DOUBLE HEATERS.)' There alove* have TWO ROWS of light*, shaking and (lumping grate, ar ranged to clean out the clinkera. No Idauger from gas, uo part* to burn out, so a* to let ga* into the tipper room. We make THREE SIZES of Single and TWO SIZES of Double Heater* of theao justly popular Stove*. IFYO u WANT THE VER YDEST ANDCHEAPEST Cooking Stoves, BUY THE "ZEMTII," Rouble Oven Range; or the "Economy** Single Oven Range. They are the beet in the market, have |SIX BOILER HOLES,shaking and .dumpinggrate, A PPL I THE lIEA T TO ALL THE BOILERS AT ONCE. The oven it large and tguare. the doom tin-lined. The PLA TES ARE 11EA IT, unlike the light plate* of city tIwee—COMPARE THEM. \Ye make a No. H and No. 9 of both these range*. All these atoveff are WARRANT ED, and you can get repaira from the Manufactory in one day. For Sale by J. A. REESMAN. Centre Hall. J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall. SNOOK. SMITH A CO., Millheim. G. R. BPIGELMYER, Woodward, Manufactured by the SLIFER, WALLS A SIIRINER M'fg Co. LEWI3BURG, PA. We also manufacture the Celebra ted BUCKEYE REAPER*. MOW ER. KEYSTONE CLOVER HUL LER, COLE'S UNIVERSAL SUL KY CULTIVATOR, New Model, ' Centre Draft, IIORSE DUMPING i HAY RAKE, HOOSIER GRAIN : DRILL, BUCKEYE LEVEH ' CORN SHELLER, Plowi, Land Roller** etc. 29no\ VALENTINES & CO., HUMES' NEW BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA AHE NOW PREPARED For The Fall And Winter Trade. Bargians Greater Than Ever! . WOOLLEN GOODS, COTTON GOODS, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Of *ery description. DRE6B GOODS, in great Tarietr. LADIES COATB, noeat and largest assortment ever brought to Bellefonte. i SHAWLS, BLANKETS, ' HATS, ('APS, CLOTHING, % IN FACT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Remember we do buiineaaon the ONE PRICE PLAN, and therefore in* lure our pr ivet .\ the lowest. mir NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY, YiUUSimNES & €O. H. HERMAN, Manager. TIIE DezterSpring 4,000 Set Sold last two years. I The Dexter Spring was a child of! necessity. Three or four geoanlioua had been jerked almost te death or had, their spinea twitted into permanent curvature by the continoui jerks of th* Eliptic Spring, or latterly had their necks broken by the side throw of the Concord. For these reasons the people *le manded a Spring on which they could ride with ease and which would at the same time be atroog and substantial. Btsar eaocKKßitorr. t.. anuoaar Preaident. Cashier. OENTRK COUNTY BANKING CO. (Latf Milliken, lloovei A Co.) Receive Depo#it, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy aud Sell Government Securities, Gold A • pfcXknf Coupon*. clut brick will tin kept an band for ale by J. (>. , Deininger at Zorbe's Centre Hall briclc yard*. These brick art offered so low that it will pay parsons at a distance to come hero for them. Intending to continua in lha manufac ture of brick they will bo kept con'itantly j <>n band, and fair inducements offered tt purchaaera, 11? aug if. H E ZKRBE Lincoln Butler Powder, make* but- 1 ter tweet andhard, and quicker to churi i Try it—for tale at Wm. Wolt'a atoie. XKCrfOR'B N OTICE ; Letter* testamentary on the estate of| Jacob Sparr, late of Harri* township, de ceated, having been granted to the under-1 signed, all persons indebted to said eauu are required to make immediate payment.! and those having claims against lha same to present tbem, duly authenticated by law for setllament. DAVID E SPARR, DANIEL IIESS, 30dec6t Ksocutors. pOUKT PROCLAMATION. Ifftunu. tk* Hon ChulM A. Mu*r. Pr*ld*nt of tha eaart of Dmm Clbbs. ta tha SMJ. Jadlat.l I>* trio I roualatlu* of III* ooantls* el tapir* Clinton and ; inr|.ld, and tha Hanarabla Sani'lFratik, and the, Honorabl* John Aaaooiatad Jade** la Uantr* county, havtae l**uad tb*lr praopt, boarlna data the 11 dap of Jaa. A. P., ItTS, taw* atrootod far Bald In* a coart af Oyor ae-l Tormlnar and tirorral Jail Poll*- ars and Woartor t.aaiana af tha Caao#la BallafanU for tba county af Caatra. and to ooouaaaaa aa tha 4th Moaday of Jan balaf tba SSta day of|Jaa. IV>, and to oonUaaa t wo waaka. Untie* l tbarafora harab. ( ta tba Ueroaar, Ja* tier* af tha Paaoa, and t'onalabloa of tha aald eaantf af Caatra, thai th*s ba Utaa and tbara la thalr propar Pomona. at IS e'cloah ta tha laraaoao of aald das. with thau raoorda, toijulatttaaa. aiamtna. turn*, and thalr on raratrabraacaa. ta da thaaa thtasa abtob ta tbalr effloa apparula. lo ba daaa, and thoaa a hoar* baaad la rarasaluaau ta nraaaouto aeainat tba prlaaaara that ara or ahajl ba la tba Jail af ('antra counts, b* Utaa and tbara to proaaoata afaluat tbaai aa a hall ba iuat Utran undar my band, at Ballafaata, tha lat day of Jaa, ta lha oar ef oar Laid, ISTJ, and la tba I*l yaar af ladapoadaooa a tha Pnltad Statoa. LKVI MUKetHS Hbar We print envelopes as low as $1 pv thousand. Bend us your envelop#*. W< print letter beads, and statement* as lrt| as fOPB. when persons Ind tbi paper- This is lower then you can get I done for la the city. I f For meeting this demand byeupply ijiog the CELEBRATED DEXTERj IiSPRING which is so rapidly supers L ceeding the old styles the Dexter Spring Co. have uo apology to oflerj • but rather feel that they owe the Driv ing Fraternity an apology for wot! hating produced it sootier. .SEND FOR CIRCULAR OF SPRINGS | TO \ DEXTER SPRING CO., HELTON, PA. .i3jan2ot Near Pittsburgh Chas. H. Held. Clock, WutehmakprAiewelei Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. A! kinds of clotlU, Waiehaa and J*w*lrv of tfes UulitlM,u atlau tDa Ma nanlU Palaal CftkaodM' iClock*, prtnded with * completa ladai of lb# month nod d*) at the month and wwwk on tu lac#, wbtrfe I* aarrantal aia p#rf*ot tiro* koopor. Plecki. WaichtiaadJatilry r da trod ci abort no Uaa And varranUd JJR. S. G. GUTKLIUB, Dentist, Millheim. Offer* hi* prc-faaaiunal unltauUi. public. ll* t* , rrapurad to i-rtorm *ll oparatMo* lii ta* drsUl pro- M.taa. H I. ouo fullypraparad to oatroct taathabaoluili | . iwtthoul polo. ni' l| M Coal and Lumber. ! J. I}. LONG, SPRING MILLS, PA, is now fully prepared to furnish all kinds of Coal and Lumber, upon short notice. His ooal are kept under roof, and are from the WILKESBARRE COAL MINES BEST COAL IN MARKET. Also SHAMUKIN COAL all of which are sold at tho very LOWEST PRICES. Yard near Depot. 20dec 3m C. C. CONNER. MERCHANT TAILOR. In Bank Building, Centre Hall. Would respectfully aunoune to the citi zens of this vkiaiiy that he ha* Ukan rooms in above building where he is pre pared to do all kinds of work belonging to his lino, for men and beys, and accord ing to latest styles. Goods sold by sam ple. Having had nine years experience 1 he guarantees all work to render perfect 1 satisfaction, and solicits a share of the public patronage. 6deoy SPRING MILLS Grain Warehouse & Coal Yard. H. KKUM HEINE A SON. New Warehouse now ready for the reception of grain, and the Highest Cash Price Paid Highest Cash Price Paid for all kind* of Grain anil Seed. Grain and Seed. C 0 A L! Chestnut, Small Stove, Lump, Pee. , end Lime burners Coal always on | baud at LOWEST PRICES. Also J I (/round Plaster <s• Salt. ! Hides! i Bring your hides and receive tbe best ■ market price in caeh for them. 6 doe. 3 m CENTRE HALL " J DRUG STORE.. MILLER A SON. ■ Successor to J. K. Miller A Son.} ' Dealer in Pure Drug* and Medicines, . Dye stuff*, and Druggist's sundries. PL'RE 1 VISE AS D LIQUORS ! Per medicinal purposes- j! Tbe best brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO always in sUx-k. Prescription# carefully Compounded. i / MILLER dtSON P JFLK. Harris *Y 6V>. 1 NO. 5, B MOCKER HOFF ROW. - IROCNAILS, P A IN T S, OILS, ETC., o J AS. HARRIS & CO. Italirfbnta. (JMIAIIAM & SON. Graham A Son areofffering extra induce menu to CASH BUYERS. We ba*e iho largtwl and cheapen flock of) Boors AND SHOES i >n BeUcfonte and are determined to tell at .ucb price* a will uit the pockeU of #t ery one. No# it the,time U> buy your fall nnd a-tnter *t<-ck You c*ri get a good aol lid Leather Mutton Shoe for Ladic*, from S2OO to 2 AO Ladies coarse shoes, $1 25 Men*' cosrse boots, 2 fiO Children*' school shoes, 1 UU Mens' wool lined gum boots, 3.00 " " *' Buckle overshoes, 1.50' " " " Cong res* gaiters, l.flO 1 " Aleshes, l.t| " ell gum overshoes. ,t>o Womens' ell gum overshoes, .40, Missus' ell gum overshoes, .36] Mens' lumberman's gums, solid heel extra heavy, 1 36 Let it be distinct])- understood that these nro all Rubber Goods. 20mayU heavy, 1 36 1 Let it be distinctly understood that these nrc all Rubber Goods. '2omajU W. 11. CAMP'S R. Furniture Rooms! CRNTItR 11 ALL, PA. 1 manufacture all kinds of Furniture for Chambers. Dining Rooms, Libraries and Halle If you want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until you see my .slock. UNDERTAKING In all its branches. 1 keep in stock all> the latest and most improved Coffins and Cakels, and have overy faciN ity for properly conducting this branch of my business. 1 have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be proscrvoti for a considerable length oftime. Jull tf W. R. GAMP. IMPORT AN TO TRAVEL EES? -THE BUSH HOUSE! BKU.KFONTK, Pa. Has been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under the management of the New Proprietor, Mr. F. D. Mc COLLI! M, formerly of Pittsburg, is first* class in ail its appointments ; SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS *Aro offered to those in attendance at court (and others remaining in town for a few days at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. ' All modern conveniences. Go try the I Bush house. Wap P. D. MoCOLLTTM, Proprietor. TYIN.S! DI JLP S.T.Mh-ig • <*< ... IDrug stare of. A v . . fotit.', Ilfll dftor i'l l < iNiv ■ "M Hick* it Bro, bit* Stwt '*! t Jt " ■< i with all the Rtwi • —......... ............. j DRUGS di MEDICINES, , • 'CHEMICALS, PEBFUM KRY*"'*' I SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSffF . j I ' tTBUSSKS, BUPPORPRS, BRACKSj i... FANCY AND TOILET .. i j ARTICLES, *c„ AC.. AC. 1 ! : § mt.MM M.Mno.M MMrMM "f Patent Medicine*. Alcohol, pura "W . s md Liquor* (or medical purpesa* oily. Physician's proscription* carefully c< u oounded and orders antwerefl with car* and ditpatcb. Farmer* and Physicians from tbe country will And our atock of iiediclnea complete, warranted genuine nd of tbe beat quality. Tbi* Store will remain under the dlrae* .ion of the accomplished druggist and übarmaciit heretofore connected with it, dr. H. M Harrington, and we respectful y aolieit the custom of our friend* sad as old patron* of the (tore. I'Japif S. T. BHUGEBT. Forks House I PERRY STOVER, PROP'R. The Fork* House, at Cohnrn station, ia new and commodious, and D kept in beet manner. Bed and board second to none n the county. Steblinr for SO horses. As a summer resort it will be found all -Sat oould be desired, right in the heart of I <ood fLbing arid bunting grounds, and -urrounded by the most romantic rcanary. Inoe y W. A. CURRY", iioti & C,hbb Wth&r, CKM ill; HAM.,i-A. 9 Would most respectfully inform tbe eit tens of this vicinity, that be baa started a uew Boot end hhoe Shop, and would bo hankful (or a *bare of the public patron •ge. Boot* and Bbom made to order and 4. cording to style, and warrante bis work iu equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charge# reasonable 'iise faitti a call. rOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at *" tee. (MUwii K iesH> sU< tad oatU .tumlSaa em is UHM Sanaa uuc, M *w*'rt| *er His wiil diss OS sad Sam srkasis.led Daada Monaaass. As Odfaa la UH (11. wad, aorta aids ol to me San. dsUsfsats aetSSHU LOVFRQ *°°* OVKKOWU=JXil,oraaarii Jiaalte, sssiia sad dMiartlas aad ai hi la adraa isai U socials. M (asa-SsSBaU. UsIM far las GIVEN AWAY ##■*** BTHCL ENGRAVING. ££2 feflMMteaUTiAs toads, tnallw* 1 > A • WtrtrL *r££llZfr'~k Nervous Debility. . V P* HI*H DsjHsasHa, a eas* asAaaatad u~ "* **■" -r * to Humphrey a Homeoualhic Specific No. 28. It IMM as aad fapA Ik, * .P. a'JlinHlHuc,. lasiu MiHfli aad iu 4n iha drata aad raH.eaajUe Ida aaura aaaa. U~a aaad laaatv raan <ms eaefan ' • "l! te daafa* rno. Slaw aasa *tai. a*laiai|adu(,d *•• tula aad tin wal .1 iMdar ut w and <w raaM <rf yrtaa. Addr... vtriT* * m 7^S?SS?3 , 2S Uj *l Urn HI ttai fan j|A •Km mk la yuor ova an Taa bead aat * •f^L™ 0 " >mmo •••* W fct *• *n yaar i4e Ila. to lb wi,ar<a ynr a aiaim. Il nau Butblac Is uy dw baoiaaa. Tama *ad A. AMna M mm aa. H. tUUoU A Ca. lortba*. INmiaad. Mnaa 81*1 Harness. Saddles, &c. The aadonlcaed. dininli< to aM it. yiyiil r SADDLERY anoßoradat UiaaM viaad Ooalcaod aaywdUy Ht Ui. iMi.l.aadUwUawa.llt.lAr.MAaad mat niM and ntaeliia HyniMtaafla. Mima. Collar, I Str jnnl, fea Baa agonal prun ataA otlloau It. tuo* •. f Jacob biiuu caaua UOLIBSSS^ liljniali I taaaUy pabtu alAn ta tt wrtl Aay mm* c ** *I r I ail a aaainital agaat. Tbo aal atnaai nrtl af art |M fan la Mfenthm Tin prteoiooo laa tku > taa an aeonroody Mtaatea Oaa an a ;oruankiay two. *l> taa aaak A an*' n porta tafctky avarMy .ahacrttwta taa dtya AM wbo "f "near <aat Voa cu daooto aU yaar lb. tMiataaaa. or aab yaar aarw Una Taa *••4 flat tnaaay Iraaa Taa an da " " ■aUaaoUwe rail r>-tiralaaa. dm< una ad trnaalan Haul and atpnotraOatAl traa Uyaa •wi|aduU.ortMaf MrawtUind an u mUaatAla U try U>, laulaaaa Jto mm aba n r.>a tM|. u ojak. arra m, AWm' Tta Nnfl fuaal. rwCmd.Xotaa. loopy %W F |P Fim-elrnti accommodation for guesU Ut-t for boM. i Arrive and depart every dayfor all poutU. C. T Auxaxbu. ft M. Bow in, A LEXANDER A BOWER. At fft Jyj^sSfSSLr'tJU " 4 J L.SPANGLER. Attorney at Lev • Consultations in English end Ger- I man. Office in Furn's new buildiaf. WM. P. WILSON, Attornev'isLiw, Bellefonte i'e. Office in Mn. Ren re Building. Hellefonte P* PENNSVAIItY BANKING CO. CENTKI HALL, PA. RKCBIVK DEPOSIT:*. end allowlnler' cat: Discount Notre; Buy end Sell Government Securities, Gold end Coupons. Wm. WOLF, VM. R. MIKOL*. i'res't. Cashier THE BEST OFFER ! We will sell during these hard times . !>•#* si (ManMca. Xo ae*cu •® VOBMMMM, M diiCdUkU Ynma Punca meiln o uh. e, d-suo .. u.(' nMU d suuiamSa aad •* LUR lU* HIC&MT tUauUiti uwnnll Hutlutwut C. n. " ".f °'A"*R si Ua lanrwt .*.< IHM la TW Litm cootsta Muinrtil'i mo —T DYL'T ONRUNU Koala, UM T WII UA proiwwile tea ktMarr at PUSD awjnas Tea l> rtM*U. Lb. COM* ta AMrira. I'uoa.aal aa trtal. | tjaal (all to arrtea tor tllasaralrd a ad Uainpuw aat- PI A NO CO., ,y No. 56 Broadway, N. T. CHRONICS®* TUk MKI Medical Cora ch*" "< Uu* boo* am at I.brnf ta consult 1U antbor •■F*Jnor mnUtmn Prlo br n All. *Ut for Lfaa M.t.d.r* aUltloD. or lja tor ta* Popular atUUoa. thMMUtu ..1 ta. aajar mat i< r atul. tllaaCrat Aawtuwaatad MI KKJtV HII.L Pt Bl.l&tMMt. CO . tj Kaat SWti At X T t Oct Mr DOOR. For $1 we will send free by mail.l > *oa oi ta* follow lag 1m : ■ B distinct Ta, m'thly rose*, winter flowß ering.H 8 •• Bogonias, *' B " . Carnation Pinks ** B " Chinese Cbrrsimthemus.l B " Zonal Geraniums, w. £ I 8 " Double •* ** 8 " Ivy Leaved, " 8 " Heliotropes, " 5 " Abutilons, " O 2 " Double Cameliea, " 4 M Azaleas, " 4 " Lobster Cactus, " 6 Bouvardias, " 6 " Steviaa A Kupatoriums, B " Fuchsias, w. L 4 M Double Violets, 2 " Poinsetta, Scarlet and White, w. f. 4 " Plumbago, B " Ferns, for Wardisn case 4 " Palms, 'j " Mosses. ' " 1 " Marantas, M 8 " Hyacinth Bulbs. 20 assorted Tulips. Bulbs. 50 " Crocus, " 2 " Jacobean Idly, Bulbs. 12 " Oxalia. 4 Lily of the Valley. 5 New Pearl Tuberose. OK BY EXPRESS: 3 of sny of the $1 collection for' $2 7 " V " •• •• 6 12 •' 14 " " •' 7 Or the wholo collection of 2SB Bulbs and Plants sent by express on receipt ■•f $15.00, to which either of our Books Gardening for Profit, Practical Flori culture, or Gardening i'or Pleasure (value $1 SO eacbß, will be added Descriptive Catalogue frert. PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seedsmen and' Flo rists, 35 Cortland Street, Now York. jrdOseat T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers