The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 24, 1878, Image 1

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    The Fireside.
With what a live intelligence the flame
fllow* and leaps np in (pirns of flickering red
And tnt nathec.ial, Jn* now so dnll and dead,
To a companion ! Not like those who cams
To weary me with iteration tame
Of idle talk in (hallow fancies bred.
From doleful mood* the cheerful fire haa led
My thought*, which now their manlier atrengih
And like *ome thing that feel* the ana
Through solitudes of winter (tenetrate.
The frolic currents through my pulses run ;
Whtle fluttering whi*]>er* *of and intimate
Out of ihe ruddy tire-lght of the grate
Make taik. love, music, poetry in one.
C. <YiinoA, in liarper't V.l<.vie*". *
Break of Bay.
Ornel white wave* in **d under-tone
Break at my feet with desolate moan.
Far in the distance a* eye can reach.
Only a long strip of sandy l>each.
Backward and forward, to left, to nglit.
Blacker the dark lire, upon the night.
Ungged and silent Ihe mountains loom.
Pitiless shtdow of coming doom !
Is th re nohera'.d of dawning day
Ov r the ookui so cold and gray
Waiting. I watch on the shore in vain
Fast throhs my heart with its bitterest pain.
Turn from the desolate moaning mm .
It hath no j>art in thy life or thee.
Bleary the |>ath w here no flowers bloom
By rugged shore through the mountains' gWm.
Tliine is the burden : with weary feet.
Brave, not despairing, thy Fate go meet.
From paiu no longi r a coward shrink ;
Though the cup is Utter, thy hp* mug drink.
Earthward no in.ire turn thy tearful gare .
Who works in earuest, in earnest prays.
The rough dark road th. n wouMst fain f.irget ?
Fpward and cuward 1 The end is not yet.
Lo' tl-.c mountain's crown, on the sbonv night
(Hows with a gl.Ty of rosy light'
Bark in the \ alley ; the sea is gray ;
But the hill top hums, the l<eacou of day.
A flrey shaft from the joMsn East
Enkindles the alter where GoA is lYiest.
B.vsy lights creep down the niounUia-slde,
Flushing the slow heaving, swelling tide.
Raiabow i>f pr\nuhw> high overhead
Tells the Bay coming with silent thread.
Slow !y the curtain of night is furled ;
Slow!* the light of trod Us>v the world.
Through the shimmering gold of breaking day
A white-winged sail is speeding its way.
Ah. Mewed Bay. full of hope new-born.
That bring* my lore in its happy dawu '
Shine out in the sky ! O glorious sun 1
The end is not yet. Infe has just begun.
BiU Gray i<% W.rrper # for Jon
Tlie day* of my clerkship were ended;
my examination wns over; I waa ad
mitted; wrote myself "Xehemiah Habha,
attorney;" put up my new. bright little
sign, and in my native village begaD my
professional career. No, I ilid not,
either. lam mistaken. I intended to
pursue the honorable profession to which
I had dedicated my talents and learning
in the place of my birth; but never waa a
truer word penned than the time-honored
proverb, "A prophet haa no honor in
his own country." I believe if I had
remained in the village of Green Briar
till my head was white, they would have
thought of me aa nothing but a boy, and
would have feared to trust me. Even <
after my sign waig|m4 tip nobody called
rae Mr. Hubbs; it waa still" Xe," with
old and young, and " Ne " I would have
remained to this day had I remained in
Green Briar.
Ouly one case claimed my attention
during the three months of my patient
continuance in Green Briar, after being
admitted to the bar, and that was the
ease of an unjustly impounded pig.
"fekmeonsly extracted, your honor, from
the small but secure spot in which my
client had trustingly deposited him; and
maliciously driven to a pnblic enclosure
called a pound, for the vile purpose,
doubtless, of compelling my client, in
liis povertv and destitution, to pay 'he
enormous fee that has been demanded of
bim, in order to extricate the animal
from his nnpleaaaat position and restore
him to the bosom of his family!"
By this I meant the client's family,
ibe pig having none of its own. It was a
figure of speech undoubtedly, the family
not inhabiting an Irish cabin, but still
it rounded off the period and sounded
well to me as I repeated over and over
again my m&ideu speech, pacing up and
down the floor of my little office. In
this my first case, I was successful so far
11s to rescue the impounded animal and
save my client from the payment of an
unjust demand; but it brought no silver
to ray pocket, neither, to my surprise,
did "it bring honor to my name. The
eloquence of my speech did not form
the theme, as I fondly hoped it would,
of paragraphs in the village papers, or
of discussion at the corner of tne streets;
neither did it bring to my office the rush
of clients for which daily I vainly made
ready. It was plain that I should never
rise "to distinction in Green Briar, and
no I came to the tnddea determination
to remove from that pleasant spot and
settle in some city where nobody knew
or heard of rae; and where, above all,
there was not a soul to call me 44 Ne."
There I was more successful, and soon
had the opportunity of forming a very
advantageous partnership. Business
increased; money began to come in, slow
at first, but after a time more plentifully,
ami all things seemed prosperous in my
outward circumstances. But, alas! as
we are often told poetically, there is no
sweet without its bitter, no rose without
its thorn; and trouble came to me in the
shape of disease, insidious and slow in
its approaches at first, long feared and
suspected, but at length betrayed itself
so plainly that could blind myself no
longer to the truth.
Yes ! I was, without doubt, a victim
to disease of the heart; not metaphoric
ally, dear reader, for never had the or
gan beat with a quicker pulsation at the
approach of mortal woman. So far as
the gentle aex was concerned I was a
perfect stoic ; bnt that there was organic
disease about my heart I could not
donbt, and if ever the symptoms dis
closed themselves unmistakably they did
so in my case. There was a flattering,
palpitating, irregular action, and at
length, pain. I could not work. Life
had lost its zest. The fear of sudden
death was ever with me ; I could enjoy
nothing. If I had anything to leave, or
anybody to leave it to, I should have
made my will, for I was quite sure now
that I should drop some day lifeless in
the street, or that the morning would
soon come when the power to rise from
my bed would have left me.
I remained in my boarding-house and
found no oomfort in anything but my
cigar, and my dread disease grew worse
and worse. As yet I had consulted no
physician, partly, I think, from the ap
prehension of having my fears con
firmed ; but as I gat by my window one
day, smoking as vigorously as ever,
gazing abstractedly across the street,
my attention was arrested by a modest
little sign upon an opposite blind—"C
L. Todd, ML D." While thinking
whether or not it would be best to make
a trial of the physician's skill, a sudden
twinge and flutter decided me; yes, I
would send for Dr. Todd and know the
worst at once!
Snramoning the only male servant
belonging to the establishment, I told
bim to step over and ask Dr. Todd to
come and see me as soon as possible.
Tije boy grinned.
"What are you laughing at ?" I asked.
"Is not Dr. Todd a good physician?"
" Oh, yes, sir," be answered. I be
lieve she is a very good physician, but
she hain't never tended nobody here."
"She !" said I to myself ; "the boy,
surely, has Welsh blood in his veins;
Uiev always she everything."
The boy returned saying: "The
doctor wasn't home, sir, but I left your
niune on the slate."
In the course of the afternoon; as I
lay upon the sofa, with my hand pressed
upon my heart, to still its irregular pul
sath ns, there was a soft tap at my door.
• Coinc in," I called out, and, to my sur-
FRED. KURTZ, Krfitor and Proprietor.
' prise, in came the ueuteat. brightcat,
in.wt checrfuhlook uig little woman it
had ever been mv lot to meet,
i "Yon sent for me, I believe, sir!"
ahe said, in a brisk, pleasant way.
"I f No, madam, you arc laboring
under a mistake."
"All! I beg ronr parvlou," said th
little woman. " I found ou my slate
the name of Mr. Hublis, No. It, Mrs.
Grey's Ixvardiug-houae, with a request
l that 1 would call and see him."
" Your slate, iua.lame !" 1 exclaimed,
mv astonishment increasing every mo
; meut; "yon surely are not
"Physician! yes, sir," she inter
rupted, quickly ; " 1 am a phvaicuui,
j Dr. Todd."
" Extraorvhuary!" was all 1 could
say, for though 1 had hoard at a distance
of the existence of surh U-iug*, this was
my first introduction to a female prac
titioner of the Ksoulapiau art. It was
rather awkward, hut since *lie had come,
I determined to make the best of it, and
acquaint tlie lady doctor witli my ciu-e.
She felt my pulse, asked numerous
questions as to my symptoms, and then,
iu her quick, bright way, exclaimed :
"Nervous! Nervous! that's all, de
pend ujHHi it. Excuse me, sir, but by
the air of your room 1 siqqoae yon are
much given to amokiug."
" 1 plead guilty."
" And how many cigars do you usually
smoke iu s .lay ?"
" I could not tell; I never counted; as
soon as I threw away one I took another,
nan ally."
" Hum ! a cigar in your mouth pretty
much all the time, eh ? Chew, too?"
Again a reluctant coufeaaion was
wrung from me.
" * presume you ait up late, smoke all
the time ?'**
" Yes, ma'am, smoking and readiug."
" That's it. No disease of the heart
at all, air; uothmg hut tobacco. It will
make you fauov anything : It'll drive
you craay, if yod don't take ."are. Now
will you promise to follow my advice
clostlv? If not I will take my leave
1 promised, submissive as lamb.
"In the first place then throw away
all your cigar* and tobacco and promise
to buy no more."
With a aigh given to my sole oonsola
tioua I aanl I would do a* she directed.
Many more directions she gave me as
to diet, exercise, early hour*, etc. Ter
ns pa, ahe Baw, too, that cheerful com
panionship was something 1 needed, ao
she remained awhile, talking with great
glee and spirit about matters and thing*
tn general ; and, premising to call and
see me the next morning, ahe left
I had not felt ao well in a great while;
indeed, I had uot given my heart a
thought amce tlie little woman entered
the room.
The next morning I found myself
watching impatiently for the arrival of
my little doctor. She came bright and
clieerful as the day before. What a per
feet little sunbeam she was ! 1 could
not help growing better under her care,
and the influence of her cheenug pres
ence, and vet managed to contrive some
ache or paiu every day an an excuse lor
the continuance of her visits.
At length I found tliat my heart, which
had long been quiet, and apparently free
from disease, began to dutter and palpi
tate again ; bnt I observed it was only
when I heard the little woman's tap at
my door, or felt her soft lingers on my
wrist. In short, as she had driven the
disease out of my heart, that little woman
herself had walked into it. I could uo
longer blind myself to the fact; and
when she one day told me that I was now
off the sick list, and out of her hands, I
determined that she should not so easily
get out of mine.
80 I told her a ahe had now given
ease to my heart iu one respect, she
must not leave till she had done so in
another, or I should be worse off than I
was before. The little womau looked
Then I stated my rase and explained
my symptona a seo>>nd time, showing
her the distressed state of my heart, and
she alone conld enre it. The former
disease she hail removed by an occasional
riait; the latter could only be cured by
her promising to oome and take up her
abode with me as a resident physician.
She understand me now, and by the way
she pressed her hand against hr own
little fluttering heart, one would have
thought the disease was contagious:
and I verily think it was. 80 now we
are both to apply to a clergyman who is
to form between us a life partnership as
lawyer and physician.
Bnt oue thing troubles me, of which I
had no thought till now; that it is
necessary to have our cards engraved.
Married people are nsnnlly 14 Mr. and
Mrs. 80 and So," or 4 'Mr. Bach a Oue
and Lady but will any one please tell
me how I and mv little wife are to lie
designated. Will it bo " Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. Hubbs?" or 44 Mr. and Mrs. Huhhs,
M.D. ?" or, as the ladies are going ahead
so fast in these days of woman's rights,
will I sink into still lesser insignificance,
and shall we be 44 1)r. Todd and Gentle
man ?" or must I drop the name of
Hubbs altogether and become a T<xld,
too ? * Somebody please tell how to have
those cards engraved.
Water for the Eyes.
A writer in Frazrr Mayazinc thinks
that, whatever hesitation there may lie ,
justly called for in recommending one
or another of the various lotions now so
popular, there need be no such doubt in
respect to cold water or pure water.
He savs in cases of much inflammation
or difficulty in opening the eyelids in
the morning, experienced by so manv /
tbe water should be warm, and it may
be mixed with warm milk, but in nearly
all other cases it should be cold. Al!
those who have been engaged in readiug
or writing during several hours at a
stretch, and especially at night, should
carefully bathe the eyes with cold water
before going to bed and the first thing
in the morning's ablutions. All artisans
too, who work at a blazing fire ought
often to wash their eye* with cold pure
water, and so should all those who work
in wool, particularly carders and spin
ners, and those likewise who are em
ployed in woolen and ootton manufac
tures, the fine dust which such works
disperse often producing cataracts, ob
stinate inflammations, swelled eyelids,
Novelties in Floricultnre.
A very old but good story has just
been rehearsed in the columns of the
London Land and Water, by Mr. W.
H. Webb. In substance it is as follows :
Dr. Fothergill, an English botanist and
physician of note in the eighteenth cen
tury, successfully treated a ship captain
who arrived at London ill of yellow
fever. The doctor would take no money
for his services, but requested the cap
tain to bring him two barrels of earth
from Borneo. At length the earth was
brought, and the doctor, having burned
the surface of a piece of ground very
thoroughly, sprinkled the Borneo earth
upon it. The result was that one hun
dred different sorts o£ new and curious
plants sprung up These novelties in j
floriculture, including geraniums, have
since been diffused throughout the gar
dens of England. In those days, when
the introduction of new plants is so sed
ulously pursued, it is surprising that
the method of Dr. Fothergill has not
been morn extensively tried, as commu
nication with tropical region a of germ
oharged eoil is infinitely more frequent
now-than then.
The I'st'i StraUfM*.
In Srriti nrr'i ViigiiMiic for January,
R. E. Koliuiww him dn article ou " En
Hunting in Now KugUu.l," from which
wo make the following cxtiwet Hill
think not thus early nor with such *uS
.wsaful issue IS ovory eliase to CIIMM'.
This was 0n.1.5l Iwforo tlio to* ha.l uied
any other trick for hurtling the liouuda,
lint his simplest one of rnuuing in cir
cles. An hour or two later, an old fox
finding the dogs still holding persistent
ly to nil the w in.liiigs of his trail, would
hnvo spoil awny to another hill . r w.nal
a tulle or so off, U.l would have crossed
uewlj p'owad Sel la, the frrelt earth
leaviug uo tell tale scent ; would have
taken to trveld highways, where duet
and the hoots of horses and the f.*>t
steps of uieu combine to obliterate the
traces of his passage or have tr *1 gin
. gorly along many lengths ot the top
rails of a fence and then have sprung off
at right angles with it to the ground,
ten feet away ; and then, perhaps, have
run through a thick of sheep, the strong
odor of whose feet biota out the scent .if
Ilia. These arttfiere quite bewilder and
bsttfle the young .log, hut only delay the
elder who knows of old the tricks of
foxes. Nothing can he more mlunrahle
than the manner of his working, as he
comes to the edge of the plowed tiel.L
He wastes no tone in useless p .tiering
among the fresh-turned furrow*, hut
with rapid lopes skirts their awarded
bonier, till, at a far corner, his speed
slackens as his keen catches the
scent again in the damp grass ; he snuffs
at it an instant to aasare himself, then
sounds a lou.l, melodious note, and go a
on laying at evcrv lope till the road is
reached. Along this lie xigsags till he where the fox has left it. And
now comes tlie puxxling hit of fence.
The old dog thinks the fox haa gone
through it ; lie goes through it himself,
but tinds no sceut there ; put*lea aliotit
rapidly, now trying this side, now that ;
at la*t he bethink* himself of the top,
t.' which he dandier* and there finds the
missing trad. But los big feet cannot
tread the "giddy footing'* of the rail
as could Heyuard'a dainty pnd*, so down
he goes and tru*s on either side for the
point where the fox left the fence.
Ringing up and down, too near it, to
hit the spot where Reynard struck the
ground be fails to recover the s.-eut,
stops—raises Ilia uose and utters a long
mournful liowl, half vexation, half .it
•pair. Now he elimtis to the top rail
further ou and sutiffs it there. "No
taint of a fox's foot is here." so he rea
sons, "and he must have jumped froui
the fence liet wren hen* and the place
where I found it," and acting on this
logical conclusion, he circh-w widely till
he has picked Up the trail once tnore.
Midguts merrily on to the sheep-pasture.
Here, satisfying himself of the character
of this trick, lie adopts the same plan
employed at the plowed field, and after
a little, finds the trail on the other side
and follows it to the hill, hut more
wtowtv ww, for the fox has been g>.ne
some time ; the frost ha* jielUsl, the
moisture is exhaling ami .he sceut gr>w
mgeold. The for has long since reached
the hill and half encircled it. an 1 now
hearing the voices cf the houud* so far
awny and sosh-wly Bearing. Iwe be-towe-i
himself on tlie musy cushion of a knoll
for rest and cogitation. Here he lies
for a half hour or more, but always alert
and listening while the d<ig* draw slowly
on, now alni'ist losing tlie trail m a dry
ledge. now catching it in a moist, propi
tious hollow, till at la*f a nearer hurst
warns poor sly-boots that he must again
up and away.
Snipe Mioutinr Extraordinary.
The greatest shootiug exploit ever
performed in tin* couutry, says the
New Orleans Picayune, wan recently
acbivod by a gentleman, loug a resident
of this State, and the owner of Mine of
the largest plantations, sugar and cot
ton. For year* past the exploits of this
gentlemau have (>een regarded with the
highest admiration and wonder in all
sporting circles. Leasing out bis
splendid sugar estates on the Teehe, he
has reserved the privilege of oocnpying
a shooting box, which he calls his
" snipery," where he sj>ends every year
a month" or so, to enjoy withont dis
tnrbsuoe his fsvorite amusement of
shootiDg this fine sud agile bird, which
abounds on his >wn and the adjoining
plantations. The results of hie sport
and skill in past years have been fre
quently referred to us wonderful. To
bag three hundred snipe on the wing, of
course, s day has been s c uumon
achievement—common for him, bat
never saoomplished by any other s|>ort*
man. In his lost enterprise, however,
he surpassed his previous exploits by
devoting six successive days to this
sport. The result was a bag of nineteen
hundred and sixty snipe. Allowing six
hours per day for the hunt, this would
give s snipe a minute, which is about
equal to the hog-killing operations of
the great slaughter-houses of Chicago.
Besides the pleasure and pride of such
an achievement, the robust appearance
of the gentleman by whom it was per
formed, when we met him on onr streets,
attests the happt effects upon his physi
cal condition of the exercise and excite
ment of his Nimrodian enterprise. He
will return to his eujoyment of the
luxuries and pleasnres of his family
residence at Biaritz, France, with a k<>en
' and invigorated reliah and capacity of
The liaftle Field uf Plevna.
Tbe correspondent of the Loudon
Daily Few*, writing from Plevna on the
day of the surrender, savs : All around
me the ground was covered with grim
relice of battle. Here anil there the
earth was nptorn by the explosion ol
►hills. Near me lay a horse groaning
ami struggling in death. Close by an
ox, silently tileeding'to death; his great,
ronud, patient eyes looking mournfully
at us. Just liefore me was a cart with a
dead horse lying in yoke as he had fallen,
and a Turkish soldier lying alongside
whose head liiul tven carried away. Au
other uiuu was lying under the wagon,
and around were four wounded men, ly
ing gazing up at the murky sky, or cov
ered up with the hood of their ragged
gray overcoat drawn over their faces.
Not one of them uttered a sound. They
lay there and bore their suffering with a
calm, stolid fortitude which brought
tears to my eyes. Just behind the
wagon the gronnd was ripped to pieces
by shell-fire, telling bow these unfortu
nates hail met their fate. The road ami
its edges were dotted here and there
with dead and wounded Turkish sol
diers, oxen, horses, and shattered carts,
and a few hundred yards north of the
road, the gronnd over which Osman
Pasha's sallying oolumn had made that
heroio charge, was literally covered with
dead and wounded. Russian doctors
were already going about on the field
lookiog after the wounded and giving
them temporary dressing, while waiting
] for the ambulances to oomc up.
" What's Wanted 1"
A suburb*! jwaident, losing the last
train out the other night, concluded to
save a hotel bill by spending the night
with an old college chum of his, living
in Boylston street. Arriving in front of
the house, he tossed a pebble up against
his friend's chamber window, and call
ed out "Doc. 1" "Oh, Doc.!" "Doc
tor I" in less thau a minute thirteen win
dows flew open, thirteen heads popped
out of them, and thirteen voices exclaim
ed with one accord, " I'm the Doctor;
what's wanted ?"— Boston Advertiser.
la lu.iahi Into a Ureal laataairf l ele
braird l.arl>fa Hradarla.
A oruat of bread and cheee* ha* long
been a proverbial phrase indicative of
|K*uunou hospitality . toil continental
agriculturist* bid fair to rrveiso ita ap
plication, judging from the elegant and
tempting varieties of iihtw now reach
ing tlie laondou market in increasing
consignment*. From the chalet high up
ou Alpme mends, from eviunuunes of
•IIIIIIV France, from Scandinavian fiord
and forest, low lviug Holland, and even
distant Italy, this easily j*>rtah|c pro
duel of the dairv finds it* way to the
English metropolis. Hollle few of these
have long been kuowti to the epicure,
hut have ntily reocutly beooim article*
of comparatively common couaumptiou.
Such i* the Oruyere, which l>y right of
size cornea naturally foremost -a great
cheese weighing one hundred pounds,
rich ami luscious, from Hwitzerland. It
sometime* measure* a yard iu circum
ference. Hut upou tin* twelve mouth*'
attention have tieeu lavished, to bring it
to the exact consistency of a species of
tirmer butter, disappearing, a* it were,
upon tlie tongue. The pz *•<•*< i* carried
ou iu summer aluioat beside tile glaeier
alul avalauehe, and oue part of the ays
tem l* *anl to le a repeated gentle mm
meriug of the curd. It aella in Iroudou
at about aah tiling a pound, Quite a
contrast in presented by the Mont d'Or
cheese- -from France—a yellow disk, *av
Ave iuches across, like a cake of solid
honey. Tlie taste i* dclicioua, ami it
ha* a tempting appearance upon the
table. Theae eheeae* are usually ob
tained bv the dozen, costiug ten ponce
•audi ; which is also the value of the
Oaiaembert, atill lew* iu diameter, but
thicker. A cheese commanding a wnler
sale is the itoqtlcfor ( French I, the price
of which ('J* a pound) indicate# a super
ior quality. It i* a cream eheeae, coated
with tiufoil, and weighing about four
pounds. It is made from the milk of
sheep, and when cut opeu is flecked
with the peculiar decay so dear to the
art *t iu eating. This mould in ex* is the
chief object of the maker, who assist* its
development by the use of a little barley
bread. The eheeae is mature*! ID a se
ries of natural caverns, the draught
through which effect* the ri|>emug. lh
quefort and Gorgontola < Italian) much
resemble Stilton ; the latter is also made
from crmun only, is very rich, and about
the same price.
The flavor of some f the continental
cheeses is varied by the addition of car
rwwavs or cummin ; others are prepared
with herb*, a* the Hchabaiegnr, from
Switzerland. Frauoe also semi* the
l-'romage de llrie and Boudou (cream).
Font rEnxv|W. He., not all, j>erhni>,
quite attractive t<> tha English nostril ;
ami Switzerland the Xeufehatel cre.uu,
like molten Stilton, and eaten as butter
on a slice of tiread. Parmesan and Strac
china, from Italy, are well known ; the
latter is a aoft eheeae, and oulv kci>* a
abort time. Eiumeutbal cheese o tnes
from several countries—Austria. Switz
erland, etc. The Limlmrg i a German
cheese ; Edam and 1 toitda.oue round and
the other flat, are of Dutch make ; and
all these are either kept in st-oik now, or
quickly obtained to onler by lyunion
merchant*. Iu addiEou, the Caonuca
vallo, from Tuscany, a cheese half of
goal's aud hail cow's milk, from a towu
in Piedmont ; n Turin eheeae of goat's
nulk ; a white variety from Sicily ; lb>-
matour from Bavaria, Ookminier, Ge
nuue, etc., have at least Ixcn wen in
Lomlou. Iu Buaaia they ure copying
the English Cuadl*r sn.l Stilton, |>er
hajvs with a view to the foreign market
said to be open for larger consignments
of that character than have readied it
from England. But this by the way.
Iu home produce Devonshire cream has
loug been a luxury ; York creatu, N'ew
Forest cream, Victoria en-am, and the
little Aylesbury—said to la- delicious—
are hardly perhaps > well known as they
deserve. There scema, indeed, sin
gularly wide scope for invention and in
dustry in the treatment of indk ; aud tlie
subject is uot without an interest totlioae
who are pouileriug upon the problem of
female emplovment When the gov
ernea* of au Eugliah farmer's family is
paid £ls per annum,the lady who super
intends the dairy—the professional
cheese maker—receives £"2o, £K>, and
even more, living a* one of the family
and enjoying complete liberty as eoon as
her work is done. The governess ha*
" never tlniahod when the children
are in Iwd, olie may lie persuasively re- ,
quested to assist in sewing ; but the
'* cheese maker " after tea simply puts
on her bonnet and WAlks forth to take
the air. The life is decidcdlv more in
dependent than that of a " iady-help,"
and the science of the dairy *<w>m*
nearly as worthy of schools snl teacher*
ss that of cooking.
Kugliah cheese is invariably made
from the milk of the now ; bnt
many foreign kiuds, as mentioned
above, are manufactured from that of
sheep and goat*. Those made of gwt*'
milk are usually small and oddly made—
aome like tablets rather than cheese. It
is scarcely probable that sheep's milk
will ever fie used here for this purpose;
but goats have received an increase fo
attention of recent years, not so much
for direct profit as with the view of sup
plying a rich, freah milk for children.
Pc&ons who have not the space for a
cow can atill keep a few goats and tsissi
hly may make a little cheese as a fancy,
floats' milk butter lias been exhibited.
Butter, by the way, cornea more and
more from abroad—(lerinauy, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden and especially France,
contributing largely. Brittany butter
i* a favorite ; another brand comes from
Normandy, aud during the winter Italian
butter may he had. This article has
been sent to Londou, on the other hand,
almost frort the arctic region*—
from Finland. Many continental butter
merchants' names are na well known
here aa in tlieir own countries ; in fart,
foreign enterprise, assisted by the re
•qiective governments,is doing its best to
take possession of the English market. In
Germany, Hussta, <te., l>nMor and choose
making i taught iu institutions directly
subsidized from the government, and
capital is largely drawn to this profitable
investment. f'nctorir* ami companies
whose main object is the English con
sumer are common on the continent—
as the Scandinavian Butter Preserving
Company ("Danish'), the well-knows
Caves Ronnie* of Roquefort. (France), a
society for the manufneturu of cheese,
etc.; iud-ed, there are companies in all
the countries previously named. Some
English butter is believed to b colored
with a dye manufactured and used
aoroad ; it is quite harmless, yet the fact
seems strange. Saxony and Bavaria
are making gr at effort* to insure
the economic and scientific production of
butter and choose, and there are dairy
laboratories in Italy for chemical experi
ment*. The Germans have actually a
mechanical appliance for getting the
cream out of the milk by stoma power.
The ordinary system is to simply set the
milk, and let the HIOW process of nature
raise the cream, which takes many hours.
This singular invention apparently con
sists of a kind of hollow- wheel, into
which the milk is poured, ami which
revolves several hundred timen a minute,
causing a vortex motion lu the liquid,
and separating the particles of cream by
centrifugal force in a very Bhort period.
—Pall Mall Gazette.
Cincinnati claims to have originated
the first baby show, and the youngster
who took the first prize is still living.
A Stauip-tbllectlon Stary
Home time tu Gotobcr laat, a.ys the
liostou !\nt of, a reoeut issue, an aged iu New Y'ork city, finding herself
without the means to procure the n*"es
sunes of life, made application to vari
ous person* for assistance in obtaining
admission to the St. Luke's Home for
Women iu that city. One geulleiuau to
whom she applied asked her if she waa
witling to make a great effort to obtain
the desired end. She replied that it
was not much that ahe could do, but her
will was good, and she would try. The
gentleman then replied; "If you will
collect one million of old postage stamps
1 will give you the gHRO ueeded to ob
tain admission to the Home." Tlie old
lady was at first discouraged. llow.-v r,
as she was a person of uitich energy and
courage, she went to work in earnest.
She first sought the assistance of some
friends of 1 elter davs, and was fortunate
in finding two laities noted for their
energy in works of charity, Mrs. Gib
biu* ami Mr*. Halstead, of New York,
who promised to aid her. Their plan
was us follows: To call at many of the
officee iu tlie city and ask that all the
ftiuiil". aa Uh Jitter* received might Ik
raved. Mr*. Oibbitta also wrote to tlie
wife of Mr. E. G. Champuey, the artist,
of this city, requesting her assistance.
Mr*. Champuey at once Iw-gan work.
She informed her friends of the scheme
an.! requeated Ibeir assistant*".
The enthusiasm with which tin* idea
was received was wonderful. Children
began to watch for letters that came to
their houses with almost a* much im
patience as any lover watches for dainty,
|H"rfumed notes. Men and womeu on
receiving letter* would preeeed to cut
off the stamp before reading the epistle.
From hundred* the number became
thousands and ten thousands. Last
week all that was wanted to complete
the amount was uiuety-four thousand.
On receiving the contributions frem
various sources tins week it was found
that they had one million and five thou
sand, and in informing the gentleman
who takes tlie stamps of the fart he
offered to give another free bed in Dr.
Burghart's Hospital for a arc -ml million,
the iieil to be dlpoi-.l of bv Mra<iallies
(iibbiu* and Halsteail to the m-iat de
scrviug person known to them.
On t**ing informed that her home for
life was ensured the lady expressed her
gratitude to the kind friends who hail
assisted her. Although having htnl the
assistance of many, the lady h* eather
ed br her own jM-r*ona! effort* > . '.nree
hundred thoujutffd *t*iui>s ill the |wst
ten weeks, or an average of thirty thou
sand in a week or five thousand iu a
day. The stump* on being receive*!
were counted and tied np in packages of
one hundred each, and then ten of these
package* were tied together, and in this
firm they were sent to the geutleman
who haa agreed to furnish tlie money.
What final dispiaiti'tn was to l>e made
of the stamps was f.r a long time a mat
ter of much curiosity. It was at last
ascertained that they are to IK- sent to
Europe to l>e uaed iu the manu(-*tnre of
|Wpicr tuache gt*lw, the jaqwr of which
the stamps are made making them very
desirable, and the mucilage also adding
to their strength. The million st*mj>s
parked in the manner desertlKSl. fill an
ordinary Saratoga trunk.
A Forgotten FeMhal
Little more than a couple of genera
tion* ago, the 2Mb of November waa a
holiday in many i-art* of the Midland
agricultural districts iu Englan-1. No
matter what might be tlie tat of the
weather, u< interruption of tlie festivi
tie* was allowed, however great might
W tlie diaomfort of those taking jwrl in
tlie *'Catherine Procession." In the
towns, those, taking part iu the preces
sion* were principally female children
belonging to the work-bouse#, who dis
carded for the notice their ctwlotnary
workhouse attire, and aji*ared neatly
ilriwksi in white, decorated with various
colored ribl*>o*. chit fly scarlet, the tall
est girl Wing selected to represent the
queen, or rather saint, for which purpose
she waa provided with a tinseled crown
or sceptre. The procession invariably
made a stop at the dwelling* of Uie prin
cipal townsmen, when the children sang
a ballad W-gmmng thus :
" Her# mine* Qns#w Catherine. * line a* an*
With * reach ant! six hor-e -coming to la
mn ;
A'd a-optntrtng we will go. will go. will go.
And *-pm:nng ws wtil go 1
While this was Wing *nng. severnl of
the children would beg for money at the
neighboring house#, the proceed* Wing
devoted to defraying tlm cost of the pr<>-
cessiou and providing the little ones wiUi
the unwonted luxury of a good dinner.
One of the most famous of these nro
cesaiuna wa* that at PcterUrough, which
was continued until the introduction of
the new poir law, when tlie "Catherine
Processions " lieeatne things of the past.
Previous to this, spinning constituted
tlie principal occupation of the female
inmates of the work hou-*. hence the
origin of the festival, Bt. Catherine being
|K>pularly regarded a* the patron saint
of thi* particular industry. She was
also regarded in a similar light by the
Midland lace makers, mauy of whom
sigualize the arrival of " Eastern s Day
witli a rump steak and onion dinner —an
example largely emulated by the North
amptonshire shoemakers, who evidently
tlnnk more of a " Kattem Skipper than
of a "Crispin Dinner." But these
festival meal* furnish a poor substitute
for the picturesque features which
formerly marked the celebration of St.
Catherine's Day, which already displays
indications of speedily becoming added
to the lengthy list of forgotten festivals.
Chinese hmfr.
Wa doubt if a happier im* exists then
the Chinese farmer* and peasantry. Hie
farms are small, and so the owners are
not wealthy, hut thev are very respecta
ble. Each farra-lianse in a little colony,
consisting of some tliree (j*ntr*tiow
namely, the grandfather, hi* children,
and his children'* children. There they
lire in peace and harmony together ; all
who are able to, work on the farm, and
if more labor ia required, the stranger is
hired to assist them. They live well,
dress plainly, and are industrious, with
out l>eing in any way oppressed. The
female metnliera of a farmer a household
hare mneli more liberty than tboae of a
higher rank. They hare small feet as |
usual, but thoy are not ho confined to the
house, or prevented from looking on and
speaking to atrangera, aa ore the higher
claaaea. If aat ranger enter* the court
of the houae unexpectedly, he will see a
nnmlier of ladies, both old and young,
sitting in the verandah, all induatrlonsly
employed on some work spinning,
some sewing or cmbroideriug, and one
probably engaged in culinary operations;
and if the at ranger be an unknown for
eigner. the whole will rite hurriedly,
and diaapjiear like a ooyey of purtidges,
'overturning wheels, stools, and anything
else that may bo iu their way. " Tina,
says a writer on Chinese customs, " was
a fpßquent scene iu my earlier visits,
but it gradually wore off when it was
found I was a oivilized being like them
selves. Those aame ladies afterward
would ofteu ask be to sit down, and even
net u chair for me, and bring me a cup
of tea wttli their own fair hands ; aud
while I drank my tea, they would go on
with their work, laughing and chatting
iiß frooly as if I hftd a thonwn>l
miles away."
U ha l.arh la Ik* MbaWsw st Ihr Tsaih ssS
tlvaeall Ihr l.ssl Mrailaa alar* a( lha
I sail*.
Most of our citizens, say* the Han
Krauciaoo FAKO, are doubt Ira* familiar
with the uot uncommon spectacle of a
Cliiueoa funeral. But few arc fully aware
of lite incident* which are attached to
the mortuary proceaaiuus and which re
developeil at tlie burying grouud. li •
ceutly some (act* in connection with the
funerai rite* of the o<*lic population
have come into the jxmscsmiou of an Keho
reporter, and they are of sufficient in
terest to Is- given to the piddle. One of
tlie funeral custom* of these |euple i* to
tukc to the grave of the dee***©d a Sllb
stunlntl feiit, including IbuM article*
l*ith edible and j*>table which tlie de
funct moat affected while in the flesh.
When a Wealthy and llll|S>rtallt Mon
golian "shuffle* off thi* mortal coil,"
the feast is elalaimte, vsried aud plenti
ful, including roast j->rk—generally a
whole hog—chickens, duck, rice, gm or
brandy, aud a few other article* tlie
name* of which Lave uo eouivalent in
our vernacular. The feast thus act oat
upon tlie grave, i* renewed once a vear,
until the bones of the dejwrted (jnolie
are disinterred to be sent to China, there
to mingle with the du*t of tlie empire.
The reuewal of theae sulwtantial favora
tegiu generally ill the first week of -,
and continue* about two weeks. The
nearest living male relative of the de
ceased no matter how poor or lowly tlie
latter may have lieen IU life- attends bi
the mutter, and always some alight sub
stantial tribute at tin* season l* placed
upou the grave. During the continu
ance of tins annnal festival hundred* of
Chinese may tie aeen trotting aloug
under the haul of a couple of lauiketa, or
comfortably riding iu an express wagou
toward that jrortmu of the cemetery
which is allotted for the burial of the
Chinese. During tlie two weeks in
whicli thl* festival prevails there are in
the graveyard tietween dawn awl dusk,
generally lietween two awl three hun
dred Cooliiw, each of whom has brought
some offering. When to this is added
tlie amount which is contributed at the
time of the funeral, it will be seen that
the total i considerable. The iiartim
larw here set forth in regard U> this cus
tom of tlie C)He are widely known
among a erew which in thi* article may
I* known as gmvevard wrecker*. Tliis
class, which is ivi:ii|*ael exclusively of
vagabond*, trotn|M awl tluevea, burrow
in tin- day time m the lowest and moat
wicked quarter of the town, and if no
crimtual or vagaUmd adventure promis
ing richer reward i* on baud, they skirt
along the bonudane* of the cemetery at
early dusk and, hiding in the shadow*
and gloom, wait until tlie last Coolie
watcher ha* vanished eastward, when
the plundering commences, and tlie
graves are systematically and thoroughly
despoiled oi every article of food or
value. Generally the gin—the favorite
tipple of the Coolie*—is seised first ;
ami then such article* of food a are
placed on the grave are appropriated.
Often there is a dispute among these
grave wreckers, a* to the possession of
the spoil* thus sacnligiously obtained,
and quito often personal eooounU-rs
ocrur lietween rival claimants of the
came lot. Over the mounds which mark
the grave* of the aaoemhliol dead, and
iu the darkening shadows of night these
fonl bird# of prey fight over the woaae*- of some trifle with a vmdiottvenca*
which the aanrednoM of the place due*
uot in the lenst alatc. Since tlie Chinese
have noticed this despoiling of the graves
of their dead the practice of placing any
considerable quantity of food upon them
has fallen into disnse, so that through
the evil efforts of these grave wreckers t
j-nrtml g*vd may follow, in forcing the
Coolie int- • an abandonment of a heathen
ish and su]w>rtitjoua rite.
More Marine Monster*.
Whatever may lx ultimately decided
Mu> the existence or uou-existonce of
the sea wrjKuit, it w*m plaih that there
exist at the l*>tt. >iu of the w* monsters
quite equal lv worthy of the nam# of le
viathan. Tlie most'hidaou* and gigaatio
of these denizen* of the deep sea of
wlneh tradition *|eak* belong to the
starfish or octopu* specie*. and it waa
tne bodies, or rather fragmeuta of lodi< a,
of creatures >f Una aort which were col
lected and placi-d in the museum* at
Utrecht and Amsterdam after the storm*
<d 1(39 and 1790. Professorßtcentraep,
who i* an authority in these matter*,
<ic*rnt>ei n sen monater which waa
tlirown ashore in ISM, the h#a<lof which
waa na fat aa that of a robust child.
Eight year* later, Uie captain of a amall
French WMU 'I claimed to have seen off
the oast of Tencnffe another of these
creature*, more than fifteen feet long,
without counting it# huge arms. Thi*
hiat waa swimming or floating at lbs
time on the top of the water, and a chase
enaued, hut without any further *noc<a
than that of tearing off and securing
Home morsel* of the flua and akin. I-ost
vear, howrtar, during the tremendon*
sb>rtn of September, it seems that a
complete eperimon of a similar prodigy
waa cant aahore in Newfonndlond. A
deecription of it i* giveu by the Journal
WuMtrr, wherein- it appear* that it wan
no lea* than nine feet long and six feet
in oircutnfereuee, and bad the arm* or
leeler* cowered with aome '2,00b *ticker*
of an lucb each iu diameter, two of the
arma Wing aa much aa twenty-eight leet
long. When the brute waa firat found
it wit* atill alive, and waa glaring sav
agely with eye* which were literally
like those of the fabnloua dog*, a* Dig
aa aauoera, measuring five or an inehe*
aeroaa. It waa at thi* time of a dark red
color, bat in a very few minutes after
Wing left high and dry it died, and the
olor Itoth of its body and of it* limla at
once faded awnv to a dull white. Only
one thiug i* wautmg to the account in
the Journal Mu*tr, and that i* a state
ment what Itecame of the fiali when
captured, and where ao valuable a cttri
ositv i* now to be seen on exhibition.
< ein|iaratire Value of Woods.
It ia a great convenienee to know the
comparative value of different kinds of
wood for fuel. Hhellbark hickory is re
garded aa the highest standard of our
forest trees, and calling that 100, other
trtwsn will compare with it for real value
as fnel for bonae purposes aa follows :
Shell bark hickory, 100 ; pignnt hickory,
95 ; white oak, 84 ; white aab, 77 ; dog
wood, 75 ; scrub oak, 73 ; white hazel,
72; apple tree, 70 ; red oak, 67 ; white
4>eech, 65 ; black birch, 62 ; yellow oak,
60 ; hard maple, 50 ; white elm, 58 ; red
eediar, 56 ; wild cherry, 55; yellow pine,
54 ; chostut, 52 : ytdlow poplar, 51 ;
, butternut aud white birch, 43 ; white
pine, 30. It ia worth bearing in mind
that in wooda of the aame species there
ia a great difference, according to the
soil on which thev grow. A tree that
grows an a wet, low, rich gTonnd will
tie leas solid anil loss durable for fnel,
ami therefore of a leas value than a tree
of the #ame kind that grows on a dry
and poor soil. To the ordinary pur
chaser oak is oak and pine is pine, but
for home use, the tree grown on dry up
land ami standing apart from others is
worth a great deal more.
A Hack-sewing machine has been in
vented at Napa, Cal. It cost $3,000,
■ml took the maker ten months to per
fect it, bnt with two men it can turn out
eight thousand sacks a day.
TERMS: $'2.00 a Y?ar, in Advanoe.
The Arms of Great Britain
My young readers have donbtieas often
oliaerved upou familiar objects, such as
imoks, china aud steel ware, etc., the de
vice of a lion and a horae (sometimes
represented as a unioorti) supporting
tietween them a shield, aunnoiinted by
a crown. On Hie alneld are certain divi
sions called "quartering*," iu one of
which you will obeervs two Uooa aud a
horse. Attached to Uie whole is the
motto, tHru rt man rffoW,— Kiskrli
words, mhuas meaning is, " Ood and tny
If y.u inquire, you will lie told that
this device is the " ooat-of -arms " of
Great Britain,—aa tlie eagle, shield and
olive branch is that of the United Ktales,
—and that all articles thus marked are
of British manufture.
In old tunes the national symbol of
England was tlie rose, of Scotland the
thistle, of Ireland the shamrock or
clover. When England claimed Ireland
and Scotland, these three were aniled
on the British royal shield, as we find
them in the tune of Queen Kbxabetb.
On a victory over Franoe, the ayinlml of
Fiance, a unicorn, waa aiao added, the
unicorn wearing a chain, to denote the
subjection of Fraud- to England.
When a new sovereign *uooeed to the
crown, lie lias a right to place his own
family oont-of-artn* on the royal shield
of Great Britain. George the Find did
thia. The two lions and Ihe white tiorae,
which you see on one of tlie quartering*
is the coat-of - arms of the Guelphs, who
were duke* of lirtiuwiok and Hanover
in Germany. It is therefore called the
arms of the House of Brunswick, and
it I* about this that 1 now design to tall
\te read in history thai when the
groat Charlemagne conquered the
northern countries, one of the Saxon
loader*, named Wittikind, refused to
submit to him, and that, in consequence,
many bloody battles were fought, where
in tlie Saxons iore in the van a tall
nt>le surmounted by a wooden tionse's
head. Thia was tlimr euaigu; and wiieo
they afterward beoainc more civiluu-d,
th<-y retaine-1 the same -niblem, —a
white horwe paintetl upou a black ground
—which remains to thia day the stand
ard or banner of the little kingdom of
In the year Bfil,— just about one
thousand year* ago,—Bruno, the sou of
a Saxon king, founded a city in Saxony
which he called after himself, Brunonu
Virus, now known as Brun*wick. He
returned as the standard of Brunswick
the white horwe of Saxony, and thus it
remained until the end of the three suc
ceeding centuries. About tliat time the
reiguing prince of Brunswick was a cer
tain Henry Guelpb, a leader in the
Crusades, noted for hi* atrength and
daring which acquired for him the title
of " Henry th* Liou." This prince
refn*cd to own sllegiauce to the great
Emperor of G<Ttoanv, Frederick Bar
tiarossa. He declared himself indepen
dent, and as a token of defiant** set up a
great atone lion in Brunswick, and had
the *am symbol placed upon hi* stan
dard, two hoti* supporting a shield be
neath the white horse.
Thus yon know the origin of the
Brunswick ooat-of-arms. But liowoame
the banner of a small German country
to be adopted on the arms of Groat
Britain? This I will now explain
About the voaa 1650, tlie tneu reign
ing Dake of Brunswick, afterward also
Klert- >r of Hanover, married the grand
daughter of king Jatne* the first of
England. Their eldest ami was named
George L*ai*. When, on the death of
Anne, the English wer* in want
of a MKftwiaor, they looked about
among tlx>*e nearest of km to the royal
faanlv and d**ided to choose thi* grest
grandaon of King James I. Thus it was
that George Louta Gnelph—a Saxon
German—came to be King George the
First of England, and this was how the
'* Ik o and norne " arms iff Brnnswick
ami Hanover came to 1* also part of the
arm* of Great Britain. Hi* snooenaora
were George the Hocond, George the
Third, (against whose rule the American
colonies rebelled i, George the Fourth,
William aud lastlv Queen Victoria, the
present queen, who is grand-daughter
to George the Third. Tims y*u under
stand how Queen Victoria it descended
from the pr.tioe* of Brunswick ;—how
she happ , us to be of German instead of
English blood, —and why her uame is
Guelph.— St. XifAola*.
The Slinging Tree.
Though the tropical scrubs of Queens
laud are very luxuriant and beautiful,
they are not without their dangerous
drawbacks, for there is one plant grow
ing in them that is really deadly in ita
effects—that is to say, deadly in the
same war that one would apply the
term to fire, a*, if a certain proportion
of any one's body is burnt by the sting
ing tree, death will be the result. It
wo" Id W as safe to pas* through fires as
to fall into one of these trees. They are
found gmwiug from two to three inches
high to ten and fifteen feet, iu the old
ones the stem is whitish, and red berries
usually grow on the top. It emits a
Cnliar and disagreeable smell, but i*
t kuowu by its leaf, which is nearly
round, and having a |oint at tlie top, is
jagged all round, the edge like the nettle.
All the leares are large—some larger
than a satto^
" Sometimes," says a traveler, "while
shooting tnrkevs in the acrub* I have
entirely forgotten the atinging tree, till
warned of its close proximity by its
smell, and have then found myself in a
little forest of them. I was only once
stung, and that very lightly. It* effect*
are curious; it leaves uo mark, but the
pain is maddening, and for month* after
ward the part, when touched is tender,
in rainy weather, or when it gets wet in
washing, etc. I have seen a man, who
treats ordinary pain lightly, roll on th
ground in agouy, sfter l>eiug stung, and
I have known a horse ao completely
mad. after getting into a grove of the
trees, that he rushed open-iuouthuU st
every one who approached him, and had
to be ahot in the acrnb. Doga, when
stung, will rush about, whining piteous-
Iv, biting pieces from the affe *ted part.
The amall atinging trees, a few inches
high, are as dangerous a* any, being ao
hard to nee and seriously imperiling one'a
ankles. This scrub is usually found
growing among palm tree*."
In the United States, England and
France, the luirse-slioer simply takes the
horse's foot on his knee to shoe it This
depends to some extent on the uatnre of
the bri>ed of horses, which in some coun
tries are, on the average, more shy, and
mint of them eoukl not well be treated
in this way. Tbns, in the Netherlands,
and in parts of (Germany, the horse ia
placed in a uarniw atoll, where short
chains are attached to the uprights; then
one of these chains is placed around the
horse's ankle and the foot lifted and tied
up to a convenient height for the smith
to do his work. In Turkey and Servia
the horse's head is held by one man, an
other holds the leg on his arm, while the
third operates on the hiot. In Russia
the horse is placed iu a square cage,
made of rough wooden planks, and is
strapped around the belly with wide
leather straps attached to cross bars of
framework; his head is also safely tied,
the foot is fixed to a stoke in the ground
and ia held bv an assistant, while the
i smith nails on the shoe,
Tkr NIMO l ane ml jMsSta. Kmpmrmr ml
mm Hrlid Kills* I* Tlu YMf.
Tlie destruction of life and property
tlm* far dnring the actual Eaateru war
has been immense, even according to
the lowest figure* of both Russian and
Turkish iiflb-isl report*. But, even pat
ting the Runaisn losses at Ml ,000, it sug
gest* the chsnges which civilisation has
■lowly wrought in mankind whose
natural stale Hob lis declared to be war
—when we contrast with it the almost
incredible waste of blood and treasure
during the Fee tern wars waged by J eng
ine Khan, in the twelfth and thirteenth
Yiseugei, the father of that fierce and
inighty conqueror, rejecting a title of
honor which the Kin Kmpemr of China
offer*-. 1 him, styled himself Emperor of
the (treat Mongol*. The Mongol*, of
which he was a typical representative,
aa his sou was to a still higher degree,
are first mentioned in the Chinese His
tory of the Yueu Dynasty," A. D. 61H
9Uf, when, and for a long time sub
sequently, they were subjects of the
Turkish tribe of They
afterwards transferred their aUegianoe
to the I.urn and Kin dynaaties of China,
until, under Yissugei, they established
their indejietidence. They had not only
the vices of a nomadic, fighting race,
but also many of its rude virtues. These
they ought have communicated to their
vanquished foes had they not almost in
variably slain them, cutting then, down
root and branch. Tlicir distingntailing
characteristic was the brate, passionate
foror which deeLruys but cannot upbuild,
and which although too generally idol
icea even in this civilised age, ia always,
with all its fuss and noiae, vastly inferior
to the alient, enduring influence of in
tellertnal and spiritual force*. Tiaaogei,
ou returning fiom a victorious campaign
in 11&4 against the chieftain Tetnuhn,
whom he had captured and put to death,
learned thai his wife had givuu birth to
her firsi-iiorn son. On examining the
infant, a piece of clotted blood was Found
clinched in hi* fist, snd the superstition*
Mongol named him Temujin, in memory
at the vanquished Tartar chief. Tins
the future conqueror u stained with
blood at his very birth.
When thirteen year* old Temujin
inherited bis father s throne and sword.
He acquired at length undisputed sway
over the tribes from the Argun to the
Irtish. On his return in 1206 from a
•uoeteaful raid into the kingdom of
Ilia, he held a great Durbar St the
source of the Onon, and caused himself
to be proclaimed Jengbi* Khan, or Very
Mighty Khan. In 1309 he made another
incursion into His. Not long afterward,
when an envoy of the reigning Kin
Sovereign announced his master's acces
sion, Jenghiz vouchsafed DO reply, but
" spat on the floor, and mounting his
horse rode away." He now began a
career unparalleled since the victories of
ancient Rome. At Bukhara, one of the
numerous cities which he pillaged and
destroyed, he called himself "the
scourge of God." As such be *we©t
over the fairest portion of the earth,
devastating and depopulating it. Even
in retreating through conquered
provinces, Jengbix, "as bloodthirsty
after the battle as in the heat of the
fight, left behind him a trail of blood."
Brieflv to sum up the rest of his terrible
story, he pursued with relentless energy
snd unsurpassed cruelty his exterminat
ing conquests in Central Asia, in North
western India, in Eastern Russia, and in
China, where, in 1280. after a struggle
of fifty years, the Moogols became mas
ters of * the whole empire. Jenghi*
himself died on the 18th of August, 1227,
in the mountainous region of Lin pan, at
the age of sixtv-six. His body wsa re
moved into Mongolia, and in order to
keep his death secret, the escort killed
every ooe they met oo the road. "Aa a
fitting clone to his murderous career,
forty noble and beautiful girls shared
bis tomb, that they might wait on him
in the land of spirits." Mr. Hovrorth,
in his " History of the Mongols, from
the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century,"
eulogise* Jenghiz aa a greater leader
and statesman than either Alexander,
Napoleon, or Timonr. Bnt, before the
close of the fourteenth century, the
Khans who succeeded him were eotn
pletelv driven mt of China, and of the
great Empire which be founded,
nothing remains but hideous ruin*.
Even Mr. Hovrorth admits tiiat it doe*
make one hide one's face in terror to
read thaAom 1211 to 1223. 18,470,000
human beings perished in China and
Tangut alona at the bands of Jenghi*
and hie followers ! Such was war six
hundred years ago.
A Man < named In a !t!s*t Furnace.
A frightful accident occurred at the
work* of Messrs. William Wlutwell A
Co., pig iron manufacturers. South
Stockton, England. About eight o'clock
the hopper of No. 3 furnace was charged
with ironstone, etc., by a man harned
James Higgins and other workmen, ami
in order to allow the material to tall into
the furnace an attempt was made to
lower the bell—a large conical-ahaped
apparatus, which fits into the ring or
bottom of the hopper—about two feet
iuto a broader spacw. In consequence
of having been raised too rapidly (n the
previous occasion the bell had become
tightly jammed in the upper |>art of
the ring, and could not I* moved. Two
or three expedients were tried without
effect, and ultimately Higgins procured
a large hammer. Heaped on to the bell,
and struck it a blow. The apparatus
immediately sank into the broader space,
and Higgins unfortunately went with it.
A groan was heard, but nothing oould
be seen of the poor fellow, he having
Cwed with the material beneath the
11 into the furnace. The blast wax at
once thrown off, and a powerful current
•f air forced in, but the horrible smell
which rose proved that the poor fellow's
bodv was being rapidly consumed, and
not the slightest portion, of ©onrae, was
recovered. The burial service of the
Roman Catholic Church, to which the
drowsed belonged, was read by the
Rev. Mr. Shanahan on the top of the
furnace shortly after the accident. The
deceased was a married man, and leaves
a widow and several children.
The Pocock Brother*.
The Chatham and Rochester (Eng.)
.\>tr says: A beautiful memorial
tablet has been erected at Upnor
School Church by a friend in remem
brance of the brothers Edward and
Francis John Pooock, who died in
Africa. The tablet bears the following
inscription: "In memory of Edward
Pocock, buried at Chinya, January 17,
1875, aged twenty-two years; and of
Francis John Pocock, his brother, aged
twenty-seven years, drowned in the
Congo on June 3, 1877 (sons of Henry
ami Ann Pocock), who was born in this
village of Tlpnor and educated at the
National Schools, Frindsbury, faithful
ly aliured the perils of their leader,
Henry M. Stanley, in the Anglo-
American expedition, and perished in
Africa, aiding to complete great dis
coveries and to bring light to the people
that Bit in darkness; also, of Francis Rich
ard Pooock, uncle to the above, born
July 80, 1819, at Upnor, lost in the
Arctic Expedition, under Sir John
Franklin, which left England May 19,
1845." The tablet has been executed
by Mr. Dawes, of Strood.
Chinese Maxim* ad PTAWW.
•Bin fine* rami* do 004 go far.
Raillery Im the lightning of calumny.
It in the rich who want most thing*.
(Uvmvmy th# emok* of friendship.
Attention to nll thing* is the econo
my of virtue.
Ail i* kwt when the people f*r th
less then poverty.
He who let* thing* be given to him i*
not good *t taking.
Who ie the greatest liar ? He who
■peek* most of himself.
Men may bend to virtna, bnt virtna
cannot bend to men.
One may do without mankind, bnt ooe
ha* need of a friend.
The oonrt ia like the see-—everything
depend* upon th* wind.
One fwrgiva* everything to him who
forgive* himself nothing
The pleasure of doing good ie the
, only one that never wear* out
TTje tree overthrown by the wind had
more branches than route.
Receive your thoughts as guetea and
treat your deetre* khe children.
One never need* onc'a wita eomacU
m when one lias to do with a tool
For him who doaa everything in it*
proper time, ona day ie worth three.
lire lee* Indnigenee one ha* for one *
self th# more on* may have for uthecw.
He who wiahsa to secure the good of
other* haa already secured hi* own.
A fool never admire* himself *e mnoh
aa when be baa committed aotae folly.
Tower* are measured by their shadow,
and great men by those who are envious
of them.
He who had* pleasure in vies, and
pain in virtue, iaa novice both in the one
and the other.
The truths that we least wish to beer
are those which it is most to our ad
vantage to know.
The wise man does not speak <>f all
lie doe*, but he doe* nothing that aea
oot be spoken of.
We moid do quickly what there is
no hurry for, to be able to do slowly
what demand* haste.
What a plea*ore it is to give! There
would lie no rich people if they were
capable of feehng this.
The way to glory is through the
palace, to fortune through the mariuA, to
virtue through the deeert.
The rich find relations in the most re
mote foreign coontries; the.poor not even
is the bosom of their own families.
Virtue doe* not give talents, but it sup
plies their piaac. Talents neither give
v irtue nor supply the piece of it.
The prison i* abut night and day, yet
it is always full; th* temple* ai* always
■pec, and yet yon find n* one in them.
If the heart does net go with the head,
the beat thought* give only the light.
This aa why acience is eo little persnaaivv
and probity eo eloquent.
Whoever make* * gra*t fuss about
doing good doea very little; be who
wishes to be seen and noticed when he
is doing good will not do it leog; be who
mingle* humor and aapnee with it will do
it badlv; be who only think* of avoiding
faults and reproaches will never acquire
X# Lab*r-Nai lag Device* far Her.
"Then you don't want a dotoea
wringvr to-iay ?** as id the man.
"No, I don't," replied the woman.
" Times are too bard to think about it-
Here it ia the middle o* winter, and me
with my summer bat yet. I think I see
myself buying a clothes-wringer, and
goin'barebesdrtltill next summer. Not
" Bui I can sell you one on weekly
pavmenta," put in the man. " Give it
to* vou at the wholesale price, and let
rou" pay a dollar a Seek ou it In that
"way von wouldn't fed it, and before you
knew it, von'i have it all paid for, and
be getting the use of it all the time.
Ain't that fair enough ?"
" I'm not finding any fault with your
terms." raid th* woman. "But do I
want to hide all the money where it can't
be seen! A clothes-wringer wouldn't
look well propped up in a front window,
would it? Six dollars ia right smart o
money, and I could get a hat with it that
would just mors'n make the plasterer's
wife wish die d stayed in the old ooun-
urged the man persuasively.
" ta.ifk of the hard work it would save
you, and besides it's dirt-cheap at the
price. No twistin' your fingers out of
joint if you have one o' them. Shall we
call it a trade V
" Not if I know myself !" returned the
woman. " Why, sir, with six dollar* 1
could almost get * clo*k that would
make nearlv every woman oo the square
catch cold'peeping through the door
crack, and I have my mmd oo a piece of
alpaca that could be sent borne to me for
about thai figure, that would take the
peace out of every family within seven
door* each way. * I don't spend much
monev these hart! times, but when I do,
I want to get a little satisfaction out of
it. So vou can move on with your
aqueezui 1 machine, an' sell it to tome
woman who hain't got no pride about
her," and die slammed the door in his
faoe._fWin.wrri Brrakfati TabU.
Triple Tragedy In Artisan.
J. E. Stevens, in • letter from Haek
berrr, Arizona, aava : " I came over
here*and found the camp in n fever of
excitement over a terrible tragedy that
had reoentlv been enacted. Rob White,
whom TOO remember, had TORN'' word*
with a stranger named Frank Mohiel,
about a trivial matter, which reeulted in
White's resuming the oootroverer next
day. White attempted to ahoot lleNiel,
who knocked htm down, disarmed him,
and, upon his begging for his life, led
bKm to the saloon and told him to go
about bis business. Charlie Rice,
whom von also remember shortly after
ward came into aamp. and approaching
Mehiel. to whom be was unknown, be
emptied his six-ahooter at him, five shots
taking effect ; death ensued in a few
hour*. The eitixens turned out en
msMr to arrest the murderer ; a fight
ensued. Rice was badly wounded, but
i of using to submit, was hanged bv the
ueek from the ridge-pole of the black
smith shop, where he remained till next
morning. In the meantime White at
tempted to escape, but soon fell dead,
pierced with bullets. McNiel told
White when he led liim into the saloon
that he left him among his friends and
desired him to stay there, as he sought
no trouble with any one."
The Electric Light.
The first experiment with the electric
light in Berlin, wax made recently, in
the new synagogue in Oranienburg
street, before a large crowd of people.
In the court-yard of the building a sta
tionary apparatus foruubed the light,
which was conducted over the roof into
two of the five round windows, whence
the light streamed down on the syna
gogue below. The effect was astonish
ing. The light was so brilliant that it
illuminatedthe gallery and the remotest
corners of the edifice. The splendor of
the light was vivid, but not offensive to
the sight. In comparison with gas, the
result is as fallows : Gas, per hour, sls ;
the electric light, $1 for the same time.
The apparatus costs several thousand
marks. The synagogue was also lit up
outside bv the'eleotric light, bringing it
ont as bright as day, and producing s
most magical effect. Gas burned along
side of the electric light looked pale, and
was, as it were, thrown into the shadow
RuskUN Captures.
Le Monde Rusee has ocmpiled, from
official sources, a summary of the officers,
men and artillery captured by the Rut.
sians during the war. The following is
the table, to which the official figures
from Plevna have been added :
Cannon. Pacha*, and Men.
At Ardahan...... 92 1 1,000
At Nikopoli*. . ... 90 2 7,W>O
At Ooruv Dubnik.. 4 1
At Tebsch S 1 5,000
At A lad}* D*gh 49 8 7.00®
At Dsve Bovan Pass 40 1
At Port Hafix - -
At Ears 550 5 17,000
At Plevna 77 10 35,828
Totals. 701 29 <5.12^