The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 17, 1878, Image 1

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    Two Side* of a Sentiment.
When two-yaar-old May-Bloiwom
COBMI down in clean white dree*
And run* to find "dear Auntie,"
And claim her #weet cares#
Then Auntie take# up Blossom,
And her even-they glow and shine,
"Oh, pretty Baliy Blossom -if you were <> lv
mine r
When Blossom. in the pantry,
Ruth mounted on a chair,
Rae nil'hied at the icing
Until half the cake M bare.
Then Auntie put* down Rloeeom,
And her eyee thew glow and ehine,
" Oh. naughty Baby Rloeeom-if you wereonly
—,'lerihaer'e >x.
Poems by Two Little American Girl*. 1
| *ST. .YicVWit* Wil^rtwsc.l
Elaine and t\<r* Road the two i.
ter* torn, of wliow pcetn* arc here given, arc
children of th rteen and ten year* of age.
Their home, where the r in'ancy and child
hood h*v> been passed, i* on a large and iso
lated farm, lying upon the broad slopa# cf the
beautiful Berkshire hill# of western Massa
chusetts, and i< quaintly called " Sky Farm.
11 re. in a si nple con try lit \ divided lw
tw<eu hook* and nature, they began, slim et aa
soon as they began to ulk. to exprw** in vers i
what they saw and felt, rhyme and rhyuie
seem tvg to come by instinct. Ijviug largely
out-of-doora. vigorous and healthful in body
a* in mind, they d aw pleasure and mstructiou
from all about them.
One of their chief deligh's is to wander oyer
the lovely hill* and mewl >w* adjoining Sky
Farm. Peeping into mossy delis, where wild
flower* love to hide, hunting the early arhutu*,
the queen hare-bell, or the blue geuuaii, they the eecret* of natine, aed these they
pour for h in soag as . mply and as uaturally
aa the htrds *tngd
The Grumbler.
Hi* Yowl A.
Hi* e >st **# tixv thick ar.J hi# c*r was too thin.
He couldn't W quiet, he hsted s din ;
lie hated to write, and he hat-U to read.
He nas certainly v ry much lujured ind ed :
He must study and work ovvr Uxiks he de
His parent* were strict, and he never era*
rerted ;
He knew he was wretch, d as wretchd could te.
There wss ix'one so wretch, dly wretched as he.
Hit Maturity.
Hi* farm wa# too small and h # taxes too big.
He was seiflah aud lasy. and enxn as a pig ;
His wife was too ally, hi# children too rude ;
And just because he wa* unoorn monly good.
He never had money enough or to spare.
He had rorhnig at all flt to eat or to wear:
He knew he was wretched as wretched could be.
There ws* no one so wretchedly wre:ched ss he
Hit cUi Aft.
He find* he has sorrows more deep than his
He grumbles to think he has grumbled for
year* :
He grumble* to think he ha* grumbled away
His home aud lis fortune, his life's little day.
But. alas ! 'tis too late—it is no ue to say
That his eyes are too dim, and his hair is too
He know# he is wretched a* wretched can be.
There is no one more wretchedly wretched than
—Dora doodah (ten years old}.
For stately trees in rich array.
For sunlight all the happy day.
For blossoms radiant and rare.
For skies when daylight closes.
For joyous, clear, outpouring sing
From birds that all the green wood throng.
For all things young, and bright, and fair.
We praise tbee. Month of Kesee!
For bine, blue skies of summer calm,
For fragrant odor# breathing balm.
For quiet, cooling shades w here oft
The weary head reposes.
For brooklets babhlmg thro' the fields
Where Earth hr choicest treasure* yield*,
For all things tend-r. sweet aud soft.
We love thee. Mouth of Rose# 1
—jc.'tiine (rotsifllr years old).
Ashes vf Roses.
[Grown people often write in eympathy with
children, bnt here is a little poem by a child
written in v mpathy w th grown folks :}
Soft on the sunset sky
Bright daylight cloaca.
Leaving, when light doth die,
Pale hues that miughng lie—
Ashes of roses.
When love's warm mn is set.
Lore's brightness closes ;
Eyes with hot tears are wet.
In hearts there linger yet
Ashes of roses.
—Kiaint Goodale (thirteen years old).
An Impudent Puppy.
Pretty, saucy Kitty went swinging up
and down, np and down, her light
muslin dress waving and fluttering in
" Glorious Rupert, isn't it ?" she
cried, calliug t> her pet and companion,
a huge, shaggy dog. " Bnt where are
jou? Why don't yon answer, sir?" And
swmgiftg more slowly, she looked every
where around her.
Kitty was down at the bottom of the
old-fashioned garden at the tisck of her
father's farm-house, where a swing had
been pnt np for her in a little grove of
Suddenly a merry voice cried nut,
" Here!" "and a handsome roung man
leaped the low fenoe, and advanced
towards her, laughing merrily, and
doffing hia hat.
Kitty was out of the swing and on her
feet in"an instant, her eyes flashing, her
figure drawn up to its full height. She
looked prettier than ever in her indig
"I beg vonr pardon,"• said the in
truder, bowing haif-mockingly ; "but I
was taking a short cut across the field
when I heard you call me.
"Gall you!"
Kitty looked as if she would annihi
late him.
"Certainly," with the utmost cool
ness. "You called 'Rupert,' didn't
"I was calling my dog, air," said
Kittv, with infinite hauteur.
" Well, I'm Dot exactly a dog," was
the laughing answer ; " but I've often
been called 'an impudent puppy—al
your service; miss."
He bowed again, profoundly.
" I should think so," snapped Kitty,
stamping her little foot. And she
mattered to herself, not expecting to be
heard: "Impudeace!"
The stranger heard the word, never
theless. His manner changed. He
became as serious and deferential as the
most chivalous knight of old in the
presence of his mistress.
" I beg pardon ; I'm afraid I'm tres
passing. But the path through the
field was trodden as if one had the right
of way there,and I heard you call—well,
I made a mistake." Again the mirthful
look danced in his eyes, " Good morn
He swept the very ground with his
hat, as he executed another profound
bow, and then turned and, patting his
hand on the top of the fence, vaulted
over, and the next moment was out of
Kitty did not swing any more that
day, but went back to the house, mnt
eriug: "Impudent fellow!"while the
< al Rupert, who had started off chasing
rabbit, reappeared at this juncture,
and accompanied her. Bnt this was not
the Rupert she meant, when she said
" the impudent fellow."
A week passed. Kitty saw no more
of the stranger, though she often won
dered whom he could be, and if he were
staying in the neighborhood. At the
end of t'iat time she attended an eve
ning | arjy at Squire Stacey's. Almost
the firs t person she saw on entering the
room was the handsome stranger.
"I wish to introduce vou to my
nephew," said the squire, leading that
p rsonags up to Kitty. " His name, by
FRED. KURTZ, Editor mid Vropriotor.
baptism, te Rupert Mortimer ; but he i#
ouch * nicy fellow thnt he in best
known among hie frteud# a ' that impu
dent puppr.'"
The evee of the To ting people met.
Young Mr. M.irtiuier'e wore dancing
with tun. For the life of her Kitty
could not help laughing. So they
laughed in concert, and he mud, bowing
low, and rejKMtUug the mttue words he
had need in the garden :
" Yea, ' thnt impudent puppy—at
your service, uns*.' "
"He is making sport of tnc," said
Kitty to herself, and drew herself up
haughtily ; aud for the rest of the inter
view she waa ixild and reserved, <K>tifin
ing herself to monosyllabic replies.
Very soon, at the *|qx'ar*iice of one of
her many aihuirers, slie excused herself,
and went off to dance.
" A bit of a Tartar, I'm afraid," solilo
qitizeil Rupert Mortimer. " But boa
pretty site is. She looks, too, aa though
slie hail a nohle character ; aud she cau
take her own part, aa I have found to
my cost But I'm afraid ahe haa been
i poilt by admiration. To get tuto her
food graces oue must go ou his very
nees to her ; aud, faith ! it ia almost
worth while to do it. But no, Rupert
Mortimer, my bov, keep vottr self-re
speot." Tties, with a laugh, " ' Is thy
servant a dog, that he should do thi*
Yet often that evening Rupert fouml
himself, a* if bv some magnetic attrao
tion, Jntwu to Kitty'* side. Kitty, tix>,
could not help ixxwßtoually glancing
admiringly at In* handsome face and
graceful figure.
Halls, pte-nicw an I croquet partie*
followed each other in rapid succession,
for the snnitner wa* a gay out\. Kitty
and young Mr. Mortimer were t.vgether
almost constantly. Somehow, Kitty fell
into the habit of expecting Rupert
always as her special txxxrt; and he
IxHtan to feel that uo one but he had a
right to Kitty, aud to be very jealou*
when others attempted to pay her atten
tions. As yet, however, no word* of
love passed between tlieui; for Ru;x>rt,
now Uioroughly enamored, feartxl t.
ruin all by a too premature svt.wal; es
jiecially aa, once or twice, when he had
ventured to approach the subject, Kitty
had suddenly grown haughty and cold
A final pie-nic had planned to
chiae the season. It proved a great suc
ceea. The day passed merrily on until
Inncheon time. Rupert had made up
his mind to have a quite ramble with
Kitty after this meal, aud if things went
well," to speak of hi* love. But he had
counted without his host, for when.
Inncheon was over, and he hail got rid of
his aunt, Mrs. Stacy, who had called
him to her *nle to wait on her, lo '
Kitty hail disappeared. Full of jealou
fears, and determined to find out wh>
wa* his rival, he Beth l< rth through th
woods to discover Kitty.
He hail not gone far before her favor
ite dog came bounding toward him,
jumping and harking, and manifesting
the greatest delight at seeing him. But
when Rupert stooj>ed to pat his name
sake, the dog darted ahead; then stopjied
and looked wistfully at Rupert, and then
rushed on again.
" What can he mean ?" said Rupert
A sudden fear seized him tlist some
thing wa* wrong, and he hurried on,
the dog rapidly 1 railing the way.
At last, m an opening of the wtxxl*.
on a moss-covered rock, he saw Kitty,
pale, breathless, and apparently in pain
In a moment he was at her side. All hit
jealousy wa* gone. Love was upper
most now.
"Oh! darling," he cried, "what i
it? Thank Heaven I have found yon.'
"Oh! Mr. Mortimer," she cried, wit' 1
a little sob, " how glad I am to see you
I began te think I should have to stay
all night alone. I've sprained mv ankh
and I can't walk. What shall 1 do ?'
And *he burst into tears.
Our hero took both the little hands
and held them tightly in his own, whil
he questioned her anxiously a* to th
accident, relating meantime how hecam<
to find her.
" But how, "exclaimed Kitty, ruefully,
when he had done—" how am I ever h
get l>ack ? I don't believe I can walk a
"Of coarse you can't. Who said yon
oonld r cried itnpert. " But you'll get
back right, ail the same, for I intend to
carry you."
" Carry me!" Kitty gave a littl.
scream, and shrank back, and covered
her face with b >th her bauds, for sh
felt the hot blood in her cheeks. " Oh,
no ; that will never do and she bluu
d* red out unthiukingly, " what will peo
ple say ?"
But Rupert did not stop to reply to
this question. Very little cared he what
people said. Without a word he put his
arms around Kitty, and, I'fting her
bodily from her feet, walked off with her
as if she had been a feather-weight.
At first, Kitty struggled a little ; bnt
the strong, manful arms held her closely,
and soon she began rather to like it, and
to think it all very delightful.
"At any rate," she said to herself, " I
pin t help it; he is too masterful to
With this comforting conclusion, her
fair head sank on his shoulder, and for
the first time in her short life Kitty
knew what it was to lie supremely
Rupert carried his lovely burden to
his own carriage, which stood apart from
the crowd, nnd carefully placed Kitty
in it.
"There, now," he said, " I shall take
you home immediately, and stop for a
doctor on the way. Nobo ly can drive
you with so littfe pain as I can." he
added, seeing she was about to object.
" Besides, you must to obey me,
so as to get your hand in, for sometime
you are going to be my wife, you know."
"Your wife?" cried Kitty.
She gave a pout and a haw of her
head, but she blushed, and not with
angtr either. Yes ; blushed to the tips
of her dainty ears.
"Of course." retorted Rupert, as he
stepped softly into the carriage, and
took his seat beside her, looking half
fondly into her eyes which fell before
him. " I have meant it all along.
Didn't yon, deareßt?"
" Really, yon are the most ' impudent
puppy' I ever saw," retorted Kitty,
nnrsting into laughter in spite of her
But, for all that, she did not repulse
the kiss with which. l>efore starting,
Rupert thought it necessary to fortify
himself for the journey.
What more i there to tell ? Very
little. For Kitty and Rnpert were mar
ried early in the antnmn, and were su
perlatively happy.
"Do" you know," said Rnpert, one
day, "that it was by the merest acci
dent we ever knew each other f I had
come down to my uncle's for a single
night only, when I saw yon in the
swing, and my whole life was changed.
I fell in love at first sight, and resolved
to stay and make your acquaintance,
even if it took all the summer."
" So I owe my fyappiness," answered
Kitty, archly, " to my faithful dog—dear
old fellow—being off guard that after
"And to an 'impendent pnppy ' com
ing along," retorted Rupert with a kiss,
"]ust in the nick jof time, and taking
his place." I
We hare more pdwer thap will, and it
ia often byway 01 r , > ooneWee
thit we fancy tlung|L* lmpoeeible.
It.member Js.r, l*l !>' *HIe,
John " Tie •' llumaa • *••-
llea. .1 "sir.war Nrrse.
" lhm't strike nio, John." said * prw
trutc wife iti tuie* of iijiuttcnihle tender
ness ; " remenilxT June, 1859,' anil the
upraised arm ami clenched list fell limp
ami powerless by the snlc of u strong
man, and the wrinkle* and scowl# of
auger aofteued, kins 1 * trembled, thefortu
swayed, the human triumphed, the
fountain of affection wa* reached, and
the mauiy cheat heaved with emotion ;
eyea, long atnuigora to tears, were
moisteued agaiu, and with wild grief,
mingled with remorae, *hx>k the
stalwart form which bent beneath the
blast like a read swaying in a tornado,
thvls ! what a scene' 1 Children looked
on in idank amazement. There was
silence, disturlwxl only by moan* and
sobs and prayers. There were remorse,
shame ami poverty. There were huuger,
cold and uahetlueaa, aud there was,
Iwvsidea, peuiteuoe. lletter still, there
waa forgivencas, uttervxl iu touea aa
sweet aa augel's whispers. A strong
man prone on his face, sobbing like the
ram and moaning like the night winds.
A wife lienditig over him aud in gentle
words repeating her forgiveness. Little
ones still ataudiug absif, but hesitating
ly, approaching their parent*, every
look and gesture an iuquirv. 0, the
magic of thi>ae wonls, " Remember
June, 1859!" What memories they
called up 1 The home ; the riowers ; the
aged parents ; the altar ; the plighted
vows ; the minister ; the wedding ;
life's morning ; the bright hopes ; the
glowing prospects ; the fneuds of
youth; graves of loved ones 1 How
thev came rushing through the tuiud of
that txsir penitent man -Uxik possession
of his brain ; occupied every ehamlier
of his memory; overwhelmed his soul
sn.l bore him to tlie earth. The rase
we recite was one of peculiar misfortune,
of sorrow, of wretchedness. The man,
a mechanic from New England, out of
,rork—tlays and mouths destitute of the
means to provide fod —disappoint-
ments following each other iu steady
succeaaiou, until at last all i* gone—uo
fixxl for two days—-iusane—the cap
uts Itieas, strife and tnuidemonium—at
last, attacking the mother of his child
ren, and ready to deal a blow that
might have resulted in death, hut
saved bv the wonls : " Remember
June, 1859." In the midst of this terri
ble sceue a neighbor calls. The agony,
the grief, the remorse, the penitence,
hail clothed the man iu his right mind ;
but he hail a realization of what he hail
done, and he at once unburdened hia
soul to his neighbor. The wife would
have shielded him with her love ; but no,
he would confess hia sin, auy where, every
where, before man, OIKI, angels. It *
the language of sob*, of unutterable
oontriti. in. The gentle wife would
apologize. " No, Jane, let me tell it
all," and he went on. He told of the
■lil home, uestling among tb* far away
New Engtand lulls; of church and
school ; bow he wooed and won his
loving wife; of happy years; of the
first sorrow when Bobby died aud
they laid him awav among the liaises on
the sunny hillside; how others hat!
lime to brighten their home ; and how
he had struggled and at last fallen, aud
then the Hoods of grief were renewed
The neighlxir WHS a man with a great
heart and generous impulses. He had
little house, presided over by a wife, his
neer in all things; good and kind,
faking in the surround in gn, he said ;
"John, come; pickup and go over to
my house to-nigut, amlmaylie to-morrow
something will tnrn up to your ad
vantage." The invitaiioo was aoewpted,
-ind in a little while the family was
tieneath a hospitable roof. The good
wife prepared supper, and the surround
ings were so pleasant that woe seemed
to be forgotten. The next day, most
unexpeotedlv, employment was obtain
xL Some advanca of wages wna secured,
tnd the desolate home put on a new
and brighter aspect. TndianajxAiA Sen
An Old-Time Hanging.
Samuel Hnlett, whose deatli at an ad
vanced age was reported a few days ago,
was one of the passengers in the mail
ooaoh between Philadelphia and Head
ing in 1830. when the horses were stop
oed and tha passenger* plundered by
Wilson, Porter and Potete, who*.' arrest
and trial, and execution of Porter were
•*HU*es of mnrh public feeling at the
time. The mail coach was on its way to
Keeling, and had reached Turner's lane,
a mile or two above the hnilt tip portion
>f the city, when the lead horse* were
suddenly brought to a stand and a pistol
put at the head of the driver and one or
•nor of the passengers, to intimidste
them and prevent resistance. The money
and jewels were surrendered upon de
mand, and no violence was used. It
was supposed that the bank messenger,
William Miller, who held for manv years
the situation of bailiff in the United
States district oonrt, would be in the
coach, bnt he had been unable to reach
the White Bwau Hotel in time to take
passage that morning. Psrter and Wil
son were captured in Philadelphia, but
Potete was arrested in Baltimore, and,
upon being brought on here, consented
to take the witness stand against his
confederates. Samuel Hulett was a ma
terial witness, and Porter and Wilson
were convicted and sentenced to be
hanged. The robliery of the mail was
then a capital offense, when the lives of
passengers or any one was put in
jeopardy, as was done. Wilson was
saved through the intercession of influ
ential friends, but Porter expiated his
•rime upon the gallows, having on the
.lav of the execution ridden upon his
coffin fropi the Arcb street prison to the
hanging ground, not far from the East
cm penitentiary. Potete, who had onm
mitted a crime in Baltimore, was taken
back there and served out a term of
imprisonment. Wilaon became an ex
emplary citigen, and was living when
last hear.l of a few years ago—Philadel
phia Ijcdyer.
Military Margery In Turkey.
The following details will seem in
credible to those who are not acquainted
with the peculiar ways of the Turkish
administration. An artillerist had his
knee shattered at Histova by the explo
sion of a shell, and after his wound had
been temporarily dressed he was trans
ported from the field of battle to Con
stantinople. In spite of his intense
sufferings, ha listened with the greatest
interest to all the news from the seat of
war. On his arrival in Constantinople,
amputation was found to l>e necessary,
hut before the operation oonld he per
formed permission had to be obtained
from the ministry of war. This permis
sion must always be obtained before an
amputation can be performed in a
Turkish hospital, and it not infrequently
dies belore the
civil functionaries have ceased deliberat
ing on the demand of the surgeons.
| Fortunately for our artillerist his case
was pushed through with exceptional
rapidity, and the desired permit was
given after a delay of only eight or ten
days. The brave soldier, who had
awaited the pleasure of the administra
tion with the most exemplary patience,
bore the operation with heroic courage;
there is still hope that his life will be
Great souls hsvs wills; others onlj
feeble wishes,
Japanese Firemen.
Bav* an English ueriodioal in a
iuMtUt i>( Japanese fireuicll
unci the methods employed by tbnu in
extinguishing Area It *a a lug Are -
there Htwl Uil iloultt alsiut it. fu ( ou
sUutmople and No- York, fairly big
event* of tin* sort m-oalnoually occur.
And are made much of, but to ee King
Kire 1U all bi* awful power and glory,
Japan should lw visited. Although we
had been pretty prompt m olteyiug the
alarm lell t we found that the tire had
already made considerable progreaa, and
at Brat, unprotected a* we were by
helmets or hooils, we found it difflcult
even to look at the raging aeeue |>efore
u*. All we could make out wa* a vast
expanse of dancing Bnuie, intersected by
iet of smoke, snd the black outline* of
t>iirued or burning buildiuga. ItV de
gree* we became accustomed, and we
saw our brigade double up inU> action,
place the eugiue in poaitiou, squirt at
the dames, which aecmed to have the
most undisputed mastery everywhere,
and scud forward the hook and ladder
men recklro* fellows, who seemed to
have the utmost contempt for flames
and falling timl>er, and who went into
the danger as if they were gotug to a
welding. To us, accustomed to the
stem, silent, business-like manner of the
Loudon Are wen, there was something
savoring of burlesque in the efforts of
these Yeddo brigades to ivimlait the
flames. The general effect wa* that of
what is kuowu as a pautoiuiue " rally
—every oue howluig, shouting, running
to and fro, ami upsetting one another,
amnl a shower of Beam*, tiles, and arti
cles of ftiruiture, without any apparent
order or method. There was a great
deal of movement and a groat deal of
uproar, and, during the whale perform
ance, the flame* seemed to wander just
where they pleased, singeing here,
blistering there, but, as a rule, com
pletely guttiug what they came m con
tact with. Meanwhile, our engiue lias!
rorne to utter grief. Hut this, to our
eves, wa* of very little consequence, as
it had served simply to dampeu the
jackets of the firemen ; so it was re
moved, and all the energies of the bri
gade were devoted to the object of pre
venting the spread of the Are by the
whole demolition of houses. With tins
object in view the htsik and ladder men
were sent forward into the house* which
were more immediately threatened with
destruction, while the Wtteriug rams—
huge piles of wood with tremendous iron
fork* at the ends were run up under
the charge of the most stalwart coolies
of the brigade. The captain, armed
with a huge standard, wa- sitting
straddle-legged on the roof of a h<wi*e,
and by his movements thie of the bri
gade were direct**!. I'ntrl he retreated
not a man dared to dream of yielding an
inch, and we trembled for the safety of
our flue old friend a* we saw lntu ap
parently alone in a blase of flsme, or
half hidden in the dense volumes of
smoke, whii h rose from the bumiug
masses on all aides of lntu. And here
we ruav remark that although the disci ■
pline of the brigades, their method* of
procedure. ami their total unbusiness
like air of doing everything were to t>e
Ooademned in to to, t<*i high pnuse
cannot lie bestowed on the uidividual
pluck aud agility of the members. \\ e
in Borupe are now farudiar with the ex
traordinary feats of Japanese acrobats,
but to see this skill and agility put to a
practical use one should "assist" at a
Yeddo Are. Wheu the won! i* given for
the hook and ladder men to go into
action, it is a treat to see some so >ro of
muscular, active-liml>ed young fellows,
not one of whom pause* a moment to
look at the danger into which he 1#
going headlong, dash into the houses
already tottering to their fall, swarm on
the roofs, swing from raft*-r to rafter,
struggle up almost perpendicular slopes
of loose tiles, often with a rope in their
mouths, jump over yawning chasms of
flame as if they were two-foot ditches,
fasten the grapples to the blazing
timiters, jump down and signal an '' all
right "to a gang of coolies below, who
are hanging to the chain or rope. The
wall totters backward and forward for a
minute, but extra mettle is put into a
final pnll, and down comes the whole
blazing side of a house, burying half-a
dozen firemen, sending up a huge pillar
of smoke ami sparks to the sky, and
calling forth a tremendous yell from the
admiring crowd. Scarcely has it fallen
when adozen active fellows are hard at
work with their fire hooks. From under
one heap of timbers jump out two or
three of the book and ladder men, who
rub their bruises and lAugh frantically.
Out of a cavern of smouldering ashes
crawls another, with an arm broken ;
while from the innermost reo***ca are
pnllei out two or three poor, blackened,
mutilated remain* of what were a few
rollicking fellows in the
prime and strength of manic**!. These
last are gently carried off on shutters
and to-morrow will be followed to their
last resting-place under the cryptomer
ias and azaleas on the hillside yonder
by a crowd of relations ami comrade*,
proud in the midst of their sorrow of the
deaths met with in the public cause.
Shoe tusking
The shoemaker is a relic of antiquity,
and lived and hail hia being as early a*
the twelfth oentnry. He was accustomed
to hawk hia goods, and it is eonjeotured
that there was a separate trade for an
nexing the soles. The Romans, in class
ical times, wore cork soles 111 their shoes, 1
tosecuretheir feet from water, especially
in winter, and, as high heels were not '
then introduced, the Roman ladies, who
wished to appear taller, put plenty of |
oork under them. The streets of Rome ,
in the time of Domitiaa were bloe.ked np
by cobblers' stalls, which he, therefore,
caused to be removed. In the middle
ages shoes were cleaned by washing with
a sponge and oil; soap and grease were
the substitutes for blacking. Buckles
were worn on the shoes in the fourteenth
centnry. In Ireland a human skeleton
was found with marks of buckles ou the
shoes. In England they became fash
ionable many years before the reign of
Queen Mary. The laboring classes wore
them of copper. O'her persons hod
them of silver or copper gilt. Not long
after shoes roses came in. Ruckles re
vived before tlie revolution in 1789, nn<l
finally became extinct before the close of
the eighteenth century.
Steam Power.
According to a statement in the
Polytechnic Il> view, the aggregate
steam motive power at pretent in use in
the world is 8,690,000 horse-power em
ployed in stationary engines, and 10,-
000,000 horse power in locomotive en
gines, making a total of 19,500,000 horse
power. This force is maintained withont
the use of animal food, except by the
miners who dig the coal and provide the
fuel, and the force maintained in the
muscles is to that generated by the pro
duct lalstr an about one to 1,000. luMj
steam-power is equal to the working j
i force of 25.000,000 horses, and one horae
i consumes three time# aa much food as
I one man ; the steam-power, therefore, is
equivalent to the saving of food for
76,000,000 hnman beings. Again, three
1 power looms, attended by one man, pro
| duce daily seventy-eight pieces of ootton
fabric against four pieces produced by
one loom worked by one man in 1800,
and so the list might be indefinitely ex- ,
tended of what is accomplished by the
use of steam-power and labor-aaving
as Ills Mssi lis fixate The Ksiraer
dlssri (isrels as Old .Vllssr llaS.
The Boston Aitrrrfisrr gives the fol
lowing report of the remarks of Mr.
Samuel L. Cleweus, at the banquet
gtveu in honor of Mr. Johu (L Whittier
in that city :
Mr. C-tuttuiAN : This is an occasion
IxxMiliiuiy meet for the digging up of
pleasant remiuiaceuce* coiiceruing liter
ary folk ; therefore, 1 will drop lightly
into history myself. Htuuiliiig here ou
the aliore of the Atlautic aud ixmteinlat
iug ix-rtaiu of it* biggest htelary bil-
U>ws, 1 am reminded of a thing which
happened to me fifteen years ago, wlieu
1 hail just succeeded in stirring ui> a
little K'cvadiau literary ocssn-puddle
uiynelf, wlnxte apume-tlakes were IM--
ginuing to blow thinly Califoruisward.
I atartoj an insptx'tiou tramp through
the southern miues of California. 1 was
callow and conceited, and 1 resolved
to try the virtue of my nom de ftlutitr.
I very atxiu had an opportunity. I
knocked at a miner's lonely log cabin in
the foot lulls of theHierras just at uighs
fall. It was snowing st tlie time. A
jmltxl, melancholy man of fifty, bare
footed, opemxl to me. When be beard
HIT HUM </•' plume, de loikixl more de
jectel than Ixdore. He let me in—
pretty reluctantly, I thought - and after
Die customary bacon and lieaus, black
ixiffee and a hot whinky, I Uxk a pipe.
This sorrowful mail had uot said three
words up to this time. Now he spoke
up *1 said iu the voice of one who ts
secretly suffering : " You're the fourtli
—l'm going t* move." "The fourtli
what ?" said I. " The fourth literary
man that's l>een here in tweuty-four
hours—l'm going to move." "You
dou't tell me !" said 1 ; " Who were the
the othersf" " Mr. L<ngfellow, Mr.
Emerson aud Mr. Oliver Wendell
Holtuea—dad fetch the lot!"
You can easily lielieve I wax surprised.
1 supplicated three hot whisky*did the
rrxit—and finally ths nulanclioly miner
Ix-gan. He said :
" They came here jut at dark venter
.lav eveiitiig, and I let them iu, <{ eon rae.
Said they were g.'Uig U>| Yo Ysemite.
Thev were a rough lot—but that s noth
ing, evervlxxly looks rough that travels
afoot. Mr. E menxm waa a aeedv little
bit of a chap—red-headed. Mr. Holmes
waa aa fat a a balUxiu- he weighed ax
much aa 300, and had double eluuu* all
the war down to hi* xtomvh. Mr.
Longfellow was built like a prize-fighter.
Hi* bead waa cropped and bristly—like
a* if he had a wig made of hair brushes,
Hi# uowe lay straight down hi* face, like
a finger with the end joint tilted tip.
They bait l>eeu drinking—l could *-e
that. And what queer talk they tt*ed !
Mr. Holme* tnsjiectnl tin* cabin, then
he t>k me by the button-hole, and
sa vs he :
•• • Through Uw derp caves of thought
I har s TOW thsl slug*
I till M then m<>r stately mansion*.
I) my soul r
" Hay* I, ' I ean't afford it Mr. Holms*,
snd, moreover, I don't want to. Blamed
if I hke*l it pretty well, either, coming
from a stranger, that way. However, I
urtd to get out my bacon and lieana,
wheu Mr. Kinezaon came and looked on
awhile, and th n lie takes me aside by
the button-hole and says:
•' Oiv# me agate* tor m; meat;
Mve me caiitharidas to sat;
From or and ocean bring me foods,
From ail souca and altitudes.
" Hay I, ' Mr. Emerson if you'll excuse
me, this ain't no hotel.' You ace it sort
of ril*l me; I wasn't used to the wars of
littery swells. But I went ona-swmnng
over niv work, and next conic* Mr.
Longfellow and button-boles me, and
interrupt# me. Says he:
•• • Honor to Modjikeawis
Vou shall bear Lt w I'au-Tuk-Kevwis - '
" But I broke in, and says I. ' Begging
vour pardon, Mr. Longfellow, if you 11
l>e SO kind as to hold yonryawp for about
five minute* and let me get thi* grub
ready, yon 11 do me proud ' \V ell, air,
after they'd filled up I set out the jug.
Mr. Holmes look* at it, and thro fire# up
all of a sudden aud veils,
" • Flash out a stream of Wood-red wine!
For I would drink to other day a.
"By George, I was getting kind of
worked np. I don't deny it, 1 was get
ting kind of worked tip. . I turns to Mr.
Holmes, and says I, ' Looky here, my
fat friend, I'm a-runntng this shanty,
and if the court knows herself, you 11
take whisky straighl, or you'll go dry,'
Them's the very words 1 said to him.
Now I didn't want to sass such famous
littery people, but yon see they kind of
forced me. There ain't nothing onrea
sonable 'bout me; I don't mind a paaeel
of guest* a-treading on my tell throe or
four timea but wheu iteonie* to standing
on it, it's different, and if the court
knows herself, you'll take whisky straight
or you'll go drv. Well, between drinks,
they'd swell ronml the cabin and strike
attitudes and spont. Rays Mr. Long
'• • This I* the fovwt primeval.'
Says Mr. Emerson:
" • Here nce the embattled farmer. aUrnd j
And flrcd the stiot beard round Hie world.'
"Says I: •O, blackguard the premise* i
as much as yon want to- -it don t east .
von a cent.' Well, they went on drink- j
ing and prettv soon they got ont n
grcasv old deck and went to playing cut
throat euchre at ten cent* a corner—M
trust. I began to notice some pretty
snspieious things. Mr. Emerson dealt, (
looked at his hand, shook his head, |
says :
" ' I am the doubter and the doubt - '
and calmly bunched the hands, and went
to shuffling for a new lay-out. Says
'• ' Tbev reckon til "ho leave me out;
The? know not well the subtle ways
1 keep 1 pass, sod deal attain!
" Hang'd if he didn't go ahead and do
it, too ! Oh, he was a cool one. Well,
in about a minute, things were running
prettv tight, hut of ft HUthleii I nee bv
Sir Emerson's eve that he judged he
had 'era. He had already eorraled two I
tricks ami each of the others one. So
now he kind of lifts a little in his chair,
and says r
•• • I lira of globes and aces !
Too long the game ia plated!
-and down he fetched a right bower.
Mr. Longfellow amilcs as sweet aa pie,
and aays :
•• 'Thank*, thanks to thee, my worthy friend
For the lee eon thou beet taught
- and dog my eats, if he didn't down
with another right bower I Well, Bir,
np jumps Holmes, a-war-whooping, as
nsnal, and says:
" ' Ood help them if the teapeet ewtnge
The pin* again.t the palm'
—and I wish I may $o to grmsa if he
didn't swoop down with another right
bower. Emerson claps his hand on hir
ttowie Longfellow clasps his on his *
volvcr and I went under a bnnk. There
was going to be trouble ; bnt that mon- (
i strons Holmes rose np, wobbling his
' double chins, and says be : • Order, gen
tlemen ; the first man that draws. 111 I
lay down on him and smother him ?'
All quiet on the Potomac, you bet yon 1
"They were pretty how-como-you-ao,
now, and they begun to blow. Emerson
says. • The bulHest tliiM I ever wrote
was " Barbara Frietohie." 1 Says Long- '
fellow, • It doesn't begin with my " Big
low Papers."' Says Holmes, 'My
" Thanatopeis" lays over em both.
They mighty near ended In a fight.
Then they wished they had aome more (
company, and Mr. Emoiaon pointed st
me aud says :
" ' la yoader squalid pesaant all
That Una prwud QUI aery .-utild bread
" lie was a whetting his Ixiwie ou his
Ixxit—so 1 let It pas*. Well, sir, next
they took it into their heads that Ihey
would like some minor ; so they made
tue stand up and sing, 'When Johnny '
Gomes Marching Home ' till I dropped
—at thirteen minutes past four this
morning. That's what I've haeii through,
my frteud. When I woke at seven, they
were leaving, thank goodness, *ud Mr.
laougfellow had my only boots on, sud
his own under his arm. Bays J, ' Hold
ou there, Evangeline, what are you
going to do with them ?' He says : ' do
ing to make tracks with 'em ; because—
" * Live# of great men ail remind u* |
We can make our lives sublime
Ami departing, leave behind us
Footprint* on Use sands of Time.'
"As I sanl, Mr. Twain, you are the
fourth iu tweuty-four hours—and I'm s
going to move—l ain't suite. Ito * liter
ary atmosphere."
I said to the miner : " Why, my dear
sir, these were not the gracious singers
to whom we and the world pay homage ;
these were impoeters."
The miner investigated me with *
calm eye fig a while, than said he:
" Ab, iui|*Miteni were they ?—are you ?'
I didn't pursue the subject, sud" since
then I haven't traveled on my nom de
plume enough to hurt. Such was the
remiuiaceuce I was moved to cxmtrihulc,
Mr. Chairman. In my enthusiasm I may
have exaggerate*! the details s little, but I
you will easilv forgive me that fault,
since it is the first time I have ever de
fleclod from perjxsiidicular fact ou an
occasion like tins.
Early Morning Sight* in s (By.
It i* interesting occasionally to arise
early in the morning aud aee the city
get up and shake itself into wakefulness
Hcarccly a sound ta heard aa you walk
out, but pmaeutlv the street-lamp man
ixiuiea dodging along on a rapid walk,
stopping at every point to turn ont ths
gas. He disappear* around the corner,
leaving a track of aenii-darkueas beLind
him, aud then cornea the paper carrier,
with a great, heavy sack dangling at hia
side, which he gradually lightens by
pulling out the damp sheets,one by one,
sticking them under dfxirm, toaatug over
transoms, ami throwing through upper
windows with an unerring precision uf
aitu quite remarkable. He dodges about
from one aide of tlie street to t|ie other,
aiming for thi* house, missing that, and
then darting over again to th* opposite
aide to repent the same maiiosuvre. After
him comes the grimy laUmug man
with a tin dinner-bucket, hastening to
hi# work on the other aide of town, hur
rying by and paying no heed to the ine
briated loafer embracing a lam]>-po*t,
I and accosting him with :
" C'h-uh-tck ! Myfrenwat nh-ich's
your hurry V
Then come* a bolati-d milk-cart, rat
tling over the nubble-# to tie# with a notae
nothing else under heaven can make,
turning the corner on oue wheel, and
disappearing like an ill-founded hope
The noiae die* *way in the distance, and
then cornea an oraniba* on it* way to
tlie depot, regardless of dream* and
In the all-night saloon two or three
ill-looking men. with breath like pesti
lence, are standing at the c* sinter with
half empty glasses, oondemmnf the
conduct of some absent one who had
done something scandalous, and " went
back on his pard*. who alius treated
him white, an' would a' died to do him
a good turn." The barkeeper rubs his
sleepy eyes, looks uneasily at the clock
quit*- frequently, pours himself out
something very red, gulps it down with
watery eye*, takes a walk to the door,
look* impatiently out. slams it with a
disappointed liang, returns and says:
'• Brandy Bill is at hia old tricks agin."
The other* drain their glasses, after
many hand-shaking* all round, and
when a man with a ahocky head aud a
gifl-l*s>k cover staggers In, and swear#
he never .lnnks alone "if there's a
stranger of white principles in the
room," and wants to know " what pizen
suit* 'em l>e*t," he at once takes the
position of honor, and inhales more
foul breath in the shape of friendly
protestation than a mule would put up
with, without kicking the roof off.
At the hotels the scrubbing brigade
hAs commenced it* daily Iwttlc with dirt,
and the clerk yawns on his stool and
twirls his moustache with the air of a
A little later and the newsbey* are
out, with noses rod with eohl, shouting
their journals in quaveriug tones, and
importuning every straggling paaeer-by
with a persistence encountered in no
other falling. Then come the street
car* with yawning drivers, and now and
thou a passenger, who ruha hia eyes,
and thinks regretfully of the reoeutly
vacated conch. The footfall" on the
sidewalk become more frequent and
leas reverberating. In the market the
scene i lively and animated. The
torches flare and splutter in the wind,
and at slight distance give to the view a
weird, fantastic look, but on closet ap
proach the abrupt outlines mellow down
and fade sway. The potatoes and cab
bages jostle the poetic element out of
sight, and the matter-of-fact plodding
faces of the venders remind you thai
life is sordid and stern.
The gray dawn rolls away, and the
first straggling sunbeams citase each
other over housetops. Shop-boys are
busy unbarring and opening np, sweep
ing out and gettiug things in trim for
the day's battle with profit and loss.
Thicker come the passing feet; men and
bora, girls and women, hurrying forth
to take nn the yoke of toil for bread.
Stir and bustle soon take the places of
nniet and rest; theatreets are noisy with
the roll of vehicle# and the sound of
business. The great cjty has thrown off
her alumliera, and the cares aud duties
of another day are ushered in.—f'iuWn
ivnti Ilrcakfa*( Tabic.
i On Neutral fJ round.
A singular circumstance occurred in
the office of n steel company, in Bridge
port. Connecticut, • few day* sgo. The
Hnthori/ed agent* of the Rn**isn and
Turk mil government* respectively met
there, each for the pilose of contraet
; ing for l>sjouet* to be usee) by the two
belligerent parties among the mountain*
of Turkey. With a look of mntual *nr
, prise the two gentlemen met each other
very affably, and diaenaaed to some ex
tent their onmmon business. A single
teat satisfied both that they eonld get
the good* they wanted, and ordered, the
one 300,000, and tho other 000,000 liayo
nets, with which to impale their fellow
anbjeeta. Tlie steel company, on the
occasion, displayed the quintessence of
An Aged Apple Tree.
There is standing in the town of
Wethersfleld, Oonn,, an English Bear-
I main apple trpe of mammoth dimension*,
measuring, one foot from the ground,
ten feet and eleven inches in circumfer
ence. It yielded fruit, according to tra
dition, for nearly a century before the
revolution, waa Drought from England
by William Tryan, and set out on his
farm, which has since been divided into
smaller ones. Upon one of these sections,
now belonging to a Mrs. Loveland,
stands this venerable tree. It is in a
good bearing condition, having borns
i excellent fruit lsst ye*r>
TERMS: a Year, in Advance.
A Mas sks Ssa Milled Use TbaasssS Pes*
TW* lie*lS ml Urvsle*.
The Pint of Pittsburg, Pa., saya 5
Oue of the principal deer slayer* in
Pennsylvania is Andrew Htiuer, of My
erntowu, Lebanon county. For nearly
forty years Htiuer has camped init in the
Allegheny mountains during the aesaon
for killing the deer, and many are the
stories lie oau relate of his exciting chase
or putient watch in the stillness of the
woo-ls, miles swav from human habita
tion. In the early times Sutler's uncle
settled in the neighborhood of Benning
ton Furnace. now on the line of the
Pennsylvania railroad, between Altoona
and the big tunnel, and it was while
visiting the old uncle that Andrew got a
fondness for deer hunting, which in hia
ulter years has leeu hi*only amusement.
For the last tweuty years Stiner's
stalk tug ground has been in the head
waters of the Big aud Black Muahauon,
iu Center and Clearfield counties. His
companions have been.for many seasons,
three men of that neighborhood, who
are familiar with all the spurs and creeks
of that mountainous region. Jacob Test,
Johu Funk and William Ream have
camped out with Btiner every season
since 1856. Ream lives at Osceola.
Clearfield couutv, and Teat and Funk
near Tyo'ie. These men mark the
oroftsinge of the deer through the sum
mer, hi* retreats and feeding grounds.
They put up a e*bin near these places,
aud prepare the bunks and cooking ar
rangements. Then Htiuer ia sent tor.
He cornea with the ammunition,blankets,
gum txwta. and such other article* as
are essential to a lumberman'* 1 fe, for
hi* three friend* are loggers by occupa
tion, and the annual hunt ia not the sole
occupation of their Uvea. They take
out a supply of provisions, and, with
wel]-fill*d straw bank* in * dry *hanty,
plenty of robe* aud blankets, and a g<*xl
stove, they fix themselves nicely. For
several vears their cabin has l<een six
teen mile* from Phtllipsburg toward the
Snow-shoe mountains. Last rear Htiner
brought back with him from that locality
to Eyerstowu an express car load of
Ream has himself killed over on*
thousand, and it is said that Jacob Teat
aud Fauk are not tar behind him. Last
vear an immense even-prong**l buck
lotted every attempt to bring him down.
It became a regular saving that tbev
were going out to kill Greeley, for such
they have named this unusually large
deer. Htiner and Ream got after him.
There s a light sift of snow upon the
ground, just enough to trace the blood
drops of a wounded buck or doe, and
tbev started early to the crossings.
These men, from long experience, be
come very familiar with the habits ami
haunts of the deer, and know the par
ticular kinds of weather in which tbev
seek the hill tops, or when they g* down
into gorge* of the mountain. Fully
three .lays bef.ire a heavy snow storm
the deer all unit the mountain tops and
seek the big laurel swarups lor f**i ami
shelter until the storm i* over. After it
has passed, if the weather gets colder,
they leave the swamps aud take to the
high ndgea of the mountain. Their
sense of smell aud of hearing is very
acute. They must be approached against
the wind ; the hunter must face the blast
in his travels after deer, or he never will
as much as get a sight at one. The deer
cannot see any distance, ami on rainy
days, when the leaves are wet, yon may
often approach within a few yards oi
them without being obaerved. Indeed
this Stiller party have, on damp days,
wheu the leaves are so wet that the
ami ml of every footstep would be dead
ened, approached within tweuty feet of
the largest bock* before they took the
alarm, which in tlioae cases were of short
duration. For the aim of the trusty
rifle was a true as its fire was deadly.
The day that Rimer and Ream shot
the big seven-pronged buck Greeley
theT had started for him early. Late
in the afternoon as Htmer was standing
watch at the door of the deer crownag*.
he aaw Orrolev coming fall tilt towttd
him. Htmer and Ream were close to
gether on Black Boar Run. and distant
about leu miles from their cabin. Hti
ner gave him a shot, but the deer in
creased its speed, and leaped the creek,
which at that place was twenty feet
wide, at one bound. Ream bearing the
sound of Stiner s rifle, came np. only to
be told that he had miased Greeley, bnt
upon the examination of the ground
it was discovered that Greeley had been
wounded, and it ww* determined that
Ream, who oonld run all .lay like a
lumn.l, should follow up the trail. He
had not gone twenty step# when he came
across the big buck, which had been
pierced through the heart. It was
eight years old, and weighed 260 pounds
when dressed.
These old deer hunters have a great
aversion to the big fox bound in chas
ing dew. Nearly all the old hunters
use the half hound dog. These dogs
cannot run a deer more than two hours,
and serve as siguals when the deer have
boen found. The deer are said to be on
the increase ia the mountains of Penn
sylvania this year.
What a Handle Contained.
There were five of them from the
Monumental District, and having feasted
to their heart's content on the great
variety of holiday goods on sale, they
came tripping out of the spacious en
trance of one of our dry goods stores,
when they copied a nicely done up
package, apparently dropped by one of
the many seekers after holiday goods.
A minute more and one of tlicm had
seised it and they were hurrying down
the street speculating as to ite contents.
'• I hope it is a good-aired dress pat
tern," says the happy owner, as she
hugged it close for fear of its Innng
spirited away. "If it was mine I would
rather it would be s velvet cloak, oned
one of the others, as she enviously eyed
the packet " Oh, I wonldn t; I d
rather it would be a new hat," was the
comment of another; and ao they specu
lated until they reached home, when the
string was loosed, and their astonished
and disappointed eyes rested on s very
soiled and dilapidated pair of pants,
pmltably just exchanged for a new pair,
which the owner had worn off, leaving
the old ones for a more unfortunate
brother or sister. — Bo*t"n Journal.
A Buried Town Brought to Light.
An interesting arrhmological discovery
has just been made in Italy—that of a
buried town, a new Pompmi, unexpect
edly found near Manfredonia, at the foot
of Mount Gargano. A temple of Diana
was first brought to light, and then a
portico about twenty metres in length,
with oolnmns without capitals, and,
finally, a necropolis covering 15,000
sqnre metres (about three and three
quarter acres). A large number of in
scriptions have been collected, and some
of them have been sent to the museum
at Naples. The town discovered is the
ancient Sipontum of which Strabo,
Potybens and Livy speak,and which was
bnned by an earthquake. The bouses
are twenty feet below the surfaoe of the
Boil. The Italian government has taken
measures to continue the excavations on
a large scale. Every day some fresh
object of interest tarns up. The latest
is a monument erected in honor of
Pompey after his victory over the
pirate*] and a large quantity of sotos
in gold and copper
The Htery ef a * Hired Mi"
A Wheeling (W. Va.) correspondent of
the Detroit /Vm /Vmi tells the follow
ing story : One dav last summer s friend
of mine called ape me, informing me
that her girl wished to see me in regard
to taking music lessons Of course, I
waa somewhat surprised at the idea of a
hired girl wanting to take music lesson.
Mr* D——, her employer, seemed to
look upon her with the greatest reaped.
The children, from baby Lucy up to big
Tom placed all confidence in her, and
would run to Tillie with their little
troubles in preference to ) oft rue, some
time*. After seeing Tillie, and making
the noccssnry arrangements, it waa her
desire to come for her lesson* in the eve
ning, when she waa tree from her day's
work. Mrs. D had given her the
use of the piano for an hour or so in the
afternoon. I was struck with her prompt
ness and lady-like manners, and could
bnt think her ambition waa quite natural.
All the autumn and winter she came out
untiringly, perhaps her evening wonld
paas and she would not come, bnt as sure
as the next day came, with it came a neat
nuts excusing herself on the ground that
"the ironing was ao large," or "Mr.
D—— came in ao late for supper," but I
always missed the bright, sunny face
wheti she failed to oome. How I used to
watch those poor red, stiff bands toiling
over the keys. " Music and kitchen
work do nut agree very well, but 1 love
my music so, it makes my task lighter in
the kitchen," she would sat cheerfully.
Can it be, I would think, that she ia to
be looked down on simply because she
was (*impelled to slave for somebody?
Ah, no, she was doing her doty. It waa
the mission God had set out fur her—and
her rt-wsrd woo Id come by and by. One
evening Tillie handed me a letter saying :
" I want yon to read the offer of another
situation I have had." I little guessed
the contents as I took it from her. To
my astonishment and pleasure it was a
miuily, noble heart pleading for bar life
to be"placed in his keeping. Every word
►poke the true man, nothing sickly or
sentimental; just such a letter as I would
want to receive under similar circum
stance*. and the writer, I knew the name
well, and knew him to be a perfect man.
I could but say sa I handed back the
letter, " I hope you accepted." " Yea,"
and there was a wealth of happiness in
the clear blue eyes, and some team, too.
I imagined. " I never knew what it was
to live before. Just the thought that
there is one person in the world to cm*
for me in such happiness." Then she
told me bow, after receiving his letter,
she wrote to him telling him she was bat
a pour girl, it would be better for them
out to meet—" he came to me in a few
evenings telling me be knew exactly hoa
poor 1 waa, he asked me for nothing but
my heart and hand —could I refuse ?
Blessings ou such girl*. In place of
foolishly running the streets, she devoted
her spar* momenta to muae and good
reading. My Tillie preaideaover a pleas
ant little home all her own, and looks up
to her handsome lord wondering like the
old vomau, "Can it be I?"
< aacellag • fhareb** Debt.
The Sew York Tribune of a recent
issue asys : The Church at the Holt
Trinity (the Bee. Dr. Steven H. Tyug,
Jr., rector) yesterday pledged $150,000
toward canceling it* hiary debt of $236,
000. Thi* remarkable reaalt waa dne
largelv to the earneat and inspiring ap
peal* "of Edwanl Kimball, the "church
debt raiaer," a* he ia sometime# called,
from hi* remarkable auoceaa in relieving
church** at crushing bnrden* of debt
—and of Dr. Trng, Dr. Charles S.
Robinaon, and Roawell C. Smith. It
wa* announced from the pulpit yeater
dav morning that the del* would be
ranted then and there. Check* were
pmiel around, and while addreaae*
were being delivered, paper* all over
the houae were being rapidly o>rercd
with significant figure*. The munifi
cent gifta of one person after another
were received with a quiet satisfaction
that apoke volnmea for the ancoeaa of
the plan ; and the rapidity with which
ehixuL* were tlanded in, and thair
amount*, showed an enthoaiaetie devo
tion which took no thought of hard
time*. It wa* pleaaant to tote the in
terest taken in the subscription by the
women and girla. and the many little
clnh* they (onned, pledging themselves
to um* large and amall. were practical
proof* of their wed.
Before the morning wore away sllO,
000 hail been *n been bed and enthnsiaam
wa* at fever heat. The church wa*
crowded and the remarkable aucceee of
ao abort a season aroused hopes of rais
ing the whole amount that day. It waa
not thought wine to dismiss the congre
gation while in ao satisfactory a mood,
no a nice little Innch wa* provided for
all. and alt were invited to remain.
Messenger* carried explanatory note* to
manv home*. Those who sect no word
received many call* of inquiry during
the afternoon. In fact the courteous
usher* were kept very busy, reassuring
anxious friends, who came to discover
whv the moat regular person* in the
world, who had never been away from
home before without sending word, hail
not returned. When the character of
the extra meeting wa* learned, number*
came in more rapidly than ever. Oooa
aionallv some overwearied lady would
leave the church, but her place would
soon be filled by a freah arrival. The
gentlemen sat qnietly through with tire
lee* patience.
' The morning session did , not really
end nntil half-past five. Then a short
recess was taken until half-past six, the
evening session continuing until nearly
eleven o'clock. Among the subscrip
tions made during the day and evening
were seven pledgee of SIO,OOO each ;
nine of $5,000 each ; one of SB,OOO ; two
of $2,000 ; eight of SI,OOO, and the re
mainder in smaller rams. The subscrip
tions are to be paid within six months
on condition that the whole amount of
the debt is subscribed.
How Cangrfmaea Live.
Hay* " Oath," in a reoent Washing
ton lettw to the Cincinnati Enquirrr:
Diet, exercise, little company, no pnblic
dinner*, home habits, seoretiveneas;
theee are the life-buoys of a Congress
man. I see some men here, guiltless on
every other son re, who are wrecks from
dining out merely, Ths high climate
of this country would soon kill the moat
seasoned English statesmen if fed aa well
as at home. There is the bitters of
concentrated Angostura or the brandy
cocktail before dinner. Hie larded
meats are pressed npon the palate by
wines which inevitably drift into Jong
potations of champagnes, ranging from
the lightest Veraenay to the brandy
strong green seal. Alter all this, and
animated conversation, in whose wisdom
the intellect has appeared to touch the
gods, the man is put to bed, and sleeps
nnder nature's deadest convulsion until
morning, when he relies npon the bath to
revive the hot akin, and release the brain
to public work. Frightful ia the waste
of tisane ever going on. The animated
mind is the speediest loot; in the time
of potation come the familiarity and
temptation, the leoee tongue and easy
commitment, the snare of women and
the social injury. Them are public men
in Washington who podr out the wine
they never taste, and still it seems that
they also are eaoght np with by the
consequences. I see sick men here who
offered the cup end never drank. Hebe
had no brother j ha died haters *he
carried the tup.
~ rsxssiisiKt iwkklt""
A lenfuro nprni lb* Wnr* position of
America among the countries of the
earth. Alwml recently in Now
York Hy the Rev. Joseph Oook. who
introduced to hi* ewbencr by William
Otillen Bryant, Wo make the following
interesting extract* from the lecture :
Hir Charles Dilke, the English trarj-1-
ev, the leetnror said, says that after bt
had mn cultured New England. b
looked lw>k and did not seem to himself
to haw won America. After hi* tour
through the South and the West, be bad
the name feeling It waa only when he
had sailed ou the Pacific <>nt of eight of
the continent that be obtained a eoneep
tion of America and the Amerioan char
meter. He should haw been more ean
tioua. He should haw nailed in ftnag
ination above the taken, and aeen what
the population can be, and therefore
probably will be. He abookl haw aeen
how corrupt great cities can become.
He ahouhl haw inquired what the ulti
mate relation between rich and poor will
be When a atUl larger part of New Eng
lane ahall haw become a factory and
the great Weet a tilled farm. He abould
have considered how far political riov
can apread ; he ahouhl have breathed
the air of the marehee as well ss of the
mountain peak. He should have taken
oouufcol of One, sa a thousand years
(rum now he * tan da at the smith, shak
ing bis locks <f sidereal fire above land
ana lake. He should have done all this
before saying that he bad formed a con
ception of America.
It ia very trite to say it, and yet it ia
an inspired truth, that the Barman eagle*,
when their wings were strongest, never
dew as tar as from Plymouth Book to
the Golden Gate. Open the eompaase*
until thev touch on the one side Thebes
and on the other side London, and they
vili not span the green fields and the
steeple.l cities between the Bay of Foody
and the Pacific coast Do not not forg. t
that California is larger than England,
Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and Texs
than Prance. Of course, Ido not forget
that bigneaa ia not greatness Bnt big
ness is opportunity, and opportunity
employed is greatness. De Tneqwville
has never been unwise because be said
that North America alone would some
day sustain 150,000,000 people. Crowd
rm'r 40.000,000 of population into Ta*
and they would haw more elbow room
than the people of Prance. Prom this
crowding domes the danger.
It is not commonly known that the
amount of arable soil in North and South
America ia greater than that in Europe,
Asia and AJriea put together, and can
therefore sustain more lives. This ia no
rash conclusion. I sneak from a scien
tific basis, and I will show you what that
bams ia. Our continent ia narrow, and
therefore the winds of ocean water it well.
Use mountain chains on the east side of
the American oontineot are low; on the
east side at the Ohl World they are very
high. Prom this it results that the
trade winds, laden with the wet new of
the sea, an admitted to our laud. The
breadth of the Old World and its high
eastern ranges cause the rainless in
teriors of Asia and Africa. Again, Ame
rica is the land of fat plains; the Old
World of aoorcheJ plains. Our plains
run north and south, ml so admit and
receive the rains. The impulse of
southern winds is the cease of oar hot
summers, the impulse of northern winds
of our cold winter, but our mount? u
ranges ran north and south, so that tTT>
snn, as he approaches and leaves them,
shines far into their gorges, and the
forests grow up their slopes. America
ia high under the equator, the Old
World ia low; America is narrow under
the equator; the Old World is wide.
Hence with us a smaller surface is ex
posed to the scorching sun. As the re
sult of all this, catting out the moun
tains, the scorched and frozen portion*
j from each continent, and the remant of
S rod native aail (as the scholars say, I
o not saaert it on my own authority I i
1 10.000,000 square miles in the Old
Work! and 11,000,000 in the New. Tim
bursts upon us ia all the light of scien
tific truth the fact that America can ana
■ tain a greater population than the Old
World, and if she oun, it is nnqueatioti
! able that she some day wilL In this
eimrmstanee I hear the echoes of fate,
with whose footfalls it is fitting that the
centuries should keep step. Some of u*
who are not vet very old hare aeen our
population increase from 17,000,000 to
40.000,000. You, air, (addressing Mr.
Brvanthare seen it increase from 8.000,-
000.000 to 40,000,000. In 1790 the
pi ratal point, about which, if it were a
solid body, our population would swing,
was a little east of Baltimore. Now it i*
a little east of Cincinnati. As Professor
Walker sbowa. it has changed forty-fire
feet since morning. I aak yon to pan*-
over this pivotal point, few perhaps our
faults chiefly arise from the fact that w
have been a frontier people. Around
this point have gathered many of tin
causes of our national peculiarities.
Hupp we that there are a 100,000.000
persons in all 'America in the year 2,000.
This is sarelv a moderate estimate, for
now there are 84,000,000. Suppose that
after the veer 2,000 our increase is one
per cent "a vear. or lees than the present
increase in England and Germany. It
is "id that the imagination is audacious,
but the reason is more sa On this basis,
what do we find the future of America
to be ? Its population in the year 2600
would be 6,460.000.000. The " Ency
doped ia Br. tannics ** affirms that North
and South America can furnish susten
ance for 8,600,000,000. Europe has an
see rage population of eighty persons to
the square soils. We have an area of
15,000,000 square mike. If we oooclude
(and why may we not?) that we shall
some day have as large an average, our
population will be 1,200,000,000.
Shadow Pictures.
A house was recentlv mow! from one
end of Napa, Oal, to the other, a por
tion of the frame being sawn off and left
behind for the family to occupy tempo
rarily. Acmes the exposed front of this
shelf were stretched several sheets, and
behind the curtain the family lived,
moved and had their domestic being.
When the lamp was lighted, and the
family tat down to supper, a crowd
gathered on the sidewalk and remained
there until there was darkness within.
It was a most interesting series of shadow
pictures. The potatoes as they passed
into the months looked on the screen
like pumpkins pitchforked into hay
mows, and the spoons and forks were
eularged 10 w to represent base-ball
clubs and ahilleleha. The sons and
daughters of toil finished their supper
and went to bed, utterly unconscious
that they had been illustrating Brob
diugnag for the benefit of their neigh
Valuable Literary Treasures.
The manuscript of Washington's fare
well address is in possession of the new
Lenox Librarv in New York. Mr. Lenox
purchased it 'for £2,003, a very small
prion compared with what it would now
sell for. This library contains many
other verr rare treasures among which
is a superb copy of the Mazarin Bible,
printed at Menta by Gutenberg, and
completed in 1455, the first book printed
with movable type, and still, singular to
aay, one of the noblest typographical
monuments in existence. There are
only two. copies on this continent, the
other soon to be sold by the executors of
the late George Brinluy, of Hartford.
The last copies sold at the Perkins sale
in London, Jane 6, 1873, brought for
the one on vellum, $17,000; that on
paper, sl3, MO.
He Went PublNti a Dream Book.
Some days since a citizen of Crawford
street, Detroit, named John Wilmer had
a rifle stolen from his house on Bnnday,
while the family were absent. There
was no cine to the thief, but on a sulise
qnent Monday night Mr. Wilmer
dreamed that he met the man in Wind
sor who took hia gun. He saw the thief
so plainly in hia dream that he crossed
the river in search of him the following
day. Wonderful to relate, he met tin
man of his dream on the street, and did
not hesitate to collar him. More won
derful to relate the man he met prove
to be a respectable citizen of the town
and indignant at being called a thief, h
knocked the draamer down and stepped
on him pretty badly. Mr. Wilmer is
not fibteeJiafto publiidi dream-book.