In i Harry. There a bachelor, over the river, With a cabin and plenty of meant, He aakod me to marry him. mother. And 1 am but }u*t in uy teeu*. He ha> a oat, and a cow. and a Two hettt, and a barrel of beau* i He aaid. just enough for a starting . And what if 1 am in mv taena ? Theru are Katie, and Nome, and Sarah. And Jennie, and Dorothy Deana, Were not done with crockery plaything*. And -aively liad got m their twin. Till they Und Uvm aiarrisd a twelvemonth. And IHI i would like to know vvhv I cau't hare a beau and a wedding. And not lire a maid till t die. icrt aiv minis thin.'- in life quite uucer fain. A niamiha. \on rer> well know ; V id not in the kM arc the ch*tK<e> Of getting and keeping a bean. L'here * no nee IU aayuig he * older Thau 1 am by nearly a aeore ; He had all thoae roar* to I* learning, And I *hall be petted the more. And no uee to talk of our waitiug. For John w ouldu t do it, I know ; He'd marry eome other young lady. And I be left fuiuu* a bean. So now Tin iu haste for the wedding .] I'm (anient, and can't be denied , Twill aeaui egich a beautiful romance To t>e called *' the little girl bride The Wishbone. One might liave thought it the venta ble fatuous apple-pie of primer period, Imm the tray ui which it ran : "A. at* it ;B, begged tor it; O. out it ;1> divided it; K, eyed it; F, (ought for it, •Old U, got It," It was a IMiristmas turkey wishtwuie, however. It lav oa Alice Abbot's plate, auii after the tender whit# meat had beer dl eaten off, she held it up, saying U her cousin Berth* : "See, Bertie, my fortune-taller ! 1 shall wish with it, and put it over tlx door, and the >*> who come# toward m< first to night, having paused under tlx .•racle, shall be raw husband " Oh, mamma!*' cried Bertie, with i prettv pont, " TOO might have cut me that Int of the turkey, I'm the eldest and I ought to be married first ; l>e gen rous, .Alice, give me the twine; I'D buy you a lovely bride's dress for my wedding." "No, no, 'twould have no charm for von, it is my wishbone, and I have sole right to the test. Here, may mil with me," and Alice tarried to her ittle tive-year-old cousin, and the two pulled. Alice was triumphant, winning her wish in the larger half ; she then ran across the hall and fastened the boue over the }iariur door. *• Now," saiii she, with a laugh, " uow we will all be on the lookout for the • conquering hero.' " " Shall yon surrender unconditionally, Alice ?" asked her aunt Carrie, with s keen look at Alice's flushed face. " Que must, lo fate, musn't one I" ctnrned Alice, with another question. " Cela depend, one makes one's fate, iftcr a fashion, sometimes ; therelore i would advise you to he cautious how yon trifle with voura." If aunt Carrie intended her words to carry au undercurrent of meaning, they reached their goal in Alice's understand ug. She knew now that her aunt had noticed her indecision and wavering over certain questions to which she must soon give decided answers, and -he felt that aunt Carrie's advice was needed. It was not an unusual quandary for a young, pretty girl to be in, that of hav ing to make up her mind to say either "yea or nay"' to two men whose happi ness hung upon her lips, bat it was a I rying one. On the one hand, there was jHwition, talent, energy, to choose ; on the other, wealth, flneiooksand winning manners ; and with both, devoted love. Alice had procrastinated and delayed determining .which she would take, until fcotli lovers chafed at her irreao atones*. Her heart had be.ii touched by ueikier f these suitors ; that citadel wis as yet oipregnable onto their eaaulta. Had t never been khtAea ? Ah, hid beneath ' ie ontx mils there was a tender apot a certain knight had pierced —and rode away, and tins little secret sore .Alice was trying to forget, and had -ehooled herself at last to believe it was bat a fancied pang, and one that either wealth or position would cause her to lose even the memory of. It had been a "summer flirtation, this knightly episode. Alice had spent the seas* it, a year before, in a little uountain village. He had been on a -ketching tour in the same region ; they had met, and talked, and read, anil rowed for weeks together, then one morning he made a little picture in her album, wrote hia name thereto: " (Jer ome Reid Kuight," and mounted his charger and rode away. That was ail, and yet the fortress "had been taken, Alice's heart went with him. Nobody knew how she watched, and waited, to see or hear from him after, bat never, on street, at reception or ball was her handsome Knight to be found ; he had ridden out of her life it seemed that summer morn, lint not out of her thoughts. Was it hot strange that with two devoted, ardent, warm lovers, the girl should constantly compare one oold •ureless one S But it was just this mu tant reoollection qf her that delayed her "yea or nav," and Dr. Ellis Fane, and Mr. Frank Metrill, rising young physi cian, and agreeable young millionaire, with all their advantage* were weighed and found wanting. Mrs. Canfleld, Alice's aunt, with whom •>he made her home, had noticed Alice's roabled hesitation on the choice of theee two eager hirers, anil was woman enough to suspects third had something to do with it, ami liaving beard some little hint of Alice's summer flirtation, she thought lore was the reason that neither position nor wealth gained the lay. That Christina* morning two pretty gifts had been sent Alice from her lovers. One, a basket of riire winter blossoms with a note from Dr. Ellis Fane, asking her to wear a rose for him that night as a token of consent. The other, a costly jewelled chatelaine with all its pretty accompaniments, from Frank Merrill, nnd a warm letter of affection, begging her to " wear his eliains now and for ever." Tbere was to be an informal gather ing of friends in Mrs. Can field's parler that evening, and as Alice stood before the mirror arranging herself for the oc casion, she played a little game with Fate. Firtt, she fastened a " red, red rose" in ber glossy brown puffs and ■ •oris, then she hooked the silver chain of the beautiful chatelaine, with its fan and tablet, and vinaigrette, around her slender waist, then she smiled and nodded her head, and whispered to her pretty image in the glass : " Either becomes you, my dear ! If Frank Merrill walks in under the pracle toward me first, down comes the flower ; if Ellis Fane be the conquering hero, I cast my chain and wear roses. I have decided, my wishbone shall tell whom I am to marry !" Notwithstanding she jested in this light, heartless manner with her future, there was a nervous tremor around her heart after she came down stairs and ' entered the rooms. Her aunt and cousin were entertaining some guests at the ex treme end of the salon, when Alice heard steps ascending the stairs and the voioes of her two lovers were borne on to her ears. Was it to be rose or silver ? " Walk is—Miss Abbot will be pleased to see yon, I assure you." It was Dr. Fane who spoke, and Alice began to tog at the chain, then ah# looked np and be held (Jerome Beid Kmgnt walk in under tlit wishbone and oome toward her. TIM room swam, and amidst the greet ing and explanation which followed, Alice murmured some incoherent words about " surprise, pleasure, superstition, etc." My friend Knight came down to Canfleld for his Christmas, Miss Abbot, : and discovering he had root you on# summer up iu the mountain*, I made him sure of a welcome hero with ui* tonight." "You were quite right. I>r. Fane, replied Alice with • warm blush. "1 am truly pleased to see Tour frieud, as well us my summer acqusiutanci. whom I feared had forgotten me " It would be impossible for one liav ' tug seen Miss Abbot to forget tier." amid Mr. Knight, with n earnest look. " i have been abroad since our adicttx were made among the mountain*, and have | thus boon deprived of further acquain tance witli my friend* at home." " Mr. Knight h* evidently been to 1 France, aud acquired * laleut for com : plimeut," returned Alice smiling. I. ml t u "to Mr*. Canfleld, who new , came forward, "Let me present to you 'mv Allen Mountain artist, Mr. (Jerome ' Reid Knight ; my aunt, Mrs. Canfleld." * Miss Abbot has acquired a talent for flatten 1 fear, 1 am * mere sketoJier, *o*n*4/ an artist, Mr*. Canfleld." Mrs. Canfleld disclaimed his modesty, having seen hi* pictures, aud carried him off to present to her gnmta. "Yon wear my rose*. Alice ! t may hope then, that you will lie longer put um off with evasive answer*. It la ye* ?" Ellis Fane whispered tbeae words with a warm h*4 of admiration at the leaiitb ful head which was decked with his flowers. Alice grew pale. She eutild no longer determine to marry either of theao suit or*. Her Kmght had amteared. and althtmgh he bail not spukeu, nay, site did not know that he eveu would, yet her heart was uot her* to give any other, " forgive me, if I have uitolevl von ; 1 wore your roeea aa the gift of friend, no more. Her word* were low and bet voice trembled. I. Ellia Fane looked ai hat with repn-nch ful eyes, aud walked **> without another word. l It was Frank Merrill's turn uow. lie t" had watched hia clionoe, and *eiug Alice * alone, he atrude across the room, ai d , lifting up her fan said hurried! v : ' •• .Alice, vou have made me happy, yon a wear mv chains ; believe me they snail 0 never be aught but bright and silvered through all your life." 1 "But. Mr. Merrill, you iuuuke ; I did uot mean—" e " What ! You do uot m eau. by accept e ing and wearing mv gift that nut will l>e my wife !"* a " No. I wore it to-uiglu Ixswuse—" e " Because TOU are a heartieasflirt, aud it delight iu tortunug me. I will no lon i- ger be trifled with, Alice, you must LI answer me, ye# or no, to-uight. Let it y be yes ?" he pleaded. "It must be uo," and AUce's voice r sauk to a whisper, and she bowed her e head. She had trifled with both these y men ; they loved her, ami feeling now, r in lier own heart, that Jove waa, indeed, 0 a strong, overruling passion, she felt g ashamed of ber lieartleaauesa towards n thetn. e Mrs. Canfleld and her friends coming forward at this juncture, the passionate * protest that rose to Frank Merrill's e lips was interrupted, but he looked so utterly wretched that even little Dollie i, asked : a " Does your head ache, Mr. Merrill ?" Then she looked up in her cousin Alice's " face, and in her snrill en font terrible voice, shouted out • ', " Oh, couaiu Alice, who are you going 1 to marry 1 Who came iu first ander a your wishbone?" Every one smiled, and all looked up 0 over the door and there saw Alice's for y tune-teller. Dr. Fane eved the uiuoceut little bone d viciously, and then said : g ".It might have been me, Dollie ; hut e I believe Sir. Kmght forestalled me." j Alice blushed painfully. Frank Mer s rill walked over to the door, and taking down the wishbone said : a " The fortunate suitor who would win . the lady fayre, must possess the msgio r charm. 1 will tight fate ai. l fortune for . her." n " And I w ill be her valiant Kuight, „ aud therefore claim the badge," aaid Mr. u Knight, putting out his hand and play . fully wrestliug the little bit of tonefrom Mr. Merrill's hand, j Everyone laughed again, hit only few felt there was, perhaps, more ♦ban ' a joke in the little passage at srnis, Wh en it ctune time to Mr. . llwgtli*agdwf jienWltSsioii to call agaiu, 1 i nd he oame so often after, that Alice's 1 old lovers saw at last that then- was uo , hope for them. | When little Doilie waa told that consul [ Alice was going to marrv Mr. Knight , and go away, she looked up from her I picture book and aaid : , "It was all the wishb a--; wasu't it, , couaiu Alice ?" , "Yes, of coarse, 1 suppose so," laughed Alice." Dollie went oa with her book, reading aloud : ( "A, ale it ;B, l>egged it; C, cut it; , E, eved it; F. fought for it"— " Yee," interrupted Bertha, " and O ; certainly got it" "What!" asked Dollie, looking up . again. " The apple pie ?" "Oh, no, only tbe wishbone—and , Alice '"-—rJetnorcst. Ilauntles* Courage of a Lady. At a meeting of the London Royal . Humane Society, the silver medallion was unanimously voted to Miss Grace Vernou Russell, a young lady only six teen vear- of age, and the bronze medallion to Samuel Inaaca, her colored servant, for saviug life under the follow ing circumstance* : On the Ist of De > ember last the screw steamer Georgette sprang a leak at *ca in a gale off Cape Ltwin, during the voyage from Fre mautle to Port Adelaide, and was stranded at a place called Kalagup, aliont eight miles aonth of Wallechffe Hoase, the reaideuce of Mr. A. P. Bus sell, and fifty miles from tlie township , of Baoselton, Perth. Hearing of the ac cident, Miss Bnsaell, aided by her col ored servant, rode on horseback down a very steep cliff at full speed to the , scene of the diaaater, ami found tbe l>oat capsized in two and a half fathoms of water, and the paasengera clinging to her. Miss Bunnell lost no time in riding her borae into the sea, and after the greatest difficulty at length succeeded iu reaching the boat, accompanied by Isaac*, and, with as many women and children clinging to her and her horne as possible, she made for the shore, ami placed them in safety, the man Isaacs afterwards returning to the boat and saving a man who had been left there. There was great danger of the horse being overturned by the fierce anrf. Had this been the case, both the animals and their rider* must have been lost, as the backwash is something fearful on the steep ooa*t where the accident oc curred. 1/ong Names. Whither we turn, East or West, we are confronted with hard names. The Mon treal Witnr**, of a recent date, says: Jean Baptiste Tekanakenseroken, fann er, is held on a charge of assaulting La rare Aliionwokes at Canghnawaga. So much for-the East, which is pretty good ooAffifring the distance from for the West The Ha waiian^HWrite, which ha* just been re- this office from the Sandwich nav*: The seeond birthday of the IVictoria Kawekia Kaiulani Ka laaimuahilapalapa Kaleiohawaii, daugh ter oj her Royal Highne** Miriam Likelwe and Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, was celebrated yesterday by a grand lnan at Waikiki. The Sandwich Island prin cess gets rather the start of the Canadian fanner. She beat* him by twenty-seven letters, which on a oognomen, a* Bard well 81ote would say, is " A large major ity. "—Detroit. Fret Press. Mr. Charles Nordhoff receives from i the New York Herald a salary of $lO,- 000 a year a* Washington correspondent for that paper ; and a writer in the Den- I ver (OoL) News adds to this statement : that he nsed to "bold copy "for Mr. Nordhoff " when the Indianapolis Sen ' Unci only paid him sl2 a week, ncd j ' grumbled at that." The country population of California is only equal to the population of San j Francisco. < A IJttk ViTfx>jr'* I**l h. Tlun pathetic little story ui from tin* Pittsburg (Pa) leader,o{ arooeut issue ; For it long tiiuo I>HM '• little Riley " had uot IHH*U wall. H# complained ui U puui in lit* breast and of weakiices, but ho stuck manfully to hi* work. One morn ing Intel? ho Mivl to oue of hia mw toniar* "1 can't black your lx>ota tin? j tuore, I have no strength loft, tun I the | doctor Biiv 1 luiibt givo it upaud j ftulMtxiucutlv ho was often olwrved sit ' ting ni some doorway, wear? ami pule, with hi* uiiNoltl ucw*pi'rn under hiJ anu, fagged out. It wiui ovnlout that J Riley M tiring m tho harness. For I 'iiMw tun parents noticed it,perhaps the? ; did not, but Riley peddled newspapers | nlinont up to tho hour that tho silver j cord was hniMOtl. Sunday last was a ; weary tiny tor him. ll waa nearmgthe ! end of hin earth I v joumoy. Ro was well known nt tho Mouougaliela Houw, j mid often, through tho kindtioiut of tho j attaches, got hi* itieala there. thi Sun tiny ho wont into tho building, and wa-i seised with n sevens tit of ooughiug. Mr. Fiahherne outorotl into con versatnui with him Mini waked him how ho felt. " I don't wnnt to live miv louger," said , Riley ;" 1 long for rowl.' Poor fellow ' hut WIMII WHS MOOU fnltlllod. At font o'clock Hint afternoon little Riley was noticed, more pale and *eak than usual, holding to M Uiup jKwt, mid with count uuMold pupeiß Nobotlr known how ho g.'t homo, but ho was ill all night. Hi>t father, n deok-liMud, w;m to start out in tho uioruiug t> uinke M trip dowu the nvor, and Johnny, sick t ho wan, vms afraid of dicturbing his father'* sloop. 1 " In tho moruiug," an id hia father, " he oaiiie down stairs at ail o'clock to out , hi* breakfast. I lld toft to go down to the river. All night Johnny hud been in a kind of dazed ooiitlitkiu, but he sat up to tin- table and tried to cat. He could eat nothing, but drank • cup of coffee. ] Hia mother tlleu aanl : ' Johuuy, 1 don't think von need go for your | tapers for an hour or so. Ch> up --lair* and lie down, and maybe you'll feel l>ett*r.' ' I think 1 will, mother,' aanl he, and he went ax far an the foot of the stairs. Here he stopped aud said ' Mother, did lather but me good-by ttofore he weut avniv I can't mind.' ' Yea, Johnny,' she answered. ' I'm so glad of thst,' said he ; ' and I'm glad he didu't say any- i thing becanse 1 disturbed lnm in the night.' Then Johnny tried to go up stairs, but he was too weak, and he said : j ' Mother, can't you carrv me np Y ' I'll j trr. Johnny,' she aanl, and she took him in her arms. As she did so he aanl, m a strange voice: 'Oh, mother!' and 1 these were his last wools. Before she got tip stairs he wa dead. " This morn- i ing WHS the time appointed for the funeral. Through the exertions of Mr. Newell a sufficient sum of money had been raised to defray the et|>eiiaea of a decent burial, and the pall-bearera were four newsboys who had been compan ions of Riley's, and a delegation of about thirty newsltovs accompanied the remains. At the next newsboys' dinner there will be a vacant aeat at the herd of the table, draped in morning. For seven year* past that seat has been oc- ! eupied by Johnny Riley, who was always given the seat of honor in conse- ' qnonce of his deformity and diminutive . size. He was in hia fifteenth year, and ' had been a uewrsboy for about ten vearw. | Prairie Dogs and Rattlesnake*. It lias been heretofore stated that prairie dogs and rattlesnake* form part nershipeand live together in the house | of the former. A gentleman of St. ' Louis, who has carefully observed the i habits and customs of the prairie dog j villages, say* that this is a mistake. He say* that in the prairie dog village there are manv houses that, for one reason or : other, have been abandoned by the dog*, and that rattlesnakes finding these vacant take possession and use them for their dans. At first night there asm* to be peoca between the snake# and the logs, but this peace is only a truce. 4 The dogs are so much more num-n-us j than the Miakea and fight so bravely in ! defence of each other, that the snake* are afraid to make war on them i at>out the villages. The prairie dogs are j so peacefully disposed that thev uever j attack any animal except in defence, j consequently rattlesnake* are tolerated j and let alone. Hearing a prairie dog making a great fuss near a thicket, past which he was ruling, this gentleman says that ou recouuoiteriug he found a prairie Jog defending her youug from the furi ous attack of a rattlesnake. He dis mounted and killed the rattlesnake, which was five faet in length, the twc> dogs, meanwhile, hiding in the thicktd , Retiring tiehind the thicket, he watched 1 results. The old dog came out first ' from her hiding-place, aud, approach ing the snake timidly, aoou *otiafied herself that it was deed. She than ran to the thicket, aud returuiug with the young Jog, they ran about the dead anake with every expression delight. Leaving the young dog on guard, she ran away to the village, and aoou re- j turned leading a troop of at least one hundred dogs. They liinl a noisy meet- ' ing over the remains of their enemy, | many of them spitefully scratching the dead body, atter which thev conducted the rescued mother and souliouie at the ' head of what was quite like u triumphal ' procession. Phenomenal Bivalve*. Oyster dealers report a curious and somewhat startling fact about oysters this season, whicli make* them very careinl iu buying lest they find them selves with a load ou hand which is afterward found to lie worthless. A great many of the oysters that reach Light strict wharf when opened look ss if thev had leeu eugsgtsl in s hente.l family qmirrel. resulting in blows, out of which they hail eome second liest. Tlieir appearance is decidedly unfavor able, preseuting, as they do, a redtliah and altogether uninviting nstvot. Wlien cut tiehind the heart or lietween the gill* with a knife blood spurts freely, covering the of the hand person holding them us il it iiad been cut instead of the oyster. The bhsxl thus produced greatly re sembles that of a human being in color ami substance. Oysters sometimes have this peculiarity when spawning, but for them to have it at this time of the year is nnusunl aud hardly accountable. A prominent dealer says he has heard ot others noticing it at different periods, but he haa not for the part fifteen years. It is confined mostly to oysters gathered in the waters bordering on the Western Shore, saving a few streams from Thomas' Point to Cape Henry. The Eastern Shore is not altogether exempt, as some oysters caught iu Pooo nioke Sound, Miles river, and around Sharp's Island have the s.unw appear ance and peculiarity. It is supposed that they were caught in very deep water before the frost had time to touch them. Oysters when in this condition are worthless, and as soon as discovered they are sent back ami de|>oitod again in the water to remain well touched with frost. They are then edible, and are taken up and brought to the market. Baltimore American. A Runaway Boy Invited Home. The Logansport (Ind.) Pharos con tains the following: On the 11th of last August Edwin Rock Taber, a lad fourteen years of age, five feet high, square build, large blue eyes, freckled fsce, uneven teeth, and of polite and manly bearing, left his father s home in this city. He was afterward seen in Lafayette, Ind., but before his father could reach there ha had taken his de parture. Paul Taber, Eso., the father of the boy, is a worthy and highly re spectable citizen of this city. While he and his exoellent wife were mourning over the boy who had causelessly strayed from his comfortable home, a still great er affliction was visited upon them. In one week four of their remaining chil dren died of diphtheria, three of whom were bnried in one day. It is believed that if the affliction that has fallen upon his fond parent# as known to the absent Eddy, he wonld return at once to his home. A matter of taste: Snrgeon—Your pulse is still very high, my friend ! Did you gat those leeches all right I sent you the day before yesterday ?" Patieut —" Yes, sir, I got 'em right enough ; but mightn't I have 'em biled next time, sir?" NEWS SUMMARY. Uaatain ami Mlddla (ttataa A Are in tba >lya holier of tba Turk Manufer torliig t\mipuiy at Hulili-tot<\, Ma, raoim! Jaiuagr amounting to # - d."i,txxl, fully iu*urit. Two ixiiuraj tiu-u, luuned Hauiurl t haniliei* | *ll-1 (leorgr (Vllllua, were touuil guilty of I ka*aultliig a wbltr women, et MuMlrtou, | end "ore m-ntenrad to be hengr.). Mlaa llartha Vou llllU-iti Walkod IM) mllea lit ftfty diuaerutlvr hour* at l'blladrlpbte A urw telegraph company, with a - apitel of I g Jtt (100, ba* tieeu f itiml Ui New York rltv. | Ttie New ViHk Ml air au|>ertutall>lrllt of l>elika be* ieoite*ted the attorney general U> luatltutc | pro.-ee>lmg* toaant* cloeiug up tbe Oriental I Saving* Hank, of New York city. John Ktut*lei ami bla wife, both of tliriu i ore! neveuty rear* of age, were murdered in a thinly-ikgmUUd pert of Hinder county. le, where they lived in an old log boutr. Then lavupaliou w*a telliug fortune*, end ou the night of the tragedy eome of tbe neigblHir* Ileald abola, and aoon after olwcrved the holler ou Are. Ou luicatlgxtum the tiodlr* of the two welv found, hunted almoat to a crl*p, i while arvt-ral rircnmatxucc* lad to tbe l-elief that ttlev liel been *h-t l-ef.-lo tin houeo wa* Al-ed. Au ludictmout wa* fomwl vgaiu*t Hbenuau ' Hruadwv-11, late pn-Vdeut of broken ("lair moiit Saving* lUuk of New York, and In- w*a airwated The charge agaiuet him o perjury, ! ou iweallng to the Iwuk roiidltlou. At Whitebavcto, I'm., twenty-tkre. per*on. were dangeioualr poi*one-l by eating liver pud ding that had l-oeu bulled in a >-op|>er kettle. A native of Ireland, named hdwurt Mr ; Ooreru, died in New York a! the patnarvhul age of toy \ ear* I'hiec l-iuiuaaa tk*-k* in I.aeunia. Si. H . were detruyi<d hi Are. raualug a load of alwiut glO.iKgi, on which tlieiv I* 97, Mm luauraitor . and tbe Kideat llouve. one of tbe pruiclj-at hotel* in Mcruatuii. t'a , •>< ihe av in- of an et -1 eating tire, many of the gua-d* havuig a narrow eacajie ft-an .uffi-'iithMi. A rulort-d baby .hue wa* uje-inel In (id ■ more • Oaj-leii. New York. Seveuty lime bat-lea ( were on exhlt-ltluu an-l oumpeied fur tha vaii ] ou* prua* A 1-oal oil ear ou (he li *- kof Ihe llle i a 11r -a-1 at i'atereou, S. J., Caught lite, and lite bnru lag inpild rau into the tieet* txitiininnirathig the Aaiue* to aeverai billUhug*. aoiuo -if them half a mile away A number of bullae*, t-aru* aud blahit * wore deatroved l ight uietr were convict..l in Wilkeeharre, I'* , of ruMiug la*t bwpteuit-er, diuuig a -tnkc, ami were eeliteuoafl to rariJU* term* of im priaoument aud to pay flue* uiore or le** large. The acveutiath birthday of Whittier, the poet, wa* commemorated by a gathmug of '• proinluaut Utarary tueu at a dmurr in llo* Three men and a hoy were driving to Gmveradale, Ma**., from Dudley, where they had beeu rarotlaiug. when they rau into ob ■truotroti* on the ioad*lde and *iuaehed their wag--u. Bag] MUHBOM wa* killed lu.laully, and a man uaiued iVabble mwilved fatal lit ( June*, auj the boy wa* badly hurt. A meetiug of the National Reform ouuveri tloli to advocate the einrr** arklmwledgrlueut i of tiod ut th eouatitutiouiif th< t'uitni State*, wa* held iu Rocheatrr, X. Y., about two blui -livsl drl.-gat hriug pcaaa in. lleaolnUuria in i* -iiformity with tbe principle* i>f tbe oouveu t tiou Were adopted. ritomxa Itoouey * bouar m Wrat IN-hil. N. V., aaugbt Are duruig hi* ai-aeuc*. and loa two children, aged tliree and Ave year* rrwpectivrly, were burned to death. A- John I'rotim, a child two year* old. wa* Coming down the *tairca*e of hi* father'* ' houoe iu Boxtou, * lad named Heury Acker*, aged about thirteen, pulled out a revolver aud Ared at tha little fellow, who lived hut au hour. The tory of the ahootiug, aa given, wa* told j bv Mary fronin, aged ut. the \ K-tun arater, | who wa* preeeul at tha tune, i A Ate oocurrod iu the -uimruN tructurc { -recupied by the Aimricjui Deek Mantifart -ry in New York one of Ihe iargeat alat>h*h i in -ut- of it* kiud in tha country -am) 1-efore the flame* could be *ubdnod damage to tbe 1 amount of about 9100.000 bad been Jour. Mra. Catherine ttyau. her four children, aud a girl related t> Mr*, tlrail were auffix-aUxi iu Boston by coal gas. Shortly after Ave o'uioek iu the afternoon a boiler lu tho cw iar of Uu- large wholesale candy folun of Oreeufleld A Soua, 63 Barclay •treet. New York, exploded with a iood report, and imoaediau-'T thereaft> i flame* were seen to laaaa from the building and the fruut wall top pled in. At the time of the exi-loaiou there were over 150 peraou* in the builuug, and of theae about twenty-flra were tak< u to the hoeiiital*, *uffertng from bum* and bruise*, while a uuuit-er received fata! ujurie* Many of the employes, in thefc desperate effort U> ewapa. Irarad ftnr. lh. "briiinw bmbbug. and U u beli-i.d l na: a large number of person* were l-c-inl und< meatii the falling wails, one corpse having beeu recovered ; but tt wili take aome ÜBio to remote the ruin* and ascertain tbe exact number of victims. Ik f-w* the lire wa* rubdiud Noa 61. 63. 65 C7 and 69 Barclav atrvx-t were deatroved. and many otiuv l-tuld ing* in tbe neighborhood sere more or lee* damaged, involving an Aggregate ertmialed loa* of about 9400.WU, which w nearly ail covered by Uwurancc. Wheu the expiodob occnrrsd ins proprietor of the candy manufac tory and hi* two sen* were in the' oflica and aavi ral |M-r*uti- were in the show -room making pnrv-ha*e*. I'uoii those people the disaster came witiiout ttie •lightest warning, and they wore surrounded with tire aud e a|.iing *teaui in an instalit and barrlv escaped with their live*. Many |<er*eu* ruL-d to the Cre-escape and got out in that i), while other* in the upper stociev escaped by uioau* of ladder*. Intense excitement prera-led in the victnitv of the disaster, and thousand*->f person* out Loir way home fratu work fkx ked b- the actor Western and Southern States All outirr block of building* u destroyed by Br* at Helen*. Ark. !.<•, $4d,000. The India in iuv Flnt*iir, Arizona, ur killing and depredating. Tfooj>* have been aent in pnraoit. J. D. taster A Co., of Chicago, manufac turer* of agricultural implement*. hare ne pvitdol. with liabiliiioa placed at over fi.WO.UMO. Two tlncve- at Tackrille, Ala., were ptirailed by citiaena. caught and killed. ! The border of Texa* wa* the -ceue ufa tierce fight l-etwean State troop* heljang the civil i anthoritie- and * hand of several hundred Mexican*. Tlie State troop* were intieurhed in the town of San Klizario. which waa U •oiged by the Mexican*, who were preaeiit IU ' large force. Hix of the State troop* were ' killed. Governor Hubbard. of Texaa. *elit the following dispatch to President liaye* "I am officially iufornied that citiren* of Maxico, itt MMMM witli citizen* of El l'aao county. Texaa, of Mexican birth, were fighting all day yedTiUy hi Trxa* with a detach ran nt of Slate troop* who were aiding onr civil authoriti)*. Hie Mexican force being too strung to be re palled by Te.' i troop* aipi it U-iug ttnpowible ito raise ar, *• l gw*< from the cititi u*. who are nearly *' blood *nd avmpathv. and dred "f -uch I ailed State* troop* actlou to invaeion of onr territory." ! The w-eui* to have hern a duo.ute to the ownership uf certain •alt 1 ordered companies of I'nited State* in the ueighlmrhood of the j scene to proceed to the asandanoa of ' the State troop* and aid iu rej>elliiig the In vader* of American noil. The Democrat* of the California Legislator* nominated 1. T. Farlev for United Stale* Senator, the iiominatioii I*ing equivalent to an elertiou, a* they have a majority in lioth hoiiae*. The lioller in Uie oat meal manufactory of Stewart A Dougla**, at Cedar lt'pid*. lowa, ex ploded, canning damage amounting to 430,000. j The boiler of the steamer Jc*aeTaylor, lying at Now OrleaiiN, exploded. killing one man and wounding two other*. The Texa* State troop* beeieged at San Klizario by a Mexican tuob. surrendered, and three mon —Howard, Atkcnin and Meltride— were imtaedtately ahot by tbeir captor*. Jhe Amencau dairy exhibition "j*iied at Chicago with a display of butter and cheese, all the dairy State* and Cana la being re|er •entcd. The Springliehl Saving* Sank of Springfield, 111., ha* failed. The ovater pungy bam net Washington cap *ized at the month of trie Jtappahannock river. Captain Cephaa Ihi*ala and the crew of four were drowned. Two more heavy faiiiuea have occurred in ' Chicago—that of Kelley, Morley A Co.. coal dealer*, whow liahllitiea will reach f300,000, i and that of H. W. Wetheroll, wholenaie mil linery and fancy good* merchant, whose lia hllitiea were elan large. Other failure* in the Wet recently are recorded in Henry, 111., I where 1,, U. McPadden A Co.. heavy u]>erator* in coal mine*, wont under, owing $370,000, and in San Francisco, where the Co*mo|>olit*n Saving* and Exchange Bank suspended, owing de|voKitor* $50,000. From Washington. General Sherman haa teatifled bafore the tlouae committee ou military affair* that there ■ a no Hanger of war with Mexico anleaa through an accidental collision. The President ha* algned the bill giving relief to the the Huron dl*a*t*r. According to ofiicial return* made to the bureau of statistic* there arrived at the port of New York 4,74.1 immigrant* during November. Of theae 3,797 were male* and 1,944 were female*. The peraona! difficulty which ooonrred be tween Senator* Gordon, of Georgia, and Conk fiug, of New York, during an executive e-tor. ! of the Senate, wa- made the subject of dUcus ' aion in a accrct station of that body, when the matter wa* amicably adjusted. A committee ' of four Senator*— Meeer*. Hamlin, lUtisom. Qowe and McDonald— prepared a resolution H a ting that al offenaive remark* made by the Iwo Senator* were the outgrowth of mJeappre lieaalou, and that they were mutually nmul ! taneoualy withdrawn. The reaolutlou wa* j unanimously agreed to. A great many Congreamneu have left Waah ington to upend the holiday reoem at their home*. • The naval court f inguirf into the cause of the wreck of Uib' Huron, report* that Com mander ltyan wa* principally responsible for the di*ater. A* I William Poor, aged nineteen, died imWaah ington, of hydrophobia. Ffohad bee§ bitten by a auuUl d"g aigld weaka itrerion* l<> tha ilaath. John A. Joyce, oua of the Ht. I.utile "crooked j wbieky " men, couvlrted and imprl*oiwd dur ing (leiieral (iraul a aecotui term, ha* l>aen pardoue<t liy the I'reaidelit. Joyce had aerved 1 Id* full term of two year*' Imprlauumeut. hut w*a unable to (av the additional *IIBI of 9'J,(K)O, , which wa* reunited. Fori#n Neva. Soulli lluaata baa a larger grant crop (hi* j ywer (ban auy prevtou* yeai during tho la*t ' -ptarter of a century. Another Trench cabinet ha* tieeu formed hy M. Dtlfaure aud anwpled by l're*idetit Mac j Mahou The Turkmit parliament wa* opened l-v the i *ultaii, who declared ta hi* *|ieei<li that llunia : began the war. A Circular to the great |>wrt* of Kuropie ha* ! Iwen l**uedl>y Turkey, aaking them to medial* . )u the war l>etwerii tlio lluulaii and OlUinian i empire*. The akatlug accident* for tbe wiuler t-egan by lite drowulug of two voting men named i Ihmrher and IViu*tantiu. in the river at St. i Kttalaclte, Canada A large iiutnlw-l of men employed lit the Xorthuml-erlaud (KtigUudj cal mine* have ■tinrh agalnat a protaieed reduction of thetr wagva Tbe llrillab parllatnei-l will meet earlier than tuual tin* year uu wvouul of the mala Ui Ka*toru affair*. A call for tiU.UOO treab troop* ha* beeu wade Ui ItUßßth. CTLM4IMHNMIOMAI. al .MMAMY. newel*. Mr. Caiut>r>>u lamented tlie |wtll>on of l>vid T. Corblu, of Moult Carollua, aaklug (hat bl* claun to a *e*t iu the Senate from that Slate may be inquired into and decided by the Senate u|*iu It* merit*. Mr. Davre* introduced a bill to xutliorire aud e-pup au Vlpeditlon to tbe Arctic war Mr. voorheea introduced a reeolulion recit ing tbe miportancr of mairrtainliig tbo Atixneial credit of tnegoverumrut, and that, in order to do an. tire gm crumMit . iu all It* department*. •hoUld keep all contract* aud obllgaUoU* euter cd into <> itlr ita uwu cIU/en*. A ixitumuitlcatioti from the ecretary of tba interior cailmg attcnU-iu to tbe law iu regard to .-oiup*uelion fur goveriuneiit advertt*|Ug aiid tbe complaint* a* to tbe -inadequacy of Mich cornpeUaatloa. aud allggmtiug that the law I wi eo amended a* to allow the diapartmeul to pay tbe mure rate for advertising a* paper* receive from private individual*, wa* refeend to (he committee ou civil nervtc* and retrench ment. Mr Herafmd ••poke Ui favor of Mr. Mat thew* bill declaring the right of lite govern ment to pay the bond* iu rilver, after which the dnhcteuey bill wa* naa*d. Mr. Butler auhmitted a revolution aulhoii*- mg the committee tin privilege* and • lection* to luvawttgate any threat*, promise*, or anango uieut* ree|-ectiiig existing or contemplated ao cUMtloli* ur criminal |ir\wecn(ruua against any Senator, or air* other corrupt or o(krwt*e in lawful mean* or itiffuencea (hat have beeu in any manner uawd r r put tu uprraUou by him ur by any other Senator or perwoti. for the pur (>o*e i>f mdueuciog tbe rote of Senator* on tbe - -pieatton of dtacharging the committee from the consideration of in* crcdeuttai* at the lata H-Miou of Uie Senate. Objection wa* made an J the reev.lutioti wa* lard over. Adjourned to January 10, DC* llewae. Iu tbe Colorxdo ixmtiwled chx-tiou caee tlie rotsorily report of the -xvmmtttee. that Mr. Uelford\ Republican) bad beeu elected, wa* re jected by a vote of ltd to 110, and the rew.ilu- Uolt declar ing thai there bad beeu no valid election wa* defeated by 117 to 116. Tbe nie j.wl y rcrort. that Mr. I'atter*on (Democrat) was etttitled t<> a aeat, wa* then adopted by 116 , to 110, aud Mr. Dat'eraon took bl* "-eat Mr. Aldrieh, of IlUirui*. lutroduced a bill to remit the lax ou inaolvedl hank*. Mr Chitteuden. of New York, preaanled a pe tition of twenty rsttxeu* of New Haven, pray -1 ug that silver dollar* be made a legal trudvr I ft-1 all debt* public or private to the amount of 9"Jt). i except Ui tbe care of tbe Tutted State* bond, or other gold contract* ;) aleo, that ne gotiation* be oi*wied with other goventmenU for au international ciramiaai--u to drtemiiue and |>rv-niulgmte from time to tune the relative value of allvrr and gold. Adjourned to January 10, DCti A C ALAMITOI S EXri OHIOM. Ilwreilaa el Ih* Heller In a New Y erk t'a*4) Kwrierv—llwrrewlwa varewew. The tarnhle explosion aud aitlrweqaent tire in tho wholcaaic candy factory in Nea York arv dsm-ritwsl by firemen and othera an follow*: Tbomaa Mulrey, de tective officer of the Twetity-aeventh pram net, tell* tlie atorr of the explonon tu the folloxring word* : I *u lUYeati guUoK a cam- of j vet tit larceny, and paaa tsl nu Barclay from Greenwich atreet, and (tad arrived within twenty yarda ol tireenfleld'a jdace when 1 received a ter rible stock aa an exj-lnan-n ocourred, uud brick* aud drbri acatteml around me, aad tbe front of (ireenfieid'a batld- WM braved into the ntre*-t. I *• altaken up and bcvttiiered, and oanuot diwtiuctly recvdlect anything that occur red botwoen tha obork ol tlie eiploaiutt aud the time wlaho I had waffieieutly r covered myaelf to wee fiame* coating ap out of the cellar, or first floor, I can't ray now. Then I thought of Greenfield'■ plao% and knew that there were a nam iver of T9Hbg people and trorkniea there. 1 was ilsl. wo tv apeak, but 1 wa* Au injured, and the firxt thought I had wa* '• the policemen and firemen ought U be here," and wakmg up I turning ioxni' toward Greenwich atreet, found my leg*, and whits running, au officer in uuiform rat; pant me, pulling out hi* fire key. tie got to the box find at Barclay aud Waabingtou street* and pullad the alarm. Then knowing the want of pis IKM* and tbe necwuty of having Burgeons i rau to the station-house and ou uty report the telegraph iustrumeiit wa* set to work, ami n summons was made for ambulances and aid from adjoining precincts. A reporter opproadMxl Chief Fisher, who stood, lamp iu hand, covered in the dust aud smoke. # Tlie chief mud : "TliaukGod' we're safe. The first I suspected of the walls caviug iu, was while I and tny men were iu 6o aud 57. I had gtxrwi tbe order to play ou the ruins, wheu suddenly tlu-re was a tremor. 1 turned to Cajvt. Muurce, who Moid : ' Get tlie men out, chief; the building is ixuuiug down.' i gave tlie order, and tbe men jumped to the roof. When we got there, the nxif was sway ing, and I shouted to the men to keep up their pluck and run for their lire*. Capt. Monroe writ* the last lo leave the toppling building." William Ryer, of Truck Company 10, said : " Wbeu we first got to the liuild ing it waa all ahloxn. Captain Mutiroe ordered us boys to raise the ladders, ami encouraged us to hnrry up. We raised tire ladders and took two ten-foot ladders ou to tbe buildings. Tbe wor<l was passed to break and o|sm all tne win dows. We rushed to that part of the fire where the bauk sbssl, and forced the windows open. While raising the windows we heard boy's voice shriek ing as if in pain. Turning round we found H boy crushed ntider nu iron rafter. Schwab and Cnlby ran up, and we lifted the iron Iveain off the boy, and I carried him in my arms down to a drug ■tore iu the vicinity, where I left him. i returned to the fire. At that time then were a number of men, Ivors, and girls on the roofs, and we passed down slsvnt sixty people. We had a miraculous esrcijve ; a moment later Truck and Lad der 10 Mid Engine 29 would have been exterminated. Captain Mnnroe was leaning on the wall when it gave way ; he just missed death, flint run on the roofs of NOB. 65 and 67 will never be forgotten by the lads. Capt. J. 5- Mnnroe, ex-chief of bat talion, said : "When we got here the buildings were on tire. We rinsed the ladders to the aw nings, on which stood a number of men, girls HIU! IVOJTH. I or dered my lads to fall in line ami take tbe people off. We must have taken down ulwot thirty people. Then I ordered my men to jump for the roofo. The people stood there apparently dumbfounded. Home men were lying flat, as if paraliaed. The fireman were taking down the neeple the best they could. I think about, forty meu an I women were loat altogether. " Fireman Gilmartiu, of Engino Com pany 29, snid : " I went up the ladder. There were e g'nt or ten at the window. Tlie first one 1 got hold of I rau down with to the street, and dropping him, told him to go ahead. The poor fellow moaned; and exclaimed, 'l'm the fire man ; I have a leg and arm broke, and can't help myself.' I then pioited him up, and earned him to the coffee store across tbe street, aud laid him ou some bags. I helped a seoond and third pIF son down. As soon aa they got ldYii, they ran away. AH I was enrryimf down William Thomson, of 126 Nujrostreet, Brooklyn, in my Arms, a man jnmped out of the window And strnoit me on the shoulder, knocking the poor child ont of my arm9_nnd to the sidewalk. What beoAmajrt the boy I don't know. I retnfned to the ladder and saved Gor fsn Peter, of East Fifth street, and a r. Stark, of the some street," . FARM, HARDEN AND HOINEHOLD' ttcrtS—. , Hon* BISCUIT. —One onart sifted Hour, I two even teaapoonfu's cream-tartar, | 1 well mixed with tlie flour, piece of but • bar thtvarxc of an ngg - rub well together— one teas|HHiuful soda iu one pint of tutlk. A little halt. Bake in a quick oven. • UXOMAN MUST*an.—To halt a pound ' of ground mustard add three ouiiooa of sugar, uud luomteu with builiug vinegar; ' stir for half au hour with a wooden apoon, and et it aaiite, well-xvered, for an hour. Finally, add a* much vinegar as may lie uix-raaarv to thin it. Keep it well-covered ill aglora jar. The mustard as sold in New York hiuv some aromatic addition. , To FHY Orsrsiu. -Take fifty large j frrah oysters, and dry them wall, have I aix fresh eggs well beaten together with J jileiity of pepjver and salt, have two I pouud* of gothi butter crackers |M.Utided and well si/ted; theu dip oue oyster at a j time iu the <vggs, aud roll them iu the I crackers, aud lay them ao tliev will dry, ] I and if you do uot have crumbs enough ou, you rau roll over again. Fry in | j good butter and fresh lard, half-and- | ' half; ((uick fire; a light brown. How TO COOK A BKBKSTKAK A bef- J uteak is alwaya best broiled; but tti fol- ! lowing method is rounmended by a , lady writer, when broiling la nut cut*- , vemeut: The frying pan tveiug Wiped , i i dry, place it uuon tlie atove and let it ' become hot. In the meantime mangle j t i the steak —if it chance to be a sirloin so much tlie Ivetter— pepper and salt it, ■ ' theu lay it ou the hot dry jvau, which in- I ' stoutly cover a* tight a* possible, j ' Wheu tlie raw flvxdi bvocltna the heated j pan, of courae it seethes and adheres to 1 it, but iu a few second* it Ivecouiea v louaeued aud juicy. Every half minute 1 turu the ateak; but be careful to kceu it j , a* much as jvosKible under (Xiver. When nearly iloiie lav a small piece of butter ' i upon it, and If you want much gravy j odd a tableM)voonftU of strong coffee. The muiir method may be appbed to - mutton chivps, ouly tIA require more j cooking to preveut them from homg j rare. An excellent gravy may be made t by adding a little cream, thickened by a j , pinch of flour, into which, when off the : tire and partly cool, stir the yolk of on egg well brateu. tl*u*rbaM Hlais. Ink atauus iu cotton or linen ran be removed by washing in salt and water. This should be done before the fabric is washed with soap. Hit.v Eß I'ouaa.- One ounce ammoma, four ouuera Tarts white ; dissolve the , Paris white iu one putt of water , boil ; it ; when cool, add the ammonia. DIHM WASHINU. —Dae plenty at borax iu tlie first water,also in the rinae watasr , ' use soap on ouly very greasy pole and j pans; borax will cleanse the dlahea,purify' . the skiu, and at the some time make the 1 hands soft and white. To FsartHKN BLACK LACK. —Lay it ao i a clean table, spouge it all oyer with a 1 weak aolution of Uirax—about *u even > teaajvoonful or lraa to a pint of warm water. Use s piece of old block j silk, or black kid glove is better, to j sponge with. While damp cover with , t a piece of block ailk or (Moth, and iron. [ To Serru: Corntß. —To settle coffee ; , without egga, put the ground coffee— i i to tableepoonfnls or mare, according 1 U> the suae of the family—to soak ovr | night in a teacup of water. In the morning add more water and pat it an to boil, boding fifteen or twenty nun ntra ; then fill in what water is necessary and pnt the coffee-pot on the stove. In fifteeu minutra it will pour off clear a* j amber. To Cut ah Wnmc Frna.—L*iy them on a table, and rub well with bran made m<> st with warm water ; rub until quite 1 dry ; mid afterward with dry bran. The ( wet bran should be put on with flannel, , theu dry with hookmualiu. Light fur*, iu addition to the above, should be well . ruldved with magneeis, or a piece of book muslin, after the bran proems, 1 against the way of the fur. - i A t*MPnla* MiaaSar. Wlven IN. IL V ricrce A* a candidal*- for I fitala IsaaAsr, hi* |x>atacal sp>S###H pHffiMai ' * i-reivsjixl aaalvKi* ut hi* (xvpolar mudMuva*. h- 'piug Uirreby to prrjnjios the people agxiurt him. Hi* election hy an cvaawbalmtng m junly aevareiy rahoied hi* tmdaoors, who j • usul to impeach hi* bitsuiea* tntagrltv. No ] nut£w would hare bean taken ai these cam palgu lie* were tt not that some of tua euemt** ' (aivd evrcy aoceefal t-a*inea* man ha* hi* fall j quota of runoua rivxlai are rrpotSlafalng tOeae ' Uvgu* aotlvaes. Kamaixra* aad must a Sent J , fonuulwi have beaa puhhahed purportaug to i txaur from high authority ; aud tt la a <Af atfl essif fart that no two have tveea at ah aUke— - cxuvcluAivrtj proviug lite dlahooaaty of thetr < authnra The folkiwlag U from Uva . • Cvu'urrxia'. of Oct Oi, 1*77 " llar-Jly a dueeu year* agv he Piercx came here, ayaungaud nuAnoan man. almuet frteudlr**. with no capital exewq* hla own naau- | hood, which, however, inrinded j-ieoty of : t-r * in* and i-luck. mdamitabie paraevermoce ; aud inborn uirtghtneM Capital enough for : anv vouug maa in thi* twqgraawve untry. if j he onlv has good health And hot#* a* eA. I He had at! theAc grtst nafurmf advatdage* Shi! 1 one thing mure, au exorlleut aducxtioti He I had atndied medicine and been cgnUrly j ikxwrd to practice a* a phTaician. Hut be , wa* *til) a *iudent, fotai of invewigxtloa and cX] an,< ill. He diaoovared, or invented, un- . portstit remedial agenrtea or rxsnpoanda. Not 1 cho>iug to wai' wearily for the aa-it aad * offer- j . ing to dud out v without any body to tell them) [ Uiat be coo Id do litem good, he adrertiaed hi* . medknix-- and Invited the whole profnaMou. of rvvwy achooi to ei aim tie and prononnoe lndg l matit upon hi* formula A. He adverUaad Übar- j t-rallv. prrtfnaelv. bnt with extracrdlnsry f •hrwdiie*a. and in a method whiefa i* la Itself I ■ leaeofi to all W[KI *eek h-intveo* by that par fectlv legiUuate mean* Hla mm* hM been > *>!u<-thinK marveloo* ao great Hidced that it j > inn*t ha due to iiitrinak- merit in the xnwiaa ha ; -•11* more even than to hi* mtpereUeied akUl in i ( Ihe uae of iwlnter'* ink. The proaen! wnter j otice xaked adisUngniahad drngffHS i p. explain rite aecrSt of ihe alftsvat miVrerwil f ' demand turj Ih. i'lorcc n medicine.. Ha aeid ; I hey were in fart genuine iiMigriaea. - amffi 1 rorajxiund* a* everv good phyvician would t*- j acrihe for tbe di*ee* which Uiey Were adver tised to cure. Of conrac. they coat lest than I anv druggist would charge for the axme article on a physician'* and heaide* there wa* tne doctor'a fee *aved. Moreover, haying the drug* hi such enortnou* quantities, ha ring jierfect apt>aratu for purifying and comj<ound ■ug the mixture, be could not only get halter 1 article* in the flrat place, hut present the medi- ' cine in better form aud eheajwr than the same mixture could possibly bs oldaiued from any otiier source. It mav bs thought that all thla having refer suoe to Dr fierce * private buatoMS ha* no point whatever when cunatdersd in Cvuwgtien ' with th< inper gualiflcaljon* of a raisiidan for the Senate. Perha|w. But it i the fashion now. and will he for a fortnight mora, with 1 sundry journals, to make eneanns allnwra* to | thia v-rv matter. After that brief period, they will Iw quite readv to g" uu doing bi work aa ln-fore. and a. alwxv. before, to apeak of him a* a great public benefactor." IHriien** Utile Helha. NiShiiig ba* given the writing* of Charle* De-ken* -> *lroug a hold upon the hearts of parent* a* tiie wvII-known cxoellenrs of In* ] l*>rtrav al of children and their interecta. Tbeee delinea ion* laving rsceivad th* approval of I' reader* of mature age. the different child ( character* have been detached from tbe large ma*, of matter with which they were origin*l!T coiimvted. aud pn-wnlml in tha author a own , language, to S new elae* of leaders, to whom 1 th* littTe xolnme# will t>e as attract!vg a* the | larger ovig nais have [irovenUxtbe gvmial pub lic. A *crie* of twelve volumes ha* Wn pre- i pared, presenting, among other*, the following character* "Hiutke," from Nichols* Nickleby; I " I.lttle Nell." from The Old OurtcaStv Ahco : t ] "The <7biM Wife," from Davjd OopperAeld ; j •• The nor JIM-." from Pickwick Paper*, eta., etc. A new edition of the flrat volnme of the eerie*. " Little Paul." from DomlievA Aon, baa I jn*t been issued, illustrated by Dariey. find J attractively imnnd. Th# other voinnw* sill ' short IT follow. Sent peat-paid for #1.00; or any . volume will be sent with s ve.r'a antwrrintton to the New York Tribune (weekly), for fa.Ofl; or auy two volume*, with a veac'a aubeenption to tbe hvirvrntinU, tor 95.00. JOHX R AHnssaox. Pnbliaber, Hartford, Ooan. I" . Dellrtean f eeherv. The raret delicious, light, white and whole- i some biscuits, rolls, mnfflns, waffles, corn-bread, j . cake, etc., are possible to every table by na ng , [ the eelebra-ed Dooley'a Yeaat Powder. It ie alwclutelv pure, and wi 1 go much further in i use than other kinds of baking powder. It iu M impossible to fail ith it in baking. Aak your j grocer for it. and do not be put off with any other. * Bhswwiallsaa QalcihlT Cqrad. . " Dnrang * Ilheiirnatle Beirady. the great i , internal medicine, will positively cuw snTraae of rhshm abaci ou the faoe Of the aarth. Pn<x )AJ a bottle, tx botUae, 95. Bold by aR drag ' (rial*. Send for circular to Helpbenatlrve k 1 Bentiey, druggtats, Yaßhlngtoo. P- O. 1 CHEW ' The Celebrated "MATCHI.W" 1 Wood Tag Ping TOBAOOO. ' TUS PIOKKOS TOBAOOO OOWSAIR, New York, Hoston, and Chioago. I Am Blileua. 1 Quirk'a Irish Tea will make a new man of yon j Sold by droggiste at 35 eta. a paokage. lltuir la nr ! ■■■ .ay a—to. oar til—Uon h*a roraoUy Bran anltad ta a Hotary at tha laitad Htataa for UMI am of arhuuia, by Wf i, C, Rtdpalh, which la not uely tUa Inst • haw* wear aaan, bat intrinii ratu/M of ire * Uua navar bafora tnranwraiad Into any hob* jr. It la wrtUon In a slyta of grant alaguoa, bat Mmpta and BOB* of won pTrhafialnii . *ysb-aaUr*tlv UTOOfad In OOtJ iiMted n*r-*U*e t alaaanlly and IntalligeaUy Uluatralatl vtU> ehrouulraioal otoarta, prog'" I olra ■'! . totjgrabliu aT dagram*, portrait* and rata , 'raah, philoaophioal and raodabit- It la aa moot onHka an urdluary acbool history u ika baaatlfal |iariuda of Irving ara unltka bs turgid nouaetiaa of Tuppwr . and It mi arruitiy weave* tba insparing story of iba nounry InU) tba vab and woof of Ita malarial fara aa to tmpraea tba iamoos of hhflury uj<u tba mind an lb lndalibla foroa. It la fart tbaaaad In alagant portoda, nobla di<4Mi, Imaruaatta rbaraotariaattona, and lUnmaatad by apprutwtata Imadaot and baan- Ulu! pioturaa. Tba imUtahar* t Jonaa liruthaea A Co., Ciuctunatl. Ohio) Lara mada tba moat rlagant and HtiacUv* aeboolbook n-iw bafora tba pabba. A Bam air Iba* !*■•* t wwpeiMtoa. Iloatattar alHomaab Hit Ur. defy i -,in petition. lOf tba boat if rival tonic* that Lara aroppad I up during Ha long raraar, not ona baa gained and rat a Inad tuob a large ahara of paUle favor, Oiongb many have enjoyed ao ophrmaral popu | lantr Tba reaau U tbia. that arberaoa many ! of those iukWm were advert land to perform ! cure* of the mat startling nalua*, tba* bate, I abou trated, ajiuoat invariably turned out to be of Wile or so value, wbtl# tba great In rigor | ant, a boat rapiHatlui> tbay vara intended to I rival, baa never dlaappuinlad I boar who have planed thai! cxmftdeoar In It, It liaa ruubnatrd In tba aw pleat manner I a elatma to ba outlaid ared a puaitive rpaolAr lemodv for liver cotn | plaint dvapepata, tualanooa favour, dabttlty, j ouoatlpaliuti, and uumarouu othaf maladlr* i ariatng from general vat urea and ilnurdart of I the stomach, liter and bowel# tllraaaa'u rabllratlea*. Great reduction in price fur IH7H of { Olnumit Pktariat to 92 a year. Htngla ropire Are oenla The Uuinr < 'mr to At a year, utngle aojae# Ave oral*. fur aala by all uevudualaru. (iltamm'i Moi>dy Co—pamMm to 91 a year, i otitic 1c oopiae leu oanta. Ail puetag# fret I The prior of cbratuo* baa joat bean greatly ' reduced So una Du give# urh liberal term I to agent* ve gu. Heud for nea free circular Addrv-M Y Olvaaon A Co., TSK Waahlugt -n 1 Street. Boston, Haw Mrs. alKaarel aatrvaa. wife of the general of tba I'utied Hutea army, - ux i " 1 have frequently porobaaad Durattg a ! Rheumatic Itemely for friend* auffering with | rheumatism. and m a vary tnatarxve it worked j Uka magic Hand for drooler to Holpbeo ; aline ABanOty, druggist*. Waahlugton, D. C. Nereeta'* faraataa l i* tbe brat and rbaapeat Hair Drum-nig in the j world. It killa dandruff, allaya irritation, and proiuotra a igaruna groalb of tba Hair. Th* Mark eta. raw vcaa taafOaiUa .sne# US iaaas and OboeakaK o# # o# MUCH I'ow* ao 00 #lO M) Ha**: lava BIS# IBM llraaaad...... ... rtx# Oil* ■keep - Ntd as Umi "km OB j Kotlob : Middling lib# UM I flour ; Bwun- deod to Choice tBO #IM But* Oood la ObMee .. IM #* 00 Wheat: M Wastera 180 #> BI Me. t Jfilwaakaa .. I atV# I Ba* lya: inn M # W Marley: ml* tt # Ti barley MaR . # T Male: Mixed Waateen BO • •* i Oaral Mixed Waatarn BOM# B1 Hay. per eart... BO # U Mraa, ear ewt •' # •' Hopa. .a,, yav-oa #u *a ti • >• PoA: Meaa Utl #ll M hard: Oily Mean; Mil# <M ; flab S Maefcaral, bo. I, new 11 JU #ll BB " Me. Anew ..!••> #.106 Dry Ood, per ewt. 188 #6OO Herring, Acaied. per bet. . IB # It Pauwlvam Crwde ......BB)|#Ciak Hedued. I*4 Woo'! flbltferaia fit ana. Bl # Turn neeea ■ # M tadniaa raia.... aa # a* Mat* XX. at # fk I Bauer : Mai* It # M Waatern: Cfcotee. ... ... *0 # M Wmaara: deed U> PrWae BO # Waatara: t* # IB Obaaee : Male Itetarj U # U Mat* Kkimmad. 10 2 It Wmaara OB # ICH law: Man and faaaaylvaala.... Mb# wwraaoa. ft*u...n. an # lao Wheel-bo 1 Mtlwadkas.lD # lit ' C0ra—Mixed........... 4 # aa OaU. M ....... .. M # m tr N <! barley n # BB Barlay Malt ac # MeeTOalUa- Hxtra"".' OB # aab WHW®. BB # oat* Hoga— Draaaed OBJa# OBk nour Pec uiytvaan Extra til #f II Wheal—bod Weetera I1 BIN y aa # r> Oara—Tetlew g at Mixed go (g < 1 Uaaa—Mttad M # M Nwolaaui mail 0BM#(Bla tteßaed, llv Waal—Ookeode B g b Tesaa .. M # Bl Oelitornte r # ■ Beef Cattle < # Olfc MP MM* b Haw* aa # OB j floor— Wiaconam and Mtamweta.. IK- gib ' Cora—Mixed . . aa # e>H I Male— •• ................. 04 # U t Voel-Oklc aed Panney.vem* XX. li g I! California fkU M # XI aalawtoa, won Maf Cattle..... (MM# BIN SI !' Hop BIN# B waraaitiw. ueaa. Haaf Waatle Boer le otiato. ABo # aOO j A bean,. t U gtM j Uat* in* wan* Reek* 01.1 A .Near waated aed add. laanwUm j Sp>* *-"*■ • a—* M. It Y ELECTRIC BELTS tteedkwre.u I>a A li tjtl'-lu, r 1 gMTOKKM** t>*<*ar Uian kpeoleelaa II! Y t f"'e laeM reduced to g I Circular* free I** 1 * Addeaa* Wax IMB. Mew lark. _ /Cm £?Z\ " w jKI \VAMTKI> AUKS TV-Male utlewl. w a 11 ertuarxralMA if ll laiMr Wtlv-t* afl u artltie wla|ia.liti er all knaaetwld Y V|uie aad never before uurvdaeed Ut Agaate ProM* lerwe. Bella readily tivawe pemueeaL Pknia* vraattee pruAt able end i-ieeeeet Hi -WWMat .* IB* WaMar wits nddieaa. |( M ITHBMCt* . < A Wane M. baa Yaak fkm AGENTS WANTED! FOR PAHTtUOhAHH. AOOUtOH WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. •W Hiaafwer. Mew lark Ctly I tllnga. *ll. 1 Mew Orleaae, ha,i nr Wan rpqaetaaa. t'*l| 0 You Want It. ■ 1 T " w-rl Pr Clotbiaa. book* v || V S end (tarda, year eaw* ead taoay laftwi letter wtlb ladaitiMa tel. V. enaf by mail tor Ml Cent* Bead £/yJ tar Oirantef W Vl fr HATMfS V AI'MKM, M. T. Mnsicp^i • I no ta (BeTotjn, IB*Chamiww I ivieel M-e'tf llaala tor (Be >aar warlb ixaao, Klagaal Pnrtrait*. Maaiaal Sew*. Paehtoaa. *}.•! -WO par yeer. nogle number 16 in, poat fraa. (kr ruler* Baa* ba aar* aad eat IB* Jaa Mo if r -u doa'l .ntrecrlb* for IB* raar. Pnhlehed by MIIITK. H.IIITM A CO., Haetea. Maee. P AGENTS WANTED EON THE ICTORIAL HISTORY of the U.S. Th* *TS 4 ta tbe thrllliwa Strasf af ear aexs try mabei IbM iba luM* asUlaobeob ••* pabliabeA ll e-atains osar MM iM blaSarwa! *urinatii aa* 11 to raass n *sll al •i#bl Oawß Sr mr #*tra lerww lo Aaanta. and aa* wbv II aa(la fttaar tbaa aar At. rrVli'l'-iHTWO oo . PhUAOalpbta. Pa fjfIEYEHETT HOUSE, Front Union Square, MEW YOI9K. Finest Location in the City. Europeu PIM Sestanrut Unsurpassed KKKXKR WKA UCf.fraprtrißra * HOLIDAY MUSIC BOOKS! The World of Song. M*n<fl.x-n. Bound Velum* of Son* of tba mast popular and Moaioal ebaractar. The Sunshine of Song. Macmßemt Bound Voluma af tba aad raaawt aad popular K H|< ( t* r"— *d aaarlp rradp 1 Gems of the Dance* mx tszzusttf —* Bri,u " 1 ,w The Cluster of Gems. Beand Vaiaam sf Iba Ftaaat Piawa Haw Madlam I> moultf (/p*ssaad ssasty radp.) ts>k ha* m to W pp. fall >b*al mu*)c *u*. aoTIBffiSX.BO in Bds ; BS la cloth! # ra OIK "~BraKeaaOwa*>TMaa parim Books. THE ar ),8 d-.) Twe MaUaUaao|^^kj^^ka .**< Tbra. ot lha bat paaafMa fltartaa alam Baaha Oaf Back mailad poat fraa for ratali prloa OLIVER DITBOH ft CO., BORTOA. C. H. DITfiON K#w ywh . j. K. nrrooN ROYAL POWDER. Absolutely Pure. t? sr-awn savssfSsmrc ftstr j RU m _ BOSTON VEEHT TUISCRIPT Tha baa* family ■!■■" Rimini. atpbl>■ .SIV SA. 1 • • H ***** "fflyTnuw I OPV UKATIS. PATENTS! ffSK, IMi rnutorad All Umw aoaSdaeiidl w4 **epr* ' I* dux* m yaam' u(KM lalufwmMm abd ad.k a fiaa ti aU oar term* WW I— ** ball Urn tuen*. Scientific Newt. E,! ItMUn. HmUWM. r <ll* ail Bain aad itaafsl itlonaaUM-Valaabk to imap Imfi** aaat fia# Turn* 41 )*• W afaTllO Adoraaa. 8. H. WALES A SON, IM HAMMAC WTKKKT. *£**. "The Bet roliah ID NAIUR lElJtrf V VEGETIHE* AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE. bawU by H H an i wax, Roaum Mam . fjr ffhanai* ■aa aad < .uriiJ IVanU* m u~ *raHM jyifnai •IN. |n4 ■— I laaaaiaii ail VM.I/TUK aa a. vWh>. ...J..... Mr aaab Vwara *nj irNr, c w vijuniurr tajSUa >a W AM Prappto**. Cough, Cell or Sere Threat, immtdlif atttntkNi, m M|lial pftiatiaN raalu la aanaa lararaMa 1 aag ittaaa— MOWN • BRONCHIAL TSOCMCft are a alapla ran* ad y, aW will alaaast h> iMtaklf |lm laaartlala raUaf. ! SOLD BT AXX ciIKBUBTt aad Seelees Burnett's Cocoaine Praranta U Hair boa FaUnas- Burnett's Cocoaine pronotai i a Hddilbj Orewtb. Burnett's Cocoaine la aat<iraaay nor ftudky. Burnett's Oocoaine Laavaa i x> lilaafnaabla Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine SaUaa Rafraetory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Bostixa XU Irrltptod - Burnett'B Cocoaine A&yrdatb* lUchat Laatea. Burnett's Cocoaine U Dot aa AlaohaUc VVaah. Burnett's Cocoaine KUlaDaadraff. Burnett's' Cocoaine Olrea New Life to tha Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Hrmnlua Loocaat In Effect- —nun f ww— Aa a aaa* fa* tha maplm#*. ha* miN li a da lnuM far ra aaaha* aaf *•*.* MT"L ■■■ - A|lu tnMn.riAln.MM.urAwkMaE Mate. m. aateßg ClwH IU.N nl k,<n(iM KalLM* iTtffiy ".M*im.*>.a Sluvifi^ UMaailUMataaiwatitntO'itttMi le dks NwMry Ftoaßafty WmM M On tofktay <•' h' A An Amp* .aSitoai Mr a ba# - at w. Par Chapped Haadt. Afkar ftaa-ftafklap MS*" 1 n tL, & !•• I■ I— aaßna of th ami nat and taaaw A Waab <W tb# Head. CooLat. CI una At aat Rifl I af ■atom I nay Um N"" iVmi f .aanainai J. i Ta allay Haat aad IrrHaßaa af Am tlda, la iw anaDaaErat. M f a, aal At Hair Saw Ml- UMM EaßPtoa thauayiHy at* a 1,.W1 araaft MA tar WabLr It MIX af-yMd ahl aaE ' *K.pnM Avtat rto Caeoiirt ta MX****iad by a ytrMrt cmmn. brtor* Id lyiibmtna. ml am kau •ad waiy (tmr rtiff p.n'imi tk* XaLLiaraa b laaaM aalE. bnat IN UrXM, an aa n"N'i axh IMaECOnninvwatMkt niaaaadkaamttaSara irrlmtto*. nana Ml a adaacy M Intnl. aaE ta.lEa nn lb* amaa a t tba (ayiAari*, la Mr ala l—i Eatno. Nyuad miJy In .IOSKPH BCRXCTT A 00k l (Mat. r. P. r aaln br all I Tim tain. PERUVIAN STRUT Wll.f, <UHK Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Bemittsnt Fever, Liver Complsint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea, Boils, Nervous Affections. Ch.lle and Fever, Humors, Loss of Con stitutional Vigor, Female Complaints and All Diseaaoa Originating in a Bad State of the Blood, or AccompEut ied by Debility, or Low State of the System. EI TRACTS FROM TRSTIMOKIALS PBOM Distlnplsbcd Ptirsicans asd QeroM IN SAVOS or THE PERUVIAN SYRUP. Fnaa LIWU JOHXKTuX. M D. or BoavoS. " Mf upmn ot U PKRI'V 1 A! STmiT aatiaSra I Mb I bat Ula ralaabi* na.ll lor Inn. i Banal IJ 111 in 1 aaEa, in lana, nt Ps*p*p*i, s*r. aa IMXIb r aaE Baarnlata. I ba*a alao ianaE H aaaEnl M Rbaaaaalir Atari ion, and UMBO. rh,®. of tba l. inx* " raoa a H KBXIIAU. M D . or Boaro* " I aaa Mr maar fmmn •fflinmi Mil Lira* Oanaalaial, at which I *u carw.l b, Iba oaa of lha PERI* lA!f STRrP. bad bar* n|ofN parMal baaltb araa aiam." ro JAMKH R OHILTO.V. M D. or XEV TOM. OBItBI. • Tb* moll of at axaainatioa of tba PRRI'VIAX AT RI P prove to BM> that Bon* of tha abEbe a* | nnaaral warn ar prwbwal in It. no* hmra 1 found in it any lOdicalion of vaanltbl* pmoanc.a prinr.plaa Tba I main aetir* nypodm'm • mapmum ua ■ alt of lha ProhitKMcE Iron orhiob i *o )a<lirtoaaly rorahnmd aiwl prutootnE thai <t dub* not undnrto any chaOE* by wxpob an to tbb air." POM A. A HAVES. M D.. or IloaTox, AMATEE TO m STATE or MiabamoatTTa " It ib a prapbrntmn Hwatiloilly bad aklllfolly ma Booadbd. pnaam-ina mil thb Enrabtblr bf a apirrtaoba Uactura, mtbout IU oh)artiooabla q mailt ma" FBOM w. K OIIISUOLM. M D , or Rev Brproni I bar* bmploy-1 tbb PERUVIAH STRUPaaoebM , folly in ra*bb of t>ypop,ia. t'hronio Disrrhba. Hnrrona DbbUlty. HbomMla. V.ryaiprlaa, Boil, and l>na,p, of tba Skin . alao. I I wuc .rrhw., Prolapana Utari, and in Faraalb OoniplalnU abnrrally " Paoa REV. GUROOH ROBINS, or HaßTrobD, Oojm . or TEE Barrtar DExomxATtox (arStrr-lt ta a doty 1 awa to yon and tvwpohlic to aiprnaa aay a mßdaacb in tha PERUVIAN SYRUP aa a aara and powarful famady in tboaa rarioaa mamfaata- ' Una, bf diawaa oooMquaot npoa diaardarad dtcabtraa i It anranaad m* bf it, nwlj and rff-ctir, action la rim ofCiaa,*nl Dabihty, lwrar Oomplaint and Ityapap- | •ta. la my family. FaoM REV. JOHN OREOORY, PABTOB or Tas ; WtaLETax MBTBODIAT Oscars AT Prrrv Tor. LrrrnxE, 00.. Pa. Mm Dmmr sir— Baring at rartoo, ttara, parrooally. and ia my own and otbar famtiiaa..Dmtad tha araal• raJna of ; lha mad . aa mllaa PKRI \ TAN SYRUP o* Prataetod I Solution of tba Protoxida of Iron. I moat chaarfnlly i raaomtnand it, aapaaially to tboaa who rr ,n*rin from dytpaptio aaa narrou, diaordam. Aa a raliabla and aoaarfnl altaratira it ia. I think, nnanrtiaaaaii ; and aa a tonic, fraa from all tha <ib)ocUonf hla faatnraa of aloboha j ramadiaa, Rtaa moat •fhciani aatiliary to tba tarn par . anaa aaaaa. Ona of tba graataai biadranada to tba iwmparanca raform atnrraanl I*. aa I think, tha magical aaa of aiabobo altmulania Wnatoror may ba nillf aa to tbair naomailr in cartaia Mm. aa baaa in lha PERUVIAN SYRUP a aafa aad attctaM aabatitato Mr Umm 'langarona ramadwa. Thia toatimony ia firan uo- BHillltil inik Ilia 111 | ■ that aoaaa aba ara aoi yatae qnamtod with tba raloabla prmytiaa of tba madiclaa may ba indooad toatro it a trtaf SETH W. FOWLE A SONS, Proprietort, , SO HarrClßon Avsnue, Boston. ™R~" •400TF3BL^S?AS 1380 IUDNFAJE?MSG |2sQffgMfßilLLLijm L Agents, Read Thia I Wa wilTpml Aaaata a aaiar* of •tSjmr Natll aad ggsr.>Bs Ua |lw aa4 WotArfvj leiflii V AiTHwrnm. Li NMBVMAV AOo . M . PTnnrc l/LUt/Kd STORIES. s7T=rLmf iav.--''a!t AMI •■•l,* .*•• aooatj. .1 V s 'jf pe pa dwpaj tmaata af btaraiaaa Plaafn. • rudMa. Miatory, li,iifl tba U aaaaa, ato . tba boat aad afaaaeaaA baaba m Oio aaa id t Aa tug aa fraa Addraaa TUP HI.ADK. TadaSa, Okie. of Iba II It aaaaa aad aaafassi Ptukw>4-Lf of tba Saaw af OaitMSaW I Raadi J U caaaa maf; Ibaaa Mr >A aaaaa iffaaa BfcAßfc talrCoMa. BEFORE YOU ±^^l Ouiamaa, SlMd aab iasfaß xaamai rl raadms malta* aflaaaw aad ralaa to anafii to aliimru af tba UaMai WORK FOR ALL La tbao oat laaalwim. aaaaamaaa tar tba BlnslSs flabay taafaaaadr VaAh aad BaatbM Ixarnrwl fepp * tba tAeviAi anb Mammtta t>raaaaa gMa Mas OaaaaMaaaiaa aa kmmmtm Tarai aad tM tat Fraa Addraaa P. mTFIfITItH Y. AfTtaaa. noiotosSis R v TW Bamt Trama aRE a ml, FVMW ear* and aauadaaimy ayyb aam. *i vul taaa baak aad V# aay fall prtrw fa* all tbat da aat aaM. Pnaa ..*sM. Uka aat. M . fa* balk ajdam MM by axMt.gat tall.aa aais af paw* R R-—fba traaa •ux eras aia Rapuafaa (baa any ad ttumm Mr abiab •si*a*aaat ilaima aaa ma da <bi nalaw fraa POMKBOY TBI MM CO- _ . TAP Braadarar, a* aa Yayb. Read ttie (ImCUCfI j EDCEB Alan* ASdMaaaa PaaaSy Panar. oaty sldO par ~ C fTS EBuffiTamm. >a KNOW THYSELF gae.utevardi^jgSgaa HEAL THYSELF MARYJ.HOLMES. Tb* asa aaaaf. MILOREU by MM Mary J Rafaaaa. am bar af tbaaa ml adil Baabi Sduk Aafa- Max taaa imi SAOTIMOTTOLKAALT^* NMM ■*** ockd pßff>twdf fl CIXLETW 4 CO.. PnMisfi-TS, Pew Trt KI J-.l'-H (9Hinim KEBPV PataatPaitlfmad. Dm. hbuta. barf aab ay, aat* *Mto aaa MO to Saiab. Mr ei kRFPTCMtom Kb in* to maaaara. torn qaalny. f Mr !•• VuannkT l SSnmvituSi. f - * f UmbaanMaaad baaaam.taaa Qbabiy.El Manrb Whito ruraal L a tar* ■* bam qa.UN. Hbaut taolaa Fliaait Va*M A Oraaan. aa baa*T. Ba aaah. T.!lad fulk UmbraUaa. aaoaeoa laaa Staanb. Root Ihaahta. paimt piatailad Hb*. M aart 1 XbtrtaaalrdStalldTlm filt liTk\"T (XIMPaEV IOA aad IST Macorn Pamat. Ran Yarb •W BOOK AdJRNTTM TAMK NOTIt E'_Si MKT BJTI momUKT fOIf dfifXl.' HEW ROOK READY FUR AIvEETa. RY Josiah Allen's Wife: M SAMANTHA AT THE CENTENNIAL ~ !Ma<l Mr riraatara to Af.RICdX PURtdbBDtO 00. RarUaeCUL Oma-.0,. Cbiaap*- Ul. Raaaab. K J Jaat patilbdu f -Aa idftlia af OUR ARTIbT IH CUBA •PAIR. PERU AMD ALGIERS. Pall af aaa aa-nataan aad aa at tkalabin af tnPai "AATMCF m. Dr. Warner's Health Corset, .♦JRb. With Skirt Sapportar bad Sstf y? *4|KIRg FSAS gV SiMrty, Mtyla /Vy . APPROVED BT ILL PHTXTCLAN* 4ft fto Sala A* ba*f MarvAasaa kli % .rfiWA btVil ll SiWi—. W/TTI , URrfiJ | Aoumt WANTED IfiaJHl/V WABHKK MMOfs % , IQO.CGO AGENTS ~WANTH> ; WORE FOR ALL baHltataabal **b*rrt*,*n " baaA. of tb* yaa*. IM UKVI. I'l nTKK'n UOWPI-KTR LIFK. alasaatly > Imuatad. U a tba meat faariaaling Rarwnpby pabi.atrd ta yrarn It niiaialar a fall acaoant af aitbM t*at ladma nabi* M TMBUKBATWBMTANBTMKPACJPIC*aa tny of aaar IA.OOO autaa by Oaa J. F Raatta*. tokaa by arlar af tba Vaitod Ska*#* i niiiaaal Riaaiawaatiy Slaatxatod A aaabrfal aad WMIUII trip Frier, rrry rramaaklp E*a* aaa aaa amka maamy aadan I baa* bank*. Add* AM. SHELDON A CO.. Xumf SI- N. T. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. DtoMXlaf tm m. TaunaMto. Bla ll |* aam it* fx.'iir. 'torn "jTrdCTeit NMx Tba PTERST WRET bOAP'to tb. M..w,>*a*M' uuaa*% | 265 BROADWAY. NY. 1 THE 600 D OLD STAND-BY. HEHCAI MUSTAIG LUHET WOU MAX AXt> BKABT. RETAPUSEBD IA TEAM. Alaay* aaraa. Ah"a* tsady. Alaay# handy. Had aa*** yal imilad. f*fr* Udtoulaaamf N. Tba abal* aorld apptaaa* lb* ■ Baal and Obaapaat liataaa a aaln ran Eft eaota a botate. Tha Mnatans Unimaat mrw aban aafhtng ate* atll aofjy RT ALL MPDfOIHP VEIfDVKS SANDAL-WOOD A itedUtM riMiify tm mil IMim <P k K Maar a BteldarufWMaHOWwi'bipMltoSw atoa.l Cam pi a tats. R warm ptadnaa* atekaaaa. M oarlafp aaxl ayaady la tea aMtda Rto faM anparaadteg ill mini laaei Ul Slxtf dapaatea enra In u darn. No okoa. aaadiafaa aaa da thia. Bra. arc at laxlMUiaa*. tm. oala. to it* r*a - 1 " ara ainat danaal ana, nana Uaß.#bp DINDAM Dlt'K dk Mute. Mf a •aim, ii Halmbij Of at Jill J lib.i f **M at U dray Mraa. dab /to- ■irialar. m^Nad/ar-toiaaadW Waaaaar SNd. tea Far*. RTID Vs<U a
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