The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 03, 1878, Image 3
THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hail, Pa. Th'red. dan 3, 78. jtflrTxaMa. • s'2per year. trhen paid in advance: $2.50 wAtn not paid in o.i'rnnee. Advertisements 'JQrts pr- line for three m serftona, and 5 cent* per fine for eeerv sub sequent insertion. Adrertiaemeuts Ay the year at a libera} discoant. siubsrribe-t outride the oounty should re mit s/.t 10 cts, amount of one year's post* ooe. instead o/30rf* a* formerly ir.Aen jswid Ay ihem selves. Subscriber* ran ahrays tell bote their a,-- eunf.s stand ot ihe Reporter ofiire by con sulting the tables on their payers \f ihe lable reads "John Hoe 1 jan ' <<">" if meens that John i* indebted for subscription from the l*f of January, 1876, and that if is time he teas paying the printer. LODGE MEET!IfOB Ot*T* Hul t,oi*, Ne, *. I, rt. efO.. F-. ro*u • rerf Saturday attain* ta Ills Odd Fallows Matt. .1 M.OU.USAWB, BM. M. r SswsßV. A.O. (H.P FoaT Lotass. jfe. sr. F A. M.. MuniUf *f*Btß ob ot haSor* aarh Call bioob 1b Set Odd Follows Mall. „ ~ O F Mvataewaa. Soot. J. A Fuawiww. w si PIKMBiHM CtiHst. No. at. T <*T M, •*!•• h'' 11*11 ConSr* Halt on Iho .Saturday on of hofot* IWIJ m.waaljl*. St andotory two woolo aflat. toad Rhon* Masltr. ti Pool Satl LOCAL ITEMS. —The l'atm of Rev Fisher, dee d, in Gregg, is advertised for sale in another column. An ugly company of laniasiiea pa raded through our town, Christmas, on horseback. Some folks around here have taken the Kansas fever. Bishop Pubbs. of the Evangelical Church, will preach' at Centra Hall Friday evening. Weather since Sunday has been sharp and cold. All over the world Dr Bub's Cough Syrup is making its way. and every place it reaches consumptive people are more seldom met It is truly n blessing to hu manity, and only costs 25 cents. Pr. Alexander has fixed himielt" a snug office in one of the front roomie! bank building. 2nd story. The Reformed chucb at Kebvrs burg. will be consecrated on Sunday the IStb, of January next The Rev. K.N. Gerhart, D. P. Professor in the Theologi cal Seminary at ldincaiter. and other min isters from abroad will be present to take 1 part in the service. Trains on £our railroad arrive at Spring Mills at 9 in the morning, instead of 2p. in., and daparl at 10 a. m. This ' enables the mails and passengers from | Lewisburg to make connection at Centre * Hall at noon with stages for Bellefonte, without delay. Mr. T>. Brisbin has opened a confec tionery and oyster saloon in the basement of the bank building. With the new year start in with new resolution* ard improve uoon the pa*t. Su#h therelore as have not been purchas ing their groceries of Seehler & Co., should do so in IST3, and by the cloae ol the year they will think they did wisely in one important matter at least. They are headquarter* for everything in the grocery line, and keep none but the best good*. Go and see for yourselves. THINK or THIS —Outof one hun dred theuiand bottles of Jamaica Y egeta ble Health Kiiiir sold l**t year. SI,OOO were saved to the purchaser*. This is one reason that we sell this valuable medicine st ninety-nine cents per bottle ; and moth er reason is that vre desire to attract pub lic attention to it whetever it is not gener ally known. For all common diseases, such as headache from disordered stomach constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion, billiousness, and a debilitated state of the system from impoverished blood, tbis rem edy stands without parallel. Regular size and sample bottles for sale by F P. Green BeHefonte. Newruan intends to open IJS7B with a greeting to all in the shape of still lower prices for Clothing. He has again lowered bis figures, and means to make as many men and boys happy as possible by selling them the cheapest goods in the county. Last week Company B. of Bellefonte. msde a trip to Woodward, to pay a visit to their captain, Y"an Valin, who it store keeper for the distillery st that place. The boys are "veterans" who saw "servica" at Altoer.a last last summer, and it is a pity they were not down to Woodward a little earlier, in time fcr the toll-gate fight there would have been somebody licked. The company was in charge of Ist Lieut. Williams. We have received a number of teachers' monthly reports, with request for publication. The Reporter is a friend of sehool* and education, but these month ly reports are of no interest to the general reader and tbey come in number* often to fill columns to the exclusion of much more important reading matter, and for these reasons we must decline to publish these monthly reports. Dr. Bouse, of YVoodland, son of Rev. Beuse, of this plsce, showed his pleasant face in our sanctum last week. The Dr. is one of Clearfield county'e best democrats. , The people at C-oburn station expect toon to bare a post-office established there. The "Forkx" i* trying tohoW up itshead. Glad to tee it to bu*ylike. On Wednesday evening. seven Millbeimerv were initiated a* Odd Fel low*, by the Centre Hull lodge. Their purpose it to establish a lodge at Milltaeim. On Christmas at a wedding party were driving through Rebersburg, tome of the youngttert of that town tlretched a rope across the atreet —an old semi-bar barous custom—in order to make the groom fork OTer before passing through The front buggy was occupied by Jatp- Wolf, wbo forced bit team over the rope, and then jumped out to settle with muscle instead of money, knocking down one or two of the obstructionists and thus open ing the way lor the rest of the rigs. The affair created quite en excitement and next to a one-horse row in that usually quiet town. One of the horses became entangled in the rope and fell, and as by stander* came to assist in order to prevent an accident, soma of the wedding party mistook their friendly movement as in tended to further interfere and dealt out blsws upon their devoted beads—blows wore given and returned ; women scream ed ; babies cried and horaes shied ; and . perhaps now there will be a law suit. AM The joint festival of the Masor.s anmv / Odd Fellows, in this place, lasting some five days, was highly successful, and we venture to say had a larger attendance than any ever before held in this valley. On the night of 19 Dec , the house of Geo Dauberman, in Bnyder county, about four miles beyond New Berlin, was entered and robbed of a gold and silver watch, one shawl, two overcoats, and s2l in cash. The robberi, two in number, first securely bound both Mr. and Mrs. Dauberman, although otherwise did not maltreat them. Mr. D. is about 80 years old. Scribner's Monthly for January has sev eral illustrated articles, among which "Fox Hunting in New England" and Dr. Scblrvmann, at Mycaena are prominent Fur so£cribner & Co offer a jrear and a half of their magazine, beginning with the number for August last, giving the sub scriber '"His Inheritance" and other stories •complete. Harper's Magazine for the coming month is a splendid number—"A Glimpse ot Prague," "The Hot Springs of Arkan sas," and "On the Welsh Border," being finely illustrated, while page upon page of varied reading will afford matter to fill up many leisure hours. The solid gold society badges deliv ered by the Franklin Jewelry Co.. No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, are exactly as represented. All orders are promptly filled, and no one need hesitate about sending them money.—Christian Voices, Philadelphia. ff The St. Nicholas is the best of all our magazine* for young folks: The January number is replete with interest ing matter and contains numerous illus trations, humorous as well as serious in character. Scribnerds Co.. New York. . A i>irt.T or f nt*l ice from Potter* Mill* rode into Centre Hull, on Now Yfur'i and *cn interfered with by oni* of the boy* boatructinjj tVo road front and rear of them with rope* stretched acroa* th>< *tre*t, *omi> of thrm who attempted to InJ a retreat by the alloy way* a lo found theni#*lv* headed off by mill and Other •bftraction*. The affair came nifh eau joe trouble, and a* we were not on the spot, we can not fUrniah further particu lar* at thi* moment. If the fnntattic* Raee no caue they aliould not have been inter fered with • A 1 pit or from Casetown, Ohio. 21. Pec., to Reporter, says Jacob Knoof, the last one of the once highly esteemed and excellent firm known a* the Knoof Bro's died at the family residence on last Tuo day morning. lie wax the flrxt white child born in Miami county, so far at known, and tome over !k> year* of ago We had a shower of rain with distant thunder and lightning Will alo relate that two iwtrmi of bees came out laal week, but 1 think mostly for waul ot food. Weather is quite warm to day. Straw* berries in some patches are in bloom. ——About 12 o'clock Friday night 21 the Fallot! House stable at t.ock Haven was set on fire and burnt down with its contents The horses and omnibus were saved. Lots estimated ftt $1300; ins.sred for fTOO THE SNYDER COUNTY TRAOFDY Aruwt of the Supposed Murderers. Sinow our last account of the probable murder of John Kintaler and wife, an aged couple residing near Troxelv ille, Snyder county, and ihe burning of their residence, together with theit bodtea, on the night of the Bth of Pec., we learn that iho perpetrators of that horrible erinie - three and perhaps more in number—have been discovered, of whom three have been arrested and now await triiil in the Mid- dieburg jail. Our informant says that one Perry Bickharl was arrestrd for stealing honey, when he asked why they had arrested him. Some one answered, "for mutder whereupon he quickly responded "/didn't do it," or words to that effect, which aroused iho suspicions of the officers of the law, who believed that he was implicated in the recent murder, or knew who was guilty. He was placed in jail, and, on be- ing interrogated, ssid he was applied to ' participate in the crime, but did not take any part in it. That, after the crime was committed, the perpefators informed him that he had belter have taken a hand in it. as it would have paid. He revealed names, the result of which has been the arrest of Jonathan anil Uriah Moyer (brothers) and Emanuel Eltinger—the lat ter having been arrested at a protracted meeting, the othertwo while out hunting. The alleged murderers are residents of Snyder county and live not far from the scene of the tragedy. The amount of money said to have been secured by the murderers was s3ooo—Mif flinburg Telegraph. •'Sprucetowu" uext week. We swell our Aaronsburg list siuce our last issue with 12 name;t and that for I'enn twp. with 3. Rebersburg had u fantastic parade on New Year's day. We are informed that the viewers on the irrepressible Aaronsburg*Elk Creek road, the other week, iported favorably. On last Friday a roan by name of Jordan was arrested at Millheim on charge of being concerned in the re cent horrible murder of an aged cou ple in Snyder county. The Lutherans ofMiiiheim have organised a congregation and lea.-ed the Evangelical church for holding services. The Reformed of the Centre Hall new charge have invited Rev. Haas, of Snyder county, to preach trial aer mons. A large bear was shot the other week in the swamp at Fowler's dam. Mr. Sim Rote was out after pheasants and observed a fresh opening under a stump, and discharged his gnu into it and soon found he bit something. Bruin tried to come out but had for ced himself thiough too small a hole, which enabled Rote to give him two rounds more. He dressed 150. Happy New Year! to all our rea ders, is the greeting of the REPORTER. May all live to receive its greeting for 1879 too, when 1878 shall be numbered with the oast. Again — Happy, happy New Year to you. Miles township has lost its oldest icitizen io the death of father George Brumgard, aged nearly 90 years, and its oldest settler, having been one of earij settlers of that valley, and a truly noble-man, and whose word was good as his bond. His life was speift in honest industry as a farmer, and he was esteemed by all that knew him. Snowstorm Wednesday, 2nd. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Mr. 1. J. Grenoble's store and dwelling bouse is fast approaching completion, ar.d when finished will present a fine and cred itable appearance. So fr Mr. G's room for business has been fr too small for the amount of goods he has always got on hand, but when once fairly settled in his new house everything will then present a ! far different appearance ; his new room is [66i24. so planned as to have everything easy of acceai. Krumrice & Son are doing a brisk bus iness in the grain and coal trade, they pay the higheat price the market will aff-rd for grain, and sell their coal at the lowest margin of preflt Ed is always ready to wait upon customers which he does in quite a business I'ke manner. Patronize them for fair dra ing. Tne Farmers' Mills Cornet Band payed Our place a pop call on Monday evening !at it was quite a surprise but a rich treat. This band hs* been organized just two year*, hut from the way they toot tunca it can easily be seen tbey mean business. The different instruments ai* used by the following named persons: Ist E Flat. J. SD. Rutter ; 2nd E Flat. Samuel Iloman ; Sd K Fiat, John Emerick ; Ist II Fiat. J. C. Uoumsn ; 2nd B F at, J. F. Rearick j Solo Alto, S. J. Human ; Ist Alto. N. Brown ; 2nd Alto. J. P. Grove; Ist Tenor, I. J. Zubler ; 2nd Tenor, L. C. Rosa man ; Baritone. M. C. Stover; l.t Bins. Cyrus Luse; 2nd Bass, J. F. Hornsn ; Tenor Drummer, J. W. Shook ; Bass Drummer, J. L. Neeae ; Cymbal Striker, Solomon Iloman. Go ahead boys, thero are poorer bands by far than the Farmers Mills. Come again gentlemen, you are heartily welcome. The music consisted of Andan tes, Galops, Polkas, Reels, Marches, Quicksteps, Mazurkas and Schotticbea. Success to them and the heartfelt thanks of the Spring Mills folks for their serenade. Our tinging class undsr the instruction of Philip Meyer ia doing fine, numbering 52 icholars. Philip knows how and always doea all in his power to give his class the very best satisfaction J. F. Rearick is home this week spend ing bit holidays. Frank looks hearty Htid well and that is evidence enough teaching music aggress with bim. More anon. SUBSCRIBER. SPRING MILLS. Night before Christmas was lively— Farmer's Mills band treated us to good i music. Christmas was dull except with | those who amused themselves eating can- j dy, and we have four places here where it is sold. One of our mercbantsisays that with the exception of sugar, he Jold more tobacco than anything else; it is Wrong for them to encourage ho.r to moke when the.v know it i against the srlih of their ■parents. We see that J. 1). Lrg has hit h Jv. in lho Reporter; well iohn l a clever fellow, and has a good Fairhank's scales to weigh anything from chicken to fire tone coal I'eter Wilscn hee re gained health so far its to be ah e to walk to ebnrch again. Militant Wimor says there wilt be anothrr smlthsbsp here In theapring. Mr Korlin Mill rinkns good flour, why don't he grind hit p aeter, and then let in know it through the Reporter. Wallace Duncan dretted oet tome of the boya at the depot the righ. way, one day lat week. Do it again, Wnl X A hoy by the name of Vfartier liv ing with Col. Coburn, at Aaniaburg, re oeiTed a dnrigoroua kick in the tide, Iroitt one of Mr Coburn's horeee >n Monday morning last On Sunday 16, Mr. Hangr Noll, eon of one of the two Noll brothen that were killed et Rte>anlGep, w eltiotl aa un tucker. While in the not of getting from hi* buggy thehore made a j#rk, throw ing hint headlong on the tlent pavement in front of Jennie Spangler't houae, in Tylerarille bruiting hit head aiterely nad almost breaking bia teg. —The Chronicle *eya lhoo4al pereon in Lewieburg ia "Grandmother' Lnwshe She i in her tttd year, and atll a artlve aa many who are a ace re of fear* youn ger. B lloffer A Kline still corvinue to tell good* low. They keep the argeat ateck In ihe county, and take all kud* of coun try produce in exchange for good*. Farmer* givo them a call, the)' keep any thing you want. 1> KG ISTFII S NOTICE -The follow 1\ in k aoc unit hare bosei examined •ud pasted by me and remain filed of re cord in thit i (Bee for the inspection of he r*, legatees, creditors, andall others in any way interested and will ke presented to the Orphan sCourt ef Centre county, on Wednesday, the StHh day of January, A. I> IS7S, fir confirmation and allowance • 1. I'he account of D. M Wagner, guardian of Clarissa A. Usrrer, lata Clar isa A. Thorn pea, minor chid nf William A. Thomp'on, late of Cetitre county, de ceased 2. The account of Sarah ll._ Cbrissman, i executrix of etc., of Adam Oiaaraan, late of Snowahoe township, deceased. ,1. The account of Win. t*. Wilson, guardian of the minor obi Ids r of Kmeline Sheatt, formerly Lucas, lateof Union twp. deceased. 4. The first and final account of Jeseph Bitner, guardian of John IHtheni and Mary L Dsheni, children of Jacob Dash eni. deceased 6. Tho account of -lonslhan M laser, guardian of Carrie A. Kapler, dereased. a minor child of Jacob Kepler, lata of Fer- guson township, deceased. 0. The account of W. C. Heatty, admin ittrator of Ac , of John Beatty, law of Marion township, dcc'd. 7. The second account of J. P Gephert. trustee appointed to sell the real eitale of Daniel and Mary Hastings, late ef eaid county, deceased. 8. The final account ot J. I*. Oephart, Itustea appointed by the Orphan*' Court to make sale of the real estate of Jacob S. Awl, late of said county, deceased. 'J The firat partial aecouot of John and N*'h*n M Ctosky, executer of Jorfph McCloskey. late of Curtin towntbip, dK' J as Sled by John McCloeky. 10 The final account of Joseph G CNar- j son, admisirmtor •: Ac , of George Cerlin, late of Potter township, dee d. 11. The account of J. 11. Brown, guar dian of NoraO Green'minor child of John Green, late of Snowsboe tp.. deceased. 12. The account of J. H. Brown, guar dian of Maggie It. Green, minor child ofj John Green, late of Snowshoe tap , dee d. 1 13. The second end fine! account of Ed ward F. Lloyd end Austin J. Montgome ry, trustees of estate of Uardnten Philips, deceased. 14. The final account of J. G. Meyer, guarJian of the minor children of Magda len" Meyer, deceased. 15. The account of John tj Packer, ad ministrator of Ac., of O. P Porringer, lata ofCurtin township, deceased. 16. The first an i partial account of Geo. H. Hartciu* ar.d John liarkina, adminis trators of Ac . of tVilliam ilarkins, late of Potter township, deceased, as filed by John Ilarkins, one ot the eduiinieUetori. 17 The account of Rebecca Jodon and. I.ewis Eigar Jodon, executors of Ac , of; Francis Jo Jon. late of Spring township,' deceased. WM K. BURI'HFIELD, j 3jan Regittrr. CHEAPEST AND BEST! THE HA KRIS BrRG DAILY and WEEKLY PATRIOT For LBTi. To all new subscribers end to ell proa-' ent subscribers renewing their subscrip tions | THE DAILY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates : . 1 copy. 1 jeer, n.uge prepaid. t" 00 2 copies (in CIUD'I, " " 12 00 5 " 27 aOi 10 " WOO; 1 copy during the session of the legisla- 0 ture. 20 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will bo sent at the following rales : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid S2OO 4 copies, " " " 600 10 r * " " " 10 00 15 " " •• 14 and 1 to getter up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 jesr, pottage prepaid and | 1 copy to getter up of club. 22 50 Alt order* mu*t be licconapanied by th# caau. either by check or post-ofKct order. i $6 00 WORTH FOR $3 00. Any person remitting us $3 00 will re ceive one copy ot the Weekly Patriot fur one year, one copy ol the American Ag riculturalist (the leading agricultural journal in the Umled States) for one year,' both postage paid, and in addition e Mi-, i rose ope, such as has heretofore been fid far $2 W THE PATRIOT BOOK OFyiCE, Having executed the Stale and! Binding for three years, we era prepared to print and bind Books, Nhagsxine*. Pamphlets, Directories, etc , in ben style j end at lowest prices B ! ank Books, such' as Dockets, Daybooks, Ledgers, and Ho-| tel Register.' a specialty. Old bock* re-! bound. Kspecially low rate* lorrebini-i ing Sunday School Libraries Address PATRIOT FUBLISUIXo CO . Harrisburg. pa, l TflK FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE Insurance Company ol Centre County, 1 Pa —Centre Hall. Dec. 21, 1K77. The An-1 nual meeting of the Members and election of twelve Director* to managetbeaffair# of the Company for the ensuing year, will be held etthe bouse of John Rpangler. at Centre Hall, on Monday, January 14. 137$ between the hour* of 10a. m. and Bp. in., of said day. Members generally are re quested to attend GEO BUCHANAN. D. F. Lutfc, Sec'y, Pres'l. Good Store Stand FORSALEOR RENT. The undersigned, wishing to go west, offer their dry good* and drug-store for sale or rent. Possession given at any time. The good* are now, consisting of dry g >iwls, notions, groceries and drugs. The building is also new and located in the bast busines* portion of Centre Hall. •JOdectf MILLER A.SON. Where to Go and How to Cto Weil I 2.000.000 acres of land for sale chnsp In tb garden of the West. For circular*, map* of Kansa*. full Information asto hest Railroads to travel on. Tickets, Freight Rates, etc., apply or write to WM HHORTLIDOR. Agent Atrhinson, Topi-ka A Santa Ke KK. 20dec 3m Bellefonte, Pa. Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE SALE I The undersigned offer* fur sele his farm in Potter township, Centre county, one mile east of Centre Hall, known as the Hubert Pennington farm, Containing J46 ACRES, in good state of cultivation, no bills but gsiitly roiling, most all limestone lend, about 125 Asres elpsred, balance wood land near the buildings. Upon the farm are a large BANK BARN, Frame House, Nearly New, of modern style, Hog ren, Smoke house* etc., Two Apple Orchards on the water piped into the house-yard and barn yard. The farm is well fenced, nM one ntile from blacksmith shops. Uor#, churches- The terms wiUb|dHHMMPt Bounded on ast hw UnddWtiilooam'l Huston, Wm. Kel ler, westSflMMHpWmnßible, and north by ItfblA fffwnuston. Also ninety-six , acres of mountain land. Address or apply to 1 ROBERT A. MSAMS, j Lewlstown, r 12dec3m Mifflin county, P lit IKK IIILK HOLOCAUST. A Boiler (WW Factory *cl on Fir* lld Fi<>n Forty t Fif ty lVr*uiie Pvrialt • tit© Flam* * Now York. Dec !ll —Tfc'W "*• n ff ploaion at tan minute* paet live o'clock thla afternoon in lh immtiiH otrnly man ufactory of Greenfield A Son*, Nefllt Bar clay alreel, which to foliage Place. The boiler, which wa* in the ba*e tment, burat, tearing away tho entire front and acattering tho wrock lit nil <1 ri-eilona Within a few minute* after tho aiplo ilon tha wall, Ave tnrl© high, fall into tha alreel, whoro waa gathered# multitude of ecreamlng people, ami I*Uto ' >tirl out in all directum* With regard to Ilia noiuber of poraon* in tha building at tha lima of tha eaplo •Ion no definite iuiiata can ha had to night, theugh tha proprietor think* lharr ware about I It). Th*aa employed In the factory waie principally young girla and boya from eight to twenty year* of age Several girla were eron to jump from the top ©I the building Into tha Bra. The groateit aecrlflce of life, howaver, will bo .among tha young girla. many of whom ara from eight to fifteen ynare. They worn employed telling and aesortuig and pack ing candlra on the firat doer, ovar the hoilar. Nona of thota aacaped to far known, and at tha vary lowri calculation libera nuit ba forty or Bay dead bodies in {the ruini. GUV EH NOK WILUAMB' A DYKE t From tha lnJiettapoli* Journal.] A day or two ago aouie ladia* angagtd in tha work of relieving tha want* of tha poor of lhi city called on the D tvernor to atk a donatlan to their fund* llit reply WII aery characteristic : "Why don't , you top building Una churcbaa. and leave off dressing in •uch due clothe* Then you'd have more mouey to help the poor, and would nl nred to come begging of other people.' Of courte the ladiea got *ne aubaeripllon, but they were immeniely thankful for the advice A fallow waa recently flueJ, at Lock 1 Haven eeurl. $6 00 for pointing a revol- i i vor at another Served bun right! l>. B Briabin haa opened an oyater ! •aloon and confectionery i.n the I of the bank. ! ■ ARKIED. 1 On 'JO Dec ,by Kev. J Site*, at tha rat- ' idenca of the bride'* father. Mr. \Vil*on ! Walker, formerly of Kebersburg ar d Mi ; Catherine Zimmerman of Dakota, 111. II OB lha 'J3rd int.. at lha Lulhtrat. par lontt*. Kabaraburg, by U* F. Aurand. Mr. J. P. Hubler. of Kabaraburg. to M iaa ' Ellen Spotla, of Loganaville. , At the unit place. and br tho tarn* r pr*on, Mr. Ira J P. Heehtol. to Mitt LydiaA. Bow. both of Boonavilia. At tha brida'a rartjanpe, near Jarbaon. 1 till#, by Kar. U P Hartaall. Mr. liar ray Vonada. f naar Zioa, and Miaa A;:i gafine Hoy. DEATHS. : In College twp., Pee. 2R. *t Laryntial (tthma Sarah, daughter of G-erga Coble and wif- of Joaaph Baiter. ajjad (51 year*, <i month*. and li) day* 1 At bia lata raaidooca i. Prte,* lap. Mr David Ailiaon. agad aa/* " month*, a tier a long and aer ere illnaaa. At 11 p. na . on tho night of the 21 t (nit, Mr. George Brumgard. r . of Milaa twp , a fed W yaara, 6 moalbi and 10 daya. Valuable Farm AT. PRIVATE SALE! : Tha wall-known farm lata nf Her. 1* 8 Fiaha#. dec d. #! ua!e in Gregg lownakip. I Cantra touatp. 1 mil* **> i uf Spring Mills rr. atation, and at by Cbaa. Ilornar, ia uffrrtJ at private*#** rj ConaiattQg of 135 ACRES, and ana of the brat producing farmt in lb# . Tailor. It baa all necessary huildirg. land the Jlarn ia entirely new. I: ia ur.dor good fiancee, baa ji>od,boa*y (imbor (and. {3 good Orchards, and *><4i J'onna Croak I running through centre ol lie farm, ar.J bu An Excellent Mill Sent For furthar particular* apply to M*j. J. B. Fiaher, Penn Ilall, Pa. or to C. P. W. FISIIER. jiaa 8 Si Boelaburg. Pa, TWAECUTUB'S .NOTICE - ' Lelteri taatamonlary on tare of Jaaob Sparr, lata of Harria tewnahip. da; ceaaaal. baring bran grantad Vo th under aigtod. all paraona indrbtad to aaid raiata ar required to make immediate payinant, and those baring c'aima against th# same to prraant tbrm. daly authenticated by law for settlement DAVID K SPARR, JMMKL HF.SS, 30dactt £jerutora. ■ ' ' tr ■am m | Coal and Lumber.; ] I J. D. LONG, SPRING MILLS. PA. is now fully prepared to fumith all kinds of Coal and Lumber, upon abort notice. Hia coal are kept under roof, and are from the WILKF.SBARRE COAL MINES ■J BEST COAL IN MARKET. Alao SHAMOKIN COAL all of which are sold at tho very LOWEST PRICES. I Yard near Depot. 20dec 3m 1 Grand Opening. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. r NEW STOKE AT CENTRE HALL' r I. GI'GGEXHEIMER. HAS JUST RECEIVED THE LARG EST, CHEAPEST AND BEST AS. 80RTMENT8 OF NEW WINTER GOODS, EVER OFFERED IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. MANY OF THEM J6 TO 60 PEE CENT CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE CONSISTING IN PART OF AND FANCY DRY GOODS CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, IIATS. CAPS. U MBit EL LAS. BOOTS. SHOES, GAITERS. WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPER, tiUF.KNESVARK GLASSWARE, SPICES. GROCERIES. TO- . BACCO SEOARS, FISH. BACON, SALT, Ac I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS W OFFERED TO r CASH BUYERS. Cloverseed, TAKEN IN AND THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID IN CASH OR TRADE. STORE IN THE OLD ROOM CONNECTED WITH SPANQLER HOTEL. l*d THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. Wo have a very large end complete etoiW of Hard were, the Urgd.l that was ever before oflared by any Arm to the people of this oounly, aad are>eliing at U.ajvary lew- Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, (ilassand Futtj'. I Pure White Le.sda and Linaeed < til ; Turpentine- end Vernlabed, ell which we warrant to give Our Pure Lead will ro a* mucM %n y j„ tbev market " nd cannot be evcellrd for wbitenee.. It KAIt 1 MIX KI) PA INT i-ut up In unr quvntity to suit people, from one-pound cane to one gallon rnga, t i; ready for use. Ther '1I,e.inu we Wnrrmil lobe niised with pure lead nnd oil, and are tree from all adulteration. MKCit A N ICS TOOLS We p*v apeciel nltentboi to thia branch, and keep n full line of Haws t hiaela Hanirnera end Hailev s Iron I ort- calls ofnll kinds, Trac- Chnih*. llnuiea, Ku- FULL LIN kOK NAUCI.KRY OF ALL UKSCRIP fIoNH COACH WOOD WORK -Spoke. Keilo-e. 1 ntentWlieeU.fn most improved pat , nt>; Mr. Poll, liunruved Kiel Irons, cheep, convenient and durable—polished and nlekel.plaled. Johnston s 1 r<-pai, id Ive.somuio ; put up |a packages; eatil; ' put on, aud cheaper than paper. We have all ilora. S T O V E S. >| 1 We have the onlv Reversible Top-plate Cooking Hlovae in the market. The Keystone. Susquehanna end Juniata, which we warrant to bethsfbe-l bakers and the ha leat atoves in the market, we wilt aell el the very lowest price and give written guarantee#. A!eo ell kinds ofßangea and other stoves. COM EAN UHkK Ol T lt KEYSTONI •ICOOK BTOVK ;IT IS THE HANDSOMEST IN THK WORLD. 'j Millhelm wt t t, .evaral wel | conducted Sabbath school festival# 'I __Tha atory about a dead hc*dy havim | been found near Tylersville, two week ag i wtt boat. ' VTOTR'E ' hereby given that the fob | jNI lowing 'allied person* hevr lile i llieir petitions for license. tn iho otßca ul the Clark of the Court of yuarter Session* oftiie Peace in and fur ('mure county and that application will be made at lha nril • ejiou of (aid court to grant the aaine John O Uasle Tavern Snow Shoo tap Perry II Stover do l'onn twr John Anderson Saloon Belletonte Abmtn tiauia Wholea'le d® .Joel Kling jr Tavern Marion Robart Taylor Tavern Plnlipaburg boro ' A WILLIAMS, Proih'y / 10UKT PROCLAMATION. , t Wuxraaa. lb* II O Obanaa A "•jE'T- Pi? 1- *, IM(<aut ul raaM t"la* la ih Mia J adiaial t'la lit. i r0...u.i -I Iho . ..ami la* o t I aayr- t Ualaa aea . io.rnold. .ad 11.. lioaaiaM* ham I F >*ak. **,| lha II u arable John Dli" Aaaoeutad JedjdeleCeelee MUUII. tolw laoaod laolr *earta ll J*, ot Jan A l , !•:. - • e.ieviad io hold • aourv of I •! and lanulaai aad i.oaarw Jail Well*- o-, *nd Uu.rlei haa.iua.el lha Paaoeta B.llafoola far lha' . uuatr "I Caalie. and u> riaaiaaa aa 14# aid Mo,,da, of Jan lha !. d* IS7. aud U. oaollnu# lea aaeh. , Null. at. ih.ralura haral*iaa la lha < eraser. Jn# U. a. .it ilia Ceaea. Aldatmaa and i unalahlaa al 14# aa.d ...oat, al i auUa. lUal lha, ba than and ISara la itrwai leteu. .1 Id o'clock la lha faiaaaaa .1 aa.d d.. .ih raeanl.. la-i-Oaliloaa, aaamlaa Uuaa. aad Ibalt aan t• u>-aU|f •are. la da lhaaa lhla. ahleh to than u*.a *i>|-artaa la ha daaa. aad lhaaa • bntr bcunllt rf • U aaalsal lha ru nam Ih.l aia ei ahall ba la la Jal! al < aaUa Muai) haul, aad Ibaia le |,••*,■ ajala.i ihta AAehsil b# )ui( (itffh utSr my he4 t lllluik. U# lt •[ m Ik* iMf f Lri. ItW, I® •' t.£e Sleaj^ Spring Mill* Mdikct. White Wheel, 1 30. lied " I 80 IC> a, s<Jc Corn, rara, per Lj. new, -ioc OAU. 25c Buckwheat, 75c. Clovereeed, $ t to {6 (A). Chop, per ton, $23.00. l'leater. ground per ton. $lO.lO Potatoes, Site pot bu.h Flour, per bbl. f<• liulter, 22c Teilop, Tp. lteg*. 2c. Kgn* per dc'l , COt. Coel, Kgg, ter tun $1 M •' Stove, 4 50. ' Che.mul, 4 25. " Pee. 3.00. ItaLLtrosiT* MARKKI*.— by SUortlidge A Co. Flour per barrel, wboleeele. $ 7 50. retell. ftioO. White wlicet, l eu Kcd - 130 Ilye. 66. Corn, abelled, M Corn, cob, 40. Oats, 22. Herley. rvo weight, 55. Cloveraeed $4 per id pound*. Pote'.oea retell, 30 Nova So<'ti* p'.eiter, ground. 10 CO. Ciyuge " S9OO Potato®?. ■.*">. Oniona. 60c Butter, Ih , --^c. Herd, liecon, aide*. I<V. " ahuulder*. !0r •* Ham*. 14c. Tellow. "c. K*g. Uc. p.v nl buy the o'd atyie Hull fringe whet, you can get the two fly fringe at Boyert for floe yer J. 44 (IKI BKADV FOR WINTKU!! IF Yor WAXTTUE YBEST AND CHEAPEST PAHIXiR STOVES. Buy the Laurel II reath" [Singlo or IKH'tfLH HKATtRh.) T!ic*e dtcvce have TWO HOWS of lighte, ehakinj iu' dumping grate, ar ranged to clean out (he clinker* No ilanger from gne, uo pari* to burn out, no a* to let pa into the upper room. Wo make THREE SIZES of (single ntu] TWO SMICS of Double Heaters of these popular Btovea. IFYOV WAST THE YER YBEST ANDCHEAPEST Cooking Stoves, Bl'Y Hip "ZENITH," Ifouble (hen Range: or the "Economy" (tingle (hen Rungs They are the lest in the market, have SIX BOILER HOLM, shaking and dumping grate, API'L 1 THE HEA T TO ALL THE BOILERS AT \ ONCE. The oven is large and njuarr, the doors tin lined. The PL ATM ABE HE A IT, unlike the light plates of eity store* —COMPARE IHEM. | jf c make a No. 8 and So. 9 of both i these ranges. All these stoves are WARRANT. I ED, and you can gel repaira Irom the Manufactory in one day. For Sale by J. A REESMAN, Cantrcllall. J. B. FIBIIEK, Penti Hall. SNOOK. SMITH A CO. Millhoim. G. It. SPIGELMYKR, Woodward, Manufactured by the i SLJFER, WALLS A SHRINFR M't'g Co. LEWISBURO. PA. We uls niuiitifacturo lh<> Celebra ted BUCKEYE REAPER A MOW ER, KEYSTONEoLOVER HUL LER, CODE'S UNIVERSAL SUL KY CULTIVATOR. New Model, ('cntre Draft, HORSE DUMPING HAY RAKE. HOOSIER GRAIN I DRILL, BUCKEYE LEVER CORN BHELLER, Plows, Land | Rollers, etc. j —-Lincoln Huttor Powder, makes but j ter nweet andhard, wnd quicker to ohurr Try it—forwaloat Wni. Wolfs stoia. "BRUOOK IALX —iirrt class brioli will be leapt on hand for sale by J. O Deininger Wt Zorbe's Centre Hal brick These brick ari offered so low tint it will pay persons at i dittanco to comelare for them. Intending to continue in the manutac ture of brick they wtUdio kept conHantl] on hand, and fair inducMaqpts offered t< ' purchasers. „ i7augtf. Bj i VALENTINES & CD., ■j HUMES' NEW BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA ll ARE NOW PREPARED For The Fall And Winter Trade. p n ■ Bargians (ireatcr Than Ever! WOOLLEN GOODS. COTTON GOODS, Ladies and Gents" Furnishing Goods, iOt every description. DRESS GOODS, in great variety. LADIES COATS, nueet aud largest assortment ever brought to Bellefonle. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, IIATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, IN FACT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Remember we do business on the ONE PRICE PLAN, aud therefore in* j sura our price# a* the lowest. •or NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY. TALSKTIHSS * €O. H. HERMAN. Manage*. NEW MILLINERY ANS FANCY GOODS STORE AT ROTTER'S MILLS. Mr* Anna M Weaver take* pleature in announcing to the p< ple of Potter* Mills nr;d vicinity, lhalfbc will om-n a new aad elegant STOCK OF FANCY GOODS. in eonnertion witii a Milliner/ StLre, i,u fcaturdaf.GA. 'JUm A full line of choice ar.d faah lonabte good, aieaya on hand at popular price*. Dre**maktng .n ell its branches will be a prominent feature ot the burnrM. Iluc3m ■ i I - "■■ lin'i ■■■ THE ! Dexter Spring 40.000 Set Sold last two years. [ The Dexter Spring was a child of! neeesaily. Three or four generations i had been jerked almost t death or had : their spinca twisted into curvature by the contiuou* Eliptic Spring, or Utterly net ks broken by the side throw j Concord. For those reasons the people manded a Spring on which they could ,'ride with rave and which would at the! ' same time be strong and substantial. 3 f^fptTDMOM "A sous m societt mi Cm S# wuril tar *ll mm *M| tit# MV4*c rti i*- ~Yto rroatb Jtwlrj (V, Tta <"*ata4 Slrwl rblltaMf' .. r'a*%rlar r* at M 4 4.M K* f BWW •M U4| l4|i. vdlwadiaw • HIM. M4*V**lk) Urniiti*! fr l * tilt* tK>W ffcr* k*4|*4 * 1 *>|* I fr • rMWMI*4 WN W *m4 •> 4, a# ifct KJWaic* kutl baas C *■•• 7 A , tOI ItrM, rtiafrrt, Ikta, uWRKt./i" T vfceni It Bijr Mtni-TMni - ■• :-i ,*H mm •■ — . HQL J5 ntnitdM k* —.4 f J mwp'lMl #4 • lW\ 4 • • , ti * .' U4 n>4 MtJtftHr l*%Vt|btaiWP # i~<o aw%tmi tr-ao *• ttar- ta-un . VcWT/ tf Wi4> wki*t <.• Im*.-! mi ..■#• *>*•<* t *J iWtalWlf Ikit 4** n*l ••'* IM t*44 kai| u4 *t U at f** at*#*? 4*j • trwa# IMlttlofUU Vy t A , !fW // [•total] FUAMKU* JKWKUtT CO > ' fv GOLD DA.DOB COUPON. fHi rttapt of lkt *f *♦••■* tb tat #>-*• I' *1) rb# ••. !t -U ; I Cr* *^KUj lU4jt> n. ■ *", U> •*•-. ttlM Ml! K.t| K M K-l mil HI imlt li V| All •fctrfoi r w toa j - oat J 1 j ttM tAnHiW tt *, • I U l*4J t<"4 Itaflntf If, ' /'Sf ar UaAtfa •*# rt H • C tvrai %•<! |hi.> frv#taaitf attar #*•* • VV Cinl ft*r b,Kt| iltll ' -mm ta Um* Itajar, Iw r VI kb pin j,# la *ll " ■■ ism ata tta. [*lf aoAJ M.i\ n.. , __ ><*>. Tb# MIHI of Ut# OfWfi lb•# aaab ; 14 Rt4ft rt >rw*u if m Utart: Pr. 1, / a /|ly)3Cx>X ••• *•> 4 <* bawl. Nmi| Aaa'iH. *••• b 10. 14 It fJL ffj' tf\ vA il KL /jQ< Ml * T - *■ °** *•** *••' ,! - l% > **• *• UmbaAUit >*. Jt |l.*4 f*TJ fHU .JBV^U) *•• lT - •• XtiMto a*4 Ita t'*iWri taaaUa*; N* It. I Affa^faj \\ TAavXw P # - n tata|4# a# HataM It# foUaif U# 4 L*l ftM #i w<* It |itaw4 y'> / ♦ 2F/ Im #urataf# far vaai of K. J! L*raatr, fi tl (MA-Ftltav* Xo^kr^Ty y Vi/Vfey taatt b Al. Kalghta *f l*TtbtM t>4 [Mi <m.Mna] : bo. >4. I*wl4#. ba. Nst3^'V r fc,. Tfj.t,r! X. a. w ,U4 •f im 11 pW ; J, fj YMS }.!, .TMI .M-kMrtWMiito*)) V. m, I.w|4 of II*m ual IWI4-KM. f A . mtL - 'MiSfjySA. r., , to. MW Ih Ul MI/dniMM: ■>. to. IM, /•afflKv' 7 1Y fii * !U ■!"*>a<r. lW* i ffffftiw IMPORTANT TOTIQSU 1 tl i/fr.45 AAlt *j Uh Mtm •( Ikia mtrMt. Ihl, UWm-.i k-Ua he MI? ■•*/ /xlr'Asfln S ft JT - _ FR.4XKUN JEWKLI* 00.. TO4 fkartaal W„ rblla.. T*. taßaraftaa r ItoMMaM wuiM •! r% fy W.l, M Mfiic.u-*. k | y OuMtO" kr IU. I Jnui U., Ab \ J| For meeting this demand by supply-! ing the CELEBRATED DEXTER j iSPRIXG which is o tepidly super ceding the old styles the Dexter 'Spring Co. have uo apology I > ofler 'but rather feel that they owe the Driv, ling Fraternity an ap >logy for net Luuiu/ pnxlucei] it aooncr. IEND IX)U CIRCI'LAR OF srUING? ITo HKXTKR SPRING CO., HIILTOX, TA. 3jan2oi Near Pittsburgh SPRING MILLS Grain WarchouNt & Foal Yard. II KUiifREINE A SON. New WarehogM. oow ready for the reception of grafe,, and the Highest Cash Price Paid Highest Cash Price Paid for a)j kinds of Grain and Seed. Grain aad Sed. C 0 A L! Chestnut, Miuve, Lump, Pea and Lime buraera Coal always ot hand at LOWEST PRICES. A Is* (>round Fluster Stilt. Hide*! Hides! i Briug yoar hides and receive the best roarkst price ia cub for them. T - _ v CMTBE HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. (SdccsMrtoi.g Miller 4 Soa.) Dealerir. Pure Drug* r,j Medkiuea. Dye atuff-. ma 4 Ihwgg ui.Uri-- PVRF. WISt AST) UQpcms ' o: i>uri-i<e. *%S MS brand* of CIGARS MD TOBACCO always in stock. PrescHpUone cassfully Gompounded. MILLKR 4SON Jas. Harris A # Co. \ I — i NO 5, F ROW. 1 jIROOAILS,j; P V I N T S, | oiiSyETg:, | JAS. HARRIS A ca Bellefonte. j I (rhsm & son are offering extra indue* , mants to CASH BUYERS. < I We bat* the largest and chaunett stock ofl < Boors and SHOES n Bellefonte and nre determined to t*U at." Uuch prices a will suit the pockets of v• cry one. No* is tha.time to buy your ftUljj 1 *nd winter stock Youcangct igooatol-ji id Leather Button Shoe far Ladies, fromi! *2 UO to 2.50. Ladies' coatig tkoea, $1 25 , Mens' gatcse boots, 2 60j Children*' school shoes, 1 00! Mens' wool lined (rum boots, 3.00 " " " Buckle overshoes, 160 " " " Congress gaiters, IfitH j * Alashas, l.Wj J '* all gu:n otershoec, 0 Women*' all gum overshoes, .> j Mise> all gum overshoot, .36 Men*' lumberman's gums, solid heel extra I. _, 135 I Let u i> distinctly understood that these are nil tirst-clurs Rubberi Good.. '2oauy W. R. CAMP'S POPULAR, 1 Furniture Rooms! CENTRE HALL, I*A. I 1 manufacture all kinds of Furniture for t han.bers, L ning Rooms, Libraries and | Halls. 1 If you want Furniture of any kind, doa't buy until you see my slock. UNDERTAKING In all its branches. I keep in the latest and most improved and Cakeia, and have every faciL ity lr properly conducting r this branch of my business. I have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be preserved for a considerable length o/slme. jullhtf W. R.CAMP. IMPORTAN TO TRAVELERS -THE BUSH HOUSE I BRLLKgoNTK, PA. Has been rocenllv thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under tho management of the New Proprietor, Mr. F. D. Mc COLLUM, formerly of Pittsburg, ia flrst class in ail It* appointments SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendance it QWit and others remaining in town fur * few davs at a time. The largest and moit superbly Designed Hotel in Central JVonsylvania. All modern wMjyeniencex. Gotrythe Bush bouso. lUap St. i>. McCOLLUM, Proprietor. rviirr.s. • (Mil*, 'JL/ W. T. Bhupen levisur pefvWwi *■ yrng urm on Ai. /i. Ny str.t, I neitdoor itardnar Hat* , Hick. A Uro . >.m ... \.<i and Blind It ■ A with nil the mwt iwpolu * . ..... j DRUGS A MEDICINK.S j • 'CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY*-"* j SOAI'B, COMBS AKD BKI>HI s ; I TRUSS*!?. SUPPORT US. BRACKS? L, KANCTAMD TOILST ARTICLES, Ac,. Ac.. Ac. j Pa toot Med id dm. Alcohol, para V. :><• nd Liquor* for medical purposes Ijr. I'hyiician"* prescriptions earefclly COM* •ounded and order* answered with car* ind dupatch Farmers and Phyaiciane rom tha country will find oar flock of dediclnes complete, warranted genuine >nd of the beat quality. Thii Store will remain under tha diree* ton of the accomplished druggist and • harmaeist beratofura connected with it, >1 r. If. M Ilerrlngton, and wa respectful* r solicit tha custom of our friends and tie old petrona of the store. •ttaptf 8. T. SHUGIKT. Forks House! PERRT STOVER, PROP'R. The Fork* House, at Cobum nation, Li tew and coin modioli*, and i* kept to beat ■tanner. Bed aad board ascoad to won# ■t the county. Stabling far 10 horse*. V a lumittar raaort it will ba fonnd all Hal c mid bo desired, rifbt to tba baart of t oud fishing and hunting grounds, and ■irreunded by tba moil romantic reentry, no* y w.A rctrHKr, B&ti & olios i^isksr, J IKMKIIULL.PA. Would moat respectfully Inform tba elt n of this vicinity, that ha ha* started a >cw Boot and She* Shop, and would b* hankful lor a thar* of the public patroa • ge. Bout* and Shoe* made to ordr and .ccording to style, and warraato hi* work 0 equal any mad* olaswhere. All kind* tf repairing doaa, aad chargaa reasonable Hse him a nail. fahiriy TOHN F. POTTER, Atfornej-al ■ Ut srrwpUf iMkAe al Mti* iWßUtib cltaa tc Ukto k*tiUft4i m mmmmikf lr LOVERS * OO *KJKMTUtboE,a*Sacfata aIVEN AW A Y T *•' *** * 1 PMBIOM RtSS L KNtiRAVINef flfzzz; as— '* nnettlißl, MmmYmr^ Nervous Debility. Vuai t <ltw Oapra aaiaa, a nU ■*■■' mi , '••He*, M twrn h miui ia rami* a* 'Jiwwtt. Itlnwiiiti Uflnw, a* ■ drata *!•• KM la alwajn Wt4 *, Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. I It Um to sat ituravaww th* iw dawab | rkwat sad ami aaSaai* . tmad, , >**, aaa aar*i •im it# ctua aaa ~~v" —*' tt tab aaiwa paa. ! w , - -i | ir fmi meet >ato"' ['" iS *+* HrtM.aiJWna atawtoatel ■' * ■ (Ml mclaa* ml trm rial* am* mm *al •* itaat •* maU aa rw*l Tdm It* .latara-rt*.t*u Madum* oamwaaa *> taJumec N* YoriL *au iTt lal*e*lteeee* VL /7 / n aaa ba aiaJa la MM* *lllll ta *r A / / / atjouaai. ia ae*ea*ar !*• ' ' I I ( trnun aS m uua m mart mo* . Uf at Urn <*aliem**t that ea tmrm mn WreoMt la rat aa* laa*. Tea aaa* w< it aaa* from haoaa oaa* ohm. Yaa am *Ma fmmt • ;<4* Kmc la KM *wt or aatr roar man attic i ■ >< oaaia owtia, la ia Km bnataum Yaama tat to trmm. A 4 dram at aaca It II l Hall ACa . t'nlaod forcUaq Mama Ml*, Harness, Saddles Ac T* aadaraionad. ditaimlaa* la aMOt tba .•*•!•' '••a.ttl la* laa at trtaaa. raapoctiaWr aalt* tba attar liaa al tba eobtw tv itastacb at ItDBLUT mum a#a*ad at tba aid ataad tli ■!•* aa*nl% fa* ta. eaa.ta aad tba una, tba luaaU aad bat eanac al maplfU itntlaial a* Bad Aaa. Mima OatUr hrtdlaa. at aaa** daaanqm* aad **■!"*, VMa aan b 'act a*ar*taiae la riaelalt iIM abb Vtkhil . meat, ba madanu pnaaafcla* atliaaW UaMan jAUUWDUICKb Oaaav* Bail rni n V" V *JI/.camn la taba aabamtnaw** la* Aa hum rh..*aal ajtat laaataaiadlaaKlr eabiyillia la tba aatd Aaa aaa <4* tiwai a aaaaaaafal un| Tba mtt at**u<* ml art turn tmmm *• utai> 111 fto rataaM • la Ibat airnaat ima* it aMbaa Oaa aaat va I' *ta aatbt paa*Mb ta a mm*. A Mr Ml tat w ' VJJ Taar*daaata A r i I Umm la tba t auaaaa. or aatr faa* aaa Bat Yaa t t [••rawtiaa Khaaat aad 't^A> Ka llraa Centre Hall Hotel. JultN spa nolkiT Pttur k. , Fim-cla** arcommodauon for gweeU 1 !ict atahling for horaeo. SUgau Arrive *nd depart every day for all potbtA. |c. T Aluavbbb. U. M. Bwwim AS LEXA.NUKR A BOWER, At tacaavaa* Laa.Ballefeala. t* HUI ill ml C—. ** aaa tnpkua'Cwl mm JL. SPASOLKR. Attorney at Law | * ComuiUtione in Rngliah end On- ' tnnn. Office in Furti't new building. PENNSVALLs Y BANKING CO. CENTRI BALL, TA* KE(. El \ k Ok Fust as. auo .new Inter e*l: I>!rcount Note*; Buy and sell UoTerntaentßecnriuM, Gold and Coupon*, w. W OLr, Ww. B. Mitoli, Prto'L Cn*bir THE BEST OFFER f W * will aelt during thee hard liau ss?oPlif™£iß S2?O Aad all atbar i lata, la ha aata* i in m liaa adatl* Keaad.Njaae*aad I'aykM&m aad\m iba "aauaAwtaaJ" **'' dairiM| t .**'*^tm'a'Vsij*"" < * aaa at Iba baaw' aaa HI KaMMufT V>4 UDMRBOUti TTniMiBBIIRS tar iSo HlgfttH W. moarporuM Os. °* "• larat aad bam ta Tba hqaaiaa aaatalmbntnl At* aaw es-jsj* s rtcnw mrm KM ftt>o*t la aatrha. Ptaaaa ad aa WlaL (tea V l*U to wrtta la* UlMnlad aad HaaMIKl aa*- * M*iiNbKLSoHN PI\NO CO., No. 66 Broadway, If. T. CIIRONICr#-^ [ abaaara oI tbla book art at UtxrrVr t* nn*H tta aalbr '*. p *f°* or jW —* traa. Pttoa by aathtoJ* iw Urn SY3S& AGREofBSISpATO DOOR. For $1 we will send fret by mail.l aar oaa o* tba faUowla* lata • 9 diatiocl va. m'thly rote*, winter lewl trinc.l S Boroniaa, " I Carnation Pink* " It " Chineae CLrraantheniut ■ S " Zonal Geranium*, i.ll li Double " ■ S Iry Leaved, ** ■ R " Heliotrope*, " i) Abutilon*, " ■ i " Double Camalia*, " 1 H Asaleav ~ |l ** Lob*ter Cactoa, ** ll* BouYawiia*. " I [■ Stevitu A Eupaton jbi. H '■B Fuchaiaa, w. t I \W Double Violets, w ■ PoinaettA, Scarlet *n> ■ Whit*, w. f. ■ Mi " Plumbago, |P Fern*, for Wardian ***•■ lL " M aran'tas, Hyacinth Bulbs. ■Pfi £ Tulip*, Bulbs. ***■ Crocua, " 1 "V Jacobean Lily, Bulb*. I| " Ozalia. if Lily M the Valley, t Saw lVarl Tuberoa*. OR BT EXPKISS: 6of any of the Si collection for f 2 I It •< H | I 7 4 | 12 • ■ Or the whole collection of 218 Buib-I tnd Plant* sent by express os reeeiptl •f Slu UO, to which either of our Booktl hardening for Profit, Practical Flori ■ or Gardening for Ple**urr| value SI 60 each), will be added ■ Deacripti vo Catalogue free ■ PETER HENDERSON A COj Seedsmen and Floriata, 35 Cortlnnd Street, New York. ||ffl JOaeptt. . ■