THE CENTRE REPORTER Centre Hail, Pa, Th'rsd. Dec. 13, '77 — flptr year, when paid in advance . $'2.50 when not paid in advance. Advertisement! "20cts per )tw for three in ter fi MM, and 6 cents per lint for every sub sequent insertion. Advertisement* tf the year at a literal discount. Subscribers outride the county should re mit us 10 cts, amount of one year's port* age. instead o/'2CW* as formerly when paui ty themselves. . Subscribers can always tell how their ac counts staml at the Reporter ojtce b\ con sulting the tables on their papers. It the table reads "John Roe 1 jan '75" if means that John is indebted for subscription from the l*f of January, 1875. and that if i* time Ac was paying the printer. == iosbi sssTiiiot C**TRK lULtt-Oixia. Ne. **. T. o. of °„ r ,| • Tn ' the Odd Fetle*" Hall. J sdUmulTan. Sect. M. V. S*aT. A O. OL V.*T lowia, No at, F. A. u.. meet, on Monde* erenlnc on or before nach tall oaa lathe H. 1.1 Kellnwe Hall. _ u C F. HttU'tti. Seel, J. A. Fiamae. w. M. raeeanan C.*i*nl, No, W P of H, *eel *1 l*h tlaU, IVnire Hall on thn Snlarda* on V M and erery two week* aflar. Rhone Maatar, O J Rest, had. LOCAL ITEMS. ' A choice farm near Centre llall it advertised in Reporter, for tale. Big ruth all the time to Wolf* new room for cheap good*—keep* Cap buty. Weather fine again and like *pring lince Tuesday. An immente stock of Pocket Book* at price* ranging from 5c up, at 'Welch'* Bellefonte. The Pennsylvania Central Muical Association, comprising thirteen counties, will hold it* Fifth Annual Muiieal Con vention in the Musical College, Freeburg, Snyder county. Pa-, Commencing Mon day evening, Jan. llth, 1878, to continue one week. —How far behind the time* the Rus sian* mu*t be—instead of running them by steam they carry their Kars. who was tried some time ago in Clearfield and convicted of murder in the first de gree, a M.-s. W*ple, his alleged para mour, being the victim, will be able to establish an alibi before the board of par don* at its next session. Up to Saturday, 24, Lock Haven had shipped 31,694,000 feet of lumber for this year. At Borers yea can buy tlie finest Fur Hats in the market for $2. Latest •tyle. 6dec 4t The choicest York state apples, Baldwins, Rhode Island Greenings, Rus sell*, Ac., to be had by the barrel or io loss quantity, at Sechlers grocery. Freak Smith and Frank Long, tbe two hors* thieves wbo broke out of the Gear field jail on tbe 4th of September last, were returned to that institution on Thurs day night last by Sheriff Pent*. They were arrested in Clarion county for rob bing a store at Rimersburg, and were lodged in jaii. Blank Books—a great variety, at "Welch's Book store, Bellefonte. Constable Kline, of Spring Mills.was on tbe look out, on Tuesday, lor a fellow wbo struck Will Smith, of Greenbrier, on the head with a stone, during an alterca tion one day last week, injuring him se verely and probably fatally. —Joseph Zimmerman of near Hub lersburg. tbe young man who was acci dently shot, a short time ago wbile out bunting, died from the effects, on 10. Funeral en Wednesday. Tbe Penns Valley Banking Co. now occupies its new quarters in it* new build ing. If yon want to tee a snug suit of rooms, just step in and have cashier Mingle show you round. Boyer sells tbe best calico for 6jc an ex cell ant article for 54 6dec 4t A joint Festival of tbe Masonic and Odd Fellows of Centre Hall, will be held during tbe holidays, and will be a |big af fair. Lock Haven market, last week, was as follows : Butter, 22 to 25c; eggs, 25c; potatoes, 80 to 40c per bushel, chickens, 40 to 60c per pair; cabbage, 4(g,10c per head; apple butter 75c per gallon; lard ll@l2ic per pound; apples $1 to sl.Boper bu.; tur nips, 25c per bu ; beans, 10c per quart; sweet potatoes, 80to 40c per peck; celery, 5 to 15 cents per stock, turkeys, live weight, 7 to 9c per pound. Shswl and School atraps, at Welch's, Bellefonte. Attention is directed to Guggen heimer's new stora advertisement He has opened a large stock of new goods, in the store room connected with Spangler s hotel. The store is under tbe manage- ment of one of hi* most reliable clerks from his Bellefonte store where be has been employed for a number of years. Mr. Guggeobeimer is already so well and favorably known to the people of this county, that it is needless toadd any thing in bis favor. Writing paper and envelopes, in boxes, very cheap, at Welch's Book store. We have iust learned that St. Nich olas has made his Head Quarter* at The Old Reliable Book A Toy Store of H. Y. Stitzer, there is no use in trying to enum erate all there is to be seen there; go and see for yourself—and every thing. Oh, Ilow Cheap! We just noticed on his bulletin board Almanacs at 2cts each. School Books at reduced rates. General Grant also does his smoking there now. 2t THE BEACH CREEK CASK.—Dr. Thorn. Rothrock, of Eagleville, accused of crim inal practice which resulted in the death of Rebecca Wiaslow, entered bail at Bellefonte on last Friday is the sum of $2,000 for bis appearance at the next term ofConrt in this county. On Monday he called at the office of the Democrat, when he staled that he bad been sick in a hospital in Philadelphia, and that as soon as he heard of the charge and was well enough to return be went to Bellefonte, his native place, and gave himself up. Ho pleads not guilty, protests his inno- cence, and asks a suspension of public judgment until hesball have an opportuni ty of proving himself so. The authorities here say Dr. Thorn, didn't give himself up —CI. Democrat. THISK OF THlS.—Outof one hun dred thousand bottles of Jamaica Vegeta ble Health Elixir sold last year, SI,OOO were saved to the purchasers. Tbis is one reason that we sell this valuable msdicinc at ninety-nine cents per bottle; and anoth er reason is that we desire to attract pub lic attention to it whetever it is not gener ' ally known. For all common diseases, such as headache from disordered stomach constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion, billiousness, and a debilitated state of the system from impoverished blood, this rem edy stands without parallel. Regular size and sample bottles for sale by F- F. Green Bellefonte. —None can successfully compete with Sechler and Co. for selling good and cheap groceries. Give them a call and try some of their goods and you will want to go back again. POTTEK SCHOOL TAX NOTICE— Notice .is hereby given, the duplicate of School Tax for the township of Potter, has been placed in the bands or the Treasurer, JACOB DIKOES, at Centre Hall. On all taxes paid to him on or before December Ist, 1877. there will be a deduction of five per centum ; on all taxes remaining un paid for one month after said date, the full amount will be charged, and thereafter an addition of 6 per cent, on all remaining unpaid. BT ORDER or THE BOARD. 19 oct2m. -—The solid gold society badges deliv ered by the Franklin Jewelry Co.. No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, are exactly as represented. All orders are promptly filled, and no one need hesitate about sending them money.—Christian Voices, Philadelphia. eow if All kinds of games for winter amuse ment, at Welch's Bellefonte. —Put mittene and overcoats; on your hydrants: . .. ' According to the Scientific Ameri can whitky i the bent remedy for dipthe ria. It U wild to hate the **me effect in the diptheria poiton a* quinine hat on malarius poison in the tyttem. —-Clothing for all—lawyer*. doetort, preacher*, farmer*, mechanic* and labor ing men, at the new Star Clothing Store, corner Bithop and Allegheny ttreeU. De cidedly the bet and ch.-ape*t ready made clothing in thi* tection of the tlate. and if you want to tave money in thete time*, do it now by purchating your Clothing of Goldberg, at the Star Clothing Store. Ba-ket* of etery detcription, at Welch'* Bollcfonte. ——A Fclival will be held at Pine Grove Mill*, commencing on Chrutmas night and continuing two turccitive night* for the benefit of the cornet band. A fine oven-gat will be voted for and refreshment* had. . Church, of Beaver, pay* all it* expense* from the proceed* of an oil well on the church property. School hook* —for School* of every grade, at Welch'* Book tore, Bellefonte. Thirty-three year* have passed tince the introduction of Dr. Bull'* Cough Syr up, and it (till stand* unrivalled. Price Socent*, five bottle* sl. The Poor Printer— Alwav* at the Foot of the Clai* —lt i* slated that in the Penitentiary at Auburn, N. \\. there are 27 clergymen, 42 lawyer*, 13 doctor*, and 3 printer*. Read the card of Nolan Jk M Alli*- tar, merchant tailor*, late of Bellefonte, who have located in thi* place, and come well recommended. Thoma* Ilickey, convicted for mur der in the *econd degree, ha* been recom mended for pardon by the date board of pardon*. B. F. Phillip*, 2 mile* west of Mill heitn, will make ate of hi* personal pro perty, Dec 21. All color* in two fly Maroon Heading Fringe, Silk Tied, at 30c yd. at Boyer*. 6dec 4t regulated and most extensive grocery in central Fenna, and where housekeeper* can save more mony and get better, purer and fresher groceries than any where in this county. All that has been said in behalf of Sechler A Co., is true, as hundreds of customers are willing to testify. Give them a call. They are per fect gentlemen and always do the fair thing. Dr. Thomas Rothrock, who is charg ed with having produced an abortion in Clinton county, has been arrested in Bellefonte. lie gave bail for the appear ance for trial. tailors, a dentist, a jeweler, a barber, and a new store, have opened up in our town, in addition to some new families, that have moved here—and thero are still "more to follow " P. Green's Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot, it cures all affec tions of the throat r.nd lungs, such as colds coughs, hoarsemss, asthma, croup, bronchitis and whooping cough. Has been tried in many families and proved an invaluable remedy• Get it—try it Just call around and see Secbler's grocery, when in Bellefonte, you will find tbe most gentlemanly attendants, who take pleasure in showing the best, purest and freshest groceries the market affords. Dried fruits, canned fruits cheaper and better than you can do tbem up yourself. Teas, coffees, sugars, spices, soaps, confec tioneries, and so on, and all at prices that suit the times. Bibles! Bibles! Bibles! Bibles! Bibles! For churches, families and Teachers, at Welch's, Bellefonte. RIVER AND LUMBEK ITEMS Tbe Clinton Democrat, of 6, says the recent flood brought In about 12,000.000 feet in logs- Flynn A Merrill's drive didn't get in. It ia hung up at Westport, and will be there till there is water enough to bring it in, which may be this fall, and it way be not till next spring. In the latter case they'll have to be bauled out and cared for. There is about 4,000,- 000 in the drive. Square timber went off at better prices than ruled in the spring. Pine Bto 13 ; Oak 6 to 9; and Hemlock 4 to 5 cents. Most of it was sold ; the balance is harbor ed in the moutb of Bald Eagle, number- ' ing 35 to 40 rafts. The Mills started by this rise are Par dee A Cook's, W. A. Simpson's, Brown, Shoifce & Co's, and Bridgens A Mann's. FROM BUFFALO RUN. ( EDITOR REPORTER.—Tbe first thing I 1 noticed in your valuable paper of last weeks issue was anotice to your delinquent i subscribers. I read the notice over twice and after that I lost all interest in the < balance of the paper until I fill- I ed out a check for a small sum in your favor and mailed it at once, after which I i took up the Reporter with a light heart, i and clar conscience and did not stop un til I perused every word contained in it, even the advertisements imparted a degree of interest never before realized. It was the first lime in my life that 1 realised the truth of the adage. "It is better to give than to receive." If you have any other delinquent subscribers on your list, to all such 1 would say : "Go and do likewise" and you will be a happier and better man. "SCB." (That subscriber bss a conscience that car. be reached.—Ed.) . Near Somerset recently, Samuel A. Wilt, while digging a post hole acciden tally struck upon a large earthen vessel which contained $2,700 in gold and silver coins, principally Mexican dollars. The date of the newest coin is 1751. Ex-Senator Morrow B. Lowry is hope lessly insane. Tiie Erie Observer says : "He talks quite rationally on many sub jecto, but is liable at any moment to fiy off en some project that would be very ludicrous were it not for the sad mental delusion under wbicb it is conceived. His latest plan is one for restoring the dead to life and enabling them to occupy the same bodies and pursue the same methods as in the flesb. Near Norristown is a limekiln with which a tragic occurrence is identified. On Friday morning two men on nearing the kiln found the dead body of a man who bad been suffocated and burned du ring the nirht. He appeared to havo placed a large stone on top of the kiln, which bad been freshly filled, and to have sat down to warm himself. Becoming suf focated by the fumes he had fallen over insensible, and the fire, working its way to the surface, bad burned bim beyond recognition. WHAT THEY CAH DO AT THE ALTOOKA I SHOPS.—The Pennsylvania Railroad 1 shops, upper and lower, at Altoona, em -1 ploy three thousand operators. With the facilities at band an eigbt-wbecled hopper - bottom car can be constructed in an hour, f and recently one bundred and twelve of that class were turned out in a week, of i ten hours a day. An eight-wheel box car r can be made in nine hours, including one I coat of paint, and a passenger ctr can be ] built in two days. Books of every description at Welch's Book store, Bellefonte. The Pope suffers collapse every time he attempts to sit up. His condition it not improving, A large stock of Steroicopes and Views at greatly reduced prices, at Welch's, Bellefonte. All competition in monuments and tombstones has been distanced byHoisler's Marble Works, Bellefonte, where the best and cheapest work is tuned outl HANGING IN MISSISSIPPI The Culprit Pegging the Hangman to Cut hint Down nnd Hang nioi Again. From the Jackson Time*. On the night of Sept. 23, )a*l year, Geo. Walton, a negro, who lived hear IHiea, Mi**.. hot George Bank*, another negro, through a crack in the wall of hit cabin, killing him Inttantly. Walton wat ten tenced to be hanged on Friday, No*. I®. : At twenty minute* patt one hit arm* were tied behind him. At twenty twol minute* peat I the noo*e w* adju*ted to hi* neek, and a white rap ** placed on hi* head and ratted, leaving hit eyet un covered. At twenty teven minulet patt 1 the rope we* thrown over the beam and tied. Walton wa* rauted to tand in po rtion, and the cap wa* drawn {dowa over hi* eye* and face. At thirty minute* pat 1 Deputy Beele (truck the trigger, and Walton fell, and w* motionle** for a mo. meat, hi* hand* itretcbed forward, and hi* toe* touching the ground. The culprit hung for a minute and a half, and then gurgled out. "For God'* •ake, take me down and hang me over again." He wa* lilted up, the rope wa drawn higher, and he w* dropped again, lie hung half a minute longer, and again he called out, "for Je*ut' take, bear and answer me. 1 want totalk." He wat ta ken loose and paced upon the scaffold, and then he taid, very disconnectedly : Lamb ot God. 1 pry, Friend*, 1 didn't think you would treat me so. Friend*, you tee what an awful death I am dying, and it'* all on account of a woman. Friend*, take warning from mo and net er do anything to be hung for. I teel wil ling to die ; but it i* an awfUl t'.ale, and 1 dread dying a* I do. Rev. Mr Pieraon then approached and asked, "Walton do you feel that Jtwus U with you?" The culprit replied. "I do; and I pray God that George Bank * *oul i* in heaven. Will you pray and *ing some for me ?" At 20 minute* to 2 anoth er prayer wa* offered up for the doomed man, and he fervently *ai.i amen, and begged the Lord to hear hi* prayer*. At 21 minute* to 2 V alt on wa* again lifted on the trap door by Deputy Bea'e, to whom he aid, "I want toak you one question before I die. Did any one ever tell you that 1 once killed a man in Ten netsee ?" Mr. lteale replied, "Ye*, your wife told me." Walton then turned to the spectators and taid, "Gentlemen, don't believe it. 1 give you my dying word that I never killed any man but Geo. Bank*-" At 17 minute* to 2 the trigger was re leased, and Walton, with an unfinished prayer on his lips, was suspended. His hands were pressed tight against his breast, his body motionless. At 161 ruin* utes to 2 he began to throw himself areund, kicking in the air, and suffering! untold agonies. At 15 minutes to 2, be 1 quieted, and began slowly drawing him*] self and gently dropping, bis hands ex tending out. At 111 minutes to 2 Dr. J. M. Bogle examined bis body and pro nounced lite nearly extinct. At 8 min utes to 2 his heart ceased to beat. A great variety of Toilet Sets and Vases at Welch's, Bellefonte. A full line of clothing for men end beys, at Boyer*. very cheap. Cdec 41, Gold Pons, and Pencils at Welch's Bellefonte. The imports of merchandise into this country during tbe ten month* ending Oc tober 81st, amounted to $113,455,000, against $304,9)2,000 for the same time last year—an increase of $48,223,000. The ex ports of domestic produce for tbe same time in specie value were $374,760,W0, against $440,959,000 for the same time last year—an increase of $27,807,000. The balanee in our favor for ten months in 1870 was SB2 047.000; against $61,641,000 in 1877. Our export* of gold and silver in 1877, after deducting the import*, are $23,- 000,000 against $84,870,000 last year. Newman's Clothing ball, the largest Ready-made Clothing house in Centre county, is visited by scores daily, who are drawn thither to see his goods and get bargains ia cheap clothing. His assort ment for men and boys is tbe most com plete you can find. He sell* cheap and you save money in buying of bim. He ia a perfect gentleman in every sense of tbe word, and is always glad to see you whether you buy or not Picture A Motto Frames, all sixe* and stylea. A good motto frame with glasa for 25 eta, at Welch's Bellefonte. A barn near Qackensack, N. J., owned by Peter R. Ackerman, was destroyed by firo Saturday night. The etallion Hype rien, with a record of 2:27, valued at s2o.* 000, and eight other valuable horses, burn ed to death ■ Brackets, Slipper Backs, and Towel racks at Welch's, Bellefonte. Miles of sausages are beiog turned out now in these diggens. It is hard on bogs. Confections for the Hollidays. Teach ers supplied at wholesale, at Welch's store. Bellefonte. A building in the course of erection on Prince William street, Bt. Johns, X. 8., fell and eight men are supposed to have been crushed to death. Matelafse cloaking for ladios at Boyert for $2.73 per yard. Very latent style. 6d 4t Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE BALE! The undersigned offers for sale his farm in Potter township, Centre county, one mile east of Centre Hail, known as the Robert Pennington fsrm, Containing 146 ACRES, in good state of cultivation, no bills but gently rolling, most all limestone land, about 123 Acres cleared, balance wood land near the buildings Upon the farm are a large BANK BARN, Frame House, Nearly New, of modern style. Hog nen. Smoke bouse' etc., Two Apple Orchards on the farm, water piped into the house-yard and into barn yard. The farm is well fenced, and one mile from blacksmith shops, stores, churches. The terms will be made easy. Bounded on east by lands of late Sam'l Huston, south by lands of late Wm. Kel ler. west by Keller and Bible, and north by Bible and Huston. Alto six acres of mountain land. Add'ess or apply to ROBERT A "MEANS. Lewistown, 12dec3m Mifflin county, Pa- Velvet Photograph frames of every style and very cblap, at Welch's, Belle fonlee VALENTINES & CO., HUMES' NEW BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA. ARE NOW PREPARED For The Fall And Winter Trade. Bargians Greater Than Ever! WOOLLEN GOODS, COTTON GOODS, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Of every description. DRESS GOODS, in great variety. LADIES COATS, finest and largest assortment ever brought to Bellefonte. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, IN FACT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Remember we do business on the ONE PRICE PLAN, sad therefore sure our prices aa the lowest. .JOT- NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY. ratsiresKss * ce. IH. HERMAN, Manager. THK FRENCH (MUSKS ENDED > Surrender of Mnrahnl MncMnhoit it Ministry to lie Purmnl to Suit the* View* of the Left. London, Decembar 7-A oorraspond>| ent in Paris telegraphs. undor dale of yes terday evening, M foliowi ; All isohanged here this evening. An amicable aolution of the political crises seems to ba at )at . cartain. At 0 o'clock Marshal MacMahan abruptly summoned M. Balbie, and aald i to him; "I giro you a carta blancha to , make a Ministry in twenty-four hours , Tha Marshal than turned to tha Prelect , of Vonalllaa, and said, "t tacriflco you, but lam obliged to do so." With tbe*e two short, pithy speeches, tha interflow I terminated. An agreement has already been effected,>nd the principal niambeta of ttia new Ministry have baan determined • upon. M M. Leon says Waddingtun, ; Dufaure and Chrletopble, with M. Hatkie , are to be loading members, and the minor office* will be tilled to morrow. To-mor row (Friday) morning, at nine o'clock, a I council of tha present Ministers will be held, and by niiJdaf all will be finished. The Left, it is already known, will accapt 1 this Ministry of M liatbia, and tha an* i tento is at last an accomplished fact. r Later--MacMahon hat backed out ofthe arrangement again, and thara la aa out- I look for trouble. 1 Urnnd Opening. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. NEW STORK AT CKNTBK HALL! LGIGtiENHRIXEH, HAS JUST RECEIVED THK LARG EST. CHEAPEST AND BKST AS SOKTMRNTS OF NEW WINTER GOODS. EVER OFFERED IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA, MANY OF THKM 26 TO 50 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE! CONSISTING IN PART OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. HATS, CAPS. UMBREL LAS. BOOTS. SHOES, GAITERS, WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPER, QURINESVABI GLASS WARE, SPICES, GROCERIES, TO BACCO SKGARB, FISH, BACON, SALT, Ac. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS offered TO CASH BUYERS. Cloverseed, TAKEN IN AND THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID IN CASH OR TRADE. STORE IN THE OLD ROOM CONNECTED WITH SPANGLERS HOTEL. lddec GET READY FOR WINTER!! IF YOUWAXTTHE VERY BEST AND CHEAPEST PARLOR STOVES, Buy the '•Laurel Wreath." (Single or DOUBLE HEATERS.)' There etove* have TWO ROWS of lights, shaking and dumping grate, ar ranged to clean out the cliokera. No danger from gas, no parts to burn out, so as to Jet gas into the upper room. We make THREE SIZES of Single and TWO SIZEB of Double Heaters of theae justly popular ■ Stores. IFY 0 U WANT THE YEH YBES T ANDCHEAPEST Cooking Stoves, BUY THE "ZENITH Double Oven Range; or the "Economy" Single Oven Range.: They are the beet (n the market, haft; SIX BOILER HOLES, shaking and dumping grate, -4 PPL 1 THE HEA T TJ ALL THE BOILERS AT ONCE. The oven ii large and smiare, ,lhe doom tin-lined. The PLATES ARE HEA YY, unlike the light plater of city itovee—CO MP ARE THEM. We make a No. 8 and No. Q of both these ranges. All these store* *re WARRANT-; ED, and you can get repair* from the Manufactory in one day. For Sale by J. A. REEBMAN, CentreHaJl. J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall. SNOOK. SMITH A CO., Millbeira. G. R. SPIGELMYER, Woodward, Manufactured by the SLIFER, WALLS & SHRINER M'fg Co. LEWIBBURG, ;PA. We also manufacture the Celebra ted B UCKE YE RE A PER A MO W ER, KEYSTONE CLOVER HUL LER, COLE'S UNIVERSAL SUL KY CULTIVATOR, New Model, Centre Draft, HORSE DUMPING HAY RAKE, HOOSIER GRAIN DRILL, BUCKEYE LEVER CORN SHELLER, Plow*, Land Roiiers, etc. 29nov THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. We htfe a very large and complete stock of Hardware, the largest that was over before offered by any Arm to the people of tkU oounty, and are|eolllog at tbejvery low est possible rales • *>• * . _ t Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, (ilassand Futtj. Pure While Leads and Lintaed Oil; Turpentines and VaVnlahes. all which we warrant to give sa'.Dlaetlon. Our Pure Lead will oo aa much surface aa any in the market and cannot be excelled for whiteneea. READY MIX ED PAI NT put up in any quantity to auL people, fioin one-pound i-ana to one gall-m cans, ell rendy for uae. Tbe paints we warrant to be mixed with our# lead and oil, and ara tree from all adulteration. MECHANIC! TOOL!.—Wa pay special attention to this branch, and keep a foil line of Sews Chisels Hammers end Bslley'e Iron Panes ; Hora* naila ofall kind .Tree Chelae, Hamas. Etc FULL LINK OF HADDLKKY' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CXMc'H W(H)D WORK -5,. -ke. P-'leee. Pate u Wheels of the meet imprm ed |.a ante; Mrs. Potts' Improved Flat Iron., cheap, convenient and durable—polished and nickel-plated. Johnstons Prepared Kaitomlne ; put up In 0-pound packages ; eeail put on, and cheaper than paper. W# have all oolors. S T O y E s. Wa have the onlv Reversible. Top-plate Cooking Stoves in tha market. The Keystone. Hu quehnnna and Juniata, waicb re warrent to be the'heat bakers and tha has last atovea in the marketwewill selll at Urn very lowest priceand sirs written guarantees. Also nil kinds of Ranges ...d other ,L ves. COME A NDSEK OUR KKIhTON COOK STOVE ; IT IS THK HANDSOMEST IN Tllh WORLD, A fine lot of Pocket knives and Scissors at Welch's, Ballafonte. LAST NOTICE —Parsons owing state and county tax, on duplicate in my bands, ara hereby notified that if Ux is not paid until January court, aext, tha same will he placed in tha hands of a Justice for col lection. °^ ( !i . L' i Collector for Potter. A new golden tongue organ, war ranted. effered very low. for hall cash and half trade. Apply at this office. Boya' Tool chests, very;cheap at Welch's Uollsfonte- A. 8. WASHINGTON. Kasriokabli BAMM aki> Hiiarit*- sir, in tha old bank building Guarantees satisfaction in all his work, and aaks the public patronage. Has had long experi ence in the city. heaths. On Nov 28rd, in Harris towcshlp. Row land. son of Jas. and Margaret Osmen. aged 'it years, IB months and a days. On Nov. %, in Herri* twp. aged 91 years, 11 months and 4 day* Oa Nov. 27th, in lUrris twp, Sarah Ag nesa Otto, wife of David Otto, and daugh ter of Jas, and Margaret Osman. aged i!> years, 8 months, and 18 days. On Nov 29th. in Harris twp, Mrs. An n* Gin*•rich, widow of John uiifirico, aged 61 years, 10 month* ahd 28 day*. On Dec. 9th. at Oak Hall. Mr. min Peters, aged 66 years 3 months and 1 day. In Mutter's Valley. Nov 10 Joseph Jerome, aged 3 years, 7 months, A days) Nov. SB, (.wtoline Emelina, aged II years, 9 months, 7 days ; on :tbe same dey, also. Maggie Sibbtlla, aged I yeer. 9 V 4 deyi. all children of Israel and Maria Boney, and died with diphtheria. At Sute Collage. Wednesday. Nov. 7. 1877, of palsy. George W. Tate, aged 6* years ana 8 months. At Pne Qrova H'lH, Nov. 16, Mr. Samuel Duch, aged 86 yaass. to month*, and 18 days. Mr. Duch wasupporlad by the township. Spring Mill Market. While Wheat. 1 *6. Red " 18& Rye, 60c. goro, ears, per bo. new, ,40e au, tte. Buckwheat, 74c. Clereraeed >6 00. Chop, per ton, 5J3.00. Platter, ground per toa, f 10.00 Krri per doa., 30c. Coal, Kg*, per ton, 4.50. '• Stove, 4.80. ' Chestnut, 125. •• I'm, 3 00, Photograph, Autograph and Scrap air hum* in enJleai variety at Welch'i Book itore, Bellefonte. BauLaroPTa llaaaara.— by Shortiidge A Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale, f 7 SO. I retail. 800. White wheat, 1 86. Red " Itt. , Rye. 66 Corn, thelled, 60 Corn, cob, 40. Oatt, 26. ... Barley, rye weight, 55 Clerereeod >4 per 14 poundi. Potatoa* retail, 80 Nora Scotia platter, ground, 10 00. Cayuga " t 9OO Potatoot. 25. Onione, Me Butter, per lb., 21e. Urd. Bacott, eidee, .10c. '• shoulder*, 10c. " llama, 14c. Tallow. 7c. Rage, 2c Do aot buy the old etyle Roll fringe when yeu can get the two fly frioge et I boyera for 30c yard. Mec 4t BPKINO MILLS Grain Warehouse & Coal Yard. H. KRUMREINE A 801 L New Warehou** now ready for the , reception of grain, and the Highest Cash Price Paid Highest Cash Price Paid for all kind* of Grain and Seed. Grain and Seed. COAL!. Small Stove, Lump, Pea, and Lime burner* Coal alway* on band at LOWEST PRICES. Also Ground Plaster $ Salt. Hides! Hides! Bring your hide* and receive the b*t market price in cash for them. 6 dec. 3 m. tAJ~*MTCn*° —re '* *"* WAN I tllD.labborb.od. iu Dr. linwi KamaUi. to Inlrfedfefefe 11. S*a*l tns. <*•£■' Ttltoa. Pittsburg, I". Mow. IM 0 TEACHERS and FRIENDS of EDUCATION: The Thirty-first Annual Session of the C nt-e County Teachers' Institute will be held in the Court House. Be lafonle. Pa., commenc ing TUESDAY, Dee SA, at tt o'clock A M, and closing FRIDAY afternoon. Doc. 28, 1877. It it hoped that all the Teachers of our Public Schools will be present; and Teachers of Private Schools, and those preparing to leach, are requested to become members ol the Institute. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all. rKSTHtrCTOfIS : Prof. JOHN H. KKMKNTttOUT. of the Keystone HtaioNorn al School, will be present Thursday and Friday, and devote I is time chiefly to the f(flowing subjects - Memory and its Culture, E'ytnol ogy and Mental Culture, Methods of forming Synopses, and school Etiquette Prof. C. ALFRED SMITH, ofthe Pennsylvania State College, will give an Illustrated lecture on Chsiuislnr. Prof. O W. FORTS' EY, Principal P< sin's Valley Institute will give instructions in English Grammar. Prof. W. A. KKISK. will give several Object Let*oni. Prof- C. L. URAMLKY, will have charge of the Vocal Mcic department. Prof. 11. K. 110Y, will give three or four lossont en U. S. His tory. J. H. RANKIN, Esq., Principal of the Bellefonte PubUc Schools, will give instructions in Reading, Mustratii-g his metto.xl by praclical.orill* of a rlaatof his students. Mts> ROSE A WOOII, or the same school,;jl| have a class of her p'inils pr-sent and gisa drills in Arithmetic. Rev. D. M WOLF end Prof JACOB RHONE have consented to be present and give instrucMons on some ' Mr GEO W. RUMUAROER will deliver a short address on tha following sub ject : Eighteen years in the School Room. A part ofthe morning seasions will be devoted to the discussions of practical questions that present themselves to the Teacher in bis every dey exnerienre in the school room. Let eech Tetu her u- te some of the difficulties that beset him in hit oaily work, ute ths-m belore the Institute and the experience of otb< r may help Mm At last year's Institute there was quite creditable exhibit of Scholars' Work, and are again invited to bring specimens of Penmanship. Drawing. Map Drawing.*wun the naton of tlm Au thor, Teacber and School District Ibcreoo, and leave on exhibition during the week. wzmm LscTunn. TUESDAY. (Arrangements not completed.) ED*EM I> A Y . Col. A. FRAN K SELTZER, of Lebanon. Pa - Subject —What I know about It-'nev. Col. SKt-Taia comes recommended by Hon. Henry Houch, Deputy Stipt Pub Instruction, aa follow- : "As a humorous lecturer he is one ol the bttt. Ha is a pleasant speaker and makes many excellent poinu." T If Ell NBA Y . Prof. JOHN S. KRMKNTKoUT. ef the Keystone Slate Nor mal School, Kutxu-wn, Pa.—Subject—The Aru ol Memory. .1/ ISCELL.i.YEO US. An opportunity will be given to dtcw*a ail tha Subject* treated during the day saasion*. Teachers are required by tha constitution of the Institute to pay a fee of 60 cents. An admission fee of 35 cents will be cherged for the lecture on Wednesday evaning. H MIT BE, Bsllxvoxtr, Fmx'x. Dec. 4, '77. County Supk NSW SSII,£,tNBRY AND FANCY GOOBS STORE AY POTTER'S WlttS. Mrt. Anna M. Weaver takaa pleasur* in announcing to the people of Pollers Mill* and vicinity, that the will otwn a new and elegant STOCK OF FANCY GOODS, in connection with a Millinery Store, on Saturday, Oct. 20h. A full line ol choice and < fashionable good* always on hand at copuUr price*. Dressmaking in all its branches will be a prominent feature o( Lmine+a. ltocSm ' lIOBURN AND PPRING HILLS. \ ——:o: D —:o: || -:o:- M o To fJ A: Coburn Station. Wholesale andRETAIL DEALERS ' —ALL i" WHEAT; RYE, OATS, COR.Y, CIA) VERSEED, %c., se. Coal, Plaster and Salt DELIVERED AT SPRING MILLS. by the Car load, and at wholesale and retail at Cohurr. :Uticu Highest Cash l'rlcc Paid For Grain. ' COALSOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ; - " MOTZ & SNOOK. c. 0. CONNER. MERCHANT TAILOR In Bank Building, Oulro Hell. Would rrwoctfully ennouna to tba gem of this r|cinty that be bat Ukern roonu In abora building wh.ra ha i* pro j pared to do all kindt of work belonging to hit lino, for men and bey*. and accord ing to latett atyla*. Ooodt told by aamj pie. Having bad nine year* experience; he guarantee* all work to render perfect *ali*farUon, and tolicita a hare of I"' public patronage Gdncy "Fashionable Dressmaker. The udemigned ropectfully announce* bir New DroMmaker. E.UhlHbment ln the houie lately occupied by John H. StiK ler. All kind* of family sewing neatly done. Charges reatonabla. Hoping loj merit the patronag# of the people of Cen tre Hall and vicinity by turning out neat and durable work. Mas. UaarxT SMITH. JOaent tf. i SOU! HU S9CHT7 3i851 WRVLJ IW WMWY U . WHM" A, H *> |MII IMI EI LIVTJI T ..4I n, *m * Man* o-x •-, *a.IT HU> M * KI> • tlfiffh; IBRfflaf u.a ■i. TI'T i n.Ui tku ..... I ka Stin * -**• /. fHUM imnliil MUIL A* *4. M IS. WHIR MM trmm LU Ca..-a, jfcMKk aui luilgi Own fintiii l*mw 0.. \V jSSSf|< tm i MU.i .mv ruu*4*Ufc r*. }a VI * r* WHEW N W*R * >-**• 1 " FLMLMU.• fwmrMitw us bm tot*4 §to4. w*kmw♦.„. If I'lHcfl ar 1-M>a aa*|a Tla will M at iMIUbn. fc-a MM abMY*. Jf Mor fela.ll *ar> flafet Saw fef Ikt. la|ar, l\r HU Ik" raa*t la littt H: ,< VP?lj jt u< NU. IM*MU RIU.NKUN JKI KLITV co . a rx~w. ,} KM iMt.l UL, ruaui I*au. h. V nkif¥\ SI life, v il. MtaaU as* (WJ, fefellfel; I*, Un Wl* .MM. I US IFT ViSKrXN 5. W. tfeMfl. ar RMfer. Ik. MMfelfef (MM iMifa Mfe. Ira ■ In Ik. fetr-aa*. V y tm T Maafe: H. 11. I >a. a*. OQ-Wlwr Itwy 'totiti,/ V MM. * u kfetfekw •* rrtfeife. fefe* OM-SMlfefefe MMiktaW | Xfe. . Pt*Aa, *M/ *J. Afelfku TMIEII *FE. Ms Orafe* krmj U UM Ofetx-Mlo; . tf. ■fe A a*4f. (>waw. feTfeMsfefe* kfefeit fefeUkMa*). Ka. a*. Taia rf MUM u<'l.ri. ,—|V_. fA Uti caMkifea*. Ma. M, a* Mfe. afe* o*l raltowi lanlUfel; Mfe. *, MfeMlg / jnfft \ auMfetl aiipffer, iu ou*M >■* a*fefe>*. \ ■n.nx/ IMPORTANT MTOTIQ^J. *1 Ik. Wfm.r tkU Mfetra*. (kU kkanl .rraiiwiofel k"l*. raM.MV / (fijiCTyn>il\l m. >M M .r uu MP* . ikuaar. u u a iMa i .Vtr... ar .u vk.fett —ila^E99 Mai ulu kaMtw ai tk., an BM l>'M ar Ik. at 1M V 'fei* Tj. UMfeWMIBMI All w 1.. /C /L r*Ahsu* jEWKUtyro., INIMIIIR.. PMV ra AMjmwm Ilfdimr" a— b-a..s. .. . . |t uf-.Agau, tvjriMl h; Ul >'A4.KkX J*UIV Co., IkH, fj©Uii i rALisfIS; MERCHANT TAILORS, Centre Hail, Pa I Bu*inet* tland upstair* in the building [formerly occupied by lbs Centre Repor Iter. Will furnih gentlemen with clothing, made to order, of the beet material lha' ••an be bought in Phi'adclpbia or New York. Long experience 'he be*ine* t Hellefonte enable* them to turn out flr*t c!a* work in all ro*pecta. Bd octet Spring Mills Hotel. GEO C. BKEON. Prop'r. ■ Thi hotel giver aooowmodotion to trar ieller* second to gone "i the county. The stable* are large, roomy and attended by careful bottler.. Long experience a* a landlord enable* the proprietor to make 'hit guest* feet at home all the time. doc 6 CENTRE HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER a HON. (Successor to J. K Miller A Son.) Dealeria Pure Drug* and Medicines. Dya stuffs, and Druggist's sundries. PC/tli WINK AND LIQUOjIS Fur medicinal purpose*. The best braids of CIGARS AND TOBACCO aiwayi in stock. Prescriptions carefully Compounded. MILLER ANON Jas. Harris df Co. NO 5, RROCKERHOFF ROW. ißorfAnl, P A I N T 8, oil]Tetc., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bcllefi nt*. Gil AH AM & SON. Graham 6 Hon are offering extra induce menu m CASH BUYERS. We have the largest and <-heae*t stock ol Boori* AND SHOES 1 in QeUiiAiOf- and are determined to aell a< jiuch price. a will mit the pocket* f e 1 ery one N w the time to buy your 61 and winter Yu can g.-t a g-* a aoi id Leather Button Shoe for Ladiea, from S2 00 to *2 20 j Ladie* coar* .hoes, $1 2f Men*' C'irf h Hu, 2 fii ! Childr-n* f**h to make known in a practical muor jbv furnishing a *ample bottle, free oi charge, to al' sufferer*. my only lu.oe os remuneration being that the medicine wii* ! perform ae to all ' Addrwa at net. Dr (k Piie p Brown, 21 jOratid StreoL. Jersey City. N. J., or mat ;he hud of J K Miller A bus, Druggist*. ijOeotm Hall. Pa jan 4 ly WM P. WILSON. Attornment'Law. Bellefonte Pn )ißce in Mrs. Ben I r' Building. BeHetonte Pn. ! Lincoln Powder, make* but* Iter sweet eiKihard, and quicker to churn ! Try it—for aale at Win Wolfe atom BRICK rOK lALK -Pirat clnaa brtck will be kept on hand for tale by J. 0 • Deininger at Zerbe'a Centre Het> brica yard*. These brick are offered o low that k will pay perron* at a ; diatance to come here for tbem. Intending to continue in tbe manufac ture <| 1 manufacture all kind* of Furniture for I i Chamber*. Dining Room*, Libraries and Hall*. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until you tee my stock. UNDERTAKING In all iu branches. I keep in stock all the latest and ni'wt improved Coffins and Cakeu, and hg* every facil' ity lor properly conducting tbis branch of my business, , I have a patet-i Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be preserved for aconsiderable length of time. Jull tf W. R CAMP. Chas. H. Held, Clock, WHlrhmakt-r A Jewelei Milllteiiu. CVuirt Co., Pa. At kind* of clock*. Watch** and Jewelry of th* ataat M|l. u *la* la* MaranrtMe Pat*al Cairadar lock*, provided wild a onmplet* iodvx of th* moalh ,d dnj of u moo Ik and weak on tu lac*, wklah la carractad •* parfact ttm* kaaper. Oloeka. Walcbcaand Jawalrj rapaliwd *a abort ae on and nnuud J-JR.S.G. GUTELIUB, Dentist, Mlllhelm. OfntkhsnMoaalMitlcwl* Uw public. Ha I* prapamd h perform aUopcratloaa La th* denial prv raaalua. Hataacw fall}prepared to attract, laathabaolat it pain. mS 7 WM P. MM ANUS. Attorney at*lw Dciieionie, Fa. Office with Jas vie Menus. esq 28juHf IMPORT AN TO TRAVELERS. —TH K— BUSH HOUSE! BKLLiroNTK. ra. Hat been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under the management of the New Proprietor, Mr. P. D. Me* COLLU M, formerly of Pittsburg, is first* clan in all its appointment* SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS A reoffend to those in attendance ateourt and other* remaining in town for n tew lavs at a time. The liirpest and most superbly Designed Motel in Central Pennsylvania. VII modern conveniences. Go try tbe Bush house. 1P F. D. JicCOLLTJM, Proprietor. r\&w>s' DRUGSII drugs 17 fi. T. Shugert, ha*>g parchm*-' n of tbt aeconspltibtd drugglat a* •armaciit heretofore cor: n twl with tr. 11. M Harrington, and we rat pool ft y tolieit tbo cu*iom of oar frieed. mi m old patront of the tiort. d-ptf S.T.BHUGEBT. Forks House! PERRY STOVER, PBOP'R. Tbt Forkt Hoatt, at Coburo ttation, and cotumodioaa, and it a apt la to lunntr. Bad and board eecond la at n tba county. Sub I in* for W bor. k a rammer retort it will b# fad ai Miat c-uid ba daafrad, right ia tba baari ;od and bunting ground* •irreunded by tba moat roaaaatie letter v not y W. A. CURRY: daaf&Sbaa hlafcer, tb.k IRL UALL.PA. Would moat ra*pactfbily inform the < i u of tbia vi- inity, that ba baaatqrt< j aw Root and Sboa Shop, and woald t. naakful for a bartaf tba public pair - x-cording to atyla, and worrasle hit w. <> equal aay made elaewhere. All ku. • f repairing dona, and charge* raa*<>a* I *•* Mm a call. Ibbll ' i J°?*L POTTER, Attortj i iiwiinUian* la nto tar mm at HI Ptn 'CiSSiSgiS.'at^-. -. araal* he all woaaaalam. omnia toPtrar m uutm Wma**;afiaaN***ane. ye* — etaawa*** aalp> t **a* Wat tba *rtaa a* Uk aMU m torn |ins mtm . yMMmrsfcg - Q OAAggSSggC i).\J\Jv —*wi ate* i■n ihilji JSS aa* A aaah Praaaat at trim * u SM eflbe . • '■ •" mn oaHwarfclu aoaai ImTh ana ■ ■ll i*n una, * aeafe **■ ra. aIM. mm nao er cowaaa I <*• tmm ml Baa . ■iw wwk. ledaeretow Or tiawiea, ar -Urn ma oal a a aleafa —rat la iutupbitry a Homeopathic Spoct, No. 28. a Man u< twUiula the mips*. Shape Ike *fam aad if n wiiia. Haf*a aml ufwao • -—P ' ha 4nSa u] iOmomu* im wUn bu S wSi*mW raan rtt pMfnl psa—Si fa ••a aa w iTifTT htiattaur rj . *a rat pnbit trf In full I*4 as as Mat *f -.wSac hut bp atllamul)! at pdu SSWi i hapnar Hnin*iU>i Milaai Of |una. ■ ilMaln YatkZ ISwar.f. e777Sr:tr!£2r4s.tsrsS 111 aaaaTaMnar bml. la aar sari af >b* V I I fl iK So aaoosooll of g^DDuar itffiTai 'aw*Ta*?fl aa aaA * m fact atarjnuna *a unplan tIM ataaa aa*M>, a. m, gbgb ff gffrfa. PHI n grijgryjar^rsr,g bULU.^S^urEgr UiuUUfaailp ptbluallaa an, aa,IS aaa t a raa laadl a aaaaaaafal an, a*. Tit ata ai. nurha at at pttM teaa aa aaaaartbam. YWpWaa k * toa at ilatawv .saMrtbaa. OaaifW r* part* nuklas aeat IgUt taa vaab. A t4r ItW * l.rtt Labia* aaarSW aabaaifan ta tea Sap* Ua h • ■-** atl. aaaaap taaa in aaa Satwa aa I"' una *0 tea batiiaaaa. at ualp peer aut aaa l■ • mbA aat ha attap (rata baaaa aaar night. Taa aaa it aa Mil aa otbarn Kail parttaaUta, Sttafaet a < Syj&J/Tg uju*" :, "*" >i jl!ci?a > ' WaaTaUata aaafcaaeaaA piap." 1 IMraa lv rtapf "t taraaf fetilai,lUlaa leap i First claw accommodation for gue Beat stabling for bursas. Stags* arri and depart rverv day for all points. C. T AIKXAXDML C M. Bew,> Alexander A bower, < IMMI at l-aw,ll,faaa SaiAilmii i SScts I HE BEST OFFER ! Ws will sell during tbnse bard tim^ ss;o pm-f—R s2'l. *— -" —-iflii la ihi ne■ in n nlaa af *aW tm>ci taa I task at trtaq_yrtaaa/la °a Mttl '■ Uta warM Tba Ipanai aaatali Ita taatart'a t zszLXftrMSEFa ipss S'-SW tizxit xrzzssfc TfcNDEiSSoHN PIANO CO.. atbepy No fifi Bnwdway. Y. OHKONIC^pfa wrMsaa'tsSw' rbaaaca aftkta bank ara at Übartp la aaeaap Ma aaUar •a peraoaor bp aaalllraa. Krtaa bp noil. S>, Sat lb MaaSatd adlttoa, or Slja far tba INpaltr tfluta vbkab ooatolaa ail tba taaaaUtarf ■ 111 fall 11 i ootaota lablaaftM. tnab aaabi WUit II U< A DOOR. For $1 we will aend free bw meil.f aojr oea of tba foUeviag lata : B distinct ra. m'thly roses, wiatar lew eriag. 8 M Bogoniae, M 8 " Carnation Pinks " 8 " Chinese Cbrjaantbemas. 8 " Zonal Uoranlunw, w. t 8 " Double '* 8 " Itj Leased, ** 8 " Heliotropes, " 6 " Abutilons, ** 2 " Doubts Camelina, " 4 M A palest, " 4 " Lobster Oertna, 6 " Bourardia*. 6 " Sir visa A Eupatoriums. 8 " Fuchpias. w. t 4 " Doubls Violets, " , 2 " PoinseUa. Scarlet White, w. L If; 4 " . Plumbago. " ft 8 " Ferns, for Wsrdisn easels 4 M Palms, " Mosses, " 6 " MsranUs, M & 8 " Hyacinth Balks. 3Q assorted Tulips, Bulbs. 60 " Crocus, " 2 " Jacobean Lily, Bulks. ■ 12 " Oxalis. W 4 Lily of the Vslley, ks B New Pearl Tuberoae. OB BY EXPRESS: Bof any of the $1 collection for $3 | 7 " " 9 " " t< fie 12 " " •• fii 14 M " Or the whole collection of 388 Bulb-p and Plants sent by express on receipt of Sl6 00, to which eftber of our Boot y Garduniug for Profit,' Practical Flori ' culture. r tiardenine for Plea*u - (value $1 60 each). ~will be added Deacriptiva Catalogue free. PETER HENDERSON A CO Seedsmen and Floristft, Sttient, New Yerk- 7^