The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 13, 1877, Image 1

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    My Illorkl Mind.
I oonfssa, with a feeling akin to regret.
That, aa there are epota on the nun.
So the beat of u all are with railing* be*et,
And that I am afflicted with one.
I pre*nme I po**e* it, although I can awear.
That ita presence I never oonld Snd.
But the friend* who pretend that they know
me declare
That I hare an illogical mind.
In short. when I won't let an arguing friend
Persuade me that yellow i grey,
Or when I decline my adhe*ion to lend
To all that the loud talker* nay.
They tarn on my poor little aelf with a frown.
And my death warrant'* instantly aignej
•'Thi* fellow." they cry with contempt, "ia
a clown.
And he has an illogical mind."
* The Coming Man.
A pair of very chubby leg*,
Encased in scarlet boae ;
A pair of litUe atubby boota.
With rather doubtful toe* ;
A little kilt; a little coat,
Out as a mother can -
And to 1 before u strides, in *'ate.
The Future's "coming man."
Hi* eyes, perchance, will read the star*,
And search their unknown way* ;
Perchance the human heart and eoul
Will open to their gear ;
Perchance their keen and flashing glance
Will be a nation'* light—
Those eye* that now are wistful bent
On eewne " big fellow'* " kite,
That bow, whare mighty thought* will dwell
In solemn, secret state ;
Where tierce Ambition'* restless strength
Shall war with future fate ,
Where Science from now hidden cavee
Sew treasure* shall outpour-
Tis knit now, with a troubled doubt.
Are two, or three, cents more?
Thoee lip* that, in the coming years.
Will plead, or prsy. or teach ;
Whose whispered words, on lightning flash.
From world to world may reach ;
That sternly grave, may speak command.
Or, smiling, win control—
Are coaxing now for ginger-bread
With all a baby's soul 1
Thorn hands -these little busy hands
80 sticky, small and brown ;
Thoee hand*, whose only mission seem*
To tear all order down—
Who know* what hidden strength may lie
Within their future grasp,
Though now Tis but a taffy-stick
In sturdy hfcid they clasp?
Ah, blessing* on those little hands.
Whose work is yet undone '
And blessing* on those tittle feet.
Whose race is vet unrnn !
And blessings on the little brain
That has not learned to (dan !
Wtate'er the Future bold in store,
God bless the "cowing man "'
A very short time ago, that is yester
day, about four o'clock in the afternoon,
all the Quartier du Marais was in an up
roar. It was said that one of the re
spectable merchants in the Roi de-Sidle
has disappeared aud all the efforts to
discover him had proved fruit
leas. The strange event was discussed
in all the shops in the neighlxirhood ;
there were groups around the doors of
all the green-grocers, and every moment
some terrified housewife arrived, bring
ing new details. The grocer at the
corner had the best, freshest and most
ootrert intelligence, having received it
from the lips of the cook who lived in
the house.
"So," said he, "yesterday, after din
ner, our neighbor, Monsieur Jandidier,
went to his cellar and was never seen
again—. disappeared, vanished, evapo
It occasionally happens that mysteri
ous disappearance* are heard of, the
public get exci ed, and prudent people
pny sword Canes. Policemen hear these
absurd rumors and ah rug their shoulders.
Tbey are familiar with the other side of
these closhly embroidered canvasses.
Th<y search into the mstter and find,
instead of artless falsehoods, the truth;
instead of romances, sad stories. Yet,
np to a certain point, the grocer in the
Roe Saint Louis told the truth.
Monsieur Jandidier. manufacturer of
imitation jewelry, had really not beeu
home for twenty-four hours. Monsieur
Theodore Jandidier was a very tall, verv
bald, man, about fifty-eight years old,
with sufficiently wood manners, who hail
amassed a cgMjMMle fortune in trade.
He had an wmllli i stocks of twenty
thousand livrm. amrKs business brought
him in about fifty thousand francs. He
was beloved and esteemed by his neigh
bora, tad justly so, for his honesty was
above suspicion, his morality austere.
Married late in Kfo to a poor relative, he
had made her perfectly happy. He had
an only daughter, a pretty graceful girl,
named Terese, whom he adored. She
had been engaged to the oldest son of
the banker Schmidt—of the firm of
Schmidt, Gnbenbeim A Worb—Monsieur
Guetave ; but the match had been
broken off, no one knew why, for the
young people were desperately in love
witli each other. It was said in the
Jaalidier circle that Schmidt, senior,
who, as was well known, would
skin a flint, had required a dowry far
bey <nd the merchant's means.
\Vuraed by public rumor, which con
stantly increased, the commissary of
police went to the home of the man who
was already called the victim, though no
exact information had been received.
He found Madame and Mademoiselle
Jandidier in such transports of grief that
it w*s with the utmost difficulty that he
could gather the truth. At last be learned
the following particulars:
The evening before, Saturday, Mon
sieur Jandidier had dined with his fam
ily ss usual, but did not eat with much
appetite, having, h said, a violent head
ache. After dinner he went to his ware
houses, gave some orders, and then en
tered his office. Returning home at
half-past six, he told his wife he was
going to walk. And he never appeared
again. Having carefully noted these
particulars, the commissary of police
requested permission to see Madame
Jandidier a few minutes alone. She
made a sign of aasent, and Mademoiselle
The rose left the room.
" Pardon, madame," said the commis
sary of polioe, '' the question I am about
to address to you. Do you know whether
your husband had—l again ask your
Crdon —any connection outside of the
use ?"
Madame Jandidier started up ; anger
dried her tears.
"I hare been married twenty-three
years, monsieur ; my husband lias never
returned home later than ten o'clock."
" Was your husband in the habit of
going to any club or cajt f" he con
" Never; I wouldn't have allowed it"
" Did he usual ly carry valuable papers
about with tim ?"
" I don't know; I attend to my house
keeping, and don't trouble myself about
business matters."
It was impossible to get any further
information from the poor wife, who was
bewildered by grief.
Maying accomplished his business, the
commissary o( police thought it his duty
to say a few words of commonplace con
solation to the poor woman. But when
he went avav, after making inquiries in
the household, he felt very anxious, and
began to suspect the existence of s
crime. That very evening one of the
most skillful detectives. Retiveau—bet
ter known in tho Rue de Jerusalem as
Maitre Magloire—was put on the track
of Monsieur Jandidier, provided with
an exoellent photograph of the mer
The very morning after Monsieur
Jandidier had disappeared Maitre Mag
loire presented himself at the Palais ae
Justice to report to the magistrate who
had charge of the matter.
"Well, Monsieur Magloire," said the
magistrate, "so you. have discovered
something ?"
" I'm on the track, monsiaur."
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
"To begiu with, monsieur, Mousieur
Jaudidier didn't leave lua house at half
past six, but at aeveu precisely,"
*' Precisely ?"
" Yea. 1 got rat information from a
clock-maker in the Rue Saint Denis, who
is sure of the fact, becatia* Mousieur
Jaudidier, while paasiug his shop, took
oat his watch to compare it with the
clock aver the door. He had an tin
lighted cigar in his month. On learuiug
this circumstance I said to myself, 'I
have him ! he'll light his cigar some
where.' My reaaoniug was correct; he
entered a shop in the Hue de Temple,
where he is well known. The woman
remembered the ciruinstance liecause,
though he always smoked sou cigar*, he
bought London ones."
*• llow did he appear?"
"He seemed very thoughtful, the
shopkeeper told me. It wns through
her I learned he of leu went to the Cafe
Tare. I went in and was told he hail
been there on Saturday evemug. He
appeared depressed. The gentleman,
the waiter told me, talked all the time
about life insurance. At half-past eight
o'clock our man left the cafe with oue
of his friends. Monsieur Hlandureau. I
instant lv went to this gentleman, who
told ine that he walked up the bonlevanl
with Monsieur Jaudidier. who left him
on the corner of the Rue Richelieu,
pleading a business engagement. He
was out of aorta, and seemed troubled
with the darkest presentiment."
"Very well, so far," murmured the
" On Wring Monsieur Blandureau I
went to Rue du Roi-de-Sitnle, to ascer
tain from somebody in the house wheth
er Monsieur Jandidier had auy custom
ers or friends ; there was only his tailor
in the Rue Richelieu. I went to this
tailor. He Raw our man on Saturday.
Monsieur Jandidier went to his shop
after uinc o'clock to order a pair of pan
taloons. While his measure was being
taken he noticed that one of the buttons
on his rest was ready to fall off, and asked
to have it sewed on. He was obliged to
take off his overcoat to permit the little
repair to made, and as at the same time he
took out the contents of the aide-pocket,
the tailor noticed several hundml-frano
bank notes."
"Ah ! that is a clew ! He had a large
sum of money with him ?"
" Not large, but considerable. The
tailor estimated it at twelve or fourteen
hundred franca."
"Go mi," said the examiuing magis
" While his vest was being repaired
Monsieur Jandidier complained of sud
den illness, and sent a little boy out to
look for a carriage. He had to go to see
one of his workmen who lived a long dis
tance off, he said. Unfortunately, the
little fellow had forgotten the number of
the carriage. He oulv reniemberel that
it had yellow wheels and was drawn by
a large black horse. This afforded a
clew. A circular sent to all the livery
stable keepers put me on the track. I
learned this morning that the number of
the carriage was 6,007. The driver, on
being questioned, distinctly remember
ed having been stopped about nine
o'clock on Saturday evening in the Rue
Richelieu, by a little, boy, and having
waited ten minutes in front of the Maison
Gouin. The description of his face
suited our man, and he recognized the
photograph among five others I showed
Maitre Magloire stopped ; he wanted
to enjoy the approval he read in the
magistrate's face.
"Monsieur Jandidier," he continued,
" was really driven to No. 48 Rue
d'Arras Saint Victor, where one of
his workmen lives, a man named Jules
The manner in which Maitre Magloire
pronounced this name was intended to
arouse, and did arouse, the attention of
the magistrate.
••You have suspicions?" he asked.
" Net exactly ; but these are the facts.
Monsieur Jandidier dismissed his car
riage at the Rue d'Arras and went to
Tarot s room about ten o'clock. At
eleveu the employer aud workman went
• out together. The workman did not re
tain till midnight, and here I lose track
of my man. Of course I didn't ques
tion Tarot, lest I should put him on his
" Who is this Jules Tarot ?"
" A worker in mother-of pearl ; that
is, s mail who polishes shells ou a grind
stone, to give them a perfect lustre. He
is a skillful fellow, and helped by hia
wife, -to whom he has taught his trade,
can make a hundred francs a week."
" They are in easy circumstances,
• "Oh ! no, they are both young ; they
have no children, they are Parisians ;
and, zounds, they amuse themselves.
Monday always squanders all the other
days bring."
Two hours after Maitre Magioi re's re
port, several police-officers went to Jules
Tarot's lodgings to make a search. At
the sight of them the worker in mother
of-pearl and his wife turned paler than
corpses and were seized with an attack of
nervous trembling that could not eseajie
tbe practiced eye of Maitre Magloire.
Yet, the most careful search having
failed to discover anything suspicious,
they were about to withdraw, when the
detective saw Torot's wife anxiously
watching a cage that bung near the win
dow. This was a ray of light In an
instant Magloire had takeu down the
cage. Twelve hundred-franc notes were
found between tbe boards of the floor.
This discovery seemed to crush the
i workman, while his wife began to utter
terrible shrieks, protesting that she and
her husband were innocent On being
arrested and taken to the police-station
; they were questioned by tbe examiuing
j magistrate that very day. Their answers
were precisely the same. They ac
knowledged that they had ha 1 a vi-it
from their employer on Saturday even
ing. He Beemed so ill that they had
offered him something to take, which he
refused. He had oome, he said, on ac
count of an important order which he
proposed that Tarot should undertake,
hiring his own workmen. Tarot and his
wife replied that they could not do it
! for want of means. Then their em
ployer said : " Never mind, I'll furnish
the money," and instantly put twelve
hundred-franc notes on the table.
At eleven o'clock Monsieur Jandidier
a*ked bis workman to show bim out of
tbe house; he was going to the Fau
bourg Saint Antoine. And, in fact,
Tarot accompanied him to the Place do
ia Bastile, crossing the Oonstantine
Bridge and walking along by the river.
The magistrate asked both husband
and wife the very natural question :
" Why did you hide the money ?"
They made the same answer. Hearing
on Monday morning of Monsieur Jan
didier's disappearance, they were seized
with terror. Tarot had said to his wife 1
"If it ia known that our employer
came here, that I crossed the bridge and
walked along by the river with him, I
shall be compromised. If this money
were ever found in our possession we
should be lost."
The wife then wanted to burn the
notes, but Tarot prevented it, intending
to return them to the family. This ex
planation was reasonable and plausible,
if not probable, but it was only an ex
planation. Tarot and his wife were still
detained in custody.
i A neek after the magistrate was in the
utmot t perplexity. Three new examina
tions had not enabled him to form an
opinion, Were Tarot and his wife inno-
cent ? Or were tlicy simply marvelouaiy
clever in maintaining a probable fable ?
The magistrate knew not what to do,
when one morning a strange rumor
reached his ear*. The house of Jaudidier
had just stopped payment, A detective
who was sot to work brought back the
most startling uews.
Monsieur Jaudidier, who hail teeu
considered so wealthy, was ruined,
utterly ruined, and for three years he
hail sustaiueil his credit only hy meaus
of various expedients. He hail not a
thousand francs, and notes falling due
at the end at the mouth amounted to
sixty-seven thousand,tive hundred trance.
The cautious merchant speculated in
stocks. The magistrate had just learued
these particulars when Mattre Alagloire
appealed, pale and panting for breath.
"Yon kuow, uiouaieur?" he cried,
from the threshold.
•• AII r
" Tarot ia mnoceut."
"I believe him so; aud yet that visit
—how do you explain that visit ?"
Magloire shook his head sorrowfully.
"I am only a fool," said he, "and
Lecoq lias just proved it. Mousieur Jau
didier sjHike of his life insurance at the
Cafe Ture. This was the key to the
affair. Jaudidier was insured for two
hundml thousand franc*, aud French
companies don't pay in case of suicide.
Do vou understand ?"
Thanks to Mousieur Gustave Schmidt,
who will marry Mademoiselle Therese
Jaudidier next mouth, the house of
Jaudidier has not gone into bankruptcy.
Tarot and hia wife, restored to liberty,
have been established iu business by
this name Monsieur tins lave, and no
longer go pleasuring on Monday*. But
what tiecameof Monsieur Jaudidier ? A
thousand franc* rowan! to whoever will
give news of him.
Deaths From Fright.
The first Kiug of l*russia, Frederick
L, was sleeping oueday in an arm-chair,
when his wife, Louisa of Meckleuberg.
who had fallen into a state of hopeless
insanity, having escaped from her keep
ers, succeeded in making her way to the
private apartments, and after wounding
herself in her efforts to break through a
glass door, cast herself upon her bus
l>aud in a state of funous delirium.
The king, from whom her malady had
been carefully concealed, was so horri
fied at the sight of this woman covered
with blood, and clad only in some ltueu
garments, that ho imagined he sam be
fore him the "white lady," whose ap
parition, according to an ancient tradi
tion, invariably announced the death of
a prince of the house of Rradonbtirgh.
He was at that instant seized with a vio
lent fever, of which he died in six weeks
afterward, aged tiftv-six.
The death of a Dutch painter, Penti
man, in the seventeenth century, was
occasioned by an extraordinary circum
stance. Being engaged upon a picture
in which was represented several death's
heads, skeletons, nud ether objects fitted
to inspire in the hearts of the beholders
a contempt for the amusements and van
ities of the age, he, in order to have
the benefit of studying these objects
from nature, was accustomed to repair
to au anatomical cabinet, which serve*!
him for a studio. Oue sultry day, while
engaged in drawing from the melan
choly relics of mortality by which he
was surrounded, he was overcome witli
ilrowsiness, and several fruitless efforts
to continue his work at length succumb
ed to the power of sleep. He had slept
but a short time wlieu lie was suddenly
awakened by an extraordinary and ap
parently supernatural movement, anil
the skeletons suspended from the ceil
ing clashing violently together. Seized
with a sudden panic, Pentimau rushed
in terror from the room, cast himself
headlong from the staircase window, and
fell into the street. On recovering his
senses, he learned that the spectacle
which so terrified him arose from natural
muses, having been occasioned by an
earthquake. But the shock received by
his nervous system was so great that
he never rallied, and be died a few days
The French marshal, De Montreval,
whose whole soul, according to St. 3il
mon, was ambition and lncre, without
ever having been able to distinguish his
right hand from Lis left, but concealing
his universal ignorance with an audacitv
which favor, fashion and birth protected,
was so snperstitioos ttiat one day at a
public dinner, a salt-cellar having !>een
accidentally upset iu his lap, he was
seized with sticli a terror at the un
toward occurrence that he rose from his
seat declaring that he was a dead man.
In fact no sooner had he got home when
he was attacked by fever and died in the
year 1716.
A Mysterious Shower of Fish.
The Globe, of Toronto, Canada, nays :
A confirmation of the strauge report
ttiat a shower of fish had fallen on the
fourth concession of Harwich townahip
ia given by a school teacher of the neigh
borhood, who testifies to what he saw
as follows : " Having dismissed the chil
dren for the day, I was returning to my
Ixiarding place, when with a side glance,
I discovered something in the grass. At
first I thought it was some species of
rattlesnake, but upon more careful scru
tiny. I found it was a fine, firm, fresh
fish of the pickerel species. Having
been brought up at the sea shore I knew
at once the fish was good, and picked it
up, while wondering whenoe it came. My
astonishment was increased, however,
when stepping on a few yards further I
found another equally good. A few steps
further and one more, and I thought I
ought to return to the school room for
some paper in which to wrap them. On
entering the room I seized (rather
thoughtlessly you will say) one of the
pails, and proceeded to ooliect fish.
When I had more than half flllvl the
pail I saw a man in the distance carry
ing some fish, and supposing the mys
tery was about to be solved I awaited
his approach. I dropped the pail and
felt somewhat guilty for having appro
priated the fish till relieved by his
assuring me that he had gathered up
also those he had in the same way, and
that he had just been culling the larg
est of them. He olwerved : ' These
are as good and fresh as money could
buy.' I filled the pail, not only" to the
brim, but up the whole height of the
handle, and having deposited my bur
den naturally in the farm house where I
board I returned to collect the remain
der. When I had finished my task I
assure you that I felt fatigued. The
work had occupied half an hour. This
fall of fish extended about three quar
ters of a mile. On the same evening
one of the maids was sent for the oows
to a field about half a mile from my
boarding place. She also returned
laden with fish that she had picked up
in a similar way, This girl reported
that she had left others behind her
which she could not conveniently carry
to the house. The lady, with her maids,
prepared the fish the same evening for
drying and smoking, and they were sub
jected to this process next day. The
circumstance, you will admit, is unique,
apart from its strange surroundings,
and I cannot but think the correspond
ent of the Rondeau Newa did not en
much in reporting it As to whether
these now famons fishes fell six feet or
six thousand I know not. One thing I
know, that they were scattered for a
distance of about three-quarters of a
mile, and that, at least, to my knowl
edge, three persons gathered them."
Hralsalsa kto l'*r**r Is Karaite sd KsSlsa
Is neatb America—New \ srh'* Skr sf
his nrkrwn llrss sad ArtlSrlal Hslirr
Kurarltaa li*M IVem l ***rr Ore.
The intelligence that the Chevalier
Alfred Paraf had lecu arretted in Chili
for swindling, recalls the thrilliiiK
denta of that individual'. career iu New
York. The .Vwn, of that city, say# :
Paraf waa bevond question the moat
accomplished adventurer that ever aet
foot iu America. His personal appear
uuoe, of itself, was enough to uuprcaa
the most prej inlioed iu his favor. Of
medium height, spare iu build, with
clear-out, regular features, dark com
plexion, aud large, eloquent eyes, lie
captivated men aud wouieu alike with
1 equal ease. His dress was rich and
tasteful, but studiously plain ; his con
versation varied and fascinating, aud his
whole beariug that of a man of the world,
gifted with an unusual amount uf taste,
genius and courage. A native of
Alsace, his education as a chemist was of
the most thorough and practical order.
His first priueipal venture, after leav
ing school, aas in Great Britaiu. While
on a pleasure excuraiou to the north of
Scotland, he ran short of money ami
wrote to his father fur more. Not
receiving a satisfactory response, he went
to Glasgow, lured the most sumptuous
Start went* ill the best hotel, and on the
ternoou of the same day preaeuted
himself to a wealthy firm of uuuiufar
turera as the discoverer of a new and
cheap dye for oalico prmtiug. He was
taken into the laboratory of the eatab
lishmeut, and iu half an hour con v.need
the manufacturer of the truth of his
Htatements. In a fortnight he was on
his way home with $£0.01)0 m his
pockets Before seeing the father he
changed the mouey into gold, and when
his father began to remonstrate with
him ou his extravaganee, cut the conver
sation short by throwing the bag. of
sovereigns on the table, and asking
" whether that wasn't some extrava
gance." Nothing, however, could in
duce him to settle down. In a few
mouth* the whole of the s£o,ooo hail
found its way into the pickets of
Parisian adventuresses, German gam
blers, aud the thousand and one .harpers
who haunt the pleasure centres of the
coutiueut. When the money was all
gone l'araf went to his uncle, of tile Ann
of l'araf. Javai A Co., iu the Hue de
Santier, Paris, and in a short time aa
Itofore had compounded a new color,
which sold for SIO,OOO. Another month
of dissipation followed, and then the
vouthful chevalier determined to "Go
West. "
Paraf lauded in New York from tlie
West Indies iu June, 1877. Admit,
handsome and daring, he found no diffi
culty in effecting an entree to the count
ing rooms and parlors of New Y'ork mer
chant* Ills first acquaintances were
Bredt A Co., chemist*, iu Fulton street,
bv whom he was introduced to Prof.
Charles F. Chandler of Columbia Col
lege and tlie Board of Health. Ilia
scheme at tliis time was tlie manufacture
of i.aline out of sponges, and he applied
to tlie professor for au analysis of his
proceas. The rnterpria* was found to
be impracticable, and was soou urop
|>ed. Paraf then turned to liis old
forte of calico printing. He protested
to have discovered an " analine black "
superior to any in the market, and
with this he made a trip through the
manufacturing district* of New Eng
land, selling licenses to manufacture
the dye to various mill owner* at from
82,000 to £I,OOO apiece. Tins campaign
js said U> have netted him over SOO,-
000 in (o*li.
Returning to N'ew York. lie took ele
gant apartments in tin* rtrt story of
the Everett House, at $125 a week,
(•ringing with him a tall, distingue
looking blonde, whom he introduced a*
Madam I'uraf. The money which he
had made " down Eastlie dung
around him in the moat lavish style,
lie would take iitwvilnto pleasure in
loaning SI,OOO or $2,000 at a time to a
friend, and would even press it upon
the latter if he thought him in want
lie gave elegant dinner parties at Del
monioo'a, at which men well known in
scientific, mercantile and legal circles
were welcome guests. He would drive
home late in the evening aud allow the
carriage to stand uu'aide all night, too
indolent to send down the order for its
dismissal, hut perfectly willing to pay
825 or S3O to the driver in the morn
ing for his trouble. In bathiiig, he
wonld throw S2O worth of ottar of Macs
into the water, and then lie and soak
in Oriental luxury for au hour or more.
When the "snaline black" was ex
hausted by the diacovery of the fact that
the owner and patentee in Europe was
coming over to make those who had used
it pay roundly for the privilege, I'araf
carried his explorations into auother
Held. He professed to have hit upon a
method of employing the extract of mad
der in calico printing at a much cheaper
rate than tfiat in common use. He
called upon Gov. Hprague, of Rhode
Island, and laid his plans ticforo him.
The two together took a trip to Prov
dence, where Paraf performed his ex
|Mriment so sticoeaafiilly that the
Governor became convinced of tlie value
of the inventiou, and paid the Chevalier
$25,000 down, with a contingent interest
or royalty on the profits that might le
made out of the undertaking. Madder
works wore started in Providence, and
au imposing office rented at 42 Hroad
way, in this city. For a time everything
went on swimmingly, and Paraf over
flowed with money. His entertainment*
at Delmonico's became more lavish than
ever, and one in particular that he gave
to Hassan, the Tnnisiiiu Ambassador,
was a marvel of richness and luxury.
The Bpragne " placer " at last became
exhausted, and the Chevalier was forced
to new shifts to keep up his magnificent
style of living. In the eighteen months
during which the '•madder" excite
ment was nt its height, he had spent
over 8100,000, besides running into debt
largely. Something had to be done, nud
that speedily. Whnt. was done is best
described in the words of an intimate
friend: "I was coming up Broadway
one evening, when, who should hail me
but Paraf, who was driving by in a
coupe. He dragged me in, without a
word of explanation, shut the door, ami
held a small black bottle before my eyee.
'Taste it,' said he imperatively, I did so.
• Why, it's good butter," said I. * Yes,"
replied he triumphantly, ' and it's made
without one particle of milk.'"
This was the foundation of the oleo
margarine scheme, at least as far as
America was concerned. The process
had originally been discovered in Paris
during the siege by the Germans—tho
government having offered a reward to
any one who would produce au artificial
butter. The gist of the scheme lav in
the conversion of the fat of cattle into
a substance resembling butter, by the
use of pepsin—a method which was sup
posed to aboemplish in another and a
cheaper way what was effected by the
Srocees of digestion in the cow's stomach.
peoimens of the batter were prepared
in Dr. Chandler's laboratory and the
School of Mines in Oolnmbia College,
and submitted to R. Ogden Doremns
for analysis. The result of the analysis
was favorable, and a joint stock "oleo
margarine " company with a capital of
$500,000 was formed.
The first thing that led to suspicion
in the soundness of this new venture
was the discovery by the Chevalier's
lawyer that the process had already
been patented in France, and that Paral,
instead of being the original iuveutor,
was at liet but an adapter of the plans
of others. This fact aloue vitiated all
the patents under which the company
was working, and it liecame ucccasarv
to effect a reorgaiuaatiou. T. C. Dure
mils, a SOU of the professor, weut to
Paris, and bought the right oif manufac
ture in America for 810.000. It was
afterward diaouvered that I'araf had
merely "cribbed " lua ideas from Mege
Monries, the original author, and the
diagust of the inventors ** not less
ened by the fact Uiat a few months pre
vious a process almost identical with
Paraf's had been desert bed in the col
umn* of AppltUm't Journal.
It is thought by those who are well
acquainted with the finds that Paraf
might have made large fortunes for him
self tuid his aasticiate* had he nut been
in so great a hurry, and beeu willing to
ruruhase the American interest in the
'ranch patent. At all eveuta the Chev
alier was the hero of the oleomargarine
war, aud unquestionably first introduced
it iuto America.
From Han Francisco, whare, iu u lim
ited war, he had repeated his Sew York
experience, Paraf embarked for " freali
fields and pasture* new " He went to
Chili, and there claimed that he luul dis
covered a method of extracting gold
from copper ore, by which everybody's
fortune could be made. A company was
organised aud over 81,260.000 were sunk
before the swindle was discovered and
Paraf arrested.
How a Newspaper l Made.
Front an trticlr m Harper'* Maya
sitae, eutilled " Til# Metr.ipolilan News
paper," take the following vtvi.l de
scription of tin* manner in which the
reading matter of a New York luornmg
newspaper ia prepare.! for publication:
A cloae, low-Muftui, *tu<<ky room,
lighted by iunnhierable Argaud burner*,
and filled witii little desks, at which aat
bnsv, stooping men, puffing cigar*, and
scribbling with puna or jiencils at light
ning apwd that was the next acrne
opened to them. On aome of the dtoka
there were pile* upon pUee of newa
ptt|H-r* from point* aa far apart and as
rune.! aa the capitals of Europe and
plaintive outpost* on the far western
plains. A little tin box shot tin and
down a wooden shaft in the middle of
the mom, into which rolls of manuscript
were put by an office 1OT, who ruahed
from .leak to desk and gathered the
shecta aa they came from the writers' from time to tiiue a nervous,
sharp-voiced, imperative gentleman in a
very much soiled liueu .luster, called to
one or the other of the workers, and
gave orders which would have been quite
unintelligible to a layman, who might
have mistaken the establishment fur a
slaughter-house, when he heard a pale
faced little gentleman requested to
" make a paragraph f the Pope," "cut
down Anna Dickenaon," "double-lead
(b'Ueral Grant." "put a uuniou cap
head on Peter Ctsiper," aud " loil down
the Evangelical Alliance," lint making
a paragraph of the l'ope, simply applied
to the eonifweaaion of aome news con
cerning him into that ajace; tlie "ininiou
cap head " intended for the venerable
philanthropist meant the kind of type
to be uufl in h* title of a speech or
lertnra of Ins; and " boiling dowu " aud
".•nttiug doru " were two technicality*
expressing condensation. The gentle
mau in the linen duster was the night
editor in charge, tlie despot of the hour,
and the intermediary between tlie writers
and printer*, the latter being on the
floor aimer, and the little tin box in tlie
shaft communicating with them.
Ity three o'clock the last line of ropy
mnat lie in the printers' hands, and from
midnight until that time a newspaper in
Uie editorial department is in state of
nervous inteuaity ami activity for which
I can imagine no parallel.
Tlie amoke from the cigars and pipea
rolled op to the ceiling, an 1 the pena
sped over the pages of manuscript jmper.
The writers bent to their work with
tremendous earueeturas and concentra
tion; there was not one of tlioro who
had written leaa than a column of mat
ter that night, and sonic of them were
closing two sn.l three column articles,
which contained nearly as roauy words
ns five page* of Harjtrr'i Mayazinr.
They were pale and care worn. One of
them was heading and stileheadiug cable
dispatches from the scat of war. another
was writing editorial paragraph* wu tle
importsut telegraphic dispatches, an
other was condemning a new play in
virulent prose, another ww* revising a
thrilling account .*f a murder, another
was transcribing his stenographic note*
of a S|H.CCII on the inflation of the eur
rencv, another was pnttiug Jhe finishing
touches on a well-considered article
criticising a debate in the French As
sembly, and another was alisorWd in the
description of a yacht race. Tlie little
tin box in the shaft bounced np and
down more frequently, and the night
editor became more nervous and im
iierative than ever, as the fingers on tlie
big clock on the wall wen. beyond two.
The page* of mauuacript went no one
by one, and long moist proof-alieets
came down from the comi*•sing-room.
Then tlie "cutting down ' l>egaii, and
some of the writers saw articles that had
cost them hours of rosea roll annihilated
by tlie stroke of a pen, or redood from
ooltimns bparagraphs—not on account of
unimportance, but simply because there
is always a superfluity of matter, con
trary to the erroneous notion that
tlie editor's great difficulty is to fill his
columns—snd in aome inatanoi-s even
the paragraphs were finally omitted to
to make room for unexpected news that
had arrived later. Telegrams were still
coming iu at half-past two, but soon
after one dispatch brought the words,
" good night," and that meant the clos
ing. The night editor and his assistant
now disappeared into the oempoaing
room, where they remained to miperin
tend the making up of the forms, and
the men at the <e*ks prepared to leave,
or threw themselves back iu their chairs
for a chat and more smoke.
Female Suffrage Refused.
A telegram from Lelnnd, 111., to the
Oincinnati Oazcttr , dated the day after
election, says: Au incident which created
quite a ripple pf excitement yesterday
afternoon was the appearance at the
polls of Misses Hughes, Hnrd and
Squires, lady teachers in the public
schools, who wont together to the polls
snd insisted UIHIU easting their votes for
school commissioner, their argument
being that if a woman was intelligent
enough and had a right to lie a school
commissioner, she ought to tie allowed
to express s choice in the matter. The
anti-womAn suffragists were on liand in
force, amoug them being the street com
missioner, who demanded that they pay
a poll-tax if the judge allowed tliam to
vote. This create*! a big langb among
the hangars on about the polls, but the
ladies insisted, as they retired, that in
the refusal of tlie judges to receive their
votes they were denied their rights.
A little "five-year-old fellow came up to
his mother the other morning, and with
great earnestness said : " Mother, I saw
something run across the kitchen floor
this morning, and it hadn't any legs
either; what do you suppose
The mother's cariosity was excited at
the apparent strangeness of the supposed
animal, and, not knowing what else to
say, she said she supposed it was a
worm, or something rtf that sort, sbh did
not know what. Having for some time
enjoyed his mother's inability to solve
the problem, he said: "It was some
Value of Scarce C oins.
Of all the decimal Uuited State* coins
the most valuable is the silver .foliar of
1804, which is expensively rare. Hpeci
mens are worth from t&OO to •1,000
each, according to Uie nearness with
which they approach |>erfectiou. The
coinage of this year was very limited,
aud there were uo more dollars coined
until 1836. " Proofs "of the laat named
veur are worth flO, and good exam idea
$6. There was nothing done in dollars
in 1837, and the issues of 1838 and 183U
are rare enough to raise the quotation
for good specimens to s4<t each. From
that date forward to 1873, when the
trade dollar came iu, there is no break
iu the line of dollars, but from JBSO to
18615, inclusive, they are quoted as
•• rare "or " scarce," those of 1861 and
1862 being worth 836 or S4O each.
Previous to 1804 the value of a '* good "
spec! meu varies from $1.76 for lt'J9 to
$6 for 1798 and 84 for 1801, save that
the flrst ihiie of all (1794), which ia very
rare, bring* S6O. Home of the early
dates are made peculiarly valuable by
reason of variation in the number and
style of star*, etc.. there I sung three
varieties of 1798 and live of 1790.
Of the silver half dollars, those of
179 C and 1797 are the most valuable,
choice examples of these dates being
worth from 816 to 820. tkaal ones of
other years previous to 1806 will bring
from 82 to $4 One of this clous of 1816
is quoted at $2 60, and then titer are of
little runty nutil 1836, when a specinien
with reeded edge and head of 1837 is
valued at 8d or 84- The other names of
lias vcar is worth 81 The next dates
of uote are iB6O, 1861 and 186(1, valued
at $1.60, $2-50 aud $3 respectively.
More recent datea are only valuable to
roll.dor* when iu perfect condition,
•• proofs " of later issues only licing de
sired. aud Uiey range in worth from
$1 25 to SB.
guarter dollars are likewise a specu
lative issue slid therefore favorites with
dealers, >artieularly the date* 1833 and
1827, which arc excessively rare and
command from (45 to $75 each. The
1853 issue without arrows is also much
sought after, fair specimens bringing
from $8 to SB. The only other dates worth
over $1 for "good " example* are • 1824,
$1.50 ; 1822, $2 ; 1818. $1.75 ; 1815, $2 ;
181)7, $2 ; 1806. $2 ; 1805. $1.50; 1804,
$4 ; and 1786, $4.
.Silver dimes are still mure valuable as
a clam than the quarters, their smaller
*ixe and more general circulation having
made good specimens rather scarce in
all the earlier dates. From 1828 back
to 1786 thev range in worth from $1 to
$7. except in five instance*. The high
rales are : 1824. $2.50 ; 1822, $5 ; 1811,
$2.60; 1808, $3 . 1807, $1 ; 1808. $8 ;
1802, *C ; 1801. $5 ; 1800, $7 ; 1798, $5;
1797, $5 ; an 11796. $3. An 1840 with a
draped figure of Liberty like 1841 is
worth sl, as is a good issue of 1846.
Of all the minor coins, however, an
1802 half throe is the chief in cost, the
price ranging from $75 to S2OO, accord
ing to quality. A good specimen of
many other dates is, nevertheless, a
handy thing to liaTe as will be noted by
the following a dotation#; 1791, $4;
1796, $4 ; 1787. $2 ; 1800, sl. 25; 1801.
$6 ; 1808. $4; 1804, $4 ; 1840, (with
drapery), $1 . 1*46. $1.75. From that
dote until 1873, when the coinage closed,
no unusual worth attaches to tins clam.
A first-clam specimen of the last named
date is worth fifty cents, however.
For the three cent silver nieces there
is but little speculative call, as their
period only reaches from 1851 to 1873,
including i-th these years. By far the
m>sit valuable of all of them is the 1855,
a jierfect specimen of which is worth $2.
From 1863 to 18$.) an uncirculated one
is worth fifty cents. All the other
date* are of small value.— /foston Pott.
A Rcmlnl-cetice ef Senator Motion.
A correspondent gives this reminis
cence <>f Senator Morton in the Cincin
nati Ojmwirrefaf .* One of the pleasant
et occasions of that viatt to California,
when vonr cxjrreapondeot had the honor
of aroonipanyiag Senator Morton aud
family, was a trip to Virginia City.
Among other places of interest we
visited ass* the Consolidate*! Virginia
mine. Very agreeable arrangements
were made to convey the Senator down
the shaft into the mine. The platform
was covered with canvas and seats were
provided for the party. At the last he
declined going ou aooouut of his wife
not being quite strong enough, but lie
osme tuid seated himself by the side of
the shaft to witness the descent f other
members of the jarty. When I add
that the ladies were obliged to don a
.ximplete suit of male attire, some idea
will tie formed of the undertaking. The
ladies wen* three in number, two lovely
voting girls, the daughter aud niece of
Senator Cooper, and an elderly lady,
Mr. Macker and another gentleman
comprised tlie party. The costume of
the lathes was a dreadunught overcoat
worn over blue flanuel shirt and cloth
jswtaloous. Heavy shoes and a slouch
felt hat completed the outfit. On so
count of tlie intense heat of the mine,
the overcoat was worn only in descend
ing and ascending the shaft, and in the
absence of suspenders the |>auUlootis
were tied with a tow striug tightly
around the waist. The costume of the
geutlcmen was not leas striking, aud no
one enjoyed its ludicrous aspect like
Senator Morton. He laughed immod
cnitelv, and had the patience to remain
seated until we returned, flushed with
heat and dripping with i>erspiration.
There was not the suspicion of a cnrl
left in the locka of tlie young ladies,
and tliev looked as fresh and pretty as a
child just out of the bath. Henator
Morton, who relished the exit eTen more
than the departure, said they eminded
him of the old song of the ose just
washed by the rain.
Fooled by a Bottle.
The other uiglit,*avs the Santa Barbara
(Cel.) /Vfs, a houe near tlie lieach was
entered by a burglar, long after tlie in
mates had gone to sleep. The only
occupants were a woman and two
little girls. Tlie man obtained an en
trance through the window of the room
in which the children slept, and in get
ting in woke one of tlie girls, who called
out to her mother that a man was in the
room. The mother soon realised the
fact that something was wrong, and
called ont to her little girl that she
would get a pistol aud come in. She
accordingly came in with a small bottle
in her hand (she not owning a pistol),
and was just in time to see a man crawl
from under the bed and make a hurried
exit throngh tho window. The woman
displayed an amount of presence of mind
ana courage not often exhibited in an
emergency like that, even among the
sterner sex.
Siamese Twins in an Oyster Bed.
The clerk of the steamer Maggie, of
the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company,
has brought to the city a remarkable
oyster that had been caught in the Ches
apeake. The oyster is, apparently, two
oysters fastened together, ae is often the
case. The peculiarity, however, is that
while there were two diatinct oysters,
they were fastened together by a ligature
running from heart to heart, the shell
that divided them being veiy thin, and
showing that there was really bat one
oyster contained in the three shells. The
same gentleman has also an old bottle
into which an oyster had become imbed
ed, remaining until it was too largs to
get out. — Baltimore Bulletin. ,
TERMS: ®'2.00 a Year, In Advance.
I HrSlral Hlala.
Bat'iaK-HwKLLiMa. —To cure a swell
, iug from a bruise, foment it for half an
hour, morning and evening, with hut
cloths dipped in vinegar and water ae
hot aa you can bear it.
Oi'itn roa Waara.-—Warts may be re
moved, says a celebrated physician, by
rubbing them, night and inurning, with
a moistened piece uf muriate uf atnmo
i ma. They solum aud dsrimlle away,
leaving no such mark aa follows their
dispersion with lunar caustic.
To PcmrT THE BLOOD. —Btrictly diet
on oat-meal porridge, lean beef, plain
vegetables, fruit aud Qrabatn bread.
Eat no wheat bread or pastry or pud
dings ; no butter or gmsm whatever.
Butter and cheese secretly poison many
system*. Drink weak leuiouade. Eat
regularly, and the dryer the food the
I witter. Food floating in grease refnaea
to digest. Substitute clear water—not
toe water—for tea or coffee. On retir
ing, apply cold cream or beef fat to the
complexion. Take the oila externally
instead of internally.
A KRMKMT rua OATAKKH.—A fanner'a
daughter asya : Dry aud powder uiulleu
leaves aa fine aa you would powder sage;
then smoke aa yon would tobaeau, Ist
tiug the smoke eseajie through the uua>
trils instead of the uiouth. This is cue
of the beat of remedies tor catarrh in
the head. It lias entirely cured a ease
of over twenty yean' standing, when
every other remedy heard uf has failed
to do ao. It may require a little prac
tice to let the smoke escape through the
nostrils. Mullen will be stronger gath
ered before the trust injures it, but will
amwer even if dug front under the snow.
It will ah>o be found an excellent reme
dy for cold in the head.
fltolM aa* Waaarta*.
A correspondent of the American
Farmrr says: The above constitute*
two first essentials in the production of
good crops, and should receive special
attention at the hands of every one who
would cultivate and produce a good
crop, let it be corn, tot swum, cotton or
' potatoes, etc.
Thorough plowing I consider the more
uufurtaut of the two, fur nulea* the
ground is well plowed, the heat manur
ing will have comparatively little effect,
whereas land well aud thoroughly plowed
with light fertilising will product! fairly,
' but with better manuring will prodnue
|at a profit; still there is a limit beyond
which profit ceases, aud just where this
Unut is the cultivator must be the judge,
after experiment; but generally there ia
! little danger of exceeding it.
Plowing, to be thorough, should be ao
performed that the ami shall be broken
and made as fine a* possible; you cannot
pulverise too much.
Plow deep is a relative term, and may
mean V.TT differently on different soils,
for while four inches rosy be deep for
| one soil, tec or twelve may be less ao on
' others, no that here we must be governed
by the nature of the soil plowed. Bub
' soil ploughing ia a distinctive difference
from the common acceptation at the
term plowing, yet is often used with the
same meaning. Sub-soiling on moat
• soils, in connection with good ph> ving,
m one <4 the essential* of ocrtaiuty ufa
: good product; the deeper and more
thoroughly the sub-soil is broken the
, better, as no nop will be likely to suffer
the effects of drought or wet where the
i ground is sub-soiled, as witers only snr
j (ace pkiwad.
In plowing under manure it should
not be tumid down to the bottom of the
turned soil, if we wtab the benefit of
anv portion of H in the present crop.
l*be ucarer the snrface, and have it
covered in the soil, we keen manure, the
greater benefit the crop will receive from
it Herein lies one benefit of plowing
under the manure shallow, and again
plowing the same ground a trifle deeper;
which, while it mixes Uie manure with
the sou, still keeps the greatest portion
near the curface, jn*t where the roots of
the voting plant will be benefited by it;
and*as the water of rains dissolve ami
wash down the portions of the salts,
etc., the later roots of the same plants
find and appropriate what they most re-
3 aire, aud thus the manure is equalised
trough the soil.
Southern men have informed me that
it Would not answer to plow deep, as
with their sudden powerful showers the
land would go seaward, from washing, I
out (pose; however that may be I am un
able to say, as I have no experience
there; hot from what I read of the ex
perience of the most snccessfnl South
ern planters, I think I should venture a
trial and see the result. I know here at
the North the more shallow plowed
£onud washes worse than that which is
eply worked, aud also crop# grown on
shallow worked soil are less certain and
more subject to the vicissitudes of the
season, wet or drought, than where the
ground ia deeply worked.
11 aakekati lllmtm
IswwUt ffwlu KBral^wi
IUKEDMATAHO!*!.—Dee about half a
pound of macaroni, break up in piece*
!>nt it in boiling water and stew geutiy
or twenty minutes; salt it a little; drain
well; have ready a buttered pudding
dish; place slaver of the macaroni in
the bottom, then cover with grated
cheeee and a few lumps of butter; then
another layer of macaroni and more
cheese and butter until all is used np;
add a wineglass of cream or milk; hake
covered for half au hour ; then re
move the cover and brown uicely; serve
it iu the bake-dish.
To SOIL A TTM. —A delicate hen
turkey nliould always be selected for
Ixhling. Pick and draw it, taking g*c**
care not to break the trail-bladder; when
it, iasinged, cat through the akin round
the flrat joint of the k'gs, awl draw
them out by faatening the feet to •
atrong hook and then palling the bird
away (mm it; take off the head and
neck, waah It clean, and wipe it dry; fill
the breaat with real stuffing; in trussing
it, draw the leg* with the body, break
the breastbone, and give the turkey aa
plump an appearance aa yon oun; put
it into plenty of hot water and bou it
very gently for about two hoar*; aerred
either with celery aance or a good white
aanoe. •
DRIED APPLE CAER. —Boak three cap
iula dried apples over night, than draw
off the water through a sieve; cliop the
apples slightly, then simmer them in
three capfnla of mo lassos for two hoars;
after that add two eggs, one cupful
sngar, one capful sweet milk or water,
three-quarters capful batter or lerd, one
tesspoonfnl baking powder, flour enough
to make pretty stiff batter; add cinna
mon, cloves to taste.
GRAHAM BREAD.— Three pinte of gra
ham floor, one and a half pints erf white
floor, one-half pint of molasses, a little
salt, one capful yeast; mix rather wet
with a spoon.
InSlraitoaa of k UM4 Bauer law. ,
It is said that the oolor of the inside
of the cow's ear affords an infallible
guide to the selection of a good batter
oow. If the skin on the-inside of the
ear is of a rich yellow or orange oolor
and the lining of the ear is covered with
an oily secretion, the oow will be sure to
give a good quality of milk, rich in
Oows that produce a high-colored bat
ter have a large amount of the secretion,
the inside of the ear being of an orange
tint. On the other hnpd, light-colored
batter makers present a sototy, thin,
Jiale yellow secretion, in some cases
onnd only at the bottom of the ear,
> while the 'inside lifting is of a oonre-
•jHitidmglv pale, undefined color.
Every male of tbe bovine family has the
power <>f accreting a certain amount at
this oily matter. If tbe quantity be
normal ly large, secretion will take place
freely in the mammary glands, tbe ear
and the akin. Aa the teat is simple and
coats nothing, it cannot fail to prove
e useful aitxtliiary to tbe deityuwn and
farmer in their selection of rkat milkers.
—lndiana Jliraaar,
America* and Foreign Longevity.
American life, its strain and expendi
ture, ia ones more arraigned liecause
Governor Morton died at fifty-four,
while Theirs fell off at eighty, and bis
' ooiilemporarie*, Bismarck, Von Moltkc,
the Emperor William, and other influ
ential meat we Living at the name age.
The arraignment is * rrpetkm and not a
discovery, and does not consider impor
tant facta. One of theae is that tbs
xtndioaa, calm, and regular life of the
French historian and statesman waa a
very different thing from y*e exciting
<wraer of the Indians leader, and that
dissimilar vital force ia to be calculated
with unequal oouditiooa in reckoning
their longevity. Another is that oo in
dividual ia a Miffimmt national repro-
Meutetive in such a case. We have no*
i living in our own city, in the person of
General Robert Patterson, uce who has
aeau and done as much and suffered a*
great change* at climate and endured
a* much labor aa perbap* any of the
named European* ; and yet eclipsing
them all in yew*, he is quale their equal
in vigor. 'Hero, too, at caur doors ia
Henry C. Oarey, capable of doing the
work of any erf the men named at eighty
five. And' Mr. Oameroo ia in his eight
ieth year, and by no mesas randy to fall
asleep while this administration lasts.
We recently buried Horace fiinney,
wasting tint three yearn of a century ;
j and recalling other prominent men
whose lives were active and laborious,
there was Webster, who lived to seventy
1 year* ; Clay to aevcoty-flve ; Benton an
additional year; Chi* Juatfce Marshall,
eighty; J. g. Adams, eighty one;
Thorns* Jefferson, eighty-three ; Lewis
Cam, eighty-four, and Chief Justice Ta
ney, eighty-erven. The list can be
easily extended, and the more it is ex
amined the more fully it will be proved
' that American life ia oo move deadly
than European, and that professional
life has as good chances of <*®tinuanr
j here a* them A few years ago Ameri
can women were the subject* of similar
, lamentation. The jeremiads wae explod
ed at the time, sod its auccaasor cannot
survive full and <b "passionate iuveotiga
tkni. —Philadelphia North Amariran.
Supplying a Vw Scalp.
A very canons case has its existence
now in Jamestown, N. Y. It seems that
on the morning of April 23, Mm Hay,
an employe of the Jamestown alpaca
nulls, weal from her home, adjoining the
mills, to the lesemant story of the
•• wen VP-room " to feed MOM fancy poul
try. Iu some unknown way her hair,
worn loosely, caught ia a horizontal
abaft, revolving rapidly, end the aoaip
was torn off from the neck to the eye
brow*. leaving the akull entirely bare,
and making a wound 159 square inches
iu extent. 8h- walked to her borne,
nbout 500 feet distant, sad gave order*
about *ending for a surgeon. At first
an attempt **e made hi replace the scalp,
and it was patched up and sewed on,but
soon began to alough off, and the physi
cian* were at a loss as to the coarse they
idtould pursue. The case had DO pvqpe
,lent, and for a time they were completely
nonplussed. A* last, however, they hit
upon the experiment of grafting, and
published a card in tbe daily papers ex
plaining the case, aad asking contribu
tion* from voting and healthy people to
replace the scalp. The young people
responded in goodly number* to the call,
and the doctor* took from their ansa a
< very small piece of akin, which waa
transferred to the heed of the uufortu
uete lady. At first the experiment I
Neemcd driobtful. but at last the grafts
began to adhere, and the patient ia no*
iu a fair way of roeovoty. Two hundred
and forty-one "plants ' have been ap
plied, which cover about half the scalp,
and the remainder will beplaoed in posi
tion a* soon as possible, Mr*. Hay ha*
lieen unconscious for days, but enthusi
astic physician* who have the cese in
hand are sanguine that she will ultimate
ly recover. ________
At balk-age to the Ueurtlerw.
Grants, in hia " Saxon History," tell*
<m of an Earl of Alaatia, *u roamed on
amount of hia great strength, ''The
Lion;" who waa a favorite of Edward
the Third, of England, aad much
•-uvied, as favorite* are always sure to
be, by the rest of the courtiers. On
>m* occasion, when the king waa absent,
Mwue noblemen maliciously instigated
tbe queen to make trial of the noble
blood of the favorite, by causing a lion
to be let loose upon him, saying, accord- <
iug to Uie popular belief, that if the j
>wrl was trnlv noble, the lion would uot
touch htm. It being enstomary with the
•wrl to rise at the break of day, before j
any other person in the palace was stir
ring, a boo was let loose during the
night ami turned into the lower court
Wneu tbe carl came down in the more-
I mg, with no more thaa a night-gown |
cant over his shirt be was met by the
liou, bristling his hair, and growling de-
Ktrnetiou between hi* teeth. The earl,
not in the least daunted, called out with .
a stout voice. " Stand, you dog!" At
thane words, toe liou crouched atnia feat,
to the great amaxemeut of tha courtier*, j
who were peeping cut at every window
to aee the issue of their ungenerous de
sign. The earl laid hold of tha lion by
the mane, turning him into his cage, and
placing hi* night-cap on the lion's back,
came forth without cutting a look be
hind. "Now," said the earl, calling
out to the courtiers, " let him among
von all that standeth most upon his
jwdigree, go and fetch my night-cap."
Words of Wisdom.
The mom polished society is, the less
l formality there is in &
Two-thirds of the world are always
engaged in fighting wind-mills.
A man writing an anonymous letter, is
like a pappy inside an enclosure bark
ing at yon with his nose under the
A lie is a hiltleea sword which is sure
to cat the hand of him who strikes with
! it. It is better to find this ont flmt than
A who can give up dreaming and
go to his daily realities; who can smother
down his heart, its love or woe, and hike
to the work of his hand; who defies fate,
and, if he must die, dies fighting to the
last—that man is life's best hero, *
The most agreeable of all companions
is a simple, frank man, without any high
pretensions to an oppressive greatness;
one who loves life, and. understands the
use of it; obliging alike at all hours;
aboVe all, of a golden temper, and stead
fast as an anchor. For such s one we
gladly exchange the greatest genius, the
most brilliant wit, the profoundest
Lessons of wisdom have never such
Eower as when they are wrought in the
earl through the groundwork of a story
which engages the passions; is it that
we are like iron and must first be heated
before we can be wrought upon? or is
it the heart so in love with üboeit that
where a true report will not reach it we
must cheat it with a fable in order to
come at the truth T
I (MM Of btMTMI.
Forbear to jodga, far we are all *in
" Life ia made up or sunshine and
ahaddo," an Josh Billing*-" sbont
lira ahaddo* to one sunshine.
Hare than 100,000.000letmma, oranges,
and citrons ate consumed or exjKirted by
the inhabitant* of ration* parta of Asia
Professor—" In one evening I counted
twonty-aaran meteors aittuig on my
uiasxa." Claaa amraaaaa groat astoo
tahmaut at the of tha
! heavenly bodies.
In Cincinnati, on a meant Sunday
craning, foar public ball*, three musical
entertainment*, three variety theatre*.
" in the Grand
Opera House, earn all numerously at
Tbe aneeetry of Senator Voorbeea, at
Indiana, on hia father 1 * de, ea Dutch:
lon hi* mother'* aide, Iriah. He bad
I India* fighter* and Revolutionary ad
diet* for bis grandfather* and
! grandfather*, and he is fifty yen** old.
A young man who left home in Con
necticut aome year* ago to aeak his for
tuue, reoeutlv wrote framHfexas, aaying;
" f're aettled hot*." It baa since trana
pi red that ha waa right He had aettled
at twenty cent* on the dollar.
(One of the Kentucky minstrel* ia "it
ting far hi* picture in character.)—
Operator; "Now. air, look pleaaaat—
ntnilc a little." (Minstrel smOea.) " Ob!
that will nerer do. It's too wide for the
The Anti-Horse Thief Association ia
an institution in northwestern Miaacmri,
southeastern lowa and northwestern
Illinois, whose object is pretty clearly
imlhmtad ia its name.
The torn of human life daring the
great ftood in Bengal, foUowmg lite cy
clone of 1876, has lately been ascertained
to hare amounted to 165,000. It wae
estimated at the time at near 800,000.
Bucks county, Pa., ha* a smoker who
claims to hare averaged seven cigars per
•lay daring the laet fifty-eeren yearn,
which would aggregate 146,000 cigars,
worth, at fir* eanta each, #7,250.
In Biealan, Germany, a success! nl at
tempt has been made to erect a paper
■•tourney about fifty feet high. By a
chemical preparation the paper m ren
dered imperrtoua to the actaon of ire
or eater.
The 806 member* of the two boneee of
Congress include 239 lawyers, nineteen
I bankers, aercnteen merchant*, fifteen
editor*, twelve farmer* and planters,
twentr physicians, eoren manufacturer*,
fire officer* of railroads and fire school
An important though little known
business in Wort field, Mass., is the
manufacture of piano legs. Some 800
oarrrd leg* per mouth are turned out
They are made of white wood, and carred
mostly by hand. They are sent un
stained and unfinished to the piano
manufacturers, who color and polish
them to suit the instrument for which
they are designed.
Laet mouth a Paris butcher was bitten
by a pet oat ana did not go to a doctor,
but oowtonled himself with cauterizing
the wound. Next morning the cat was
found dead, but a veterinary surgeon
Eve it as hia opinion that it had not
sd mad. Notwithstanding this the
poor butcher waa seised with the
direst apprehensions In tbe night he
waa subject to terrible pains, and two
dara later died in horrible pain.
Men are generally more honest in
their private than in their public capac
ity, and will go greater length to serve a
party than when their own private inter
est ia alone concerned. Honor is a great
check upon mankind, but where a con
siderable bodr of men act together this
check ami gnat measure removed,
since a man ia sure to be approved of by
his own party for what promotes the
common interest, and he soon learns to
despiss the clamors of adversaries.
A man who was hanged in Arkansas
the other day, far murdering his aunt,
had some very dear views as to hia ca
reer in life, provided he had been ac
quitted of In* crime. He intended to
burn up the jail and court hooaaand
village of Hot Spring*. Then he in
tended to kill five meu thai he didn't
fancy, and to burn the dwellings and
barns, and poison the stock of sundry
other people who didn't altogether suit
him After this he intended to do aa
indefinite amount of burning, mordering
and robbing, until he waa caught or get
tired of the sport
A man with hia Lags almost petrified
lied at New Haven, recently, in Jamas
Feathentone, aged Tt, who for many
vean suffered from elephantiasis sea
born. He had a "crick** in hia back
ten yearn ago aad took to hia bed, and
has nerer since been out at it About
a rear Later the aoie* of hia feet bemn
to harden and look like stone, said hie
leg* swelled and were covered with
scabs, ulcers and homy (excrescences,
sometime a two inches Long, presenting a
sickening .tight, until at his death they
measured aome thirty-five inches around
the calf and weighed about eighty
pounds. The case has attracted wide
attention from physicians, and is thought
to be the first at the kind in New Eng
land. - sprin&rJd ( Ma**.) Republican.
Fewer *f Rumple.
Bpeakiugof a recent suicide *4n New
Tort, s correspondent add*. Tbe nata
* ral inclination to fellow an evil example
was illustrated by the monument sui
cides in London. ia 200
feet high, and it* summit once wee open
to the public, with but a small protective
! railing. More thnn seventy yean ago.
liowever, a man leaped over the rail and
was picked up deed. Hia example was
woo afterward followed by another, and
j the monument suicides became so fre
quent that a tall railing was built,
i which effectually prevented any further
Similar instances of tbe power of ex
ample have occurred iu this city. A man,
for instance, leaped from the wheelhouse
! of a steam ferryboat some year* ago and
was drowned. Immediately there was a
run of "steamboat suicide." Another
striking case was that of Dr. Wells, the
once noted Hartford dentist, and (aa it is
claimed) the diaaoverar of chloroform.
, He came from Hartford to this city to
attend to his disco very, and in tbe even
ing walked out to ace New York by gas
light. He became, no doubt, slightly
intoxicated and was included in a number
of arrests made that night. When he
came to, he found himself the inmate o
s cell, and he knew that as soon as this
dreadful fact became known hi* reputa
tion would be destroyed. Unable to
contemplate such a result the unfortu
nate man opened a vein and then dosed
himself with chloroform, and was found
in the morning dead. That season a
large number of chloroform suicides took
places. Hotel suicides have also been
much in vogue since they were at first
started. Paris green suioides also had
an extensive run. One finds that there
is a fashion in felo de e just as there is
in everything else.
Life ia the City.
During one week recently, in London,
twenty-seren deaths were caused by
fractures and contusions. Two men,
aged respectively forty-two and thirty
nine years, two boys eight years
old, a woman seventy-three years
old, and a girl three Tear* old,
were ran over and killed by vans or
carts. A girl four years old was run
over and killed by a cab; a boy two
years old and a woman twenty-seven
years old fell from a window and were
killed. A woman sixty-nine years old
fell on the pavement and died : another
woman, seventy-two years old, was
killed by falling from her bed. A boy
three years old fell from a child's arms
and was killed. Two men, aged respec
tively forty-nine and twenty-eight year*,
were run over by the railway oars. An
old man aged sixty-nine years, a young
man of years, an old woman
of seventy-two years, and a middle-age
woman of fifty years, fell down stair*
and were killed. A man of thirty-nine
years was killed by falling down a ship's
hold ; a man of forty-fonr years by fall
ing into a cellar ; and a man of thirty
nine years by falling from a roof. The
number of births waa nine hundred and
seventy-five more than the number of
deaths. Eleven infants under one year
of agedk of rcuffocatkm.