The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 06, 1877, Image 3

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Centre Hail, Pa, Th'red. Dec. 6, '77.
gdrTKßMS.—t'iper year,when paid in
advance ; $2.50 trtm not paid in advance.
Advertisements 2lVf# per line for three in
jection*. and b cent* per line for every sub
sequent insertion. Advertisement* by Ihe
year at a liberal discount.
Subscriber* outside the county should re
mif u* 10 ft*, n mount of one year's post
age, instead o/HOrf* at formerly eehen paid
by themselves. ,
Subscribers can always tell how fAerr ac
count* stand at the Reporter office ■ w eon
rutting the tables on their paper*. If the
table reads " John Roe 1 jan "lb" it means
that John i* indebted for subscription from
the l*f gf January, 18*5, and that it *
time he was paying the printer.
Lopoi imhrbiT "
Oaaraa RAM. lone*. !• Wa,f._Q.e*<\.?a "** u
•r; Stnr4) th* iMd trite"* HeJI A a
j. it tuixtLAMP. a**i. M - r *
Ota rwT t-opea. N. IT. Th. U . .g
VomtAf p?#nlni tt, r Mitt *il **ll <*>• lm
J. a riJSMiro. W. H
GftAtttiS. Ho, ft- Ff* H.
11*11. Otntr* Midi on tho tUlnwUf o *rA
. At 1 r H Ae *mn two wtafc*
.■ *..aoAyaeoa. —
Writing paper and envelope*, in boxe*.
vcrv cheap, at Welch'* Book tore.
—Centre Co Teacher*' Institute. in the
Court-houae, Bellefonte commencing Tun -
day. Dec. 61
Pr. Jacob* ha* purchased th# pro
perty of Joseph Crotzer in thia place—
boute and lot aad 4 acre# ground-at
Telegraph pole* are now catt#red
up thi* way a* far a* Spring Mill#, and
they will aoon be planted and tho wire
•trung over them ready for we*agee.
The Hvner well i now nearly 20Ck>
feet in depth, and no imell ot oil; yet keep
on ye brave men of Uyner. Soon you wi 11
get to China and strike tea.
Freight charge# on our railroad
have lately been raduced to satisfactory
figure#, and there i* no more caue to com
Mr. Itaac Guggenheimer, of Belletonte
it about (tarting a (tore in the piece, in
the room connected with Spangler'* ho
—lfyou wish to have first class furni
ture, of home manufacture, call at Came
,/pooms, Centra HalL \
/ —The mail is now carried on the cars
as far at Spring Mills, whence it it taken
by stage direct to Centre Hall. Mr. Ph.
Prank's conch leases Centre Hall at 10 a.
m , for Spring Mills, and returns at 4 p.
m , which secure* direct through travel
from Lewisburg to Centre Hall—distance
of 5? miles—in about 7 hours.
At Boytrs you can buy the finest Fur
llate in the market for $2. Latest
style. <L
—The choicest York state apples,
Baldwins, Rhode Island Greenings, Rus
setts, Ac., to he had by the barrel or in
less quantity, at Sechlers grocery,
Mr. Daniel Gentxel, one of Gregg
township's old residenters, died on 2nd.
Blank Books—a great variety, at
Welch's Book store, Bellefonte.
Mr. Jacob Sparr one of the oldest
citizens of Harris township, died last week
aged nearly 93 years. He was a citizen of
that township upwards of 60 years.
Beyer sells the best calico for 61c an ex
cellent article for 51 6dec 4t
The little building recently put up on
tbe turnpike opposite the school house, in
Penn twp.. shows a lack of modesty on
the part of those who perhaps unthinking
ly, had it erected there. It is altogether
•ui*f place where it is, and we wonder
the turnpike company allowed it to be
put on their road, so conspicuous to every
passer by.
™ Krumrein A Son, Spring Mills, are
now nnder full sail for purchase of all
kinds of grain and seeds, and sell all
kind* of coal, plaster and salt, at their
warehouse. They are reliable, pay
highest prices and tell at bottom figures.
Read their ad. in this issue of the Repor
We have iost learned tbat St. Nich
olas has made bis Hmd Quarters at The
Old Reliable Book A Toy Store of H. Y.
Statzer, there it no use in trying to enum
erate all there is to be seen there; go and
see for yourself—end every thing, Oh,
Hew Cheap! We just noticed on bit
bulletin board Almanacs at 2cts eacb.
School Books at reduced rates. General
G rant alse does bis smoking there now. 2t
List of letters remaining in tbe Poet-of
fice at Centra Hall, Pa, Dec, Ist, 1877 :
Miss Mary Decker, 1; Mis* Julia B.
Sweeny, 1 ; Wm. H. Sanders, 2.
At the last regular meeting of Progress
Grange, N0.96,P. ofH.,the following res
olutions were unanimously adopted*-
WKtrta*. It has pleased Almighty God
to remove from our midst our worthy and
much esteemed brother, Dr. Peter Smith,
a charter member of thia Grange,
Revolted. That while we bow in humble
submission to the divine will we cannot
but regret the lots of such a worthy mem
ber and we hereby extend to tbe family of
our deceased brother our heartfelt sympa
thy, referring them in the hour or their
affliction to him who doeth all tbinga well.
Resolwtd, Tbat a copy of ibeae reaolu
tions be sent to tbe family of the deceased
brother; tbat tbey be published in tbe
county papers, and recorded upon tbe
minutes of this Grange.
Resolrrd, That our charter be draped in
mourning for the period of ninety days.
G. M. BOAL, )
Joa. CiK'Tziß, > Committee.
Sbswl and School straps, at Welch's,
Newman bat got beyond competi
tion in selling cheap Clothing. He has
got ahead of all tbe rest, and they have
given up tbe cbaae. He baa conquered
and the people have tbe benefit of it.
Wonderful business man. So clever.
Will do any thing in his power to please a
customer and send him away satisfied.
He does not deceive. Represents bis
clothing just what it ia, and you always
know what you have got, and cheap. Re
member, thia ia Newman, at tbe Eagle
Clothing Hall. Call and aee him by all
Books of ever; description at Welch's
Book store, Bellefonte.
THINE or THlß.—Outof one bun
dred thousand bottles of Jamaica Veg' ta
ble Health Elixir sold lat year, SI,OOO
were saved to the purchasers. This is one
reason that we sell this valuable medicine
at ninety-nine cents perbottl/; and anoth
er reason is that we desire to attract pub
lic attention to it wheiever it is not gener
ally known. For all common diseases,
such as headache from disordered stomach
constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion,
billiousness, and a debilitated state of the
system from impoverished blood, this rem
edy stands without parallel. Regular sixe
and sample bottles for tale by F. P. Green
None can successfully compete with
Sechler and Co. for selling good and cheap
groceries. Give them a call and try some
of iheir goods and you will want to go
back again.
Notice is hereby given, the duplicate of
Scbool Tax for the township of Potter, bax
been placed in the hands ol the Treasurer,
JACOB DINUEK, at Centre Hall. On all
taxes paid to him on or before December
Ist, 1877, there will be a deduction of five
per centum ; on all taxes remaining un
paid for one month after said date, the full
amount will be charged, and thereafter an
addition of 6 per cent, on all remaining
19 oct2m.
Tbe silverware delivered by the Nation
al Silver Plating Co.. 704 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, is giving entire satisfaction.
All orders are promptly filled, and no one
need hesitate about sending them money.
—Lutheran Observer. eow4t
All kinds of games for winter amuse-
ment, at Welch's Bellefonte.
The Star Clothing Hall, on corner of
Allegheny and Bishop St., is headquarters
for every grade of ready made clothinglow
as in Philadelphia.
A full line of clothing Cor men and beys,
*t Boyers, very cheap. A4
Owing to 10 much wot weather— it hat
rained five day* in uccei#lon,—the
road* are awful muddy,—yet it don't
•care Capt. lla*tonV'ug a bit, ho ba* a
i many good* on hi* porch for sample* a
many a man ha* in hi* *tore. Still Cap
•ay*, "Step in gentlemen and eo my
good*,' 1
Then wo go to the Po#t a thee, and eh,
what toro* and other th ing* wo tee, tome
time* Harry and eomellrae* Thomat lliek*
—both tine gentlemen, and if thoy are not
there George will attend to your want*,
from a toTe down to a dipper. AH clev
or fellow*.
Then we will go aero## the new bridge
and (top at Mr*. Bell'* new *tore. What
lot* of pretty thing* you will *ee. 1 hope
•he won't forget the Reporter 1* the he*t
paper to advertitc in in the county. Jut
♦tep to the depot and there we lind Wal
lace Duncan heating up hi* large *tove to
warm every one who come* in, either on
hu*ine** or out of curiosity, all the tame.
In looking around you ee lot* of coal
and platter. Thomat Jemiton ha* hi* new
houte molt ready for Alf. Miller to move
In going down the heck way you tee
Samuel Leitael hurrying up hi* new houie
A little father on we ee I. J. Grenoble'*
new houte going up and aero** the street
we tee Mr*. Jatne* Leitale working et her
trade fixing up hat* and bonnets, and a*
we come hack we tee Kdward Krumrein
busy measuring out coal. A little farther
on ia the residence of Dr F. Yenvalxe, it
lookt natural. Peter Wilton ha* fixed up
hi# houte thi# fall, it look* nice and tidy—
Mr. Wilton know* how to fix up thing*.
Next i* 1. J. Grenoble'/ (tore, which i*
advertised in your paper and if they read
hia card they can tee what he ha* for
The people of Potter and Harris town
ship will be glad to bear we bare a tempo
rary bridge over Sinking Creek to the de
pot—no more driving through the wa
ter. x
cold, tell him to buy Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup- He will thank you tor your ad
vice. The price is only 25 cents.
The regular session of Congress coni-
Npenced on Mondny. Mr. Hnyee sent iu
his message which defends his southern
I policy and goes for hard-money. There
is nothing new or very remarkable in
the doenment.
Picture A Motto Frames, all sizes and
styles. A good motto frame with glass for
25 ct*. at Welch's Bellefonte.
Wa had very cold weather yet fine.
some four or five days, up te Wednesday
when there was rain.
Read the card of Nolan A M'Allit
tar, merchant tailors, late of Bellefonte.
who have located in this place, and come
week recommended.
Goldberg, at tbe Star Clothing Hall,
corner Bishop and Allegheny si's, Belle
fonte, will sell you suits that will suit as to
fit and prices. Men and boys can get com
plete outfits at tbe lowest possible prices.
Clothing guaranteed as represented. Don't
tail to give him a call. Now is the time
to tare money. The Star Clothing Hall
is first class in every respect.
To OUR PATRONS—To those of our
patrons who pay promptly or within a
reasonable time, we say, many thanks:
and these who owe us for subscription or
job work, for a number of years, we would
say tbat we must have money in order to
pay current expenses. Everything about
a printing office—rent, fuel, insurance,
material and labor, tee muat pay for in
CASH. The money due us it scattered
among several thousand patrons, and if
even the half of these refuse, or neglect
to pay up promptly we era unable to meet
our obligations. It is an unpleasant thing
to dun, but we are obliged to do it. Look
on your paper and see what you owe—if it
it not possible to pay all, be good enough
to tend us at least some. This is more ess
pecially directed to such as are in arroars
more than one year.
Mr. C. C. Conser, formerly of Su
gar Valley, has opened a merchant tailor
ing establishment in the new bank build
ing, Read his card in another column.
He has all the experience to give you fits.
A Ibrge stock cf Steroecopes and Views
at greatly reduced prices, at Welch's,
All competition in monument* and
tombstone* has been distanced by Hoisfer'i
Marble Works, Bellefonte, where the best
and cheapest work is turned out.
Persons wishing to advertise farms,
saliw, Ac., will bear in mind that we offer
to GITE a MUCH LARGER circulation through
the Reporter on this tide the county, than
any other paper, and will forfit our pay if
this it found not correct.
Juron —Ist Monday Dec.
Penn—Wm Wert, Jacob Keen. Gregg-
John Tsylor.Jonath Condo, Jas Hannah,
Jacob Homan, Geo Decker. Benner—
S Yearick, John Ishler. Harris—Jno
Davis. Spring—Tboa Shearer. Hus
ton— C Bullock. Ferguson—Dan
ver. Jos Hov. Bellefonte—Wm Harper,
F Steele, 1 Miller, Jos Fox, J H Morri
son. Boggs—J F Sbope, C Adams, J H
Wagner, W W Wolxler. Ilalfmoon—
W S Grey. M Elder. Miles—Em Har
ter. Potter—M Stiver, J D Murray.
Howard—J Royer. Snowsboe—O l3e
Oarmo. Philipsburg—S Fleck, W L
Harper. Haines—las Weaver. Miles
burg—M Glenn. Marion—Ad Yearick.
College J I Thompson.
Trial Liat for 2nd Week of Novern-
bcr Term, 1877. Commencing Ist
Monday (3rd day) of December.-
Roderick F Clow use of vs Derby Coal
Co of Pa.
Packer A Packer vs Mann A Confer.
Harper Bros J N Thomas A Co.
' Henry R Fiddler vs W K Alexander et
al Garnisbere*.
Sultaberger A Co vs N Haur ct al.
Wm Grove v* Richard Conley.
I J Geary vs Thes Taylor et al.
J Z Long vs H A Merriman el al.
K V Marsh vs W W Spangler.
Wm Sbortlidgo vs H F ttinsloe.
Wm Campbell A Sons r* £ McCor
mick et al.
J A Cryder vs H W Hoover.
I B Hamilton vs Burnside A Thomas.
John D Lieb vs Wm Meyers.
E R Fargo vs John Kline.
Com of Penns vs M J Dolan et al.
E J Deshler vs Wrn G Gann.
Jos Strauss vs R Hayes.
Lock Haven Nat Bk use of vs J A Quig
loy & Co
James Gates use of vs C H Kephart.
John Hoy vs Wm Holt et al.
Adam Kreps vg J GAM Packer.
Thos K Henderson vs J U McMonigal
et al.
Columbia Dime Savings Bank vs John
Cornover Dorff A Co vs A C Hinton.
Com of Pa ea rel vs J no A Hunter et al.
Jas A Freeman assignee vs John 1 Ran
James Hanna vs Jacob Sankey et al.
J H Thomas use of vs Joseph Shirk
Hoover A Reese vs G Flegal endorser.
Tbo best article is always the
cheapest—this is a rule that works well in
all things- Hence it is that you should al
ways go to Sechler A Co. if you want to
get the best and freshest groceries. You
can buy first class goods there for the saipe
money that an imferior article will cost
you elsewhere.
All colors in two fly Maroon Heading
Fringe, Silk Tied, at 30c yd. 6dec 4t.
A Fine Microacope for a few Ceuta.
A well made, genuine Microscope—net
a bit of molded glass in a paper or melnl
ring, or tube—but one with triple Lenses,
Diaphragm, Stand etc., is not only useful
in every family, but is very interesting.
Such instruments have hitherto been too
costly for the general public.—The Edit
ors of the American Agriculturalist, in
connection with'an Optical Manufacturing
Company, have, after many experiment*
and much invention, succeeded in produc
ing a genuine Microscope, with three fine
Lenses, Stand etc., which, by use of ma
chinery, and very large manufacture, is
now made at far less cost than has ever
before been done- Scientific men. and
others, say it is decidedly superior to any
thing ever before offered so low as $2 50;
but this one is given to every Subscriber
to the American Agriculturalist, *bo limv
ply ndds 40 cent* to the rigulir subscrip
tion prior ihut is. the paper la sent one
voir with the sl.M> Microscope, for onlv
f"J 00. If to bo delivered free to any part
ofthe country, K> cents eitra is to he ad
ded. A Atl! description and all particular!
can br bad by sending your address on a
Postal Card to Orange Judd Company
New York ; or batter still, send them 10
oanu (half urice) for a postpaid anpla
copy of thn paper,—which will give a fall
description of the Microaoopa, and also
much valuable readipg and engravings,
ate., and be richly worth far more than its
Bibles 1 Bibles t Bibles! Bibles! Bibles!
For churches, families and Teachers, at
Welch's, Bellefonto.
Mr. KJttvr I .pent this day in Belle
focte and was gratified. In the morning
there wa a meeting held in the rooms of
the Young Meu's Christian Association,
which consisted of prayer*, singing, Ac.,
ll was well attended by both seses and
well calculated to impress upon the mind
the solemn duties of the day. The socie
ty can truly say, "Come a ith us, and we
will do you good."
Between U and 10 o'clock the boll# of the
different churches were rung, giving no
tice that the duties of the day bad arrived
1 was invited to attend the Protectant
Episcopal church which 1 accepted. The
church is of the Gothic order and mxko# a
handsome appearance from the alreot. The
arrangement 6f the interior of the church
is judicious, deautiful, and comfortable ;
the pews are handsomelycus hioned, floors
carpeted, stained glass windows—in the
front and back aie two memorial windows
of Stained glass, representing St. John,
Ac., costing several hundred dollars, do
nation, as I am informed, of the late Judge
J. T. Hale and the late Mrs. Judge James
Burnside. There is a flue organ and ex
cellent choir in the church. The church
was handsomely decorated with corn, bar
lay, and cereals, fruits and flowers, exhib
iting the bounties of Providence iu the
season passed to the contemplative mind.
The sermon commenced with the formu
lary of that cburt-h on occasions of this
kind, and they were very impreasiva. At
the close of the servieca, tbo pastor, the
Kev. Hewitt entered the pulpit and took
for his text the "JO, 'JI and tl verses of the
Bth chapter of Genesis, and delivered n
able, eloquent and appropriate discourse ;
he then returned to the chancel and in
formed the congregation that the senior
warden of the church, at a free-will
thanksgiving offering was about and had'
presented to the church anew building for:
the residence of the officiating Hector of
the church 'or all time to come, when Mr.
•Montgomery stepped forward and read a
deed from Maj Wm. F. Reynold#, in fee,
simple, to the officers of the church and
their successors in office. It is a beautiful
building, with all the modern improve
ments, erected under tbe supervision oti
Maj Reynolds, and at bis own individual
cost. Tbe ladies of the church, as tbair
thanksgiving offering, have handsomely
and conveniently furnished the house with
the very best of furniture and ulenaila.
Service# ware also bald in the Preebyteri
an church by Rev. Laurie, and in the
Methodist church by Rev. Miller and,
lhair sermons highly spoken of. Sermons
like these referred to, on such an occasion,
should be procured and published in the'
county weeklies, as they certainly would
be instructive The town was as qutet as
a Sabbath, no rioting or drunkenness was
seen or heard, which speaks well tor the
morals of Beflefonte. \ ISITOR.
Mitela&se cloaking for ladies at Boytrs
for $2.76 per yard. Very latest style. 6d 4t
THR LAW or PUBLIC SALKS.— la a sale
by auction there are three parties, name
ly: the owner of the property to be sold, J
the auctioneer and a portion of the publie
who attend to bid, which, ef course in
clude* the highest bidder. The name o
the owner must be made public. The ar
tides put up must be told without reserve
and unless tbe vender reserves one open
bid he cannot bid himself or have the
auctioneer or any one hid for him. There l
are cases on record where a bid was not
resorved, and tbe vendor bad a bidder
who bought it in, and afterwards suit was
brought against the vendor by the highest
outside bidder for the article and it was
decided that he (the plaintiff) was tbe
highest bidder and entitled to tha article,
against tbe vend jr. So, also, if an article
is struck off to a person, and it is after
wards ascertained that the vendor or auc
tioneer practiced fraud, by holding him
self, or had puffers, it was held both by
the Courts of England and so repeatedly
decided by the supreme Court of Penn
sylvania that the purchaser could not be
held, but the purchaser at soon as he dis
covers the fraud practiced upon him must
return or tender the articles to tbe ven
Gold Pent, and Pencils at Welch's
A Fight of Six Hours aud a Defeat
of tbe Turkish Forces With
Heavy Losses.
London, November 28. —The Daily
Telegraph's Pera special contains in
dications confirmatory of the view tbat
the Turks have aimost, if not quite,
abandoned the expectation of reaching
Pievna with succor. The dispatch
says: "There are renewed reports of
fighting near Rustchuck, the Turks
being the aggressors, but we have no
iuformation whether these movements
are extensive enough to cause the
withdrawl of any forces from Plevna,
even if the czarwitch's army were
weak, which is denied."
Constantinople, Nov. 28. —Ghazi
Mukhtar Pasha telegraphs from Erze
roum, under date of November 26, as
folio W8 :
"The Russian Bayazid column is
encamped between Zeididan and Kar-;
okelissa. Everything indicates that
the Russians are preparing to suspend
operations and go into winter quarters.|
Snow ha 9 fallen in the mountains to
the depth of three feet."
London, Nov., 28. —A Russian of*
ficial dispatch dated Bogat, says:
"The Turks on Monday morning
violently attacked the Twelth corps at
Teistruck and Metcbka. After six
hours severe fighting the Turks were
repulsed, and pursued until night.
"Tbe Turkish loss must have been
very heavy. The Russian loss num
bered 300 including a large number
of officers. Simultaneous demonstra
tions against Polomaria and Kazelo
vo were repulsed with trilling fight
For The Fall Jind Trade.
Bargins Greater Than Ever!
Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Of every description. DRESS GOODS, in great variety* LADIES
COATS, finest and largest assortment ever brought to Bellefonte.
Remember we do buainesa on the ONE PRICE PLAN, and therefore in*
■ore oar prices as the loweet.
H. HERMAN, Manager.
I What ia it which, the more it U cut
■ the lunger it grow* ?—A ditch.
1 What ia that which,though always
invisible, i* never out of eigut ? The
1 letter I.
What ia the only pain of which
everyone ma km light?—A window
1 pane.
Why ia cheaa a more moral game
than carda ? —ln chew you have two
bishop* ; in carda four knave*,
tj What i* it that bv loaiag an eye
ha* nothing but a note left ?—A noiee.
||What is it which, if you take away
all it* letter*, remain* the aame? —A
Why is a beefsteak like a locoino
live on a long journey ?—lt i* uot ol
much account without it* tender.
What doe* a captain do at *ea
when he get* out of freeh egga?—He
lay* to.
Why i* a four quart meaaure like a
lady'* aide-saddle? —Because it juat
hold* a gallon.
Why ia the first chicken in a brood
like the foremast of a whip f— Because
'< it cornea juat l>efoie the main hatch.
Why ia paper money more valua
ble than gold?— When you put it ia
your pocket you double it, end when
you take it out you find it alill in
When Apollo dipped the god Pen
iuto the sea, what did he come out ?
A dripping-pan.
Why ia a man looking for the
philosopher's like Neptune?—
Because he ia a aeeking (eeaskiog)
what never was.
Wbat ia the difference between
Noah's ark and an archbishop ?—One
was a high ark and the other ia a bier
arch (higher ark).
Why ia a novel-writer the moot pe- 1
culiar of animal* ?—Because bis tail '
come* out of hie head.
What metamorphosis does a lauu- '
dreea uudergo during the night?— 1
She goes to bed a washerwoman and '
in the morning get* up fine linen.
* Do not buy the old style Roll fringe
i whan yeu can gel lbs two fly fringe at
; Buyers for 3l)c yard. 6dte St
I In Bank Building, Csatre Hall,
r Would respectfully announe to the citl
f rem of ibis vicinity that be has taken
' rooms in above building where be is pre*
. pared to do all kinds ef work belonging
i to hit lino, for men and boys, and accord
■ log to lstwt styles. Qoodt sold by sam
ple. Having had nine yean experience
he guarantees all work to render perfect
satisfaction, and solicits a share of the
I public patronage. ddeey
foiTAir & WAusTii,
Centre Hall, Pa.
Butinesa stand upstairs in the building
! formerly occupied by the Centre Repor
Will furnish gentlemen with clothing,
made to order, ot the beet material that
can be bought in Philadelphia or New
York. Long experience in the basinets
at Beltefonte enables tbem to turn out flrst
class work in all respects 6decßm
Buy the
"Laurel Wreath."
Theie stoves have TWO ROWS of
lights, shaking and dumping grate, ar
ranged to clean out the clinker*. No
dauger from gae, no parte to burn
out, so as to let gas into the upper
room. We make THREE SIZES of
Single and TWO SIZES of Double
Heater* of tbe*e justly popular
Cooking Stoves,
Double Oven Range; or the
Single Oven Range.
They are the best in the market, have
SIX BOILER HOLES, shakine and,
dumping grate, A PEL Y THE HEAT
ONCE. The oven is large and square,
the doors tin-lined. The PLATESj
ARE HEA VY, unlike the light plates
of city stove*- COM PA RE THEM.
We make a No. 8 and No. 9 of both
these ranges.
All these slove are
ED, and you can get repair* from
the Manufactory iu one day.
For Kale by
J. A. REESMAN, Centre Hall.
J. B. FISHER, Peon Hall.
SNOOK. SMITH A CO., Millheiro.
O. R. SPIGELMYER, Woodward,
Manufactured by the
M'f'g Co.
We also manufacture the Celebra
. CORN SHELLEU, Plows, Lam
Rollers, etc. 2900t
We have a very large and complete Hock of Hardware, th* UrgMt that was ovtr before oflerad by any Arm to the people of tkia oounty. and ara|aelling at thefvery low*
est possible rate* __
Iron, Steel and Nails, Lock#, (Jlass and Puttj,
l'ure While Leeds and Linseed Oil; Turpentine* and Varnishes, ait which we warrant to give satisfaction. Our Pure L ad will eo a* much surface ae any In the market
and cannot be eicelled for whiteness. KK AI) Y MI \EDPA INT nut up in any quantity to soil people, from one-pound cans to one gallon cans, all ready for use. Those
paint* w warrant to be mlied with pure lead and oil, and are tree from all adulteration. . „ .. . _ „
men AH ICS TOOL! - We pa* special attention to this branch, and keep a fall line of Saws, Chisels. Hammers and Bail**'* Iron Planes - Horse nail* ofall kinds, Trace
Chains, Haines, Etc PULL LIN ft OK HA DDLKRY OF ALL DRBURIPTIONB. OOAUH WOOD WORK -Spoke*. K lose. Patent Wheels of the moat mproved pat
onu ; Mrs. Potta' Improved Flat Irons, cheap, convenient and durable—polithed and nickel-plated. Johnston s Prepared Ka eotnina i put up In 0-pouad package* ; easily
put on, and cheaper than paper. We have all colore; mm.
W* have tb* only Reversible. Top-plate Cooking Stoves in th# market. The Keystone, Susquehanna ond Juniata, which w* warrant to be thejbest baker* and the b*a*
lest stoves in the market, we will sell at the very lowest price and give written guarantee*. Also all kinds ofh,.nge> and other stoves. COM KANDP Kit OUK KftYSTONI
A fins lot of Pocket knives and Scissors
at Welch's, Beliefonte.
LAST NOTlCE.—Persona owing stale
and county lai. on duplicate in tnj nands,
are hereby notified that if Ua is net paid
until January ceurt, neit, the tame will
be placed in th* hffhds of a Justice for col
lection. OKO KOCH.
Collector for Potter.
A new golden tongue organ, war
ranted. effared very low, for halt caeu and
half trada. Apply at this office.
Buys' Tool chests, very cheap at Welch's
Us THOROUGH.—If you want to auc
reed in life, be thorough In your work
whatever it ia. It ia aometimea con
venient to be a Jack-of-ail-tradea, but
it ia always profitable to be master of
one. A workman who thoroughly
understands his business is seldom in
danger of coming to waut. Whila tbe
mass of the inefficient suffer, the few
who do tbe beet work, whether men
or women, ara always sought for.
On 4, sear Centre Hail, Mrs. Rebecca
Flory, aged near 72 years.
In Camden, N. J., after a lingering ill
ness, Mr. John I>. Mooney. RuMti
Spring Mills Market.
Wbile Wheat. 1 36.
Red " 136.
Rye, 50c.
Cora, ears, per bu. new, .40c
Deis, -26e.
Buckwheat, 76c.
Cloverseed $6 00.
Chop, per ton, 9*28 00
j Piaster, ground per ton, $ 10.00
Kite* per doe., 2(k>.
i Coal, Egg. per ton, $4.60.
" Stove, 4.60.
' Chestnut, 4.J&.
" Pee. 00.
BaLLxrosra MA ax ITS.—
by Shortlidge Sc. Co.
Flour per barrel, wholesale, $ 7 M.
retail. |6OO.
White wheat, 1 &&■
Red " 1 86.
Rye, 66.
Cora, shelled, 60
Corn, cob, 40.
Data, 25
Barley, rye weight, 66.
Cloverseed 94 per 64 pounds.
Potatoes retail, 80
Nova Scotia piaster, ground, 1000.
Cayuga " 900.
Potatoes, .25.
Onions, .60c
Butter, per lb.,
Bacon, sidea, .10c.
" shoulders, 10c.
•* Hams, 14c.
Tallow. 7c.
Kegs, '2c. i
Grain Warehouse
& Coal Yard.
New Warebouae now ready for lha
reception of grain, and the
Highest Cash Price Paid
Highest Caah Price Paid
for all kinds of
Grain and Seed.
Grain and Seed.
Chestnut, Small Stove, Lump. Pee,
and Lime burners Coal always on.
hand at LOWEST PRICES. Alao
! Ground Plaster tj* Salt.
| Hides! Hides!
Bring your hide* and receive the best
market price in cash for them.
6 dec. 3 m.
Spring Hills Set el.
OKO. C. BRRON, Trop'r.
This hotel gives acoommodation to trav*
ellers second to none in the county. The
stables are large, roomy and attended by
carefbl hostlers. Long experience a* a
landlord enable* the proprietor to make
his guests feel at boma all the time, daco
■ XLLKroHTB, rx.
Has been recently thoroughly renovated
and repaired, ana under the management
of the New Proprietor, Mr. r. D. Me*
COLLI* M. formerly of Pittsburg, is first
class in all !U appointments.
Are offered to those in attendance at court
and others remaining in town for a few
days at a time. ~ ,
Tht> largest and most superbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern convenience*. Go try the
Bush house. _ , .
Ittap r. D. McCOLLTTM. Proprietor.
>"ii ann a hm of l'lrrb In a**b
W ANT EDn*lbbsrta*od. wltb Pr. kro*c
R-iu*dr. W latrodae* it. Hub pi* fr**. J. U. TUloa,
miuburt. fs. m B< "' 1 ■
i The frog of the foot of every horee
ia the natural eupport of the foot, and
should never be cut away except to
remove tbe rough edgee which occa
sionally appear from common wear.
At a late meeting of the farriers auit
horeehoera in \\ ilmington, Del., there
! was a great deal said iu condemna
tion of the manner in which horse*
are shod, especially in the rural dis
tricts. A lecturer, a veterinary sur
{eon- (according to the New York
ierald), aaid that "the frog of the
foot was often pared away ao artieli
tally to make a neat job that tbe tan
don or muscle that extended down the l
leg, over wbat is known as the pulley
bone, and gave the foot it* motion,
was often injured, and then the horse
wonld be weak in tbe legs, and blun
der. He severely characterised the
habit of burning the hoof with a red
hoi 'hoe to make it fit, and eaid there
ought to be a law paaaed to hang any
blacksmith who would use red hoi
ahoea in this way. The shoe should
be fitted to tbe shape of the foot, rath
er than the foot fitted to tbe shoe."
CORW ABD Hoos.—From carefully
conducted experiments by different
persons, it has been ascertained that
one bushel of corn will make a little
more than teo pounds of pork, groat.
Taking the result as a basis, the fol
lowing deductions are made, which
all farmers would do wall to'
lay by for a convenient reference, 5
M rt. Anns M. Weaver lakes pleasure in announcing to the people of Potters Mills
and vicinity, that sba will open a new and elegant
in connection with a Millinery Store, on Saturday, Oct JWtb. A full line of choice and
fashionable goods always on hand at copular prices.
Dressmaking in alt iu branches will be a prominent feature oi the business. 11 >ci3m
I :0: 5 —jg
m or z 4° a-V o k.
. Coburn Station.
CLOVERSEED, %c., §c.
Coal, Plaster and Salt
by the Car load, and at wholesale and retail at Cohurn station.
Highest Cash Price Paid For Grain.
100,000 Copies of ST. NICHOLAS.
For the
Christmas Holidays,
Only 2b Cent* a Copy.
Sorer idee of the attraction* offered in the
Christmas Holiday Number
of St Nichols*, of wbicn 100,000 copie*
will be issued, msy be seined frora the
following : There sre poem* by Henry
W. Longfellow end William Cullen Hry
ent; e fine hitherto unpublirhed
•ketch ot Boy Life, by the Lete Theodore
Winthrop : end e short story by the au
thor of "Alice In Wonderland j" a new
fairy tory, "Sweet Majoram Day." by
I-rank K Stockton, "The l'eterkin*' char
ade," by Lucretia P. Hale; a poetic rid
{die br Dr. J. O. Holland, and a oompar
iion between the manner* of young folk*
in old time* and nowaday*, by Gail Hare
illon. ... .
Ofthetory element, the brighten feat
ure i* the beginning of the new aerial by,
Mi* Alcott, Under the Lilac*." with il.
lust ration* by M iry Uallerk Foote.
The Chrinrea* Numberlcontain* al*othe
opening of a new Serial Story for Buy*, a
tale of tropical life, by Gualaru* Franken
stein, entitled "Tower-Mountain," admi
rable illustrated by the arti*t Mran and
Kelly ; A Portrait of Mi* Alcott. with a:
•ketch of her life; several poom* by Twoi
Little American Girl*; a Play, and a,
Christmas Carol (set to reusicl; and half a
doten coropleUrhort stories, bright, fun
ny, exciting and pathetic. Ac, Ac. ]
The new Cover is by the English Artist,
Walter Crane,—the famous designer of
"The Baby Opera."
Besidea Mia* Alcott'* serial for Girla, and
the three serial* for Boy*, to follow each;
other in rapid succession, will contain a
•hort serial atory by the Author of "The
Elegant Table Silverware
■F lw| r ka .ata-ad kt all • * lakaptlakaakllk tkaf..i:**tai Tk. *.tlk*l( 55; 8 • mRU
■HI MASft Flail*. r Mara at TM Ckaataat Puaat. rkllad. Ipkl*. ataaalkal. rata at Fata Cat a
nK irlSI tlna<--f matt rated M aft. ail! aaak la aa f aaa aka naalna ikta aaua*. akltl Mb WH
nilHl Daaki# Ciu* rtaiad (litat draaaa and anfnaa no aaak apoon any daalrad ■>} WSnifff I
'MOIZI laiual. Taa ara raaairtd aaaiad(afclliali| Imataatt C*paa aa* 1(4 l a %< lS[ 1
iNuHZNI *a .tea.a Caaaaa;. .Ilk >*ar aajaa talarlaa t alaa k. taalaaa tlk Ul9 aaata UP
llWiyjl aa pat all akataaa. taaladlaa aaat at aa*atla lalUaia paaklaa. kailag aad lrraa* If | g 'TjS ' |
\WI llUi akaraaa Tka (aaaaa all! ka aaal k; rlraat ,at Mall It taa kat- aa atfaaa *&*•>,
llAiln aaa latitat** tat fatet kaadt alikaal ranka- raal. Tkaaa (pa-aa *r* paataaiaad la ka ft t
mSSnI •' Ik* kaat alatl*l. aaa aaaal itttakraa (tlaar riataJ W ara *dt. aa tk* to iaalM J Wi/il
1 1 A1 PILaA ' fNMM ( MR|i(M Ol'i LMllff • jMpKSiJrI Mjt 7
luttSffi Omni < Miivta Ktm* Co.. TW ClMMaitlt. P- | trig! f I
To whoa 14 may Oooooru. -Tfc *•••• *■* • magi ■ |
M WWttl *• art of wtt qotT. *r* fc* ti* *lth miro *eii <t* tor** j
1 Iffjgl tint BN*I !••*>. m 4 • 4aM4iU plkU tr fKt* ( oaHtaHtrl !44iw aMf4 Mi XT*T f /
m%Vn u#f ito . ito# m>4H|ikmHi* rory bo* mim Pi i 4 Wro toooofM- WS3S/ Jy
■RSWI fir*4. WaMll *bM 4OM M Mii*ii Ik* NUtru Cpl, Ml vt 1U|1 J*
vt'.t o&*>r U lp0 aim e'enfjaie fmw (M **• •* U aapr* CF toKr
V l \ I jHigaoa; * Vb!i?d?rkia. ff fl^
Wm Oa ta*rt*ar MtU Oakpak. M*lk*a ktlfT( aaai la atat'all akaaaaa. laalkd
! aS taa aipraaa at Mllla aa ( iaala aa4 kaalttp. k* katakp apraa la aaad la aa; ad- Y%\
| 11 draaa a aaiaf aar pat* CaUSlattdard (aakla taua plalad k . U
11l aad aa aaah (paaa tacrart aaa daatrad latitat dll *kat?a* ar* t* ka atapald kp Mi
■AH ika 7( aaal* aaal aa, aad ikt Bpaoai kill ka daUtarad at daailaaiiaa naa ad aa/
I H ""ijiiTiUalaadp data fraaa dala ad Ikla > kin, aftat wkjtk HtlaPmn la la aal)
Skaald II ka daaltad. aaa aaa at tka Mlaklaf a' llalaa kill ka aaat la JwL
tlaa ad ika (paaa. a. pajrawai ad Ika IMMkla* akatfaa . *! tlld Ma|
■ kaltaa, kladaaad kaadia aaaaaild plaaa, kaai .iaal.dkia al* dal aad illrap
|H piaiMl, (I, all lacka.dMklaalakalaai alltaaplalad *a It kil Ikaad
MfS m %Wk
IB 111 |a aaak arilalt\ aaoapt auivra, wtU ba #**a4 witb an)r Initial I^M
1111 VLI Thla llkatal aPkr hold, (arf fkr wlp alaatj data ITaai dala. Ikatakaa Jf
Mil lm UU la ika lalaraal at all kfca eaa taaara lu kaaadtaia aa* b-lttkal ika* , j Off/
lIUIIIw araaaldakarradkp twa* adlka aiplrallaa adlka UaapatKad. AUUi- f JH
flit LI F tara etdarlkf (llaarwara akaald ka addrauad dlraat la ika ' dJT
when corn sella at 121 cents per
bushel, pork costs II cent* per pound.
whn corn er-at* 17 cents per bush
el, pork coat* 2 cent* per pound.
when corn coats 25 cent* per buabel,
pork coU 3 cent* per pound
wbeti corn coats 33 cent* perboabel,
pork cost* 4 cents per pound.
when corn cost* 50 centa per buab
el, pork coats 5 cenU per pound.
The following statement* show what
the farmer realises on his corn when
sold in tbe terms of pork :
When pork sella at 3 cents per
pound it bring* 25 cents per bushel in
When pork sells at 4 cents per
pound it brings 32 cents per bushel in*
corn. •
When pork sella at 5 cents per poan<
it bring* 45 cents por bushel in corn
won.—The following i the text of
ihe lew in reference to the disturb
Alice of public meeting*, which might
be reed occasionally by many young
men who ebow their bed breeding
while eltending some of our churches :
"If any pereon shall willfully end
maliciously disturb or interrupt any
dociety, assembly or congregation con
vened for the purpnee of religious wor
orfor env moral social, literary, scion
tific, agriculture! or fioral object, ear*
eiuouy, lecture, examination, or exhi
bition, such shell on conviction b<
sentenced to pay e fine not exceeding
fifty dollars, suffer imprisonment not
exceeding three mouths, or both, or
either, et the discretion of the court."
Bchenborrc.>tta Family and an article.
"Around The World in a Yacht, Bora I"
hai been promited by a brilliant writer,
now on tha actual tour of the world in bia
„wn yacht. Tbara will bo contribution"
by a Daughter of the Faraout Pater Par
ley, and a better to Young American* by
|The "HOW" Series of instructive paper*,
by various author*. will tll HOW to bind
rour own bKks ; HOW' they ro-n* col:
HOW to enjoy youreclvee at home; HOW
to be an igtMtbln guit; 110 \\ to wlrr
(tain company ; HOW to be a carpenter;
HOW to make an ice*bot; HOW to
build a house; HOW Jndia Kubber U
authored ; HOW mate tie* are made;
HOW tnonev i made; HOW mackerel
are caught ; HOW they laid the Atlantic
cable; HOW they mine in California;
HOW tboy work in tbo tea-country ;
' HOW to be a parlor magician ; etc There
will be. also a erie of atones and sketches
'of Foreign Life.
Travel and Adventure,
such as "Old Nicolai" (a Russian story).!
I"A Day among the Welsh Castles,"
"Raster in Germany." "The Indian* of
theAmaeon," "How Kitty was Lett in a
Turkish Bi-xaar," "Master Mouteeuma'
j(a Mexican story), "Hansa, the Lapp
Maiden." ahd many others.
I "Jack in-lhe-l'uipit." "Young Contrib
lutora' Department," "Letter B"i." "Rid
'dle Box,' and "For Vary Little Folk*,"
I will be continued. ...
The four bound volumes of St- N icbolas
already publbhed are the most wonderful,
beautiful and attractive t hrntmas present
for yung people. Knch Volume is com
plete in itself. Vols, t and 2, $3.(10 each ;
vols. 8 end 4. $4 00 each.
Subscription Price, $8 00 a Year, post
age paid. Single copies. 23 eenis each
Sold bv all Booksellers <k Newsdealers.
SCRIBNKK A 'JO., 738 Broadway. N. Y.
(Successor to J K Miliar A Son.)
Dealer in Pure Drug* and Mcdiciam.
Dye stuflk, sad Druggist'* sucdrie-..
For mediciaal purpose*.
The b*t brand* of
always in Mock.
Prescriptions carefully Compounded.
Jan. Harris § Co.
Graham A Son are offering extra indue*
imeoU to
We hare the largwi and cheapen iuk of
in Bellefonte and are dnterminnd to M! 1 at
,tucb pricaa aa will auit the pocket* of er
! err one Now it tbe lime to bur your foil
and w inter stock You can get a good aoi
nl leftUw Button Shoe for Ladic*, from
$2 CO to 2 60.
Indies' coarse shoes, n 251
Mens* coarse boots, 2 6oi
Child rem' school shoes, 1 001
Mens' wool lined rum boots, S.tO'
„ " " Buckle overshoes, 1 60|
Congress gaiters, l.faj
.. ~ AUshes, I.OSj
oil kum overshoes .otil
Women,' all rum overshoes, .40
Misses' sll rum overshoes, ,S5
Mens' lumbertnso's gums, solid heel xtr!
r b "7' ... 1W
Let u be distinctly understood tbati
these are til first-class Rubber
Good ' 20mtjtf!
Having disroveted, in s manner almost
providential. s positive cure for Consump.
uon end sll Lung Complaints, I feel i". my
duty to make knovn in a practical manner
by furnishing a sample bottle, free of
charge, to all sufferers, my only bote o
remuneration being that the medicine wil
perform all I claim'for it The iagiwdi
entg are of the choicest herbal products
and perfectly safe ; will b sent free to all
Address at once, Dr O. Pbelps brown, 21
Grand Street Jersey City, N. J., or maj
!*• Bad of J. k.. Miller <fc boo. Druggists.
Centre Pa. jan 4 ly
P. WILSON, At:orneyat-Law.
Bellefonie Pa. Office in Mrs. Ban
-1 fa Building. Belletonte Pa.
Lincoln Bauer Powder, makes but"!
ler sweet andhard, and quicker to c:iurr
Try it—for sale at Wm Wolfs stole 1
MICX~m BALZ -First class Ufot
will be kept on hand for sale by J. 0
Deininger at Zerbe's Centre Halt
bnca yards. These brick arei
offered so low that it will pay persona at aj
distance to come here for them.
intending to continue in the manufhc-'
lure of brick tbey will be kept oonstontly
<<n band, and fair inducements offered t>
7 "if H. S ZKHHK
Furniture Rooms!
I manufacture all kinds of Furniture for
Chambers. Dining Rooms, Libraries and
If you want Furniture of any kind, don't
buy until yon see my stock.
In ell iu branches. 1 keep in stock nil
the latest and most improved Coffins
and Caskets, and have every facil>
ity for properly conducting
this branch of my business.
I bate a patent Corpse
Preserver, in which
bodies can be
preserved for n considerable length of time
tf W. R. CAMP.
Chas. H. Hold,
Clock, Watchmaker A Jewelei
Millheim, Centre Co., Pa.,^^°. f cl t?*V W tS oh ■ jwsiij cf th<
*ke MstutUls r*uo< fcalßrd.,
.ini lL h * ooißplel. iota* of lbs monUi
saddbf f ths month au.l wssk on IU fsos. which U
w.frmaUd Un. k..p
swsaTw wr nt" 1* D<i J " w * lo "l>trßd se start a
R. S. g; g uteli us;
Dentist, Millheim.
PablU. H# U
P n " * U QW * Uott la las dsaUl pro
"h*o'*t°Mll ol>7p " p * r * d *° wSsaelglsetksttyltg
Wil P; M'MASftjS, Attorney at-la a
TT beiieionte, Pa. Office with Ja>
VlcManus. esq 28jullf
W K W1 I, I wall ons sod s half d i7i~of"th<
„ . " . km' bssatlfal saw Chrom-a. lr
kEf*l *T*" i or t . Tb.j wo maul
' I*. sW Msot ' sod sold ouu. OTSI up so la,
>ad sdtUUbc oow before Ibe pnt-lie. fUtUfac
2SiL"*SIaL esuplbs for ISMBta <* sir to,
tUssWatod osWlogw
with efaramo of Muoalicbt oa the Rhine, or SS ooa*
Fashionable Dressmaker.
1* The uderaigned respectfully announcer
her New Dressmakers Establish mm t it,
the bouse lately occupied by John H. Mil
er. All kinds of family sewing naG>
'•lone. Charges reasonable. Hoping U
I nerit the patronage of the people of Oen
lire Hall and vicinity by turning out neal
and durable vrgrfc. 1K. &UTXY Bkitb,
2Qwpt tf.
T\RC<lßi MlttOS!! DIUO
U S.f Hhtigort, bnviag porch*-*
Drug U>r on Allegheny **••*.
fmtte, nest door to the h *"* w "7*' ur
: Hick* * Bro., Km stocked ad III*. "
| with J) the not popular
i trussis, support* RB, bra ur
| AHTIGLRB, An,, M>, Ac \
mmwmS -f
Patent Medio) net. Alcohol, para V
sod Liquor* for nodieal pimw
Pbytician's prescription* carasMUf C>
p<iutided an<l ordor* answftrodJiMb •
end dispatch. Famftr* and Fhyiiri
from the country will find our Mock
Medici nee complete, Wftilftfttod genu
*nd of the boct quality.
Thii Store will rontftlo undftr tho di *
ion of tho accomplished druggi' t
.harmaciM heretofore connected with '■
Mr. 11. M Harrington end w napoo* 1
•y eotieit the custom of Mr flriftMd- •>
ho old petrona of the itor*.
iDftptr B.T.BHUGXH
jpw '"n
The Pork* Houee, at Coburn Mali
now and com mod too*, end k kept in
manner. Bed and bord scond to •-
•ft the county. Subiiac for 80 br.
A* • lummer resort it will bo foai.u ■
-hat coal 1 be deired, right ia the boar;
good ftsbiog nod hunting ground* s
■urreuaded by the moM romantic teener
too* y
Beet a Shoe maker,
m *
Would moet respectfully in form the c
mm of thie vicinity, that he has start.-,
now Boot and Shoo Shop, and would i
thankful for n ihare of the public petto
age. Hoots and Sboee made to order at
according to style, ft ad warrant* his wor
to equal aay made oLewhere. All kind
of repairing done, and charges reasonsbi
iivo him • call. fob)* I
Uhs ewifS ttewp#
(maSraOsaStaa la pries to l**of tllsmn'i fists
Ist sets l. all wh4silmi.
.lm-i'M islftO Ossij ii in I ii e SI • rear. Meals
■sjiim Is amistal oastaeein*.
hsfi iqWiiilii MMifO lees sismo
The rrtw sfCftieoMS.has |sst Sees qwhiQ leSseM
* . msss Is Ifts fcl CilC
naase * cMiweheue* wShe o*-
!*• !f ***7 •*"?* "sshlsp asset. WW •• esew Isr
■Wsj^SMS^js.a*tf Mleloir mmlii wot
I m/FRC BOOK of KNOWUtDOft. *r Im.
EFSS |i£sSS-J^Si
P* a^ssfe&r
Nervous Debilitv .
V|UJ WnfctDMSß OS DvpfMinlMl A wMI SfISIMMBA""
I <Sw3iX!2S£s*eSSmeeSif e ell" ll ' l l*ie^ 1 "
I "fitniiiw Hly JStr* 1 "*
tiumphrejr'a HomeopatJiii Specific
Mo. 38.
.I*nwi.y aa4 tiinwiw Mn Of* Or
iiwul iMteß, laiHliaMiiiiM *•• a
ik* Mi aaa wxmm tka —m ana.
Bw* aa*4 taaoty >wn *rtlk partaal nhmM Ik. .
aa4a 1*44 kkU Trias. flJi pa* liliall rial:
3fitSffSS rjgata
Hjllk ill* Hpnitki IMWM OMH*. •
Faliaa k ■** Taafc. •■* (
4777!- Mumrsasss
A ill *a* •' *ttiMT m, la mmi 4 tk>
y 111 2 e^,^™^y^2r2s,, e2* "%r
Uk. Ml par auk la p*ar sua km T*a aaa4 • *
• *> fnne kiai a*ar a4*t>L Taa aaa UN# F
• kola tka* Ml Ika work, m mmif pa tr war* aaw>
I, .K* aoikaw a lay tka kaataa"*. Tmrmm mm*
OatM Ira* Addraw at aaa* ft. 4; C
Fartlaad. PnrUaad katoa Mlkk?
Harness, Saddles. 4c.
Tkanlii4|ii4. Imralail ta aaa tka MM
4aaaa4tartaaar Mtaa* raw 'malty aalk tka an
tio of tbt patbnc to fctemocA of
m dNitd at (St oM stsad l>—<cno4 m pewTHJ fvi
Hrtdlaa. af ****, daampuae aad aaaltty, WNlpa. aa4
IB (act II iijlkyn *a Imnlil a to* ***** ajkaktil.
aal, ha aaa alar* tljrua akwik wUlaaHJkalta •*
lUuatratad faatif pabkaaWaa la ikaaaM Am mm
rw limai a aaoaaaafal yaal, Tk*_**l mUtf a-1
aaaka *4 art ptaaa tpa* la aafcaartkata Taa prta* la ia
tea Hi I a hart! aana>| aakaarma* Oa# **a*i ia
porta aiUac aaar •U4la a aaak. 4 la4y aaaai ra
part* lata a* am Ml aakaaaMwa ta taa to* 4JB aba
wiH>lauaaaa laat Taa aaa 4*aat* d wi
ate Ik* baataaaa, or at* paar aaaia Maa Taa
aal b* aaar traaa kaaw a*ar aipht- Taa aaa da
sssr sci, 'Jssaseis
aaal pulubta ak aaa4 aaraar iMiaak aaaa. Il
ooat* aalkta* to Up tka ha*!**** If# aaa aka mm
•a#*a(aU* laaiUpwl pay. Atoll "Tka Faapi'A
aaiaaT." r*nL*4 Mato. tmm i
Centre Hotel*
FirclclaM accommodation for gvnu
Baat (tabling for boraea Stage* arm*
and depart erary day for ill point*.
C. T At.BXA*i>ta. C. M. fttwia
iar—a*a tuallilag. ■***>!<-
We will aall during thee* hard ttna
Sad >UtabwWMtaes— flip '<■% ------
Oraad. aoßeso sad Cptygbl— <01 a— ead ha rti •
' **** dUvAto IS. pispl! • fwtonMWos. Ws Bgaats.
ue of' **'
hywi." ggytssssar.. ■> c*.
-nam Mublsoum* oa. of ibe IwmS aaAtaw* t
lha World Tta hqasroa coo uin MiUuM 1 . two
t Wt fUu tewalw tllawrwid oal-
.V No. SB Broadway. N Y.
, I .'
I chßMrsofUls book are at litarqr la asasalt Ms aether
la urns sr to wallfrsa fil.i t auil.gSJiSar th
Mudard odlUua. or *\JU Mk lbs PoeSw sdMui
whleb suaialas sU lbs aaiaUbrud JJaamMtee
l üßlraW Isblasfros. inattnattd MUMUT Mil
For $1 we will send free by mail,
saj oas of lbs folic* In, Ms :
8 distinct va. m'thly roses, winter ftew
-8 " Bogonias,
8 " Carnation Pinks **
8 " Chinese Cbrysantkemus
8 ** Zonal Geraniums, w. t
B " Double '• "
B " Ivy Leaved,
B " Heliotropes,
8 " Abutilons,
2 " Double Oamelias, "
I " Axaleas,
1 " Lob.ter Cactus,
* 6 M Bouvardias, "
g6" Stevias A Rupator.utaa.
is 8 " Fuchsias, w. t
. 4 " Double Violets, "
2 " Poinsetta, Scarlet end
traits, w. f.
4 " Plumbago,
8 " Ferns, for Wardian *•
* " Palms,
J 6 " Mosses, "
B " Marantas. "
£ 8 " Hyacinth Bulbs.
20 assorted Tulips, Bulbs.
" 60 " Crocus, "
2 " Jacobean Lily, Bulbs.
12 " Oxslis.
i 4 Lily of the Valley.
8 New Pearl Tuberose,
9 8 of any of the $1 collection for f2
it %4 it •
Ml 9
b, 7 " " "4
s. j it . ~
*• 12 " * 6
'• 14 *.
Or the whole collection of 388 Bulb *
and Plants seat by express on receipt
of SI&.OQ, to wh cli either of our Book ►
ir Gardening for "profit, Practical Flon
culture, or Gardening for Pleasure
I- (value $1 60 each), will be added
y Descriptive Catalogue free. _
' Beed smen and Florists. M
J Strwl, FewTortL |