i 3 Centre Reporter. nSD.niTI KbITOK OttXTHK Ham.. IV, l><*. 6 \\*■> i lvlwln H. Filler, a Philadelphia '•;> rhaut.U mentioned as a .amtiduw the npnbllw have their choice. t'htiadelphia having had a natiotiul >.: -hew last week, and staut have a b.ny snow. We think tha prise lor be ing 'tie biggest baby in the land can easily be taken by Conover ol Florid-. 1 . Pithy aud lacetioua mhe Pitt-tmrg lYa-t on the Sharon Imaineas. It sav* U.e Nevada Senator is vexed at tlie M vedo nian cry of his fellow Radical* ai M"„-i.- ltigtou, ud tlm*i. en . if there is any mora of it, to re gn hi* seat. This i* tiie erst time since 1776 that the threat ened re-ignatiou of an officeholder has frightened any one, but every Republi can Senator whose hair is not already white began lo turn at the very thought of Sharon's resignation, and a ikemoorat from the sage brush and alkali plains ap pearing in his place. Sharon will be disturbed no more. He will not have to bide himself,and sadly sing; "Ophir a lodge in some va*t wilderness." Mr. Hcyes has appointed Mr. Fitx simmons, an out-and-out Democrat, aa Marshal for Georgia, and the appoint ment was confirmed by the senate —all the democrats, with Matthews, Patter son and Conover, voting in favor. There was much itt mess by the republican senators ay alnst Hayes, in executive ses sion, and Coukiing succeeded in putting a block in the way of Hayes' apponit menta for New York. Matthews ia a friend of the administration, therefore voted for Fitxsimmons, while Patterson and Conover are oppoeed to Hayes and voted for Fitxsimmons because they thought the appointment of a democrat would damage Hayes. The South Carolina legislative inves tigating committee on the Patterson bribery charges, has submitted a report which gives an epitome of the testimony taken before the committee, including that of abont forty ex-members of the legislature, white and colored republi cans, whose evidence concurs in the statement that Patterson's election was secured through bribery. About twenty testified that they were bribed either personally by Patterson or by his agent, Wortbington, receiving amounts rang ing from one hnndrad and fifty dollars. About twenty more testified that offers of bribes were made to them and refus ed. Elliott, the colored ex-member of •-ingress, who was Patterson's most for midable opponent, was offered $15,000t0 withdraw from the contest, which here fused. The offer was made by J. B. Dennis in the name of Pattenon. Major >f .run It. Delaney, colored, was present ;. 1 corroborated Elliott's Statement. Governor Moses afterwards appointed J. B. Dennis jury commissioner to dr.-.* iur- for the protection of Patterson v. hr lit was indicted in 1873 for pro curing bia election by bribery, and the arraeyement was success/ally lomnlet There must HAVE been H bloody WT-P in the Pittsburg Evening Telegraph ofii■■•i the t-sue of 30 ult., which reach •"i this office, wu spangled with bloody T-ri-. The Evenit g Telegraph is a go(> paper all through. Hpii.-y, toijr an f'lll of interest. We put it down as oi,t of our favorites. The fall of Kara is attributed to ;• Turkish Pasha who with 200 men passed over to the Russian camp and gave valu able information about weak points and waspiaid for his treachery. Grant has sent home a large bo- of presents received in variou parts of Europe, lie is the ever preseut taker. Hard times are shutting up many liquor saloons in the cities. So we bave it now what hard times are good for. Victor Hugo refused to receive a visit from Grant because he hob-nobbed with the Paris monarchists. The Pope is still in a precarious situa tion, and his death is looked for soon. If the Pope pops over won't it be all over with the Pope? The lawers of Wilkesbarre have or ganized a walking club. If many of our lawyers would walk to parts unknown, it wonld be better for society. Richmond had a slight snow Uil en the morning of the 29 —the first of thej season. Sing Sing prison for the first time re ports its earnings from convict labor above its expenses. Lewistown, rumor Las it, M ia have! extensive car shops. The New YorkSnn uyi the qnwtlon raited ly Mr. Thurtuan yesterday a to the constitutional right of the Vi*m- Presideut, ua presiding orth--r oi the sen ate t>throw the .wtolii.gr vote to the > use of A tie on the >wearing In of . Senator it • t Mitti. teni importance Vote when the Senate it equally divided • * no'- limited, unlett tin* provision that en 1 House of Countess shall he the juil.- 1 'he election*, let n rtt, A ltd hth .-ti .. it ,>W| mender- to ,0..-u <" ■' , ' Mnc vet Ml 1' * • . i'le i e : ', u ipi.tsl in.Hvdettt -a Mtr 1 In. * \.■ - I'res dent I" h Vi'le le. 'e■' the UAtl wetity-M-vi'tt \cars iv l> ' ''" "Hit n mcim-i t ■ tl. i. weight ~f Mr. f Itntio the Vie l'rt-snh it b>* tt power, A Sitte n>„> to ii f i right to equal r* | ,r -i.ratio. '•* .• > itirhniir utt the tlovr of the Sen.,' to the single Vote of a nun ** It" i* not member of that Ihhlv ;the disupproi it c Senators Are powerless t,i prevent th, wrong; And George Mwett Attd Luther Martin were in the right when the* criticised the ofti.w* of Vice-President , the time of its creation as an encrrai I mem tt|Hn the now era of the Senate h would Itean aotortniutehusuie-> toh.i* the easting vote utilised—or abused -> this way bv a Icgallv elected \ io>'Prod dent, but the matter Iwootne* tnneh more terimiA when the chair of the Senate it usurped by the accident of a fraud. Almanacs f„r ISTB-Partnei., llou-e keeper,. Comic and wilier almanac at only ' CU each, Welch's, Behefontr. RASCALS GETTISd JCSTICR The notorious South Carolina raacaU who ruled thestate like a set of robbers with nothing but plunder iu view and kept themselves in oftice by keeping down the people through the aid of Grant's federal soldiers, have si length— a batch of them—been tried and cou rioted for their high-bauded Crimea, and with the following result: Columbia, S. C„ November 26 —Judge Townsend's court reconvened this morn ing. After the judgment of his honor ■y rendered upon the motion of arrest of judgment, made by counsel for Emails and t'ardoso about ten days ago. which judgment was averse to the tuoiiou, sen tences were passed as follows.- Francis L. Cardoso, ex-treasurer oi South Carolina, for conspiracy to defraud the state, two years imprisonment in jail ami $4,000 tine, ami one year's imprison ment added if the tine is not paid at the expiration of two years. Smalls, memlwr of congress, for ac cepting a bribe of So,OOU while member of the state senate, three years at hard lahor in the penitentiary. L. Cans Carpenter, formerly proprie tor of the Columbus Ihtilv I'nton, f"t foigerv in raising the amount for pu| • tisbing the law in two years in jail ami a fine of SI,OOO. Appeal* hill be made in all Ho v*Am?&. Smalls has been out on bail and a ni • ion was made to continue the hail in i • which has not lw-cu d*cid< . I'ending the decision as to lusil he re mains in custody of the jailor t .rd remains in jail, w here tin Ii;.- b • : * -HW weeks, but application or t > !en made by hlluui' -el. No < '• • ( hoi Car,wiiU-r ha.s been n. * ll'ir ( , > it-, • r H rj C Wt h"*. H" ie !• Tin: ii>:siiig grow n ' rapid pfogretw of loriuer \ i r- i -is Slate- wen- repteM n'o ! ■ ne ; • I'he aUitistii-* wiluusiti *l show pa 1677 the new •ranges <-*-al !n •>( i; ered 16} against SS4 in IsTo 7 • I 'resident in his add res- slated hi- I e! • hat the turutlenkip W"ld 'Vrystalltr i' sbniit iDnufl memlwrs, iepi-seitti-" 2-10,000 to :5M).lO0 families. In Ohio, In •liana und Pennsylvania the order i. 'epreoented us strong, active and pro pressing; in sixteen other Mates its prerity is undoubted; in eleven it haslo gronnd, and in the remaining State- t is practically dead. The largest intra itership reported waa in 1873 win n it reached 761,263. fulliug off hi IW> t >88.525. The membership for 1877 is not reported. An immerse iock of P-cket Bt*ok* at prices ranging from 5c up, at \Velcb' Bellefonte. The Charleston Courier, of a late date, publishes some curious statistics in re gard to the comparative mor alitv of the whites and blacks in South Carolina In the city of Charlestnu there ia a remark able equality in point of numbers be tween the whites and blacks. There are 25,982 whites anil 20,587 colored. The health statistics of the city show that the total number of deaths for this year, from June 1 to November 5, wus 1,481,0f which 1,029 were colored and only 452 whites. The News and Courier saya that the cause of this great disparity lie* deeper than want of food, comfort or proper medical attendance. In proof of this it cites the comparative mortality of the two races in the city hospital, where there is an absolute equality of treat ment in every respect, and where two negroes die to one white man. From these facts the inference is pretty strong that under the most favorable circum stances the colored population must eventually go to the wall in this coun try. They do not seem to have the vital force to compete with the white races in the latitude of the United States. A great variety of Toiler SeU and Vases, at We ch'r, Belletonte. Tyrone Forges have resumed work again with prospect of going all win ter. A big knock down in rents in Tyrone. All the better for the poor these hard times. isproeptd for an extension of the Bedford division of the Peiin's Kit. to Cumberland citv. About the funniest thing out is to he ir nur Republican brethren bleating plait • lively thtr unless something i done [>. d. q. the President will hi; leit wiih he Senate, as well ** the Hon i. under be control of the opposition. Inn-much the Republican leaders of the S-u iftve been pigeon-biding its noniiii.t ions and opposing hi- policy,and *i dug all that lay in their |>.vcr to hamper him. it couldn't tnnke things any worse •or him to have the eo.Ke Deairicrstlc, even if he w< r*noi uerel of l.iir treat ment wherever he merits it. The Repullifan conferred the Mif fragc on the negroes, ~-c promt 4**ll UAKka IMTAKKATtgU RKVK- I \TloN*, \,o Y"tk N*en VI IV abler mania •" uutic * t iveatigatioii into the ii . .da it > Tweed ring was resumed to ti l(i' J Harvey was I tie first wi: in tt, and lent Med that he iio done a lane imouiil oi work fur the city, lw ing > pi at ten i 11 il dcci ir i or t j n i>e ng : *..•••( il In i* r received ,. 0.-ieV h .i' ■ * with h lie old retm.. be replied tha I ie tw *er did, n't <1 111 I (il, lint Celt' • ate" I * on Ins contract.-. Thd wrtnesa stated that ~ !, •, ... |i pet , „ m Uka .1 I ' dim . ■ I . i vi,. i . i p. • 'teg" .* 7h ,i "Id htm ihai |., .e I:.had t ' l' dlVldeit ulllollg 'lie per-. t, namely, Tw et. t'oliin 111. MiMMirV. ti.ikex Hall ai d llligh Stliltil the wnn,did work for I tie city from Jauuar* 186*. to the tiimmer of IS7*. lie de|A",ned in laaok the WarrunlA • encl for the work done for the city to he aiiioiiiii of #t,177,413 7t; of thi mini the williett r, ,elved fH'h ,iUH The real value if the work done wt mil* The w norm, did work on .irtvate hon-ia Iwlonging to Mailer Ivowh. Tweel, * onuollv and others, for winch the city paid. The wirnewa *► building <* house lor iVuiuollv on the corner of One hutidred'aud thirtieth ■.tree! and Filth avenue Ii was a large, apleudnl double hollar w :il, a handeoiue eoacii bousM in the rear F'-rthe work he did on thm house the eii v paid $247,40®, of which he received f UM.072, the tmlauee going to ihe ring in (ier,^'tilages. The real value of the work done on Connolly'a house waa lietweeii $50,000 and $60,000. The house was not com pleted when the w ttness had to leave the city. The witness said he did a large amount of work for private partie| for which the city paid—for Tweed, about SOO,OOO worth; lliigli Smith, $20,000 wortli; I'onunlly inn hia house and Ma tile on Park avenue), $.18,000. He also did work ou Ihe houses of Connolly's children. Mm. Fithian, Mrs. Huti'hitigsand Townaeud Connolly. On iiutehitigs' house, in Thirty-eighth ,!reel, he did work which Mr Hutch nigs said her father would pav for. He nad billa against the city whicli Connolly aas holding I wick from paymeut. Con nolly told him to receipt his hill for work done on Mm. lltit- lungs' house, ind gave htm his individual oheck on ■he Central hank, telling him to bring •to-k the money received for the check. tie went to the hank, got the check cashed, put the money in invelopea and took it back and gave it to Woodward, • ho gave it to Connolly, witness receiv ing nothing for work done ou Mr* Hutching*' house, but he was compen sated in the general way afterwards, on , .-ontracts for work for the city. Witness also did work for John Foi, for which the city paid; h-r Andrew J tlUkely and Hunk Smith, |*diie con.- iiiaaioiier* Witness got no benefit fr>,u> >•* mouev drawn fraudulently out of tin* ;rv ire.isurv It went to others, and he •..* ! to iMitio'y woli the fraudulent ar • to.'.-n.o. ' a- to get uh.il aa right *** ' he a e - *k lor ovet .- • <* ' r. i.,en, el - of the 'ward of , .1 u. nut d.a**n fraudti'eniiy .ui the e v I ■. " - r iuh-xilsliv <•! i ' 1 .. Iv las *. tnil r ■ \l I'or-o give • sf> - Vi; 1., c . t Is. istatioii til 187® GckbttoOy U ' I hia th-.i ;.-.,* In-iils* • * s vrfV iv ti ivc, Mod ;tia< it would uat litem Fi.tkaMkil.that vear. Toaiomuo. c * .• n !j ;t. t n .|l Ut >rr*>w. a i.e.. U■. i 'to. 1 • get - ll.ind •is ri'ti. Miurt mil la |h ~1 u;. -is th l • 'ST.. T.itc! . , \\. pi. . lU* tfGji t l.\ Itli. SH\ Jlt: Oo.sovki; a>o oc vaito vug rtttai llKM l-l T KZXUioI, AIJE.VP. Washington, Noveuila-r 28 lnune li iiely after the rr.oiiug of the journal Mr. M'.iiileigh. chairman of the committer on privileges and elettioiis, moved to pr Mfci to the oiuaitleratiuu of the reso luMoi. re(M*rted liv I tint coiondllee for the admission of Mr. Kellogg as senator from Louisiana, Mr. Thurman (lihioj objected, and read the eighth rule, whith provides lhal uo hill, report of a coiunuttre or other subject uoon the caletider shall be priM-eeded with in tne morning hour unless by unanimous consent. A lengthy diM-tiHsion in regard to the rules ensued, which was participated in by Messrs. Kduiunda, Thurman, Wadleigb, Wallace and others. Finally, Mr. Wheeler decided that the auhjjsvt was a question of the highest privilege, and cuuM b considered in the uiornmg hour, objec- lion. Mr. Thnrman appealed from the deci sion of Mr. Wheeler, and the yeas and nays being called the decision was sus tained— yeas 29, nay* 28—Mr. Patterson voting with the democrats in the nega tive, and Mr. Couover voting with the rvimblicaiis in the n (Urinative. Mr. Davt* (ill-) did not vote when hi* name was called The question then being, will the sen ate proceed to the consideration of the resolution reported by the committee on Knvilcges and elections declaring Mr. -elloag entitled to the seat as senator from Louisiana,the vote resulted—yeas 29, nays 29. Mr. Wheeler voted in the affirmative, and the resolution was taken up. Mr. Conover voted with the republic cans in the affirmative, Mr. Patterson and Mr. ihtvis (III.) with the democrats in the negative. Mr. Thurmau then moved to amend the resolution by striking out all after ihe word "Resolved," und insert "that M. C. Butler he now sworn in a* senator from Hoatli Carolina." Mr. Edmunds said ho did not want time used iiiiuei-easarily, and therefore We suggested that a vole het.ikettnn the admission of Mr Kellogg on Fiiday next si I o'clock p. in., and on the admission lof Mr. Butler on Sstnrdav neat, at 1 oVl. k [L.nyl'er on ile democratic side.l .-V' it i w a let ided to take up the Kellogg i, si.i len.'hv delude apr uc up ;e: .v e. M-u* -. W'ailleigh, i , I fianla i 1 ml M'Milibn. all we (ft fthe ima Wee . Mivilegn and elect--. -is,as the • ta'• of the care i.f M* Ko'.tir, 'lt -i dc- i ••>! in 11>> -n ' (re I • o' 'or tt.i term e ling Mrreh 4. IH7!: > 'i • fntH raii <; inhere denyiox thai his m- might have 1 en reported before !:•' I'tne, and the te pnblnaij tn* inhera 'laan. ;g th.it it would'fan—Tamil .or- id* r■ i;• -i bad ' I i i >•,- but f in i-'ii ; '•K rd v by toe coiiiinucn* BCK- Km ■ ' tie • to It • • • i !.■'■< amend- Kellogg. 1 ui.ed. year . •V! "i o I J..' III) ami yteisoi, v *in* wiili.,.. ,o in,, ruts in •oe affirmative, >.it*> (Vnmvei voting with t ! e republic to- in i|, iisgntive. Mr. Wheeler gave the deriding vote, and lie- i„t* d I in ailieii cheap, at Welch'*. 8.-lle fonte H7/0 WILL PAY MR. HA YES'S I.Ori.SIANA COMMISSION? Washington, November 20. —There j promises to be quite a spirited tim -. in the House over the item estimated for loy lho Treasury Department of four thousand odd dollars for the payment of Ilio expense* of the Prcaidential com-' mission lilih vleltrd l.ouirinna Inat spring. Thla nmmint wn orlpnallv in the Deficiency bill, bill the tommltler on Appropriation* of tl* House to-da\ | decided U) strike it Oot The•oly noeei il- warrant of law for tine expenditure { Mao (Ihind to !>• under (lie herd of the Secret Sen l>-e fiiiol, hut the committee doubled if the President had any au thority to provide for the payment from liiat •uurie, ami they were more > learly of the opinion that tVutgreas should not authnriav any payment The commie *noi was a political one not authorised hy law, Ha conclusion* a ere not binding in In a, and they in no sense represent ed anything but the i'reaident'a views, oul ailed merely to hint lu an adviaorv < a pacify. S.-h h.| *<>kt -for Sckak >f ev*ry, irml", a'. W leu's Hook store, Oellefunte SKRVf.f> RIGHT. George Wallere woe elected Sheriff of Hutler county last year, arid took pou*c*-; •iuii of the office alter Ukiug the oath' te luting tlial he had ward no money for j corrupt j urjioeee in obtaining hie elec tion. lie wa* hiibhcqueiitly arraigned for having used money and vndating the t'tiiialiioiion and aweering fabely. The Sheriff* counacl demurred ; but ihe Ku prenie Court liar* reversed the court he low, ousted the Sheriff from hie office itid he n> henceforth ineligible tuany of ffce of profit or trust in tbe Stale. Al ihough Mr. Walter* waaa l>eniocrat, and in that much ha* our yuip.ithy, we can not help nay lug he waa nerve 1 right, il guilty. Let tha law be faithfully MP -tiled in alt reapecta and upon all sub ject*, and there will be little need of more legislation in thin country. • ♦ • Baskets of every d**ciiptiua, at Welch's Bellefoate BUTLER AND KKl.LotiO BOTH SWORN IN. Washington, December I A vote upon ilu- main question to admit Kellogg t called at 2 o'clock this morning, and re suited—v e. SO; nay*. Hi—both Conover and l'attlersvn voting in (be affirmative Mr. Thurman, after the announcement ol the vote on this question, moved that M. C. Butler be sworn in 'as a Senator from S<>ulh Carolina lie said if there was to be no debate he would waive hit light to clot" the argument Messrs. Conkiing and KJmunJs both agreed t > an immediate call of the vote, and it was o ordered, re suiting yew*, 20; nays, 2H. Seneior llavis r-'ted lug lively upon the first proposition and although present at the second vote d.J not vote ut all. Senator Dorsey then moved that Kellogg be sworn in, end P>l teraon made a similar motion ia behalf o Butler. Both motion* were agreed to without debate. The admission of Senators Kellogg and Butler will be followed next week by the admission of Senator elect Bust's, of L">u isiana The laltvr's case was reported to the Senate to-day by tbe Committee on Election* by a vote >f 6 t < 3. two Republi ans including the Chairman, being in lie sffiimelive, nd as there is no doubt whalt-vrr that be will be sworn its without I-'at 1 he Senate at the regular session •I tins C< ugr*-si therefore will contain a lull | nlulii-n i fall of the State* for I •- thai time aim v the F. rt)-second Con gress i'attrrmu's IDmarkable Specb. The Washington sties ia! of the Tuoes . of 1' itlei soli's .pre. li on Saturday ; Th- crowd in the gallcrie* gave a pre i i . ai v rustle and settles! down to listen, i ail l .• Senators laid aside their reed • s r1 lrtter-wnltfig U> listen to a re ittarkabie #>esh. I'atlerson began by en s-efl II that S|< tins' aicepteble to the it-ouhheans, and one tbey berdly dared t i b pe for, which Was that be should vote lor Kolloge. If this part of bta speswh' pleased K lutunds and Conkling their' pleasure was soon neutralised, for the re .sh itrant Senator neat turned on thoe .-eniU-iueii, end by word, vole*and gesture, g.vo them such a drubbing as tbey never had before. EverySody uas surprised at Patterson t power, ilia voice is good and his earnestness quite took possession of the galleries, while the substance of bis rw- 1 marks w* not only pointed but tbe point* Were well placed and strong, lie chose the most contemptuous words in alluding to Edmunds and Conkling, and they, who are noted lor their sneering, may now knott' how j; is themselves lie turned the attention ot every uian, woman ana rbild in that vast assembly toward the two men and pointed bis long finger directly in their facet. Ho showed hi* disgust and hatred as much by the tone of bis voice as by bit words and gesture*. The sreaker toon turned from Conkhng and Edmunds to speak of the contestant Butler, whem be extolled in high termt An Attack On The I'rcaideuf. lie referred to the Chamberlain govern* ment an J iu overthrow, sr. 4 aio to the negro nut* and murder*. Hi* effort at tained real power when be spoke of the •ntried and unpunished murderer*. "Who nold* bark the arm of justice from these murderer* 7' and then he repeated tho question in a voice like a storm. Here he p*u*rd a moment, and then in a very ij>- urrssivc lone hi* body shaking with an ger, he answered b;s own question "That man in the White House." The scene here an* very dramatic and the; greatest interest wa depicted on every face. He' attacked the President furiously and made, some good hits at Krarls and Scbura, and subsequently he said that the tuusty ban ner of the Confederate* bad boen carefully j unrolled and the key was found to lockj the Post Office Department against Koulb- j ern Republicans. He ridiculed Ibe Presi dent* declared intention of invigorating and restoring the Whig party, and said Mr. Hayes would be the champion resur rectionist if he could ever put together the dry bones and ashes of that organisation, and, a* f- r the other class referred to by the President. Mr. Patterson said the re* ii_ I'U portion ol tho South worship God and Democracy Hi* speech contained some i>*ib", and it wa's overwrought in pi more than was necessary to give f 'ret- and meaning to his words, but, take i.'ie speech all in all, it was rather remark* b < It i not too much to say that John f uter..in -11 mis to-night much bettor ti ma Republican associates than over -r*'. and li<* hs shown more ability and IM.WIT man it was thought he p-it.e sed I - attack on the President was the first i• n n>* in tlie Senate, end it probably c •. lio-il more itcpiiblickns than it offend-i i THE Seieatific American. I liir.y-Tliird Year. 1 he Most Popular Scientific Pa per in the World. ONI.Y $3.2U A YKAK, AOE WEEKLY 52 fit Mill: KM A YEAR. 4.000 HOOK PACKS. The Scientific American!* a KlrHcUiaMkl)f nrws paper i>l aijuwa }m(m, printed la ih ml beautiful ••|U, profusely IJla*tra(d with ipUndld fn|rivin|i. mprMtnUng ln Inventions and lb* most rt* • ut # In tbf ArU and bclM, IbcMlu Mechanic sand nglnesrlog. Mr*m Knginr, ring. lUil oar. Miutof. Civil. Use and liydranlo KtflMfrtßr Mill work. Iron, Htvel and lletai work Oiivralitiy and Urmical Proceaaoe KlMtrlfllj, light. Ilrat Sound • rc apology. I'Lotographjr. Fruiting. ,Niw Machinery, New rtK fiwi, New Recipes. Improve man's pertain tog to Trstlle industry, Weaving. Dyeing. Coloring, N'#w IndualrUl Products, Annual, Vegetable. and Minvrii Mm v and Interesting Facta In Agrtcul line. hurUmltura, lha home, ITmIUi, Medical I'uif Sik-UI SrlfDco, .Natural history, Geology, Aatrou orny, He. '1 h* inoat valuable practical papers, hi omtavnt wr|.; t*m la all departments of Meteor#, Will b found In U> Seleutlbc American . (be whole preaentod In pup. u.'ar language. free Imm technical terms, tlluatrated ellh •Bfrlili>Ki, and so arranged aa to Interest and inform all claeke* of readers old and young- Tbe Mcl entitle American la proMoUv* At knowledge and Prog reaa In evevy community where U dlrcblafea It should bate a place }u story Vapitly, Reading Kmiu. I.lbra ry, college or School 'latins, Riper year, which Include# prepayment of poetage. JJlgpougt to clubs •nd u.nU. mnU COPUM fin >nU- Ho4 l. *u itunilt bjt tratUl order U MIJHN t Co., i':il>li.hr r>. 87 P.rh How, How York T) A HP 'I*^TMJ 'I In connection with tbe JT JtX X JUJM X Cl* Scientific American. Messrs nnn m CO. are Solicitors Of American and Foreign Patents, ami bare the largest eaUbllabrurnt in the world, talents are obtained on the lest terms. Model*of New Inventions and Kfcttohs* aamlmed, ard sdrlco free. A special notice la utade In the .Sci entific American of all Inventions l'attented through this Agency, with tbe name and residence of the rat* m.teo. public attention Is thua directed to the merits of ths tisw patent, and sales or Introduction* oft#n .{- fee ted. Any person who baa made a new discovery or tnven* thn, ascertain, free of charge, whet'jrr a patent ran pronably l> obtained, by writing to the utuhuslgnsd., Address for the paper, or concerning patents. ML' N N v CO 37 Pm'k Row New York.i ttrm&cb Office, cur. F * 7th Stroots, wathmglou, D. C. TIIK MINISTRY OK SORROW A Hcrrnon by the Kov. ('l.ntincy Ciilf* ut the New.lcruealcm. If* took C7ih unci 7l*t •**-• of th* lltHh I'.alti. a. bit teal ; "llf..r* I m • ftlbled 1 went at! my ; but now have 1 kept thy word It igood f.if inn that 1 tin** bean afflicted that 1 might l**rn thy statute*." "Hrro," ht mid, "li * ad companion of *ll buiiimii being*. It follow* u* al ways 'I hn *troiig i alitiul conquer l| ; til* • will reiiliot a* rap* |i , wealth I* powerless • gainti it, end it attack* alike the *hr*wd and ll.e tlu*gl*h Kur * tune perhaps e at* fre Itoin torrow only to l**i it* pangs later. Man impatiently **li*, 'Why >loe* thn Lord permit <>rrow to ndlict the •on* of men V lie ha* ullen an**red the |qu**Uon, but the n*w*r hai not generally | Hum u inlet stood because It I* not the one w* want. There Uan error Into which we •re apt to fall. Th* Lord doe* hot **nd •orr<>w on u. li* permit* It to afflict u*, but he (end* nothing but blessing*. He give* u* faculties by mean* ol which We Ileal Joy. Whan we iuLu*e tbete tame lai ultle* tbey become mean* of pain. Lot I ut take the paieulai edriuwn* a* an etam ipl* A child newly born cauie* a Joy to it* patent* which can scarcely be excelled, white the torrow ceutad by the lo*t of th* if laid it a* great. The tame it true of ail jour farutile*. It it irutrthal It I* said in 1 ihe bctipiuret thai tha Lord tend* tuffer j.ng Tbi* i* only Inageneral itiiie. Uod giro* a power to enjoy, which may be Icome a uiean* of pain. When a child hum* lU hand in the Dta Uod doe* not I -end the pain. The child tuflert brcau* of * natural law. Let u* never accuse Uod, then, of making u* tutfer. It woulu I be impossible to make ui capable ofpbyti cat pleasure without making ue capable ol I o*in al*o. tl i* the tame with lha ipirltua I nature of man. Buffering comet a* a nat I oral consequence ol em. But Uod it vers ! merciful, and ute* suffering to make the •inner repent; the pain vanithet, and I ;her teuiain* behind enly torrow for bit • in, which protect* him in the future. In a complicated piece of machinery ev ere wheel must do tba work which it It ap pointed to do and no more, and inutl keep the ctat l potition la which it it placed Likewt**, to here harmony in inan, avert faculty mutt do it* own latk, and mu* not strive for a aupremacy which doe* not ' belong to it. Generally, the physical ca turo i* conttanily endeavoring to get con Urol of the man. and If it tucceed*. luffer ing i* inevitable. A few month* ago 1 •aw in lha gardee of a friend a magnifi cent clutter of ro*e. Ue kold me that the year previous the roe were tickly, and that he had been advLed to cut tbem al lod hi order to improve the buth At fiitt be hesitated. fearing to ruia the plant But at ia*t he did a* lie bad been advued I Th* result wa* that tb rote* were moir be utiiul than before. And. after thi* be I began to cumulate to me of the hard timet, ' pay ing no etuntn n to lhalewon taught by ulierorat. In order to have the *r-ie.- iiappiui*** *e mutt go through luffering. ' At the leave* and the branch*-* of the rot i tsuth flourished at the aipente of th* flow {m. to our body tomeltme* got* the hettei ••I our tpirii Then the epirit grow* tickly. and before it can recover the body mu*- I i-e chastened by affliction. Thi* Unoency iof our physical nature to growth i* it., jcau* of our woe*. All our ideal, all oui energies are devoted to worldly pursuit* , but the Lord know* that wa have a apint which it bettar than lha body, aad ha trie to develop il Hence a conflict Wataek ■ tier wealth and power and tba bappinees . uflhli ilia, and Uod trie* to *bow ut lb way to aWalton. We turn our faca* n .one direction, while all Lb# current! ut spiritual life flow In another. The suffer mg wbich thtt conflict cautrt to didereni pertont beceu*# their different naiuret ilk* the ruoU of dibcfent tree*, hava holds upon the earth differing In strength Bur iow u a warning to ut. Bo long a* a mat •.rep* the commandment* ha it happy, lb- physical and the spiritual nature* *>■ • like in thia respect When we lak* cars ,of ur body w* sutler no phy*icl pain •nd ask kiiett, though it be but a head- Bdbe. >ho• * ua that there i* totneLblny wlsch rnu*l be atiendad to. A* paii .bi as the pretence of di*ea*d in the body, so it sorrow a *enliael placed to warn us thai we have gone astray. Sorrow act • !*u at a restraint and keep* ut from *in mug again. In society, criminal* are plac ed in pcneichUaric* u> prevent ttirm fron repealing their crime. Conscience per form* a iiuiilar service for the spiritual man, and by sorrow, which ia the rtmrcn , branco of the pain, prevents u front com- I uniting the eatu# tin. Borrow being* u near to Odd We hul* know how much are owe to even the small care* and wor rieaof our dally hfa. If w* met wi.h oona of these, would w* aver raitd o.r thought* to a higher aiiatencaT Thaw are common affliction*, but there are tarn bla one* which break'upon u* like thun der from a clear iky, or which we •* • towly gathering about ut, black and threatening. k our hope# are bla*lad. your property it destroyed, your baalth it broken or parbap* death bai Ukan fron you your vary heart of heart* and you are left bereaved aad desolate And lb hat come upon you withoulany apparent faun of your own Th* lasaon taught hare is that no trust should be put in *uch thing*, but that you should turn to the rock of • ge* and put your trust in him forever Uod took the** thing* from you simply for the purpose of giving you something be', let in their place, lie U more ready to giv than ye are to atk. In tichang* for th* gold of thi* world you will have im periahahle richer. Better friend* will r* place thoae whom you hava !ot. Youi child that wa* Uken from vou to-day wil hava angel* f*r hi* companions, and wil> ba uugl.t by them, and to morrow you will receive him . again. Thi* teems to be an eaty lewon Co learn, but it i* vat) hard to part with anything one prise* I'arenu will cling to the vacant chair ana rcfue to look beyoud where they can e that ihair child i* not loet, but only ukan. from them fur a while. Uod it full of compauion for the afflicted, lie keep* near ut with intuit* patience and heal* our baartt when wa will let him. Al lb* proper lime ha make* ut tee thai our af fliction* were meant to keep ut from stray ing from home. In th* end be reatoree us more than he look, until finally we tay. 'lt it good for me that 1 wit afflicted.' May thi* be the end of our affliction." TBE woai.. 1878. Since the change in r* propnetorsbli (which took place May I, 1876) "Tbs World ha* become the brightest sprigbtli* est, most scholarly and popular journal in I the metropolis." "It is entertaining interesting, bright, decent, fair end truth ful." It aoee wrong willingly to no man, no creed, no interest and no party. Ii treat* all subject* of importance earnestly and with respect It seeks to make itselt an agreeable companion, as wall as a faithful guide and teacher. The World regard* the recent victories of the party with which it by preference acU not ** mere partisan triumphs gained by partisan contrivances, but a* the unmisukable ex pression of a deep and genuine popular de mand for new methods in government, foi a thorough purification of the public ser* vice and for a rectification of lb# aim* ol •ur party organisations. Wherever and whenever the Democratic party proves itself loyal to this popular demand THE WORLD will resolutely uphold it; wherever and whenever it falls short of or attempts to counteract this popular de mand TIIK WORLD will as resolutely oppose and denounce it. In a word, TH fc WORLD believes tbo Democratic party to nist for the good of the public service. It does not believe the public service P • xist for the good of the Democratic par WEEKLY* - WORLD. contains all the news of the week, present ed in a concise and attractive manner ; the best of the many excellent letters sent by able correspondents from all part* of the world ; bright and entertaining editorials on all matters of interest to the public. ! Short sloriss and stories continuod from week to week, written expressly lor The World by lha best authors Full reports of all lbs principal market* of the United States and foreign countries; a grange department. Ac., <*c It is in every essential a piper for the family. D D. T. Moore, E*Uge fraa (Ir*i thnii 2 cent* par week). SI.OO TO CLUB AGENTS—An extra copy for club of ten, .aparately addrowed. Tbe Semi- Weekly World lor club of twenty, te|mr*lely eddreMed. Tbe Deily World for club of fifty. lepHrntoly nddrr*ed Semi-Weekly World Ona yer (10* number,), pottage frae.s2 00 TO CLUB AGJSNTS— An eitr copy for club for t.'P, ii'juirulely addre,*d. Tbe Deily World tut club oi twriiy-8u. top arnteiy addroMud Tlie Daily World. With Sunday Edition, 1 year, pottage tree. $lO 00 With Sunday Edition, tf month, poetagr free. 6 50 Willi Sum ay Edition, 3 month,, putlnirc frer. 2.76 WitliouitSunday Edition, 1 your, po.luge ftrca tw Wiilioul Sunday edition, Ciuonlb,, poiuhh free. 4.25 Without Sunday Edition, 3 months, poet- age free 2% Sunday World. 1 year postage free. V.Oli Monday World, containing Literary Re views and Collage < bf >nh i.-, one year postage free I SO l'-rflia t Cash in advenre. Send I'osi oAce money enter, bank draft or register ed letter. Bill* leal hy mail will he ai risk of sender. Additions to club lists may be made at any time in (lie year at the above rates. We have no travaliug agents Speci men copies, posters. Ac., sent free, where ever and whenever desired. A Fair Field and nu Favor. A Chance For All Cash Premiums. To the pe-en from whom The World shall recuvr, previous to March 31, 107#. the money for the largest number of sub s ribers for one year to the Weakly World wo will glva e flrsi priae of 1300.00. For the neat largest number, a second prise of B'doo.uo. WANAMAKER 4 BROWN reewwtfu'dy announce that thair Autumn and \Vtutr Faehiona in Clothing for Men and boy* W are ready. The greet building* ut Bulk gßll and Market are crowded from top to bottom with such ClMliiog aa merit* tbe confidence of tbe people WANAMAKER 4 BROWN'S Hot lie end Caeeuaeree are, in many inetanoee, made |Br exptoaely for them. Nonouee in the trade Mm MB confine* itaelf eo exclusively to the firet- WQUgPiP claee manufacturer* Indeed, a long and mature experience i* noceeeary to know juet what good* to eeleet and make np. WANAMAKER 4 BROWN'S Order De MfllPk pertinent will be fonnd full of fabrtoa ererr good kind, either Note! and Faekionabie etylee or tbe plainer and more naeful tbinge. Talented cuttera. who have been eucceeeful for jreara in oar eerrtce, are in waiting to make garment* according to the ideae of the neople who " are to wear tbe gooda. Good band* are .IJPinV employed to make up, and only good Wp trimming* need. WANAMAKER 4 BROWN'S Ready ... Made Department offer* every accommo dation to thoee who do not care to go through tbe proceea of meaaurement. The tock in all Department* for M*n and Boy* u immanae and oompleta, and doe* not vgg lack Ut atyla, workmanabip or fiaick, •■fWpj while the price* can be proven to be neerly, if not quite, 2-' centa on the dollar lower than the market. WANAMAKER 4 BROWN'S Little Boya' and Tootha' Clothing ha* a! ware been a *■ well 970.00 •<•!. For tba alx nn largaat liata, tlx prlxot of 900.00 MWh. For tba tlevan next largaat liaU, tltftn prtxaa of 9M.00 each. AH paraon* daniroua of competing for that# priaoa (which ara offered in iddilion to lha ragular club premium*) will pleaae •Ignify tboir attention of aodoing end tend to ua for full instruction* We will not award any nf tlictaw prtcaa to any paraon aupplying TUK WORLD t" tubeeribert at la** than ragular lata*, alx : One l>Jlar Per Year. Addre** all order* and lallart t 'The World." 86 Hark How. Nat/ York. 'N 11 Tho>* subscribing before January !l will receive the "WEEKLY WOULD" (until January 1, 187 V. for One Dollar. 6der3t China CUP* and Sauoora for Holiday! praaanta, at Welch'a, Beiletonte. 1 ■ New Store Hoom . AND NKVV STOCK. Fall and Winter Good* IN Oreat Abundance AT Wit. WOLf'fl IN THE Aew Bank Building. A Full Line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, carefully telec ted, and embracing all manner of DREBB GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTIIB. GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENBWARE, TINWARE, FISH, AC., AC. Furnishing Goods OF AL KINDS. NEW AND CHOICE INVOICE I or CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES Full lioe of Hats and Caps For Men, Boy* and Children. LADIES ANDTENTLEMEN Call and be Convinced tbat tbia ia the Cheapest place to buy gooda in tbia eectioa. PRODUCE received in cscbaoge for gooda. Rememdrr the place—in the New Batik Building, opposite the Old Stand. HO! FOR SPRING MILLS!! Stoves! Stoves! TINWARE!! A fuil line of all kind* of Stove*. A (ull line of Tinware. Hardware for all, Coackmakera and Mechanic* included, At the New Store of 6eeptf THOS. A. HICKS & BRO.' Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert Kaulh, At tbe BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is now making the eery beat BREAD, CAtwES AND PIES, in Bellefonie. Candies and Confectioaa. H alio manufacture* all kind* of can dies, and dealers can parches# of him a* low as in the city. Candies of all kinds al ways oo hand, together with Orange*, Lnon. Figs, Dales, N*U, Hjrrups, Jei | lies and everything good. 'CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Excellent oyster saloon also at tached to tbe Bakery. Gall and aee roa. ALBERT KAUTH j writ Scribner's Monthly For 1877 *7B. Without racalling the excellence ef tb e I past, the publish era of ScHbaer* Monthly annouocH'or the year to coma, the follow ing papers : j The Picturesque Side of American Perm , Life.—This subject will be treated is e ee rie* of seperale papers engaged from wri- I tor* wbo sued in the front rank among Americans, both in qualities of style and in h keen insight of nature. Mr. R. K. Rob * intoa, autber ot a delightful paper oo J " Fox-Hunting in New England" ia the January number, will represent the seme section ia this series John Burroughs, whose paper* on similar topics bar* been a highly prised and popular feature of Scribner will write of Farm Life in New York Maurice Thompson, the poet nat uralist, will describe the characteristics of Wariern farming, of which but little has been written. It is expected that the il lustration of this series will he of a reined and typioal character, commensurate with I the subject matter. It is thought that no paper or eerie* of paper* y-t issued in Scribner will so folly realise the con-tent desire of the magazine to keep out of the ruts, and, both io text and illustrations, to - obtain quality, and to print fresh, strong and delicate work from original sources. "Boxr,"— by Edward Kggleston (auth or of "The Hooeier Schoolmaster," Ac.). This new novel will d whiles* be the moe important Amer. serial of the *e*r. The first number was published ia November. Those who have raad it io manuscript de clare Boxy to be much the most unking and remarkable story this sutber has ever written. It is illustrated by one of the younger American painter*—Mr Walter Sblrliw; President of ""The American Art Association." American Sporu.—Some of tba most novel and entertaining of these papers ar yet to appear, the seen** of which will h* in the West, the Middle Slates, lb tt South, New England and Canada. Out of-lXwr Paper*,—by John Bur roughs, author of "Wake Robin," Ac., will contain not only articles on Birds, but on "Tramping," "Camping Out," and kindred topics. Mr. Borough's paper* will begin in the January number, the first being entitled "Birdsand Birds," and illustrated by Fedilia Bridge*. Architecture of Birds.—Dr. Thome* M. Brewer will contribute four exquisitely 1 illustrated articles on bird's neet-, which every lover of nature will delight in. Dr. Brewer hat propably the tin est collection of bird's eggs in the world to draw upon for the illustration of these papers. The Saddle-Horse —Col. George 1. Waring, with whose excellent worx of va rious sorts our readers are fetnilier, contri butes two illustrated article* on lh< horse. He treat* specially of saddle-horses and their use for pleasure and for vport including road-riding, fox bunting and racing. The nature ei lb* knglith thor oughbred and that of hit Eastern rrogeni tor (the Arabian) are fully considered in relation to these use*. Saxe Holm New stories by this ppu lar Writer will be given in ea ly numbers of Scribner, beginning wi b "'Joe Hale's Red Stockings, to appear in Jenu ary. This "novelette" chronicle* an epi sode of iht late war for the Unioa. "His Inheritance."—By Adeline Traf well . be * n n lb® Midiummeu Holiday nurahar, will be continued near ly through the year. It will be found to be of increasing interest to the very end. "A Knight of Fortune"—Hjaliua- Hjorth Boyesen'tnew novel—will be be ?un in Scribner at the conclusion cf "His nberitance. It will reveal a phase of American society, undreamed of bv most of our readers, and will be certain to in crease the reputation of tbe writsr as a master of English and of bis art. Tbe Editorial Department* will contin ue to employ tbe ablest pen* in America, and will include the present admirable summary of English publications. Re sides the special articles above enumera ted, tbe msgaxino will contain Poems. Sketches, Essay*, Reviews and shorter Stones of the highest character. A large practical reduction in price is made by an increase In tbe number of pages. The Illustration* of the Magax ne, in variety and excellence of design and in typogtapblcal execution, wilt continue to be in advance of those of any other popu lar magazine at boue or abroad. Subscription price, $4 00 a year, payable in advance to us or to any bor. a Alao a Complete Assortment of * Ready Made Clothing for men and boy*. Suite ax low ae to be bad in the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full linea of MERINO UNDER WEARS, For Ladies, Grata, Boy*, Miaeea and Children. Hosiery, Gloves. Boot* and Sboee, HATS. CAPB. CABPBTS AND OIL CLOTH*. And the moat complete assortment of NOTIONS , in Central Pennty Wan ia. and prtaee tbat wiUcotnpel you in eelf oefeccc to buy of j but. Alao Ftab, Halt. etc. Itfoe PENNS VALLEY LOOK HERE I CLOTHING !! CLOTHING!! JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OP Cloth & Cassimere, OF LATE STYLES, which I am prepared to have made up io suits at Remarkably Low Fig* urea. READY-MADE CLOTHING cheaper than can be bought ELSEWHERE. J. W. SHAFFER iiarket Street. 18oct6 LEWISBURG, Pa. GET GOOD BREAD, By calling at the new and exten sive bakery establishment of JOSEPH CEDARS. (Successor to J. H. Sands,) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny street whore bo furnishes mrr dor Froob Brood. Cokoo of oil kind*. Pies, etc., etc., * Con die*, Spice*. Hots, FruiU. Anything and everything belonging to tbo businest. Having bad year* of expo* rionce in the business, bo flatter* himself (bat he can guarantee satisfaction to all ' wbo may favor bits with their patronage. 80 aug tf JOSEPH CEDARS J KV" PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allovlater eet; Discount Notes; Buy end Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupon*. WM. WOLF. WM. B. MIKOLX, Pres't. Cashier '•srasr No 6 BrockVrhoff Row,Be)lefonte,Pa Dealers fa* Dragi, Cfeemlcalu Perlhaery, Fancy Good a Ac. Ae. Pure Wines and Liquor* for mad ice purpose. alwavs kept asav tl. 72 DrFILUSEr painter, iafea, oilcra hi* eervict* to the citlfieo* of Centre countv io Haane, Mgn and Ornamental Fainting, Striping, ornamenting and gilding. Graining OAK, WALNUT, o. • „ CHESTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable. JO apr tf. < CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGEB A new, complete Hardware Store ha * been opened by the undersigned in Cen ire Hell,, where he is prepared to sell al kinds of Building ana House Furnishing Hardware, Nailv&c. Circular and Hand Saw*, Tennon Saw*, Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Krmes, Spokes, Felloes, end Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oil#, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. m*Remember, all oods offered cheap* *an elsewhere OKNTREHALL Furniture Rooms! EZRA KRCIBIHE. respectfully inform* the cituens of Centra county, tbat he has bough t out the old 'land of J. O. Deiniager, and has reduced the prices. They have constantly Of hand and make to order BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS. SINKS, Vr ABHBTANDS, CORNERCUVBOARDS TABLES. &c., Ac. Their stock of ready-made Furniture is 'arge and warranted of good workmanship and is all made under their own immed - ate supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26 feb. ly. T ■. Si'ANGLKR Aiiorntn t Law *t , ''insiOati.> in Kngiiklt <„t Uer mu . Utß'' u ' • w l'ii .i.uag, ♦