The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 29, 1877, Image 1

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at J. TIII ansmtv.
The king encumbered of his crown.
In cot content, can lay it down ;
The bird fir faring from her nest,
Borne kindle spray may rock to rent.
The Urk led oa through upper air,
At eve forgets his Journey there ;
And Ui eagle's eyes on glories far,
Ere long recede from snn and star.
The leaves which people lofty treee ;
The snow —shed foam of th' over seas ;
The rain that rings along th* sky,—
Together meet aud lowly lie.
Thou tcvi. 0 Bonl, striving to soar
Enoh flight Iwyond the flight before,
Shalt, p*t the vexed years that yearn.
To humbler haunts of Peace return.
Between the Maes.
Sing the eong of the singer, merrily ring the
Light is the lay they tell us, light a* its echoed
Sing the song of the ringer, mocking a doubt
and feer.
Catch the joy of its mawdy, let its daring
beauty cheer;
Well that the "mellow music may bear no hidden
Of the broken heart of the poet, written be
tween the lines.
Watch the port of the player, bravely and
deftly done,
S*e the difficult height attained, the loud ap
plauses won ;
Weep with his passionate sorrow, thrill to his
passt ou ate bliss.
Blending your Joyous laughter with thai happy
laugh of his;
Well that his marvelous acUng daules, wins,
refine* .
Who thiuks of the desperate effort, written be
tween the hues?
See the wori of the painter, in coloring ru
mi] rich.
Give it it* wvlt-wnn hom*s<\ chooae it the
choicest uwhe ,
Hang it where it mar rvuJir. u an arUt beet
oan do
Oompautonnhip iu iU beauty, delicate, pa:*
and true !
Well that ita nilent loreliueee eoftneea and
thought com tune* ;
None r> ad the Utter baffling strife, written
betwrwn the hues.
Watch the path of the prosporoos, auuny and
smooth and bright,
Health and wealth to give it its fall of sweet
ness and of light ;
See how the easy future u fanned for the care
lees feet.
Given each slight desire, flattered each wague
conceit. .
Well that tne outward gladness and
peace enshrines;
Who knows the tale of the skeleton, written
between the lines ?
If the singer dies in solitude, his songs sigh
on as sweetly;
If the statesman has a hearth disgraced, does
he face the world less uetely ?
So the artist s touch is duo and sore, who heeds
the hand that guide* it?
Does the player feel a fading Ufe ? his miming,
masking hide it.
Cypress, and rose, and laurel. Fate's reckless
hand entwines;
Life reads the printed story—Death writes bt
t ween'the lines.
—AUthe leor Round.
" Baked beans be gxxl enough for
any one, Melindy. When your father
came cvurtin' me he set a store by Han
nah's baked beans, and alters thought if
them hadu't been so nice, • might never
have tieen Mrs. Tiblis after alland
Mrs. Tihbe smiled a broad smile at her
little joke, which quite swept front her
face the previous look of cessation.
Not so with her daughter Melinda,
who was paring apples with a very
face, as "-he answered gloomily :
" That was thirty years ago, ma, and
times have ciiaugeX and Mr. Fmrweatli
er isn't corning courtin*. But Ido think
it's too tad to give him nothing but
baked beans wh-'U lie comes here, when
vm know buv Mrs. J.'.ica and Mrs.
John&ou will lay iheuiaelves oat."
Mrs Tibbs cat off a large slice of pork,
letting her knife c- me decision
upon the hard-wood table.
"If he's goiug to preach to us, Me
lindy, I don't waut a sermon of soups
and fancy cracker. But a god pb.te of
baked beans will make the kind o' ser
mon for me." •
Mr. Fairweather. the youag candidate
for the Meritou pulpit, w is to spend tlie
appmaching Sablmth at Deacm Tibbs's
As Mrs. Tibbs and Melinda were dis
cussing his next breakfast, he was scute, l
in the cars wi'h his Greek Testament iu
his hand, but not evidently in his
thoughts. He was thinking of Meriton,
and contrasting :t with the home he wus
just leaving. The question in his mind
was, whether he wis fitted to take
charge of a strontr, powerful, but dolt
church, Evidently the people needed
waking np. Could he KucceMluily do it.
Judging by appeuraucea, most de
cidedly no! For Mr. Fairweather,
though quite tall, was slight, with light
hair, grayish-blue eyes aud a oomplex
ion to which anysndJen em ition brought
a change of color. As you looked at
him more closely, you saw the thin lips
close firmly together, and the eyes re
gar led vou steadily aud squarely—but
not forcibly enough for Meriton, would
undonbtexiiy bo y< >ur decision, as it was
mine when I first met him.
Mr. Fairweather had not gone far in
his thoughts, when the cars jresr up at
the station. He was met, shaken ra -at
heartily by the hand, helped info a car
. riage, and, before fairly aroused from
his reverie, was drawn easily along over
a jolting road by a strong, young, bay
horse, who curried himself with a sturdy,
ringing gait, which suggested any amount
of unused power, and, though apparent
ly slow enough, passed over a mile in a
very short time. The horse was the
first thing that really attracted the min
ister's attention. It seemed to him very
much like the people of M"ritiu, for
both horse ami people had c insider able
in them, bat both Deeded further bring
ing out. So he broke in upon the or
dinary commonplaces, which were being
exchanged, by saying;
"That is a very powerful horse of
yours. Deacon Tibbs."
"Ye, sir." said the deacon, well
pleased. "He is, I might say, pretty
powerful for one of his breed. He's
voung vet, only foar years, but a pretty
average good colt he is."
"T sra wanting a good horse," added
Mr. Fairweather. " but this one, I sup
pose, is not for sale."
"Well, sir, he isn't; but to be frank
with you, sir, I wouldu't sell him to yon
anywav. You haven't the strength to
have him at the other end of the lines,
for all he seems to go along so easy
"I can see his easiness comes from
his strength," answered Mr. Fair
weather, "and I have seen so many
horses and people, too, who seem to be
going to the limit of their ability that
the sight is refreshing to me "
" I am glad yon like the colt," re
sponded the deacon, donbtfullv. " Bnt
don't it show a trifle of familiarity with
things of which a minister don't study
much ?"
Mr. Fairweather glanced up qnickly.
"It seems to me, Deacon I'ibbe, that a
minister has a right as well as others to
enjoy all the lieautiful crestnres with
which his good master has filled the
••Yes, certainly," replied Deacon
Gibbs; " I only spoke of it because our
last minister used to ride considerable,
rather more than was befitting a minis
ter, our Meriton folks thought."
0 Mr. Fairweather had no answer ready
to his remark, which had brought him
back to his first question. Was he fitted
to be a spiritual adviser to the Meriton
people ? On the very first subject men
tioned, he had differed from one of the
deacons—and-that to him an important
subject, for he owed his health in no
sma.l measure to his saddle exercise.
The steady, swinging trot quickened
perceptibly as a large, white houae ap
peared is eight, until the colt came to a
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
stand still in front of Uie wistaria-covered
door. Deacon Tiblw sprang out, offend
his hand to Mr. FairwesUier, and Uieu,
catching sight of a light-blue drea, be
coiled oat :
"Here, Meliudy, come here and take
caie of the parson, while J unhitch Paul.
A.y darter, Mr. Fairweather."
At the name time that Mr. Fairweather
is shaking the small red hstid in histhiu
white one, I will introduce Mia* Melinda
Tibb* to my reader*.
She is a fair specimen of a smart New
England girl. Site has uot naturally a
large frame, but as she ha* uever Iteen
tnuched or stunted, she ha* grown to a
ull one. Her face is pluuio without
l*eiug fat, her cheek* rosy, aud her eye*
bright and full of mischief. She seetus
a personification of good nature, a* the
vouug minister thought her, though had
lie peeped into the kitchen window that
morning, as ahe oat by the litUe cherry
table pariug apples, he would have
kuowu that even her brightness was
eclqwed by clou Is. There seemed to me
just one quality lackiug iu her, aud tliat
nut unimportant—depth. Her rosy lip*
were light Iv pressed together, her brown
eves roved careleaslv from tiling to
thing; ahe roomed from one subject to
another, never stoppiug to think on any
oue of them. Evidently, if Mi**
Meliuda hod any strength of mind or
character, ahe, as well as others, had yet
to find it out.
It was a very quiet evening the yoang
minister spent, aud feeling tired and em
b<irraaeed lie went early to bed, to gam
what rest he could for the next day's
duties. After he had closed his door he
was attract. 1 by Melinda'* voice, and
unwillingly he was made a confidant in
what seemed then to be her gTeateet
" It's too boil, pa, but ma wouldn't
get anything bat baked beans and john
ny-cake far breakfast, and I don t sup
pose Mr. Fairweather ever heard of
baked beans before."
Mrs. Tibb's voice chimed in : " It's
time he did, then, Melinda ; but I agree
with you, 1 don't b'lieve he ever did
hear of 'em before ; most like he's been
brought up on cake and custard."
" Well. I don't know, Jenny," said
Deacon Tibba, "about the coke and cu*>
hud, bat it's nothing ogeu him if he is
not o'er strong."
" He isn't strong," broke in Melinda.
" I could beat him easy in a goo.l race,
and that's just the reason why I say he
shouldn't be tna ie-to eat Imbed brans."
"Just the reason whv he should, Me
linda," rejoined Mrs. Tibbs.
" Well, that's kind." soliloquized Mr.
Fairweather. "I'm glad to know wliat
I'm going to have for breakfast, and as
I have heard of baked beans, I'll do my
bast to prepare for them."
But that proved hard work,for if there
was one article of diet he detested more
than another, it was baked beans. And
the amonnt lie ate of this New England
dish was evidently to be the staudanl by
which his abilities as a man and a preach
er were to be judged.
Mr. Fairweather awoke in the morn
ing with a weight of annvlv defined
trouble upon htm, which for a moment
he could not assign to any event past or
to come. But when his breakfast, con
sisting entirely of baked beans, flashed
into his bead— metaphorically speaking
—he laughed and said to himself :
" The johnny-cake will tie a comfort
—that's one gosl thing."
As he entered the dining-room, he
glanced toward the large black pot in
front of Deacon Tililie, but could u >t
see anything beyond a generous slice of
pork nicely browned. The lieans were
evideutly baked by a good cook, a little
in >ist to ftiit my Uste, I should judge
from Mr. Fairweather's deecripti n, hut
not beyond the point to which many
good housekeepers aim to bring them.
The young minister did his best, bat
he found his second piece of johnny
cake—for he took a mouthful of this
with every mouthful of beans —rapi Ih
disappearing, while the geuerons supply
of beans ou hi* plate was not per-epuiily
diminished. The worst of it wa that
Mrs. Tibbs' eyes were from time to time
cast scrutiuiziugly on his plate. Twice
he helped himself again tr> vinegar and
pepper, but after all he felt that, in the
eyes of the deacon's w >rthv wife, he hal
made a failure. For, wheu he rose from
the table, there were some beans left on
his plate.
It was more than he could ask that H
good sermon should atone for his two
misfortunes ; of course the Tibbe family
would decide that a minister who
couldn't eat baked beans, aud knew a
good horse when he' snw him, must be a
dandy tied jockey, and not at all the min
ister for Meritou.
How he got through the rest of the
day he could not tell. He tried to preach
his best, but at night he lay dowu with
the feeling that some way or other the
whole day hal been a failure.
It was a surprise to him when he re- j
ceived a unanimous call to the Central
church at Meriton. But after he hail
thoroughly looked at all sides of the
questions, be decided that he might be
better fitted for that place than any other. j
So be accepted the call, was installed,
and, firstly, having no wife to help oc
cupy the parsonage; secondly, then
being no parsonage, he came to board at
my house.
After having been in our family a
short time, as we ate on the piazza
one evening, he said to me, rather
abruptly :
"Johnson, I wish, if it wouldn't
trouble your wife too much, yon would
on<* and a while give me baked beans."
"No trouble," I answered, "for we
always have them every week. Are you
fond of them ?"
" No," said he, mournfully, I can't
eat them. Johnson, bnt I mean to learn
how to." An J then the whole story of
Ilia breakfast at Deacon Tibba' came
"Please don't think me ao foolish,"
aaid onr minister, " a to imagine that I
must eat juat what my people dictate,
anil like all their favorite dishes. I don't
feel that way at all, bnt theae baked
beans seem an indispensable dish in
Meriton honseholds, and Mr* Tibb* is
not the only one who would attribute to
daintiness what is really due to taste."
" And how about the race with Miss
Melinda ?" I asked laughing.
Mr. Fairweather shook his head.
"I'll learn to the beans first, John
son, and then who knows what I may be
able to do."
" Even to driving the eolt?"
" Don't sj>enk of the eolt, Johnaon.
It makes me feel insulted some way to
see that beautiful animal a common farm
drudge. And, yet," he added, thought
fully, "I don't know bat good, honest
work is more honorable than the kind of
employment I put my horse to."
" Good, honest work might do, but
Di-aeou Tibba doesn't know how to treat
a horse like that."
"That's just the mystery of it, John
son, how ever a horse which had been
trained by him has come out as good in
disposition as that."
"That is easily accounted for, as the
deacon had but little to do with his early
education. But he is rabidly spoiling
him. Bome morning he will wake up
to lock the stable door after his steed is
Our new minister, I soon discovered
by the way he handled hia own fleet lit
tle saddle horse, was by no means un
skillful in horsemanship.
The more intimately I became ac
quainted with him, the more qnahties I
, discovered in him which others did not
seem to dream of.
At tlie end of the tint I year <f Mr
Fairweather'* pastorate, In* people had
very gradually undergone a great
change. There H * little of their un
used strength (>ut into use ; maiiv oocie
tiea ww started which were drattued to
prove of great good ; and yet so quietlv
bad all the work lerii doua, that each
particular enterprise wu* attributed to
some particular person, mid tlx* minister
obtained very little credit for t.
To Mr. Fainreather's satisfaction, he
had learned so far to partake of Meri
lon's favorite dish, that very Sunday
morning he ate hi* p sUdul of beau*.
To oelebrate the suiiiveraary of hi*
coining to Meritou, Deacon Til At* called
over IU the afternoon, with I'aul har
nessed iuto the carryall. Mr*. Tibli*
and Mehlida were on the hack neat. The
deaixm lield the n in*, with a brood Minle
on hi* genial face, and pointed to the
•eat beside him with a warm invitation
to the minister to occupy it during a ride
into the country.
It vim the Unit time he had ridden
after Paul since he mine up that Satur
day uight from the station. Deacon
Tthbo usually drove the old horse Pansy,
and alwms seemed a little reluctant to
have tlie uimutcr *ee too many of Uie
colt'* tine qualities. They had uot
drueu far liefore Fairweather *aw there
had been a great change in Paul; there
wa* the aaiue easiness of gate, but nuu
gled with it a alight relnctuuce, an oc
caaional quick *tart and toss of the heial,
which aeemed to come from uervomuiea*.
He felt tiiat in some way his spirit had
been stamped down, though hv no mean*
unsubdued, and he lira 1 tieen fretted and
hia will *o constantly crossed, so teased,
that his mumble disposition seemed
entirely gone.
" 1 can't imagine," said tlie deacou,
" what on earth'* the matter with Paul ;
he has hardly paid the time I've spent
on him, for he's gettiug kind o'cros* and
restive, aud's as a* set c ui be."
He had scarcely tiuislied the words
before Paul reared and came to a dead
stop. The deacon chirruped. The
hvirsr laid his ear* back close to his head,
plauted his feet drmly, and seemed to
stiffen into stone. Deacon Tibls *>-iz< d
tlie whip and laid it sqti irely and fairly
on his bock. For a second he trembled,
and then gave one dash forward and
broke into a fearful run.
For the first time th< deacou realised
Paul's wonderful strength. The power
which had so long lain untried came into
full play. The ground was passed over
with a rapidity incredible, even for a
runaway. Deacon Ttlib's face grew
white ; tlie pi lling an I jerking into
which he put his whole strength hod
not the slightest effect ou the horse
His mouth seemed of the same material
as the bit
There was one hope—a high ruil way
just before them, au.i surely the horse
would draw up and become manageable
then !
But with a lightness and ease scarcely
credible, be carried tbem up the lull.
It seemed certain death there. For at
the foot of the hill tlie bridge was up
for repairs, and the not over-atoiit rope
stretched across the road would surely
break like thread before his fury.
Mr. Fairweather, as they Beared the
top of the hill, took the nuns from the
Deac-m's fingers, slid *|ioke as quietly
as possible to the exerted horse. But
his voice and his quiet, steady puli
seemed to have no effect ou Paul. He
■ lashed down the hill at s rapid rate.
No, not qu te! He w s eertmnty slock
ening a little. Agaiu, Mr. Fairweather
spoke in tones of authority, but calmly
—he pulled harder on therein*.
Paul drew up ; liefore he quite reach
ed the rope he came to a dead stop.
Fairweather sprang from the carriage
and went to hi* head. ll* was almost
startled at the calnme** lie m-t in the
home's eye, bat there rw a look of de
liberate anger, which gradually wore
away an be caressed him.
The carriage did not prove to be
broken at all, bnt IVacou Tibia, a* well
as hi* wife and da'ighter, decidely re
fuse I to ride home, and, a* walking
seemed to be out if the queabon for
Mrs Tiblw—who known what Mia* Me
linda might have done?—it WM deemed
l>eist that Fatrweather ahonld ride back
on Paul, and drive my liorae and car- I
riagc out for the three.
He knotted the harness Into stirrups,
sprang on his back and turned toward
the town. Paul had by no menu* lost
his nervous defiance, but this gradually
wore away. Fuirweather'a tirm tone*
seemed much more, or rather pleasantly
less effective than the deac m'a whip.
And while I wns helping him to hitch
up Bess, he indulgeil in no stinted praise
of the animal he had always so highly
The accident ended agreeably after all.
Mrs. Tiblia refused to take a back
seat on the homeward route, for she
wanted to be, so she said, where she
could jump "in case the critter run."!
And so the minia'er and Melinda were
seat-mates on the homeward journey.
She Lad but little to say, bnt her sweet
yonng face gazed from the carriage win
do* with a really thoughtful look.
Mr. Fairweather watched her with
curiosity. "I do believe the girl's
thinkin"," he said to himself. " There's
something to her after all."
Although my acquaintance with onr
new minister dated only a year back, we
hod leeu thrown so intimately together
that I had already found in him my most
valued friend It was long after this ride
that I begin to see that the interest
awakened some time before in Melinda
Tiblis was gradua'ly deepening. One
nigh' 1 jokingly said to him :
•• Oh, by the way, Fairweather, it
seems to me it is aliont time for you to
settle down in a home of your own."
" It will be a long time before then,
" Need it lie?" I answered. " Couldn't
yon persuade Miss Melinda —"
Fairweather's face flushed. " I don't
kuow what you are thiuking about,
Johnson. I do feel that Melindi —1 can't
express it to you, and I see yon know
how it is. The first time I saw her I
wishid she could be placed in circum
stances to bring out what there was in
" Like Paul," I suggested.
" If, indeed, she really had any depth
of character. Since then she has occa
sionally given me Borne glim|>sea which
encouraged me to think that a wider
sphere and larger knowledge—in short,
development in every direction—wonld
make of her as noble a woman as ever
Fairweather arose ahnibtly and
walked to the window, mechanically
crossed back and forth from one end of
the room to the other for some time, and
then threw himself in a chair by my
" What can I do about it, Johnson ?"
" I don't know, Reuben," I answered,
" unless you take her in hand as yon
have Paul."
Fr, after the runaway, he had hired
Paul for a year, sent his saddle horse
back to his father, and henceforth de
voted an hour, sometimea more, every
day to his new favorite's education. It
was a long time before Paul showed any
sign of abandoning his auspicious ways
and spunkiness. But gradually he found
he could trust his new master ; day by
dy-he became more willing to do what
was asked of him, till there sprang up
a perfect confidence between horse and
rider. After this Paui never failed him ;
no matter how hard the task Fairweather
required of him, there was never the
least sign of reluctance. Bnt still it
' was all in vain he offered the deacon a
high price fur his horse. He would uot
sell him.
I gave my advice moat honestly, lor 1
believed that he could mold a character
like Meliuda * into aomettntig true and
noble. But lie was wiser than I, and I
am rot sure but Deacon Tibba and hi*
wife were wiser than either of us, for
Mr*. Johnson ooine home from tlie next
iodic*' sewiujf-eirole with a piece of
uew*. Melmda Tlbbs was going to
spend a rear with a cousin of her father
iu New York City,
A* I have no meau* of foUowing Me
liuil* iu her citv life, there i* but little
to write. Iu Mertton, thing* were all
tiroajierou* —a new element seemed to
iave entered iuto the people, and a new
strength put forth. The question was
certainly decided, for all agreed that no
fitter minister for tlie McriUm church,
than Reuben Faurweather, Oould have
been found.
I could aee he awaited Meliuda'* coin
ing with no little interest and no litUe
fear. And wheu she eauie, she came
very much ehangkl from the girl who
left Merit.. In the flint place, my
wife said die had gained ~ tyle that
wa* very good, but by no means every
thing. I could see many way* she wa*
toued down, quieted and rendered more
pleasing iu society. And, secondly, he
had gained a mure itnpoitant thing, in
tellectual culture ; her uead aa* full of
ideas aud Un ughta, and ou any subject
she could converae with ease. And,
thirdly, *lie came home accompli oh ed—
her natural taste for music had been en
eon raged, till she liecame * musician
capable of giving much pleasure to
others, while her water-color sketches
were by no menus devoid at merit
And yet FairweaUier waa.lisnppo.uted.
There was utill wanting tlio* depth of
character, of which all her sweetnea*
and accomplishments could not aupjily
their place ; wanting, did 1 write? It
were better to any, this was still nnre
verded ; for a character aa beautiful as
rare was hidden uudcr this vivacity,
which was still to be brought iuto stroug
Three veor* from the time my story
opened tk< church Wll* of Merit.>n rang
ont merrily one Thursday nuirniug.
There was to be a weddingi the church.
Iu the grxitn v.iu will enailv nxMgnixe
Fairweather, for he lx* changed but
little; hut urn would have to look manv
times before yon liecame quite sure that
the bride is really Miss Meliuda Tibtm.
You surely have not fqrgotien her smile,
and if the'brown eyes have grown full of
meaning, and the rounded hps beautiful
by a more th mghtful expression, she
is still—but not long to be—Melinda
As Mr. ami Mr*. FairweaHier leave
the church, they drive up iu an old car
ryall to Deacon Tibb*'s, where the wed
ding-dimer is awaiting. In the nu*t
oonspi -uous place on tlie table is a large
pot of baked beans, of which both
groom and bride partake with evident
And Mr. FairweatheV, amid consider
able laughter, tells the sior i" of how he
learned to eat liakcd lawns, while Mrs
Tiblw add* most heartilv ;
" If you hov changed, Reuben, and I
b*lieve you tmv since then. Ton may lie
sure 'tis all owiug to the Iwkisl liean*
you've ate every week. Fr I tiller* will
stick to it that a man who don't eal
beans, isn't just the mu for rait hard
'• Then I am ready for auy tiling
now," answered Reuben, pleasantly,
"jn lgingby the quantity I nave eaten
of Tour Itraas "
After dinner was ovev and all the
good-byes said, the minister aud his
wife stepped iuto the carriage, Dosonti
Tibt>s put a note into his hand. It
read :
I)K VK SON RKCBKX : I found cut some
time since tiist you had considerable grit
in you. or I shouldn't have trusted
Meiindv to yon. You like that colt,
Paul, ami if you'd like, you mux have
him. I never could do anything with
him, and that run may live long and
enjoy him, and be hleaso i
both you and your wife—is the newt sin
cere and earnest wish of your obedient
servant- SAMCKL TIBBS.
Words of Wisdgm.
Ontward manifestations of what wo
term feeling, like most of the fpssf
things of life, base their valne upon
Men speak of the fair as things went
with them tliere.
Sit in your place, and nous can make
you rise.
The more haste a man makes to un
ravel a skein of thread the more he en
tangles it.
We should give as we would receive,
cheerfully, quickly and without hesita
tion; for tliere is no grace in a benefit
that sticks to the fingers.
It is the vice of the unlearned to
suppose that the knowledge of luniks is
of no acoount, and the vice of'scholsrs to
think there is no other knowledge worth
When the idea of pleasure strikes your
imagination, make n just computation
between the duration of the pleasure
and that of the repentance that is likely
to follow.
Aflectiou, like spring flowers, breaks
through the most ground at last;
and the heart which socks hut for HH
other heart to make it happy will never
seek iu vain.
The poor are only those who feel i>oor,
and poverty consists in feeling jioor.
The rich, as we reckon them, and uuioug
them the very rich, in a true search
would be found very indigent and
The noblest part of a frieud ia an
honest luildnesa in the notifying of
errors. Ho that tells me of my fault,
aiming at mr gtxid, 1 must think him
wise and faitliful—wisp in Spyioir that
which I see not, faithful in plain iwlmou
ishment not tainted with flattery.
Sleep North mill Snath.
A learned German aavs ; •' In sleep
nuv |Mmition except north and couth la
disagreeable, tint from east to went al
moat intolerable, at leuat in onr hernia
phere it ia otherwiae. The cause of thia
plienotnenon cau obviously Vie found
only in that great magnet which ia
formed hy tlie earth with ita atmoaphere
—tJiat ia, terrestrial magnetism. TVie
terrestrial magnettam exerta ou certain
persona, Vioth hearty ami otherwiae, who
are aenaitive, a peculiar influence won
derful enough to disturb their rest., and
in the case of dia -ased persons disturb
ing the circulation, the nervous func
tions and tho equilibrium of the mental
fowers. There are persons whom I
uow, the head of whose hed is to the
North, and who, in order to wake early,
will reverse their usual jMisition in bod,
hut without knowing tlie reason why,
beyond 'that they conhl alwaya wake
earlier,' the aleep being more broken.
I have had it related to me that, at a
military hospital in Rnssia, there was
some siek patients of highly sensitive
natures, and who were rapidly recover
ing. When necessity compelled them
to lie removed to another wing of the
building they did not get on so well; in
fact, prostration seemed to be setting in;
and it was found advisable to get them
back to their former wards as quickly as
immible, where the heads of the beds
were to the north. I have heard of
horsea going blind through changing
their position from north to aonu to
tht of west to east."
Haw yiarkrrel are CsssM aad Prepare*
lar the UsrUri Markers! l alekers aad
Tketr Wears.
What Uie cod ta abroud, mackerel is
in the country for which it ia fished—
an universally popular dialt. It i* al
ways in season; milted or fresh, mocker.-1
1 occupies the place on the American
breakfast-table that cod doea in the
The lUNckerol seaaon begins in March
and endure* uutil November, steadily
increasing all the rime. The first ear
goes lauded are invariably of poor qual
ity, olthongh of good aiie ; but as the
seaaon advances the fish improve. The
quality suitable for pocking come* in
about Uie middle of July.
The early mackerel are fished for aa far
aouth aa Cape Heurv, mnl from thirty to
fifty mile* off shore. From May to July
they are found along the const from
Cape May to Hay Head. Thence they
progress steadily northward until from
August to Novetiilxtr Uie Canadian fish
ery assume* its lmgeat proix>rtiou*.
"Mackerel, like cod, ore touted with n
mixture of salted elara* ami small fish,
ground fine. This bait i* thrown over
board, and sinking to the depth at which
the fish lie, lure* them to snapping in
discriminately at bait and bare hook*.
So ravenously do the fiah bite, that a
jingle fisherman often fills a barrel in
lea* than half all hour. Each fisherman
uses two tinea at once.
In 1873 the seiue was first brought
into use in the mackerel capture, and the
line fishery, as a specialty, is now rapidly
dviug out. Tlie scinra are vast nets,
175 fathoms long aud '34 fathoms deep
in Uie middle, gradually diminishing to
half that sixe at the euda. The upper
edge is floated by buoys. Along the
lower edge a purse line is rove through
iron ring*, which also serve hi siuk the
net The seine is east from a large
barge,the grouud having beeu previously
baitevl as for line fishing.
Two lioata accompany Uie seiue barge,
and as the net is cast they carry Uie
purse aud cork lines hi Uie right and left
uutil the extreme limit of the long ropes
is reached. Then u slight sweep is made,
and tlie line* gradually drawn until Uie
uet is, iu fishing jmrloiice, " pursed up"
wiUi the fish inclose I iu its meshes.
Tlie schooner now runs down hi the
aoeue of the cast, aud the fiah are .lipjied
The procras of seiaiug in good weather
is perfectly essv, but high and un
easy sea* ren.icr it .uiprnohoahle, snd
theii the time is eke.l out with line fish
ing. S.*inmg is often subject to failure,
too : the fish frequenUy diving under
the net, or taking (right aud latckiug out
liefore they are indoaed. From 300 to
300 tiarrels of fish are as many as can be
well tiandled in a single cost, and the
fishermen, therefore, rarely attack the
largest shoals.
Mackerel go iu large sh.sda, bat scat
ter sometimes over milra of ocean. In
consequence of this tlie mackerel solioon
era usually sail iu fleet*, lulling a large
area, and pttmecutiug their labors with
military precision. Long practice lenJs
tlie various vessel* of a fl<et a unity of
action as perfect as if their movements
were directed liv a commodore. As all
are of alaiut the same sixe and rigge.l
alike, the of sticii a commercial
navy can be iuiaginetl a* a picttireaquc
The pre|>ar*tton of mackerel for inar
k*t, which take* place after even- ilav '#
fishing, in >u aimt' nwtiect# very aimihar
to that of the cod, Thev are d reused by
splitting them down the tack, taking out
the "gibs "or entrails, and letting tiic
blood soak out of tliem by itnmeraion in
clear aalt water for several lionra. Then
thev are taken out,laid singly iu liarrela,
ami a hamlful of salt ia sprinkled over
each. After settling, some of the pickle
tn drained off, and the barrel is filled
and headed np.
Two hundred and fifty-one thousand
barrels of suite 1 mackerel were inspected
iu the United HtaUw in 1875, ami Jfi, WW
cans of the fish preserved. The CAU
odnui fisheries, for tlie aame year, yielded
151,4(10 lmrrels.
From flf'een to twenty men constitute
the crew of a mackerel schooner. Like
those on the cod-fishermen, Uiev are em
ployed on what is known as the •' half
title lay," They receive n<> stated wages,
Itnt draw half the value of the entire
catch for thanselves, out of which tliey
pay the wage* of the cook, half the bait
lull, and the aatne share of the packiug.
Iu a good season they realize a profit of
40 per oi nt. The average earnings of a
mackerel fisherman are SBOO a season.
The other half of the catch goes to
the owners of the schooner, who pay
their share of the expenses, and a per
centage to the captain.
A Wizard's Port folio.
It is an axiom in tin hi ml philosophy
that Uip contents of auy given reoeptacle
must be smaller than the receptacle.
No juggler ever sp>c 1 to defy this
physical law morff amazingly than
IloWrt Hotulin. His "fantastic port
folio" has never becti surpassed, though
its principles are well known now to
every montebank. Hotidiu's quickness
of hand was so wonderful, his flow of
small talk so unceasing, that he could
force your attention in any directiou be
chose, aud in thia way raske you look
at one thing nlthough you had made np
your mind that, this time, you would
certainly keep your even fixed on
another. He came upon his little stage
carrying tinder his arm what seemed to
be the usual large flat portfolio in which
sketches aud engravings are kept. He
placed thia portfolio on a sort of camp
stool by the footlights, and out of this
flat portfolio, barely an inch thick, he
took the following objects, cloaing the
portfolio together with a slam, to allow
its thin dimensions, between the with
drawal of each article. To enumerate :
first several engravings; second, two
beautiful bonneta, one made of black
velvet and trimmed with a long white
feather, the other pink aatin with a
wreath of flowers on it. (In Ilotidin's
time ladies' bonnets were worn extremely
large, with capes, long strings and
voluminous face trimmings which, of
course, added to the wonder of the
trick.) Thirdly, he took out four live
doves; fourthly, three large brass sauce
pans, sue full of water, the second of
lienns, the third of fire and flames;
fifthly, a bird cage, in which canaries
were jumping al*>uton perches; sixthly,
a boy about six years old !
Ilorseshfbng in Various Countries.
In the United Htates, England and
France the horseahoer simply takes the
home's foot on hia knee to shoe it. Thia
depends to some extent on the nature of
the breed of horses, which in some coun
tries are, on the average, more shy, and
most of them could not well he treated
in this way. Thus in the Netherlands,
and in parte of Germany, the horse ia
placet) in a narrow stall, where short
chains are attached to the uprights;
(hen one of these chains ia placed around
the horse's ankle and the foot lifted and
tied up to a convenient height for tlie
smith to do his work. In Turkey and
Hervia the horse's head is held by one
man, another holds tlie leg on his arm,
! while the third operates on the foot. In
' Russia the horse is placed in a square
cage made of rough wooden planks, and
is strapped aronud the belly with wide
leather straps attached to cross bars of
the frame work; his head is also safely
tied, the foot is fixed to a stake in the
ground and held by an assistant, while
the smith nails on the shoe.
I'urltigal and the I'artngnese
Tlie pxqde have an Eastern relish for
1 sweets, and excellent preserves are
common when everything else, perhaps,
ia lot rely ratable. The coffee ia geuer
all? gtaal ; the lea, of which the Portu
gese are verv fond, i* always gtaal. The
clap piug of hands iu lieu of Uie ringing
of a lieli i* quite Oriental. It ia by no
means uncommon hi meet men of re
markable ]>en>nual lirauty who are of
unquestionable Moriseii dtsevnt. The
isilit<*iiesa of Uie Portuglieae seeint also
horroweil in jsirt from Uie Oriental, al
though it so often springs apparenUy
fr>iii kindliness of nature Uiat I am in
clined to cousider it on original trait of
the Portuguese character. No |>eoplo I
liave met have struck me aa so unaffe<-t
--elly ]H ilite so uns l fifthly courteous iu the
oriiiuaiy dealings of life, o gracious
and hospitable as the Portngiiewe. Tbw
|Hillteuras extends from the lowest to
Uie highest, and pervades the whole
nation. As regards other social traits,
it may I*' said Unit the Portuguese lose
uothiiig iu comparison with oUifir Latiu
iiuv-s ou the aoorj of. modesty and
morals. There are certain Haxou
notions of propriety which do not enter
into liatiu minds, and theremre should
not lie expected of them. The Portu
guese are warm-hrted, aud then* seems
to be considerable domestic unity and
affectum among them. Marriage is
rather more the result of love than Uie
mere matter of business or convenience
too common in France and Italy. It is
a noteworthy fact that the Portugese
women are inferior to the meu in pbyo
ieol lirauty. The difference ia more
markxl iu the upper Uion the lower
classes ; per.iapa the type, dork and
seiui-Orieutal, requires the pictureaijne
dress of Uie peaaautry to do it the
justice which it certainly <les not re
ceive from the fashions of Pons. The
masculine sex of the litUe kingdom dis
play* a truly feminine weakness for
■lres*. To cut a figure oo Uie praca of
an eveuiug iu |>autalouus tliat aet off the
wearer to the beat advantage, and to
move and jiosc the ueraou with studied
effect, are ap|*reuuy the chief end of
being to Uie y.mng coxcomb* of Lisbon
aud OjHirto. ' The gold lace sported by
every one who can jxiaaibly find an ex
cuse* to put on a nuifonu would almost
pav the nstioual revenue. However,
this litUe foible is aet off by the skill
shown iu managing the superb steeds
which ofteii grace their raplaude. The
Portuguese also moke good sailors—the
bent id all Uie Latm mora, *a the writer
can testify from persons! oboervatum.—
Atlantic Monthly.
A Sail Water
1 speut (saya a well-known author) au
evening lately with Captain Strout, of
the Messenger, aud among other luci
;lente of hi* experience he relate*! the
following : " 1 once ha*! a man," he
said, " who sailed with me rnauy Toy
agea, and who, th< ugh a thorough *•
man, and ordinari y quiet and orderly,
Tel gave me a great deal of trouble. In
iboae day* we tia-*1 more rum than we
do now, 'aud tkia man often contrived to
get tiiwy, and alun in that coalition he
would invariably try Ui drown huuaelf.
I had borne with him a long time, when
tui I was one day in my cabin, buav with
my reckoning, 1 beard an unusual tmstlc
on deck, and upon running op to learn
the cause, I found that it came from
thie fellow's trying to jump overboard,
and lua shipmate* trying to prevent him
from doing ao. Tiie man waa quite
tipav, and 1 thought I would not only
suiter him, but give him a leaaoti whieh
might make an impression. Aoooni
ingly I di|Hitclied one of the bauda* for
a deep-sea line. This I secured firmly
around the culprit's boily, contriving
that the lead weighing about fifty
potxmis should dangle under his arm.
- Having male all ready, I pitched the
fellow overlxvurd, aud let him sink a few
fathoms. He waa soon drawn to the
surface, aud allowed to spurt out the
salt water aud to breathe, aud then I
dnnqted him again. As we drew liira up
the second time he struggled and shouted
for dear life. * For mercy 's sake, don't
drown me!' he cried. "To lie sore I
will,' mud L • Won't it save yuo from
the ain of suicide ? You'd better go to
, the next world by my hand* tlian yoor
own.' And then I dropped him again,
Uiis time letting him go by the run at
least five fathoms down. He waa finally
taken u deck, completely exhausted,
and entirely solier. He sailed with me
four years after that, the best hand I
had and as for drowning himself, he
never threatened or attempted it again.
Fossil Foot-Priuta.
A onrmpoudtut of the Rochester
/hnutrrat writes; It ia not generally
known that the glen at Ilelloua, Yates
count v, N. Y., contains a remarkable
curiosity. In the bed of tin- stream,
just above the village of liellona, ia a
rock alwut fiftv feet square, uncovered
by low water, it is entirely covered with
foot-printa, deep in the rock, of men and
birds and extinct animals. They are as
clearly defined aa the foot-printa of the
childrcu who hail played on tlie damp
liauk the morning I visited the glen.
I found tracks of some animals in this
rock which measure nearly thirty inches
in length—l mean distinctive tracks,
several times repeated, with atich exact
ness of outlines aa to identify tlie species
to which the nnimal belonged. These
rocks are a favorite resort of geologist
from all parts of the country. The layer
of lime-stone upon tlie surface of which
these foot-print* appear ia about two
feet in thickness. Home of the finest
specimen* have lieen destroyed by re
moval of portions of the rock for build
ing purposes—a fate which awaits the
remainder. I shall endeavor to procure
casta of several of those remaining.
It is stated by reliable witnesses that
many years ago, while workmen were
blasting these rock* to obtain building
stone, a perfect petrifaction of a human
head and face, of an unknown type was
found. The workmen and many others
crowded around to examine it, ami one
of them, impatient at tlie work leing
stonped, struck it with his hammer aud
destroyed it-
A Fatal Fire.
At one o'clock in the morning, recent
ly, the inhabitants of Bt, Alexander
street, Montreal, in the very heart of
the city, were awakened by the wild
shrieks of a woman. On rushing into
the street a young girl named Mary
Burke, the daughter of a lioanling-house
keej>er was seen standing at a seoond
story, giving vent to frantic cries of fire.
Considerable delay occurred in sonndiug
an alarm, aud it was about fifteen or
twenty minutes before the fire brigade
arrive. 1. Meantime Miaa Burke hail
taken a leap for life, and, falling some
twenty feet to the sidewalk below, uns
tained serious injuries. On tlie arrival
!of the firemen ladders were brought
into requisition, and tlie ooenpaut of the
house, Thomas Burke, and two of hia
sons were rescued. The firemen entered
the house at the risk of their lives, the
smoke being so dense as to extinguish
their torches. The dead body of a
boarder named Christian Romouseen, a
Dane, was found iu a closet door, which
it is supposed he mistook for the exit
to the hall. Mason Burke, aged sixteen
years, a son of the proprietor of the
lionse, was discovered in an almost life
less state from the effects of smoke.
The other inmates made their escape
without difficulty, and tlie fire was ex
tinguished in a short time.
TERMS: a Year, in Advance.
A IUM KhlMimi'i Urt>a mm* lluiWM*
rttl faaklai IkraHk ItuU aa* mp
t rat. aarf Ist CIMi la Ik# Tap af Naaal
Ararat A Tblilllaa arrar fliMll l*a*
Front the plaiu uf the Arum, where
trie AruivuMiu place the loat IVniiae
uf man, rtatw ait extinct volcano uf tm
tueaaurabla antiquity, ita (teak Iteiit#
17,000 feet high, soaring suddenly from
Ute platform, which ta but two or three
thousand feet above the aea ; ita anuw
lute at the elevation uf 14,000 feet, tree
lean, waterleaa, eolemn and Military, una
of the aubltmeat object* on tha face uf
lite earth. It ia Ararat, the mountain uf
the Ark, the ancient aanctuary uf the
Armenian faith, the centre uf the once
famous kingdom, now the corner-stone
uf three great empire*. (>o the tup of
ita lower peak, Little Ararat, the <lo
millions of the exar, the sultan and the
shah, the u-rritorie* uf the three chief
forms of faith that possums western and
northern Asia, converge to a point No
mountain save Hmai has such aarred
Associations, and Hiuai itself has leas of
legendary lore attached to it Persians,
Tartan, Turks and Kurds regard the
mountain with reverence as genuine aa
that uf the Christian races, fur ita
majesty, its solitariness, and because they
all believe in the deluge and the patri
arch. "faithful found." They are all
equally persuaded that " Massm" ia
'• waoceasible they are not to lie ouo
viuoed by any testimony, not that of
Parrot, of Aftonomuf. or uf Abich—who
respective! v ascended Ararat in 1829,
IH.H and IH4A—of Gen. Cboaak and his
part v, and the English men who ascended
in IHM ; and it now appears that thev
reject that of Mr. Bryoe, who performed,
in September of last year, the extra*
ordinary feat of ascending the mountain
of the Ark alone.
Mr. Brvoe had aet out on the aaoeut
from Arafvkh, with a companion and an
escort of'six armed Coaaacka, accom
panied by au interpreter; bat the Cos
sacks failed them early in the undertak
ing having no notion of the importance
of time, no notion of carrying Iwggage,
and a propensity, perfectly good humor
ed, but ruinous to the purpose of the
expedition, to ait still, smoke, and
chatter, Kurds and Osmacks, after a
certain point, became equally useless as
guides, for the former never go higher
on the mountain than the limits of pas
ture, and the latter have no motive to go
ueerly so high. When they had reached
a height of 12,000 feet, and everything
lay below them, except Little Ararat op*
posits, and the stupendous cone that
nee from where the friends were sitting,
its glittering snows and stem black |
crags of lava standing up perfectly j
clear in a sea of cloudleas blue; wben
they had noted the landmarks *n*fullv,
and agreed to meet about nightfall at
that spot, having a notion that the Ooa
sacks, who were now widely scattered
about tae slope, would at least bring
them safely down into the plain, the
travelers parted, and Mr. Bryoe com
menced his solitary ascent of the awful
peak held by the Armcniaus to be
guarded by angels from the profaning
loot of man, and by the Kurds to be the
haunt of Jinn who take vengeance on
mere knman disturbers of their revelry.
At eight o'clock be started, o. rrying
with him his iee ax, some crusts of
bread, a lemon, a small flask of cold tea,
four hard-boiled egg*, and a few meat
lozengra, on the pardon* journey, whose
dangers were of the most formidable
kind, the iiuknown, and, climbing away
to the left along the top of s ridge, caine
to a snow-bed, lving over loose broken
stone* and sand, so fatiguing ta rruaa
that he almost gave in on the far side of |
it There he found aulid ruck, however,
and the summit of Little Ararat began
to sink, and that meant real progress.
, At ten u'cluck be was looking down upon
ita small flat top, studded with lump* of
rock, but bearing no trace of a crater.
Up to this point one Oiwaark and one
Kurd had accompanied him—they were
mightily amnaed by the ice ax, and
curious aa to its use—but the Kurd
stopped now, shivering on the verge of
s long, treacherous snow slope, in which
steps had to be cut, and afterward the
Cossack, who had crossed the snow
slope, looked up at the broken cliff
above them which had to be scaled, and
shook hi* head. Mr. Bryoe made him
understand by pantomime that be was
to return to the bivouac below, bade him
farewell, and set his face to the great
Cnk, Little Ararat now lying 1,000 feat
low the eye. He climbed the crags
which had appalled the Coaaack, and
emerged on a stnght slope of volcanic
stones, which rolled about so that he
slipped down nearly a* much aa be went
up; and here the breathleaaneaa and
fatigue became extreme, owing to the
thinneaa of the air, and " the practical
question was whether, with knees of
lead, and gasping like a fish *n a boat,
I he would be able to get any farther."
There vra* no rashness in Mr. Bryoe's
great courage. He sat down, ate an
egg, and resolved that when three o'clook
I should crane, or he should crane to a
" bad place," he would turn back, let
the summit be ever so near.
Uoing on again, be turned and got on
another rock rib, working his laborious
way over toppling crags of lava, until,
perhapa, the grandest sight of the whole
mountain j resented itself. At his foot
was a deep, narrow, impassable gully,
in whose bottom suow lay, where the
inclination was not too steep. Beyond
it s line of rocky towers, red, grim and
terrible, ran right toward the summit,
its np|Mr end lost in the clouds, through
which, as at intervals they broke or
shifted, oue could descry, fsr, far above,
n Wilderness of imow. Had a Kuril ever
traveled ao far. he might have taken this
for the palace of the Jiun. Then came j
the struggle lietween the imagination,
longing to feast itself upon the majesty
and the wonder of the scene, and the ex
igencies of the tremendous task of the
ascent; Mr. Bryoe found that the atrain
on the observing senses seemed too
great for fancy or emotion to have any
scope. This vra* a race against time, in
which he could only scan the cliffs for a
route, refer constantly to his watch, hus
band his strength by morsels of food
taken at frequent intervals, and en
deavor to conceive how a particular
block or bit of slope would look when
seen the other way in descending.
Climbing on and on. sometimes erecting
little piles of . tone to mark the way, like
! Pouost without his brothers ; no absorb
ed that the solemn grandeur of the
scenery impressed him lees than on many
leas striking mountains, the solitary
traveler consumed the precions hours
until he found himself at top of the
rock rib, and on the edge of a precipice,
which stopped further progress in that
direction, but showed him, throngh the
clonds which floated around him—real
clouds, not generally diffused mist—the
summit barely 1,000 feet above bim.
The hours were wearing on ; a night on
the mountain would probably mean
death to a brave man (whose clotning
was insufficient even for the daytime,
, for his overcoat had been stolen on a '
Russian railway); the deciaion hat! to 1
be taken quickly. He retraced his steps 1
from the precipice, climbed into tne
basin along the bonier of a treacherous
ice slope, and attacked the friable Vooks,
so rotten that neither feet nor hands
oould get firm hold, floundering pita*
bly, because too tired for a rush. All
the way up this rock slope, where the
stroug sulphureous smell led Mr. Bryoe
to lio(>e lie should find some trace of an
eruptive vent, it was so " delightfully
volcanic," but where he only found
lumpa of minerato and a piece of gjp
■tun villi fine erjratato, he waa constantly
gaatng al lite upper ami of th toitenme
j road for igtta of craga awl mow field*
above. But a aoft mist curtain hung
there, where the snow seem to begin,
ami who could toll what lav beyond?
The aolitude muat, indeed. Lave bean
) awful then, for everything like certainty
, and calculation had oanaed. From the
tremendous height. Little Ararat, lying
' he did not know how muj thousand of.
feet beneath him, looked to the climber
like a broken obabafc. And he eoold
only imagine the plain, a miaty, dream
like expauae below. Only one hour waa
before him now ; at ita end he mnat
turn beck—if, indeed, hi* strength eoold
bold out for that other bom. He drag
gled on D]i the crumbling rocks, now to
the right, now to the left, m the foot
hold looked a little firmer on either side,
until suddenly the rook-slope cenae to
! an end, ami he stepped out uo the al
moat level snow at the fop at It into the
clouds. into the teeth of the strong weal
wind, into cold an great that an kaele
enveloped Ute lower half uf his face at <
ouoe, and did not melt until four boor*
afterward. He tightened in his loom,
light coat with a Spanish nackaaarf, awl
walked straight an over the anow, fol
i lowing the hm, seeing only about thirty
yards ahead of him in the thick mid. |
Time wae flying ; if the invisible sum
mit of the mountain at the Ark were in
deed far off now, if this geotie rim
stretobed on and on, that summit mud
remain uneeen by him who had daml
; and did ao great a feat that he might
look from ita sacred eminence. He {
! trailed the point at the iae-ax in the
soft enow, to mark the backward track,
I for there wae no longer any landmark ; ,
! all wae doml on every aide. Suddenly
lie felt with amaaement that the ground
wae falling away to the north, and he
I stood dill. A puff at the wed wind
' drove away the miete on the uppodte
tide to that by which be had oome, and
hia eyea mated on the paradim phun at
an abysmal depth below. The solitary
traveler stood on the top of Mount Ara
rat, with the history of the world spread
beneath hie gas**, ami all around him a
scene which reduced that history to pig
my proportions, and men himself to in
finite littleness.
Mr. Brvoe has given to the world a
wonderful watd-pietaxw of that smarmg
awl awful spectacle, at that " landsaape
which is now what it wrn before man
crept forth on the earth, the mountains
which stand about the valleys m they
stood wnen the volcanic maaaat thai
piled them were long ago extinguished.
Hia vision ranged over the vast expanse
within whom bounds are the chain of
the Oaueamoa, dimly mads oat, bat
Kaxbek, Elbrus and the mountains of
Dagheatan visible with the line at the
Caspian aea upon the horiaou; to the j
north the hugh extinct volcano at Ala
(lax, whose torse peeks enclose a snow
patched crater, the dim plain of Evivan,
with the silver river winding through it;
westward, the Taurus ranges ; and
iKNihweat, the upper (alley of the I
A raxes, to be traced as far as Ani, the
ancient capital of the Armenian kingdom;
the great Russian fortress at Alexandro
jkjl, and the hill where Kate stands—
jmaoefnl enough when the brave climber j
looked out upon this wonderful specta
cle. While it waa growing njion him,
not indeed in magnificence, but in ootn
preheuaibitity, * while the eye waa still
umatisfied with gaxing," the mwleur
tain dropped, enfolded him, and ahut
him up alone with the awful mountain
top. "The awe that fell upon me," he
ways, "with the sense of utter loneliness,
made time pern unnoticed, and I might
have hiig< red long in a sort of dream,
had not the piercing cold that thrilled
through every limb recalled me to a
sense of the naka delay might involve."
Only four hours Of daylight remain** I,
the' thick mist was an added danger, the
ioe-ax marks were his only guide, for
the compass waa useless cm a volcanic
mountain like Ararat, with iron in the
rooks. The descent waa made in safety,
but bv the time Mr. Bryee came in <
sight of the spot, yet far off, where his
friends had linltm, " the sun had gut
tiehind the the southwestern ridge at
the mountains, and hia gigantic shadow
had failed acmes the groat A raxes plain
lielow, while the red mountains of Me-,
dia, for to the southeast, still glowed
redder than ever, thro turned swiftly to
aspleodid purple in the dying light."
At six o'clock tie reached the bivouac
and rejoined his friend, who muat have j
looked with strange feelings into the
eyes which had looked npou such won- t
droua sights since sunrise. Three days
after, Mr. Brree was at the Armenian
monastery of Ktchmiadxin, near the
northern'foot of Ararat, and waa pre
sented to the Archimandrite who rules
the house. "This Englishman," said
the Armenian gentleman who was acting
us interpreter, "aav* he has ascended to
the top at Masai* * (Ararat). The ven
erable man smiled sweetly, and replied
with gentle deciaivneaa, " That cannot
be. No one haa ever been there. It is
impossible. Ijumdaa Spectator.
A Hnminjr Ship Drifts Twa TTieasaid
The British ship Irs Iredale, while in
the Honth Pacific, on s rowgr from Ar
ilmaasn, cm the Clyde, to Sen Francisco,
look lire end TO abandoned on the 15th
of October, 187*. News has come to
hand that her boll drifted about for nine
months, and was discovered at a point
2.850 miles distant from where the dis
aster occurred. She was towed into Ta
hiti, and an inspection of her hull waa
made bv the F.uglish consul and Captain
Turpie* master of the London mission -
arr vessel John Williams. Captain Tur
pie makes the following interesting re
jHirt as to her condition and her long
voyage without captain or crew : " The
whole of the woodwork, including every
thing combnatible, had been cousumed,
leaving oulv the iron work of what waa
once a remarkably strong and substan
tial vessel. The foremast has fallen over
the |ort side, and has entirely disap
peared from the deck upward. The
bowsprit, with a portion of the jibboom,
still remains, though displaoed from its
{Kwition. The main and mizxen lower
masts, witli all ironwork attached, re
main within th* structure, having fallen
in. The bread and water tanks have
evidently exploded after generating
steam. The a hole frame from 'tween
deck beams in sadly distorted and twist
ed by the action of the fire. Many of
the beams are broken by the weight of
deck fittings, etc. The collision bulk
head still appears intact. There still
remain, I should suppose, about 100
tons of ashes and debris, which are still
burning. No wcter is visible in the
hold, and the iron pistes of the ship out
wardly appear little damaged. The bot
tom ia clean—kept so, I imsgiue, by the
intense heat. The figure-head is unin
jured. From the position where she
was abandoned to San Francisoo ia about
2,350 miles. The ship has, therefore,
driven that distance between Oct. 16.
1876, and June 9, 1877. The course
msderby the burning wreck I suppose to
be about W.&. W., couth of the Paumoth
groupe; then meeting with tba southeast
winds which prevail during April, May
and June, ahe lias driven to the northward
until taken in tow by the French man-of
war. It is a most remarkable thing that
a burning ship should have driven over
eight months in the Pacific without
being reported, and that she should at
last be brought into the port which her
captain and crew had reached eight
months previously."
- -Items ef laterest.
_ Tbare are eight doetora in the pirorot
11 is no particular credit for a man to
fita&M. Wolves and buaxards do that
vary thing. f a
"Jane, it jb eleven o'clock; toll that
man to afiarTTte- door from tha
Two hundred atom-winding American
watohaa have been seat to India for rail
way service. "" *'
A. grmod iulfttm&Schi&! cattle fair is to
be bekl in Svitartiami at the oloaa of
September, 1878.
" No, ma'am," said * grocer to an ap
jplicant for credit, "I wouldn't ewen
trust my own feriiaga."
Franklin aaya, "A poor man muat
| work to And meat for hia stomach, a
rich one to find stomach for meat."
Broae boys in Woodford eounty, Ky.,
triad to ameke out a rabbit Beaalt—
] 1,(160 bushels of barley destroyed by fire.
) The longest railroad bridge in the
world mum an natatory of the Taj itor,
in Hrotiaad, and la nearly two miles in
If all Baaaia and all Turkey should
, come to engage in the strife, there would
be 87,000,000 Raaaiana fighting 48,000,-
000 Turks.
Learned proteaenra know aboat 80,000
words ; children of two, from 300 to 706;
ordinary people. (.000; book ageota,
, 1180,908.
Stonewall Jackson held that three
, kinds of courage prevail among aoldiers
1 In battle, baaed wapeetrealy on inaenai
' Inlity, pride, doty, o
A drunken legislator said that he wae
j a aelf-made man. "Tliat fact," said Mr.
; Greeley. "reßevoa the Almighty of a
great responsibility.
Flour." aaya a Chicago exchange,
♦'tiaadeclimsl one dollar." It require*
a good .leal (if motel decline
A dollar in ttieestimea.
During the year just closed the
United Btetea sold |fifcWM.(M' yards of
mxAlou guods abroad, toe turn* more
than waa exported the year before.
The telephone is being rapidly put
into use at Bostee. About one hundred
mercantile houses ere already oounectod
with every express office in the city.
A boy undertook to torture a waap
by tombing a lighted match to it body
"Ae wasp applied ita warm aide to the
boy's hand, and as tt flew away it gave
the boy these wards of wisdom, " Never
try to beat amas a* hia oum game."
| B. M. T. Hauler, at Virginia; &0.
Wiuthrop and M. P. Banks, at Massa
chusetts; Tbeodorr M. Pomeroy, of Hew
j York; Oalnsk* A. Grow, of Penn
rtlvania; Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana,
and James ft. Btsou , of Maine, are tbe
living ex-Hpeehers of the House of
Rfprin sits Uvea.
Tbe aggregate debts of the MIX New
Psiftmii Ttite amount to 850.831.119,
and the net debts to 138,119,857. Tbe
debt at Massachusetts is nearly two
thirds at the whole, the annum inter
! est amount at the six States is $2,703,-
568.18, at which Massachusetts pays
$1,677,528.90 in gold, and tbe other
States combined p;v 1,026,044.96 in
oureaoey. All the loans at Maaaarbu
setts are at fiva per cent., and all those
of tbe other States are at six par cent.
Will yon abate to the fiars with ms, Waste?
There • a link left of te-day,
M.> the tress, lit wtthfrigsMttsof samatena,
Forvotleo to flasaoiay.
lt3sil*sl ff*t idbUMKnc iifi4 dsaitciiic.
The nwr floe ■saiVliiwand bright.
Lata* ehaeb the gray ciOt* to tbs highland-
And fist to the raise of the aightl
" Ttrtte raw* of tbe nigh* I will Uateu,"
rih* said-"hot year vuies is so flat,
I d rstter gay in and wask dates.
Than riimb uj. those tdhs to bear that !"
At a meeting at tbe exeentive com
mittee of the American Society tar the
Prevention at Cruelty to Animals, held
in New York, the foUowmg report was
made by the aapecintoadrot: sinde May
Last, 474 cases at cruelty to animal* bad
liero prosecuted in New York and Brook
lyn, and out of that number four wen
(handmed by the New York courts and
twentr.throe by the Brocklyu magis
trates. Daring the same period, 748
lionea were found working in a tome,
sow and suffering onudihou, and wot to
their stable* or hospital Cor treatment,
73 disabled horse* ware removed from
the streets to ambulances; 541 worthkaw
and diseased teases bomanely destroyed,
and over 200 complaint* from cituen*
were investigated.
lad foam a Deft Bite.
A Itar-'hcaded girt, barking like a dog,
and frothing at the mouth uke a tired
end chaaed-down deer, startled Un
usually quiet and nucmantic section of
Chicago, located at Orchard street, be
tween Sophia and Cento* streets, an the
north aide tote one Friday afternoon
recently. It waa at a pmftocular hour
when there wasqaietakKig tbe thorough
fare. Suddenly this bare-headed thing, ,
a girl with a foot that had been rather
pi i imaanmiiifl at some time, dashed
around the earner—her hair down to her
waist, her eyea glaring as if they bad
been forced from their aocketa, her
mouth snapping and her tongue, swollen
uod blackened, protruding, and startled
the whole victartv from ft* almost Son
day quietude. Tbe poor creature moat
ton been blinded, lor she staggered
against the paiHag*. struck herself
against booses, sad sensed to be endear
■ring to end her existence by forcing
herself against eveqthing that came in
her pathway. The right waa one to
strange and sudden that even the men
who happened to be in the vicioitjv
■limit back like scared bares and looked
upon the unfortunate and maddened girl
from behind their window blind*, unwill
ing to stand in her wgy. Thus, unmo
lested, the mapping,frothing, maddened
creature down the street until ate*
waa overtaken by Officer Scankm. He
did not dam ptom himself in front of
her, but slipped cautiously in tbe rear
and quickly seined her by the arm*.
Tbe efforts of tbe girl to free herself or
pounee upon bar captor became painful.
Her harking oontinned. almost startling,
and she snapped sa ferociously as ever
did an infuriated ear. The officer, stal
wart and oourteeous m he waa, waa un
nerved, but he kept the face from him
and clutched the girt with all the strength
he possessed. Tlnw pressed, she was
taken to tbe Webster svenno station,
quite a walk for an officer with a mad
dened human. All along the route the
captive kept up her heartrending bark.
At the station she continued to rave.
One would have thought that so young
and frail a thing would by this time have
been weakened down from exhaustion,
but she gave no eridence of anything of
the kind. She was confined for about
an hour in the station, during which
time effort* were made to discover who
she was and whence she came. Hie
officer learned that her name was Mary
Augusta Klein, and that she waa a Ger
man girl. The girl was transferred to
St Joseph's hospital soon after her cap
ture wing pinionedlikeavictim for the
scaffold, when she arrived at the hos
pital she was put in a strait-jacket and
her head was bandaged. Dr. C. Paul
Simon, one of the medical attendants of
the hospital, was called in and adminis
tered to the poor girl. Bother ravings
were so frantic that numerous effort*
were made before anything could be
given, and when the remedies had been
given they seemed to have no effect
A Rest Retort.
Scribe, the dramatist, met his match
in a nobleman ambitions of gaining a
literary reputation by proxy, from whom
he reoeived the following curious epistle:
" Sir—l have the honor to propose to
you to associate yourself with me in the
composition of a drama. Tour name
will figure by the aide of mine;you alone
com posing the play, and I alone de
fraying all the expense* of the first rep
resentation. You shall have all the
profits, fur I work only for glory."
Scribe replied. " Sir—l have never been
accustomed to harness together in my
carriage a horse and an ass; I am,
therefore, unable to aeeept your very
kind offer." The nobleman closed the
correspondence with: "Monsieur
Scribe—l reoeived your note of refusal
to unit* our literary labors. You are at
liberty not to understand jour own in
terest, but not to allow yourself te call
I me a horse."— Chamber s .Journal.