The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 22, 1877, Image 3

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    THti t'KNTHK KKt'UR VKR.
Centre Hull, I'*. Th'rstl. Nov. 22, '77.
"~~ggrTK***-—s'2ptr .VCr, when paid in
n,-ranee JSWO tehen not paid in
Advertisements SOrfs per hmet'or three in
tertiomi. and brents per line for er cry ruh
sequent insertion. Advertisements by the
„ r nr nt a Mural discount.
' Snhseribnrs outside the rownty should re
mit n* 10 ft*, amount of'one year's post*
aye. instead o/'AVF- as formerlywhen paid
by them selves.
'Subscribers ran always tell Aw their e
counts stand at the Reporter office hi, <v-i
--sultin? the lahles an their papers, (f the
table leads "John Uoe 1 jan 'TY' H means
that .h>hn is indebted far subscription from
the Ist of January. 1875. and that it is
j, m c he. teas paying the printer.
n ,1, t/siav. X*. **X. I O ofCV V rnsels
J/ r ,S.tur.Uj .wmla* Ir the O.U Kll-. Halt
Ultima***. 8~. it l> ss>. *:
oin roaelsMMMt. !**. sr. v s M.. m *•<<<
M-inSa) t-venln* M.IMoRNk full m.-on la.lhe
aK. HaaScaaa. See*. J, A Furwtmi, TT
Pnnaaaaatlasaoa.Ke, °* **ot H, mm-ts *l tlsytr
Hall tVntr* Hall *> th< Stinnlbt on vr full
I~2MI *IIP w Iwr* two
The farm of Jacob Kline, deed, will
be offered at public sale, on Saturday -V
The weather i* very fine, only a lit
tie cold morning*.
Freeh oy*lcr* received weekly at
Clevan Dingo*'.
—While member* of Ja*. M i ->r
mick'* family were in church, Sunday
evening, their team, hitched near the ho
tel. ran off, badly wrecking a spring wag-
The Rush House U gaining in rcpu-
Ution txtry Ay. Mr. M Oailouu iha
proprietor, knows how to kwp u hotc.
Mr. Amos Oberdorf *old hi* houte
and two lot*, in thi* place, to l>r Alexan
der, at SI6OO, also aixacre* of land at SU4
per acre. Mr. D. C Keller, also purcha*-
ed acre* from M r. O. at *ame price.
Mr. Lewis Mensch, living on Wiu.
Harter's farm near Aaronsburg, shot a
deer one day las', week, which came into a
field near the bouse. When deer come as
handy a* that, it is too templing and will
naturally make one* mouth w*tcr for ven
ison and to go a shooting- Mr. lletwch re
membered the Reporter with a nice chunk
of the venison, for which he has our
Bellefonte bad two fir** !wt Sunday.
In the afternoon one of the coal *hcd.> at
Valentine'* work*wa* burned, with a larte
quantity of charcoal. On Sunday night
the stable of Cha*. M'Cafferty was set on
fire and burned down, and fet two house*
of Mike Morrison on fire, but the flame*
on these were put out.
None can successfully compete with
Sechler and Co. tor soiling good and cheap
rocerie* Give them a call and try some
of tbeir good* and you will want to go
back again.
Two bear* were shot, the other week
by citiaen* of Herri* twp. Mr. Atnos Ty
aon sbotoneal Unierwood'i Gap, weigh,
ing about "2CO pound*. Mr. Frank Shutt
also shot one in the*ame gap.
One of the cheapest daily papers we
know of, i* the Philadelphia Record—sd
per year in advance. It contain* the tele
graphic qew* from all quarter* of the
globe, pointed editorial* upon current top
ics, full market report*, and choice selec
tions of literary and other matter from
other publications. Upon political quoe
tion* the Rteotd i* independent and ere
presses its opinion freely and without par
tisan bias. One month 50cts ; one year $3.
Any one desiring a citjr daily will lind the
Rr ~ i-d an interesting journal and low in
J. 11. Reiftnyder, Esq.. has remove
ed ki* office from Snook's building to the
basement of hia dwelling on Main street,
Miilhtim, Pa.
A party of hunter* from the Fork*
captured one bruin and a fine deer, which
tbey brought up on tbe train on Saturday.
The township road from Millhetm to
the Fork* is now open, such as it is, and ,
the bridge* *ll completed, except the coun- ]
ty bridge at Swaru'ssaw mill.
Dr. Charles Wilson, of New Berlin, 1
dropped dead at his home, on last Friday
night 7, about ten o'clock. He had been
feeling unwell during the day, and. in the ]
evening, a cup of tea was taken to bis
room, and placed upon a bureau. It is
supposed that he arw?e from bed, intend
ing to get the tea, but bad only taken a
few steps when d*ath overtook him.
On Sunday afternoon says the Lew
istown Democrat, as Abraham Yearick,
with his sister, Mary Yearick, of Mifflm
burg. Union county, were coming toward
town on the Iteedsville turnpike, when at
the intersection of the old and new turn
pikes, this side of Logan, the horse took
fright it is supposed from several sign
boards, overturning the buggy and its oc
cupants down the hillside, upon a fence,
breaking Mrs. Yearick's arm just below
the shoulder, and otherwise severely bruis
ing her. Mr. Yearick was not hurt, but
the fence was crushed.
Apple* are quoted in Erie county at
from $1.75 to 2 25 per barrel, and at Phil
adelphia from $175 to $2 50 (wholesale
Newman, in the famous Eagle
Clothing Hall, at Bellefonte can clothe a
man for less money than often is charged
for simply making garments. How he
can stand it, is none of our buainess—but
be does it, that's enough.
THINK OF THIS.— Out of one hun
dred thousand bottle* of Jamaica Vegeta
ble Health Elixir *old lat year, SI,OOO
were saved to the purchaser*. Thia i* ono
reason that we sell this valuable medicine
at ninety-nine cents per bottle; and anolh
er reason is that we desire to attract pub
lic attention to it wbeiever it is not gener
ally known. For all common diseases,
such as headache from disordered stomach
constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion,
billiousneas, and a debilitated slate of the
system from impoverished blood, this rem
edy stands without paralloL Regular size
and sample bottles for sale by F P. Green
FOR RENT.— Dwelling house, stable and
five acres of meadow situated at Potter's
Mills, the property cf Doctor Wm. P.
Wilson. For information *ad terms ap
ply to lhoraus McEiroy, near the promi
ses. looct 2m
The funerals of the Noll brothers were
both largely attended, especially the one
of Isaac at the Lutheran church of this
place. We have beard Rev. Aliller preach
several funeral sermons but think this the
crowning one of all ; he portrayed all
points in a grand yet solemn manner. Tbo
occasion was sad and impressive and one
that will long be remembered.
Mr. Henry Eckenroth is erecting a
building for the purpose of keeping a gro
cery and notion store ; the Squire knows
how and certainly will do the fair thing
with his customers.
Mr. J. F. Itearick is now in our vicini
ty giving instruction in instrumental mu
sic. We have heard Frank bring the talk
out of an organ and from the way ho han
dles an instrument, it can .easily bo seen
that ho understands his business to the
letter. Persons desiring a good, compe
tent instructor can secure one in the above
named gentleman providnig hejbns not got
all he can attend to ; we are reliably in
formed that he has already a class of 18.
He comes with the best recommendation.
Success to him.
Last week while three brothers from
near Hublersburg, by the name of Zim
merman, were out hunting, one of them
wounded a deer ; they cautiously started
tn pursuit. One of the men saw tome
bushes shake and thinking it was the deer
raised his rifle and fired and ran to the spot
only to be horror struck in findicg his own
brother in the agonies of death. The ball
struck the unfortunate young man on the
arm between the shoulder and elbow and
passed entirely through the chest. This,
is another sad warning added to the list
for hunters to he careful. More anon.
.lust *1 present there it quite an intercut
• ing tiiriiirr g->ii ; i>n btlwocit tho inhabi-
I tants of KreairorviUo Hiid some of the clt
' xon* < f Robersburg. The former claim
. [ H separate school on account of the school*
I' of Kebcrtburg being crowded lo>> much and
the tliMtnco through the tnow during the
greater part of the term, it being about
. I three fourth* of a mile. The latter
j that building another hool house for the
formation of a third grade in Kobcrsburg
would bo of mora practical benefit to the
community in general, than to give the
Krenmervillers n house to themselves.
Kreainerville fools up a list of some fifty
pupils over the age of n\ years, and with
a good deal of determination draws up a
petition to the judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of Contra county. We quiet*
ly await result* and when all the different
arguments have been brought to a focus,
and judgment pa- d, then we will hasten
to inform the public as to which side came
off victorious.
Last week was noted for accident*. On
Tuesday morning a hone kicked a hole
into J. A. Meyer* head while hauling
sand. The wagon also ran over him but
■ did net bruise him very much lie i*
| about again. On the day following,
Perry IV Winters, -on of Major S. Win
Iters, got his leg broke between the knee
! and ankle. He was tak.rg out stumps for
|J. C. Frank with a long lever and acci*
j dentally the lever slipped -nd caught his
leg and broke it. He is fast recovering.
| T. 11. Xeigler ha* his house up aud un
der roof. It tusk. - a fine appearance.-
A. J. Gramley, our saddier, so d his house [
*nd lotto Mr. Jacob Br.i:n,-art tor '--A 1 !
—■— Felix Borney t-experimenting .-n the
trolling couise with a blind hone.
On last Saturday. Zerny and Son with a !
Mr. McClain ware ent to Lock Haven for j
*tealing a set ct wagv-n springs from A. j
AltbrigKt of Tylc.svi 'e, Clinton county. !
The other night some twenty chickens j
were stolen frem John Croue in Kreamer
viite. Look out thief 1 HEW Mob. J
L-ck Haven. Pa., Nov. V -Three men, |
one named Hamburger and two brothers
named Maroff. have been arrested on sue j
picion of haying murdered the scissors
grinder wluoe remains were found in the ,
mountain near this city last September.
\V e furnished an account of the t tiding ot j
these remain*, in the Reporter about one i (
i month ago. o
k> . \
L/— —The Penna \ . Hk g Co., of this
j place will toon occupy it* new
i building. Its new rooms will compare
with many of the larger banks in the state
i —having *ll the conveniences re-juireJ
! counting room, private rooms, hall with
writing de-ks for cuitomers, largo tire
proof vault, and in it one of Hall's best
burglar proof lime lock safes. The bank
ing rooms are all heated by a large furnace
in the cellar. The building is not only a
credit to our town, but also to the county
aud is an indication that the institution
has doing a good business since it
was established.
Even if we are not smart we know
what to do when troubled with ac -ugh or
cold. No doctor bill* for us. We take a
26 cent note, go to the nearest drug store,
and buy a bottle of Dr Hull s Cough
Syrup. One dose relieve* us and one bot
tle cure* us entirely.
Godey's Lady * IL-ok for December
i* a superb number, and contains Mr.
Louis A. Godey's valedictory, he having
disposed of the business, retiring on ac
count of physical infirmity Rt a ripe old
Harper's Magazine lor December
fully maintains the leading position which
this periodical holds, loth as to literary
and artistic excellence.
The silverware delivered by the Nation
al Silver-Plating Co., 7t*4 Chestnut street.
Philadelphia, iagiving entire satisfaction.
AH order* are promptly filled, and no one
need hesitate about sending them money
—Lutheran Observer. cowtl
Philipsburg—l S Gray, J B Laport.
Marion—And llarter. Bellef>>nto —11
Kabella, R McKnight- Unionville— B
F Leather-. Spring—Henry Miller, A
J Swart a, G W Lonberger. Union —G j
L Peters. Sam'l tineets. Jos Davidson, P
llolt. Ferguson—Daniel Louder. Ban
ner—Uriah Stover. Po ier— G M Boal. 1
Walker—Jas Martin Miles- John llu- 1
bier. Gregg—Ph. Shook. Howard—G j
I) Johnston Rush—Jas Dumbieton. j
Huston—J W Stewart, J F Williams, I
Bo g ats —E If Walker.
Traverse Jurors.
Howard—H Grove, C Bowers, A lien- (
derson. Harris—G A Jacobs. A 11 art '
tact. Gregg—D I \! u-tcr, J G Kvans \
Penn—H Swart a. College— G Lytic. ;
Geo Dale, David Dale. Siiowshoe—J j
Frazier. Miles—T E Uoyer. It Gram-;
lv, J H Itecd, P S Bierly. S M Winter.
Bellefonte—J Anderson, I) W Woodring,
"W W Montgomery, J W Cooke, Mich
Graham, W W Cowdrick, A Sternberg.
S T Shugert. Huston—A Meyers, Ira
Davis, H Glenn, M Alexander, J Camp
bell. Benncr —W II Blose. Taylor—
Jno Beck with. Burnside—ll Muihol
laud Potter—H P San key. Half
moon —S Seliars Walker—A Carncr,
Jas Huston,D Lou. J Toibtrt. Jno Dock
er. Haines—lno Kreamer, D Smith. J
G Meyer Boggs —S Orris, J De Ar
met. Liberty—W Forcsman. Mar
ion—G S Hoy Hush—Jl Dunkle.
Jurors--lsl Monday Dec.
Penn —Win Wert, Jacob Keen. Gregg-
John Taylor.Jonalh Condo, Jas lUnnah.
Jacob Human, Geo Decker. Benncr—
S Yearick. John Ishler. Harris—Jno
Davit. Spring—Thus Shearer. Hus
ton—C Bullock. Ferguson—Dan 'Sto
ver. Jo* Hoy. Bellefonte— Ww Harper,
F Steele, 1 Miiler, Jos Fox, J 11 Morri
son. Boggs—J F Shope, C Adams, J II
Wagner, W W Wctzler Hnlfmooa—
W S Gray, M Elder. Miles-Em llar
ter. Potter—M Stiver, J D Murray.
Howard—J Buyer. iSnowshoe— GDc
Gar nio. Pbilipsbu^g—S Fleck. W L
Har! er. Haines —Jas Weaver. Mile*-
burg— M Glenn. Marion—Ad Yearick.
College J I Thompson.
Trial List Ist Week of November T.,
J877, Commencing 4th Monday (26)
of Nov, 1877,
J G L Meyer v* Geo W Hoover & Co.
Kit-hard Conley.vt Wrr, Grove.
Jno H Lonebeiger v J K Miller.
K S Hartman vs Win Condo.
Chns McCaflerty ue of v Tobias Grt en.
Henry Yocum vs Jno Detlrick.
Ent'l Wolf, cl al vs Jno 11 Lytie et al.
Hobt Slotaun v* S Zimmerman.
I) C Keller v> I J Grenoble. ■
G M Betz vs Mich Gorman.
Trial List tor 2ixl Week of Novem
ber Term, 1877. Commencing lt j
Monday (3rd day) of December.
Rode/ick F Clow u-e of vs Derby Con' j
Co of Pa.
Packer & Packer vs Mann A Confer.
Harper BrosJ N Thomas As Co.
Henry It Fiddler vs W K Alexander et
al Garnishere*.
Sultzberger & Co v* N Haur et !.
Wm Grove vs Richard Conley.
1 J Geary vs Thus Taylor et al.
.1 Z Long vs II A M<-rr itnati et al.
K V Marsh vs W W Spangler.
Wm Shortiidge vs II F Kinsloe.
Win Campbell A Sons vs E McCor
mick el al.
J A Cryder v# H W Hoover.
1 B Hamilton vs BurnsideJfc Tlioinas.
John 1) Lieb vs Wm Meyers.
E R Fargo vs John Kline.
Com of Pennu vs M J Dolan et al.
E J Deshlcr vs Win G Gunn.
Jos Strauss vs R Hayes.
Lock Haven Nat Bk use of vs J A iff*
ley & Co.
.fames Gates use of vs C H Kephart.
John Hoy vs Win Holt et al.
Aduiu Ivrepsvs J G & M Packer,
l'bos iv Henderson \ J 11 McSloniga!
Columbia Dime Savings Bank vs John
Ardell. .
Cornovcr DorfT A Co vs A C Ilinton.
Com of Pa ex rel v* J no A Hunter et al.
Jas A Freeman assignee vs John I Ran
.James Hanna vs Jacob Sankey et ul.
J II Thomas use of vs Joseph Shirk
Hoover & ltecse vs G Flegal endorser.
The best article is always the
cheapest—this is a rule that works well in
all things- Hence it is that you should ul
ways go to Sechler & Co. if jou want to
get the best and freshest groceries. You
can buy first class goods there for the same
money that an iiuferior article will cost
[you elsewhere.
Jty virtue of sundry wriUof Fieri Fiv n
i Ucvnri Facia* and Venditioni I'.vpona
there will he exposed I-> public sale at lb
t'ouri House in Hellefonto, on Saturday
" November 'JI, H-T7, at 1 o cl-' 1, p. in ,i 1 >
followingde-oribod leal estate < t the ile
I fondant*, to wit
„ All that certain lot or piece of grotim
situate in College township. Centre conn
(V, I'ennn. Bounded and described a
follows : On the north by lands of Jont'l
Shuoy, >n the east bv land* of John Nci
digh estate, and on the south nnJ ■-! hi
f land* of John t\ Krumrine, containini
II about fof an acre more or less, thereof
i erected a two story plank frame dwellihi
house Seined, taken in execution and t,
be sold as the property of Andrew Trc-s
I AH that certain lot . r piece of grotim
situate Iving and being in (or near! tin
town of Centre Hall, Centre county. Pen
" na. Hounded *>n the north by land- o
t Jacob Itipka, on the n-l by land* of Da
vid r-tinc, on the south by lands <>t Da\ i,l
' Stine and on the west bv turnpike road
1 containing about n • feet front on said turn
' pike road and extending back about I'k
feet. Thereon erect>--l a two story dwel
ling house, stable and other outbuildings
' Seuied, taken in execution ami to bo s>.,l
' a* the property Alexander Kuhn.
All that certain messuage tenement and
tract Of land situate in township,
1 Centre county, I'ennn. Hounded ami do
scribed as follow On the north by
lands of Thomas and lie ry Wolf, oil tin
eat bv lands of John W Sholl, , u tin
south by land* of Jerenuali Haines and
others, ami on the wc-t bv lands of Reu
ben Kreamer, containing 70 acres moreoi
lei-,. Thereon erected a three story stone
grut mill, dwelling hou-o, old frame ,w
mill, hank barn and other outbuildings
Seixed, taken in execution and to bo sold
| at the i roperty of tie rge Miller,
AH the interest of the defendant in and
J to all that certain lot or pieceofground sit-
I unto in the borough of Mitcsburg, t -'litre
I county, Penna Hounded • n the uortii by
j Mark,-: street, on the cast l-v turnpike
I roa-1, and on south by lot of Mis- Thorn
-1 a-, being lot No. '_' l in the general plan or
j plot ot said borough. Thereon erected a
j large two story brick dwelling bouo and
large stone dw eliing house and other out
j building*. Seised, taken in execution and
to be sold us the property of Edwin Lip
A LS< >,
A.I that certain lot or piece of ground
j situate in th-- hot of H lief--;" •, t'rii-
I ire county,iPenii*. Bounded on the north
Iby High street, tl 1, -ti --ri the south by
Oberrv aliey \H feet, on the w- st by lot ot
j Dr. K S. Dorwortb, and on the vast by
| Lutheran Parsonage, sui ! lot or p.,-, • ot
! ground fronting '.i High street i-II leel
j and extending back Ht teet to said Cher
iry alley. Thereon erected a two story
i iranie dwelling house other outbuild
ings Seixed, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of J. S. HarnharL
1 Ail that certain 1 •*. or piece of ground'
i situate in Spring t -winhip, Centre county
Penna. Bounded and described us fol
lows town: Beginning at a post adjoin
ing lands of Isaac Haupt then east along
lot ofThoma* Dates IVi porches t. a pewt, j
thence north IkH". west "! 7 10 tu-rcbes
• long land* of heirs-•! Wm. A. IboWi,
deceased,south tM , we t 10 3-10 perches
to a post, thence south-j'; . east '.I t-U'
perches t„ the place of beginning. ALo.
another tract - flan-1 situate in Spri; g
township. Centre countv. Penna. Hound
ed and deacril d > follows Heginning
at a post c->rner of land o: '1 bos. lluines
and Win Poorman, thence by land* of the
latter north CD, cast H perches to a p -t
in road, tbe.-ice by said road north 44 ',
west I'-' perches to a post, thence by land
of the Tlioma* estate south 6I®,
nerche* to a post thence bv lands of Win.
11. Hume* south 83°, east. Is perches t<> a
poet the place of beginning, containing it.,
1 acre and 66 pcrchv* more or L -.
•I hereon erected a one and a Half story
frame dwelling home. Brew house, stable
and ether outbuildings. Also all mat cer
tain messuage tenement ai d lot of ground j
situate in tho borough of Hellefonto, Cen
tre countv, Penna. H unded and describ
ed as toliows, to wit: On the east by
Smith street, nti tho north by lands of F
Hogenmiller, on the west by lands Thom-;
as heirs and on th" south by lands of John
Irwin, Jr., lot 26 by 160 feet. Thi-teem
erected a two story frame dwelling house j
22 by 28 feet. Seized, taken io execution
and to be solJ a* the pro petty of Joseph |
All that certain lot of ground situate in
Snow Shoe township Centre countv. Pen-:
na, bounded north l->" land* of Mrs M.
Green. ea*t by M.-shannon avenue south
by an alley, west by Sycamore street,
fr- nting on Moshannon avenm-, 120 feet
and extending back 'A*.' feet. Thereon;
erected a two story fnino dwelling
house and other outbuildings. Seized,
taken in execution and to bo sold as the
property of George Fravel.
All that certain tract of land situv.e in
Liberty township. Centre county, Penna
Hounded and described a* follows ■ On
the south by land* of Daniel Bilnor. cast
by public road, north by public road am!
west bv public roud, containing 40 acres.
Therecn erected a two story dwelling,
house, bank barn anJ other outbuilding-. ■
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
a* the property of James Gunsallis-
All that certain tract or piece of land
situate in the township of Haines, county
of Centre and state of Penna Bounded
and described a* follows, viz : Beginning
at a stone on township roa-1. thenco by
lands of L. F. Aibright, south 361 degree
we-t 6 810 perches to stone*, thence byt
lands of tho same, north 63i degrees, west
2 perches to Pine Crock road, thence by
said road south 66 degrees, west 21 3-10
perches to stones, thenco by lands of Hen
ry Mutser north ltd degrees, west 18
perches to pine stump, thence by lands of
J. C. Motz, north 80 degrees, cast 14 8-10
perches to pine stump, thence bv lands of
same, north 61i degrees, east 7 3-10 porch
es to south east nbultinnni of turnpike
bridge, aero?.- Pino Creek- Thenco by
lands of J. C. Mot* south 68i degrees, east
6 7-10 pert-he* to the place of beginning,
containing one acre and fifty two perches
Thereon erected a frame store house, ware
hou-o, a two tory dwelling house, stable,
and other outbuilding-. tSei/.ed taken in
execution an.l to be sold a* the property ol
Daniel Weidcnsau! unJJShem Spigclmy
All tho interest o! the defendants in and
to that certain lot or piece of ground situ
ate in ,Sno Shoe township, Centrecounty,
Penna. Adjoining land* of A. C. liinton,
John G. I'zzle and lands t>( Snow- Shoe
Land Association, containing 16 ncres
more or less, about 12 acre- cleared and
under good state of cultivation, no im
provements. Also the defendant* inter
est in the following lots of ground in plot
of Snow Shoe city. A lot fronting on
Mohannon avenue and adjoining an alley
being the one half part oflots No., 683 and
Jks4, with a small stable erected thereon.
Also lot 678, unimproved. Also lots No.
57'.) and 6811, enclosed and planted in fruit
trees. Also two other lots situate in the
plot of Snow Shoe City, fronting on Mo
shannon avenue, between .Vector street
and an alley, numbers in said plot 686 and
686. Thereon i reeled a large two story
dwelling bouse, la-ge store room, stable
and other outbuildings. .Seized, taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of
J. 11. Crisstnan ic W. 11. CrL-man,trading
as -I H. Crisstnan & Brother.
Al! the defendants interest in that cer
tain iot or piece of ground situate in Snow
Shoe lown-hip, Centre county, I'enna.
Adjoining lands of A. U. Ilinton, John G.
Uzzle and fjnow Shoo I-and Association,
containining 10 acres, more or less, about
]2 acres cleared and under good state of
cultivation, no improvements thereon.i
Also all the defendant* Interest in the fol
lowing lolsot ground in plot of Snow Shoe'
City a lot fronting on Moshnnnon avenue !
Adjoining an alley, being one half of lots!
>o. 583 and 684, with a small stable erect
ed thereon. Also lot No. 578. unimprov
ed. Also lots No. 57'J and 680, enclosed
and planted in fruit tree*. Also two other
lot* situate in Suow Shoe City, fronting on
M..shannon avenue, between Arch street
and an alley, numbers in said plot 585 and
588. Thereon erected a laige two story
dwelling house, large store room, stable
| and oilier outbuildings. Seized taken in
execution and to be sold Hi the property of
Sarah 11. Crissman.
All that certain iot or piece of ground
situate in Lloydsville. ltu*li towns't>, Cen
tre county, l'ennn Bounded and describ
as follow*, to wit: On the north by lot o!
J. R. MiKinney (now Kendig A Chirk)
on the east by a street on the south by
lands of John Dunkle und on the wort by
Atherton's lane. Fronting on the said
Atberton's lane about 1(10 feet and extend
ing back 200 feet to said street. Thereon
erected a double two story frame dwelling
house and other out buildings. Seized,
taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of William Washburn.
Ail the defendants right, title and inter
est in ar.d to all that certain messuage ten
ement and tract of laud situate in Boggs
township, Centre county, Penna. Hound
ed und described as follows, viz : Begin
ning at a post thence by land* ot Jacob C.
Walker north 61i°, - east 01 porches to
stones, thence by lands of J. Idaingssoutb
38i deg., east 125 perches to pine, thence
by lands of M'Co.v A Linn south 5 dev.,
east 105 perches to W. 0., thence west 20j
perches to R. 0., thence south 16 dug.,
east 5 perches to stone, thence west 53
perches to stones tunaoo none ait. west
10! perche., l.y land* V H ■' t" 'be
1 phi'* •of If oil ng, i I" i Ut .re
1 ' mid '.N pore lie. ifi!> • " ot < - vil'
" Itlon and tu be oJd a-the pi ■!■ •> " Ed
-0 ward Itr \vn
r! ALSO,
*' All that certain tract "t io I
" Uu*h township, Centre county, IVllltv. 1
bounded and described as toiiow begin
d riing at a post on a corner ot a lot late)
- David Nelson Survey, llu-i oe by -aid
- Survey and lands el Hard unit Philip*
11-oiith <!| dog, ei> t S pen 10-- to a I''
- tlieiiOO by lands ut Hardin in I oilip* -oulli
v W iteg . west II perches t e p -t, thciic'
gby land, of .anm norti 1 I d' we-t '•>
a parch at to potl on Ty mna t'nplko
g then, e by sad turnpike north 17
0 deg., ea-t pert-lie. t > a
• thence by .ant road north <l"g , east II i
perelie- to the place f Ix-ginning, < at ain
Ing 111) acroa heing llio same tract <•! land
t which by sundry good and hg>l c -r.\ey
e ance. in the law hud vested In J. A l-u
. ken* party hereto and the said .1 \ l-u
f kens and c! ancy h - wile b> then l-fl du
ly executed dated th- lAh da) <t Del , A
1 I) lt*72, font eyed the .atiic to llcnry l
, W ileo* , leg' : u r with lite li 1-1 • dll anient.
- and appurtenance. Sui.-ed, taken tu c.
i e-uition ami to bo sold a- the property ot
. Floury !'• ileox.
I All that curtain tract . land -iluale in
Kargu—iii township, tkuirii * unty, l*un
na, hounded on the north by lands ot
I .lame-S. Krape, on the east by laiulc be-j
, longing to the heirs A Dun'l E. k<i and,
'Andrew HoUsinan on the . nlii by land,
i' of F. P i'atloti and H.-nry Stiyier and on
,i the west by laud, of Julia ban Mii.ser and
> ileiirv Blooui, containing Ml a> res mirr,
l or less. Tbtreon erected a twos', tv Prick
• llousu, bani- barn and other outbuildings,
r ail cleared und in good statuot cultivation.
- Sei/.ed, taken in uxccution and lo be sold
a* the property ot \\ D 1-• -
A Ls >,
I A I tint eeitain tract ot land - •t it
] llogg. township, Centre county, l'enna
DeaCltb. du. lolioty. Beginning a! al' -t
I at Hie public road thence noitli 12 deg.,i
■ east It' perches tti u post, ihultcc Auitli t.*>
• deg, ca.t IS perches to a post, thence ,
along land, ct Linn -V McCoy to . ours,
■ thence north 77 dag,, ua.t it p-uchc.thence 1
along lands of Anthony Baney A deg., wet i
• SU perches to stone, thence south 77de-j
gree., west o> perckus lo stones, thence
■south 14 perebe- thence alon. - lauds of 1
' John Curry south 6 dg., ca-t perche. .'
to an oak, .thence north 77 deg , east 4 ,
; lu rch.-, to place of begiuumg, couta mug .
,74 acres more or less, und allowances ot
jtt pi-r cent, tor road*, thereon erected a !
{two story frame house and otiier outbuild
ing- Scuad, taken in execution an 1 to
bo sol Jas the property of Cha H Moore
and I*. Moore
j All that ccrta.n nn -uug ■ icuieuient and
'tract f land situate in Snow Shoe Town
ship Centre county Peiiua bounded and
described as follows, vii Beginning at
white oak llu-nce by land loruici.y i!
V\ liliam H.nrJ south it IP perches to .loin,
thence eat oO perches to .tones thence
north olu perches to a rock ek them,
: west is ' perches lo place of beginning coti• ,
taimng iu>acres tu at measure be the .utile
juioro or Ins. Thereon erected u t> story
frame dwelling house barn and other out
buildings. Seixed taken in execution ami
to be sold as the property of J suits
, Ustst
A LSg.
All that certain nwstuage tenement <r
trait of land situate in B<>gg to-vnibip
Centre county Panna, bounded on the
north by land* of John Curry on the ia*t
by lands i ( George Taylor on tb- 'nth by
audi ot J sines llirdino Si ration and on
the wist by laut-a of Jacob Wagner, con
lain nig *J acres, about ul acre* cleared,
no buildiug*. Seised taken in eset-ution
and to be sold &• the property of Val*-
tine Kcotn.
All tlial certain house and ! I of ground
situate to the 11 too! ItcUefonte, Centre
county l'enna. It ■unded on the west by
ltl.igc street north by an alley < ►' by lot
of John Earn* south by H.-war! street,
Fronting <"*• feet on said street and extend
ing bach AW feet or there about* to an a'.*
ley, it being the fame premises which J
I*. Gepbart acting r. .tnr. nnd iru-tee of the
I-late of J. 11. Awl by deed grunted and
conveyed unto the said J. C. \\ illiatus to
gether with the hereditament* andappurte
nance*. Thcreou erected a laosiury frame
dtrolliiig housestable and other out build
ings. S- .'.cd taken so execution and to be
son! a* the property of James C. Will
All that certain messuage tenement or
irart of land situate in flnm* toanship
Centre county l'enna, beginning at astone
near Spring Creek at the intersection >1
lands ol Mrs. Elizabeth Boa) and John
Bricker thence North A; 1' wcsti/i lurches
to Slippery Ktui thence north All west
5 7-10 porcfc es to post thence north V u est
304-10 perches to a post, thence north *S
cast 43 S-10 perches to | ojt tfc-nc north •
east2o 7-10 pert, lies to post thence t^.rili.
■lb west As perches to |ost thence along
lands of J. G. Irrin south •-! west "/7
perches to p>t thuixu along lands uf said
lrvin north 37 west 31U pen lit- to |>os;
I thence along lands of iter. ItobU llamiil
soulli 711 west 32 perches to a while—
lb< nee along lands of laid lianull south
Co -Want 9t£ perches to a stone IhMM
along rubiie r-ad south 471' < at 110
percl-ea to a -lore, thence along lands of
! Thomas Dale porib .k>° cast '_U pen-he* to;
i post thence along lands of Thomas Dale
and Mrs. Elizabeth iloal cast l'.ri .*•!(
perches to the place of beginning contain-
I tag AW acres 117 perches net measure a*
surveyed bv Wat. Thompson Jr. on the
37 day of March A. I'. 1h73. Together
with luohereditament* and appuru-narcef.
Therein erected a two story dwelling
houso (part stone and pail log! bank ham
and othtw out buildings. £mmc-J taken in
i execution and to be s Ja* property 1
Adam Stover, Jonathan Stover, Samuel,
Slorcr, George Koon ami Sarah his wife,
Win. Slovcr, David Stover and llcnr.v \V.
Storcr with notice to all tcrro tenants.
All that certain tract f land Htuato in
Walkr-r town,hip Centre couriy lVnna
hounded and dercribcd a*tui!ow*to wit:
Beginning at t■ i e thence by Unth of•
Vanada, north H|° wot 1171 perrbe* t.
stone, by landsofTilghmnn luM-lt
perclie- to ,tone- th. nco by land* >oIJ to
John Miller, south Joi 5 w>tl lOperches
to (tones thanco south io vast 375-10
perchos to atones, thence south W west
porches to place of beginning. Contain
ing 04 acres and 13U peiche* net r.ica-uro
Together with tho hereditaments and *p
purtenaji -cs. Tiicreon erected a two story
dwelling house, barn and other out build
ing-. S izeJ taken iu execution and to In
sold as tb<; property ofGecrgo Bartholo
Ail that certain building and lot of
ground silualo iu the borough of Bcltu
fonto. Centre county, IVnna. Bounded
on tho south by Bishop street, on the eift
i by lot now in possession of Benj. Schrockj
said building being a two story Irame
; dwelling house, fronting on Bishop street
i 20 feet, and extending back 18 feet, togeth
er with u two story frame kilchon attached
: 10x12 feet, being one continuous building
:Seized, taken in execution and to bo soldi
;ai the property of Jos >1 ilea and M argarei
' Miles, owners Stc , and Kdmuind Blanch
urd, contractor.
I Tkruh. —Cash, no deed will bnuckru wl*
'edged till the purchase monev i paid in
, full. L.W.MUNSON
Pcrtons wishing to advertise farms.
, sale,. iVe., will hear in mind that we offer
to give a much larokk circulation through
1 the Reporter on this side the county, than
[any other paper, and will forfit our pay if
{this is found not correct.
LAST NOTlCE.—Perron* owing s'.hlc
nnd county tax, on duplicNlo in my hand*. '
are hereby untitled that if tax i* not paid t
until January court, next, the same will
bo placed in tho hand- of a Junlice for col
lection. GEO. KOCH,
Collector for Potter. '
A now golden tongue organ, war
ranted, offered very low. for halt cash iiiul
half trade. A ppiy at this office.
at B
II 'here yon iritt find the
Boots an
ever brought to this eon
Sold very Cheap,
: give satisfaction in w
None but Williamsport
in his store. Anythin
. prettiest baby Shoes to in
5 I J).
We have i> very lei and complete .toe kof Hardware, the large t that was ever before o.lere<l by any firm W the people of tbii county. and re| Hlng at the rery law
Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, (liassand PuMj.
i'ure While Lead and Linseed Oil ; Turpentine. end Varnishes. ell which we warrant to give satl.Urlioa. Our Pur# Lead will co a* much -urft' Je the market
mid ctiitiL Ih . ,'•oiled iir whiteness. Jt I* AIV MI .\ ED I'AI NT i>ut up in any quantity lo uit people, from ofie-pourtfl cans to one gal. on cans, a ready tor u*. fheta
.>mnt we w arra .t lo be mixed with pura Irad and "*l. and are fveo from all adulteration. ... . , „ . ~
MECHANICS TOOLS We |*V special attention t ' thi- branch. and keep a full line of Paw*. ( hi.e.i' llimm -fti nml IIj.II t • Iron I lanes, Hut < p J ojall k ds. I race
t'l.nih- llni.i'- FULL LIN H 'F SADDLEItV OF ALL DKSCKI I'TIoNH. <X)ACH WOOD WOKJv •••Spoke. F- '!••. 1 ateot \\ he. . a! -mo nnj v dpat
fi.t .\lr t . Foils' in.proved Flat Iron., cheap, convenient and durable—polished ainl nickel-plated. Johnston's Prt pared Balaam MM ; put up in '>-p • Hid j> •<• .g< ; easily
pui on, and cheaper than paper. \\ e have ail color-
We hn\" the only Kuvcrslble, Top plate IkM-king .stoves in the market. The Key .tone, Susquehanna and Juniata, w <h we warrant to he •! I.- I; ■ ,!.<r and the heav
iest -love- in the market ue will ."II at the very h.o t price and Rive written guarantees. A!o all kinds ofManges and other Hue*. CDMK AND KK OUB KWYSTONI
On Sunday, IF, t Aarinburg, Mi--
Feggy Bright. aged about 7b years.
At l'hillptbury, -uddenly, of apoplexy.
Mr* He.- , wife ol Lewis Hu.s, formerly ol
Putter twp.
Bunnell A Aiken, Uellefuntu, keep
the ban standard organs, and ..Her them
i n hitrß i.ow. Their instrument* are
warranted to bo a> represented, and liuv-
I ing dealt in them fur a long time they
huve established a reputation for fair deal
ing wbieh they are res dv- 1 .hall he main
taitied. (Jo and .en their, before yon
purchase an in.truuieiit elscw er •, v'.tayoi.
may legtel it when 110 late. The lame
advice may be given to all desiring a
standard .owing machine. They will an 11
you the best machine., warrant them,'and|
s low a.offered anywhere in the United]
.Stats Their adverli.ciiient will appear]
next week.
• •
'■-priii- Mills Markets.-
White \V heat. I !#.
lied " I au.
K> e, ftk).
Corn, ear.-, per bu. new, 4Ue
Hal., 26c
Buckwheat, 7 lie.
Ci'Mtrsr.-.l 4.23 r. 4 rO.
r'iour, prr bbl W.
C'h-'P, pyr tt n, 53.l i*'.
Plaster, ground per t ti, j-tO.C*)
UKLtarosTK Markets.—
Ly Shortlidge A Co.
Flour | er barrel, wholtsale. $ 7 30.
retail, ifbuu.
White wheat, 1 33.
Bad " I 33
Itye, 33.
Corn, shelled, 30
Corn, c-ib, 40
(.)•!<, 'JT.
tlarley, rye weight. M
Cloverse J$ 4 per''4 pound*.
Potato*# retail. So
Nova Scotia platter, g: -uud, lOuO.
Cayuga " SIOO.
I'ctatoe*. 23.
Unions, .£*V
Butter, per lb , .'2lc.
La rd,
llason,l4a*. . l'le.
" shoulder*, lOe.
•' llaßis, 14c.
Tallnw, 7c.
JUgs, 2c.
lings p< r Jiu , AA .
Coal, Egg, per t,n, $1.30.
" Stove, 4 75.
' Chestnut, 425
" I'ea, 3.U0.
Candy Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert Kaulh,
At the
is now making the very best
in Bollcfonle.
C'andic* and Confections.
He aim manufacture* alt kind* if can
die,, and dealer* can purchase <<f him a>
low a* in tl >-city. Cainl'.i* of all kinds al
ways on hand, together with Oranges,
Lament, Fig*. Dab*, Nuts, Syrup*. Jel
lies and everything good.
Au Excellent oyster saloon also at
tache*! to the Bakerv. Call and see
T~X SPANG LEU, Attorney at Law
a Conullati<>n* in English and Ger
man. OtQce in Kurt'* new building.
New Sfoiv Room
Fall and Winter
Great Abundance
,\V w Hunk Building.
A Pull Line of GENERAL
MERCHANDISE, carefully selec
ted, and embracing all manner of
Furnishing Goods
Full line of jl
Hals and Caps
For Men, Roys and Children.
Call and be Convinced that this is the
Cheapest place to buy goods in this
PRODUCE received in exchange
for goods.
Remcrudrr the place —in the New j
Rank Ruilding, opposite the Old
Stand. j
(I shoes
and Guaranteed to
1 earing.
and Watsontown Stock
o from the tiniest and
en's Heavy Stoga Hoots.
.Mr> Anna M. Weaver take, pleasure in announcing lo the people of Totter* Mills
l and vicinity, that she will open a new and elegant
in connection with a Millinery .Store, on Saturday,Oct.'Ahh. A full line oi choice and
> ta.htonable goods always on hand at ropjlar prices.
Dressmaking in all it. branches will be a prominent feature ot the business. lluclSm
I :<: J —:o: || -:o:-
Cob urn Station.
Wholesale and - RETAIL DEALERS]
—ALL XIHD3 Of tlfiAli) j-
CUJVERSEEI), d|T. diy-.
Coal. Plaster and Sail
by the Car load, and at wholesale and retail at Coburn station.
Highest Cash Price Paid For Grain.
SI'IihYG, 187/-
selection Unsurpassed! stock large.
Ami now wc cxleud a cordial invitation to our friend*, patron* public
generally. We will say thin. Come lifwe do uot show you
and if we cannot prove that it is to your intcreat to patronize u;, then
don't buy ; but come and satisfy yourself.
We have opened a full line of
R R V G 0 0 DS
Clothing, Carpets,
Bonis & Shoes, Groceries,
and in lacl everything and anything embraced in the above line.
We will beat everything in prices and assortment, and our part, we trust,
will be a suffic'etit guarantee to our patrons of fair and hornet ti cat mem.
We have established and will maintain our reputation. The large trade we
do enables us to get fresh goods daily, which is a great advantage to our pa
trons in ail lino, and more especially in Groceries. Gall, and it wili prove
to yout interest.
JL HERMAN, Manager.
Owing to tho fact that we expect to more into our new (tore room about the
25th of November, and DESIRING TOOPKN A.N ENTIRE NEW STIX h.wewi.l
uriUi that time, in order lo rave u iho trouble of moving old good*, oner our entire
Slock at First Cost—Without Reserve.
We have now in Uoro a very largo amount of good*, eoniting of
Fl* RS.
And every article nece*ry for winter u*e in endle- varic:y nil "f whb h w
i will actually
[ Until our romoval to our new room*. COME AND SEE FOR MR ItSkLV Ks.
! novtro JOSEPH BRO. CO.
§X c :h Elegant Tabic Silverware yil&IU
H Vial rutf.-<Mi.iii • w—wki*.n.wicrx.*.u*iaa-** j.v Sf.'jPt*
Ffrt; IfSkl pi„„. w< x - rn-.J. ■*'. < ri* • z,- ffiff f j
t,V JA! .i-nu... -i.I U*a( { ht9tt{a
l-IA I>.| , Kt'r, I-UV-I m" • *acr*v on *ch •,k>o u i'i wrnt •' Tff •?> *
I,'AEj ■ laiUkl 1-."t'f • i ■■(• nt k„ yf-1
Cti/H ia ••*• £■*•. h* •-•,i •**•••• --i •!., i• itt li 7# <•*'• JL-; 5
t#( tfevj l-I - r..1 1.1 I-." > |>l 4.* !-." SV'.Jf. 7-
'•i lifts i> >-(•*" ">■••••>• leils; V. .1
vfclfis*/ d iMMM.I>I. 4*|Ul huwM *!%•< rWMX ■au*,.•> MMMXI '
Gtur from tt.< - *mpant 1H wOf t -■'* S
rtlSEv I Off ee ? •..*a*t So na Ca CWtMI St Tb T* *-'>■ t I
R1 JpxU To whom It raa/ Ooootro. 1h h •..- a.nt *n 1 w'. - , £
rPlv®/ WW CMTaMUen M lleftt tr4 ht|W with fww *wlel tihe k .///m j
I uptft ( aeite wet Iwti.i. and a 4wWWsnUft |4W *•! f-rt tv • *• ,J |l|orr wa 'J
K \ifSi twr Mft Aftl. *•• tftrwvto Wftrjr PCftt rftw4 Vw> Wftftftiwa wm |y
IKr>. trwi-l hMWf ftwr whbfc 4w —ft wwatw thft i''wwaw <eft|—. ftwi ftft uUJ*
win 't IU Ueiwfti a/wr amir 4wt fiww tn# • t iftl* pwi*"" MMm
\\l % WChwiiam PhOftqcipku. f\ + f
[Wni Oil rwreSH* Ud* *■*•!*+. tArfthrr wioi 75e-ftt- w-*r •| (\ \
Ili tn eaiu-r (Hftltiftf, wwgtaalwf awd .*., g. we kerebv * an.i U | I \f, \
| Arwa* • act of wor | are Nunaani dowLle x lira |IM 1 k U
I|w ,nd ,* ir-o ir Ititiu (llrk.trr. >r*t,Wf.r)a|.t hv I Bhl
I |W 111. 75 <-.!■ ..IN U>. ••* 111' *lll X d*Unra4 il'MliwU** LB* 1 *j I KM
\, V , J!r Hl,..'*■!■ FR**! (*• * R IKL'MJ*'. N*R >TL,H .(J. C'l'TV*! I. *: I I ■B
VmA ...4. '.4 PI.ATi W fco., R M\l
**aaM>Li jl HI
Skci.M U k*4wlr*4. '•
lit* Hi 111' |-.~1. .1. !*.'.l <•: lk Wll>; Mil *.114 ,tw|
k*lr*, |.|.4r .! hu4l ■.. *M)I I**l 'Wi I 4>4U' I 1.11 l kkit nil" Ail : j! V"
lkW4, 51: l 4*M kfeMl k4 (Uw *Ui>4. *lu. ir *ii Ikn*
m. *. TSrl ("4. .1* Mli*4. ••'l.*' U- 1..U1 'kr... klk *ill W54 elk lr ,Mi.
If fI |l far knlv. t.4 M'U. Air lhrt'~iM'l, *4 10-tbii' *il ht Ja.;o
■I ! 1 fl *b.i W.14 IM >M K'..k KM' Ik 'lt; Mh'i •< Krui, uib*r thkl W
• ii Hi I fl ckoh article, cicepl kuur". will tc cacrtid Willi any inuui m VI jft
iIIIIII I <>u " r * dW>tl>o<ltvXtr<t °°* t ' 9
■ 1 11 rm 11 TkU llbn-kl off'. kM' *o4 (or ratr kl**ljr 4k<* r 'fn dmr. Ihrr.foni
If if IVM Ittaw lk IkWftkf .a •(•••* wnr* tw kvlu Mmir II tluit lkj W
II II I I IW kr. kot4'fc*rti-l l.y iron ( Ik' .-i-1i.n.. •( Ik. Itm Ail kl- W K
fill /IF MLiKtoliii KUmnnl(MUUHUihnlsiw i> K. H J*
(Successor lo J. K. Miller A; Son.)
Dealer in Pare Drug* and Medicine
Dye .tuffs, and Dru-gist's sundries.
J'l fu: nisi: ASDJJQLORS
For medicinal purposw.
The best brands of
always in stock.
Prescriptions carefully Compounded.
Jus, Harris Co
Gralttim 4 iiWofTtpin| fXttiindQC^
recti> u
Wo have the Urges! ai.J cheapest stock of
in Bc'Ufonte end ar* determined to !} at
such price* a will cuit ili f cr*
try oik- Nu# * the time to buy your foil
a*.l w inter u* Yoo can get a covU aol
id J,*tl;*r Button Shoe for Ltdirl, front
i/.iki to 2 SO.
LadirV now ihoef, $1 25
Mcm' mMbvolt. 2U>
Children*' toh<.nl i>toc s. J (JO
Mots' wool lin.-i irunt boots, 2.7*
* Buckle overshoes, 1.40
" " CoßrrH tailor', 1A"
" ** " Abashai, .90
** ail cum overshoes, .Oti
Women*' ii gum overshoes, .♦'*
Mi*o all turn overshoe*, .96,
Meat' lumWrmin't gums, solid heel cxlr*
ho*y, 1 30
Let it 1<- ui.-unctlr understood that
tbcas are all i;rstc!a?s Rubber
Gt#od*. SOatnjtf
nav{||7iNfnrd, in a minmr ilmwi
! provident V. a positive cure for Conmcip-1
lion and >1! Lung CVimplaint*. I fo*j it tn> •
'l'll} lrnU known in practical ninunn >
t>v famishing a t&iup'.e bottie, free of
charge. to ail sufferers, my only hop* o:
[remuneration being thai the medicine will
• perform ail I eiaim for it, The ingredi
'erij* am of the choicest herbal
and perfectly safe*: will b ■ tent f:ve to all
Ad<3ri at *>nre, lir. O. Phi i(w brown, 21
(r*nd SircH, Jersey City, N, J., or may
!* bad of J. i. M illtr A fcon, Druggist*.
| <_• JU< ilall. I*# ]!•.. 4 ly
|l7"lf. P. WILSUN, iAotnet^Uv,
v? BoUefocte I'a. OSce in Mr Bea
r's Building. ftelleinnt* Pa.
Lincoln Butler Powder,"make* hut*
tor sweet antihard, and quicker to churn
Try it—for sale at Wiu Wolfs atom
BBiCa FOB, SALE - First cbui brietj
will be kept on band for rah* by J. O
Deinir-ger at Zerhe's Contra Hal!
brics yard*. These brick are
offered *o low that it will pay portent at a
distance to come here for them.
Intending to continue in the manufac
ture of brick tl.ey will l. fce|t constantly
in baud, and fair inducement* offered to
"g 'f 11. K. ZP.KBE
W. 11. CAMP'S
Furiiitaro Rooms!
1 roanufit' Jure nil kind* of Furniture for
v l a tribe rr. Dining Room*, Libraries and
If >oe want Furniture ofany kind,don't
buy until you tee my stock.
In ail it* branches. I keep in stock all
the lato-t and tnn*t improved Coffins
and Ca*kau, and have every facil
ity lor properly conducting
tbi* braocb of my b urine**.
I have a patent Corpse
Preserver, in which
bodies can bo
preserved for a considerable length of time
juilO tf W.K.CAMP, j
~Chas. H. "Hold, i
Clock, WtiU'liiuakcr A Jowolci
Miiibeim, Centre Co., Ua.
Al kiwUflf clocks. WMfhM z*d Jrwoirr of the
UteetoO-lc..** m> Ihe Muuflli> Patent intend**!
C lock* pm.ntedwiih. .-ompleta mld of the month
nid .mm of the utonih nd wool, on lu f*. . which hi
.rr.ntod„. prf oot Uiu keeper.
Ulnckz. WataheenodJowelrj ro paired as thorC so-'
a* tad nrxtol
Dentist. Millheim.
Offer* htepnifeeetnueleerrlreeto the public. He I*
|ieijrM te pirfaru ill opentiuns in lai donlsl lto
fteeioa. j
He l now fully prepared to direct Irethetiolut
without peln. _ mjS-JSI
f \l7 M. I*, il'li ANUS, Attorney at*lnw
4tt oeiiclvnu, J*a Office with .las
MoMunus. e M |, 28'n'lf
W K H i 1.1 ">'"" 'l • holt dozen <>L the
JL \ . osesttful new Chrara*. in
French <4l color. vr whjo lor $1 tt, Tbey nrt mcMsnt-
M In biW i'lwk Mutuvl and uu)d mat*. oral g
ud OtttMll iqrtlnnjt now before tbo |>aWi*. N*Uaf*c
Lion u4TWJt4se*i Two flamtdo# for qm, or nil tat
ttMuta. Scnd lOcout* forfprauui 11 • unwabed c*i%higut*
with ctiromo r Moonl'ithi on th* lihru.- or 9 cento
Liliea cm black ground.
.?, LATHAM J* CO.U9 WMhtttfftoa St., Boeton M**
Letters testamentary on the estate of
}Dr. Peter Smith, late of Centre Hall, de
-1 erased, having been granted to the under
signed, all persons indebted to said estate
urn required to maWa fori mediate payment,
.and those having claims against the same
Ito present them, duly uihouicnted LJ
I law, for settlement. iiAKY SMl't H,
25 oct Executors.
T purrte+ed l*
{Urn# rt-r •# AWil"' >
i.rti ti**t to tit# hardware
; ill. Its .V lira . tin* chirked slid filled *1 ••
wilt, all lti< icoct popular
: ARTICLES, Ac,, Ac.. Ac. j
P*l*nt Mndicinoi, Alcohol, pura Winer
uid Liquor* lor medical purpaau only.
PlijVicinfi'i preicriptktni caroftilly com*
DOumlcd and order* an*wer*d with care
<nl dUpatcb. Farmer* and Pbyaician*
from tbe coontry *H find our (lock ol
Medicine* complete, warranted genuine
*(u! of tbe be*t quality.
Thij Store will remain under the dirae*
ion of tbe accompliabad druggfat and
th.ifmacltt heretofore connected with It,
Mr. 11. M Harrington, and wn reapoctful.
y tolieii the cuatom of our friend* and
ii* old patron* of the itore.
l&ptf 8. T. KIUGEKT.
Forks House!
Tbe Fork* lionte, nt Co burn lUtion, I*
ewandcoffiriMMlioui, end I* kept in boat
uinner. Itd and hoard leeond to nono
n tbe county. Subline for 90 horte*.
V a uminer retort it will be found nil
hat could be dcaired, right in the heart of
*ood Celtic e at.d bunting grouada, and
irrouiided by the moat romantic rcenery.
no* y
Letter t tntamaotary oa tba aetata of
George (Menkirk, late of Centra Hall, do
, . #a-d, baring been granted to tbe under
ign*d. all pcrton* indebted to aaid eaUU
%r<■ required to make immediate payment,
and Iboee baring claim* ngniaat tba umo
to pn-aent them, duly authenticated by
taw for *-ii lament
"Vtf* __ K tee utoff.
Tv/it F. PUriKR, Attoruey at
*t U tulle-Hoe* ce,.pJf BktCu* Mmrtel
11 Mile f 11 Ms u. thin, um vine !■* ar WWW In
*i ui di j> ul u*<- n*eetedaed Bull
• den., .-..A*. OOUatoUto *!■■■*. eartoatoee*
i.e..—. iwiWwi* mawi
ft Itotu. i <in> u> M• ne. ataatomato* ( Mto
t>i *l. h<-i <>iar*.
('tow**-* MoMUr Uwwm to m a iwr, totgto
r> • l> net*; all i*'-• Int.
; Mtete cueto. MM *; al lend aI If
i TW |Mrao* i touto m toee W Mill i Oil I.
*OMM *M p. ant Übtoelliwaaea>jfciamgtto
,AMO *' m ' nJ SgZ
■ Ar " i ' •'**►•' toeiiS* aim *SKS?
• w <w, Cd ear*! net mat. m 4 I* eeeto tor
! i,.wliiiujtfto, StaemtoeMfe
•Bwatato. Mtua <i **! fa to *im4 al mm
nav.Er.ncck,a m, wtocm.iv
■ MrvUoa uua net**- tow*
: -• * -- /Stoa*toaeed t* atoa*
'tog to fiaeaa. toMto aald Mtoto* tar >to
i stout "tto I t4 tie Hetrtowto tor T (Ilia I "
-;M:.*WOhk:.Sc< cirt Ht'll aM Fama £BEa
3 uttii .twi|arer.detwlaUaaatolttoSE
bctvul. *S uu i>4 |i>nn| "*n* Wmß_ fto 1
>MKIM Itul ;• to M.H eSto* aitoral
;en*ai J. B. BSSvgft,
TO* VliWi Mraa*. Pre Ta*
(Nervous Debility.
1 VttlrnlMiiw DaeraalSm, a waak irtiMH
'lwU,Hwrgv muu. ilit raanK 1 11—1*1
jot cv-wiwll. laisuKntUaa tir Kimmm, at Nat dtalß
It—M th# Nms te at**?*oaradty
Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific
No. 28.
!' ••not 9 t?4 Irtlaatadn tha tpaktm. tlaili tha
jt• 1- and OrwxuMiaMir, trmjtoeru sti— all -nf tmmm
■ -€>!• th deals ana wawtit. ua aattra aw.
t oa sir j it.tu mm irfifc mrlart If rttll
h Wil-idNhw. I*i a,aim—r awtW:
"• WA i> rtcbft ( IttrttC and ft .at nnl at
—wi-M, <*— d*o aul on rmatpt at pttaa. A iinai
Ebr&fer*- Ba — 55 s
: T <**•( M Mails nml la Umn ttaMtU
I / / /Hath mm* ta Uii u ■ —lhi at ot
A ill oaaof tdOwaaa. ta aa part of tha
" ttaedl
ItdL MM aar *—h la pot aam torn. Taa aaad aa*
* a lnaalMtca mr tufai Yon ma •>< vaat
ytolt uat hatha trash. at —% mar laoia mm—MM
It. . . authlac to 111 It. tiai—i. Taeaaa and 4*
Oat tore. Addrarn M a—a. H tLalisU * On..
'tr-, fort land. Mwaa M Sah j
Harness, Saddles, &c.
Tl.e ttudarslc—d. d-'tif laal la wool the >■*>*
Jar toot* prteaa. raat-K-Uuil, caU> Ika ali— '
Uaa o: tie pet Ola ta bluus* of
i m cSarad at ItMald ttaad. Pmlfneil in pat 111, fat
' t 'ta fieiiQU • IN# nana, lilt laraail aad MM MM
| aod oowrtele aaeoetmeet at Htditlaa. Httaaaa, "rtn~
Itntln. <d ton dnrrltatoa aae MaWri WIMA aM
la (act twrUunc la cwarMa a M alMa nkMS
neat, be ana oSata at tmcwa ablrb atltaatt tfeMtaMß,
I ilwtrated (aaili, patdlaaliwa M Ma oorld. Amr am
can baawsa a eacHoaiJai taaal. TWa moat a'aeaab
of art **ao (laa ta aabecrtbera. The naiaaTaaa
! toll elncot rmrMli eata. rttna. One eaaal ra
lorta mebua wear IUI taa waafc. A ladr aaatM f
.**• lebma !• aabaacMania baa dam. AM aba
<#* mala ititaaf fun V< a aam daaata all mar
itm. t Ibt (.aeiaon, at ua!, far ri-era Uaa- Taa
itaed not ba awej (raw hmae arar aiM. Taa earn do
it a* well aa cAbara. Fall part ten lart. dirarWiat end
! rwln. Klaaent and ai|iaaa(n Oath tram. Km
•met i.w .Udeaork wad a* fat addraat a* aata. U
naat* naOriae m U* the baataaaa Ma <a tatw ar
C*aa (aIU make (ml paf- Addraat **Tba
.H.rrl.2 1 ortiaad. Mataa 1 _ Uaa 7
Csßtre Hall Hotel.
F rat-olaw acrommodation for fneita
Iteot atablin* for horaea. Stare* arriea
and depart every day for all pointa.
C T Auxixpn. S M7ko*u
IX imout-Ue Be'ltfieto *| t l lilliall.a
OaranaW bwHMaa. ■*• U ft.
W will eell during thaae hatd timet
ssfOPi™iß $250
And tUNhn etjlw u tbe aane tin, n.ia W.ladM
(•rand, Nv|uerr and rprinhl- nil neo wad deal dm.
wtd Vl.m11" lite, fwUxTj-rtoea Me naaMa;
a.. JiitM.xt, . dtacotuata. Thaw Plaaat awda
ae ul ta anew dUj.!r at the "-atrmhl.l ftabMjjiaa
end vera ouan lawtaaO aaiMaMM|^li^^^JßMf
_*aar Men •".. oaa WlM* AaikaMl M
;lie World The ccouia Mtlbmbek't saw
mtent Oatdot Oeaealiaaa tfaall, aayaahMlr
(.rori-ateni in the hlatotr of Ttam taahM*. TVt S.
. Ma are ihe daaM In A aMrteau Ihaana ami aa wiu.
IVnt tall arrtto (or Hlantralad and Daeerlrdira oat
aloxi'a,- mailed (rea.
ghepy No, 56 Broadway. N. T.
chia.ra o( tb % boofc are at Überta to oetaaah Ha aalhae
In iK't or hy mail (ere Prtce by wall. *\B (at the
M-..d*tvl oditiaa. or tlJt) tat the famine .dltw.
whtcn < ontalnt *U the eawe matter mdjSaMaMme.
' v :ito;aUl-t.1(r0,. Areola wastedßttiT BtU.
ft'tUJMtlM. CO., UFSaatSMh St. It, T. mtw
■For $1 we will send free by mail,
■ ' war a of the loUowtss Ma:
dhtinct va. rn'thly roses, winter flow
■8 "
Carnation Pinks "
K> " Chinese CLrvsanthomoa.
B8 " Zonal Uoraniutns, w. f.
8 " Double -
8 " Ivy Leaved,
8 " Heliotropes,
8 " Abutilons, "
Double CameliM, "
4 '• Azaleas,
Lobster Cactus, "
f' ' Bouvardias. "
Stcvias A laupatoriums,
8 " Fucbsiaa, w. f.
4 " Double Violets, " ,
2 " Poinsetta, Scarlet ana
White, w. t
t " Plumbago,
8 " Ferns, for Wardian cass
4 " Palms,
('• " Mosses, "
B " Marantas, "
8 " Hyacinth Bulbf.
20 assorted Tulips, Bulbs.
50 " Crocus, "
- " Jacobean Lily, Bulbf.
I*2 " Oralis.
4 Lily of the Valley.
8 New Pearl Tuberoae.
3 of any of the $1 collection for $2
.i „ „
7 " " •• 4
o " •• r
13 " " •• tl
14 " " "7
Or the whole collection of 238 B!b
and Plants sent by express on receipt
•f $15.00, to which either of our Books
Gardening for Profit, Practical Flori-
EJ'-ultura, or Gardening for Pleasure
wvalua SI 50 each), will be added
P' *• rip tiro Catalogue free.
I Becdsnen end FiorisU,
|| 35 Cortland Street, New York.