THE CENTRE RETORTER Thursday, Nov. 8,1877. MtTkkmK — S'2/#r year, when pant in adetine* ; $2.90 when not yniti tn arfritm*. Adn rtisements 30cf fir /iwe/Tir three is vcrfiea*. and 5 rent*per line for rrery swfc sequent insertion. Adrrrtirrmrnt* by the ..Mr of a liber*l discount. * Stdtscribcrs the coanfy should f ;nit * 10 rfs, (MOWlf of one vends pott* neje, instead of'JOets as formerly when paid by themselves. Si.. seribtr* eon always tell Wo? Ih< tr nm runts ston.l nt the Reporter either bv con snltinet the tables on fXeir payers. If the table reads "John Roe 1 jan '76" it mean* that John is indebted for subscription fiveo the l*f of January. 1579. and that it it time he was payina the printer. LODGE MEETINGS. i CM 6* H AtX. IxstWK, No. SSS. t. p of O. r.. wests inn at ant*} ssoatn* In ths O.W Follows Hall. j m iiiLi.u.i.*"SesV. it, p. Sussex. A. t- Ot.w Fo*V IsMStK, Wo. T, F. A. M.. mef ca Mmvlsx svsnlns on or hsfots each full nwa-n t Ota. XMit Frttews Halt. _. ~ C. t lta*T,i **. a act .1 A Fl.**llX. w M Cn.viasss Census. N,\ SS Pot H. wire's t itjslr Hall.Cstitr* Hall oa th SoiukUt no ot tail in -m >i S i*. M smtnrory two •noks KVw Monr. W HOM M-il „ LOCAL ITEMS. —Judge Mayer's family sailed for Europe, Thursday of last week. Christ Hoffer was kicked by a : mule, ono dsv last week, receiving a ga-h on the forehead, and severe bruises across the or.e side of his face and n.'se. Geo. Durst is now a cilixen of Cen tre Hall again, cosily fixed on the old cor ner formerly occupied by him. All kinds of country produce bought and sold at Sochler'* grocery, A hind quarter of beef will bo taken nt this office on subscription account.' tf. Gel your marble work—Tombstones, monuments and couches—at lleisler s well known marble yards, Rellofonte. Beyer has an immense stock of boots and shoes, and sells them very levr This we know to be a fact, we saw it our scire*. Wo are indebted to W Keller for copy of 112 An. Announcement of the Med. Dtp t, ot the University of Penn a. A A new golden tongue organ, war ranted, offered very low, for half cash and half trade. Apply at this office- Hain last Friday with fierce storm in the night. Saturday and Sunday clear but cool; Monday rain ; Tuesday cold and blustery. , Wolf s store is now lobe found in the bank building, where a fine assortment of new goods is just being unpacked. Go and see Wolfs handsome new quartern, and his splendid stock of goods. LOST. —On last Saturday at or near Centre Hill, a pocket book containing about #6 in rnonef, a promissory note of f*>o against P.J. Deckert, and other paper. The finder returning it will be suitably rewarded by PETER BIiEOX. Cnotc* STOCK.—Mr. John H. Mus ser will arrive at Aaronsburg, Fridy, 9th, fro ui York State, with a car load of Calves —some 40 head,—l 2or 15 bulls, short-born Durham?, many of them He.-dbrook cal ve#, the best stock ever brought into our county. They are from 3to 0 months old. A banco for our farmers to get choice i ock. UUIRSWITVUKS.—Tha undersigned wishes to inform the ladies of lVnnsva!- ley that she makes large, beautiful switch es from combings, Ac. Any size made for only SI. All work watranted to give satisfaction or no pay asked. Combing* can be sen*, and Switches returned by mail at the small c >st of one cent per ounce. Address, MRS. SALLIK E. BARNKS, Pleasant Gap, Pa. 8 nor. 2t. household effects on 'A), intending to re move to Kansas, where he has promise of a g'.od situation. Sorry to loose Mr. Cot tle. he carried on tailoring here extensive ly, was a good workman, and shop always full of work. He leaves an opening for a good tailor at Centre Hail- The woods and mountains of our valley just now present a most charming appearance. The variegated hues of the autumn leaves have decked them with a royal robe of splendor that any dower gar den might envy. Standing upon the top of any of our mountains and looking over the valley dotted with patches of timber tracts clothed in a coat of inanv colors, is a tight that any lover of the beautiful in na ture will admire, and'it a scene which the pencil of the most skilful artist will in vain endeavor to imitate. But this au tumnal beauty is only for a short season — soon the foliage with the varied color* will drop to the earth leaving the forests bleak and cheerless, and the chilling winds of winter will follow to hold weird concerts in the leafless tree tops of our lor es ts. Any country produce you have, will be taken in exchange for cheap groceries at Sechler's. You can get a better article there alwavs than at any other store—it is a specialty with them to keep only the best. You can buy goods there that you cannot find in most other groceries, for th v aim to keep everything belonging to their line. Aaron Itishel bat moved from Mnrsbfleld, Mo., to Nevada City, same stale. He writes to the Reporter/ We came through some very rough country the first few days of our moving ; when we came through the western part of Ce dar nnd through Vernon county, we saw some very fine, ricb, looking land—about I I>rairie and rest timber. The folks here do most of their moving in wagons. All summer we could see covered wagons go ing. some to Kansas, some to Arkansas and some to Texas. We camped one eve about 5 o'clock, in course of half an hour eight wagons hadgathered around us. We saw many large and thrilty apple orchards. The people have • large stock of hogs in this county, Poland China, and Berkshire breeds. Large herds of cattle belonging to farmers roam over the prairies and nice and fat. People that have no homes in Centre county should come here. All of §rain can be raised here. is not? far ahead in I "ti and shoos. Bayer is the roan cf whom you can buy your shoes cheap. Cocveiftien of the Young Mens Christian Association of the 12th district, composed of Union, Lycoming, Clinton and Cameron counties will meet at Hartle ton on Friday evening Nov. 9—ll, M. A. Tuggurt State Secretary and other experi enced workers, are expected fratn abroad. SEC. FOR KENT.— Dwelling house, stable and five acres of meadow situated at Potter's Mills, the property cf Doctor \Vm. P. Wilson. For information and terms ap ply to Thomas McElroy, near the premi ses. lcocl 2m POTTEIi SCHOOL TA£ NOTICE Lietici is hereby gi*en, the dtlpliiata of Sfcndpl T for the township "f Potter. ban boen placed in the hand* of the Treasurer. JACOB DIKOU, at Centre Hall. On all taxes paid to bim on or before December Ist, 1877, there will be a deduction of five per centum ; on all taxes remaining un paid for one month after said date, the full amount will be charged, and thereafter an addition of 5 percent, on all remaining unpaid. BY OHPKH oy THE BOABP. 19 oct2m. . Levi Swartz, formerly of Bloomfield, but recently residing near ilansville, Perry county, was shot on Monday evening of last week by Henry L. Croll and died from tbe effects of his injuries on Tuesday morning. The accident occurred under the following circumstances : "Mr. Swart* had climbed into r, viae &pa was gathering - aj>a when Mr. Oroll came ale tig with .his gum 6eeing something move in the vine be supposed it to bo a wild turkey or a pheasant and dischargisd his piece at the object Mr. Swartz find ing that lie bad been shot and feeling fgint at once descended ."ro.n toe sapling to which the w5 thkfen to and J)r. Ard summoned. On examination the doctor found tnat sevrrHl of the leaden pellets had struck Mr. S. Two had entered the right breast, one the arm, one the leg, but tbe one which was the most dangerous, entered tbe stomach . i The Elections. GREAT DEMOCRATIC NOYES ALL AROUND! The Republicans KtlVotnnllv Schelled and the Democrats hunkey Truu key ! VICTORY ALL AROI'D! The Presidential Steal Attain Rebu ked bv the People on Tuesday. —On Tuesday elections w ere he'd in Pennaylynania, New York, New Jersey, Maaaachuscttc*, Ctonnei ticut, Maryland, Virginia. Wiseonson, Kansas, Minneso ta and Nebraska. PENNSYLVANIA. NEW YORK. NEW JERSEY, Ac, O. K. Philadelphia Elects a Democratic Ticket!! The substance of telegraphic des patches, up to 11 a. in. i as follows: PENNSYLVANIA, went Democratic by about 17,000. Alleghehy county dose, but Sterret leads his ticket, but not as much as expected. Northumberland 900 dam. MitHin 150 dem. Telegraph rejuirts democratic gains all over the state. NEW YORK State democratic by 20,000 ami aen ate democratic. NEW JERSEY gives McCUllan 15,000 to 20,000. * MASSACHUSETTS republicau majority cut down to 12.0(H). CENTRE COUNTY. 1100 Democratic Majority.—Fortney Triumphantly Elected. Heilefonte gives 28 repab. majority but Fortney has 80 niaj. over Dale. ITnionville Daie t! ruaj. l'hilipsburg Fortney 17 and Trun# key 20 niaj. lleuner dem. nraj. 109, Fortney 08. lioggs Trunkey 8(5, Sfrrctt 32, and greenback tibket 114. Rush, Fortney 81 niaj., Trunkey 75 Potter, north—Trunkey 140 Ster ret 58; Noyes 140, Hart 58; Fortney 133, Dale G2. South —Trunkey 140, Sterrett t>4; Noyes 148, Hart 02; Fort ney 147. Dale 02. "Peiin, Trunkey 223, Stcrrett 27 ; Noyes 223, Hurt 28; Fortney 212, Dale 27. llaines, Trunkey 100, Sterrett 88 ; Noyes 102, Hart 80 ; Fortney 100, Oaie 89. Gregg, Trunkey 190, Sterrett 40 ; Noves 192, Hart 43; Fortney 185, Dale 47. Fretzy all day in the shade on Tues day. The Mussers of Miiiheint shot five deers in the Seven mountains a wek ago. Pierce shot three of them. Canned and dried peaches and other fruits, better and cheaper than j-ou can do them up yourself, at Scolder's grocery, Bush house block. The opinion i- general that Pan V>rliee's will be appointed U. 8. Senator as Morton's successor. A democratic gain. All the drugs and medicines that you may have occasion to use, can be had fresh and pure, at Frank Green's drug store, in the Bush house block. Also toil et and fancy articles without number. No family should he without the reliable metf icines of Mr. Green's own invention—he is the oldest druggist in the county. Beyer makes a specialty of brots and shoes. Sells very low to secure the trade, which will enable him to keep a large stock on hand.Go and tee for yourself. There is more ready made Clothing received and sold at the Eagie Clothing Hall, by J. Newman, jr., Bellefoote, than perhaps, in all the other stores of Centre county taken together. No clothing store ever had so large a run of customers. The whole secret oftbe thing is that suits and single garments are sold cheaper than ever before in county. YOB can get a compete outfit of all needed from hat down to boots, and for a mre song. It it a wonder Newman can keen going and sell at such I<>w price, but it is by doing a large business only that enables him to do it. Now is the time to save money by getting ycur groceries where tbey are good, pure and cheap. Sechler A Co. arc in earnest when they make you these representations. They do business with a view to stay and gain customers by fair and square dealings. This has been their reputation. Mr. LLTIIKI; Ki:itiCjy desires to in form the public log I lie has loca'el at the Stone M' I, in *bpJ occupied by C Bol linger, to curry on blacksmilhing. He guarantees his work to be of the best and prices lower that any shop in the county. Horseshoeing down to panic price*. Being a good workman and having long experi ence he believes he can render entire sat isfaction. Give him a trial and be con vinced. 25oct3t CORONERS SALE By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Etpo nus issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of Centre county and to ma directed their uili be expose ! io public jule at the Court House in Beik-fonte on Saturday November 24, the lolluyrihg <|ekvib <U Heal E-Utle of the defendants, to wit: All that certain messuage tenement or lot ot ground situate in Bu.-h township, Centre >eunty l' , bounded arid described as loilows. On the west by Atherton street measuring along said street CO feet on the east by Cass street extending along said street CO leel, on tbe north by lands of Amos llarper extending along suid land 200 faet on the south by Grand street ex tending along said street 200 feet to tb place of beginning, being the so— which L. W. jiuiisoit i'D-. UP ,o1 ed by deed £c to J R '\. tiwmsm a V ,J "• AI Kinney. 1! SIT r , eret 'f ed M two *try dwelling house and other out buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold us the P'®Pe'fy of J. li. Al'Jviuney, „ No £3d .U oe acknowl edged t .l. th? pure hath nfionejf i< pnid in 1 ' *' ! Jos Era APAMS •' * Coroner. ' MARRIED. On thel 2sth ult., Mr; Cjap g|. Philips of Lake Star!;, wti. and Miss Catherine L. WAgytf, ot On the nth of Sept., Mr JohnG. Musser and Mm Mary A. Homan, all of Haines twp. On the 22nd ult., Mr. Daniel Meyer and Sarah Stover. On 7th by Rev. W. H. Stover. Mr. r rankltuShvit of Linden Hall and Lydiu of Cburchville. SIIEHIFmiIALEN. By virtue of sundry writ* el Fieri Facias Levari facias and Venditioni Exponas j there w ill lie exposed to public sale at the Court Home in Bellefonte, on Saturday, November 21,1577, at 1 o'clock, |>. m.. the j following described teal estate of the do-, fondants, to wit; All that certain lot or piece of ground, .situate (n College township, Centre coun-' I Ur l'enna. Hounded end deecribnd follows : t:i the north by lands of Jont'h; | Shuey, on the et by lands ot John Noi-: ' digh estate, end on the south and wel by) j landt of John C. Krumrine. containing I ikoatl Of Ml MM MN or less, thereon j erected n two story plank frame dwelling house. Seiaed, taken in execution and to be sold a the property of Andrew Tress ler. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground j liluate lying and being in (or neart the ! town of Centre llall. Centre county, Pen ' inu Hounded on the north by lands of j Jacob Kipka, on the east by lands of Pa- I rid Mine, on the south by lands of l>avtd • Stine and on the west bv turnpike road, ' containing about t'4 feet front In said turn pike road and extending back about It® I feet. Thereon erected a two story dwel- I ling bouse, stable and other outbuildings j Seiaed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property Alexander Kubn. ALSO, All that certain messuage tenement and tract oi land situate in Miles township, i Centre county, Penna. Hounded and do- I scribed as follows : On the north by lands ot Thomas a ul Henry NVolf, on the cast by lands of W. Shotl, on the south by lands of Jeremiah Haines anJ| others, and on the west by lands of Keu-j lien Knatner, containing TO acres more or j less. Thereon erected a three story store, j grist mill, dwelling house, old framesaw : mill, bank barn and other outbuildings Seised, taken in execution anil to be sold; as the property ot tieorge Miller, A LSO, All the interest of the defendant in and; to all that certain lot or pieceofgroundsit uate in the borough of Mileaburg, Centre i I county, Penna. Hounded in the north by J i Market street, on tlio east by turnpike , rod, an I on the south by lot Miss Thorn-, i as, being lot No. til in the general plan or jt plot of said borough. Thereon erected a i argo two story brick dwelling bouse and > large atone dwelling house and other out- j buildings. Seired, taken in execution and is to be sold as the property of Kdwin Lip-!, ton. t ALSO, All thnt certain lot or piece of ground tituaie tn iho borough of Bellefonte, C'cn-; tre county,lPenn*. Hounded on the north ; by High street, (It leet) on the outh by Cberiy alley ill foot* on the west by lot of Dr. K. S. Dorwortb, arid on the eaxt by) Lutheran Parsonage, -id lot or pioce of ground fronting on High street 44 feet and extending back 1-H feel to said Cb*r-| ry alley. Thereon erecteil a two story; tranie dwelling house and other outbuild.) ings Seized, taken in execution and to be •old as the property of J S. Harnbart. ALSO, Alt that certain lt or piece of ground situate in Spring township, Centre count* Poena. Bounded and described as fob lowa to nit ; Beginning at a post adjoin ing lands of Isaac llaupt tboa east along lot of Thomas dates ltHi perches to a post, thence north UUi", *>st 22 7-lt> perches along lands of heir* of 5Vm. A. Thomas, deceased,south til'', west 10 3-10 perches to a post, thenee south 304", c*t 4? 4-10 perches to the place of beginning. Altoi another tract of land situate in Spring township, Centre county, Pctina. Bound ed and described a> follows: Beginning at a poet corner of land of Thos. Humes and \Ym Pcorman. thence by lands of the latter north 01 , ea-tll perches ton put in road, thence by said road north 44°,' west 1V perches to a |oet, thence by lands of the Thomas estate south til°, west 10' perches to a post thence by lands of Wm. JI. liutuc* south s'■', east, 18 perches to a , post the place of beginning, containing in all 1 acre nnit 60 perches more or less.i Thereon erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house. Brew house, stable and ether outbuildings. Also all thatcer tain me-suage tenement and lot of ground situate in the borough of Bellefonlc, Cen tre county, Penna. Bounded and describ ed as loliows, to wit: Un the east by Smith street, on tie north by lands of F. liogenmill-r, on the west by .auds Thorn as heir and or. t) e ioitth by land} of John Irwin, Jr., lot 25, by 150 feet. Thetgon erected a two story frame dwelling bouse 22 by 2b feet Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Gassner. ALSO. All that certain lot of ground situate in Snow Shoe township Centre countv, Pen na, bounded north by lands at Mrs M. Green, cart by Mcahannon avenue south by an alley. w<-jt by Sycamore street, fronting on Mushannbn avenue, 120 feet and extending back 200 feet. Thereon erected a two store frame dwelling house and other t utbuilJings. Seixesl, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Fravel. ALSO, All that cr rtain tract of land iLuate in Liberty township. Centre county, Penna. Bounded and described as follows On the south by lands of ltaniel Bitner, east by public road, north by public road and west by public road, containing 40 acres. Therein erected a two story dwelling house, bank barn and other outbuildings. > Seized, taken in execution and to be told a the property of James Gunsallis- ALSO, All that certain tract or piece of lar.d I situate in tho township of Haines, county of Centre and stale of Penna Bounded i and described as follows, via: Beginning ' ut a stone on township road, tbance by : lands of L. F Albright, south 86J degrees west 6 8-10 perches to stones, thence by lands of tbo same, north 53* degrees, west i 2 perches to Pine Creek road, thence by said road south 55 degrees, west 21 3-10 perches to stones, thence by lands of Hen-'' ry Mussor north IGJ degrees, west IS perches to pine stump, thence by lands of J. C. Mou, north bO degrees, east U 8-lfi perches to pine stump, thence by lands of same, north 51 g degrees, oast 7 3-10 perch es to south east abultment of turnpike bridge, across Pino Creek- Tbenca by' land* of J. C. MuU south sxj degrees, east 7-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing one acre and fifty two perches Tbereou erected a frame store house, wire house, a two storr dwelling house, stable, I and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property ol Daniel Wcidcntaul and Shorn Spigelray er. ALSO, All the interest of the defendants in and j to thut certain lot or piece of ground situ ate in Snow Shoe township. Centre oounty, I I'enna. Adjoining lands of A. C, Hinton, John G. I'xr.le and lands of Snow Shoe; Land Association, ronsaining 1C acres more or less, about 12 acres cleaied and' under good stole of cultivation, no im- j provementa. Also tho defendants inter-! est in the following lots of ground in plot: of Snow Shoe city. A lot fronting on Moshannon avenue and adjoining an alley | being the one half part of lots No., 583 and 5X4, with a small stable erected thereon. Also lot 578, unimproved. Alao lota No. 579 and 5Wi. enclosed and planted in fruit; trees. Also two other lots situate in the' plot of Snow Shoe City, fronting on Mo-i sha inon avenue, between N'ector street f.nd n alley, numbers in said plot 565 and I 5sC. Thcfeon i feted it large two Utory; dwelling house, la-go store foom, stable gnd other outbuildings. Seiytd, taken in execution and to be sold as the property o#j J. 11. Oiiuman A W. H. Cris*mnn,lraaina a J. 11. Crissman A Brother. ALSO, All the defendants interest in that cer tain lot or pieco of ground situate in Snow Shoe town-hip, Contre c >unty, Penna. Adjoining lands of A. C. Hinton, John G. Uzzle and Snow Shoo Land Association, conuitiining lfi aces, more or less, about 12 acres cleared and under good slato of cultivation, no improvements thereon. Also all the defendant* interest in the fok lowing lot* of ground in plot of Snow Shoe Citv n lot fronting on Moshannon avenue. Adjoining an alley, being one half of lots >o. 583 and 584, with a small stable erect* ed thereon. AUolot 573, unimpro** ed. Also lots No. 579' and flho, enclosed and plnntcd In?Fit trfte#. Alio tgro other lot# siUiate in Snow Shoe City, frontingon Moshannon avenue, botweon Arch street and an alley, numbers iu said plot 586 and 58(1. Thereon erected a large two story dwelling house, largo store room, stable and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold at the property of Sarah 11. Crissman, ALSO, All that certain '♦ situai" •- T ' •® r pwee of ground ... ioydsrill. Bush towns'p, Cen tre county, l'ennn Bounded and aescrib a follows, lo wit: On the r.orth by lot of J. It. McKinney (now Kendig A Clark) on the cast by a street oa the south by lands of John Rankle gad on the west by UftC UftC- Fronting on the said Atberfon's lane about 100 feet and extend ing back 2pl) feet to said street. Thereon erected a double two story frame dwelling house and other out buildings. Seised, taken in execution and ta bo sold us tbe property of WiUjjMb "Washburn, All the defendants right, title and inter est in nr.d to all that certain messuage ten ement and tract of land situate in Boggs township, Centre county, Tenna. Bound ed and described as follows, vis : Begin ning at a post thence by lands ot Jacob C. Walker north 61i°, east 91 perches to •tones, thence by landtof J. iduings south 38i deg., east 125 perches to pine, thence by lands ot M'Coy A Linn south 6 d#?., east 105 perches to W. 0., thence went 26 perches to tt. 0., thence south 16 deg., east Ot perches to stone thence, west 53 perches to stones, thence north 311, west tfM perch**, by land- Klia II.* k i tin piece of beginning 111 arm ' |M>d W MWllli MM<I ~l> • v , " ' lion and to be *ol<l n* ih-po'i" l v ■ ' ' ■' iwnrd drown. ALSO. All that certain tract of lait I ■uuli' iii ltuth town*hip, Centre cmuiiH. Pentm , hounded and deaeribed a* follow* begin. mi fig" MI H on n corner of * lo| David NaDoti Survey, ihenea lv oil Survey and liinla of ll irdinan Philip* aoulh fil tl<*{* . •! K perch** t* * po*t. thence by land* of lUnlnmn f*llH|*o 'Jti deg , wet 41 perchr* l i'the ic<- jby land* of *amo nortli <1 l i! *'"l ' 'perchea lo pott on r> r ill.. t pi U" thence by iil turnpike norlli 17 dog., ca*t ®i perchea lo n po*t, thence by anl road norlli '- v < 'b'tf ■ "f perchr* to the pi co of beginning, contain* ing SHI acre# being the *amM tract or In'ul which by undrv good anil Vgal o •iiv.-v 'anooainlho law hail vialwl in A. Lit ken* party hereto nut the **nt •' V ,'; u " hen* and "Nancy hi* >'•< ' v i l ' ' l" ly executed dated the l'.'lh duv or • V 'U. IS7*J, conveyed the ani> to Henry II Wilcox, legother With the her. ', -> ieiit anj appurtenance* Solar*l, taken In *t ecution and to ba *uld the pmpait.v of Henry II Wilcox. AlitO. All that certain tract of land *i!uate n Fergu.en town.hip. Centre COUMC. L*EI na. bounded on the north by land* ol Jauir* S. Kr*p, on the east byJ"' d* be longing to lha hair# i f Dan 1 K aitu Andrew lloiunian on ll*e *uth l>> of K Y. Fatten and llnnry Snyder and mi the wet by land* Jonathan Mu--.r ami Henry llb#m, contain rig l"l *cr >n *r or le*. Thereon erected two -torv brick Itouir, bank barn and other outbuilding* all cleared and in good ttateof cultivation. Seiited, taken in execution and to be d a* the property of t\ . 1) Ko. ALSO, All that certain tract of land tituate ii | Hogg* low Mb ip. Centre county. Tenia. Deaeribed a* lollow* : Beginning at a pet at the public road thenco north I'.' .!**c ea*t tri perche* to a po.t, thence .**t.;'i .V* .leg , earl IS perchea to a pot, tliencr along land* of Linn A 41cCoy to t u >■*, thence north 77 l#g . ca*l 44 percbe* thetu * along land* of Anthonv Haneyodeg , wi-- ra) perchea to tone thence toulh 77 de gree*. wel 68 parche* to ttonee, thence •outh 11 perche*. thence along land- 01 John Curry toulh 6 deg., eat 68 perch*, to an oak, ;thence north 77 deg . ct J ■ perchea to place of beginning, containing j VI acre* more or le*. and allowance- * t d per cent lor road*, thereon erected a two*u>rv fratue hou*e and other outbuild*, ing*. Seiaed. taken in execution and to be .old a the property of Chai. H. Moore and T. Moore r ALSO, All that certain mcssiugi- tameraint and [ tract of land situate in Snow Shoe Town ship Centre county I'ennn bounded etui described a* follow*, via Beginning at n white oak thence bv land formerly of j William Baird south 810 perches to stones thence east 60 perches to stones thence north 81'J perche# to a rock oak thence west 60 perches to place of beginning com i taining 100 acre* neat measure by the - .me more or less Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling bouse barn and olhn out buildings. Seized taken m execution and |to he sold as the property of Jamt : Gates. ALSO. All that certain mc-mare tenement or tract of land situate in llogg* township Centre county Pnna, bounded on the' north by lands of John Curry on the .-a-t by lands of George Taylor on the south by lands of James Rerdlne Stratum and on the west by lands of Jacob Wagner con taining 160 acres, about GO acres cleared no buildings Seized taken In execution and to be so'.d as the property of Yalon tine Reese ALSO. All that certain house and lot of ground • jituate In the Boro of Itellefonte Cenlr. county Penna. Bounded on the west L> Ridge street north bv an alley east bv lot ' of John Karns south by Howard >tre.-', f, Fronting GO feet on said id reel and extend- . ing back 300 feet or there abouts to an a!- ' lev, it being the same premises which .1 !*" Gcphart acting admr and trustee of the estate of J. B Awl by deed granted and conveyed unto the said J. C. \S illiams to gether with theheridiiamenls and appurte nances. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling housestahle and other out build ings Meiaed taken in <,xect.lin and t-> b. sold as the property of James C. Will iams. < ALSO All that certain mesue tenement or tract of land situate in Harris township 1 Centre county Henna, beginning at a stone I near Spring Creek at the intersect on tf lands of Mrs. Klizabeth Boal and John Bricker thence North 224* west 60 perches to Slippery Kim thence 6 V in perches to post thence north 9J' west 304-10 perches to a post, thence north T ' east 46 3-10 perches Ui p*l thence north •' C east 26 7-10 perches to post thence north 42° west 1# perches to post thence alio g lands of J. G. Irvin south M v.,-t 27 ? arches to post thence along lands of said rvin north 37° west 3n 6-10 perches to post thence along land* of Kev K >bt Humid uth 71 west 32 perches to a wl-il.— 1 thence along lands of said Hamill south' ti6* west 282 perches to a l"no thenc-o along Public road south 474* east lip n- rches to a stone, thence along lands of . Thomas Dale north SG" east 2D perches to *■ fo*t thence along lands of Thoma- Dale > and Mrs. Elizabeth l>oal exst ISW.VIO perche* to the place of beginning contain ing 3* acres 117 perches net mewurt a.' . surveyed by Wm. Thompson Jr. ,-n the fll'dnT of March A. I). 1873. Together, ■rith the heri4>utuenU and appurtenances. ) fbercon erected a two story dwelling v bouse (part atone ami part log) bank barn ' and other out building*. S- aed taken in execution aad to be aold as th property . f ] Adam Stover, Jonathan Stover. Sn>uel Stover. George Koon and Sar*!i hi wife Win. Stover, David Slv#r and Henry W. Stover with notice to all terre tenant*. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in Walker township Centre county Panna. 1 bounded and described a* folio** to wit: Beginning at atones thence by land* ol 1 Vanada, north weat 1171 parches l J ' ' atone*thence by land* of Tilghman 1004-10 1 perches to tone thence by land* tobl to " John Miller, *oulh 801 eal 92 4-.{J porche* to (tone* thence south 63° 37 3* 111 1 parches to stone*, thence south *i- wci 3 perches to place of beginning. Contain* ingfH acres and 139 perches net measure. Together with the heridttaments and ap* purtenan-es. Thoreon erected a two story dwelling house, barn and other out build* ings. Seined taken in eecution qn d to be sold at tbo property ofOeorgo Bartholo mew. TKRM*.—Cash, no deed will beackm wl edged till the purchase in-'nev i paid u: full. L. W. MUKSON ShcrilT. I pt BLIC SALK- Will bo sold by order of the Orphan'*; Court of Centre couny, ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24th. the following real c late a* the property of Jacob Kline, de ceased. All that certain TRACT Of! LAND situate in the township af Potter, in tbo county of Centre. Pa., bounded und described a* follows, to wit.- On the north by land* of K!ia* Horner an I John Love, dee'd, on the west by lands of Sam uel Wingertand others, soplh by lands ol Andrew Jordan and James G!ug"W. east by tends of James f|!n*g<>ty and Robert Lee. containg 133 ACRES, MO UK OR LESS. Thereon ereoted a 2 story l"g HOUSE AND BANK BARN, AND OUT buildings, an ORC'iIAKD and excellent spring on the premises, with Sinking Creek running through the farm. Terms: One half the purchase money on confirmation of sale, the balance at the end of the year, subject to a dower, with interest to be secured by bond nnd morl* gage on the premise*. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. nt. KD. KLINE, JOHN SHANNON, *nov. Administrators. t)U Bile's AI K 'Will ho Public Sale, at the re i dence of the undersigned at CENTRE HAK.L. on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER oQih. ICOW, TWO PAT HOGS, 1 Chamber Suit, 4 Bedsteads, V Toilet Table*, \ Sett common Chairs, 1 sett Cane Chairs, I ooking Stoyo and 11 a ing., 1 Co-' 1 Ten I'lalo Stove, I Hi*-' . ~u>ve, long Cuoh"—' i Wood chest, 1 ... u, 2 Rocking Chair*, 2 Cor iter Cupboards, 1 Extension Table, TWO SEWING MACHINES. 2 Tailor's Ta llies, Crocks, Tubs. Dishes Fruit Cunt, .Lard Cans, Wash-rubber, Wood buckets, Lot of Wood, Corn by the bushel. Lot ol Tinware, Stovepipe, and many other arti clos- Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when terms will be inadn known. Bnov MRS. IRA T. COTTI.I'. NOTICE is hereby git en that iippliea tion will be made under tbo provisions of tbo Act of Assembly ol the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorporation und regulation of certain corporations, ' ap proved 'April 29, 1874, for a charter of an intended corpoiation to be called "The ,St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Millhoim," the character nnd objoct ol which corporation is to engngo in the worship of Almighty God, according to the faith and diciplino of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the State of Pennsyl* i vunia, and for this end to poesoss and en joy all the rights, privilege* nnd benefit! i of a corporation. Application for tho ap proval of the charter will be i made before his Honor, J. H. Orvi*. al Chambers, on Saturday, the Ist day o; l December, 1877. ADAM IIOY, i Bnov Solicitor. i THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. > j Wo liav. i cry I tit and complete tock of Hardware, the largaat thai wa* e*er bafore oflerad by any flrtn to th# of tbia county, and arej*"lling at tl e .rery low* j eat potslble rati ■ Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, Glass and Patlj. ' , Turn Whit.* Lead mi l Lei-* J Oil ; Turpentine* and VarnUhe*. all which we warrant U> gira aatlafacUea. Our Pure Lead will eo a* much *urfce nr •v In the markrt j and i*atin t I *1 ft whiteiiea*. UKAHY MIX KI) TAI NT put up In any quantity lo tull people, from one-pound can* to one gallon can*, all r r lr u*e. Then lotillU we ii HI i ic. I.* bi* in. vc I with pur* lead mid oil, and aro tree from all adulteration. MKfHtJilt'S TOOi.B We tmv *pecial attention to tin* branch, and keep a full Una of S w. Chi*'*l*. II am mar* nod it* • ley '* Iron Plane* : I lorn* nail* ofaii kind*. Trac C ... Ham.* It. I t 1,1. I.IN K t>K SAHHLKKY OF ALL UKSCRIFTIONB. COACH WOOD WORK Spoke*. Kellcea. Patent Wi, d. .fthe mo.tu. .in.vMipet i .ii t- i Mr*, i'.'ita liiit.roved Flat lroi, rhoap. conveoiant and durable—pollilied and nicket-plated, Johntton'* l'rop*red Kalaoniine ; put up In (1 pound par-kit, > ; catij; pot on, and cbi ii;>er than paper. Weiiaveall color*. S T 0 y E s. We bitv.i the only Ki vr rrible Top-plate Cooking Slovo* In the market The Keyatone K u *uu*honna and Juniata, which o warrant lo betha'beatbakera and I'tahea* iat *tove* 111 the market, .... wul .oil at the very loweat price and giva written guarantee*. Al*o all kind* of Ranges and uthrreUva* COM IvA \ !i'*-k h i it* Fif K YMTi iM I COOKSTOVK IT IS TIIK IIA NDSOM KST IN THE WORLD. HTON Sprinr Mill* Markeu, (Jet- Ift White Wheat, I ■ It.wl " 1 W. Kye. otk* Corn, ear*, per bu m u - , .40.- lal*. iY'c itiukwlieat, 70.i. C!ovel-<*il t,'. * J, t I'ot utiles, "o.*. ,fiUc Hotter, per lb., "JJc. ; t.arJ, I Uncoil, sidi'S, -KV-. '• shoulder*, 10c. " Hanu, He. Tallm*. 7c. Itg-, 2c. Kgg* pi-r ilul , 2tki. Cial, Kgg, per ton, j>l o.i. " Stove, t 7i'. • Chestnut, 4 25. " i'ea. a u. HKLl.kvoxtk MAUKKIS.— by Shortlidge A Co. Flour per burrol, whole-ale, $ 7 JO. retnil, $S(I0 White wheat. 1 Red " IHo Kye, o!i Corn, helltsl, . Corn, cob, lu. *al*, -Jf. Harlay, rye weight, A. Cloverseed >4 per til poumls, I*s tatoea retail, Sb N..V* Scotia pla-tcr, ground, 10 00, Cayuga " (JO. New Store Hooin AND NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Gttoda IN Great Abundance AT WM. WOLF S IN THE Yew /ift ti If Htt 11 tli tt< A Full Litic of tjENhUAL carefully aelcc el, and embracing all manner of )RESS Gl)Ols, CARTETS, Oil* CI/UHS, O HOOK 111 Ei, OIiASSWARE, TINWARE, MBH, AO., AO. burnishing floods OF AL KINDS. JEW AND CHOICE INVOICE OF : LOT IIS AND OA SSI M E RES. Full line of Hats anil Caps For lien, B >v and Children. LADIES AND GENTLEIKEN all aud be Convinced that thi* i the Jhcn| i*l plac 1 buy good* in thi*, ectioii. PRODUCE ;i iv.'d in exchange or good*. Ilctromdrr the pin in the New link Budding, opposite the Old ; tnn I BONNETS, TiIIMMINGS, MIL LINKRY, \i Mrs. Lflov HetiP/!', iti Centre Hall, tbo ba# just retun;" J from Philadelphia.' a.lh the LATK-1' F \SHIONS, and a mpi etc stock of new IL>tincl*. new Hats, decant Triuimb-g*. Ac . which will be (Old or made up, at reasonable prices. K. old ladies lire** Cap. Tbe new Style* ar. Very l ;etty. Ladies call and see lb M<. rly. l'irt come, first icrveti. 25oct4t N<T!CK.- Li tter# teitamenlarv on the oetate of Ilr. p. ter kitiiith. late of Centre Hall, de cea'ed. having been granted to the under signed. all person* Indebted to said estate tire required to make immediate payment, nnd tlx *e having claims against tho same to pr<**• nt Hum, duly authenticated by law, for M-ttlrinrr l SMITH, CHARLES SMITH. 23 oct Executors. Fashionable Dressmaker. } The uderaigned will, after the fkh Oct., 1877, open a dressmaker* establishment in ; the house lately occupied by John H. Mil*) ler. All kind* of family sewing neatly j done. Charge* reasonable. Hoping to | merit the patronage of the people of Cen tre Hall nnd vit initv by tnrping out nentj nnd durable work. MRS. HARYKY S\DT 20,ept tf. 18J7_Fall—18771 I.J. GRENOBLE, SPP.INu MILLS, has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Lower than ' Ever, 'r- J Also 11 Complete Aasortroeot of Ready Clothing for men nnd hoys." Suits a low as to be hnd IB the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS ! Full lines of MERINO UNDERWEARB, For Ladies, GcnU, Boy?, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves. Boots nnd Shoes, IIATS. CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, , . And the most complete assortment or NO TIONS . • * ' in Central Pennsylvania, and prices thai will compel you in*elf dtd'enco to buy o him. Also Fish, Salt, otc. loot HEW MILLINERY AND FANCY GOOBS STORE AT POTTER'S MtILS. Mr*. Anna M. Weaver lake* pleatura in announcing to the people of Potter* Milbi and viclntty, that ahe will open a new and elegant NTOt K OF FANCY UOOUb, in ooniiection with a Millinery Store, on Saturday, Oct. 'JUth. A full Una of choice ami U.hionabia gomi* alway* on hand at popular price*. Drnaanuking in all lu brant he* will be a prominent feature o! the bualnea*. lloclßm mm AND fIPRING WILLS. Ii :o: J —:o: | -:o:- M O TZ $ 8 00It '. Cohurn Station. I Wholesale and RETAIL DEALERS -,WL XIMD3 07 6RAIM s-- WHEJT. RYE. . (Mrs, CORX. CLO VERSE EI), sc. f iCoal, Plaster and Salt I) KIJVKR EI) AT SPRING MILLS, by the Car load, and at wholesale and retail at Coburn station. Highest Cash Price Paid For Grain. (XIALSOLD AT TIIE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. MOTZ & SNOOK. SPRLVG , 1877. WE ARE SOW PREPARED. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. tVE HAVE THE CiOODS! PRICES LOWJ | t t • selootioii Unsurpassed! stock large. And now we extend a cordial invitation to our friend*, patrons and.'the public generally. We will say thia. Come! if wa do not bow you THE BEST SELECTED STOCK VT PRICES LOWER THAN USUAL, and if we cannot prove that it is to your interest to patronize us, then don't buy ; but Conic and satisfy yourself. We have opened a full line cf RHY Go on s Clothing, Carpets, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, QI'EENSWARE, GLASSWARE. WOOD AXD WILLOW . WARE, HAVH AND CArS, j tnd tu fact everything and anything embraced in the above line. We will beat everything in prices and assortment, and our part, wc r*ut,i will be a sufficient guarantee to our patrons of fair and We have established and will maintain our republics. The large trade we ! do enables us to get fresb goods da'lj;, wkicA u a great advantage to our pa trons in all lines, and u.p*nialUy in Groceries Call, and it wiii prove to yout jußye.* I VALENTINES & CO. H.HERMAN,Manager. VV ' ~ ~ "* SJll—a.' 1 ——■ BOOTS. SHOES. BOOTS !! ! at Bayer#, mJaronsharg. i II 7,e/r ymi will fin,l the LAR STOCK of I Boots and shoes ever brought to th[% ntry. Said very Cheap.ami Guaranteed to give satis fort ion in wearing, Now but WUUtmaport and Watsontown Stock mhh store. Anything from the tiniest and prettiest baby Shoes to men's Henry Sfoga Boots. LADIES, ALL LASTING GAIT ORS AS LOW AS 9A CENTS.* 19-00 AND EXAMINE THE L ARGKST AND FINEST U>T OF BOOTS AND SHOES, RKT WEEN MIFFLIN BURG AND BELLEFONTEjm /. I). Boijer, | - **"" ymrzz. c r-r ' ~ - # f' • NOW IS YOUR TIME. Owing to the fact that we exper t to move into our new store room about the 25th of November, and DESIRING TO OP EN AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, we „.,u until tliat tirae, in order to tsve u> the trouble of moving old gonda, oner our entire Stock at First Cost—Without Reserve. f We have now in store a very large amount of good*, consisting of DRY GOODS, t NOTIONS, CLOTHING. | HATS A CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. LADIES CLOAKS. 1 FURS, And every article necessary for winter use in endless varioty all of which w will actually SELL AT COST* Until our removal to our new room*. COME AND SEE FOR Y OCRSELt RB. , noTlrn JOSEPH BRO. * CO. 't >f c | f'KNTRK HALL DRllfi STORE. MILLER A SON. (Bu<-ceaaor to J. K. Miller A Son.) Dealer in Pure Drug* and Medicine* Dye atulft, and Druggiat'a aundriea, PURE WISE AND UQUORB For medicinal pttrpaM*. The boa brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO alwaya in ttock. I reacriplion* carefully Compounded. _ •HLdLKBASON Jas. Harris cy Co. NO. 8, BROCKEUHOFF ROW. i s P A i N T S, OHVETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonte. A MAN OF A THOUSAND. j Having di+fovefrd, 1a a CQAUMT ahi.ui j providential, a putitive cure forConromp luon and all Luug OowiplainU, 1 foal it my | duly to Bake kr. >*n in a practical manner} .ly .V.lll.thing a aawpia bottia. from of jcbsrge. Jo all uff-rer, ray only hope ol remuneration being that the medicine will , perform at 1 claim for it The ingredi ent* ara of the cboieeu herbal product* ;ad perfectly f u : will L- *eni free 10 all | Addrm* at met, lir. O. Phelps llrown, 21 (Oraodl&rrA. Jersey CHy. N J., or may tbe i>id f J• k. Miller 6c bon, Drurritti, Centre Uall. IV ' jan 4ly W M " P W! LS()N YV H.-llefom* Pa. Office ia M rs. ilea. _P RaHatosta Pa. ! ter tMt andhard, and quicker to churn Try it—foraaleat Wm Wolf* note BUCK FOB lALl—First claa* brick •ill bo kept on hand for sale by J. O , De.ninger at 7,rbe' Centra Hall brick yard*. These brick are offered *o low tliat it will pay perron* at a dicta nee to cotne Ue> for tbeni. ] Intending to continue in the manufec- , llur# ot brick they will be kept constantly 1 on hand, and fair inducement* offered to purchasyrs. '?■**- H. E. 7.ERBE W. R. CAMP'S POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CENTRE HALL. PA. | I manufacture U) kind* of Furniture for) J Chamber*. Dining Room*, Librario* and! ! Hal In. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't 1 buy until you roe my clock. UNDERTAKING j jln nil it. bratichea. 1 keep in clock all} the latent and at improved Coffin* and Ca*kU, and have every facil ity for properly conducting tbi* branch of my bu*inen. I have n patent Corp*e Preserver, in which bodie* can be preserved for aconaiderabte length of time ljul9 tf W. R. CAMP, j, r Chas. H. Held, iClarlt. WntcbmabrrAJcnelfi Millheim. Centre Co., Pa. I At tlad.ot Clock*. Vtltbw M* Jewrlif of lit 1- Iho Horoatlllo P. tool Cvlaadat: Clock*, ~rcrrtd*d wllh a corns l*tc ioiV i at ISa noaW I, •n**Oollkboatlid twl on lu loo*, a loch la .rr.-.w.l * * porloct thmlofir. Clark*. W*u-hc*aa4J**aliT coMlrad oo abort ao ao wl nirt.u* ms."G. GUTELI US; Dentist, Millheim. Of.ra bk rratMilaM I witWolo llu poMh. 11l I* pcoparod to perform all opnwUoa* la Ibo OaAtaJ pro j I no. ton. Ho It a fatlj preptrad to aitmrl teeth a hoc la I i ollhoal palo _ m>!*l \T T M. P. M'M AN US, Attorney at-law { 11 trciicionte. Pa. Office with Ja* tlcManu*. e*U- JSju'lf GRAHAM <fc SON Have the exclusive sale in Bel'efoate Edwin Hurts' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. 8 WIDTHS, the , >is3i S)I©S3SJ3 3h© Viopltd. 'I WHOLESALE a RKTAIL DEALERS IK CalfSkins, SOLE LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS All Kinds of ('ußtoni Work Made To Order. ltn.hop Sircet, BELLE FONTK, PA "JO may if. U r V \YI 1 1 Hbil one aud half dor.wn of the 1-4 f" bt'Ruutul now l t.ii.uioi, in French oil color, ever ©cn for #1 00, They arc mount oA IbKrIO blnck onaioffil nd sold mstn. oval opunUic and OuUell Rnythintf now before the public. hatlfc tlon Two Mtnple* for SScentn. or all for ;>0 centa. Send in cent• for krand Uluulral.Hl catmlofue with rhroiuo of Moon!l*ht on the Khine. or 90 cU for two leßndßCßpeß and Calla Llllea on black arrt>aad J. LATH AAI A CO. 41# #ahlurton Boatou M I Wo print envelopes as low a* $1 per 'thousand. Send us your envelopes. We .print letter heads, nnd statement* a* low !h $1.26 per 1000, when perron* find the [paper. Thi* is lowdr than you can get it done for in. the city. I I FOB SALK.—A now Golden Tongue 'Organ, warranted. Will bo sold very low. Inquire at this offics. tf. tiniioaii druwmi! JtJ " T !"buger*, luring purvhe-erf ibt Drug More n Allegheny io-lle. I font \ neki to the b*rdw rtl-'r of flicks A Urn , h* Hocked end tiled u Ml with fill the moat popular e~~~.,.~ WM .,. I linn I mini ai 111 iwino | DKUO.S A MEDICINES. j r- "ODE MIC ALB, I'BRFCMEKT* - • ; SOAPS, COMBS AMD BRUSHES, : : TRUSS KB, BUFPOBPIS, BRACE.*'; t.. FANCY AND TOILET ~..; j ARTICLES, Ac,, Ac.. Ac. j • mmi.IHI IIMIHW MIHMM Promt Medicines, Alcohol, pare Win* na Liquor, (or medical purposes only, 'hy.iomn a preemption, carefully com. •ounded end order* answr.<i with ear* >nl dispatch. Farmers and Physician* ">m the country will find onr stock of dcdi'inm complete, warranted genuine nd of the beet quality. ThU Store will remain under the direr. ■n of the accomplished drank* and harmaciit heretofore connected with it, Ir. H. M Harrington. and we reepeetfu I - * solicit the euitom of our (Hands and he old palroni of theetore. S. T 4HUOIET Forks House f~ PERRY srOVEB, PBOP'E. The Pork* Ifuuta, at Coburn station, ie raw and commodious, and Is kept ia beet nannrr. lied and board eeeond to none n tha county. Subline for 30 borws*. Aa a lunnir reaort * will be fonnd all hat ctld be desired. right la the heart of food fishing and tuniing grounds, end orroucded by the moat romantic icenery. I no* y ~X '.tan totamenury on the eelele of George f Monk irk, leu of Centre Hail, de - eased, Laving been granted to the uader tgned, ell person* indebted to aaid eeUte are required to make itnmediaU payment, •nd those baring olnime againet the eaaee to present them, duly authenticated by law fur settlement MAKTBAP. ODENKIBE, JOHN ODKNKIRK, octal Biseleie. HIBSMANS' HOTEL, 41LROY, PA. The bad I able and bar, nnd sxcellent Uabiing for aoraaa. ft Alro a flat retort for • ummer boarder* Bow to depot, and daily ttage* © Centra county. Charge* natonabie. JOHN F. POTTER, AUSMMI " _„U* UaUmetaaaeromeUr mads*a*d maaiai • • •. BUM at vow to Iboaa l,** toe laada *MMm tor Mia. a ill Araa mm mm* barn *iba|wliiiaii* bo. a. *ura#o Ac UL to th* dtowmS. awrthjadao* M*.l* 100 baa paivHd. Maw lmE3Bb aaalaa. taaajcb uTlmuxuh aad mjac .ta afo. GIVEN A A PREMIUM STEEL ENGRAVING, ' •"•"I y —-TtTrit fwtar Maau. CM) amnl .'burr* llari (jTI u-mUu total tor It oawto -ia|il Hi firm saovtoa ra# JLaSKtoTOk Nmolis"rlHf. # Vila! caakaaaaar Doproaatoa, a weak aibaaWaU toaUaa. a* oa.rar ar noaiaaa : UM aaaada at Mf Ml Ow otk. fndiarroUaa OrtaaaMto Ot aaae w*U oaa iba a mm a I u carae to Humphrey's Horaeopuibic Specific No. 28. _ It tba fai. otofM Ika Oraia aai'mtoteaatoalSa eadee fmm. Baaa aaad < ot* aaan wit* partoa* aaaaatofo tosaa tJ. uj ta Qaa far,. rvioo. *l |Hr aaagto vtol,' ar a*.a* ear |ne*aaa at iradala mm* MM' ttol -at ante. Baal U| nalt aa aamto* a* prtoaT Aoiaaaa Hxaubnn' M<<ao<.paU.u Matortaa tawpaay. to* I aßaa a*. Xra York. Baw.|. /?* n,n>ia>H aataaaßr anwaß to IBaar ttaa na* V / / /•* aaa ba mmdm to Utoaa laaalbi to aau \ / / / aaaafoltbar aaa, la aar ear* rf tba tCaTtL r > aaarlnraaal^aiTT 1 * *"!£ lab Ml Bar waak to year mm towa torn aaal aa* toaautoaliai —ar atobl Yaa aab (to I* vbcOr n la iba work, ar aatr rawr aeara aianw ti aoalr aoUUaa to UT Iba k aaa aar Tarww mm* B* Oauu fraa. A tdroa. a* aaaa H Itotol t Ca. ParUaac fantoad. Hatoa BBk Harness, Saddles, &c. Tlbe u Umldßwl, In BMMMI tlm pMHtM' ttomaaU tar lawar prloaa. i I HQ I HfnH* aaUa Uathba uaa ml tba eabtto to hlnlnk at SADDLERY roa a*oro4 al tbaaU akaaA llulriit aaynflW tor iba enyli mm* tba ilwai. tbalaawaitawi naa* aaatoe t 1 i -:bi ifU l ggportnVSl (rf SnAnMSu lirMloa. .1 w, laH|ina aa4 aaaltor, Wkto aw* ~ rm i v I 1 \ tlnal rtoaartoamba toaam- It GoLD.§^s^ ! ! fanlir pabbcattoa to tba_aaM. Ay aaa oorAa ■! ait ctoaa frwo to aaSaaHbaaa. Ik|tolCa to tbat alaM ijiia< aabaartbaa Oaaaoaw* ro iMsri. makiae *ar *W to a waak. A la4r agoaa mm I >ar*a laktoa miio BW aabaartoara to toa Aar* AO wba , oaaaaaiaako arnaar foot Yaa aaa Batata aB fpar 'iTHamlr. |u aa aatl aaMbara. Katl pamaatora. einrl.aa aa4 unaalraa. riinial *WI h|hiH-I ITiiillfrii rr~ 1 waal*i>U aara asaß aa yaar aßSraaa al aaaa. noa Butblac *e irj Iba haaiaaaa aa aaa wba aa car- Centre Hall Hotel. JOHN SPANGLBR, PRC PR. FirO-clnn aecommodntion for gste. lied atnbling for hornaA Stage* nrrivo nnd depart every day for all potabt. C. T. ALXXAXDKE. & M. BOWBB 4 LEX AN DEB A BO WEB, At i.anaaa'i baiMiae. arßHtf Dr. roRT.NET Attorney at Law Bellefoate, Pa. Oncoovarßey- I owlda bank. may I4"w f~L-SPANGtiR. Atloruoy at Law Si a Con*ultatiotM ia Kngliah and Ger -1 man. Office ia Furtt'n now building. PENNSYLVANIA IM7 Pbiladtlpbia and Erie Railroad DtvMoa. SUKKXX nil TABUL Oa aai after srWDAY. Marts, an. *be Wtoa* aw tbo Pbliaßwlpbla A krta BaUraaß Dtrtotoa rll ma a laUawa: wmmrsD KlUßMAiLtoavaaPbUaßaMbla' Og|B " jbnlay* iSib : EsSSr sS:i 1 ~ " Eaaora Mtoaa* crratKrto ißta fKIAUARA KX toara* nuto. TMato - |5252 iS:s I'AST LINK Irarea PkUaßalabla Utoam ll.iitokwa {•*• : iSi! BAST* A lU>. PACIFIC VX leaver Lock Haem WUliawaiwrt SMA " Maalaaiia • ar-ai Haulil an lilia PbllaOatobia l*|a DAY EX. leaver Rrnova MMaaa Uot Havea Ulia WUliaawaert, Ufa MaatoaAaa ' l*a : RRIR KAIL toavas Kaaowa ** • - ullZ • Mwunto lk gam " fmSS FAST UXK toavaa WUltomafort Uiia arrat Harrriabarw INia arret PbtladSSfo _ _ aw KrtoMaU Woe* Xiaaaj* Ki WaaA Uok Ham Aa voavuiuOaUaa Wool aaad Dajr Kxarom bataaaa atoae floratoltoaal Notlkiatolw*wSkliAßOi Smdaa tor Wltkrabuvr and Bcraoloa. _ Krl# Mall W nat, Xiaaara Kx. War* tad mi* Ex. Wast and Irwk Haven Aecnmmil.ltoa Wato make -laeeOMßeoUoa at WllUiieaiwirt wttb M O If tralaa north. • Rrta Mall Wart, Niagara Kxpreaa Waal, aaa Dar K . Kaal wake cloaa cunnvctioa at Look Havra wttk B ■ V RK trains. Kne Mall Kaat and Wcat ooaaaet at Xrla wttb toalaa UIM S KK. at Com with O O A A V RK. al im r ia Wllh USYtr KR. aad at Pvtflwaad wtlb V V RK. Parlor ran will ran batwaau PklladatpbU aadVU oa Xiaaara Kx. Waul, Krto IxTWaat, PhUa tlr!|>hia i xpreaa SaeAand Day Kx. Baal and Bandajr Kx. Kaat. (i ewarai BaaaetntoaOaait Regular train* run from Spring Mills *lnce Monday lait, IE Train arrive* al Spring Mill* at 1.40. noon, and IMYM Spring Mills for Lewisburg at 210 p. m Same train at Coburn (Fork*) arrlVw at 1.00, and leaves at 2 46. THE BEST OFFER ! J Wo will sell during these hard tiuass ' SIOO And all otbar atxloa la Iba mm* pin* II 111 a, lr Madia ' liraail, and rprt*ht---all nam and Biat atom-• •old dlraci to the peopl* at fi*ot|Prtom. Ba agwato ; noisHninlmiooa; no dkaoCHiata. Thaaa Piano* anadw ono of tlia Sneat dUplara at tba C'aalonnUl KxblbtUon > Mid Wttro unanimoualj rooommaadad tor tbo Hlpbaat > Honor* Rvxularly tnoarporatod Maaiafarliailas tie. - ...XW Manufaotorv- ona of tho laiamt aad ibaat ia I the world. The Ktiutrea contain Matbaabak'r new (latent Duplex Ovwratraaa Scnle. the a i eel ret irn r provnnient iu tba hutory of Ptaao maktoa The I'p e rlahu are the tlnoatln Amortoa. Pianaa aant aw trial. X Don't fail to write for Illustrated aud DeaertpUrw eat- I alopue.- mailed free. ;■ MiiNDKLSSOHN PIANO CO., '• 20sep y No. 56 Broadway, N. T. iCHRONICBBa l chaaerr of tbir book ara at libetiv to aaawWtMaawtbar In peraoa or b> inail frwa. Prteo lap ■all Kato law MandM-d nditton. or BUS for tba Pwpalai omStow. which contain* all tbo aamv matter and JUeatoaSMWa. , Contesi# tablet fro#. Afceou wanted MOKRAT BILL I'UIU.ISHIXIi CO., IV Kaat IMb St. B Y. Saetdw f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers