The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 08, 1877, Image 2

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    t HMAI
Centre Reporter.
Ckstbb Hrlij, Ta., Nov. 8, 1877.
Vox srraxM* jcimik
JOHN TRUNKKY, of Venawgo.
*o* AffniTOß OKNIRAt.
"WM. P, SCHKLL, of Bedford.
Cot. A. C. NOTES, of Clinton
nistalCT attormt.
Hjyea has gone to Virginnv and
Cameron don't go to England. Let Hay. s
resign and CameAn get religion, his
sands are so nearly run out, and ho may
not be ready to go on a miaaion to that
<other court.
Making a fraudulent preaident doe*
not halp worth a cent to carry stale
elections—Vide,Ohio. Nsw York, Penn
sylvania, Ac. Let Hayes resign— both
republicans and democrats are willing
that he should step out from the place
that honestly belongs to Tilden.
Ifthe Raglish mission were not si
ready filled by the appointment of John
Welsh, we would have suggested to his
Kraudulency the appointment of Col.
Wm. T. Wiiaan. of liellefonte, chairmau
of the repub state committee. The Col.
had strong hopes that the state would go
radical and deserves something for his
faith— besides there ia nothing for him
t.. do since last Tuesday. There is a
great deal in faith to make things run
successfully, it is much better than aoll
*.>ap ou a railroad Uack.
The appointmeut of minister to Eng
land has been made by President Hayes,
olin Welsh, of Philadelphia, is the
lucky man. So then, the Cameron's
have bsan ahoved aside notwithstanding
the father waa unanimously recommend
ed for the place by the Penn'a republi
can delegation. Mr. Welsh is a promi
nent Philadelphian, and has been identi
fied with all the interests of tho city
waa one of its leading business men and
Itenr* an excellent reputation.
Sow, then, let the Cameron clan
commence anew to howl. Hayes is a
fraudulent President, and old Simon is
one or the moat corrupt public men in
the country, and not fit to represent
the United States at the Court of St.
.lame*. We suppose this completes the
rupture of the Pennsylvania republicans
with the president whom they seated by
The fact is, the way the tiling is run
ning is about this.- Hayes is trying to
bnltdoie hia party and the party in turn
is trying to bnlldose Hayes.
Making a fraudulent preaident will be
the death ofthe republican party.
It will be interesting to the readers of
the Reporter to know who the new
minister to England is. We find his
record in onr dailies as follows:
Mr. John Welsh is a Philadelphian by
birth, seventy-two years old, and comes
of a staid, old-fashioned commercial
stock. His father, the late John Welsh,
removed to this city from Newcastle,
Delaware, in 1786, and was, for a long
period, a leading man in the mercantile
affaire of this city. John was born in
1805, and, with his brothers, Samuel and
William, received a business education
and personal training at the hands of
their father. The sons were admitted
as partners by him until advancing years
led to the withdrawal of the original
head. In 1834 a new firm, under the
title of Samuel A William Welsh, was
formed, tbeir place of business being at
No. 50 South Wharves. John Welsh
was for many years a member of the
firm of Dulles, Wilcox A Welsh, who
were engaged largely in the dry goods
business on the north side of Market
street, between Third and Fourth streets.
At the death of his father, in 1854, John
Welsh rejoined his brothers, the present
firm now consisting oftbe three brothers
and John Welsh, Jr., a son of William
Welsh, the junior being admitted Feb
ruary 1,1857. They are now located on
Wnlnnt street, above Third, where they
continue their business of importing
from the West Indies on commission.
Their interest in the West India trade
i* probably larger than that ofany other
firm in the city. Mr. Welsh, though at
times prominently before the public in
various capacities, has never taken part
in politics. He served at one time as a
member of Councils and now fills the
presidency of the sinking fund, which
position he has retained under both par
ties. In June, 1863, he was made a
member of the Fairmount Park Com
missioa and ia chairman of the finance
committee. For several years he has
been president of the Board of Trade,
and directly after the organization of the
North Pennsylvania Railroad Company
was its president for a short period. He
is also a director in the Philadelphia
Bank and one of the trustees of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania. The name of
Mr. Welsh haa, on many occasions been
associated with matters of public benevo
lence and worthy public enterprises. He
was chairman of the executive commit
tee of the Board of Managers of the great
Sanitary Fair, which opened in
June, 1864, and was so successfully con
ducted as to realise over a million dol
lars. His crowning work in the dty
from which be ia now publicly called for
the first time aas in his presidency of
the Centennial Board of Finance. Mr.
Welsh was unanimously chosen presi
dent of that body at its first meeting, in
April, 1573, and as unanimoualy re-elect
ed at each subsequent meeting. So dili
gent, faithful and able were bis labors {
towards making the Exhibition worthy
of the year and nation that the citizens ,
of Philadelphia last winter presented j
him with a testimonial of $50,000. This
testimonial fond, which was raised by :
subscription, was, according to the wish <
of Mr. Welsh, devoted to the endow-
inent of the "John Welsh Professorship" <
in the University of Pennsylvania. In '
his social and religious life be has been (
as exemplary as in bis business and pub- 1
lie career. He has been twice married *
and is now A widower, his family con-
Misting of four sons and four daughters. g
He is a member of the Protestant Epia- j
copal Church, aud was one of the j
founders and largest contributors to p
the Protestant Episcopal Hospital. t
A Lonanaa indeed, it makes one wish
lo ( be a share holder when you read of
the diviea. Tire Virginia City Evening
Chronicle, of Oct. 24, gives it thualy :
The dividend! declared aad paid to
date by the bonanza companies amount
to $54,000,000. Of thia amount the Con
solidated Virginia, Company haa paid
$34,000,000, and the California Company
Senator Jones and Sharou of Nevada
ibold the largest interests in the above]
guinea. i
There are muttering* of a fierce etorm
in tho republican chrnp. The fcllows
that atole the Presidency are on the eve
of a deadly conflictwith the man who
occupies tho stolen scat. A Washington I
special, of the Times of Ist inat., draws
a picture of the approaching cloud, and
writes that there are indications on nil
aid that tlie struggle between the ad
ministration and the Republicans in
Congress i near at hand. The coming
contest is seen in tho executive amnions
of tho Senate, in the drift of matter*
among members and in conversations
among Senator*. In executive aeeahn
to-day the young Pennsylvania Senator
was very solicitous that lite postmaster
ships should bo gotten rid of, and a Isn't
thirty or forty of his appointments were
confirmed. He seemed particularly
anxious about them. It was remarked
on the floor of the Senate that Don'a eon
duct indicated that he was clearing his
decks for action. The Democrats gener
ally believe the tight ia near at hand.
and that it will be beyond the power of
the Preaideut to remove or suspend an
officer under the civil tenure of office
act, which provides that any person
shall be entitled to hold office during
the term for which he was appointed,
unless removed by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, or by ap
pointment, with the like advice and
consent of the Senate. During the re
cess of the Senate the President may ap
point or remove sn officer, but he mnrt
report the reasons for removal to the
Senate within thirty days after it con
venes and the Senate must concur in
such reasons. The anti-Hares Republi
cans say that the law is still in force, end
and that if it wa* effective in the days of
President Johnson it is effective now. ft
is probable the fight will begin in ID
initive session and not unlikely over the
New York appointments, which are *0
objectionable to Senator Conkling, who
is chairman of the committee to which
they are referred. The members arc at
a loss to know what General Butler
means by introducing a bill for the re
peal of the civil tenure act arbun be i*
known to be aa strongly an anti-Hayes
man as any of the member*. I'onkling
has thus far indicated to no one w hat he
would do with the New York appoint
ments. but he is understood to have a
pretty firm hold on the commerce com
mittee, and, of course, it is his desire
that Roosevelt for Collector and Prince
for Naval Officer shall not be confirmed
lie is not so bitterly opposed to MeiTitt
for Surveyor.
The gentleman appointed as minister
to England ia not Hon. John Welsh, but
Mr. Johu Welsh—there is quite a differ
More than SCO bills were offered in the
house of representatives on Monday of
last week. Of these we suppose 795 are
only jobs and of no interest to the peo
ple at large,'and if 799 out of the whole
batch fail to become laws we do not
think the people would suffer a bit in
The advantages of having a democratic
congress are plainly apparent to the
plainest taxpayer. Last congress the
democratic house cut down expenditures
amounting to a saving of 35 millions,
and had the radical senate not objected
the saving would have been <3O millions.
Last week democratic economy again
shoved itself by cutting down the army
appropriation some 5 millions.
Mr. Henry F. Tminor, who has for
six years bean engaged in investigating
the fraud of the Tweed Ring, was before
the Committee of Inquiry on Wednes
day. He stated that between the Ist of
January, 1868, and the Ist of January,
1871, about 130,000,000 were taken from
the treasury. Besides this there were
large frauds in street openings, street
improvements, etc., not yet investigated,
but which would probably swell the ag
gregate to $50400,600. Of the t&qJOt),-
000 not over fifteeu per cent, was a gen
uine charge against the city and county,
and if the ratio should hold good in the
millions yet to be inquired into, it will
appear that over 125,000,000 were actu
ally atolen. The Ring prosecutions have
coet the city already $104,000. Between
the lawyers and the rogues no great sum
of these millions will ever be recovered
to the plundered municipality.
Indianapolis, November 1. —Senator
Morton died at half past fire o'clock tbis
About noon Mrs. Morton and her anna
by her request, were left alone with the
senator for about an hour. Before five
o'clock it became evident that be had
entered upon his last hours upon earth.
He h/d rested tbe greater portion of the
day in a half lying and half aitting posi
tion. As be grew weaker the supporting
pillows were withdrawn so that he lay
prone upon the bed. Tbe silence in the
room was unbroken, except by an occa
sional question to the dying man. Once
when the senator exclaimed, "I am dy
ing," his sister-iu-law, Mrs. Holloway,
inquired, "You are not afraid to die,
Oliver?" He indicated no by awaying
his head. Soon after a similar exclama
tion, question and answer passed be
tween him and Dr. Thompson. At ten
minutee past five o'clock he exclaimed.
"I am dying; lam worn out," and these
were his last words. From this on it
was difficult to discover that life remain
ed. On the doctor's announcement,
"He is going," tne gaze of bis wife and
sons became fixed on the face of the dy
ing husband and lather, with now and
then a piteous look of inquiry towards
the doctor, until his further announce
ment, "It is over."
The widow clasped her sons to her, ex
claiming quietly, but in tones never to
be forgotten, "My darling boys." The
friends withdrew, leaving them for a
time, when they were tenderly led from
the room.
Mr. J a me* McCloskey, who read* <*i
High (tract. Lcck Hivtn, says tb CI.
Democrat, ha* had iU share of misfortune
recently. They have been suffering from
malarial Caver more or lest all summer,
and about a month since a wife of one of
tbe sons died. On Saturday night lad
death again entered Uis family and bore
away a beloved daughter, £mma. wife of
David Brown, son of D. L, Brown, Ei
Mr. Brown was in one of Use Western
States at tbe time of her deatb. On Ben
day afternoon, Thomas, a son, who was
switch-tender in the yard at Bcnovo, was
crushed between the bumpers of two
freight cars and instantly killed, fie was
on duty and was eoupUug two cars when
his foot caught in a "frog" which prevent
ed bis escape. A messenger wo approach
ing him, bearing the news of the deal*, ai
his sister, but before it reached him he was
a corpse. He was a married man and
Iftaves a wife aod owesohild. Atone time
he was employed on ,tM finoai at this
place, and once before wps ## employee of
| the railroad company, when be a
painful injury on tho head by tailing &<un
a freight car while it was in motion, 11 s
remains were brought to this city and the:
funeral of the two children took place yes
terday. Mr. McCloskey and family have
the heartlu* sympathy of their friends
and community t large in this hour of
LAST NOTICE. —Persons state
nad county tax, on duplicate in ?tiy iiAyds,
ere heneby notified that if tax is not paidj
until January court, next, the same will'
be placed is tbe hands of a Justice for col-'
lection. DEO. KOCH, <1
Collector for Potter/
Mr. Tilden arrived home l*t week
from hia European trip. Ho met with
a grand reception by hi* friend*. Ihe
following tinrte\Mhrt ftn-i n hi*
alluding to the prudential steal: J
"You are all swage of tho results of
>theconteskuf lit?#. [Voice* -'We know
von got robbed.'] No, I did not get rob
bod ; the people got robbed. It WM A
robbery t>f the deareat right* of the
American eitiaen. The condemnation
by the people of the greate>t political
crime in our hiatorv. by which the re
sult of the Presidential election of IST"
waa set aside and reverted, i* gen end
and overwhelming.slier aiter State-,
might afford to have the voice of New
York frittered away or its expression
deferred. It wold not change hiatorv ,
it could not alter the universal judg
ment of the civ'liaed world ; it could not
avert the moral retribution that ia im
pending. But New York herself cannot
afford to have her voice unheard.
"In the convene of tsTrt the federal
tiovernment embarked in Ibe conteat
with uncrunnlou* activity. A mem*]
ber of tlie Cabinet wae the head of e pur
liaan committee. Agent* stood at the
doom of the pav ofticee to exact contri
butions from official aubordiuatea. The
whole officeholding class were made to
exhaust their power. Even the artng,
for the tiret time, to the diagust of tlie
•oldiera and many of the officers, waa
moved about the country as an election
eering instrument. All tbi* * done
under the eye of the beneficiary of it,
who win making the air vocal with pro
feaaiona of civil acrviee rtforui, to tie be
gun after he had himself exhausted all
the immoral advantage* of civil service
abuse*. Public opinion in aome State*
was oierborne by corrupt intloencca and
bv fraud. But o strong waa the dee ire
for reform, that the Ifomooratic candi
dates received 4,300,000 auffragea. This
wa* a majority of the popular vote of
about 800,000; and of of the
while citixena. It waa a vote 700,000
larger than lien. Grant received in IST-,
and 1,300,000 larger than be received in
"Thestepfroiu an extreme degree °'
corrupt aburea in the election* to • sub
version of the elective ijltwn itoelf >
natural. No aooner wu the election
ovrr than the whole p* *>f the office
holding clsms. led by a Cabinet Minister,
was exerted to |>rocure, and did procure,
from the State canvassers of two Mate*
illegal aud fraudulent certificates, which
were made a pretext for a fall* count of
the electoral votes. To enable these of
ficer* to exercise .the immoral courage
necessary to the parts assigned to them,
and to relieve them from the timidity
which God haa implanted in the human
bonom as a limit to criminal audacity,
detachments of the army were aent to
! afford them shelter.
"The expedients by which the vote*
of the elector* chosen by the people of
these two States were rejected, and the
vole* of the elector* having the illegal
and fraudulent certificates were counted
and the menace of uaairpation hv the
President of the Senate of dictatorial
power over all the question* in contro
versy , and the menace of the enforce
ment of his preteuded authority by the
army and navy, the terrorism of the
business claase*, and the kindred meas
ure* by Which the false count wa* con
summated, are known.
"The result is the establishment of a
precedent destructive of pur whole elec
tive system. The temptation fo i{jo*e in
possession of the Government to perpet
uate their own power by similar meth
od* will always exist, and if the exam
ple shall be sanctioned by success, the
succession of government in this coun
try will come to be determined by fraud
or" force.
I "The magnitude of a political crime
I must be measured by its natural and ne
! cessary roasajnencea. Our great repub
lic has been the only example in the
! world of a regular and orderly tran-fer
of governmental succession by the elac-
Itive system. To destroy the habit of
traditionary respect for the will of the
people, as declared through the electo
ral form*, aud to exhibit our institution*
as a failure, is the greatest possible
wrong to onr country. It is a greater
crime against mankind than the usurpa
tion of Dec. 'J. ISSI, depicted by the illus
trious pen of Victor Hugo. The Ameri
can people will not oondoiu* it nnderaoy
pretext or for any purpose."
This protest of Mr. Tildeu. at once
calm and energetic, will be laid to hgart,
and not forgotton, by the American peo
Great Uneasiness at C< ustuutluople.
London, November I.—A dispatch from
Bucharest says Ike Russian troops around
Plevna are estimated 160,000, together
with 50 seige and 500 field gum.
A dispatch from Erjeroutn says the siege
of Kars has opened. The gsrrison, which
i consists of 10,000 men, is well provisiofitj
and has plenty of ammunition.
It appears from a Bucharest telegram,
dated last nigtit, that an effort is being
msde to gain possession of the Plevna and
Behove road.
The Roumanian fovea. which has b'en
stationed between the rivers Vid and !-
kra, yesterday made reconooissanee along
the Danube in tbe direction of Jtabova.
At Vadeni tbey found a Turkish detach
ment occupying some earthworks.
A Roumanian report states that after a
brief cannonade tbe Turkish msgizins ex
ploded, and the garrison retreated in the
direction of Rahovs. Two companies of
Roumanians occupy the radochL
A special dispatch Irom Vienna to (he
Times says the uneasiness at Constantino
ple about Ghazl <> man Pasha's army is
by no means groundless.
[ New York. November L—An ovening
paper ray* one of ill reporter*, xlmncing to
be on his way down tows about eight
o'clock thia morning, encountered A.
Oakey Hall leisurely drolling along with
a traveling wrap on his arm and looking
exceedingly well
Ho laid ; "All there can be tosay about
the mode of my leaving is that no person
whatever knew of it directly or indirectly.
With the strange absence 'ring troubles'
had nothing practically to do. Of course
there had hpen a great (train upon my
brain and will power during the six years
in which these troubles tare been upper
moat in tbe public mind,
"I have now bad six months' rest, and,
really the first during twenty years of pro-j
fessional and noiitical conflicts I have no
right perhaps to dispute with old constitu
ents whether I am eccentric or not, or was
an iodi&rent or careless official or not,
but so long as y brain will held out, 1
shall refute every attempt La make it ap
pear that a former mayor of tbis grcn.'.
city deliberately planned and carefuily
eiccuted and profited pecuniarily from I
criminal conspiracy."
On last Friday, about noon, says tho
Telegraph, Mr. John Zellers, of Lewis*
burg, lost a barn by fire, on the old Man
sion fsyiu in East Buffalo Twp. Mr. Geo.
.Smith is hie tenant, who it seems, was en
gaged in threeiiiag with a steam iVoher,
which stood between tiu hyrn destroyed
and another building in which U.S Jj)*esh
ing was being done. While at dinner tiu|
barn was noticed on Ore, it having caught
Vtf the second floor, likely from spnrks
from steamer, and they bad barely
time to ijy live stock. Everything
else in the building yt r destroyed—farm
ing implements, grain, *4,, fe. Mr.
Zellers had n insurance ofsl2Uo' on liar,i|
and contents, liarn was worth about
r - Bnitth had nn assurance of
SWIV hi* Implements, grain, <kc.,
which lose. Both insurances
are in the tewvgfs of Danville.
Five Persons Kil e: und a Number
llidgeway, Noremher I.—A collision
occurred on the Philadelphia and Erie
rgilrouy ,one mile east ofhere this morn
ing ijboijtly sjfyf seven o'clock between
the day express oast and first section
of the Empire freight woit. Tim front car
of th# sxpret# train rolled down tlm bunk'
• nil to badly wrecked, the occupant* till |
etonping crioti* It jury or .death, Hothj
englpei wont down th" bank and urn al
m>t n total fcreck. Hut four of llio
freight cnra wore badly tlimged or thrown
from lh ttaclf, Mr Colling leafe* nine
children, Hhearei a wife and throe or four
ohiMron, Slrphrn'i wile and iwn chll
ilroA nti.l Gallagher n wlfn. Farrell tm
llm only tingle until killed,
Tim circuimtancet leading to tlm acci
dent iiro tubitanliaily iliete .• Tim freight
hud onion to run to Kidgcway rogardlet*
omhe exprett; exprett ordered not to pat*
Rnlgewav until tlio arrival of tlm freight
lUn hint; Hi 'gen ay and nut hearing the
freight approach, tlm conductor on th# ex
pre*# directed the tuguicnf Ivj puli up to
the ear! end of the tiding, k dlttahee of
about k fourth ola utile, into.,ding, alter (
the freight had taken the kidiug, to pull
•ut, (hut ravin* t lie time required to run
from the a u>t to the on it end of the tiding
llm engineer itarted the train, hut for
komo unknown reatou did not U>p at di
rected, tlm train# meeting about a quarter
of a miie further eatt. Tlm conductor of
the cxproM commenced taking up ticket/
at toon at the train had left Kidgeway.
and did net know that the eait end uf the
tiding had been reached until the collision
occurred Both Colling* and Hutler bad
Uecii on the road for about I'd year*, and
were cuiitidered unuaually reliable men
An attocialed preaa ditpaleb ayt : The
killed in the ditatter are Calvin Shearer,
engineer, ltciiuva, Penny Ivutiia ; William
Colling*, engineer, Kane, Penntylvania ;
Morrit Knrrell, fireman, Emporium, Penn
tylcank* ; William Steven*, brakemen.
Lock Hat en, Penury Ivania.
Fatally lujured William tralligher,
tirenian, ltenova, Pennsylvania, limb cut
off; William It Miller, brakoinan. Read
ing. Pennty Ivania, luub broken twice.
Pattenger* injured -A. <i. Gray, Erie,
Ptnnaylvania; J. M'Crea, Cleveland.
Ohio ; timer Campbell, Kane, P entity Iva
nia ; P. C. Oytler, Kidgeway, Peiitnylva
nia, alt tligbily.
The Watchman *y*\ The aalen
•ivo tannery belonging to Mr. Jatnea L.
Soiuuicrvillo, of lhi place, situated at the
intersection of th ll.ld Kagla and Sou*
Shoe Railroad., jul above Milesburg, *li
totally destroyed by lire on Thursday,
evening. Oct. IHth, including a con*idere|
bl* quantity of tides and bark. How thej
Are originated we do not know. Whether
it caught accidental!*, or was the work of
an incendiary, will perhapa never he
known. Th*re was considerable insurance
on the properly, which will wake Mr.
Uonitncrviiie !> irn than it would
otherwise have been. At Aral it was
rumored that the insurance had eapirod
and had not boeu renewed, hut this
I an not correct, a* are are glad to aay.
Phila Nov. S.—Klour quiet; superfine,
t; n.rii It U\ Pennsylvania famity 66H(4i
T. Wheat aleady; amber, I 42<A1 46; Pa
red 1 43; white I4b Corn quiet; yellow,
mi led, bOfuatilc. UaU quiet; Pa
j white Jki<>(Httc; wealern do U(<|ll?c; we*l-
I prn lulled, S3(tfii4c. Kve steady t TIV
I Petroleum nominal rrfinea li>i(s2Stc.
Cincinnati. Ohio, Nov |.-The Krquir 1
er publishes repotla froto a targe number
| of place* in Ohio, Indiana, lllinoir, Mich
j igaii and Kantuckey which indicate that
there ha* been a very general Prevalence.
{of hog cholera in thuae .Stale*. Tba di-
I ini* in tome localities be* been a regular,
) .courge, cauting fat were a heavy lo. hut'
moat report* Hale that it ia now rapidly
I dying
■*■ '■ -
Washington, October 144.—Tha dcpar(i
tneniof state hat received • dispatch front;
the comniercial agent of the United State*
at St Paul de L*i*ndo, announcing the ar
rival at that placo on the *2lst of Augut,
on board the Portuguese wan of war Rio
I'a&;rg,f Stanley, the African etplor-
He har discovered itu p/ tJ,?
Congo, which he prove# to be a oooun„s
--tion of the Lualaba. He ha* traveled
through a country hitherto unknown* to'
the civiliied world, inhabited by tribe*
who for the moat part looked upon bim
elf ami bio copipa.njop* a* wild beail* fit
only to bo killed. Ho pa'wd |fly-*evgn
cataract* on tbo Congo, sbor* which Iba*
river ia navigable for large vessel* for
2.000 mile*.
After parting all the fall* below Yt-lla'a,
hi* company being iick and dispirited, he
•truck acruas the country, and io Ave days
arrirgd at JJstna, whore be met EngnrL
and PortugUMO trader*. Prom Kama be
wa* taken to Coboudg on an Rnglilh
tearner, where he wa* received on thai
Portuguee man-of-war above mentioned.
Hci* accompanied by 115 native*, all that
ara left of a company ot 316 with which he
aet out frfini Zanzibar. Nothing could ex
ceed tbo kindn tit toward the great travel
er and hi* uompeny by tha oflccr* pf the
Rio I'amvga and thu anlire Porluguc.c
official* and po>pl# of L'-aodo.
•'Umjuestionahiy the beat sustained work
of the kind in the World."
Notices of tbe Press
Tb# ralarsa Msgsslaa. rtW law t#a On,arm Ma
origlaal ml*of U* No* Moathl, Haa,ttia „u s<H
Is Ua laaat slnttod lbs popclsrlt, II TO# at Us eat
est. bol has added to II la nua, oars sad ka* k*i>i
fslrl, abreast of Us Uaw. ibsoka to tb* anta'pria*
sf Iks publisher* and ihalsrl sod nladiMß af Its adl
to rn akstaTsr la boat sad am* rsadalila la tb*
litorslur* of Irsral, dlaorar,. sad Acttoa. lb* arorsga
alar of to-da, looks to llsrpor'a Magatloa, ,a*S as
asLa.*a-i;-lr a* did tb* reader of s ausrkar of a ,r#oia
1 us VdJil ii lb* asm* admirable rsrtola "f a
tools and iboaLwa f-awhoas# sad aaggsaSlTaaaM ia its
sdtforUl dapsruaodia tf Ibaa.- -Boatoa Joat
Postage free to ail Subscribers in the Uni
ted States.
Usartk's Msnsxiat, na* ,*ar. ...gsa*
04 iS prps,roaat ot U. B. posts** !>, lbs
1., , u . w/'l Muatbi*. Wookt,, sad
Baser, to on* address To* OUT laSI, flu.'te or 100 of
Usrpor's Hortodtoals. to osa sddraas for * ftff. Fc
•P; p-ntag* fra*.
Aa kilrs l oi>r of alihar lb* Magasia*. wooUr m
Bstsr will b* soppllad grsll* for arar, I dab of flrt
Bubacrlbara of *< uu asck. paid for bp oa* ramlltooaa,
or. His ( opts* ooa ,sar, without astra cop,, for **>-
Hark Noaiban eaa b* soppllad st aa, tlma.
Tb* Volama* of lbs Magasln* rmamaae* wllb U*
Noaiban for Jon* aad Dsooaibor of aaok ,*at. whan
BO Ilia* I* aparlnad. II will bo oudarmtood that tb*
sobscrtbar alsbas to bap la wllb tb* romal Nan
-4 romntal* M of asrpsr'a Magssloa. now eom
p,talks J> yiouiaa. la a sat cloili hlndlo*. wUI b* seal
oFesapwas, Lk(gS4st aipaoaeof |,urcbaaar. for fl XI
per IIHUDUI, Hliik,* * ULO-IM b, malt, postpaid US to.
fcloth asraa. for UwissSnM b." mall, poatpsld
Anuaplata A nal,iu allndas t iAf X,V b - "'** "*l
ainaaof surprr'a Magatior baa baa a NiNilM, fsr
darloa arallsbln for rafarwora lb* *aat sad VtfUd
wealth of Informattoa wblrb cooslllola* this parlodl
ctl s pwrfa. I Illustrated lltolar, cp-lnpafk pa,
UloU. *a to. astf I air. at H. Hani poaug* propsM.
HubaarlpUutu racalrsd for asri-ar'i Periodicals oa-
Newspaper, are not to ©op, Ihia sdnrllaaatoai wllb
*l tbaasprsa* urdsrof usarsa A aaoTaaa*.
New York.
1878. NEW YORK. 1878.
At tbe lime approai he* for the re nrw a I
of uhteriptiont,Tll K HUN would remind
ilt friendt and wellwitbert everywhere,
that it ia again a candidate Iprilbeir contid
eration and tuppnrt. Upon in record lor
the patt ton year* it relie* for a continu
ance of tho hearty sympathy and gener
out co-operation which hat hitherto been
etUn£d to it front every quarter of the
Union' "
The DAILY ttoia ,t jj, f""r-page nhoot
of 28 columnt, price by mklt, 56
cenit a month, or $0 60 per year. ' '
Tho Hunday edition of 1 he Hun it au eight
pugethect of GO columnt. While giving
tho newt of the day, it alto contain' a
large amount of literary and inUcellane
odf&gtter especially prepared for it. Tbe
Humlay'ltu.. met witli great tucce**.
Postpaid sl. 'io a y>SM.
The Weekly Suu.
Who doe* not know Tho Weekly Hun ?
It circulate*throughout the United State*,
the Canada*, and beyond. Ninety tlioua- ]
and lanolin* greet it* welcome page* week
ly, and regard it in the lignt of guide, 1
counsellor, and friund, /( p.eyt, editor.- i
al, agricultural, and literary <L-|HUtuialit* J
make it eaaolilially a journal family and ]
iliu lire<ido Term* One dollar a year, i
pott paid Thif price, quality considered, ]
lllake* It the cheapest liewtpapcr puhli'h- I
ed. For club* of tun, with $lO cath, wo '
will tend an extra eopy free. Addre** 1
Bnovßt New York city. 1
I t
liialtnn IMoll lll how "a Man ('an
BF Horn When UP in Old."
Uiahon Bedell, of Ohio, tok M hi* leat
iln fourth vera# of lb* third chapter of ih
(lmpel of St John, "?< i. .>d*mua mftfi un
to htm, 'How cm * man ho born wjn-n lie
U old ? fart he ontor lb* rHK 'id lime into
hi> mother'* w 011b and ho l-orii V "
"Nioodemut," Mid ltiahop Itrdell, "car
ried to Jraii>|iuany of the religion* diftl
culliv* which Bill I perplea mine of tie. St.
John'* rv|<erl of the eonvrrtallon t ulwertt
Nir-nlemu* ami our 1-ord la vary brief but
1 think thill tt ia long enough to nplain
what Jeau* in rant Ttie two (|ue*|iona ar
tairig from thia alory which ara apt to
:trouble people are, How ara we to be borli
{ attain ' and, \V lial part are we to lake in
I ill a change? Wa know very wall the
source of till* change and the reaull. It
tieaiiia when we begin to believe in Je*u,
and it make* u> put our whole tru*t in
.1 hint and try to plea** him and be like him
! A mere wlllingliea* to aee the light la the
j bogiiiiilnjf of the change. Ltt u* take the
caae ot Nlcodemut fin went to Jeaua af
ter the (hade* ul night were fallen, per
pteiad by a ijuettion which >eerned to him
ilo be of great lm|H)rlance. lie kbowed hia
- jdoubta to Jetu*. The anawer he rn-otve.l
in reply to hia queationa he did not under
aland. Itul lliey fell like aeed into hia
r mind and aa he walked aluwly hack to hii
f houie, pondering over the atrmnge word*,
. 'Kxcepl a man be born again,' hi* mind
grew tomewhal lee* troubled though hi
' knew not what the raute wat. A* he a1
' in a chamber looking toward the rati th*
I aun rote, and at the dawn peeped in Hit
| window lie undertland* that when he en
. lert tho new kingdom of Cbrltt be I* bora
again and begin* a new life with Uod Th
teed work* to good purpoae in hit heart,
r fur the neit we meet him he ha* begun ■
new lit*
' It it alto Hiked, By what infallible <gm
1 thai! I know that tin* change ha* lakei
; place in ineT Thero are many tigna. 1
- ha* a tpiritual change, and accordingly
rnuit be aought for in the tuirit. Sceplici
' aay that good and eeil reault from rbangei
in molecule* of matter which make up iki
, pii \aical body, end thai a man U driver
t irreaialibly to do good or evil, and tlia !
change >n the moral part of men t-gptei
merely from a ihangr in hi* physical con
dition. Rut the whole tenor of*>ur Sa
, viour'a con vertalinn I* to convince u* tha
it it a spiritual change. In the lint piece
' therefore, thia change fhould be luught ir
our diapoeiuon. In the aecoud piece, thi
• rhauge will be known by it* effect*. Th<
dry leave* lying acallercd on the g fount
are whirled around by the wind which w<
do not aee. S<> we aee the effect* of thi
chenge, a* the dying leave*, but, tbi
k chenge iuelf i hidden from ua. Iteferi
e enter ng tha new life perpap* the raai
irutted in bimtolf alone : after, he put* hi
confidence in Ood. If before be waa tel
* J fiah and cared only for bimaelf, be no
r, jtriea to comfort tor rowing u en and to bel|
ilhem in their ditre*a aa Je*ua did. H
j wat apt to eiCUae trnatl faulta and to thinl
"| little of them He ia now convinced of lb
r great era* ol hi* am, and hi* thought* ar
if icoiitunily turned in on* direction—hot
;he can piea* Uod beat, and aerv* bin
Tin* new life. lo, I* a life which centres!
on Jeu You will not have to read this!
story without perceiving that Jesus direct* j
the thought* of Nicodemuton himialf a*i
the Saviour. Rota* a haro or • a god-'
like man do*4>e present bim*lf. but a* a
comforter, one who ba* fell the aorrow. of!
mankind and desires u> relieve, oral laastl
,to share them. Tbia altitude make* the
a ul ot the man buret forth to Jesus, a* it
Mistrusts itself and cries, *Oh, Lord, help
then mine unbeltaf.' The change which
take# place i* one ot disposition and must]
; not be confounded with a change of ac*'
jlioa. A tbiaf m4y bacoma boncslora mi-1
ser generous from motive* of eelf-intaiast.,
, The generosity and honesty of one who ba*
entered the kingdom of heaven spring
' from motives which are vary different.
What is to be done to bring about Ibis
rbattge 7 That is the practical question.
Reap Jesus constantly before your eye* a*
a tpudal. Read about him. t#lk about
!bim. imitate bint. Follow in his fuoutaps;
as he want from door to door dning works
<>fcharity and love. He a Christ yourself
in your own smalt, imperfect way. L>
i you drurr to enter bis ktngdota ? Let m<-
reveal the truth to yo. The seed is al
ready swelling in your heart and the
change in your disposition ha* already be
gun. No man ever desired to attain unto
this new lift if the change was not already
going on. Hut, you say. supposing thf*
la be true, what am Itodo ? Ami Put to
be parried passively into the kingdom of {
heaven 1 If you were a dead and dried up j
loaf, to be blown about by every wind un* '
til at last you drop into suae nook where
the eddying wind cannot reach you. I
would say ye*. But as you are a man. 1
tell you to look at tbo course of a ship on |
the sea. Constantly atriviog to reach the ]
appointed port, her course changed, and
her tail* trimmed o at to get the greatest!
benefit from every shift of wind, the goe
on in spite of tna element*and, with God's'
help. Anally arrivoa in the port. 1 know
pf no fimile which describe better than!
this the life pf 4 pbrtytyn."
1 J I
The storm laat Friday did wriJeaprosa
damage in other parts. We have report*
of many veaaelx sunk or aahore along
the roast, and of diaatera on the octan.
■ I ■ nil ♦ • ' '
i I'm opt wishing tp advertise farm.,
*lm. Ac., *ri|! hear in mind that we ofiier
logivaa urcu n*,,a* circulation through
the Aaporlar on tbu tide the county, than
any otboi paper, and will fur et our pay if
this ia found not correct.
'V'OTICK la hereby gKen that the ac- i
i.v count of P Z. K line, assignee of Ira
V. Johnaon baa been filed in the Predion-j
otary't office in Centra county and will be|
•■respi ted to tbo court for confirmation at!
NoveusWr Term peat.
lnov3t Prothonolary. ;
ing account* have been examined I
and patted by me ami remain filed of rec-j
ord in tbia office for the inspection of]
hcirt, legatee*, creditor* and all other* in
any way intaruted *pd fill be presented!
to the Orphan* Court of Centra county on I
Wednesday, ibo 'iath day of Novomber,
A. I>. 1877, for confirmation and allow
1 The third acoountof Jamea 11. l'orter
■nd K C. Campbell executor* of Ac of
John Keeaman, lata of Penn towntbip, de>
a The account of J. M and C. H. Kap
hart executor* of Ac of Peninab Kephart,
late of Banner towntbip deceased.
tt Tne account of Samuel Oraroly ad*
minittrator of Ac of Bu*an Frederick, late
of<r*gg towntbip daceated.
4 The second and final account of Jacob
Bower, Jr., adminiitrator of Ac of David
Corman, late cf Maine* townihip deceat-
5 The account of John Irwin, Jr., guar
' dian of Marv F Campbell, one of the leg
lO/tesefU. B. Trexlyulny, late of Belle
! fonie"hornygj deceased.
0 The lupplemehtary account ot Bam
|ual Brown, surviving rxecutdfof George
, Brown, lata of Howard towntbip deceas
7 Tho second account oi Adam A Jona
than Stover, administrator* of Ac ofJacob
Stover, late of Ferguson township deceas
ed as filed by A dl,,n Sto ** r
8 The account af W- Singleton ad
ministrator of Ac of Ann Aingleton, late ol
Mutton township deccatod,
U Tbo final account of Michaol Kohenek
guardian of Franklin and Susan Schenck,
children of Frederick Schonck, late ol
Howard townihip deceaaed.
10 The firtt partial account of Richard
Cm ley ami Jeremiah U. Koan, executors
of Ac of Robert Koan. late of Benner
township deceased.
11 The first and partial account of Peter
Ut>y gnd Bapjamin Roush administrator*
of A of J a Job* Lw/, Jit? of Marion town
ship deceased. ' •
I'd The account of John Shannon admin
istrator oLAc of Jacob Meese, late of Pot
ter towntftp deceased.
13 The account of Samuel Gilliland ad
ministrator of Ac of Kxra D. Brisbin, late
of Harris township deceased.
H Th/a third partial account of Pater
JJ of >r and Darrjo K. Wolf administrators
of Ac ol Hon. is if Wolf, let# Of Potter
township deceased.
Ifi The amount of D. Parsons adminis
trator of At of Isaac Richards, latu of Hus
ton township deoesxod.
16 The partial account of Frederick
Kurtz administrator of Ac of David Ack
er. late of Haines township deceased.
17 The final account of J. P. Oopbart
nrlmtni-trator. de bonis non cum tostaiuen
to annexo, ol Ac of John It. Awl. late ol
■ be borough of llellefonta deceased.
IK The second partial account of E. C.
Humes and Adam lloy administrator* ol
Ac of James T. Hale, late of the borough
of HelrefuaW? e :o*ed.
WA hi. UVLCrFir.J.D.
nov I _ ' " 'fiHr+ist.
iWbirtu, IS* ll- liberies a. *•), j-rMlSwl si
h* ourl "I' "twatoo C 1..., Is th* Ulh Jadialal Ola-
I rial aoa.Ltiu. of lb* eoaaUM *f < aatf*. Cllaloa sad
I 'ssrasM. sad lbs lloaorable SMI Fraak. aailh*
Us. irs" Jsk" l>l—o, translated Jadas* la t Satr*
b* rosul* t Cairo. sad t* ••
Munda, of NOT. MAG lbs Mtb da* of Nor 1112,
ind u, continue to# "•**- . .. _ ,
Noll, a Is therefor* harsh, class to Us Osrsssr, Jss
last of lb* Paso*. Aldsoaaa sad I ssstoblsS sf lb,
M roast, ol Csalra. that lbs, h. Uoa sad Urn Is
UlrshsM Btrveas. si I# s'alsok la Us fwrvaaae at
Sill da,, with tool* raasida. In* aaluoas. riaauaa
tuns, slid lhali ©o rniai,'ir-s*a. to da that* Ula.
rhlcb So Ualr o*fi-a speartoias to ka dnas. sad Ibsss
rb'.sra boaod is rssoekl""*" U
ka prison*-* tkat si* or skill Da la Ca Jsll sf Caatrr
ouaWikalkaa sad IBaro to praaasWSo a*sluat tkaa
M uhAll b<* ju*t.
I— You mod not ncglnrt your buainail
when troubled with a couch on-old, II you
only uae a reliable roinody *1 <>noo I)r.
ltull'a Couch Hyrup la the beat r -mrdy we
know of I'riro only % rent*.
• •
- —'•Mlaflo-r'a,'' for Nuvniaber, baa
reached ur, and with It, an unutual f< at
of good Itxnga. Hlx of tho papera air
handaomaly illuatrated and all are amoni
the h< at rlTorta of favorite wrilnrt. Nc
family ikMM ba without thia Ilritclaai
periodical Harper A Hrr-a , Krankllr
Hi|uaie, Niw York'
The heathen are organUing foreign mit<
\ aiona for the conversion of Chrlatian*. Thi
' llindua of the tacred t-lly of Itrnarea havi
1 founded a society for (be propagation o
; Brahiuinititi among the Chriatlana of Aua
tralla An • tnineni Hrahmin of the nan <
, of Huradaibi, a man of great authority
WANAMAKER & BROWN raspeetfu'ly
KjEJJy Fashion! in • for Men ami Bo • wywr'
at'- ready. The great buildings- al
Bn ,| Market are rrow.led frotr. Up to
bottom with euch Clothing aa merit* tl.a
confidence of the people.
WANAMAKER A BROWN SCloth* as. . |V,^|
Caesimarea are, in many m*u.n r*. made
confine# itaolf ao e*clu*i\rly to the first
clam manufacturer* Indeed, a long and
mature experience ia necw*ary to know
just what good* to select and make up.
RnJJ5g partmant will be found full of fair tea
yMWiSF of every good kind, either Novel and
Fashionable styles or tha plainer and
more uaetul thinge. Talented cutlers, who
have been auccaaaful for years ia our
service, are in waiting to make garments
according to the ideas of the t pie >
are to wear the rood*. hand* me
employed to make up, and only good WjSIB
truuuung* used. *CaHsll
blade l>eparttnent ofler* every accommo
dation to thoae who do not cars to go
through the procsaa of maaeuratr.<nt Hie
m EBKFW atock in all DejusrtmenU for Men and Boya
ia immense and complete, and dw-a not wjjojHß
lack in atyla. workmanship or finish, *—riflFL"*J|
whila tha prices can ha {woven to be
nearly, if not quite. 25 cents on the dollar
lower than the market
and Youlhs' Clothing baa al wave been a RJ
well cared for and prominent feature of uC^BPtfc
lie buiinem AU # can b* fitted, wtd
the at viae are not ► jrpamed—the "fit*"
* have aiwaye been theaubjert of admiration
tie. and Ho*iery oountere enable tii. ir .
jmmsr cu*tomeff to get complete ootfite at more
ndvantageou* rate* than tliey expect *sss|MWj|
The Lnrgutt Cktiiag Hme !a America, "H
6th & Market Sts., Philatl'a, " " *
Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware !!!
Bellefonte, Peim'a.
Have juet rtctived and placed on Exhibition and Sale, at their Stores no lea*
Fifty-Three Varieties and Styles of Cook and Parlo* Stoves,
Single and Double Heaters, Portable Rangea, Ac., embracing nil the latest
improvement*, newest make*, style* and oovejtiii in the market, combining
all tha deairablt qualities, auch aa beauty, durability,convenience and econo
my. They have tneonly Portable Ranges that will bake in BO I'll OVENS
for sale in the county. ENTIRELY NEW.
Kvery Stove WARRANTED in every particular.
LOWEST PRICE nd satisfaction guaranteed.
Our stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads,
■oti PAINTS cad Dot bo excelled for Ttriety, quality And cheapness.
EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wishing to pur
chaae or not.
Special Bargains for Cash Buyers!
I2jul tf WILSON 4 McFARLANE, Hum*' Block. Bslhfsatt.
— r
Miive erected a new GRAIN ELEVATOR on tbair Coal Yard and are buying grain
in cash on delivery, for
Unloading is don* more eerily s>d more promptly than any other place in town
which makes tb* NEW KLE V ATO K the most desiranle place to sell grain.
Tb® ouly detlsra in Centre County ü bo soil tlu>
Wl Ii Li Ki E; Si lli A lti Ri E Ci 0! Ai L
from the old Baltimore mine*. Also
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly for house use. at the lowest prices
•••' i.l \
n la
which is always sold at low priced, asd wemnted to ba as good a fertilizer as an
other plaster. ,• nf ~
' ©??162
i|!if recently been visiting aufiieof the Kn g
i lith colonic*, and while travelling in
, Australia, wa appalled and grievat altha
i fearful |>rvtenca of drunkenness among
the Christian*. On returning to India be
called together a number tf thought/ill
Brahmins, to whom ha romgßinlcaled hi*
glowing rest *r. dc umn<htnf for the tal
atin of |}i<fir .1% faded fail#* men and
1 fellow •object* In Australia The only
' perfect remedy, he coneidered, would be
' the conversion of theso Christians to a bat*
" t<<r nd purer faith A large nun wa col
lected for the picu* and benv<ilunt enter
prlae, and inmt of the Brahmin* declared 1
o their willingnc** to devote themtelvea to
c the work, and to upend and he spent in
r thi* humai e and holy < aue. Kuradachi I*
now engaged in translating fitting passage#
r from ibe Veda* into tha KnglUh tongue,
. tfor the oae of the missionaries.
S. & A. Loeb.
We am telling-CAHPETS AX3O CTW
We are te lllr.g-CAKI'KT.S AT 30 CTH
W <i are telling-CA HPK7B AT 30 CTH
|We ara telling—c A KPKTfI AT 2S CTH
We are telllg-CA KPKTS AT 34 CTH.
W a araelling—CAKl'KTfi AT 34 OTH.
We ara telling-! NO'N CAItPTH at 30c
We are telling—l NG'N CAKPTS at 30e.
VI e ate telling—l NG'N CAKPT* atoe
We are telling-INGRAINS ATM mU.
We are telling—lNGKAl N# ATMeenU
We are telling-INUKAINS ATtteente
y ere eelling- Damnvk ball A tuii car"it'
We ere eelling—Dametk belt Aetairear'L
We are telling—Da mark hat! A ittir car'u
We are aellinr—Huperflne logmiri at 76c
We are telling—.Superfine Ingrain at 75c.
We are telling—Superfine Ingrain at 76e
We are telling- Tepeetry BrutteUatfil.Ol'
*teare telling—Tapertry Mruttelt alfl.d*
W'e are telling—Tapettry $1 00
W'e are eelling—Led iae Dolmen* el $2.50 1
W'e are telling—Ladiet' Dolmen* at s?.£*•
We are telling—Ladiet' Dolmen* at $2,60
We are telling— Ladiet' Dolmen* at $<7.00.
We are telling—Ladiet' Dolmant at $.1,00.;
We ere telling— Ledict' Dolmant at $3.00.
' W'e are telling— Ladieatrim'd katt tsl.oui
\Ve are tell in;—Ladiet irund halt el $1.0"
I W'e are telling—Lad iea trim'd halt at SI,OO
We are telling—Ladiet trim'd halt alsl,&u
I We are telling—Ladim iriui'd hataat 51..V
' W'e are telling—Ledim trim'd haU el $1,60
We areaelling— Ladies trim'd bats at $2.03'
We ere selling- - Ladiet trim'd beta at s'i.Ui
Wo are selling—Ladies trim'd belt at $2,0"
He are selling—Ladies Shoe* at sl,oo'
He are selling—Ladies Shoes at SI,OO
He are selling—Ladies Shoes at SI,OO
He are selling—Lsdies Shoes at $1,25
He arc selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,25
He are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,25
He are selling—lndies'Button Shoe*
at $1,50!
He are selling—Ladies' Button Shoes
at $1,50
fFe are selling—l.adiee' Button Shoes
at $1,50
He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents,
H'e are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents.
He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents,
H'e are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 etJ
H'e are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 cto j
We are selling—Spool Cotton at 2ctr
He are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cU
He are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cts
JFe are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cts
Ife are selling—N ew Spring Plaids
at' 1Q cenL
H*e are telling—Nev Spring Paidr
at 10 cents
H'eare selling—New Spring Plaids
at 10 cents
He are selling—Men's Plough Shoe?
at $1,25j
He are selling—Men's Plough Shoes
at 81,25
He are selling—Men's Plojgh Shoes
at 81,25
He are selling—Men's Gaiters at 81.50
jfe are selling—Men's Qaiter# at
He are jell jpg—Mep'p t §1,5(1
In fact wo are selling everything at
prices thst will convince nil that wo bavej
touched the very bottom-no trouble toj
show goods for the purpose of comparing
Stoves 1 Slows !
A fuil line of aI f kind# t.f Store#,
A full line of Tinware,
Hardware fr nil. G-aclifiuikei# ami
Mechanic# included,
m At the New Store of
"Farmers' Mills.' 1
j n.
Offer, the HIGHEST market price#
m CASH, oti delivery, for
Wheat. ,
Corn, Rye,
Oats, etc..
At the ah rc we!! known Mill.
Ground Piaster and
Salt olwais on hand a! the louett
r*l. 20 *ep tf
Cloth & Cassimero,
which I ata preparei to have made
up iu utiiu at Reniatkahlv Fig
cheaper than fan be bought
Market Street.
18ui..-n LEWISBURG, Pa.
By eaUtng at U* s d ttlra
tire bakery e-leOlithn.ct.i nf
to J. H. Sgg d.)
■ Opptwite the Iron Front <-u Allegheny
i --ireel where he lurnithri every day
, Perth 15 read.
Cake* < f all kind*.
l'i, etc., etc ,
Anything ar4 everything Wordlrg In
the butiner*. Having had Tear* f rtpr>
Hence in the l>u*ia=?e, he fiaiuvt himrelf
ihat he can guarar t* eaittUction U> ail
who may favor him win. their natron***.
30 aug tf JO>KP?I CKDAttS
IMt'URI'AH TO l !lA\ eXEK:-.
BUMtr .JTti, f*.
Hat been recently :! • ughly na.rtirJ
and repaired, arunder the u.*nage*nrni
of the New Proprietor. hi r. F. D. Mo.
COLLUM, -s PULborg, it firtu
elaia in ail Itt appointment*
Are offen d U> thoae in • 'l< r.daiu ■ at court
and othert remaining in town for a few
davt at n time.
The Jareett and to*i rptrldy Design" d
Hotel in Central Penary <
AU modem oonveuk.ut. Go try the
Buih houe.
19ap F I) Proprietor.
J P Wfifi®" 1
'RECEIVE DEPOSITS. a ml allow Inter
eat; Discount Netr? j Buy and
SeC GoverntneniSeeijniic*.
Gold and
Wit Wotr. W*. b. Mixku-k.,
! Praa't. Cashier
, No 6 BrockerholTßow.Bellefontc.ra
' 1 ** -
>} DojiWtm in l>ris.">, f hrmtrii!)*
PerftimoiT, Faaqr Goads dr.
| Purr Wines and Liquors for mrditr
5 Vopt mv *l. 72.
offers his services to the chiieo* f
Centre count* in
Usnso, ."in and Oruamcntnl
Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
>1 (mining
j Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Orders
respectfully solicited. Herat reasonable
apr tf.
Hardware Store.
4. 0. DEJNINaE*
A new, complete Hardware More ha
been opened by the undersigned in Ct
tre Hall, where be is prepared io fell al
kinds of Building and House burnishing
' Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tor cot. Snw,,
V\ ebb Saws, Clothes Hack*, a fill assort
ment of Class and Mirror 1 f.. l'icture
Frames, Spoil*, Felines a;..: V. .Is. table
Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks,
Locks. Hiajp -. Screws, Sa<h Springs.
| Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rod*. Oil* t
|Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Faint, Yarn
fish es,
| Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hut <.fc ordered upon
shortest notice.
tif~Bemeuibcr, all ood offered cheap
er than elsewhere
{Furniture Rooms'
i respectfully inform* the citizens of Centr
jcounty, that he has bough tout the old
i stand ufJ. Q. Peiainger, and has reduced
iihe prices. They have constantly on hand
! and make to order
TABLES. Sc., Ac,
I Thoir s-tock of ready-made Furniture is
•nrge and warranted "of good workmanship
land Is all made under their own immed -
!ate supervision, and is offered at rates
j cheaper than elsewhere.
I Call and see our slock before pUftihasLtg
elsewi.Oia. Ob, for
Bi>©i '& §sh©® iVJa!k?)T a
CESTRE IlAl.L.l'A. 9
"Would, most respectfully inform the cit
zens of this vicinity, that he has started a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, would oj
* •ftjff oi fipa piitrorff
M*' £•'..■ h-'.i *rd< r j
-,ei->r<lli>c i * style, and aaruu.t.- lis *r>rk
• -**-•- any snml* iUku.Ja
• tring done, and e liar go. >• •
|U>. • .H 'VI h o 12 ly