Practical Proverb*. Virtue ne'er dwell* within that heart Where ehune has oe**ed to hold apart Whene'er a good man oomes to thee Examine not his pedigree. *TU by hi* deeds, and not his gown, A pious man may best be known. If yon a gentleman would know, 'Ti* he whose died* proclaim liim to. A word * a thing that die* away, But writing may be made to etay. If yonth had wisdom, age had power. Nanght would be wanting for an hour. Ton ne'er shonM ay, and ne'er ahouM do. The wont and deed wrath prompt* you to. Folly and anger are the same, The dUforeuoe ia but in the name. He who once prove* himself e knave Doth seldom change this side the grave. To others pardon e'er bestow. But to thyeelf no mercy show. THE MARRIAGE PORTION. There lived, about five or oix miles from Easton, Pa, a few years aince, on honest farmer named Hendersou, who had two verv pretto daughter*, Ellen and Mnude, Til* first was about twenty three years of age, while the lattei was nineteen. The farmer was a thrifty, well-to-do man. though by to mean* rich ; but the family lived in excellent style, and the daughter* had received good education*. Both of these girls were pretty, bnt Maude waa perhaps the handsomer. ; There was no lack of attentive young gentlemen at the farm, though the neighborhood was not very thickly set tled . But " besuty draws us with s single hair," aud the young ladies were the center of a g*y little circle of friends, mostly young gentlemen or farmer*' son* in the immediate neighborhood and some ei?u from Easton. , Bv-aud-by it came about that an earn est, 'handooine and sturdy young fanner fell desperately in love with Mande, and sreposed5 reposed to her. On her part, she loved lurry Masters above all the young fel low* she knew, and told him frankly that he might speak to her father. In the meantime she confided the matter to her mother, a kind hearted, sympathetic parent, who saw no objection to the choice of her daughter, but all was left to the father to decide. Farmer Henderson waa a very straight forward and open-mouthed man. That ia, he said exactly what he meant, no more or lees, and that he uttered freely. When Harrr Master* called him on one side, and toll hi* eapecial errand, as to j Mande. the father said : Well, Mr. Mas tors, Maude is young. I wanted Ellen to he married first; ahe's oldest, and I have got a marriage portion of twelve hundred dollars to give her; bnt I haven' laid by anything yet for Mande." " I have got pretty well beforehand, Mr. Henderson, for a man bat twenty four years old, and we shall be able to do verv well, I have no donbt" "You mean yoaH take Mande with out any marriage portion?" said the father. " Yes. sir, very gladly." " Well, it's pleasant to hear you say so, because it shows your honest affec tion. Mr. Master*; but lam too proud, though a simple farmer, to let >' de TIISUTV till I con give her a thou .-. _.i or two toward housekeeping." "It is not worth waiting for, sir, as long as we don't .really need it, aud both are content" "Then, again, I'd rather Maude wouldn't marry until her sister is mar ried, because she's so much older, do you see, it will actually make her an old moid. It isn't fair, Mr. Masters." " Ellen ia very popular with the gen tlemen, and will* soon be married," said the other. " That's just what I have said to my self, and thqn I shall begin to pick np a manage portion for Maude." " I trust that is the only objection, Mr. Henderson ?" aaid Harry Master*. " Why. yea ; you are a promising and respectable young man, and come of s good family*" aaid the farmer ; " bnt I oin't let Maude go until I have got to gether a respectable marriage portion to give with her band." " Perhaps yon will think more favora bly about it," said the lover. " 111 apeak with yon again." "All right, Mr. Masters." Harry and Maude were very fond of each other, and now talked over the mat ter very seriously. Maude could not blame her father, and did not like her self the idea of going to Harry without a proper portion to oontribute toward their joint partnership in domestic life. " Never mind, Harry," said the hand some young girl; " Ellen will soon be married. I have pretty good reason for knowing." "Ah, but then your father oays he wonts time to pick up a marriage por tion for you, and that will take three or four veais, perhaps." " fhat is a good while, is it not, Har ry ?" said Maude, just blushing a little, for fear that it sounded forward and bold. "It's ages!" said the yonng fellow. " Think of waiting three years—why we shall be old folks by that time !" "Not quite so bad as that," said Maude. "I'm sure will be gray by that time!" " Nonsense, Harry I Now you are n." i was never more in earnest in my life," said he, as he stole a kiss from her pretty lips, and ran away, so as not to hear her chide him for his boldness. "Maude." said her father, coming into the house from the barn, "I wish you would ride the sorrel mare into Easton, and get this hundred dollar bill changed at the bank. The workmen have got done with the roofing of the barn; and I want to pay them off to-night" "Very well, father. Let John put the side-saddle on, and I will be ready in five minutes." The sorrel mare was brought np to the door, and Maude was soon on her way at a easy hand gallop toward Easton. She had an excellent seat, and was a good horsewoman. As she knew this well, she would not have objected to have Harry see her just now; but he had gone a few moments before in an opposite direc tion. When Maud got into Euton she rode directly to the bulk, bat was unfortunate enough to find that it was already closed. After a few moments thought she re solved to try and get the note changed at the grocer's, or at some of the other stores, and went immediately to do so. Fate seemed against her, for no one had small change enough to aooommodate Miss Henderson. At one of the stores where she stopped, a very gentlemanly-looking person took out his pocketbook and said he thought he could change it for her, and she banded him the bill, but he returned it, saying, after all, he had not so mnch small money. He seemed to regret this, however, and even followed Maude to the door and assisted her to remount her horse. She was forced to giro tip her errand, as she did not like to run about among strangers asking them to change her a bill, especially as no one seemed able to do so. She, therefore, turned her horse's head once more toward home. Scarcely had she passed the outskirts of the town when she wss overtaken by the stranger who hod spoken with her in the bat store, and who at first thought he oonld change her bill He was mounted upon a fine-looking bay horse, and saluted her respectfully as he came alongside." " Did yon get your bill changed ?" he asked. " No ; small bills seemed scarce," she replied. " Do you live near here 1" " About five miles off." "Quite a ride." " Oh, we don't mind five miles in the country." " You are an exoellent rider." " I have ridden sinoe I was six years old," Blie oftid; " but my sister Ellen is s better rider than I am." " You are generous to admit it," said the stranger. " Why, it's only the truth," she an swered frankly. After they had passed over about two miles, they came to a very lonely pieoe of road, quit* removed from any dwell ing houses. Still, a* the stronger ap poared so gentlemanly, and hai address *d her ao politely, aha had not the least suspicion of any eril intention on hia PHl't. Presently, he aaid suddenly, " I will thank yon for that bill.' •' Wliat ?" said she, half smiling. •• Please to give me that bill." " What do yon mean f" naked Maude. "Juut what I aay 1" tie replied, ud- "f shall do no such tiling," she an- J swered firmly. " I am worry to draw a pistol upon a lady," he continued, suiting the action 1 to the word, "but I must have that hundred dollar bill at twee. " Do you mean to rob me ?" " I must lisve the money !" It was with difficulty she could believe the man wae in earnest ; but when lie uow cocked his pistol and held it toward her with one hand, while he extended the other for the bill, she was forced to rield to the necessity of the mtuatiou. She was a brave-hearted girl, and eveu now she did uot turn jiale nor tremble IU the least - but saw she could not help herself, and ao made the best of. it. Just as she held out the bill to him a sudden puff of wind blew it into the road, and carried it several yards from them. The stranger alighted to get it, and, quick as thought, Maude struck her horse a smart blow, iu order to get out of the robber's power. The sorrel mare was a spirited little creature, and sprang into a smart gal'op at once ; while the stranger's horse, which had been stand ing beside her, alao started off at full speed n her company. Rang! went the robber's pistol after them, having ouly the effect to increase the speed of the flying horaea, both of whom were uow on the dead run. Maude did not care how fast she rode, the sorrel was as easy as a cradle at that speed, and in ten* minutes she dashed into her father's yard, followed by the rnlerleoa horse. Her storv was soon told, and her father was "with difficulty prevented from suiting after the robber with his piatol and rile, but he knew that the scoun drel would naturally take at once to the woods, where be could not follow him. " Well, we've got hia home, at any rate," said the farmer; " and he is worth more than a hundred dollar*." " Hollo, master 1" said, the man John, who had been taking the saddle-bag* from the strange horse. " What is it, John 1" "Tlice* bags is full of something. " " I should think so," said the farmer, as he unstrapped the leather bag*. Thev were found to contain some counterfeit plates, * quantity of counter feit money, in various bills, and also a little over"fifteen hundred dollar* in good monev! " Huxxa !" cried the farmer. " What ia it, father ?" said Mande. i •• Whv, your trip to Easton has proved a profitable one, at all events. Here's over fifteen hundred dollar*, good money!" " Ah, bat it will be claimed by the owner." • 'Do von think a counterfeiter will dare to come for the tool* that would convict him ?—to aay nothing of highway rob bery." I didn't think of that." That evening Farmer Henderson sent John over to young Master* with s mes sage to call round and see him, to which Harrr responded instantly. " Mr. Master*," said the fanner, as he came into the large, old-fashioned sit ting-room, "von remember what yon asked of me tbia afternoon?" "Yea, sir." " Wall, I give my consent Mande has jast furnished her own marriage portion. Take her, my boy, and be happy I" A Unique Case. There is now in this city, says the Wilmington (N. C.) Star, one of the moat remarkable specimens of humanity that has been known to inhabit the earth since the days of Adam. He is colored, and goes oy the name of Dr. George Thomas, and seems to have liter al control of his entire physical nature, being able, by the simple exercise of bis will, as it were, to change at pleasure the location of the machinery of his body ; beside which, he is possessed of muscle of the consistency of iron, which he u> capable of developing to a remarkable degree. For instance, he takes a solid bar of iron of about three inches in cir cumference and some three or four feet in length, holding it in one hand, and bends it by striking it repeatedly acroee his disengaged arm, the blows being sofficientiy vigorous to break the limb of any ordinary man, bnt which do not seem to have the slightest effect upon hia own, the muscles of which are as hard as the iron itself. He theu straightens the bar in the same manner. He asks you to feel the pulse in hia wrist, and' it beats with the same regu larity and power of that of on ordinary mortal ; bat, by a sadden bat almost imperceptible movement of the muscle of the arm, the pulsation suddenly ceases altogether, but is in reality removed from ita original position. By the ex ertion of the same power it is then re stored at pleasure to its proper place. He can also remove his ribs from his side to the abdominal region, where they can be distinctly felt, and return them to their proper place at will; while by the exercise of the same power the heart is changed from the left te the right aide of the body. Two of oar physicians, we learn, examined this re markable specimen of humanity, and were astonished at the extraordinary de velops en ts which resulted from a prac tical test of the wonderful powers of the man. One of the physicians waa asked to place his ear to the region of the heart, and its beatings were regular and distinctly noted; but suddenly there was an entire cessation of the throbbing, and on the instant his companion, who had his ear to the right side of his body, exclaimed that he oould then detect the beating of his heart on that side. The School House Conspiracy. The scene is laid within half a mile of the Clay School, Detroit Twentv one of the largest boys gathered In solemn council in one corner of the yard and decided that they wore too big to be licked by any school teacher walking the face of the earth. After arriving at that decision a conspiracy was entered into. The biggest boy in* the crowd was to bring on a conflict with the teacher as soon as possible, and the other twenty were to back him. " Death to cowards I" shouted one as the plan was all fixed. "No backing down—no hesitation!" cried another. ' A rash together—one wild yell— one mad straggle, and victory will be oars!" yelled the smallest of the lot. It was a desperate plan. The school-house was not defended by even a Gatling gun. It might be the commencement of a rebellion which would not end until every school-house in the land was turned into an establishment for the sale of mourning goods. Scene second came fifteen minntes later. The innocent teacher looked around upon her scholars without the least suspicion that a fierce rebellion was brewing. The clock ticked the same as ever. The boy across the street pound ed on an old tin pan the same as ever. The big oonspirator was suddenly seen to throw a paper wad across the room. He was ordered to oome forward. He said he didn't have to. It was a moment of peril, but the teacher didn't realize it She walked down the aisle, took the big oontpirator by the oollar, and in ten mint)tee he wondered whether he was down cellar or np in the garret, while twenty other boys grew white around the mouth, bent to their lessons with renewed en ergy, and mentally whispered: " Be still, thon wildly beating heart —wait till I grow a foot or two more !" The big oonspirator is now thrashing them in solemn succession. He reached number eighteen yesterday. Miss Wilson, niece of the keeper of the Newark Bay lighthouse, has won fame by rowing in a dingy at the risk of her own life to the resone of a drowning man clinging to the keel of a capsized boat THE ROBBERS' RIDE. rartae •* far It We-(lew Two Rk. hero CellMl their feroerro. The writer aat in a well-known eating aaloon at noon eating a delicious salad and sweltering over a cup of hot tea, when the proprietor stepped up. •* The Iniys have a nice day for their j excursion to Kingston," said he. "They have, indeed. Kver lieeii there ?" " Yes ; I took a con pie of hank rob- Iters down there twruty-five or thirty years ago. Never told you atiout that affair, did 1 v Well, 1 will. It wan, let j ine see, in 1840, 1 was working at the Old Eagle tavern ; had a couple of nice | hones, and, for a voting man, wsa doiug a due business. "Those daya there was neither railroad* or telegraph. The stage coaeh was the ouly mode of public travel, and it was the event of the duv to see the coaches from the west ami New York bustle into the tavern. Well, one cold morning in the middle of De- j cember, 1 was just stepping out from the office to the long wooden veranda, wheti 1 noticed two well dressed gentlemen, each carrying a good siaed traveling satchel, hurrying toward the hotel. Due of them, addressing tue, said : " 'Stage for New York gone yet ?* " ' Yes, air.' " • How King ?' " ' More'u two hours agii." "They were much excited over the news and asked what they could do to get to New York speedily. I told them I didn't kuow. The boats had stopped ruuuiug a month, although one of them still ran to Kingstou, the river being open that far up. Site would leave that evening for New York, and the stage coach which left Albany a couple of hours before would transfer her passen gers and mails to the steamer at luugs- Um Point. Then the gentlemen said they must get that boat, and asked if I knew of a eouplf of fast horses in the city, and if they could hire or get a car- ! rtsge U< beat the stage in. It was a mat ter of life aud death, they said, and they would pay anv price. * 1 asked what price they would pay, and they told me #BOO to beat the stage to Kuigstrive on,'he answered, 'l'll pav for them.' Once we tipped over, an>{ half an hour was spent in getting to rights. Then we went it again, and at half-past four we ; drove up to Kingston Point, where the steamer lay, all loaded, but waiting for the Albany mail. "The two gentlemen went on board and asked for Captain Dean. He came aft, and they told him what they had told Lewis and me coming down ; how they resided in Canada, but were the sous of an English nobleman, who had recently died, leaving a valuable estate. Their presence was needed immediately in Londou if they would save the estate from a designing relative. The packet sailed from New York from Liverpool on the first tide the next morning. They must get it or wait thirty days for the next ship, and ao lose their* fortune. Thev offered she captain #2,000 if he wonld leave then and there and make certain of catching the ship. " ' Would like to make that #2,000, gentlemen,' said Captain Dean, 'but mv orders are not to leave till I get the Al bany mail, and I cannot accept' " Thev seemed much disappointed, but said 'it couldn't be expected,' and they made themselves agreeable to every one at tout The paid me the #OOO prom ised, gave me #3OO for the lost horses, and gave my driver and men over #IOO each. We "waited until the stage came in, the mails and passengers were trans ferred, and awav went the boat in a hur ry ; then we rode leisurely back to Alba ny, it being a fine night, bat before we got there we met the mounted police fu rionsly coming alter our passengers, the i j dead nobleman's bogus sous. They were liank robbers, and those two satchels > they held contained over #*200,000 in gold ; and' Bank of England notes, the proceeds of a big Montreal robbery." " Did they catch them ?" "Catch'em! No. When the boat start ed that night they talked with the cap , tain and offered him #SOO if he would i i pnt them on board of the outward bound ship before he landed, as she would be lying in the channel. Captain Dean ac cepted, and just at daylight the ste&m --i boist lav alongside the vessel, and by the time Captain Dean got to his pier and the passengers awoke, the ahip was sail ing through the Narrows and away to England." "And the robbers were never heard of." "Never. Why they had a start of thirty days, and/being young men then, they are perhaps living in clover in some European country on their ill-gotten wealth. They were smart enough to take as in by their smooth talk and gent lemanly address." J list then the salad was finished, and so was the story. The writer picked up his check and Mr. Yeazie walked to another part of the dining room to see that his waiters were paying proper at tention to other hnngry customers. The story has the merit of being liter ally true.— Albany Erprct*. He Took It All Back. How much better it ia to to come to a peaceful solution of any difficulty instead of having a great fuss made about it Some people do not seem to appreciate the value of a calm and collected de meanor when a point is to be gained. A lady is a guest at oue ef the principal hotels in Hamilton, Cauada. A gentle man boards at the same hostelry. Prob ably these facts would neTer have been divulged to the world hail not the gen tleman spoken in a "lighting manner of the aforesaid lady. When the lady oame to hear of the matter she made no troub le and did nothing that could offend the most fastidious. She merely loaded up s seven-shooter with seven ball car triges, and sought an interview with the gentleman. She went straight to busi ness. She pointed the pistol directly at him, and he immediately saw the point, and was in a favorable state of mind to ponder on any statement she might make. She explained that she thought he must bsve been in error when be made his disparaging remarks and en treated him to backward, turn backward hia memory in its flight to see whether there was any foundation for the rumors started. The gentleman being ap proached in this lady-like manner, at once admitted that the statements were purely imaginary and immediately wrote oat an apology for them. He afterwards apologized for hia poor penmanship, as hia nervous haste to make amends ren dered him rather shaky in the hands. Detroit Free Prett. , The Wife's Choice. The Evansville (IncL) Journal says: A certain man in this vicinity, whose name we are not at liberty to give, went into the army, and at the close of the war his family could hear nothing from him, and for four years after—eight from the time he left home —they still heard nothing from him and believed him to be dead. The woman, feeing no donbt of his death, was married to another, and they lived happily together for six months, when, to the snrprise of all, her first hnsband returned and gave what seemed to the family a sufficient cause for his long and mysterious absenoe. But now what could be done ? The two men met and in a friendly manner talked the matter over and each ielt that no one was to blame for the circumstanoes. The parties agreed, however, to leave the wife for a fsw days, and at an appointed hour and moment the three should meet and the wife should decide whose wife she should be. The decision was to be final and the man not received should leave the vicinity. With this arrange ment each complied. The decisive mo ment, the important time arrived and the woman decided that he who had been her first husband should be her last. The other procured his divorce and left for other parts. ADRIFT FOR REYF.Bi HATH. Tk> Trrrlklf Nnlrrlni< f a Bsal'a Ovsw Wlib..i F*#S #r Wlr—>—■ Th I .at* lar Use Man wbe bad bees lirlvra la llrtskles (rets the Hss. A New Orleau# 7Vne# reporter inter viewed the five meu of tlie steamship UtlStue.who (oTHTMI nigtlUMHllil>l*J*i without fotsl or water, ware the sport of the wave* in the Gulf of Mexioo. Sum med up, tlio harrowing details of tlirir #uff riug# arc to the follow nig effect : Till* steamship Guasie, Captain Rich ard Hill, owiug to the fact of the tanks at ludiauola twiii# ilaitroywl hy the dorm, left that port with a cargo of cat tle ami without the necessary supply of water. Captain Hill made for bouth west Pass t > replenish tua water ami and thou proceed ou hi* jouruey to II avail a. Ou the moruiug of the 10tli of September the weather was fair, wind northwest, blowing alaiut seven knot# au hour. At 10:30 r. M. the aauie night Southwest l'aaa light bore north north east, distance uiue uiilee. At 10:36 r. M. the altip waa hauled for the light, when the Urlaard aliatt broke. Finding it impossible to reuiedy the evil, aud loath ' to drift arouud at the mercy of the winds. Captain 11 ill oouclmlod to aeud a boat to Southwest l'aaa for assistance. The lioat was launched, and at midnight the wind veered weat by uortli, blowing a good six-kuot breeze, Mouth l'aaa was sighted, and after some delay the tug Kio Grande took the Guasio ui tow, bringing her to the city. In the mean time the unfortunate men were passing through the terrible ordeal of shipwrecked mariners. After leaving i the ship, the 1 at'e crew, oouaiatiug of John Duffy, ihief officer; Dan Mc- Donald, Mat. Itayron, JohnO'Neil, Dan Crockett and Joseph Davis, pulled for the Southwest Pass Light, secure in the seaworthiness of their metallic life-boat, and without a thought of the daugrr that threatened them. Not a man of them but thought he would reach the light iu three hours at the moat, yet as hour after hour slipped by ami they found that they made uo headway against the current, despair tweet their souls. En couraged by Mate Duffv, they lieut to their oars, 'but to no avail. Daylight found them with their compass and two lam pa out of might of land, exhausted by their exertion, without food or water, and a prey to the elemeuta. Ou the morning of the "JDlh they saw a ship, supposed to be the Modora, aud to close that thev could see the men at work on boanl the vessel, but in vain they tried to sigual her by means of a slurt hoisted on su oar. SLe wss soon loat to view sod despair beset them. Davia gave out and lay exhausted in the bot tom of the boat. Ou the second dsy they saw a steamer, low down on the horizon, bound eastward, but at too great a distance to see them. Truly, then they gave themselves up for lost Barron, however, managed to improvise a sail out of three shirts, and slowly they breasted the current until the gale reached them, and for three days they were atorm-toaaed on the crest of the wavea. Then followed a calm, yet the sea ran high. Their parched throat# craved for water. McDonald desperate ly drank the aaliue whtqji surrounded him, but found that only augmented hta thirst. Desperately they glared at each other. Hunger gnawed at their vitals, yet thev refrained from cannibalism. Sharks surrounded the boal, curveting in the water as if in auUcuiation of the dainty morsels of human flesh iu store for them, if possible lending additional horror to the scene. The plug was taken out of the bottom of the boat, and the water entered in until she was half fall. Then the men in turns lay down in the water until thoroughly saturated, thus distilling the water into their body. In vain, the unfortunates say, they attempted to think of a hereafter ; the'most trivial things in their life paused before them like a panorama. Bayron thought of watering the cat on the Gus aie, and imagined that he was revelling in the troughs. McDouald had visions tof glaciers—all seemed in their sense delirium—to be in Elysium only to re turn to the full realization of the sur roundings. On the morning of the seventh day the brig Coquette, Captain o>gnel, hove in sight, and with s lust expirn g effort they signalled her. The brig saw the sign of distress and bore tip for them, reaching them only to tin a that, with the exception of liayron, all helplessly ! lay about the boat " They were taken ! aboard and kindly treated". but despite the effort# of the captain McDouald died. United at Last. A quiet wedding occurred in Middle town, Orange County, N. Y., wit .in the the l&Ml few month*, at which tbare were ne guest*, the mother of the bride being theonlv witneaa of the ceremony lieeules the officiating clergyman. In 1662, a youug gentleman, who was betrothed to the lady, enlisted in the Union army. His sweetheart made no effort to dis suade him, and with a breaking heart bade him adieu, and quietly buncd her self in her home with her widowed mother, the only living member of her family beaidee herself. For a time all went well, and loving letters cheered the gallant soldier. After the battle of Chancellorsville, his letters suddenly reused. Letter after was written to him and his comrades, bat all that could bo learned was that after that terrible battle he was missing. His stricken sweetheart never entirely abandoned hope, and lived on, hoping against hope for his retnrn. After many weary years, her patient troth has been rewarded, and she is now a happy bride. Some time during the fight lie was taken prisoner, and soon after he was sent to s Southern pison, where he was kept about a year. He ft nail v escaped and reached the sea board, where he conceived the idea of personating an Euglish sailor, and get ting to England on a blockade runner. After much delay and many disappoint ment*, daring which his courage almost failed him, he succeeded. He remem bers sailing through the blockading squadron. After that all is a blank. He learned afterward that he bad been taken ill, and soon after insane. On bis ar rival in England he was taken to au in sane asylum by the captain of the block ade runner, where he remained until a year ago, when he was discharged enred, but penniless. He succeeded, through fnends in the asylum, in obtaining a ait nation in a mercantile house, where he won the esteem of the principals, to whom he told his story. A leave of ab sence was given him; tie came to Middle town and found his old sweetheart, now a lady of thirty-two, still faithful to his memory. They were quietly married, and are now in England, where he pro poses to remain for a number of years. Origin of Same*. A* large number of names derive their origin from the seasons, as Winter and Spring; many others from the elements, as Frost, Snow, Flood; good or bad for tune: points of the compass, as North. Sonth, East, West; dignities, offices, ag riculture, utensils and astronomy; and also irom animals, as Wolf, Lamb, Linn, Cat; vegetables, minerals, colors, arms, etc. But by far the most numerous class of surnames are those which hail their rise in certain trades or professions, of which a few are—Webster, a weaver; Baily, a bailiff; Fletcher; a maker of ar rows (from the French /Icche); Tucker, a cloth fuller, to Bay nothing of the very obvious Butcher, Baker, Carpenter, etc. A search in the old statute-books will furnish plenty of snch names as Robertas de Bakcster (Baxter?) Simon Ironmonger, John Daylaborer, etc. An other very fertile source of derivation was from places, as Gilbertus Anglicus, Godsfridns de Mannville, Henricus de Heesia, Guliemus Pariaiensia, etc., and most of the names terminating in by, ham. ton and ville, belong to this class. Further a large number of surnames were originally patronymics—that is to say, names formed by the addition of son, or some other word expressive of a similar relation to the paternal name. The Normans superadded Fits (the old French iorjlla), as Fita-Allan, Fits-Ger ald, Fitz-Walter ; the Irish O, as O'Don nell; the Scotch Mac, as MacDougall; and the Welsh Ap, as Apthomas. It was onoe remarked to the writer as curious that Ben should be such a common name among the Hebrews, and considerable surprise was manifested when it was Jointed ont that it was originally a pre x, Ben-hadad being simply the son of Hadad. NEWS SUMMARY. ■ aatem and Mlddla •tataa. Au old man jumped into the Harlem river, New York city from the top of High Bridge—a distance of 13'J faet— and wss killed. The city election in Newark. N. J., resulted l"u the aelectiou of a Republican mayor ami uiue aldermen, the I>euio crat# getting six aldermen, a gain of three. By a unanimous vote the striking miners employed by the Stiaquehauiia Coal Com|>ouy at Niuitiooke, Pa., de cided to resume work. At a convention of New York workiug mrn, held iu Troy, resolutions were passed favoring a currency of gold, silver aud treasury notes and a retire ment of uatioual bank bills ; opposing ths granting of public lamia to railroad oorporalious ; asserting that labor has a right to a full share of the wealth it creates, aud favoring legislation and otlier methods of improving the condi tion of labor. A ticket waa nominated with John J. Juuio for Secretary of State. The New York Herald devoted over three pages to what it alleged waa the " conieasiou" mode by William M. Tweed about au mouths ago and pre sented to the attorney-general of New York. Tweed furnished the ooufaaaiou as the price of his liberty, but the at torney-geucral refused to use it, and it was returned to the "Boas." The statement published by the Herald is s startling record of oouspitocy and crime. It is a complete history of the famous ," ring" transactions, and gives the names of the State Senators and mem bers of the New York State Legislature who were bribed by Tweed, describes the methods employed to corrupt legis lators and control local affairs, and i>re asuts a long list of checks and vouchers showing the sums paid by him to his confederates and aids. The remains of Major General Caster foiunl s final resting place in the ceme tery at Weat Point, on the Hmlaon, where they were interred with military and religious ceremonies. A meeting called in New York to give public expression of approval to the policy of Prroiileut Hsyew was addressed by Cleorge William Curtis, and s series ui resolutions in hsrmuuy with the coll was adopted. The Frauklin Savings bank, of Alle gheny has suspended payments. A number of leading merchants and manufacturers held a meeting in New York and formed an association for the purpose of securing the representation of American exhibitors at the Pari# Ex position. An organized Itand of horse-thieves wss found to be operating with consider able success among the stock of farmers in the vicinity of Round Hrook, N. J., and the members were pursued into Monmouth county, where they took refuge iu a large swamp. Colonel Forney has sold the Philadel phia JVr## for SIBO,OOO, and will go to Europe as its correspondent. Oilman, the New York broker, whoee forgeries of insurance scrip amounted to over a quarter of s million dollars, wss indicted in the oourt of general ses sion*, and pleaded guilty. He waa sen tenced to the full penalty of five years in Sing Sing prison. At Potteville, Pa., James Coyle and his uepbew, miners, were instantly killed by an explosion of fire damp in a colliery." George W. Jones' large barns st Deer field, Mass., together with two hundred tons of hav, grain end tobacco were destroyed Ly fire, causing a loss of sß,ooo* 11l * circular isauod by tbe commercial agency of Duo, Barlow & Co., of New York, it ia etated that the failure* in the United Slate* for the first nine month* of 1877 were fi.Jfii, with liabilitie* amounting to 9141,D52,'256. Fur the aame time in 1876 the failure* were 7.U50, and the liabilitie* *186,2711.900. The circular saya: " For tlie drat time in manpr month* do the figure* m rela tion to failure* afford any encouragement; and, taken in connection with the im proved buaiuea* in merchandise which the autumn months have thua far wit uraaed, and the certainty that a great crop ot produce u uow being marketed at good prices, the hope may be enter tained that the wont effect* of the de pression have been seen." The corner atone of a new armory for the Seventh regiment, N. Y. 8. N. G., waa laid on Fourth avenue, near the Central Park, New York, with Masonic cere monie*. Tbe orator* of the occaaion were Mayor Ely and Hon. William M. fcvarta. The business portion of the village of Jaineeriile, Onondaga county, N. Y., was destroyed bv tire. fhree hotels, the Episcopal church, post-offlce, six stores, the town hall, and fifteen dwell ings were among the buildings burned. Loss estimated at $60,000 ; insurance, SIB,OOO. Western and Southern States. Ex-Oov.. Hendricks, of Indiana, has returned from hit trip to Europe. The election in Ohio has resulted in the success of the Democratic State ticket by majorities variously estimated at lietween 10,000 and £O,OOO. A large vote was polled by the Workingmeu's ticket. The Republicans were suooeesful in the lowa elections, their whole ticket lietng elected. The Greenl>ackers de veloped considerable strength. The Democrats of Ohio will have a majority of about forty on joint ballot in the Legislature, which will give them a United State* Senator to succeed Hon. Stanley Matthew*. After a deer* rate battle, lasting over two days, the Nei Perce* Indians, ander the command of Chief Joseph, surren dered to the United States troops, com manded by General Miles, at Snake Creek. The camp of the hostile* con tained 350 men, women and children, of whom 150 were fighting warriors. The German-American bank of Quin cy. 111., suspended, with liabilities placed at $90,000. A boiler in J. E. McKendry k Co's. heading factorv, exploded, at Mnncie, Ind, instantly "killing the engineer and fireman, and seriously injuring three others. The connty fair at Frederick. Md., was visited bv the President and several members of" the Cabinet. Addresses were delivered by the President. Secre tary McCrary and Attorney-General Devens. The railroad depot and a nnmber of business houses at Edwards Depot, Miss., were destroyed by Are. Four out of a party of five revenue officers were wounded in on affray with a party of illicit distillers in Burke county, North Carolina. The Culver House and about a doaen other buildings in Winneoonne, Wis., were burned. Loss, $"20,000. Alexander RHHI, managing proprietor of the Toledo (Ohio) Iltode and (bwi mtrr.ial, was assaulted in the street by one Dowling, ex-postmaster of the city, but the two we £ separated by friends before any serious damage was done. Mr. Reed is postmaster of Toledo. The Congregational Association of California, in" session at Sacramento, passed strong resolutions against Chinese immigration. Prom Washington. Presideut Hayes was visited at the White House by Hon. A. H. Stephens and Hon. Robert Toombs. The Bureau of Statistics at Washing ton reports that for the three months up to October 1, 1877 the number of im migrant* landed at thfl port of Now York was 20,109, of which 11,462 were males and 8,647 females—the nnmber during the same time last year being 25,886. Postmaster-General Key has received a communication from the British post office requesting the friendly assistance of this government in putting a stop to the reprehensible habit of sending live specimens of the Colorado beetle by mail to Great Britain. Columbns Delano, ex-Secretary of the Interior was assaulted in front of the treasury building by Judge J. W. Wright, a resident of Washington, who had a grievance of long standing against Delano. Wright struck the ex-Secretary across the 1 nwd with a heavy walking stlak, laying opeu the acaln, and then surrendered himself to a policeman. The vote by which the Hon. Samuel J lUndall was nominated for Hpeaker of Uic House of Representatives by the Democratic caucus was 107, against 34 for the Hon. John B. Goods aud I'd for the Hon. Milton Hayler. The appropriations submitted by the secretary of the treasury to Con gress, to complete the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878, amount to $30,036,300.66, and are divided aa fol lows ; War department, $33,436,764.98; library of Cougrena, $33,600; court of claims, $1,30 163 90; treasury depart ment, $373,801.30; uo#t-office depart ment, $700,000 ; navy department, $2,003,861,37; judicial department, $353,635.33. Foreign News. A great Republican meeting waa held iu I'aris, ami addressed by M. Oambetta. In Ht l'eteraburg a socialistic plot was discovered, which extended to Moscow and other Russian towns, and over 600 arrests were made. A frightful epidemic prevailed in the Russian department# of Tiflia and Kutaa, and the mortality wa# enormous. Henry Meiggs, the well-kuovrn rail road builder, died in Lima, I'eru. Frederick Hiamdale.a London solicitor, has failed for $1,600,000, his asset# being $600,000. The private Ritterachaftliohe bank of Stettin, l'omerauia, faded, with liabili ties amounting to $3,760,000. A large business in advance on laud aud agri culture waa done by it Hon. James Russell Lowell, oar repre rcecntntive in Spain, ha# received from the Spanish government $670,000, in jmrt payment of claims of American citi zen# for loans incurred through the revo lution in Cuba. In a recent manifesto, issued by Presi dent McMahon, lie denies that the Re publican constitution is in danger, or that the French government is under clerical influence, or ia inclined to a policv which might endanger the peace. To tin# a counter-manifesto has been issued by the bureaus of the Senatorial Left, artiug the people to diabelieve those who assert tuat Republican insti tution# are not in danger. It ia estimated by a Canadian news paper that in Canada 30,000,000 bushels of wheat and 10,000,000 buabela of barley have been harvested this year. M.'Oambetta was again sentenced to pay a fine of SBOO and to three months' imprisonment for issuing an address to tlie electors of his srrondisaement; aud the printer of the address was sentenced to fifteen days' imprisonment, and to pay a flue of S4OO. The Hon. Edwards Pierrepont, United States minister to Groat Britain, has tendered his resignation, to take effect December 1. The French election for a new Cham !>er of Deputies has resulted in a re duced majority for the Republicans. There will be abont 335 Republican members to about 191 Conservatives or Monarchists. COJKi KEfiS... EXTRA SKHMON. liasaia i The *itra session of th* Party-fifth Congress •a* opened to lb* Hruate by the View-Presi dent. who called the Senators'to order. After |n)H th* lVwidMt'i {irualemaUoa, convening : Congress, was read. Three ue* Senators - Staiilrr Matthewa, Dos Cimsiin and David K. Armstrong were esora la. after which a reso lution by Senator Edmund*. that th* com mit r* a* constituted last asaston be revived and continued dunug the atlra session, wae laid over on motion of Senator Thurman. Th* Msaals then adjourned. Ileeee el Heereaestallvr*. The Hooee of Itejiroseutatives was called to order by Clerk Adame. who road the Prwmdsnt'a leudimilMM and then called th* 1011. The •lection for Kpoehar rssallad in 14V vole* batug caat for Mr. Randall and 134 far Mr. Garfiafcf After the oath of office had been administered ) to Mr. llandall by Mr. kelley. of Pennsylvania, he addreeaed the House briefly. promuang to be even-tempered, firm end obedient to the will of the member*. Tbe Hpeaier then admin istered the oath to the member* Objection *a* made by Mr. Cos (Dam., N. T.) to the searing in of Messrs. Cats and Harney, of South Carolina, and Mr. DarreU, of Loawraaa i bv Mr. Frve (Hep., Me.), to the earing In of MOBOT*. Klam and Robertson. of Lousuan*. and by Mr. "pnngwr (Dam., Del.), to the awaar tug io of Mr. Pacbeeo, of California, and the member* were required to stand aside. Tbe fallowing House officers were elected : Clerk. George M. Adams, of Kentucky; sergeant-at- j arms, John S Thompson, of Ohio . doorkeeper, John W. Polk, of Missouri ; postmaster. James M. Stewart, of Virginia: chaplain. He*. Dr. John Putail, of Mart land. Ail the officer* chosen | were nominated by tbe Democrat*. After drawing for ssat* the House adjourned. Ilr4*s*ftrr Nxw Yoax UJAT* Ansoouno* 1 PUB r*A Paorccno* or Ki*a MD Gain, • STBACCas, N. ¥., June 23, 1877. ) To Col well Lead Company, 63 Cautre Street, Sew fork Gents —We here carefully examined your Shot here on exhibition, sod have also received the unanimous report of all the clubs a* the grounds of the State shoot in favor of your shot We cheerfully pronounce it a vary per fect article, and rerurumrnd It to the sportsmen grnerallv throughout the cuuntrv. GREENE SMITH. President. JOHN A. NICHOLS, Tx-l>rm*ieut. CIIAR. K WRIGHT, Secretary. Per Dvtaepela. Weakeeaa asd DeMlliv. SreoM. N. H.. May S. I*7o Dear Sir—Having received great benefit from the use of Peruvian Svrap, 1 am willing to add my testimony to the thousands of others con stantly Bounding its praise During tbe late war I was In the army, and had the mistortune to be taken prisoMr. and was confined in Salis bury and other Southern prisons several months, end became so much reduced in health and strength as to he a mere skeleton of my former self. On being released, I was a fit subject for a Northern hospital, where I re mained some two months and then came home. My physirlaa recommenilod aad procured for m< -' rarxl bottle* of Peruvian Svrup. whbh I couunaed to uae for several weeks and found my health restored and my weight increraed from ninety pounds to one hundred and fiftv. my usual weight, and have bean in my usual good health ever since ; sod I can cheerfully recommend it in *ll esse, of weekness and debility of the lystcyn, whether sristug from •a impure state of tbe blood, dy|mp*ie, or almost any other cause, believing it will in most case* give entire satisfaction. Vonre trnly, Go. 8. Btxav. Sold by deaier* generally. A lire** Keeerd. Nearly thirty ye rs have elapsed since Hoe tetter's Ntomsch Hitter, waa first brought to the notice of tbe American public. To-day it is the most popular remedy on this coutinant for dyspepsia, liver complaint, ormetipeUoo, debility, nervousness, urinary and uterine com plaints, gout, rheumatism," intermittent and remittent fevers, sod is widely used in rtonth and Central America, Mexico, tbe West Indies and Australia, as a preventive and remedy for mslsrions disorders, and for many other mala dies to the relief of which it is adapted. Tbe reonnl of its victories is written in the testi monials of thousand* whom it has cured, to many of which the widest publicity has been given ; it has won the emphatic sanction of hading member* of the med eel profession, and it has repeatedly been mad# Ui# subject of encomiums by the home and foreign press. Comment on'the above facta is unnecessary. We leave the public to draw its own conclusions. The S.ntrsl Rsoblea fsr l-sßlew. Our attention has recently been called to the ftaritan MatrlAu- HoaMajr, something entire ly new in the way of beavv, thick, warm, woolen goods, specially adapted for ladies' wear during the cold weather uow approachlug. Those goods are tbe handsomest, and most stylish ever seen, and so far as prios is concerned, are a miracle of cheapness They are intended for cloak*. Barques, dolmans, circular*sod Jackets, for both ladies and children, and are to be fonod at all the leading drv goods stores in the coun try. He particular to ask for the Knrihin CUniJi inrjt, and take no other. Wonder l'< os Wssder. Given away - a strange, my.trnous and most extraordinary book entitled "The Hook of Won dera." Containing, with numerous curious pictorial illustrations, the mysteries of the heavens and earth, natural and supernatural, oddities, whimsical, si rang 5 curiosities, witches and witchcraft, dreams, superstition, absurdi ties. fabulous enchantment, etc. In order that all may see this euriona book, the pub lishers have resolved to give it away to all that desire to see it. Address by postal card F. 0 lea son ft Co., 738 Waahisgton Htreat, Boston, Mass. MAKE NO MISTAKE —ln Dooley'a Yeast Pow der vou get the best artwls of the kind in the world. The oens are always fall weight, th* article itaelf the purest and strongest possible, so that a smaller quantity than usual suffice*. Do yon want your baking always perfect? Don't fall then to use Dooley'a Yeast Powder. (By telegraph.) 7b Haints Brat., S'o. lis Fifth arcnuc, A'cir York: lowa BUte Fair first gold medal on Hainee' upright piano forte*. Mast have two upright* immediately. A. REED A bONB, Chicago, 111., Sept 38, 1877. Time will tell, and time bu told that any man's a fool who pays old prioet When Junes, of Bingham ton, Binghsmton, N Y offers five Ton Wagon Hosier, on trial, freight prepaid, at SOO each ; frts pries list „ TMSU'IXrJJKS SU ilsing capable of a variety of oomUfsuont, and simple in It# ootid ruction. It rsrammeod# il>e!r to merchant# a# an Important part of their itors flxlnre# Tlll-Upplnf ha# bseome so prevalent that au tnasntou# arrangement Ilk# that of tha Mile#' Money Drawer I# indeed a naceaaltv. They are aobt bv Mrwer# Fair hank# A fco., SU Broadway, New York, and lha hard ear# trade generally.—A'. I'. Kzprru, Palrhaake* Mealea. , . . In tha month of Auguat fifty carload# of •eale# ware #ent out from tha #eaie work*, and umaty-ulna carload# of material* lit manufac turing #calr# ih received at tha work* In ths ■sine month.- M Johnebury ( Vt.) I'aimUmtan, .Hrpt. SI. CHEW Tha Celebrated '• Mitomi-mb" Wood Tag Ping Toiaooo. Tea Planum Toeaooo Conner, Mew York, Buatoa. and Chisago. Quirk • Ir'ah Tea s new mac of yov. Hold by drngglaU at X 5 eta a package. nmiLrsai. diss rMo.M .eW Uo** aewis.. ell* te*e*S#l M*S i'btuam*. **#O.U .* fruam# asd HnmlsgThe eaU* ol •# See* ./'•* Is Mf •* •###'*# • Aes<# (MM* W| ae* 4mmUt —l t Meeet **el S*e j UM.iM.Mii in*t Hup** pMaa t *Md# | The Market#. paw tuAi. IMQMUt. MaUve WWW tig Taaa and Ohetehm.. %<# a# Mllch Oewa i Hog*: Uv uU# MB iwwaaed - Mf A Vf* — Mgi MB Umbe MB* M Qanos- Middling „ u* . UB Pleat—Weaters—Oood Is Oboloa. •) ■ IU Maie—Ooed to OSa*ae...M.. dSj *M huikatuel t*r rwl IH d IM WB*m-Med WaaUro I S • I N Mo. S MOwaakee. IXI S Id Bye—Slat* t. | a# Barley—Slat* . II * M Hart** Malt M 2 Ta Uimfcwltaai *0 f 'I Oats—Mimed W MSera M * •' Oars—Mimed WaMars V. yd MB Hay, par owl do d to Btrae—par cwt S M Hop* WV-OX Ut XT* 11 # IS Perk—Maam MM UB Lard—Oily Stasia. SI A (SB Pias-M##k*rel, Be. I, sew MM MAj M •• Ma. X, saw II M 1< W |>ry Ood,parewt > ASM BerHog. Scaled, par MX Id 2 Petrolaai# —Orwda.. . MsAOSB BaSsad, IS Wool—OmWlorsla rUeam............. li g M Tessa •• MAM Austr*n*& " Kg (> State I A * Batter—stale, MA** Waatarb -Oboto* ...... W 2 *• Waatari.—iKud to Prtn*... A Waaiara—rtrkins IX A >' Okaaaa—State Factory M A IAN Stale MfcussMd 19 2 >1 Wavers (* A B Igga—State mod PanuaylvsaU 19 A *> NfXUA PVntf 11 A 9M Wbaet: 80. I IB gld Oors: Mixed. M>BA CM# I M A M By*. MAM 'Barley 01 2 M Barley Molt 190 A I M riiuourau Bear Omniai Kmtr* 09 A MB ■heap , M A MB Bags: P nam id M A MB Floor: Pwmey i mm* Extra ... ... TII *IM STbaal: Bad >urm IOX AIM Bye . M 2 r • Oars: Tallow (a A 91 Mimed. M A *> Oam: Mimed... .. MAM Patruieum Orada MkgMg Mm. MY Waal—OeteraSa MA* Tamo# • XX An Pain oral# XT A M BeefQmtUe M A MB Sbrep (MB# Bog# M 2 • Floor—Wlanosaui aud Mluaaanl# X M AM Oors—Mimed M A * OMa— " MAM Wool—Ohio and Pvonsytva#)# XX.. (■ g M California Fall XIBA M soiasvoa. wmaa Beef OatU* MBA MB Sheep M 2 Lam be 01 A 10 Bogm MBA M wmrxavwww, mm. Bear Oeltie: Pwor to Ohoto# I*o gI H bom X W A XT Lamb* X• gIN nx nflFB I ssgnofjKs The Newark DAILY AID WEEKLY COURIER, XKH Aitii. Jkft'M JKHttKY. F. r. PeTTEUJI, Editor sad Frwpnstsr. THE Vt,rWJitv." Wfc Term* Pail, 9*JOO pw awaam W-* , g 00. I iart*# >a> liberal lama Baad tar Igsgll MAM/NSAfTISCAIfCO. 265 BROAD WA Y A/ Y Washburn & Moen ManTg Co. WORCESTER MASS. I, | ' nrtr sna mm rant/ j. I A frul Than Bs*a Me otter Feeds* se e*se* er est eg ee rnetir Mevwr reals. Mslss. sknaka. sor W|a DutotS *T Ira wis*, sr Ini a siiwglsri fcamsr te tte so* merely stock Ipifwsab.. *T waa w boast TWO TEOtTBAIfD TOMS SOLD AWO POT PP DUE2HO THE LA#T TEAR Par salt a* tte iseitiat kardweie otovwa witt BUetofcers aad Otnyise Seed tor Ulaoowiod Pawpkio. V lwJKy Three Tbeaeaed Ml lea Avrav, la uMkwhei. qibors. .park Ist lk NBIIBW Hprtiut la dre* otors la Asaariea too m.y n-*lB * , pat il 10 ram Brake* aad wvf il wiCk pas *o Ik* wwrtdN and. if paw csoass Tarrant'* KfTervcacenl Seltxrr Aperient Is susply tha loins foaoUio M baaiib. is iba tows of • pasdai c.palds of bwes ra malarxMw isvsrs unw.oh com* Is in. tnwsekwWas ot U bowwls. ostium diaordsrs, wsstal dspissilse. I.lillii, sa —flow ot MR dr ipaiasl *ll MW. nsssas asd eneeUpelioe. M has so sqnol. Bold by all drsggada. POND'S EXTRACT. I P n NB'S EXTRACT The People 1 ! Earned^ The Unirtrul Pain Extractor. Note; Ask for Pond's Extract. TaJcr no Other. "llear. for . will apeak of excellrst lUua" roNO S RXTRACT —Tba great Vegetable i'aln Drwirerer. Hat taenia ussovsftfclnr pours, asd tor omaiisssa sad prompt esrsUvs rlrtaea csnnol bv sirrllrd. nil REN. Ms fhmllr can sffnrd labs with ant Pan da Extract. Accidrat*. Brslm. I .nin.loo.. Cat*. Hpralaa, nee ranged nl mnsllnMaoUjr by ritern.l spplt. sllo*. PrwapUy rellare* twins of Ms ran. Mrwlds, Excerin ileas. rhaflaas. Old Hertw, Bella. Pal***. C orn*, etc. ArresU Ininmms.loo, rvdaoa* swoll sloes bleeding, removes discoloration end h-|Hi ml#r LJtniEM Bad It their beet Mend It sesaaave tbe peine u> which Uvcy are peculiarly eubjeet noinbly fullness and pre—err In Uw Mad. bunse*. vertlao, etc It promptly smellorslns and perm* nently heals nil kinds ot Inßaiaatatieße sad 11 fJSTo BVIH ot DM or PI LBM Bnd In tth tte awiy immedieia relief sad slllmsie care. No esse, how ever chronic or utellnsts mo loo* resist lu regu V \ lYl<*'o!E VEINS. It Is tte only sere en re, IILEEIMNO fmm say csose. forUhittli. smcl fir. 11 KM saved hundreds of lives when all other 1 remedies failed to arrest bleeding from nose. schools wbe ere nequslntrei Vuh Ponil's Extract rwommcmd |TU their .metier MS have l<-ure of commendtfloii frvio hundreds of Pliyslclas: maay of whom order II for nac Is thalr awn pmcUce. In addition to th ■ • f .reeoloe toey order Its use for re welll nrs of all | kind. Quinsy, Sore Throat, Inflamed U 7or ri SKi?. ro^*aM£^ Cam- i K u i^K%%i J rrs. , Tr , SkW 1 ~ *U HQ rqusl for ftpmlns. Harness or Hsddle Changs, huffneaa, Scratches. BWslllno, Cuts. LeoerxSons. hleeding*. i'neumonl*. I olln, DiSP JhS*. I'hllls. Olds. etc. Its ran** of ertioe It wide and the relief! t affords Is so prompt thai It U , Invnl'ualiln In every Ksrm-yitrd as well as la every : "srm himse Let Hhe triad onos and yaa wlft I'hyslclsnV end In tto haspluu'of ttU oonntry HlSrrOEV*"' I'ees ef Pand'e ExtrmcC, In PO gjgihaWJfii--1 ttt tmr ar* B L i art- r.TuJYrrrJA; Pi WORK FOR ALL HJBt S3 mS| ' jfcSrSltit Tarara. (t AC A t.VLJ"JII-tgrT 5N I I ararf i '.aly ->ai|>a'•••• **JJ I "*Bt... BOSTON WEEET TRANSCRIPT . Tba ban fawtlr aa—,ai ftai *bii i afbt ftagaa i H> uakmaM raadiaq | Tanaa-S# jnaaMMMi aloba of ft* pm 1 "**" "uPISTIIIV 1-OfT waATIB. SIOtoS2S ipCf KOT6a.ltaS SZZaa. I Tba rary boat, ai tar SH.(M). ; Iwt'iliißi we jiilw>4 rEKI mm imlplw pmm liiriAm mik tmtt htmVmmlm NPIMMMi fa.^^ja.7s'S£SfteTr MOTIIKKt >k baaa r.llaala oblldraa. eba ara aaaiaatia Oraaft. Read Thist Allen's Lung: Balsam ! abaald alaaya ba IkM la y.r boaaa. am* ba §** m { ; Imp still Ily abaa Uaa trM Mpma aftftaar, ablst eul ' ma ts 120 JLi? lOOJ^VWOVI3SSeiML RFATfY P*a%ffM|lNi BTU^lMate DC* I I T fa*.*., !tM.iKPaa •if , . H J. c^nntssitafgy^egggr 4>W UU &MM MUtaMM 04UKUM.ChhSMn.lii. LMJHIKIt RKI,TM.-i rw. OHIULF. FU #*■ll * NMMk.-ifMi nMH Ml u* Mt {350 Hltvs' H ?r*pssFfis WANTED | trtjSL.ST£??'!l' ■ wCSf iuddhh EMPLOYMENT I HI I C .-1 III", j U NT Miil-CMOUU UIMLIU.M' La Ouo : ti.oo tuto Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. tM *lnW OnntiMmnai, FY 111 ! One JMMr taab *m4 /W mMfifim. JAMES R. OSGOOD ft CO. >.W. *°* TO>t - "***• tlM> AGENTS WANTED! POM PAMTHTLAILv ADDMBMB WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. I M RftUmi' N Vtrt Ctty 1 CMiwMi Pkt N*vOrtaM,U.i ; me Framrtura, UL KNOW THYSELF SS^ Igjga.Tcrsa HEAL ggfe THYSELF AGENTS WANTED FOR THE m ILLUSTRATED HISTORY ri THE GREAT RIOTS I h matolai aMI liiral af tba ma •* tame lb I PMfta#. Miltamn Ctmaftt aad atborawtaa Tba . til • a*MB U |pa> <■! *• ■* TamWaana ' tagrat < yruftartr Tbnlliag n mi j*, baad fur a tall dimtal ■■ l *a—%_iilt im i.Mwl _ llaTftta t. Prai jaeta ... PbiUftalftbib. Fa.... TO BOOK AGENTS ! Wa baaaia i nan abnk met y*Aa HUM ill Ml ft— j -wa IB armrarattoa ~* >hr-. wwr.. o~,laa t*>* ' 194 Superb, Full-P*c* EngT*riafp aafta raaftta am* a.a|4.aj aa ■ >* ih M) tw.a aadtrtaal lllnauaaad PaanpUataOw Addraaa. H. H %MIV. tiaarral Aftaai. 147 Raa Iftib Nitrt, Maw V ark. M TAKE IT EABY !" Common Souse Chairs and Rockers, W.tA or ,m.ft rtaadiaa aad Wrtnat Tabla >J .djaatabla ta ail Aim t bain Jt&iJ * oard aa a Wa. ALU. r Item aa. ***** **"*.""■ VHk AjCT** twa. eaabaaot at air daairad \ ' .nrl. tor taa*. **i,J iTbllTw ta.abda.*r ?St! : Mat taMa tar lb* a* jam lt at IfflKH faira.bul a la. a iaaW caaaat ardar; all no * kl. ara BUkl, ! apaa haaar. a> am ~ d .rd Tbba arm pataat Oraraoat la tia anal utr fc aad . ranf.atabl. a*r aiada ha noni foaiana ara apMiallr adaptad t > tba FINfMT TAIMIKIMi TKAIi(C,.ad equally araaibb far tadka' llataia. Skat inaJarlteU. ad For a; Wn -laeia. aad rlauta to m D .f.rtara grant ealy by ' JOHN PARET A CO., waoL.iL. uunmma, S7B & 87 S Braadway. New Yark. IW-SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED CIKGULAM. PROr BEDFORD'S LCTTER SHOWING SUPOXJWnr C" THIS AP.TKXE OVER AU OTHERS.FOR SOAF MMUNG. SENT FREE BY MA * JN APPLICATION TO HJLAWTHONY ID* ADC ST. lEWYORK. Sandal-Wood A taatftra rawady lor all diaiaiaa af tba Kldaaya Bladder aad I rtaary Oreaaa; atao gond Dree atra! I'aarftlalata. It oaaar praduoaa aiakaaaa. oartaia aad apaody la Ha aetwa. It la faat atftaraadm* all -h— raaaadlaa. duty rapaulea ran la m ai t daya. Mo otbar laadieuia aam do tba. af I wltaller a Int. wtq to Ha r> t soeeaae. way bate beea o#wad . aeee are *et ftwear- Mt aaowoq pitaa.wa DUMDAia DIUK ft Ct.*tt 1...- bi< win, uiMlrtq Oil af aaiidalmnt. rmH m mU Jr.a aiia Ark far Mrwbr, ar maJ far ... aMI mmJ 7 Wmmrr *rart, Jtra> fork. ST.a* Wa. 4B