The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 01, 1877, Image 2
"'ks Csatrs Bspwrtsr. ~ra*D. XUBTt ISITOK. - :0: Centre RAM., P-, NOV. 1, STATE DEM- TICKET. von scraana JtiDot JOHN TRUNKKY. of Venango *o* xcoiTon oxstazi.. \VM- P. SCII ELL, of Bedford. voasvara Taaasraaa. . Cot. A. C. NO YES. of Clinton mutator ATToauav. DAVID r rOKTNKY. "iTyon want an honest, square, up right state government, go to the po s next Tueeday, C?h, aud vote for Noyes. Truukey and Schell. And if you want a highly compeisnt district attorney tor Centre county, vote for Fortney. Two ofthe Reading briilge burners, .lur ing the late strike riots, Samuel Hum phries and Edmund who both pleaded guilty to the burning of the Lebanon Valley bridge, were each sen tenced to an imprisonment of five yesrs and to pay a fine of f _ The South Carolina rsscals, trial will commence soon. F.x-Treasurer Darker will turn stated evidence. The court i n which the cx-offlcials will be tried con vened on Monday. Judge Townnend, a republican, will preaide. The peutjury is composed of nineteen colored and seventeen white persons, fifteen of whom are democrats and twenty-one re publicans. Col.Noyes majority will he doubled in Clinton and Lycoming. Old Square Timber will prove "a bigger man than old" Hart, Patterson will have a hard road to j travel. He may be forced from his seat in the Senate before the end of the ses sion. The principal evidence against Patterson comes from a colored State Senator named Maxwell, who has re signed his seat because of other corrup tion of which he has been guilty. Max well testifies that when a tie existed in the State Senate between Patterson and his competitor, ex-Govcrner Scott, I at tersou paid him money to chaoge hi* vote, thereby securing Patterson's elec tion. The repnblicans of New York are al ready throwing up the sponge and ad mit the democrats will carry the state. Of coarse they will, and with a rattling big majority too. Pennsylvania will do the same. Now, democrats of Ceatre> tarn out on 7tb, and help swell the big majority. We have splendid men on our ticket, Trunkey, Noyes, Sehell and Fortney. Don't stay from the polls. Wednesday last, 31, was the SdO an niversary of the Reformation. The great event was no doubt commemorated by the Lutherans in Europe and Ameri ca. CoL Noyes has come up to us from the rauks of the hardfisted workingmen. By bis labor, hi* honesty and industry, be has won a front seat among the good and yalcd citixens of the commonwealth. Workingmen, vote for Noyee next Tues day—as a legislator he has always voted for your interests. As an employer he has been a friend and benefactor to those in h>s employ. Ben Butler has made an offer of marriage to Anna Dickinson. The gen tle Anna and roaring old Ben —what a team that would make! As a wedding trip we would suggest to the Dutch Gap canal, then to New Orleans where the spoons were captured—well, we'll stop theTe until we learn whether Anna will sack him or not. Rather guess she will. Old Ben is very changeable in his no tions—last year he negotiated for a 30,000 acre Colorado atock farm, and intended to raise calves; he backed out of that, and now wants to get married and isise But lers. A terrible warning to boys who read the Reporter. In New York one day laat week, the mother of a lad 16 years of age, fell dead on hearing of his arrest. The boy with a comrad broke into a li quor store on Sunday night previous. The Pennsylvania republican delega tion in congress have recommended Si tnon Cameron for the English mission. Hayes asked them whom they desired, and a meeting resulted as stated. With reference to this the Tribune Beys; If Secretary Evarts thought to circum vent the wily politicians of Pennsyl vania in political strategy, it must be confessed that they have beaten him badly at his own game. It ia suppoeed that he has been desirous to appoint Mr. Wayne MacVeagh, or some gentleman of similar high standing and unques tioned fitness, to the English Mission, but has also been anxious that the ap pointment should not be unsatisfactory to the Pennsylvania politicians. So he aaks them to agree npon some eminent Pennsvlvanian whose appointment to the English Mission would gratify them. They promptly agree, and, to the a maze ment of the Secretary and the President present the name of—Mr. Simon Came ron 1 The administration has been led into a good many missteps, and some follies, through the self-sufficient opin ion of some of the Cabinet, that tney needed no advice from anybody. It is a pity that, on one of the firat conspicuous questions where they have sought ad vice at nil, they have received such a terrible dose of it. Now that Mr. Evarts has got the beat judgement of the Penn sylvania delegation as to the right way to fill the English Mission, it will be enrioas to see what he do with it. TEE OPPORTUNITY. If the Democracy ever bad an oppor tunity to win, it is now. With unex ceptionable candidates for every position to be voted for, with bickerings and dis sensions distracting and disorganizing the opposition, and the people the over-burdened taxpayers—ripe and anx ious for a change, all that ia necessary to again bring victory to the time-hon ored banners of the party of Jefferson and of Jackson, is harmony. It ia the duty of every Democrat, every disgusted Republican and every independent voter to give hia best energies to the teak of bringing our State government back to the honest and economical paths from which they have been diverted by cor rupt Republican officials. It ia only ne cessary for every good citizen to act vigi lantly, diligently, determinedly, and they will accomplish that for which fu ture generations will Wess them. Try it __ WHOOP! BALTIMORE. Baltimore, last week, gave 15,000 dem ocratic majority over all other tickets. Pittsburg desires to saddle the strikr damages on the state. Judge Steirett, the republican candidate for Supreme Judge is a rittsburger and would decide in fa Tor of it, Voters a ill see the dan ger of electing Sterrett and having ft,* 000,000 added toour debt for taxpayersto pay. Vote for Trunkoy, tben, on Tues day. The stockholders of the Northumber land Co. National Bank, are having a rough road to travel with their pet. The Shamokin Times says that W. H. M. Oram, Hmj., Receiver of the Northum berland County National Bank,received instructions on Wednesday from the Comptroller of the Currency to Issue no tices to the stockholders of the above bank that they will he required to pay in an amouut equal to the fiill amount of stock held by them, to go towards mak ing up tho deficiency between the assets and liabilities of the hank. The stock holders will lie required to pay half the amount inside of ninety days. This no tice will be stt unpleasant surprise to the unfortunate stockholders. Most of | them had no doubt msde up their minds that they would be assessed the full amount of stock held by them hut they did not anticipate that payment would be demanded so soon, or that so little time would be given them in which to "pony up" after they were giveu notice. The Receiver is ordered to collect the amounts from the stockholders by suit or otherwise, as the case may be, and has no alternative to avoid carrying out the instructions of the Comptroller. Even after the stockholders have paid in the toll amounts of the assessments against them, the bank will not be able to pay more than seventy-five per cent, on its liabilities. A dividend of twenty-five per cent, was declared last week, which it now ready for payment. Sherman's policy seems to be a vigor ous one, judging Bom the manner in which it tends tocreate smash-upe. Here are the latest Indianapolis, October 22.-The bank of Bunker Hill at Bunker Hill. Illinois, suspended this morning The liabilities are sixty thousand dollars. The hank officers sav depositors will be paid in toll. San Francisco, October 22.—The fail ure of the Carvill Carriage Manufactur ing Cbmpanv Is announced- Liabilities are *50,000. Assets are nominally stated as SBO,OOO. Quince, October 22.—'The failure is an trounced of Bedford, McCoe A Co., an old lumber firm of this citv. Liabilities esti mated from SIOO,OOO to $150,000. And here comes another railroad war, just as the weather commences to get cold. The facts are telegraphed as fol lows: The Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad crosses the tracks of the Lawrence and j New Castle, a leased line of Uie Pennsyl vania railroad, at Mahoningtown, Pa. Last week the latter began grading for a aide track to be placed four or Ave feet below tbe grade of the main track, with the intent'on of preventing the uew road from crossing their line. The Lake Erie road, however, put a large force of men to work and succeeded iu making the crossing. On night of 25 a large force of workmen employed by the Lawrence and New Castle road marched to the crossing and tore up the newly laid track of the Lake Erie road. The latter road with a still larger number of workmeu relaid the track, and it was again torn up next evening. The Iron Works at Danville arc all idle except two mills. There is not a furnace in blast. Yet we hear not a word from Republicans that all this is caused by the tariff. They have for more than fifteen years regulated the tariff and made it specially high on iron, yet the iron business isd<sul, as well as many other kinds of business that have been protected by a high "protective" tariff. This result shows that a high tariff will oxerstimolate a business at the expense of the consumer, only in the end to break down under its own weight of over production. The democratic nominee for district attorney, Mr. D. F. Fortnev, ia a self made man. Through hia own perse verance and industry, and without any other assistance, he has succeeded in gaining prominence as an attorney at the Bellefonte bar. He is a fit man for the office; the common classes of our people can always approach him, for he baa ever sympathised with them. As a democrat he has always been among the hardest workers in our party. Give bim a full vote, on Tuesday, fellow democrats—no one ia more deserving your support > We suppose the qualifications the Pennsylvania delegation at Washington found in Simon Cameron for the Eng lish mission, were his successful nego tiations with the Winnebago Indians, when be doctored them up with Middle town shin-plasters, and gorged his own pockets a ith the stealings off that tribe. We hardly think that Dale wants the office of District attorney—he is rich and feels above it Mr. Fortney ia not rich, bat he is just the man for the place, and will make one of the best district at torneys we ever had. Vote for the farmer boy, D. F. Fort ney for district attorney. He rose from the ranks of the honest and bumble, and is the friend of the poor. Ad editor of a rad sheet out in Mis souri threatens to publish u a little epi •ode from a Pennsylvania paper," against, Mr. B. F. Meyer, publisher of the Bethany, Mo., Broad-ax. Can't do it —there is nothing published, nothing that can be published, from here, that will hurt Frank in the least. His reputation here is XXX. Senator Wallace has introduced a bill | providing for the issue of $400,000,000 silver dollars, half dollars snd quar ters. Grant is now in Paris, where a big time—feasting and drinking—awaits him. Morton the embezzler has been re-ar-1 rested, the judge told him for tiobezzle- ] ment of $200,000, upon which no securi ty bad been entered. There are still deaths by yellow fever at Fernandina, Florida. Ex-Mayor Henderson, of J-ainaster, is dead. Hobeski Roes, who oeoe rep rescm,led tbis district in Congrew, committed sui cide, as will be seen from a dispatch in another colump. Marshal MacMahon is preparing to de fy the people's will. ke/jator Morton's condition is*£ore. Tbeioiogfd voters of Pittsburg have cut loose from tiw Republicans and re solved to go for the ticket, and a colored democratic organi*uiio is also in operation. The selection of the Hon. W'm. A Wallace for membership of the Commit tee on Foreign Relations by his fellow members of the senate was *a compli ment well-bestowed. Pennsylvania thus still has a member of that important committee. I AW TROUBLE FOR HA YES. t Haves baa a new trouble on band— | the appointment of n minister to Kngland i and the Cameron business lias canted the ' latest serious unpleasantness. Ilayes, through KvarM ItlffißlmHUtlie Pennsyl vania delegation |;e Vf.'Uld Ippldnt whomever they wo4M agh-c upoo. Hon® then had ihedelapition tlx upon bis father for the place. This was unex pected and the President refuses to give the old Winnebago the appointment, and the dissatisfaction that has been created by his refusal threatens a big split in the party. A Washington special says: "It is the present intention of Secretary Kvarts U> offer the English misstou to a citizen of Illinois, the naming of ex Senator Came ron having terminated all Airthsr dis- P*ii ion to otter anything taore tn lids direction. The administration i so in dignant at tlie attempt of Senator ame ron and the Pennsylvania delegation in congress to draw liieni into an attitude stultifying and ridiculous that they have eaaentialiv determined to break off all future political relations auh tbem. In making the Philadelphia custom house appointment* it was proposed to consult with the senator, but hia recent course, has precluded any such action." I Another special, of SI ult, aavs: Chair man Wilson. Cenerat Bingham and Messrs. lafeds and I'ennvjiacker. bad an interview with Mr. Haves on the sub ject of the political order. Mr. llayca observed that there would be no objec tion to ftnleral officeholders making speeches in the campaign after the nom illations were made. Subeequetitly, they visited the senate to engage a few speak ers for the campaign, but up to this tune none were willing to-coraply. Among (hoee requested were Conkliug and Ogleeby l'here is a very lively condition of af fairs at the executive mansion today, and the ante-rooms of Mr. Hayes' cham ber have been filled with a very anxious throng of people, all seeking an inter view with liim, and all with rvferen.-e to appointments for themselves c>r others in whose interest they appear. Two dif ferent delegations from Pennsylvania have Iveen in consultation with Hayes, one composed entirely of citizens, prin cipally merchants of Philadelphia, and headed by Messcrs. Edward T. Steel and Joel J. Baily, who are here by appoint ment, and are in conference with Mr. Haven upon the subject of appointment* in that city, theeollectorship of that port being, it ia stated, a part of the discus sion, and it is also tueniiotied that the 1 present collector is being strongly in dorsed. A more interesting consultation was that held with Mr. llavcs and sev eral of the meet prominent members of the republican organisation in the state ■ of Pennsylvania. The delegation was J composed of Colonel Wilson, chairman I of the present central committee of Pennsylvania ; Colonel Hoyt, chairmau . of the committee of last year; W. 11. I Leeds, Governor Hartranft, Gen. Henry , U. Bingham, and Messrs. Freeman, Ward and O'Neill, member* of congress from that state, and one or two others. These gentlemen were with Mr. Haves . for some time, and explained their view* upon topics related to what they consid " ercd the true interests of y they represent, and with regard to certain ap -1 pointments which it would be advan j tsgeous, in their view, to have made. .The big Lumber Suit between the l Baileys and Kdcr, House) A l*eemer lias x been" concluded by a verdict for the amount claimed, about $37,000; add to this the costa, aud it is said that the 1 amount will reach $50,000. An incident r of the suit is reported by the Times as . follows. { One of these employees, named Dyer, took the stand and testified that the true 5 lines w ere shown and that he had re s ceived from time to time large sums of > monev as gifts from the defendants' book-keeper. Having asked w hat these 5 girts meant he was told that it was ' all 1 right." Subsequently, according to a 1 prcarrangement, be had an interview , with Mr. I>eemerata house in Williamv ! port, where a couple of detectives were 1 secreted in an adjoining room waiting to hear the conversation, for the witness had informed bisemployersofthe whole I matter* "Deeiner then and there told i me," he continued, "that whatever 'Joe' k Gilmore. the book-keeper, did was right and he wanted me to testify as he wisb -1 ed about the lines. 1 appeared as if I r would agree, and after the interview the . book-keeper paid me various amounts— in all sl,lHU—and also gave me a watch ' worth $300." The money and the watch ' were now shown by the witness. One i Whitman, another of the three employ • eus, was arrested before the trial com menced, and held upon affidavit that be ' was offered money by the defendants to ' absent himself from the trial. THE LARGEST CROP OF GRAIN TIUS COUNTRY HAS YET PRO DCCED. ; j The grain crop of the United State* r, tbia autumn ia a vaat increase over that! of any preceding year in the history of; the country. It amounts in the two Srincipal cereals. wiieat and corn, to | 25,000,000 hushcla of the former, and j 1,280,000,000 of the latter, according to , the careful estimates of Mr. Walker, the statistician of the New York produce exchange. The movement of this enor mous crop has just begun to be felt, as i up to the past eight weeks the exporta tions were oflaat year's crop; but the sudden increase alreadv#oted gives good promise of a golden future. During the brief period mentioned our exports of wheat from the parts of New York, Mon treal, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans and Portland have aggre gated 11,525,188 bushels, againat an ex portation from the same porta during a corresponding period of last year of 3,- 938,951, bushels, showing an increase of 7,580,237 bushels. There has also been an increase of 708,234 bushels iu the ex portation of rye during the same time, and in peasan increase of 81,409 bushels. In corn alone there has been a fall ing off lo the extent of 1,633,054 in that time. A GOOD .SCHOOL UIMTORf, We have never been particularly eager to bring about changes in school-books, but always favor improvement in this direction when its signs and omens are sufficiently manifest. The best helps of ins'ruction are none too for our children, and they should be carefully sought and promptly adopted when found. We have recently given a little thought to historical text-books, having had a new work of this kind placed in our hands for examination, lybioh excites unusual interest in all who have given it proper study. The book is the production of Prof, J. C. Ridpath, an ac complished scholar aud historian, who is well known for several works delinea ting our national records and progress; and he has certainly invested the subject with fresh attractions. His text is ad mirable, with faultless arrangement and a series of the best illustrative maps, charts, and diagrams it has ever been our good fortune to see in any history. Prominent educators s(ak of it in terms of nnmeusured commendation, and if is going into use very rapidly in all com-' munines where the education of youth is regarded as a matter of prime mo ment. Our readers will do well to ex amine it for themselves. That was a pretty solemn gathering at Secretary Sherman's house in Washing ton, lost week, when the Republican leaders relieved their minds on the po litical situation, bi)f it was illuminated with one delicious gleam of junior from General Butler. When the Goae/-al arose to give hia view, he began by stat- 1 ing, with great seriousness, that, he was pleased to meet with his colleagues from Massachusetts, and that lie could not re member that he had even been called to a conference with them before, unless it was to consider the preliminaries of some funeral. Washington hasn't finished; laughing at the neat joke yet. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine for November contain* 128 page* ot the be*t reading matter the month will afford u*. To it* reader* it inuit prove a tource of mental pleanure and recreation. N on-sec tarian in iu principle, it i* purely religiou* In tone and teaching- It conuin* 100 flue engraving*. The opening page* treat ot tfci? progress of Japan. Kunsia, Kgypt, Gre.-hlafid tfhrr lar away place* are alto noticed in it* SoUtpn*. The ufiUal number of beautiful fttV>ri<?, the "Home Pulpit." by|the oditor. Dr.lleem*,aquan-i tlty of witty paragraph*, poem*, etc. com-' pletethe work It* intrinsic value to the home-circle ia far in advance of it* price. Every family should subscribe to (hit beautiful publication during tho year 1878, the January number of which begins the third volume, and will bn issued early |tti December The Magsalne contains an average n( LMMMH) word*. and the annual subscription price is hut fit. single oopias i 26 rents, free by ntsflT Address Frank i Leslie's I'iiblish Ing housU, M' I'earl street fJ.-W York. Krank Leslie'* IWpulapJilcnthly for No-! vnwlmr > -vntaln interesting ill after. It Is lull ef variety. Just what our I readers delight in It cental lis an etcel lent and very liberally illustrated article 1 on the late M Thiers, ex-President of the, Krawch Keptiblic, one on '"The Coast Fish- j cries f America, tab nit HO illustrations , another on "The Artificial Product of the Light" (20 illustrations) and several oth ers To these aie added tome very eicel lent abort stories, continued a number of welceme paragraphs and anecdolae. of tales, natural nnd political history, while science, art, poetry, wit and humor And their places among its many columns The and of the vear drew* near, and a, subscription to the Monthly for IhTX would | make a very desirably holiday pieaeut or a New Year's gift in the home circle. The! Popular Monthly it the best and clonpe.l publication of iu kind in the world Kerb number contains 12h pages. IPO illutlra-i lions, and an average of 16'J.liU) words, I and the price per year is but |2 50er am ide copies 26 cants, free by mail, which i* tO to 22 per cent cheaper than Harper aor Scribner's magaainea, which contain an average of but ItK.UHO and 142.< MX) word*, and cost $4 per annum For the Popular monthly, address your orders to Frank Leslies Publishing House, 63? I'earl street. New York I.ISTOP AWARDS OF AGRICULTU RAL SOCIETY Concluded. Class 24 Pets. Best lot of V allege cats, Clyde Su.elr.ler SIOO. Best coop of pigeons, Wm K Stal er 160 Beat cage turtle doves. Adam Garbrick 60c. Beat cage of squirrel*, Tom my Glenn 60c. Beat cage of canary biids, Mis- Etta Chambers fate. Second best, M s* Anna Shortlidge 26c. SECOND DEPARTMENT Agricultural aud Horticultural Pro duel*. Class 26—Grain and Seed. Be-t bushel white wheal—Sam'l Brug ger, Wm F Jordon. Edward Johnston, J •I Arnev. -1 w Sweet wood. Peter Hock man. Win M ldding* Favorably men tioned. Judges unable to decide. Beat bushel of red wheal—Wm Idding*. Harrison Kline, J It Alexander, Ge- S llov, Henry Gross, Ephriam Keller, Geo Dale. Favorably mentioned. Judges un able to decide Rest sheaf white wheat, Geo K Baker tiOO. _ Best bushel white corn in ear. Jos eph Kitchen I 00. Beat bushel yellow corn in ear. Judges unable to decide.. Best pock popcorn in ear, J Willi* Weav er 1 (H) Best sample corn on stalk, Judg es unable to Jeci 'e. Best broom corn, Uao Hoffer 100 Best bu-h rye. Edward Johnston I (H) Rest bush oats, Jatne* F Weaver 100 Best bush barley, Uea-ki ah Hoy 1 iH Best bush buck wneat, Ja M Lucas 1 00. Best } busbel timothy sed. Ed G Gamer I'rac Farmer. Beat 1 oushel clover seed, W F Jurdon Prac Farmer Best i bushel Hung, grass seed, Wm Id dings I'rac Farmer. Cla* 26—Flour and Meal. Besicwt flour from while wheat, Win Thompson Jr Diploma. BNI cwt meal front while corn, Duncan, Hale and Co. Diploma. CI a >• 28—Fruit* Apple*. D<.'t & fall varieties 4 do* apple* each, T B Kupert I'pao. Farmer. Brt S winter varietie* 1 Joeen apple* each. Geo Smetx ler Pr*r. Farmer. He*l tamnle irrespect ive of variety I do*, J F Kreb* SIOO Be*t sample applet—lß76, J Irvin Gray l'rac Farmer Sample apple* from tame tree 1870— 7. Dan 1 L Grove, Jt&c. Fear* Hett I summer or fall varietiea I do* each, W B Kckley, Free. Farmer, liett •ample irrotpeciive of variety not lea* than 1 do* W B Kcklw $1 U>. Quince*. Be*t (ample irretpectivia of variety not le*a that 1 dux, J \V Sweelerood 1 OU. Grape*. Beat sample irrwpeeiive of variety not let* than t bunches, Jacob Hoover Frac. Farmer. Orchard*. Bc*t apple orchard of not la** than 36, tree* of over 8 year* growth planted by competitor, Dan'l U Grove $4 00 TiflKD DEPABTMKNT. Agricultural Implement*. Manufac tured Articles, Mechanic*, etc. C!a 29 Agricultural Implement*. Be*l combined mower end reaper, J M Thompson, Uiploni. Best (rain sepera lor, llenry A Oenucl. Diploma. Bct irrain drill and era** teed lower combined J M Thompson, Dipb-ma. Bei roller, Geo Swan*, Bet cultivator, J M Thomp son, Diploma. Bet straw and fodder < ut ter, M< Clellan A Speer, Diploma Brat corn planter, E L Burgstressar Diploma, Beat farm mill, Ezra Krumbine, Diploma. Beat chilled plow, John Kiabel. Diploma. Beat aeed cleaner, Shaffer Jt A kens Diplo ma. ILuaispaly 0/ Agricultural imple ment*, J M Thetupaon Diploma end #lO ClaaaaO—Kurniture and Utensils for harms. Dairy <k lluuiehold. Beat power churn with power attached, II N Twitmiro Diploma. Beat sausage Huffer, John 11 Wolf Diploma. Boat wa*b:r>( machine, Geo M Swartx Diplo ma Beat natnnt invalid bedstead, Wm. II Htbgood Diploma. Beat bat rack, W 11 Musser Diploma. Cle* 31 —Wagon* A Carriage*. Heal open buggy, John R Hartruff Di-j plntua. Beat lop buggy, John li JNrtruff Diploma. Beat ael wagon apindlea, J' Miles Green. Class 33—Lumber and iu Manufacture*. ' Beat display of wall bracket*, Prcncisf Speer Diploma. Beat display cooper ware' homo made, John itoan 8 (3) Brat ipeci men dove tailing. Geo li Baker Diploma. Brat collection of native wood showing an- : nual growth Ac., Samuel Brugger Diplo-j in*. Claw bit— Lcaiber and its .Manufacture*. Beat peir eoarae boo;—Jupjory made 1 John l'owera Diploma B-t pair ladies gaiters factory made, John I'owora, Dipio mi, Brat pair ladies shoes factory made, John Powers Diploma. Beat peir chil dren's rhoea factory made, John Powers Diploma. Beat V* r coarse boot* home made, John Power* Diploma Beat pair ladles gaiter* borne made, Jobn Power* Best display- of bx>U and shoe* Jobn Power* Diploma Beat set single harms* Pan'l German 100 Beat set double her new Jcrfy Treisler lU> Beaj set tug har ness, Dan'l barman fffl Best pair Na polean boots home made Jobn'Jtavera pi plema. Beat pair gente alligator boot* home made, Jonn Powers' Diploma. Brat. fair calf stitched boots borne made, John 'ower* Diploma. Class 34—Iron and it* Manufactures Largest display of stoves, T A Hicks A Bro. Diploma. Best set of forged horse shoe* for trotting, Henry T Norrl* 1 80. Best set horse shoes forged for common work, Jerry Tressler 1 60. FOURTH DEPARTMENT. Home. Class 36—Wines, Pickles, Prflxer2.e>. jgc. Basilar preserved peaches, Aggie House 60 Be>tjar preserved apples, Mr* J J MusseroOc- Best Jar preserved quinces, Mrs Annie Furey 60c. Best jar preserved cherries, Mrs Harry Yeager 60e. Best Jar raspberry jelly, Mis* Lizzie Musser 60c. Best isr elderberry jelly, Mr* David Bart ley 60c. Best Jar apple jelly, Mrs Albert Smeltzler 60c Best jar quince jelly, Mrs Minerva Garbrick 60c. Best Jar grape jel ly. Mrs Mary A!Neff6oc. Best jar crab apple jelly. Mrs C Dale J r 60c. Beit sam ple appip belief. Mrs W m Iddings 60c. Best sample peach butler, Mr* Albert Smeltser 60c. Best sample pear b'uller, Mrs II F Hartley 60c. Best sample quince butter. Jos Crotzer 60c. Best sample grape butler. Mr* Albert Smeltzer 60c. Best sample plum butler, Mis* Bella Ly tic 60c. Best jar mi zed pick lea, Mrs AI bert Smeltrer 60c. Second best, Mrs J F Weaver 26c. Best grape wine. Mr* C M Seller* 60c. B*tcurrant wine, Mr* t) M ."•'ellers 600. B*t cider vinegar, MrsC W (• Gray6oc. Best raspberry vinegar. Mrs H K B*'ley 60c. Rest pickled cucumbers Mr* II F Birtley 50c. Best pickled torn*- n o-. Mr*'J P j&eavor 60c. Host pickled onions, Mrs J F Weaver Wjc Bast pick led cabbage 60c. Best chow-chow, elr Albert Suii'ltzor 60c. Best cherry bu'ter, Mr* John Sankey 60c. Best spiced melon Mi-* Aggie Sme'itzer 60c Rnst currant jelly. Miss Maggie Shafer 60c Class 30— Fresh Butler. Best 2 H><* butter from a churning not ie- than 4 pound-. Maggie J£ fjroh Hep derson* Flower Gardening. Second L-n < Mrs K M Musser Am. Agriculturalist i Best butter made bv a girl under 10 years of age without aid, Letlie M B'netzler 2 00, Second best, Carrie K Hunter Henderson'* , Flower Gardening Third best, MrsGM ! Boa I 60c. Class 37—Cheese. Best home made chi-ese. Miss Silvia ( Jones Henderson* Flower Gardening. £]*;* 38—Tub and Sailed Butter. Best tfrkih of sniicu waiter, not less than i mouth old, Mrs Isniuh Struble 8 Qy, i Class 39 Breed, (Sub A) In which none but matried ladigi can compete. Best lot of wheat bread, Mrs Kale M Musaer 2 (HI. Second best, Mrs A unit Hurts I 00. Best leaf of rye bread Mrs 11 K ifoy I CO, Best loaf ol bran bread. Mis J F Weaver 1 00. Best 4 do* tra bli cult, Mrs Hartley t 00. Bread, (It i In whktk none but single UJi<<l tan com pete. B<*t foal a< wheat bread, Misal W*gnr 200 (Second best. Miss Jennie Rhine • inlib 100 Bo.t | do* toa biscuit, MissM Kay 1 00. Bread (0) Girls under 16 years of age. Best loafol wheat bread, Mi (J M Law yer 2 00. Second best, Clara M Dale 1 H> Class 40 Cakea, I'astry, Honey, Ac. Best rusk, Mrs Albert Smeltaer 1 <H) Best biscuit. Mist Annie Dale lUi Bmi pound cake, M lit Sarah Bonn I (Hi Bast spongecake. Mrs Sarah Garbrick I'W Beat coc-anul cake. Miss Lime Short lidge 100. Best white mountain on it, Mrs David Hartley 1 (H. Best ciincol tie cake, Mrs D Hartley 100. Best dough nuts. Mn George Taylor 1 00. Best gn ger bread, Mrs C Dale jr 100. Fresh bit in in prints, Mr. Sarah Davidson 1 00 Best 6 pounds honey. Miss Ida Yoarck I(0 Best display of not leas than 8 bol es of honey, Mrs J H Bee Jour- I nal. 6 lbs home made hard soap, Mre J A | McCliatirk lUt Hast apple pie. Mrs Kb IriiKektey 100. Heat lemon pie, Misa j Luxie Weaver ltd). Best pumpkin pie, 'Miss Mary Kckert 100 Beat minca pia. Mrs John J Muster 100 Bast apple cue tard. Miss Clara M Data 100 Kgg cus tard, Miss Mary Kckert 1 00. Best naea.- ure cake, Mrs Sarah C Dale 60c Beat dried torn, Mrs Joseph K.tcheu&Oc. Beet granger cake. Mrs M K Seibert 60c. Best snow enke. Mrs K Chamber* 60c. Beat marble raka. Miss Fannie K Gray 60c. Class 41 -Quilling. Needlework, Im broidery and Ornninenlai Work. Beet delaine quilt, Kuie C Taylor 2 00 Beat calico quilt, Mrs J F Weaver 1 00. Best white quilt, Mrs II K Hoy 1U Feat woolen coverlet, A O Deininger 1 00. Feat woolen blanket, Miaa Rhice 1 U. Best home made rug. Mi*. A D Kealsh I tH'. Be t borne made woolen stockings, Mis* Alice Harnhart 100. Best home made stocking yarn, Mr*. Goo. Tayior 1. 00. Beat j.air of woolen gievtw—knit, Sophia K 1 oung 1 00. Best pair woolen mittens—knit, Mias Nellie E Benner 1 00 Best silk embroidery, Mrs John N Lane, NHV Beat toilet mat*, Bessie 11 Meek 1 00. Best worked chemisette. Mrs K Chambers 100. Beet worked yoke and sleeve, Mite Leaaie Kbice 1 Ui. Beat sample of tatting Sophie K Young 1 00. Best sample edg ing, Sophi K Young 1 tH). Best carriage afghan, Mrs Jat B Lane 1 00. Beat child's afghan, Mrs Jas li Lane 1 00. He*t crorh etedecephyr shawl, Mr* Geo W Campbell 1 ft). Best knitted aephyr shawl, Mtst 8 E Benner 1 00. Beat pair child's socks. Sophie E Young 100 Best sofa pillows, Nannie K Campbell J 00. Best sofa c< ver Mrs Dr Hibler 1 00. Best pair tiippeit, Kachael E Hunter 1 00. Best work ba-ket Fannie K Gray 100. Best needle l>-ok, Mrs P H Haupt 100 Best watch case, Mrs W F Kearick I 00. Best toilet cush ion, Mr* J C Curtin 100. Best netted cake cover, Saliie E Bonner 1 U). Best netted tidy, Ada Lingle 100. Best em broidered tidy, Mrs Shannon Bonl 1 00. Best crocheted tidy, Ella Schrover 100. Best worsted tidy, Mr* J B Shaver 100. ' Best specimen bead work, Effle Straub j 1 00. Best specimen burr work. Mrs Geo , W Campbell 1U) Best specimen hair .work. Mis A Love 100. Best specimen 'leather work. Martha I* Wilson 1 UJ. Best specimen shell work, A O Deininger 1 OC. Best specimen moss work, E M Tuten I CO. Best specimen wax work, Maltie M orrison 1 00. Best wax fruit, Mrs Shan non Bmri 100 Beet feather flowers, Mr* A A King 1U) Best aephyr flower*. M Kbuda Fuller ] 00. Best and most merito- ■ riou* niece of ornamental work of any. kind, Mr* P U Haupt 100 Host piec • of' rag carpet made in the county, Mr* O W Campbell ll®. Bet canva** tidy, Mr*'; Geo Campbell 50c. Beat while can**** ti-i dy. Mr* Geo W Camhell 50c lte*t buff canva** tidy. Mia* K Schroyer fiUc. Uot railroad canva** tidy. Mr* George Camp- Hell SCV-. Be*t air caallo M Khoda Potter KV, Be*t "scratch my back" Mr* J H McCortnick 60c, Beet honey oomb can- I I v*** tnty, mr* M M DaleflUo Besljava canvas* tidy, mi** A San key 50c He*: to fa cutblon, mr* J U Sharer 100. Hetl i night drea*. Mr* Ja* Idding* 1 UU. Best e*d wreath, mi** Klla Schroyer 1 07. Clase 42—Fine Art* and Penmanship. Be*t oleograph, Progress Grange 1 00 Be*l oil painting. T B Jiolan 50a H*t penciling, tats* K J Marshall 100 Beat H>eciwen map drawing, J Barne* 100 and, Diploma. Be<t crayon drawing, T B No-I lan 6 00 and Diploma. Cla** 48— Flowart and Design*. Best display of dghlia*. mr* K M Mu* *ar, Henderson's plea*urn Gardening.; Boat display of pbloxe*. Mr* H F Hartley Hen. Flea*. Gard. Ba*l display of ain-j nee*, mr* A C Moor* Hen. Plea* Gard. Best display of coxcomb*, mr* H F Bart ley Hen. Pleai. Getd. Be.t di*play of, ornamental loliage, Mr* Geo Campbell Bet ditplav o( verbena*, mr* David Bart ley Han. Flea*. Gard. B*t ditplav of. paniiaa, mr* George Campbell Hen. Flea*. Gard. B**t miscellaneous boquet, ni*s Maggie Shafer Hen. Flea*. Gard. Second beet nmcelUnoou* flower*, mr* H F Bart ley Hen. Flea*. Gard. Beat boquei of dahlia* net le than IV varietie*, mr* M A NeffSOO. Best miscellaneous flower*, inr John Morgan 3 00. pie** 4f- Miscellaneous Article;. Best display of cigar* made in cour.ty, Cruse ACo Diploma. Best display* nd cap*. Montgomery A Co Diploma Beat diaplay of bird*, F P Green Diploma. , Best collection of foMila, Abe V Miller . Diploma and 'J 00. Bet collection in ecology, Abe V Miller Diploma, Kml display of inuiicsl instrument*, Bunnel A Aiken* Diploma. Fifth—Children's Department. Clau 45—Girl* under 16 year* of age. Bfftjaya canvas* tidy. Jennie Boal 1 00 Second best'Anhfe Johnston lair. lie,t pjcj cushion. Mamie Fifer 100. Second heat,i Mry B Morris 50c. Best calico quilt. Blanche A Dale 1 00. Secnod bett Clara M Dale 50c. Bett band made girl'* suit.! Frankie Thompson 1 00. Best pair hand knit sock*, Alice Kumbarger 100. Best specimen needlework. M B Morris 1 00. 1 Second, Mary K McQuistian 50c. Be*', specimen hair work, S Alice Hoy 50c. Class 46—Boy* under 16 year* age and ap-' prentice*. lie*; busfcol earn selected and exhibiled by boy, Orin S Dale 1 OU. Beat birthel po tatoes aelected and exhibited by boy, Jobn K Young 1 (JO. Beat bushel apples select ed and ezhibited by boy, Philip D Potter 1 00. Beat sheaf of wheat aelected and ez hibited by boy, Wm B Young 1 00. Boat sheet of rye selected and ezhibited by boy Jeremiah Ho* ! 00. Beat sheaf oeta, se lected and ezhibited by boy, Wra Young 100. Boat specimen carpenter work, J li Weaver 100. Boat specimen cabinet work, JII Weaver 100. Beat specimen bkckshj'b v'ork, pair of horse shoes, Jas Comely 100. Beet specimen U A Campbell 1 00. Second host, Bobby V ■ Hunter 76c. Boys goat team. Bins* 47—Discretionary Committee. Model of bridge, Samuel Brugger Di-j ploma. Display of Gent's Furnishing' < goods. Montgomery A Co. Diploma. Dit plav of confectionery, Ac., James Welsh A Co Diploma. Best display of cloths, caai meres Ac Montgomery A Co Diploma. Best display of Pharmaceutical prepara tion, FP Green Diploma Carpet Exhi bitor, S A A Loeb Diploma. Bellefonte Walr Wheel, Wm P Duncan A Co Dl* ploma. SIXTH DEPARTMENT. Amusement*. Walking Race. First—B mill 6 ec, Jas Smith 3 OJ. Sec ond—9 ntin 16 sec, Fred Gummo 2 00. Third, John Kckcrt 1 00. Foot Race—By men, Fir*t, Jas Chans 2(0. Second, Chat m' Lnughlin 1 (JO. Hurdle Race—For Boys. First, Cooper Date 1 00. Second, An drew Parsons Tbc. Third ChssPowell 60. Fourth. Andrew Powers j&c. girth, Jobf} miliar 2Ac. Sixth, Cha* little 26c. Bart enth, miles Newcomer 26c. Kith, John Coi 26c. Ninth, Elmer Folk. Tenth, Frank Hunter. Sack Bace. , First, Frank miller 76c. Second, James miller 60c. Third, Jeff Heeton 26c. Fourth. Harry William* 26c. Fifth, Le an der Green 26. Wheel-barrow Usee. First, Harry William* 2 OJ. Second J A \V*gner I <*>. Third, Jame- Smith 76c. Fourth Dalige 60c. Fifth, Edward Roan'ltMf. "" * ~ Veiocipode Eaco. First, Peul Voburg 2 00. Second Ed ward Thodes 1 00. Horseback Riding by Ladies and Gentles men in couple*. First, K Chambers and mother 600. ■ Fantastic Parade. First, (Wooly Head) W P Brown 6 00. Second, (Snout) Geo Fasig 4 00, Third, (Kiev* lirown) Jos Saibert 3 00. Fourth, (Nebuchadnszst) michael Shields 2 00. Fifth, (Indian Red Dog) Chas Koontz, 1- 00. Trotting Race ( 1 mile beet) best 2 in 8. Horse* making time Nearest 6 minutes. Firat. Bond Valentine 10 00. Second, A i,awm it 1)0., Corn Hmking match. < 1 First, John U Wolf 2 00. Second, Amos Garbrick 1 fit). Third, Jai Wiokleman 1 0 Single Horseback Hiding by I -<dir* Kirt, mrs Geo m Boat Ladies Saddle veeotid. nr Lat*> it NnfT bridlr, Third mrs E Chambers HOO Fourth, mr* Ktlm 2 Uft Single U re W< k Hiding by GentVmen. Final. iWi Reynolds Uenta Saddle Second, Ir W C Grove, bridlr Third. O Dfle Jr * (XI Fourth. Gee in lioal 2 00, Flltti. Lafayette Nefft OH ——"Godey's ljgiiy's Book" for N'ovaui >er o|>en* with a very beautiful steel-plate engraving, nnlitled "Music bath Charms." Then we have a colored la.l.ion plate, of Ave figures, and a great variety of engrav- NOW IS YOUR TIME. Owing U> the fact that we eapect to move into our new store room about the 26Ui f November, and Dlßl KING TO OPEN AN BNTIKK NEW STOCK, we will until that time, in order to save u- the trouble of moving old goods, offer our entire Stock at First Cost —Without Reserve., We have now in .lore a very large amount of goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CLOTHING. BATS A CAPS. BOOTS A SHOES. LADIES CLOAKS, FURS, And every article necessary for winter use in endless variety all of which w wit] actually SELL AT COST. Until our removal to our new rooms. COME AND SEE FOB Y'OCKSELVES. loovlm JOSEPH BRO. ft CO. BOOTS. SHOES. BOOTS !!! • at Bayers. in J . • Where you will find the LARGEST $ TOCI\ of Boots and shoes ] > # j /ever brought to this country. Sold very Cheap, and Guaranteed to give satisfaction in w earing. -None bnt WillUmeport and Watsontown Stock fin his store. Anything from the tiniest and r prettiest baby Shoes torn en's Heavy Stoga Boots. \ LADIES. ALL LASTING GAIT ORS AS LOW AS 95 CENTS. WrGOAND EX AMINE THE L ARGEST AND FINEST LOT l OF BOOTS AND SHOES, BET WEEN MIFFLIN BURG AND ; BELLKFONTE /. D. Bayer. STOVES I HEATERS! RANGES! | Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware! 4! WILSON tMTARLANE, Bellefonte, I'enn'a. I I Have just received tod placed on Exhibition and Sale, at their Store* no lea* than Fifty-Three Varieties ind Styles of Cook and Parlor Stoves, Single and Double Heaters, Portable Ranges, Ac., embracing all the latest improvements, newest makes, styles and novelties in the market, combining all the desirable Qualities, such as beauty, durability,convenience and econo my. They hare tneonly Portable Ranges that will bake in BOTH OVENS for sale in the county. ENTIRELY NEW, Every Stove WARRANTED in every particular. LOWEST PRICE and satisfaction guaranteed. Our stock of Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads, and PAINTS cannot be excelled for variety, quality and cheapness. EVERYBODY 18 REQUESTED TO CALL whether wishing to pur chase or not. Special Bargains for Cash Buyers! a • T 5 v WILSON & McFARLANE, Humes' Block, Bellefonte. j! II ILEYITMt J SHORTLIDGE & CO, ; BELLEFONTE, PA. HaTe erected a new GBAIN ELEVATOR on their Coal Yard and ere buying grain AT THE HIGHESTPRICES, in cash on delivery, for WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Unloading ii done more eetily aad more promptly than any other place ip town which make, the #JfW jASVATOH the tpost cje|rayi# plftf* \o sf>lVgfi"n t iANTHRACITE COAL; Tba only dealer* in Centre County who well the W! II Li Kl El Si Bi Ai Hi R! E Ci Of Ai L from the old Baltimore mines Alio NHAMOKIN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracit* Coal dryly housed expressly tor bog*, use- at the lowest price* RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIREBRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER. which i* always sold at low prices, and warranted to be as good a fertiliser aa an other platter. * <D??3©S AM 7AM NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R DEPOT 8EL..1 OML, PA. " I ings for ladies work, Ac, In addition o this it lies a laigc amount of choice and in terraiing reading, making It altogether n interesting number. p e♦ e 1 We h.vetn** Dr. Hull's Gugh Syrup In our family, and can assart thallt is the bast remedy for a cough or cold ev •r introduced. I'rife 26 Ml*. Rev. Brisker of Logftnt i|lc, baa re ceived a call from Fisbersvllle, Union co Loth, charge. and will shortly go then. —— No oil at llyner yet well 13G0 (sat in depth. I !■ ortDey the poor and coiupctont, or Dale th rich man —which ? I S. & A, Loeb. THKTIMKH ADMOVJSII you. THK TIMES ADMONISH YOU TO HA VK.MONE V WHEN YOUCA V TO SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN. ! . We intelling—CAßPETS AT 20 CTH We am telling—CAßPET* AT 'M Cl'ti. We arc telling—CA HI'KTH AT SO UT. |We ere telling—€ A RPMTA AT 28 CTB VJ • ere telling—CA KPKTtt AT 28 CTH We ere telling—CA HPfcTS AT 25 OTH. We *r tlling- I N'O*N CABKTS at oc. We are telling—l NO'N CAKPTS at*V- We ere teiling-INO'N CARPTH alSOc. We are eetIing—INGRAINS ATBB cant*. Wa are ealling-INURAINH ATtteei.U. He are tolling—lNGKALNSATttcentt- V We are telling- Deinatk ball AtUii }).* * r * >*ltln|-Pimu(litll Adreu , tt We are telling Dtrnatk hall A tuir car*u W* are Ml line—Superfine Ingrain at 7&r. w • sr *elling—Suporfln* Ingrain tiiir. W are wiling—Superfine Ingrain at T&e W areaoiling-Tapaiiry Brunei tat |\oo •t e are telling— Tapeatry BruaaaU atll.lA We are telling-T*pe*try Bru**Ualsl,oo VV are telling—Ladies' Dolman* at SIM )) a are telling— Ledie*' Dolman* at s2.At* w a ara telling- Ladiaa' Dolman* at &,*• Wa ara (ailing- Ladle*' Dolman* at $2.00. j We ara (ailing— Ladle*' Dolman* at $3.U0.: Wa are tailing—Ladi' Dolman* at $2.00 : We ere telling—L*diet trim'd hat* atfl.Uti Wearetelling—Lad ia trim'd bat* at $1.(10 We are *eiling—Ledie* trim'dho* atsl.ooj a 4 ■j W# are telling— La die* irim'd bat* atsl,&o{ We are telling—Lad ie* trim'd haUat $1.50 W • are telling—Led ie* Irim'd halt at $1,50' j Wa are telling—Lad ie* trim'd bat* at We are telling—Ladies trim'd haUat $2,110 Wear*teliicg— Ladimtrim'd haUats2,oo Me areseliing—Ladies Shoe* at $1.00; Re are eel ling—Ladien Shoe* at SI,OO ITe are eelliog—Lad tee Shore at SI,OO Me areselling—Ladies Shoesatsl.2s If * are aelliog—Ladies Sboea at $1,25 Me are selling—LadiesShore at $1,26 H*e are selling—Lad iee'Button Sboec at $1,60 Me are selling—Ladies'Button Sboet al $1,50 He gre selling—Ladies' Button Shoes at 11,50 He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cent*. He are telling—Calicoes at 5 cents. He are telling—Calicoes at 5 cents. He art telling—Spool Cotton at 2 cte He are telling—Spool Cotton at 2 eta WTt art telling—Spool Cotton at 2 eta . " I He are sellipf— Goods at e eta i lfre are selling—Dreat Good* at $ ct He are telling—Dreaa Good* at 8 ct* . ,j I He are telling—New Spring Plaid* at 10 cents He are selling—New Spring P aids ; at IU oenu I Ife afp telling—New Spring Plaids at 10 cents He are selling—Men's Plough Shot* at $1.25 He are selling—Men's Plough Shoes at 11,25 Metre selling—Men's Plojgfc Shoes at $1,25 Heareselling— Men'sGaitersat $1,50 He are selling—Men's Gaiters at $1.50 Heareselling— Men's Gaitersat $1,50 In fact w art selling everything at pfipeftfcgt *lll convince all that we have J touched the very bottom-no trouble to | •how good* for the purpose of comparing P'loes 8. A A. LOEB. MO! MR SPRING MILL 1! Stoves! Stoves! TINWARE!! > A to-I line nf all kind* of 8t op*. A lull liutt of ituware. Hardware for all. Coach make re and Mr-ebailii** included. At the New Slure of 6aeptf THOS A HICKS Sl BUG. PEN AS VALLEY LOOK HERE ! | CLOTHING !! CI/J THING!! JPST iticElVEflk A LARGE STOCK OP Cloth & Cassimere, OF LATE STYLES, which I am prepared to have made •ip in autU at lietuarkaUv Low Fig* urea. READY-MADE CLOTHING f jchraper than can b bought ELSEWHERE. J. w. SHAFFER Market Street, l8octC LEWISBUKO, P*. IMFORI'AN TO TRAVELERS —THE— BUSH HOUSE! BKLLSgoVTC. PA. Ha* been rarooUy thoroughly rco<-vatcd and repaired, god under Ute management of tba New Proprietor. Mr. K D. Mc COLLI' M. formerly of Pitttburg, i* first, flat* in ail it* appointment# SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered u, tbt* i n attgudalic*" at court od other* r< mainir.g in ton* for a few (day* at a time. | ..The largest and moat uiperuiy Daaigced Hotel in Central Pennsylvania I All modem conveniences Gotrvlbe i Hob bou*e. , 'P P.P. McCOLLUM, Troyrirtor. IKA T. COTTLK. Fashionable Tailor. i el Hall. I room* on the 2nd floor * of Wm. Wolf* wsrebottte. be U prepar ,ed to manufacture all bind* of men'* and boy'# garment*, according to tbe latent I tyle*. and upon cborteet notice, and all wfk warranted V* render aaStefbrtios. i Cutting and "sparring dene. 7eept y Bl 11 or for HI by tie sack. PtNNiVALL V BANKING CO. .„,, CKNTKE HALI - **A. RECEIVE DEPOSIT** and allow Inter eat; Discount Aou*; Buy and Bel Government Securitie*. Gold end Coupon*, I W* Wotf, Wst. B. MINGLE, Prea't C**bier J. SELLER A- SON j DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoffßow.BellefcßU.Pa lEcalemia 2>ruifn, < hrwlcnfs Perfumery, Fancy Geed At . Ate. Pure Wino* and Liquor* for medic# r>nn*o*a* *lw*ya boot mar 1 ft. D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, ASK, offers hie servient to tiie citiaru* of Centre county in II on**-, bin end Oram Mental Fainting, Striping, ornaaeating and gilding. Graining OAK, WALNUT. CHESTNUT. Etc. Plain end Fancy Paper banging. Order* respectfully •olictted. Term* reatonabie. JO tpr tf. CENTREHALL" Hardware Store. J. 0. DEININGE# A new, complete Hardware HlJ it* km been opened by the uadmigted in Cm 1 ire Hell, where ke is prepared to sell el l kind* o£ Budding end House Furni*hiig , ilardw&rt. iS &,.<.&£• Circular end Hand Saw*. Tearor Saws, Webb Sewe, Clothe* Berks, e full assort ment of Glnae end Mirror Plate Picture Frm*. Spohes, Felloe*, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shovels. Spades ai) Fork*. Locks, Hinges, Screw*, Sash Spring*. Horse-Shovs, Sail*, Norway Hod*, Oh*. Tea BelU, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Tarn isbe*. Pictures frameu in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered po a shortest notice. all nods offered cheap -r than elsewhere \\V"A. CUHRT Boot & tEXTHE IfiALl.. PA. ' Would most respectfully inform the cit sen* of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, end would b thankful for a share of the public pulton* age. B h end Shoes made to order end according to t;y'.?. and warrants bis work • jto equal nay made elsewhere All kind* of repairing done, and charges reasonsblo Qise him a call f„h IS ). Furniture Rooms' HZR % KRFMBIhE, respectfully informs the ciliaent of Craw county that be be* bough U<i the old stand of J. <). Deininger, *aJ has reduced the prices. They have consuatlj on baud and make to order BEHiTiiAbti. BUREAUS, SINKS, W ABHSTANDS, _ COKNKKCUPBOARDS TABLES, die., Ac. Their stock of ready-made Furniture is Urge and warranted of good workmanship and is all made under their own immed - ate supervision, and is offer, d at rat* 4 cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before punka .sag elsewhere. 26 ft-h. ly ttK.NET Bgftv*HirYf *• v. rWOiav President, CaabU-t. QENTRK COUNTT BANKING Co (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS. And Allow interest, Discount .Notes, * Bus at.) vii Coveroment Secu iliee.Goid <{• 4|.|(Vt'.Mf I OU|'> CENTRE HAUt COACH SHOP, LEVI MI UK AY. at hi* etabli*hment at Centre Hall, keen on hand, and tor sale, at the most reasoua* ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PLAIN ANI* PA SET and vehicles of every description made to order, and warranted to be made of the best seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for bugg'rs and spring-wagons Ac.. of the most in proved patterns made to order. also (rearing of all kinds made to order AH Kinds of repairing done prompt); *rd the lowest possible rates Person* wanting anything is hi* Hae are ■mtuetted to tU and "xamine hie work, i'-hey will fii< v' ii not to W excelled lor d nr. ate' wejtr -J t f.