Snppoalng! Suppose that a man. avancioni and old. Should ootnf to m Jingling hit IIITM- and gold. And offer a *har of hi* Mammon to mo. If I to the ale of mroalf would sgree— I wouldn't—would you ? Supposing a hero, all bristling with fame, And big with th weight of a wonderful name, Proposed in a moment of blaud oondeeoeoiion To give me hia hand and a little attention I wouldn't—would you ? Supposing a youth, with hia heart in hii sysa. That ahone like the light of the beautiful akiea. Should promise to lore me through all hi* glad Ufa, And tmggiii that I'd he hia own deer Utile wife - Ones* I MOWM wouldn't you? The Rime of the Sieve lan. Ht jnwvtfWA Ii it Urn m*u of Summer street, aitmy .'*■( Most wor-begwne to nee Aud he distgeth the Mend* lie IU*T meet. Who loudly laugh at be. And tryth For under hi* arm he bear* a to Atiir Am pipe •forvpifw us- That eke belong* to the stove, drr At* coot, And the elbow he grasp* in hi* grimy; To the pipe it iuut be rove. • Bulifuuvtff Loud laugh hi* frieuda, "Ha, fgrrrs btkoM- ha, ho, ho Mg.lowyA him And eke they cry, "I aay I" to worn. "Withhold thy chaff I" the victim a ted, Fftaoon* their chaff held they. Tf>* bright The house we* clean, the tun do IT* of TV wa* bright, dim mi. day. Cheerily dawned the day, " Bring up the *tove," the good wife cried, " I'll bruok me no delay.' Ik refue- "In wild un-eat I beat my toatiyanmcer* breaat, to Am wift 't Bat 1 could not but chooae but aiymi do; The rn*ty atove from the abed I brought. The pipe and the elbow, too. Uantike. At " The soot ** here, the soot puttetklh* *u there. The mot was all around, room is a Aud flakes of rust on the carpet MUX Stood Like hoar frost on the ground. TV trimbie " IHvtu dropped the pipe, the feyia*. elbow fall. The good wife scolded free. And the nusti! joints they wrought a spell, 1 hat raised old Cain with me. lit imi nj- " About, about, and in and ItCh trt.'A the out, pipe.and cus- The joints I shored and cram eth right mer- met ; rifie. With many a wail and many a shout. And much unseemly iangusge. fee pip "1 pounded thera In, 1 pried At CtlhUsosm them out. And hear, oh man and brother, Both ends of evere joiut of Were t>igsr than the other. And roust"i •' They rasped my knuckles to tumps aßottr the bone, its make a scandal o' that kiud on the Lord's dav, t)*viu frwui; fore by ahamiug the gunl 01.l man, your fatlier. "If people cbtawe to lie shamed aud ncandahied where they have no call to l>e that's not my latilt, sir. There ia uo law against tlsluug and driving that 1 know of." " No, to a|ieak o" the law o" God, Gavin, there's whiles a higher law than thestatuteh *>k—there's public opinion." " I don't care that for public opinion." Aud' Gaviu auappeil hi* thumb and finger oonteuiptuoualy. " Then you are a hail, or worse, an' I'm sorry for them that are kin to you." Gavin* kept his won!, and rather osten tatiously ao, for he strolled slowly up the main street, with hia rod anil creel, ju-.t aa the people were going to church. He certainly hod the satiafaetiou of perfectly horrifying them. His drive with Miss Crief was a still greater offence. " A pretty, painted Frenchified infi del!" said Duucan Furbea, bitterly; " a lassie wha stxirua the kirk, an' meas ures e'en the word o' the L>rd by her am small understanding. Gavin Irwiu ia courting doll an' disgrace, an' uae guid lad will sort wi' him." EveryU>dy shared the lawyer's opin ion, anil the young men who sat at the same table witli GUT in gave the offender but the soautieet courtesy, aud quite ex cluded him from all their Utile social plana. While Jessie remained in Campeaile he did not care much. He chose to call it " jealousy " and " envy," and paraded his friendship with the harou of Cnef's sister very of fensively to all his old acquaintance*. But Jessie left Camptuule with the summer birds and flowers, and very aoou after thia event Gavin's time was out with Lawyer Forbes. He was anxious to bur a share iu the lawyer's busiuess, and liis father was now inclined to please him; but Forties declined all-Mr. Irwin's offers, and plain ly told the old man that his son's un popularity would injure hi* custom. "Our trtv y Icilk, Ken neighbor, like a man who walks in the old wav* ; we are a plain bodies, an' hue sma' skill of these new philosophies. The law of God and the law of Scotland is just as much as we cau manage." Gavin was much hurt and disappoint ed. He wna young and wanted friends and company, and uo oue responded to his advances. Wiuter came on and it was so dreary that Gavin took the next wrong step. As good people would not notice him he fell into bail company. Anyone knows how rapidly a man may travel oa this downward road. Gavin son l>egan to " take a glass," and then, uot tocore who kuew it, "bet ter men than he got before the wind occasionally." He had ioug ceased going to church, aud pretty Maggie Lindsey, who had dared to smile in his face, long after her mother aud sister cut him directly, liad now ceased to notice him. and given her smiles to Alexander Forbes, his special aversion. The winter passed, and in th* spring the news of Miss Crieff s marriage came to Campsaile. It was a very bitter drop a hied to his cup, for Gavin had felt sure that Jessie would returu with summer, an I explain, in some satisfactory manner, her mysterious silence ; and to the loss of this hope wa* added the spiteful con dolence* or the open sarcasm-- of all who knew him. He thought his cup was quite full, bat a greater sorrow awaited him. One evening, in the early summer. Bailie Irwin qnietly died in his chair, of heart disease, and people did not scruple to ssy tliat Gavin's conduct ha I has en ed his eneen gambling with princes in Baden-Baden, and fighting for his rights with the roughs of Nevada. Bat one night, ten years after his father's death, when he was just recover ing from an attack of the terrible vomito in Matomoras, he suddenly bethought him of the pleasant old home among the breezy hills. He heard in his sonl the chime of the church bells, and the faint, sweet music of the people singing, jnst as he heard them on that Sunday morning when he went fishing to please the fair and fickle Jessie Crieff, and an intense desire for those cool old rooms and scented garden wavs, for the mnrranring tront streams and broom-covered hills possessed him. He feebly Bought for his purse and counted lus mqpey. Yes, there was enough left to clothe him decently and carry him home ; and he would lie con tent henceforward to farm his father's acres and live as his fa'her had done. He had to travel slowly, bnt one evening ten weeks afterwards, lie got off a steamer and stood once more on the Campsaile pier. No one knew him. He stopped a little girl to ask if Doctor Anderson still lived at the manse, and then took his way quietly towards it. % As he opened the garden gate a lovely girl looked up from her carnations at him. He asked timidly for the minister, and she led him into the well-known par lor, with its low roof and old-fashioned furniture. Mr. Anderson came thoughtfully in, looked at Gavin carionslv, held out his hand, and the moment he spoke, said : "I thought so. Welcome home— welcome home ! I promised your father to say this mnch for him when this glad day came round. I'm a proud man to do it, sir. Lucy, Lucy! bring some cakes and a glass of cream. You'll be glad, Gavin, I know you will, to taste the , wholesome oatmeal again." I And Mhs ran on while he took off THE CENTRE REPORTER. Gavin's hat and coat, and gave a score of hospitable order*. 80 tlaviu stayed at the manse for some weeks, and what paaaad lelawii the minister ami hitu no oue over know ; but 1 tlnuk Gavin told him most of thoae ton years' aiua ami failure. Hut ho had come homo now, ho aaid, to repair hie falhor'a houao ami livo in it; perhaps, in luuo, ho might w in again tlio roejwvt of hie fathor's friends. Mr. Audersou hoard and rejoiced. He gavo tlavm ouo hundred pounds, which ho aaid was rout duo U> him, and adviaod him to bogiu at once putting the place in order. It would employ him while ho looked around, ami it wa* beat not to bo in a hurrv with any plan. So" Qaviu stayed all summer with tlio miuietor, and by the end of it aa any ouo might have foreseen —ho had but ouo thought tu life- Lucy Anderson. Ho was almost euro Lucy loved him Um, but ho had never dared to }>euk to her. But one night, an he eat full of dreary thought, about hie wasted past, Lucy eaiue and touched him. "*Mr. Irwin," alio said, " you are ami. and YOU make luc miserable. W hat ia the matter?" ••j jo*e—and I am uuworthy to love/' *' Did eho any ao?" " Lucy ! oh, Lucy !" Love had manifold wave of explaining itself. Thoac two looked in each othor'a eyes and eaw all they wanted. But the father wan not so eauguiuo. lie remembered the pant ten year* and trembled for hia Lucy'a happiueaa. "I'll tell yon, Gavin, what I will do. You shall perform a tiling 1 auk of you, and then I will say amen to Lucy's yea." "I will do anything in the power of man to do." " My request may seem eccentric and purposeless, but I have good reasons for mskmg it. It is now the end of August, you shall go every night to your father's house at ten o'clock, and sit in his chair until midnight strikes every night, mind—and 1 will give you an answer at the New Year." " Your wish ia a singular oue, but I will fulfill it." "You are to take no company, no stimulant, and no light of any kind ; and you are to keep our tryst in spite of wind and weather." " I will strictly fulfill your orders." No one spoke more of the strange compact, but it was silently fulfilled to the letter. Only on Christmas Eve, the old man pressed his hand an he left, aud said : "Be content ; your trial ia nearly over." So Gavin went out of the oorv, lighted parlor into the dark, cold, lonely house with a happy heart. He bad eat aUmt an hour when he heard footsteps, and eaw the glimmer of a light. The door opened and the min ister and Lucy entered; but it was Lucy that kissed him and said: " Come home, Gavin! Come home. Papa save so, and I am yours, darling, forever and from this hour." " Yes, Gavin," said the minister, an they talked together afterwaril, "I thought to-uight is Christmas Eve; no better time to forgive aud forget, to trust and IOTC; and when I asked Lucy, she said it was God put the thought into mv heart, an I so we've both come for you. "And now, my dear *e©oud father, tell me why you put me through such an ordeal ?" " Because I wanted, first, that you should think well over the pent, and I knew that the lonely walk in all weath ers, and the lonely bouse, so full of ten der memories, was tlie beat place for thought. Secondly. I knew if you had the reso' utioii and love t> kv pa promise extending over four months, yn might l>e trusted with a graver promise. And now I hve a double reward for yon. H-re is the order for tea thousand pounds and iuteret for ten Tears; your father left it with me fcr yon. We both knew you would waste the first thousaud pounds, and very likely, also, would wander into the ' very far o nutriee,' ami feed upou husk* Wfore you would com' home, sooner or later, for yon were well brought up iu the way yon should go— and this was to be the portion of your second state, Gavin." " And Lucy, father ?" " Lucy gave herself to you, and I'm well enough couteut. lam proud of the way you kept your bargain, and every body has the good word for you now, Gavin." "And I am glad enough of their good word and kiud greetings, father. I'll do all a man may do to deserve both." " That's right, Gavin Irwin ! If a man ' doesn't care' for the respect of his fellow-creatures he will very soon lose respect for himself, aud when self-re spect is onee gone Salau has a good lien on everything else." A Perambulating Printing Office. The Virginia (Nev.) BntorprUe says : " Some printer* of this city are contem plating the tlttiug up of a small print ing office which can be moved from place to plaoe on wheel*, as are the traveling pbot-igraph galleries. They intend making their start in California, and will travel through the small towns where there are n i papers published and no printing offices. Once they are anchored in a town they will send their • devil' flying abont the place with all the latest news of the neighborhood and the advertisements of the business men. They will print oarU, hill-heuds, circu lars, and all else required, and when they have supplied the wants of a town in the printing line they will give seme ranchman or livery stable keeper a big puff and an acrostic on the name of his favorite daughter to hitch to their office and to haul them to the next town, where the devil will again be set flying almut and where the ' bugle blast of free dom' will again be heard. Thus they will go from town to town, remaining from a week to a month or two in a place, making money and friends wherever they go, and having a jolly good time at all the halls, parties, weddings, and funerals. They may even wrk their way up to Oregon, or down to Arizona, but what thy now think of doing is to establish s circuit of good towns for their business and visit them several times in the course of n year. The boys concerned in the enter prise are confident that they will lie able to make it a success as all three are gotsl printers and writers, and their contem plated ' devil' is not only a fair type-set ter, but also a gem in other respect* —in flying around, for instance. Their little paper will be called the Poatal Card." Peculiar Marriage Ceremony. On the wedding day in Borneo the bride and bridegroom are brought from opposite enda of the village to the spot where the ceremony in to lie performed. They are made to mt on two bam of iron, that blessings aa laating and health oa vigortms may attend the pair. A cigar and betal leaf, prepared with the areas nnt, are next put in the lianda of the bride and bridegroom. One of the priests then wavea two fowla over the heada of the couple, and, in a long ad dreaa to the Supreme, c ilia down bleaa iuga upon the pair, and implores that peace and happineaa may attend the union. After the heada o( the affianced have been knocked against each other three or four times, the bridegroom puts the prepared sire leaf and cigar into the mouth of the bride, while she does the tame to him, whom she thus acknowl edges as her husband. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1877. III.OOHSIIEH IN MKNTtTKY. P*ar Wdl'kMW* Mra "hat lirU MIUI !>•■< I aarl—Tvrrlblr Cmd llrmrra l*v )Ua|iin P.. mils uJ a flflhllaa •••lafclr. A oorrespoudeut of the Cincinnati JCmfuitrr, wrote recently from llich mouJ, Ky., a* follow*: Jasper Maupiu a tut a member of a largo au.l wealthy fiuuilv living a few miles east of hero. The family uuiuber* m all lta tmuichoa jH'rha| thirty or more meu, noted for their how* ami houmla, tlieir love of fox huuting, ami for their utter iudiffer- MIW to danger. John Itiirnaiu ww countable of Glade township, that portion of the oouutv where the Maupin* liveil, ami ia a typi cal Keutuckian. In |Mr*ou tall, broad shouldered, handsome, quick ou the trigger, but unfortunately quarrelsome, ami indeed, it is said, rather fond of kill iug people. lu January last a quarrel sprang up between Burnam and jMper Maupin, which resulted in the shooting of Bar naul five time* by Maupin. Yesterday the trial was to have occurred; and llur uam, partially recovered from his wound*, was in town. evidcuUy witli tlie determination of havuig revenge upon Maupin. He was backed by four of his friends, the chief of whom were Ballard and Coruelisou, while Maupin was liacked by his relatives, each armed heavily with heavy revolver*. The party first met in the corridors of the court house, ami re volvers were drawn, but Uy the lnterveu tiou of frieuda they wen- induce. 1 to re frain from ahootiug. After the adjourn uieut of the court, however, Uurmun. accoin]MUiied by his frieuils, stationed hiuiaelf ou the sidewalk uear a livery stable, where Maupin must pas* to go to his house. The Maupms, seeing this actiou, eousnlted for a moment, but only for a uiomeut, when Jasper, putting Ins hand upou his revolver, started boldly along the sidewalk iu the direction of the stable. His backers, uiauv of whom were already mounted, stopped about fifty feet away te watch the result. Maupin walked quietly down the street till he got opposite and nearly past Burnam, still liavmg his hand on his revolver and looking l>ack a* he paaaed. Suddenly Burnam drew a heavy revolver from uiuier his oat, and step ping quickly toward Maupin, without saying a word, plao*l the umxxle nearly agauist his forehead, ami, before Maupiu could ilraw, fired. The ball entered the brain, and Maupiu fell to the sidewalk. Then Maupin's friends opened fire from the corner, jumped from their horsea and rushing up toward the party. Lee Maupiu ran toward Burnam, and, leveling ins iev.dvcr, fired. Burnam fell dead upou the sidewalk, his feet resting across those of his victim. Lev Maupiu rushed uguiu to the l*ly of Burnam, and, sU-.piug over it, sent an other bail through his head. At tlie mirue time the other* h*d opened fire ou toruelisou sml ltaliard, who both received shots through tlie head, ami after staggering a few steps, fell dying. The example of Lee Maupiu was followed by hia fellows, whodelibcr ately approached tlieir victims while they were dying, sending the heavy balls from tlieir pistols through tlieir head*. Then, there mung no more of the frieuda of the vanquish id party re . aining alive, tlie carnage ceased. The bn.them of the wounded Maupiu gathered about the dying man, kisacd bis pale face au.l wqit like cliiUlren. Then he was carnel iuto a store oh me by and expired in a few moments. Jasper Maupin was almut twenty-four vaar. old. He received one shot above the left eyebrow, passing through the brain. John Hurtiatn so* about thirty-one years old. lie received one shot above tlie left eyebrow, passiug through the brain, two through tlie right shoulder, one behind tlie right ear, Slid one ui the right hand. William Corneliaoo was about thirty flve years old. He received one wound in the right breast, pausing out under the left shoulder blade.and one shot iu the Imck of the right arm, about five incite* below the shoulder blade. Kit Ballard was about twenty-nine years old. He received one abot in the cheek, one in the temple, one in the back, ranging through the heart, aud one in tlie right rear hip. Tlie verdict of the coroner's jury was : "Jasper Maupin was killed by a pistol shot from the hand of John Buroam. Ilurnsra, C >rueliaoti and Ballard came to their deaths by pistol shot* from the hands of Lee Maupin, Urnlua Maupin, and William Oooch." Fashion Notes. Peae >ck satin for dresses ia mixed of striped velvet. Bronze and olive are the colors for traveling chips. Short skirts are being made of tur quoise flannel. Black cashmere sacks are trimmed with bronze passementerie and fringe. Tlie favorite trimming for dark drosses is .clair de lune, jot embroideries and bands. Many of the fall oostumes are made en chale, or square, to be worn over chemisettes. For afternoons square-toed shoes are worn, with navy blue stockings clocked with light-blue-silk. I'aletots made of coachman's cloth, plush, and all kinds of rough fabrics, will be worn this fall. Wedding invitations are printed in the same style, on square card shoots, folded once in a square envelojie. Thev can lie in graduated sizes k> suit all fancies. No monograms are used on wedding envelopes—occasionally a crest or coat-of-arm. Tho color* are white or pale cream shades. For dinners, re ceptions, etc., invitations are printed on largo sqiiare cards or unglazod note-pa per. Tlie envelope* containing those invitations should always l>e inclosed in larger ones, whether sent by post or by hand. The day for tinted and elaborately engraved cards and stationary has J>aas HL The late styles are plain, printed in English script. Visiting card* are more oblong than square. They oome in four graduated sixes. The larpest is in soribed with " Mr. and Mrs Blank,"tbe second NM is simply " Mrs. Blank," the third for tho eldest unmarried daughter, who employ* the prefix"Miss," omitting the Christian name after liei first season in society. The third and smallest is intended tor gentlemen, with the prefix " Mr." and the name of their olob or residence in one corner. They are all in oblong shape. A Humming Bird on a Xorel Scent. A young gentleman of this village has one of the rarest of pets, a humming bird, which has a nest near his home, and whioh bus liecome so thoroughly tamed that it readily feeds from his hand. A laughable incident occurred last night while he was feeding it. He ha urtU uf WMitn, Genius i* the morning dew that keeps the world from perishing in drouth. Oouiuion sense m very Uotioeslile only when it ia not eclipsed by uncommon, sense. Individuality ia everywhere to be iqmted and respected aa the root of every tiling good. True seal will always iuouleate mod eration without dimiuiahiug a oouapicu uua intrepidity. Wateh for opportuiiitlea of usefulness. Every daya brtuga them, and once gone they are gone forever. To aueer aud deuouuee ia a very eaay way of aaauiuiug a great deal of wiadow, and concealing a great deal of ignorance. It ia aafer to affront aome people than to oblige them; for the better a man de aervoa, the worat they will ajieak of him. Liva fur tudav, to-morrow i* a dream. We may uut aee it* bright fulfilling . But now, while duty • eaniaet voleea call. We will, with courage atrutig and wUUlig, Live for to-day. / Deceit ia the false road to hapuiueaa and all the joy* we tiavel through to vice, like fairy banquets, vauiah when we touch thein. It ia ouly by making much of our minute* that we can make much of our daya and yeara. Time inuet be made Use of aa it tiles. None are too wiae to be miatakeu. but few are ao wiaelv just aa to acknowledge and correct their miatakea ; and espec lallv the miatakea of prejudice. There never did, and there never will, exist anything permanently noble and ex cellent in the character which ia a atraug cr to the exerciae of reaolilte aelf-deuial. The truest help we cau render to an affl.cled man. ia not to take hi* burden front him, t>ut to call out hia beat atreuglh, tlial be may be able to bear the burvlen. Our cuatoma and liabila are like the rule in roada; tlie wheels of life settle into them, and we jog along through the mire, becauae it ia too much trouble to get out of them. Honors aofteu fatigue. It ia easier riding iu a gilded aud euilxissed saddle. Atlas, while he sustain* the world upon his shoulders, ia himself sustained by the admiration which but feat excites. There are two sorts of enemies insepa rable from alroe often abole sense, though not against it. He ware, then, not ouly of an implicit faith, but of Wing k> closely tied up to reasou where faith is required. IX> little helpful things and apeak helpful words whenever you can. They are Wtter than pearls or iliainonils to strew along tlie roadside of life. They will yield a far more valuable harvest, as you will And after many days. Peal gently with those who stray, i Draw them lawk by love aud persuasion. One kiMi m worth a thousand kicks. A kind word is more vain*' le ki tlie lost * than a miue of gold. Think of this and 1 be on your guard, re who chase to the grave aii erring brother. l'oeta know, and statesmen ought to ,Juiow, it u; by seutiment when well directed—as by sorrow when well used— great uatioiis live. AA lieu sentiment diet out, ami mere prosaic ca'eubUou of has and profit takes its place, then comes a Byzantine epoch, a Chinese | epoch, a decvptitudc and alow decay. Ohildreu must have love inside the house and frcwh air, and good play and aome good companionship outside— otherwise young life runs the greatest danger in* the world of withering or growing atnnted, or at best, prematurely old and turned inward on iteclf. Adrlanople Hescrlbed. Adrianople ia about one huudred and thirty-five miles from Constantinople. It ta alnrnt five miles in circumference, surrounded by old walls and defended bv a citadel. It* street* are narrow and circular, bnt adorned with fountatusaud mosques, of which there are abont forty. It wa taken bv the Turk* from tlie Greek emperors in EWi. aud made the seat cf their empire, which it continued to remain for a great many years. It poaaewte* manufactories of ailk, w<*ilen, and cotton stuff*. Rose-water and other jierfuines are made here, while tlie dye ing and tanning establishments have quite a world-wide fame. It* exports are wool, opium (for the poppies here are the fluent in the world), leather, honey and wax. Tlie population ia about 100,- 000, of which one-third ia Greek. It ia here that the Turkish difficulty lies. The Greeks are to a man with Russia, aud in event of the civil war which has broken out in sub-Balkan Bulgaria reaching Adrianople, one-third of Adri anople mav, sword in hand, welcome the Kusniaua. " Tlie bazaar aud the moeque at Selim are the great attractions a* Adrianople. The former ia a building about two hundred yards long, and offers for sale all the rich commodities of the East. The mosque ia built like a theatre, and from the ruins of Famagusta, in Cyprua. It* principal balcony baa an ascent of 377 step*. Adrianople was, it not tw naicl, on* of the great clawir cities of ancient lhune, and it figures frequently in Gibbon's " .Decline and Fall of tlie Roman Empire." It re mained practically the nearest approach to an old Roman citv until it fell under the Turkish p >wer in 13fi0. It remained the favorite residence for the sultana until the last century. Adrianople onoe more awakened to political life u 1829. about the time of the great successful Greek struggle for independence and freedom from the thrall of the Turk*. In that year the city was taken by the Russians, who had overrun Turkey thus far south. Mm. NarMlllan. I bsd, savs Celia Logan, writing from New York to the Baltimore New*, a little business to transact a few days ago with a certain dealer in real estate. While sitting in hia office there entered a lady, tall, straight, well built, and graceful N it young, although art hat! l>een made to do its share k) make her appear so. She was dressed all in black, the silk lieing covered with real Spanish illusion —a very beautiful, costly, and perisha ble material, seldom worn in this or any other country, on account of its expeu siveneas. She was hauled with jewelry —the diamonds in her ear* wore almost as large as walnuts, and could not have cost lees than SIO,OOO. Even the handle of her parasol must have cost a large sum. Her carriage and pair outaide were enough to make one's mouth water, so splendid were they. This lady talked in a loud, shrill voioe, with a ring of com mand in it, as that of a person possess ing power and conscious of it. And no wonder she looks grandly, and talks as if accustomed to carry matters with a high hand, for this is Mrs. MacMillan the lady to whom Tweed, in those days wnen he was flush and liberal, U said to have presented ft mansion ou Fifth avenue worth $$H),000! And as fnrther proof of his oonfldenoe in her discretion and business ability, he is reported to have deposited for safe-keeping, until he abandons his retirement, the snug sum in bonds, eto., of $12,000,000 or $14,- 000,000, leaving himself, as he truly states, with only a few paltry hundreds of thousands. mis, (UKOKA AMI HOTJNKHOLU. f tra sad tlsvdra Nslss. FOPDKM Caora.— NOW ia tlie time to think of fodder crops for next year. The Aral ready to cut tn the apriug ia rye sown now, aud at intervals up to Novem- Wr. 1 have found a few acres of fall aowu rye in a field near tlie barn yard a very valuable and acceptable addition to the fodder in April, when incoming cows need succulent food to enable them to All the brimming pail. NEW V BO mm. tea.—Tlie past season's expericuoe has proved the value of at least a few of the uewnr vegetables brought out by tlie seedameu. Among tomatoes the Trophy is by far the beat of ail the uewer varieties, although this ia now well established. The " Little (iem," for twenty-five seeds of which I gsve twenty-five cents, ia little, aud a gem certainly, aweet flavored, solid, smooth, and bears abuudautly ; hut it is uo bet ter than the Truphv. The "One Hun dred Days Tomato " is good for uothiug, being late, small, and very much mis shapen. " Keya Prolific "ia good, lieara abuudautly ; but it ia not preferable to the Trophy. It was the only variety, out of a dozen or more, that the potato bugs took a fancy to. Of peas, Lax ton's "Alpha," the "Little Gem," a dwarf, and Laxtou's "Bnpreme," have turned out excellently The second needs no buahiug, bears Urge pods very plenti fully, and ia very aweet For early, second early, and late, I shall plant "Little Uenis" next year. The "Su preme " is a fine pea, having long, fall puds. It grows about three feet high. Dreer's improved dwarf Lima beau is an acquisition. It is veryqirobflc, the pods are ciuaely filled, and it bears about double the crop of the common sort liut of all the prolific vegetables the "greeu prolific cucumber" lias taken the jialm. For Pickles, either for use or for sale, there can be uoue better. One hill of three plauts has produced more than half a bushel of encumbers, which grew in bunches and with remarkable rapidity. Peruvian guano may have helped, but there ia a great deal in the variety itaelf. Of squashes, a new cross bred uf Mr. Gregory, of Marblebead, named tlie Hut man, has proved better than the Marble head, one of its parents. For pies it ia superior to any that I have grown. The flesh, when cooked, ia dry, sweet, and very full of flavor, This variety ia vig orous enough to withstand a hundred borers in each vine without perishing. The •' Early I'eabody " aweet potato is another aquisition. It ia red-akinned, and early <-uough to permit of its growth far north, I doubt not, even in Canada. It ia too soon, as yet, to decide as to its quality. At present it is soft aud watery. Bcur TU* RrnuuL —Hundreds of in sect } vesta find safe winter uuartera in the rubbish of the field and gardens. Tlie pruning* of currant boshes, rasp berries and blackberries, dead squash viues, loose pieces of bark, hunches of weeds, and such rubbish hide multitudes of egg*, larvw, pttp* or perfect insect*. Such looee stuff had 1 letter be burned ; to consign them to tlie manure heap ia only to probagate the pest*. When burned there i* an end of them, aud of much uusightly waate which no neat per son should have about his premises. Herts**. A Bazaar AHT Lrzcwr.—'Take eight ear* of corn and grate them, carefully acraping off the cobs with a knife, ao aa to get tvl the milk. Peel one quart of good ripe tomatoes, and out tiiem into the corn. Season with salt and pepper. Put in butter, and roll in three soda crackers. Let thorn atew steadily for one hour. TOMATO Sorr.—To two quarts water add one pound of beef (free from fat), I mil till reduced to three pints, then add one quart tomatoes, one cupful milk, two tablespoonfuls sifted flour, 'mixed with a lump of butter size of an egg, one teaapoouful salt; boil one hour after the ingredients are put in. Rioa Cnogrrrnta.—Waali well one teacupful of rtoe; put it to boil in a pint uf milk, the same uf hot water, nntil quite Under, but dry; while hot, add a piece of butter the sue of an egg, two tablesjioonfub of whits sugar, two egg*, the juice and grated peel of one lemon; stir tins up well; have ready the yolks of two egg*, beaten on a plate, aome fine cracker crumb* on another; make np the rice with your hands in rolls about three inches long and two inches round; dip into the egg, then into the crumbs; fry them in hot lanl to a light brown. Served hot. LALUT FINURKH, —Rub half a pound of tmtter ink) a pound of flour; add half a Cuind of sugar; grate in the rind of two muna, aud squeeze in the juioe of one; then add three egg*; make into a roll the size of the middle finger; it will spread in the oven to a thin cake; uip in choco late icing. HHOKT CAKKK. - One pound sifted flott., quarter of a pound butter, and half as much lard, very little salt, a pinch of soda, well dissolved in just vinegar enough k cover it; work all well together with ioe-oold water enough to make a stiff dough; roll it into paste half an inch thick; cut it into round cakes ; prick the top with a fork, bake in a quick oven. Ocmts roR HorsKHoni) PBSTS. —Rats are said k> have such a dislike for potash that if it is powdered and scattered roud their haunts they will leave them. A piece of rag well soaked in a solution of cayenne ia a capital thing to put into rat ormioe holes, as they will not attempt to eat it A plug of wood covered with a piece of flannel so prepared may be used to fill up the holes. Cockroaches and ant* have a similar dislike to cay enne, and a little strewed about a cellar will keep it clear of them. UoodOiatared Editing. "Good n a tared editing," say* some wise man, "spoils half UlO paper* in the United BUtes." Yea, verily. " Will yon please publish the poetry I send," any a one, "It ia my first effort ;** and some crude line* go in to encourage bud ding genius. " Our church ia in great peril," aaya another, " will you publish our appeal ?" auil a long dolorous plea is inserted. "My father took your patier for twenty year*," write* another, " I think you ought to publish the reso lution* passed by the Big Brake Church when he died," and in go renolntiona of no interest to a majority of the reader*. "I am particularly anxious that the views I present go before the church tliis week," and out go a covey of small, pithy contributions, to make room for three columns from a ponderous D. D. ''There is immediate necessity for the exposure of one who ia a bitter enemy to the truth," writes another, as he sends an attack upon nn antagonist whioh will fill an entire page. "*I am about to publish a book, identifying the great image of brass, iron and clay, and I would lie obliged to you to pub lish the advance sheets of chapter V. which I inclose to yon." "Why don't yon publish in full R.'s great speech in the General Assembly ? It would in crease your circulation largely." "If yon will publish the sermon I transmit o you, I will take eight extra copies !" " The church must be aroused on the subject of foreign missions," says a Ktor, as he forwards the half of his Sabbath's sermon. And the ladies —bless their sweet smiles and their sweet voioes—the good-natured editor surrenders to them at onoe, and they go away hapry, utterly unoonsoious that they have helped to spoil the paper.— Philadelphia Preebf/terian. TERMS: $2.00 a Year, in Advance. IX CHIEF JOSEPH*!* HAXIM. The rate thai Melel a fart* •( TaartMa la • h the 1 eliawataae lUfIM Aa laOu Jar* aatf Their Calrlal UerUlaaJ A correspondent, writing (rum Helena, Montana Territory, arivcw a thrilling ar ouuut of tbe adventures of a party of touriata who fell among the hostile band of Ns I'eroca Indiana, under oommaud of Chief Joseph. The touriata consisted of Maaara. Diugel, Oldham, Mr era, Maun. Arnold, Cowan and Carpenter and tbe two aiatera of tba last-named, Mr. Cowan and MUM Ida. They bad a wagon and buggy with them, and were camped in a piece of Umber in tba Low er Geyser basin. At daybreak one morning they found three No* Perot* aaated at tbeir Are, who aaid that they belonged to Joaepb'a baud and that the camp waa a oouple of tnilaa away; that Joaepb, Lookuig-Qho* and Wbite Bird were tbe cbiefa, and tbey would not kill citisen*. After oouaultatiou tbe tonriet* concluded to go to tbe Indian camp, aea the cbiefa and try to get permiaaiuo to oouUnue on tbair way borne, and at noon reached tbe cauip of Looking-Glass, other Indiana baring joined tbeir guidea to tbe number of fifty or sixty. Look iug-Glaai abook hand* with tbem and •aid be waa a friend to citizens—" no i kill citiaeua"—and White Bird, who aoon after oame up, aaid tbe aame thing, though be waa going to " heap kill Lew- 1 iatou aoldirra." White Bird " traded ** l bormew with tbe party, took away tbe ; guna and piatola, and told tbem to go ! around through tbe wooda, hitch tbeir wagoua and be off. The main body then pressed on aud the touriata turned back, followed by aome twenty Indiana, two of tbe party, Dingae and Arnold, here be coming aeparaied from tbeir comrade*. Tbe Indiana then began to take tbe blankets and clothing of tbeir prisoner*, aud took tbe guna of Cowan and Old bam. *' Then, aaya Frank Carpenter, in hia dimple but intensely interesting narrative, " after going a few yards we were told that Joaepb wanted to aee na. We turned aud went with them to the foul of a hill, where tbey tried to get ua in a heap (to facilitate tba killing;. but I advised tbe bova to keep apart I told tbe young chief that we wanted to go where White Bird waa. He aaid 'No.' 1 aaid ' Yea, I go. You kill, kill now.' He aaid 'No; go aud we moved slow ly about twenty Tarda, when the young chief and 1 stopped and tbe party moved on. We moTnd about fifty yards further up in tbe timber, when the Indiana com menced flnng. We went a few steps to tbe left among tbe timber, jrben tbe young chief jumped off hia bum* and ran ilown tbe bill. I then aaw my aiatei running down tbe bill, shrieking, to ward Cowan. I looked about him and •aw Indiana on all aides, with tbeir guna in tbair bands, and escape waa impossi ble. I neat recollect seeing this young chief on hia knee, about thirtT feet from me, with hia gun oocked and pointed at my breast I thought my time had come, and instantly made tbe aigu oi tbe cross on mv breast, thinking he waa a Catholic. The Indian threw up bis gun and aaid : ' Come quick—no kill—me save you." We came near to where Cow an w'aa lying, with my sister rd* naproMttoi/e mugossloseiue (unprofita ble gabble!) The censorship, however, of late yeare has been considerably mod ified, and the preaent war will probably result in a great extension of liberty for the press. 1 New York Street Character. Among the street character* at Hew York, writes a correspondent, one of the most familiar ia Smith the raaor strop man, who has been far several years a fixture on the Nassau street ride of the sub-treasury. Twenty years ago Smith was much more widely known than he in now. He then traveled through the country, veiling raaor strop* and am ill hardware, and became quite famous, in his way. Everybody knew him, and he made so much money that he waa ena bled to open a well stocked store in '.few York, which be kept going for e?earal rears. But the store waa not a auoceaa 'Smith waa finally obliged to give it up, and report said at the tune that his fail ure was the result of too much spiritual ism He had become a believer (so said report), and instead of attending to his tmsiuem, he gave his time and his mind to the mediums. At all events, the store waa shut np. and Smith had to start out once more as a peddler. But time had told upon his strength, and after a while he gave up the hard work of peddling and started the little street stand which he still runs just above Wall street. He lias a good stock of pocket cutlery which he takes home with him, stand and all, everr night, and a* every one in toe neighborhood knows him and has a kind ly feeling toward him, he gets on pretty well With his gentlemanly drees, smart manner, gold spectacle*, end white hair and whiskers (be must be s man of ri*ty, *t least). Smith ia one of the most nwpectable-looking street mer chants to be found. Transfer him to one of the handsome offices in the vtcini tv and he would pass for a banker or lawyer, with a home on Fifth avenue, quite aa readily ae some who have mil lions to their names. A light heart has carried him well through life, and he is aa hearty-looking to-day as when I aaw him nearly twenty years ago, holding his nightly auction sale of odds and ends in a well stocked store on Grand street. The Stdftj #f Amass. An obscure communistic society, rolled A man a, occupies a tract of fertile land near lowa City, and has 1,624 mem bers. There are seven villages, and in each a boarding-boose suflkaeut to ac commodate the population at the vil lage. To these all the people go to get their meals, the hour for whioh is gri en by a bell from a central tower. There are also laundries, where all washing and ironing are done ; so that no house keeping really is done in the families, which leaves the members to .other de partments of labor, and every member of the society has something to do. Onoe in every year the executive officers make an annuity apportionment to each family or single individual, which ia to hefor use for that year for personal ex penses. There is in every village a store, in which all kinds of goods are kept, and which are delivered to mem bers at the society without profit; a record of each person's purchases ia kept, and at the end of the year the amount is deducted from the annuity, so that very little money is used. If a member withdraws from the society, what he put in is returned, without in tercut or increase. If a member dies, and is the head of a family, his share or interest in the society is divided among his legal heirs, and placed to their credit on the books of the society. There are three physicians, whose duty it ia to visit the sick. Their medicines and teams are supplied by the society. So, also, schools are maintained. Mehemel All'* Narrow Escape. A French correspondent in the Turk ish camp relates that, shortly before the reoent battle in the neighborhood of Karahasan, the oommander-in-ehief of the Turkish army and his staff very nar rowly escaped being taken prisoners. Starting from Basgrad, Mehemet Ali ad vanced in the direction of Karahasan, a small village on the right bank of the river Lorn, and at that time ooeupied by the Russians. On turning a sharp bend in the road the lanoes of a strong patrol of Cossacks were suddenly seen, almost olose in front of the general and his staff. The leader of the hostile party was ap parently aware of the preeenoe of the Turkish oommander-in-ehief in the group advancing, for He at once launch ed his men against it. cslling oat to them not to kill any one and on no ac count to Ore. Flight alone oould save the amall band of Turkish officers. A headlong chase ensued. Mehemet Ali himself and the majority of his staff, being better mounted than their pur suers, suooeeded in escaping; but a colonel, two captains, and a lieutenant accompanying the oemmandsr-in ehief wars overtaken and esprit red, Iteas of literrat. Good hiding pl*ore--Bcbool bouses. A boarding-booae —• carpenter's shop. England paid about; $70,000 ta* on playing cards lart year. Shipk* means wild loae-end wild roae the jells of lb* terrible Turk*. There en between 11,000 end 11,000 the teeth. Somebody painted a net Spits dog in Bethlehem, Petm., with alternate oar mine and grata stripes. The dog * not yet mad, bat '.ta owner ia—very. What U tbi diUmsuoe between a poor iron and a borrowed masquerade ooa tounef One ie fired and doesn't hit, and the other ia hired end doesn't fit. A marriage ia probable between the ex-prinoe iuijierial at France aim the Prtooeee del Pilar, deter of the king a# Hpain. She ia sixteen year* of age. " Am I not a little pale f inqnired a Udy, who was abort and oorpnlent, of e era** old bachelor. "Ton look more like a big tub," was the blunt reply. p, thole Ud rhae the oil fever was at i'm height a postal delivety rank ing third in PenneyJvani* At the lart election the town polled ail votes, and it ia about to give np ita charier. M,000,000 gallons last year. Over a million galhmi an daily exported from New York. Of forty-three eerietiee of apples test ed by M. A. Trnelle, of the Chemical Hoeiety of Paris, the red American ren net wan found to contain the largest amount of sugar. The finest crop of niam* ever pro duced in California ia promised this fall. The grapes are not growing so large aa in previous yean, owing to dryness, but their quality better. One firm in New fork, engaged in the manufacture of matches, consumes per annum 700,000 feet of white pine lumber, 100,000 pounds of sulphur sad 160 tcms of straw board for bona. An old writer aaks: "Oh, Death, where is thy sting T The world's eol- Icction of literature may be searched, but the same question will never be found idiirsssed to a waep. A young man woke up the other night and saw a ghost in his room. Brimng his six-shooter he approached it, and found it was hia ooUar, which liapprmed to be standing on the floor. Paris has the large* library in the world. It contains about *,000,000 vol umes, 160,000 manuscript*, 800,006 at lases and maps, 1,300,000 engravings. If the Russians would only ssy that they were whipped when they are whipped, and the Turks would aosßOwl edgv defeat when defeated, one could liave more patience ia putting the tape line oo the long names of general* This ia how the fee system worked with the collage youths who arted as waiter* at the summer resorts. On# them writes: "Our wages are only sl6 s month, besides board and washing, and so we can regularly earn but 628 n season. On the other hand, if we iw ceive perquisite*, we make in all from 160 to 00, or even SIBO. My pwn daily reootd of fees shows that I received sl3 between July 6 and August IS, in •mounts varying between twenty-five cents and $2 s day. Some guests who have remained • month leave their waiter from $lO to S3O; or, if they have become interested in his hirtrwy, per haps they leave as much as S4O •aa a souvenir.'" ia India* LtftaL Here is* specimen of Indian romance : Long before the fool of the white man had trod the mile?* west at the Ape ladbe, or Bine mountain*, there we* a noble young chief, Cbowonk Bujun, whichsignifies " diving frog," a earname acquired from hi* habit of diving under the water when punned by enemies. He loved Onaloska, bailee* of the She nanagina, a rich and powerful tribe dwelling on the Blue Water, aa New river waa called ia the Indian tongue. Addreoeing the object of hie afflacrinn in the poetic vein, natural to the statatv Aborigine, be mid : " Chowoek Bnjunk is a great chief; he can out-swim the Imll-frog. and hi* war-whoop i* like the voice of the long-eared home with which the pale face pulls hie agncult ural imple ment*. But Chowook has neither fields of maixe nor wigwams full of skins. Can the daughter of the Sbeoanagm* love Ohowonk Bujun far love alonef the maiden, "the shadow of Cbowonk ia dearer to the eye of Onalnaka than the being itself of any other man; but there ia a proverb in my tribe which my* * Love won't make thepotboiL'" "Pot boflr exclaimed the maddened mouth, staggering back; "falm Ona loska ! farewell forever." "Don't," exclaimed the frightened meiden t M her lover rushed to the verge of the precipice ; for they **** <* "*> cliff, afterward called Lover'* Leap. The father of Onahtaka waa sampling the great medicine fountain, and had drained hi* tenth gounl of the water, when a piercing shriek resounded through the wood*. To cast the goori down and rush up the mountain ride was but the work of a moment; there, leaning over the giddy diff, wta his daughter, bat no Cfaoeon Bujun. "Creel parent, this is your work," said the daughter pointing below, where * quivering mum of distort?*! Indian corpse marked the last of poor Cbowonk. " But I will show the work of an Indian maiden." Baviug which, she extended her arms in the air, cant one long look down the awful abyss, and before the father oould prevent, had turned and walked off in toe other direction. Tfcf DhWTtm T the !• rf Mar*. i Prof. Asaph Hail, the diaoovererol the moons of Man, began, life, it iswud, aaa carpenter and with t meagre education. i He married a school-mistress, and it was this wiae lady who induced him to study higher mathematics, and who herself became hie instructor. He rapidly sur paaaed hie gentle teacher, and at twenty fire became an aamataiit in Harvard Obeervatory. Shortly after the astron onomirol activity of the Naval Obeerva tory at Washington waa revived, in 1861, a number of professor* of the navy were appointed, and Hall w* given a position an aaaiatant. In 1868 he wan promoted to be a profenaor. There he has remained ever ainoe, heartily appreciated by his associates. It waa on the night of Aug ust 11 that he first saw Mar's attendants. Between the 11th sad the 16th, when the weather waa unfavorable for success ful observations, he both hoped and feared, but his wife, to whom alone he communicated hi* discovery.wae enthu siastic and confident. While impatiently waiting to oonfinn his discovery, his generous disposition almost induced him to communicate his chance* of success to his associates, so that pll could share the honor : bnt the thought Of his many years of labor without any •• luCk," oon j vinoed him that it would be foolish to throw away his first really good chance. One hardly knows what to admire most. Hall's persistent and successful struggle with lus untrained mind, or Ms wife's brave and womanly help and inspiration. —New York Driinme. Bancroft, the Historian. George Bancroft has the reputation of being one of the most thoroughly edu cated of living Americans. When" he waa a student at Gcfttingen, he learned the Oriental languages from EichborU, ancient history from P!"sck and Heeren, natural history from Blumenbach, and Greek and Roman antiquities from Dissect. He afterwards heard the lec tures of Wolf, the famous Homerist, Hegel and Sohleierraacher. Ue has been intimate with Humboldt, Varnliagen von Ease, Cousin, Schlossei, Goethe, Benja min Constant, Manaoni, Chevalier Buu sen, Niebuhr, and a boat of dead celebri ties. One of the things of his youth was a small volume of poems, enthusiasti cally describing the scenery of Switser l&nd and the ruins of Rome. He pub lished the first volume of his " History of the United States rt forty-three years ago, and the work is yet unfinished. He is still at work on it, and hopes to live to oomplete it, and he probably will, as he is of robust constitution and in ex cellent health, and was seventy-seven on October a Thoea who know him regard him as one of the youngest eld men o theteaeqwrißtiueai u