A ROMANCE OF ARIZONA. A Tale f I'rlnrlplm as* a Paay w. Renal. IM I DI.III H.W Wnaatsln Jar Hoaaht the Houl aa* Waa ikr Rraai.. A corresjiindent, writing from Tucaon, Arizona, to the Pittsburg Telegraph, tells the following interesting story of frontier life: " There cum* ' Mountain Joe' on hia pouy," aaid my frieml, CoL Fleance Fitr, Roy, to-day, aa wo weri> aeat.il ill the ahade of a spreading mulberry, in the Oram! Plaza. The person referred to waa a handsome-looking young man of perhaps thirty-flea, something alajve the medium height, of graceful carriage Mid agile appearance. Ho waa armed with a half-carbine, b&lf-havy revolver, that hung in a licit by hia left aide, and waa clad m a buckskin suit. "' Mountain Joe,' aa yon call him, colonel, aeema to lie rather a tine speci men of the frontiersman, but 1 don't see anything remarkable aluut hia pony, to which you partiealarlT refer." • " Thereby hangs a tale, which I wiU unfold if yon feel like liat-eniug to it." "Go oh; tell it by all means." "' Mountain Joe,' aa he is called, waa born somewhere in the Eastern States, and, infatuated with tlie Indian stones he had read, nut away from hia parents ami came to the Btmtti west. But he has had nunc hard knocks since, and the hardest were received in <4niiug that pony, or rather $5 worth of it You ace, a few year* £i> okl Honor Romuldo, whose ranch he* oat along the Pinto road, owned that pony and one of the loveliest daughter* in all these parte. He waa immensely wealthy Mid owned several valuahlo "lainea, and there waa no telling how much gold and silver bul lion he had atonal away. " Now, all tlie young fellows around here were crazy after the girl Inez, luit Joe set his heart on the pony, and waut.il to buy it He is a fellow who always has his own way, ami it is a blessed gixal thing that hia head is always right otherwise somebody would get into trouble. But when Joe tried to bny the pony everybody thought he was balked for once. " The Senor asked $65 for it and Joe dug around to raise the money. He raised it all except $5, and * wanted Romuldo to trust him for the rest of it till he would come back from a hunting expedition. This the old Spanish cur mndgeon refused to do, and Joe vainly appealed to his friend* to loan him the other V. Failing, he got mad and swore that he would not lire in such a com munity. One day he left and waa not heard from for nearly a year. " In the meaotune a hand of Kickapoo Indiana swooped down upon Romuldo'a ranche, daring his absence in town, ran off hia stock and carried the pretty Inez away into their mountain fastnesses. Several parties went out in search of the captive, only to he ambushed and whip ped. Then it was that Senor Romuldo began to bewail the absence of ' Moun tain Joe,' for everybody had faith that he could have rescued the lovely Inez from the dreadful fat# in store for her. " Finally, just as the unhappy Span iard was giving up in despair, Joe sud denly put in an appearance. •If yon will recover my child,' said Romuldo, • I will give you a half million dollars. Yon may have half my property, and whatever else yon may ask.' 'I am not particular about the reward.' said Joe, ' but Til try and rescue the girL* " And then he bet about making ' • arations for the undertaking. Several gallant young fellows volunteered to go with him. bat he declined their services. He oiled up that overgrown revolver of his, stowed away about 500 cartridges and about ten pounds of jerk oil meat in his clothes, and taking the trail of the Kickapooa, set oat in the early morning. He followed it all day cautiously, and by night was far np the mountains. The next day, near noon, as he reached the brow of an immense precipice, the red skins opened on him in the rear. "He was completely trapped. All means of retreat were cat off. and there was death both before and behind him. But Joe made up his mind to die game. Dodging behind a rock, he opened with his snooting-iruQ and made it lively for the ambuahera. Every shot told, and soon a dozen dead Indians were stretch ed out on the mountain top. But their comrades were undaunted, and nearly a hundred of them made a dash to seize him. He had aimedv killed twenty-six of them, but he saw that he must soon be overpowered. "Fight was impossible, and prefer ring to kill himself rather than be tor tared by the Indians, he rushed to the precipice, fully 2,600 feet high, and leaped into space. "But during his fearful descent he did not lose his presence of mind. He was going down near the face of the rocks, and observed that stunted pines and hemlocks grew out of the frequent crevices. He began grasping in the tops of them, which first bent and then broke, but he found that he was breaking the force of his fall. For the last 300 feet the bushes were thick, and Joe was soon going down, dropping from one to the other in perfect safety. "At last he reached the bottom, suf fering from a few bruises and several rather sen on* wounds received in the contest with the Indians overhead. Just as he was congratulating himself upon his wonderful escape another pack of red devils broke the chapral and opened fire. Another hand-to-hand contest took place and Joe killed nine of his enemies. He then started to run along the base of the cliffi when on a sudden the earth gave way nnder him and be fell into a deep fissure. The Indians were imme diately upon him, and fired two or three volleys down the hole and then covered it up with immense boulders. "Joehs fallen twenty feet, and re alizing tl danger from shots from above, gi' under the shelving of the rock and tnus avoided the balls. The Indiana, supposing him dead, made no further investigation*. Realizing his desperate situation, Joe set about extri cating himself, and found that he was in a vast cave with 8 large number of rami fications. In the midst of pitchy dark ness he began his exploration, which continued for four or five days, but which to bim seemed as many years. " The jerked meat on his person satis fied the cravings of his appetite, and he found plenty of pure water to drink. At last he gave up, and lay down to die Listening intently he heard what seemed like human voices, and this once more gave him heart Growling in the direc tion from which the sounds came, be at length reached a point from a which he was able to look into a vast rotunda, fitted np in barbaric splendor, and lighted with pine knotA and sputtering lamps, and there, reclining on a conch ol bear skins, he beheld Inez Romuldo talking with an old Indian squaw, who apparently*was bar,'jailer. •* At length the old hag withdrew in an opposite direction, and Joe speedily made his presence known to the fair captive. A hurried consultation fol lowed, and the whole situation was taken in. " Inez explained that she was held a prisoner by the chief of the tribe, Red Eagle, whe was determined she should marry him. Red Eagle wss a half- blood, his father being a Spaniard. The entrance to the cave was narrow, well concealed, mid its existence known only to a few of the Indians. They still swarmed in the mountains, bat in two weeks were going south for a raid upon the settlements, and only a small guard were to be left in the cave. " All this Inez hurriedly Explained to Joe, and it was agreed that he was to lie concealed in the unexplored portions of the cave to the rear, reeover from jiis wounds, and wait till the Indians left before attempting a rescue, while Inez was to furnish him with provisions from her own allowance. " The chief, lied Eagle, in the mean time treated her with distinguished con sideration, offering her no indignities, and ordering that she should have what ever she called for. After three weeks of weary waiting Inez learned from the old woman that Bod Eagle and his braves had gone south, and that four braves had bcuu left to guard her night and day. They took up their places in the far corner of the great hall, and Joe waited impatiently until they should go to sleep. Day aud night were the same out one after another to sleep. That sleep was their I last, for four ahota from Joe's revolving I carbkie fired in rapid succession killed them all Ixifore either waa aware of hia dangeri •'The old woman waa forced to guide them to the entrance of the cave, which waa found after many Mid tortuous wind ings, Mid Inez Mid Joe emerged from thoir living tomb just after sun rise. Joe then saw that he had passed entirely through the mountain. " Romuldo MI I hia friends had long given them both up for dead, and their feeling* may lie I letter imagined than deeeribul when they returned safe and Miiiud after their miraculous adventures. Ever nine# theu Joe has ridden tliat pony and Isui been perfeotly happy." •• But you don't mean to tell me, (iiloufil.Uiat Joe got DO other reward than that miserable little piece of horseflesh. He inurriiil Inez, of course." " Tliat's the way the story writers would fix things," said the colonel, "but they never deal in facta as I liave done. The Moor waa as good as his won!, and got a purveyor to divide the ranch into two equal parts, Mid ahow.il Joe almit Afteea cart hauls of gold and ailver bul lion # his share. " • No, sir,' said Joe, * 1 wMit none of theae. 1 waut that sorrel pony. Bora are tlm S6O, and I want to know if yon will trust me for the other £&.' " * I'll give you the pony and MlV thing else you want," said the Honor. • You droerve anything that you will ask for.' " But with all that Uie Honor could do or nay, Joe made him take the stk and let Hhiu have the pouy with $6 due ou it" " Well, that is the mint unnatural ending to a vnmderfulh romantic slory I ever heanl Col. £itz Roy, there is something wrong with the sentiment and civilization of Tucson," " Now, don't deceive yourself there again," put in the colonel " ' Moun tain Joe and Inez Romuldo are to be inarm* 1 next week, and we will both go to the wedding." A Black Hills Episode* Five atnuiffcn, mounted ou thorough bred-looking horses, wade their entrance into this otv yesterday afternoon. writes a correspondent trow Deed wood, in the Black Hilla. They were all large anil tongbduokiug citizens, Moh supplied with a now light-colored sombrero and otherwise disguised with new clothing throughout. They swaggered about the streets some time—a little too long for their own gooiL About four o'clock a vonng wan Mr the uaiue of Mav spottial them aa mail agente—he having been robbed bv them about four months ago. Upon mating his discovery known to the sheriff, that officer and his deputies went in pursuit. Between six and seven o'clock three of the number visited the post-office with the officers close on their heels. Young May was itching to turn loose ou them with his little gun, and as one was crossing the street he reoogmzed him, when the fellow ranked his revolver and opened fire. The first bul let strnck May in the left arm, an inch or two below the elbow. The wounded man was equal to the desperate emerg ency, and instantly pulled bis shooter and began to empty it into the desperado. They each exchanged four shots, when the robber ran back to the post-office and took possession of a saddle horse standing there and struck out for tall timber. Hereupon the cry of " stage robber " was raised and a general furi lade was opened on the fieeing wretc i. He attempted to bull-dole the crowd by firing upon them, bat the citizens of Deaawood are not made of that kind of stuff, and they sent at least fifty bullets after him with good effect One ball entered his back, penetrating his right lang and lodging under his breast bone; another struck the horse in the stifle and came out of his breast, goiug lengthwise through him. The wounded animal carried his wounded rider to within a few feet of the top of the hill, near town, when he fell and rolled to the bottom. The robber jumped off and continued his course, but was gobbled by the sheriff and lodged in jail. The other two agents suffered arreet without re sistance. During the shooting, the street was alive with people, and the affair created indescribable confusion among the pil grim portion. They took refuge behind the first thing they oonld reach. Some threw themselves into a since ditch at the side of the street,containing six inches of water. Many of the windows in the vicinity of the affray are penetrated by the flying missiles. The strangest fea ture of the whole thing is that not more men were injured. With the exception of those mentioned, one other man re ceived a slight flesh wound in the face. The wounded man will probably re cover. The three captured are young rangers from Texas. They refuse to talk with any one, but put in their time by cursing everything and everybody in this country. Thev are a hard crowd. Two of the original number are still at large. Proverb*.—A Home Amusement. One of the company who is to guess the proverb leaves the room ; the re maining plavers fix upon some proverb, such as " Afl is not gold that glitters " A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush "Birds of a feather flock to gether ;** " Train np a child in the way ne should go ;" " A miss is as good as a mile." A proverb being chosen, the words are distributed in rotation through the company, each player receiving a word which he mast bring in the answer he gives to any question asked by the guesser. We will suppose the proverb, " Train up a child in the way he should go," to have been chosen. The first person will receive the word "train," the second "np," the third "a," the fourth 11 child," the fifth "in," the sixth " the," and the seventh " way," and so on. The person who has gone out is now called in, and begins his questions with the first player, something in the following manner : Q. " Have you been out to-day ?" A. "No I must train myself to like walking better than I do." He turns to the second player. (J. are you a member of the National Ouard ?" A. "No I gave it up some time ago." The third player has aD easy task to bring in the word ar, but the fourth, with the word child, finds his work more difficult. I/, " Are yr.u fond of reading?" A. "Any child might answer that question." Now, the guesser, if he be a sharp reasoner, will see that this answer is evasive, and only given to bring in the word child. He will, perhaps gness-the proverb at once; and if he is a cautions personage he will go on and finish the ronnd of questions before committing himself by a guess, for he is only allowed three. If he suc ceeds in guessing the proverb, be has to point out the person whose answer first set him on the right track, who must then pay a forfeit, and go out in his turn to have his powers tested. A Gambler'* Colo***] Fortune. From Switzerland come* the announce ment of the death of Francois Blanc, ■who accumulated a colossal fortune at proprietor of the framing tables at the watering place of Homburg, With the permission of the ruling prince, he lregan business there prior to 1840. He started out in a small shanty, but coined money so rapidly that in a short time he was able to lay out the grounds about the visage into a lovely park, filled with beautiful summer nouses, restaurants and fountains, and to erect a splendid rurhauH for the accommodation of visit ors and his faro and roulette tables. He bad excellent concerts and the most at tractive soiree* given at his expense ; aud all the time he was growing richer and richer. The big city of Frankfort was near by, and every evening the young men of the town took the train for Homburg, where not a few of them left their own and their employers' mon ey. The display of money attracted many daring thieves to the place, and at one time it was said to be dangerous to walk the streets alone. When the Ger man government issued its decree pro hibiting the watering-place gaming, Blanc removed to Monaco, and ran an establishment there until near his death. His fortune is is estimated at 80,000,000 francs ($16,000,000); and, though a curse is said to rest upon it, none of the heirs seem disposed to hesitate about reviv ing their share. A HTIUXIE MAKKIAHK. Nark a K>lhl I tmauT Ik* WrU I'rofc •Mi Nnfkt Rrnnv. Judge Myrirk, of Han FYanoiaoo, ha* denied the spiilioatlun to admit to pr.r bate tin' will of Hspsalieth llarngau, MI old Mill intem|iorale woman who wan married to a young Mid active num. mil who bequeathed M) her property to him, and dint, The judge, in his decision, Icll* the wlioUt story ** follows; Hamad Fisher, former husband of lic|i*abcth, died t Stockton in April, 1874. In tlic latter part of that vcar she removed to Han Fnuicisco. In isTfl she purchased the residence at 4l'i Jone* street, where she resided until her death. In Mav, 1878, alio tlrat mot Mr. llMn gan. "Trior to tliat alio had mot two or tone moil nearly of her own age, lint from the time alio and llarrignn Uianie aetpiainted ho waa tlc subject of her thought ami ootuudenttiou, Mid mam age to him waa her prevailing wiah. She Mid Harrigmi met at the houaea of mutual acquaintances, and paaael eve mug* engageil in social Muuaemetita, aiioh aa card playing and the like, and then he beoMiie a couatMit viaitor at the houae. Her health waa failing, and ehe Itad turn# of phyaioal and mental proa traliou. lu November, 187t, she became en gaged to marrv ilarrigau. About that time alie was unable to leave the house, Mid was thereafter mostly nmthied to her bed. ll was arraug.il"ln>tweeu them tliat their marriage should occur at Christina*, 1876; but, die lieing aick iu lied, it was postponed. Ou the eleventh day at Jmiuary, 1877, the marriage c-re mouy waa jierfuruied between tlmm. That afternoon, aoeooipauied by her tmnie Mid a friend, she rode to the office of ths Safe lVjx*ut Company, lieing bol stered np with pillows and taking stimu lants duriug the ride. She gave direc tions that her funds and property iu the vaults of the company should lie subject to access by Mr. Harrigiut. After re turning home, she tried ou a wtvhliug dr.ua which had been made for her, and in ihe evening was dressed Mid aided down stairs to tlie imrlor, and waa assist ed to stauil while the ceremony was pro ceeding. Tlie clergyman officiating thought that the circumstances ware pe cnliar, but as a number of reputable people were present he did not deem it ueces*ary for him to institute special in quiries. She sat iu the parlor in an easy chair during the evening, receiving stim ulants from her nurse. Two days after that the will in ques tion was malt'. Prior to the marriage ceremony she hail sent for an attorney who had formerly transacted business for her, and she advised with him in reference to a will, and he prepared the will in question, and was present at its execution. Two physicians were also present, and subscribed the will as wit nesses. One physician was culled hi to examine her as to soundness of mind. His interview did uot exceed thirty minutes, but he declared her of sound mind. Another, physician, who had be fore attended upon her, did not upon the trial express a decided opinion upon that subject, but on the evening of the executiou of the will, after leaving the house, did declare that he hail that eve ning witnessed the execution of a will, and that the woman who made it was no more fit to make a will than a boy of four years. The attorney read the will to hew, section by section, and asked her if that was her wish, to which she as sented. She seemed, to the persons present, to understand the business in hand, although she was very ill and weak. The will was executed and at tested in dne form. " The story of her remaining days is soon told. She failed rapidly. On Fell. 26. 1877, Dr. Ingersoll WM called. He found her in an iralxoile condition. On March 10 her mi ml was entirely gone. She was then weak and rick, helpless and senseless, in which condition she lingered until the fifth of April, and then the end. During the lifetime of Fisher, at least for some time, ahe (Mrs. Fisher) hail been addicted to drink, which caused restlessness, loss of sleep, and frequent walking at night. .After his death she drank more, and during the past year or two of her life ahe drank on an average a gallon of whisky a week. " Several months before her death she craved constantly for liquor. Her physician* warned her that tleath would ensue unless she would cease the use of alcohol, but without effect. The demi john hml to be hid from her, and the liquor dealt out to her in smaller quanti ties.- She would have it, and s tumbler of it wss placed on her table on retiring for night use. She was sixty-three years old, he forty-six; ahe wealthy, he impecunious; she weak in mind and failing in health, he strong and vigoroos; he knowing she eonld live only a short time, that she was drinking herself to death; that thoughts of love or associa tions were absurd; he took her for her money." Under this decision the husband will take one-half the property, provided his marriage is snstaincd, ami the other half will go the daughter. If the mar riage should eventually lie declared null, all the property will go to the daughter. The estate is valued at about $70,000. Clothes-Pin*. Insignificant as the common wooden clothes-pin is itself, its manufacture forme no mean part in American indus tries, and the numerous factories in New England and other States furnish em ployment to thousands of people. There are several large clothes-pin manufac tories in Pennsylvania ami Ohio, and one in the vicinity of Saratoga, N. Y., each of which in capable of turning ont a thousand bores, or 72,000 pins )>er week. There are several small factories scattered throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, and all are run by water-power. As a rnle, those engaged in the manufacture oi clothes-pins are Quakers. Beech, white birch and poplar are the woods used in making the article, the hirch and poplar being considered the l>eat. The machin ery employed is very simple. The wood is first sawed into l>>gs of four feet in length, and then cut into small snuare sticks by means uf s cutting machine. Each stick, after being rounded in a lathe, is paused into another machine which throws ont a number of perfectly formed pins at one cut and with great rapidity. The pins are then thrown into a large revolving cylinder and smoothed by friction with each other. New York and Boston are the principal markets for this ware, and henoe they are shipped in large quantities to the' West, ami Australia. Over 100,000 boxes o' pins are annually sent to England, and a corresponding number to Melbourne, Sydney, New Zealand, and the Band which Islands. Owing to the depression in business the past two years, prions have fallen off twenty-five per cent, and some of the manufacturers in New England have ceased operations because they oonld buy cheeper from the West than they could manufacture themselves, besides saving the expenses of packing and transportation. The price depends eutirely upon the finish and number in a box. MAdent Binding. Kouigshofen, on the Tauber, is the dueling ground of the fioutli Germsn students. It lies ou the line of railway between Heidelberg and Warsburg, and is a sort of Pluinstead Marshes for the fierce young Philistines whose honor can only be appeased by blood. The London Echo states that one day about three months ago, a special carriage load of nearly one hundred Burachen (boys) from the universities of Erlnngen, Wurz burg, Tubingen, Heidelberg, Bazel, and Utrasburg was deposited at Kotiigshofeu station, with a couple of surgeons aud with all the customary paraphernalia of offence and defence needed for a proper German Pankerel , even including a stock of bandages ami some pounds of ioe. They hired the great room at one of the hotels for their learned consulta tions and their drinking. The proceed ings were conducted with closed doors, but the suspicions of tho hotel keeper were at last aroused by the continual demand for fresh water, and by the fact that water vessels came back Htained with blood. He sent for the local police, and no fewer tliun twenty-five of the learned youths were discovered to Ire scratched, although with wonml" whieh ! were happily only skin deep. Kconomy In Hoiking. Otto nf the moat itn|tnrthnt itogja in the family ox]H>nana ia the clotkutf, oa}MviUr aims' there ia an much of what ta culled " clntli " pimle UP. for laiya and men. Dial will hajvlly holtl tngothgr. With the averap family the income ta limitod, aud the pris " gvHala, It ia |ierliapa not too much t> aay Uikf the majority of people buy l worn. A atnuig Hue-textuml, well made article will outwear at loaat three nf this |MM>r material, aud it does uut really ixwt aa much, cniiaidertug the amnuut nf wear, to aay no thing of the ahaldiy apjxwxnuioe of faitinl chilli the vcxati'iu uf having the garment* eou tuiunllv breaktUK to piccea.the tieiTaaaity of daily repairs, with tlie uiiaafe feeling wheu one ste|ia a little high, or put* on an ttuuaual strain. The excuse winch we have sutfgewted for buying such goods we know is a hard utie to meet, lieiug in the majority of cases lite want uf money to get I letter g'Ksla ltut it is Iwtter to make the old cult ImM a little longer, and put all the money into the rest of the suit, and wheu the money one will sism have to tUid to au|t(dy ni.oilier cheap suit is at hand, get a good coat. As a wise and economical rule, one should never pur chase anything but a good article. Tbe care of clotlnug is a very im portant matter. It makes a great ittfTer ence in the hsika and wear of a hat or coat, whether d is thrown down on the lounge or chair when taken off, or care fully hung With two boya the •*- |iense of their clothing is often nearly oiis-half in difference—mainly, as wo think, because one of them will always hang up his clothes carefully, wlale tlie other's may be found anywhere-- when they can lie found at alh Properly brushing and cleaning goods, and mend ing them as soon as read. < A Minnesota exchange katb: A large rattleauake whh killed in Breathitt coun ty a few ilaya ago that proved to be a curiosity. It waa perfectly formed, aave it had two well-developed necks ana head*. The prongs of tlie necks were about four inches long, and the make used both heads at the same time, atrik ing witli both, nud thrusting out ita t HJgues in a spiteful manner, and had the appearance of two makes—so much so that the peraou who killed, it did not j discover the deformity until his suake- Bhip was dead. For Btabchino Liken.—USE one tablespoonful powdered borax to one auart of boiling starch; it will improve te stiffness and gloss. A fool has many disadvantages—he cannot indulge in the luxury *f making a fool of himself. NiJHMAKY Of NEWS. llama el laiereM (rem Hem* .a* Ikrwul. A fir* broke mil lu tlie United Slain. TallWil I Office al Washington, and liefnre It could tie I aiil.luml a pat i or tlie nmf aud Uilrd atury waa destroyed. From fifty to seventy thouaaiul aluatile model* lu >—a and a large amount .f is in —|ioiidenae were b>*t. Tlie Patent Office • dilloe wa. one of the fineat Public hulldlllg* 111 Washington, and the loaa to the govariuuent will amount to Irt ween five huiutrni thouMiad amt one million dollar* . The Fidelity Hav ing* Hank of Chicago closed It* door* on ae • oUWt of Itiahtlity to |iay it. depoaltor.. and a r— parade*, mur dinate .fees, etc., and pledge the He publican |>arty to —forui all th—e abua— ; demand lb* reduction of the rat* of inte—at to lix per oanL; announce unalterable o|i|>>aitlon to meddling by hgtou. —eta in otvil affair*, ppouxUy Ihr ell*udllure uf the public school fund ; DuWt with pride to the devotion of tbe He publican parffi t" the inter—t* of labor, a* evinced in I (lie tariff . aud pledge earn—t and undivided .upport to Mr. Newru Andcreon Shiffiett waahangeal at Harriaburg, Ta., for the murder !'4 t>ai3 G. lawtou tu 176. Th* murderer waa paid tifi to kill hla vk-Utn by tha wtfa aud brother of the murdered man. both of whom are |u jail under —tilcnfie of death, for particl palfeig ta the crime.. . The Prealdent and - partv rstorned to Waahlngtun from their trip South ... Much uneajta— vraa aauaed tu Madlaon, S. J , and .urruuudmg lowua, by a mywt—iou* and fatal diaeaar which attacked and earned off a number uf bora— It ta understood la New York that Connolly, of tbe Trill ring, haa offered to pay #1,000,000 in I —Ulemeul of the .oil* again#! him. /uhn H. Morton, |T—ideut of the Market Street Italiruad Company, of Philadelphia, aud the Mxvetary and treaaurvr of the corpora tion, were air—ted on the charge of conspiracy aud attempt to defraud tile rtockholdrr. .... The Hemucrata of Wianmaln held their Slate convention at Fond du I*c, and numuiated a ticket headed by Jam— Nailery fur guiernor. The platfuon do|4ed drclar— it* firm belief that '' the wilt of the |>eople waa defaated in the late Pr—hicultal electron by fraud and chicane, under the nrotectrun of the Federal military," and through the ballot box will ex |ww— Ha condemnation of the act an-1 the actor*. It declarw* " fur tbe freedom of the ballot unawed by the bayonet," and incut* that "military interference in regulating and con i tmUiig eha-Uone U Mtbvarvtva of the firwt pnn rud— of free government. It declar— iu hoe j tißly to the financial pokey uf the liepubhoan ' jwrty, wtthdrawtng capital frum Uialion, in creaisng the burden of the public debt by declanng currency Urnda jayahlr in gold, de monetising ailrer In the inter—t of tbe creditor and at the ex pen— of the debtor, and attempt utg to for— r—umption whan it will Inn* nun upon the general buain—a tuteresta of the country, and dea.and. in.trad that thetwopcrty (votaffied by the government pay IU juat pro j.rtnu of the ripen—a of the govrami4; that ailrer be rwrnouUsed and the p—ni re .am | >tititj set he repealed and r—umplion bo portioned until the flaandal modiUon of Uie ' t-cunlry will permit it It declar— kta ojHoai tion lo the longer OimUunsncw of national Lank currency, and demand* that tbe gov eminent furnish it* own not— in the place thereof. It declar— It* unyielding opposition lo high pro tective tariff, a. virtott* tu principle, advancing the lutrrreta of the few at Ui* expense of the tnauy ". ...Sydney Myrra. pr—idmt of the , broken Merchant* , Fanner, and Mechauice ' Having. Hank of Chkego. waa lodged in Jafl. ' Th* National Prohibition convention of the United Slat— held a amnion in New York, among the delegates present being a number men and women who were pronUuenGy con nected with the temperance muvemeuta tn thr Eaatern and W—tern State*. The neocaalty of temperance legudatton wa*di*ru—ed by —ral qwabrx A unghvarull thr—-mile boat race on Owaaoo ) I*ke. N. Y., between Ave oont—tanta, waa won bv Charts* K. Courtney . tin the —oond ) dav of the New York ilepuldioan State conven tion at itocbeater the following nomination, were made For secretary of (Mate, John 0. Churchill; for ooaaptrvtiler, Francta Sylvester, for HUlo treaaorer, WUliani L. Hoatwlck ; for athirnev-geueral, (irenvill* Tremain; for state engineer, Howard Soule . A fire Itroko oul < in the bustimm* center of INvvhletvoe. U. 1., and before the fiame. could be extinguiahed a num , bet of large buaui— boua— were burned out, can MIS; a low of about #740,000. on which there T. a partial immranc# ... The rial ting Si mil Indian chief* in Washington called on the l*reaidot at the White House and *tat*d Uieir grievanoea The Maryland I>*mo oratF Htate convention wa* held at Haltunore and r—ulted in the nomination of Thomas J. Keating for comptroller. Tbe platform adopted reaffirm, the resolution* of the National Demo cratic convention of Ht. Loui* in 1*76: con gratulate. the Democrat* and Conannrativc* in the Foriy-fourtli Cong— upon the .uooe—fnl rnducHoa of the annual rxpen—a of Uie govern ment bv more than #ao,oOO,OUtl; Mi Inat it ia a *-ulte of pride and aalufhction to the Dmno eraticparty that "it* peaotrful polleT of home rale and noudntarveßtion in Uio affair* of the State* Its. bacon>* a cariltoal rule of affiloo in ' an Admhilrtrarion who— title to office 1* tiM derived from an diction according to Constitu tional me'hod., but eti*t* bv the adjudication of a tribune unkno' u iu tle Conatitlitionde mand. a revision uf Uie tariff law. and wym pathixe. with the workingmen The Min neaota Itepublicaii. n nominated Gov. inilsbury. Tlie platform Indo— Pr—ident Have, policy, demaud. the remoiu-tisatkvii of silver, and favor* the earlv re.umpliou of specie parmcnt*. The Barnstable Saving. Hank, of Prvivtnoe tovrn. Ma—., ha. .u.pended Major-General A. L. Pcarwni, commander of the Htate tnmp* during the recent riot in litteburgh. wa* ar re.Uxl on the charge of murder, for ordering the militarv to lire on the crowd Two member, of tbe band concerned In the robbery of the Union Pari tic train lu Nebraska, were .hot and killed, aud #'JH.OOO in gold wa* recov ered from them Prang * large rhromo e.tabli.hniont near Do*toxi wa* deetroyed by fire, caiiMtig a lo— of #IOO,OOO. New York Uepabllraw Mlate ( owvemlaw. Tbe New York Be publican Htate Convention i vraa held at Hochcter. Tlioma* 0L Tlatt wa. ap|*>intcd chairman. Senator Conkliug declining the honor. Tlie platform i. in oj porition to the Previdoot'. re.tnctive order in relation to Federal officeholder., and a olUtute by George William Curtis, approv ing the cotiriw of tbe President, wa. lost by a vote of 109 to 2H4. lbs reaolationa adopted favor .peody r—nmptlon of .pccio partneuta and opjxw> irofu.e appropria tion. and grant* to carrv on work. )oe*l and •notional in character. That |>art of the plat > form referring to tlie Foderal officeholder* and tlie President'* Southern jiolicy read* : The ] office of government i. to con—rve order, . peace and —fety, and to protect every riUxeu (n tlie eiijovmeut of every right implied bv the the Constitution and law*. Unity and fratcr : ncrnal relation, in all Htate. and aectidna, 1. of the first and highest importance, and the llo publioan party of New York will heartily sup port every measure authorized by law adapted to Üblishiug and maltitaluing commercial and industrial ])ro.perlty aud IrauqniUtv. Ju.Hce and olMMiience to lawful authority. Tlie Oon stitutton ordain, that " the United HUte. .hall guarantee to every State In thl* Union a rtqmh hNcan form of government." The only repub lican gutimiWHl kuown to the Constitution of anv American HUte i a goreriunent chosen by , tin- people. The question whether a case has ski wit requiring the President to employ nuli- S Ury force U> protect lawful State authority sgaiust domestic violence is by the Oonstitu tion committed to his decision and to his re s|Nmstbilitv. Taking no issue with any derision of this.khid which has been mado by the Na i tionai Executive iu respect to the enndoyment I of troops, and ex dressing no opinion in regard to the methods and atteudaut proceedings em ploved in anv instance, we cherish the hope that the action taken in regard to the Kouthern 1 States will result in peace tranquility Mid Just- I iee, and 110 act of the RapnhUoane of New York oondncive to its good affects shall tie witb ! held. We insist on purity, frugality and effl : eieucy in everv branch of the public service, National and State. To that end we hold these requirement* practical and Just: First, noueed* loss office, or officer, or public sgent should ex ist ; second. coni|H>nsation for official servioe should be fair and just, but in no case exces sive ; third, fit men and no others should hold public trusts; fourth, .every official, high or low. should lie required at all timos faithfully to perform his dutv and the whole of it: fifth, no official or officeholder shonld be subject to politi cal or partissn assessments, or to interference In strv wav with his political rights or action, and plain laws should foihid and punish all at- t—npte Ui make ur —ifor— •nob mwmuU, U) Interference i* to control or t> slwldfw In any r—port the absolute freedom In politi—l artioti winch In this country belongs to ul voters alike. !i> connection witti lb la subject we recur with .aU.fsrtioti le that portion of the letter of ae - thrtr employer* Ibey owe uothlng more The (Vmatlluttou uf the Uiutad Htate* and of theHtata of New York and the taw. —tahllsh equal right* of all ritl *en. and all voter*, and ww deprecate aa uri • .tractable and hurtful all attempt by Ml ploy era, whether repim-ei.ung capital ur politi cal |lower, to encroach upon or oimree other, in any of lire right* or the exerotae of any of the dull— of dUseuahlp In the Htate of New York the whole uumtr of National officehold er., including clerk* and official, uf every de grot*, 1. 1,143 This t* one national official or auburdmate to 141 volet. Of Htate, county and town official, there are In thia Htate 133,'- ftlS. Thl. is oue Htate, countv wr town official |u every a|a voter.. When the potential func tions of louel officer* are taken Into acmoul, Uieir near una. to the ctuaen and their power over hi. prtqwrly, taaee and Inter—i, their rel ative luflueno* lieoumea evea greater than the number, indicate. The exclualon of public *er>anU from political action would dtafrmn cUta* a great body of our fellow citizen*. Tba law* make no *uch exclualon, and we deny aa an imputation upon the people of New York, that they are ur have been dominated by the nation . auburdtnate official*, and we can con ceive of no condition of affair* abort of ex tinction of manhood and patn<>tl*m m which a postmaster or clerk could aubdtle to hi* parti san will 133 other elector*, ur exert any other lufiueuoe beyond *uch a* hla character might give turn. It is eetunated that the lin—iaus bar* lue) *O,OOO men tbu* far lu the war with Turkey Gen. Grant vuitod Htratford-on-Avon, the borne of Kb*k—[•—re, and waa prtwnU>d with a" very cordial addr—, enclosed lu a casket tuade from the wood of a mulberry tree planted by (he great English draniatlai..,.. William K. Howard, a colored convict in tlie 4 and killed by Hon. Ca—lu* M. Clay, formerly United Hut— miniriar to liu—(a. White', mother had been du>barged from Mr. Clay'* employ, and the son had threatned to revenge her removal Meeting Mr. day on the nodaide, White rushed upon him, after an altercation, when he drew a juried and find twice. Mr. Clay waa exonerated by a coroner'* Jury .... The Workingmen' party of Massachusetts have nominated WendaU Phillip* for governor ... .. A reduction of 33,4Hn,*i in the public debt vraa made during September Wilham ilartxnan, leader of a body of ririaing railroad employ— near Cirele ville, Kanaaa, fired Ut>ri a p>'' of abtriff"• officer, when commanded to halL Tbe fire waa returned and Hartman received wtwxnda from which be died.... An riertioo in Hartford, Conn., r—ttllod in the ran— of the Demo cratic ticket Sen or Castillo and hi* woo. permanently connected with the Cuban insnr rwOon. have surreodcred to th* Hpeulard*. Hrnor Castxllo CM au mater at foreign affair* under the Cuban government Over 780,0U# twreona have p—Vahed dunng the famine m India ....A number of boikling* were burned tn Indianapolis, hut. and a lo— incurred of *75,000 .... The waving* bank at Hannia, Ma**., suspended after a b— vy run of several day*. ______ An Aulomnllc Hor*r. Mr. J. H. Nolan, w liner ingrnaitT and sucrrcis as an inventor linn alro—ly ao ctiml bini n high etmnling in the mr clinnicnl world, ha* juat iuvcuted a novel tumn* of locomotion, which in in the form of an nutomntic or anlf-propelling home, the locomotion being prodocevl bv tbe weight of the ruler and the weight which w earrnxL The "borne" and it* appluuioee are models of mechanical ejiiiplwity, and any amount of speed re quired can be secured, is fact onn be in—le to go 3 mile faster than the fas teat trotting home of the day. A email "horee," capable of carrying a man ten or twelve miles per hour, cnu be built at from Afteeu to t weuty dollars ; smaller one*, which con be unnd by oliildren for ainuaement and recreation, can be built at from three to live dollar*. The "horse" can carry considerable weight in addition to the rider. The rterwon ait* in ptwition n* he would upon the live animal, with the feet in stirrup* and rein* in hand*, in which pamtton be can govern the ejieed and guide the " horse " at will. There waa an exhibition mode with one rf tbear " horaea " recently, in in a hall in thia city, and although tlie room wa* amall ami unfavorable for either speed or ease of loooniotion, a lmy Weighing aisty pound* propelled the " home 'at from nix to aeven mile* an hour with the utmost *. Tha exjveri mer * thoroughly entnblialied th* pmcti cal v.due of the invention.—/fotfon Trawler. Tne felicitiea of mankind are strength eneil by the counsel* of Uie good. A lirmrdv that Dyß CWrelHlew. lloctetter * Htogiaeh tt> defy cceipeticei. Of the hurt of rival tonic* that hare cropped up during it* long career, not one has gained aud retained .nch a large eharr 3f public favor, though many have etijnyfd an ephemeral pop ularity. The'reanon ia Uil. that, whereas many of these medicine, were advertised to jverform cure* of the nm*t startling nature, they have, when tested, almost invariably turned ont to be of little or no valne, while tbe gr—t inrtgorwnt, whose reputation they were intended to rival, ha* never disappointed tboae who have placed their contldenee ln it. It ha* vindicated m Ik# ampl—t maimer its claim* to tw considered a i->itiv* spei#r remedjr for live* complaint, dppeprit, tnalariun. fevere, debility, constipa tion and liunieroti* other roaladie. arising frum general weak tic— and di .order* of the tomach and towel*. "A llrnwsln* .Tin" vtll Cat ell ala Mlraw." If he catchlt, it wrill do him no good. Thou sand, of people who, having neglected cold, aud coughs until tbey hav# l>ecome daugenma will rush hi almost ovary nostrum for relief. Thi* i. whv so many rxjieriments are tried by Uio sufferers. Go to yont druggn*. buy a bottle of Wintar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and rise it with confidence. It will benefit al onoa, and ulbmale.lv euro. It ia no straw, it is a cable well tried ; hold on 10 it and b* saved. 50 cts. and #1 a U.tUe. Hold by all druggists. I'bysirians of high standing unhesitatingly give their indorsement to the use of tbe Graef an berg-Marshall's Catholioon for all female eomplaiuts. Tlie weak and debilitated find won derful relief from a constant nee of this valn able.remedy. Hold by all druggists. #1.50 |r bottle. Bond for almanacs, Graefeuberg Co., New York. . . Breedl In ihe Ktalt ef IJfr. By bread we mean all the various form* into which it is cnstnmarv to convert cereal flour. When is breed good ? thread is good when light, sweet aud nutritions, and without dele terious qualities. How are those properties best secured? Iu no other way, we answer, so well and eertainlv as by the use of Dooley's Yeast Powder. Try it thoroughly and convince yourself. CHEW The t Celebrated "Matohuws" Wood Tag l'lug Tips Coo. The Piohekh Tossooo CoxtrsKt, Now York, Boston, and Chicago. Prejudice te an extravagance illy afforded in these times, l,et not your prejudice lead yon to buy, till vou have sent for free price list of Jones, of ilinghamton, Binghamton, N. Y., who otTers to sell on trial, rive Ton Wagon Scales, at *SO ; fright prepaid. Stcttebino.— This singular affiiction is treated by an ingenious invention called Bates' Patent Appliances. Simpson A Co., Box 5076, New York, send descrtptlbn of same to all inquirers. If you a4 rr idhims.°taKe* Quirk s-Irish Tea. Hold by druggists at 21 ct*. * pscksge. Pst eta less and Inventor* shonld read advsr- Usemsu* ot Kdsnu Bros, in auothar column. Our attention haa recently to the lUtrUun MatrUuue CUiaHng*, oroething en tirely new lu the way of heavy, thick, warm, wiMikui goo Ut.< as Hotaa.* iiiiuei "i W itt *"— 4*i g IU Burkwh—l par rwt 3 31 Vkaai-n—l w —tavu. J*4 • 143 No. 1 MUwaak— IM 3I Ufa— gtala like I*4 llariag—Male - 14 # #1 Nari.y Malt . u S 1 hiMkwk—t 41 M Oava— MuedU—uaa * * Ourw-Miiwl W-tara - a* <0 I* Hay, par cwt SB / TO Straw—par rwt. 44 Hop*. Wa—(ll " It* |u 0 It Port—Ma— 14 14 it It Lard—-City SVaais 01 # 4 Flak - Marker,l, No. 1. n 0 U 0c Me. 1, w* 11*0 *l*4o Pry OoS, par rwt > g lei Btrrtuy, (tralad, par lag -JO 31 Palroiaun <>rud. e*3k fcaßuad, UN Wool—OaWortU U X Tnu •' N # 3 Australia# M Ml# * Mate A3. l g 41 Sutter—Hiata * * U Wa—ra—dttiw ....... It 4 II W—tan.—Good to Prim* .. # : W—lerti—Flckm* 10 • U Ot—a Mate Factory U t# H Stale lUbbM 10 i IIN Wan are (• # ll>N Mute and Pennsylvania 13 3 UN raiußtuiu. Maaf Uartl.: Extra. .. M # O*N tUmap I* ig o*\ Huga: Uraaaad. u* (3 *N riour : Paun*vlvauta Extra Til #l3 Wheat; Hrd Wmtere.. 11l # IM Eye m Corn; Taliew.... Co 2 41 Mixed i <1 Gate; Mixed # 33 NOul*am ; Orud.l. EeAaad. 14 WoM-tWl—ado -jm 0 Texas n g II California It # 3 win*. HaafOaUi* M # 331* "beep O*N2 WIN Hot* 03 # 43 Fioar— Wbao.ni.in aud Minn—ota . 1 30 <3 I to Cara—Mlxad te # 3N "at*— - as 0 • Woet-Ohlo and Pec—ylvanU IX.. *4 0 43 California r*U tI.N3 33 nmid. Flow 11l 3 33 Wheat; No. I Ml! waul— |fl dig Oorui Mlxad n d 4SN * t# >0 HT* W d M Bariaj.. el 0 u Bariay Ma 11...... 15 dIU naiawroa, x Me* OatUa MXd FN 3> 4# 03N lan.Ua - (IT lu uog* — rv# 03 WSTKWTOWH, Mesa. Bam OarUe : Fvxr to Cfeaica •OX 3 M Skaep fa* dm lart—. Tut (3 303 toss: STK? IKMIIM Sartwro OmW. >M Write ai no, te gfKTfol i T , Mtl jg> l OLCVE-FITTINO R ! CORSEI§>te 1 H \J}\ \V 0 MCSSIIKOVI o 0 \ I fax IS* *• a H8 fej jH^ymwwnuiQ !pi t Vv ;■ S I Washburn & Moen ManTg Co. WOWCKSTCR. MAA*. V —J ThiHisimmfacm.' ; I I a STEEL Ttoca Biadea. Wo oO>r Fotuaoa oo tihaof ar m cp as foicklT Wow row. otalaa, daoapa. •Anoka, oor wpo CaaSkcted kr ton. wuid. or ttood a opmptete komor to tko aos unit otonk TwnaraatTn k au or koooi TWO TROCAAWD TOwsaoLo aw© tv R or noniwo THE LAST TUX For oala at tko landtag kardvaro otoraa on Ik Suotokoro tad eta*** Smt to fflasoaiad Tumpbi*. The H orolM-- * Su-k Mnurk-u A(4u< i ' lltel and iinwtiSorohli. (moral ArSibir. on tkrao • arntiwa which ilia mine' pantpoi and .UM icmbla ailaa.nl. mtbi ha prompted it the wnnM. and Inooatparal l. St7.l ar TidOr and Al Tr tillvr wrr. alwufo takaw la Kate • Sold h all drasgMo \/MRVMSAf£I saii/rca\ I 265 3POADWA Y N X |_ pmr. bew oro's ixtter shovmnc twcMonmr TO HJtAKTHONr 104- REAOC ST. NEWYDWC. __ THE GOOD OLD STAND-BY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT FOR MAN AND BEAST. KutAKt-iamtU 3a Yuu Almj adtwe. A I way. rNt.lt Always bandy Haa nerer tailed Thtrty million- Aon (•f independent Kepublu n-i \U*s, bat tied U> th* Imhtmte of no oliqae. miner party a li*e. nwv, spirited *nd able journal. and mi accepted exponent of th* l*e*t Southern wnti nd pant d eight paae fortn opena like a book ; aoinpaotard convenient; Urge, clear print lAnlb ( oiiilrrr n l.il, per year . thraa months, INI!.?A : >me month only sO rente rt l> areafh. Wraklv Ciimiit' irntl, a splendid family paper only Hl.cA per iur. Oluha of tan. Alii Claim of twenty, NfU; Nlnalr Copy three monlha an trial, only 3A rente. Aft*- 1 - wanted rrerytrArrv. Snmpl—fm Adde.es. A. 11. NjBtiFIII IfrtttiUshid Hi —- w, " o ssb'llZßf,'gS,EMJT.taiVaa GRACE'S Salve! A rNRULI I'IrPI'tMATIOM, t****M4 all* Iftk in, kf Or WUiMia li—, knaa i* Ki— imam' anmj Tkwafk mjpmtt 1)1 tbataS—th*afciU W lb* an* MrtMaß pCmCSim esvx. Ew •* mmmaMf. afLk Ml njMI jlaaii m*n*4 b, MKTfI WTTOWMTT •at llarrtM* a#■*>. N*i*a. Ma UmTEFsTATES T.I Mk! INSURANCE COMPANY, W TH* CITY or KZV YORK. 261, 262, 263 Broadway* ♦ Wdtin 11 OS n ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820^)00 TYKRY APPROVED PORK OP POLICY ISSUED OW MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES APPROVED CIAZKS MA TORINO IN 1877 •MX BE USSiro ST 7 1 OM rMKaEXTATIOW. fAMBSBUBLL* . - PRESIDENT POND'S MRACT. POl'S EXTRACT. The People's Lemedj. The UniTtml Pain Extractor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract. Tokts no Other. "Iltar. far I will |nl mt nwUiii iUm*." !"0> I'* EXTNACT-Tb* PM Vrwtllf jbl* Dnirmr. Hn —1 ■— mflUrn irirt, *ad tor cbuiiMM aad proapt aniln ' man* eaaoot br exoollob (I! h.IiHIV ta feaUlr eaaafterd jo bawitb MM Paad'a ttir*n. AiiMaila. Njalaai. !.aiaa4'at!i^~.7sfts !r„-*. *u>m lilMiHap. nawi dlooumOoB aad M* r—ldly. . LAOIKt* 'oa U Hair kaai frtaad, Hiaiiwi tla paiM u> wklak U-r ar* pMalterif iajMt- BMaklf fllaaa aad pi 1 ■ 1 <* tb* k*d o*i -antfo. nr. It ptomptly amMl—an omi pur Lrni;, limit all idad* of Irfi—ilir mi or FILER ted tr -tb*U Immm'.aLr rrllrf ana o!: imat* rare m mm, boa. a*w ckpoaie or okatlaalA caa tata rtmm Ha r* YA l NlrP** TKIXS. P' *oaody wttcam. BLKKUI Nt frx,m aa* "x—a. I'-rtbUltUa a#—t t. It tm*M'd ' wekof Uraa wkaaauSbn raardtr* falicf c amat ktradtaf Craa a***. ES,i^; ,^st^Tv.'asr, 0 r. , ; SmZ—it- Maple chronic ptßi IVM, OA* tartbTfer wfcirb H la a t^trc*UUala sJI nientirr ■ BrAtjTiaHky hi bc botdwu. of tbU oottouy Hl?tTRV*aa4 |3RQig3 COmKeXY, •• NaM VEGETiNE. # Mar Own Word*. BM-noow. Eft run tnw a lady wbn waa■*<*• !<■ Mim. W beeanm all nil tram rw VKOITTtW*. and In* and U.ual.l M ana hottla * vaGKTIHIt and altar I had arnl one bottJe. U> (aim left mm and it bmiihhml. and then I bought m albm MKaadnl toka ltm_ Hhank (Sad tor Ihie rwmdy and rwaatr and whm rr7 andmar may mi attontom Mil Ula a Maaaaat C KRABK. * WW Baltimore Street. VEGETINE. Safe and Sure. Mn H. R. Srarrxa In ion year VKiiKTINR rat rnewmaaaadad la ma, and. yieHiry to 'ha perauaewme A a friend. I luineentod to try It. At tha Urn. I rat an Banna (rvaa giunol debility and aarmaa nraatmUaa. •npartadaaad to oaar murk and uraaalar babtto lu woadarfal Irnaalfcnama and c. rati'a pnjDertme reamed to ißtrt my ititilllMHi ayatont from to. Brat don, and. under itay i ritoaat mm, 1 raptdiy lauurarrl annum mora than nana I haaMh and rod feelina. Htnaa than 1 hara not baaitoted to fire vwsmxll my mant onijeahhed ladaraemeM. aa baton a onto, aar.. and powerful anaat in prrnnounn health and ronton tie thr waned ayatom to naa Ufa and ni>|| VROirrniK U the naty medicine I naa . and. aa kmc aa I lira, I *>r eipac* to dad a has tor Tmn troly, W H CLARK. lhl Monterey Street. AUaghaay. num. VEGETINE. Tha Beat Spring Medicine. Ctuujiniwy. H. R /Naar ynr-Thia la to nattily that I hara aaad ymar " Hhmd Pwmaratnm " la my family for arratal yearn, and think that. for Rrtofola or Oenkemur llaawra at KhrttmatAflarttona. it raaaot ba nmM: and. aa a Mad panher or apnnu medicine it ia tha toad Hum I hara arm naad. and ! hara arad almaai ararythtna I nan rhaarfnlly rarommand it to any k Uhß I Addrtn w. A. mvmnmim ITco-. „ „ IrMMiManMMM *• *._ R^iSSS:- ■— ■ - - """—'"" J "*~ WSagrfi. BOSTOIVEEELT TUISOUPT r%mmm family f Mii Ni>inai w> Ma • .kw-a. *l* pa •~*fflllnp unpt WORK FOR ALL fMiSr, tas! Mntkfr UWM $lO to $25 Ipfj Bmt vJnS Inn (lis lufctMMd SS (MV 40 MSOM&iStg * O iiil*tjHMrflHhi fh* tw^kaat. u 1 wSßisajaJ!j£rs£l^Sr A SOVEREIGN BALM Oa b* !■■< a that iml a—l|llll|lt ■ I Mil I a lam mm Ms. | ■iMii Hi— Ma mSm mi allfha mm. mmirn am in -na a mw ia baa*l** aa **mnnaf ak*dk*naaaka- MLMa* lai iMiMM aaMaaiLll aCww"STmmm'l'JmkMMewwaaa. le* at, a pm a ■ hi. km ►? mihii. a f *■ Baa a "Il "Il la. M 111. MEN r*aa* aaanlinK uaaVaaL cm aMI l ■ ■ ' ma. E MtrffLW iwnaa. n*i* i|iu. Wa_ TO BOOK AGEXTB! 124 LET Fnll-P**, Sn*r.via*, nHuk* a
    *a: cb*ac*d at—l% iafan* MM addw-a. *al aaa K*M|>l* illllMM mm k, Mail Ml r~~.pt at KMHi mwrw CO., l*ia. fe_ ElpEifFl |iSSSLMPt:TSKaJSSM w I SI.OO slaOO Osgood's Heliotjpe Engrarings. PM rtilaM lan*n>Ww**aMii, Mm Oa m DmUmr mm cA *mad far Mtaltpit. JAMES R. OSGOOD A CO. BOSTON, MAS*. 57.06 SIjOO gMMOTo u Can Sleep r/dUIaHIM- M ia M*IM If OBhW rllllißi J ~— l *T ""* ■ tpara* aaffflH ■SUNSHSHv -f'Kibi. umi hmm aial bt , aaa a— U Mil aaa an Ik*a M ana M tb* In* m* cf Mir *n* il i* iiiii H•■ tk* aaa MaraMr, artaMr, rl*al* maai km Br-4 mtmdr. Ym OtrrvUn r. J Vrx U>4 iWra TTI, NNVMKB. inap CMr. . J. Dunham PUWOS. Dunham k Sons, Manufacturers, Vittomi. ilEasllitbStr—t. flalillikii iHt] RKW TOM. MmdM Mmmtmt OkaS—nSJHw **> AGENTS WANTED FOB THE mILLUSTRATED HISTORY The great riotS It waa • M Mi**t of tb* T*icß of Mr IP, I* Pituburih. lUltion>. Chm*o ut otbn ctta*. Tb* iofjii4i t*rt**n tJb# trueyM tine mob Trribk ceo a*Mt nl n—mataA *1 a mat,. Tkatllaa a**an iTotm*. tr-..a< NaH for * ml] Amrlintioß of Ik* worWwloßrtrmMm V> UiMlJbla?!'*. BABBIITSTOILET^OAP. ■ n i* mm Tint una ha Ik* -A-iaL""™ I ■|l*HT*u**Mih*aMA. | hßh| iriaaaham I,"* Ak*> aat*m !yjr*c?s! W"S>ite.\" JS?tL l!ysSß^ll\BSiyt?cßt , ?iL k*Nll linwi af tho KUlOa, Bladder d Crlaary Ormmmm; alio'iood m Ilrap ■lral taatplalata. B aarar pradaoaa oiokMw. la oarUln aad opaady la Ms aatMa. Ula test rapanadinc all aabar ntaadMS. fluty oapsaiss sua Is six ar albt days. Jlo otlaar aiadlolaa oan da this. He wa ratal lailtallaas, la*, owiaa Is Ma great mm— MITT " -* • **•— on*, oaoainc pUaa.ato. DUN DAM DICK * I'O.'fl flaaa. Ha ft Co*. tmlm, mudning Oii if flan da laud, a>U at all drug mm d*k fm nrealar, ar Mad ufladll WaT Hrmt, ■ far*. _ ■. r. ■ P. J. to WHEN WRITING TO M yIMM say that yaa saw the advrnQaa HMlla this