THE CENTRE REPORTER. TiiiirmUv, Oct. 18, 1877. *4rT*Kwa.— S'iper year, when paid in advance; $2.50 when not raid m advance, idvertisements 'Xtcts per Imefor three in. crrtions, and brent*per line for rwy sub tcqneni insertion. Advertisement* by the at a liberal discount. Subscriber* outside the county should re mf us 10 etc, amount of one year's post* aye, instead yf'Xklt a* formerly when paki b'v them selves. . Subscribers can al.rays tell Kow their oo counts stand at the Rri ortrr ofiec by e*- sultiny the lables on their payers. If the lable. reads "John Roe 1 jan it means that John is indebted for subscription /iw the Id of January. 1575, end that it is time he was paytny the printer. LODGE MEETINGS OK* ra* It IU leinaa. Ha. w*, ]. o at *>.*., mu •van Sstunisj svsoln* In tba lMa,l LOCAL ITEMS. STORK ROOM FOR RENT.—The ndersigned offers the store-room, known n* Herlacher's old stand, at Centre Hall, lor rent. The *tand i* a desirable one in all respects Possession can be had anv time after April Ist by applying to J lIRXRT Kku.xh at Centre 11*11. if. Any one wishing to rent a desirable property at Potter'* Rank, can find one advertised in the Reporter. —The Lord's Supper will be adminis* tered in the Lutheran Church. Centre Halt, Oct. 28th. Preparatory service Sat urday previous, at 2 o'clock. ——S. & A. Loob's store take* the lead for new goods and !*ie*t style*. New good* always received. Prices low. Pecn*val loy people are invited to call in and see their good*—no charge for showing them Satisfaction always rendered. "Dr."' George Y. Arney, has left for Jeff. Med-College, to attend leeturws. —Wm. Wolf will soon flit nero** the street into one of the finest store room* in this county. The bank will *l*o *oon bo able to occupy its handsome new room. We came across a fellow the other day who thought it a *in to wear darned stockings, and that it was hotter to have thciu h. le-y. "A friend in need U * friend in deed." Such a friend i Dr- Bull's Cough Svrop, which should be in every family; it only costs 25 cents * bottle and may save many a doctor bill. to Spring Mills to do business, Grenoble's store will be found a capital place to pur chase cheap goods. at honest prices, for all such. Mr. Grenoble is known for his in. tcgrity and reliability and will sell you goods See his advertisement. —Mr. VTm. Ehrhart brought a double .ir of corn to this office, both are large and perfect and joined at the stem. The one ear he calls Xoyes, the other Trunkey and thinks it is an indication that both these democratic nominees will be elect ed. Persons gcing to Lewisburg can be suited with good fits and fittest with good suits, by calling at the Clothing store of Charles Shaffer. George Koch has raised the boss sweet potatoes. He sent four to the Re porter office which weighed 111 pounds. No wonder Ohio went democratic—now look-out for Pennsylvania—such big pota toes indicate something in the wind. The barn of John Cornion, near Jacksonville, burnt down one night last week, with all its contents, including kay, grain, implements, Ac. Loss estimated at $2,000; insured for $1,900 in Farmers Mu tual of Danville. The barn burnt at mid night; supposed to have been set on fire. We are sorry for John—be was a Re porter subscriber and an industrious far mer. The boring for oil at Hyner says the CI. Democrat, still progresses with very favorable symptoms. They are down f bout 10CO feet, have passed the second -d, and are now in the slate. The con tractv''" ,re ver * hopeful of striking oil— they se," >m t0 entertain no doubt of there being oil .'here, even if not struck at tbis boring—am' Jud*e Smith and others of the company helieve the indications such as to make lh< " m f,! cogent of suc cess. the close of lest week, pric" * ere " fol ' lows: Butter, 26 to 28c; eggs 16al8c; Potnioes, 30 to 40c per bushel, chickens, 40 i * *' er pair, cabbage, 5c per head; apple l Sutter 00c per gallon; lard 11 to 13c per pou.* to ma toes, 50c per bushel; honey, 20c pe." lb; apples, $1 per bushel; beans 7c per quart, sweet potatoes. 30 to 40c per peck; chestnuts, 8 to 10c per quart. Guilford, a half wilted prisoner in the Lock Haven jail tried to hang himself with a rope made from bed-cloths, one day last week, but was rescued before the breath was all out of him. Mr. Romig, a farmer living near Lewisburg, has a valuable Alderny bull. Tbe animal made an attack upon his* own er in the barnyard, one day iast week. Mr. Romig saw the bull was going fot hiui.{and he run a dung fork into bit snout. Tbe bull made such a determined attack that the fork broke, and ha succeed ed in gettiog bis owner into his hornsand pitched him over his head, landing be tween two little piles of manure. The bull following up the attack, afid getting upon hi* knees commenced to gore the man. At this stage the situation waa observed by some of R's children, who raised an alarm, and took courage to enter the yard and belabor the bull, and drove him cffj'ong enough toenable themlodrng their father from the barn yard and thus un doubtedly saved his life. Mr. Roinig was considerably injured by the attack. Tho permanent international exhibition is in danger of falling into the hands of the sheriff. There is a debt of $240,000 on the company, of which SIBO,OOO aru duo to tho Centennial board of finance and $84,000 to individual creditors, including members of the board of directors, who ba ad vanced from SI,OOO to $5,000 at timas when money was needed to carry on the concern. Valentines ntre Hall. Saturday evening. Nov. 3. M Ufceim, Saturday evening. Nov. Jk At most of these meeting* the people m*y expect to be addressed by P. F. Fort nev, our candidate for District Attorney. TREMENDOUS YIELD OF WHEAT. We find the following wheat item in the Ha'itmoon correspondence of a recent i**ue of the Bellefonte Republican .- Of all the yields of wheat this season, Mr. Deckar's coffee take* the lead. Four years ago Mr. Deckar purchased tome coffee at a store in Lemcei. and in it he found one grain of wheat, which he planted. Thi* year he threshes twenty-nine bushels. It i a while wheat, very large in the grain and weighs sixty-six pounds to the bushel. Mr, Deckar intends seeding fifteen acre* of it this fall at Pleasant Gap. Lewisburg blacksmiths are running each other, andhaTe got down to shoeing a horse all around with new shoes for Co eta. That's a bit cheaper than charging 1 ct for first nail and doubling it for each subse quent nail. Now is the time to do yourselves jus tice by benefiting yourselves in saving money. Lay in your household noces saries when you can get them at fair pri ces—there is prospect of a rise soon. Groceries are a large item in family ex penses. Coffee, sugars, teas, syrups, fruits, meats, vegetables, Ac., Ac., are largely consumed and daily drawn upon. Provide yourselves with these in time; go to Secbler A Co., and get a supply. You can get them at satisfactory figures and the best article. They keep the real genuine people's grocery, and you can always re ly on what they sell you. There are sixty-eight different sewing machine stitches, and a hundred and six ty eight different ways of lying about them. The basemont of the new Lutheran church a: Rebersburg is to be occupied on 28inst, when a suitable discoursj for the occasion will be delivered. Ministers from a distance are expected. All are invited. Services on Friday and Saturday evenings previous. MILLHEIM ITEMS —Motz A Snook, Gep hart A Musser, and other firms are making preparations for a lively trade in coal, jjrain, plaster, Ac., which will be devel oped by the railroad. Jonathan Uarter intends moving to Millheim, having pur chased the Gramly property. Mr. Van Ortuer is improving with his broken litub. A number of improvements are incontem i plation by some of our citizens. FOR RENT.— Dwelling house, stable and five acre* of meadow situated at Potter's Mills, the property cf Doctor Wm. P. Wilson. For information and terms ap ply to Thomas McEiroy, near the premi ses. ISocl'Jtn The manufacturing of flour at the Stone Mill, by the new Process, is a grand success. They guarantee to make better flour by this process than was ever made in this section of country. All who have tried it agree that it has no equal. So give the new process a chance, at the Stone Mill. Patent for the new process applied for by D. M. Cowher. lloct 3t FORKS ITEMS -Stover's Hotel is to be opened on Thursday. Smith A Bro. have the foundation laid for their new grain bouse. Hockman's new house is up an he use< * ' or s, '? on ,n< * dwelling. Grei ' a K er ' snew ftore end dwelling is up. Others * rc ® n con f en, P'* t ' on - T wo con * vevar.ces, Wm Mussers carriage and Kreamer's each lrmin and carr y passengers 1. 1 MiUWm or Aaronsburg. There i, const, lermbi stir " od businfM at this station, and oi'esofcoa! belonging to different dealers. Traverse Jurors— Moo Jay Oct. I'otter-L Rhone, A. J *' f A Worth-AShellenberg J > Ardry. P Williams. . , , .i Walker—H Beck, sr., Ja Boggs—D Poorman, JSh Halfmoon—G Grazier, H O - v 'dee. Miles—Jnnath K reamer. Spring—Win Kaup „ , Belleionle—G W Downing. A Snyder. H JI Kline, And Brockorhoff.- „ Benner- Ge> Hnstiims, Her .Hoy, Ki'hburn, M Mease. Ferguson—G D Donnelly. Gregg—G Goodhart. Snow shoe— G Travel, A Campbell Harris—B F Brown. Kin Keisfc. * College—J H M illicit. Marion—John Hoy. Rush— J W Collins. Liberty—John Nestlerode. i Haines—Sumuci Burrcll. Trial List for 2nd Week of Ocl. term Conurencing 4th Monday, 2'2nd, of October. .1 Z Lcng vi, H Merriman et el. R V Marsh vs W W Spangler. Wm Campbell Jc Sons vs E McCoruiick et al SSilknittcr v;JC Hoover. .J nines Gates vs J H Thomas use vs Jo* Shirk. J A Cryder vs H W Hoover. & S Wolf s Adm's v* 11 F Kinsloe. •Inn D Litb vs Wm M'-yeri. E J Deshler vs \\ E Gann. Ji K Fargo vs Jeo Klein. Jos .Strauss vi Jl Hayes. Lock Haven National Bank, use of v* J A Quiglay & Co. Jno H Loneberger vs .1 Keib-r Miller. Jas Gates use of vs C H Kepbesrt. David Moyer vs Edward Brown. John Hoy vs Wru Holt et al. Geo W Stephenson vs N L Atwood. J Zimmerman & Co vs Albert Owen, Owen Je Co. Owen Hancock vs McGirk & Perks with elaune. Com of Pcnna vs M J Dolan et al. " Dolly Swires et al. Adam Kreps vs J G A Al Packer. J K Henderson vs J 11 McAioniga) et al. I Henry Hoffman vs Lvon AOn Fashionable Dressmaker. The udersigned will, after the Oth Oct., 187 7, open a dressmakers establishment in the house lately occupied by John 11. Mil ler. All kinds of family sewing neatly done. Charges reasonable. Hoping to merit the patronage of the people of Cen tre Itall and vicinitv by turning out neat and durable work. MRS. HARVEY SMITH. 20scpt if. UNSEATED LANDS, The flounty Commissioners will meet in their o®<- in the court house on the 30th and 31st days of October, to hear appeals on unseated lands, when all who are in terested iriay attend if Ihey see proper. By order of I he Board, HENRY BECK, llocUJt Clerk. Tho weather thi* week it the oppo. sileol what we wore treated with last weekjw hen it we* rainy, cold and blustery Saturday, 13, to Tueada.v, 1, v a* eioeed itiglj tine, being clear and wariu like turn mor. Many farmer* think the grain if growing too large, owing to the continued line weather and that it breed* the fly, some wheat field* already showing spoU of blight caused by the fly. Our grain field* look a* tine now a* they often do t*t of May. We dropped in at Nowuian'* Eagle Clothing llall, at Bellefonte, lat week and he showed u* a good overcoat lor s.l* (k>; a good winter lull for $4.60; a good winter hat for 76c ; a good mit of under wear for flOr. Newman say* that he can and doe* sell uil* for $2 let* than any body else. Tho Mine on overcoats and everything In his line. We adeUe our reader* to go to Newman'* for their win ter clothing for they cap a*o money which count* in tho*e panic time*. DOUBLE MI'RDIR AND SUICIDE Knoxville, Tenn., October A.—A special dispatch U> the Daily Chronicle frem Cleveland give* the detail* ola tragedy which occurred near that place lat night. A nun named Carper cut hi* daughter * throat, knocked hie granddaughter In the head with a smoothing iron, then cut the child * throal, afterward ahooling himself mortally. The door* of hi* house were leuud bolted thi* tuoroing. Carper was still alive, but died in a few moment*. The suicide was an avowed atheist. He had been heard to *ay that ho bad better kill hi* family and get out of the world. He came to Bradley county a few years ago All hU family who were at home at the time were murdered. A CHICAGO BANK PRESIDENT IN JAIL. Chicago, Sept. 28.—Sidney Mycr*, Pres ident of the Merchant*,' Farmers' and Mechanics' Saving* Bank, is in jail. The petition of depositor* for a receiver was granted by Judge William* on Thursday Let. S. P. Ward* was appointed receiv er, with bond* at $250 00). There were about 2.600 depositor*, their account* ag gregating nearly $500,(M0. THIRTEEN HORSES BURNED. Erie, Pa., Oct. B.—Sterett * livery stable wa* burned to-day, with thirteen hor*e*. But little of the content* of the building were saved. The Fishermen living on the lonely is land of llitteren, off the coast of Norway, have had for generation* a tradition that in shoal* near the island, over a century ago, a large hip was wrecked. Diver* searched for the vessel thi* lumiiwr, and easily found her. Since then portiona of the cargo, including ninety-six cannon, twelve anchors, and 200 pood* of lead, i have been recovered. The cannon hewr, the date 171 G. It has been discovered that the ill-fated ship was a Russian man-of-' war. an J that while on a voyage from] Cronstadt to Archangel in 1700 shew**' wrecked. PENNS VALLEY INSTITUTE. The third Term of this Preparatory School will begin on Mondajr October. 22. and continue ten weeks. Tuition, $6.00 te #B.OO per session. The patronage of the public is respectfully Addieea, 18oct3t Centre Hall, Pa. QRPHAN'3 COURT SALE- Wiil be sold by order of the Orphan's Court of Centrecounty, on SATI RDAi, the third day of November, next, the propertv formerly owned and occupied bv Jacob W. From, dee'd, to wit; Bounded on the cast bv Bellefonte and Lewistewn Turnpike; south by land of John Neff; west by land of Henry Keller, containing about one and one half ACRES, more or less, with Wagon Maker's Shop, thereon erected, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Condition of sale will be one half cash on confirmation ef sale, the bal ance in one year thereafter to be secured by bonds and mortgage Sale t be at one o'clock, of said day. when due attend anco will be gived by J. 8H AN NON, ocUlj Administrator. jgLECTION PROCLAMATION. I God Sate the Common wealth. I, L. W. Munson, High Sheriff of the county of Centre, Commonwealth of I enn sylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the elector* of ibe county afore said, that an election will be held in the said county of Centre, on Tuesday, November 6tb, 1877, it being the Tuesday following the first Monday of November, (the polls to be opened at seven o'clock, a- m. and closed at seven o'clock p. in.) at which time the Freemen of Centre county will vote by bailot (or the following officer*, namely : One person for Supreme Judge of tbfl Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for State Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Auditor Genaral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for District Attorney for the county of Centro. I also hereby make known and give no tiee that the place of holding the aforesaid election in the several Boroughs and town shins within the county of Centre, are as follows, to wit : For the township of Haines, at the pub lic house of I. D. Boyer (Aaronsburgd For the township of Half Moon, at the scboolhouse in Stormstown. For the township of Taylor, at the house erected for the purpose, on the property of Leonard Merry man. For the township of M lies, in the school house in the town of Kebersburg. For the township of Potter, (northern precinct) at Use public school bouse in Centre Hail. for tlte township of Potter, (southern prociootJ ot the public school house at Pot ter. MilV F-xr the township of Gregg, at the nub -1,. .no use owned by J. B. Fisher, 1 enn the township of College, In -tht soauol house at Lernont. For the township of Furguson, (old pre cinct) in the school bouse at Pino Grove. For the township of Ferguson, precinct) in the school house at Bailey -:ii. vine. , . , For lie township of Harris, in the school house ft Boalsburg. For the township of Button, at ihehoute of Peter Murray. 1 For the borough of Bellefonte and the townships of Spring end Benner, at the Court ijouse in Bellefonle. For township of Walker, in the school | house at Hufcicrsburg. For the borougu and township of Ilow-, * -d, at the school house in said bnroagH. y'or the township of Bush, at the Coldj Str> am school house. i Fo* the township of Show fcb< e, at the school house at Snow Shoo station. For th< township of Marion, at the 1 house of Joel Kline in Jacksonville. For the borough of Aliiesburg, at the school house In MilMburg. For the township of B-'ggs, at tho new ( school house in Central City. For township of Huston, st the house of John Reed. For the township ofPenn, at the public bouse of Wro. 8. Musser For the township of Liberty, in the j school house at EagleyiHe. For the township of Worth, at the school | bouso at Port Matilda. For the township of Burnside, at the house of J. K. Boak. For the township of Curtui, at the school house near Robert Mann's. For the borough of Unionville and the township of Union, at tho new school house in Unionville. i For the borough of Philipsburg in the new school house in said borough. NOTICE is also hereby given, "That every person. excepting tho Justices of the pence, who shall hold any office, appoint ment of profit or trust under the govern ment of the United State*, or of this State or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or other wise. subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary department of this State or of the United Ktates, or of any ' city or incorporated district, and also that [ every member of Congress, and of the State Legialature, and of tbo select or ' common council of any city or cnpmii ' sinera of any incorporated district, is by I law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the offlco or appointment of ' judge, inspector, or elork of any elec tion of this commonwealth ; and that no Inspector, judge or other officer of anv such election, shall be eligible to any of fiee to bo then voted for." i Given under my hand arid seal, at my It office in Bellefonte, this 2d day of October, t in the venr of our Lord, one thousand eight • hundred and seventy-seven, and in the one hundred and first year of the Inde pendence of the United States. P L. W. MUNSON, 12oct Sheriff of Centre county. i .latuesville, N Y.i had * flr* °n .Injr. The burned dialriet eovera *"V"nt , acre# of ground The fir# wn# the work of an Incendiary. The man ii kn iwn but hssj not been fuuiul y*t Three hetela. the Episcopal church, to#t offlce,| *l* torc#, the town li#U aad fifteen privet# dwell ing* were among the buildings ooniuiu •d. - ♦ U.-H.i adv of IW.*Valley Institute. Vote for Portncy, ho will make n moat excellent District Attorney. noiHKn xVixra Philadelphia, Oet. 18,—Flour. superfine 14 eitraviflO; P*nna fatuity b 7>"'o<*7; tttMi aud high grade# HHtt Ml. Wliml rather ouiei; win brr 1 44(6 t 60; ml 1 <_* 1 while ) •';* t65 Corn quiet; yellow 2c; willed •* i tit.-. Oats; Fauna whit" western do . Western auGed, HI (a A 3c. Hyc dull *l 676*71*. Usui*. tf. pi<"kM do llK4l2}*; green da.. OjilCtj sroo shoulder* hie; shoulder* Holler firm; creamery, M(<4ioc; New York and Bradford county eatra# . ■NWrn rHrr34(tilti *ll* firm, I en na 0164*24; western 5-2(491 Cheese * Now York, fcucy IB6yl3tc; western do 124 (<*l So. CHICAGO. Chicago. Oct. 18 - Wheat it uiand hut lower; No 1 Chicago Id; No 'i do 1 II tor cash, I 0t46*l OUf for Oct 1 064®1 ll for November; Wo A d> 1 046*106; rejected 98a Corn quiet but steady; 4*2f bid for cab: 42ic bid for No vember, 4U441k lor nil the *#nr. Oat# quiet but Heady; M* for eaab; 23 lo bid for Nov. ltve firmer, but not quolablv high er at 62c. Barley tedy and in fr de mand at 684 c. Bprinjt Mill* Market#. Oct-16 : Com. ear#, per bu. new, 40c Oat#, '26 c Buckwheat, 76a Clover#ecd. $6, 6.60. Potatoes, "26, Onion*, .60c. Butter, per lb., .'22 c. Lard, Bacon, sides, Ilk-. " shoulders, lOe. " Hams, l*o. Tallow, 7c. Hags, 2c. Kggs per do* , 15c. Coal, Egg, per ton, $4.60. " Stove, 4 76. " Nut. 4.50. •• Pea, 3.00. B*i.i.*rosT * Maeeit#.- by Short lidge A Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale, $ 7 U). retail. $6 00 White wheat, 1 £5. Ked " 186 Bye, 60 Corn, shelled, CO Corn, cob, 60. Oats, 80. Barley, rye weight, 66. Cleversecd $6 per 64 pound#. Potatoe* retail, 30 Nova Scotia plar'.er, ground, 10 00. Cayuga " $0 00- A FARM FOR SALE. Will be exposed U> public sale, on FKI DAY. OCTOBER 1, JH77. th* described property. at the late residence of S Urerge Frederick, deceased, situate in ! Gregg twp, Centre county, Fa. A Farm Containing 100 Acres j nu>re or less ; bounded by land of Daniel Kline, dec d, John Tibbens* heirs, Mich, aei Armegmtl, and others. Tho farm is WELL WATERED ; besides a never failing stream running near the buildings, water is brought to the house in pipes ; also a two story DWELLING lIoUSE, Barn and other outbuildings . also suffi cient Orchard of Apple aud other fruit trees. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, t>. m of said dav. when terwis will be made known. Samuel okamlv. oct 4 AJm'r of Geo. Frederick. HOUSE AND EOT AT PUBLIC SALE. A dwelling House arid Lot, It miles from Spring Mills, on the Aaronsburg and Beilefonte turnpike, and within 1 roue ot the railroad, will be offered at public rale, on SATURDAY. OCT *27 '77, at one o'- clock, p. tn. Fruit Trees, Water, and all , necessary .Outbuilding* on the lot. if said property is not sold on said day. it will be rented for one year. TUKUKIKS 27sep of Ph. Muster, dee d, j QRFUAN'S COURT SALE By virtue of an order of the Orphan * Court of Ccntro county, there will be ex posed lo tale by public outcry in the town of Boalsburg, near the premises, on balur. day, OCTOBER, 20, 1877, The following deecribed real estate, late of Exra D. Brisbin ol Harris townibip. deed,! vig: a VALUABLE FARM, adjoining! tha town of Boalsburg. Harris ta p. Cen tre county, contain ing 150 ACRES, thereon erected a Two Story Frame Dwel ling House, Log Bam and other outbuild- I ing*. Several fine spring* of water rise on 'the premise*. There is also a young andj | thrifty Orchard of choice fruits. The; ' greater portion of the land Is of excellent j quality, end a part thereof is suitable for division into Town lots. The propertv will be sold a* a whole or in part to suit 'purchasers. Sale to commence at UH o*-! j clock, a. m., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL GILLILANI), 'Jfeept Administrator.j 1877—Fa11—1877 I.J.GRENOBLE, SPRING MILLS, has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Pi •ices Lower than Ever, And now extends a cordial invitation to hi* friunds, patrons, and public general ly. Imported and Domestic DItyGOODS ! Full line* of MERINO UNDERWEAR?, For Ladi, Gent*, Boy?, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boot* nod Shoes, HATS, CAPS, CAItI'ETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the mot complete assortment of N OTIONS in Centra! Pennsylvania, and prices that will compel you in self defence to buy of him. A I*o Pish, Salt, etc. Iboct PENNB VALLEY LOOK HERE ! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING!! JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF Cloth & Cassimerc, OF LATE STYLES, which I am prepared to have made up in suits at Remarkably Low Fig* urea. READY-MADE CLOTHING cheaper than can he bought ELSEWHERE. J. W. SHAFFER Market Street, 18oct6m LEWISBUKG, ItllliMt OIIDIME THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. ' „ I * * We havn a very largo and complete itock of Herd ware, the largest that wai over before oflored by any firm to tb# people of Util CO'inty, and areji elllng et thejf ery low* e*t poteible rate* Iron, Stctsl and Nails, Locks, Glass and Puttj, l'ure While Lead, and Linieed Oil ; Turpentine# and Varnlehee, all which we warrant to flee eati#lactlon. Our Pure Lead will eo ai much surface at any in tba Mrinl and cannot bo etcelled for whitnaoee. BEADY MIXKD PAINT put up In any quantity to suit people, from one-pound cans to eon gallon cans, all ready for u#. The paint* we warrant t<> be mi ted with pure lead and oil, and are trite from all adulteration. MECHANICS TOOLS We pay special attention to (hi* branch, and keep a full line of Haw#, (Jhli1l Hammers and Bailey'* Iron Plane# ; Horse rail# ofall kind#, Trar Chain*. Haines, Etc. KILL LINE OP KADDLLBY OF ALL DKBCItI PTIONM. COACH WOOD WOBK -Spokes, Feßoes, Petl Wheela of the moet improvnd pa> mil# ; Mr#. Potu' Improved Plat Iron#, cheep, convenient and durable-polished and nlckli-plated. Johnston's Prepared Kalaomin* ; put up In 8 pound packages; easii put on, nnd cheaper than paper. We have all color#. STOVES. We have the only Keveralbl*. Top-plat* Cooking Htove* in the market The Key#tone. Sntuuebanna and Juniata, wbicb w# warrant to ba tha!he*t baker# and the beat COOR'tTn'/vK ' 1T"" 1S 4 TiiVli AN !>SO M ItS? 1 n't!! L f)'** wr ' UeD * u *" ,nle - Also all kind* offtange* and other etoyca. COME AND.SEK OCK KKYHTONJ To cure iiatus.—Take the haws a# toon a* cut, Uv on a dry ebelf, take one tabluspoouful of saltpetre to a bam and rub thoroughly ou the ilcaby aide of the bam ;as soon n dissolved the next day rub all over with dry salt, in the bone and evry crevice; after rubbing two or throe timet, they are ready for emokiug; cover well, aud hang up to dry. M AUKIFIK On Hepl t, Mr K Hariaoher and Mo# Pvi-lta J. Hmlth, both of Sugar Val ley, Clinton Co. On Sept. '23, Mr. Ben|min K. Kai#ter end Mi# Thenwa t" Uoichard, both of Lo ganiville, Clinton Co. On 4. at Mr PorbePs, by W E. K her, Henry Null and LiiW LauU. both of near Beliefonto. DIED. On the 6th in#t in Banner township, Ucorg" W*slcy, eon of Wm and Margaret Ihler, agedß>earl month and 6 day#. In Wattoalowo. at the rei.icnce of her son, Ja#. Duncan. Caldwell, on the •2nd inat. Mr* laabella C- Caldwell, aged 7t year#, relict of Ja#. P. Caldwell. (De ceased wa# a daughter of Ja#. Duncan, Ktq , late of Centre Co ,'dec'd. and a i#ter or Wm. C. Duncan, Ekj , of Lewiiburg At Aaransburg, Mr. llaffly. wife of Bcnj. tfaflly. "Farmers' Mills." _________ • J. B. FISHER. PROPRIETOR. PENS HALL, FA. Offer* the HIGHEST market prices in CASH, ou delivery, for Wheat, Corn, Rye, (litis, etc., At the above well-kuown Mill. Ground Plaster aud Salt always ou hand at tb Joweet rale*. 20 sep tf ANOTHER GREAT STRIKE | J. BRACKBILL, BKLLEPON'TB, FA., has jut recited a NEW ADDITION OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, to bis large stock always on hand, i CHEAPER THAN EVER FOR CASH 1 A number of Bedroom sokes— walnut and i>ainted tulles. Alio, WALL PAPER J'iaug 3m. HO! FOR SPRING MILLS! I Stoves! Stoves! TINWARE!! A full line of all kinds of Stoves. A full lino of Tinware. Hardware for ull.Coachmakers and 1 Mechanics included, i At the New Btorc of Os ;>tf THOS. A. IIICKS A BRO.; ) I * ~ / 1 ET COOP DREAD, |"T By calltnir at the new and exten *iro bakery establishment of JOSEPH tEDAKS, (Bucfer >rto J. 11. Sand*,) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny street where he furnishes every day I Freeh Bread, I Cake* of all kind*, i Pie*, etc., etc , Caadiea, Spice*. Not*, Fruit*. Anything and ercrylliintr belonging to ; the bu*inc. Having had year* of expo ! rience in the buine*, he flatters himself that ho can guarantee satisfaction to *ll , who niav favor him with their patronage. , r 80 auK ti JOSEPH CEDARS. OIUJGS! DRUGS !! DRUGS !I! S. T. Shugcrt, hnving purchased the Drug store on Allegheny street, Belle fonte, next door to the hirdwiM Htoro of Hick A ilro.. h* stocked and ('lied it out with all the uio*t popular i : i j DRUGS & MEDICINES, j •"•CHEMICALS, PERFUMER Y*'"? j SOATS, COMBS ANI) BRUSHES, j | TRUSSES, SUPPORT BS, BRACES; U FANCY AND TOILET ~..i j ARTICLES, Ac.. Ac.. Ac. j j I ......... ..MM MM*MM..•#••*•••• ••••••+• ct. "JOtb. A full line of choice and , fashionable good# alway* on band at popular price*. Dreatiuaktrig in all it* branches will be a prominent feature of the bullae#*. UoctSm fOBURN AND tJPRING MILLS. I :t>: IT — : ° : — .II -; o:- M O T O O K. Coburii Station. Wholesale aniiRETAIL DEALERS IN . --ALL XIMDS QMIN s- IVHE.IT, RYE. OATS, CORA', CLOVE USEE D, t\r., sc. Coal, Plaster and Salt DELIVERED AT SPRING MILLS, • * by the Car load, and at wholesale and retail at Coburn .tation. Highest Cash Price Paid For Grain. • CYMLSOLD AT THE LOWEST PO6BIBLE PRICFS. MOTZ & SNOOK. SPRING, - _ - - - 1877. WE ARE NOW PREPARED. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. WE HAVE THE GOODS ! PRICES LO W ! selection Unsurpassed! stock large. And now w* extend a cordial.invitation to our fries d, juitrou- public generally. We will aay this, Come! if we do not ahow you THE BEST SELECTED STOCK AT PRICES LOWER THAN' USUAL, and if we canaut prove that it is to jour interest to patronise us, then don't buy ; but come and satisfy yourself We have opened a full line of DRY GOOD S Clothing, Carpets, Roots & Shoes, Groceries, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW T WARE, HATS AND CAPS, and in fact everything and anylhiug embraced in the above line. We will beat everything in prioce and assortment, and our post, we trust, will be a suffic ent guarantee to our patrons of fair and honest treatment. We have established and will maintain our reputation. The large trade we do enables us to get fresh goods daily, which is a great advantage lo our pa trons io all line*, aud more especially in Groceries. Call, aud it will prove i to yout interest. ♦ VALENTINES & CO. H.HERMAN, Manager. „Y E W OPE.YI.YG! (NEXT DOOR TO NEWMAN S EAGLE CLOTHING STORE 9VNKSS, AND AIKENS, Music and Sewing Machine Store. " s J BMjlwTrßHllH L' ■ ■ .•■ - mm tm 0m fl ATT at the New Store and see the largest stock % variety of Pianos, Qr- V jJ\ I J I A gan* nd Sowing machine* in this part of the state. Tin: \ FJVIMDII:nTI( Mill ahead. " NT. JOHN-I tttA Ml out. " l> A YIN Willi vertical need. " NEW AMERICAN—For <430. " KIXGKR f.lO. " IIOWE *:io. " WEED—9:IO. " HFVIVGTOXWO. " WHITNEY—AL ISO. " WHITE—At MO. A first-class machinist always on hand to repair Hewing Machines. Work insured. Second-hand Machines at from A to '2T OUST tf H. B ZBBBI W. It. CAMP'S POPULAR. 1 Furniture Rooms! CBN THE BALL, PA. 1 manufacture all kinds of Furniture for Chambers, Dining Rooms, Libraries and Balls. If you want Furniture ofany kind, don't buy until you see my stock. UNDERTAKING In all it* branches. I keep in stock all tbe latest and most improved Coffins end Caskets, and bave every facii* ity for properly conducting this branch of my business. I have e patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be presorted for s considerable length of time. Jull9 tf W. B, CAMP. Chas. H. Held, jClork, Wgtrkgker A Jeweler Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. i At Meta of clock*. Watch** aa* Jrwmtm f tha lata* ■(,!•.. u Uaa tha MaraarfUa Rafael "a'rmiitT lt;iMfca.imwhlm>i. *' W| •*••! - tidtog,iisbl j ' Tumphrey'a HomeopittUo 8p No. 28. *' nTt U iITSSI —tin* !' < ■amsimqfe- |j 777sagttrrt!BBS5 ' 'iMHStn* A. MjMVfMk to mm ww M. y— ■—< m* ••••w (■ tow MaM. T* MB ftor **f Harness. SaddlflST&c. •ABINUBTC towiwwr" Jfwto"""**'*' TtojLi MW'l' MM, B> *o4tn u Jggg "■*•- (iO t Ul \JMJmJ at'll"." to.tojto nil tor tor liM. MM* ail htoi ItoMMM trnmm MUtto—Bto. tonto Am, mm mmjbmm— • ■—tol woM. TWBM •!• ' IB*— I toto p**—t—• jwßtoe k. wibbUmmßliitartiiito tm BS.TM -. ■■ tojM? ap*gig!yy- "*r."y a —*_+■*!*■* *HTs3dtos tc IF . • Centre Hall Hotel. JOHN BPANULKK, PBOPB Ptm-rltM BocoMModottao Am gumu Bm BUbliof Iter Ihmmb, totagM arm# *ad depart twy df tor oil potato. a T Alxxavbsk. C M. lewr* A LEXANDER A BOWER, At JEhi. lawiiiA||WHMß lamb SMUMLMBFAH. 1 ' n Attorney iT* JL/ Bel iefen to, ft, OflMffrnkt *Mbak. f 14 <# T L Attorney it ixw u • t/onsultntioos is English aid On ---• Office in Furst • n boitdlag ADVERTISING ! 11.000 Worth for WJtO. The cheapest ud best •> to ranch feeder* ouuide of tbe large da* ie by - 'a* one or mora of our its uts of ox t K*w newspapers, divided to eorr dlffc. out sections of tb* country. Weokly Cir culation orar 000,001. Advertiser received far 000 or mora litis. Per Csu iOjpM* cuntainieg name* of napen, *-,4 rttoer information and fot estimates ad iron BIALS* FliSTIi. it Psib Bob (Times Building,) . Y. 1823. SEND FOE 1877. NEW YORK OBSEBVER. Tim Best Religious and Secular Fan; ily Newspsper. $3.16 a Your poet paid. Established 1823. Park Row. New York.-** ~ample Copies Free. 2?aip A book oootsiaiec a list of towns is U. C. 8. bating 6.OUU pop., and lbs aawtp* ■ port baring largest circulation. Alt it Religions, Agricultural. Bdentiie. a other ipocial clam journals. Table* of rates, showing coal of advertistag .and sr. rytbtag which an advertiser woe id 111 to know. Mailod on raestnt of lan eets'l- Address GEO. P. ROWKLL, A 00., JO Spruce St.. N. Y. (opposite "TribuD building.) PULM 0N A s beyond comparison tbe best ramiiy tor ibe cure of CONSUMPTION (ores la its most advnnend stages,* Asthma, Brand lis. Catarrh, and all derangements of th>- Nerrous System. A circular coatela.t .. partienlars of many cases sweamfu'" 1 reeled, full adrice for the tbo jrasttflet.: of tbo diseases above mentioned, sad cer tificates of sctsml curat, will be seat fr * by mad to all anplieeats. Address O: CAR O. MasRS. Sole Proprietor, 10 Cortlandst, New York. GRACE'S SALVE. A Vegetable Preperau**, in ml ml la the I7Uj cauir) by Dr. William On. . Surgeon la King Jtmw'i army. Throcci. it* agency be cured thousands of Ike mu,i serious norm and wounds, and was regard* edaaa public benefactor Site a box. by mail 80c. For *al by druggists generally AGENTS WANTED. Addraa* SITU W. FOWLS * SONS. pUTT Boston, Mas.*.. Carpet Weaving. The undersigned having taken the mo:- om Sad story of Wolfa warebeeae, at Centre Hall, art now prepared ta til ail < rders for any kind of Cupd Weavir.-. Country Carpels, of wool or foiioa, a ape* ciaJtar and mad* to order. Cdatoaa wort solicited andsatisfaction guaranteed. A:! order* promptly attended to, and charge* low a* elsewhere. (teept y G. M. GHAHAM * 810. THE BEST OFFER! We will tell daring tbeae hard time* s{oo A4 all ether Mrta* la tha ssjbs Sml*

**iym*sgi*aoa^*iaylte>e.r■ . a* el a aewa* in**a aa tae OeeteeeSlßhaM.. a • ' wn anaaaeMMW aaeemM tar She Bta* a Haaan. Waaelait* tamiyaasSa < Maafl*e|l Uo. —Waa Maaafajaan aaa aj tha laiagO aa* Aaaat ta the waati. Iheleeara* ctnuu WalMkakU m*w aaa Oaataa Of milium >■>, tha oawaae w rraiaaaaaat la thahlatwt nf Olaaa aaat'tap. Tha I a. mass! JTIM'/KLSSOHN PI ABO 00., Steep y No. fib Broadway, N. Y. CHROMC^gS SSBSB^sLnsiSr^ v ~:',aaan. a* the fcwot ereat Übuti ta esMelftaeai. r la iww or hr at* tree. Ma t* ewfiAhr tlw Hu atari adlilaa. or OUe lac tea Pafafiir aOitwui. 4>iah con lain, all the mmammlimtM MMhau. • • . t*h|M t*aa. Una awMad Kl'itiT HI J I. QOOR. For $1 • will tend fret by mail, I distinct va. m'thly rote*, winter flow ering. i *' Bogontaa. * " Carnation Pink* " i " Cbinaae Chrvsaathetnus 4 " Zonal Geraniums, w. L 5 " Double 1 g " Ivy Leaved. " I Heliotrope*, 1 " Abutilont, 2 " Double CameliM, " I " Azaleas, 1 " Lobater Cactus, ** 8 11 Bouvardtas, " 8 " Stevia* A Kupateriu>. it Fucbtiaa, w. £. t * " Double Violet*, " £ 2 " Poinsett*' Scarlet andtt White, w. f. E 4 " Plumbago, " 8 " Ferae, for Wardlae eeac£ 4 " Palma, 8 " Moaaea, " 8 " I " Hyacinth Bulba. assorted Tulips* Bulbs. SO " Crocus, " I " Jacobean LUy, Bulba. 12 " Oxalis. 4 Lily of tha Valley. i New Pearl Tuberose. OR BY EXPRESS. S of any of the $1 collection for $3 5 " r •• 3 •* l I* 14 | 9 . .. 12 " " 0 14 " Or the whole collection of 238 Bolb and Plant* sent by axpreea on receipt of SIAOO, to which either of our Book* Gardening for Profit, Practical Flori culture, or Gardening for Pleasur. (value $1.60 each), will be added Descriptive Catalogue free. PETER HENDERSON A CO., Seedsmen find Florists. 35 Cortland Street, He# York. JOsept y.