The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 11, 1877, Image 4

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Heard tYnm after a Vrr' Wllere—l|liln
Ilia Way trow the Kaal <n the WMI
Camat la the l'a#f f Drr Farm, and
Mavatre Tribra - Wnffrrlna Incrrdlblr
Hardship*. a
I Proaa th. New York Harald l
After nearly twelve months of anxious
ansponae, during which the gravest fears
were entertained for the safety of the
gallant African explorer, the welcome
news has at length oome that Hcorv jf.
Stanley, the special coiniuiaaioner of the
New York Herald and the London Tktity
Titegraph ha* arrived ou the west coast
of Africa after a terrible journey across
the continent along the line of the Lu
laba otherwise the Oongo river.
Stanley's dispatch is dated from Em
bonia, Oongo river, weat coast of Africa,
August 10, aa.l informs us that he ar
rived at that point on August 8 fnwu
Zanzibar with only llfi aoula, the entire
party in an awful * condition after their
long and terrible journey through the
heart of the African' continent. After
an arduous march of many days through
a eouutrv tilled with difficulties, and
being compelled to transport ou the
shoulders of his men every pound of
provisions aud other stores ueooasarv for
the transcontin<ntal journey, and besides
carrying in a similar manner the section*
of the Lady Alice exploring boat and the
arms and nrqjnunitiona of his party,
Stanley found himself brought to a stand
by immense tracts of dense forests,
through which all attempts at progress
were futile. Finding that lie could not
advance along the liue he had first in
tended to follow. Stanley crossed the
Lnalslva aud continued his journey along
the left bank of the river, passing
through the district knowu as northeast
I'kusn. Ou this route he endeavored
to find an outlet westward, but the jun
gle was so dense, and the fatignes of the
march so harassing, that it seemed im
possible for him to succeed in passing
the tremendous harrier of the forest.
To add to the horrors of his position in
these Central African wilds Stanley
found himself opposed at everv step by
the hostile caruibal natives. 'The sav
ages filled the woods, and day and night
poured flights of poisoned arrows on his
party, which killed and fatally wounded
many of his men. From everv tree and
rock along the route the deadly missiles
winged their fatal course, and the heavily
laden bearers fell dead under their loads
in the dark forest. Only now ami then
could Stanley and his men reply to this
silent fire with their rides, for the sav
ages kept under the densest cover and
rarely exposed themselves.
Stanley s march through these cannibal
regions soon became almost hopeless.*
There was no cessation to the fighting
das or night. An attempt at camping
merely concentrated the savages and
rendered their fire more deadly. The
advance was a sucee--sion of changes in
rude skirmishing orvter by an advance
guard, whose dutr it was to clear the
read for the main body. A rear guard
covered in like manner the retreat, for,
although advancing against one enemy,
the movement was a retreat from an
other. All Stanley's efforts to appease
the savages were unavailing. Thev
would listen to no overt area, disregard
ed all signals of fr.endship and of mild
ness of intention and refused to be paci
fied with gifts. The patient behavior
of Stanley's men they regarded as cow
ardice, so thit no course remained open
to the explorer but to fight his w>- 1-
ward and with as little loss as p. e.
To render Stanley's position still mere
deplorable his escort of 140 natives,
whom he had engaged for the service at
Nyangwe, refused to proceed further on
the journey and deserted him. They
were so overawed by the terrors of the
forest and th continuous struggle that
they believed destruction was certain to
overtake the whole party, and prudently
resolved not to he destroyed. Finding
that his ranks were thinned by the de
sertion of the Nyangwe men the hostile
natives concentrated for a grand attack
on Stanley, with the object of complete
ly erusiiing hici. "* It became necessary,
therefore, to organize a desperate re
sistance, which was happily successful
so far that it repulsed the savages for
the time being and gave the explorer a
chance to reconsider his plans and make
arrangements to adapt them to his try
ing situation.
There was only one way to escape
from the hapless position in which Stan
lev now found himself, unless he ac
cepted the alternative of returning to
Nyangwe and abandoning the grand
work which he had undertaken. This
was to make oae of canoes. With the
Lady Alice aa a last reliance, and good
canoes for the party, Stanley concluded
that he could advance with a better pros
pect of success than in any other way.
Although he had a decided advantage
over the savages on the water Stanley
still found that each day's advance was
bat a repetition of the straggle of the
day previous. It was desperate fighting
all the time while pushing down the
river with might and main. Fortunately
it was still the rifle against the bow, bat
then the bow was covered by the dense
woods and the rifle was exposed in the
open canoe. In the midst of these suc
cessive struggles Stanley's journey on
the river was interrupted by a series of
great cataracts, not far apart from each
other and just north and south of the
equator. To pass these obstacles he had
to cut his way through over thirteen
miles of dense forest and drag his eigh
teen canoes and the exploring boat Lady
Alice overland. This enormous labor
entailed the most exhausting efforts, and
the men had frequently to abandon the
ax and drag-ropes for their rifles to de
fend themselves against the continuous
assaults of the hostile natives. After
passing the cataracts Stanley and his
party had a long breathing from
the toil of dragging their boata through the
forest. They were also comparatively
secure from attack and took measures to
recruit their exhausted strength before
again encountering the dangers of the
journey westward.
Although fighting his way continuously
Stanley did not neglect the objects of
his journey, and found opportunity to
note all the interesting changes "and
physical characteristics of the route.
In order to avoid the struggles with
the tribes of desperate cannibals that in
habited the mainland on each side of the
river, Stanley's canoe fleet, led by the
Lady Alice, paddled along between the
islands, taking advantage of the cover
they afforded as a protection from at
tack In this way many miles down the
stream were made by the expedition un
molested by the natives. But this safety
from attack was purchased by much
suffering. Cut off from supplies in the
middle of the great river, starvation
threatened to destroy the expedition.
The most extreme hunger was endured
by the party, which passed three entire
days absolutely without any food. This
terrible atate of tilings ootild not be any
longer endured, so Stanley resolved to
meet his fate on the mainland rather
than by hunger on the river. He there
fore turned his course to the left bank
of the Lualaba, and, with the singular
good fortune that has generally attended
him, reached the village of a tribe ac
quainted with trade. These people liad
four muskets which they obtained from
the west coast. They represent, in a de
gree, the advance guard of civilization
toward the interior of the continent.
They called the great river Iknta Ya
Congo. With these friendly natives
Stanley and his party made" " blood
brotherhood " and purchased from them
an abundance of provisions, which were
sorely needed by the famished exploring
Alter a brief rest Stanley endeavored
to continue his course along the left
bank of th e river. Bat throe days after
his departure from the village of the
friendly natives he came to the country
of a powerful tribe, whose warriors were
nrmed with muskets. Here for the first
time sinoe leaving Nyangwe Stanley had
to contend against an enemy on almost
an equal footing as to arms." He, there
fore, prepared his party for a struggle
the issue of which was aeeidely doubtful.
No sooner did these natives discover the
approach of Stanley's expedition than
they manned fifty-four large canoes and
fut off from the river bank to attack it.
t was not until after three of bis men
were killed that Stanley desisted in his
efforts to make the natives understand
that he add his party were friends. He
cried out to them to that effect and ot
tered them clothes as peace gifts. But
the savages refused to be conciliated.
and the fight-proceeded with unabated
fnry. For twelve miles down the strug
: gle went on, and it proved to be the
greatest anil most desperate tight on this
1 terrible river. It WHS maintained by
Stanley's followers with gmit courage,
and was the last save one of thirty-two
battles fought since the ex|>editton hod
left. Nyangwe.
1 Stanley s losses during the long and
terrible journey across t..e continent
from Nyangwe have been very severe.
The continuous fighting in the forest*
and on the river reduced the strength of
the expedition daily until it Iv-eame a
question whether any of its members
would ever reach the \>ust. Stanley
states in his dispatch: "My grief ia
still new over the loss of my last white
assistant, the brave and pious young
Englishman, Francis who was
swept over the falls of the Mnssnssa on
the thin! of last June." He adds: "My
faithful companion, Kalulu, is also
among the lost," On the saiui' day that
Pooock was lost Stanley, with seven men,
-werealmost drawn into the whirlpools
of the Mowa Falts, and six weeks later
himself, with the entire crew of the
Lady Alice, were swept over the furious
fall* Of Muelo, whence only by a miracle
I they escaped.
Where Lightning Strike*.
To reassure the tiiuid and nervous
some calculations and directions for so
entity, which, from the frequent invur
rence and unusual severity of thunder
storma, might not Ih unacceptable to
sonic, ore given.
There are seventy thousand chances
to one against an individual'* te
uig killed in this way in the
whole year. Hut as there are perhaps
teu of tlieae storm* in a' season, the
chance* of Wing killed are as 700,000
to one in any one atoriu. At the worst,
there seems to be a half a milium
chances agama: a timid lady a having
her terrors realized, according to the doc
trine of chances. If she lies down in
her fright, a* she is likely to do, ou
either a feather bed or hair mattress,
these chances in her favor are multiplied
to at least a million.
Another consolation is that she has
little to apprehend from a flash of light
ning which alie has leisure to see. As
light travels 227,2(50 miles in a aeooud,
and lightning only 1,142 feet in the tame
time, you mav easily compute the dis
tance of the electric discharge. If 4.62
seconds or six beats of the pulse elapse
between the liglituing and the thunder,
the discharge is a mile off.
To guard against possible danger oil
its near approach you may insulate your
led or chair by putting their legs ou
glass. Feathers and hair afford great
security. There is also leas danger after
the rain lias begun to fall copiously than
lefore, because a moist atmosphere
serves as a conductor for the electric
ffuid, diffusing it and conveying it to the
A man who is wet, being a better con
ductor than a tree which cannot be so
thoroughly wetted, ought not to stand
under one, and animals, on account of
their bodies, are always better conduc
tors than trees. Hut though wrong to
stand near a tree, Toll will be very safe
a little beyond the extent of its branches
—a position which ought to be chosen,
as the higher object will take the light
ning first—or vou might stand oudrv
wood, wool or silk.
The middle of a room is safer than
near a partition, aud this than near an
exterior walk A building is a better
protection than a tree ; bat a barn or sta
ble containing wet grain or hay is worse
than an open field. Sitting on horseback
or in a carriage is dangerous.— IForcea-
Irr Gazette.
Differences in People.
There is a vast difference in people.
However moralists and metaphysicians
may class tliem, there are opposite
points among the most similar which
are broad contrasts—sweet and sour,
winter and summer—or any other pro
• verbial antithesis. To some folks the
leaves of a forest are all alike, and a
school full of boys presents only so many
fao-similies of each other. Such person
ages regard all mankind as so many bi
peds ; of the difference between them
they are scarcely conscious.
Some people soothe one like a strain
of mnsic, while others agitate every
nerve with the irritating power of a dis
cord. How much might be said about
the difference of people in their charac
ters and actious. There are those who
turn pale at the sight of cheese, and oth
ers who shndder at the mention of car
rots ; this one prefers hard eggs to soft,
and that one does not like buckwheat
cakes. These marks by which some of
our race are distinguished from the rest,
' are but few of those which crowd the
mind. There are people who actually
detest children ; these who never have a
moment to spare and those who don't
know heir to get through the day. Your
touchy people who are always pricking
up their ears to catch the first faint
sound of an insult, and your people
without humor who can never either
furnish a joke or understand one. There
are two causes of the great difference
perceptible in people. Much may cer
tainly be ascrilied to education, but
much also too institutional dissimilarity.
Here is one on whom good music acts
like enchantment; he cannot sit still
while hearing it; his eyes fill with tears:
he forgets all his troubles, and when the
tune has ceased it is still in his mind,
bursting out at intervals in fragments
and exclamations, and keeping him
awake in the night by its busy mental
repetitions. Who shail say that his na
ture is the same as that of "another who
finds in the Italian orchestra only a dis
agreeable scraping, whose lips" cannot
hum, whose imagination cannot contain
a tune ? And thus on through life and
in every day intercourse if we but ob
sereve a litte carefully, we will scarcely
ever find two people alik?—even those
pursuing the same avocations and united
by the closest ties, are oftentimes the
most dissimilar in their natures."
A Russian General.
The Plevna correspondent of the Lon
don Time* writes : Major General Bcol>-
eloff is a character—one of the most
striking men I have ever met; he is a
son of Lieutenaut-General Scobeloff, of
the Russian army, ami has been in every
campaign the Russians have had mince
he was old enough to enter the field.
In Khokaud, where everything was
considered in a critical state, young
Scobeloff was left to cover the rear of
the army with five battalions and twenty
gtuis. His elders in rank and years had
selected him to bear the disgrace of the
expected catastrophe; but he did not
fancy this situation of affairs, attacked
the enemy (numbering forty battalions)
m the night, threw them into a panic,
and utterly routed them, remaining mas
ter of the province. For this he was
made a major-general at thirty-one, and
became the object of much envy and
calumny at the hands of the officers
whose heads he had passed over.
At the recent battle of Plevna he had
his brigade of Cossacks and a battalion
of infantry, the latter numbering aliout
seven hundted men. Three hundred
and forty of this battalion fell in the des
perate contest, one hundred and seventy
of them being killed outright; unsup
ported the remnAnt were compelled to
fall back, but they retreated in good or
der, bringing away all the wounded, and
actually, left the deadly line of battle
singing one of their wild but very melodi
ous mountain airs. A major-general, thir
ty-three years of age, tall and handsome,
Scobeloff is the ideal of a benu tabreur
of the old Mtirat type. Brave almost to
recklessness, yet possessing a certain
shrewd aptitude for estimating chances
and the strength of position.
He will make his mark in this cam
paign should his carelessness of personal
danger not-bring him before some fata!
bullet—he has already been wounded
six times during his career. Having
been appointed to the staff of the com
mander of the Plevna army, he was on
the way to the camp of his cavalry brig
ade to turn over the command to his
What makes a man feel nobler, braver,
happier, more independent and stayed
up, as it were, ate he walks along the
streets of a strange city, than to feel
himself flanked with a good-sized reil or
two of bank bills resting snugly and
affectionately up against his physical
Some Paris Aboni ■ Viitr.l a.-nul anil
William Bpence, at tan Oregon llill, is
In many reapcot* a remarkable num. In
stature he is almut five feel nine inches.
His comproMm*! lips and well set jaws
indicate a determined will. His uose is
well *hn|ted; Ins eyes are grav, but full
of animation, iud mors especially when
interested in conversation, and Ins fore
head is high and well ahaped. With
those features he has long flowing black
hair. The whole permtnnet of the man
ia pleasing, mid in marked contrast with
his reckless during. He converses intel
ligently, and after the fashion of well
educated men. As a hunter, trapper
Indian fighter, marksman and wanderer
he is justly notes!. He ha* been for
nlsmt eight weeks, and is still, confined
to Ins I**l, in this city, from a cut ou one
of hi* feet. He is, however, cou
His birth place is l'ort Natal, South
Africa, aud he has hardly yet reached,
fortv. His father having been killed in
battle, his widow, with her son William,
the subject of this sketch, immigrated
to England, where, through the influ
ence of friends, he soon was pU**l at
the Royal Naval School at Greenwich,
where his progress was satisfactory; but
he could uot bo contented. Hi* daring
and adventurous nature sought the son,
and to a man-of-war he went. He was
at sea for years, and during the time
: distinguished himself for his bravery iu
two eugaguuienta with pirates on the
coast of Africa. He porticipit*ted with
credit to himself in the last war with
Kussia, and was present at the fall of
Halaktava. Becoming averse to beiug
further on the sea lie came to America
and joitieil tlie Hudson Hnv Fur Com
pany. For tins company he travelled
much among the Indians, gathering
peltrv. Tlie year 1860 found him in
Portland, Oregon; fr*un thence he went
U> St. Paul, Mum.; here he remained
one winter and wit* employed during
that time by tleueral Solly in a service
that was at once delicate ntnl reapouaible,
which he discharged to the entire satis
f act ion of his commander. From St.
Paul he went to Kansas, and there al
ternately engaged in driving teams an.l
bnffiiio hunting. From 1860 to 1 865 he
was an Iffflinu fighter ou the frontier* of
Kansas aud Texas, and in an engagement
with the ml men on an occasion in
which the whites were victorious, after a
bloody hand to hand fight, he is said to
have kilhvl seven warrmrs with his pistol
and bowie knife. During this period he
spent some time in Missouri, aud was at
Independence during tleueral Price's
raid. lu 1872 he went East, attracting
much attention, hut exploits having pre
ceded him. Hi-* companion* were W.
F. Cody, kuowu a* Hnffalo Bill, and J.
B. Oiuahundra, alia* Texas Jack. In
1873 he was the bearer of important dis
patches to General Harris, in Cuba,
which he safely delivered. Returning,
he came West, where he has since Invn
engaged in trapping, hunting and acting
as guide for foreign tourists. As an
evidence of the man's wonderful accuracy
in shooting, and it must be said also of
recklessness, I will give two remarkable
instances : In Portland, Oregon, he hod
a friend, John O'Madigan, now of this
city. While O'Modigou was walking
along the street smoking his pipe, and at
a distance of teu feet, and at about a
right angle. Bill suddenly drew his pistol
and fired, the ball taking the pipe from
the mouth of hi* friend, but doing htm
no harm. Again, last fall. Hill was iu
liake City with deer for sale, and seeing
his old friend O'Madigan passing up the
same street, on the opposite aide, he
called to him to stop. When he hat!
drawn his revolver John did so, facing
hitu at the time. Bill fired, aud the ball
}>A**ed thro.igh the top of the hat of his
friend. O'Madigan, iu the best of
humor, called out: " Bill, don't shoot
any more; it is too cleae." The history
of this remarkable man will at some
future timefilloneof the most imp 'riant
chapter* in a book of romance.— Denver
A Governor'* Gratitude.
Probably the oddest genius who ever
occupied a public position iu Missouri
was the late Robert M. Stewart He
lived in St Joseph, where he rose in po
litical power.' The first president of the
Haunioal and St. Joseph Railroad, he
was called its father. Ho was elected
governor in 1857.
When Doniphan's expedition was
organized to go through New Mexico
and co-operate with the main United
States army in 1847, Bob Stewart was a
member of a company raised in Buchan
an county. Four days out his gnu was
accidentally discharged, the contents
entering one of his legs, shattering a
bone and disabling him. One of the
company, William Grover, was detailed
to remain with Stewart. Grover watched
over his friend with thecareof a brother,
•vnd Stewart, not then dreaming of his
future distinction, said : "Bill, old fel
low, I'll pay yon back some day ! The
time will come!"
Ten years later Bill Grover, the friend
of Stewart was arrested as a participant
in a political crime, tried, convicted and
sentenced to the penitentiary for ten
years. Not long after his conviction,
Stewart was nominated for governor. He
saw his friend just before he was incar
cerated, and said: " Bill, the first thing
I do after I'm inaugurated will lie to
pardon you out. And I'm sure to be
• Bob was elected and inaugurated.
True to his word and the native instincts
of gratitude, he went to the penitentiary
and inquired for Bill Grover. He was
not there. He was one of detail called
out to dig a well in Jefferson City, and
was then engage*! in that work.
Off the governor posted to the well
in which Grover was at work. On reach
ing the place, he leaned over the well
and cried oat:
" Bill, are you there !"
'' Who's that?" asked a voice from the
snbterraneau deeps lieiow.
" It's me—Bob Stewart! Come up
out o' there ! I've pardoned yon."
In a few minutes Grover was hauled
up out of the well. Then was exhibited
the curious spec tar! • of the governor of
a great State walking through the streets
of the capital arm-in-arm with a stripe
suited convict. He took his old friend
up to a clothing store rigged him out in
a new suit, and made him a guest at the
governor's matiHiou, afterward providing
for him a start in business.
A Bold Exploit.
Tin* following is from the diary of the
late Mr. Adolpnus, the barrister and his
torian: " May 8, 1840 : We had adiuner
party, among them Mrs. Matthews and
Cumui, who told sn amusing story of an
agent to a noblemnu in Ireland. It was
known to some ruflians in the neighbor
hood that he had collected a large sum
for rents due to his emplover. In the
middle of the uight he heard thieves
breaking into his house. He jumiMxi
out of bed, and arming himself with a
carving knife stood behind the door, and
closed it, so that only one oould enter at
a time, which one would be shown in the
moonlight while he remained in the
shade. Four of tisn thieves entered,
and were dispatched one after another,
those without not knowing what hail
happened. The fifth saw the gleam of
the blade in the moonlight, seized the
man, and a tremendous scuffle ensued.
The agent struck several blows with his
weapon, but made no impression. He was
grit down and his antagonist over him,
when feeling the knife, lie found the point
was bent. He bad the presence of mind to
press it strongly against the floor, so us
to turn it back, stabbed his adversary
dead, ami, as he was alone in the house
and could have no assistance till the
morning, retired to bed. He wua
knighted for the exploit. Some one
said to him: ' I wonder you could go to
bed while there were on the floor the
corpses of five persons whom you hod
killed?' His answer was: Itiiidmake
me very uneasy; I oould not get a wink
of sleep for nearly an hour!' "
Three and a half pounds of milk are
equal to one pound of meat; and only
estimate a cow to give 4,000 pounds of
milk in a year, this would moke the
cow's product in milk equal in food
value to 1,000 pounds of meat, and this
I,§oo pounds of meat would require a
steer, under ordinary feeding, lour years
to produce, so that the cow produces
much return from her food in one year
as a steer in four.
The Pellrv hv nlili k Uriahsm J euwa
Mirrnaihrnrrt ihe llsrsisa t'hwreh.
A writer hi n Now York pilor a\a :
Olio day I WIIH riiling with Itrighuiii
Young nroittnl tin* suburbs of Hult Lnko.
AM WO oauio in from tho Hot Hulphur
Spi nigs, whioli run liko a little rivor
from tho biiM> of tho Wunaloh
mouutaiiiM, almut a mile north of tho
otlv, wo piiMatKl it ilihilinliitisl aifo/w wall,
a wall mmio from t!n< unbuho.l olnv.
Tho wnll had Iwi oight or tiilto fin-t
high, but it IN now bttlo morn thnn M
"What waa that wall built for?" I
ask oh.
"That wall wa built for two pur
jKMiOM," aatil tl® prophot, "It onoe o
tondoil all nrouml Salt I,ko. It wan a
littlo I'hiuoao wall, with loop holow and
gatoM and round hottiM-n. "
" Then Salt Lako wua onoo a wallod
oity ?"
" YOM, it wm walhsl all around, and
tho wall tvvMt a grout doal of lalnir, too.
Hundred* of moti worked all wiutor
on it."
" Hut yon havo not told mo tho two
pur|MMo* for which tt wo* built," 1 mtg
"Wnll, tlio oliiof pur|K>no of thin wall
wax to keep throv' or four humlrod imrni
grtuita from Iw-mg nllo. You MOO, WO
hod a largo immigration one your, throe or
four hundred a bio-bodied mon. Thoy ar
rive)! in AngUMt,t<H lalotodo auv thing on
their farm*. Now, an idle man IM always
a bad man. Htill, wo lunl uothing for
them to do. • How can 1 employ thorn P
I n-iked uiyiw'lf, Thou 1 thought of thi*
wall. To luake N MMUU uooemuiry, wc hint
to prvdond that wo wore threatened by
the luduina around us. This was o.mUy
done, for Movoral partu-H of ludiaiiii had
lawn hovering around tho town. In a
few day# wo worked up tho oiithusiaMiu
for proteetiou, and put thrne htuidrvsls
of t.ilo men ti work. Tho wage* were
Htuall, but thov nil worked ateadily dur
ing tho whole fall and winter."
"And no Lu)han ever troubled the
town ?"
" No, and I never thought they would,
ltnt four hundred idle men would have
troubled it. We were iii more danger
from idle ttu-ti than from Indtar.K. Aud
this liae alwMVh be) ti my idea; whenever
I have found an idle Mormon I have net
him to work -kept him Imay with hi*
hand* ai >1 brain, and then ho is always
sure to 1 e a good ottilMi."
This 1 found hod always leeu the
'Prophet's theory. If a immigrant
eame to Halt Luke without money,
lirigham placed him on a farm and gave
liitn implements ami eeeda. He made
him seif-siiMtawing. Everything in Halt
I*ake wat built right there. A Mormon
built the big organ in the taberatmle,
build and officer their ratl
roikls, and Mormons are building their
great temple. Before he diint the
Prophet hod Mormon furniture factories,
a Mormon mint where thoy once coined
their own money, and six cotton and
woollen factories. In fart, Brig ha tn
Young taught his people to make every
thing they ate, drank, or wore, except
coffee, tea, sugar, pepper ami apiee.
The river running down from the
Wasatch luouuUuiis Ih liuhl Salt Lake is
a gissl water jvowcr with 150 feet fall.
The Mine water rutin through two mil
liou dollars worth of irrigating canals,
and waters the whole Salt Lake plain
before it Anally empties into the lake.
Hnghain Y-mng wtu< a g,r*l mechanic.
He could make anything he ever saw,
and when oeowuon required lie cottld in
vent new appliances. He was a rough,
entile man, out terribly in earnest. He was
like Zaeh Chandler in |*>litic*. Sherman
in war, and St. i'aul in the ministry. He
was always aggressive. His son, John
\V., on the contrary, is alwars on the
defensive. He is always ]>altiug ptioplc
OU the back, always tranquilifiing and
niakiug js-ace. He is the moat gentleman
ly and tjuiet-maniiored man 1 ever met.
He wins everylody witli liia smile and
kind ways. The mornmg we left for
Ogden, Johu W. cauie down to the cars
with tia. In going from the depot to the
cam no leas than aix Mormons put their
arms around him. Some even kissed
him. Hrigliam Young was feared, but
his son John \Y. will and has made him
self Moved. He will not tight. AU
strife will now end in Utah. Polygamy
will gradually die out. John W. will let
it die, but the Mormon church, with its
'200,000 followers, will stand.
" VVe double once in seven years," the
Prophet said one ilay.
"How double once in seven years?"
I aski-d.
•' Why in 1849 we had 12.000 people.
In 1856 we hal 24.000; in 1883 we had
48,000; in 1870 we had 98,000, and to
day in 1877 we have 192,000."
" And in 1883 von will have "
" Two hundred and eighty-four thou
sand, and nothing hut a national calamity
or a judgment from Clod can atop us,"
said the Prophet
There is no doubt in my mind that
under the conservative policy of John
W. Young, with the death of pologamv,
that the Mormons will number 284,060
iu 1883, and that they will control the
politics of Utah, and perhaps of Arizona
and New Mexico.
Population of Asia anil Africa.
The eutire population of Asia in larger
l>y about twenty-five million* than the
estimate given in last year's issue of
Hehm ami Wagner's work. Tlie increase
mainly falls upon the East India inlands
and Anam, the llgnres in the cane of the
hitter being more than double those
given in the tables ot last year—viz.:
21,000,000. The population of British
India is rather leas than last veur, tw
ing 188,0911,700, that Iturnnifi ls'tng
alvnit 2,760,000, including triluitary or
pn>t-ctsLStab-s. The whole imputation
of British India is close on 239.000,000.
In a map of India, which accompanies the
work, the varying density of the imputa
tion in India is shown, from Ore inhabi
tants to over 750 per square mile. The
greatest density is found,of course, atamt
Calcutta, as also in patches nil along the
east coast and over all the northwest
provinces. The population of China is
given as 405.000,000. with 38,500,000 of
outlying people. Hong Kong swin to
have di'creasod by upward of two thou
sau<) since last year, the number now
given being 121,985. Japan is set down
fts 33,299,014. With regard to Africa,
the {Kipuiation of Algeria was, 1875,
estimated to lie 2,448,901. Tin 1 imputa
tion of Egypt shows a slight increase
over last year, being now 17,000,000
The inhabitants of Port Haid now number
9,050, and of Fsmailia 3,779. Many de
tails are given concerning the area and
population of the Soudan ami Central
ami West African States, the results of
recent explorations. The British pos
sessions in Sonth Africa show an increase
of territory and imputation, the tatter
numbering, according to the latest date,
1,338,702. According to the latest sta
tistics, the whole population of Australia
amounts to 1,867 000; of New Zealand,
421,326. In the Fiji islands the native
imputation seems to l>e rapidly decreas
ing. It is calculated now not to exceed
70,000, while the white, who in 1872
numliered 2,940, were last year onlv
He Sat on a Lion's Tail.
Daring a recent visit to the Phila
delphia Zoological (tardea we witnessed
an amusing incident illustrative of
Yonng America's love for adventure says
a correspondent. In the rear of tfie
lion and tiger honse targe rages are con
structed, where the animals coins out at
pleasure to snu themselves. On this oc
casion, as we stood admiring two fine
specimens stretched at full length on
the sandy floor, ouo so near the bars
that its tail extended through, and lav
on the grass ontside, a hoy approached,
in advance of his mother and sister,
and, no sooner did he see the lion than
an idea seemed to strike him, for with
one bound, and before his mother could
stop him, he was sver the low rails, and
quickly approaching tho lion, sat down
on its "tail. But he had not long t sit,
for in a twinkling the lion Kprnng to its
feet and made for the boy, who bnrely
escaped a stroke of tho pswerful pnw,
by turning n back sumcrsault. The
mother stood speechless, as the boy ran
shouting, " Well, I don't care. I'll
have it to say I sat on a lion's tail."
t<et pleasure be ever to inaeoant, tfce
excess is always criminal.
Ileata el Iwiereel I rem Heme eed A brsa*.
A decision of the New York court of appeala, In
fa\ >t of Ihe llllliert ami N \ I lev *P-d lallroed
companies, aeenia to aeltle tha question* of law
which have long hindered the couaiimmaUoii
of a nmoh-oeedetl achaiun of rapid tranalt In
the city of New York, and a awifl ineeua of
cnmmuuteatioti from one eml of tho city hi the
other u prohahly uowi* matter of time only.
The tlrtn luatchea at the CreedniiHir
range closed with an individual oonleat fur
a eel o-a of eight prize*. amounting to #I,OOO,
given hv the New Jork Sfiiril (■/ (Aa Tirnr*.
Ihe distance. •hot at were NOO, 000 and 1,000
MUita, and the tlr.l prian of #&uo waa won hy
\ Washburn, of (VililMxUru!, with a acore of
h>7 out of a |>oaalhte 'i' Aft. 0. K. Hlydcuhurvh,
of the American team, eame neevoid, with e
•coir of JOti, for which he took e i-iiae of #OOO,
Seventy right mark .men entered 111 thla con
teat Yellow fever prevailed to a groat
aitiiit in Havana and at Feniaitdlua, I'le,
where tho mortality waa very large, and the
dread disease took the pro|a>rtioiia of an
epidemic President MacMahon haa luued
a ntauifealo to the French people, lu which he
declare* that he will caueo the constitution of
the cvmiitry to l<e respected, and aaka the i*>
pie to place confidence lu him.
It la atateit that Hrvrelarv Kvarta will deliver
a a|>rech at WaalilligtoU lu defence of Ihe |ilk'V
of the Administration previous to thu |>eclal
Wnliiu ttf t'oligreae, 111 tic tidier . /The Htale
convention of the Now Jerwev I 'oiiiocrate was
held at Trwlitoli, ami reeulted In tho Humilia
tion of Major-lloiieral Ocorge It. Mcl lellau for
governor, by a vote of Hot against 17V, divided
ainolig three other candidates The platform
adopted leatttiuia the prluciplca ooiitallied lu
the Natloual INnuocratlc platform adopted at
Ht. Loula lit ItiTti. and denouueee " the frailda
and crime* hy w tuch our candldatea for l'reai-
lent and Vioe-l'rwsidvivt are prevented from
' n rnpjlug the |M>.I(|OIIS to which they Were
i eiioaeu hy a decidM uiaj>#ity of the popular
an>t electoral Vote congratulate, "the ail|-
iHiiler. of free goverumnul throughout the
('lilted State* ou the fact that even the man
who a plac<d tu the Presidential chair hy
means of thrae frauds auu crime* ha* found it
Uoceasary. lu order to receive the re.pcot and
•up|M>rt of any )*>rtlou of the American |ss>plr,
to adopt the liruiucraUc |*>licv of hs*al aclf
government lu the N.ullnrn lUalea, and to
al'sudoii ail future devices tu jwrpetuate aec
tluual jealousies,'' oJ>|xwe all Sja-a-ial legisla
tion for >r|>orale or ludlvniual interests at tho
1 cap) us* of the |teoplo ; sympathise* with the
• orkluguirii of the Htale ill the prevalent dis
tress, and advise, the enactment of such legis
lation a. will enable them tu hariuoulce the in
terests of capital and labor ; believe* that tha
:icoe.illea of Uie people re.pure a reduction of
I all uthi-lal salarir., fees and costs ; and assarts
that the usury laws should be revised and re
formed, and six Jwi cent hv made the legal rate
; of Interval lu the State , .... The Prohibition
party of Sew Jersey mot in convention at
Trenton and n 'initialc-l ltudolphua lliughatii
for governor. Jh< ti solutiotu adopted declare
against (he legalised Lrailic in liquors, attribut
ing it lo llie Increase uf taies, the general dis
tress. and in a great degree the corruption uf
iithctals. The signers declare they will no
longer vote fur auv uiau who ta not in favur uf
; prohibition .. .The Massachusetts Republican
lilts convention was held lu lYufwater, aud
was pre.ijed over hy Senator Hoar. The first
;-allot fur candidates fur governor resulted lu
the reiiumluatluti of (kuv. lUiw, who rtwived
>V7 votes against TJI fvir Jhomas Talbot, aiitv
nue fot John twenty-five for Paul A.
j Chad bourne, f.-ur for Heurv H. Pierce and
1 three fur John h Hanford. The committee on
' rcso!ut: -us rejHirted a platform rrartiriuuig tho
priucip.ra of the party, congratulating the
: country u|- u the acces.luu of a Itepubllcau
Prawadent of conapieuous integrity, huiiewly of
j |Miri>oe, wisdom, moderation and firmness . gratification at the pactficaUuu of
j the Southern States , declaring in favor of re
; .awing sjiecie payments at Uic date filed hy
(he resumption act , appruv tug the civil service
teform. inaugurated hy tho Administration.
! and opposing further grants uf laud or aubaidio*
to jMivate rlilerpriaoe. That |rt of the plat
| forui which refer, to the President's Southern
: |K>hcy and hi. reformatory civil srrvcie meas
ure i as follow*, lu full Iteeolvod, Tliat we
' tiail with unspeakable |4eaaure every sign at
promise of the fiua. and pemianrnt jwvciflcatiou
| d the Southern sccliou of our duiitrv Under
local self government, basrxl UIKVU the full
{ recognition of the equal rights of all . r ud we
[ --idiaily approve thr spirit and nieaaurv-. of Uie
tdmini.trwtion as w.-ejy adapted to hasten
this result, as directed by a just sense of cou
•Ututlonal right aud duly, as tending to jiro
luotc a spuil of peace and condUation hrtwecti
ciliaeoa of all Kectloua, and as carefully justi
ued by the lelltrel freluig and coudlli -u of
thecv'UUlry. He*. !w--l That the work of re
f-iriuuig and improving the civil aerrtce, which
the Republican jwrty haa undertaken, and to
which It stands committed, ought tu he per
•n-tciitly and reeoiutely carried forward. We
, fully indorse tha utUrauceeof the Cincinnati
iMftrn and of the letter of acceptance of
l'rtwudcut Havre oil this subject , that liomina
ti- us to ..tlg ought to t* made ujs>u thr sole
rceis-mubihly of the Kiecutlve drjwrtmeut,
without the dictatlou if control of the me.u-
U-is of t'ongreea , that boiieety, capacity, and
fidelity constitute the only claim and qualifica
tion for oftire . that srrvkw should not
be ei|wvrt<-d r desired from public officers,
who should give their whole service to Uie gov
ernment and the paopla, ami that the term of
office alculd drjTiid U|KMI untarnished js-iwfual
character and the .airvfad -ry |w-rformance of
oflvctal duties, and not UJ'U pofilical changes .
and we corvliallv talaln and approve the puhcy
and action of Uie 1 "resident in conducting In.
adininiafrali 'U in fulfillment of bu distinct
pledge up'!! those principles RecoglUr itlg
that the work of correcting the abuse* tliat
have crept into the civil wer vice la onlv hegou.
and that much rrfiiama to b) an.*wnpllahrd ui
Massachusetts a. well aa slwshnv, In order to
show convincingly that tha prtrmple of civtl
a. r v i.v ref.-rm I. accepted aa an enduring prin
ciple. and nt a temporary method of adminis
tration. we call upon all departments ■>t the
gove/nmeiit to give the l'reiJcutTJivir cordial
and effective supjkMt til making the reform
thorough, radical and complete. Resolved,
That Uie order reoenUy |v>itiulgatcd t.y the
frerideut, ft the par(K>i- of reatrsiuing the
rtccativa officer, of the government from ei an undue and Improper lufiuonce uj>u
tin- acti u of the iWNiple lu the sel-vtioii of can
dldatea for office and tu the mauagrmant of
(volitieal affair* ta tn accordance with the (win- |
cipie. and practice# cstal hshrd hv the founder*
of the govt rnmenl. We heartily indorse the
order a* the firat knd mo.t important step
toward a practical reform of the civil arrrtce,
and we assure the I'resident of our cardial sup
port in it* enforcement The Greenback
party of IVnu.ylvauia met at WiUiatusport.
and nominated benjamin H. Iletitler for supreme
Judge . Jamea C. Kmeraon for auditor general,
and Jamea 1- Wright, nominee of the labor
JMUIT, for State trcaannr T7rf resoluUotta
adopted wt re drnunciatorv of tultonal bank.,
and favored tnter-ovovertihle l-onda and elastic
mutter .uStcienl for thewai.'.aof trade ...
The Presiih-nt and party arrived at Nashville.
Tenn., and wire nn-ind hy Uie gowrnor of
the State, the mayor and a oommittae of citi
rena. The asaemhlage waa addtvwaed by the
President, Gov. Wade Hampton, and mctnl-era
of the cabinet .. . A train on Uie I'nloo Pacific
railroail. at Rig Sprtnga, Neb., waa stopped hy
thirteen ma.k'xl men aud robbed of #75.000 In
gold coin. A uiimt<ar of the paaaetigcra were
also relieved of money and valuables.
The Itepnhticaa* of Mxrvlsnd hrM their ooti
vwntiaa 10 I'-slUniore, sn.t Dominated I>r. 8. K.
Porter for State controller. The plat form tn
dorr. the gantbern policy of Uie l'lcidcnl ;
favors a SJSSHIT resunrntiouof specie payment* .
assert* that "'the eflforts of the Democratic
i>*rty to imimgn the title of Kntherfon) It
Hayes, as President of the United States, are
only eqtiah-d by thru audicity in claiming that
Jolin ls-e Carroll is the l-gally elected governor
of Marvlaiul ; and while the title of the one
was confirmed by a tribunal composed of
Itetmbbcans and Democrats, and created by
Ileniocratio votes, tlie title of the other ha*
never tieen acknnahdged by any res|ectable
majority of the people in tlie Htate. and **
only acquiesced in I wean so there was no tri
bunal In the State that was willing to d'-cide it
tipon the tiruofi of fraud and violence through
which only he liecame governor denounces
as shameful " the conduct ot Democratic o(Tl
cial* In administering the election law* lu-ld*
the IVmocratic p*rty reej>n*iblo for the high
taxes im|NiM-d u|*>u the jwople and for impos
ing exorbitant toll* on the Che*apeake and
Ohio citial, and unju*t discrimination* in
freights on the Italtimore and Ohio railroad ;
claim* that our great work* of internal int
uit)* anient, whether canal or railroad, were
built for the people, and that freight* and toll*
should he so regulated a* not to discriminate
against local traftlc or for or against -|s-ci*l
private interests/' Tlie centennial of the
killing of a number of American troops, nndrr
Ocn. Anthony Wayne, at Paoli. Pa., was ob
served at that place by the dedication of *
monument o the dead ... Is-wi* V. flogy,
United States Hi'iiator from Minaoiiri. died at
St. Is>iiis, on the twentieth. He was appoiuts-d
Senator in 1973, as successor to Frank I'. Blair.
Jr.... The steamtwat* (Jrand lloptiblic and
CarondelSt were burned at St. Ismi*. 1a>,
#200,000, on which there is #07,000 lnanrance.
An expres* tr-iu was thrown frotn tlie
track near Ussselman Htstion, Pa., and twelve
( ieriH>iis were injured The President was
received hv a largerri.wd at riiattanooga,Teiiti.,
l .d mndo a lengtliy address in re|>nn** to
a spei-cli of welcome by Col. Cooke, an ex-
Confederate soldier. Sccn-tarv Evarta, Post
master-! iencral Key. and (Jo*. Wade liampton
ileliverod oddre**e*. In the afternoon the
party wore entertained by Judge Key in hi*
own home.
The mayor of Ferhandma Fla., amvealed to
the country for moderate aid, u the yellow
fever there was spreading and canning innch
want and suffering. Institution prevailed in
the town and all work had coaal ...Jamea
Ithodea. a mulatto, waa hanged at Newcaatlo,
IH>I„ for the murder of Jamea Temple, a
colored man A misplaced awiteh nearltoine,
N. V., canned a collision Iwtwren an express
train and a freight train. The two englnea,
mail and haggage cara were completely wrecked,
a'tirctnan, hrakeman and mail agent were killed,
and alxmt ten othera were injured in different
degrees of aeveiity... .The Illack Warrior river
in Alabama suddenly roae sixty-thee feet and
totally awept away tho abundant crops of cot
ton, corn and fodder in tho adjoining valley.
It ia eatiiuated that 30.000 halea of cotton have
!>ean destroyed. and many planters are mined.
The New York Htatc Aaeociation of Young
men'a Christian Assfx-iatioas met in annual con
vention at Hndaon. E. B. Monroe, of New
York city, waa elected president.... A fire at
the Union Planing Mills, Chicago, canned a
destruction ef properly amounting to f45,000
on which th< ro is an Insurance of •13.000 ; and
a fire in Chickasaw county. lowa, burned twenty
six buWries* I oust s run) five grain warehouse*,
causing a loaa of WO.OOO. ...The Car
roll Oonnty Havings Bank of Wolfboro,
N. H., suspended payment. It la thought
tha bank will b able to pay its depositor*
In fnll , General Grant waa enthusiastic
nil* received at NewoaatW-on-Tyna/ England,
•rvl replied In an address of the Chamber of
Ootumerce. In Ilia evening ha hah) k reception.
.. Tbo llepuhlkatia of Franx* lu replied
defiantly tu President MrMahuii'a manifesto.
John H. Morton, juealdeni of the Waal Phite
<lal|ihia rkllroktl rom|ieny, and president of tha
Permanent KxblbiUoii Company, >u fotind lo
!' k defaulter lo lit* auioliut of #76, #o# or
mora. lie Issued over lau lliouaainl un
authorised shares uf stiwk of Ilia rallrnad com
pany ovar which ha presided, and claimed thkl
lu doing an he had tool made a dollar hluiaelf,
hut had hoati actuated If a dealro lo kid others
The Prraldrul and |rty arrived at At
lanta, tie., and were welcomed In e >|aacli hv
ttov, l'ol,|Ulll, to which the I'reetdnit respond
ed. About 10,000 people anrrouiided the stand.
Addle nee* were made hv Heerelary Kvarta kild
I'oaUneeter Ornrral Kev. 11l the eveliiug a
reception ae held at lite KlecuUve mansion,
and the I if. I • and |>eople of Atlanta were
eiitertaliieil hy to. governor. At Uic hau juet
addrraaea weir loath> hy the I'reeldetol, Meaara.
Kvarta, Key, lleti Hill and Gordon Uvrr
rler, the celelwate J French aatronomer, ta
dead . All assemblage of 50,000 people wel
comed (icueral tlraut at Newcastle, England.
A kerosene lamp lu a email frame building
in Krypoft, N. J., riploded or waa tipjmd over,
and before the damoa could he eallngulahed
they had communicated to other hulldlliga and
aoou deatroyed thr huvluew portion of the
town. Aiamt thirty hulldmga wore bin nod and
aa many fainlhee were homeloaa. The pecu
niary loiia will he ahottt #IBO,OIIO, half of which
la covered hy inaurance Clarence W.
i iottieraail, a New Yurk broker, waa aliot dead
lu Newark, N. J,, hv a oaloou keeper named
Krruer, who claltuod that lie took the dead
man fur a burglar.
A Fralltrrrt} tor tune-Teller.
Several months a#o (len. Gordon and
Gul. 11. A. Alehou, of AtlauU, (in., while
walking down IVniiaylvuma aTSOQc,
Waehiugtou, uothwvd n crowd etaiidiiig
oil the sidewalk, and discovered a port
aide ntaml, upon which a a|M-culativr
group of caiiurv binis were telling the
fort new of tlie li vatatnlerw. A stranger
would give one of the lords a nickel.
The bird w .nild then hop off to a basket
near b_v, ami pick up a little envelope in
lus hill ami carry it to the customer.
Gen. Gordon hammed the wisest-looking
canary he could set* it nickel, and awaited
the result. The bird returned with an
etivelojie, which the senator opened. It
announced thst the senator " talked bat
much, had five children, and would live
to lie eighty-six years of sge." Col.
Alston determine*] to hare his fortune
told. The tirst clause was this : " Yoo
iuvitc too many people to your hoose ;
many of Unsn* you invite are not your
friends." The printed slip went on to
recite thst the colonel would in a short
time receive a large aum of money as an
inheritance, and that it would lie the
basis on which he would build a definite
prosperity. He folded the scrap of paper
IU his isickrt and went to Willkrd'a,
where he met Judge Lochrane. On
showing the )>aper to this gentleman, he
wns interrupted hy the exclamation :
" Why, my dear sir, your fortune is al
ready left yon. I onw this very day, in a
nevrspajier, that Jolui E. Alston, of
lirvHiklyu, had duxl, ami had left a for
tune of about stklll,l>UU to lie divided
among his heirs and relatives in tin-
South." A dav or two afterward At
torney-General Ib-venn asked him if he
was any kin to John 11 Alston, of
Ilrooklvu,remarking that tliat gentleman
hiu 1 left a large fortune to lie'dividiwl
among his family. Col. Alston replied
that lie was not a<> lucky, ami a<on after
ward went to Georgia. A few days ago,
however, he received a printed Copy of
the will, addressed to him as one of the
heirs of the estate. The will bequeathed
various amounts to special heirs, anJ
the Ivalauce, amounting to #137,0(10. to
the heirs iu Georgia and South Carolins
tlirough the agency of Albert Glover.
Col. Alston may have aa much as soo,-
000 from tins inheritance.
A Curious Surgical Operation.
A hoy unmod Prank Hauafin. who had
bettn injured in a sawmill here, and had
been, as we might say, alnioat skinned
alive, was supplied with a new akin
by taking pieces from the anus of eight
or nine other boys. In the aocidcut a
very large wound w * made in his back,
the surface lieing one mass of red, quiv
ering flesh, though healthy iu appear
ance. Tlie wound, of course, was very
sensitive, and the o]M>ration must have
Iveen quite painful to him. l>ra. Picot
and Msyuard and au assistant tierformcd
the operation. Around the lied weie
gathered six or eight Irish boys, from
eight to fifteeu years of age, from whose
arms had lieen taken, or was to be tak
en, the skin needed to replace that
which was lost. As each was calhxl on
by the doctor, he came forward, and
I wring his arm, s small piece of skin was
skilfully cut out with the lancet and
gently placed nj*m the raw flesli. About
thirty pieces in all were so put on. Sev
eral of the bora gave up more than one
piece, and Folger Picot, the doctor's
sou, contributed eight piece*. A young
er brother of llatutfiii's gave nearly as
many. While the ope rati u was going
on the Isiys joked among themselves on
helping to make up lianaflu, and ban
tered caeh other on the number of times
they hail submitted to be cut into for
' the"benefit of their plavmate. Ttie boys
were generallv very willing to give the
skin required, but after a while they
evidently lx-giut to tluuk enough was
ns good as a feast, and they moved out
doors, watching further operations
through the window. It is thought,
however, that enough will conseut to
give skin, so that Hanafln's wound will
Im> entirely covered over, thus hastening
his recovery, and adding to his comfort
when the wound shall have healed.—Au
burn (*V. >'.) Advrrtticr.
A ltcmoniac Procession.
A correspondent of the Loudon frnei
at Itagusa writes : I have just returned
here from Trebinge. While there I was
sitting conversing with the English
surgeou attached to ttie hospital, when
he ''served : " There is not much to tie
sei-u .ii this place, but fortunately to--lay
I am able to show vou a sight you never
see in Eugland. Come along and lot us
have a look."
We started for the Hazoar, a short
distance off. At the end of the principal
street we encountered a procession of
150 children, none of them over twelve
years of age. The two in front earretl
what seemed like two standards of some
sort, but which, on a nearer approach,
turned out to be two human heads stuck
on pole* altont a yard aud a half long.
One was the head of a man in the prime
of life, apparently about thirty-three
years of age, with a black mustache and
it I ward of some weeks' growth. His
head was shaved after the manner of the
Itosniaks, with the exception of a long
tuft oti the crown. The other was a mail
much older, about fifty-five years of age.
His face was thin and clean shaved, his
head was also shavisl save the same long
tuft which filiated in the wind.
Kontul tliis ghostlv sight tlie children
itaiicetl and yellesi like demon*. After
thev had paraded all the street tliev
stn k liiem on a wall opposite the pasha s
residence and subjected them to every
species of insult, each boy advancing in
turn ami spitting on the heads and then
hurling some mud. They retired utter
ing horrid blasphemies. Duriug this
time the street was thronged with sol
diers, and I saw many officers looking on
with evideut pleasure. On expressing
niv disgust to tny companion he said :
"It was uothing; such Mights were rather
common in Trebinge."
In the Jaws of an Alligator.
At Lake diaries, in tlie parish of Cal
casieu, La., a few days since, a most ex
citing scene was witnessed by a number
of people on the shore. Home lads,
among whom was a ta>y named William
Haskell, were in bnthing, when the
attention of all was attracted to the ones
of the tatter, and an alligator wan seen
swimming in the direction of him. Tlie
little boy not perceiving the approach of
the saurian, dived, and jnst as he reached
the surface the open jaws r< ecived him.
The alligator drove his teeth almost
through the Imy's skull, making several
wounds in the scalp three inches in
length. The boy's comrades rushed into
tho water anil legon a loud outcry, when
the alligator let go his hold and disap
peared. The little fellow, although
seriously injured, will probably live.
The gravest events dawn with no more
noise than the morning: star makes in
rising. All great development# com
plete themselves in the world and
mtxleatly wait in alienee, praising them
selves never, announcing themselves not
at all. "We must he sensitive and sensi
ble if we would see the beginnings and
endings of great things. This is our part.
The Fatrbankara hare norm tod order* from
the I'tilled Htalea government the (met three
year* for over 7,500 scale*. Thla firm la ettll
furnishing- under oontreot with* the vartona
d< |riiouta - eoalea for all part •of the country.
In a contract Jtud secured from the Treasury
t'rnaitiioMit forth# flanal fear (which etptree
June an, pt7N> the government ahowa lie pr
fereiww for Fairbanks' an a lea Iry paying the Ht.
Johuabury tlrtn 83)# per cent more than the
hid of miutmtirig paruee. -| Springfield (Mass.)
Itepubbcau. |
llowea A Co., liankeraand < utn tuiaaiou Work
Iloune, o Wall Ht., Nw York Our Mr It W.
llowea haa had twenty Ave veara' eauerieiioe lit
the lnailHMMi, leu yearn ea I'rraidant of Otoe of
our largaat rity banks and fifteen In private
hanking I'artioe daalroua uf making iiukk
turua in Mlooka can now do eo to go->-i advan
tage on vary ainal! inargtne on lite plan we sug
fet, involving lea riaka and twitter pruwpacta
>r profit than in buying "Htock IVlvilegea."
We solicit correal*-ndence.
The Vllaeirrnlea ml Ihe Htle.
The iuledir<Uon of the hita, a oonaoquouce
which euatiee when the liver la Inactive and
the bownla torpid, prodlloea a number of bodily
evtla. The blood become# eoutaruUiatad witu
the Uiiotia fluid, canal eg the akin and the
white#uf the eyea to aaauma a yellowish tinge ;
dva|H-pia and nauana supervene. the tongue
heeomea furred, the breath fmtid, there are
iieliia hi the aide and between the shoulder
hlaitea, the urine la high eolnrad and araJding,
and in aggravated earn, jaundice and inflam
mation of the liver eueue. All theoe CI MiaV
.iuener• may he |irevMil*l or ohvlatml hy ualug
lioatetter a Htocuach Tuttera, a vqptalih altera
Uva tunic which oUnmlaUw the Uiactive liver to
evert Itaelf tu tnerwUng and directing the bile
acta naturally uixm the huweta and mniuvM
every trace of iMdigeetiuu.
The l.alral Ksshles tar U4lm.
Our alteliUoti haa mvutt.v been raj led to the
liar I tan I! rtelaaee Cloaking. wMnethlng entire
ly near in the way of heavy, tiiirk, aim., eooln,
guuda apecially inlapte] fur IsdUra' soar uurtug
the eolil seal hot now apfWueohili/ Thi*e
goovla are the handaotnsat, and im-.t etyhab
ever aern. and an far aa price la ouurermd. are
a miracle of rbeaimoae. They are intended fur
cloaks, aarouea. dollnana, clreulara and Jackets,
for both hull)-, and children, and are tu be found
at all the leading dry gooda >torr> in the coun
try. He particular to ask fur liarttau < luak
tnga, and take no other.
Physician* a landing iiuheattaUngly
giva their Induraeinent U> the use of the Oraef
cnberg-Marahsil a I'athohouu fur all female
outs plaints. The waak and deUlltated find eon
Awful relief from a couatsnt use of this valu
able remedy. Hold by all druggists. #1.50 per
bottle. Head fur almanacs, (Jraefenberg Co.
New Turk
Aneltirr Ueflartiun.
Thr Is-lauda, uf the Hturtevaul Home, Hroad
ay and 'I wentv-umth street. New Turk, liog tn
inform the pahlic Uiat they have made a ul.-
.tantiai leducttun in their rales to transient
gncala, and have r.laltli-haJ a scale of prion,
ranging from #'J.6ti, #3.( and #1 50 per day,
acrordiug lo locaUon. for rooms and hoard,
ftouina on European plan, #1 per day.
The t beapeel sad Meet AS * rnl.l>r
to reach readers outside of the large cities
Over 1,0011 new*pe|>rra, divided into alt different
lists. Advertisement# received fur one or more
lists. For catalogues containing names of
paper., and for other information and for esti
mates, address Brala A Footer, 41 Tart Row
V TYrnra lunl ding i New York.
New Hols! lie*•■■hire. New York.
The beet place to *Uq> when you go to New
Yiwk 1. at the new Hotel liwvon'.hlre. oppiwlle
Grand Centra! iMj.M You save carriage hire,
and liaggagr ta carried free. 'llia 1 n-vonahirw
la ootid acted on the European plan, at prices to
suit the tunca. Its restaurant la one of the
heat in the city. Elevator and all the modern
lIH| Movements.
The Celebrated
Wod Tag Ting
Toaacoo. •
Tas Piosm Toaanno COSTUT,
New York, Boston, and Chicago
"The Trial* *1 a llfkrrrl"
Art- never ri)jerteuood by lhi*- who um Dou
ley'i Y**t puwdar. Elegant. light. (kulnMui
UaculU, bread, roll* aud muffins, every Umc.
Try it and lw convinced.
•• Curee the whole lot. That eeale agent
cheat- i me out of #V> dean, for I could have
s letter five Too Wagon Scale for 940
on bi .1. freight mud to my own door, of Jonea.
of Bui* bamUm, Biughamtoo, N. Y.
rtear siMirk sat Itonksrv
are sigiu of a btUoua attack . yturk'a lriali Tea
will rcaiedv all these. Price 25 da
Patentee* and invintcre ahuld read adver
tisement of 1-dson Bros, in another column.
The Markets,
saw roaa
Deaf OeUle- KaUve Id •
Texaa and Cherokee . 07*4 03
Milch C0w*..... 88 4 ...! *4 4*
D rawed.' *4 *
Sheet. 4 *
iJ. oahvs
Oettoa- Mlddlisg "kd Hk
Hour—Weetero—<kood to Chow*... •4 tII
Slsle—Oood lo Choice....,, 778 4*ol
Wheat- lied Winter!. I * 4 IU
No. 1 Milwaukee 1 1 4 11'
Kre— Slate.. '0 4 SO
ltartey— HUle 33*4 SI
lie: ley Malt I* 4llt
Oale—Mixed Western . II 4 U
Oorn-Mlxed Wester.. II St 7*
Uav. par cwt SO 4 TO
Mtrxw—per rat.............. 31 4 00
Hap* Tr*~vj 404 TTk to 4 11
fork-Meae 13 to 413*0
bard—City Mam . - 4 03* ret. So. t. sew VOO 421 00
So. X new IV t* 414 0U
I>ry Ood. per rart 860 <4 100
Iternng, Scaled, par tmx 31 4* 31
fetroh utx. -Vade„ Ilk 413 Refined, l>k
•root—Ca'tfomla ft)wee 40 4 43
Tela* •* f 4 *
Aa.traUaa " .............. 44 S 44
llutter—State. 33 4 38
TVeetere Ch0ae*............. It 4 3*
Western—lined to Prime,. . XI 4 34
Weetem firkin* 10 4 14
Cheaae—Stale factory It 4 13
state Skimmed 04 4 <M
W-xteru m 4 10
Ear*—4ta*e and Pan-iartvanla...... 13 4 Ifk
floor 1M 4 3 33
Wheat—So. 1 Milwaukee 131 Sl3<
Oorn—Mixed 31 4 33*
UaU 33 4 80
Rye •- 4 3S
Barter si 4 e3
liar ley Malt 100 4 310
Beef Cattle—Extra t<7 4 7*
Sheep 03 07
Hoge—tireeeed OS* - 03*
Hour—lvnneytvanta Extra...... . 373 fSTtO
Wheat—Red We*! em 141 i) lit
Uye i S3 4 kt
Corn—Yellow i 34*4 SO
Mixed fit <4 30
<l*t* -M'ie.l 4 '
tvt role-ire-Crude MgfMt It-fined, 13*
Wool—ttolorade 33 4 3-
Texas 3' 4 II
CsUornta I. 3 fl
HeefOatUe M S I*l,
Sheep o*t|4 07*
Htva 08 4 03
flour—Wiwouare and MlonoK-ta... 761 4
Oorn—Mixed 44 4 33*
Oate- " BH 4 34
Wool—Ohio and Pennsylvania XX... 43 4 10
California W 4 41
aaxowTO*. nana.
Beef Cattle o**4 *
Sheep...... ...... 03 4 03*
Units 07 4 10
Hog* 03*4 04
wares-rows, saw.
Reef CatUe—Joor to Choice.. 330 4 3*"
Sheep 3TS 4 7TS
Lanihe ...... ...... . . TOO 4 300
Sfstila, Ttl <1 111 D KaUMiabmd is
Kw %(tr >litiiw< CklV i*f .r( iitt.
Ths twslTsil kwl and Ml liwkrqclor la tb* World.
Sml by aul, Jsisl pwl. on roooijK of Plfo lon Is, by
lb* author. IIKO B WKI.SH. Savsnnsli. Uo-<nria._
■■■■■l F > MX 111 (I MI H RIRN UN,
W*"l 1 I kTd (liiltrrml mbiMs) tiilt mchrt;
I I I lllflOrfor Fit K I'lllt BR*. 17.13;
I I 1 I ■■<->' ("• FOl'R I'll TTKIX ltKiM
lUfl Far sail, copies ot FIXK KTKKL
Iwl KM.RtVIM.v mad* by tb* cW-
I HK ■ brsicl I.KtIIUC proreav pnatrd OS
IVjr (J Fj Hrs.J rial* I'aprr for framing
I Soul irn .ml. tor lllastralrd I'al
lalecwr containing aver IN pkiarea.
Ail trsas, THB I>MI V UCSTNK,
J. P. WARD,"
VTest Texas Land. Tax Agency,
Abstract Office,
Lan 1s l-.ujhl, (old. |.o.looted; Titles Inrosrlirstod ;
Tsiss patil Infonasiicti as In value. loeaUisi. in any
portion of the St.te Psrliet wantin* bonaa la Tetaa,
investment. mde in Ism), can do an with ./>*,
thci*h mjr office. a reasonable (oe charged and
Kattrffiw ta cwrrwrC.
I Purs l ull—<t (1(1 tb* only liquid la it).
And *ll Owistds uses where a mux nvaawut raiKT is
needeit (Sold mixed and ready fur oas.)
II effectually resi.u hesl. frost, ram and smw
11 lenhe nail nrreais decay.
It tic.lecle bum .sorts and *in efsder..
It makes old aAfeyls *•-/ shunt equal to new.
And efd (is eon''" fully •Qua] to new.
Cres c.MB< oelv nreded for shtnsles or tin.
ll* sallon a square for (bmcles . I. *mUoa f"r tin It will
not Impair rain water sees /'er drt.He;/
It la pnrr, cheap, ditmbie and ksdsaf.
(Roofs west ksyer/seffy dry wben it it put un )
K B Farmer*. Manufacturers, Fibantable and Bda
cst tonal InetJt lit loos. Railroad Ou'a. esd .wyM) ela,
will And It just what they need for bulldma*. roofs,
hams, fenoea. care, iron work, eta . etc .frmtfy
la (As .liMrsrliN sen on o/ Iks .feawais.
We refer to
The It. T Slate buastic Asylum at UUoa. .1 K A M. Peckiism, Hlove MannfVs, I'tica.
•• Rueel Wheeler A Son, "
and many other*. Our Paint (Brown and Drab) is now
largely used by some of the mow rddoiief State. Bduea
tlonal, Oban table and Manufacturing Institutions in tb
oountry. _ •
1 to 4 (sllon Oana, sent s. aer'o- Brown Roof Psint,
at 81.V5 a gallon. Drab Paint St R I .DU a gallon.
fa, wn(A (As order.
By the Swrr.f ('.„ u t M gaits.) Roof, st 4 rls. and
Drab. 13ft a gallon--with idwvef I) iseoeai a> IA
„ „
Apply it our factories on Columbia, Oocnelia ad
Csuper Streets.
rMftcO—T* Colainblu Htrsei, t'TICA, N. Y.
Bend for Olrealdr.
Ho! Farmers, for Iowa!
drail a Taolal Cart lor daaenpUaa aad laapa a|
I.VIMI.<MMI Arrro af R * toadflax aaia aa ha*
tooi A"il drat-alaaa Ttafcaka fKII la land-baraxi
Etal'liM'to ' uul i.iurn hildraaa J. ft. CAI|IOCSt
nd I .M l w> wr I It M Unrt On B Kaad.'lpa
tod,i nk <iu> nr rri'.n Wanna, k'>
. -- Tkr H'lTra a*Mbnl
Vt • tI s"Ch\ Moral Mp -n. ... mraated
■T, ulo id a camlnrlaMa, a*
Mj)' aara anl aati.laidiay xppfl
una Wo oill laha baak tad
\/ p*> 101 l arlr. lor all tbai da ad aad,
Pnaa. ataxia. Ilka aal, 11. It* l4h atdoa, BB_ Maf
■noil. 1-I I'.'d, ta faoaiid prira a ft TMaTraat
*ll.l. rt'aa mnra Maptaroa Ihan ta| of llito hit aaiek
a.Ka.aaanl aUliaa ara load* I iri ulara ft, a.
BKd'JUMWira CKI.KBT aad < HAM.
Rrfer - A?,?-;;/ sir •
Paariaal aa a Tlartlara Calaa Ika tooala
da Uwir dull artm |*a ra*utanf| ,d rlaakaaft. patfad
ha kk M laii aaallila T. m.I. i. aha* dwurdatad, aaa
inri tnaaa laima '.atoli a ah Tti> r"a Errr* **'• at
•'' *" Ara u. m>.*A caoial, lialaaai*a aad
.Caatito laaau.a aad atu.iat.ia kaawt. i- tha taadmai
paalaaaiaa kkdd tf alt druaflaU
KATl'lin RlMttW^V
_Jat C*im ttaoo Pwa*nn_^^
A Source of Great Anxiety.
„ , llaa. Jaaa I. ItTt
Mr .l.uaM.i haa raaaiMdaraai Uaali fraa Iha aaa
•d V I '.hi Iht liar l. luin* haailh aaa a auan. "I
<*to< a<r to all of har fnaada A laa Udttoa <rf Uaa
'" r ■ ""* - ' *-[ i---i-|- ,1 .ppHMa
laaaraiM* aad Baal Idila iaaW.
Ba. Btaaw BaßaSa
A Special Offer
A Can ulna twlaa Magnatlc Tlana-
a.. tmmrUir a. mm*
a fauaaw r*"*. aad alia a aaawla. Caar
Ti.r±Xp3: ttffluSjsa
bladtaiMito, .ad la <ud uT...
raan-hto^amaa taaraahad-afll ha
M arar, paaaa af Uda papa, aa at raa
wt raw Cartat .ta Mill tt.
® "** af IS*. (Mpa aad M aah la
par la. parklxc. huxiha aad malllaa chaffaa.
Mapnatic Watch Co.,
Tto. dk, alii tea^
II mmM7 <wuß IB MI ti THIHMII mm
fB wiU W si Bit 4
.v' MN *
A % Fi.KTAni.K rKKTAK ATlOhl,
laaaatod ia tha 11 Ik oaalart tor Dt Williaja Ufaaa,
haiaatu la Kuii Jttm artaf ThrtHdh tta u*.| ha
raiad Ui<.iaj>da af tha nacat amuaa auraa aad w-'unda
that haAad Iba! af tha tao.l oaniwat phpactaar at !
ma d.| aad waa tacardad hp all aba km>a him aa a
pahiir taamfaakar 1/A caaria a box Put SaSa Ln IVac
a>al* aaaauallr haa< to mail aa rwaaaol of una*
Kaparud to dIfTII W. FOWI.K A dOMM.
•all ll.rn.itM Itraar, llauaa. Maaa.
IN THE crnr or NEW YORK.
261, 262, 263 Broadway.
a-AMiltlD IIM-*
ASSETS. $4,827,176.52
SURPLUS, $820,000
will be EISOOUSTED at 71
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Oa* of tho eddaat sod
met rriiobta mar
dmo la lbs oorid far
Coughs, Colds, Influenza. Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Whooping Cough,
Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma,
Difficulty of Breathing, Phth
isic, Pain in the Side and
Breast. Quinsy. Spitting
cf Blood, Liver Com
plaint, Bleeding of
the Lungs, and all
Diseases of the
Throat, Lungs
and Chest, in
cluding even
from jamksmitchklukso AvrFLLKNOirw
•• Soywral >ra c I >u attacked with a ■'■■ law
I drf#-u ty. wb.<h waeouitaaUrnunr I had oeoor-myht
1 ewwa-a. an 1 all tha pcwmoaiory rpwanl t'oneump
. Una Alt.T horn* irnt aaml temediee aad tha •hill
i id phywicia a without bonoflt. I a> ia J wood to nan
; Wtatah'a BalAaM >r Wiu> CsasnT.lba Brat bowJa
■ ,4 which aßi'T.l—d immediate ralwd. and a naunaaaa
I J ,ta uaw a -in mat mt. my u.ual health. For IS
| , aara paot It haa wet tailwil to afford entirr aaUafar
I t tin in all of sold>. tar am t bmat or tunc diAcal
to*. 1 know of no ro-dicine 1 conwdar ita eqool"
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
" About a )air aioca I waa attarkad with a aeeoro and
dtat/w>in< ouyh. followed by emaciation. nnt .waata,
and other aymptnma of ap.rrnaehiny ilnaa.a I triad
man; twmediea to no arail. and .o alarming did ml oaaa
appear that mjt fnwada entertained MCI.QI feara for my
nmuwr At thla Joartai. I pttrrhnaed a botlla of
WiaTn*n llaia.M or Wiu> Chkh. and at one* ha
nan to mend. and br tha tuna two hot tie. had baao
e.hauated 1 had entir lr eaind hoalth and atrwwAh
-1 .ball alwaya keep it in my family."
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
** A.a remedy for Inn* affectiona I oonaidar Da W-
T>B'a BALAAM or WILD Ciianm tha par nxoallanoa of
all tho numeroua patent medicinea. and .'far fail to
tr imimcnd it to mj frientla who mar ba affliotad. My
iu<>thcr and aiata* baaa both mada nan uf tha BatAAM.
and tho affoct haa far axowodad our moo*- tr wild,
i i pectationa, oompietcly roioriw tho form or, to tho
aurpriaa of hor numeaou. ti tooda. of a hard, dry counh.
wh ch had naarii broken hor down. Oaa haa only lotrj
ttua aiooilont remedy to bocome oocmnoed of ila mam
fold rtrtuoa "
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
SO eta. and SI a bottlo.
AO eta. and SI a bottle.
AO rta. and hit a battle.
SO cm. and SI a bot|le.
CAUTION— floonc. of ,-reperoNea. howrfnf n'allar
aaoo Exami+4 tAa boll It cor</uify bof'nr pocWtaaiaa,
mod heawr. yewpef DM. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD
CUKKR V, kowimy (Aa atyaefwr. if "I. BcTTk" ao tha
Prepared by SBTH W. FOWLE * SONS,
SO Marrlnon Arena#, Booiea, and awld by
ndrn slain.
•18 aag'm^raL.vai-.tttr
AI)Bl n 9 l J **•<*>! * 15rJ
▼ 'W+OJk frm. J It i.xioxKi o . bttMtsln,
Hb/Lllfl""- *""> ' "wIH-M Writ**.
*■ A *>Xhtap* _
dfh mil bp If AdrMik lnjan.l7 MM
•L l|li€ M ■ Ikwawartldav IVra
*9 U WU f . IM. n**.
l i rIWTT l irm far >Muiif> dahtlitf Head hw rlr.a
tar a> aajl aa It* A. it A MM. Mat hroadaar, NaaVexk.
J350 h3i?SJai?sS^
jiT OIT !-"■•• MMI Iml< "Tramehaai.
h..i.lajsd haa!* < bamh ta tba aamp .I ttf f
taStato"* IfwHMHtM Aaaaka aaiii twin
Tax Kru um, f o Km m. .• Y*h 0*.
M Mwhw4 Meet*,
flf AflfTfl -
EeiALlisfcied UU
■WW-*-*- —-
""■?* ma a&&nxffu ™.
Warrta Wrtalg Nt Tt*.
la Uwt n ImlitiM, mnMat lw tiM FimMt
tlaitar a*Mo~j> WaeUl a^ TLadhlr .• f
*2na ESS? r~
Jlw f. ft. UI KHHV, aa—u, Mala*.
n bad lamilr a.amaxar pahh.t.d. aMtaaaaa. Ml#-
Ma aMaa■ -ad|a.
Ymtaa—Bf par naaaa; ataka at ala.aa. Bit paa
•~t?7sa W (OPV ÜBATtd.
SIOJJ2S sw^-3
" Mwnrt'll Ma. tMk( 1881-Mal
air fsa^
SI.OO fuod
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings.
7" h<t AuPWtHfMlflff•■'M
OA# MMCAS jifj ift*j KM.
- #AO©
Allen's Lung Balsam,
'* Ua <m at arhaob haaiUs iuka>a arm nooßirod 4#
•t it*-*--* aitt uj Ijmmm ar (tni lanon. m* as
'■QMbo. OoM*. tlbpi. Mniai liaoo mat CiaoaiapMna.
U no, < -t*i H4 tVmniin It mm*Ouaf —I
tooaid bo a Uw bow at mmmri I*l l
WaM by W MmMrtm* #qi.l*w
I J MMb krt Mapparter mm 4
SK7 l*da.
few Be*atf, Sty IN MMI
trnovKii itturavucuii
I JwKttfl *■>>•■ n> 3ao, tj mH IS blMk,
r/MIK VI > Omui. fj (ma Om.
• if'lwjr. < .* AGiurn!
f jfr'T f VAjritt MAMMM
AH About Minnesota
VN4 Fir* ItmUmrm far ffcr H rrkltt
A Bm Wall Ma# of lbs Sfatlbonost aaa* past paid U
awl) U • rKCMIt M h ata ,■ IHR biaaaa
a liar Wml anil fr.< is (AM Tapo* M tb taheaoaWoa
aaa> 1 hwiittlM. do . Ik I'aal. Maaa .
Kmm KKfM mm urn—mt, mm aaaitta -TP. Moat
Sum's Pass) Pwth sM, DIM bum*
' Ws bs B Jla.*-a*3 SS SSST Sa riSMSlll. s HssbaAlrf.
"bo ran baal. au Is* Ml .Ml.
Caap'oOaaMM bbHts-aaada Is Mam,
**tr OsUsr sad
itooaißan I— *tr*a wHb -t lUf Sac Koop'o Hurt
loos'! hurtson diaHioooil IUI as r oool*l ef anas
is as* pat a#tb* "o"*. r mtprmm i* OI*M as pa*
aspoo Mb fall loossoi too aiilasoaaiMisl
ioMlNaHaatitbm *c ataaop reqairad
Oaal aboaUf mi lb* MsaateoAsisr as 4 pal Bmua
IVIOM _basj> llMdutiitMl *> . IMA Maasar ®L. K.T.
Wbahaa at* bsar J af tb* - BrRUXOTO*"
44 Hawkeye Humorist ?"
Mao In BOOK is mod*. and s noai atiaima*lj nek sad
nop It is pariacol* irooanhio laau aaa aaoaro
laiami l> acaant anlioolo* Ada sat.
AMKBICAX rtrOisHIJMJ CO , llaitford.Ooooa
or* ■' RUM S CO. 11l 000 A, M.J.
Chicago Weekly Post!
fSt (WrmnoJ
Oomo Year. Pootapr paiol ... ....U *.
Pea Cf*K ..S*
I ihici' |gfm §0 Afabf* A4<!PIM^
THE POST. Chicago.
The great riotS
It onMaiao a full aowooat of tha Mia of taafor ta
Putat.niwh. Makum- rw. Obionew and It haa <hua Tbt
I roafhota hefwwwn iha 'mow nf tho naoh Terrible oae
(Ugrwt una aad .Va-trwcUuo uf ntofiani Tbr.imn i naanaa
and i-.cidont*. otc .Otc Hood for a fell dawenptma of
tha wot* and oar wxtra to au to Aaota tiitraa
S.TtiUtat It wtraaiau Co.. Phdadalphia. Pa __
"The Best Polish in the World."
HMs. Ata*sTr.C
HBSfc /Lmt >.m
■MU*TW rmaiT ii* w M44L
hsfU tag. .fSsMMg I ta rftm ata, MI tawvysi
tag ta wmst s W wts. Aifcst
Washburn & Moen Han'fg Co.
i |
i mar sua barb fiidis. r
—& 4
- E_
A 6TEEL Thorn Hadya. Wo othar Fount* ao
ehaap or cut up ao quickly, Neewr rata aiaina,
decays. shr.nka. wr warpa Umffhcmd by Arm.
wind, or flood A oomplote Darner to tha moot
Dy man or baaat TWO
?.S2!^ N lP,e_ TOyK 80 LD AND PUT UP
DURING THR LAST TEAR For am'a at the
baduw hard wart mora, with Strwtohera a=4
I •tn-w-. ft —tf >- ntfrdrn'V PaanVAt
8000 OLD
w>mWT>7>' Tflana Alwaya nim Alwaya
teady. Alwaya handy Han nawnr yot faflad. BMrt,
akOfaaa Jkaa. (aatad U. Tha wbol. world appa*r tha
ntocioua oM Muataat-tha Bant and Ohaaeaat Umn-it
! • i anaunoa t& eaato a bottlw Tha Mnmaafl Laaimaat
cuiaa whan nuihinc nlaa will.
aoi.n RV A 1.1. wrntnfww
A poottirw ramady for all inaaaan of tho Kldneye.
Bladder and Urinary Orsmae; alio pood in Orwp.
nlcal Cataplalnta. It prodneon aictnooa In
aorta in and apaady in Ma aotkm. It M faat auparoodma
all othar rwraodvao Biaty oapnolaa earn ta aiz or aicht
day*. No other mndtoia# one de Ufa
Beware af Imltatlona, for. mriat to Ma rroat
■neooaa, many hawa boon offorwd ; aotno aro'mort danyor
ooa. oatunny piloa. ato.
ItUNDAN DICK A: I O.K So-Wm Soft rap.
mil", r— 'olot.y Oil if" aoid at of drop
Wan*. Aah for eirrolar, or aaad for aa. it aod Iff
Wooßrr .Strom, Worn Took.
NT If P No *f!
" |lOf flay that yea saw the aevertie*.
■teat la thia papet.