THE CENTRE REPOK v ER Thtirerlnv. Oct, 4, 1877 t anus 4-2 per yrar. irkrn paid adronce; srArw'wri paid in advontt. .1 ift rtimmrnts SOctaper iinrfor ihm in • ■rl '.•■. otbf ft cent*j cr lint for ever* atiA tnpttv/ tit*, i fion. .4r/-rrft.< menfa Ay */ o> F.. mU • vary SsWMsrstSSlnt In th 1>,1.1 Follow, 11*11. ,t. M un i.ti.sso.Moot. tt. P sasaav. a.O. ■ tie VVWTI/mcW, No Vff, t A. W. moot, on St ,nl*y oromne on ot l>otor each full at eon ta !!>• IM.t follows ttiill. u C. F lUni.A. HVu. Soot J A. Ftvwtso. V M rn.sinss* ttn .so*. M.v, n*. r of 11. moots t thotr ll*lt. i'oolto tl.ll on iho S*iont*j on or Ho fore full nivn*tjr M an.l otory two trooS* *ftor. l*>n*tU tthwpa MaaSnr. t>. w. Host. Stn LOCAL ITEMS. STCRK ROOM FOR RENT. The ndcrsigned offers the store-rcom, knowt as Berlachor's old stand, at Centre Hall, for rent. The stand ia desirable on* in all r*pe< U Pos-easion can be anv time afler At r 1 Ist, by applying to J Hksry Kkm.kß at Centre Hall. tf. Wash. Shnter. ef Potters Millo, is about to ilit to Missouri The atnpuuUon of the arm of the Weaver hoy. mentioned in a rceent issue, was performed by Dr;. I.oil*el arJ Mus srr. faction as the county fair affords, to alter wards or before hand, visit Secbler's gro cery, and see what a wo-iderfttl variety of groceries they keep and sell cheap. -—Judge Orvis is holding court at Bed ford. Judge ilall beu.gill. Mr. Joseph Omtxer, living a short distance above Centre llall, must know th* secret of raising potatoes and beets. From a patch of 28 rods be raUed 42 bu>h els of potatoes, and out ot ibis lot he has J4 which make a bushel. From a patch of 9 rods he raised 46 bushel* of sugar beets; ou: of tho lot be has 8 which fill a bushel L. ts' hear who can beat Crotxer's beets. Whatever Newman hss not got in the lino of Clothing, does not count any thing. lie has the largest and most com plete stock ever seen in Centro county It was Newman who reduced the price of Clothing, and benefitted hundreds thereby in these hard times. Such men should bo plontier and they deserve long life Venn's creek, according to Linn's Annals, had the Indian nameof "Kaaron denhab," as per a deed of July ti, 1784. A iter wards it was calied Jotn Penn's Creek. lion. Joseph F. Quay, of Clinton coun ty, died on Sunday, 23, aged 84. Judge Quay was all bis life a man of considerable protnineucc and fnduence. lie was by profession a farmer and surveyor, was many years a Justice of the Peace, server! one term as State Senator troui the Clinton also a term as Associate Judge in Clinton county and hel l other local of fice*. la the case of Coni'th vs Drake, reent ly, for shooting a chicken thief, the grand jury of Clinton county, agreed that he served him right, and ignored the bill. A similar example in each county in the S'. rtc would bo better than chicken chol era powders. According to Linn's Annals of Buffalo Valley, Captain William Wilson Potter, of Belief nte, has tbe flag of tne Royal, captured on the field of Mou rn i'.h, New Jersey, by bis (maternal) grandfather, the late Judge William Wil son, of Chiilisquaque Mills, Northum berland county. The flag has the appear ance of having been wrenched from the staff, and has a lew old dust mar|j on tbe device ; otherwise it looks as bright and near as if it bad iust come from the gentle fingers that made it, although ninety-nice year* have rolled sway since iu golden folds drooped in the sultry air ot that June day battle. The battle of Monmouth was fought on tba 28th of June. 1778, and the day was to fearfully hot that fifty-nine British soldiers died without receiving a wound. The flag_jn the posse-sion of Captain Wilson is a rare relic of Revolu tionary days, and la prise* it very highly. Bitten by a Rattlesnake. -Rebecca Woolsidge, of Bradford town*hip, was or. a visit to some friends in Girard twp., two weeks ago. She attended church on Sun day evening, and on her way heme, after 9 o'clock p. to., she was bitten by a rattle snake, which was lying in tbe edge of the rDad. The snake struck a little above tbe ankle, and tbe limb soon swelled exces sively and became very painful. By band aging and administering large doses of liquor the pnin was allayed, and *he is now out of all danger from the effects of the bite.—Clearfietd Republican. Cob urn A Spring Mills—wbat doc* tbat mean ? Why by reading Motz and Snook's advertisement in tbe Reporter, you will find they deliver coal, plaster and salt, by car load at Spring Mills, and by car load and retail at Coburn station, at lowest prices, and pay highest Cash price for all kinds of grain. Per.nsvalley far mers note this. Hublersburg had quite a fire on the 24:h ult, Mr. Jas- I. Gramley writes us .- Mr. George Swartz's foundry was burned to ashes nnd nearly all that was in it, in cluding the cngino. Some of the patterns were saved. The insnranco had expired a few weeks ago. .The building aus ab