THE CENTRE REPORVKH. Thursday, Sept, 27, JBV-TKHM*. —S'iper year. rcArsi /void i> l i./rgnrc J'i.&tl te'ira Sjnf P""' "• arfrmw. Jiw /or thrrt v --nertinn*. and 6etnt*prr lino ;or veerjtr **A .lequtnt in*tr(in>i. diiwrttiMinid ty thf yenr f n liberal dioronnt. SkstcrHrrtoutu/fthf comfy *Aet*W rr ■nit ss- lO eta, rrwtowwf of one a yoaf .oge! inttrnd q/Stlr/s a4formari,}f t*A a/senr Ay ih cm sol or*. •S'kAfirrtAer.s eon n.Vy* All Aesr fa. tr no c xni* Hand ot thr Rri.ortrr affie* Ac con suiting 'As loilfn on thnr paper a, h thr lob!* roods 'John Koe 1 jan ,A if save " thot John i* uhhtfd for sub' -rr>fr..* nvr* tk* l*f <•/ Jnnuory. ISTS. o - that %t is f-mr Ac teas paying thr printer. LODGE MEETINGS. Cwwrar. Ham i.w.s.*s SSV.T ■ -'* j "— u "twn mihoO.i-I J M.vln UICASW, .Ssoi. It I v rt,o Foar tXVno a. No. WT. V. A. M..■*** .ea ...taltia-a dtMMssSW tutl weoa m ln (VW Vtllfl** Hl. ~ . \4 o K. Hisui'hv*. B*rt. .1 V. ruvb". ' SRR:ST:J- LOCAL ITEMS. STORE ROOM FOR RENT.—Thw ndersigned offers tho store-rodm. known as Hcrlacbcr's old stand, at t cntrw Hall, for rent. The stand is a durable one in all rwawecla • Poes#*aio can be bmi acv time after April Ist. b.v sop'y ing to J Mknuy Kkli an at t en ire Hall. tr. —The telegraph is fotiowing tba rali road, and liglitning will sewn click in Wallace Duncan's office at Spring Miils. —firdcrs for work are increasing with each week, at Heislcr's Marble Works Uellorte. Tbey make the bot and cheap est monuments and lamktlNiM in the state. THA one half o? a vro-n out circtM and meoagerie passed through her* on Friday morning. It sh>wd t Potter's Mills and JJellefonte, with very slim au dience*. If FaUtaflT were still mustering recruits he could made a successiul haul by gvvbbling up this affair. We regret to learn that Mr. John Daubertnan, of Centre Hill, mat with a serious accident on 'J® inst-, while tkreeh ing with a seperntor at George tovdhart a. His left hand was caught by the cylinder and the thumb and fingers crushed in a manner as to cripple his hand eatirely. Dr. N off was called and dre-scd the hand, amputating the little finger and may pos sibly havoto perform the same opeMlftn on tbe remaining fingers. The Fair It he Fair ! all will go to the Fair, but none should fail to call in at Hoffer A Kline's, and see their enormous stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes Hoffer's is headquarters for bar gains." Remember it. —Just go to Powers' Bvllgfouto Hoot am! Shoe Emporium, and he will plea-e you in every respect. You will be pleas ed with the man, and shoes, and the low Cash price he sells them at. The ladies of the Lowisburg Bapt -t church request ta*, "for love," to publi.-h the following: "Tha ladies ot the Baptist church will baTe, uvury day during the Fair, at the Boarding House, on the ground, an abundant and palatable dinner. Lunch, Oyster* and Ice Cream at aii hour* " Centre county visitors to tho Lowisburg Fair will know now where to get som nice things ts eat. Send us your "picters ' ladies. Rev. Jacob Ktfhle, a Lutheran ptqpcber of Huntingdon, while on his way to conference at Fairiuonnt, had his pock et picked of his pocket book at Grafton It contained S7O and other valuable pa per#. Well, why did'nt he ob-erve what . the good Book says tbat they shall not take "scrip'' with them. Whatever you may wish, in the line of drugs, medicines, toilet and fancy arti cles yow - side the county, than any other pkper, and will forft our pay if this is /bund nof correct. A handsome medal. resembling a newly stamped American quarter, bright and shining, bas been made to order, and is being distributed free to Newman's cus tomers, at the Eagle Clothing Uall, where is also tab® seen theJargest aau be*t rteik of Clothing tlue -iao Philadelphia, and better yet, cheaper than you can buy i the eastern cities. As aclolbing man, New man is greatest success in central Penn'a, and it is all owing to hi* habit of giving customers the full worth of their money. Try him. Mr. John Powers, in Bush's block, has opened his stock of new boots and shoes for the fair season. Now, farmer* ot Pennsvalley, and the rert of Centra cojin ty foil:*, just go to Powers, and sec wheth er he can't fit your feet, suit your ta-te. and at prices that you wi i admit to be low. He has a magnificent stock < f boots, shixtf, gaiters Ac., for men, women and children and no shoddy about any of his goods. It is all made to wear, and if any thing is not found as he represents it, he is willing to make it good. —Those who voted on are last year, should "pay u iitate and County tax on or before the 6th of October next, in order to secure a vote this year. Housekeepers will bear in utiuu mat the best is always the cheapest, and tbal the purest i always tbo best; you cm get the beat and purest groceries of Sechler A Co., and hence the cheapest. The best medicines for family use are Green's Compound Syrup of Tar, Hon ey and Bloodroot, a pleasant, safe and i certain remedy fyr copgbs, cplds, etc j Green'* Blackberry Balaam, a sure cure for cramp, coTlc, tfiarfliea, djsentefs\ etc., at F. P- Green's, in the Bush House block. Remember that Saturday, Oct. 6th. is the last day on which to pay tax or take, out naturalization papers. Attend to these, things in time. WAGON FOR SALS.—A large road wag on, good as new, and which can readily be cut down to a plantation wagon, is of fered for sale cheap, by JOHN WOLF, Cen tre Mills, Pa. 3t A good horse will be taken in exchange for the wagon. FOR SALE.—R new Golden Tongue Organ, warranted. Will be sold Tery low. Inquire at this office. tf. The bid of the Centre Hall Band be ing the lowest received, has been accepted and that band will be present during the whole term cf our Co. Fair. Other bunds are also expected to be present part oi the lime. AMVSKMKNTS This department of our Co. Fair, will undoubtedly he quite n treat. The programme will embrace. among ether fettturf. the following Conipition ♦or premium in horn* hack riding by ladies anil gentlemen. F.xbibilion of 'Fantastic*" on bono* and niulw. Corn busk ing matches, (RM stalk* each.) W.>d- awing matches, ,| cord each.) Horse race thesKiw**! hot?,* to be the winner. Sack race* for boys and in on. Wind folded rae*l for boys and mow \Vhel-barrow race*- Ft man's rac Foot race*. bufile races, *tc . etc. RRBRRSBURtt .v VICINITY Why can w-e not have a daily mail b Sine-- wa hav# railroad oommunien'.in* iv It tin seven miles we think it would he no snoro tbar proper and just to cut offthe j route rtom Millheim to Howard anl in stead run daily through our valley. We cou'd then get Philadelphia news in a dav, whereas at iltswehaveto wwittwo or three days gnu otten more. Let the prop er persons take this matter in consideration and in a very short time we may have a J daily mall. I The School board of our tow nship met and graded the salary and awarded the different cboo>> to the following gentle men.- Stover's, John Delong , Brum gard's. John 0 Morris t Wolfe's, G. \\ Hcsterman : tiramly'i, Geo Frauk ; Pve "beraburg. J. R. Brumgard and C. L Gramly ; Matter *. C Obediah Malcrv ; MadUonburf.lJ. C.RurkertandL LeiUell. They pay averdmg to oertileato ranging (pom $22 to $33 per month. Bravo ! Haw Moa. The following is the decree of Court e* üblishiiig two election precinct* in Potter township, a copy of was kindly fur nished us by J. L Spangler : And now. Sept. 7, 1877, it is ordc cd and Jccreed that the place for holding the olections in the Southern Precinct dis trict, of said Potter township, shall he at the public school house at Potior's Mills, and that Robert McCoriuick ibaU bo Judge and James Runkle and NY. J. Thompson shall be Inspectors of Elections in said district till an election board shall be elected in said district as provided by law. And it ia further ordered and decreed that the place for holding the elections in the Northern Precinct District, in said Potter town*Uip sbalt be at the public school house in Centre, Hall and that Jauie* A. Keller-hall be Judge and B. F. Arney and J C Boal shall be Inspector* of Elec tions in saul district until election hoard shali be elected i* said district as provided bv law. By tbe Court, O. A. MA tic a, P. J. Certified from tho Isocord this loth day of Sept, A D., lt>77. A. WILLIAMS. Clerk. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine for October is won by of special favor. One scarcely knows where lo commence in quoting of its varied and liberal content*. The number is jut replete with literary gems. Interesting in the extreme through* ut its 13S is at once a book of po ems, short stories, continued tales, history, sermons, pleasing and insttuetive anec dotes ; beautiful illu-trations, 100 of them; wit, science, etc. In a word, itia library in itself, to be welcomed and enjoyed by render* of all •„■*> who may be unfortu nate enough to secure a copy. Kxtra edi lions of this number will surety he called for. Subscription price for one year s.l j for a single number, 23 cents. In each case it is sent free by mail. Our readers should address their orders to Frank Les lie's Publishing liou-e, 33 Fearl Street, New York. IMPORTANT TO ALL. Thi* is to notify the public that I have leased, for a number ot years, the cele brated Stone Mill from S. P. Ruble 1 have also retained D. M. Cowhsw as mil ler. We manufacture the best nour and a full turn out Our past, we trust will be sufficient guarantee to our patrons of fair and honest dealings We have and will niaintsis our reputation. Give us a trial and wo will prove that it is lo your inter est to patronise Flour at wholesale and retail. I have appointed Andrew Keesmitn. Centre Hall, agent for our cele brated flour J KaoMK SriOKLMI K(A. Al*o a fu.l line of merchandise lower in price than v*r. 13sept4t Tbe Lewistown Democrat has the following particulars of the death ot Mr. Thompson, announced in last week's Re porter t Fatal Act idest. —On Thursday even ing last, whilst the evening mixed train from this place to Sunbury was at Seiins grove, an accident occurred, which has since resulted in the death of the baggage master, Mr. Wm J. Thompson, formerly ticket agent at Milroy. Mr. T. was in the baggage department of the passenger car, and the train was being hifted toward bim for coupling. When the cars wore ap progchihg be stepped out quickly, with the Intention, it is supposed, of attending to the coupling, but somehow fell bead foremost between the car*, and the dead woods caught his left leg, mashing the fleshy parts terribly from tbe thigh down to the ank'ie. No bones were broken, and it was thought tbat be was not injured in ternaliy. Although the wounds were se rious. his physician at Sunbury, whither be wa- taken, considered the case hopeful until j-unday morning, when, no 'reaction having yet occurred, it became apparent that the wounded man was in real danger. He died the same nigbt about 10 o'chck, having been conscious and apparently bopelul of rccorery until almost the last moment. His remains were brought b> Milroy and interred on Tucsdaj, and fu neral was a very large one The deceased was a man of exemplary character, and universally esteemed by all who knew him. He was aged about 43 years, and lepvcs a wife and several children. The Spring Mills branch of T. A. Hicks A Bro's hardware store is now in full operation for Stoves, Tinware, and Hardware for ail classes of mechanics. Be tides their principal store at Bellefonto it one of the most complete in the stale, where you always meet with a perfect set of gentlemen in every sense of the word, Tliey have reduced prices for the benefit of the public in general ard it is a truth that builders or coachmakers can not go to Philadelphia to-day anc, buy material lower than offered by Hicks A Rr<>. There is not an article in the line of hardware, needed by the farmers, mechanics or housekeeper that they can not supply. CENTRE COUNTY FAIR— It WIN not j my intention in exhibit anything ihi* full, but on giving the mailer due consideration and believing it to be the duty of every business man to contribute something to wards making our county fair a grand suc cess, and as it also affords an opportunity to the public to judge the merits of goods 1 offer, I cordially invite all competitors to bring forward their goods, and I also chal lenge those gentlemen who ara not con fined to any one branch of business, and who know nothing about the goods I offer, and who have falsely asserted and repre sented that they sell boots and shoes equal to those sold in legitimate boot and shoe stores in Bellefonta, to produce their goods, as I propose to do, before the peo pie of Centre county, and allow the judg es to determine the truth of tbe matter. JOHN* POWERS, Bellefonte, Pa. The late toll-gate riot, in the Nar rows went through the Union county court at Lewisburg, last week. There were some 40 witnesses present. Mr. Motz was fined $75 and costs of prosecution; John Btoner was fined $25 and the rest of tbe party each $1 fine. The costs in the case will sum up several hundred dollars. Mr. Motz has had Holloway, the gate-keeper, prosecuted for embezzlement, and tbe grand jury, wo are informed, has found a bill against him. One of the grand jurors of the upper end on his return re ported that tbey bad indicted Holloway for "ambassador." ' SHOOTING AFFAIR AT TYRONE. 1 w W Hutchinson, alias Ware, of AN ! toon*, and W. F. Funk, trlonging ulo in I tliat vicinity. having boon iuspccte-1 for sonio time of "shoving the queer, ord<* ing in counterfeit money, wore |>ottod by several Pittsburgh dot..olive-■, and follows e.l to lb* City Hotel, at Tyrone. One of the detectives gained the confidence of the shover* and propvwed to take *o.oe of ,U< ir money, as they had about SI,OOO in green* haoka, halves, and trad*, dollar* 11* tbair possestion. An agreement was made to have the transfer made in one of the room* ol the hotel, w here the detective and the two dealer* In me queer met on S.ntrday ilast, accord in* to appointment. Tha milt p'oduced roll ot greenbacks, which the detective *iid he could uoi receive unlet* "they wore wrapped up in moHu, a aw too d*ngorou< to carry that kindof money m ootid Uee. Hotohinvon, who ha I a sort ol suspicion of the detective, left the room with his hand on the butt of his pistol. While absent the detective -eiaed Funk, and a struggle nued Funk got on the top and tried to use his own pistol, but was prevented. The noise of the struggle brought chief detective Roger tvklara, of Pittsburg, upon the scene, an! Funk wns captured. Meanwhile Hutchinson mude hit appearance and was mot on tbe stair way by Mr O. W. Perkint, another de tective '"rem Pittsburgh. The counterfeit er wa* commanded lo surrender, but in stead of complying with the order, he drew his revolver and fired two shot* in succession, both of which misaed the de tective. Perkins then returned the !irc, bitting Hutchinson in a vital part, lhe latter ran about a tquare und a half, then (ell and thorlly after died Funk was sent to eri-on. Perkins, the detective, ( was also arrested, but subsequently releas ed by order of the coroner s jury.—llarris burg Patriot. .NO EXCUSE FOVAXY ONE BEfNGi Ul TOF EM PLOYM EN T. Our attention has been called to some new and useful cooking utensil*, recently invented which make baking and cooking a pleasure, instead of a dreaJed necessity. One sof which, the Patent Centennial Cake and Bread Pan, made of Kussia iron, u K> constructed that you can re move your cake when baked, instantly from the pan, without breaking or injur- < ing it, and you can reuuiva tbe lube, and , convert it into a plain bottom |*n, for | baking jelly or plain cakes, bread, tic. Another—the Kitchen Hem—a plated wire boiler or steamer to hang inside of all ordinary iron pot, for boiling or steam ing vegetables, etc., which when done can be removed perfectly dry, without lifting ■ the heavy sooty iron pot off the stove, | avoiding the danger of burning the hands with the steam in pouring off the hot wa-;! ter, and the vegetables cannot pos-ibly burn if the water boils dry. as tbe suaaier, does not touch the bottom of the pot. These goods are sold exclusively through agent* to families, and every house keep- j fr should bv all means have them. A tpleudid opportunity is offered lo some re liable lady or gentleman canvasser ol this County to secure the agency for n pi. asant and profitable business For ter.ns. terri tory, etc., write to L K. Browo & Co-,1, Nos. 214 and 216 Kim street, Cincinnati. Ohio. 28 sepUli • -♦ • FIRB IN UNION COUNTY. MiiHinburg, Sept. "JO.—The store of S. Grtgcn Ad the re-idenco of Robert Fees were entirely destroyed by lire lust night The origin of the Cra is unknown, but niain'v covered by insurant*. \T AS UK MUKDKKKD? Considerable excitement wascau.ed l*t Thursday evening by a rumor that the re-i mains of an unknown man had b-en found about 300 yards fnw tba road that goes to Nirtany Valley through Harvey's sjap. On Friday Coroner Mader summoned a jury and proceeded to the place, and found a human skeleton. On the skull was a piece of wood on top of which laid a large stone, weighing probably 73 pound-, and oaj on the abdomen. Kound about were pino knots, and a fim had swept over the remain*, as the skull and odvsr bore; oflho body showed evidence of having been burned. Tbeakull was badly fnc tured about the right temple, and the bones of the face and lower jaw b-U disap-i peared, probably burned. The skeleton was found by Mr?. ltosina Maier, wife of Jc-itu Maier. who was hunting her cow through the woods 4- pair ®f spectacle* in a tin case was found u-ic.- (tone over the abdomen and breast, together with a black pocket comb and a short iead pencil on the end of* which was a blank cartridge cap ; a sleeve button with a fig ure similar to a Maltese cross on the top. and a brass finger ring with a mark over it were found. A cane which bad been mud- of an umbrella handle *t found ly ing under his lie wore, from indi cations, a blue flannel soirt will, wljilobijt tons, a brown vest and a coat of dark coin." lined with grrvn and black canton flannel, w.-re No. Bor'. boots, and was evidently about 0 feet high with dark brown hair. The man had le.c a sci-sors grinder. A short distance to the uorthes*. near the foot of an upryoled tree, beneath a pile of dirt, was found a carpel sack frame, a good fined bottle with a little oil in and a Tery small vial with ink, a small ham mcr with the letters "N. K" on the end of handle, a small pocket Testament with Psalms, bound with red morecco with a leather fastener, in which were two blue ribbons used as book-marks, and a tin type picture of an elderly lady dressed in light dress with dark stripes running lengthwise over the wait, tin shaving cup. brush and wooden strop covered with leather, small oil can, sponge, pal* of shears, one ball of shoe thread, whetstone, bottle of j hair oil, and a long comb, a few needles in a wooden box, a file which bad been used as a punch. In auulhcr direction were found, under a pile of stones, a small I grindstone with cast iron basm and wood en ba.-e and a fsuute, on one pa it of which was a leather strap, A man answering this description a* nearly as could be ascertained passed the house of one of the witnesses at the inquest which was held on Tuesday, some time in May last. Another witr.e-s testified thai he had been over tbc ground where the skeleton laid last tall hut saw nothing l it; that he hauled burk over the road which runs pear the place where the bones were found in June la.t, and ul time* smelted a fearful stench. This would in dicate that the body bad been placed there within the spring months. But let that be as it may—whether then or long before, as *omu contend —there has barn murder committed, the murderer is at large, and it is the duty of the police authorities to exhaust every effort to discover the crimi nal, and it would be well to offer * reward for his capture anJ conviction. As we go to press a rumor reaches town that a scissors grinder named N. Kepner, (the initials on the hammer handle were N K.) disappeared frotn Sugar Valley about three years ago and had not since been seen or heard from.—Cl. Democrat - 9 -W- ■ Go to the Fair.—'twere w u belter wuy of putting in a few duya of rest, or play if you like, than by going to the lair Go and see the sights; go and tee what your neighbors have been doing in the way of raising cattle, horses, sheep, swine, big pumpkins Ac., Ac. Go and meet all your neighbors and acquaintances and bare at least one good jolly holiday in the year, ffun't forget to take your wife and [children along for they will it as much as you; This year'* fair has the bestj programme in the stale. Remember, our Co. Fair, at Bellefonte, next week. LINK'* ANMAUJ or BT/rrALo VAL LEY. —We are under obligations to the author, John B. Linn, Esq., Deputy Bec'y oftbe Commonwealth, for a copy of the above highly interesting work. It'will be prized in every library, especially in cen tral Pennsylvania, a* a record of incidents connected with our early history not to be found in any other work. The book goes back to the arrival of Win. Perm, relates tbe Penns Creek massacre, in 1755, gives the locality of Indian tribes, and a history |oi the <' raltlora of tho v allr y, liu idynl* which are only known by tradition I" the „ ■ P"*>p|e o( Centtr couaiy, especially of the , eaiit-ni portion The work 1* convenient* ly arranged for obtai t 'it date, incident# t and rami'* We know of no to "*1 history . llihl is ii* lull and (Oinplete u Linn'* f Anna!*, and s'!, which t* the price of the , I book, can not be mere ) rofltably ipont, r Copies m*v be obtained of Daniel Dorr, agent at Bellelonte or by adtlH'-lng J 11. t Linn, nt llairiburg with check or postal ~order lor 4>'2 when ti<' book will be aotil , port paid. ' O U>t Saturday. JT-M, the Veteran 1 Club of Cenlro eouali I.eld lL ir annual le ulil'tt nt H- ward. Tbe dev w very Sne, and a large crowd lat gathered nt * the wood* and station. Abo.t oulf pa i ' 1} o'clock, the train ftom It tlri. nt* ai riv ed. with ten car*, all well filled. A pro cess lun *i ioirwodiately formed, headed ' by the t'entre Hall Band, and followed by ' n drum corp*. Bellefbnto Band, veteran-, ' I'ino Urove Uand, veteran* and ©ltixens, The precession arrived at the ground* 1 about half past one, wben the President * announced thai a* it war te late tororgan -1 ise, all get their dinner, and meet ai '2 o' ' clock. After d nner v.* over the people were called U> ordtr by the president. ' (Jen. Beaver. The exerelet-fwere opened ' r ; th prever by Rev. Toniliaion. A poem of welcome wa* then rc*d by toe ec'y, D. S. Keller Maj. H. 11 Koater then gave ' an account of the soldiers Centre county had furniiehd for the late war, and espee ' iallj of the 14ftih regiment duriog it* bloody career in the late war The ad -1 dress was very Interesting and was luten ed to with greatest attention, and very creditable Jto Mj. Foster. Gov. Curtin I was then introduced by the president and made a ipcoch which wa* loudiy cheered, jThe ooainiiltee, which was appointed to 'select a place foe tba next reunion, report ed I'ioe Urove, which was a-tui ual by the lOlub, and the President then announced that the nest re union would bo held at the usual time, at l'ine Urove. The Club then adjourned to the depot for the train. cuTcacoT Chicago, September "if.—Wheat strong and higher; No. 2 Chicago *pr ng, $1 14 ' for caan; ftl lHiubl ISJ for September, f I,* (1 for (KU)ber. Oal easier. *.h>sc for cash or October. Kyo firmer, at Mic. Barley lirmer at OSjc. Alex. 11. Stephens Is at August*, Ga„ |and in fair health, lie is on Li* way to 1 1 W askiogton. , ' A fire In Keyport, X. J , on Friday ' night, destroyed thirty house* and store* iin the b'isiuc>* part of the city. The loss is S-JUG.UOO , HOUSE AN J) u> r at public SALE. A dwelling House and Lot. 11 mile* from Spring Mill*, on the AaronbUrg and tlrllefonle turnpike, and within 1 rude of the railroad, w ill be offered at public sale, |on SATI'RDAT. OCT '27. 77. atone o'- 'clock, p. m Fruit Trees, Water, and all neeavsary Outbuildings on the lot. If said property is not *ut4 on said day, it will be rented for one year THE HEIRS o~ep oj Ph Musser dee d. pUBLIC SALK.- Will bo offered at public a!e. at tbo re*- idence of Jacob Moyer. de'ed, in Potter on SATURDAY OCT. 13. 1877. at 1 o'clock : 1 1 Cow, 3 II"g. two-borc wagon, una ?-liorte spring- Walt on. one 1 h .r-c Spring-wagon. 1 Buggy. 1 Fanning Mill. 1 I'iow, Harrow, Cultiva tor. Corn*craper, liny ladder, 1 Buckeye Reaper and Mower Hay by tbe Ton, 1| Bobaled, 1 Family Sleigh, 1 pair Tug-bar'] nt*, I pair double Harness. 1 tingle liar ; ne, Collars, Bridlea, Klynets, a lot of] liee*, and many other article*. (iKO K/ÜBftl. J 8 HOUSEMAN, 27**pt Adm'r*. ] I COMMISSION EUS' SALE ofuneatt i, land*. In pursuance of an act of A teuiblv pa-*d tbe 2Hh day of March, A. j I)., 1824. the Comniisalonera ol Centre toiinty. will ell at public tain at the Conn Houto in thj Uro;;gh of Hellefonte, on Thursday tbo I*l of Kovothbi-r, A. P • 1877. tbe following described tract* and part* <>f tracts of unseated land* purchatcd by the county at Treaturer'a ele, and .which have remained uiiradeenicd for the apace of live year* and upward* .- WAKKAVTKgS. At UK* rKßuit Ka. iwr. Andrew Kuhn* 114 ID Boyg* Valentine Meyer* 4lf* Oil Cortin Richard Wain .—.417 t*l *" Hirhini Tuoit(.iof4la 00 " John' Myar, SM 31 Chritlian Robrer lb) uO J.eph Kol*o —IOO in " J! 1V 00 " j '* ................i*-bl t5 " ion u " Richard PaHter .—.400 u> llarri- Wm Harrison 4iW ID iJohn Irvin lot) u) Unknown .17a) iw ISO U> l Wm, Lowrie 106 22 J Henry „....815 00 Hutton ! Beely —.270 00 j Auuui U..h1;r.......... 63 00 " j Wm. Chancellor \a*l ]C. Jotophioo 2H2 00 " Moore 2SI 00 " t R Mulhoiland ........ 100 00 " ! Jacob Gratz.....w...2Jd 00 Andrew huhiie*......131 Wl •" llenry Phillip! -Mil tDilalfiuoon j Ira Fisher...—.. . OS 12 " Robert Shaw— .226 77 " Wm Scott 298 82 Liberty Sarah Wilton 00 00 " Thomm Kin* —— 00 " Peter SwarU 30 00 " Matthew Leech.'.... -400 00 " RAJ Haye* 200 UO Hugh 5haw.—...... W 00 " .to oo Christ Ne*tleroad.4oWOO 00 " Margaret Bradford...3lo til L'ingbotiom 40 00 " Hugh Shaw 80 f0 M'Ci'f A Linn -BO 00 Marion Unknown 200 00 " '• ll7 l Paul ZatiUingor 4 of 10(1 Ul " J. McKinoey 430 00 • " Unkn0wn........ .......126 W Palton Win P Brady Charles Lucas -434 00 Ituab Davie Old 60 00 ' Hardman Philip*.. ... 8 100 " Adam Rergiiert, jr...488 168 " Robert King ..... 60 00 " hudoiph Kt-lker 3'J3 169 " Hugh Mclutyre .270 00 " Hugh 1 atton...itt* (h) " Hain't Harn* 50 00 '' While A Par..n 260 00 " James Allison -164 Tboma* Grant 70 00 " Robert King 100 153 " John Hoover- ...160 00 " James Harrison.. 75 Robert King 13 12 " Hugh Hamilton .... -488 153 " Christian Hubor 30 00 " J .bn L.e 433 l r >3 Thomas Grant lof 4.U 00 " Robert Miller 433 153 " . Richard M alone -4.18 1W " John M(-Coming.—..3l3 173 Spring Unknown 76 00 " John Beck 100 (0 Taylor Jacob Beck— 80 00 " John Schenck 434 Joseph Miliar 70 (4) . " John Dunwoody 160 00 " W.D. Kubnei„ 26 00 1 John Ptmn 180 00 • Sam'l Philip* 100 00 • John irvin f 05 " Bnyce Davis 17 00 " Wm. Kuhns 40 00 " Sam'l Haye* HO 00 . Charlea Wilion 864 00 Mary Kerrigan 50 00 Walker ' B. RUSH & Co 50 00 " I John Baker 40 00 " , Margaret Daugberty 94 30 " Wm. Ackert 143 111 s Cept Ostium ...,.,.200 00 " • Margaret Daughertylll 42 " i Jano Miller -433 00 Worth , James Hawthorn 433 153 " J.N.HALL, ) 1 AND. GREGG." >Commissioners. U. A. MINGLE, J 27opt4t IIIIHMK NIMUM THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. \V< I.hv . a v. ry !arg. ntid complete stock of Hardware, the larn<*t that wa* ever before oflered by any arm to tor people of thi* eounty, and or# "tiling at tho very lew- Iron, Stool and Nails, Looks, Class and Putty. To Whil Lend >nd I,i'irnd Oil; Turpentine* and Vrnihr. all which we warrant to give aetlafnetlon Our Purr I I'AJN i out up In any quantity to suitpeople, frm una pound earn to ooa galea cant, allready for um. Th palill* wo warrant W be muni with pure lead and oil, and arn tree from all adul'erelion. MECHANICS TOOLS We pay -peei*! attention to Ho* branch an 1 keep a fuil line of Haws, Chisels Hammer. and Ba-ley'a Iro'< Ptin ; lforaa nail* ofall kinds, Tea, ('hunt, Haunt, Lit PULL LIS K< K NADI'J.iiU Y (F ALL DKBCIUI'I lONto. COACH \VOODWOUK- Spwoa, Frlioea, Pate it Wheel* of tba nio*t improved pa rnt, Mr*. J'otu' Improved Flat lro, ©heap, convenient and durante polished and ukkel-plaied. Johnston'* I'roparo X *. nomine { put up In 0-pound package* ; ra> ; put on, ainl cheeper titan paper, Wa have all colon: STOY E s. Wo have tho onlv Reversible. Top-plate Cooking Stove* in Hie market. The Key-torn Kpr,< and Juniata, wbieb wa warrant In be tbe'bcvt baker* and tbe b*a ie.l stove* in tbe market, we will aell at tbe rry lowomi price and give wnlteu guarantee*. Also all kind, of Ranges and other Hoi#*. COME ANDhKK Ol'R KKYSTONI COOK. SToVK ; IT IS THE HANDSOMEST IN THE WOULD. waaanuDaaounaaiiiiujo VI lit It I M>. On the LUb, at the residence of Mr Samuel Showers, near !lub*r*hurg, by Key. J. A Bright. Mr. John W. Hennyto Mtts Lucy Dointnger, both of ttentre Ball. On tbe 11th inst. at the rcsideaee of the bride, by ltev. U. M. Wolf. Mr. Jam# llanna and Mr*. Margaret llorsbberger, both of Uregg twp DIElk. At Uebersburg, on 12, Charles, son of Samuel Zeigler aged about If monthi. On 12, in Benner tp., Mrs. Mary Yar ned, aged 73 year*- In Howard, on 17th inst , Henry Grove, aged 08 years, 10 inonlba. In Howard. U. Mrs. Margaret Long, aged 86 year*. On 3rd, near Madiwnlurg, Michael Peidter, aged near 73 years. PKODL'CK MAKRk-To Philadelphia. September Ifit-Flour firm; ttiperline. $4 extra $6 Ath, 1 enn *ylvania family. *7m,7 3D s74 pound*. Potatoes retail, 30 Nov* tolia platter, gruund, 10uJ. , Cayuga " B'.'oo. ) HPH AN S COUHT SALK. - By virtue of *n order of the Orphan's Court of Centre couaty. there will ba ex posed t" sale by public outcry in the town of B >al*burg, i.eor the pronttae* on Satur dv. OCTOBER. 30. 1877, The following described real eM.te, late of; Kr.r* 1) Britblnotllafrwtownablp. dee'd vie; # valuable farm, adjoining! Mm town Oi lioaltburg. Uarrit iwp. On-; trc county, containmg 160 ACRIiS, theroon urecU-l a two htnry Frame |>we!-' ling House, Barn and othar outbuild- i ings. Several tine pring* of water riae on! tho premise*. There i* a)*o a young and j thrifty Orchard of choice fruit*. Tbe; greater portion of the land i* of excellent, uuality. and a part thereof i* suitable for division into Town lot*. The property' will be sold a* a whole or in part to suit purchaser*. Sale l< commence at 104 o'- iclock- *• W-. • he;. tar.„ 4 gill ba ittado i known by BAM I'JCLIiILLILAND, 20*pt Administrator. Fashionable Dressmaker. The udersigned will, after the Olh Oct., 187". open a dr*#ntaber* establishment in the house lately occupied by John U. Mii- I ler. All kind* of family sewing neatly done (ibargus reasonable, Roping to merit the patronag of the people oft'on. tre Hall and vicinity by turning out neat and durable wot*. Mas. Harykt Smith. •JtHepi tf. "Fanners' Mills. J. R. FISHER, PROPRIETOR PENH HALL. PA. OfTcrt the HIGHEST mnrket pricei in CASH, on delivery, for Wheat, Corn, Rye, Gats, etc., At the above well-known Mill. Ground Flatter autl Suit always ou hand at tbe lowest rates. 20 sep tf HO! FOR SPRING MILLS! J Stoves! Stoves! TINWAItE!! A I'utl line of all kinds of Stoves. A full line of l'inwtfre. Hardware for Hll.f'oachmakers aitdj Mechanics included, At the New Store of Gaeptf TIIOS. A HICKS A 880. '('mi H iibeet appointed Institu tion for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars *apo*i ijnd bed w*v tf reach readers outside of the 1H> K*' BIU la >V US* ing np or more of nut •'* I lot* of over I 10&) newspaper*. divided in cover 'iiffe-- ent sections nf the country. \Vek!< (.• cu'aliun aver wJI.t.M Advetleiieiu received f r one or mor* lists. k r t sla* Ivgnes containing mmn of pupm-v. nod ■ other informal inn mid for estimate* d --dress REALS FOSTER. 41 Pstk H"w (Times Building.! Jf. Y. 1823! SEND FOR 1877. The NEW YRk OBSERVER. The lint Religious ami Secular fam ily |]ctf#pgpa|u V-ar postpaid. Estahlishe' 4 lfe23. J&~Vi Pork Row Now York Sample Copies Free. 27sep NEWS'"A PER ADVERTISING A book containing it Itstof town* in tho U. 8. having 6.000 pop., end the newspa per* having largest circulation. All tbft Religjous. Agricultural,' ami other IRSCiaI cia*f journals of . rates, showina cost of advertising and ev erything which an advertiser would like to know. Mailed on receipt, of ten cents. AddiessUKO. P. KOW'KLL, A CO., 10 Hpruce Wt., X. Y. (opposite "Tribune" building.) We print envelopes at low as $1 per thousand, bend us your envelopes. We print letter heads, and statements as lw as $1.26 per 1000, when persons find the > paper. This is lower than you can gel it • done for in tho city. 1 PULM O X A lit beyond C'imp -n* -o tl> lm r-medy let . h • cur. ..I i ON -UMVTI i.V i n in i)il *ilvimvil iawe.t A .the B • •:i i atnivb. and 'I d r-rg. o*ntS •! O I Netvou S,-' re \v' xu'ai cm •• . t .1' ft'rq'M- nf ifcs. - ■ sue e*fu ~ }i. iter. Oil'adv c< .• t K e .rfslnn .**• ' •* 'H•••,■•• *V.- >n ••lie . en i • I tilickte* of artu-i cui—s. will be - ";t roe - h.v laail to all Address o>- OA K tt. MtHES Sole Proprietor, Is Cortland st, New York G'ACE S & U.VE. A Vegetable Preparation, invented in the I7li ue|itur* by D"r Wl Ham Grace. • bt> if run in Ling Junes'• army Through its agency bi cured tiiousainl" oi'tb? HPI tertout sores and wounds, and M as regard ed as a public benefactor 26c a box by mail 510 c. For -ale by druggist* generally ! AGENTS WANTED. 1 Address SKTH W FO WLE A SONS. < *ept27 Boston, Mats. Carpet Weaving. > The undersigned having tfkeu the 900 m •on 2nd story qf Wqlf* warehouse, at J gre now prepared to |lf all 1 orders for any kind of Carpet Weaving I Country Carpets, of wool or qoUon. a spe> • lialty and tuade to order Custom work > solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly attendod to, and > obargas low as elsewhere. ' Gsopt y C M GRAHAM A BRO. r \VV W 11,1 assflDs. sad s half Cnssa sf hs i" " " 1 ''''SOU t.o.uti'ul sw CUrwai. to svsr SSM tor et . Tbsj are slawst 1 sd lu UIO klak aaul sd nig m*u u*l otxintnir and outsail anrtMu* tioa batora tha nubile *.uu— B tiam #UAr*infl 1v Miuplet for ft&cttfit*, or tlx for t fiO 00* U. Hood 10ouU for grond tlhistr L d catoloeue with cbromo of Mtsonlivht on the Rhine or Su uaa for tw I atidßt'MiseK jml t l!.t Mltca un li*rk OmCSX I KATHAM > h0.419 v,,UE4uU M headiiutart*'- fu4 ''h.ouso*. e L k g kl> ITVU 4 wKi CKNTRK HALL • DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. (Sueceaaor to J. K. Miller A Son.) Denleria Pure Drug# and Medicine* Dye stuffs, end Druggfit's lusdriea. PURE WIRE AXD LIQVO&S ForjMwdloinni purymae* The best brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO always In stock. Preaeriptiona carefttlly Compounded. , MILLER A SON Jas. Harris Co. NO. fl, LROCKERHQFF ROW. mmiit I RON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS.ETC., I J Ab. HARRIS A CO. Bvllafente A MAN OFA THOUSAND. Having diarweiedTin a maimer ■•bmx'i providential a p dm, in timLe known ta ■prwlii'tl r by furiiiAitnjf h *nu>pl# botUa, free ol '■'•"•Tf#. to ail etitfcrurv. lay only bop# o remuneration briug that Utt tueahrtn# u*ii cr mti #'l I cmiim for it. Tb ingrm !-U m* of lbe rtUHCMt herbal pr/ducte *od per feci! y a,f, ■ w ,,| b f ram Adilrve* at ■#. Ir O. Poet pi Br.w 2i irraod Street Jerwy City. N. J . or '•* lad Hum !ry i—for kale at War *'! f toie, BUCK FuA UU -K rt , a#-' h **v '•' '"S Mull fw m t b*i. it lbs. iing. r 01 Zr w'a t>ni# Ho. Tnrvia Theeo brick ar. it low thai h will p,y peianc* at i.nt r~o t<> noma h##o for them intending u con tit. ue in tb# manufo ur# of b. ica they will b kept oomunt*' •n find, and fair inducement* offered L> mrchaaira. 7 ■£ H K. ZKKBK w. R. CAMP'S POPULAR. Furnitore Rooms! CENTRE HALL, rA. I manubrium all kind* of Furniture fox Chamber*. Dining Room*, Librnriaa and On) la. If y jt wat.; Purnitur# of any kind, don't buy until you ee my ttock. f UNDERTAKING In all iu brar.che* I keep in atcek nil tba latot ->nd mnat improved Ooflnt and Catkeu, and ha*# averv facil ity for properly conducting thia branch of my butineat. I hav# % patent Corp** Prmcrver, in which bodies ran be preeerved for aeon tidcrable length of lime JullO tf W. R. CAMP, Chas. H. Held, Clock, Wgickogkerklewelei Miilbeira, Obuc Co., Pa. "saevsaSsSw-r:—_ w4 nnMUt JJR.S.G. OUTKLIUB, O.entlsi, If 111 helm. ,°*T■ h> * f 111 ual lirriieUO. ...b/W Ha *> *earf#rw>.li up at la Um Aortal r*a '■ll-etnAw Se MkMl lKlt afeaala I p* wra-tti W M ? M il A NITS. Attorney at-!w tM-ueionie. l*a iXßca with J McMa/iua. ewj O-tiltf A DMIMISTRATOKS NTPnCfc - " letter* f aditiinii on the ostato of ,*7*. "'' r lr. laic of Potter Wwmdup. '• s • having born grant d to the uuder *igvt*l, all |it edMlt art- re ngain>l the toQilt will pro#nt tha au then Heated fjr cettle- Trgnt JOHN SHANNON, __ _ Ad'oir. | 3'M i Nl- ! P.AToR'S N<>TlCh ra ol on the *etr;gned I ,-r, kti '*i;tg th#m;*elre" tub in 0 '' la. ' ll< r.lei.l are r* que;*sl I. rsjmoi < .[.I . o ' a* ...! in-* ! eg'st "• t*t cr.- • aitn •• u* to km - -ttie*..<#.•' • ,iH IN I.UKFN- • fw. haB8 v .... DRCUH DKlVjjh DRUGS 111 ■H T. .ihugt-rt. having purchased .h> Tr.|g *'.rt tt t Allegheny Hfevt, Uella tontc. next door t . the hardware Sto.e of 'fih-ki •% bro , hiu sUkrkd sn • filled it out wiili ill ik# most popuUr | DRUGS A MEDICINES, j • icHRMICALS, PERFUMERY*-? ; SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSHES. : : TRUSSES, SUfiPOBT'RS, BRACES! 1..., FANCY AND TOILET ...4 j ARTICLES. AC,, AC.. AC. j Patent Medicines, Alcohol, pur# Wine* " n .d Liquors fer medical purpose* only. Pbyicectfui - h Milii'it the custom of our friend* and thn old patrons of the store 19Ptf g. T. SBUGIBT. * 8011 at* Um tiiiUMf' a*Jo in Hollow* of ! Edwin C. Boris KI.KLHA.KD FXK* B.IOK-, WIDTbB.iW Aa:t Chat* iatba World. waoLMALt * UTAII .MiUBR or Caff Skint,; SOLiILEATMBE. SHOI^FOTDDiug All Kinds tfCootMr Work MIaTo Order. Buhop Stroat, BKLLBFONTB, Pa. ® augr if. •T k ®PAIf©L*E, lMort) at Lav V a Conulutioa, i. JCagllafc *ad Of. aaa. OMc* ia hru ih* soildta*. Q is harsh; "• * tha hands of Aim Laksaboeh, aatil f" I*, a*l, vhari aUkWariag ta*- slosb Itidabtad to said mum at* rc-aaaatsd '*ll aod soaks tstllamrat. All mcou.U sapaM aftormiv data. Oat- 1, SoaT£raoae£a U> ' **** * * pra|Mr fb ordar of Um Z locators. ANOTHER GREAT STRIKE t J, BRACKS ILL, BKLLKFCiTK, FA-, '■ luM rmmrod • NEW ADDITION or ALL KINDS OF PURJIITUK* • kta la.-f# Mock tj on baa J, CHEAPER THAN EVER FOR CASH I A number of Bedroom u.t**~-walnut na aupMt P:utT, a#u, or **J*e.aSHi>aie * Itnm | t>;.iiwa :U r'it. . 'tit MAIL toarca ■ tw^Su : - asm - KmSTT *5:; ~ lam. itiit ~. art M Kr . u a - latiA PA L.J>, rati* ' m " {hwnvtaw/ l. *. ■ameaeea Ut. „ ara Wupwu#-.. . m j + US- twiw PatuSTnwn ,1 Tf knuam i -vattatT^. ra., x. u, , fc . M • Wninwatw* fkta fimalii #■■ tin , - 'it;: : T"gri— TV.: : • -jn: IOU M .U. ragTiMK .rtifiSSi'SreSs'"" "VT SKKSs.'is.'&rgft tipK mwivsus u .,. **• Tr*tM tun from baring Milltainc# Monday laal, IK Trail arrive* at bpnng Min ni 1.40, noon, and leave* Srg Milla for Lewiaburg at 2 M . m Same train at Oobora (Pork*) arrive* at l.oo,_and leavea it IU. HIBIUANS HOTEL7 _ . ULaor. FA. t bar, and ascolleM •Üblmg ft>r acrtMi. Alto n ir- rwwt lor aummcF bo lder* Burn U iepot, r. daily ttagm o> oounty.Ch.rg-. •waismabla. ,foun jQofT tsr^Zii./u. Nervous Debility. . w Huoiphrwy e H -t. ..pathie Specific o* r £~~s2~ 25 mkc Tirrt2r:ri.'^j ?Sfsr^^aa£L]^~ fjt "*•■/ one) I* tnemltaM* list V / / / Otoim I* iiiev arwUu t# . r lit" • wiiim aa>t.. jaw • Jut fart. !. I_ U />*"• **"* tr Tat. u*l *.* hJ.>Tim? , irT'Jlir ? rh l, Toe "• trtt * r" rfJ '"WI •, m *%nae .1 $1 tp"" V# t44*aa> at aoaw. a. titiiut A I't "wiiana. rwbdi Mtiw atrt.r DAILYCOACH. rSUM Centre Hall to Spruce Creek, r Lmvr i;eUvUa;iib tIH-m. r,. .A and "eu.rn* in th rv-.,i 4IR Jhi. p;..u *>• /i. tmt Dm i !i •.-■ate, md H BBa .hi- I u*. *o#ed and comfort to pan* CHARLE3 MAYES, I-*-. Prop.-iator. j Harness, Saddles. 4c TV* lilflw| t|' mri I tin wm*.Lk ■t- L •AP4I A- e "HrtnU WW U >4ort la t .ct avar .hlaa uaawwlata *.{SrtLm MM3k rxOLD.^^' Centre ] JSotel* JOHN 6P* NGLER, PRO PR. .IjK kM accommodation for gaWa. Rmk Kabßwg for honea. BUgm arrivw aad depart evary day for all point*. VUSaSDER a BOWfSr?; Attorney at La v. ReiloA.ete. Pa. OGce ofNr Rpt nolo# bank , u u .<;.