THE CENTRE REPORVER. THURSDAY BKPT. 2ft. lh". — s2yer ymr. vbm paid in n,lnner " fifW wAew wo' paid " adranee. idrrrti*c>nrnt*'X)et* per line for three in fertio**, and brent* per Unf for retry sub neouent insertion Adrerti*r>nr*t* by the v nr at 1 liberal discount. - LYME EUTi NVs cawraa H*I.I Lonox, No. M. l T.o O. J- wesl* vort S.umUvsvvnlns In the>oo t"os lU'l j M i!*i', tieet. H. P ***•'• * 1 • Ore SORT bona*. No. f \ M., on'iay oTonlnc on or botore e*rh fnll m LOCAL ITEMS. STORK ROOM FOR RENT.—The r.der*igned offer# the :ore room, know" a* Herlachor's old stand, at Centre Hall, for rent. The stand is a desirable ont in all respects Possession can be bad an* time after April Ist, by Rftft'? 1 "* *•' •' HUSKY KKLLYRat Centre Hall. it. The Reporter seems to be a gooo source for locals for some of our count* papers. Glad we csn be of such S-T* U > to our neighbors Centre Co. Veteran Club-Sol.lier's Reunion—*t Howard. Saturday. Sept - - From a *mall siacd poUto, which was brought from Kansas last fall by Lewis Kurt*, Mrs. Jacob Uarpster of this place raited 51 potatoes, which we consid er a large yield. Closing exercises (MN >'•' Normal School, at Mileaburg. evening of Sept iO. The Churcbville bald honored us with a serenade on last Thursday morning- Thank you gentlemen AN e love music and always appreciate such good "tshunes as play. The band has been in exis tence only a short time, and their music is well-spoken of by all who hear them blow. When the disorders of Babyhood at tack your Baby use at once Dr Bull # liabt Syrup and notice its rapid and bene ficiai effect, 'do ceqls per bottle. Those who voted on ace last year. sh-rnld P*v a State and County tax on or before the iith of October next, in order to secure a vote this year. The largo axe factory of R Mann A Son near Mill Hall, Clinton county, was burn ed to tho ground about 12 o'clock Monday night 11. Loss, twenty thousand dollar fully covered by insurance. One hundred men art- thrown out of employment A stock company has been termed at Lock Haven for the purpoae of boring for oil. Operation* hare been begun at Uyner, Clinton county, with encouraging indications of success. Another well is being sunk at North Creek, above Empo nan. The kind of weather we have been favored with of late, make* the grain grow flr.ely ; mit of the wheat fields lock as well as they do tomttiiMt in the spring. Ladies, read the advertisement of Mr*. Smith, who is about to open a fash ienable dressmaking establishment in Centre Hall, and comes highly recom mended. yet it is a fact that the man in the moon has found it out that Newman ,n> rewmoon! sells cheaper Clothing than i offered on earth, moon or any other planet, ar.d has signaled d-wn to the E*gte Cloth ing Store, for a new suit—a full outfit, hat, collar, shirt, coat, panU, vest, socks nd boots. e think the old t.achelor up there must intend getting married. Score one lor Newman. Housekeepers will bear in mind that the hest is always the cheapest, and that the purest is always the best; you can get the best atd purest groceries of Sechler A Co., and hence the cheapest Joseph Moyct has bad the Centre Mills refitted by Mr. Adam Winkeblech, an experienced millwright. The best medicines for family u-e are Green's Compound Syrup of Tar. Hon ey and Blood root, a pleasant, safe and certain remedy for coughs, c-dds, etc. Greer.'.- Blackberry Balsviu, a sure cure for cramp, colic, diarrhea, dysentery, etc.. at F. P- Green's, in the Bush House block. The fact that orders come in from all quarter* of the county, and outside, to Heisler's Marble Works, at Bellefonte, is proof, that they do the best and cheapest work. Remember that Saturday, Oct Gib. is the last day on which to pay ux or out naturalisation papers. Attend to these things in time. Don't forget, what is always to your interest that SechlePs keep the purest and beat groceries in the county. The U. 0. A. M., of Millbeim, and the Sons of America of Logan-ville, had n parade at Rebersfcurg, on last Saturday, which passed oflf nicely Addresses were delivered in one of the churches. The Sons were ou hiwseback. The Millbeim and Brush valley bar.d* furnished music. Go t Graham A Son for your fall and winter boots and shoes. Every body who trades in Bellefonte is invited to call and be impressed with the fact that for fall and winter boots and shoes; they have the most complete, cheapest and best stock of boots and Shoes applicable to the wants of the people, which tbev propose to offi r at such price? as will give entire satisfaction to all who many favor tbem with their pat ronage They have the best stock of war ranted kip *nd calf boots for lumbermen, and American riding and hunting boots, in town ; their slock of women's and cbil dren's calf and kip shoes are all warranted to be good solid leather which every per son should purchase for a good winter shoe and boot, and not buy the common sbody shoes generally sold in the stores. When you go to Beilfonte call and examine their stock. If you don't want to buy they will char c you nothing to show you the bo*s goods in town. Sechler & Co. keep the largest stock of groceries of any firm in Centre county Best assortment, finest goods, lowest p-ieet. The richest cbeesc ever offered in the mar ket. The best roasted coffee and finest fla vor of all. New Orleans molasses, genu ine new crop. The finest dollar teas in the state—green, black, and Japan The best brands of canned fruits in the market. Sugars, coffees, syrups, rice, hominy, dri ed fruits and foreign fruit* at lowest price The finest 6Ugar cured hams, dried beet, and breakfast bacon. Every piece guar anteed. Our motto is Best and Cheapest. Sechler A Co., Grocers, Bush House block, Bellefonte. The best place in central Pcnna. to get Monuments, Couches nnd Headstone? for your departed friends, is Deininger & Musser's Miilheim Marble Works. They are not a wbit behind the times either jn superior workmanship or low prices. Try them and you will be convinced. Sept. C 3t. WAGON FOR SALE.—A large road wag on, good as new, and which cao readiiy be cut down to a plantation wagon, is of fend for sale cheap, by JOHN WOLF, Cen tre Mills, Pa. J' A good horse will be taken in exchange for the wagon. We print envelopes as low us $1 per thousand. Send us your envelopes. W print letter beads, and statements as low as $1,25 per 1000, when persons find the paper. This is lower than you can get it done for in the city, FOR SALE.—A new Golden Tongue Organ, warranted. Will be sold very low. Inquire at this office. tf. •—Graham A Son have just received the finest and bet slock of good, clean, solid soie leather in Belief,ory of hi* house, in which he also kept a full supply ol Wright* Indian Vegetable Till*. He also kept a watchful dog without a* well a* a seven *hooter within the house We are informed that Mr Williams had taken s. me pill* from the ttunk during the evening, after which and it is suppo ed while the family were engaged in the evening devotions, the rob. her entered the house and abstracted H a mass of smoking ruins. Tho store and office were saved by the untiring ef forts of the employees nod citiaens, who turned out in full ferco and worked ener getically, The buildings and machinery, part of which was very costly, are ruined, and only a few unfinished axes were saved. —CI. Democrat, IS. POTTER ELECTION' PRECINCTS. The following is the decree of Court es tablishing two election precincts in Potter t >wn*hip, a copy of which was kindly fur nished us by J. L. Spangler : And now. Sept. 7, 1t77, it is ordered and decreed that tbe place for holding the .-lections in the Southern Precinct dis trict, of said Potter township, shall be at the public school house at Potter * Ml!!*, .nd that Robert McCormiok sh!l be Judge and James Kunkle and _ W. J. Thompson shall be Inspectorsof Elections m said district till an election board shall be elected in said district as provided by law. And it is further ordered and deereeJ ttial the place for holding the elections in ihe Northern Precinct District, in said Potter township shall be at the public -cbiHjl housein Centre.Hall and that James A. Keller shall be Judge and B. F. Arr.ey and J C Boa! shall be Inspector* of Kit o tions in said district until election board shall be elected is said district as provided fiv law. By the Court. V. A. MATKR. P. J. Certified fr> m the Rocord thi* 15th day of Sept , A D.. 1877. A WILLIAMS. Clerk. - 4 ♦ s* eklswle P..*~m M IKA Just to think. Powers, the celebrated 800 l A Shoe moichact. ha (concluded to sell boot* and shoes foi cash at bottom prices, or not sell at all. Well, now. that's what we call coming down t<> business This thing of trusting six months and one year and perbap- all lite time with a great many, is like shoddy and paper soled boots and shoes—gelling too thin and won't wear. Buy gi>od boots and shoos ar.d get -••meihing that will give satisfaction—you will find them at Power * boot and shoe store in Bush's block. Any good# he guarantees is sufficient, for he knows all about leather and the way it ought to be put together All goods fairly and square ly represented. Farmers and ail other* who wish to buy boot* and shoes, call and ee for yourselves, our word for it, Pow ers will treat you right, and you will end it to your interest to call there. Any ar ticle that does not prove as represented, he will make good—what can you ask fair er ? At Coburn Station a town is being built up rapidly, showing that there is still some enterprise in the people. A very serious case of accidental shooting occurrtd a few miles from Far triers' Mills, on Wednesday, 12th inst. Two sons of Mr. Daniel Weaver had start ed out with a shot gun to shoot squirrels, and the percussion cap being small for the tube, the older boy attempted to get it down by pounding with a ppocket knife and while thus engaged, his brother, aged some 10 years, stepped in front of the muz zle just as a blow on the cap caused the discharge of the gun. The load complete ly shattered the boys rigbl arm above tbe elbow, and wounded bim severely in tbe side. The arm was amputated below the •houider by Drs Van Valzah. Leitzell and Musser, antl the unfortunate boy's life is despaired of. Thank* to the officer* ol lite Lycom in* * Clinton Apr Soc'y. for a coinpli mentary to joint fair at Jersey Shore, Sept. 215, 27, 28 and 2D. Road matters are again exciung Penn township. The road from MiUheim to Cob urn station makes a division among them; and the road asked for by Aarons burg to intersect the Millheim road at Sw*rtz't sawmill. 1 mile, meets wi"h op position from Penn which has the larger part to make. Win. J. Thompson former freight and ticket agent at Milroy, and late bag gage agent at Sunbury, was injured by getting between two freight cars and died from the effects onSunday last. Hisremaios were interred at Milroy on Tuesday after noon. Mr. Thompson was an estimable gentleman, and respected by all who knew him. Penn street, MiUheim, formerly called Water St , is getting to be the most enter prising St., in town. Nearly every pro perty is undergoirg some tepairs which adds largely to the appearance and im provement of the town Besides this, Mr. G W. Stover jr. last week erected a new dwelling, while there are two or three others yet to go up this fall- The Union county court is in session now, and the toll-gatu war will be up and we learn that the grand jury ha* found four hills of indictment against J. C. Mtz But that won't begin to scare Christ yet. Housekeeper? and all needing stores, all that need any thing in the line of hard ware, will do well to read the new adver tisement of Wilson & Farlane, in this issue. They have the late't improved -toves, and hundsome as any in the world' and in sucjj variety thut they can suit any taste. Their assfrtment of hardware full and complete as can be found in any -tore this side ol New York and I'hiladel phia. and they sell at prices to suit t* e times. Farmers mechanics and house keepers, call in at Wilson & M'Farlane'a and see their stock. W L Mussemf Mi!lhcim~h been to Phila. und bought a very handsome car riage lor his son W. S. Mu*"er, which car riage will be tun from Mussers hotel to Coburn station to connect with every train. Business. Notwithstanding the frequent showers of last Saturday, the Elk Creek Sabbath School Penn Twp, pulled out into the woods to have a Pie-Nic At about eleven o'clock they were joined by tho fit. Paul School froin Haines Twp. after which tbey bad quite a time together. The speakers were, Keys. Sumbach, and John 11. Peters, who received a sumptuous dinner for their services. The Millbeim band was present a part of the forenoon and played for the Pic Nickers, but bad to leave at noon and go to Brusbvallcy where the or der of U. 0. Mechanics of Mitlheim, and the P. 8. of A of Sugarvalley bad a parade. How the affair ended 1 can not tell, but it was not what they bad antici pated, on account of the inclemency of the weather. A notorious counterfeiter was shot and killed in the City Hotel, at Tyrone by a detective, on Saturday. | PATRONS' PICNIC A URKAT CROWII—rtVR HAM'S riKXTV TO KAT A WOMAN MARK* A SI'S *ur own lovely Pennsvally a- the spot. A like strew*!! of people kpt pouring in on the mountain from the opp.<#ita sideof the county, all fae, beaming vvith de light in expectation of a good s.x-ial time before thrm At noon there were no !•* than 3Uk> soul* together, with acres of horses, wagons carriages and buggies There we-e five bras* band*— thoCentre 11*11, Farmer*' Mill*, Loop, Zion nd Pine Grove Mill* baud* and good music *► discoursed all day at every interval when there was no speaking going oil the w bole j mountain top wasjust chuck full of brass baud music the sweet strains ot which rode *ollly over lbs valley beneath, and wa* echoed back by the opposite hills. There were pr.:er.t the irrepressible end indispeosiable water-melon man, candy merchant Ac . all doing brisk busine** and no one teemed misting except that nece* sary evil, the patent right man, and tbe life insurance agent. Hot water was pro vided in large iron kettle* for those who hang their salvation upon a cup of coffee. The meeting was called to order by I'apt C. Dale, who read the following list of "dicers President : H. L. Harvey. Vice Presidents: Geo Date, Logan Grange ; John Kishel Sp. Mill* Grange, Jacob Dunkle, Walker Grange, nr.d sis ten Campbell, of Victor, and lddings of Union Grange*. Sec'y*: Geo Taylor, B. K- Grange, and D H Young. Wash Grange- The President opened tbe meeting fcy • short addres* of thanks for honor confer- ' red, followed by prayer by Rev Shaver, . after which L Rhone, county Deputy, ed- i dressed the assembly, offering a warm wel- 1 ceine to the membership and all others ' present, and set forth the many disadvan tage* the agricultural portion of the peo- I pie bad been subject to in year* gone by, in a social, political and other respect* ; the lawyers, he said, being a great minori ty, yet monopolised tho seal- In congr- *s and in our legislature*, and that further- 1 more the tattuer had been preyed upon bv I the other traJe*; but now they wouid I make their power and influence felt; they ■ would cut down the profit* of th>se who 1 had been fleecing them, apd thus tnable their wives and daughter* U> dress and en- i joy themselves a* well as the fruiale* be- ,| Icngtug to tho professional classes Dinner was next announced, and soon | hundred* of cloths were spread under the., shade "f tne tree*, basket* were opened, , and out poured "vitlei*" in abundance' and fit tor prince* to eat —and a princely feast it wa*. and many, who never be lieved in Grangerism joined the patrons and took their first degree— at tbe table, among the rest tbe writer, ami in fact, with our hand upon our stomach we were constrained to utter, "It was good for us to have been here " Dinner over an hour was given for a so cial ciiat around, when the meeting was called to order again, and sister ldJing-, of B. K. valley announced as the orator. Sister lddings is a mat'on, and patron, of about fit)-ummers, heavy though pleasant, yet earnest features, stout and medium sixed build, has a clear ringing voice, and may pull the scale*at2oo. with a* vigorous and hearty a frame as can be found in our county. Sister 'ddings belong* to tb Quaker denomination, in the meeting* o| which she often feel* called upon by tho •piritto preach, thi* however was her first public appearance, and she made her ap pearance upon the stand with a tread that showed no fear. Sister Idding* expound ed the dutie* of farmers, how they should ■ devote themselves to their calling, anl sock t- further elevate it; that the vices of the world be shunned, and especially i did she enjoin it upon tbe mothers present Pi raise their sons to shun tbe terrible vice of intemperance, and their daughters to shun gew-gaw* anJ extravagance of dress, and not have them follow the frivolities of fashion. Upon tbe mothers, said she, it depended as to whether we should have good rulers ; look, said she. how corrupt ' our government is—our rulers gel drunk, they gamble, they lie, and they steal, and if we are to have the needed reform, tbe I mothers were appealed to make the start in tbe proper education of Iheir children Young ladies were advised to cashier sweethearts given to strong drink, and if you see it on bim or sincl! it on him, tell him to begone. We want men —we wo men can't get along without men—and the men can I get along without us women, for who would patch their pants and darn their stockings and keep the house in or der ? The men can plow and sow, and the women can reap and help gather the sheave*. Woman's sphere it to help in all, theae things, and a fervent appeal was made to the mother* to do their duty in their sphere, and keep the eye upon the son and daughter and rie them to be good and useful. Women, said sistr Id-j dings, should have a share in the adminis tration of the government, and expressed women's rights sentiment* ; for I tell you. ssid she. the day is coming when the wo men will take a part in government affairs and occupy some of the seats, ycu may not believe it, but you will see day, I tell you. The above will give an idea of the dritt of sister Mding-'s rennrks which last el about half an hour, and were listened to with the greaiest attention. Dr CaMer, president of the Slate Col-j lege was the next speaker, and made a brief but appropriate address on the topic of agriculture and its interests. The concluding speech was made by Col. Jas. F. Weaver, who dwelt upon some of the wrongs that the furming class had suffered, stating the remedy lay in their own power, and that nothing hut (air treatment was asked by the Patrons. The crowd wa< now dismissed, many lin gering on the lovely spot, to enjoy the sight afforded by a sunae shadow a* it *lie over the valley beiiea'h. There was good order throughout, and all went home pleased. Tti'- abundant haivest which ate every where so promising this fall, with a good demand at lair prices, will suggest to our readers the propriety of purchasing a good and reliable piano. To those whose would buy a strictly flrst-class instrument, we would recommend to look into the mer its ot the Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 60 Broadway, N. Y., whose advertisement appears elsewhere. This Company is reg ularly incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York, and competed of emi nent Piano manufacturers, with the ex press object of selling Pianos direct to the people at Factory prices, without the in tervention of agents and dealers thereby snving them more than one-half the prices usually charged. The Pianos, including Grand, Square and Upright, made one of the finest dis plays at Lite Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously recommended for the Diploma f Honor and Medal ot Merit. The leading papers of the country speak in very high terms of the Company and their Pianos. We would recommend any of our read ers who have any idea of ever buying a piano, to send for their Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue, which will be mail ed free to all. A pre** of other mailer hat obliged u Pi rut down some eoinniunlcallene ami ' unlit tome local llcini Intended fnr thu : IMUa. Paper* >l adjoining CoiililiC' having jsevn the Premium liat f our nevt fair, : pronounce it the hrl out NV a think #o too. ami rati *av that the >lll. - er have 101 l nothing undone In make II a grand aueraaa 'and ffte/dir of all count v lair* N' l * let our larnier*. tnerrhant*. mirh#lci, men ami women, give it encnutageiio nt by eon ; trihuttiig tn the ili-plav ami Uv their Isige preretice durl: K Oct •, f ami fuh. All jran Jo something l'ak ,V"Ur 'lock there, lake your implement* there I ak" koine ol your pr. lu l* of the *oll th'-'o Lki tome of your homo iobi ufactur--* tin ia. ! Let lauir* take butler prmerir*. rakat, ijuilt* tidie, and oilier laiu'v there. SlioW what you ran do it will only lake a litte trying. The Spring Mill* branch l T A. link* A Itro't hardware lnre i* now in fuli operation for Slove*, Tinware, and Hardware for all name* ol mechanic*, he •idea their principal *lore at liellelontr t one of the nn>t complete in the *tate, where you at way a inert with a perfect tt ( gentlemen in ever* ento of the <*• rd. fboy have reduced prcet lor the benefit ot the public in general and it i* a truth that builder* or coachmakrrt can not goto Philadelphia to-day ami buy material tower than offered by II oka A Bro. There h not an article in the lino of hardware, needed by the farmer*, mechanic* or bouekeoper that they cull 110 l *upply. They are having a big tune at the Stone Mill ince Spigletayer leaved it. They arc making dour by a New Prove*#. That adie* ail want the new prove** dour made by them, becau*e it uiakr* better broad than any ollior i! ur uiado in the valley Give theui a trial and bo convin ced. Maj Kitlier ha* now opened out in earned for the Grain trade. The Major i* one of the moti reliable merchant* in our couuty. Head hi* advertisement, far- | rner*. IMPORTANT TO ALL. | Thi it tu notify the public that 1 have leased, for a number ol year*, the cele brated Stoue Mill from S P Kuble 1 have alio retained 1). M. Cowhcr a* mil ler. We manufacture the bett flour and a full turn out Our past, we trutt will be ►utfii ient guarantee to our patron* of fair and hone*t dealing* We have and will maintain our reputation, line u a trial and we will prove that it it to your inter est to patronise ut Flour at wholesale and retail. 1 have appointed Andrew Keetman. Centre Hall, agent for our cele brated flour J BitJMK SriUKLMYKK Al*.- a full line of merchandite lower in price than ever. ISieptlt LIABILITY OP ROAH COMMICBOXC Kits —The Supenie Court of (his stall ha* recently decided a case of interc*- lo Road Cummisnooet* and Supervie or*. The case wa* appealed frotu the Common Pica* ofHohuylhHl county 't he plaintiff brought suit fo recover damages for the dcatn of her husband, the same having being cauMd, a* al leged, through negligence of defend Hiii.* in uot providing a *afe mad. lln evidence was that w here the accident occurred the road woa barely ofsutfic ient width to allow two vehicles to pas*. A wagon was standing on one side ol the road and ou the other the end of a log protruded, and in attempting to drive between the two the husband ol me plaiutiff struck the end of the log and was thrown out atnl killed In the Court Lelnw a verdict was render ed against the township, which was appealed to the Supreme Court on the grouud that as the supervisors had let the mad .ut for repairs to the lowest bidder, who Lad given bonds to fulfil his contract, that fact relieved the supervisors from responsibility, the b .ad having stipulated to save the 1 township froiu ull accidents. The ;court, however, decided agaiust Wis view of the case aud held the tow nship liable on rhe general principle that if a jury believe a road to be unsafe foi I travel, let the cause he what it may, it is evidence of negligence and the township is responsible.—Ax. • ♦ • CAN YOU STAND FIRE ! As I was walking along the Strand oue night, I catuc upou a fine, tall sol dicr, and entered into conversation with him. In the course of our talk I said. "There is one thing I cannot un derstand about the British soldier." "What is that, sir V, ''Well;" I said, "he is hold and daring ; you could not iiuult him more than hv calling him a coward. There arc m n among you who would rush up to the conuon's mouth, even if you knew it would b certain death ; and yet there are men among you who dare not kneel down in the harrack-room al night and repeat the prayer their mother taught them when they were children." He paused, and said, "That is true, sir." "What Is the meaning of it, soldier?" He said "You remind me of what toek place in my own roll a few weeks ago. A young fellow came into our room,and the first night, before going to bed, he knelt down to pray and instantly There was a noise and disturbance in the room, Caps and belts were flung over at the man, nut he did rot move The second night there was a general s ami belts were thrown again, aud the mm whistled. The third night he went again on his knees, and again on the > fourth night. with the sair. result, and on th? fifth night. And then," he raid. ' "'the groutest blackguard in the room cried out, 'He i* genuine—he stands fire and from that night every one in the room respected him, and began to 1 follow nir example." French military officers do not ap< jpear to be very popular in their nu ' tlve land. One journal call* them! "soldiers of the rope.'' "pasteboard heroes," "executioners," "brilliant' capitulationiste," and so on. A Mar seills journal tells General Espivrnt, ' who comma >ds the 15th Army Corp", that in the military salute the thumb! has a very little distance to go to come] into contact with the nose Another pap r is very hard up >n the cowman*! t der of the 14th Army Corps, writing: ( "General Bourhaki, no one can Jihiii in getting out of a hesieged ptace ]to go and conspire obroad, to return |and lose an army in the snow, and; t hrii shoot yourself with a pistol, no a* to be quite well us to-day a* 'Die-or- Uouqunr' Ducrot. Several j uirnale ure to be prosecuted for nbusiug dis tinguished generulß. Cleopatra'a Needle is to be remov ed from Alexandria to England, in an iron cyliudcr. which is to be cou structed around it and then used as a vessel. "The cyliudcr is to be ninety five feet long by fifleen feet diameter, and will have a draught of tiiue feel of water when afloat. All being riv eted water-tight, it will he rolled into the sea and across the sandy bed to the water till it floats. It will then he turned over and the man-hole at the top opened and about thirty tons of ballast put in to keep the ends ver tical, so as to act like stem and stern. It will then have two bilge keel*, a rudder, light spar deck, mast and full sails attached, and be provided with an anchor and good cables, and, if necessary, a pump in case of leakage. The cylinder ship will then be fit 10 go to any port of the world with its freight and in any weather." THOMAS A. HICKS & BUO. \V h*v< a very targa am! Oompleta *t >ck uf llsrUwuiK, tin irgiwl w • ■ ••• *' tl • *■' > 1 i v; j '•*>* et pooihlu rate* • Iron, Sterl and Mai s. Locks. ( \ \ sand Putlv. Pupa WltiiH Lp4ilian• olt'illnl fur whiten.-*. I. KA !) I VIIX Kl>l' A1 N .i n •• i | i • I .ii t mill rn O one gal Irr It uf < ! lutinil vii wnrrm tln ho niUeh Willi | uf# •ml iiul nil, hlu) hi" I• .< Hi ulu i M CHANICB TOOLS ®\Vn list pe *1 a o ith uit < ■ •<• i•• " nm • I <•! < -lid , T Cham*, Ku- KI'LLLIN* ,, F "ADIILFKY OK ALL lIKSI "Iti |' I" IN •> (.1 til #(iO WiKK —No k•• r o I' le WrUfllM *1 improved • til*; Mr*. |*i iii" Imnroved Flat I' >n . c i>, '-nveniorn r'lil tl |, In i. ■ • nl m-k i•, I ■ I. -letl k•m • it; pii u|t I* 8 pound iw* **■; n< put on, and cheaper than pspar. all color*. s t ove s. We have the only Reversible. Top-pta e Cooking Move- mtl • market T heyt • h , qu> benm. .rid Juniata, v bicb wa war.nt in ba'ha boat h.k*r and iLv he* • I .tov# In the market. > a will ae.| at On. - rry loweai ■ ea m I M.ya wr.tia.. *Ur..i er. AauaLain m and other (■ e*. COM J£ AN i> bKE OCK Kl£ Y i'TON COOKBTOVK; IT IB TIIR HANIMOMFBT IN THR WOKLB. " "*• uoaautnaaicivfl The Commissioner* of Marion county Ind., contracted for a uow Court Houe at Indianapoll* to .oil s'2',t**> Il ha cost bitl'i.HlA, aiul ii incomplete. Ninety of the fat men who had a clam hake and dance at Norwalk Point, Con ncclicut, lail week, weighed '20,731' pound*, an average uf '23ol pound* each. MAUKIEI). On 13, at the reaidence of A. C. Wurla. tiyj. K. Miller, Mr. Wealey Uumr, o! t'ollege twp., and Mi* Mattie Grey, ot lietiner twp. DIED tin 3rd, near Madisonburg, Michael Foidler. aged near 73 year*. On 3rd, in Gregg, a *on of Samuel lion nuiger aged ti year* and 7 month*. IUI.I.RKOKTK MAKKKTS.— by Shorllidge A Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale. $ 7 U). " retail. 00 While wheat, 1 3ft. Red '' 1 3ft. Hye, Cti Corn, abelled, GO Corn, cob, GO. Oat*. 30 Barley, rvc weight, 66. Clover*wed s."> per M pound*. P> isle by public outcry in the town •f Bualiburjt, near the pretn e, on Satur day. OCTOBKR. 20. 1077. The following deacribod real etate, late "f Kira I) Hrianin ol Harri* t.-w n>hi|>. dec'd via: a V'AI.I'ABLK KAKM, adjoining the town ot Boalthurg Harri twp, Cen tre county, containing 150 ACRES, thereon erected a Two Story Frame Dwel ling lloure. Log Barn and other outbuild in*- Several tne spring* of water rite on the premiww. There it also a young and thrifty Orchard of choice fruit* The greater portion ot the 'and la of ricetien' duality, and a part thereof i *UUabr lor division into Town lota, The property will be told at a whole or in part to tun purchaser*. Sale to commence at KB o'- clock, a. m , when term* will be made known by SAM I'KL I*l LLI LAND. 'JOaept Adtnimttrator Fashionable Dressmaker. The udertigned will, alter the 9th Oct., 1 >77, open a drotuiakcr* t-*tat>li*lit>ieni in the houe lately o<\ upied by John M Mi* ler All kind* of family aewmg 4MM. Charges MMNIk 11- pug to merit the patronage of the people of Cen tre Hall and ricihitv hy turning out neat AND durable work. Man IUKV SR SMITH. "Ahept tf. "Farmers' Mills." J. B. FISHER, PROPRIETOR. PESN HALL, PA. Otlcr* the HIGHEST uiarktl pricis in CASH, ou delivery, for Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oals, e<(\, At the above well-known Mill. Ground Plotter aud Salt always on hand at the lowest rates. 20 sep tf Carpet Weaving. The undersigned having taken tbo room on 2nd story of Wolfs warehouse, nt Centre Hall, are now prepared to till all orders for any kind of Carpet Weaving Country Carpets, of wool or cotton, a spe-: cialty and made to order. Custom work solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly attended to, and charges low as elsewhere. C-cpty C M GRAHAM £ II111). TTOU.SK AND LOT£OR SALE.- Will he offered on the premises on Sat* urd*y. September 22nd, o'clock, p in. at public outcry, at Centre Hill, the pr >p erty owned and formerly occupied by George Stover, containing about 4 of f the original packages, become use less to the Importer after the is sold. We contract for those Teas hHt cost of Importation, (including J— -- "Sample Packiigos,") which are then 5 thoroughly classified and packed by ' g our Nsw York House OUR TEAS MAT 40c and GOc A POUND. J < J i Equal in every respect those re-tr tailed elsewhere for double a the Money. ■ j? "S At a saving of three profits to "3 Consumer- gi 55 THOMAS CHUTE A CO. S- No. 131 Water st. -® * Now York, ? Wo guarantee Every package, aujg tf iSnitLYG, ...... 1877. WE AUE NOW PB EPA RED. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. WE HAVE THE GOODS ! P It ICES LOW ! Selection Unsurpassed! Stock Large. Ami now we extend n cordial invitation to our fn< ud, patron* and'th* public generally. We will nay thi*, Come! if wu do uot ahow you THE BEST SELECTED STOCK AT PRICES LOWER THAN USL'AI*. aud if we caunut prove that it i* to your interest to palrooixe us, tbaol don't buy ; but come aud satisfy yourself. We have opened a full line of DR V GOO I)S Clothing, Carpets, Boots fit Shoes, Groceries, QUtKNHWARK,OLASStVARE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. HATS ANDCAIS. and in (act everything and anything embraced in the aimve line. We will beat everything in prices and assortment, and our pa#t. we truat will be a suffic ent guarantee to <>ur patrons of fair and bones! treatment We have eslab.ished and will tuaiiMaiu our reputation. The large trade • do enables u to fr-*h g(. MORE BUNNE3D AN AIKEtfS, Music ami S'wiun Machine S ore. CA T T t the New Store and tee tf. r-iml and on ■ th 'lie north and w -t side- ot the; eit , extensiv Iniild'ngs are uow HI i-ouree of erection ; and even w. h n ihe walls, near to the reput. * tomb I David, another large group of tene ment* is being built. These new buildings are designed as houses fur Jews of different nations, and are; erected by societies to be let or told in tenements of two rooms each. The poor are to be provided with homes! for a given time rent tree, and those who are able to be permitted to pur chase their habitations by periodical payments on principle similar to those of English bniMing societies Until a recent date the Jews in Jerusalem have their quarter, as in many Conii neniail cities; but they have uow the utmost freedom to purchase property wherever they can get it. to build where they cau obtain sites, within or outside the city walls, and to locate themselves wherever th>y can find residinces. This freedom is causing a great increase to the Jewish popula tion of the humbler classes- Professor Hall, the discoverer of the two new satellite* of Mars, WH once a carpen ter. Somebody raises the supposition that Osnntn PH. hit i Marshal Hnsaine, the French fugitive. I HO: FOR s-*aivc i \t j loves Moves ! TI XIV A HE!! A iu I line of all kinds of Stoves. A lull line of Tinware. Hardware tor all, Cuachmakers and Mechanics included, At the New Store of 6septf THOS. A. HICKS & BRO. 1 The olete-t and best appointed Institu- L tlon for obt-tinmg H Business Education. F'r circulars adrlre**, ' P DUFF A SON-', 13aept4t Pittsburgh, Pa. C'KNTHK HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER 4 SON. (Buccaaw to J. K. Miller A Soa.) Dealer in Pura Drug* and MHiciam Dyn stuff*, nnd Druggut'* sundries. PURE WISE AND LIQUORS For medicinal purposw- Tha baat brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO alwayt in stock. Proscriptions carefully Compounded. MILLKB A HON ./*. Harrix dy Co NO. 5, BROCKEKHOFF ROW. IR il P AJ_N T S, OIL VETC., JAS. lIAKRIb A CO. Bellefsnte A HAS OF A THOUSAND. Having tllxvvriiil, in I lilittui-' a.n.o*. ; * id rutin I, a ptwiua# cure f rOa>utnf ' ;i *" * -"'I Lung Complaint. I i< *i u my aui, loankf known in a practice! inarm, furmtbing wunpta b Uia. free ol i erg*, t.. all -uf|er~r>. tny ; iy ' mui.oratim bet'.* that tin ia Ji ,nn wi. I" r! Tin j J claim fir t Tor mgredi !> am . f the r' ami ieri>a: prttdav ;! perfectly .ate ;•*,.! U aeut tree vall I idi.t pir ll ' K pi on ha td for a hv J <1 Uoitonarer * Zt-w'. Ceatm j. ' >*ari brick ar ue-.-d mi | ow that i; will pay ,*>*•*, a* *. 1- lam-a to c- me h--r fo tbrm trending to continue in the manufa< • u*e.,f iirieti they will be kept e>n ui>t!, •r i and. and fair inducement* offe.ed t ourcitaaars. 7 if U. K ZKKBK W. K. CAMP'S POPULAR. Furniture Booms! CENTRK HALL. PA. I manufacture ell kind* of Furniture for 1 I ambyrt, Dining Koomr, Librariea end 1 11 el it. if you vent Furniture of any kind, don't j 'uy until you tee my ttock. UNDERTAKING ,In ell iu bra retina. I keep in Mc-ck all i .be latc-t aiiJ iw*; improved C< (fii.t and t'a-keu. and heve every facil ity for properly conducting lhi branch of my buiineat. I have e patent Corpee Prenerver, in which bodiw can he preacrved for a considerable length of time | jul!9 tf W. R CAMP. Chas~H. Held, Clork.Wnlrhßiiikrr&iewelei Millheini .Centre Co., Pa. ■ a n.rt,uw.aa.,, " ~ea •tan a. G. GUTELIUS," Dentist, MHlheim. g P"fmlnw-I rrV>M v> ta* pablte, Rata i •il'VKtlw. la tia doaol r*a- Vk M wwaatwd a -strart iwib • -**■ p.I. f r.- |* Oflce Uh da* | "*'■ M-nu- i'.tf J 4 i>mi mistratoh B Koilcl - L- ti'T. ( 1 ration oa theettetc of n H rpdti "a'- f Potter towntkip, i.c'.< having been grant 1 to the undn> nad. I'■ ■ pc.-aom knowing thrm-elvc <• !•<* indebted to taiil decedent arc re c- „ to m-;,e imnicdtaic pay meat, ami l><-raon> htv: .g fUiißi against the ratal* > !' i-rerent tkeni uUlbctitiCaled for acUie- JOHN SHANNON, ' ■j? j- Ad mr. Y DM! NI>TK ATOK S TlCl.. 1. t! • <* edminivtretlon on the •ssteteof K ' >f town-hip. d< d '• 1 i • g t e" n .dto ii • un<|crtgncd. ' vitig t : --t (cr lo Ik- >i> -a' Oti- It Hi retju -t-d to | Ifacnt. Mid pcr-ODf - oust tf- 1 t -'up' '!| i re 1. rNKNiWfll' i rt • tnn huHwin. Stui of 'I:"lr v l'i . hit* • > t-m} >ind lllied it out ihi" most popular 4 DRUGS A MEDICINES, ? "•CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY*-? | SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSHES, ! ITRUSSES, SUPPORT RS, BRACES | FANCY AND TOILET *4 | ARTICLES, Ac,, Ac., Ac. ! t } ; Patent Medicines, Alcohol, pure Wines *id Liquor* for medical purpcaes only. Physician's pre~criptions carefully com putiti'led and urd-n Hntvurrd with care and di-patch. Fit-mer* and Phvfitianr [from the country will find our stork of Medicines complete, watranted genuine and of the best quality. This Store will remain under tit* dime lion of the accomplished drucrist and pharmacist heretofore connected with it, P • H rrin *ton, and we respeotltei llv solicit the custom of our friends and the old patrons of the store Ifrptf 8. T. SHUGEKT. GRAHAM A SOI lit.l UlKSU .•(!• *t i. Ill* Edwin C. Burt* KLEbKA '"KD r IKE f WIDTui. lbs i%%\ SteotcLj 2fetW#ri<9 VBOLMAtf ft KftTAlt feO* OR Jatf Skint, HOLE LEATHER. SHOE FINDINGS /%U Kinds of Custom Work ILJT' Order s) auy £"* Str **' h *LL**OlfTl.P J V iHA i^rC! 11 L* ..! 9sr '• *•** G. aa. Oflca a Parat'a it buiidia# s-sasßse•£& laUa OL Patar Bakla, dae'd, will .MMIB u ttaa bai>d< of Aaraa Lukaabaah, until ct. I at, next, wk.r, all kaawin* ttHni " 4 X?fi •* Ui * "• l®wed " call od caakt aatilaaaat All aeewuau mulalf unpaid afUr aatd data (M l aui ka/.e aflat.Ua hda^\ •Bear fwr eollaeuoa. By ardar mt tka Bxnatara. ANOTHER MEAT STRIKE 1 J. BRACKBIXL. BILLIFUXTI. PA., bat iuet rceotvod a NEW ADDITION op ALL KINIi.-t OF FUPKITC&&, to bia la.-fe atock a i way a on band, cheaper THAN EVER for CAjsH ! \ number of Bed mot ii .un** walnut and ptitiiad aukac. A tot, WALL PAPER f*ag km. PENNSYLVANIA BR.' Philadatj fita at d Lrtf Rm . li'XXtltTicf XAfci-E s\ss£ : wrwjur. rU Ntli.t-ini UiApr WaeiaeNaa* 4 •&, „ ■aanadja 44-; . , *" t n ™ 1 t on *-rfc - f ... " L ' air at a do ~ ld *aa t .<•*>-& a Ult l wl* Uei Boa ( - Wctiawut *al Nmuil a a - •1 AT CX. laaaa. M.aar* ' aai* " loctHame UPiL Z wmtawayt UN>a wMMn |Tpa - ""hMsl iSjr cats kiUiMmbam am aw ; : SSSss, til;: -- p PA IT U*B laaim VUHmSSm aiwa,,r%S??% •' = , T=.*S^S , Jfrft Aria hi Kah aai Wat aaaaaalat KMa rnt timet Pigawha rwa tihea PttnaAalpM* aaAWll ttaaarai 11 o jaAaaieaat Bbfu'ar train* ran from Spnu* H ILitnee Monday I ait, It Train arrive* at Sprinr Milia at l.dO. noon, and taaeea Spriny Mill* for Lew it burg at 210 p. m Sar,e train at Ooburn (Fork*) arrirnt at 100, and leavaa at 2 4A HIBSbANS HOTEL, iilkot, r*. Tba bait I .bit and bar, and aicm'em tubling for doraaa. Alto a laa raaait for lummtr bordar. Buta to depot, aad daily ataget • Centra county. Charge* r a tunable. 1 UHN F. Attorrjp-t* ggm&m Nervous Dcbiliiy. thai Waafeaamtr Dt imtlta. a writ agmaated ;** •■ • fewer ' r •' tfc* raauu Meatei I'lNm if - Urlin—ii. ar MIL* grain M it* aha laaeeaft aarSkf Huoipbicv a H . 11.. M (Specific No. 28. srtz, -ap* if train iu iMwiMi. -tw e- laa*. 25 y£^jsr^^s^s£^r foe iUh raa fZ.m etal t iT* la tntm- :•-* bai kk.///"*■ " iuit>b)i) 111 "" "* MUatr aw, la -app-r veil wtn-j Ur at Urn .*• -tcra eotgthal Cam ;*h tea po* i*t ta par tun Tm rani m* t _ rNL **" r "W aieta. Yoo u tie >w •tern Uac t,. it- oaefc. ■-* oatr :r -para 1 f - w*-- u -rj lia > .uaem TVrms - C trb j DAILY COACH From Cunire Hall to SjiruCf Cr*e* Centre Hull in tti mtiti ir.g at return in toe evctiicg. Tic |u prie'tM* a pit! ftr-d rk.e I uzaf erd < ache :hit i.*f, glrliv str-d and taaf.v; to pv „~!'cr*. AKLKS MAY uS ii .u-ySnt l*?v Harness, Saddias, uc T5 ed-aiafcu.f -'ut-rxaiaa-S ' .U, rrui: 1.-r -sj '< vri- w ouvaetfwSl • (MtUM .* .0 tw kMalock -•! üb&hsirr 1/ u* 1,0 at ttia wM at. u. v Ml- tftlio • ma cwiW aau Uw Uaaa, 1 -< 11.. t and Mratnwi 01 SaAa Hatataa •■1 .. Hrt l. o. aaar, JoakOuUvn _a eaalpTi Wp'-w at. Uli-i..TU i -. Woaulatotlm - Ira aa— maul, ha nut ollara at prtoaa wUtaaut Urn Mam-. Jacob oulSgs o>m tun A f\T TV Oraat rhaacv ta mate amen- U GOLD.^BOic-sgg Illaatratod famU/ pnhttaatl— la Haaaalt Aaj awe oan b* nana a •- tful aaawt. Tkt meal ataaaat watha ofatietvalraa la aahaainitn. ThapttaaMae low that alaaoei aaarrnodr aabaertbea Owaaeaa* tw Po maktna oaar >t ta a waak. A laSr uaal ra l>oi 1a tataaa etarew aahaartbata ta *aa da,-. All wfce t|i maka mommr faat Tea aaa dmta ail law Uawt to Um bnaltitaa. or oatr roar apan Um- Too naa 1 aat ba awar fawm Vamt orar atefiA Tu. aaa de UaawaUaaaJban. Fall partteolara. dtr • aaa aad Unaahwa. Rlaaaat and p> tfr*" want iwodtibia wark aaal aaroar add-aaa at awaa. U voata wetbtae te 117 ta* Vaataaai. Ra aaa wba aa .'•eat (alt* to mate meat par. iddtim "T'a Pwopie'a locreal," PurUaad.Malaa. laagg Centre HaU Hotel. JOHN SP ANGLER, PROP'S. Pirat-claM accommodation for guatU. Bet -tabling for horaca. Siagea arrive ni depart every day for all points. ' C . T , XA * DIE - c M. Bow en r A LLXANDER& BOWER. At * i4a3L UVMfMt-LdV, ftlUfffltti. Bpij iUl| it iIWIIBB n Attorney-at Lav ; *-f. Bellefonte, P*. Oflce over By --HUta bank. ■ If i>