The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 06, 1877, Image 3

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THURSDAY RETT. ft. 1877.
55-TeßMe —s2yier ycwr. srA pa *4 m
njennre; s2oiO trkew Wo# jwu'rf n adrnnrf.
Adverti'emenin aOrfs per line for three **-
eerti< •*. ox' b cents per line for trrrv sub
teptmt insertion. Advertisements by the
year at a liberal discount.
~ LOOtih SftbiiU
r.RHTar Maw la'tie*. Its. sM. I '•' * °„'.j ,n " "
,rrvSoireai*ns>tnßtihelMei eU-iwIU. .
rn o Kou. lean. Sm Wt. . A M.. W'"• £
Xl.elai ereniaa en or before earh foil •*>* '
Ot 1 V rllowa tt". o, ,, W W
t )' la .t A 'S
onoo a* s'tnastor. N, <W Petit. wwtfs
Hall.Oeatre Halt on Ute Salarstaj on *
mooa at I* M and varj (sr.. seek* H ",VwlTt
)| , Wa-ler. >■ AX B. • ***
ndorsigrod ofiVra the store room, known
ns Tlerlaohor's old stand, at Onntre Mall,
for rent. The stand it a desirable one in
aM res poets Possession can be bad nr.*
time after April Ut. by agpl.Ving to.
Hkxhy Kkusrm Centre Hall. •
Ma}. Harry Fot*r will be the ore
tor at the nest meeting oftbe Centre toi.n
ty Veteran Club, at Howard.
The Journal tuatl. *1 MiHhelm, baa
beer on the brain -cause, too much beer
in the stoma, b, he has capacity for a keg
'"' l (irennirg. r, of Tylers*ille, has
already commenced erecting a store hous.
at the Forks.
Xortbumherland eour.ty waul* an
assistant law-judge.
two bushel* of huckleberries in one day,
in the mountains, last week. Must be
plenty down there.
Sunday and Monday last were rath
er cool, ard reminded us that summer was
nearing Us end.
The Lewisburg M. K, Sabbath
school excursion to Spring Mills, on
Wednesday of last week, consisted of 13
passenger cars, densely crowded, and
passed off very pleasantly, save that a
showar in the afternoon gave them a soak*
inff - . i
graph will extend up to Spring Mills, put
ting our valine in telegraphic communi
cation with Europe, A>i* and Buffalo val.
The'dnd Quarterly Conference of the
Evangelical church, will be held at ten
tre Hall, loth and 16th of September.
Conference meets at 3 o'clock on Saturday
15, service* in the evening of same day.
Communion on Sabbath morning, fol
lowing, and services in tbe evening
W*e have received from the author,
Prof. Win. T Meyer, tw > pieces sheet
music, "The Queer Old Bache or", comic,
song and chorus; aiso "Walking Down
the Lane," humorous song, words and
music, by Mr M. Price 30ceach. These
pieces will be favorites with lovers of mu
sic, as all the author's productions have
Many ot the'people in this valley
talk of attending the Union eo. fair, at
Lewisburg- they can reach it so hnodily
aow by rail.
Go to lleisWe Bellefoute Marble
Works if you desire tombstones of first
class workmanship, and at low prices.
S. A A. Loeb'a keep ahead for first
class dry goods, and latest styles, and
Farmers and physicians of Peons
valley will find a complete stock of medi
cines, genuine and of bet qual'ty, at
Green's drug store Bellelonta
llenry Krumreine is having a 400 feet
switch put down on his ground at Spring
Mills to connect with the grain house he is
about erecting.
Graham Bro's, from Milroy, are
starling up a weaving establishment,
the room formerly occupied by the Re
porter office, and will soon be ready to do
all kinds of work in that line.
The managers of the Union co. t air
have information from tbe llailtoad com
pany that excursion trains will be run
from Spring Mills, in Centre co., and all j
intermediate ooinls to Lewisburg.
Walker, tbe fellow who stoie Sena- (
tor Peale's horse, was tried at Bellefonte. \
last week, and sentenced by Judge Orvi
to ten years in the penitentiary. Ibere
is no fun in that kind of a sentence.
The Gallaghers, charged with stealing
silverware from the residence of A O.
Furst, Esq., were found guilty of the of
fence and sentenced one for two and the
other for three years in the pententiary.
Mr. Bradley of Bellefonte, was fined
for selling liquor without license.
Geo. Breon, of Spring Mills, was also
fined sioofor.elling without license.
Mackey, one of the strike rioters, got
one year in the penitentiary, and $lO
Drugs, medicines, chemical*, per
fumery, soaps, combs, brushes, trusaes.
supporters, braces, fancy and toilet articles
Ac t< at Frank P. Green's, in the Bush
bouse block.
Pic sic.—The Patrons of Husband
ry will bold their 4ib annua! Pic-nlc on
Thursday. Sept. 13. on top of Nittany
Mountain, 1 mile north of Centra Hall.
Prominent speakers wiil be In attendance
to address the audience. Several cornet
bands will be in attendance to furnish mu
sic The public generally are invited and
urged to come. By order of Com.
The Lewistown True Democrat says
that' Gen. James Burns is still brought
out upon tbe street occasionally upon bis
wheeled chair for airing, and to appear
ances seems lo be gaining rather than los
ing in health. We are told he can pro
nounce the words "yea" and "no' very
distinctly, and he apparently recognizes
persons with whom be was intimately ac
quainted and extends his hand for a hand
shake to every one, although he has bo
other way to communicate ideas, if indeed
he has any."
A Tylersville correspondent of the
Clinton Democrat says : It is not gener
ally known that we have in our town an
insane man. But such we have in the per
son of Wm. Bicrly. In a neat house aside
of the dwelling house of Samuel Bierly be
is confined. An iron chain, about 10 feet
long, fastened to a post dug in the ground,
fastened around the right leg, below the
ankle, holds him there. In appearance
he is thick set, about 5 feet 4 inches in
height His beard is white, heavy and
silky, and be rpust have been in days gone
by a tine looking young man. At time
he is as gentle as a child, talking to him
self and laughing as though in the gayest
company. At other times he is angry and
tears to pieces everything he can lay
hands on. His bed is made of oak planks
spiked together, and even this has been
torn already. His food is given him on a
waiter, so arranged that no one need go
near him, lest in his fits of passion he
might hurt them. lie is generally fed by
Mrs. Bierly. who can do almost anything
with bim, although she lias made narrow
escapes fromTiis clutches in th past. His
health is good ; has neverbeen sick much.
He is now about sixty five years old. hav
ing been caged forty years. He was just
about graduating at school when his men
tal faculties gave away, a victim to bard
study. He is, however, kindly cared for
by Mr. Samuel Bierly and wife.
We print envelopes as low as $1 per
thousand. Send us your envelopes. We
print letter heads, and statements as low
as $1,25 per 1000, when persons fit.a the
paper. This is lower than you can get it
done for in the city.
FOR SALE. —A new Golden Tongue
Organ, warranted. Will be sold very
low. Inquire at Ibis office. tl.
A citizen of Dare county, N, G., told us
a day or two since that ono day iast fall he
made a haul with his seine in the ocean,
and caught 102 §hark. The seine was
only 280 yards long, and he *uys that
twice as many sharks got away as ha
landed.—Clinton Times.
i On la*l Friday night, Mr. Ammon,
(landlord of the Orout Western Hotel, in
Union rountv. foil oul of the second *to-y
window into xn open cellar Mair* under
r.eath. Fooling unwell he retired to bed,
and it it supposed leaned out of the win
-1 dow u< tondt. Mid loaing hi* balance,
caused hiai to full < ut. Mr. Atnroott fe
! tired about two hour* after her husband,
and finding he **- not in lied, looked oit
■of the window and saw lier husband lying
| below. How long lie lay before ttisoova •
led if not known ; he expired three luin-
Jute* after ho wnr taken up Ttin skull • n
I the bek of hie head wai fraetured
—— Prof. VVm. T. Meyer, is about clos
ing his engagements in Xittany xalley,
and expect* to return again to Aaronaburg
about the nini.lle of Sept., w ub the egpec-
tat ion of locating there for the fall sen*, ti
Should there be any persons in the neigh
borhood desirous of taking l.wsoos in in
tiruiuenUtl music, thev should avail iheti
•dm of the opportunity.
——The Rush H .use is still tha favorite
hotel,end has the largest run. Mr. M
Codum is the nte.t ohligi t.g proprietor tb •
Bush has yet had.
Stxt of Central Pennsylvania w. 1 meet
in the English Lutheran church at lock
Haven, on Wednesday. September2ft,ami
continno in e*>ion ft or ft days About
SO clerical and lay members are expect
Suffering will exhibit it* presence
by tha crlos of the baby, and should be re
moved by the prompt use of that highly
recommended remedy —l)r. Bull'* Baby
Syrup. It is frvo from Morphia. Price
.5 reals.
I Rev. I.>ac Neff, of Lycoming coun
ty, preached in the Luth. church, of this
place, on last Sabbath evening.
—— Kor, H F. Long, late -of Arend'.s
vtllc, Pa . has accepted a call from the
Pine Orove Mills Lutheran charge.
The best place in central Penn*. to
gel Monuments, Couches and li#ad*tonei
for your departed friends. t Oeininger A
Musser's Millhvim Marble Works 'I hey
are not a whit behind the times either in
mperior workmanship or low prices.
Try them and you will he convinced.
Sept. ft lit.
The cast of dying in North Carolina is
summed up at :t low *gure : Three canta
loups and a halt bushel of peaches, "JO
cent*; one visit from a doctor. $5, pine cof
fins $3. Total, $o 20.
clo*e supplement* containing the premium
li*t ot our nrxt county fair. The officers
of the Society hate taken every pains to
make this year's fair one of the most at
tractive ever held in our county.
The horse and buggy stolen from
Mr. Jacob Wagner's in the Loop, last
week, ha? not yet been heard of.
Hicks A Pro. have opened their
new store at Spring Mills, and keep on
baud any thing wanted in the liue of
stoves, hardware and tinware.
M illheim has two free busses to the
Forks— one from Kieamer's hotel and the
other from Musser't. Opposition is the
life of trade.
The new three story brick bank
buitdiyg is now under roof, and makes an
imposing appearance in our town.
Ready made Clothing never was as
cheap in Centre county a? at present.
Yon can buy a good suit of clothing for
less than half what it cost two years ago.
This reduction in an important item of
expense is owing to the establishment of
the Eagle Clothing Store, by J. Newman,
jr.. at Bellefonte. Mr. Newman offered
his g-mds at almost cost and ihusecured a
big run of business, so much to that be bad
to greatly enlarge his store, and now of
ters the cheapest clothing in the state.
Correspondence of tbe Reporter.
Oak Creek empties into Salt Creek troni
the North-west. It is of Oak Creek Val-
ley of which I write now. 1 Unversed it
nearly IS) in lie#, and although I have
been through different parts of the West
frequently, I have seen no part of the
country that offers better inducements
than this. The surface soil is black, a veg
etable mould froui 2 to 5 feet in depth,
accumulation of de -eying animal and veg
etable matter for thousands of years. As
a recent writer has said. "Itis composed of
washings from the Rocky Mountains, du
ring the poeiod of the formation of the
plain*, is sponge-like in texture and af
fords, therefore, a natural and effective
system of under-drainage." When the
rain fall is in excess, it is held in the sub
soil until needed for the support of vege
tation, when it is drawn up by capillary
attraction and hence the crops neither suf
fer from drouth nor too much moisture.
What I say of this valley will apply to a
considerable portion of Lancaster county,
and to many other localitua in the slate
The surface is divided into bottom land
and rolling prairie. The bottom land is
of almost inexhaustable fertility, and en
tirely free front stones and gravel. When
plowed it becomes very mellow and far
mers work it shortly afte.* a heavy rain.
There is no bard pan nor other impervious
substances, hence farmer# do not fear a
failure of crops from unusual wet or pro
traded drouth. At least it would bo an
exception to the general rule. Deep mud
as we often find in Illinois and lowa is
never known here. The soil of the uplands
is not quite so rich, but with verv little ia
bor, produces abundant crops, and some
even contend that this'land is belter for
wheat than bottom land. In this valley,
12 miles from Lincoln, there are three
families from Centre county. Pa., Messrs.
D 11. Zcttlc, 11. A. Larrimer and G. W.
Kerlin. The first and last named lived a
few year in Illinois and moved to Nebras
ka la*t October.
Mr. Larrimer moved bero last March,
Messrs Zettle and Kerlin planted TO acres
in corn, and had about fifty acres in wheat,
barley and oats. Their crop it simply
enormous, beyond their expectations, and.
if favored thus for two or three years more,
would not exchange chances with many in
the older settlements who are in good cir
cumstances. They sowed wheat in Feb
ruary and in lest than six months ate of
the fruits of their labor. They say they
have no desire to return to the East. Mr
Larrimer, wife, and five clildrcn left a
good home in Centre county and moved
to Nebraska, never baring seen the coun
try before. His object in leaving a borne,
with all tho modern conveniences a man
could wish, to battle with the disadvan
tages of a new county was to get land for
his children, lie thought, with Paul, "11
any provide not bis own,
especially those of hit own
bouse, he butb denied the faith and is
worse than an infidel." I never saw a
larger crop of wheat gathered from a* many
acres, than the crop Mr. L. has. He said,
"you know I raided heavy crops in Pa.,
but neviy such as this. Tell my friends,
when you return to Pennsylvania, that I
found some disadvantages here but have
no desire to leave this country." What 1
say of one of the families I can say of all—
their object is to provide homes for their
children and this tbey were not able to do
where they lived. Tbcir wives and chil
dren join them in saying, "We like the
If any reports to the contrary reach Con
tre county, put them down as unreliable,
I spent five days with them anJ can truly
say I love that country.
Tenants give the third bushel, the own
er paying all taxes on the real estate.
Thia is u rare opportunity for those who
are not able to buy.
Or better still, perhaps, some furnish
itock and implement* and givo the tenant
half of all the grain. When such induce
ments are offered and there is so much fer
tile, uncultivated land in the west, why is
it that men do not go and occupy it ?
(To be Continued.)
i —At Rellefont* on Monday lornnoon.
a man by name of Kelly. Irom Snowxhoe,
let hie team aland in the mUlshod below
the depot. The passenger tram came
along, which cauae-l the toni to atari In
the direction el the railroad, and a tha
' horse* pnaaed o\r the track the engine
ttruek the hind part . fthe vreg.'g, which
whs completely wieckntl and the front
part, hanging to the rowuatt her, was
dragged up t<> the depot The harnsa*
was jerked clean off the librae* by ills'
c dlUioii, and the animals were m< bady
jammed up that it was th. ught they wou ft
k* unfit for ftirlhrr use.
t)n Satuixlay last cumiulasloner
Orrgg and deputy sheriff Mutuon took
even Cuntiu county to tonnre li ill# we.- j
tern penitentiary, tlur couti.y now ba24
hoarders in that institution.
--- Farmer* aml housekeepers get bctt r
goods for thei* utonev. at Sechlui's truce
ty, than l pine tenths of the groceries to
he found They are the most car. fhl
gi.H'vt* as regatds ti<-h goods and such as
arc really hi to go into our families. I hair
,<ook *mliiaces a fttll line always, and
they sail at rash rales toregulrcu*tonier
Take your produce to Recbisr's, they allow
tha highest price for ibetu, and give you
the choicest goods in exchange
—-Mr. F. O. lloslrrmau, ol lis US',
has an outer stiver quarter, than that of
Mr. Hair, of 177 ft, of which we recently
mentioned. Mr Hosterraan'e ds'es lack
to 177' J. aud is four years older.
—Yone From brot' a potato to
this office, 7 leet 9 inches in length. Who
beat* ?
Wacom KokSalt—A large road wag
on, good as new, and which can readily
be cut down to a plantation wsg. n, is of.
fern! for a!e cheap, by Joux \N otr, Cen
tra Mills, Pa.
We read that Mars will, on September
5, be only 45,000.000 miles from the earth.
How to prevent a collision on that day
between Mars and the fashionable shirt
collar is the problem n> w agitating phi
Eighteen Persons Killed ruil Seveu
teen Wouudcd.
DM Moines. lowa, August ©.—The do
! tails of a railroad accident on the Chica
go. Hock Island and Pacific railroad at the
east branch at" Four Mile creek, seven
miles tram this city, arc beginning to ar
rire. All tlie train but tbe sleeping car
went down into the stream. The engine
is completely out of sight. Barnuui s she*
car went down among the rest, and it is
l£:d that all of ila eleven occupants but
one wcro killed.
A special dispatch to the State Register
from the wteck says there are sixteen kill
ed so far as known , twelve bodies are out
on tbe banks, seven of them being P. T.
liarnutn s man. Four dead bsuiei are
still seen in the wreck but cannot be got
out at present. The accident was occa
sioned by the washing out of a bridge and
occurred about 4 o'clock this morning.
There are seventeen people injured.
More Terrible even than the Sufior
tugs of the Slaves of the Bowl.
A sallow-faced youth with tangled
black hair, bended bead, and slow, drag
ging step, crept out ot the prison pen in
the General Sessions court room yester
day, and, supported by two officers, was
led up to tbe bar. lie is not 30 years of
age, but is prematurely old and decrepit,
and. as he was almost borne up the aisles,
every one looked upon him with interest
and astonishment. H is called the mor
pbire man. He ha* taken anse-thetics ha
bitually for many years ; recently th
stimulants cexsed to produce the desired
results. Tben he resorted to hypodermic
jnjeetions of morphine, and began a sys
tematic course of stealing, entering dwel
lings and taking away overcoats. Hal,
can**, indeed anything valuable that wa
avai'abie. His booty he pawned in the
neatest pawn shop. Then he spent the
proceeds in morphine. Ho iniected it by
boring holes through his skin with the
point of a pair of 'elisors, and then with a
small instrument throwing in the drug
In time he increased the dose, and made
larger nd deeper incisions. 11 body is
covered with half healed sores
He became weaty and litle*s in hit bear
ing. his body emacipated, his eye dull,
and bis skin a deathly hue.
Uoariwcred to the namo of Henry L-
Sun ford as he was held up in front of the
bar yesterday. He was accused of steal
in S7O worth of surgical instruments from
the office of Dr. Early of 83 Macdougal
street on the ltth of July. He had been a
patient of Dr. Early fur some time
As tbe question, "'Aro you guilty or
not? ' vn put to the prisoner, he strug
gled painfully lora moment lo comprehend
the words, and then said in feeble tones.
"I don't want you to hang mo; I only
want to be shot. Please sentence me to be
shot; I want to Jie."
Judge Sutherland gave the prisoner the
lijhtet possible sentence, namely, one
year in the penitentiary. It is not known
where Sanford livv*. if he has any home,
or what his occupation is.
After the a gentleman accosted
the prisoner. He dropped listlessly into a
chair, his bead fell to hi* breast, and he
mumbled unintelligibly, and he twisted
his long bony fingers.
"I don't want to live at all," the prison
er moaned. "All 1 ask is to be sboL Ob,
I'm in such misery, such pain. I'd give
all I've got to be shot. " Want to get out
of my misery. Do n't want to live at all,
and when I get a little better I'll either
sh>>ot myself or open a vein. I'm tired of
this agony."
"Where do you live?' the gentleman
"Oh, I don't know," the prisoner re
plied, "they've got me in some place down
here ; I believe it'sthe Tombs. Some one
down there told me that if tbey did n't
hang me they'd send me to a place : I
d<>n't know what it is, a prison, or some
such thing ; or else they'd put me to a
place over the river, and there I'd he in
fearful agony for a few days, and then I'd
die. He said that they would not even
allow ino to commit suicide. At the other
place, up the river, he'Vaid they would put
mo in a place arid would cure me. I don't
want to live. I'm covered all oyer with
holes where I've taken morphine, and oh,
my spiae aches so."
Washington, August 21.—Many corn
plaints have reached the Treasury De
partment that merchant* and butine**
nn-ri in various parts of the country have
been in the hubit of printing business
card* bearing *uch clo*c appearance to the
United States and National Bank isnics
that many people have been deceived
thereby, and quantities of it paa-ed a*;
good money. Some of the sample* rectfv-1
ed at the Secret Servive Division here sn
ot a character to deceive, some samples
representing fractional currency and five
and ten dollar notes. While they bear
upon their face the fact that they are not
really genuine, yet they are so very close
fn their imitation as to hive deceived
many people, and there is evidence here
of one of these cards, issued by a firm in
Philadelphia, without ai.j evil intent
whatever, having betupassed upon nnuui
ber of persons. These i*sue are all iu vi
olation of .aw, ot which the persons em
ploying such means of advertising their
business seem tube totally ignoiaiit. Sec
tion 6430 of the Revised Statutes forbid*
the engraving or printing ot anything in
the impression or the likeness of any Uni
td States obligation or other security or
any part thereof, except under the author
ity of the Secretary of ibo Treabury. The
penalty is a heavy fine and imprisonment.
MItMIKIM, r. Sept 4, 1H77.
The people iif Centre r<>uiily have cer
lalul.v learned by iltmlixnc* what il 1% !'
have n good lawyer for District Attorney
An office of till* I,iml *nv * money to tin
people ami the county. The public ha* to
bui nei* to select u man i incompetent in
h* profession that every prosecutor it ptil
lit the necesnlty and expense of tnaixu a
i AWYKH in prosecute hi* raitic for hint
Thitra arc but two candidate* in the field
• a the Democratic aking tbo noiiti*,
nation, ami Tel ween them the democracy
h iuliJ havo no |rouh!e or find no dtffiou -
ty in niahing a choice Ibe one ha* an ex
perience <tf about eight yer* at tie ha".
During thi* lime ho ha* pro* routed and
defend* il In all kinds of eareX. If nu'ttin*-
t.iil he would! ho an officer of exp- inn*-*',
and of car, fill and thorough training,
n-.idoa thi*. there are consideration* d
parly that ihotiM to obeyed. No man in
tho county bar given more of h • time, or
devoted more of hi* ene-gie* t<> the Demo*
craltc party than D. K Fortney Tho
pooplo of Ponnt Valley well knew that
there haj not been a campaign line* DCS
that Mr. Fortney I as not spent from oau to
-. I - ... .Li- I i> l xr_,l. j..:
two work* in tin* and llrtieb \'alley, doing
hi* level host for the succes* of the whole
party. They a!*o know that much time
and labor wa- apent in other part* of the
county and sometime* in the stalest large
Dining all thi* time he ha* atkivl nothing
and received nothing , and the writer of
tbia article know* very well that il wa<
with difficulty that ba we* prevailed upon
to bo a candidate for tho office of District
Attornev, and 1 am free to ay that had it
not been for the solicitation* ol the l'tesi
dent and Additional Law Judge of thi*
Judicial DUtrict, ha would tiot new be a
candidate. M.
Salt Lake City, Utah. Aug 21).—Brig
hxm Young died t'-is afternoon al 4 o'.
clock. He was attacked by cholera mor
bus last Thursday night, which was fol
lowed by intlainntion of tho bowel*, which
prevented trom the first all passage
through theui, and by continued swelling
toward tba throat finally stopped respira
tion. He wa* conciou* as long as failing
breath permitted him to speak, but only
briefly answered questions during the last
forty eight hours.
Such was hi* weakness that nothing, not
even the lea-t incident, rendered the death
bed of Brigham Young noteworthy. Du
ring eighteen hour* previous to bis death
ho wa* unconcious except at interval* of
perhaps a minute in length, and then ha
answered question* which were nsktd
without making any voluntary inquiry
Ori Tuesday evening and during most of
tho day the Lion Hou>e was approached
by scores of visitors, but some of Brig
ham Young's own. wive* were prevented
from seeing him. Many of his younger
children were not aware of his approach
ing death and all except a few of the
younger member* of hi* family were de
nied admission to his bedside. If he gave
any utterance or made any !a*t request it
ha* been carefully concealed. He is taid
to have died quietly after a long period of
silence and quiet breathing One ghastly
feature of Morinotiism is illustrated by the
fact that some of Brigham'* wive* relegat
ed to hovel* and unable yesterday to view
the remain* of their departed suzerain
were hanging around tho doors oftbe Lion
House. Crape was placed on the doors o'
the Lion llouie and the Bee Hive at four
o'clock and al tho co-operative store anu
all mercantile establishment* owned by
Mormons in the city were rioted at once.
There ha* been no enteral demonstration
of regret. Indeed, there it a noticcablr
lack of excitement.
Sail Lake City, August 31.—The body
of Brighnm Young will liu in Hale uulil
.Sunday morning when the funeral will
take place. The government of the Mor
mon Church ha* pasted into tho hand* ot
twelve apo-tle*. ten of whom will be pre*
ent at the funeral. Two of them. Joseph
S Smith and Orson Pratt, are in England
It is not likely there will be another l're-i*
dent of the Church appointed for Mm*
i time.
Salt Lake, Sept. 2. —An immense con
course of people from all part* of the ter
ritory as-cinbled here to-day to attend the
funeral of Hrigham Young There were
probably 12.1tt) or 15,0U) persons in the
tabo.'racle. The religious service* cow
rat need at 12 o'clock and continued until
two. Remark* were made by Mer*.
Woodruff, Hyde. Cannon and Taylor, eu
logistic of the dcreated and tlsa great work
he bed performed.
The body wu enclosed in a plain red,
wooden coffin and was borne to the grave
by the employee* of the late president
Tho cortago wa preceded by a band and
followed by the family, the different or
ders ol priesthood'and adherent*, all on
foot. The order of Hrigham Young a* to
the disposition of hi* remain*, written in
1873, was read, but nothing from him ha*
been made known a* yet a* to the succos
tior'to leadership of the church or dispoti
tier, of hi* property.
The coffin was of California redwc*od,j
varnished, and without ornament. The
lining whs white satin. The corpse rested
on a woo! mattress. The arrangements
were all In accordance with written in*
structicns giver, by Brighana Young in
187?, which instructions were read at the
funeral. Ho desired that the body be
made clean and kept front ono to four
days; that the coffin be of redwood, two
inches longer than the body and three
inches wider, with a canopy top, giving
the appearance of his being able to turn
over if he desired; that he rest on a cot*
tan bed, be dressed in the temple robes;
that the females of the family buy no
black to wear at the lunaral, but they
could wear such if ibey had it, and that
the males west no crape ; that the services
consist of singing and prayer, and if
friends desired to speak a few words they
bo at liberty to do so; that the body he
carried on a bier to the southeast corner
of the private burying ground on the bill
east of the Lion House, and deposited in
a cut stone vault, covered with slabs and
earth, then roofed over, and there ho de
sired to rest until the resurrection? He de
sired no one to cry or exhibit signs of
grief. If he lived until the saints went to
Jackson county, Missouri, ho wished to
go with tbern and be buried there; other
wise, as above. These instructions were
signed, and ordered to be read at the
Briglinm Young's estate is valued at
from Si'.,OUfOOO to $7,001,100, though it
wjil take sonic time to settle it up and as
certain precisely what it is worth. In his
reply to Ann Elian's suit for divorce lie
swore that his monthly income would not
exceed SO,OOO ll had already distribu
led a considerable amount of property
among hit children, and. as ho was very
punctilious in regard to his affairs, it is
probable that his will has been drawn to
preclude if possible any legal complica
St. Nichola* for September is one of
the handsomest numbers we have seen in a
long time. The stories are ail written
specially for this magazine by some of the
best writer* extant, and embrace evory
variety of subjects.
Scribncr's for September, is at band
: bright number- The illus'-uted papers
are: The Immigrant's Progress, the Fan,
Tho Land of the Arabian nights, Nicholas
Minium, con'd, Will and Cisterns, Old
Street* and House* of England and An Is
land of the Sea. The other contribution*
arc good, and nil together make up one
of the best numbers issued this season.
Terms, a year -, single numbers, M cts
Scribner Jc Co., 743 Broadway, N. Y.
THOMAS A. HICKS & 1)110.
M havo a very large an I complete itock of Hardware, the largest that wai ever before oflcred by any firm to the people of thli county, and are selling at tbo very low
t possible rate* "
Iron, Steel mid Nails, Locks, Clans and Putty,
i'ure \V hitn l.emU and Linteod tHI , Tut pettilnei and Varnish* *. all Which wo warrant to give aatifc*< tloit Our Pure Leal will CO ai much surface ai any In the mart
and cannot he eieellcd for whiten on HEADY Ml\ Kl > I'AIN 1 put ui> in any quantity to *utt people, from one- pound Can* 1o oao gH n cam, all rady for use. Tin
I>mti.te we a arrant to be mixed with pure e*d nd oil, uuJ aru tree from all adulteration.
M h'CHANICB TOOTS We pay peal attention to tlx* branch. and keep a full line of Haw*. Chisel*. ilammera and Bade) '■ lon P rnin ; Umi nai's rt/all kinds, Tfr
Chain*, llatite.. Etc FULL LINK OP >ADDLKKYoF ALL DESCRIPTIONS COACH WOOD WOKK.-Hpwkea, F-< o* Pto < Wheel, of the muH improved p*
unU , Mr*. Potts' ltiti roved Flat Iron*, • up, convenient and durable polished an 1 nickel-plat* d. Jokusfiwn's Prepared K* o nno;p,t up In 0 pound pachsJies ; e
put on, and cheaper than paper. Wo have all color*
S T 0 V E S.
Wo have the only Kever*ible. Tep.platO Cooking Steve* in the market T. Key*lone, Susquehanna and Juniata, which * 0 war ant t bo the hwt baker* and the her
i#.t mar ket >M EST - AUo H kind* f Range, and other suves, COMMAND SEE OUR KBYBTON
Owing to a great deal of aickncxx at
I present, of which loae howola *ein to be
' chief, the followi ■t it ay prove valuable
"It is raid that dyaentery in it* worst form
cau be cured, after ail other remejie* have
. tailed, by drinking wheat flour stirred in
water, in quantity of about a half tumbler
of water mado to tho consistency of cream
with th * fl -ur. It may be advisable to
add a pinch of salt, or tho tlour may be
catan in it dry *Ute. Tho same effect
may he produced in case* of chronic dtat
Profeasor Hall,' he dicoverer of the two
new falellitct of Mara, wa* onca a carpcn*
Somebody raise* the *uppoaition that
Osman Pasha is Marshal Baxaine, the
French fugitive.
m ♦
We are authorised to announce the
name of David F Fortney, of Bellefontc,
for tba office of District Attorney, subject
to the decision of tho Democratic county
convention. .
We are authorized to announce J.
Keichline, Esq., of Bellelonle, as a eandi
did ate for Dotriet Aturney Subject to
the decision of the Democratic county
Philadelphia, September I—Hour
ttcady; superlina, jl: extra*, So; 1 coney I
vania familv, pi 2i.(-v7 MianeaoU
$6 ; patent and high gn*drs. *, M
f.vtl Wheat steady; amber. $t 40<'V , *o;
No. 1 red. $1 SPtiyl 40, No. 2 do 1 3('V
1 SJ Corn steady: yellow, 0<4l; mixed.
W(4&Ue. Oatsateady; Pennsylvania whits
S2(idt*c; western waile, 32(<|,il&c; weaterti
mixed, 30<4d2e. Rye dull, at
Petroleum refined. l(*l4o; crude. ttc
Whisky in moderate demand; western,
il 14.
Chicago, September I,—kN boat strong;
No. 2. spring. sl,ll for cash; $1 Jil J'"
No. •September; " V. wV 1 7, f;
\?Jc for all lhr vi*r. No. 3 do, Jl iHf.Uorii
active and firm, tic f->r c*h * u ."-cii
tember, for October; rej-.ieu
I! j;. 1,41 jo iJal* hClivs ai.ii firm - 4 ' or
esh; jc for Oetobi-r; rejected. 1U Rye
fairly activs al 68ic. Bar ey dull and
weak al fide.
Bkllbvoiit* MABKXTS.—
t.y Shorllidgo A Co.
Flour per barrel, wholesale, $ 7 00.
retail. ft
Whilo wheat. 1 'A>
Red " 1J)
Rye. W
Corn, shelled, GO
Corn, cob, GO.
Uats, 30.
Barley, rye weight, 56
Clovereed J-' ter t4 pound*.
Potatoes retail, 80
Nov* Scotia plaster, ground, 10 00.
Cayuga " $W 00
On IH. ult . in Webster county. Miou
rt, Moilie E Armagast. ag<-l 2 vear
laughter of.lame* and Kate K. Armagast
formerly of Centre county.
On 2Uth. ult. at Farmer*' Mill*, Klixa
both I)a*hcm, aged TO year*. f month* and
12 day*.
In the I*>op. Aug. 81 Maay Mrra Stuff
ier. aged 1 year. 11 month* and 2 day*.
On August S7. Susan Daikm, born Ma>
l'i 18)7, aged TO years, 3 mouths, and H
Carpet Weaving.
The undersigned bav ng taken tl • room
on 2nd Story of Wolfs warehouse, at
Centre 11*11, "are now prepared to fill at
odor* for any of Carpet Weaving
Country C*r,et*, of wool or coltuti, a spe
cialty and made Us order. Custom work
solicited and satisfaction guaranteed All
order* promptly attended to, and
charges low a* o!' where.
Odept y C. 31. GRAHAM Jr BKO.
Stoves! Stoves!
A full line of all kinds of Stove?.
A full line of Tinware.
Hardware for all, Coacbmakers and
Mechanics included,
At tha New Store of
Will he offered on the premises on Sat*
urday. September 22nd, at 2 o'clock, p m.
at public outcry, at Centre Hill, the prop
erty owned and formerly occupied by,
George Stovor, containing about I of an
Acre, with good House and Stable there
on erected, well at the door. and tine fruit
—the lot being in the best of order. Terrm
will be made known on the day of-sir.
Any per-on desiring any information]
about the property can inquire of Robert
Lee or the subscriber
30aug8t Attorney.
V.T By calling at the new and exten
sive bakery establishment of
(Successor to J. 11. Sands,)
Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny
street where he lurnishes every day
Fresh Bread.
Cakes of all kinds,
Pies, elc.^etc.,
Anything and everything belonging to
the buaineM. Having had years of xi>c in the busine a, lie llutter* himself
that he can guarantee satisfaction to all
who mav favor him with their patronage.
30 aug tf JOSEPH CEDARS.
What Sample Tea is.
i Every Cargo of Ten. on arriving in C
Otbli country, it Sampled by the Im
a, lorter to the extent of from 1,000 tOj,
• ii.WO pounds, which teas, being out
's of the original packages, become use
%> let* to the Importer after the CargoCf
—' is Wo contract for liieso Tea*
Sal cost of Importation, (including**
2 "Sample Package*.") which are then 5
I£ thoroughly classified and packed by '
? tir New York House OUR
UiAT 40C and Title A POUND. i*"
Ji Equal in every respect those icsr
.j tailed elsewhere fur duuble
the Money. jF,
"3 At a saving of throe profits to
~ Consumer p
% No. 131 Water St., ?
New York.
Wo guarantee Every package,
liaug tf
SPRING, - - - - - 1877.
Selection Unsurpassed! Stock Large.
And uow wo extend a eoriiial.iuritation to our friends, patrons public
generally. We will say this, Cotne! if we do uot abov you
and if we cannot prove that it i* to interest to patronize ua, then
dou't buy ; but come ttitd tatiafy youraelf.
Wo have opened a full Hue of
Clothing, Carpets,
Boots & Shoes, Groceries,
and in fact everything aud anything embraced in the above line.
We will beat everything in prices aud assortment, and our past, we truet.
will be a sutiie'ent guarantee to our patrons of fair and honest treatment.
NVe have established aud will maintain our reputation. The trade we
do enables us to pel fresh goods daily, which is a great advantage to our pu
irons in all lines, aud more especially in Groceries. Call, aud it will prov* :
to yout interest.
. HERMAN, Manager.
Music mid Sewing Machine Store.
CI T T at the New Store and see Ihe largest stock A variety of Piaroi, Or-
J\ < n * Sowing machine* in this part of the
THE NEW DOMESTIC- Sllll ahead.
" NT. JOHN I uls'wt out.
" 1> % VIN With ventral feed.
" NF.W 4M ER KA N— For 8.10.
" SIM. Fit 830.
•* HOWE :.
*• $.30. •
" WHITES —.41 fUIO.
A flr*t-( l**f machinist always (in hand (o repair Sewing Machine*. Work insured
Second hand Machines at from 6to 2d dollars each Parts. Attachment*, Needle*
Needle Cases. Four-wheeled Castors, and Oil, for all Mat bine*.
A Iso Sheet Music. Piano Stools and Cuver*. Sewing Machine Needle* for an*
Machine—dOc per doaen
LITTI.K COUKTKBI K*. —The art of,
"living together" pleasurably is great |
Iv promoted by the habitual exchanges ,
of hc little courtesies of this life; they |
are never unimportant, iievoi uuac- ,
reptahle, are always grateful to the,
feeling in every household Shall
brother and sisters oe legs c refill of
ihe feelings of one another that® those 1
of a stranger? And between hut and .
land wife should there he a leas gentle- j
nets of deportment, suavitv of wanner, '
and courtaey of expreasiou than ie.v,
tended to outsiders, who have no spec-p
ial claims nod may never he seeiijl
again ? Shame upon any memb- r of
any family who neglects those a (Tec-, 1
tiouale at tension* and I nose suavities 1
of deportment towards the member*!
of the household, and even to the low r
est servant, which cannot fail to ele
vate the givar, and t<> draw from the 1
trciever tho-e willing and spuntune ■tie
reciprocities which make <>f famiiy as
sociations a little heaven helow.
lit OS. —The following is the text of
the law in iferenti to tin- disturb
anoe of public meetinto, which might
be read occasionally by nvn v youn ,
men who show their had breeding
while atte tiding some of our churihe- : i
'"lf anv persou shall willfully and <
maliciously disturb or interrupt any.
society, assemhlv or eon /rep tion enli
vened for tho purpose ot religious wor
or for any moral .social, literery, sc:en-i
tiflc, agricultural or floral object, cer
emouy, lecture, examination, or exhi
bition, such shall on convictiou hi
sentenced to pay a line not exceeding
title dollars, suffer i-up, i-.>nmi< not
ex* • edmu threv mouths, <<r ( iotli,* or
either, at the iia-rvtion .f the court."
What is it wtiicti, t tie nioi. it it cut
the lng> r it grow-?—A ditch.
W hat i- thi w 'och.thou, 1 always
invisible, i- never u of sight ? —The
letter I. #
What is tho only pain of which
everyone makes light ?—A window
paue. •
Why is chess a more moral game
ihnn cards ? In che.-s you have two
bishops ; in cards four knave*.
What is it that by losing uti eye
|has Homing hot a nose left ? —A noise
What is it which, it you take away
all its lepers, rm niis the s me? —A
Why is a beefsteak like a locomo
tive on a long journey ?—lt is not of
it: ich ace i t wi huut its tender.
VYha. does u captain do at sea
win n he ; ts out of fresh eggs?—He
lays to.
'il torri*jr!-t ! ;nr, K fnl bpfldi 1 tt Jltl—
ir!vt*n lo (.'uoccUou. abd Orpuani' Court priMtio*.
May h* conultMl n (lormnn and KuglUh. Oic in
(inantn'i htiiidiar, fflfß 74 tf.
( . -
Dl\ 1 Alt P IV Attorney at Caw
Bellefuntc, Pa. C.Bci over Rey
-n.M'hink. oiav M'oft
(Successor to J. K Miller A Sob.)
Dealsrin Puro Drug* and Mcdiniue*
Dye stuff*, and Druggist's sundries.
For medicinal purposes.
The best brand* of
always in stock.
1 rescriptions carefully Compouadod.
Jan. Harris Co
Having in k nmnnr |jo>
vmnrkiMtMl. a poiiuve cur* fir Conaump
!in and all Lung Complaint., 1 f*i it m
jut.v t • irn. ke kn >wn in a practical matin
-7 furr.tohing a sample b-ute, free e
h-trge. to all luff-ren, my only bop#
' •tnutieralton being thai the medicine wii
tmrf.irm ail 1 claim for it The ingrwT
file ar* .f lb* cboicnat herbal product
iu.J perfectly aaf# ; will b- aeot fr#• Ui'al!
tii]raa at - nca, Dr O. Pne'p. Mn.wn. S!
'•rind Street, Jrr>#y City. V J., or uta
•# had of J. K Millar A bun, DruggtnP
I Vur* Hall. Pa jan* 1>
W1 I*- WILSON. Attorney-at* L*
Bi'llefonta Pa OtHce in Mr* Be- <
r* Building. BHietonla Pa.
—Uncßln Butter P-iwdur, make# bu'
<-r a eel andhard. and quickrr In chur
Iry it —for aalr at Wni IVoli't tUiit.
dRICX FOi SALE Kurt cla brie
tit li kept on hand for sale by J O
ringer at Znte'i Centre Hal
>n 'k yard* There brtck at
M low that it will pay at
(••lance pi e. me here for them
Intending Ui rontintie in the manut-.-
ureof brick they will be kept cuattawti'
n nana, and fair inducement. offered i
* 'UCtf 11. K ZRRBK
Furniture Rooms!
I manufacture a!! kit-da of Furniture for
C am uera. Dining Room*, Libraries and
If you want Furniture of any Lhid, don't
buy until y.m ee my (lock.
lln all it* branches. I keep in rU-ck all
the ttet and men improved CvQn*
and Ca*keu, and have very facil
ity for properly conducting
thir branch oftny buihietr.
I have a pater/t C<-rpae
Preterver, in which
bodies can be
preserved fo. aconsidcrable leng'.b oft me
jullfltf W. CAMP.
Chas. H. Held,
Clock, Wnlt hniMhrrd Jeuelei
MiHheim, Onlre Ck>,, Pe.
rtarka. Wabrbra aad .'r.rlry af tbr
. . m aliho tic Mmnrill# |*Atcl Call*! 4**
< ljrk itk • *rms>)*4 Ibdei of (fa# ov
t4di|oftb aoaUi and week om lu fc# vfaicfa ft*
viituMU • i-# k—?mt I
r * n * ir * 4 •"
Dentist, Mlllhelm.
Oe-rabla iwiiiaeeieeeieorrteeeletbe pabltc. Mr ta
I, donUI pra
* I*.* o *, Prwparwd la ritra.t Irrtb abar'a 1
wtbnat pala.
\YT M P K'MANUS, Attorneyat*lw
hriieiuma, I's Ofloewilh Jrs
Mr Manua. asq 9Stf
Letter* of hdminielration on the eatate ■!
'JivrKr ILirpkior. lalo of Pott* r township,
hstvirg bi-en grant. J to the under
ig! rd. all person* knowing tin tn-e: r,
be indebted u'd dtvednt are r
pie*led to moke immediate payment, an
person* having claims ogain-l the if tot'
will prerenl them authenucoted for *etl!e
•"fj _ A.iii.r.
L-ttera f odminiftration .in tho ertoteol
E. F. McMinn. of Potter township, dee'd
having l.een granted to the undersigned
all iwrtom knowing thentfelve* to he :
debusd to raid dia'<*dent are reou -. d t
•nste I'll mediate payment, olid i>; on
hav ng claim* agnin*t the eatate n , p,,.
efltUieirrNiithen ieat. il f..r .. tilein -ut
"t'gSOfit Adtu'r.
nKrosi Durs! i DKrustn
> T.Sbtig 't I IV IG, roh.4*e<] the
drug > r n Aii ghipv .treat l!"lla
"l 1' it l.e.r to I iIN ha 'l* - ~f
tlv!:a .V Ui, ha- flitokril Hint !r"i. . out
with ail the moat p >, u r
• A HTltiL hS, Ac,, &c., &c. •
Patent Medicines, Alcohol, pura Wine*
and Liquors for medical purposes only,
j Physician's prescriptions carefully com*
t poinded and orders answered with care
and dispatch. Farmers and Physician*
■ from the country will find our stock of
Medicines complete, warranted genuine
and of the lest quality.
I This Store will remain under the direc*
jtion of the accomplished druggist and
• pharmacist heretofore connected with it,
Mr. H M Harrington, uud wa fespectful*
'vsi.licit the custom of ou* friends and
Ihe old pultons ol ti P . tos a.
19t.ptf S. T. SHUGE-tT.
! i*B th •XClUilVf tilt <u ticnr-iO*'*
Kdwin C. Burls'
8 WIDTHS. the
iUZI ShOMaA tß ilVlftt,
WMOtISALB * MtAn. vtALiae i;
Calf Eltinc,*
AU Kimle of Custom Work *<ad#Te
XI n ®l/ k * pStf#< BBLLEy O* **- *••
T L SPANOLER. Attorney at ' a
V • rnulutioa. la En f !*k Ul | Q tr .
una. Offleeiu Furst aaw builiia*.
| O ETTLRME j'T —Notice i* beret* gi
O *'*■. that tbe book* b*ltt|in t# tb
-tata af Pater Ruble, deCrf, wit) remain
a tba band* of A.raa Lukeubecb, until
. e*t, where all kaewfa* *>n
•alraa indebted to said aetata are requeued
t: call and mak* aeuteaeeat. AU account*
•* unpaid after aaid dale, Oct I.
#tll be placed in" the band# a." a * roper
•ticar (W collection.
Bjr order of the Kaeeutew
has fact received •
lo fail l*.-ge stock aßgvt • bawl,
\ number of Bedroom suit#*—we,nut and
painted suite*.
A too,
i'Uf tm
i bileuelppw aid Kiw K.ilroa j D.rl,<oi.
eb'xuAy~Wv ur.. *• sea H
JJ, A tw kaSiMd UtrauM #1" *, .
kltll. HAIL lt*e raUUclJlu' !? Lt aw
-'" •
_ - * at
r - Mcr ;2::
" Lam Hkkan
an t I n, iu. a
VIAtiASA tX.l#>a l-ta 1 i tZ
Z z ii lrr *A-r tvt*w
imrt* j-ta ISy,
arr M * .!!>■># .-ra In*
" - lei Him ::*■>
■ at Lilt .*•* rail■ a. itw itw.m
.. ft# l *#*—i tk
n I". 11 * -11 t 1* # Ik
t" yiyipem tmo
Lawk it laa trap
AA-M 'Aril
PAI U !• XwimiM Let* liana (Has
" esiaaoMi : is, #
Mean riii, rut.
air at V mim i| (!k>. a
~' ' eatwa..#ai* •
. I I.X . Hfft.ti* to a %
is** %Uw— i\mt
: = H±arr
aw ,1 Har-ntiwM a# m w
„, J. i k4#lp£'* * E> *
Cull MtlLbalallnNia iga a
* - U.Ham Uk>
" W-.tlM-aawat It Hp A
" kwmni UH#w
an ,t ,w
PAtruuiaww -mi.JSrw! nmlZ
" anal rtanmkaia Ila,
ErMHail w7at* IPrnjark g Ami. Lark ImVT
.■ witai-T, aHUirloimbawkt
Hwtpakaa.l nu LA BKK aba
ImWtikmbfn* aaS frraaw.
Mr . MaU WMA. gusam b.ktm In. la
War. .an Lack Itaraa ■■ klMi Vw amka
dkaMa—onaa tt wun.wua fc IV amia.
Am MaU Waat. Vj.anli.raa "M. Ka.
a. lack Bam •% ti
*'• "*J 5 *" <WBBr-t at Sim , Walaa
•a Lb* MBlULatOanyvwa O O A 4 V It a.
jTb'm" PaiwaJeSwa
. fekr nam a ill ram iKana rnH *ll
- Lul
' kegaltr train* run from Spring
Milsince Monday last, 11 Trin arrive#
U Spring Mill# at 1.40, nooo, and leaver
"pr i ng Mill* 'er .• i? 0p m
Same train at C-oburn (Fork.) arrive* at
b ares if 2(1 ,
_ . IILROT, r*.
TSie leu l ,b!e and her. and *iell#nt
•tabling f<>r-vine*. A too a tae reeer; for
-uxmer botrder*. Bum te d*p*C ad
daily kltge. o Centre county. Cbargre
L**- !!■<_ ■mt mi 11"I Li Atd(ft4 r *• •
wrt*aa,Ac i'Scats tba IttMvi —-- .
ib. -*•* kw.. mmsmST 'ZSmtm,*
Nervous Debility.
,J2£ Da,warUaw,a waak atbaaawr
|T~** y wwn '■ tba raa* af W>
XZLL " r * , ,"~sr . a, , 4,. .
i[*t> tba Krifm ktittnniMkr
Humphrej • H..n-..putluc Bp*c.ik
No. 28.
"•ft _?<"■ k| 4)w, Prise nO9 MT (ha - rU I
"fJi p%r i k ****f < *■>■ %' • af
CdMnßra Taii: aa2i?|!.
V / / / uta hnrft ifcSgaa —1- '
, 1 111 —WWS~r est, I* utrtanf tk
• I I Mttn who la rtiiir i„ vmk tiraitt
Mf * tlw ft kiynrti that we '•ink.
•*b •• per waak Is row on • ww. Jttm srwt act
aw .run bw "*•, oiht Voa aaa ira roof
• boll Una i tba work, a outr poor arv* iaow*|t
I .'r. . n " t iln*..' o M **• •• abm Torn. ad *
" to"* "Mm* at om. U. HalV't I C<v.
fbtfltni. l ortMbd Mkioc M)|
Centre Hall to Spruce Creek.
l.t:*M CfrUi Hall In tat* morning and
retu-n* ia ifao evening. The -pirojirieti..'-
ha* out flr.-t class teams and CflKna'W
t.-> line, giving *i't<nl and t >nif.>rt to p*--
-Ti ;ar CHaKLKS M\ YJCS,
'* eJT*"' Jfjtiprinor.
Harness, Saritfies &c
Tt un-torsUoMl. iiottratMl t ox -fta pbjk;J.
1 •>" ' 'or !wsr o-loae. r-ai ati<kUf vaUa tbati.-i,
wa at too j uMk ta hlttto. V of
• •ir oltar*<! at thrnM .ta.-td !**lgwd c- pffi" for
Ho -owia n.'. ;b 11-r*a.>iel>e-.t od niaat >•"
Uhßiril .rlntw/'uon of H' • Hi rt. I•„ i. . _
ifn i . . .. -■ 1 wntafcantlwiKt}'; V.
lit fact c.-r> 1 :>a Utuoorjti.i . !'• Uwo c.l.hii
•BOBt. bv uMB oKonitit Brio*. itiob all Suit fkoMni.f.
JkIVH IH.HUb* C*utr Hall
I"I A f T \ Great cHtnea to Mtaka ano- 1'
I v I ) I . I I SlSSX^SjTkt^
V * V JLi I ' a aaa town to tab* aabaartouan.
for tba larva; ebaapaat aad baa
1 lloa-ratotl fajntlr paMtoatioa ta tka worM. laroaa
eaa baroma a ouoooaafttl aaaat. Tba stoat alasaat
wi.rka of art gtmnfrve to an'-at-i .t a TbaprtcaTw
low tbt ahotWt arannodr attbaertbaa. Oaa acwat ra-
P<"sft*kla Ia to . waak. 4 ladr aar> ra-
IKiiialaktaa ovarllG aultaeribarv la taa dara. Alt <W
anaaaa naka nuxtar faat Yoo aaa da rot a all p—r
UuiatoUia bmlaaaa. or oolj jaar apara timo- Too
ncod not ua I*v froat boma orar nkrat Ton oaa do
tt a wall a> ntbrra. Kjll particular*, dlroctioaa aad
tantti fa- Elojrant ui oittaoairr 1)0tilt frr. Ifyoa
wiuit niobtabio work aaad oijoor add aaa at a. It
cncta rotnina to try the btiklaraa No nor > 0 eo
iaa fall! to makr arrat PW- Addraaa "Tba 1 sopla'a
..ourojl," Port la ad, M a 10a. lamCJl
L< tte-s of adrniniitratlon on the rtate
of Jacob M oyer, lata of Potter tarn, dee'd,
havinjr been nranted to tba underlined,
all persona knowing themselves to be in*
debiedtosaid decedent Atre roqueiteo to
make immediate payment, and pertona
having claim* against the eatate will pre
sent them authenticated for aettlem*ni.
sug 2 Ado. ,t.