FARM, VARDEA AMI HOUSEHOLD. Kcrtae*. CURE FOR FKOON. —Take equal pari* of gam camphor, gum opium, oaatilc soap and brown an gar. Let a druggist prepare it, and apply a thick plaster of it. LKMON PlE.— One lemon, one ?gg, one cracker, one cupful sugar, half cupful water, one spoonful salt, the juice of the lemon squeezed out, the pulp and cracker chopped together ; grate the riud. HROIUKD LAMB CHOPS, —These should be cut not mure than half an inch thick, and broiled before the fire very close and quick. They will take from eight to ten minute*. Throw some pepper and salt over, and aervw very hot, with fried parsley around them. * FISH SAUAII. —Pick up cold fish atnl place in a frying-pan ; season with aidt and pepper, the juice of a lemon and melted butter, a little vinegar, and one raw egg beaten ; let warm over a alow flw, stirring so that tbov do md bum ; place in a diah ; serve oold. FTUKTIBUKAO m BATTK*.— One table spoonful if sweet, light dough ; make it into a thin latter by one cup of sweet milk ; add three or four eggs, one and a half CIIJI* flour, tca*jxxnful of *alt. Cut light bread into thin slice*, dtp into this batter, and fry in hot lard. Sprinkle with powdered sugar ami garnish with jelly, if agreeable. BXKKO CABLRAOR. —BoiI a firm white cabbage for fifteen minute*, then change tlie water for mure that is boiling, and boil until tender; drain and set aside till oold, then chop fine ami add salt and pepper, one tablespoonful of butter, two eggs well beaten, three tablespooufuls of rich milk or cream ; mix well, and bake in a buttered puddtug dish ma moderate oven till browu. Serve hot ORANGE CASK. —Two cupful* sug*- two cupful* flour, one-half cup vr. i. the yolks of four eggs and white* of three, the juioe aud grated nnd of one orange, one teaapoouful cream tartar, one-half teaspoon! til soda. Bake in four thin cakes as for jelly cake. Make an icing of the remaining white of an egg, the juice and riiul of another orange and pulverised sugar ; spread between the layers as in jelly cake. BROILED CALVES' HEART.— This should be out lengthwise, and not thicker than half an inch;- Broil with a piece of fat or bacon ten minute*. Serve with a little currant jelly and bntter in the dish under the piece* of * heart Ox\ pig's, lamb's and sheep's heart mar lie cooked in the same way, also the livers, out the same thickness, and broiled with bacon, a little melted butter with catsup iu it serving as a good sauce. RKD* Crujuurr JKl.LT.— Strip the cur rants from the stalks, and pat them in a preserving kettle ; mash them as they get hot, and let them boil well for half an hour; then turn them into a coarse hair sieve, and let them drip into an earthen dish ; a lien all through, without squeezing, weigh the liquid, a pint for a pound of sugNLond heat the sugar while the liquid bo® for ten minutes ; then stir in the sugar, and the jelly will set as soon as the sugar is dissolved. BTTRBHUX BREAD.— Heat one pint of buttermilk until it is almost scalding hot; stir in slowly, while themilk is hot, sifted flour enough to make quite a thick batter; then add half a gill of yeast, and let it stand five or six hours to rise; if made over night, do not use the substitute one tableepoouful of white sugar. In Hie morning, stir into the sponge, a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water; add a little salt, two table spoonfuls batter, work in just flour enough to handle comfortably; knead wen make into loaves, and let it rise until light OAT-MEAL CRACKERS. — One tearupful oat-meal and enough tepid water to wet and make into dough; mix well and quick; the harder the dough the better; u it will bear to be rolled out with the rolling-pin, begin to roll it, stopping to press the ragged edges with your fin gers; keep at it in the same way till it is one-eighth of a quarter of an inch thick ; be quick about it or it will get too drv under your hands; make only dough enough at one time for one cracker; do not brown it anv in baking; it will be good for a month if you put it in your oat-meal barrel and cover it with me&L LAMB'S HEAD.— Procure the head pre pared, and the brains; cover in water and boil gently until the flesh separates from the bone; eat in small pieces, place in a saucepan with half a pint of any good broth, a tablespoonful of curry powder, a dessert-spoonful of curry-paste, one onion chopped fine, a Utile batter ; stew gently half an hoar. Put the brains into a saucepan of boiling water, let sim mer five minutes, skim out and mince fine; add a handful of bread crumbs, a little salt, white pepper, and chopped parsley; mix together with an egg and form into small round balls; dip in egg and cracker or bread crumlw and fry a nice brown, placing around the curry when dished. Qaf(}aai u4 Aatwrrv Does the soil affect the quality of Rus set apples ? Yes. Those raised on sandv soil are more juicy and of fine flavor, while those on hill lands are the best keepers. How long after planting before apple traes will bear ? Usually about the fourth or fifth year they will beffin to bear small crops. Oc casionally a tree will bear the third year, bat this is not common. Orchards well cared for often scarcely bear at all before the seventh or eighth* year. Much de pends on the soil and variety. How many grapes can be raised to the acre f Three tons to the acre are as many as should be raised. Overcropping rains many vineyards. Improved quality makes np for any lack in quantity. A Connecticut cultivator recommends*three pounds to a viae. He also recommend.* attention to a more extended culture of the grape; they are especially whole some, will keep several months* and the vines come into bearing in less than half the time required for the apple and pear, and they are more easily protected from the attacks of insects. Oat of sixty va rieties raisr d by this gentleman he finds the Concord the most profitable for mar ket, and likes the Delaware for family use. E. 8., a World subscriber wanted to know how to mark fowls so as to distin- Sish pallets from old hens after they ve become grown. Fanciers make, with a small punch for the purpose, holes in the skin be tween the toes of chickens. What is the best manure for the quince? One fanner, who has noted its success for sixty years, says that salt is the best fertilizer for the quince. He used it in both nursery and orchard, and finds it excellent for cherries and pears. It is applied beneath the trees, in quantity from four to eight bushels per acre, ac cording as it appears to be needed. Quinces are liable to overload, and the small ones should be plucked off in sea son. The qninoe should grow in bash form, and rarely requires a knife. How can batter Ixi preserved through the summer months so a*i to be good for market in the fall ? A farmer's wife replied that if well made and the batter-milk is all ont of it, butter covered with brine and kept air tight will be fonnd all right in the fall. The brine mnst be in sufficient quantity to cover and surround the butter, and if packed in wooden vessels, these should be thoroughly saturated with brine be fore the batter is put in, or it will not be air-tight. Picking (ieese. Picking should be done in a close room or every breath of air will scatter the feathers and down. Having taken up yonr bird, draw a long stocking over ito nead and down on the neck, to pre vent its wreaking its vengeance on you by its mercileea biting. The wings are formidable weapons also, and must be held, or their blows will leave many a black and blue mark as evidence of their power. Geese might be picked upon a caponizing table and faetened in the same way as w chicken for the operation of caponizing. Pick when the quill of the feather is ripe, that is, clear ; while the feathers axe developing the qnill is filled with bloody matter, which Bhows their unfitness for picking. When picking, take ail the small feath ers, leaving all the large ones, except four or five under each wing, which most be-plucked to knep the wing* from droop- | ing. Take off the down mly in warm weather. The number ft imoa it is t liest to pick ge*e in u season depend* upon toe elttnata. The rule we have given alxure will enable any one to de termine when the feathers will do to pluck. Keen the geese in a warm place when they are out of water, if the weath er is cool after pieking. The early goe ! lings might lx> picked when their feath er* aw grown and ripe, and ret grow out full in time for fattening, for the j holiday market- The yield of feather* will bo alnuit one-quarter of a jxitnid ) j from eaoh got*se, and thiw alone will ! very nearly pay for waring them. Xlllaina b\ Ntrklaort. Hand lalx>r is gradually being mqver i seded by maelutiery in nearly every branch of industry. It is ourions to mark the unlikely uses to which ma ehinerv may lx applied. An ingenious ' inventor in the Uuited State* ha* recent ly patented a useful device ui the shape of a cow-milking maohuie, which, it t* k aaid, will do all that can lx doue ui milking bv hatnl, faster ami easier, and will la l of sjxx'ial service whew cows have sore teat* or are hard milker*. The i apparatus consists essentially of * glass globe, largo enough to holil an average yield of milk, which i mtwwtal by mown* of a flexible tulx< with an air pump. Hi sing from the too of the gloho aw amall pipe* with metal tins. The nnsie of ope rata in txuiatsto ui *tt*}andiug i the globe nnderneath the annual to lx ' milk.xl, and inserting the tip* of the small pipes into the teats. A partial vacuum i* then eftixMed iuanle the glolie by means of tlie air pump, and the milk thus drawn forth. The advantages claimed by the invention are that it pre vents any loss of milk through spilling, it renders uulk or stnumug pails uu nocetary and prevents entrance of dirt- Finally, it uui lx> easily manipulated by any laxly. ( nnulMa l W Ht-rrlr*. Mrs. L. C. Peimell, the inventor, has Ixxm successful iu canning Cold lx>rnea and fruit no that they will keep the season through, and houackee|xr* geu erally will lie glad to learu how she docs it. Taking berries, peas, taans, or corn, •he fill* tlie jar, IxWtle or tumbler brim ful of tlie raw, fresh and perfectly amuid fruit. Slie then pool* iu clear cold water to till the interstices, screw a on tlie cover or puts in tlie oork, turn* tlie ves sel upaivle down, and that i* all. If by accident any of the fruit show sign* of fermenting, it can be cooked iu the old way. Origin of the Spanish Merino Sheep. The invaluable race of the Spanish merino sheep is probably an inheritance of Roman civilisation. The race most prised by the Romans was called the Tarrentine. from Tarreutine, a towu set tled by a Greek oniony. They were called also Greek sheep. * Their wool was of exceediug fineness, and tliey were protected by coverings of skins, and were also carefully housed and ofteu com bed and lathed with oil and wine. Hence they were very delicate. Columella, the eminent agricultural writer of the Ro mans, who lived in the eoimtrv beieje the Christian era, relates that his pater nal nnole, M. Columella, " a man of rare genius and an illustrious agriculturalist," transported from Cadiz to his farm lamia, which were in Roetica, comprehending a s>art of the present province of Estrama lura, some wild rams of admirable white ness, brought from Africa and crossed them with the covered or Tarreutine ewes. Their offspring, which had the paternal whiteness, being put to the paternal ewes, uroduoed nuns with a fine fleece. The progeny of these again re tained the softness of the dam and the wliiteuees uf the aire and gnuidsire. Otlihr agriculturalists undoubtedly imi tated Columella, and a stronger constitu tion was thus imparted to the fine fleeced but delicate sheep of ancient Italy. That this improvement com menced in ancient Spain is further estab lished by the testimony of Strabo, who says, in his account of the geography of that country, that in his time, that of the Emperor Tibirius, wool of great fineness - and lieanty was exported from Hudilauia, s port of Booties, and that the rams were sold in that province for improving the breed for a taleut each, or about SI,OOO. When the Roman empire was overrun by the barbarians the Tarreutine stock of Italy, being very Under, became ex tinct, bat the improved stock of Booties, living in the mountains, survived, and perpetuated by the Moors (who, skilled in the textile arts, could appreciate its value), still exist* as the memorials of Spain. If this view is correct the merino race is the most important surviving relic of the material civilization of the Greeks and Romans. The Sleepy Duke's PerlL The late Duke of Wellington was ac customed during the latter years of his life to drive himself abont in a curricle, a habit which caused his family consid erable uneasiness since, from his increas ing years and failing vision, it seemed probable that he would meet with qpme accident. The duke's well known char acter, however, was such that nobody dared to hint snch a thing to him, anil all the round-about methods taken to in duce him to abandon his charioteering having failed, he was left to enjoy its pleasures at peace. What rendered this so extremely dangerous was his habit of going off suddenly to sleep, which brought him so many hairbreadth es capee that at last it was arranged for some meml<er of the family to accom pany him whenever he could do so with out awakening his suspicions. One day his second son, Lord Charles, contrived to be honored with the perilous in vita * tion. After driving a certain distance along the road, the duke went off into a uap, and one of the reins fell from his hands, while he kept hold of the other, still feeling the horses' months with it. The result was that the ani mals were gradually edged toward a deep and steep ravine which bordered the road. Lord Charles, watching tilings meantime, and praying that his father might, as he had done jnany times be fore. awake in time to prevent the else inevitable smash. The duke, however, continued to nod and to pnll, until at last, as the horses were on the very edge of the ditch. Lord Charles seized the fallen rein, and giving it a pluck, pnll ed them short round into the road again. With a sharp turn the dtike awoke, and seeing the rein in hia son's hand, asked angrily r '' What are yon doing with the reins, sir?" "Well, sir," replied Lord Charles, " the horses were going straight over the edge, and I just palled them off it to prevent us being smashed to pieces." The duke looked at him sternly, and said: "I'll trouble yon to mind yonr own business." tjueer Discipline. It is with reason that the Turkish officers are often reproached with not being at the head of their ranks, etc., says a war correspondent, for one often meets officers who can neither read nor write. This would l>e a very serious in oonvenience in any other army; in Tur key these defects are less thought of, fur a very wide latitude is allowed a soldier who tights, and here the warrior imitates the hunting dog. This initiative is specially remarkable in the ontpost ser vice, where there are only small squads. Thus I saw at Rakovitza a post of some ninety men commanded by two sergeants who absolutely did nothing; each went his own way, taking advice of none save the sun, which told them the time of day. That which strikes the stranger most is the absence of respect which soldiers show and the cool and pleasant manner in which they salnte their supe riors. The soldier borrows bis tebacon of the officer and the officer will take from the soldier without the slightest scruple. If by chance a soldier meets a drunken officer in the street,which Some times happens, he leads him to his quar ters, managing the matter so adroitly that no one knows anything about it. When campaigning officers and men live the same life. At K&kovitza the military governor lives side by side with his or derlies, smokes the same tobacco, dines from the same cuisine, with this differ ence, however, that the officer eats with a fork, while the men dip their fingers into every dish. If by chance the mor sel of mutton he brings up is not suffi ciently appetizing he puts it back again into the dish. Strength ef Insects, Should any of our renders be skeptical upon tin* point, perhaps the following ilbiHtmtiona of •uperbercnlcan strength with which the commonest inmvt* are endowed, selected from curious source*, may prepare u* to credit more easily the fact* which we shall have to record. Tha common lien, as every one knows, will, without much apparent effort, jump two hundred time* it* own length,and several graashopix'r* ami lixuist* arc said to lie able to perforin loajis quite as wonderful, lathe case of the insoot they aeawely exeite our uoticc; but if a man were to Ooolly take a standing leap of throe hun dred ami eighty xld yard*, which would W IUI equivalent exertion of muscular jHiwer, |H<rhap* our admirer* of athletic sport* might t>c rather ntartled at *ueh * performance. Again, for a man to run ten mile* within the hour would lx a.i mitted to la* a tolerably good display of pcdcatruuuam; but what are we to say to the little fly observed by Mr. llelisle, "*o nun lite a* to be almo*t inviaible," winch ran nearly six inches in asetxmd.and in that space was calculated to have made oue thousand ami eighty sUqx> * Tin*, according to calculation, is as if a man whose steps measured only two feet, should ruu at the incredible rate of twenty mile* in a minute. Equally sur prising arc the instance* of insect strength given by Mr. Newjwirt. The great staglxx-tle, which tears otl the baik from the r**'ts ami tlie braiiche*of trte, has lieen known to gnaw a hole, an lueli ill diameter, through tlie sale of a canis ter iu which it was confined,and ou which tlie mark* of it* jaw* were distinctly visi ble, as proved by Mr. Stephana, who exhibited tlie canister t oue of the meet ing* of the Kutomohtgical Society. Tlie oomuion lxvtle can, without injury, sup port and even raise very great weights, and make its way beneath almost any amount of pressure. In order to put tlie streugth of this insect-Atlas to the test, experiments have la-en made which prove that it i* able to sustain and escape frtun beueatli a load of from twenty to thirty otfucea, a prodigious burden, when it is remembered that tlie insect itself doe* not weigh as many grain*; m fact, uutv mure taking man as a standard of comparison, it is as though a person of ordinary site could riusc and get from under a weight of between forty and fifty tons. This amount of strength has not, however, iviUiued to the sliort, thick limbed beetlA. Mr. Newjxirt unoe fast ened a small carabus —oue of the most active ami elegantly formed of the lax'tle tribe —which weighed only three grama and a half, by means of s silk thread, to a small piece of }mper, upon which tlie weight to lie moved was placed. At a distance of ten niches from its load the insect was able to draw after it, tip an in clined plan* of twenty-five degrx, very nearly eighty-five grains; but when placed upou a plane of five degrees in clinatiou, it drevr after it one hundred and twenty-five grains exclusive of tlie friction to lie overcome in moviug its load—as though a wan was to drag up a hill of similar inclination, a wagon weighing two tons and a half, having first taken off tlie wheel*. •♦We Shall Meet Again." Husband* and wives, parents nad children, lovers, friends—ail have to asy good-bye, now fur a longer and now for a shorter term; now fordaysand now fur eternity. But, whether abort or loug, it is a fact which forms part of the very existence of man—the messenger born into the world coincident with himself, and dedicated to the task of bringing with him piun and leaving behind him sorrow—the instigator armed by )uve himself with the knotted tliong, and the more tender the love ths more dearly the lash. If it is only good-bye for a time, and speedy oulook of meeting, there are many precious cumjß'iisatiiHM and the dear remembrance of the beloved but not bewailed absent is tlire*d<d through with pleasant thoughts of love and hope —of sweetest memories and as joyous forecasting, like pearls and golden beads strung on a sable thread. "We shall meet again." Ot all the words to con jure with this is the most powerful, and helps the soul over tli© rough pass of absence with the firmest and most con soling touch. Nothing equals it for power of comfort,not even the knowledge that the dear absent ones are happy; aud, to tliue who love truly, it works as a charm on a wound, soothing the pain of the smart if it cannot close the gaping edges. 44 We shall meet again." Sea* may be between the loving, ami distance may lengthen time iuto what seems an unbearable extent; but 44 we shall meet again " sounds like the far off voice of the watchdog when the wanderer is loot in the darkness of the path less moor, the bewildering depths of the lonely wood. It is a voice that guides him to the safe security of home, and is an earnest of the reward to come when the weary jour ney is over; for wherever those who love may be, if divided, the journey is weary ana the separation painful, if also the hope of reunion is consoling. One may be in the sunshine of the fervid south, the other under the gloomy skies of the chilly north; but there will lie some thing in the heart of this lost that will stand instead of bright blue skies and wealth of flowers, of the poetry and art that aoeni to cast a halo round every cir cumstance of life; just as with the other all the lieautj and poetry will have its sting in the alwence of the beloved, and its greatest charm is the hope of reunion. Elu* the most beautiful country iu the world would lose its power of fascination —the pain of sentiment would be greater than the pleasure of sensation. A Turkish Town in Asia Minor. The streets of Erzeoum are compared by a correspondent to a net of wriggling eels. No squares, no good-looking houses, offer anywhere a means of set ting oneself right; everywhere nothing but houses; rising slightly from the ground, with grass roofs, on which may frequently be seen mufflcd-up women, childreu at play and lambs frisking abont. Children and lamlw sometimes fall through the chimney into the house, in which men, horses, oxen, cows ami sheep live together. In bad weather the chimneys are covered with flat stones, and then the smoke fills the worn or stable, whichever one chooses to call it. A small part of this room, devoid of light or air, in which a fire made of dung and finely-cut straw burns, is separated by a railing. Here paterfamilias sits on a rag, smoking his chibongne or and receives guests. The preparation of food gives little trouble; a penny a day suffices to satisfy the palate and stomach, even in wealthy families. A little bread and cheese, perhaps a encumber, under favorable circumstance* a pilaff, on feast days a piece of mutton, which the Ar menian women roast particularly well that is the whole bill of fare. Large Wheat Held. The Dayton (Ohio) Democrat savs : On the second of July a farmer named Long, who resides several miles sonth of this city, !>egan to harvest his wheat, a twenty-acre field of niee grain. Being in want of cash, he shelled some of the grain and took a sample of it to a miller and asked what he would give him for his crop per bushel. He struck a bar gain at 91.65 per bushel. Ou innuiring how much his crop would yield, Mr. Long said it ougnt to be fully 400 bushels. But he was most agreeably astonished when the threshing was com ] pleted, and the grain measured in the field, and it turned out to be almost 800 bushels instead of 400, yielding almost forty bushels to the acre. Mr. Long in forms us that there are a numlier of fields of wheat in his region which are quite as heavy, or heavier than his. Kuilroad Statistics. Advance sheets of Poor'* Railway Manual, soon to be issued, show that the ( number of miles operated in this country last year were 73,508, against 71,750 in 1875. The gross earnings amounted to 8497,200,000, against 503,100,000 in the pre vi JUS year, while the net earnings were 8186,400,000, ttgainst$185,500,OOOin 1875. The increase in net earnings in the face of the large fulling off in gross earnings is attributed to the spirit of eoonomy which has characterized railroad manage ment during the past year. The dividends (mid in 1876 amounted to $68,000,000, against 874,300,000 in 1875, the falling off being due to the de fault of several corporations, notably the j ooal companies. BAKU AIN Ht'NTEKS. Hew aaowir \l emce Vlwkr I'arfkaart la New Verb* Hat" a Nmv York cofro*poinlnt: Bonis n( tlm Hrondwnv tirjr goods uisit aav smuggling luui hml scarcely any ctft>ct on tlnur trade. Otlifira think it has hurt them a K (K, d deal. They tell mtiue t|iuer yartie nlHiut tlie luirgnin hunters who ajieud their ilajfi ruuinug aUiuL like Mr*. Toodles, in tjneet of aoinetiiiug i lienp. Hani one tlie other vluy: "(live a reffular ehoiqmr hint tlial there are some smuggled good* in the market, and she'll upend a week hunting for them all over lowu. Ten to one she hasn't the shgliteet use for any- Uung in (lie lot, hut that's neither here uor there. If grants sre smuggled tliey must Im I srgaius, sml site's houinl to have something out of the lot, auywy, want or no want," One of the walkers iu a Broadway store tells this story: Ihi women prefer smuggled good* ? Well, uot all, hut a pretty large uumlmr do. led me tell you what isvurred IU our silk room not long ago. A lady who K|teud* tlve vlays in tiin week shopping cntue in a* usual ami wanted to see s pteoo of silk. She hud tieeu in almost every ilsy, Slid of cvmrwe mwvrly always went off without buying. This time tfie clerk who hod to wait on her turned round wlieu lie had a chance and offered to bet live dollars with another clerk that he'd make her buy enough "ilk for a dress. The bet wu* taken on the spot. Then the clerk got down to work, lis took dowu piece after piece, spread theiu out, up in heaits till a doceu slielves were Ct ntlevl, and talked till lie tiegau to grow i.oar >e. But it was no usv". She objecttsl tv one piece alter another, uow tlie quality, now the shade, now the price; hut still tlie young man kept ou. He was at it fully an hour when she got up to go. Then his strate gy came iuto play. Leaning oyer the counter he tuotroued to her to come near, ami then said in a wln*p<-r: " Msviiuu, can 1 say a worvl in strict confidence f" She uovUh d, and he went on. " You would like a real bargain, wouldn't you ?" She nodded again. "Well, tins ia just how it is. That young man," motioning with his head to tlie clerk with whom he had made the bet, " has a title pietwv of suiugglevl silk that he will sell very low. Of course he can't say any thing about it himself, but I can show it uow, if you wont to sec it." " Well, 1 w ill look at it." I'uttuig hie hand under the counter he brought up a PUSH- of silk tliat he had slipped down wlieu she was getting tip to leave. She examined it auAl asked the price. " Three dollars is tlie regular price for tlie same goods, hut yuu can lisve tins for two." " You say it is aiuugglevl ?" " Yes, ma'am, but vlou't .speak so loud." "Well, I will take twenty-five yarvls." "Very well, ma'am; it's the greatest bargain you ever got" She was greatly pleasevl, but the silk was the name that she hml rejected fifteen minutes liefore at *1.75. i A {lersou hearing this story said : "Do you allow clerks to do business that way ?" "Not at all; when it became known the young man lost his place; but the inci dent shows how ready some women are to pick up imaginary bargains if there is any hiut about smuggling." Method" of Chinese Cruelty. A correspondent write* from China: The greatest attribute of a Chinese gen eral ia cona.'deml to be hi# strategy. He ia worth nothing if he fail# to lead hi# enemy into making a false step. The hero of the hour ou this account ua gen eral who led a body of troojMi against a milled city held by the insurgent*. He tH-aiegtxi theui, and in due course of time they pleaded for term*. Laudable prom isee were made by the dozens, the ame Sua non befog they shottkl lay down leir arm. This waa done, when, the general's dispatches inform* tis, they were immediately massacred us fast us it was poaaiiile to do ao, but the leader was " put to death bv the extreme tor ture." Tin* consisted" in winding u wire verv tightly about the entire head and body ti the feet, interval# of an inch 1 ic ing left bet ween eaich turn. This brought the fleah intei walea which were quickly and neatly sliced off by keen knives. The aceue ended by decapitating the still living skeleton. * A verv great ileal of the evidence in criminal cases is elicited by torture, un less that gtveu coincides with the ideas of the magistrate. If, under torture, witnesses asaert things detrimental to the aide he proposes to favor, they remain in agony till they take it all buck again. When lie haa got it arranged to suit him self, ten to one he will administer another dose to them for not telling the truth at once. There ia aomething frightful to the civilized mind in such abortion of justice, but even when the verdict ia correct and the felou is to suffer foretime committed, the punishments are ao truly barbarous you sink vour detestation of the offense* in your pity for the suffering offender. The sight of a human lieuig receiving two hundred or three hundred blows from a heavy bamboo, leaving gushes and fleah beaten to a jelly, and finally a helpless cripple for life, doe# not tend to excite your k>ve for vour fel low-man. Kneeling on chaina for many hours, the lash descending at the light est change of poature, pinching the fln gera in vim* made of split bamboo; entwining metal tulxw alxmt the laxly and extremities, in which Ixiiling fluid ia poured, (tearing the flesh wherever it touches; wearing 'a three-feet square, twenty ponnd wixxlen collar day and night for weeks, I wing unable to reach the mouth the with hand, and exjxiaed to the gaze of pasaera-hv in tlie locality of the offense; placing in a cage with tlie head secured in a collar which forma the roof, the toes just touching tlie ground, and left to die by starvation and strangula tion; lieheading, and cutting into " ten thousand piece#" are among tlie usual punishments of this enlightened race. A Frightful Death. The Shenandoah Herald says: Mr. George Fister, clerk of the First Na tional bank in Mahoney, Pa., and twen ty-two years of age, wa* bitten on the outer edge of the left hand seven months ago by a black aud tan dog with which he was playing. The wound healed quickly, causing little or no pain. The day after Mr. Fister was bitten the dog waa seen playing with a ball of worsted, and. aa he died a day or two later with symptoms of choking, it was supposed death was caused by his having swal lowed or having attempted to swallow some of the worsted. Mr. Fister first manifested unmistakable signa of the dread disease an last Thursday afternoon, and died early on Sunday morning, hi* suffering* being limited in some aixty hour*. After Thursday the symptom a were clearly marked, the spells at mad ness frequent and violent, the interval* few. During these spells the sufferer would snap, bite, foam and strike at tho three or four strong men who constantly guarded him,aud who,for self-protection, had their hand* thickly gloved, and carried each a pillow before them to re press each onaet. In the calm and lucid intervals he apologized, remembering distinctly hia "words and actions. In his next spell he would fight more furiously and cry out: " Ah, didn't I give it to you ? Didn't I fetch you that time ?" etc. As pieces of ice were thrown to ward his mouth he would snap hia opened jaws at them most furiously, lie was attended by I)r. Carpenter, of Pottaville, ami three* of the resident doc tor*, but treatment availed nothing. His throat swelled on Saturday, and with the most painful chuckling and choking he died early on Snaday morn ing- Murphy, the Tent pern nee Lecturer. A correspondent " n y that Mr Mur phy, the temperance agitator, holds the attention of his audience with wonderful power, making them lntigh at hiit quick Celtic wit, or nob over the pathetic talea he tells. He is tall and stout and dresses with good taste and regard for existing styles. His face is handsome and intel ligent, and is adorned with a heavy black moustache. As a result of his wonderful magnetism he was almost mobbed by the audience at the close of a recent meeting at Orange Grove, N. J. In his iron grasp he took the hand of every one that pressed around him. M MltllY OF SBWH. liwma Wf Iwlwrwwi Irwwi Hani* wag Ahraat. On thw fourth day alter the twMtiiinlug of Uie laleir riot* the atrlke of rallroaiTemployee* all over the mill try ** *UII citeudlng, although the maiiM of bloodahed and vlolsuiv wore not a> gloat ae oo tlie |irevloua day*. Taaaeugei and fielglit tiafllc waa almoat wholly au*|>eiided few Urn Atlantic *• al>o*id t<> the kll*alaalji|il river, aud from the Under* of Canada t<> the lligliila hue and OUlu river. In New York stale the employee* of the New Yolk 1 rulial railroad al Woa't Albany who had thitherto kepi al their work, yielded hi the atrlklug aplrll at mwni. The atio|>a of the oolii|ialiy were vtailed hv large gang* and the limn luduwnd to quit wuik, Kaat Albany waa nailed by the wink er* and frntgh' tr*< k there were bmu U|i. Ths bllitli regiment of New Y<wk city waa aeut 111 the acene and arrived at Allnuiy without uila hap, allbougb tlm train containing the aoldinrs waa atoned ou the way. At Hynmuae, N. Y., the railroad employee* and uiaa-hlulata wtrimk and art bundled freight ear*, aev<uty engine* and forty train* of freight were eiulnvrgoed, while the alrtker* detailed eoiue of their owu umii to guard Hie properly. At llutfalo, N. ¥., a tram of empty gram car a waa fired by a Uiob, aud another large crowd gathered lu front of the Kaat llilffaio de|H>l With the u vldnul lutentKiU of burning tlial baudaome building One bun drcd iwihtfa men burned to the grain car fire and halted lu trout of the Hotel., who were ordered to diaper ae, hut rwfuaed. The poller cliarged, having eitra large i-lul*, and elubtied down everything before them lu ten luUlUlea the ttioh waa whl|>|wad. 'lit* ground waa covered with wounded, who were'dragged away by their retreating ooturadea. Score*, if not hun dred*, of the rtotera were dubbed dowu. Tim not era were armed with rlutw, and flred eevsral ahot*, but only two of the police wero hurt. Many imaourra were taken. There waa nut a algu or a crowd left. At HoruellaviUe, N. ¥., the alrikera attempted to |irevent a detachment of the twenty-third reglumut, on It* way from Nei. York, from anterlug the town. A pally of •Inker* at t 'urmug ran ahead of the train ouu tamuig the aotdlera, dlaptacmg ralla aud placing ohalruUocn* ou the track. Until a length a company of miitlla loft the oar* and charged on the rioter*, dlaperaiug them. After many v iclaaitudea the traiu reached HoruellaviUe. thirteen persona were killed and forty-throe wocuuded by tlm tight at Heading, I'a. Ou reguurnt the Sixteenth atatloued there fra t cruised with the riotera and the aoldlora aald they would uot fire upon the crowd Ui the event of further trouble. It waa cheered by the crowd, while the Fourth regiment waa live * ted arid attacked with rtotie* f u r the part It had taken in aubduiug the not of the prevloua day, aud ecveral of the command were wound ed. I .ale at night alt battrnee of the I'mted State# army, numt-erujg ill) men and officers, arrived and uiarclmvl tlirvsigh tlm town. The street* were filled with people, but uot a alone waa thrown at the regular* or even a dertane about uttered. At Chicago the employees of the iituurrou* railroad* centering there quit work aud naltnl lumber yard*, atuue yard., manufactories and otimr large eatablialuuenta, cvmqwllmg all the workmen to oeaec their labor*, aud join the pruccealun. which euon number ad thousand*. A uroclawaUuu waa laaiied by the mayor and AXI turn were aworu in a* )mcial | >lice At lndlaua|aiUs, led , the striker* were in puearaalon of ail the road* lead ing into that city, a* waa the case in St. Inula. The all ike rtended to the Canada road* and to San Franciacn. lu the Utter place a mob burned dowu a Clutrn.v wash houae and threat - cnral to attack the r'hlueae quarter , and but for the prompt and nguron* acthm of the jwthos a bloody not would have occurred. lit* 6nil day uf the groat railroad war passed •out the bkskade uf train* continued, while tho business luiefcst* ul the country were still partUUv paralysed. In those wtiuiw where the itrlkr first mullnl Ml KOM uf tilunhtinl a ltd i toloime ui Maryland, l'eiuiaylvam* Mid New York - DwUm had taken a quieter look and the Wert had in turn became the ground of riotous demonstrations. lu liiicuu a mob of about H.OUO perauu* congregated in the vicinity of the (Tucago, IturlingUm Mid Ouuic* round hourc with the evident mlrntion of mak ing MI attack upon the railroad property. A detachment of twenty )<ollceiiieO waa aant to the scene. and the O(href*, ou arriving there, found themselves atirrouiided he a deneo mob, who aaaailrd them on ever* side with Imeka and atotiea The police made a charge and be gan to force their way out, using their rluba with dewperate vigor and without atliiL When the |mlicw reachod the outer edge of the ciuwd, three of the rioter* had been killed Mid a num ber wounded, while aevrral of the ottcm were also badly injured. Another detaahuieut of I 0 ulßrrra waa aent to the aceue of not and tin illUurlaiMi waa quelled and |loferty saved. Several Other large mole passed the ugh dif ferent parts of the city during the day, com pelling the workmen uf 'the eetaoliehmriita they pawed to cease work, and uooaaloual collieioua locurred between the point- and the rioter*, in which the latter were generally dispersed. lu New Yurk a meeting, railed by a aociety uf Internationalist* ° or social reformer*, waa held in the evening in Tumpkina Square, aitu alod lu the heart of the crowded portion of the city. About 10,000 (veople were gathered tu and about the Sjuur, and several hundred (•oltcetueti were near at hand to prevent any disturbance The meeting w*a quiet and order ly. although at ita clow a crowd marching in I •recession thrviiigh a aide street were charged >j the police and nattered, one man —a looker on - hruig clutibed bv aeveral officer* and ■ •mak ing a leg In hta effort* to oeeape. At Ixiuie vnle, Ky.. MI unsuccessful attempt wa made to burti a railroad office. All business there w* au-tended and TOO militianieu were on duty, ready for an emergency. In Toledo. Ohio, the sinker* clowd all nuuiufactonea and broke up a meeting of citizens prertded over by the mayor. In St. Loui* Mid Kansas (It*. Mo., the rtriker* were (till maater of the at I nation Mid all railroad traffic waa retarded. Chicago and San Francisco Were the scene* of aaiiguiuary not# on the sixth dav of the labor IrvmUr*. and in St. Louts several demon strations lv mob* took place, without Ml* arri oua conflict occurring, however. In Chicfgo notera began to gather at the llalatnad street viaduct at an early hour, and e their num bers wore swelled to 10,000. A body of police appr ached uid at first the mob rim in every direction ; hot gathering courage from their strength the noter# reassembled and at ticked the polio* with such fury that they were com pelled to flee for thru lives, the vast throng lianging close upon the heels of the flisSng offices Mid hurling volley* of rtunes at them a* they ran. At Fifteenth street the pursued police met a re-enforcement of fifty officer*, and cumbiuing their force* they turned upon their pursuers and fired into them, killing several and unmercifully clubbing all within reach. Die mob fled, and in the retreat the notera totally annihilated a coal office, arming them selves with the fragment*. A short time after this riot another occurred in front of Turner Hall, where a meeting was taking place. The crowd (Hied the ban and parked the aide walks in front. Mid Anally 1-ecame ao demon strative and boiataruu* that a large number of police were sent to disperse tbetn. which they succeeded in doing onlv after a pitched batik, many of the notera seeking safety by Jumping from the window*. Just before noon another crowd of &.000 assembled near the North Hide rolling mills. They were led by a tiMid of butchers, with aprons ou, alcoves rolled up and knives and steels protruding from their pockets. This thmug marc hid to the rolling mills, gas wkrks and other establishment*, with firing banners and transparencies Mid compelled the employer* to sign an agreement to pay their workmen s stipulated price. The mot> met one small squad of sixteen police, alio dared not oppose the immense crowd. At eleven o'clock at night s mob attacked soldier* stationed in the vicinity of Sixteenth and Ilslstesd streets. The military at length replied with two volleys and killed and wounded s number of the rioters. About twelve person* were killed dunag the day and a largo number wounded. Several hundred rioter* were also arrested. In San Francisco the citizens bad formed themselves into committee* of safety for the protection of person and property. A gang of •' hoodlums ' assailed citiscu* and firemen who were attempt ing to extiuguish an incendiary fire at the Pacific Mail steamship dock, and a de*|erate fight ciu.ue.l. The rioter* were eventually routed. One of the citixen* wa* kilh-d end a large number of persons on l*>th sides were wounded, some fatally. In other parts of the conutrv the strike seemed to have reached its highest point. The strikers on several roads resumed work, while on others they were evi dently only awaiting overture* from the railroad official* to*go hack to their position*. On the seventh day of the railroad war re port* from all over the comntrv Indicated a la-tter (tate of affair* than had thitherto existed and a *|>eody resumption of bnsiness on the majority of roads suffering by the strike. Travel was resumed on tho New York Central and Pennsylvania line*, hut no freight wa* allowed te be moved on the lake Shore road. A dangerous state ot affair* existed in the mining region* of Pennsylvania, and all train* there were blocked, lti Chicago the authorities had the riot under oontrol, the only casualty re puted being the murder of a memU-r of the Chicago Hoard of Trade- Jame* J. White— who wa* patrolling in tlie suburb*. Noticing a tramp acting u*pichm*lv, Mr. Whita arrested him, when the man suddenly drew a revolver, placed it to hi* raptor's forehead and fired, in- Htantlv killing him. The tramp then CHC*|>od. Tljo ION of life during fhe riots at Chicago is known to t<e thirteen killed and twenty-five wdpndod. A meeting of trade union delegate* in Ht. I/>ilis was broken up by the police and military aud all found Inside the tmilding were arrest ml. A diapatch from Manch Chunk, l'a, said the men of the I.ehlgh Valley and l,ehigh and Husquehanna roads were all out on strike and no trains were running, while the miner* at Summit Hill also struck, demanding an In crease of twenty per cent, in their wages. They inarched from one mine to another with loaves of 1 tread stuck ou poles and demanding their pay of the company. In New York State tho militia regiment* called out by the governor were dismissal to Uieir homes, with thsnk* for their promptness and energy in responding to the call. Georgo W. Peek, editor of the Daily drfcer lifr, of Auburn, N. Y.. committed suicide by shooting himself while suffering from a tit of melancholia. Comparative quiet prevailed slang the railroad lines on the eighth and ninth days of the great strike. A tram of cars Ailed with soldiers on their way to Pittsburgh, Pa., was stoned as it passed Johnstown and several of the military were injured. The strikers succeeded in wrecking the train and canning it* detention for some time. The soldiers arrested about one hundred of the strikers Norman Lindsay (colored) was hanged at Helens, Ark., for the mnrder of the Rev. Charles Hightower (also colored) in 1875 Joseph Woodruff, for the past nine years secretary of the Honth Carolina Senate, was arrested in Philadelphia on a steamer from Charleston. The arrest was made at the request of Gov. HMnptcn and the State attorney of South Carolina, and the ar rested is charged with forgery and larceny Seven soldiers were killed by the accidental ex plosion of a shell in a fort near Paris Gale Ilollbwwoftb, <f Whit" Pigeon. !•>> * well to <l.l farmer. with * family > h<4 threw lime* *inl killed It * Mia* Whit", who alleged j lliat h had alndsrod h0r.... Tlie Indian • ■tilfiroak in Uiw Wowt continues, and (iovvroor rutin, of Mutilans, lis* lamed * proclamation ■'•llliiK oil even UIWII to go to Uiw frout Tlie ■-•plain and four iii"U lwloiigluw to ih# llrtUali h*rk llnrUi* *u<l M*rt* arrived In Now York, having 1 won oouiiwlled to aiaudon their voaaol lu a •inking IM, million In Wld-oooau. A it*ui near Avondale, I'*., gave w*v and . '**imoil steal damage to |wui.ertjr lu the track of Ik" flood. A cotton and wooleli mill waw flooded 1 and tm houaea were waahed away ... .Ill* Icjuk llavon National Hank, of Ix-ok llavwu, I'*., auapneled pavun-iil ... A eow that had liown run over by a train near Wilmington, Del., I llliacowillitablv got between the aecolid and third care, dlapoiiuwotlng theiu and throwing them off the track. Tim ears were com|4etely wrecked and the |aaengera were unable to ex tricate lheo*elv> and bad to be rut out of Ihe turn* by workmen. Hlitmu parson* were in jured, eottm Karu Co|>er waa •hot Ave Umea by W. 11. Huut In a aaloou In Naebvilla, TMIU. T'oo|Mgr bail liwen quarreling with Huut a mother over a game and had been driven from the aaloon ..A daatrurtlve flood ■ Kvurred Ui Urandoti, Vl,, by the overflowing of Neahobe river after a heavy 'rainfall, and great deetructlon waa done to gardeua and houae* IlUlldliiga were moved fmiu their foundation* and many houeea were tilled with water Herbert Blaimhard, aged tweidy-flve, bad tseu paying bla addreeer. to Ibe daughter of H. Stark, a rewideul of Savor, U> , and had lea# warned to discontinue (ila viola Soou afler he waa fired at by aome unknown ueraon, and a few dava •übea>)UenUy be met tbw eider Stark in I'burrh and ahot iuiii after an allereaUou. A brother| of Stark, who rame to bla aaalalance, wa alao ahot by Itlaurhard, who neit attempt ed to about a lady aUudlug near but failed, and then made nia eecape. The brother* who wero •hot received mwrlal wound* t'liarlca It llruwu and K. W. Laughlln were crashed to death and three otimr* were badly injured by the raving In of a air wet drain at Toronto, Out Tbr Flrt I'mbrells Carrier. Though Jonas Hauway, the philan thropist, did many a Christian deed w his life, he is uot remembered so much for his beuevoleuce as for his umbrella ! He was the first man in England who ventured U>brave public opinion by car rviug one of those m*-canary article*. Jouai Haiiway was leim iu Portsmouth, 1712, aud died in Loudon, Kept. 5, 1786. The earlier part of his life was passed in mercantile pursuits as s partner in the house of Diugley k Co., of St. Peters burg, in which capacity he visited Per sia—where he probably tucked up his umbrella idea—and publiehol, as the result of his observations, a " Historical Account of Hrttiah Trade over the Cos plan Sea." The success of this work led him to continue the use of his pen, aud iu 1756 he published a "Journal of Eight Days' Journey from Portsmouth to Kingston - upon - Thames," which caused the amiable Dr. Johuson to re mark that„"Jouaa acquired some repu tation by traveling abroad, but lust it all by traveling at borne." He wrote nearly seventy pamphlet*, uiuetly ou philanthropic subjects. He was a noble philanthropist, but s pout sutler. Having expended what property he had in eharitsnle schemes, Loid hute, the premier, gave him office as a commis sioner of tlie navy, a situation which he held fur twenty years. He waa an in defatigable worker An the cause of phil anthropy, and several of the must worthy charitable institutions of modem times were originated by him. He m stitutsd the Marine Society, he establish ed the Magdalene Charity, he wa* the father of Sunday schools, ami the friend of the chimney sweep. No public calamity occurred that he did not endeav or to alleviate. But it is the shade of his umbrella that lias kept his memory green for prosperity. The Child and the Painted Window, In a summer-honae belonging to an old inn on the Rhine, there is a Urge window, whose (Muies uf colored glass often attract the attention uf any traveler who enters the little aitting-room. Children mure especially love to gaze upon the uoble river and the surround ing landscape under the different in fluences of a green, blue, red or yellow medium, and clap their tiny hands to a-e tlie vineyards or beautiful ruins am changed. A boy once lingered near thia favorite window, and detained by all the arts in his power the old man that ac companied him. Now. it was the fiery red which pleased the child miist—now the gulden tinge made everything appear like enehiuited ground, and sometimes again the green had more softness where asm to rest his eyes. Hta companion, ter reflecting some time, aaid, as he gazed on his eager looks and changing fancies ; " Thou putteat me in mind of the life of man, which in ita pas-iug stages resembles nothing more than this window. At firat, during infancy, he chtx<aea the plain glass, that shows htm nature's real brightuw*. hut aoou what charms him at first liecumea insipid. He then seeks in gaudy red, aomething more beautiful—relspsi* again into soft green, until he settles into the gold, dazxliug yellow, which gives a false value to every object The last age will lie the gloomy blue, in which there seems an everlasting storm coming over the face of nature. He would fain seek another color, but some rude hand shuts the blind, and pushes him away. omen in Government Lmploj. Among the distinguished women of fallen fortunea now holding situations in the departments at Washington are Mrs. Mary Wilcox, the granddaughter of President Jackson, and the only person living who was lxirti in the White House; Mrs. Chsrlotte L. Livingston, whoae |OOO itoeition wsa obtained by her relative. Senator Paddock, after an argument against her endeavoring to support herself had failed ; Mrs. C. E. Morris, of New York, granddaughter of Robert Morris; Miaa Sophie Walker, the daughter of Robert J. Walker, who was secretary of the treasury during the Presidency of James K. Polk from 1845 to ; Mis* Dade, whose mother was a cousin of General Scott; Miss Markoo, daughter of Francis Markoo, who for thirty yeain was attached to the diplo matic corps of the State department ; Mrs. Helen McLean Kimball, widow of Oolonel Kimball, who sigually distiu- B lulled himself in the Mexican war ; iss Sallie Upto.i, of Brooklyn. N. Y., daughter of the late Francis Upton, a distinguished lnwyer, and the author of several standard works on admiralty and marine jurisprudence; Mrs. Chaplin, widow of United Stab s District Juilge Chaplin ; Sirs. Tiffcy, a cousin of the present secretary of State, Mrs. and Gran ger, th? widow of the lste General Gordon Granger, the circumstances of whose massacre by the Indian* with General Custer are too recent to require tjic story here. ____ The Sunflower. A well-known plant of thrifty growth and generous yield, ia the hrlianthu*, or oommoti " sunflower." It i* culti vated extensively in certain portions of thi* country for the oil contained in tlie maaa of seeds it produce*. In Tartary.' aa well aa among other Eastern tribes, aud also by American Indian*, in certain quarter* of tlie West, these seed* are cooked and eaten. Iu aome sect ions, where it* valuable pro perties are appreciated, the aecd ia need for poultry food, at time*, with great benefit. The sunflower ia easily grown, require* no special cultivation; it may be planted all around, near the fences or walla of the farm, or estate, where nothing else ia cultivated; and for a change of food or mixed in small quantities with other grains, raw or cooked, it is an admirable thing for adult fowls. It can lie so easi ly produced, and it i* really so valuable in its way, that we are surprised it ia not more generally grown for a partial poul try food.— Poultry World. The Secretary Bird. A curious experiment took place the other day at the Jardin d'Acclimatisa tion in Paris. A nest of living vipers was thrown into the inclosure where tlte secretaries or snake-eaters (from the Cape) are kept These birds have the bright eye of birds of prey, powerful beaks, and vulture-like bodies mounted on legs like those of a wading bird. Whenever the secretaries saw the snakes they fell upon them with shrill cries, ani{ an exciting struggle ensued. The reptiles, fixed on the ground by the strong feet of the bird, twisted and hissed, and bit; bnt they could make no impression on the rngoee skin, and they were chopped into mince-meat with a few strokes of the beak. The secretary is also, it may tie remarked, a great de stroyer of rodents. Fashion Notes. There is a revival of pipings. The (jroiaette is the newest comb. The ltichelieu is the shoe of tlie mo ment. Dark tints prevail in out door ous tuiues. Osuva* tissue is s favorite fabric for scarfs. Cost bodioes aud jxilonaises arv nil the rage. Mpinarh greeu is s new shade cA this popular color. Itnvl jieouie*. Urge as life, are aeen among Uie artificial flowers. Natural oat fringes ou chenille strings are seen on grenadine dresses. WstUveu, A mason and DimrUnre trains arc now worn with clinging skirts. The small flat rings of hair worn on the forehead tins season are called fritirtu. The present style <4 coiflitre demands that the neck, forehead aud ears be ex posed. Roses instead of buttons fasten th* fronts of many elegant white evening dresses. Vivid and conspicuous colors take the lead over pale nud faded tints this sea sou. Colored embroidery and colored laces are preferred, at tlie momeut, for lingerie. Artificial flowers are made this season, each flower exhaling its owu natural jierfuaie. Htetnkerk cravats, which first became fashionable in Kurope in lfitfi, sre re vived in Paris this year. The Diradoira tram trimmed with s wreath of Mechlin, Valcucteunae or Torchon lace is the style in Paris. Forget-me-nots and thistles are worn together fur corsage bouquets, some times fastened .with one deep red ruse. Bathing suits of white Turkish towel iug, braided and bound with red, blue or black, are the novelties tins season. The favorite flowers for the hour are thistles aud forget-me-nots, gardenias, mignonette, heliotrope, and asters of various colors. Full dresa requires the train to be verv loug and pointed, aud worn, when walking, over the arm, displaying its Wealth of laces. Batlung cloaks, to be put on when coming out of the water, are made of white Turkish toweling, or of serge, pud trimmed with red or blue braid. Bruuxe aud turquoise blue, spinach greeu aud rose, violet and buttercup ?elluw, dark brown and gold, sre avorite combination* of oolor at present. Natural flowers instead of artificial are preferred by Parisian women for bonnet, corsage aud parasol garnitures. They must be renewed three times each Flntea. Athenmua, in the " Diepnoeopliiata," refer* to the flute made of the leg bone of the kid en en invention of the (G nan i Thetmna, and at*tew that the flute elephantine (ivory) waa firat bored among the Phteuinana. Flu tea among the elaaaic Greek* were alao made of aaaea' bonea, which are said to be remarkablv aoiid. They are anppoeed to have a full ueMa of tone highly auggeabve of the in flated atyle of their orifpaal proprietor. Dr. Hclilietuann, in hta excavations at Hiaaarlik. dtaoovered a beautifully-orna mented flute of bone. The flu tee of the Armuctunau* were made of the arm and leg li 'ii* of prisoners offered in aacri fice. The Oahba need human bonea, but no* .e the bonea of the jaguar. Their flute haa three holes, and, like the Gui ana flute of bamboo, ia blown by the breath directed againat the edge of the orifice. A Guiana flute in the National Muaeum at Washington ia made of the thigh bone of a jaguar. The Uaupc In diana of Brazil uae fifea and flute# of reed and of deer'a bonea. Wallace alao noticed a whiatie made of a deer'a akul). The Brazilian flageolet# are of bone; an average one baa two bnnea, twelve inches long and three-eightha inch bore, united by twine ueat'y wound and worked. On the back of the lower part are finger hole*. The whistle ia formed of a cone of reainona cement beneath the mouth orifice, the ridge of cement rising to the center of the tube. The Kafir whistles are of bone or ivory, ami are blown into in the manner of 'blowing a key, while lsdding the instrument againat tae lower lip. The flute of the Nfaoriea it made frotn,a human thigh bone, that of a alain enemy befog preferred. Two ancient Peruvian pipe* of bone had five flnger- HNaa each, and one of human bone had four finger-holm. Detroit'* Hero. Anthony Grogan, jumping for the ferry boot Victoria, ot the foot of Wood word ovenue. JK'Uxut, Mich., nuased and fell, but he woo saved bv Jobs Horn, jr. This luok.'H the one hundred and thirtieth Seroon that Mr. Horn hea rescued from rowning. It io thirteen year* eince Mr. Horn, or., took up hia quarter* at the foot of Woodward avenue, occupying the reatanrant on the wharf. Hit eon John waathen a youth of twenty year*. a power ful athlete* well known ui baae ball cir clea aa one of the strongest ever turned out in Datroit Before Mr. Horn established hia headquarter* on the wharf at tlie foot of Woodward avenue, the plare t wa* dangerous, as there were uo railing* along the shores, and oftentimes the nights were so dark anil so foggy that it was easy to walk off suddenly lute twenty-five feet of water. Mr. Horn has lost fil ,500 worth of clothing iu saving life, sometimes ruining a new and hand some suit within an hour after putting ot for the first time. In 1871 his ad mirers iu Detroit (**vc him a beautiful gold medal, and this he lost iu rescuing a person from drowning. In the reecueof Anthony Grogan, Mr. Horn lost his gold watch and chain and a medal presented to him by the city authorities. Two years ago' Congress voted him a gold medal. Lightning Striking a Train. An incident of a recent thunder storm, aa noticed by a passenger on a tram on the New York Midland railroad, is thus deacribcd by the Middletovm I*rr*: The storm was terrific. Crash after crash of thunder, with blinding lightning, accom panied by a deluge of rain and hail, fol lowed them. At one time the train seemed to be enveloped in a sheet of electrical fire. A fearful crash preceded aud instantly the engine was in a volume of electricity. Halls of fire encircled the driving wheels as they revolved with lightning rapidity. Engineer Sandford beheld the phenomenon with wonder and awe, and supposing that the end of all thing* wa* at hand involuntarily shut off the steam. Nearly every person on the train experienced a severe shock. A large tree by the truck was shattered. The shock lasted but a moment. When satisfied that nothing hail been injured, the engineer started the iron horse on with a loud whistle toward Norwich. Apprfllr s Wwfwlly. Appetite U a nsoussity. * itbout it, snnirient food l not received luta Hieuti'ttivb, either to nourish the system or to (iv* the stimulus to the bowel* which the* require, lloth these org An* Mid the liter "become torpid in con w - qileum. nd the hkexl grow* |>oor end quantity. I m (trove the appetite. there fore, end amid euch result*. lw i* most ef fect nally done with Hotelter'*Bt*marh Hitter*, a tonic appetiser and alterative without a peer. It give* not only an unwonted e*t for food, but enable* the stomach to digest, and tha *y tem to aeKimilate it Flatulence. heartburn, nausea and every cither ooucomitant of indige*- tion, are removed b* it, a* are also biliousness and conalipation. taoti nerve and liber of the liody i* made to tingle with health by it* ti*e, and it i* the leading remedy for despondency. Physicians of high standing unhesitatingly give their iadorsemout to the use of the Uraof enberg-Marshall's Catholioon for all female complaints. The weak and debilitated find won derful relief from a constant use of this valu able remedy. Sold by all druggists. 91.50 par bottle. Send for almanacs, Oraefenberg Co. New York It is said by those who know that Dooloy A Brother, the manufacturers of the justly cele brated an 1 well knowu Yeast Powder which bears their name, have the largest and most complete establishment of the kind in the world. The capacity of their mammoth fastory is simplv marvelous, reaching the immense quantity of Ave millions of pound* annually. Pewd'a Rxirsrt. Used alike by the medical profession and the people, it hold* a position held by no other medicine in this country, or, perhaps, the world. CHEW Th (Wleimted " Miit'mw" Wood Taf I'lng TMwm> Tu Pi""ma Toiuono (Vnrrtut, New Yurk. Ihwion, and Ohkefo. ■ rained la Ik* free! t It rnn are Ulioii. lake Quit* • Irlah Tea. Hold by .buggteU at Bft oU. a peehxge. TBf Mortrta. raw Tuaa. ■MOHtle MaUee......... II IT* Taxwaa4aiMnk.. ("Ml I II Mik* Cava WOT (WOT Huge i Lire WHO MM Dmteed 0N( > ■keep M I . MM Imaba 01*1 l *1 Ootlon : MtddMe* ITSi I 1 K fleer J Waaler* (iood to Choice IMI HIT* •tat*: OoedteChoioe .. Mi l >lll *!>•• I Had Waaler* 1 lll'* Me. I Mileeahaa IT* ultl Ufa: Mate., *1 i i I* Itarlaj : Mala M I I W Barley Man..... Ilill* (Jet*: Ml tad Waatam It I I 10 Oere : Ml (ad a*n i i T May, par eat...... TO n Tl •Mrae. |M earl •< I I M Mote We-oa lt 711 M i I M fort'. Mew ... HOT i iIIM lord: Otty Weaw.,, Il< I 114 ■M : MetAatei, *. I. eew UM | •l* " Ho. t, oaw. U i lit 00 Dry Oed, par el ... 4Tt * 111 Married. *oaad, |W boa 4 I M Mnlnu : Crata ......Mhdl/IN Indued. UM Wool: GaUfernia Kteeea. Ill) Taaaa ftaana M < I M Auaiteiieu flaae*. II O M MeUar : Mala -11 l tl Waaler* ; Okeloa. It i , It Waelare : (Mod la frtan. 10 I | IT Woeura: ruk1ea........ II ( I It Obaaee: hlele factor; I* (| I' M •tela Skla,mad ....... OT OT Waelers id • JCpya MeOTand feeitaylraaia .... II I II —Wait*. FWer • *l* Wheat: Me. 1 MiJveefeae IM• | M Oere: Mixed '* Ml 0ata..... OT A M Bra HON •uUt • • • Barley Malt I It* I lo roiuiexriu. —at Oaille: Extra. .. MM# MM —n*|,....... ..... ...M..UM..H* I*l* Hum : Dril l 1 M*p k*M floor; faenaylaeuie Katra *OT A* to TTbaat: Bad Waatare lat 4 I M kyt u 2 T* Oerei VaUev M * tl Mlaad II t a awe: Miaad tt At* hMroiautu : Oreda ICMAM Badeo*.. It M Weal -Colorado I d 17 Taaaa. S UaUforela. M • Beat Oatur OT*A **M *•* •*• •* Hue* e* OT w fleer—Wiaoonate aod Mlaaeeeta • M * fit Oere—Miaed ...... WMA H (Jala— - .....i....... I i H Weal—Okie aad foaaayteeeM EX.. M A M Oaitforate faJJ )• * .* Mteerea, Maw. Beat OaMla of* A *7lf 11kaee....... OT * OT* lata be *T A M Be— 17 MA •• tiTßtnm. ■*- Beat OaUle: fear la Okalaa *7l A>* M ■wee *7* A*** Uatfaa Ti* A *W JWAKTIIMOHEI •!!-rorlwU MM* wmAm H HAaiHu i'U' IWIWLS|K intitj*x r Hu**fosx.~.rr* Tmma. i ) u> lm K. K. LwUl ('. Clipau m! auil An olw* * 4aaM * !**). oats wtd oui| H liraMU aMn T • ki trm I• I■ Htm <W uuTmrnn, A4imm J. Jl. C aT.HOI N, Law 4 i^ojUKuw . tri WnH. m A WwtM WHbMI Ttmal'i Miht tlinill Wm nt U** •• tmpmtmm iM<M ' i.**,h <l 111* A !•• 4mm at uu MmH "■< iar in—■. a—H*t*a* —4 MMMMM. HIMIII —gor MWIn ih -UmArntd>. BABBirmOILET SOAP, | &JSL. fi Rhul J i nu aJW pm at ■h> vw mar iwlr Ha taa*u M. iiMHIm I • *•ma* mi htl" the" NEW Providence Line TO' BOBTON. TU rROVIDEKCI DIUCT A WHOM NlGlir* BENT. OM.I * MII.K* or HAII. TIME MO MIMTKf. THE MEW MAGXtnCEET STEAM EE BA SEEAOhUESttE ( Tkf NJcrr Wraafr tflk* WrM,"> AMD THE WORLD REHOWHED STEAMER nbodo lEsIEAZXCt. ("TkfQiMi at ikr Htni") WOl aa iM tftm .MAV * >—*• i*4l|fc Etar EM. E. R .torn at Wmmm tun ul r. M-. *"■*• CtoUhm* *1 M A. M. ami Rmm T A. M.E* ian*iiliiii i— A— r iim.mi N Tat u4 na THE GOOD OLD STAND-BIT. KEHCAI MDSTiIE LHMET. FOR MAN AND SKAST. InilUHDrU' Tuu Alwaya aama *W ilnfi barfr H ami ml tmiimA. rW% wUuu kw Matad . Tb. wbola world tw' *ba gtartawa aid Matap-<ha B— aad OhaapaM j*"""*"' awma vbM mint alaa will ■OLD IT ALL MUMOOII vm>PWA THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. * 1877. Tn sr* miiim • IwUm of ratm aad hmaal u< at lha nWirtln ml rtataamaaahip, wdo. and aumj for hollow m ss& SK £ [Sw^.£SS£sr£ of mtSm WW tba AMI nM. ..-plua. and trnw MUj MMi ot canrni .wala J laiplapi fcllMl 111 I a inHMH and •arafalb alnatad Mat ml rm ■ willi inil iiirr- -r Ia npt• Inn >afcm u>* aaperia'ty. am I ran. xamU, and faartwa . and H rtniVllaaa mMhm lo diwm and aajor U* Mn< ml Ili HI wba Un br plandartaa lh* Traaanry or by osnrpta* lul tba lan <V~* not r* whila it •admenm *• Btdfl u nmftdanea ml lb. nablx by da food lay tba riyWa aI U>a mnpla aywna* Ota natal it "tvT iZm*??!!*? jaltV Krr* la L> oaMa a ntawh, mm M.Uj a yaw. . am. wiUi tha Saadar adtUM km SwwSnf aditioo aiona. M*M paaaa. Rl.tO A '*Tmi Wcnil Sea. aiaht rv" *( M broad aalamaa, m fwmtahad ai • I a mar. pent pnrd Inoul done*.—la ardor ta iatrodaaa Tu tea vara wtdalf to tba pwMta. na will aand THE WEEKLY •diuoa far It* lama lain at tba year, ta Jan. 1. UN. mat, paid, far Half a Dollar Tip It. t dp _ tn* arm. w. r. tt*. Advertisers Ara iarttad ta toaaaUpaia Tba Aiaanoaa Nawapapar OaMa Ual ml Nawapapara- -tha IwrpaM *atlaWa mf imfi-r la eta rblMd S*r~ - and rent par* tba pnaaa with oihar I lata l i it ataapaai and taal all imaay audlaaa * ft# raaafrp. THE AMERICAN Nevspiteb Übior List of 1085 Weekly Newspapers, COMPRISES New Yarh Nrwapaper Unlaw, fklraia Nrwnpnper Union 1.1-l, Mllamakf* Npwapaper I'nlon List, St. Paal Nrwapaper I nlon, (larlaaall Nrwapaper t'nlwn Ual, Soatbrru Nrwapaper I'aiaa List. Tba prloaa of admrtiaina am BOW about or s hall of laat mar'a mtaa and am aa follow*; ONE INCH OF SPACE-14 AGATE LINEt-WILL BE INSERTED ONE WEEK IN TUB Naw York Nawapaper Union Liat for IflilQ Chioapo Nawapaper Ull n Liat " S4.&Q Milwaabaa Nawapapar Union Liat " N.QO KL Pan! Nawapapar Union Liat " 1 .GO Cincinnati Naw*pap.r Union Liat " 1-VQQ Ron than Nawapapar Union Lift * ] I .GO Or In tha Entim liat of 1085 Newspapers One Week lor $87.50 A One lack adrartiaamaat will ba tnaartad oar year la tba antim liat of IONS nawapapar* fa* $8,878, Or aboa IlilO par pa par a mar. IF" Sand lor Cataloyna. Addmaa, BEALS A FOSTER, (f(Ki Butiding), At Park Howr, NEW TkORK. <• S2O $66 g >77*•iaacar aig m>a&r #4O hmhJ-tmSLTXWX bevoi. REVOLVES Free !sr£"L53C: Add* J Be— dOa.IMdIMWajR.TMCdTa S3BO SiSnrSEsi w S2SOOKE^:SS PEN!SIONS.^g,^.-S^' RlVfiliuULD. I! II Heue A>. D (; ' $5937 WAN TED HSSc tdtwe tCM MaaT* Me. nmilM K k HIT t I'MED AT IIDMB. snSPif rmrnkg. $lO to SIOOO Addraaa BAETBB d CO.. ftaeXan. 11 Wall 18. M T. LAWSUITS' cJaarpa aaliai ■ 111 natal T. fBABOW fIPHK tuMi *od (,.—.l* at La* fiutery *nd 'tuatKle- SeTl* It Wait dtfc ML. earli ide ay. >TS. HVSOLTVmt ~ * la*,* Vnaak, (jataaaa. X''leS!OmMdNHM aad faaal hlMiu, waWaOTt* far Ctvcolar i<trn. , M M M . Hiwuat, If T SlOto"ttaMM VIOLIN STB I NOSI BOSTOV VEEKLT TBUSCBW. Tka k— tHßdr aaeapa—rpaMMkad: atcOTfawa: •**. a. alaka at ataew. 818 *"*"*• t'ttrv I* W A Tie. _____ HEADACHE. ggtf jmw* l '' CMUKMV aatlBAM. flfiws mm 4 %nil Wf mm* w. Mi, 10l S. Raitw Ma, SaklMt. M 4. Mm gggjppCTJate VISO VERITAS. J*w4e Waaa an Mxtaea ar kaatly aaa. aeiia Men and • ■MI laadini !(■■ leealaatM* tar aiadi mtr) aad mria —alal ri ( tW'!| wade, deadfcrateealarnldfr^aßarSf — ****" OHXftBiMUW * IXI. , .r*dr *.. T*a Terk 17 BBfM MltlKT* o*.r aaa aoatu* • Tka Baa* IV Kaae'a faOaat ri , u.d. UnaAm > .n ha naekat aaaaar a* *. llaaH went •tenrihaaß.au far M7UMJ. Boot'* Oaanai Wikta naia M eniaia. haat. au tar Oefflar tllaaaVaaaßM anMI aack kttT Bket It-dMrp** BNeuffc* MTB *1 Mil KRVtR OB irntAiipi m pfißi In aay part at that' erne - |iran •n*ra*a ta pay. tM dwewtaße lar aelf ninoatal Dial tnalr**>t tka Mattianw aad pat 1 nMi_p r—x BaapWintkitirneOa.. |A Mannwt.M.T. . / m tkim bmiimV aar aaa at Ul M M M otihar aaa. w *f .art at tka OT OT OT awry eka a eiiliaa ta work ataaiHk at tka anpta—aai tkat • l*aB •! ear aaafe la yaw owe team. Ton Bead not ha near trea haane aaar alpM. Tea aw ywyaraaala teaata tka • eotfc. or aa|y year aaara aaaaMata Wahaaaapaadaeba anaaktayonr per OTyn t khaMa mb_ ABeha aaaanTka| aitdaaa_ ■ aafeaad egt^ataa* SI.OO st.oo Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. Th (MmK fcaaarkald area ma'a. MM Omm i.Wlar rar* la< /kr —lapaa. JAMEfr R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON. MASS. SI.OO SIjOO ONLY FIVE DOLLARS FOR AN ACRE! or tka Baal Lead le AMEBIC A. aaar taa Oraat l'ot fartrtc EanenaP A FARM FOB S2OO. la wMk lee rata, at lalina. MECI'RU IT NOWI fall tetanaaeaa aaat bee. addrdkn. O. f. DATlrt, I lead Apaat. P f B.IL. IN—Be. Hr*. DR. WiKIEK*S KALTR CORSET. MUk Mklrt Bappaner aad Sir) Krif.AdJeatleg fed*. ■ Heettm BtxLre aed CneOTMtTdt Body vrth OBareaad Rearrr ad MT. fere* Tkm Uarerai. ta et* 4Jf A Afhteeed ky all' Hjrek—. nMmmjpi AIIKKTN UANTED. vJfV: ItIIB Samplrahf eial, la CoeUUftl nWW Seuran, II E To Arrnta *1 11M if VI * <—*■ lew. Order at— ttre f MR fW I laehaa analicr Una valet MM* per* oear tka tfrwt nr/aeieiS vmbotßt 351 Bt-i—.IT. KATUIIE'S RtMEOY. \ 7E6ETIKE> AN BXCKL.I.FNT .WKDItTNE. xpiimint'. t> O . fhfc. M, IW7. Thk it ta (Mtity thai I ha< a. I VEC KTI.tE. anea faatafed by H R t<aa. .(. *>. *>e .lr ftwi lae aad Gaaml frmratMa at li 7>n*e weten. . With paad erne I i.naw.l VRUKTINE aa a. ' *rll..i adm tar aeck oatapUeM*. Teen my Irtly C W VA IDFORIfT Mr. vTadipiA ot tka *na at V.ndtann A Uodeu. a e eellAaom healßn nae m tbu place, hanap aaa 1 at the letpiat auoraa la dprMapdald. O .. T—OTlat ta Weld By AM Drapptete. RI M SL ' N STOVE POLISH SANDAL-WOOD A poattir* fwnadr fa* all dianaaaa of tba Kldnrra. Bladder and I'rlaary Orcaai; alaa pood ta Brap* •leal Caaplalala It trw produce* aiatnaia. la eartata and apaadj m ita action It ta faat aaparaadinp all othar raiaadiaa. Sixty cap*u io* cam ia tlx or aipht dam Koofbor medieine c-b do thin ll*wart mf Imltatlaaa, for. Mine ta lb pal aacrtaa.aaaay ham bona offamd; ooaaa am waat daapar ana, eaaaiap fnlaa. ate. DCNDAN DICK A tow. 8-JI (V --■vira. ma'aiaiaf Oil mf Haadalwnd. raid mi mil drap •raraa. id /mm rtreafar. or wad fmm ana la II and IV WnmOrm Shoot. -Vrw f*cA UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. e6i, 262, 263 Broadway. L . -w— OROVMIU IBM—* ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES Arr&OVBD CLAIMS maturing in itn WILL BE mm * T 1 OJf PRESENTATION. JAMES BUBLLa . . PRBSZDBKt. H-V-B. P. Nw.Bl~ WUKI WRITINO TO ADfUtlldkh*. pirnaa yaa mmm Iba aittriba.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers