iHK UENTUk RKFORrKR THURSD AT ACti. lik IbT?. gig—TlcnM!*.—fSj'.-C uar, ft en ra-I i aJmnrt; $8.50 wAen *of paid sis advents Advntianntnt* 2tVfa per lint far thrit in trrfion-i. ami >'< c par ,'<•#• far every tuf, tihtrrtlm. Adrrrtitantnh bit hi v rar at a lihrral discou.lt. LSbSk Et&TXNSf.' ,' W tss la: lor-.R. ' VMS ! (V efO *, nest r **rr &*1 nnlk> \ tn th* OvM t- ellor* V *ll J JII,TIAI4LA\T>, HII. II I\ BAX**V A. ( <>i V VftßTlrtV ' v IST, v. V M-. n*#U " Motility oti or btfore ich full oon t -ri OcM !*•!low* 11*1 -. _ .. t\ V. |U-Kt 2' H. ,T A FIIMIW, W W ppivium* A*mA*aF ■. No, #; Vof H, tn*u • OA <* r * wl rpwn 1 T M kOt <ttry !* w*#V kfHf, j?; t \ . v - i LOG AT. ITEMS. -STORB ROfVd FOR BKNT.-T ndersvgueo offers the store-room, knowi at Hetlachcr's old Hand, at Centre lla l. tor rer.t. The standi* a ue-miblo one ,n all re-pccU V>-e ion can be ha<l at \ timo ahe - April Ist, b- applying to T. JdnNßv Centro Uall. if. ——Four trains of 11 carsesch are c .sr ter. 1 f< v the "vncsvalley Kxcursion e IlCwi;' Ifg. \\ m. Came. s, - f Tew -burg i ly leg very loa at,r< -:it--cans career Ceament Dale, Esq., announces him self at a i pub'.icua car-.i.lata for siivtrb't attorney. - - Wednesday, l'.l, Centre llall will be almost deter.cd .".early everybody taikt of goii gto tho Vnior. Co Uarvosl Home, and a woman with* tie help ,>f a little V y couid ca| iur<f ou. towu. Newr.an, u h.> oew c,.:a.ters anl uaw room, is itill tho ccu.ro of ailractiop, at Bedlefontc. He sells more Clothing than any store cvsr did in this county, for the simple r-aaon thai he sells far cheap, er, and gives a customer r.-.ore t. r hi money than ho got or gets else whore. Hi. stock h full and coinplet always a-d fee keep* up with the styles, and h> can suit you as wall rs if you were in Philadel phia. Te save money and have a aura bar gain. and gel g. ods that are pure and fit to take borne ns.d eat. always go to Sech ler s gr-scery, ia th Buh house block, the cjost oompleU establishment In the coun ty. It is there you get the best. Regular trains run from Spring Mills since Monday last, IS. Train arrives at Spring Mills at 1.10, noon, and leaves Spring Mills for Lewisburg at 2 10 p. in. Same train at Coburn Forksi arrives at 1.00, and leaves it 2 Prof. TTk'.c, of Penn'a College, Gettyburg, called upon us the other day. Tfce Prof, is spending part of tho summer varation among his relative- here acd in Union county and ii a son-in-law of Hen ry Wolf of Mi'llinhurg. He lectured be fore the Penns Valley Institute on Friday afternoon. Bsing away from bom* at tfco time we did not have the pleasure to lis ten to ibe lecture, but hear it well spoken of by some of our citisens. —A* correspondent, "D, wants to know of us about -fee management of the Peans v alley Excursion to the ilarvest Hoiue, where the proceeds go, Ac. AVe know little more about it than is given on the bills. AVe understand a train of 11 cars and 2 taea are furnished by the railroad company for $l5O per train- A* there will be a large surplus ws know not where it goes to—the railroad company can not a-k it it gets its price for it* train. If any division is to be made of any surplus, let it goto the townships, pro rata, as they helped to bui'd the road. Another in quirer has said to us that part of the ex cursion fund was to gh towards expenses for preparations of the picnic grounds We can hardly believe that Union coun ty would invite us to their picnic, and thsn ask us .to pay for g'tting it up. When you invite friends to a party y a do not ask your guests to help pay for the en tertainment. an! we opine Lewisburg knows too much of etiquette to ask a cent | from us for such a purpose. We suppose the Committee will be pre pared to furnish a satisfactory account of the proceed*, which would tu..ke it un necessary for us to answer further inqui ries. So dent be uneasy yet. The G. A. K excursion from Lew isburg to Spring Mills, on lest Thursday w*s quite a large affair. Nine passenger cars were filled with excursionists from Lewisburg and other points, with wives an i sweet LiarU and other sweet things We were not on the pic-nic ground-. ber.ee can not say more about it. tlitn that it ail passed off pleasantly Were in tho mountain.- C*h,ug that day, and sv. the train on its up ar.d down trip. For the Reporter. Centre county Pomona Grange, No. 13, P. ofII., meets at the ball of Progress Grange, at Centre Hall, on Tuesday. Aug. 21st. Three sessions, 10 a. ra., 2 and 8 p. m. The fifth degree will be conferred at Bp. m. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be before the meeting. LKOXARD iliioxk. G. M. BOAR, Master. Secretary. B. L T. W. 49 A. 11 M. S. Y. F. A. C., being translated means, "Best in the World, 49ct, 'Asiatic Belief may save you frotn a coffin." It oures cramp, colic, diarrhea, dysentery, summer complaint, cholera morbus, cholora infantum, sick headache, fever and ague, and applied ex ternally cure* sprains, bruises, boils, chil blains, neuralgia, rheumatic affections, pain in the tide, back, loim and limbs. It is one of the best family medicines in use. A single bottle will establish its reputation in the neighborheod. Ask your druggist or merchant for "Asiatic Relief," or Veg etable Pain Eradicator. Take no other. get the prcmi im wherever their work is seen. It is equal to any turned out in the city. We print envelopes as low as f 1 per thousand. Send us your envelopes. We print letter heads,.and statements as low as sl,2d per IOC:), when persons find the paper. This is lower than you can get it done for in the city, FOR BAT.K.—A new Golden Tongue Organ, wairnnted. Will be sold very low. Inquire at this office. tf. AUGUST COURT—GRAND J ÜBORS* College—P. flhultz, Win. Grove. Boggs—Eci Shroyer, J. Poorman, jr. Curt in—C. Singer. MiieS—Jos. K. Weber. Potter—John Harper. Huston—B. Kobmen, jr., H. G. Cronis ter. Ferguson—John Musser. Bclletbnte—Wni. Tripple, F. Stoin hecker, I. D. Lieb. Rush-J. Williamson, W. Miller. Patton—D. Boh res. Liberty—J. W. James. Harris—lacob Condo. Spring—Jno. Woods, P. N. Humbert, D. Klepper. Howard—B. Lautb, S. T. Kline. Snowshoe—J. Walker. Traverse Jurors. Spring—J. M. Furey, S. Miller, Jas. Brook.. Gregg—W. Heckmitn, W. W- Nees. WalKer— E. S. Berkstresser, M. Shafer, Jesse Swartz. G. Lutz. Liberty—O. Fowler, A. Houbier, 11. C- Holter. Howttrd-W. P. Wakler, J. M'El waine, J. Haines. Boggs—J. Hubier, P. W. Barnhart, J. Kitchen, J. B. M'Cutehion, B Snyder. . Philipsburg—G. F. Hoop, J. Mayer. Worth—A P. Stears, J. Marks. Patton—W. I. Thompson, C. Hartsock, H. Pennington. Penn—And. Stover, Thos. Frank, C. Held. Bellefonfe— S. F. Foster, S. Harper. Pottet— Jacob YVaga .r, M. W. Cohen. Unionvilk-—S. B. Huthurtt. Milesburg—D. Boileau, A. Moore, W. Wilkey. Snowshoe—A. "Whitman. Haines- D L. BroArn. I. F Kramer Taylor--W. Merryman. Ferguson—K. Arider, if. F. Human Curtin—J. P. Deo&ss. Benrer—W. lehler. J. Henderson, Miles—T. E. 7. ig~ -ill siariuaru patent zneuicines at toe O.J drug store of F. I'. Green, who is tho ©West druasiti in Centre county. I M>. Charles Wittgard, of Klkhart, I V, w 11 kr own it; this valley, of wh oh I ho " a formerly a resident, mot with a fa tal accident a few weeks ago. Mr, Samuel "Wingird has received a let.or f. 11 his i epbew lhsnSei, <iving tho particulars as follows : "'On the —ml ot June, nftdinner, father was engaged in 1 a..ling hi bay AVo get one load in • e ly ; tho second load was large, and he tat on it. a id as the front wheel struck the barn fi. or. he t'.o. p> d, but the over the door struck him on the neck, doubli if him down and breaking hit nrck, aid causing the rupture of a large blood ves iel thai runs to tha heart. He lived only two l ours after he accident, and was sen sible until tha last moment, coiiverslng ftaely and intelligently, l'leam ma .e this known thropgh the O-eotre Hall Re porter." Dikui. Wuasab. - --T.n baton as, couches, and nonu monts of all styles and price* at Haialai'a Mai Mo \Vcrk, Uclltfonta, and cheapsr than elsewhere. Mr. Hani, l eaver will call on the merchant* and others through the county in a few day-, prepared to furnish them with any ot linen's Family Medicines. The w ell know i reputation of these u.edi ciiuh, together with tho politanaaa and el - rgy of our frond Beaver will no doubt give tbem a large sala wherever they aie introduced About ikt) tickets were sold in j this valley to the Harvest Home pic-nic, aear 1.0 wis burg. If :hi> crowd of I'enus- Vallirri down there, and is so dispos ed, it will carry Union county off in its pockets' We think that if other parts iu the vicinity of Lewisburg turn out as laigely as I'er.nsvalley, the Pic-nic will b .< the largv t gathering evs-r held in central Pecn'a. ' —A correspondent of the lower ens! writes us an account of a fight at Wolfs school bouse, in Haines, on last Saturday evening between the champion of Aa rocsburg and of tho lower end, in which the Aaronsbuig fellow cause out worsted There was a singing in progress at the school house nt the time, and a jealousy existed between the young bloods of ths two localities. Williamsport will manufacture about onc-ka'f the usual quantity of lumber this season. The stock ia now low. but qul'.e equal to the demand. SdTSJ ticket* were sold in Penns valley for the Harvest Home Kicurtlon. The best place in central Pacna. to get Monuments, Couches and Headstones fur your departed friends, is Deminger fc Mu-scr'sMillkeim Marble A\orks. They are cot a whit behind the times either in superior workmanship or low prices. Try theiu tni yon will bo convinced. auglOtL THE HAEVEST HOME. Tho Urvct homo, iieur Lewisburg, y e- Itrday, 1 was the largest gathering ever held in that porEoa of the *Ute. There were about 80U) people assembled in the woods. i'ennvalley turned out en masse, and had acrowd:'U4o strong, the largest excur sion party, perhaps, over known in the state. The conductor* on the tour train* in their count, gave the following figure*; First section 981 excursionits. Second do KSJ do Third do 881 do Fourth do boU do making a total of SJ4O. Sections one and two started from Cohurn (Forks >, and sec tion* three and four from Spring Mills— altogether 42 cars. There wero r.o other notewvrthy incidents. AM seemed to cn- joy themselves eating, in some game for amusement, chatting, Ac. Centre county stood treat all day, by furnishing ice-cold lemonade, free'to all, from"a large square stand, labeled, "Cen tre Co. Headquarters," and uiar.y hun dreds filled themselves with lemonade. A SCOURGE OF FIRE. TERRIBLE DEVASTATION IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. Sweeping Forest Fires —Whole Towns and Village* Utterly Destroyed by the Flames. Ml, • SEVERAL FAMILIES MISSING. Green Bay, Wis., Aug. 7. For many weeks past this section and the outlying country has been subjected to severe drouth, which has caused much appre hension in the mind* of resident*, as for est and prairie fires have prevailed almost incessantly. These conflagrations, which have de stroyed a great deal of valuable timber, reached their height day before yesterday in a whirlwind ol flame a few miles east of thi* place. , The result is* the township of Eaton, which is thickly settled with a farming community, was cleanly swept by the de structive element, which consumed all its bouses, outbuildings, fences, and tim ber. In the vicinity of Woodruff s Mills dur ing tbe past two weeks tbe forest* have been burning with great severity, threat ening tho adjoining settlements. On baturuay night last a small hurri cane urged on the flames with lightning rapidity, and the brands from the firey stretches were town broadest by the sweeping winds. When Sunday morning came there was no abatement of the flames, but tbe wind had, however, moderated down somewhat. It was then thought that the worst was i over, and tha fears of the people in the yi ! cinity were considerably quieted down by what tbey felt assured was a favorable turn of affairs. With this feeling the greater portion, in fact nearly, if not all the farmers in tbe township ieft their homes to pursue their avocaticn in tbe fields, leaving, as was natural, their wives and families at home. The flames sprung up again, however, and the women were obliged to turn to and do their utmost to tight off the unwel come visitor, which was then upon them in all its fury. Out no matter bow vigorously they la bored their effort* were unavailing. The fire fiend baffled them at every point which they attempted to guard. Driven from onp point to another they were com pelled to seek new places of safety, with their children, a* the flames swept on ward, licking up everything in their course. Where in the morning there was a thriv ing town, before many hours had passed there was no more than three houses loft standing to mark the village aite. Noth ing was saved o tar as to household pos sessions ; the women and children barely escaping with their lives and tho clothes they wore. In many instances these wero so burned and torn .s to bo of compara tively littlo service in the matter of pro tection. One of tbo citizens of the destroyed town, a man named Henry Seifert, cameto Green Bay yesterday. Frotn him the par ticulars arc gleaned so far as they are at hand. Strange as it may team, bis houie! escaped destruction, wbileevcrything sur rounding it—fences and barns, etc. —were licked up by the fire. Ho reports that his house is occupied by many of the house less and injured people, while others were without u place to lay their heads. There was, he says, a ploughed field near his res idence, and there, while the flames were accomplishing their fell work yesterday, about thirty families congregated to es cape the ravages ci the fierce flames. These people were from all portion* of the desolated township, and their story us to the conflagration was the same. Not one but had to relate that everything they had on earth had bean swept away trd they left homeless and penniless. It is reported very circumstantially that two entire families were destroyed by the fire, and three others are missing Noth ing has been heard as to their wherea bouts, and it is feaied that they, too, have bea ccntoßied. ,! For the Reporter, , AFK \\ HINTS CONGKKNIMJ STATK t'oLLKHK. Mh KiitToa.^-NirHoping that I i might bo permitted to find entrance into ! your worthy paper Ivjr h few lines concern l j ing SUU I'ollegv, I h** l " thought it might i ; perhaps prove to I>• both interesting and 1 a mean* of nuking our College bettor : j known to tho younger ela* of your readers . I especially, should I, being woll acquainted | with tha Collage myaelf, endeavor to give j a brief sketch of ita history, concerning i deportment, of tho advantage* afforded I tho industrious student not excluding i> to called disadvantages necessarily eon* ueclcd with any Institution, of similar charm tar. As the general principles of the Collage ara well known, let it •ii'tH. to sav that they are as far as possible ad barad to perhaps not as strictly a might be expected, but evidently great pains ar| taken by the oibceis and instructors of the institution, to make the students' stay at the College both pleasant and certainly very valuable as a moans for obtaining a good education. The advantages afforded for a classical) and scioi tile education, are similar in character to other institutions. Concerning slit* history 1 would say, it) dates from the year I has worked) lu'wi.y through dHßcultiee being thus often checked on its onward cour.e, until it ncu holds a creditable position among our many institutions. But lest 1 may be Considered as writing this merely as an advertisement, I will avert from saying anything further of this character com ern- Tl.ero was a settlement ot seventeen houses in what u known > Benjan tn' st d there is not one of theiu left, hvery one was consumed. Not a fence in the entire township is left. AH the cattle, thus freed ftrom their con fines, are roaming across the fields wild with terror and sure of destruction if they shelter in the woods near at hand, and which are still burning. In every direction hundreds of dead an imals, such as cows, pigs, and sheep, lie scattered, adding greatly to tho horror* of the desolate scene. Mr. Soifert says tho standing grain wai not seriously injured. ♦ Large parlies of men freru this city have gone to the place, and as soon a- they can return something will be done to relieve the sufferings of the stricken people. For the present those who were burned out bqve been offered shelter in the county poorhouse, and will remain there until Some further measu.-ea can be taken for their relief. The people who passed through this terrible ordeal of fitrne have many stories to tell concerning it, and re late that it was one of the most appalling conflagrations they ever beheld. Do not stupefy yeur Baby with Opium or Morphia mixtures, but use I'r Bull's Baby Syrup which is always safe and reliable and never disappoints. . cents. The exportation of fresh beef and mut ton and live stock to England is a great and growing industry, and in time must tell en the profits of American farmer*. The total valuation of tho export* of meat —that ii, beef in quarter* and mutton in carcasse* —during 1876 was $1.8&fi,191, against $4,942,080 for the same c!a*s of ex port* in 1877. But to this year's consign ments mut be added 6,030 head of live sheep, valued nt $6-3,000, and 6,210 head of cattle, valued at $107,600, shipped to Lon don, Liverpool, Glasgow, Hull and Bristol- This brings the export valuation for 1977 up to $-3,685,670. The live slock now be ing shipped can be held for a market bet ter than the fresh bee f during the summer months, as the latter has to beold prompt ly on arrival. In addition to these farm products, the exportation of butter ai d cheese it very large and growing. About twenty firemen, trakemen and shop hands, of Sunbury, have already been discharged by Superintendent Craw ford for being engaged ia the recent strike. An aged couple living near Bower's Station, on the Fast Penn-ylvani* rail road, named James and Elixabcth Bower, aged eighty-one and seventy-one lespcct ively, recently superintended the digging of their own graves in Dt-Long church yard. They are lined with stone, ai.d cost SOU). . ' The legislature at it* last seasion passed an act entitled "An Act to provide for the better protection of passengers upon rail road ar.d to insure the prompt transporta tion and delivery of freight#." Under this law all engaged in the present strike, within the commonwealth are amendable to indictment and punishment in the crim inal courts. We herewith give the text of the statute in full for the information of ail concerned WHEREAS, Strike* by locomotive angi-j neers end other railroad employees, end the abandoutucnt by them of tbeirengins* end train* at point* other then their sche dule destination, endanger* the lafety of oastenger* and tubjecl* shippers of freights to great inconvenience, delay and loss;; therefore, Stcuox 1. lit it enacted, tie., That .iff: any locomotive engineer or other railroad j employee upon any railroad within this, state, erg agod in any triko or with a view to incite others to such strike, or in lutber ance of any combination or praconccrted arrangement with any other person to bring about a strike, shall abandon the lo comotive engine in his charge, when at tached either to a passenger or freight train, at any place other than the schedule or otherwise appointed destination of such train, or shall refuse, or neglect to contin ue to discharge hi* duty, or to proceed with said train to the place of destination, a* aforctaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be lined not less than one hundred nor inore than five hundred dol lars, and may be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months at tbo discretion of the court. See. 2. If any locomotive engineer or other railroad employee within this state, for tho purpose of furthering the object of or lending aid to any strike or strikers, or ganized or attempted to be maintained on any other railroad, cither within or with out this state, shall refuse or ncgloct, in the courso of bit employment, to aid in the movement over and upon the tracks of tho company employing him, of the cart of such other railroad company, received therefrom in the course of tran sit, he shall be deemed guilty of a', misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, and may be imprisoned for a term not exeeding six months at the discretion of the court. Sac. 3. If any person, in aid or further ance of tho object of any strikes upn any railroad, hall interfere with, inoleit or obstruct any locomotive engineer or other railroad employee engaged in. the dis charge and performance of bi duty as such, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo fined not loss than SIOO nor more than and may be imprisoned for a term not ex ceeding six mouths, at tho discretion of the court. /' Sac. 4. If any person or persons, in aid or fuithorance of the objects of any strike, (ball obstruct any railroad track within this state, or shall injure or destroy the rolling stock or any other property of any railroad company, or shall take possession of or remove uuy sucu property, or shall attempt to prevent tho use thereof by such railroad compuny or its employees, every such person so offending shall be deamed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof shall be fined not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned notless than six months nor more than one year at the dis cretion of the court. AITUOVKC— The 22d day of March, A D. 1677. J. H. Ila.ttxaa.xiT. TKKKIHLK PKFKAT OFTIIK THOU PS IN TK X AS. CI .'iiiiii, Ausut L Oil. ill inform*- I lien In* iut ln r* < iv< .1 *t military - h<tikJ<|o*rior* (.oiiilnii '.jt tb rutuar reeslv . mi here a few ,!*>•> i". .• regarding a fight I between Indian* and T lite! Slat,-* tr.mp# II in T*a It is a.cerultieJ lint a dia ■|trou encounter w** lied oti tha Staked ! Plain*, In which there were two offi jeer* and'JO cnliit. J mldier* killed. Tht I itnnaut oi'Ou< part.v cv iiiinutd a* match alter h.ivirn u tie rod tliW I >*, and b* rincareatUtd F>>rt t'.-ndu with an aJ.li* tioiul U<>* of five pr.vato nnd f.>rt> initei . and mulct. The unfortunate comma ul wn without watr for <- < ity *l* hour*,' and the tflW.ig they endured In uoD**- i|Oenct wa* terrible Further particular* of the dUai-ler are wanting. the diapatch being very brlal. It i thought full de tail* will be received in the coui.e of a i'ew day*, when tue names of tho ki'.leu and wounded will be 'earned FIOIITIN'O HKTWKKN TWO !" V M 1 ins SKVKKAt. SK'.tIoDSLY INJI'KLD. Cincinnati, August -.A Commercial'* jOray>n ( Ky.) *ircial re porta a sbooth g aifair at Hope well, 4*-ten county, tlii* af ternoon, between David Floyd and hietw, *on*. and Dick Fioyd, en old man sgeJ oifb'.y, OB the one tide, lad Jw, A Mar jtln and hi* two ror* < a tho oil -r. David Floyd aa- >i t through the bowel* and Ditk Floyd hot in the forehead. The Floyd buft wire loth allot, ono it it thought letally, but fho < atent of the !other*' ii\luri* nre u t •wn Tho aflair r yinstfvi a depute bctwrvn he panic* |in June last. WRECK 6t k BTKAMEB AND AIiUI'TONE HUNDRED LIN KS LOST. l'*naina, Anguti 11. — The South Pacific- Time" reeertl* the loe* of the *te*nrr K'.en [on July 15. at Lot YT.ltr, teventy mile* north of Valparaiso. A loiter from a correspondent on board tho Callev, July VI, ray* that about 100 lire* were Let. UNITED >TATKS TROOPS SKVXKKi LY HANDLED BY THE INDIANS. Deer Lodge, M. T., August 11. 9 A. M.—W. 11. Edwards ha' jul arm ed from llig Hole, bringing accounts of a terrible battle between Uen. Gibbon's command and the Nei Percos, oa the Big Holt! river Augut9. Gibbon's command, consisting of IK m*c—l7 officers, 133 regulars and :VJ cilisen volunteers—crosed over front Ka lluls oti Wednosday, Starling it 11 [o'clock the same night they mowed down all of tbo troops, with the exception of a few left to guard the transportation a luw utiles aboro, close to the Indian camp, which was on tbo Big Hole, about three miles below where the Bitter ltoot and Bannock trail crosses. At daylight the Lgbt opened by tbo volunteers flung on an Indian going after the hohes. Th# cfcaige was then inade on the Indian cauip and some Lard fighting took place in the next two hours; during which time large numv hers of cur men and of the Indians wtre killed. The soldiers then charged the lodges but were repulsed. General Gibbon and Lieutenants CooliJge, English and Woodruff are wounded. Lieutenant English seriously and the •'.hers slightly. The tioops arc entrcncbed and the Indians leaving." An English farmer has rtctnlly been compelled to pay the costs of a practical joke. He was sitting in tbo barroom of iho Greyhound Inn ono night and taking his usual tankard of ale, when hi* eye chanced to fall on the sleeping farm ot a! roan with a long beard. He wont to the Cre, and l.ghting a pi.ee of paper, deliber ately applied it to the sleeping man's beard. There was a bright, rushing flatnc for a second or two: the man sprang to his feet in agony ; the joke was compute, and the farmer roared in ecstacy. The unfor tunate sufferer, who happened to be the I village tailor, knew that the farmer was a man of substantial means, and acted ac-i cording'y. He brought an action for $220 damages in the Malmrebury County j Court in due course. According to the plaintiff's evidence, his beard was eigh teen inches long when be lay down, after having some ale. Thentxt thing he re membered was bi face being on fire, while a inali bolpcd to put out the dame. The defendant sal in Lis seat roaring with laughter, and did not offer any assistance, did he U-uder any apology for what be 1 |hal done. His lip' were burned severely, hu face was bl,stored, his beard, eye brows, and eyelashes wort burned to th* • am, and oneeye and one car wereacorch cd. Tbo magistrate awarded him S'JM and costs. Senator Fatteraon of South Caroling, who is now in Washington, deuits that he hat engaged M. C. Butler and Gen. Garry to defend him in the suit which, is is ex pected. will b* brought against him for alleged briber,* in procuring his eloclion to the Unitod States Senate. What Sample Tea is. 5 o Every Cargo of Tes. on arriving in © this country, is Sampled by the Si porter to the extent of from I.UUO tolf tjO,lXlO pounds, which teas, being out 's of the original packages, become use- JV less to the Importer after the Cargo^, —i told. We contract for these Teas 5r at cost of Importation, (including■* "Sample Paekag)s,"l which are then j, —• thorough! v classified and packed by " ? our New York House t*AT 40c and oOc A POUND. * , Equal in every reaped thoaa re-tr tailed elaewhere for double _ J. the Money. 5! "? At a saving of three profits to the Consumer- rv © THOMAS CHUTK A CO. 5. JO No. 131 Water St.. ? A New York.a --- bT Wo guarantee Every package. 9*ug tf . HE BIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, is sued eut of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county and to me directed, there will be exposed to public aale on the prem ises in Snow Shoe townahip, on Tuesday, August 21, 1877. at one o'clock, p. m , the! following described real estate of the de fendant, to wit: All that certain messuage tenement and ] tract of land situate in the townahip of Snow Shoe, count v of Centre, and state ol Penn'a. Bounded and described as fol lows, via: Beginning at poat near the' turnpike, thence south 2° west. 266 perch-1 es to atones, thence north 68", west 89, perches to atones, thence north 2°, east 278 perches le poat. thence south 80°. east to place of beginning, containing 151 acres. 34 perches, neat measure be the same, more or less. Thereon erected a steam saw mill, 6 frame dwelling houses and other outbuildings, being tha same prop erty described in the Deed, recorded io Book "E,"page 82, in the office for Re cording Deeds in Centre county ; except ing and reserving out of salu described property all that atrip or piece of land sit uate in Snow Shoe township, on the south fork of Beccb Creek, bounded and describ ed as followi: Beginning at a post on edge of Mill Dam of Wesley M. Holmes, thenco north 22", enst 8 porches to stones, thence north 01°, west 56 perches to ■ post, thence south 37°, west 8 perches to a while pihe, thence south 48°, esat'2B perch es to a Pine stump, thence south 72°, esat 31 perches to the place of beginning, con taining 3 acres and 80 perches, be tha same more or leas, together with all the building! and improvements erected upon tho said 2 acrei and 80 perches Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold a* the property of W. M. Holmes. July 30,1877. L. W. MUNHON. Sheriff. A f ¥"\ (2ral chaiico lo maka monoj- K I Ift I II ' uu cmu*t tft gold you e*u get | f | II . | I groan back#. W nd a paraon in \ I \ ' I J I/. overytown to lako •übeoriDtion* for too largest, cbaapeat. gad beat liluttraUid family publication In tb* world. An one cut) become b uucv-OMful agent. Tto nt elegant worki of art given frt to puwcrlhrn. The price I* ** low ibt liuJ*t 07ory|*od/ labMrliiti. Oiw agent re porta in*klng over tlfiO In a week. A lady agent re porta taking over Auu subscribers In lea days. Ail who emgage mage money lot. You cm devote ell Jur time to the business, or ooly yeur epere time- You need not le ewey from hr-me over nlgnt. You cen do lit ax well others. Full particulars. direction* snl form* free. Klogunt and ti.pai.slte Outfit free, if you want profitable w<>rk seni ue yoir address at ooce. It i costs nothing to try the business. No one who en gaguK full* to make great pay, Address"The I'eople'g JpurukV'Portland, Ma 4 nc 15 aug.y THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. Wn have a very imge and in pie to stock of Hardware, the Isrgest that *n' ever before e.lereu by shy firm 16 the people of this rounty, end are selling at the yerjr low est possible rate* * Iron, Steel anil Nails, Locks, (xlassand Pully, i Pure White Lead* and Lin inJ Oil ; Turpenilee* end V arnishe*, all which w . w errant lo give • iLlsrtli n. Our Pure Lead will rover a* much surface a* any in the market and ranri.'t be e*aelled for whitenae*. h k A1) YMI \EDPA INT put up in a iyquantity to s t pc. pit. from one-pound can* to one gallon cent, ell ready for use. The*# peint* we warrant to be ntiied with pure saw and oil, and are trea from all adulteration. MICH* NIC! T0( hi \\ .. par rpacial attenthm to thi* branch, and keep a full lire off., re. Chisel* Hammer* and Hailty'e Iron Plana* ; florae nail* ofali kind*, Trace Uliaina, llnme*, Etc FULL LINK OF SADDLKKY OF ALL DE.SCK I PTIoNM UOAUi! WOOD WORK. Spoke*, Fe.loos, Patent Wheel* of the most improved pat ents; Mr*. P, it* Improved Flat Iron*, olienjp, convenient and durable-polwhcd end niokcl-ptatod. Johnston • Prepared Kaleomin* ; put up In 6-pound packagee ; eaatly put on, ar-d el rarer than paj er. We lu.ve all color*. STOy ES. •• X* $ We have tho only Reversible. Top plate Cooking Steve* In the market. The Key (to is, Susquehanna end Juniata, which we warrant lo be the'beat baker* end the hagv it stove* In the market we will aall at tha vary lowait ence ami i ,ve written guarantee*. A!*i. a : klnd jf Range* and other stovei. CO ML A N1) VKK OUK KBYBTQNJE COOKBTOVE; IT IS ¥IIK 11 ANLWOMB8T IN THK WOULD. FLOODING THE MINKS-GREAT EXCITEMENT IN CARBONDADE Foren.iin, Auguat IV.— On Saturttey af. ternoon Carbondale was thrown into state of wil l eji teinert owing to tlie feet* that about VM) miner* proceeded aeairst the pump* at the several mine* in and ahcul Carbondale and ordered tlm wt rk men to abandon theirpc-ite, which retjueit war complied wit!. The drea were then drawn, and th* utinea nre being Cooded * itli water, Tha crowd then visited the yard of the Dela ware and Hudson coal company and de tained a train of loaded car*, which we*] about to be tent out to Nineveh. No re al* tance wa* offered. Tho Krie colliery, above Cerbondale. WN* visited end the pump* itupped. Thi* ia the 61 ft trouble in that city. It ia cur rently reported that tho Pituton minei* have decided not L return to work. Sti HOUSES BL'HNED. The extorsive stables and carriage houses connected with the Morton House, former known Atnarieus Club House, at Indian Harbor, Greenwich, Coun., were deetroy e 1 by dre about 2 30 yesterday morning, and thirty-six horses, twenty-four of which were exceptionally valuable, perished in the denies. A number elegant carriages belonging to guests ol the hotel were like wise consumed. Aiiuouuceiuput. Wo are authorised to announce the name of David F. Fortcey, of Bellefonte, for tbo office of District Attorney, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. _ .. to announce J. M. Keichlint, K<|.. of BUetont*. • a rMdl didute for District Attorney. Subject to the decision of tfce county convention. lltuxru:ds llxxxtts - by Sbortlidge X C . Flour per barrel, wholr.ale, $ 8 00. retail. *9tO White wheat, 1 30. Bed " ISO Kye. 60 Corn, shelled, GO Corn, cob, 00. Oats, 30. Barley, rye weight, W. Clover-seed k> p*r 64 pcunds. Potatoes retail, SO Nova Sotia plaster, ground, 10 ts). Cayuga " 19 <W- NUIKIEI). On the 'JiMb ult, by Kev. F. Aurand. J Willis hlusser, of Millheim. and Miss Joanna C. Weaver, of Aarons burg. On the IT lb uH., by Uenrv Keinharl, Esq.. Mr. John Snyder, and Mies Cather ine tirndnrf. both of Uaino* twp. DIED In Millheiui. on the 4ih inst., Robert William, son of Thomas and Amelia Hockiuen, age J 3 years, t months and 13 days. At Potter's Mills, Annie, daughter of John \Vilkinson, aged 22 years, 5 month), and 3 days. On Julv 8. near CburcLvilU. Mary Ma tilda, daughter of Isaac and Rachel Spi cher, aged 1 yoar, f months and lo days. REGISTER'S NOTICE -The follow , ir.g Account* hut *nd patssJ bv mo and rB)ii# l.led of rec ord in this oißt.l for the inspwcAlwn ofbeira. lagatces.credit-irsand !l others In aoy way intarMlod. nod will be presented t the Orphan* Court of Co tit re County, on Wednesday. the 28th Jay of Augual, 187#. for confirmation end allowance: 1 The first and partial account of Jostah Srff, Executor ol Ac .of John Kmmsrt !al" f HarrU townabip. deceased. 2 The second partial account of John K.abel, Executor of Ac., of Peter Durst, late af poller township, deceased. 3 The lrt and Sua) account of Jeremi ah Ever and John G. Mraite ajojinlatra tors, of Ac .. of Henry Waite, lata of lialf] Moon township deceaaed. 4 Tha final account of John B. Beam,' guardian of William C. Reese. minor! child of Matgarel llaeae, lata of Greg gl townabip. deceaaed. 5. The final account of S. J. Millar, ad ministrator of Ac., of Theodora Millar, late of How aid Borough, deceaaed. 6. The firat and final account of Tbomaa 11. ilcKlroy. adminialrator of etc., of Han nah Benacoter. late of Poller townahip, deceaaed. 7. The account of Daniel Zeigler. execu tor of Ac., of Sarah Zeigler, late of Gregg townahip, deceaaed 8 The fifth account of Joilah Nen, ex ecutor of Ac., of John Nrff, lata of Potter townahip, doceaaed. 9. The account of Noah Woarer, admin ialrator do honua non of Ac., of Henry Hess, lata of Hainea township, deceaaed. 10. The account of Noah Wearer, ad mimatralor of Ac., of Michael Wearer, lata of llaines townabip, deceaaed. 11 Tha account of Denial Kouah and D C. Will, executors of Ac., of Peter Kline felter. Sr.. lete of Milea townahip, deceaa ed. a> Hied by Daniel itouah. 12. The account of Daniel Kouah, trus tee appointed by the Orphan'a Court of Centru County to aell the real estate of Pe ter Klinefelter, Sr., late of Milea townahip, deceaaed. 13 The firat and final account of Ma ry Toner, executrix of Ac., of llenry Harahbarger, late of Potter township, de ceaaed. 14 The account of Daniel Grove, ad ministrator of Ac., of John Ballot, late of Bennor townahip, deceased. 15 Tha account of Joseph W. Marshall, guardian of Jane C. and Meliaaa E. Duffy, minor children of John end Sarah C. Duf fy, late of Benner township, deceased. 16. The account of Joseph W. Marshall, truafeo of Sarah C. Duffy, (now Snyder) under tho will of Jena C. Knox, deceaaed. 1". The firat and partial account of John Wilson, executor of Ac., of Vincient Ste rem, late of llalfmoon townahip, deceas ed. . 18. The account of Albert Owen, admin istrator of arc., of Richard Athcrton, late of Philipsburg. deceaaed. 19. The account of P. W. Barnbart, guardian of Lemuel C. McClelland, ono of the heirs of Elizabeth McClelland, late of Snow Shoe township, deceaaed 20. The account of John Rishel, Esq., guardian of Daniel Kerr, Jr., a minor child of Daniel Kerr, Sr., late of Potter township, deceaaed. 21. The account of James H. Rankin, executor of Ac., of L. D. Wesson as ad ministrator of Ac , of George K. Waaaon, late of College towhship dereaaod. W. K. BUKCHFIKLD. 2 aug Register. ANOTHER GREAT STRIKE 1 J. BRACKBILL. BKI.LEFONTE, PA., has just received a NE W ADDITION GF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, to bis largo stock always on hand, CHEAPER THAN EVER FOR CASH ! A number of Bedroom suites—walnut and painted suites. Also, WALL PAPER 2auk 3m. SPRJJVG, ------ 1877. WE Aim NOW I'KEI'AKKI). FOR THE SPRING TRADE. WE HaT K 'illlC GOOD. I I'll ICE SLOW! , 'Selection Unsurpassed! Stock Large. And now we exleud a fordial'inviutioo to our frieuJe, petronk public generally. Wo will eay thie, Coma! if we do not ahow you THE BEST SELECTED STOCK AT PRICES LOWER THAN USUAL, aud if we cannot prove that it ia to your interest to patronixa uc, than don't buy ; but coine and aatiafy youritlf. We have opened a full line of DIIYG O O D S Clothing, Carpets, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, and in fact everything and unykhing embraced in the above line. We will heat everything id price# and assortment, and our paet, we troat, will be a eufficent guarantee to our patron* of fair and honest treatment. We have catabluhed and will maintain oar reputation. The Urge trade we do enable* u to get ft .eh goods daily, which u a great advantage to our pa tron* in all lines, aud uiarv especially in GrooeriM- Call, and it will prove to yout interest. VALENTINES A CO. H. HERMAN, Manager. XE W OPEXJXG! vPySS-ffMNU MS tmicJhß 'I rNj 1 - .T,-.VJk!%dtWW Ob'eaaw> -• - •*- (NEXT DOOR TO NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING STORE) BtTKKS£ AND AXRKNS, Music and Sewing Machine Store. ATT at the New Store and see the largest stock Jt variety of Pianos, Or. \ ; /V I J I a gans and Sewing machines in this part of the state. THE \F.ff DOMESTIC—MOII ahead. *• NT. JOIIX-Ulml out. " 11A VIN-Willi vertical feed. " Mill AMI.HK A!V fur S3O. " KIMUIIK 930. " liowi: ttao. " WEED HO. " KEN I XtiTON-|SO. " H 111 l'\EY ll N3O. " liUITE-AIHO. A first-class machinist always on hand to repair Sewing Machines. Work Insured. Second-hand Machines at from 6to A) dollars each Farts, Attachments, Needles, Needle Cases, Four-wheeled Castors, and Oil, for all Machines. Also Sheet Music. Piano Stools and Cover*. Sewiwg Machine Need lee for any Machine—6oc per doxen BUNNEL k AIKENS, 26jul ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE. C. T Al.kxsndkr. C. M. BOWK*. ALEXANDER* BOWER. At- J\. t -um t law.lUlUfonU. Imlilillnlln U lallMtlau. sad Orphaaa' <>•• ftaaUca Mas ka aamaallad la Oaraaa aad Eagliah (>ra la Uanaaa'a aaU4la(. apt "I It DF. FORTNKY Attorney at Law Uellefoata, Pa. Office over Rey nolds bank. may 14'69 pvRUOS I DRUGS I 1 DRUGS 11 I 1 ' 8. T. Shugert, having purchased the Drag store on Allegheny street, Belle font*, next door to the hardware Store of llicks A Hro.. has stocked and Ailed it out with alt the mott popular : • DRUGS A MEDICINES, j ? "CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY* "? j SOAPS, COMBS AND BKUSURS, j |TRUSSES, SUPPORT RS, BRACES; FANCY AND TOILET j ARTICLES, Ac., Ac.. Ac. j a Patent Mod tones, Alco'nol, pure Wine* and Liquors tor medical put poses only. Physician'* prescriptions carefully com pounded and orders answered with care and dispatch. Farmers and Physician*! from the country will And our stock of Medicine* complete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. This Store will remain under the direc tion of the accomplished druggist and pharmacist heretofore connected with it, Mr- ii. M Herrington, and we respectful ly solicit the custom of our friends and the old patrons of the store. l'Japtf S. T, SJJUUJKF.T, BKICK FOB SALS -First clan brick will be kei>t on hand for tale by J. O. I)oin injcr at Zerbe'a Centra Hall brick yard*. The brick are offered to low that it will pay persons at a distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the manufac ture of brick thejr will be kept contantly on hand, and fair inducement* offered to rurchaser*. Jauftf. H. K. ZIRBI Lands For sale. 960,000 ACRES in Southwest Missouri. First-class Stock farm*, excellent Agri cultural Land*, and the beat Tobacco re gion in the "West. Short Winter*, no grasshopper,. orderly society. food mar ket* and a healthy country. Low Price* t Long Credit I Free transportation from St. Louia to the lands furnished purchaser*. For farth er information, address A. L. DKANE. Land Commissioner St. Louis A San Francisco Ry. Co. N." W. cor. Fifth and Walnut street*, St. Louis, Mo. 9au 4t NOTICE.- Lettersof adminiftration on the estste |of Jacob Moyer, late of Putter twp, dec'tl, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing ibumselves to be in debted to said decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and persons haying claim* against the estate will pre sent them authenticated for settlement. GEORGE REIBER, J. S. HOUSMAN, laug 2 Adm'ra, CEX'TKK HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER A BON. ftoeeeeeer to J. K. Miller A Sob ) Potiorie Puro Drug* and Medicine*. Dye *tuffit, and Druggist'* sundries. PVUE WISH A\DLIQUORS Tot medicinal purpose*. The beet brands of CI6ARS ANO TOBACCO always in stock. Prescription* carafully Compounded. Jan. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOPF ROW. II Hi I IRO mails, PAIN T S, ETC., 0 J AS. HARRIS A CO. JUIWfepU Making Mills. Tblt old, and well-known Grist-mill, in L oU ST £ WM ' , lp. >• * euperia tended by Mr D. M Cowan, one of tbo best ex periecced millers In Cestral Penne, who ass rendered tbo utmost sat ufatt><>t wherever bo. bss been, and understands the milling business thoroughly. Bo WARRANTO HIS FLOUR, end all other oork, sent out Dam Sinking Creek Mills, to give satisfaction, as to quantity end uuslity. If you want good broad lot Mr. Cowber furnish your Grist. Grists delivered to Centre Hall twice a week by mill wagon. Housekoopors, give Mr. Cowber a trial, and satisfy yourselves of tbo great tupen ority of tbo lour manufactured by bins, 'rim ay 3m. OF A THOUSAND. HeviEg dtecuveted, in a manner almost providential, e positive cure for Coesump lion and ell Lung Complaints, I feel it my duty to make known ia e practical manner bv furnishing a sample bottle, free of charge, to all sufferers, my only hope ot remuneration beiag that tie wedicioe will perform oil ( claim for h. Tbo iagredi •eu ere of the choicest herbs! products 1 and perfectly safe ; will be seel free to all. Address at nice, Dr. 0. Pbelps Rrowa, 21 Grand Street. Jersey City, ITJy or may bo bad of jTk. Miller A boa, Druggists, ; Centre Hell. Pa Jane ly. Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD. UNDERTAKER. I Coffins of all styles made on shortest no> jlwe. Undertaking stnctly attended to Cliarces reeAnstahla. IV sua v. 'Nervous Debility. t VHel VaakMsiw Dapreewae, ■ rat eihaaeleS laaUee, to .'CT laarage: lAe raaell rt Maatal Osareask.laotaarastaaor tiraraaa. ar aeert Stale I aeaa tha seew IS sheers eased bf Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. U IsasaysaS ta.ljaraUa IA. ayatese. SSsesla the SSgnafrcd rtg;sus fissw afc-* I®* 1 ®*- tev. " TjT'h. P. M'MANUS, Attorney rAdaw v V betietoau, Pa. Office with Jas McMaatu, esq. SSjultf !777L=-a£¥swSj 'l| I I ttvlP vfct It wilitoa to vtrk vtoedi 117 tt Uto toplstlll Utol vt ftto. Ith SSI par week it row tvt ttva. Ttt attS to: to ivi, frta boat* totr tlhl Tot tat fft*t poor , • tolo Uto* to too work, or 000 row wort toitollto. , I> ooou o toll Hit to to* tot I III* 111 Wito —4 tt O.tSl traa Adtrwo* M MM. H. HtUoM 4 Co. fortlaad. Portlood. Mtlto wlto. Manhood: How T,ost, How j Restored! JMi ptbUabtd. • ttw Milton • t Dr. ColrorwtlT* ! OtlrbrtlrS laser te tot MMnI mm * (total totSl , otot) t<S>rivuiitor*trSttolotl W*ikt* larol i tttorf taktl Ltttott, ltortooorr. Mootol ttS ■ Vhntotl ltn,irll,.lo|i>■.i to lo IIntoot, tot," < tltot 'OHWPUN. KpUotto ttS rito. todtttl k| aatt m deleter# w m>**l itinnrue,. 4* gtott. to ttailed MTtltst. ttir tot ttvto. Tkr fltbrtttd tttotr. to tola 4tolrkU Kmar, olaorb fna • tow mo' ttnotoftl rr.tiu. till tto Ibwv itoMHMW at ttUrktn m.r to rotttoll, rarwd wttooot too doaterewe moo at latorool iwodtoloo w tot r .ou.o at too kvUt; potottoc tort ■ mod* at tart • oaot toto>. tortoto. *t tSttoMl s ■**■ at wktok mt, toSortr, at ■tartar vtol bl* caadiutt ay to. mat tart kltoatU •bttate, toirmlair tad itSltofo. Tkl* Iyarlar* • too Id to to tot k*t4* at tatrf rwrtk tod at try t*o* to tot bud, Sm* ttdtr *tol. It * ftdtlt Mvaltpt, to mt irtmi THICtILVKRWKLL MEDICAL CX> aac 1 Aa Sk. Saw Tark ; Fa* tWtoa Sat. WW C KotUttra*, ' I ' ! I'* CratltriM, tr Farmr . . . from 60c to SHO par Hod. NKLLIS' 0. H H. H.FORK, WITH NXLLIS' Fstsnt mtlbod for mowing snd stocking tlsy or Straw, without extra charge to the farmer. Agtl. Steals finished and temper ed by Nellis' process to suit ell kinds soil. Medel awards on all our goods exhibited at the Centennial. Information free. A. J. Nxllui A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 19July lm TUP fllOHaritks lllXi Luicut A volume of thrilling interest by the sminent historian L. P. BHOCKETT; de scribing the RuMians and Turks ; social, political, and religious history end condi tion : their home-life, varied customs, end peculiarities, the causes of the war, the is sues at stake—Christian sgsist Mohamme dan—the mighty interests of other nations ■ involved; Biographies of the Rulers, Statesmen and Centrals : All Richly 11- . lustrated. The book millions need now. . Wanted instantly. 3,000 agents on very , liberal terms. AddreM . iIUBOARD BROS., Publishers, ?33>San- I som St.. Phils. ISjuUt DAILYCOACH FROM Centre Hall to Spruce Creek. Leaves Centre Hull in the morning and return* in the evening. The proprietor ha* put first class team* and coaches on this line, giving speed and comfort to pas *engers. CHARLIES MA YBB, l'Jjulyiltu Proprietor. Harness, Saddles, &c. Tbs aadaranaad. dataraOasd la ml Us popmlsr <t*t stmt, i—paiifill, salts Its sttss uss sf Us patlis ts hUauakst SADDLERY las* sfsrad ri ttsoU itoat Dssiasd sapastllp fsv . lbs paopla sad Ifcr time., thaLarjraat sad most rsrisd sod oomplrta aaaortt.ionl of hadiUaa. Harnsaa. Collars fndlM, of atari description and quality; WAlpa, and IB tact stairOlif to oaaplsta a drat oiaaa astablisfi. k * - w GRAHAM & SO th, 14 | y / I if iiß Hat* tli* azcluuT* m 2 la B*llfont; Edwin C. Burts' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES 8 WIDTHS, tfa* 3iit Stoott in Ik* WtHti. waoLiAui i tiTiiLiaiiUa* n Calf Skint, SOLI LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS All Kind* of Custom Work Midi To Ordor. j0 *•. BKLLIFO2TO, P*. #w PIANOWFOR gSfc : 1 "I" -T- No. M t. •T Attoraajr at Law U a UwultaOoM i* Xaglkh ul Gar nan. 00m ia Farat't aaw kuildia* it har.k, gty' m, that tht book* blagiag to the -UU of Fatar Rukla, Soc'd. wili (Va l i V* Lukaakack, oatil • . wk ** *ll kaaaria* than *?i *® •*!<! astaU arc raquaaUd tow I aad taaka> MUtammL r *** *Wf aaid data, Oct- 1 U PtoM'ilato tba haadt af a groptr oflcar fit coHaeuoa. By order of the Executors. PA tetttst Km Reduced ! Entire Cort 165 ! in advseee, belaace IJO wtbiel months after potest allowed. Advice end ex. am i nation free. Patents seid. J. VAXCK LEWIS ACO., , lkMyfcl WashsagfaCD. C. ; ""PENNSYLVANIA HA. — Philadelphia end Irie Railroad Divietoo. IVXMZR mi TABU. .^wasaKsaasgtr t&s r I*ll UKia -JSP* ii:i mAa^EEOKL Z ewes WUttaa**en " " m FAST LUIt lessee rbOrtilf*ie II asm : -:-§£• lit! eaxtwaed. PACIFIC EX. ieevee M He.ee saem 2 2 vajimM Z SjTAS llS>> OAT XX. lm bsm is M a " 2 " US Waaa ittten WilWiossiii uapm MmHadan trtpa Z iS' m Fuseiemim ifsem EEIB HAIL laesta Eeaera stsa Vllsmwert lias* (kmsta SSt* " stt s ftentrtma IStn ** - hiiißma TNse FAST UEE taa*m Wimaurt SSl* " rati Nmiaoi lOts *■ tno hiiitasw ista Erie Mall Waal Mkacsrs Es Waet, tart Km Ae ..aa.UiiM W*ai aaS I>s Eeeeaas Bert make alana .aeraestaa..l KertAemSarl.ei eok LAS EE tntee taaWUSaaSawa aed CaaaaSaa. Brks Mali *aat, lhaor Ex Was ui Me Es szzjzzlxvss&lrt Iff ggrti Earn Mall Wteeen Baaraaa Waal. aaS Way Es. XasMeekscteee .esaesSto rtLert Sana tort II Ease Mall KaaS aaS Wart aaaaaaS M Erta tommies SOska EseraaaEart. aaS Du K< Bart artliaMi Ex East. Xliiyl— aaaa aa HIBSMANS' HOTEL, MILBOT, PA. The b*t l .bis end bar, and excellent stabling for noraee. Also a fine resort for •umaaar board art. BUM la dtp at, and dailj ttares "a Caatra eounty. Charges reasonable. JOHN F. POTTEB, Auonej-at- It lav. OiaiillsMHMil)) ■ i Wial mnSnl tUavUat ftraa to Ikm berto* S'tSs a* pi If llto tor •tit Will tot u tat ktn itlMtlflgltoSi Mtotatyto.A* OSWto toe toawl, atMhtofltef pOUKT PROCLAMATION? •net. I ntrtrttiia tf Um tavaHtt tf ru v Cttotat tad Cletrt.l4, J tat HtMnbl* Ita'l FrtoA. Mtllta Hntiwmait.'* DHwaa. I ton Vtoil Jtdtto :? OtoVr, tt| wl VtoMtsr •tartaaetftotratttlv MMtvto,*tr OWi®t3P of (.'•totfW W CMBBMNfeP# OT |)M 4UI Htoto tl att. atitt tat im to at Apt irr, SheOttawa Jbf MMmt^J^totoakvtr 1 Itot ul'ton'a It ill tttytt HiaattlN t'tlut la tat ftttvtta HU 4M. wito tatfar to. toaatoMtova. taatNtot- Irttoto totto*. ciw [|"|" * > i'|* l *t'| W ttl s^TTl'uniti SpSapttt Uto*ttt trtolSTt to tLVjaut^r MWI. at ton m 4 It Sir to jnintli itttotl ton . Otnm ttdti air bead, at EtHttot to. tat lat 4tr tf Jta_ It tot iwi tlnrLva. HQ, tad to tat lit Ayer's Sarsaparilla flfo For Scrofula, and all scrofulous diea*es,Ery ■CiJW sipelaa, Rose or St. An< CffSE thonv's Fire, Eruptions WH and Eruptive diseases " ■ of the akin. Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, • ;yQ! Kidneys, Lungs, Fim- AAwtlwfll pies, Pustules, Boils, 1 ■ Blotches, Tumors, Tut- tcr. Salt Rheum, Scald Ilcad, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Rones, Side and Head, Female Weak : mm, Sterility, Leucorrhoea. arising 1 from internal ulceration, and uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis- I cases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion, General Debility, and for Puri , lying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives—Stilliugia,Man d rake ,Y cllow Dock—with the lodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the . most efficacious medicine yet known , for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully > combined that the full alterative * effect of each is assured, and while ' it is so mild as to be harmless even 1 to children, it is still so effectual as I to purge out from the system those . impurities and corruptions which r develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enioys is derived * from its cures, and toe confldeivi * which promineut physicians all o\- tiie couutiy repose in it proves .*• experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its vlr" • have accumulated, and an* con * stantly being received, and it* m -r 1 of these eases are publicly ! • w... r they furuiah convincing cvtiKii.v "i 1 the superiority of this Sor-a i!.t * over every other alterative inntkim-. So generally is its superiority to snv other medicine known that we no I " do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it htuj ever ' possessed are strictly maintained. PREPARED BT , Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mm.. f Practical in it Analytical ChctnUta. f. aou> ir ao. xmooeiira smntsuui
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