- Us Centre ftcportor. fT.ID lUBI2 KAITOI CKKTRE HALL, IV, Aug. 9, 13"7. Th* ratiro&d authorities xre oirenug from SIOO toslooo reward for men who threw atone*. misplacau ewit. hae. Ac , "NY# judge rt otto did tin e things now. Ml Sll # # ♦ A Tlfl&Ot correspondent wining from Altoona, sprxl. s ,o* follows of tit a. Beaver Of litis county: Gi'nerr.l James A. Renvcr, command ing tho division, haa issued orders to huve all tho pottible tin., occupud by troops in drill. kn officers' school has been established and drilling is done on thw tou-hours-a-day ayatcm. (icnerwl Beaver is daily the recipient of con* gnitulaticns from scores of cituens for his promptness and prudence in pe vcuting a lost of life and property. Kail road otlicials and citisena assert that his coolness and bravery alone saved Al toona from the enactment of the blood shed and destruction which Pittsburg suffered. The strike being orer, the next job on hand is the prosecution of many of the rioter* who were arrested. The New York Central railroad pre sents it* hands sloo,ooobecause they did not go into the strike. WW* t POSTPONKO.— The Democratic Mate Convention has been , two weeks—from August Sth to the --d. DL'H. SENATORIAL COSFEREXCE The Democratic Senatorial Conference of tliia district, met at the Ward House, Tyrone, July 31,1STT, for the purpose of electing a delegate to represent the 34 district in the Democratic State Conven tion to be held at llarrisburg. Aug. 22 Conferees prreent: Clinton—R. K. Bridgcne, G. W. Bachelor and Mr. Crawford. Clearfield—E. Bloom, Matt M'Atee, and Col. Brisbin. Centre —John Rishel, John Meyers, and J. F. Kreba. The Conference organixeil by electing Mr. Brisbin Chairman, and Messrs. Crawford and Krebe, Secretaries. After diseuasing the propriety of in structions and non-instructions the fol lowing resolution waa oflbred by Mr. Bachelor: Raolr*d, That Adam Hoy, of Relle fonte. Centre county, be unanimously elected Senatorial Delegate of the 34 dis trict to represent the same in the Peru* ocratic Convention to be held in llar risburg on the 22, of August 137 >, with in-trtctiona to rote for Col. A. C. Noyea for State Treasurer, provided Hon. C. A. Mayer is rot nomiuated for the office of Supreme Judga. Signed by the officers. SUSPENSION OF LOCK MA I 'EN NA TIONAL BANK. The Clinton Deme. rat gives the fol lowing explanation relative to the sus pension: On Monday morning last Lock Haven National Bank posted tl e following notice on the door: "Tliia hank ia close*! for the present for want of currency to pay dei<oeitora." "Ibis action was undoubtedly caused by tbe great depression existing ip the lumber bnsinere. the bank having loaned out ita funds on what it believed to be good paper, but failed to collect the loans when they fell due. To make matters worse, the distrust created in the minds ofmauy of the depositor* owing to the great strike, caused a great run upontl.a institution last week, which resulted in its having been compelled to close. On Monday morning a large crowd eject ed in front of the building, but no per sons. except the Director* and employ ees, were admitted. On Tuesday morn ing the bank resumed business to the extent of renewal and payment of notes but no other business has been transact ed as yet. Th* Directors and officials, assisted by several experts, are making a thorough investigation of affairs, and up to th* time of going to press, there were apparently enough assets to meet all liabilities. We hope that the bank will *oon be in fall operation, as the officers and Direc tors are men of integrity, and deserving the fall confidence of its patron* and the public generally. The suspension has not affected the First National Bank or the house of Moore, Simpson, & Co. They are re aring and paying out about as much as they did previous to the suspension, and discounting notes as usual. They are fully prepared for any emergency. The director* and President of the Pennsylvania Railway Company now testify directly that no more than ten per cent, of the employes ofthat railway took any part in the recent strikes, and imply indirectly that of this small pro portion some at least were intimidated into lawless interference with the com pany's rights and interests by "men in no wsy connected with tbe railway ser vice." A resolution of thanks waa pass ed by the board of directors to the em* ployes who remained faithful. ■ ii m ♦ — ■ ■■ Mob violence has ended in the coal district*. Though miners still insist on higher wages. A portion of th* militia has been sent home and dismiaaed. The previous occurrences will be found in another column. The recent whipping the Czar got, has stirred him up. St. Petersburg despatch of 4, says: An nkase ha* been iasued ordering the immeuiuic mobilization of the en tire corp* of the Imperial Guard and several other divisions. Tha major por tion of the Imperial Guard and aome of the divisions are to joir the army in Bulgaria without delav. The remainder of the newiy-mobilizeu troops go to re inforce the army of th* Caucasus. Another ukase, signed by the Czar at Btela, Jnly 22, order* a levy of 188,000 of the Landwehr. The levies meet with general enthusiasm. There is one other nation, says the Times, that knows what it is to have an Indian war on its hands—one oI these wars where to kill one of the enemy costa ten of your own men and 1100,000. Spain has been putting down the insur rection in Cuba for a good many years, and has now reached the point where five hundred troops can usually be reli ed upon to get away with ten insurgents. General Campos wants 50,000 men, which is aa much as Having that there are about a thousand of tbe insurgents left. Why not try our peace policy for awhile—make treaties with the utia guided insurgents and then break them; it would give time to recuperate the en ergies of the mother country, if nothing more. The Lewistown Gazette man gives us a punch for an item about catching baa*, and shows himself decidedly baste, and if not taken by hook ao*l line will be by a halter. The et 'tors of the Juniata valley are talking of organizing an association of, Aheir own. This, then, would be ihej ortly thing they realty would own. i REWARD FOR THF. FAITH FCI LA BORER. The hands of the New York C entral RR., were about tho only onra on any important road that tliil not jinrticlpate in the late strike. As a recognition of their faithfulness, Mr. Wiu. 11. YanJrr bilt. the President bits itaued the follow in* notification that SIOO,OOO would be net apart to bo divided among the hnnda: "Saratoga, August I.—To tho Employ - ee# of the New ork (Yntr.il and Hudson Kiver Railroad Company: We have passed through a |*rin<i of unparalleled excitement. Surrounded on all aide# by a common enemy, all good ciltien# felt the neensaitv of auataining the author!- ties. I appealed t> you to resist the wilful lawlessness of bands of rioters, to protect the property of the company and assist in restoriug order. Your response has won the admiration and respect of the whole eountry. Of thin wmpany'a 12,000 employees less than 500 hare shown any disposition to eutbarraM it. The property remains intact ami unin jured, and you have everywhere, except whan overcome by outside violence, perforated your duties, and your exaius pie has tended greatly to ailav.the excite ment I think lam justified under the circumstance* in making some marked recognition of your loyalty and faithful* neas and have this day directed that the •urn of SIOO,OOO lw appropriated for the purttoee to l>e divided ratably according to tlieii position on the pay roll aiuoiic all the employees except executive ami departmental orticcr* ami the clerical force not directly engaged iu operating the road. The policy of the company heretofore adopted will apply to the present aa a ell as future emergencies. Men who in time of trial striko aud em iiarraaa ita operations by violently pre venting other* from doing their duty connot remain cr re-enter ita service. The late reduction often per cent, in chiding, aa it does, every officer .nd em ployee in every branch of the axrvice, except those wlio receive $1 a day or S3O per month, waa considered a fair am! equitable result of the company's buai nee*. and ihe compeuaation thus fixed la fully equal to that paid by corporation# or individuals anywhere for similar ser vices. Your pay will be increased the moment the business of tho company will justify it WILUAM 11. \ aanaiuiiLT, President. A FOOL AT LARO*.— During the riot in Aitoona, on Sunday last, District At* to rite v, Col. James F. Milliken, the prosecutor of the criminals of Blair couutv, made a speech to th* mob, auJ, among other foolish and wicked things, he said. "Ererv umu not controlled by the Pennsylrania Railroad is with you heart and soul. So long a* you are or der!*, interfering in no man's private business you will have the support of Blair county and Penns> Ivania. I was once Colonel of the Fifth Regiment, and have in the paat had a good deal of had luck. I think 1 struck a good streak just now. And I wish to add one thing just here ; not one man in the regiment can be compelled to turn out. If auy one does so you may mark him as one who wants to turn out against yon. There is nothing in the militia law of this Commonwealth which can be con strued as compulsory. In conclusion, 'l'nited you stand, divided you fall. Now is vour time. If the shop men turn out now* the Pennsylvania Railroad can not over-set the demands of the people. You know vour rights. Stick to them and youwiil get what you want and what you are entitled to —a fair day's wages for a fair dav's work. lam with you heart and soul. If you want a friend you will find him in Jim Milliken. Good night!" This blatherskite Milliken waa Colo nel of the 5 Reg. to which onr friend P. B. Wilson, of Bellefonte, has been elec ted. How good a change. The coalition on which President Mac- Mahon relies to overcome the Republi can majority in the Chamber of lieputias seems to be falling to pieces. In the first place dia*enaions arose between the Legitimists and Bonapartiats, aud then came about divisionsiu the ranka of the Bonapartiata, Konher leading one fac tion and Caaeaignac the other. The suc cess of the Republicans at the approach ing October elections is generally con ceded. What will the President do if again confronted by a hostile majority ? That's the next question. Lafayette Hughes registered in the Lindell Hotel, bt. Louis, and told the clerk that he had come there from his home in Chicago to atop drunkenness. He had been on a long spree, and was very nervons from the enect of it. He deposited all his monay in the safe, so that he could not buy liquor, and went to the theatre, hoping that the enter tainment might divert nia thoughts from his craving for alcohol. Late at night he demanded his money, saying that he could no longer resist his appetite, and having obtained it went out and got very drunk. On the following morning being sober and discouraged, lie killed himself. John Stable was sent to the Chicago lunatic asylum about a year ago. Six months afterward hia wife wis informed by the authorities that he had died, and been buried. She put on mourning and went to work to support her family. Re cently the went to the asylum to learn exactly wbere be was buried, and was astounded on hearing her husband's voice. She wae hustled away, but a re sort to law enabled her to release him. He was sane when arrested, but his mind had not been clear long enough for him to remember much of bie expo* rience in the asylum. Six hundred dol lars that he had when incarcerated were missing. . The Snyder county democracy has nominated Hiram O'Keil for Associate Judge and P. M. Teats for County Sur veyor. Col. I). M. Jones, a member of the Legislature from BLair county, died at Denver. Col., on the 18th July, whither he had gone for the benefit of hie health. A woman named Owens was recently killed near Houtzdale,Clearfield county by stepping in front of a train—it is supposed under the influence of li quor. The Richmond (Va.) Whig tells of a sad case of a reverie of fortune to a young lady of that city who waa worth 9100,000 a year ago, but married a man who squandered her property and ha* left her and gone to Europe, hhe ia now penniless, peddling small article* in tbe streets for a livelihood, and not yet eighteen years of age. Now cornea homejto ua the cry, "Coal ia going np two dollars per ton." Thus does the strike reach us poor consumer* of coal. Thirty-four car* of live stock and fifty-four cars of tea arrived at Omaha yesterday from the west bound east. There are ninety-three can of tea to fol low. LIABILITY FOII BURNT FREIGHT. Suit of the North Ameiica Insurance Company Against the Georgia Central. When the Central Railroad depot at Savannah, Georgia, wa destroyed by nra ( last November, large #juantitie of cotton and other valuable freight were consumed with tbo building. Damages were paid to all the owners of the cotton except thoro who had their property covered by inm- 1 ranee. The inaurance companiea promptly paid the amount of their policies, but made l a demand on the official* for a reimbursement of the money. This was met by a refusal, and several suits have ben instituted by the inaurance people against the Central Railroad Company of Goorgia to enforce idernnilication. Tho North America Insurance Company, of this city, i one of tho companies in que** tion. It has paid losses on cotton consuui* ed by lire to the amount of $12,000, for the recovery ol which three suits have been brought in the United States Court at Savannah. Tho railroad contend* that it is only liable for losses over it* road when I there is no insurance, and that iri rasa of I insurance the loss must fall on the insu* | ranco companies which have been paid for undertaking the rik On the ether hand it i* claimed thai the liahilily of railroad* i* not decreased whero the lot* of parties forwarding freight ha* been covered by Insurance; but that in all ea*r tho rail road* mutt bo tho final loser* and can ho compelled to pay damage* for freight* destroyed white in their peo**iop. Thl* legal view, It i* a*erted, ha* been confirm ed by several State Hupreaie Court* and by the United State* Courts. A HTRANOK OA 1.1.0WS St'KN K The Victim (lives il'rcilious to the SheritVAbout Managing Matters. Lake Charles, La, July 25 Jule* Ouidrey, condemned tor thu murder of Jno. lUalo, hi* wife's supposed paramour, on Augutl U0,1575, wa esei ulod to-day at Laka Charle*, on the square ad|oining the jail. H* ws handcuffed end mounted the scaffold at t.40 o'clock this afternoon, a*- silled hv tho sheriff slid a friend and ac companied by Father Cha-. tluidrey. He addrvMed the crowd, laying that lis killed John lJesle aud would do o again to dav; that ho ought not to die for if, hut that ha would die like a man. Pallor Charts* •a>d a few word* el prayer, and Uuidrry to*!>Kd hi* bead at if attenllng. lie then turned to hi* friend on the scaffold and •aid i "I am firm lam not afraid to die." He laid that whet I) L lfioen te titled to in Court 1* at o. He continued talking loud to the crowd, declaring hit inihifereace to death, and that he would commit the tame crime agaiu and again; that ha wa* justified. Before he w* pin ioned he took up the rope in hi* hand*. It was dangling from a beam above him to hit feet. He handled the rope and exam ined ifa> noose, laying "the fall it not enough. 1 want a neck-break fall of ten feel." The Sheriff lengthened tho rope to a fail of about eight feel, but thi* did not atify him. He tried the (lip-knot to tee if it worked easily. When the black-cap was put ovar his bead he cried out. "Why, I can i everything. ' The rope was adjusted, and the ilip-knot lightened. He said "Not*# tight, but put the knot more ou the lide of my neck. ' A* "the Sheriff took up the axe to cut the rope he cried out jeeringly. "I can tee you are go ing to cut the rope." In a few lecomi* more, while the condemned wan was say ing he did not care, the axe fell, the rope parted and Gutdrey died alinott instan taneously. ARRESTED IN HIS PULPIT. The. Rev. Mr. Bott Taken Therefrom Amid the Sobs of his Con gregation. [From the Philadelphia Times, July 'Ju l When He*. Thorns* B. Bote recently tried for adultery, arrived st hi* church, the Twelfth Kaptit, about S 15 !at s*ci tng, he smiled at be glanced at the congre gation mumbled, which coni*ted of thir ty-eight persons. He got into the pulpit and began vigoreutly cooling hiniietCwilk s lady'* fan. The hyuin, "What s Friend we have in Jesu*,'' after a few ineffectual trial*, wat isng, Mi* Lillie Younger taking the lead. The pastor then announc ed that a* is was the usual Tuesday even ing prsyer-meeting, ho would lake for hit teit a portion of Banyan's "Pilgriui'* Progress." He *pokc of the truo Chris tian and tba pliable one. The Utter, he said, can bo tempted, a* was evinced in *ouie of the ex-tueniber* f the fiock, "one of whom does not live more than a square from here; he w*s one of your pliable I Christians, and sow he is an arch-fland. Ha got hi* pries and fell. I believe every man and woman ha* bis or her price. They can be tempted and wilt fall." He itig matiied those who had left the church re cently as turn-backs, turn-coats, traitors, back-sliders and pliable*. He dwelt at seme length on love and hate. Just as he was finishing the last prayar a constable approached tho pulpit, called tbe reverend gentleman to ona side and read a warrant for his Arrest; issued by Magistrate Lukent or. complaint of Mrs. Bott, charging him with failing to provide for her and their children. Mr. Bott turned pale and the perspiration oozed from his forehead a* he excitedly atked. "Did my wife do that ?" On being assured of the feci ho requested the constable to wait outside for him until he ditniivsed the congregation. The offi cer contented end went outside- The con gregation had noticed their shepherd's ex cited tenner, and surrounded him with tho query .- "What's the matter ?" lie answered evasively, and quietly slipping out joined tho officer. His fiock soon as certained what was the matter, and three oflhsm burst into tears, while others made such exclamations st "It is a shame!" "Sba should ba arrested, not Bott!" Mr. Bott remained at the corner of Sixth and Brown streets in custody of one of tbe offi cer*, while Mr. Cauoll, who keep* a little grocery on Richmond street, below Shack amaxon, and the other constable, entered the house of a magistrate. The grocer signed e SBOO bail bond to insure Bolt's appearance at a hearing to-day before Magistrate Bonsall. Mr. Bott was then raleasod, but, instead of going home, he and hi* bondsman wandered down the city, wbere they remeined until a lnte hour. Mrs. Bott said that on Monday her husband visited her mother's house, wbere she is residing at present, ar.d attempted to remove her furniture, but was prevent ed by her locking the doors. CIO A It BOX MANUFACTORY BURNED—EIGHT LIVES LOST. Cincinnati, Aug. 3.—Peltering's cigar box factory, on tho corner of Eighth and Broadway, was burnad this morning. Twenly-twogirls ware working in tho up per stories. The employe.!*, mostly girls, wore at work in tho third and fourth itorio*. Some escaped through tho windows upon the roofs of other buildings but it is feared eight or ten perished in tho flames. From tha factory tho Ere spread to fix frames and one brick dwelling, which will prove a total-loss. The amount of loss is not yol estimated. The Suicide*' Hotel in the Latin Quar ter, Parii, has been totn down. Ten years ago a young student, despairing and in lose, blew out bis brains in tho room which he was occupying and just one year afterward another student committed suicide in the same ;ooro after losing his money in a gambling-house. The propri etor of the hotel was alarmed at the fate of these unhappy students and the room was transformed into a lumber-closet. A few months afterward a* waiter who had been accused of theft, crept into this lum ber-room and hangod himself. The su perstitious hotel-keeper was now in de* spair. lie surrendered the lease and abandoned the chamber of doath. The hotel wes repeatedly sold but its reputa tion was uncanny and nobody could thrive there. A strong minded druggist took porsetsion of tbe premises and car ried on his business there, but finding his wife had deceived him, retirod to tbe fatal chamber and there poisonod himself with his own drugs Tbe whole (Quarter was up in arms and demapd that the room should be wnlli-d up, but the new pwncr laughed at tho fears of his neighbors, and declared thl he meant to occupy the chsmbor himself. At last notice was giv en that the place ws> about to be pulled down to make room for the Boulevard Saint Germain. An indemnity of $60,000 was demanded, but refused, and the jury having decided that $17,600 was ample compensation, the owner grow despondent and declared he was a ruinod man. A month ago lie ukcd permission to visit the old promises before they were pulled d<>wn. Hi- request was granted, and nothing more heard of him until the workmen found him hapgjng by the neck in the fatal room. ill rue cents u glass. Happy Reading. Till' STATI'Ti' AGAINST STUIK KKS The Irghlaturo nt it* tad session pu>ed a-t net mtillrd "An Ait to provide for the heller protection of passengers upon rail road and to Insure the prompt transports- Hon an J delivery of freights" Under this liw *ll t't'n-n/nil in the present strike, within the cotuuiomvenllh am amendable to indictment nm! punishment in thecrim liirl con 11. We herewith give the text of the statute in full for the information ol all coneernoil WiiiMKAx, Slrikm by locomotive tug I* neon and other rail mad employees, and the abandonment by them of their engine* and train* nt point* other than their che ll II !e destination, cndaniteri the *afvty of t>***nger* and subject* shipper* of freight* to treat inconvenience, delay and lost; therefore, ' HkcLIOX !. flf if fHutltil, etf , That If any locoim-llve engineer or other railroad employee upon any railroad within this •talc, engaged in nny strike or with a view to incite other* to tucli ttrike, or in futhdr anco of any combination or prdfonc.-rted arrangement with any other person to hritiß about a strike, shall abandon the lo comotive engine in hi* charge, when at larbcd either to a passenger or freight train, at any place other than the schedule or otherwise appointed destination of such train, or shall refuse, or neglect to conlin Ue to discharge hi* duly, or to proceed with said train to the place of destination, a* aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall he Kind not less than one hundred nor more than bve hundred dot* lars, and may be imprisoned for a term not exceedinr six month* at the discretion of the court. Skc. If any locomotive engineer or other railroad employe* within this stale fur the purpose of furthering the object of or lending aid lu any slrika or strikars, or ganised >r attempted to be maintained on any other railroad, eithar within or with out this slate, shall refuse or neglect, in tbe course of hi* employment, to aid in tbo movement over and upon the tracks of the company employing him, of the cars of such other company, received therefrom in the "urss of tran sit, he shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than live hundred dollars, and may he imprisoned for a term not weeding six month* at the discretion of the court. Sac i If any person, in aid or further ance of the object of any strikes upon any railroad, shall interfere with, molest or obstruct any locomotive engineer or other' railroad employee engaged in the dis charge and performance of bis duty as such, every person so offending shall be Joeuiod guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than SIOO ner more than ssU>, and may be imprisoned for a le*tn not ex ceeding it months, at the discretion of the court. Sac. 4. If any person or persons, in aid or fuitherance of the objects of any strike, shall obstruct any railroad track within this state, or shall injure or destroy the rolling stock or any ctber property of any railroad company, or shall lake possession of er remove any such property, or shall attempt to prevent the use thereof by such railroad company or its employees, every such person so offending shell be deemed guilty- of a misdem-anor, and upon con viction thereof shall be fined not less than five hundred cor more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned notiess then su months nor more than one year at lbs dis cretion ofthe court. ArraovaD—The 22J day of March, A. D. 1871. J. U. llAßTnatvrT. ANOTHKK PASHA'S A KM Y DE FEATED. liucharest, July 30.—A dispatch frutn Sistova stales that an engagement was fought on Sunday near Kustchuk, be tween the Cxarovitch arid Ahmed Kyoub Pasha. *Th* Turkish corpa is reported to have been dofeated with a lot* ol thirty guns, ten Standards and 6,000 prisoner*. Later dispatches confirm the foreguing number of Turkish prisoners, now given at B.IOU. Ahmed Kyoub's army is sUled to be completely routed. The Russians will probably at once resume the offensive and follow up their advantage*. It was reported the Russian* have again attacked Plevna and fighting was contin ued throughout Saturday and Sunday. According to tho latest reports tho Rus sians sro gaining ground. Gen. Manu, Roumanian Governor at Nikopohs, received instructions frem Kus-i sian beadquartcn to co-oportl* in certain nebessary cases with Russian* and even if requisite take an active share in the fight ing. Constantinople, July 30.—1t it staled that great number* of European resident* are leaving. s . RUSSIANS ROUTED. Two I>aye of Fighting and 24,000 Killed and Wounded. London, August 1— A dispatch to the! Dally Telegraph dated Pent, July 31,j midnight, says-' "Intelligence just re ceived here from Osman Pasha announces a great Turkish Tictory. The enemy ware completely routed after two days' severe fighting, with a lots of 8,000 killed and 16,- OHO wounded. The Turks captured a great quantity of arms and ammunition. Tha Turkish casualties were comparatively small, owing to the fact that tbey fought upon the defensive. THE RETREAT OF THE RUSSIANS. The Daily News' correspondent with Prince Scbackoeko's force, telegraphing from Simnilza, under date of August 1, give* an account of the retreat, lie says the road from Pardin to Dulgarini was cumbered with broken and retreating troops wholly destitute of ordor, officer* without soldier*, loldiori without officer*, without cohesion, and mostly without arm*. At tho narrow bridge near Bui garini there was wild confusion and a com plete block. Tumbrils, ambulance wagons provision wagons, officers' calaches, led horses and cart* filled with wounded, all were jamyiod In indescribable chaos. Tfiorc had been wounded all along tho road, but the bulk of tho wounded began a little way beyond Dulgarini and extend ed in an unbroken line for seven miles along tbo road to Sistova. They were mostly carried in ox carts, several cases in ' ambulances, and largur numbers tramped cn foot. Immense numbers of wounded had tramped tho whole way from tho bat tle-fiold and were already entering Sisto va at six o'clock yesterday evening. They must havo walked forty miles in twenty four hours, wounded, however, consisted of men who had somehow managed to , walk out of the battle. The bad vases were mostly left whero they fell. The staff officers, with whose estimate I am Inclined to agree, think the wholo force lost be tween six and seven thousand men in kill ed and wounded. A brigade ofthe Thir- . ty-second division has suffered tho most heavily. Besides the terrible loss of men, it sacrificed tho imperial banner of one of it* regiments. Tho whole of the Thirtieth division he*been smitten very sorely. All of the thrca brigades of prince Schackos ko's command aro for a time in a style of 1 disorganisation. GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE GREAT BATTLE AT 80FT8CIIA. \ London, August 2—A great battle is still going on at Softscba. Tho blow struck at the Ninth Corps by Osman Pasha, at l'levna. on the 19th of July, was j no severe that the Eleventh Corps, which had readied the river Lorn, on the out skirts of Kustchuk, wa* compelled to countermarch, and to mass as rapidly as possible seventy miles west, whery they were reinforced by the beaten divisions south ofNlkopolis. Mean while tho Kou- I inanian division WHS sent to the garfhon ■ at Nikopolis, thus setting freo General 3 Hchildei t treops It was not until yester- Iday that tha Human* were not fully pre pared P> renew liio oiigageiiinnl. At thai time the entiro force of the Kussian* con* aisled of about <V>,(IOO, embracing tha Ninth and Klevonth Corps. They wem drawn up In three columns on tha plain beside Ilia river Vldi, where tbo troops wore •♦ hortsd by General Krudcnor to bo brwvs and re'riove their previous lsa*. Tha order was thru given to advance on Soflscha, where (Ismail l'asha, with tifty thousand men, was intrenched behind hnstily thrown up earth works, having r jointd the division under Adel l'asha, at that place. 1 accompanied General Scbllder, commanding the Ninth Division. Itsin ws* dropping dismally upon tha al ready wet roads, and great embarrassment was caused by thelardiness of tha artillery 1 trains, which could only be dragged through tha mud with the greatest dtfhcul-i t* A halt wns made on the heights over looking Hofto ha, nud riding < ul upon the spur jutting from the ridge, one could tec the white tent* of the Turkish army hvrdv ed by tbe riverside beyond tha town,' whilst the long, black, low-lying streaks marked the recently constructed defenses Certainly not pleasant looking position to attack, and, indued, that opinion was • Ipressed by General Krudsner, when he came gallopping up where 1 was standing, followed by Don Carlos, Colonel Mangoff and General Schilder, but tha attack was decided at all hssards, and tha artillrry was brought into position. The first roar of the cannon was prompt ly echoed front the Turkish intrenchiiieuts end then began the most furious artillery duel, from which our troops did not escape unharmed, for tha Seventeenth and Kigls teenth Itegiiuents of infantry of the event garde were swept through and through by iron missile*, piling tbe dead and wound ed lu sickening heaps together. In the midst of this lbs order was given to storm the positions in accordance with tbe usual Russian tactics. Gallantly the Sole-at Cossacks of the Ninth Corp* ruslNb to the attack, speeding down the road under a cloud of smoke. Fur some time 1 was un able to distinguish anything in tha direc tion of the town save tbe arhite mineral upon the hill. Our Infantry advanced with a solid frcnt, and volleys of musketry added to the noise of the cennon, making deafening and continual thunder. The lighting was for a lung time almost hand to hand, the Turks making fra<juent sor ties from behind the shelter of the red 'cross. The attendant* were unabla to car ry off the wounded so fearful was the jslaughter When at last the order was gtvsn to ratire and the Russian gun* grad ' tally ceased firing. I watched tha men marching just as grimly and steadily hack ward as thry had marched into the con flict. It is wonderful what nerve tha*e Russian men of the iii.o possassed, considering the awful decimation of their ranks. Tha Turks did not letlow up their suc- I cess, evidently eapecling a renewal of tbe attack on the mornw. \V# have camped in a hollow between three hills for lb* night. Tbe total loss of the Russians so far is not lea* than three thousand killed and five thousand wound ed 1 send this by special messenger to !.Situnitza. LIGHT MEN SUHFKK A BATH IN Llorill IKON BY THE KX PLOSION OK A CAST ING I'itUburg Post, 2nd. Ail*) minutes baforo flva o'clock yater-| day afternoon a number of amployoes at tha foundry of Mcaira. Totter. A Co., on ilia corner of Twenty-fourth street and the Allegheny Valley railroad, were en gaged at casting a chilled rolL Nearly two tons of iron were required to make the casting, and the services of twenty men wrra required to handle it. While they were |ouring the tnoK<n metal into the mould there was a sudden r.nd terrific report, which was closely followed by a shower of liquid iron. Tho red hot metal j f.ew in every direction and dropped in splotches upon and about the terrified workmen. Realising the horror of their situation the men ranlto eecape the shower, in their terror, dropping the lade! which yet contained most of the metal. The la . del was overturned and immediately great streams shot out in quick pursuit of the j flying laborera. Two of the workmen, closely fallowed by streams of the red hot Iron, fall into adjoininfrpilt and the met al ran in upon them, burning their flesh to a crisp in many placet. News of the hor- I rible calamity spread with remarkable ac tivity. and in a very few moments the shrieks of women and children living in the vicinity were added to the groans of the Injured men. People rushed franti cally to the foundry with palid counte nances, wringing their hands in anguish and piteously calling in God's name to learn if their friends had escaped the ex cruciating torture. Arriving at the acena of the disaster they were still more appall ed at the horrible sight which met their gaze. Lying in one of the pits was a man with his fsce burned to a crisp in different place* and his eyes literally burnt out of bis head, while in their places the sockets were filled with chunks of chilled metal- Tbia man was George L. Ebbcrt, of Alle gheny. Ina nother pit way lying Walter Mo ran. One of his eyes, too, wa* literally burnt from the socket by the cruel nial, while hit face, breast, arms and hands war* burnt to a crisp at different places. Here and there the redjhot metal had act ually eaten ita way to the bonce of tho vic tim. Other men were lying about with their breaste, arm and legs severely burned and the scones were certainly the most heartrending which have been pre sented in this city for many a long day. Woodcock may be killed from July 4 to January 1. , , Lake trout may be killed lrom March 1 to December 1. Choice Farm FORSALE! The undersigned offer the following choice homestead, near Linden liall, at privato sale. Consisting of 19 ACRESOF LAND, under fence* and in a high tate of cultiva tion. Thereon aro erected a 2-oTORx BRICK HOUSE. Bank Barn, all neceMa ry outbuildings, with choice fruit on tha premise*, a cistern and a novor-failing streamer running water. This property is doairablv located about 1 mile from L. C. A 8. C. lIR , and effer* a fine opportunity for any one wishing to retire upon a small farm. For further particular* apply to D. O. GINGKRICK. ANNA OINGKKICK, 17may3m. Linden Hall, Pa. Also, a new 2-borae wagon, guaranteed in overy reipoct, for *ale t or taken in ex change for young cattle. w711.C AMP'S POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CENTRE HALL. PA. I manufacture all kinds of Furniture for Chambors, Dining Rooms, Librarie* and Halls. If yog vjU Furniture of any kimj.dqn't buy until you so* my stock. UNDERTAKING In all its branches. 1 keep in stock all the latest and umst improved Coffins ami Caskets, and have every facil ity for properly conducting this branch of my business. 1 have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be preserved for aconiiderable longth nftime Ijuilbtf W. R.CAMP. V-. ■<£ k1 A £4 ffcTtf*lCl rfVs2 kI A JljL JfcS. Wx* JOu vL Jr'wai! 3 aV" "jj^ l AT OAK Ifkft 0 I AMD MARKET | >TIU TO M NIADQbI*-'kilt FOR "A" <JL< CLOTHING. X | WANAMAKER & BROWN. | 6 IN THE OLD PUCE AT THE OLD TRAOE. $ All the beet talent, e*perle.-ee end sivsnupss wo TP I A ran nounmand, continued et OA K H Al-L, Us prof' 1 c :. o t| iS i SfcT end CHEAPEST CUOTMINQ for man awl bo; Jk | 1 ror slxtssn years we hsvs llve-t al the ©ld corner f "ft" * Q niXTH and MA ft KCT, and tha busins** done there In-# O A t*n so satisfactory to Ui* publl# and ourwlvss, that wr A T have decided not to change or movs the Clothing T Q business away. Tha paople likethe plana well*, to O X pleeee tha paople, end We believe that ttp oan do ll A I The aelea of Use paat year far supatsM anytlt n<i Y we ever drren.ed of. and thie ,-uie it lr ou fi v. *t t Q not e'rel't to follow ** h le with our wi re-it e•> M Q The etore hae been largely refitted, and there nev r Q Y clothing under the roof, nor wore we ever able to soil eo Q elieaply. Our word for it, end we -*re your friend* of Ci Q tm( oto rutcc, OAK HALL, j ■V lib A Marr.tL PHILADELPHIA. &■ 4* 7 HARDWARE WILSONt M'FAKLANE. NEW AND CHEAP HARDWARE ' STORE. • I r. a. WILSOV. aoi'T A riit ISK BKLLtroXTK, rx. We have opened a new and C- juplole stock bought in New York and Phlla- 1 delphia, from the manufacturers from first hands at extremely low prices, which we will sell at the lowest bottom prices, which we will give the people the advantage of. Wa sav and will satisfy that we are the Cheapest Hardware Store in the coun try. We have a complete stock of Kaiigee, Uaalere, Parlor aud Cook Stovaa. Each Stove guaranteed to giye satis faction in ev ery reaped. Bar-iron, Nails, Horse-shoos, Norway Nail Rods, warranted of the beat quality, We claim we have , the beet Pure Lead, Oils, Color*, Var niohee, ever offered and the cheapest. Our RIII MI LINN SHORTLIDGE & CO, BELLEFONTE, PA. Have erected a new OR A IN ELEVATOR on their Goal Yard and are buying grain : AT THE HIGHEST PRICES, in cash on delivery, for WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS-, CLOVER- SEED &C., Unloading il done more easily tad more promptly than any other place in town which makes the NEW ELEVATOR the moit desirable place to soil grain. {AWiIRACiTEWAILj The ouly dealers in Can Ire Oouniy who sell the Wi I! LI K El Si B! A R! R! E CI Oi Ai L from tbe old Baltimore mine*. Alio SHAMOKIN AND OTHER GRADED of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly for house use. at tbe lowest prices RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIREBRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to be as good a fortlllxcr as an olbe? plutr. (Qyyjjgg NEAR SOUTH END B E, VALLEY R, B. DEPOT BELEI'Om. PA. DUNKLE A AUMAN. Son st, Sign, tad P AI&TfI&S, Respectfully announce that they are prePared to do all kinds of work in their linn of butinets, in ibt nuateit&tni boat style. All kinds of GRAINING, PAPER HANGING, ANDCALCIMINING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. (Jalcimining a specialty. AU orders by mail receive prompt attention, and satisfac tion guarantcod. (jhargos most reasonable, ........ r , ISf.C.r J. N. DUNKLL & CO., Spring MUD, Fa. Chas. H. Held, Cleck, Watch maker A Jewelei Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. AI kind* of cMp. Wlehe* and Jewelr* of IS* latent *t*l##. •* al*o tho MaranvilU Patent Calendar (Hooks, provided <nlh a complete Indoi of tho month and da* of tho month and week on Ita faoo, which la warranted aaa perfect time-kant-ar. Oleoka, Watchea aadjawelry repaired on abort oo tiooaad warranted. M. P. WILSON, Attornev-at-Law.l Bellefonte Pa. Office in Mrs. Ben • Fa Building, Bellefonte Pa. Stock of Coach aud Wagou Mate rial are of a very superior quality, aud cheap, We will sell Saddlery p>oda as low at they ran buv them in Phil a. Wo will keep ail kinds i of Farmers implements, Cultiva , tort, Khovelt, Flows, Pumiw, Pic ture Frames, Moulding, Mirrors, Toilet Setu, Children'• buggies, Wagont oi all tit en. Oil Cloths, Tuba, buck ets, aud CHuraa, We have iu oonneclion a Tin Shop, Mr. Smith, foreman, in which wo manufacture all kinds of Tinwara. jSpouting made and put up of tbo best quality of tin at the lowest prices. | Call aud ce us and we will substanti ate what we advertise, as we shall 'lake pleasure in showing our stock. | Roc me No. 7 and 8, Humes Block, G doors north of Post Office, Bellefonte. WILSON & McFARLANE, jl2jui.tf Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but ter sweet andbard, and quicker to churn Try it— for sale at Wm Wolfs stoic. jJJR.S. G. GUTELIUS, Dentist, Millheim. •• Offers hi* prnfaaetoaal aarvleoi to tho public Ha it to perform all operation* la the dental pr 0.... .... V -.nonloJlc .-*trar- '-*■ lulul plilwttl *u u>r*-7St 8. & A. Loeb. THK TI.MKS ADMOKIBH YOTT TJJKTIMKH ADMONISH YOU To SAVE,MONEY WHEN YOU CAM. TO BAY* MONEY WHEN YOUUAN, Wo are M)llißjf- CAICPKTH AT 20 CTH We aru mi 111 i Kl' KTH AT 20 CTB. We are eellinf-CAKPETS ATM UTH. We ere l!ijr-CAKPKTB AT 28 CDS. ; We ere niiir* -OA JIPKTE AT 28 CTh Vt e eructlii>x -CAIU'KTS AT 28 CTh. • We ere tolling—lMQ'lf CAKP*TH at 80c. We are eollinr-INO'N CAJIP'TH at Me. W fc are M-illo*—lNtPN CAKP'TS atiH*-. We ere toiling- INOKAINK ATBB cenU. Wo are mil in* INOBAINH ATIScmU. We arc telling INUUAINK AT3BctnU We are eelllng- Damatk bail A tu.ii ear'u We are tolling—l>atuatk ball Atlaircar'U We are telling— Damatk hall A etair car'u Wo are telling— Superfine Ingrain at 78c. We aru telling- -Superfine Ingrain at 78c. We are .ailing— Superfine Ingrain at 78c. 1 > We are telling—'Tapestry HrtteteUatSl.OU We are telling— Tapetlry lirueael* alii, oo W e are eelling—Tapeetry liruraeUat SI,OO Vt'e are selling— Led in Dultoans at f2,80 Wo are telling—Lailier' Dolmans at We are selling— Ladies' Doiuiant at $2,80 We are selling— Ladies' Dolmans at s*.oo. We are selling- Ladie*' Dolmans at s*,oo.] We are selling-Ladies' Dolmans at s*,oo. i We are telling—Ladies trim'd bat* atfl.Ou Wo are selling—Ledios trim d hats at SI,OO, i Wc are selling—Ladies trirn'd hats at SI,OO ' ■We are selling— Ladies trio/d hsUstsl,6o | Wo aro soiling— Ladies trirn'd bats at s],&>' ' We are selling— Ladies trim'd balaisLM) ; We are selling—Lad tot trim'd bats at $2.00 We are selling—Ladies trim'd hat* at $2.00 ] We are selling—Lcdics trim'd hats at $2,00 Bt are selling—Ladies Shoes at SI,OO lie are selling —Ladies Shoes at SI,OO He are selling—LadiesShoesat SI,OO He are selling—LadiesShoesat $1,25 Be are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,26 Ho are selling —LadiesShoesat $1,26 Be are selling —lndies'Button Shoes at $1,50 Be are selling—Ladies' Button Shoes at $1,50 He are selling—Ladies' Button Shots at $1,50 He arc selling —Calicoes at 5 cents. He are selling —Calicoes at 5 cents. He are selling —Calicoes at 5 cents. Be are selling— Spool Cotton at 2 cts He are selling —Spool Cotton at 2 cts Wo are selling —Sjiool Cotton at 2 cts Hie are selling—Dress Goods at 8 eta He are selling—Dress Goods at 8 ctßl He arc Goods at 8 els He arc selling—New Spring Plaids at 10 ceaU He are selling—New Spring Plaids at 10 cents He are selling—New Spring Plaids at 10 cents IPo are telling—MAi's Plough Shoe* at $1,25 Ho are selling—Men's Plough Shoes at 81,25 He are selling—Men's Plough Shoes at $1,?5 He areselliug—Men's Gaitersat $1,50 He are selling—Men's Gaiters at $1,50 H'eareselling—Men's Gaiters at $1,50 In fact wo aro soiling everything at price? th%t yill ooaviuce a)) that we have touched the very bottom—no trouble to show goods for the purpose of rompaiing prices S. A A. LOKB. Cheapest of Ail!! largest of All! BEST OF ALL!!! ! MAGNIFICENT 6TOGK OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Wolfs Old Stand. AT Gg&Wftt mil, OVEUWUJ YAHOt* OP CALICO. WHICH WILL HE HOLD CHKAPRP. THAN TV KK BEFORE IN TUIM SEC TION. Wt have tin Oewlil Pritee Low I Se lection urstupitil I And we now ex tenia en nils! inv>rtiot> ta o .r lrio'., pet mm. and the poblte gen erally. Cora* Iwe will show yen the BEST SELECTED STOCK, At prices lowrr'tht u uiui'. A full line of Drjr (ioods, Clothing, Boots and Ch*s, OrUtrHw, liueentwar*. Glassware. WooJ and Wil low Ware, Hat* and Cape, and In fact ev erything and anjiblrg embraced in the above llnee. a lAkoi nroos or READY - MADE CLOTHING coceUotljr on fatnd. Customer* will find the stock com plete, sad a call U all that is required to assure you that thai I* the beet place in the vaiiejr to buy your poods. W*. Wolf. IMPOKTAN TO TRAVELERS. -Til*- BUSH HOUSE! BKLLEtOVTa, FA. Um becu recently thnrourbly rtoret.t and rtpaired, and under the man geii ent of the Now I'riprionr. Mr. f. U. Me. OOLLUM. formerly f PiUaburr.ls flrst class if. ail iu appointment* bPEUIAL INDICEMXNT3 Aro offered to thooe la attendance at court and oik en remaining in town for a few day i at a Lima. Tha largest and meal mpsrbly Design J Hotel in Central Peaneylvania. All modern con ret; i caeca. Go try lb* Bush bouie. F. P- McCQLLUM, Proprietor. ISA T. OOTTLBI Fashionable Tailor. t catre HnlT IlaeinfOMHMi ro> cts on Ike Mad door of Wm. Welfi euikeeae, ba i. prepar ed to uianufaoUire alt kind* of men'* and boy's garmente, according to ike latent .tylee, and upon shortest notice, and all work warrarted to render anUafacwoa. (. lUing and repairing doue. 7iept y Bit flour for eale by tba sack. * *-"H*****, DA*t BSB. J A BBaVKB Wtt. WOLF. WU t MIMOLK. PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allewlntar eat; Discount Not**; Buy and Bail OoyernmentSecorltiet, Gold and Coupons Wn. WOLF. Ww. B. Mivulk, Ptt't Caabier No 6 Brcckethoffßov,JleUfbate,Pa Uessler* in Hrig t Cl>uilcßla! I'erfttmcry. Fancy Goods drt-J dk. Pure Wines aad Liquors for medicr uumoeaa alware kant mar St. 7V. D T. LtrSE. PAINTER. offers his service* to the citisens of Centre county in lionise, and Ornamental Painting, Striping, ornamenting and gilding. Graining OAK. WALNUT. d, „ CHESTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper beaging. Order* respectfully solicited Terms reasonable. JOapr tf. CENTRE - HXDL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGER. A new. complete Hardware Store be been opened by Lhe undersigned in Cen to® R*' l ; *b#re be it prepared to tell al kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nai'i. Ac. Circular and Head Sews, Tei.aon Saws. Webb Saws, Clothe* Backs, a full a*r.- went of Glbm and Mirror Plate Pic ture Frames, Spoke*. Felloes, and Hubs, tab!* Cutlery, Shovels, Spsdet aad Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sasb Spring*. Horso-Sboes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Tea Bells, Carpeater Tools, Paint, Yarn, ithes. , Pictures frame* it the &uast style. Anything not oa kacd, ordered upon shortest notice. Mr Hemember. all nod* offered cheep er than elsewhere W A. CURRY. 1 iiLLi St iaak*r, CENTRE HA IX. FA. ' Would most recpettftilly i&forca rent of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would bo thankful fpr a share of tho public patron. I ago. Boots and Show made to order and ; according to style, and warrants his work ito equal any mads elsewhere. All kinds I of repairing done, and charges reasonable. Give him a call. fab 18 1* OENTREHALL * Furniture Rooms' EZRA KBEMBINE. raspectfutiy informs the ciUsens of CeaU I county, that he hough t out the old , stand of 4. Q. Ikeiatagor, and has reduced . the priest. They have ceastaaßy on hand and make to order i BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS. SINKS. CORNER COPBOARDd TABLES. Ac.. Ac. 1 Their stock of ready-made h urniture is 1 large and warranted of good workmanship i and is all made under tbsir own immed . i ate supervitioa, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. ' Call and tee our stock bsfere purchasing i elsewhere. SO feb. ly Hixar KBocssßtiorr, J. i>. shuokbt President, Cashier. QENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, i And Allow interest, > Discount Notes, i Bur and Sell. Covernment Sectuities,Gold A avlo'f>Btf Coupon* CENTRE HAir COACH SHOP, LEVI MURRAY. at his establishment at Centre Hall, keep on hand, and lor sale, at the most reasonas b!e rates. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Plaikand Fancy and vehfcles of every description made to order, and warranted to be made of the best seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for bugg'e" and spring-wagons fi-c.. of tfct most mprove.l patterns made to order,also Gearing of all kinds iroide to order. AH kinds of repairing done promptly and as the lowest possible rates. Persons wasting anything in hit line are requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not to be exceed tor dur ability alio wswr. may 3tf,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers