The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 09, 1877, Image 1

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    Outward Honnd.
Floating, flostmg, from dawn to dnak.
Till the Marl? twilight dies.
And the mists doit up from the sapphire ra
And elond all th sapphire skies.
Floating. flouting. while golden itara
Seem to float ia a see overlie* t.
And starry lights from a e* below
Glow orange, and purple, and rod ;
Till wa seem floating out from the aea of life.
The teimpent* of psiwion. the etorm - wmdi of
■trife -
Out into strange. mysterious ipaee,
Till God ah all find na a landing plaee.
Drifting, drifting to land* unknown.
From a world of love and owe.
Drifting away to a home untried
And a heart that la a ailing there.
Oh ahip ! aail awiftlv Oh, waters deep !
Rear roe aafe to that haven unknown—
Safe to the tender love that wait*
To lie forever my own ,
Till we drift away from the ea of life.
The tempe*t* of passion, the atorm-wind* of
Out to a haven, ont to a ahore
Where life ia love forvvermore.
A rersinn Story.
In Persia, in olden time, livedS great king.
Whose name w as Shah Noshirwati:
"Twos hi* custom, whenever he heard • good
To say " Zeh !" and hi* treasurer then would
A purse tff the fortunate man.
Tlii* king, when ont hunting on on# flue day,
Saw an aged man planting tree* ;
He rode np. and #aid " With your hair w> gray,
Don't you think you are throwing your tun*
You'll never eat food from there.''
•' For thn o-aoore year* 1 h*veealeu weat food
From trees that I did not ow ;
And would it not be bae ingratitude
If I took no thought of posterity'* good,
And paid not the deht I owe V
" Zrh, zh !" said the king ; and the treasurer
To the old man a purse hath thrown.
"See. see ! for good work* it t* never to late ;
God hath given me fruit without uoeding to
Before ail my trees are sown."
"Zeh. aeh!" onoe again , ere the word was
Another purse flew on it* way.
"Till God placed the crown on your majesty'*
head. *
Wu such a strange thing ever heard of, or
A* to reap two crop* in one day !"
" Zeh. xeh ■" yet again, and a third full purse
To the old man'* hand fall* nigh ;
Rut the king iu his horse * flank drive* his
Nor waiu for more answer in prose or in verse.
Lest the wit of that old man, so prompt, so
Should drain his full treasury dry.
" How pale you are, Ninon J Wbat
ails TUU? Yon have not been yourself
these three weeks au.i more," observed
Camilla Kenwiek to her prtite, dark
eyed maid.
" Heaven ! it is von who are n>t your
self," returned Ninon, as she nervously
a.! justed a spray of delicate, wax-white
bmls in the rich, black hair of her hand
some mistress. " You talk all day to
M. Antoine Chariot, and all night you
nioan in your dreams of Ralph—nothing
but Ralph—madam ; and in the morn
ing the pillow is wet with the tears you
haTe shed in your dreams. Your cheeks
are always too hot or too cold, and—par
don me—your temper is just the same
of late, is it for the little quarrel, and
do yon love Raoul so well ?"
Camilla Kenwiek sighed and stirred
nneasily in her luxurious dressing-chair
of rosy velvet, as Ninon uttered Ralph's
name in the Freach rendering with a
pretty, te der, Frenchified lisp.
The girl drew back with a gesture of
"Look, madam—at yourself—in the
mirror," she cried, with mercurial de
light, seeing how her deft duties had
enhanced the witclieres of a creature
fairer than a Circe. '' Your eyes are "
"Black, Niuon," interrupted the lady,
laughing ; "black, and nothing more."
" They are like two black pools reflect
ing two evening stars," continued the
vivacious French maid.
" You are a sad flatterer," said Camilla
Kenwiek, not wholly pleased with the
fulsome admiration of the girl whom
she had made a petted favorite. "I am
latter satisfied with you alien yoti cate
chise me."
" Are yon, madam ? Heaves! I am
glad it is so, for I have something in my
heart that must be said."
" What, Ninon ?" inquired Camilla,
starting, as 'he toyed with her boqu t
of cameliae and white rosebuds; " what
is it r
The tiny face of the little French
maid grew ]*llid, and the lithe, dainty
form quivered; although her voice was
brave and full of melody.
" Madam, dee-ar madam, please let
Antoine Chariot know that you are a
wife. Why will you take such an unfair
advantage of the blunder of the hotel
clerk who registered you as ma lemoiselle
instead of
loves you, when he finds himself de
ceived, he will kill you or himself. I
know him."
" You call him Antoine. Yon certainly
speak as if vou knew him," answered
Mrs. Keuwlck, with slight hauteur.
" Who and what is he ?"
" A French professor of music from
New York, who is stopping at Wild
Rose Cliff for a few weeks of rest," said
Ninon, with s pitiful* assumption of in
"You know more than that, Ninon,"
said Camilla.angrily and fearfully; " and
you shall tell me what it is."
Ninon was silent.
Camilla clasped the slender wrist of the
girl with a cruel clutch.
" Speak !" Bhe demanded.
" I will," said Ninon, " if you will let
me go and face me honestly, as one
woman should another."
Mrs. Kenwiek dropped her hand in
" Yon h~ve lieen a good girl, Ninon,
and I will give yon your way," she said,
gently; "we all know that M. Chariot
is a professor of music. What more
is he?"
"He was my promised husband in
France," said the girl, weeping; " the
wedding day was fixed, the marriage set
tlements made, and everything else
necessary was arranged, when nv father,
who was s merchant in Paris, failed, and
died-by his own hand. Then I kni wit
was my expected do vcr, and not me, that
Antoine loved, for he fled, and I never
saw him again until he came here to Wild
Rose Cliff."
"But yon loved him?" queried
Camilla, startled.
" I loved him so well that I followed
him across the ocean " answered Ninon.
" I love him still with just that same in
tense, jealous, passionate love, with
which Raoul loves yon, my lady. 0
mailame, trifle not with Antoine, yon do
not care for him, and to Antoine a slight
ed love would be death. To yon an l
Roonl it would be werse thau death !
Yon know it; for you weep for your hus
band all night long, though it as but a
little thing that parted yon; and do you
think Raoul suffers less than you ?"
" Stop, Ninon !" said the lady authori
tatively, her proud face as colorless as
the flowers she h< Id.
"Pardon!" returned the girl; "but
must yon break hearts as the only pas
time that will ease your trouble. See,
your sister—for you have called me 1 sis
ter,' my mistress, many times, kneels to
you and begs you to give back her An
toine, her lover."
The little maid was on her knees, and
her dark curls trembling from out her
pretty cap, half hid the round, infantile
face that reddened and paled swiftly as
she pleaded far him who hod ignored
" Get up, you silly child," commanded
her beautiful mistress sternly; "does
Mr. Chariot know of your presence
here ?"
"No, madame," answered Ninon
humbly as she rose; " but you will tell
him to-day, will yon not—to-day when
you meet him by the sea ?"
"Certainly, if you desire it, Ninon,"
responded Mrs. Kenwiek smiling. " And
now bring me mv wraps, I hear him
asking for me in the hall below."
Pre-eu .y the maid returned bringing
a shawl of soiue misty, pale-roee fabric
FRKD. KURTZ, Kditor and Proprietor.
that alio wound m oriental fashion alnui
the royally graceful form of her turn
tress, who immediately went down t<
uut't Anionic I'luuloA
He wivs n Imufisonie man of that dark
fiwuiiattiig eort of iH'iiuty occasion all;
aeon iu old Spanish portrait*. hi form
feature atnl Roaring, he a at nno
grave and jnietio, fasUdioua, passional
and *i 11-bred.
"Ah. M. Chariot ! so early ?" obaerr
ed Camilla, giving him her delicate, roe;
linger tips
" How (xntld I be late," he reajnuidev
in the purest English, "when I enjo;
so much cur hour* by the sweet, **•
sea. Wilt you iviuo dowu to the head
with me * Ihe auuaet ta charm lug."
She smiled aa alio went with luui. hu
her heart waa heavy and fearful iu hei
Uauu. She was nervously tq>prelieuaiv<
of the denouement of her summer pan
"Not there, Camilla," aanl her ail
mirer as she would have drawn bin
among the rauka of prvmiouadera, " hu
here, ttt tlna sweet green nook, for 1 havi
something to aav U you. '
He seated her v\a a moaay boulder it
the ahailow of a steep cliff grown thick h
over with sweet brtar and pink will
r wea.
" I can guess what it ia, my friend,'
ahe replied serenely, but with a keen in
warvl thrill that was half pain and hal!
vanity; "you have heard sometliing oi
the tableaux we are to have in honor ol
my husband's coming. You wish to heJj
aits-you are wry kuid."
" Your hutlmnd, Camilla !" ho cridl
" who but 1 who love vou can ever la
that?" •
" Surely you should have known I ait
married," responded the woman, hei
heart heavy with dread, her eheeks bias
ing, as she held forth one dainty hand ou
which glittered her wedding-ring.
For a moment—one ominous moment
—he gaxed at her steadily, searvhmgly,
aud then his reproaches hurst forth in a
hurricane of fierce, scathing words.
" I see how it is," he exclaimed; '' you
have made me your dupe—my love the
toy of your idleness aud amusement.
The stain of murder is on your fair, false
hands, and all the waters of yonder sea
can never wash it away. To wish you
future happiness would be a mockery
and blasphemy. Farewell!"
He dashed up the cliff with madness
on his livid visage.
She heard him crashing through the
thorny wild ruee-buahes, then above the
plash of the sunset sea, she heard a dull,
plunging sound and a great agonized
There was a brief confusion among the
promenaders on the silvery beach, there
were inquiries and unsatisfactory explan
ations, and a futile attempt at rescue.
In vain! The hungry undertow must
have borne away its prey.
And whiter than the face of the drowned
could ever lie, were the checks of Mrs.
Camilla Kenwick as she went back alone
to Wild Rose Villa.
She called Nmon and told her of what
liad happened.
"Don't touch me," cried the girl,
aghast; "there is blood ou your hands,
That night her maid could not be
found, and the next morning Ralph Ken
wick came.
Camilla was alone in her room—hei
attitude that of utter misery— her eyes
fixed mournfully on the sea. What was
iu lier heart only Heaven could know.
"She is grieving over our quarrel,"
thought her hnsbaud, with a thrill
of teuderest pity. " Dear soul! I was a
wretch to talk to her as I did. Camilla!"
She turned her beautiful head toward
him with a dreary movement, and her
piteous, unsmiling face seemed aged and
"You have come," she said in slow
and bitter tones; "you have oome, I
suppose, to tell me that yon hive ar
ranged everything for our final separa
tion. Have yon found your mouth of
freedom so sweet I"
"Heaven forbid, my dear wife!" he
answered, ear estly. " What you are
pleased to call a ' month of freedom '
has been a month of wretched loneliness
and remorse for the hasty, angry words
that hurt you so, and that I never meant.
And, Camilla, I should sooner contem
plate suicide than a ' final separation '
from you Both are impossible, what
ever I may have said.
The fair woman shuddered, reraemlier
ing him who lay in his suicidal sleep be
neath the smiling aummer's sea.
"Y< >u said that you hail eeaaed to
love me; that you wen- glad to get me
out of your sight, and vou hoped it
might be forever," sliesi>f, emphasizing
every word. "Is it possible a man and
gentleman -ran say anything so cruel un
less he means it ? It would lie far more
merciful, Ralph, for you to steadfastly
abide by those words now. than to per
suade me to forget and forgive them,
and then just as I begin to iielieve anew
in yonr love anil kindness, to rejieat
them on the first trivial occasion. I hail
rather have a small ici.dfast love upon
which I can cling and rely, than a not
stormy passion thut brings one day a
surfeit of caresses and the next a tornado
of senseless vitnperali m."
Ralph Kenwick flushed painfully and
guiltily. Hut hot, hasty teajier had l>een
his bane always, and none knew it better
than he.
" My dear wife," h? pleaded humbly ;
"if you will trust me again I will try to
conquor this fanlt that haa made oar
wedded life so unhappy. I can't be a
s lint all at once; but i think if yon will
bs patient with me, my darling. I may
be worthy of yon after a time. Will yon
not come to me again, and lie once more
my own loving, forbearing wife ?"
" I can not," she cried in on agony of
emotion; "they tell me there is blood on
my hands."
" What do yon mean, Camilla ? have
I driven you mad, poor soul, by my in
She crept into his arms then, broken
and we'pin(o bitterly, gasping out the
tragic story and fatal ending of her sum
mer flirtation.
" Poor child!" he whispered, caressing
her tenderly ; " poor child, the blame
was mine after all. Yon were too bean--
tifnl to be left alone in a mail and
bitter mood withont my protection.
Never speak nor think of M. Chariot
again. Come with me to the beach, and
let the breeze from the surf bring buck
your spirits."
"I hate the sea," she said; "the sight
and sound of it will accuse and accurse
me so long as I shall live."
He kissed her, and, arm in arm, they
went forth, crossing Wild Rose Cliff on
the farther side, and strolling op the
beach toward where a fisher's hut and a
ruinous boat-house arose in a dark jag
ged mass against the blue-green waves,
with their fringe of foamy surf.
"What a picturesque picture," ob
served Ralph, pointiug toward the spot
where on the sand in the foreground
they saw a boat drawn np and overturn
ed, and setting upon it a petite form, a
scarlet shawl draped about her shoulders,
her dark hair flying in the wind and a
lover reclining at her feet.
"Why, love, isn't she yonr maid,
Ninon ?" asked Ralph, giving Camilla
his glass.
The fair woman gazed through it with
eyes wrilil with eagerness.
" It is she, indeed," she cried; "and
that is Antoine Chariot with her. He is
save l. Oh, my Ralph, once more I can
look in your dear face."
Impatient with their hearts and foot
steps as thev traversed the silvery space
of distance between them and the two
w ho seemed too happy to hear or care foi
their coming.
Presently Niuon looked up, her pretty
infantile face radiant as a star.
"0, monsieur! O, dear madame •'
she ejaculated. "It was the old fisher
man who swum into the *e* and brough
out my Ant->ine. And oh, my madame
he loves tue he doea. Indeed. It wits id
a mistake alnrnt his not caring for me tt
France. We are to be married now. An
you glad, madame ? '
Ninon's volubility ended iu a wlns|>ei
that Camilla only heard.
"I am very glad, Ninon," she an
Hut she was thankfully, reverently
happv, when she learned tnat Autoiiw
Chariot hnd not intentionally fiung hiui
self into the sen. In his paasionati
haste he had oaught his f*>t iu a trailiuj.
vine, and accidentally fallen over tin
In a ft w weeks Camilla lost her maid
for Ninon waits! back to lor own lamny
France with her husband—Autou eChar
And Camilla ami Ralph Kenwick, ii
all the jovous, peaceful wedded love thai
came to them in after days, never forgol
the trouble and romance ended so hap
pily by the Summer Sea.
The Little that lie llad iu Hank.
Amoi g the *ubsord>er to Audubon'i
magnificent work on ornithology wiu
John Jacob Astor. He was always ready
to cmvuruge such w.irks, and he put his
name dowu upoti Audubon's book foi
one thousand dollars. During the pro
greaa of the work, which proved to lw
more expensive than bad been at first
anticipated, Mr. And til >Oll often fount!
himself obliged to call upou his generous
patrons for assistance; but he ditl not
call upon Mr. Astor until the letter-press
and the plates hiul been delivered. When
the filial delivery bad lieeu made, how
ever, he culled upou the great merchant
for his thousand dollars.
"Ah, Mr. Audubon," said the owner
of millions, "you come iu a very bat!
time. Money is scarce and hard, ami 1
have everything snugly aud tigbly in
And so the ornithologist called, time
after time, and was often put off. It was
not because Mr. Astor did not wish to
pay, but it was from the stroug desire,
growing stronger with his years, to keep
ins pnqiertv iutuct, and see it increased,,
When he had paid away a hundred tlani
saud dollar* for a really benevolent pur
j>ose lie felt good, aa a man feels good
who lias got rid of an aehing tooth. It
was onlv the wrenching away of the
money that hurt him.
At length A minis >u called the sixth
time. Mr. Astor had commence.! to be
moan the low-ebb condition of his cash
iu hand, when he caught a disapproving
look from his sou William, who happened
to lie present.
" Rut," said the old man, after a pause,
"I suppose you want your money, and,
really, I should like to let yon have it.
I uiav have a little iu bank William
have we any money in bank "
Evidently John Jacob hat! expected
his son only to answer a simple yes; and
it may he tint William 11. thought his
father wished to know something of the
bank account. At any rate, lie was just
fresh from tap cash-ou-haud page of the
ledger, and lie answered:
" Y'es—we have a little over s hundred
thousand in tlia Bank of New York;
eighty thousand in the City Hank; nine
ty thousand in the Merchants'; ninety
eight thousand four hundred in "
" That'll d<, William I That'll do f I
guess, Mr. Audubon, William can give
you a check for the money."
Water as a Harrier Against lma*iun.
The protection of a narrow strip o
water between two countries is clearly
howrn in the movement* of the present
war. The little Danulie river, half a
uiile wide, has bald the vast armit-s >f
Uuesia at hay since the 28 i of April, and
may hold them atdl longer, as hut a mare
i traction lias thus far nucctsslcd in CIMOS
;ug it lint for this river the Knsssaus
would long ago have swept everything
north of the liaikan mountains, and Wen
well on their way to Adnanople hv this
time. A narrow strip of water and a
strong fleet may make even a eomparn
tiveiy weak |x>wrr almost invulneraide.
It is nest to ircqsmsible for any power,
however strung, to concent rate it* forces,
material of war, and sustenance, and
cross such a strip of water, eitlier by
bridge or by vessels, so as to strike one
decisive blow, and, if it croase* in drib
lets, there in danger of being destroye 1
in detail. The security of England rest*
more upon the i.arrow strip of water
that separates her from the continent
than upon any other i-ircumt-tanee. She
has never Win successfully invaded
since tlie eleventh century. Spain made
the attempt her urmameut, and
France sought to put a pretender upon
her throne, but bar 800 year* she has
been aide to repose secure from foreign
invasion. Her island lias never lmen
mvaged like the continent. Her soil has
never been traversed by formgn armies.
Her battlefields have only l>een tlie
scene of civil strife. Even when the
Dutch had control of the ciiaunel and
Van Tromp was sweeping the seas with
his broom, all they could do was to I>otu
fa ard towns. They eouhl make no land
ing of tr<v)j>s. The little channel ami
her powerful fleet are such an absolute
protection that she needs no stanuing
army like France,, Russia and
the other continental powers.— Chicatfo
Value of a Timely Word.
A great deal of harm is done through
- forgetfuluess. A little thoughtfnlness
and care with respect to others would
often save them from great deal of
suffering, and aid them in their work. A
man is discouraged in consequence of
the difficulties h meets with. An en
couraging word may be ali Uuit is neces
sary to revive his energies, and to can e
him to persevere. That word were
easily spoken. There are those who are
perfectly willing to speak it, but they do
not think of it. They are busy witfc
their own work. The discouraged one
aiuks into d> eper despondency, not
through their lieartlessness, but their
want of thoughtfnlness. A young mun
is exposed to temptation. He is about
to take a step from which a little in
fluence of the right kind will save him.
There nre nnmbera among his acquaint
ances who .could exert that influence,
lint they do not s'-e his duger, or nre so
busy that they must leave him to the
cure of his other friends. He takes the
step, and it leads to his ruin. A little '
effort rightly put forth would have saved
Kurt* Worth Iteinemliering.
A queen lee lays from 10,000 to 30,-
000 eggs in a year.
It is estimated that uo less than two
I hundred different species of caterpillars
feed upon the oak.
The slower tlie growth of the onk the
more durable the wood.
Bees, beetles, dragon flies, gnsts
spiders, etc., have minute uiiimalculm
upon their bodies.
There has been so much rain in lowa
that the grasshoppers wear India-rubber
The roe of the perch, only half a
pound in weight, has been found to con
tain 280,000 eggs.
The larva of the silkworm weighs,
when hatched, about 1,060t1i part of n
grain previously to its first, metamor
phosis ; it increases ninety-five grains,
i or 9,500 times its original weight.
110%% the ItuMlMHa l-uri itl ibrlr W ut A< r
ihr In Ifeir Ffr •( n Mm*?
TurkUli lire.
Details of the crossing of the Danube
[ at Sunmtzu, opposite Biskirs, ore given
by a eorreepou.ient of the L<iiuh'M /<n/y
j ,V< wi who wan an eye-witneo* of the
i enterprise. Diagiunr< divinioti
had the (Mutt of honor, and won ex|K*eU<d
to make a flatting on the Turkish side by
early uionuug. l'rmce Miorwki's
divisnui wu* to make a night march from
l.iwaa and la* in p<Mitioii at Nmiuitzn to
follow its sister division across iu the
event of the hitter's suereaa. In the
, event of failure, it was to take up the
. fighting, and force u passage ut all
i hazards ; for the Archduke Nicholas had
auuouuctHl that lie would have no
, denial. The river hud to lie crossed at
Simnitaa, e>wt what it might. With the
I darkness (len. Druguniroff began liis
dispositions. The first work was to
plant iu mmjc emplaivineiits a row of
field gnus all along the edge of the data
to .sweep with fin* the oppiwite banks.
This was while his infantry was beiugl
marched over the fiats down into the
cover of the willow w**L The dark
ness and tlie obstructions were both so
great that all waa not n-aiiy till the first
glimmer of dawn. There was no bridge,
but a number of river lsts capable of
holding from fifteen to forty men each.
These were drugged ou earrisges thn nigh
the mud, and launched in the darkness
from under bouglia of tlu*
willow trtw-s. The loat put oft' singly,
mwtng Heroes, for the Utile cove, and
later a little steiuu tug waa brought into
requiatluMi. For once the Turks had
U"t spent thg night-watcheu in heavy
sleep. Tlu-ir few *amiou at once oja nnl
fire on the Isiats, on the liid<leu BIHSMW
among the willows, and ou the columns
marching acn*** tin* fist. Nor was this
all. From the tlojiea als>ve the cove,
there came at the lsata a smart mfautrv
fire. The Turkish riflemen were hol|-
tug the landing place, tieueral Yolchine
had not experience ami credit in Cau
casian for nothing. His boat was end
ing. The Turkish riflemen were in
jMniition about fif r vwrdafr>>i the ahore.
He lauded liia handful, and bade them
lay down in the mud. One or two were
dowu instantly with bullets. He
opeued a skiraitolung fire to cover the
landing l*>uta that followed. One bv
one these landed Uieir freights, who fol
lowed the example of the first lisU load.
At length enough hail aeeumuluteiL
Young Skobelufl wan there, a host in
himself. At .'ii, Yolchine luule his men
fix bayonets, stand up and follow their
• ■ftLvrs. There was a rush and a cheer
that rang louder in the grvy dawu than
the Turkish volley that answered it.
That volley waa u-*t in vain, but the
Turks did not wait for cold steel. Yol
••liuie's skirmishers followed bun dogged
ly some distance up >n the slope, but for
the time con Id not pr.-ss ou far from Uie
base. Rusily, yet slowly, the craft
moved to and fro from the shore. The
Russian guns had at once opmed when
the Turkish fire showed there was no
>, but, however heavy a fire may
l>e, it will n**t all ut oin>e crush another
lire. The Turkish shells kept falling m
the water, whistling through the vrtllows
mil bursting nmoug the columns on the
ti its. One shell, from a mountain gun
fell into a boat containing two guua,
their gunners and the commandant of a
battery Tim boat was sw amp da" once,
and all <n l*oard p'rishtsL This -is the
< iily serious iiisu'alty, but numerous
Russian soidiers were falling on laith
sides of tlic river. Nevertlielcos the
■.vurk went steadily on, am' wou after
seven o'cltwk, Yolchine's brigmle, n
ltusaian battery, aud Oen. Dnigimiroff,
iiad crossed Die rivT. The ground thus
~"aiual wa held until rc-enfonvuieut
arrived, and Sistova was cuptureil.
A luet r Mistake.
Dominic B. Batnine w a paymaster in
the navy. Just belt ire Secretary It d>e
•.>n wan retired, B it 'in" was stationed at
N'e* York. Having made np his quar
terly accounts, quite a bulky package,
he concluded not to rink their tnuuunia
aiou by installments, but packed the en
tiro linagel of papers 111 u brandy box.
It no happened that the word " brandy,"
which aan markwl on the ii I of the Ik>x
which once contained the oricinnl fluid
packages, wnn lint effaced; ami, thus
marked, the box arrived by express in
Washington, directed to the secretary of
the navv. When the attention of Secre
tary Ilooeann wo* directed t<> it, he seems
to iiave concluded that nomo friend had
nhipped him a cane of "Old l>tard."
"Muse," said the secret dry, add n-asing
his dignified messenger, " take tliat box .
of brautiy up to my house and put it in the
wine-cellar. " Mum* did ua he was dia*ct
ed, and the Ihx wan consigned to the
vaults. When Secretary Thompson came
in an chief of the navy department, he
found that ltatoine's accounts were one
quarter liehiud. The h-]iartnient indul
ged him for awhile, under the liclief Unit
he was pressed and had not time to make
tliem np. After waiting many days, it ,
wan deemed beat to advise him of Ins de
linquency, ami he was accordingly noti
tlod. In due course of mail Ra'oine re- i
plicl, "I wilt my quarterly accounts to ,
the department two mouths ago." Then
I began a wild search for the missing
> apers. Clerks limited through the de
partmejit high and low, hut did not thid
them. Again thodepartment telegraphed
Ilatoine that his acnonuts oouJti not lie
found, and mcanwhJe entertained a faint
suspiciou that he hod been engaged in
some "crisiked" transactions ami was
}>ur|> withholding them. A few days
since, Rntoine ennie to this city in high
dudgeon. The search for the missing .
papers was resumed, but the hunt was !
lruitlesa. A day or two ago, one of the
, officers said: " Batoine, in whit shnje
did you scud the papers? ' Butoino re
plied. "I forwarded sneak in a brandy
box." This was a clue. Secretary
Robeson was asked if it might not have
been jxmsible that lie sent the Imx to his
house tlirongh mistake. He thought '•
not, hut invited u search through his
cellar. The search was mn<le, and in a
very little while the identical box of j
papers was found.
Seven Men Killed In n Coal Mine.
A shocking disaster occurred recently
in a coal mine at Wheatland, Pa., by i
which seven men were suffocated and n '
number seriously injured. The coal
from the Brookfielil mine is hauled out
'by a locomotive engine. On the morn
ing of the disaster the managers of the
' mine ordered anthracite cool to lie burn
ed in the engine furnace instead of soft
!ooal, wlifch had liecn heretofore useil.
About eleven o'clock the engine passed
into the mine slope. After being in a
short time the men in charge of the en
gine became suddenly affected by the
gas from the hard coal, causing them to 1
fall to the ground in a senseless condi
tion. The engineer maunged to make
his way bock to the mouth of the hank,
and gave an alarm. A large number of
men rushed into the hank toreseue their
comrades. One after another they paw
ed in, but were ulmost immediately over- f
come by the gas, and they, too, fell in
sensible. After several hail thus fallen
a gang was organized to rescue those
who went in last, and squads 'of four or
live {Hissed in until they camo to a fallen
i comrade, when they would take him in
their arms and cany him out to the open
air. In this way thirtv-six men were
brought out, seven of whom wore either
dead before reaching the ukWWi of the
hank or died immediately after.
ggc. one cupful each of Hour aud sugar,
three teaspMiufuU baking piwvler, one
quarter pint milk, salted and flavored to
taste, mode thin. It is nice for jelly
cuke or straw berry cake.
FOIU*KI> MUX. —Take breail-cruml**
(dry breail grutad is us good), odd one
tlard as much chopped auet, thyiue or
other herb to taste; salt and pepper;
lieat up eggs enough to wet it too paste;
stuff your riiaat, fish, or fow l with it, or
lav it in the pan among the gravy,
thick beef-steak, p*p|>er ami salt one
side well, make a nice storting of bread
crumbs, seasonings, and onions, wet
with egg; lay tins over the steak, and
roll Up like a " roly-pily" pudding; tie
with a hit of cord. Hake likw any other
CaHtMrr Pi nuixu.— One-fourth piuud
butter ami one and a half pounds granu
lated sugar beaten to a cream; add the
| well 1 >e*toll yolks of five eggs; one-half
cupful milk; then half poind of flour,
with the whites of five eggs; lastly, half
poind of seeded a ml ehop|>ed raisins,
with u quarter of a poind of well-waalied
ami dried currants; the fruit must he
floured l>efure mixing; use a buttered
mold or floured l>ag; boil three hours;
tlieu plunge quickly into cold water;
turn it out at onoe to prevent sticking;
serve hot with sweet sauce.
Bkkky PruniNu.—One pint of milk;
two eggs, well heateu; a very little aalt;
one-fourth teaapsmful soda; one-lialf
teas|KMOifal cream tartar; slowly aild
flour enough to make a thick batter; at
the lout aiid one pint of any kind of ber
ries, well sprinkled with flour; boil one
hour ut s well-buttered mold, or, if you
have no mold, a floured cloth will do;
after the puddiug boa boiled hard for
one hour, remove it from the pit and
dip it quickly into cold water, and as
quickly turn it out; this will prevent
stickiug; serve at once, for it soon be
come* heavv.
To CutAJI PxritKHAXailSOS.—Find
blow the dust oft' with the bellows.
Divide a white loaf of bread of eight
days ol>] into eight parts. Take the
crust iuto your hand, and beginning at
the top of Uie paper, wipe it downward
in the lightest manner with the crutnh.
Do not crista or go upward". The dirt of
the pu|>er and the crumbs will fall to
gether. You must not wipe alaive a half
a yard at a stroke, aud very lightly, and
after doing all the npper part go rouud
again, beginning a little above where
you left off
Put one or two ml pepper* or a few
pieces of charcoal into a pit where ham,
cabbage, ct<\. is boiling, and the house
will not be filled with an offensive odor.
CAMXBD Coax.—To every six quarts of
corn take one ounce of tartaric ncnl dis
solved in ladling water,"* cut the ooru
from the cob, and put in sufficient wa
ter to cook; pnt the acid in while the
corn is cooking; when, seal air
tight in tin cans or gloss jars. To pre
pare for the table, p>ur off tlo- tour wa
ter and save u; put in enough fresh wa
ter to cook it; to every quart of corn add
t oue small t cusp sinful of soda and let it
stand a few minutes Iwfore cooking,
while cooking pnt iu a tonspMUiful of
sugar; if the ecru turns yellow there is
too much soda; pnr back some of the
sour water until it tnms white agaiu;
when nearly done season with salt,
errain, and butter, same as fresh corn,
''tn quart cans are preferable to glass
talrrraltaa tlrdlml
ARHEXIO IX lhsKAßit.—The admuustra
tiou of arsenic in disease, according to
Dr. Griffith, in Thr London Medical
/V* tt, siiould never la* resort<4l to where
there is a feverwh state of the system—a
quick ptilae and a hot skin judicatiug
that it ahotild not be employed. It
should lie given ahrtly after uieals, ami
never on an empty stomach; it almuld
not tie given in the solid form, nor in in
creasing doaes, but, ns a rule, five
minims of Fowler's solution should lie
the maximum dose for an adult; the
dose should IM* diminished, or the ad
ministration aU*getlier ix-ased. on the
occurrence of pain m tlie epigastrium,
nausea, or irritation of the eyelids.
AncouoL AND IxaAxrrr.- -A corre
spindent of Thr Journal of Mental
' .Science, Dr. Donald, writing from
Guinea, states with regard to tlie etiology
of insanity in tlmt colony, that it is mit
found to be depending in any way on, or
moditb-d by, the nature of the climate,
but tkat one of tlie moat fertile causes of
the ranladv is iutemp*rauco; this is more
. particularly the case nmoug Creoles and
Portuguese, alooiiol Wing traceable, in
uiauv instoncea, as the direct agent Dr.
Donald stab's that, among the lower
clauses, mm is mostly used, and fre
quently, in the form of higliwinea, mm
forty over nreof, so that it can easily le
understood that this in time scrioualy
interferes vyith Ixxlily health, and, acting
i a* apoiiaiu, eveutualiy produce* cerebral
j lesions.
Home year* ago tlie French government
' directoil the Academy of Medicine to in
! quire into the influence of tobacco ou
the human syatom. The repirt of the
commission appointed by the aciulemy
state* that a large nttmWr of the dis
eases of the nervous system and of the
heart, noticed in the coses of those
affected with parolvaia or insanity, were
to be regarded as tlie sequence of exces
sive indulgence in the use of this article;
and it is remarked that tobacco aeetna
primarily to act upon the organic
nervous system, depressing the faculties
: and influencing thn nutrition of the body,
the circulation of the blojd, and the !
number of red oorpuoeles in the blooiL
Attention is also called to the bad diges
tion, bennmlied intelligence, and cloud
ed memory of those who use tobacco to
excrea. • •
Among tlie various uses for which
glycerine haa been found especially
valuable aa a medicinal agent, is that of
RSHI for infants; when raised by hand
' they can be kept compariitively free, it
is said, from many of the ills to which
they are liable, by the substitution of
from fottr to six drams of glycerin* for
the amount of sugar usually mlded to the
cr<snn, milk, or water cousUtutiug their
dii. In eases of draft*ss, too, of
adults, from deficiency, accumulation,
or hardness of the cerumen, glycerine is
alleged to lc one of the best remedial
agents— intniduocd into the canal by
' means of raw ootton saturated with it. It
is also claimed to lie the only known
agent, which will preserve vaccine lymph
1 for any considerable time withont de
terioration; it has boon found extremely
useful in numerous skin disease*, nnd
its scrviccahlenc**has been satisfactorily
■ proved in connection with all the various
substance* used locally in diseases of the
eyes, qxeept nitmtc of silver, which lutter
it doootnpises.
Itnrirutin* U'hrnl.
From present njipearanei-s the ooming
harvest promise* to be a wet one iu many
' sections of the country. Henv-y and con
i tinned rains during the laHt fortnight ore
reported, and they have done Boino
damage in oerbiin localities, prostrating
the ripening crops and injuring tlie corn.
Many of onr readers will remember the '
wet si'ason of 1875, when so many thou- j
sand bushels of wheat were badly injured
;or totally destroyed by the ooutiuuoii
wet weather during and immediately
after harvest, and none desire to repeat
I the experience this year, especially in '
view of tlie remunerative price* which
this cereal promises to oouiimuid. It la
to guard against lons from this cause, as
much us IH wimble, Uiat we call attoutiou
to the auiijeet uow. From preotial ex
nmuiatiou of different fields of wheat in
the shock, we know that very iniu-h of
Uie great loss in 1875 was due to btnl or
cart-less bunting and allocking. Kheavcs
ami shocks well liouud and put up will
stand quite a lengthy spell of wet weather
without much injury, out loone sheaves
iuid shocks offer no resistance to the
rain, nnd are soon saturated. The differ
cnix* was notably apparent iu aiijomiug
fields we examined, in which the wlieat
hail lieeu lioiidlwd aud put up in the two
wttva referred to.
11l biudiug, aheavee should not lie
mode too large. Smaller sheaves make
a better shock every way. The ahock
can lie put together more auugly, aud a
more sheaves can tie put iuto it, a b-ttei
circulation of air ia provblcd for, so Uiat,
should Uie rain {tenetrato, it will dry out
quicker. Aim to make Uie sheave* of
such a size that two iff them made into
caps will effectually cover the other ten
of the dozen.
A great deal haa been written about
the proper time to cut wheat. What
ever difference of opinion Uiers may le
aajto tlie quality of early or late* cut
w nsat, all are agreed that ripened wheat
will not stand wet weaUier like that cut
earlier. For any purpoae, ezcapt for
seed, we would cut it jnat after Uie gram
ha* passed into the doughy state. It
make* brighter, plumper grain*, bettor
floor, and there ia a decided gain iu
quantity. But the point we wish to
make here, is that Uie earlv cut wheat,
well bound and shocked, will stand much
longer than Uie ripe, during wet weaUier.
Most farmers understand, well enough,
Uie importance of careful work in the
wheat field, hut many do the work, or
permit it to be done, in a careless manner,
nevertheless. In favorable seasons care
leas work will do, hut the grain which
may be secured in one unfavorable sea
son, by proper care, will pay for all ex
tra trouble incurred during a great many
dry aoaaoti*, when it ap|x\ars like labor
thrown away to go to any extra pains to
secure the crop from injury.— Practical
t Former.
t'rflina YWU ("Metis.
In some localities it ia difficult to gat
I chicks through the first two weeks after
Uiey are hatched; for the liUle com
! plaints of tin* early period are often
. more numerous aud critical than at any
! other period of their live*. Feed is the
i first consideration, and pure water a
I great essential for them from first to last
• AN ■cluneal is the one article of chicken
diet which ho* lieeti the main dependence
for generations; hut some experiment*
wiUi n•••, lait year, eunvincea na that
i fur vouug chicks it is equal to anything,
if not superior to everyUiing else.
: Brood* bit upon nee alone, all livjd and
grew finely on a single handful at a feed,
for the hen and her brood. An infenor
quality, known to Uie trade aa broken
. nee, is just aa good for feed, and it takes
so litUe for a feed that the expense ia no
greater in the Northern Htates than
, i ooru meal, while in the Boatli it will be
the cheapest feed known.— Poultry
World. _____________
thought* for Saturday Night.
lie tliat lends to all shows good will,
bat little sense. .
Assurance and intrepidity, nnder the
white listinrr of accming modewtT, clear
the way to merit that would otherwise
lie discouraged by difflcnltiea.
No eomjMuiy ia far preferable to Inni,
because we are much more a]K to catch
tlie vices of others than tlieir virtues,
aa disease is for more contagions tliau
For the bout at people relations in
crease with the years. For the virions
inconveniences increase. Inconstancy
ia Uie defect of vice; the influeuce of
habit is one of the qualities of virtne.
No man is defeated without some re
sentmeut, which will he continued wiUi
obstinacy while he lielieves himself iu
Uie right, ami asserted with bitterness if
even to his own conscience he is detect
ed in the wrong.
It np|*e*r to be among the law* of na
ture the mighty of intellect should
be pursued and Cooped by the litUe, as
the solitary flight of one little bird ia fol
lowed by the twittering petulance of
many smaller.
There is nothing more to l>e esteemed
Uian a rnanlv firmness and decnsioo of
character, f like a person wlio knows
his mind and sticks to it; who sees at once
what ia to he dane in given circum
stances and doea it.
If this life ia unhappy, it is a burden
to na, which is difficult to bear; if it is in
every reepcet happy it is drevifnl to he
deprived of it; so that in eiUier case the
result ia Uie same, for we tnust exi at in
anxiety and apprehension.
The love of trnUi is a bow of peaee,
ready for every concussion Uiat is honest,
firm against every compromise that ia
not It is the noblest sUmnln* to in
quiry; anient to seek, yet patient to ex
amine; willing to communicate, but
more willing to receive; contemptuous
of pettv curiosity, but passionate for
Living Eighteen Honrs With a Broken
A Gentleman named Miller, residing
at Uie corner of Park and John streets,
Syracuse, N. Y., and aged abont sixty
years, was engaged in picking cherries
at a neighbor's near by, and while so do
ing a limb broke, and he fell to the
ground, a distance of only ten or twelve
feet, striking on his shoulder and the
back of his head. This ooourred about
' ten o'clock in the morning. Miller was
taken to his residence, and Dr. Whedon
was called. When the doctor reached
the house ami made on examination, he
found that Miller hail suffered a disloca
tion of the neck at tb* lse of the brain,
and ut the upper part of the spine. He
could hear and understand, but could
not speak. I)r. Whedon, on further ex
amination, found that when the moil's
head nnd neck were pulled into the natu
ral position, he could not only under
stand und hear, hut could talk as well.
For ftlsint two hours the neck remained
in its dislocated condition, and most of
the time persons were employed in hold
ing the neck and head in taxation, Uie
mental faculties being in tlieir natural
state- Doctors who visited the house
' during the afternoon declared Uiat not
in toe history of the country has such a
ease ever happened liefore. A dressing,
consisting of bondages and weights, was
applied to the patient's head to keep the
neck extended.
Tlie injured man died about four
o'clock the next morning, and previous
to his dentil he became paralysed in his
right side. He lived eighteen hour* <
wiUi a broken neck ! <
From the Bank to the Poor House. (
ttoswell O Peek, aged sixty-two, who <
has just died "at East Haddam, Mass., 1
hnd a oheckered career. He was at one '
time connected with a New York bank, '
by whose failure many of his townsmen '
suffered, and then he established and <
WHS proprietor of the Granite luuik. I
Soon after the failure of th.iß enterprise J
he became an inmate of the almshouse.
1 One day he went to New York, and earne I
home a*few day* later the owner of the 1
j largest aud best farm in town. This he '
; managed extravagantly, and reverses and 1
; litigation soon took it out of his hands. I
When he died lie was about to go once | ]
' more to the almshouse. 1 1
TERMS: 5'2.00 a Year, in Advance.
U hal ■ Mrrerirr Maw *md w*a TIS Is a
Hssr *i lbs New Icrk Hsr*s Over
I.IUU Hilln KkSSM-S os lbs .ttarM*
Wlaba la tb Fast Msvra Iran.
Knn July 'A4, 18(k5, to Julv H, 1877,
1,761 bodies were received at the morgue
iu New York mid recorded aa unrecog
nized. The record* are not *0 kept a*
to show at a glance Uie number subse
quently recognized by friend*; but it is
•nitlimit*i tlmt nt least three-quarters re
main unidentified The'relative num
ber of recognition* has perceptiblv in
ere sand since 18(19, when Warden firen
uati established the practice of taking
pictures of the bodies.
There are two classes of pictures at
the morgue; th<xie <A missing per-sun*
and those of Uie unrecognised deaoL
Tlie first class are pinned or pasted in
what ore called the deaenptiou l**>ks,
and are brought iu by fnetnla. They
ore pinned over the deaeripboua to aid
the morgue superintendent in identify
ing the l**lu, should they be brougfit
in. A great many person* go to the morgue
to inquire if the bodies of mmaing
friends have lieen brought there, but
o*.ly a few consent to have deaerqiUons
revirded or to leave pictures. Since
December 15, 1887, only abont 900
descriptions have lieeu taken down.
Near many of these descriptions are pin
holes and dabs of mucilage, showing
that pictures have been removed. Only
ten pictures at present remain in the
books. This is because in most rosea
the missing person* return from some
escapade, and their tro fearfui friends
hasten to reclaim the pictures. The
bodies of less than a third of those re
ported as missing are brought to the
morgue. Besides pictures, there are to
tie aeen in the description books bits of
cloth similar in kind to some part of
the clothing worn by the peraoua sought
for. *
The other class of picture* are those
of the unrecognized dead, takes after
they are brought to the morgue. They
arenot kept in album*, but are tacked
up againat a wall and protected by glass
doors, which abut over them. This wall
i u directly IU front of five alanting mar
ble alalia, on which the unknown dead
are placed for recognition. The door is
usually unlocked; in the summer time .
it is leh open. To the children of the
neighborhood the morgue ia an old story,
but buys from other porta of tie city
often gather about the door or veer iu
through the low window at the liodiea.
I Usually visitors exhibit more horror
1 while looking* at the photographs than
when inspecting the bodies on the
There are HO pictures left on the wall.
Each is affixed with two tacks, one at
the top and one at the bottom. On the
back of each has been written its his
tory. In several case* a name ia men
tinned as that of the supposed original.
One of the pictures is supposed to be
that of Daniel Peterson, a negro. The I
body was picked up in Thompson street, ,
after the Eighth Ward, or . "Jeff
Saunders," riot, on Ju'.v 21, 1875.
Evidences of the mode of death of a
great many are visible in the picture*.
There is a photograph of a fair-faced
giri, who was found froseu iu the water
off Whitehall street, on January 19,1875.
She is supposed to have been thrown
overboard from a ship by two sailor*.
The jpjM-arunoe of a roue around his
neck show* how sn intelligent looking
man committed suicide in Central l'ark.
in June, lHti®. The appearance of a
gun-shot wound iu the head shows how
another nought his death in the same
park, on July 96, of the same year.
Sot all tlie bodies of unknow n persons
brought to the morgue are photographed.
Some of them are found in rooms, the
other occupant* of tlie house* not know
ing their names or antecedents, but
being well emragfa acipiaiuted with them
to establish their identity should friends
come to inquire after litem. (it hers are
found dead in the street, and.are re
eugmxed by poiicemeu a having iteeu
lnoujor lroqueuiuig certain
portions of tlie city. Pictures are taken
only where there is a uecesaity for taking
them, a* where there is suspicion of
crime, or when it is likely that the
friends live at a distance and iwnnot ar
rive at tlie morgue within the seventy
two hour* pre*rril>ad by law for expos ug
unreoogniacd bodi**. When a body ia
recognized by means of a picture .'or
otherwise, the picture ia given to the
friends, together with the clothing and
other effects. Tlie number of the body
is given them, and they can then go to
Potter's Field and recover it On the i
head of each coffin ia creased with a sharp
steel instrument the number given the
occupant at the morgue.
There ia a anspicion that in many
case* the dead man has friends, who,
either because they are too poor to bury
hira. or because they are unwilling to in
cur the expense, remain away in order
that their proper task may be performed
by the citv.
The assistant superintendent says that
during his stay at the morgue he had
several people who were troubled with
tumors come and sak permission to rub f
them with a dead man's hand. They
were permitted to do so on the ground
that their tgith in the remedy might
possibly effect a cure. Most of those
who come for this purpose make a cross
on the tumor with the fore finger of the
dead man.
Music In the Ruvdan Arm;.
There in only one l*and to each
division, and it affords music at inter
vals, but tlie spirits of the men are
cheered on the way by their own songs,
in which they give vent to their en
thusiasm with a good-will and melodious
expression which is quite enlivening.
At the head of each battalion are three
drummer*, and in the van are generally
a score or more of good singer*. First
one strikes up a aolo, whose not un
pleasant air is listened to in silence, anil
then the company in unison ahd <
harmony take up the choru*, the drum- 1
raer* fining in, while the refrain swells i
along the whole line in a manner which
is emphatically warlike and grand.
Some nines where the musical elemeut ia
strong and solo singers rare, a soldier i
with tlie clarionet plays the solo, then i
all the others, with the drums, take up ,
the chorus. The songs are often very ,
spirit-stirring, and the lieartine*.* with ,
which they ore rendered tells how deeply ]
the feelings of the meu have bcn stirred |
ami the spirit in which they are march- |
ing to meet the enemy. This singing is ,
maintained through the march, and the |
effect is an pleasing ss it is inspiriting. ]
— |
Behind the Scenes in New Tork. ,
The attention of the Society for the i
Prevention of Oruelty to Children, in ■
New York, was recently called to the i
cane of three little sisters, aged rcspee- j1
tively seven, fonr and two and a half vests, |
who were found to l>e utterly destitute <
and starving. They hail begged a piece I
of moldy bread, which, divided among
them, made their supper on the precoil- t
ing night, and on the following day, <
when discovered they had not touted food. <
Singularly enough their parents are not <
drunkards. Their father, a hiid carrier, l
has been unable "to obtain work, ami }
their mother'is sober, bat ont of health, t
Tliiß family has for weeks been living by i t
begging and lying out at nights iu lain- i
tier yardH when the weather was. not so i
warm, and on hot nights ou the grass \
wherever a convenient spot could lie 1 1
found. The j>oor little ones presented a 1 c
pitiable sight, and when a meal was <-
placed before them ate ravenously. f
niarma Cimmh ' iha lltMbr ava*w<
■a4 grirallM UMlawr • ilfuwhr.
On tba are of the creasing of the Dau
tibe by the Ruaaiau troops, some dirt'
aloua of which are at ill on the northert:
I >niik of Ue nw, tiie itititar WotsKrn
Matt, a special German pajwr, recalled
that nineteen tune* within the Laat bun
dred yearn the Uua*iau foroea har*
errMue*<i the Danube with hoatile intent,
without including the prevent passage •>!
tha rircr. Threw tiuieo the passage *a
effected at Turtukai, three tunes at Hir
aora, and other three tidies at lamaila.
Twine the rirer wan crossed at Klador*,
twice at Galatx, twice at Ibraila, while
• •uce only were tr u brought acroaa at
Guaobal, once at Tiernavoila, ouee at
Hiliatria and once at Batunora. The first
.•cession on which the Russian forma
crowd to the right hank of the Danube
was during the campaign of 1773. An
armiatice had bean arranged in 1773, but
peace could not be nonduded. Accord
ingly, by esprmaa deaire of the Kuipreaa
Catherine, it waa determined to tasa the
UiiMiau army acroaa the rirer. The
Turka had strongly garrisoned the for
treaaee of Ku.uhuk, Hiiiatn* and
Hehunda, had parted troop* m obaerra
tiou at every point of passage, aad held
strong reserves in readiness in the rear.
Xevertheleaa, General Huraroff fuooaed
ed in transporting ?00 man acroaa the
rirer at Turtakai during the night be
twean the ninth and tenth of May, 1773,
defeating and putting to flight 4,000 ir
regular troopa htatioued there. On the
tweutr seventh of the same month, Hu
laroff waa followed by General Weis
mann; while at the aame tune General
Potemkin aucoeeded in capturing Hmo
ra and in establishing there a aeoond
passage acr aa the rirer. Screened br
Lhcae detachments, the main Bosnian
irmy, under General Bumanaoff, croaaed
the Danube at Goaobal, about twenty
Linle. la-low Kdiatria, ami advauoei|te*
the attack of thia latter fortress. FJ - >
-Sort to take it waa, howerer, in rafli;
ual, disheartened by hia want of success,
the Hummuui general fell back again
icroaa the rirer.
la the autumn, however,at the earneat
instance of the empress, he lecrossed to
the right bank and penetrated into Bul
garia so far a* the Italians, la the fol
lowing year, 1774, the Danube waa again
crossed by Russian forces, this time
early in April, by Kamienaki, at Ismail a
During the same month Oeoeral
Buvaroff effected a passage at Tjeroa
roda, and General Gialioff crossed over
in the vicinity of Hilistma. The next at
tempt to carry Russian forces across the
Danube was made by Milomkmtrh,
who sought to capture Giurgevo by
storm, in March, 1809. The attack
fai ed, as did also a like enterprise un
dertaken by Prneororaki agmmat lb rails.
Still the emperor Alexander insisted that
the river should be crossed, and, ac
cordingly, General Isajeff paaaed over
j to the right bark at Kladova to aiaiet
, the Servians. This latter place waa
stormed. Again the assault waa unsuc
cessful, and again the Ruaaiaua were
fain to fall back to their own aide of the
stream. In the imuu while Proaorovaki
had been superseded in Ilia command cm
the lower Danube by Prince Bagration;
and this latter auooeedad, in August,
1809, ui crossing the river near Galalc.
and the Turks offering no rwa: stance,
(xwaessed himself of laaktcha, Tulteclia.
Match in, Huwova, and tlually also of Is
tus Its. Hilistria, cm the other hand,
withstood every attempt to capture it
until, owing to the difficulty of providing
mlwistcuce for the beateging tpqpw, it
Iterame neomsary, late in the year, omx
more to withdraw the Russian army
across the Danube. At the opening of
the campaign in the following year, 1810,
the new commander-in-chief of the Rus
sian forces. Count Kamienaki 11., con
veyed his army of 25,000 men and
seventy-two guns across (he river at
llinstvs lietweeu the tenth and four
tecuth of May. On the tweuty-fifth of
the same mouth General Haas cruaaed in
Ixiais at Tnrtukai, and seised that town;
ami on the thirtieth Count Zakatto also
paused over the river to die nortli at
Widdin. Iu the two following years,
1811 and 181*2, the Russian armies con
stantly crossed and rnrruaied the river.
Hirsova, strongly fortified and garriaou
ed by the Russians, served them aa a
tftr dr-ptmt ou the Turkish aide of the
nver, and a bridge waa also established
and maintained at TurtukaL
At the outset of the campaign of 1828-
*29 the Russians, crossing the Pruth in
three columns on the seventh of May,
reached the Danube on the eighth of
June. The Third corps was to cross the
river at Satunovo to the eastward of
Isaktcha: the Seventh corps waa U, pass
over at Ibraila; while the Sixth, trsvers
ing Wallachia. was to cross the Danube
in tlie neighborhood of Turtukai. The
Hixth ootpx arrived at the river without
having e j.v untered any serious opposi
tion .n its passage through Wallachia;
but every effort made by it to effect a
passage across the Danube at Tortukai
was in vain. The Third corpa waa more
successsfnl at Satunovo, mid on *Le
eighth of June a bridge waa established
there; while the Seventh corps, having
been delayed by the necessity of besieg
ing and capturing Ibraila, did not suc
ceed in crossing the river until after the
capitulation of that place on the seven-1
teenth of June. The history of the
passage of the Danube during the Busso-
Turkish war of 1853-6 is well known.
On the twentieth of March. 1854, 12.000
Russian troops were assembled at Tluaila
under the command of Gortsahakaff hitn-
Hclf; 21,000 mere were at Galstx, under
Lnders; and 14,000 wore at Ismaila, un
der Ctschakoff—-all in readiness to cross
the river. On the twenty-first of March
the last named general succeeded, de
spite unfavorable weather, in crossing
the Kilia arm' of the Danube in boats
from Ismaila. On the twenty-third
General Laden' troops were transported
to the right hank from Galats, while
Gortschakoff,having established a bridge
of boats, moved his force across on the
twenty -sixth of Maroh.
Bank of England Note*.
Few of the persona who handle Bank
of England notes ever think of the
araouut of labor and ingenuity that is
expended on their production. These
notes are made from pure white linen
cuttings only; never from rags that liaxe r
been worn. They have been manufac
tn.ed for nearly two hnndred years at
the same spoto-Laverotoke. in "Hamp
shire, sud by the same family, the Por- ,
tills, who are descended from some
French Protectant reifngees. So care-'
fully ia the ]iaper prepared that even the
number of dips into the pulp made by i
each workman is registered on a dial by
machinery, and the sheets are carefully
counted and Ixxrked to each person
through whose hands tliey pass. The
printing ia done bv a most curious pro
cess in Mr. Cog's department within the
bunk building. There is an elaborate
arrangement for securing that no note
all all lie exactly like any other in exist
ence. Consequently there never was a
duplicate of a Bank of England note, ex
cept by forgery. Accordiug to the city
press, the stock of paid notes for seven
years iR about 94,000,000 in number, and
they till 18,000 boxes, which, if placed '
side by side, would reach three miles. The
notes, placed in a pile, would be eight
uiiles high; or, if joined end to end,
would'form a ribbon 15,000 miles long;
their superficial extent is more then that
of Hyde Park; their original value was
over 815,000,000.000, and their, weight
over 112 tons.
la tin Hbowea
A girl fatal so apm window, ;y Waging i
la gashing dioww tb* nnurc; rata wna earth-
L ward winging.
Hh* n><! • bird, bar rate tha sweat
A warbiar raged, ttia rata tbe ban that ekwa
confined bar.
rhng on, though down ha otaaad, contact with
good awdaawv
1 Rather lhaa ftw, la twaaat Iha atorw, aad fall
fur aw.
Items of Internet,
A wood many man are in the beat of
health whan they are out of spirit
From 1794 to 1978 there were 8,046,
888 ailrer dollar* coined. None were
made between 1806 and 1886, and none
in 1868.
A iielie, juat from Vanaar OcUege,
when tchf by the waiter that tlu-r hud no
gooeebenlse. exclaimed: "Wliat baa
happened to the goose 2"
Everything in a name. The amall
paths id Fairmount perk are called foot
path*! while the very large path on the
other aide of the rirer (• called a tow
"How many children nave youf
asked one friend of au old acquaintance. •
" Well, 1 hare ire, but they were eating
cucumber* when I left home and they
may be all doubled up now."
"Do thoae belle sound an alarm of
fire V aaul a atnuiger, tbe oilier Sunday,
as tlie church bell* were calling together
the womhipera. " Tea," waa the reply,
" but the fire ia in the next world."
A audden draught of hoi air paaaed
tli rough a cotton field and peach orchard
in Weetere Texas a few day* ago, acoreh
tng and killing ererr green thing it
tonclied for a apace of one hundred yards
Another day has come and gone, leer
ing as all older and wiser, but aa yet no
communications here bean received in
dicating that any one has discovered a
man who can dnhk out of a spring with
out getting the end of hia nose wet.
Seller* of liquor in Oregon are not re
quired, under a new law, to be licenced ;
bat every drinker must per 65 a year
for a license, and whoever sella to an un
licensed person may be imprisoned. The
names oi procurer* of licenses are to be
published every six months.
The amall boy hat two prime objects
in view in getting a "fighting cut" to his
hair in warm weather. One is to show
hia vigilant father that he hasn't been in
swimming; and the other, beeanee he
can lie in bed fire minutes longer in the
rooming; be doesn't hare to comb his
Men here been somewhat cynically
defined aa a contrivance of wise men to
keep fools at a distance. Fashion ia
shrewd to detect thoae who do not belong
to her train, and seldom wastes her at
tention*. Society ia very swift in its
instincts, ar * if yon do not belong to it,
resists and sneer* at yon, or quietly
drops yon.
Thia ia what is juat killing enterprise
in the Black Hills: A paragraph in the
tolegrmphic colnmns of a daily paper
issue* na that one " tea stamp mill baa
just cleared up $7,000 worth of gold,"
rod the paragraph fallowing tells aa
bow the " road agents have juat cleaned
mt a stage, robbing all the passengers
and asking $7,000 from the treasure
box." At thiA rate it is very evident it
would take about four or fire ten stamp
mils to keep even with the rood agent*.
It is related that the late General
Mm C. Breckinridge had a son (Cube!)
ipon hi* staff, and at the terrible charge
•( tbe Kentucky Brigade at Morfrees
joro', chose him to carry aa order to a
us toot part of the line, saying in reply
a a remonstrance that he would not
lirert any officer to face a danger from
•hicfa h* would spare a member of hia
iwn family. Tbe bor galloped safely 1
h rough a storm of ballets, delivered
be order end returned unhurt It in
ww announced that he is to marry next
aontb the daughter vf Lloyd Tevia,
low reputed the richest man in Oali
Met Temper sad (teak Artieu.
As as instance of what hot temper
and raah action can accomplish to rum a
Ufa, aa affair that occurred at Sharon,
i Pa., is one of th beat illustrstkma. A
young lady, Miaa Kate McGibery, was
out driving alone, and when on State
street she desired to get ahead of a
, wagon. She called out to the driver to
torn aside au that she (Mold pass. He
was a deaf, uifirm old man. named Bell,
and at first did not hear what she said,
but after a second or thirl call did aa re
quested. Mimnderatanduig Mr. Bell's
delay, the young lady on her arrival at
home told her father that the old man
had tried to frightep her haraa. Mr
MeOilvery is v,-ry irapetamia, ami thii
made him an angry that he started down
, town to find Mr Bell. He met him in
front of a store, and, without warning,
knocked him through the window, cut
ting his bead badly tluragh not seriously.
Mr. Bell was removed to his residence,
and his son Richard was *> maddened
bv his father's condition that he de
, terramed to pomal< his assailant. He
found him in front of the very store
where the ftrat aaaault had been made,
and picking up a two-pound brass
weight be hurled it at Mr. MeGilvurv's
head, fracturing the skulk The wounded
i " died in a few houra Miss Kate,
, the innocent cause of air the trouble,
. has loat her reason, and ia now a raving
maniac, though her physician has slight
hope* that she may recover from the
shock. Young Bell was taken in cus
-1 * T ' m
Dea't Berry a beat Yourself.
To retain or recover health, persons
should be relieved from anxiety concern -
ing disease. The m *"-t has power over the
Ixklv—for a person to think ne has a disease
will* often produce" that disease. This
we see effected when the mind ia intense
lv oonceutrated upon the disease of an
other. We have seen a person seasick,
in anticipation of a voyage, before reach
ing the vessel. We have known people
to die of cancer in the stdmach, when
they had no cancer in the stomach or any
other mortal disease. A blindfolded
man, slightly pierced ia the arm, has
fainted and died from believing he was
bleeding to death. Therefore persons
should have their minds diverted as
ranch aa possible from themselves. It is
by their faith that men are saved, and it
is by their faith that they die. As a
man thinketh, so is he. If he wills not
to die, he can often live in spite of disease;
and, if he has little or on attachment to
life, he will slip away as easily as a child
will fall asleep. Men liv-e by their
minds as wc'l as by their bodies. Their
bodies have no life of themselves; they
are onlv receptacles of life—tenements
for their minus, and the win has much to
do in continuing the physical occupancy
or giving it up.
A Perplexed Exeeutor.
A very* singular will oase'was lately
brought to the attentiou of the probate
court at Springfield, Mass. A man died
leaving 1 ia property one-third to his
wife, om -third to his child, and tha
other tliird to a child then unborn. The
unborn party proved to dc twins, and
the executor is sorely perplexed as to
; whether he sliall divide thg third, giving
' each of the twins one-sixth of the estate,
or whether lie shall carry out the testa
tor's purpose to serve all the' children
alike oy giving them and the widow each
I one-fourth,-or whether, again, he ahall
give the widow her third and divide the
other two-thirds among the three ohil-.
dren, The case being wholly without ,
precedent, in this State, the court gave
the executor no advice, and the conun
drum is to be brought in aome way be
fore the supreme ooort.
Gbsve and Racy.—A gentleman of
Hartford, Conn., who keeps a good team,
often invitee his friends to ride with him.
Ou a recent occasion be invited a young _
lady. After they were seated iu the car
riage he asked her," as usual: " Where
would you Like to go? She replied;
•• Oh, auywhereyou please." "Well,"
said he, " I will take you either to Cedar
Hill Cemetery or to the Charter Oak
Trotting Park." Her rejoinder waa;
*• Hir, yoqr offer is both grave and racy."