Summer'* (harm*. Bat terenps, clover, snd fosthiry thistle, Bntrei fUea, bees. and locn*ts that whistle. Heliotrope#, ro#e*. and monimir-jj'nriea.- - These are but snatehen of summer's stories. Pitwrt* that are blushing to ninnies sweeping. Taiht'lit* and shadow*, and lily-hud* shaping. Noon# that are brooding o'er night* that are tender, —. Th* are but snatches of summer's splendor. Waterfall*, river*, and WATCH that are sighing, Murmur* of sea-shell* on wet leaches tyfug, WMapen of pine-trees breeze* are bringing,— These ate but snatches of summer'# singing. Robins and bluebirds, and swallows * n '' thrushes Twitter*, am! song*, and raptures Attar of all the whole rear'* sweetness This is what make* the summer seoinpleteiieas Tired Mothers. BY *KS * ITKUT satra. A little ellow loan* npin your knee, Vonr tired knee, that ha* so nnicb to bear ; A chili!'* dear eve* are loeikmg lovingly Prom underneath a thatcli of tang hit l-.air. Perhaps you do not heed 'he velvet timch Of ivarui, moist fingers folding your* ao tight ; You do not prise this blowing over much. You almost are too Ured to pray to-night. Bat it i ble*si-dne** 1 A year ago I did not see it a* I do to-day— We are *o dull and tliaukhws ; and too slow To catch tlie aniiotune till it slip* away. And now it aeiin* wurjiassiug strange to ms fl.-.t. while 1 bore Uie badge of mothcrhivod, 1 did not kisa more oft, aud tenderly, The little child that brought me iwilv goovl. Aud if. swna night when yon .t dowu to rvl. You mis* this c!t*>w from your uivd knee, Tiiis restless curling head from off your bres*t This loping tongue that chattel* coo*taully If from your own the dimpled hands had slipped. And ne'er would nestle in your (vatms again; If the white fe*: luto their g.ave had tripped, 1 could not blame you for your heart ache then ! 1 wonder *o that mothers ever fret At Uttle children clinging to their gown ; Or tl at the fiH>t|irints when the days are wet. Are ever bitch enough to make vlicru frown. If ! could find a little muddy boot. Or cap or y.vj*.i h on my cha>aher door ; If I oomd ka*s a rosy, resth-s. foot. And heat its patter in my houio -two morw: H I ceitsld mend a broken cart tiwhr, To-morrow make a kite, to reach the skj-- Ti.cre i* no woman in God a wi-rld -vukl way she wa* more bhsalnUy content than I. But ah the daiuty pillow neat my own Is never rumpled be a shintug head : My mcing birdhng from its nest i* tk w a . The little boy 1 used to ki< is dead ' An Afternoon's Economy. BT HAKRrrr PKEsourr SIMPPVUUI. I'm sure I've always ajnvfluxl wo ontv, iun.l practici-vi it Um, for the mutter of that I bought a set of uiujuliou oulj v sUTilav ou puriH-c tliut I uughl sicirc tlic Freach cliuia ; and luaUvkl of taking that j< weJeti ainmtiff-binl at two huu ilreil dollars that U mptixi tue so tuuch when I was iu Now York, 1 weok with out it, and tvK>k a womlerfiilly taught anmkr.ig-bird at half the prirv. I'iu ao - irry the (wmr little tliutg died! I do iiavo the strangest luck ! Ami tin u 1 never give my servants presents of money, but always of my iiaif-woru e! dies, ao they look about as ting*4l dp. My silk Jrvsaes, hv the way, wear a great deal longer than other people's stufl ones ; .> that if they oewt nun e m khe t>e ginuing, tiiey art) cheaper in the et*l. I always hffve tiiefu turned Iff Kitty, and made over wi h somethhig liaudsowe— velvet, you kuow, to eke out. or lace t>) ! • the era, Acs ; aud although Rex says they're like the So tch lairvl's hose, of which there wan none of tlmorigiual left, on i that it would Ik- a great deal better if there wasn't si nee the umkiug-over cos'.a more tiiaii Another whole silk would do, and all that sort of nonsense, still r-- !naiu the fact that there is an eiqnifute tire**, as goi.l im new, which costs nobody a penny; and he can put that in hi* pipe and ainoke it! And there's the velvet and lace, besides, to trim another dress by iaid-bye, of course—although lace does fray out and catch ao. Only the other nigut, running up t> Mr*. Oleasou's cot tage ou the cliff, I just tlrrew my shawl over my ht ml—that lovely Chautilly of Grandma Mursdeu's—ami the wind nlew it against tlie sweet-brier, and the sweet brier waved one way and I ran the other, aud I suppose it will cost me fortv dol lars to have it meuded, if there is u lace maker in the city who can meddle with that stitch. Howevea that's neither here nor there. I say I approve of econ omy—at least I do if lie want* me to ; at least I used to do so—and Rev says I don't even kuow how to spell the word, and that when I go shopping, 1 say to the sidesman, " IY.-ar me, how cheap! can't you take a little more ?" It wasn't, you know, as if we were in any want that we would have this talk ids -ut economy ; for between the money that dear papa left and all that Grand ma Marsden has given me, and the in come entailed on Rex, we are able to do pretty much as we please, within, ami allow ourselves some one great ex travagance every year. We took* it lust year iu a foot of wood. A foot of wood ? I'll tell you all about it But, as T was saying. Rex approves of economy whoth-. tr Ido or not; he thinks he tiies; he says that's the way papa ami Ormnhna Mnraden ma*le stul kept; and once lie said that to go on as we were going would make a prince comu to the* end of hiapume. Aiui I said, " How do ws go?" " Ad libitum," said he. " And how would yon have us pi, I anted. " AH if there wore a day after to-iftor row," he returued. a. "I'm sure, Rninald I'.irka, I don't know what yott mean. As if there were a day after to-morrow ! Of conrsg there is, unless the world comes to unread." "I don't umai that. I with some thought for the future." " Oh, if you only m-nn foresight, I , have day after to-morrow's dinner ord> r- Cii to-day—-white soup, salmou, lol'sU-r cutlets aud sweet-breads, roast chieken and tongue, peas and |>otatouH, ami rata-' tin pudding and strawberry envint—And T should think that yu forasight enough for siiy body." " Dinner enough. A dinner like that for two! Well, after we've picked a little of it, what becomes of the rest?" " Becomes of the rest? How doyni suppose I kuow ?" " You ought to know." " Whv, it goes into the kitchen." "Ami tlnn?" ' " Reginald Parks! what on earth lias come over you ? Do you snp|)ose fam 1 going round spying through the kitchen to s*e if the servunm eat too mnfli|" " No, I don't suppose you are. That's just what I say. But I suppose you should." . ' ; " Hurry into tlx) kitchen and say: 'Save this,'and 'Don't touch that'—all dressed for dinner, too! That's just your . idea of economy. Rex i Take one of my beautiful toilettes into that steamy, greasy place where a dinner hss jn-t been concocted, keep, pethnps, the breast of a bird and lose a breadth of silk ! You put me in mind of old Tom at his cider barrel, 'saving at the spile and spilling at the bung.'" "Very inelegant., my dear, I moan nothing of the sort. If I were a house keeper, I should go in in the morning"— . "My morning toilettes are just as pretty." "Oh, hang your toilettes! I should go in in tlie morning and take my inven tory and my measures together. And if the servants knew yon were coming daily to perform that act of Buperiutenddiico, it would make the difference of a couple of dinners a week to u." " I'd rather take in sewing. I shouldn't metiung, don't they —so itiueh a day ?" And then Rex burst out m a great laugh, ai.d cried; "You are certainly iiiAun. hie, you lovely little it hot !" Aud w w. re •sT : r a drive, uud that was the cut if t. it lesson. Every once in a while Reginald u o to have one of th*e tl;h id evxaioiny. His mother would say to me, when !■ iiuue over; ' * Aixpnesoe in it; agree with ium; do your bat to meet hi* wi.- 'ies, when the tit is ou; he'll .■ * ngct all he wants of it. " And so he did. You know our little piixv ori t!u- Nangiuog bea h ? Well, it i lovely that we determined to make it our p. r nuurent home, iuid go t.> the city .uiii n , hotel for two or three of the w >rl wi ter montlis, bat give up the city house ami have only one establishment. Gen eral Durceau's is at the head *ii tlie clitf, ; and he li\e* there all th' year rouud,a>>ii Mrs. Gleasoti's directly luljoiuiuc, tu. i we are down lie!, w on toe 1.-mg neseli, where I don't,kuow how u.auy ship-. lia\ ' come ashore, and no ttud • t tl >tt- ..'u m l , jetne afteniiJbn Ilex aud I were walking on the Ikvng Iwik'li, making believe li*>k fer the tjuieksund. It was after dinner-tiia* we lnul exjxeted Colouel M Man us, but 'he hadn't come—and of course 1 was ' nicely dressed. I always do dress for Rex, but I had taken unusual pains to day, for Rex had some business reasons ■for desiring to make :ui uuo uur.only i good impression ou the colonel. The . colonel was securing a charter for some tremendous undertaking—tunneling (.' >- , topaxi or the Atlantic, or aumething of the sort, sure to make the everlasting fortune of all included, and Bex wished to lie included; and the colonel *a* io irascible, and MI importiut and potni*'tn and haughty, that we wanted lit* ilnslil liave the best of everything; .-o in 1 alxwuoe a magnificent dinner was spoiled, and my superb toilet 1 - I l;ii never worn my (Ureaa la-fore, either; it WOK just the loveliest shade of royal purple, a melted amethyst, and it wa* deadened ' and half eovereil with block luce, my L**t and dearest, tine as a cobweb. Ui j course it was no drees for beach-wolJthiir. i" Let us have a five puuut -' stroll," said Rex. " Perhaps U) old Ul ike went to the Other #*aDon; I'll send Term ee round;" and I hail ju*t thrown On my scarf, and gsthert*d rnv dm* up out of harm's way—the beach couldn't hurt mv gold cable-chain, nor my pink corals, iiorn of the sea itself—and ha i ru# after hifh We has In-fore 1 found that Die fit wu* on, ami th it he had it Inal. The fact was, that cbnifor table a# we wen*. R * h:ul become d - ■ cont) ntcil among -.*.*! r ; ' , .c 1 ■.)■- nursing the idea tliat he should like to be a millionaire; aiui there were some excellent schemes aud ch.inecs for iiipi tal that he knew alsqit, jftul it vt xe.l him to think be jiod no capital to spare; a i i he dwelt on it and dwelt on it. It sn mod to him so ignoble to be living on his grand ather's entailed estate, and to la* making nothing of his own, ami a-- we spent every penny every year,lie decided that the ieking uji a stick of it J" "It's nothing bnt chips," said 1. "Chily?" hai'l he. "Let me tell yon, chips make as good a blaze as heart can wish. We could bum D: •• ■ i*.*lr*; in every grate wo have ; and some of them sire goodly pieces." "And go without 'mr Ijeautiful sea coal fire!" " Our s*a-:il costs u - thirty dollars a ton, and tla-se c])i|w cost nothing. I snpposc if tliey .lid cost thirty dollars a ton, shipA would be chnrtereil to bring Diem fn*u tho emls of th" earth. As it is, Terence aonld I** gathering them when he lias nothing else to do. And ON for lieanty, Clara, I should 1 ik* to any one compare the liesnty of an) <*>al with tiiat of a drift-wood bla/.e, rolling all manner of splcudid alkaline-'lyel flashes of color up the chimney !" " Oh, miiii I, "if iron tfiink it will be nice to have Iwkets of these poverty-ftrickan clops standing round tiiefeisirnis, risking no oid"of a .Inst and hWer 1 , th** fire f<*l every two minnto*, or else all out, and the little sjiurks snap ping everywhere, you'd bettor try it. There's no excuse for a wood fire iifry-' way, unless it's of whole logs, with a tremendous core of red heat, in a huge chimney big enough to warm a Ciistle." " But they'll certainly burn in the kitchen stoves." " I'd like to hear yon asking Nora to hum tliem instend of her Lu-kawmina and Franklin. They'd have time to do mitliing else in tlie liit<*li< n but feed tlie fire. 'Tisn't even in the right shape for kindlings there." "Clara, I believe you dilain tlie koH ideaof economizing anywhere." " I dou't see any economy in ih If it were necessary, it would twi" a very *lis ngrecable necessity. But if we can't itff.ird to buy our coal, we liaJ better shut up the Louse, and dismiss the ser vants, and live in a tent, ami lmra our chips outside it, under Die bake kettle." "Very practical. I'm glad to see that you know what a hake kettle i#." " Well, did you marry me for a cook ?" " What a little fraud you'd have been if I had ! Come, don't lie silly. 1 didn't marry you to be rained by careless waste and extravagance." "Oh ! oh ! oh !" "What do you call it, then ? Here are cords of drift-wood thrown up with almost every other tide, and instead of harvesting it, we lrt it wiisli away with the next, ami yon laugh at me ami g< t. angry and call me names if I propose to save some of it." "Call yon names J" "Yes, yon do. You think it's mean and sordid." " I never said so, anyway. That's your guilty conscience. Oh, pshaw J I think it's silly and very impractical." " Well, I don't care what von think ! Here's the beach covered with this light wood, and I'm goiug to call the servants and have it gathered before dark." THE CENTRE REPORTER. " Y>'ii • n't; f.>r Trivitee in waiting with tin !• at tlu< other station for the rv loi .1 toil gave litDe Jim leave to ,- ! is giwidtnothrr's, oiul it's Hn.iu. ! ut, atul Kitty lunst Is ni . to wait i'ii tuhle; uiiil fci . then - ' ' nt Xout, and she's busy, mill it iM> i :• work,mill she'd refine ti> do it, ■ ■, n • i make v*u o ign, mill I - I a sal Co k. •' F|Vk 't# to V t HJMlli two lu-oplt ' .fill }'* ("mailed lvot. •• I! ' t waiting OU two ,i'o|i|e. 1 They'll i eute of the ground*, the liormv, ■" i M i.-E, ami eiokiiig kit IHUU jnutv in l. hill. for us. •'"Woit, then, if Dale's nobody el*u, I'll Hi. -It," he • i, le in rutelv - " I'll i • < ! ' •* \ 1 *it li.iivu here ati.l am- h iw I long it will I* before voit're tired it.'' '■ > • vvt' iw.lll" he exol.tiiued, MVHgi . "I uj u o>e it wouhl 1 rrak votir I (nek tipone* f these chip*." •I Oh, - ,i . : i i imu, cried 1, i V Ml did tight just • ten 'if v. ,i want your v, ' *. I . t . I 1 I .in pick Up m.•,v . l d, e l • 1..1U to ki W Kit any h in v. v -'ii dillu't know i;it , ltd up e.r i.ret and pinned •x Im il*h wo I iliilu't have allot',- ,u a ■••ut nie • ,an that long gold o?u' \* i . Um d uwM bead thai wa used t eliniro no, hut 1 qudtr lit m; k%i I ti* >• a klg't ib my -i rf it wan my out r* * idereo antl gold it *lia mantle t mill I iin iiiid >• •! rht Or stick end Uiat *♦ ,k :d ! !■d them up ?! e beach, mi ! I'el W..n to- gt em tipmid twfi ro 1 knew it t: . was ia' >ok of tin m.tUi 1 1 w ,* delerui'U'M (bat : iv staid, should be * big .- i. .mil ; ' iu' v lie stopped aiid a aojvd !■ e d">t < tT Ids hands and locked mo and laugl d •• Wh • !o ' :i i at. 1' with your p.'.* v.h .t d •" . I tie. "Set 'i:e 16 i". n 1 run away ly the light of it," at.i i I. •• So, I wold,I; . -id he. "It W< uhl iH- .• *. . 'tcr '• I M Yoßr lllls briud ind tß!,'.-'no ' \nd Ho We did— fill :* W. i■ i , i r ■ vb-slv to •■* I'm just g ing to th. *U the v.- J ■ \ to show Tr --• ■ rii- ■ tn a spare boor, mid v.' hi i no **o" . I tl.-t ; if' o l fun,** said 1 ; ftn.l at it we vi. r:t an, , sell try in" to outdo the other; now gathering the dry splinti" now growing gr> edv and trying to fet. h iu some l> < *t:ck llvmtiag at little bight, mi l reae! ■ ; out ftir it, I ante to l'vse :> y hahtnee mid plunge iu over sb.w * mid e "l am and ruu—my beautiful new Fi.-llell lva ta that I hud pi id twenty 'a •f r 'he last time I was in town, iu.i tju y itwUnH even do for Kitty now! Dut v .iter, we wen having an yal tae.e, and had forgotten all iilnrnt old (' e.ei M', " If yon knew h >w ,t made y,,n h*'!:, you'd take uclt >-\. *e • v rvduv," liet stopped long e: ugh to get breath uud say. "Tour •'.< are like two ml n-.-es" . And of c c I didn't nt tlint ; r.ffd a pay h . h or i! wno. ,AJ! at once 1 felt wet t i . ;it .ati I 1 ki 1, and there wis the si f my dn -* that 1 had piiiu-.-it up itdiy all ■! wn and drab'il)*!,?id *' '■■■■ t"fit w -t through with tiu" drippo • of tin i:*t wf**:l I had save*l, nnd the pti - "Ob, I've l, i>r ■- • itly. It's gone U> keen ooinpn - ) w th I. v cuff button." "Gii, Rv' One of your wonderful cuff but* I cried, standing still with my r *■' ph y were nntiqnes — one of t )• . thin t' y * ,;h • t' .i U tlnoii when hit:? up the a:.<- ' d about the vi: -ii sof C'.w >< a in;aitely cut jft And Jllst thee, a* I w is ex elaimii '. a v. o •<• ne running up behind me and n . • 1 my feet up like two ninejii!!* ■ I f* 11 face down, ami the WIHSI n•; . urns struck my neck a-*' of earvisl <• 'r• • *. uul they ti<'w a liuti ilml v '!<•• ; at 1 the next iimtaut there w a um lin my care, and I felt ti '., i g away from under in* ;nd i! *rad me just in time ami pii' 1 • . .iv ne up th** nan 1, and tin *i !•- s ji.-lt *f the leacli torn down a . * ,*, i no- r-mils with it "•'I •> of a m'ab bmed lrencli d; by tl * " vi*,'" said U*x, !. . I ■' :'■! be crying. . *' .' . | . i .liking!" I ; er;. . Ii cjtc . ' < I was—iu the * o. ' i i i bai ji-tttiiiga :KH>*l 1 ;'tween my teeth. a- '■ all :be . ,ij in t ! *e liotiffe liuriiir.g. Y i.l i I *I . en dy should linve iattpli ! N '?" ii J i •*! just within t(. *, ■ < ; ih di- in in holding -;■*.■■ * . ! ami tinery thai -ie woul ' able h> lliake over for horself, •• S . .• ' •• * • -kaip iu next : lay, " i i i • •:;?! wintnff ax | ,ll* i* • tli* Y t. •• mouther wan t!it v-11 e*.; ' • MC- him." Wind c t n ? aid L " T ■ %yi;i I '■ nil to fetch an'j * tnlsw. i>." "()'*, t'.i* •' if. I i'ii I Tlnsu lio'b ; "A r ' !!.'•*• te toknn, whin he f**i 1 iere w > ■ iv .owl to rewive him, fh>* d *h. * ■>, 'ltoa cinder as I tow 1 i ii • .a- ■.• rlookcl like, be lare- i; • - tlowu, ni' v 'twos Tod I should i hln a). " \ftiH mul at imat, in* n u intie am' - And Nora turned owav, h.*r nv ;• her njiroU and ' hr JIOII* u t • ...r. JUit the sarcasm *i!i!*.' Iter 'oil -da eu'.io b .ek ]>res- ' • "Y J dot ■it P sunt she— -1 ; ever -ere *ii v.. *. v ants the least iri.ipei't fi-r i "1 was that scared win-u iwe a• 'f lwiugiu' ye in, n 111:.,}' i i mil .. in- •• hile 0* the Imek of .tu* lmii' , hi' 1 lorgot intir jly the ; ii* s'ge f, i :• >!*.*!: I J'.'ft, the divil liy n vi-y with !" " M*s.ftge "J, t that. , 'ive Mr. Parks hia i can., nnd ;fy t t C*>b>uel M'Muiiua— bad eisH to the Tike* of him!—hud no time to travel n litiudi r miles twice f" j When I was well and about again, we wi ro out on tie* J. nig beach another twil.• lit, but tu! ng c;.cel!i'iit euro of our fftejK„rn 1 koepifli quite on this side of the two great jui •* of drift-Wtaxl tfuit lulorii'*,! i;, "How muea wikk! do you suppose there it i - these piles, Rex?" I asked. "ITou'i know. Maybe a foot." "Ah 1 lb -v abaurd—aud the piles half ft-s i.-i as iam I" "OU, in it . tiy more. An eighth of a coril ii- i f tii * t large. ♦ "And bow much is wood a cord?" I persisted, wjtji aggravating iicrtiuucity, "On, ennie now, Clara, I kuow what you are driving at. Eight or nine < 1- lara ami he swore a littlo umler ln breath, I thought. " You'd better I" aoid I. " There's a CENTRE lIAI.E, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1877. • dullar'H wetih of wood tlieri t llXe to crtitmixe my iu* iitnt*, vmi know let'h i e w imt it * -it ii-* , one ilianioud-lu'itilctl pin, one Carinl eond ueeklni-e, one amethyst silk )lre-n, one Drumo-i* Wn overdii tine pan .*/ I'leneli boot*, one India mantle, one pneelr i and antique intagho, one dri Hiiit, one pair >f Paris p;iu*r, dictor'a and druggiat'w ImHi. f*< r coutru, one/lift of" " And the whole i t it." cried lb the sun is t< um* to-morrow. A deuced dear foot of wood ! Gl-tru, 1 never mean to preach or practice one j ■! or tittle of eiHiiiomy again. \V< may at uae, but we'll Uever eoouomixe !" " Tliwt'a a dear Iwiy ! Now let's burn it ; we piled it up to burn, you know." Aud 1 had iii teluil hi> I itch iufe, and was numoig to the p.tei, Ri \ following. "There it goes I" aanl I, at l.*ut, MlU fortably n-treutiug. They "ro fmuiral pvrei. We'll throw *■ tliem all our mmomT. " And our desire t be UlilllitaUreii." " And our quarreling," " Aud our fear of coming to fir® jwior lioiiHc." Aud t.-- the great ruay sheets of cnu'k ling the went wallowing up the ibtik purple i toe lute twihght, and uiuking the hum i •:,* pi-irent U fi te it, uny laxly up in GineraiDun uu'a window a, lookug UOWU, 'light ||\. iCetl two . nay >•*: ng to*plv, u *.: tiu-ir -irnw o* .tewcli other in • liglo, wlo fill that they wore .i-.j-u*g 11 <\** o>o*. iti life aud tli' s' iii bi'la.— r'f lift uf. Gil IH e|, 1.. U laUMneetillv* of tin lUnthll Av cn-ty, of B i.idi 1). t rqui ais.u reod ~ } r ou tins si'.lijocL Att. nli v.,.,* ,1 r>vt. t t> • 11 ..c o' thetoi'gue iudyiie;-i . A •leepiyiissiired t. !;_u Ken ; :eie t little ; v 'e-mo* * thin white fur iv.iu|sa ucrairupanicd by a pole, ti ibby tongue, with r.ddiali ti* ami i-eiitcr. The treatiueut of dylie|iiia i\/i. hinted of two' juirtn, t!iat f !,i and that of ilrtiL'n. The intt. r was the pi in cip.d p:u't with pati.-ntn applying for gratuitous re! ef. The pain or *nrring ly afti-r fust w..i uiqaliy ir lii-vtal by alkuites ; win Tea* a. ate were indicated win re Hutfeniig w . * no' ex jH*rieiieed until an lionr or two after the i-ommeiKvnient of the digwtive act, per the relief of the iiiiuxia ami iii'k- UCKS reiuahiiug aft*r the ls>woU were thoroughly cleans) d, nothing was no effectual a* luairlv dn'li d-w of iis-ca cnanitu wine. Nui vimiiea wim 'in valuable remedy. I'a.n might lie but the protest of the stomach iqyonst nut overload, or IM* the result of deficient toue from genend nervous rxlamxtiou. In some i*a.M>* each nioul w.w foiicwei by duirrinea ; and for tln~e r-.n attention was ilirnated to Kmger'a plan of unnuto dooos of tin* liquor hy.lrargyn i*relilor !i. In s}*aking of diet. Dr. K.uqultur* -'U ptiiuttil out tit at tlie re are llirt* forma of dvapvpain : 1. The dt -ja'p -ia of tin ids, is* , t in call oil, where tlie st' iiuach MH'iiis intolerant of all forma <4 thud ; . i. The dtgewti vw derailgmiiellt following iutcmpsnuiee m Uie in *tt r *f animal ! ; ami Til * dyajw-; :• e uineet'il witii iiMluh.-eiiee iu tea, >r otlug warm .nut weak infusioiia of tonuin. 1 tterh Uirkles* Betting. Sji .iking of New York br ki i ai.d .some of tiieir petmharitica and tjiieer do ing*, a corn** j undent *ya : M. at of t!ie young men among them (and it i* aauui-' .Ailing how fi w old lllU'j* Ui'Xe ii .to have a paaiiim for athletic sports. They are fond of Inmting, rnnuing, jniuplog an i the various Other out- h*or ex e'iee*, aiui several Of the atldetie cluliw of the city have more lirok<-ra and l ank clerks among their numbers tlian t!iey have of any otiier ela-s. Tin* brok'T* hud a Iswit race on Harbuu river the other day t! .it furnished plenty of ainn*.- m< ::t lor all who witueHMal it. When the I'tcliiuige ehis,* 1, nt thn o'clock, tin y - , ..rt*d for ilarleia in large niuu'eeri, ik:*'g music ill the air a* they proceeded. I'iio ro was a good one, but not Ix'tter than mauv others; bnt the feature of it that made th* whole affair e\ '"PC, Tiul was the* tembie f i e b**tleri. Po*il soiling was not allowed, bnt the , linaneiiil backing of the rival crews was absolutely fearful to Dimk "f. "I'll go a million on wldtc nns on wliite !" '* A iiuiuiri i milh 'U'! '• Five hundred "lillion*- !" "A thousand millions!" "Five tli ui::iiul iniCion* !" There woh euongh money Ik-, on tlmt . ran* t* }>av e'V t'i national debt of the i world. Tli y are lively !>■ 'own, tlien* broken!, bik' i'ihm! fei', ♦< Nowoe*i ; then Pffiv go riito norsense pretty exten sively, jilt fo fun, b tvi *i mve.r catch one of tii'-m ase* p wli*a tli 'n* :• any basinesH t • lo done, and 1 "• ri*c ii"vr biuxn a ra"e <>f t. Ie charity to upjo ii t* then, in vain. Killed bj tlie.Miiiif of J H<. A distressing ovsut 't->*urrMl *t Ly-l ncy recently, ;u.l was i! .< snbj the f "Howing day, viz., the death of Henry ljnrkli i, a retired fanner, from the sting of H I *•*. It Appeared from the evidenee given (store Mr. M. !•*. Carter, divisional eor iner, that at ihint five o'clock Mr. Larklintu was in IUM H m'agnrdi n, and on pausing in front efthobtsiiiu•,.received a sting upon the temple. Tut* old gen tleman at once returned t J t!••• house, nndy, ami found a wound upon the right temple intlicted by a lee. This it was which caused death. U|a>n this testimony the jury returned their verdict. I/uuloii Thieves' (Juick Work. London deserves the palm for having the most daring thieves on record. A man went to sec a house to rent in a street near Prury La no. He left the ; home standing nt tho door and returned in five minutes. The horse and buggy were there still, but everything else was gone. Tlio thieves of the vicinity hud stolen the gig-lamps, tho apron, Die rug, the cushion and the whip; they had filched the very blinkers, head-stall, liel- > lyband and k>cking-strnp off the pony ; and however that exemplary animal had consented to remain unharnessed be tween the shafts might be considered as next door to a miracle. Captions people might object because homo and all were not stolen, but such unfair criticism is disarmed when it is remembered that only five minutes' time was given to make way with the property. C A T Cltl'l 1,1. AIW. line Tksit.nsil IXiti rrai liiml. Ultra Tksi Vrrd Ylarr Vumrroin Till* trsr Iks* I sasl. A number of eibceit* w ho have gardetiM state thaieuterpillura are more niiuieroiut this y ear thou usual, and that tliey de vour the leaves of viutw, shiuhlci v aud trei i. In souie of the garden* tlie outer piiiar* are searelicst for under tin* leaves of grape-vim-s and various kinds of vi-getstton every .lav, and large num ber* are caught and kilhd. Diflercut spcotes seleot different Luuos of day for fetwling; some eat at all l!*>ur, some iu tlie morning and evouiug, aud oilier* only at night. A ktiowhwlge of (lies, lialilts i*of great mivantage for the easy destruction of many pests of the gaixion. When attempts arc tmuto to catch tlie caterpillar* some roll l'i<-m --t.Tit i into a nug uud remain as if demt, the hairy Hill's leiM'Ulhliug little loxige hogs; others fall instantly n> tiu* grouud ami try to escape by rspi-1 lligiit, and some attempt to defend themselves by various motions of the body. Some sJsH'ie* herd h'getln r iu great numbers, constructing their silken hnbi t.itinus in eoinmou; oilier* live solitary, extMutoil to liglit and air, or protected in rolled leaves or silki it sheaths; other* burrow in the gtouud, or conceal them ])•- in tin* stem* of plait an I tin* I ulpy substance* of leave*, lire pro •H- uouory " oatuipiilar*, wlrce t.:-y quit tliei; n< st, go in a regular uroi e.-sioi., a ••ingle eute, pillar ti*>l aud t 1 en t! wi iu -ingle tile,* i two, ihiecatn: tour ..ho .it. The lino li op bet n the lumu* tluu t'*, iisod oj one i* nex-*- Iffj'i*ul that uf MmrtJu* iu the r *w, Tcv foim tini* ranks. inarei. .aid halt w.tll the pj si on uf cddie:-.. Auotlter -lawn**, V iiiioou in pine forest* illid living t('- .!. ~ Walk ill proee**lo|, ill eii.glo tile, of'en very long, tt head of eiu-li in c* >u . ~*t w tli th t*:' of tiie o*l- in a ivniioc. (Yiterpillari vary greatly in iurtu and *]**e. 't he body Is in Solas cases suioith, i'lothi-ra hairy, ami even spiny, \Y her< the middle portion uf til** b*dy is unprovided with feet the enterpiilai Hilopt* tile lUvhod or liK-iwii luntmer of Walking. These species u|v callixl span ner*, lo.!]x*n, surveyor* ami geometer*. Siaiiv, when in n state iit their >*gg* on the parts of Uie plants which will furnish an easily occeasible supply of fiK*i to she caterpillar wiien it i* hatched. The.r egg* are found giiUxl to fruiti ami flower* that are to produce fruit*, !H*IW !S*N tlie very jietal*, so that the young And themselves surroinnhd iy an immediate supply. An Eagle re|x'rtvr aaknl F. Herman .•lieok'-r, tiie well known entomologist, wl.y coUxpillare are more numerous tin* .year than usual, and he r< plied ti at it rim a difficutt matter to give a latisfuc lory reason. Why it i* that there are a great nuuiy of tli<*sc imwvte some year* and O'lnjianitively U v other year* line a* \ t not been ascertained by entomolo giito, excepting Home vears more < gg* may la* laid by the lepiiioptcra, and the egg* and inn-eta may betti-r tva|ie Uieir numerous enetniea. In Enghuid ,i c-rtaiu kind of caterpillar apjutred iu very large mnnliers one year, and during the ensuing eight rear* not a single enter pillar of this ijHyiea w:i* wen iu all Eng- I rnd. —Etadittff Eayte. BhHxl-Drinking. Tiie efficacy of hlood-iirinking for oou sumutivc, nervous and dyapeptio ni valni* i* being freshly heralded to the public by a St, Louis paper, A visit to tlie suburb of Butchertown " revealed :• DM rejHirter thai during the year a considerable number of person*, mainly eotisumptiveH, frequent the sluuubh** h) irtake of this remedy, and several ; jifoiiiinciit physiciauH of th)' city certify -heir belief in its beneficialfleets. At one time five or t patients were hiking ' tlii* Htr.iiigi* medicine at oueof the larger daughter houses, and it issaid that utter lie Jirrt nausea and ircrsion wa re over :c, ~n their daaire lor the nourialununt vaa intense. I; it Die initiation c v< iy 1 hard, lir - ut t>' a nervoae . THOU !' ing slocking OIK-, which na- to la* ' tepm.teil tpiit- qft"U ere it Income* ' ui iiiliar. The sen are dragged in by a windlass, k* • , ked iu Die haul ,iud th *n '* stuck. ' As the cnrvnit of life floml* , from the ga*h, flu' cttpa or veasel* ari' held t! receive it, ami it i* drank in fautly, with all the warmth of healthy vital action uji-n it. tu t!ii* wav alone u o tn! r - go*l, iuid a* may bo mi.lily •imagined it require* some exercise of nen'es to indulge in the en found most efficacious in cases of wasting of nervous fiber,atrophy and morns iii nil. Another clas* of patient* gain strength from inhalation and ab sorption of the peculiar particles which ids mud in the atmosphere of the slaugh ter-house. This peculiar and impalpuhle process is undoubtedly the ni<..:>s by whicli bntdiera noqniro snoli exceptional health and wonderful strength. These patients merely sit in the apartment for an hour or two at a time iu the morning and afternoon. The BepDis of Degradation. A little girl six years old was found lying on a stoop in Sullivnu street, New- York. When they took Iter to the sta tion-house it WOK discovered that she hod been turned from her homo aud was almost starved to death. A few* minutes later a hopelessly intoxicated woman was brought into the station. Slie was the mother of tlie little one, but so drunk that she could not recognize her own child. A policeman was dispatched to the resilience of the uiifortuuate*, where the father was found insensible from in toxication, uud with another child, only a little over two year# of age, half starved I to ilcuth like her siator, CUT SHORT IN TIIMy yQftJbK. Haw * 11**4 al lltl*MMilif* I.M bt • Nrw \ alb l,awrr, t*rfiUrd. , Away back in IHSO or IMSI A young man named frwm uitule hi* uppeuruun ill the old eitv of the angels. It* An geles, Cid. lie wai full of oaths, and waa ooisaiijiauied by fifteen or sixteen young bliuies like himself. One of his virtues wu fruukueos. Ha annoniiee.l that lie and his follower* were en ruute to Mexico, and tlint their errand was to roh. Don Iteiuto Wilson wa* a; that time in husitios* in L m Angeles, lie witnessed the Oiivent of this lawless band with eoinfldurable disquiet, an he hod a large *t<*'k of good* iu shire, and won not entirely r* Augrleiios uway, ami the polished and handsome Irwin had everything hia own war. Irwiu b- i in* iv.afxierah-* o l neluded, nfh*r Mla of Lttgt :ittraet • I tiieir attention. The) covetsd a unm* Ist of hi fine horse*, oral suminaniy appropriated iheiu. Tin* act aa* des tunxl to cut short what . tghi lmve proved tu lm a long uid jir uqwrou* Ctr mrces. The 1 iieguin** or (Jaliuilla tril*! ul Indian* were at that time pretty i.i incMua al ut Han Hernardina. They w e.r approached by Lugo, wlto propoaed to tneiu that they liiotild lie ui ainbu*n for Die robber* ua tliey ivale through the S..u Tim t<" '-uiiyun. Tl.< Indimi* con sent. J. Tiie lad day of the baud s etav in Hm lternardinoh ul *riired. They ceh*l>nit<*d it bv an orgie of unexampled abandon during the night. With brain stujs-tivl with aguardiente, Uicy foihd to pay lie*l to Die duiky idmngiues who were scat- U*r<>l around Die town. The advent urera' road lay along what is now of the most charming region* of southern California, tdigiad a* it iaby the pooch trres aud orange groves of Die Van Lenvens and other pro*i**rtus pro imetora. Out through where old Sou Bernardino stand* they made their war, striking Die San Timoteu canyon,through which now lanh the trains of the Soutu eru Ihtcific. Without a thought of earth ly ill they ruh\ under the guidance of an Indian. They soon reached a narrow |*rtiou of Die roadway, overgrown with chnpjtani!, vagi* hruili and cactus. Many a brain was throbbing in the cavalcade with memories of the orgies of Die night before. Twenty shots rang out on the mr from tin- rifle* of the Indiana who w*re am bin* hetL Tlie few who etacajied instant death were aeronlrd short shnft. The ktnfe or the rlubbed rifle did Die rest. ... IVarl* of Thong lit. There l* hope in extravagance; there i i* none in routine. Tin* blast that blows loudest is noon overblown. Each succeeding ihiy u Die scholar of that which preceded. Assurance never failed to get admis sion into the house# of Die gn-at. Envy, muong other ingredients, lias a mixture of justice iu it. We are more iingry at mideservoi than deterred good fortune. A pavaQdnste and jevcngefn! hanper render# a man unlit for advice, deprives j him of hi* reason, and r>>l>* him uf all Dint is great an.i noble in hia nature. Affliction ran withstand very severe storms of rigor, but not a )>olar frost of downright iudiffereuoe. Love will sub sist on wonderfully little hope, but ncfl altogether without it. N 'tilingcan W more unfounded than, ! the notion tlint a love of reading, or of science, or of any kind of knowioilgc unfit* a iu.ui for hia doily occupation, or makes I him diaoanteokvi with it. A man diseased in laaly can have little joy of las wealth, be it ever so much. A golden crown cannot cure the iHvadnchc, nor a velvet alipjwr give cose to tlie gout, ; ' nor a purple rope drive awuy a burning 1 fever. IK more prudent for your children j than jH'rliaps you have been for vrxirself. ' When tliey, too. are parenta, thev will : imitAte von, and each of yon will have prepare *i happy generntur, who will ] tnuisniit, together with your memory , the wurahip of your wisdom. A Brave Yonitg Dither. Tiie Queen of England luw • oofvnw the All**rt ine lid of the second claes ou 'Acting Hnb-lieutouant Yithur James Arrhitai -I Montcromcric, R. N.. of her majesty's ship lmn.ortalito fit the morning of the Sth of April, tlie humor tnli;r iM-iug* under plain sail, making foil; iml a half knot*, the lookout r - i* ito.l n man overloard, who proved t> !• Thomas Hocken. Mr. Montgomerie, ' who was on the bridge, on hearing tbc cry, jutnjH-d after him. He made for Hocken, aaking if he could swim, U whicli llra'kcu answered: "Yea. *ir,'' but he did not seem to Ive moving vigor ously. Mr. Montgomerie thcu got hold |of him, hauled him on hi# buck, and towed him to where he, Montgomerie. supposed the life buoy would lie, but j Hcing no relief Jie told Hocken to keep j himself nth ctt while he took hi* clothes ! off. Wliilc be waa iu Die act of doing ao, Hocken, evidently sinking, caught hold of him by the leg#, and dragged him down a considerable depth. Mr. Mont gomerie, however, succeeded iu getting clear and swam to the surface, bringing the drowning man with him. Hocken ws* now insensible, aud too groat a weight to supjvort any longer ; aud find ing that liis ouly chance of saving him self wus to leave Hocken, Mr. Mont gomerie relneantly gave up the hope of saving him and struck out for the ship. In the meantime tho aliip's course waa I stopped, and two boat* were lowered, by one of which Mr. Moutgomeric was jiirkixl up. Had not Mr. Montgoraorie been a powerful swimmer, he would have had little chance for life. The Butcher ami the Widow. In tho court of common pleas, Dublin, a butcher named Knowle# sued Mrs. Caroline Verselioyle, now Mulligan, for breach of promise of marriage. They met on a steamer bound from Liverpool to Dublin. Hhe was the mistress of a flue residence —Roebuck Hall—and the mother of three children. The plaintiff i* a widower with one child. Boon after their first meeting they be-i oomo engaged to bo married. As they were of different religions there wa* ililllculty al Hint their being married in Dublin, and they went to Liverpool, j where they had to remain fourteen day* I "'fore the registrar would marry them, the expense* of their stnv, S-toO, being paid by Mr. Kmovies. In the mean time the lotiy'H friends induced her to break off the match and return to Dub lin, where be subsequently married a dealer in periodicals. After twenty j minutes' deliberation the jury gave tho plaintiff 81,000. TKKMB: s£.oo a Yoar, in Advi moo. A PLUCKY WO*(VH FEAT. .yirr To Mrs JmuM *k Map* a Mass war T••. Ou the itage route Itetweeo Ellenville and Summit villi*, X. Y., la a huig, stoep hill known a* Uudd'a If ill. A* the triage containing Mrs. Jane llollingawortii and two annul children, William Brum and Jsme* Low, the driver, had just begun DID d< scent of the hill one day recently, the pole *lij>|M*d through the neck-yoke and the stage ran heavily against the none* heul*. They at • moe started at a furious tat* down the hill. The driver dropjasl the rein* and jumped from the itvge to Die roailiid*. Brum, who uecu ' pied tbk seat with Low, sprang oat at the buiue time. Mr% liolliugswortli and tier two children occupied the rear seat iu the stage, an I there waa uo possible way for her tu eissue from it, if she bud thought it wise Iti Jo ao. Beotng lugwelf and children left to their fate by the men, ho detcrtuimxl to make a desperate effort to save tlrair live#, if possible; al though, with Uie team pluufiug madly down the strep declivity, without re straint or guiC tv eeu ii r and Dm? driver's box, tint quiet ing i r children, who were screaming iu terror, with the H**ur.iiic< that olie wool! i. re them. Reaching Die driver'# Seat :h< WOH oompellcd to climb oV r Ui board to tfce tongue of the com h, imtw the two fronti<- li ■**, to gmu IMMMiiuo of Die rein*, which had apjwr eriDy is *u flung o**er the home*' hack* hv t' e ternr-Htrirken drive?. Mr. H. TJlni .u, of Middle! vn, wbowat driving up th * hill, saw the stage Uatn dashing over toward liim, jurt as Mrs. HolMag*- worth hod in*ur* 1 the line# and wa* elimb jj; back to tlie driver's *-wt. Tall man aj * she was as pale a# h-ath, but | dutch tl the lines firndy a* Die stage ' Joshed by bis wagon. ll say* fee ex poctcii t) see the ooach hurlad mer tilt hank ai Die turn in tiu rood hciow, bat the c i.ageous woman by moat miracu ioui in ugDi suixwedwd in pulling the hurv.ti close along the base of the hill on ' the upper KMle ami rounded Die curve in , safety. Tall man and other* who had *itii<"-md the thrilling scene, hurra ! after Du* flying stage. They came in sight of it, and saw the horses palled skillfully against tiie hill br Mr*. Hoi Ihiraw.vrth, until Die fury oi their career was broken, aud then were adroitly turned off at a level place m Die rood aud brought up against a fenoe, where, after several iueffeiiaal plunges to free themselves fretu the obstacle, tfeey came !to a atamlstilL When Die iu**n come up the brave woman wa* still holding the lines, bnt wa* uneonaeions. Where the lines had been wrapjted about her hands . they hod almost buried themselves be neath the flvsli, and blood streamed from the ugly gaahc# thev made- The einl •lren were tiU crouching in terror in one corner of the conch, locked in each others arm*. There wn* not a scratch j on the horaea. not a break iu the har ness. nor the slightest injury done to the ooaob. Mr*. Hollingsworth waa at once taken Uf tiie nearest house lusl given the liest of care. Hhe soon r<-covered, and in nu hour or ao had the strength and nerve to nroeeed ou her journey in the some omen and behind the same lire-sea ' wit ii wliicb site had liad so tembie an experience. Sb e says b never ejtpootod to nee her childnre again when i she left Uiem to attempt the mm vol rf the h am. lfrr bravery and prowess mode her a heroine, and the crowd that hod been drawn to the scene gave Iter Duee hearty cheers when Die stage finally drove on wiDi her ami her children. Mr*. Hoilmga worth iff about thirty year# old, and of a' alight frame. A Trre'* Remarkable Yayage. The Cincinnati 7?wr prints a com munication which res-Is; On the fanp - owned by James M. Jones, about two mile# nortu of Tremont, Clarke county, Ohio, there stool a tree ou Die north !uk of a very rapid stream coiled ■ Storuos creek. By Die constant washing aw*y of the soil under the tree, it was caused to ban over Die water so that it was deemed necessary to cut a portion of the top off about eighteen fact from tbe roots, and by so doing, it partially re sumed it* natural erect puaiDou. The top that wn* sevens! from tho trunk wa* dragged immediately around the curve where the tree stood, for the purpose of i protection to the bank of noiL During : the freshet* of this spring and winter I ttierc was a quantity of drift gathrreyl at that jK-.i't suffieient to turn the current of th** sirestn a little way from the tree. Next i that remarkable onat of June ! 21, last. When all this valley wa* fimxlcd, th * tree wa* dislisure-i and i! *s'.* ' down the *tmim about .Mtht vards, crespi' i tl e many obotoclea tliat lay I along i* source, siich as lirge tree# and Jogs, uud lauding al>out tlTfeeu yard* fram tue main e.UTcnt of the stream, upon a luink of soil wliicli appears to have Ik en left for this {MtgxM, a* on • iUier s de Diore i- mkliing tail gruvtl * audi- sod fox mauyyards. Thorie who saw this lotd!v tree fl*.itngdawii stream, my " that it kept an c -eet jsithr.i gb litig sniooihly during ite voyog. lown This tree m o" the blue a*h nmcic*. mess-'re* at Did not* over seven fi>et iirnund, ami is atemt eighteen feet long to -where Die top wit cut off. The trunk i* l* unDfullv supplied with bronciiee with an utnunal uuifoi iity. The foliage is fl mriihing Iwuiilfoljy, and slioxni no lign* of wiUi oring. Around Die lw* of the tree is a quantity of aod, which give* protection i to the r *ots, all of which floated down j in it - stnral jxiition, and lsud' d on this little elevated spot of -oil. .At Un edge of the grecu sod, gravel aud wsud were washed np, eanpletely covering j the oipsid* roots, and forming a beauti ful littb* moond. At this jdaoe it is alxitit six feet from tlie level of the crook, and along Die public read, which makes it a ceuteref attraction iu all this ivunty. ; llow Anaconda* are Captured. The anscotula in Die Zoological Gar dens, London, which lias luwti consid ered quite ft re*i>ectftble sr.ake, turns out to be a comparatively small creature of it* kind. Henry J. Cooke, of Caracas, Venezuela, in a letter to Frank Buck land, states that iu the small rivers which flow into tlie Orinoco there are large numbers of anaconda* much larger than the one the society ho*, and that in n large pond near triend's house ill Matnriu lives in shy retirement one that is thirty-six feet long aud a yard in diameter. The managers of Die Gardens have offered $2,500 for the capture aud delivery in England of this serpent. It requires an expert fisherman to catch these creatures alive. In Africa a live dog is used as bait, and after Die dog has been bolted, the boa coils up and takes a nap, and then Die fisherman stuffs him into a bag. A big pocket will be required for the gentleman in Die Maturiu pond. NUTRITION IN CORN.— Analysis gives the nutritive value of corn to be com pared with that of oats, as seventy is to sixty. An average of several ta bles takes the value of a given quan tity of •►at* to represent 100, while the vulue of the same quantity of corn would be ninety-five. For feeding to young and growing animals, com is less suited than oats, and the differ ence between the value is greater. T W I NUMBER 27. TIIE OKItilN UP MOMIAM.RU. d.Mri IIUtW> •( ifcr lli nr Mho l(r. tlHr* (row ikr Turk* aW * UM'" rhMIM fro— lata Ikr UaMaratM* wUb Tkrw. It u nomctiiuo* *id i'j r lation to hi dividual* that the woyTd h* Imow its greatest mii. It, e.igl' f s Jigm aa safely be av|tre.i. in p*wfct .* <4 Htege irambera, that t "hrou nd ni p uura . lwnfiTi t ari 1 irladly accept the in nor - .n ipvited to supply k one limitary to In (*4b L> attmu|ittng it 1 am aiuoabkof t.m l anuofc— tliat it )a .raiioeaibk* to art out the plsiu facta of ilit h 'story of M ?r iu it! '..** l eUv ot:e buigurt WhWI !>eg '.tug i th* j mind of aay chukt kteuuie -mut eriy ail are strange to the - • NnHaik; •u .-iaggt-r**' . or"4 fab; Tlie vast cyekmeqf '* i -m* Mißqwsal, ' tli* itk st . etnitlkWe I*r- -he orld' h ever seen, terna? iVhsm t!. -arrftw sea from A v.a in the hmrtawnti, eeetnry, rand* rapid advaaoe* * <■+'. war ' ami l-laet <*L by it* -'lOfißteiTd th*= forttiJ f ttMrisa th- •iiW'teirt ■' which were then ant" t* the ef%<- !ieel, Italy aibe being gxecptetL of all' Ear pa. 1 *lall haipy <4 Z-U. It b-A its n*i:u from, lira t/*aua thnti southward fr st: fb- mou'itaiu citadel toward tlie lake of ticntari. It cotapras 4 the territory know a* MrzegovitM or the north submitted to the (HtenranA. Ivan TchenuMvriteh, the Montenegrin lienv -tt tlie day, hard pmaiml at id! side*, ap j plied Jo tlie Venetian:* for the aid L- bad " sften given, and he was n*fn*v!._ There- . ] he, raid Ma }vwqte with hnn, Unit- ' ' tad, iu 1(84. the natcsiy tracts iu wlucb Uiey I tad I tasked Jig aoute m.vou j y*airs, and aoug!*i, on tTra ruck* and . .-uuntst the precipice*, surety fw tlra two gifts, bv faf the hv*t |>ree ; i .usd< raau- , kind—tbeir fmkh and thntr freedom, Xp | tlieui, as to Ihe potiisks <4 Bulg. via utd the Bopciau ftegs, it was up •*. i... par- ; chase by anformity a deba- a* tmixk Before theiu, ;** hbftwts othtrr, lay tlie frirt'ida itlu mativoi <4 dc.telt. *hrot*y or tin Koran. They wet tuA Io die. 4 or they bad a wo*k W4". To tee Korou or u> slay ory fg% femd a life <>l cold, v\tx. liitr j,'ai. aiul petpwul p*'ril. Such i* their "Magna ' Charta: and, without iwpnwel.t o*hv. st u*. as fur as i know, tie A>let in the world. v To become a oenVr for hie uiugntain , home Iran had built a CStrinje, and deelarvd W jflnr •te be tlie tartroixdi*** Zeta. Wtiat it must of all mmarkabi ' ui tite whole traxvctinn ia thrt he carriod wdli Uira inti theMJla a pr.nting_prv**. This wan If* Htftib' ;*ettv }iruteipalitT; they wen wvt wmwt | raoiuilr tlieir ftmdaihental i*w, fhnt in time hrwe| All EwperarN rvrUlfy.' Mk USai-cimjjTJcrruil, a 1m vMnnf juet piw-V.'-o m I*u lioutifo and Madam Fortoal. wife of tne t mister of public iuafamctinW. - reached Cue of the aoat* together. Ma.lame Fr -at, 'has tared by thai jeaJrmsrv of the fortunate hdj which wa# general at o>stt rudely rebuked Mademoiselle de MoaLj. lir attempting to take pwcmkutr of her, The young InMv dn MideftrltU i dignity before this *!trut. Veritl 'when .die entered 41m eitpp*r-ro> >ia thepalhr and trouble ia her face at, ono* attcuMed the notice of the cnfjwf. if a , ;*; hor place at his table. Iy great, aasiety he for ana "pesiied kohpni frer dLuoi f . m-V Whath&d habpetiii,** Wn*# ia the matter"* JPriv, let! Aie." The marked and aytupfciliehc attaiajwuf ikfhe euijeror drew tu! eyi s upou the lady, who became covered with confusion. " 1 implore you, aire, to b -ivo me," she an swmwd everybody is Juokjag&t as," Troubled aud perpluxeu, the .'afpbit# l took the earliest opportunity ofiwwvw tug his inquiry. " 1 lueiKt upon know iug. Wluit is it?" "It is tin*, sirv,"- the lady uow answered haughtily, the blood mantling her cheek, ' 4 l jhfive been iusnlted to-uight, and 1 will Lot expose myself to a second insult" "Tti-nwr row," said the emperor, iu a iow.kiad voice, "nobody will dare to iiusufi Jo it again." Returned home. Madam de Montijo aud lior slaughter, their Spanish blood thoroughly zonae,l, made busty preparations to leave Paris tor Jftiy. (.hi the marrow morning, however, the mother received u letter frsyt the em peror, iu which he formally asked the hand of Mademoiselle Eugenid ,!>■ Mon tijo in marriage ; aud the ladies within ti few ilavs removed from their'npartuhuh; to the Elysee, which was assigned to the emperor's betrothed. Within a lutyitli Mademoiselle de Montijo a! ou the throne of the Tnileries beshjc Napoleon 111 as the Empress Bhgenie. A Kissing Cure. At the Thornwell Orphanage a boy gets twenty-five demerits for kissing a girl. Here wo " apply the of the dog to euro the bite."" When a boy kisses a girl, twelve very ugly bovs Rtaud in a row ou the roitrum iu the chapel, and the offender a required, U> kfss them all, and kiss then. well. I'iie girl also, if she is willing to bo kissed by the boy, > 8 required to kiss a dozen ugly girls. This ceremony draws a full houee, oad has never failed to ruse. life. Ah, thfcmnNry. mttfo With myfterie*. Udajif• : 4 Who can knuaOt rngMtW poet, guf pfteM m pwiit. ThU terrible pwmol* Of ail that ha* been, nun ami htetorv ; (if all tUt ahalt Ws *o*zo* aiMtj-n'l-hm? , Thin living pert, pkawl ftrtHritjr; Tina vu, and la, and *h*U beao— Weaayaatlmew. We f~W an hat cm*. A loan Oel niUrtk, W* Uiroaa. AJweol , I . " —ft tL Uewter, is AcrflVart* Megtuau. ■ ** r 5 * - Ittai or latemt. Men whoae bnahiwat drive* them to the wall—Billqxrttak, "t Tm waa AM introduced in 1000, auil sold at aixty oeuta a pound. An Knglinb aehooimirtrt , naul King hw died at TnaLrnJi? o Well* nt * the age of 101 years. 1 j Arfhery is mid to l>o coming fat© finMou, and ytmng ladfoe ore all in a quiver at the proapee* of bean* being ( abundant. ■ After* boy is tir.d out hoeing poiafof * noiMng seem* to Mrt hi® IO*MV t It • [ '■ dig over a few ftqmun ml* of prt*ii , • award in aeamh of lait. t< *J ant aatooialwd. wy dear Toung ; lady, at your amdiwisulit; yon make toe dart." "Well, !*** wanting i J yon V> atari for it:*- lidft hour. '* 1 j .. There ia luutt UievprvtUmft 'ut the ' . destruction that follow* toe wrw nf a 1 ; man'a big fre when be pet* it through a hole in the bed quilt, end ia auddruly attacked by the H Khluiftns. die*. Mr. Put**, of timet dmrrh, . 1 New York, never rooeieoa lea* tic n HUM ma mamapu fee. Id ws. President rfThferV wedding thirty Ttr agr> that made (trace cfctooii taAmnMfe. The 'potato flel'l at Mnf\ 'a fw* hi- :u*> twt **OU, rna'MA" leyfiait the Inetoe mnorwatUy, * i he*# i .wtMbrt patient t#w iieyiiborieii•, eud thu* I <* kill two husia wJtho* • •ioem!" J The all the Stat*:*ln the . Uc M, wlm li* U• fft ladej. ..... m -I'iaU *. i tian- in r j* •d --.w Hcvcml dar* in fUUtetnloa, will .. vmi Sow Jotft ei*y tuui Bueton. where • tkfj -vel lc the gn-nda .4 the ity au. tuoritit*. Thi* *■( ing p*./j> od '. fur laat year, bit o add not be u- dnc tonyjamnigeL Fdty-ti.ree emuobea k. \< w i- r\ mt leaded with fS Sdfh'lOU iu njurfgage* AM tMaidw Hew* are Aonbtieie iebh otherwiae menn d. Tr> Pn >rvjnu. ' t'dal j* rn,W ; the B 000; Pr :sdn.ted on the moat eoloMml scale. .Several times he hs* met with rewnmea, oat he baa quickly got npo;. hin frot ngarn. A few wuaka ego. owing to the financial, deprr asioi; and atrinccncv in the money market, he went MMr. Hi* daluiitus were taw miiiion* of del are. . With the adraac* iu lie has been able ti compreatße tellti n:s rruditors *t :weaty-flve an iitasense fleet of ships. John Smith. 1 Disguised the name may aometuaea be, but it if ffiii gSflkmonaat nann I tii rough oat all lyjuntnet. It .does waoetmies offset .a apelimg Hxve Uic common, mi.l, as bmyth, Hnivthe, or De Siiiytin. Ttaleo in Eag- asanme# a Lain gm*c t fr-m ft r rum\, aad h.rtxuw Ferrter itui Fcrrar-. 'one af the.nhhle nmne* of England,- me*:uate alab wit* a tragedy u f nol>l '.u :te eliiuactcr or cause* . u** . In r lerntany W' Ivc *Se Sduln.i , : :u in'v old IV en. of m<*, tSv.i hi I* :tn wc h.\v von. .• sis Aur ttwAjr ti ,fol 'meaSkr.tthur,,aid a imvetcleii iu Italy (i ; nwwui Si tti. The Spaniard's vcraion of John Stun : i out M , Hontlmai the D*ru4gSß sviop*. 1. a • Hans Schmutl; th. Fiench>dtei• t int. • Tt'iu. Smeet*, the ftnasiaiw P-ugitsn :r into Jouloff Smitto "*ki. V<*hn 5-rait., goes into the t*a trad* with C. inn, ami then he bexumv Jab- n Sehtoimit. Among llilli i lainl irrhtlß'lil Sr n- Hon; among tlw Tnsmroraa 1. is Sou* khnittia; in lv.oi F hnnftia veiski; among Welsu we re fol: the; talk of Jilioki Schii'iJll; iu Mexieo iie'ts written drorrt .as Jotttiifi Bmi ri, among the elewnoal raina f ti-ve. he aaumee lon taiuibtoc; ill Turk' v be ii alaost lost ight of a Ti* L< f. i i,,,| 1 - A Itattle in the MMter. Jerry L. aergau and John McCutcbem. levee laKir. rs, had a dispute at the foot of Washington aveuuS, Louis, and determined that the only fair way of tbng it was to light it out. Fearful of lmu% mb-rferoi witii by tliujx>lu-*% they N*l>pted tap novel pl*u of j. j iring t the riker us pWe for buttle. Tliev tnuled out till bt>tafl"Mp to t* ■ ir waists, and tlieh went to-poau.Uug may t eu.h other, to the great euterUitau.-n? of the crowd that gathered on the bpat. Finallv they clincUed, nud in a twiiiklinr, I tii went nnder. They were a stubborn, deeper tc pair, and each seCmed deter nfineil C> drown the other if possible. They Foundered under water for re can be little doubt that both .would have been drowned hint not the spectators interfered and taken them out. Neither had any wind to spare when they got to shore, and the ri;;ht was a draw. How the I'iar Travels. The Emperor Alexander; jfrayeln in a carriage constructed especially for J accommodation. This car, thirty-six f. t ill length, is a moving palace; tliero is u parlor, a bedroom ana a furnished v illi rare lnagnilimu", ami t it is adapted a system of wheels which enable* it to pass upon any rail" >y in Europe, whatever be the jgnigo. imperial train is preceded By* pilot loco m .tive ( on which is the director : i line. Thirty minutes behind follows a second train, with engineers. and work wen provided with everything neet ssry to repair the road in case of aeci cur. Twenty minutes after this am the c< nci ;t - oontaining the imperial suite, and lastly, at another interval of half an hoar, com v* the escort of 800 Mmict*.