The lloro. The cannons all srere silent, the bugle ceased to aonnd, And many a "valiant warrior lay lifeless on the ground; For night had forced an amiistiT upon the eager foe*. And all around was quietness, save where the cry arose , Kron. wounded and from dying, or when the war horse neighod, Tor man and beast ahk< lad felt the keenneaa of the blade. And now a lonely maiden i* searching o'er the plain. For die would And her lover, to kisa if he be slain; To tend his wounds if wounded, to bath his aching head; And wt ill she weeps, fig- much she fears he's numb rod with the dead. For hom> she wuudors scaly", and looks at every face. Till, weary, sad .and foot-sore, she leaves the horrid place, but •shore, oh, where's her hero For his cvmntry haa ho died f And was foremost in the flght- the Ifavost ou his side ? She walked tilt nearly daybreak, in sad and pensive mood. When suddenly Un lost one before the mai.h u stood. Joy !j. y he had uot perished' Tire was tlie tight tvguu. The owner of that gallant form had turned about and run! HIKAM'S DUPLICITY. The Mysterious Tracks m Mrs. Guruey's Flower Bovl. rv . itaKUrs K. 'tauara. •• Vw,' -vv.d Mr. tiun.ey to himself, as hr 1' . !ked down to tile .table at suurtse, " 1 11 set Fu:a ,i on the watch. It's cautvauptrbteUimg •• do, I '. s ire. b.;t 1. 1 uot br l.Vtnred m tin style any hrngo:. 1 Jen't twdlev<• it. but 1 '•ant to tind out t.u a certainty. And if there Is anything ut it if tlrere is anything au.l t ix-ak i shut h lips u pleasantly tvigetlier. Mr. iluriu v. wh* hi,l beau marrivxt Just fo vo.v.-s, IM i'.i a snug Ut lie pla . . youi m y 0.. aV: i ,lsv. 'n h J cut hts throat ' Kinder funny, too, to-xlav is Friday, uow, ti'it it?" ••I"d i't c aaytbcu; very funny about it." • ~.l Mr. finr-sev. ••"But U fore 1 start. I want to talk with vou a hu'.e, Hrranr." V. -. r-. j'Ued Hiram, expectantly, buckling oa the reins. "Weil. resumed Mr. tlurney. s.>mewhat rvously, strokuig the mare s arched mek, " Td tell you wliat I want, Hiram—and it's a fa r I wouldn't a.k of every man ; but vou au.l 1 were toys t.elher.'" r it. rated Hiram, in a tone which said for 1..- part, he had no desire to deny the - •• v 1." continued Mr. Garney, hnrriod'y. i- becanse you'll keep yonr month -nut at u.v *sktng a favor of ynu that I -- '.. it. v- >.; lis .*. you to do i* thi* After yu urn* yon are t* oota* straight back. : -lit r hero all d*v. till it'.-, ume for V. : I {lg IUO at night, and toll i wbv - and *!.- GOVTS. Iwyoo au.kntaad ; l : l.hv work or aot, as yon ; lease ; but stay v'lgliJ of tin- hOB . krs j-yoar iyc* open, .1: • uho cwuies and who got*. That* .. .. Willvcu dait " ' ••-iruiii." iiilliram. hriikly ; "I'd a*lief* ■ W then. -aid Mr. Gamer, his brow .- urv. "jump in. We shall barely catch the tram. .. drove Mr. OarafT to the village, sad 1: a if an tie cars. But who ahe cor n .:. t; farm ho bruaght lurn a bottle f ■ r whisky ; aud that bottle of pour "k >t Hiram Xe-'itt stretched out. at and fa-l a-leop. o-'i the glass bo dti: . --ty*. from the middle of the fore :. -u to . arly nightfall. Mrs. G imey sa-sa faa- young hlonde. with .11. eyes aud a *kiu which had once 1 o d uivt wiute, but was nt-wr a tnde ': - .rued. She had t-eeu a belle, and was still : saut . Sis- luoaed uac-wduufiy -i si iu tlx \uw cu*wd door way, nzing •;t -. r t': t: ids, with the retting sun thruw :::: a half - rcuda W fair, rtateiy head. "Cany . ium?" said a strv-ug, cheery v -:d her. ■ ;ti ni ! no. indee-i T repU-l Mrs. Gumey. -.* ii ai: tty ur of vt-iatioTi. "Where do yon -hr i*? ikwr uie, it* nearly -t ! . i drire a horsed oontimxsl Mr*. ( -r. sh- rtiv. turorng to a lnuom damat-i vj: - r . r faithful handmaid, and, of neore i; Anion a- eiL "Oh. . -aered Hat.-, with an easy air of r . direction, "certainly I cm, >lrs. Gnrney." •• V . J. f **; d Mrs. Gnrney. smiling; •• w. . I . Uamed to say I can't. Bat, if yon ( . .1 can go with yon. and we'il ihni ine hoti.-, . ;,nd •to th- depot and ui-et Frank. It .. i never do to let him walk home after hi* : day :u t;.. i-rty. As for Itirari. lam n'.arni-ii ab -ut him. Xo distance, nor bolt*, : r "tir-. --aid hare kept him from hi* dinner, and he didn't come to that. There mn*l be - nnthn.; th natter with him. However, ti-re . ;; • P.".;- to 1 >*. Will yon go .-" Of c mrsrvt-iied Katie. " fli go right :11 ut toy hat nrt. and have th-- carnage up . t-r- t" t .<• door before you're ready." F;fti--*:s miiiute* later. Cozy I>eH wu basking i:i t • rays of thefun. with no one about th* • -i -.v e Hirira. Still asleep behind the hedge, j; • 1. .. hgur-- soon aj >.-arodoa die quiet ■ a*, asi -nctahig fignn wh'b a weary gait It vr amm v.nh a eo*r; red iward. ana coarse, r 1. tan. ied hair, strayoig out from beneath a - ■ 1 v.: ■ iat'-d bi-t. fie was a rags-*!, di-re :'.a'i ' fvU 'W—|n aw.,rd a■■ txuiat- -and a* K. l-jouged up the pnih, staring at- ut him. be i -hisl ■me f-v-.d held in one grimy paw. Ii - is::! 1 'i-d coolly np to the side of the cot t. and k ocked. But. jirobably. he had a - :r-innd ie-.-ptrt-n that the a-tion would pro-, an nnmv-es try exertion, for. without w iiung ft a response to hi* summon*, he -leti "U the *-ift m Jd of the flower led be u!i the window, and trn-d to raise the *a-h. It was - curi-ly fastened. With a mumbled . .I;,, he caet hi* eyaattovard the stable. The di r was wide open. Hi* dusty face, lighted, ti. - tir- d liun-* aocmed Urehdy tii feed the rest ful ease of new-mown hay. He >ter ;♦! tack to tl. path, walked to the stab'-- looked ararily around hiir, and entered. Then, glancing around, aid uctiiuig ho could ■-vavem • illy a pp.- pr.alc. he ciimbod s laddtv. gainad the top of i hw tms -mow. harrowed a hole in one corner, and lav dowu with a satisfied grunt. It w-vs-v , 1 f--r him. perhaps, that he eu scon- ed him*-df so soon ; for hardly had be ! *-- 1 fr >iu sight when there was a'stir and a confused mnttefjng behind tha hedge. Hirum'd !inr nap w oxer. Ife r*l>,wly toh It .'., ami looked xtupid'v over the land ncape. •'This litre's a pretty go—tbi* U !" he grum bled. '• A most "Unset. too ! I've kept Watch l:Ue the n>whi-f. I liavel wonder, now, what Gnrnev 'll *av V" With many mirgiyiag*, Hirua made hi* way to the stable. He went into the building. came out. looked down the road, up at the house, ami then swore. •'Gone'." lie ejaculated. '"Gone, an' I don't know where ! The little man ain't here, an' 1 don't know who's got her! Well. I- might a* well look out for a tew place—l might! 1 rather think t hi* ha* tfcwd m*! Huw„nmev. r 1 want Mi'lhia'l® eat, an , what'* more, Tin guiu' to hcv it. Hoilo !" Hiram w.i> going tip to the ".ide'door'of jtlie ). ii-e whi-ii thi* exclamation escajK-d him. There, under the window, he saw imprinted ou the yielding soil, a riear cut impression of n man'* >. Hu stooped and examined the t >-t print- tnleatlv they greativ interested " W 1." !>" - ..1. JUi/d at length, standing up aa r Jlng the in tne earth like u tipsy iilimit- n Crußoe : "well, there ain't but • at.'" man round here a* wears such narrer l.eeled, Btylish-lookinK Itoof* a* them. There ain't uo ini-taia.- about it, the follc-r as wore them boot* was (Japtain Keurtck 1 An' Ute track* ain't more'n two hour* okl. He * been here, then, an', cuss it ah! I ditlu t sec hmi. He'* probably g> :ie off ridin' with Mr*. Gurcey. Nov.-, then no sense in my takiu' the bread an' butter otlt ' iav memth, fin' six dollars a week out o' my pocket, fornnthin'. Here's the evidence tiiit Captain Kenrick ha- been here. There's no dodgin' it. Ho nude them track*, an' I shall tell Uurney that there's been one x isitor her* to-day; an' I sliail tell him who it was. I shafl say the captain stood under tie winder here a-talkin*—what in Moses was he st&ndin' here for if wasn't talkin'?—a-talkin' with Mrs. Gnrnc".", an' she a-leaaiii' out an x hisperin' au' 1 tttiii', an' - oil. I catkerlate I can i:x it u;> all right."' With a >adden remembrance that he was hungry, Hire in went up to the door. Turning t ie knob, bo ■ t pped back in wonder. "Sliet," he said, " an' licked! Fo Katie's gone, tool" Hiram's *f ace again grew perplexed. Here .as another problem to solve—and all on ac count of the content* of that flat bottle. "Katie's xvith her," he decided, promptly, "an' t'ue captain ha* been here, if he ain't xvith her now." Tiier r ' vied but one more obstacle for him to clear from his path. It was past the mo that he should have met Mr. Gurney at the railway station. However, Hiram'* mind x.a* of e highly ingenious turn. "I'll pretend," be said, reflectively, " that the cow* broke into the lower eorn-fleld. an' tore down f*t* feet of fonoe, an' while I was i.xio' ii sp. Mr*. Cktrney went off with the borw." Hiram had e wew 'uveuUfl tlfii flstius lh*n ho dewrMxl Uio carnsge e>mung w|> tho roud. unit wont down to tho stable t re vive it with his usual solemn. dacorou* couu n>nu.w Just *t .tusk, *S H tram was robbing tlio littlo tusre down, Mr. Our Bar cam. into Uio stable. Ho. 100. ba.l sun tho trsck* in tho lilt )o flower-bed. Un b r tho window, and ho know that Hir*ms broad soloa never made them. " Well, ft Irani, ho said, with an air of can lossiioss, "any visitors'. Hiran oloainsi the oar.l ! was Using, looked at it attentively, and said •'1 ruther gin .< there was ' 1 ruthoT guess vou eau av where r'aptam hcunck sbsst in under iho ultinroom winder, a-talktu Willi Mrs. Gurney hs a-leautn up against Ui< wm dor, an she a-toaniiT out. Mr, Gurncv wsiwhsi darkly. If he Uiuiai'lf had not seen and examined the trampled ilowii last, lie would have had suspicions that li lrani was not telling the truth, for his wife and hallo hail already said that Hiram had not (sou around the premise* during tin greater patl of tlie da'. A* it was. tie fell like choking Hiram, kicking himself, and luur dormg t"aplain KenricV. but In .lan d not tinuk of Ills handsome young wif. for a minute Without more words, Mr. tluro.i .. vlke.l slowly up to tlie house, clenching Ills hands and curving in the dusk, while lliraiu slnu up tin slalJ., and went to tile cow yard itlfut bisluilk iilg. congratulating himself on t.u felicitous imagination As lh. stable> swung together, sii un keinptjhoad px rod out over llu .slj,. oflhrhsv mow and Hs owner. afl< r satisfying hinistlf that he wa> alone f. i Iho inghl, crawhst I'S' k Ivt his nest, and, taking from ins ivvkel a! it t'iaok pqw*. ho llgblisl it. settle.! tack comf. its Uly, su.t leg an lo amok. There WASH.' caste al iWy tk II Mr. and Mis. vlurt. Huaui and hati.. s.l ate at i!.. same tal and e.11.i .f 11..- t" ..rvants would hair f. l! if auy morearist.vralic m.ite of thmug had been i'!"p.M*d. "By the w a.. said Vtr. liuruey, sipping his tea. "did yv ; tell lapia.i Kem k today that I had coiielttded n. t to lake that laud. H. leu '' "i tell hull ' said Mrs. (lumey, with s pur-*!..1 !■ sk. "I ha ..ul seen him last week. ••What said Mr. liiwtiey. lifting his ret trews , " t tin.!.! he had I . u over fur. t.v-slay . ' He glan.-ej sharj'ly a! Hiram, but that w.fth' . attent. :i was wh ..y at .orltst by a Urge shot f .x'i.l teef. •• Wh.w>.* t.4d you was miatak.u, said .Mrs. liiirmy. quietlv lh .igh tur blue ty.s sparkhsl as she missed hatlr a cup .if lea. lalie had stx-u tho glance at Hiram, and was att n, >ed. As f.'l iliram.lie frit that I.• "as fa-t tn nig pia.vd in an uuctimfurtat-le nosiUolt, and. without lifting hu eyes from Us plate, tie sai I, duigedly ■ r s'jsrw 1 i. Id l.uu that . at tain h.-urick was out bore 10-.lay. An' 1 now. 1 saw . a plain K. nr. ok a-sUndui under tin s.tli.. - room winder." " Indeed I .aid Mrs. tjuruey . . utliugly, ai what time of Uk- .lay did "oil sr.' turn tramphug down my flowers, pray Here .raa a dilemma for lliram ; but it has been BK'ntlOUed that Iris mind was eminently iuscultve. theapparmt fi. -ti neas if the tracks. " I should judge, he replied. wiUi deliberate . va.-tuess " I should judge it was live o clock ut Uir after utvi. "Vou has. rwii.vrkably eyesight, said Mr-, lluniey. stuiiing. " I think voir said vou were down 111 tlie lower Tiack of the hous.. from bef.vre dinner Ul! nearly .uuaet, repairing a luvik. n fence Ah Hiram, there was a miserable pitfall you lurd not tli.'Ught .f 1 It is absolutely i.e.. --ary to perfection in lying, u is said, that the inn should have a g ssl memorv. This essential quahflcmtion Hiram lacked , and. accordingly , he grew very red in the f,x. and starnmeied an indistinct reply, winch Mr. liuruey cut shv>rt by saying, coldly "It is of small cnsisjaence. of coarse, whether Captain Krnrick ha. or has u. l t>e*n here to-day. However. Helen, 1 noticed that s,ime one La* Iwxu trampling down yv'ur dowers sadly, and, I y UK- looks, i slmuid say recently." Air*. Gumey flushed up. hut t thst instant KsU<- £m* a vt.M s.-rwam, jumping from her chiir. aud nearly iivcrturuing the table. "The barn! the barn slit- riclaiuicsh puiuhug through the window. All eyes turned in the direction indicated. The barn was on Mr. Gumey and Hiram daslnxl out of the house. The horse* and the cvv* aire s-s-u driveu to a sufe ilistance. aud when they were running out the carriages the nearest neighbor* twgan to imtf. Captain Ketirtck was ju-t iu -easoa to ht-'.p remove a heavv wagon, and. a* he <** pushing in the wnivke Whuid it, hi* f -d struck soiuetlung soft on the stable tloo.. He stooped to examine the obstacle, Tbenix f.*'e a shout, and dragged out ( n the gra-s. away from tlx- hi-at of ui- dames. Use Issly of a man. He "a* ragged and dirty, with fruw-y, red hair, a nil repulsive even in death ; for the tramp's ramies along dusty n at-;d< s ere stopfs-d forever, and he was away , a a journiy whose length is unknown to man. and *hs end i* shrondeil in uncertain shadow*. Captain Krnnek lent over htm. " Hi* ueca is iTi-ken," he -aid f-> the wunder iig groux als-ut him. " I hardly see how it happened, unles* he was -u the t:. -vr and fell to the floor, t-liuded by the moke, lie Iting description of Francis Mtirphv, the temperance re former, and the Wgiuuing of his reform work: He was isirn in Wexford, Ireland, in lß3f>, and led a life of greater or less dissijiati->n until, when he was keeping a sailors' boarding house in Portland, Me., he fell down a scuffle with a drunken man, who was killed by the fall, while he was arre-ted on a charge of murder. While in jail on this charge, of which he was afterward acquitted, he was converted to religion, went to preac-iiitig temperance, niid turned all but five of the prisoners t. * temperance. Aft. r leav ing jail he w,-nt to a tomi-r --aiice barbecue where I)io Lewis was to speak, but sotnelKiw Murphy wa* per suaded to t-Uk first, and I)io said, as he sat down: " You don't want to lx-ar any thing from me now. Take Uiat man aiid s'-ud liim over this country, and he will tire it from one end t<> the other." Mur phy liegan his work at Pittsburgh with a course of lecture* before a temperance union of young m n, hut these were not successful, nnd Murphy one night broke down while he was talking to some ro jiorters, and said that lie could never work that way, lecturing in the churches, but if he only could have a room where he could fetch iu a dozen or so of " the ( Iw.ys" off tlie streets, lie might do some good, and he burst into tear*. One of the report- rs immediately went out and g-.t a room for him, the basement of a church, and he began work ni be wunteil to with " the IH>VS got tlx 111 to talk among themselves and reform -aeh other, and started that movement which transformed thousands of drunkards in f Pittsburgh and Alleghany City into sober citizens. Mnrphy is a short, st mt man. When lie talks to an audieuoi his speeches are .leliv er il in an easy manner at first, but gene' ally, after he hns spoken smoothly and slowly for u while, an inspiration seems to strike him; he sets himself a* if he was going to give a man a blow, and for ten or fifteen minutes the lan guage flows from him like a stream of water from a great fountain. Yon might as well take hold of a magnetic batters" as to take hold of his hand sometimes to shake hands with him. He is a very at tractive man, ull sympathy, all heart.. Murphy refused a guarantee of $250 a night for four months for a lecturing tour, saying that he couldn't do any grss! that way; as a matter of fact he re,- ceived just enough to live on, as Moody does, and, unlike Moody, he asks for no expensive preparations, and will not come to any place for nny specified time, for w lieu he enters a city he means to stay uutil he has accomplished some thing. Nine Different Flavors. A humorous friend of ours used to be particularly enthusiastic on the classic subject of osculation, says a writer in Appteton'g. He declared that there werjj few " sciences " so difficult of ac quisition. " People," said he, •• will kiss; yet not one in a hundred knows how to extract bliss from lovely lips any more than he knowß how to make diamonds from charcoal." He used to relate his experience of a good-night's kiss, imprinted on the lips of his inamo rata after having escorted her to and from a New England forfeit party, where the poor girl, being the belle of the eve ning, had been kissed and, as he ex pressed himself, "slobbered over by all and sundry." He declared that in that one chaste salute he could discriminate "nipe distinct and separate flavors," namely : "onions, tobacco, peppermint, gin, lager beer, brand v. rheoWberryj musk wsd camphor." TIU IUTTIT. OF AKHAIIAN. Hbrll linlntnn on ihr l>r*otrt Town Ihm Iho l*nri% € 'wrrlrtl llir Kvria Tcrrlbl# H|nitter. lii'llcm from Titlis give 11 graphic sketch of Uu> Kusainn victory at \ rls linn. On tlu< tlrst tiiiv of the attack Iho capture of uti outer fori *nit only re ffunh it UN u preliminary snows*. Tho homlmrvlmciit of tho otln r forts In gun ut daylight tho next morning, the storming army Init tlu> t me kept in readiness to ln>gm thoir assault wlioiiovor tho Imiu huriliiioiit should hnii' made u sutUeient number of hrouoliOH ut tho Turkish stronghold. After two houro tho unilio ftmin thut hu gun to pay thoir oouii'liinoiita to tho oity piopoi. Tho litis* nut battcrie*, ptnoo.l along tho adjoining hill*. fortius! n scun oirolo uri'ttml tho Iveleaguered city. Ilehiud these hiitlortos st.ssl tho infantry, out of Might of tho olioiliy. Shot nml uholl m r. being pmnsl intotho at root* of Ardahan, whon tho HHMSIIUI commander, MM if ovemnne with nwo ut tho havoi' ho was ••routing, ordered tho tiring to cease, ami ilonuuiiiisl tho surrender of tho city witliont fnrthor bloodshed. Tho Turk*, how i xor. asked for c unlit "lit that could not ive omitted. Once tuoto tho fo irfnl Itomluudmri I I'oguii, this tmio iiinvtisl simultaneously on tho forts uml on tho o tv. With u >hnrp tiol.l glass ,ino Ootlhl MoO till plloM of IVtrilMOn OOUtHIU ally accumulating inside tho forts, hut tho Turks, with an obstinacy which almost np|w.irisl superhuman, aiiawered shot for shot. Only "in* fort remained silent. Ivrave as woro tho Turks, thoir shot Is, however, vliil littlo iluitiiigo; ni"*t of thoir shots tlhl nt avon reach the llnssiun batteries. Slowly, however, us tho inoossjuit Kus-s. in tit ng o uimonoivl t • toll fotu'ftilW i>:i tho Iwleaguerv 1 city, tho enemy's tiro grow tniutor ami faiutor. At iu x< the ord r wm giron to tho storming columns to got ready for no tion. It was tit o'clock ill tho exalting uml only two hours woro loft before .lurk, hut tho commander, Lout. MolikotT, Jul not hesitate n in unto. The signal for tho asaault wan gi\t ii. Tho right wing of tho storming column umlor Itovmanii consisted of two bat tiUnuis of mi intrv uml ono company of sappers. lloyiuauu roilo ut tho head of his oolunm. The manoitvor wan a bril liant sight soklom witnessed in bor.h r warfaro. Forward they rushed tlirough ravines uml % alloy s. Through anothor ravine hut leading to tho samo js tnt two rogimouts rushtsi forward at tho double quick. Tho batteries followed the loft of tin' column. Two regiments from I'irtis rushed forward, each against u fort. All tho battalions moved along in tho form of n chain, tho roar (tiToavl by u deep laxly of cavalry. As tho storming oolumns eaine i i sight : th<- riit'iny a terrible tire i f shot and shell came from tho Turkish ranks. It wu-s apparent, however, that their tiro. though heavy, was aitnh **. Dutin* salvos of artillery flew over the head* of the Russian infantry without doing the least damage, and ten thousand cnr trnlges were fired off without hurting a soul, s i had was the Turkish firing. Slowiv hut steadllj tin" Russian* now moved h rward, not firing a smile shot for fully half an hour, notwithstanding the terrible tire directed iigaiu*t them by the enemy. The moment they came within projH-r range, however, they anneal low and tired deliberately. Tins CWOluess at once stamped the assault as a success. Not a single Otftlidgt was fired in vain ; the enemy suffering terri bly, at last aj|s-artsl t-> have lost its self- control. The Turks fired tremendously, hut all to no purjs sc. All ut once tlx walls of the doomed city h">k< d like ou sea of dame, and then suddenly became enveloped m clouds .f sin ike. Slowly but simultaneously the various storming columns, now marching more <|ttickly, dosed in up >n the forts, more aud more encircling in a narrower eoinpa.** the entire line of the Turkish defense. The nearer they approach the enemy the more murderous become their fire. As they came npou the earth fortification* their columns wore massed closer ami closer. The Turks now saw that the Russian attacks were irrcssitihle ; that they would soon have to take rteruirn' to the tmyonet and engage iu a hand to hand conflict. At the sight of this the Turkish infantry waveml. Whole regi ments thn-w their arms awny and took to flight. The artillerists, however, kept to their posts, but m -*t of them were killed at their runs < >th -r* abnri doned their batteries Without even spik ing teirmif nifieeiit guns. The city of Anlalian is, however, di vided into two by tlw Kiver Kara. On tlie right bank, now made secure, are the mansions of the rich, the {mlace of the ]>sha, the hospital, barrack* and tlx* p >wder magazine. The other part of the city, with the citadel, warehouses and a number of government and other public buildings, lies 011 the left bank. Two bridges connect the two parts of the city. As the Russian columns came over, the citadel poured a terrific fire into their ruuks, causing severe losses. Hut regi ment after regiment rushed across the bridge, and moved up to the citadel. Tlx* garrison Ix-came panic stricken, and left the poor artillerists to their own fate. In the meantime the garrison that had ran nwny from the other part of the city were seen to cross the second bridge. The COSSM-' artillery sent a few shells among them, ami hundreds of Turkish soldier* were thrown from the bridge into the water aud drowned. Fifhs'n minutes later a regiment from Tiflis also took possession of the second bridge, thus ending off the enemy's re tr< at. At that moment the most remark abb- episode ever w:tnes;.i-d in warfare occurred. Whole Turkish battalions threw their urtna away ami jumped into the water, so ns to save tlx-ir necks by swimming. But even there the Russians wen- ready. They fired at the swim ming Turks from the bridge and killed them while in the water. A large number who had taken refuge in the hospital and in the burr,irks continued tiring from tlx upper stories of these buildings upon the advancing Russians, but the soldier* of the Tiflis regiments soon overpowered them also. The cavalry was now sent to the front to pursue the fugitive army. The infantry closely followed them. A street fight of considerable magnitude next engaged the attention of tlx- com batants ; but the Turks wer- fleeing fast, and quiet was soon rest -r-1, the cavalry pursuing the Turkish fugitives some eight miles outside the city, where everylssly tried to save liini-" If the la-st way he could. As darkness fell upon the city tlx- cavalry returned to the town with an immense number of prisoners. Tlie commander-in-chief, Louis M<-li koff, who led the general assault in per son, entered the city immediately after his troops had occupied it. The streets wen- literally covered with the dead bodies of Turks. X<>t only those who haa** of such burial 1 will not be auowod out of his estate. Those who Oontcpnt for and enjoy surh lunilfS must pay fo* them themselves," num.i. n'li u'its t thr t)unlnl ( hur H>nri! l.lirralMrr of Our NrfUllirra. Our worthy forefather* were iMvaaeaaisl of a p<*cti)iar kind of grim humor blend od with nmiplieity, if we inav judge from the sopiilchlul oddities wliicli are to b* found acatt*n*d over England in old churchynrdi*. Many of the epitaph* in the country chuerhyanl* of I ngland have reference to the professions of the deported, aud they me often expressed Itl exceedingly droll ti run*. For e\ ample : the following *oiuiueinorwt*a the sturdy fellow aho kept the turnpike at Wureestcr, and demanded toll of ticorgc 111. when hi* majesty wan gi>iU|| on a v l*lt to Itinluip Hurd (In W ixliii'>ln* last util U.ilm it Mlcath l'a*rt through Ihc turnpike gal* ef Heath. I n lillil would 1 at ti no 101 lat ale, Who at*'plant the King al \S or aler K* l *'- Thin t* on an tiiukce|N*r at llartiwcll, near t 'omhrtdgc : Man a life !• Ilk. a t iHtnri't itai Some only l aii-t al. ftit , t'he old. ->t man twit >UfH ami •;. lo Net. I "Ug la tiln life who lintel out the .lav . 'i* *ii g,r* tlie aooli. at tlaa the loot to /■.!> t1.1.'l la A IMIIr-r , ootue few tUH OH li. i, (lot aollli*, Ala* ! ll.uit I M . to Nli-W Though 1 owi.l much, I tio|ie U'Hf lru*t I* j/iia-n, A lot tru!) uu*n to | *1 nil iht'ta lu heaven. Thin i* on an undertaker : Hi re llelti Kohlu Moatrr* faith, twa* liaiit To take Awav our hoiirat Itohlu's hr< ath , Vet aurel* ttol lU ** full well |vrv|*r looking nut for iti alh. Iti Walton churchyard, near Li vert* id, I* tilt* follow II"', on George Milt**, bluck luuith, who di< tu 171'.i : Mr ale-tgr ami tiAinuirr .re rtv!lne.l. My l-sllow# also leal tin ir mlml, Mi tile rlUnct, luv forge .heave.t. Mr vice l' the .tut uiy frletnb have laid. My ix.ala are apent, no iron - (tone. My uoit-* air drovi. no wi>tk la d. nr. And thin in oil a collier : Hrre In i lb* collier, john of N*#he, itv win 111 drathuothiiii; he w,,ie Fur, livtllft, tie n A * ilurt alllt Aatn *. And txan*' iteait, tu- I* no tuote. In Stepney churchyard, I* union, i* the following rpiauit i ptOtph ,*i t'uptuni John l>uuch, wh 'died ill ir,.'" Though ltor< as' tn a noton, u* mi-, r Hi re !iitii Fattier S i, Who died ti' sale cllsr^oa. tin a lawyer named Strange : Here he* an h neat lawyer that > Stranr* And tin* i* oil an old woman w ho kept a pottery ahop at Chcetet Ik iieatti thl* Atone he* t (ir*y, rtlAllyli-d from A t'USV Ufi u> Ufr'i lly mr:\ and cJay si.< *•'' her |wtf. Hut U'jw ta turned to .*rth betaclf. "Vr wt-ej lUK frit nd'. '.rt luc atlviar, Alwtr your K Tl * f *-d dry your cur, b,r n hat at alts a tl, -it ftar > M tio knows, tut lu a run of years. In some tall pitcher or broad i-au She tu her shop may t that in tin Nw Church, Amntcrdoui : KSni nyt Kicmiah word*, tucoiuiig • ra> t!y. The-c word* arc f .-iTibill on an aucit'ut tuonu merit of whiti-h morltlc, • :i which there la also aculpturtsi n p:ur of *hp]M-r*. The otory run* that n genUetnaj who wa* tolerably wealthy, and loved above all thing* g *1 living, r*>nceivel the notion that he would only live a certain nnmlw*r "f year*, and deaitvu" to leitTe of hi* wealth unmjoyed, hi made a nice calculation of hia fortune, which he no apport.ontxl for every year he was ti live (according b. hi* own nUi>D) M t<) U*t exactly tht> same time with hi* life. ('nriuly enough, it i*> happened that ln calculate nit did u<>t deceive him. for he died exactly it the time he had previously reckoned, ntnl had thru no far exhausted Ins estate that, afu r paying hi* debts, there wa* nothing 1.-ft htit a parr f s!qq>er*. Hi* relative H buriet huu, iut.t a Mr. tlrster : Here he the remain* of hi- relative pride, Ty water he lited. aiel by water he dr 1 Though by water he fell, Tit by water be ll nw, lit water baplmmal attaining the kic*. Uu a murine officer : Here hint, retired from boy ncenea, A fti'nt lieutenant of marine*. Who lately html in i-aee and plenty On U-xrd the ship the Atalauta Now, *tnj>|M-d of all hm warlike allow. And laid in box of elm Is-low, ('onlined to earth 111 narrow border*. He rmea uot till further order*. In tin* churchyard of Luitou in the f'>l lowing inscription, designed, tin iloohl, " to teach tin* nmttc moralist to die" : Itememlier, man, thf juaaeth by. An Uion m now, ao once wan 1 ; And a I in no mn-t thou be : Prepare ttiym-lf to follow me. I'ndorueath some irreverent wag wrote : To follow you i not my intent, I'nlr••■> I know which way you wi nt. Tilsllioll Note*. Hanged front hair in the style for little girl*. Silken purses nre in use again, and ladies nre knitting them for a pastime. Flowered organdv nittalins are more popular thiiii the striped designs so long in vogue. Willingham embroidery and applique work in bright colors on gray and white ooutille i a popular ktiulof fancy needle work at the moment. Tllleul-colorod Sttll umbrellas, lined with green, red or blue silk, and fringed with ribbon loops and tassels to match the linings, are verv stilish. White sprigged muslin costumes, trimmed with Torchon and (flovis laces, are worn over pink, blue, mauve and white lawn slips, according to fancy. Among the vnriou* kinds of fancy needlework for summer pastime nre tidies in mediievnl lace braids in simple but effective patterns, done with wheels and twisted bar stitches. Sin tlnml wisil, Shetland floss and ice wool nre taking the place of zi pyhr wools for tlie pre ty knitted nnd eroehetcd hear! eovermgs which ladies are so fond of making atnl wearing at summer re. Hurts. The newest style of evening dress is the " baby frock," made exactly as for an infant with all the fullness of the skirt thrown back, short waist, and wide snsh belt closed with slushed loops and fulftng ends. " Modesties " are the collars mul col larettes worn over high-necked dreeac# or street costumes ; some arc finished with Valois ruffs, others linvo rullles ami chicniw ruohoa of frayed ailk. or scarfs knot* of crepe do chine ; they fasten at the hack. Ikmneta linvo string# now ; when of ribliona they nrc often ticrk immediaU'ly, he down iii a hhady and t'-*'l place; apply (Had cloth* to and imur cold water over the head ami luck If uuy one is over come by the heat *end immediately for the nearest good pby*uian. \Vlnle waiting for the phyniciati give tlie per son ciHil drink* of water or Cold black tea, or colli Cvtb-e, if aide bi swallow. If the skill is led ami dry. sponge with, or jsiiir cold water over the Issly and limits, ami apply Ui the hetul |Miuudotl ice w rap petl in a hiW'i or other cloth. If there is no lv'e ut hand k> irt may exist, most cat. are n tin ably free from any high ipstiuctive tit vi l puii ut*. An ivc count i* given of a:i old toll-keener who had a favorite eat ami a jtet canary, who dwelt together oil terms of the most millennial harmony; but it m also relat*l that once during the absence of the toll man, pus* ft 11 a victim to her natural yearning* ami suddenly fb*l, with the golden *-ngster in her terth, put hrr master, who el need to lie working in his garden. The toll-man never beheld her again, for then* are certain misdeeds which their perpetrator knows to lie past all jxisHihility of forgiveness. Cither tales are told, however, 111 which this ilnal element of treachery is wholly wanting. An Kiiglmb lu.iy not hmg ago assertexl that she ha>l n line gray ami black cat which defended her larder .gainst the Ilirv'tt U f other feline fom gera. A >tray vat was ouec observed to abstr.w-t from Una lady'n rafrigeimtur a Vl'ld St. Wed pigeon, whereujs U '' our cat rusliC'l after the thief," declare* the I*s-.-MHt of this "remarkable animal." and with* vbfßcttlty nulucevl it to drop the *p . "i remember," aay* Alia* Oliver, "cue eat in particular, a very large and j*werfnl Tom, who us**l daily to mount gnanl on the counter, ti pn* t(*-t hi* master's wart-*, lie used to walk up and down, generally keeping eh>*c to the *ho] keeper, witli In* quick eve on the customer. If tiie latter |*anl tin* money down, he was allowed to take tip ami pocket Uie artu'le*; but if he j'Ut a fing'er on any little package lvefore paying, Tom'* big t*aw w-a* down on him ut once, U hint thut never re*pnrvxl re |m iting t<* the same c ist-mier. " lb'gnrd ing tin* id<*al Totn. it ia furthermore narrated that he waa the pink of every thing that was fair and h-'neet; under no cirriimatanoc* could he ever l*e in dttowl to steal. 11i<- shopkeeper had ntite ri'timl for n few imtititoa to the I'ivck of hiu aJu'jv, lunl htul left Tutu ap jwxrently nslis-p Invn.le a lurge piuor of i.utter which h;ul just lieen weighcvL A hoy, who chitDoasl to 1h pusntngr with n piece of "nt cake in his hntul, otiacrrisl tiie ajiaciiee of tiie iiuxnter nnil tlie ws-m inp sintuhcr of Tom. H* WIVK a sti|ierb ehaiice t" butter lit* enk'-, thoug'ht tlie urchin, ixtnl he drew forth ins jack-knife slipisv! up to the luitter, nnd prepared to help hitnM'lf. Hut ins knife had no sisiiier entered the butter than T"m, with distended clnwa, Hpmng ujsin him. Aw thi struggle anaued, ami Tutu minglisl hi* ntn crie* with th• >se of tiie wonld-lie thief, until the siiopkcc|er wns present ly drawn to the scene of eonfliet. After wnrd, it i related, Tom sliowssl marked antivfneUon in wviiig tiie offender'a (ars soundlv ivoxel. \ Mrs. Chnreli lias |inntsl an account of neat which saxisl tiie life of a |sir Scotch pensni#, when lying ill, by bringing to his cottage every nigiit n rulibit which site liad killed, occasionally varying her tribute with a liird instead. Horn Pedro and Victor Hugo. The following is a new anecdote about the emperor of; Me recently paid a visit to Victor Hugo, in France. After a long inter view, in which the two celebrities con versed njion divers topics, the emperor asked permission of tin p >et to repeat his visit, requesting hint to lix a day. " I reei txe mv fiii-nd* every day," said Hugo, jioliteiv, "and we have dinner nt eight o'clock. After the lapse of some days, one evening at about half-past seven o'clock the door bell of the poet's house was rung, and a gentleman in dress cost ninl white cravat presented himself. " Whom shall 1 announce f" said the servant. '• Dam l'edm de Hraganza," replied the visitor. As yet there was nobodv in the parlor. The host was informed of the arrival. " 1 have (Time to dine with you," said the emperor, in democratic style. Soon the guests sat down to table. The repast* was charming. IYotn l'edro gave some very curious traveling impres sions. Victor Hugo, for his part, spoke with tlint simplicity so full of warmth of which those who have not the honor of being intimate with him have 110 idea. When the emperor tisik leave of his host it was rather late the latter said to hint, smiling with his line and arch smile: "Hire, I mill.l not possibly tell you how hn|i|iv I am that we hare no sovereigns 11k> yon in Kurope." "Ami why said I)n* Pedro. "Be cause," replied Victor Hugo, " laitli my self and my friends wouhl he very much puzzled to find anything had to say of theni." Ibun Pedro burnt out laughing, nml took leave of bin friend liko n good miturcd and sensible man. WHAT IT COSTS TO MAINTAIN Soi.mrns, - Apropos of the political complications in Europe, it may be of interest to know the cost of the maintenance of soldiers in each of the great countries on the other side of the ocean. It is snid that England upends for each of her soldiers SSOO per annum ; Russia, $240 ; France, $234.40; Belgium, S2OO 40 ; German*, $lO6 ; Turker, sl4 40; Italy, 81814rt : Denmark, $17(1 ; Hpain, $165 ; and Austrie, $144. A'otto for a haunted house-"I'll msks a ghost of blm that )et me. '—(Hamlet. Nl MMAKY OK NKWM. lis ill ss I Inlrrrsl low IIWIMS And tfcrnwd. A s|H*-lat elcH'tluu for Arvetitec ii tm uiU is of (lis legislature from t'liarlash'ii iHiuuty. Smith t'Aiotlua, was tieid tin- wtiulf tMumi-ratlt In kit of fourteen white ami Ihrtwr i*oto|awt miuit luies was elected, tlie Keptildlcan* d* lining to run any llcki t The right oared la>*l race between cirw* fioiu llaivahl aud foluiuhl* I'oUeue* on tin Ciiiiireotteut river at S|>rlii|- tiotd, Mass , n suite it tu a victory for llaivard John M langatuii has liewui tendered the mlaaluu to 11 as ti Onm-tal Sit ant and hi* wife- visited (Jmrii Nlcloitaat Wimtsor At* ordlug b> a copy of tin py c< rtitl. ales f..r tlie coining Forty nftli t'ougtooa, t**ly will have a Ileiuutfatle' majotlty of sirlee-n, Willi se ven lIK UIU ls 4o heal fl 11l tlnlll (••>*. Ilorstieluii-t, of N> w t *f k, puhltahoa A letter stall.'g that it is within bis |rseaiai ktlf'W leelf-r Mr 1 llilell WA# Hot lu fa- rof tlie Fled .at i ..tilss|.*ll MllllAlii . 1 liorrisoit was euterUinifd *t a baUi|Uct lu hsi don A loee ling In aid of thee ~uf fercrs l>y tlie tile 111 HI John was beld in New York, and waa addria*i*t by Henry Matd IWMx'lirr and otbrra The I'realdi-lit and bis catdnet were re celt "t lu Itostou ty liov. lil-'e and tbr military aulludllies 1 lie review "f the I/nop# t v tbt I'o Bideut was fuiitiwctel hy a rwosptlon at Kanriilt Hall \\ tide a ilrt was layiuig in a storshouar and bakery of smg Slug prison, c hailra J. Milliaiu stMl, one ef (he convicts, a notorious f rger, suet aeded in utakmg his i s. a|*- The lie pul'llcau Slate tx.nsellU'li ef lew a met at t'es Monies and nomluatitt J.,hu II li.-ar, of llur lingtou, for gevernei anil Frank J t'ainpts-li for In titanai I governor. Ut solutions were atto| from Harvard ( olh-gr, and Was present at the mm meuettut-hl eieryA** a The Pr-ulential pxrtv atteudeil adlutirt at Mt haii and spoecbea wen made by the President and others. ]u thr evening a han-pitt was tt ndrred tu tlie President by the municipality . f Ihwtort lilt Ituk* ait rl Ot'llatlllg tlic-ir p.Mti.l.. ill tjir 1 Hibrutlaflia, aiitt Uir P"--lan- liavo tie* tip* ti 1-4); Itaiik* ul tin I'Ai.ubt front Tulukt to Hlraova All liit juryUirn fitting on a IM iu a New A. Ik is'iirt wt-it OneJ l>y tin Ju!l out It. pa* a ticavy I r pttbUahmg a woik t-allrd "ltie Fruits tf 1 iulosopliy. i lit- etirnt-r sloue of a largt -1 (..atxij i. . aU.tvlisi a ttu-uii riot of the laU Airiaoltr T. Stewart via* lout lu Garden City, 1 A titg Island, 111 tbr |s. -ti. t of a large asaMii b.Oft and wllii lu.jstsuig cvraaHßloa Ita* rdlO.-f is t ig tiiti Au i.l I, I*7*. and la i ,r- st nearly tl.t vM Flag* wer* dying aU over St !'<-(< r-l.urg and tbc re was great re- It ~-uig raux-tl by tbr suoceasjul passage of Uir llUf-ian am * a. : u thr I'anul v B litis a 1 arty . f Sunday at eicur*. nift* . re -u i- aid a siua.l i.teamrr cm SU*id Hayi and L;* p'lty jut a day In Pruidri*e*, It. 1., and vicimty, ai d w.rc atlrrUuiel I * tbr g trrtn-f ai;d htatr oftnalw. 1 pb Ib'lloivd, a :n led gatullrr of (TiM-liinatt, was aoutriiotsl I Ibirtarn n.-.ntbs imprixuv mc:it f r pr.- iirtiig ilb-gal .•!*. dunug tl,* ti tier rir.t. niu Gblo Fatri a I ai.cti a merbaiU.- i f W at< ri tiry, (Tim., ijuanelod with bl* and slru s brr I'.ti t slu'k of w .-l , d.-atii Alary. UUUiter f Nrw York rust.iu b- nor ruijiloywea wrrr dl uuasrst Juur Stltli, ut utdirnee to tbr suggra t; -u i f tl.r !-.-< ut iiivi vligatiug .v.tnn.itbr and tb* rrjut of lbs 1 'lr-.-lrnl lloutx u t'oiius, a farmrr. was killed by a:• 'art knife m ll.t bands of /rtuUn I*, (e.niarw, a inwrrbaiit **Tuty vrats <>f age during a *Ut*4 aitor. atioa in MrGaJ.rysvillr, \a l'rvaijwait Hayr* aitrudrd a a. bo ! .bil-lretl * rxuierrt at l*r> i dv lier. Inaifr a sb. rt l*lt to Nrwpnrt. and thm.x itartrd fur W a>bingto:i Gmrrol W. II Ham. baa l.-n ai>)H military altw-br to thr Ctuted Stat* - irgati- i at Vxvama. Ua(o on the New York t eutral railroad hare Iweii reduced u-u |-r eel I A com pany for th purpose of c uriru.-tiug a new railroad haa l~s-n organized In New Jirney. In Uw matter f the Aimri an wbunwr J.den lurp.i.. fir w;. -m- illegaldet< ntionUi a N|oik p.rt Secretary I > rt (buuandad Staple satisfac tion on lb |rt of the Tinted Slate*, the Spanish gci em i - tit t.a* gtvru a**uraucr tlial it will make all honorable amend* for the Minus and will pare n> < ff. rt to )re vent a rv-p*4it>ii of similar outrage* to the future. I sn.i.' O'lswry. tin champion jw-derinan, •tartesi to walk .S3 ll unle* within six day* in New York Heavy atonu* of auul and rain prevaiUd in different Miction* of the country, demur a groat deal of damage to building* and crop*. A hotel ** tiuck by lightning in Pennsylvania and a church in Maine, and man* holier* were I 'own down and families renderisl hotni>k>i brand* in the Amtncan Popular lafa insurance company of New York bate lawn disc-icred by the receiver Tirnlile flghtiug raged a! oig* the Pannl*- afti r tt had best) croaned by the ltu**ian*. and the |MI of Niootaiha aa* reduced to a*be* by the Htliuutll bombardment A den of thu leaon Stanton •Inet. Ni w York, "a* Irokn up by the ] lice and eight men and one woman were arreeted and a large ninuUr of t< It n article* and burgla;a'tools wet.- found The total popular •ul fc-nptnti to tin new four |*rr*tit Van op to July 1 wa* t" ICS.4UI Tlie eight-oared fonr-dille rare let * an err w from liar i anl ni l Yale l ollegca. rowed on the Connecticut nver at Springfield. Ma**., wa* won by Harvard tu twuiti four minute* and thirty-wx aoond. beating Yale by tw<> length* Annie (irahim a four-year-old girl living m Hartford. C-oun., wa* bitten in the clowk by a dog >* week* ago. V few week* after *he wa* taken down with tin* uxial hydrophobic symptom* and after much >uff< ring dnsl in great agony Tlie insur gi nt- in Ja|ian have leni (h*]wr-t-l T*o nieu and a team of bor*e* were killed by light ning whih standing under a Irec near \"iuig town. Ohio Marcu* Roden. a well-known ilri of faat horwa*. fw!l through two t* tie* of Uu hotel at which he wa# -topping tu Naw York and wa* kilhsl. Ap|icaranis-v. When a man lieffin* to go down hill, lie is apt to la-tray the fact by his exte rior appearance; he wears a long face, allows his clothes to llioy; the syni pathy and ns-i*tanoo of friends is uot gannsl by wearing a dirty shirt; and un less a man acts as thongh he had confi dence ui himself, he must not exjsct to inspire it m ethers. And so with the external appearance of everything. Neat ness of appearance docs not end with a man's credit, but often enhances the value of articles which he may have b r sale. This is especially true upon the farm, and we will venture to say that a farmer who attends to the exterior of things itt general, such as clean stables and animals, clean yards and buildings, and fences in g>*sl repair, will obtain five to ten per cent, more for the pro duct* of his farm than one who neglects sin h simple matters. If any one doubts the effect of external nppeariuiee upon values 111 market or elsewhere, let him try sending butter to market m an old wcather-hcatm lirkitt, no matter how good the butter or clean the vessel may lie inside. If this does not satisfy, try some stained and dirty eggs, or half jiluekisl poultry. Producing n gi**l ar ticle is one thing, but selling it to advan tage is quite alb titer, and the goo 1 sales man generally makes the inost money of the two. The importance of a fair cxtc riot ran hnrdlv he oven st.iinnt"d. This principle ih potent in any branch of trade, and in every grade of society; therefore, it is too important to be over looked or passed unheeded. * The Pyramids. The immense atones naed in the erec tion of the Pyramids of Egypt were ob tained from the quarries in the Arabian hills, and were carried to the river over a bridge of boats. They were then brought by means of u causeway, which of itself took ten yearn to construct, mid which is said to have been a tine work, with its jsilished atones and figures of Animals engraved upon them. One hundred thousand men were employed at a time, ami these were relieved by the same number at the end of three months. A long time was spent in the leveling of the rook on whieli the edifice stands, and twenty years for the erection of the edi flee itself. The stones were raised step 1 by step by means of a machine made of abort pieces of wood, and, last of all, Oommeuoing from the ton, the stones were cctnentcd together by layers of cement not thicker than a strip of paper, the strength of which ia proved by the i ago of these enormous memorials. i All KirhrniKr of Itltc*. Homo < Huston bury parties recently captured a couple of raltlo"iiake a large "I"' ni'l a *iiiill mi* and 1 rmight tlieiu in • l>* to town tu exhibit. Tim larger "•link" wua about three feet long iiinl right or ten your* old. Wbil# * number of people were looking *t tin l ri'|ililm, u iniui inuiinl (1 rover, it IniU'ln-r, catuo along. *ml. announcing Unit thin kind of cattle duiii't scare him u hit, hi* t-Mik tlin lug snake ollt of the Inn. Holding it around tin* neck In* per formed it number of fearless trick* with it, uinl *t length actually put it* head into hi* mouth several lime*. Thru, getting holder, lie aiiljouuixxl that in stead of tin* snake hitting him he'd blti* tin- •uuki', uinl In mode n puss b>wsrd it with Inn bead mnl planted his teeth on tin* snake's throat. I tut in doing it he brushed Inn rhcek close by Uic* creature's month, ami in an iiiHtant, like it lhtnli, it drove It* fangs into htn cheek. The blotni spurted out !U a needle like nttealii and the fun wua ov r. | The b|ierUtor* t ou< (it by good luck lieilig at hand I produced nil übiiudslu e of gin and stuffed the man full of it. !>r. Ht creature*, remcmlvering that they are also poxkcewed of imm*'rtal soul*, and what we render unto them here will Im* most gloriously compensa ted for when He ahall make up his jewels hereafter. Ani"tig the panaeugerw of Uie Canard steamer Ethiopia waa Mia* Clara E. Stutani in, the giftrxl contralto of New York, who i* to become the pupil of an eminent foreign master. She haa host* of friend* who predict for her rnre gcutua a career brilliant as it will In* useful. Of course you arc going to Long Hranch ihi ring the lull wamii. Ice land'* Ocean Hotel is the liewt, nud the prices reasonable. "The -rr Wliwr**." " Tl.a rum teenlii eeuUiry u tin age of novel*, rvvnaik* a literary hi*toriaii~he might have added with eijual truth. "anJ novel im p'Htion*. Sttidnsl jivhlene*a l.i let# | aaUow that yuu would deny her claim* to the < aaraMtntype if her feature* did not e.. f im to ,t. narcha*:ng her f.r*t bottle of the lioldi u Medical lUacovwry. The ( tie dollar t* paid in the vert identical manner ui which Mr. Taylor might he expected to purchase a lottery" ticket after hi* < vjierirnce with "Nn. I t.lkt.' with thi* ditfiTence. hi* doubt would lie the ri *ult of pt i >ual exjwri eacr, while her vould tw- f.ittiebd Wi what a certain practitioner v wls. ha* bc< li a whole year trying to c-'ms~! her tefrachiry liver 1 baa aaid ciMwsTtnrg it. At li'ime. *be examine* tlie luttle half mapiciottaly, tt- of it* onntelita carefully, take* the | rewerilssi J.— more care fully, aud then proceed* to watch the rewult with a* much atixiety a* a praci-.ti"iier wsmUi count the pttln-e-lwat* of a dying matt. She taki another JIM and another, and -how* the bo!t!c to In r frteoda telling them *lie "foel* Iwtter. Her *kin loae* it* Initial* tint, her eye* regain their lustar. ln-r aoruMimied mergy rvturna, and tlie fact that he purr haw another t*>ttle i a *ure wltnes* that lie liaa fnu' d tin (iolden Medical IHaevfij to I* a rehal le remedy for tin ili-ca*e indicated. Ihe tally resolvea that Ul future her estimate of any medicine will !w- !>*>e ! npon a pi-r*i>n*l knowledge of its elcdg and ant ujswi wl at some | ractitiouer iwho aimaya rnakis long l iils rhyme with jull* may say of it. IV. Tierce is in receipt of letter* from hundreds of the large*t wtielcwaie and retail druggists in the I'nit il States stating Uiat at the pn sent time tin re i* a greater demand for the (bidden Mistical I linesnery and Turgative PrlMa than ever l-efore. In atfocti m of the liver and bloodJhey are uu-urpassisl. , 1 llrSlriiir of Mimy I *c. A medicine which rvnnsln* dvjwj*-i*, !mr complaint, ooii-tumtion, ilrlalih, lutoiniitti nt and mmltenl fever*, nritiarvr and ntrrtoe troubles depuraie* the hlissl, ceuuU ract* a tenituncjr to rhrumati-ui and gimt. and relieve* uervoUHtM'**, niav Is' truly **id ti have many use*. Such an article i Hmdetler'* ihtter*. one of the most rxiiahle alterative* of a Jta ordrrlv to a well ordered *tatr of the #v*tem evi r |m pared or sold, it lia* been ever a •inarter of a century tf fere the public, t* in doriMsl by mull euuisut profe**oc* of the healing art. and it# merits have rwc ired re |>eali*l reeogaition* in the column* of h-ading A men.-an and foreign journal*. It i* highly 1 deemed in eviy pari of thi#oountry, audi* ■ vli naively u*eil in Suith Ann nca. M< xico, tlie llriti-h pt>#ae*i'ina and the AVc*t ludie*. If it# iniinkftr., I'ft., I)w. 24, W74. Mvaara. Hr-ili \V Fi.vl- A Hon. Ik pat'>ll (Jrttttrfum Haiing rwotiint drcnlwl Iwn*- fit fripfii tin- r of IV,uVI 111 Hyrup for dynpap -1 alft and ,-i up-ii liability of til*' aialenj I rn raomnmcnd It Imartily In all I'ufi u living ft vary rfTavtna-Mnl pleaaant |>rr|.a,attla,„n Ijvr utp.4 mii ; I'laawl U a* nbvali. . ' 0* * Mb I an, I * tftb 01 C•lluti Mi villi * I'A4 lib riciU, V n!f,l 11'poit tw CtiuiM ,1 00 I* 910 Mau 'l,d to t'UoiP • ... 419 *I II Wbaat ■ K.l WaaUrs I JO 0 1 ',9 No. Mdwaukra 1 at * I n n, Hum M • a Uar.r, Mtato • <4 t.S bvrU, Malt... I M *l-0 i lata - M AMI Wrali ro II 4 10 Coro Misad Wat ara M 0 fta Ha,. |MI RVT TO M ,0 rav, per rat M 00 10 Hop. ?0a < 0014 10 a 00 lo Cora Mara It M 11 Oi Lard—l'lty Hteaii. Il v 4 IIV trial. -Ma. Ariel. Kb. 1. r.V . It UP 00 09 " Ko. I, new oan ot oto l>ry find, taw r1 0 . I . 0t 0 01b Horriiir, lo at ad, |rr boa. Id * la PMruivuu. Crude 901|**dt| Hattuad....llb f A I Australian *• iJ <* U Bettor—MtSta -.0 0 J I WuaUru—l'lmlta .... It * )( Wantons -Ituod to Prima . 10 00 If ■otam-Mrtlia II 0 10 Okura ata'a Factory (pt|| 0 X Bla'l (Ifclmihad U 0 It * cntrrti 0a 00 10 20a Hint* and l-runn] i i aula 10 u| lf>,b tnttta. flour 1 00 00 0 1 0 O'I.Vl KIP I Ml! vauftoa....... ) 01 10 | TU Oorti—Mlinl 0 but 0S Data Ktd tb tj* it i 9 - Bar.r, , 0i iB baric; Molt. I 00 0 t M raj tan air uu. Barf Catlla—Kltr* 90V* Hliorf t* 00 97 B>a tPlnaar.l URblB 9b flour l-rp.tprj Ifti.ia Kiln 109 IB 090 WLrat Kal Westoru I M * I Up By B) * VI) Ourt IVU ce 0 . | Mland <1 KB 00 OaU bind. 01 4 40 Fitro'ouij. Oruda 10 a All Ranrml IJb 800 l —Colorado St t9 ti Traaa a * m 1 California .$ 0 90 mmrom. BarfOatUa UV4 CBJO Nbnrf.. U but >* a H'Wa 90 00 9* r our -tA raootaun aid Minnesota 0 *9 90 Ooro—Ml lad . .. o>b* '* • Into- ** 0. ,B 0 \oi—Otii'i aid l-am nay Irani. XX 0u *4 uv California Fall. 1* IB SI aaiußToK ma* Hvf Oaltir 90\o0 1b Hburl 0 IB <* Laii" II n M Moa-0 91 bbl 90 >ntaro*, ui Ikvrf flattii—COOJ to Ck0t0r...... f 10 00 t 09 "-t 0 It 00 ■ OJ Kaiblv t 00 810 9u THOOSiKD ISLAM HOUSE. uivrr vat. Uwraoer. Alrmaaitrla Bay. V. V. Nov Hr Aeoi'iinvodalaa It HI I for I a Uftßlvd alib car Hat Karat aad Crlarrk < uivd fpiawiAm bHvM . ft. Th Borkahire Hills Sand Spring*. il GHETLOCK HILL 11*** 1 UIIXItbaTOMN, MA MM. Tip i. baa aural aad |**i>uUr Kumraof rvaort arui w *IA I w ~4 l*aa aad bvtia u> aavry na* Nov aad rut mv aro •mßnadaUaaa for ariraia lirarw Huivprui baunnr Vrad t> circular . M. HIVVK, rraottrlar. VIOLIN STRINGS: Havana Italian Vniio Nnara. alas for BaajoarCut tai 141P.1 ill varl ..r Btadaa Baal l>; map! ov riur,;pt p,( t.rtcr tWo-rr ' Haad uaid tor aal •Mttr J. V AI.Nt.l l(. In o( Mmvoai laMra lavatr aad Atrinc. ItHi t ktirvbrra Mt.. >rva ark. I NATUKE'j RLMEDV^V VEQETINhB GOOD FOR THE CHILJ>&EK. Boaroa Hove. It Tyivr Dim . Koatoa. A*rd. WSO. i It H Sttvni Pw lb a. Irrl tipal tlka chiidrvn la oar Haaar haw b-M. craaU, boaoftiMS l„ Uv VBi.KTINK y law au hind I,i a-iwr aa frwa I taw lo traoo. oa|wr>ai!r theua iroublad oiup Uw With matt. Marjt WORMVuI. Matnui Tratrt lar la Mvltt ko All Ibrvßatoia. 111 IVr*no In Ttrllrnlr tlmlili who *d a lklkl :*r . f.WTw lUf. Ht f*tr ir <* ant) M dK r " B1* d Utbr TaKRaVT'* I 1 fbjri TFEIt HTT. nn-1 for th * mtkm rt riawn nil aoM frrktn !h t9r* i:w Providence Line TO BOSTON, Via FKOVIDEJICK DIRECT. A YTIIOI.K kIGHT*v It KMT. OM.V ( J MIMMi OF II til.. TIMK HO MIM TKM. THE XKW MAUSItIi KNT STEAMER M AMMAOIIUBOttB. <•' Tkr Halarr vtramrr of Ibr World.") AMI THE HDRIJI KKVtWMCII STEAMER IHiocio lalnuci. (" Tlir Qarra of lbr *oa4.**) W ill on and X R. f.wd f VTarran M'bH al 6 I*. *l.,amt&c at l*rntldrnrr nt <| A. *l. an lloainn 7 A. Nt ialtwrmndiala inndinda Iwlwwe N#* 1 <*r|: and Plaii dentM J THE GOOD OLD STANDBY. Mexican Mustang Liniment. , FOR MAN AND BEAST. FtAffT.iaHim 33 Yaknit A'vt enraa A!ar aad j Alajr handy lias Brvsr fat tod fltrt nWivMi' Arw rm-f ft Th abok arnrid apfirovna Lh* ck>m>ua old MuatAiic tV IWt and ('hnapnat Ltctynnttf ' t siiiiimo* 3f3 a brHLto Tb Muttani Ltmawaf com *9 br*n aotbinc alaa anil. BY ALL MFDICINK VKXBKRS Ui txxe r* NITED STATEiJ LIFE! INSURANCE COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 261, 262, 263 Broadway. ♦ ■ OREAAIIKB 1818 -*. ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AWV APPROVED CLAIMS MATURING IN 1877 hill BE BISCOUHTED O.V PRESENTATION. JAMBS BUELL. . ■ PRESIDENT. THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. 1877. THK Srv nontinuM to t>n thn atmnuoua advocatn of rrftmn -nd r*tnnchmnnt. and of the substitution of wiaiimi. and intscritj for hollow pro trnrw. mi< vcilitJ, and fraud in too administration of public affairs. It contends for tho ffovarnramt of the poopto by tla |M*pto and for thr pspk, as opposed to (oveniment by frauds in th* ballot Un and in tho oount m* of Yles. tmfrcod by tnilit-ary violence It aodearon ti supply it* readers a body now not far from a million ■f at.uV with the most careful, complete, and trwat- | e>rthjf account* of current event*, and employs for this (Hir|Me a numerous and carefully selected staff f rw- ; ptrtern and twre*iondents It* repnrta from Washing ton. especially, are full, accurate, and fear leas . and it d<>ubtlev cont nuea to deserve and enjov the hatred of ! ! thoae who thrive br pi under in* the iTtiaaury or by ti*ur|Mna what tha law doea not nive them, while it endesvttrs to merit the cantidenoe of the public by de fer, din* the tijrhts of the people against the encroach j leentsof unjuatiHed pw*r j *lh* price of the DAILY Srs is 55 cents a month, or j a year, post paid . or. with the Sunday edition I , 97.?1 a y*ar. The Sundsy edition alone, ei*htppee, 9'*2o a i year, post-paid THK WttlLl 80*, ai*ht pares of M broad oulumna, i is furnished at 9 I a >aar, poet paid. SPBCXAL NOTICE.-In order to introduce TEE Bm more widely to tbe publie, we will seed THE WEEKLY ediHen ft* the remainder *f th* yrif, to Jae t| lata, poet-paid, for Half a Dollar. Trj it, I Addrtft, THK rN, W. T. City# I S4O wMSM-„vrri mdSLTn&ms: sl2 ttSWA $5 to 120 K. 166 tTTi j jfrrTou i<"* % 155 2 $77 REVOLVF.Rad7^,V2Sh&tMr WAMTr n Tywlin* IMI Mhiii 000 a vwalh SFO I CU ~9 || ..MM mm MvFrBBHu- AMmtl V." 'V> twy #vb. Jf 0911 ft A M**lk. *JWU vmui BB Uv aalk }3SU vh m v.x^rSur *a eaae h, rr ir , JL alls § HIT Ulhfllrl. hKR.I-iva (r. IP tlVtl m A.Mr. >• r. M. t.Ckumf . S9ROO &' s faVVU atmm J rHO • ImR • iJW tllTiniHUK * vllrßV OilkMßta*MiM* p rr 10>|.|4' All Hiiwuv vwntu o;|,o| . kI.VI. II M...11-I A M . K.wt UMthIIVLH |;IM TIIII lit I T. A IKW. ( HRAr, rB* I i rt" ft I (.rvmaicrv (Mvllly haw) for *u w.v.ill .. !<■ II KAKK HIIIO tlr-vßvhf. Bv yvfi. A| 011 AT* I krv rtl I lirMM li lk Wrl0. •i.t m $ tor f A toU .Iff Eaeaae Ik . flew YefE. REVOLVER Free £ A .14 . J H-.VU lIIv.WIU Vt—A M . P.iubw(>h PENSIONS ES33.SS2VSS2. tlit .•■iufoa v i mi ui. • W A N 1 tl' M.|.U.I. hilwv • I MM, * I*ar WW n I I *u4 lU ITVVvIIM* IIIVMI |UIL A44rvw iiK 10—*l*t Cla., 80. Iwk, Mv. ABIIIII " t,,,T < < Hill A I OPIUM mtof PR f I MlkllH. uwft. MMB. EHoHOMSSSmSS* 88 nifw mmn.i it., v.., IT wji M ! r CHROMO FREE* I Hub papa* f"V 3 SMSiIU if fi*n Will apvwe U dtftnbwU BM* MWW bisak* Iruimm f 3 eta ,to suisi poe I OKV UMATOL Kmne* aalllMTa. -uatyaav aaalMt Tka Bwft k an'. Taueal Pifllf audv Daw Muna i ml be immbwd a* ■•#< e* Tuirsainp a If imllisnhtsf Ti.e n bant, wa tor |?4lO. • rem en Khin msde t msesere, awry tod eU let Aa etoa* d of pen itiis 1 ' 'nltor and (toett Uetuet ytfeti wiU. att Mil dee Keap*a Bhhkk Kerp't Jtbtrt* are A* )sed fUKE on swceipl e# pnm In any pan ll mi i sneieim—l Jtotil htm to an) edcimea Ko MUMBp leisured ftoud daJwcUy with tbe Mjanufeetniwr af pel Erdtam tom* fls . I ltd MfSW IK. IT HEADACHE. nil. I. Bk>'uaN** ( KI.KIV aatrniJl. II 1111 ril.l.u arr .rryirl riprr—lv la rarr u|l H 111 I Hi, II K, M MUM v Hl'ill. M IIR. llVaf'inK HI IHAIHK SKf- M 1 Mil i, M HUM uI.EEFIJJM*- M>*. aad will ran aa. rvw. OBn, 190 H. kaiav Ui., Hvlllaaar., MB. t'rtrr Mk, |iaMa|r frr*. Wild h> all 4ral-l' aad nm. ir, Marat. IIKKkKIM K—lUvarl Bvak. Stallliuvrr, Hi. SI.OO SIJOO Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. TKr rkalwal Haaariall orauwaia. JViw Oaw /knar rarfc. Aral for MMlayM. JAMES IL OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON. MASI. SI.OO $ljQO 100,000 Facts for the People! F> uw Kirvwc tha Hmvlul. liw Hwvaaa Ika Modnavv. Uv ftiiirj avfa. Uw lU-lvy. ika LvU.rvr.lkv FrvM raw Uw (nrlaair.ikv IftrW.tM Da rj mu. Uiv H. .w.<-14 1-* ran, laan'l aba vial, to wwaoaar Tkr Hawk, af Ika liMk I avian. fMT FOU AfIKKTK. Mil. ua4 Fnotoiv l|Mi maiM uaw 1 oiao U' vii ■ (* vatrm ivrava INirl'. AM. ftMiiH 0 BLACK. TBI WiiavtßbuH ftoiln 0■ lakh.Fa -Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! —Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! -Maize Flour Toilet Soap!— 0 KTVII lawvi!—a uw ... mrpr*mi ' Ii v.abtoL Aav. atul vftftooa it. Aia. k*a vnaii iol iwiuaa aa* >upnri< vvatavaa toiftwrbw. an< i> w,n. t >< jivd for aka UU. liuraan aaav fivfal UM II a* .1. kaUvUy fan fta ay a I and a>44 .mf.hMa ala viator. 1- jcaa Kaflw torvd tv Hitwt (JOUi. \"'A. bt Ikv fbavalva-, vraorv. M. KK'KF. VAK IIAAiiEK A (X>. l*k..a4vl*Ua. 11l VIHO VERITAS. Alto nua |wra aibaraaar aav ban tlvavaevd to 0* aarwi pant j twvdvr. Urn. inralvvliH. fta vrdtrra! and aa. vrnitvl pnrpcwvr A Inal U bolt vopanniu ivr ad.Haaralad I ara art a' uulaa W M m m I > rra ■ kf rav v idj a M M aMkvr ava v.t (ha, a, .mwk MM xav. awl ta four i'*v I'raV Via Bawd bid tw at., n ira bran, oarar ntit Varg ran K'.ra ,a ur vt>.dv (aav la Uav v.wL, or oak ywr atiara W. kavv avvrVa w*v ara wiAina ow *7(l poa da] vl Uav 1-iiail.ira. AU vrkv vairiarv nt aaaoa CB mn.j lii A, tkv prvwal iiavv naao, rub.' tw atudw ra vml, naW rap.4l] at aVf rthwt l-.r.bM* tl ivwta lo Lay Ihv t lauan. Tana* and *0 llnl IS I lira Addama nl .aara. 11. IIALI.KTT A ( tl_ I'vrl loyal. Ma.lag. Tlw nil wtra Oraalor hat irawM Uan M.Uhgr'a aiitk or haa Inhv and ll* nf-IK ami l(l.a< Kt .'• toad • faaild tw rwa onr tkv ftrw lav mraatba Hat it tbv k'd.w*'> tvtlk dava a.d aat .a(j a aad aaorarlak lla child, or a haw |, hat to tw (arraokl op bf hand, (lava M BI - ,v' Mil a raortALT !vj lUmvl It waM, cratiAod that It I III.K'h MI,III a rav af ha brat prvparnlrim In tha world Th.ouanda ot childrra ara daiir fvd SS at lowvt prli-es and best u-nna. Flrntyof Ooy't land. FREE for Homeoteada. For oopy of " KA Ml Aft PACI Fit HOHE. MT FAD,'* sddrcra. Land Coin mtuuuwr, X. Rv.i SnUna, Kanaur. 1 N >'~ T. V*. T. ~ WjKJj'^Tsa'^-irKuastt j Br;la tntn oapar.