The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 28, 1877, Image 4

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Ilow Tlifv I <>d to Knn Ihc lUinri TwrMy
The first R -man journal, published
over 2,<>00 years ago, npp- an-.! only once
a year. This paper. intended to lv read
by tlw public, wiw known by the title
Annate# Marim*. The editor of this
paper was the "Pontifex MnxhniiK,"
whose duty it was to chronicle nil the
important event* of the year. The news
was written on white wooden tablets and
attached to the residence of citizens. It
must have been a curious sight to see
the ohl It miatis ivowdiug around those
tablets to get n glance at the latent news.
But the thirst after knowledge and the
curiosity of the people grew rapidly and
in sueli a measure that the government,
the only issuer of n jiwmial, found itself
obliged to issue a daily. It is interesting
to know thai some of tit CM journals,
having reached the age of 2.W1 years,
are still in existence. The name of the
first daily journal was ,teVi /V pu'i
Ramani PHurnL It apiwuvred daily,
either as *' Album,'* i. c.. the tablet hung
out in public, or tiie content* were wrd
ten with rod chalk on the walls of
the hous The contents of the journal
eoniprtsed what would Ivc osacd as daily
news in our modern papers. Doubtless
it would interest some of our readers to
peruse a verbal translation from the old
est journal extant.issued 108 years before
the birth of Christ; "Consul Sieutius
was the acting judge tiv-dav. There was
a heavy thunder storm,ami the lightning
split an oak at the f>su of the lulls of
Yeli. In a hostelry at the fo>t >f the Hill
of Janus there was a fight in which the
landlord was b idly w uudtxl. Sieiuius
punished some butchers on account of
tlieir selling meat which had not been
inspected. flie tuouev tin# |aid was
used to erect a ohsjs ! to the tbyldoss
Leverea. Ihe broker Ausidins fled from
towu tivdity. taking mouey with lumKw
longing to other people. tie was caught
and had to refund the money. The brig
and Deiuiplion, who WHS raptnml by
Officer Nerva, I:as been crucified t.v-dsy."
It must IH of interest to journalists to
know that Julius C;, the greatest ot
all R 'mails, paid special attenti. >:i to
journalism. He saw the necessity of
struetiug the people in everything isvur
ring iu the State, and we find this quota
tion iu Suetonius: "Julius t\-ear. as
soon as he had entered his public office,
caused not only to be written but also
spread aim ng the people, proceedings of
the Senate." This was the tirst political
paix-r, aud, as it contained news about
buildings, births, deaths, executions and
anecdotes, it can be likened very much
to our modern papers. It seems incredi
ble, but it can be proved, already in the
olden times there were stenographers
who took dowu the speeches made in the
Senate or iu public. They were called
** notani," and we find a place in Sins
t.mius where Augustus is angry because
the stenographers reported the speech of
Caesar for Mettnflns iu a very imjierfeet
Head Far From His llotuc.
A Washington paper of a late issue
says; "A young Japanese student
named lehiku Kauroku died m George
town yestenlav morning. He came to
tliis country :n March, 18Tt>, with his
uncle, General Saiga, the chief commis
sioner from Japan to the Centennial Ex
hibition. Intending to enter tlie Naval
Academy at Annapolis, he was placed in
a preparatory schiH 1 at East Hampton,
Mass., when he remained until Nove-j
--bor last, when, on account of inquired
health, he came to Washington to recruit
his strength- He resided with the Japa
nese minister, Mr. Yoshida, who t.-ok
the most lemur car*' i f him, and had
some difficulty in preventing the am
bitions youth from overtaxing his physi
cal energies by study. About two months
ago it w.i- thought that his removal to
Georgetown would be beneficial, and the
Rev. Dr. I*. H. Sweet and wife were in
duced to take him in their quiet family.
Shortly afterward his condition l>e
eame alarming, and the lcst physicians
were called in, when it was found that
he hod the consumption,and at the age of
twentv-oneyearafhr aliove stated,
Mr. Yoshida and several Jupantee friends
having been present at the closing scene.
He was a young man of the purest and
most refined character, and its a student
of mathematics he stood in the front
rank. Dr. Kwe-t says that he had never
known liis equal iu that jiarticnlar. He
died without any suffering and iu perfect
peace, retaining his reason to the last
. moment, and his last words were:
"Beautiful tree—my mother Not even
in death could he forgwt hi> filial piety.
That mother, when she hoars tlie sad
news iu her far-off home will find cons-v
lution in the thought that her boy was
happy in his (leant, and that tlie atteu
tkms he received from Mrs. Sweet dur
ing his protracted illness were all that a
mother could desire. His remains will
be buried in Oak Hill cemetery."
The Opening Scene of the Bar.
Tlie review of the Russian troops at
Kischeneff on April 24 lasted nearly an
hour and was over at half-past eleven.
When the music ceased the soldiers took
off their caps and the great throng of
spectators on the hillside stood with
heads uncovered while the bishop of
Kischeneff recited a grand military mass.
A murmur ran throughout the crowd;
there was a dead silence for an instant;
then a clear, strong voice broke the still
ness ; the bishop was reading the im
perial manifesto ; war with the Turk was
lieing declared. Before tlie bishop had
finished reading the manifesto sobs were
heard, aud people who were looking
about saw that the czar was weeping like
a child ; and when they perceived how
much he was affected by it, there wua
not a dry eye within the range of the
render's voice. Then there went up a
wild and universal shout—a shout of ex
ultation, of triumph and of relief as
though a great weight of suspense were
lifted from the heart of the multitude.
It spread through tlie army, and was
taken up by the crowd outside and re
pea'ed over and over again until the verv
sky was full of it. Tlie soldiers turned
their caps high in the air and caught
them on their bayonets and twirl-si them
roumljand round shouting arid yelling as
though they would burst their throat*.
When silence was rest- -red the bishop
addressed the army, the order of the
Grand Duke Nicholas was read to every
battalion, squadron and battery, anil
without a moment's pause a- portion of
the army set out for the frontier, while
the rest made rapid preparations for the
march. This was the oj>eniug scene of
the war, as described by a correspondent
of the London Xtws.
FKltinr Shadows.
While half a dozen persons were roll
ing along in a Michigan avenue car
yesterday a man leaned across the aisle
and said to another :
" Excuse me, but didn't a big bug
crawl down behind your collar ?"
Ooh ! Ouch !" exclaimed the other, as
he leaped up and hauled off his oat.
He looked the garment all over, but
there was no bug to be seen.
"Perhaps it. crawled down under
yonr vest," suggested the man.
Off came tlie vest, and it was closely
inspected without making any discover
ies. The attentive stranger made
the victim turn around two or three
times to see if the bug was not hidden
under his suspenders, and when a
thorough search had been made the
stranger eat down aud said :
"It was probably a shadow flitting
across your collar, but I felt sure it was
a bug. You can put' on your coat and
vest again."
The more the victim thought about it
the mad-ler he got, but before he put on
his coat the other man left the car and
slid down Twelfth street as if he bad
grease on his heels.— Detroit I're /V
—Three burglars got drunk in Utiea,
N. Y., before starting out to break into
a house, and in consequence their en
trance was made in a noisy and bungling
manner. A brave woman captured the
drunkest of them, and held him on a
sofa in spite of Ids struggles. A man
had a desperate fight with another, and
finally secured him. TUe third went into
the street, armed himself with paving
stones, returned to fight for the release
of kisjeomrades, and stood firmly under
fire from arevolver. He, too, was made
a prisoner.
\ TorvmdUl ( riialilnc II••• l ilac \ul Hhrllft
- Trrrthlc I .am of I.lfo ntttfl Hriruitott (
Pr|t*ri *.
The following description is given of
the storm of wind and rain which passed
over Mount C'arniel, 111 , leaving a track
of devastation and death. Over twenty
persons lost their lives, and the destine
tion of property was immense. It was a
rainy day ; farmers could work in tli
fields, and consequently the town was
full of country people. I'ho session of
the county commissioners court also
I iron ght many to town. '
Men, women and children were blown
10 a distance of 4(M fist, as if they were
feathers. I'he best part of the town is
Mnml Not kwa than wnuty fami
lies art' houseless and homeless, and
much distress is anticipated. The up
pearaiiee of tin- town cannot In- doner ilwsl.
Two converging lntea -f devastation
prove that the tornado partook largely
of the character of .1 cyclone. The first
wreck was a frame farm house, which
was blown out at the satis, letting the
rsif down ujH'ti the foundation. Thence
the wind swept over a small strip of tint
her, and was met by a counter current
of wind from the west which did no seri
ous damage, except tit fences, n its
course. These current* met on Fourth
street, Ivlow Mam stnvt, iu Mount I'.n
tue", with a forvv which is dcscrils d to
have rcceinblcil the crush of ttmlier or
the flapping of sails, and in the sj ace of
.1 few siVt-nils the air was filled with tin
debris of a hundred dwelling*, public
buildings and business hoti-i s. S-enr of
the wreck WHS carried a distaneeof a mile.
The principal fimv of the storm was
sjH'iit on the line of Fourth street, run
ning southeast to the wissls west of the
river, where tlie wind was again raised
from the earth. Half a square above
Main street, on Fourth street, the furi
ous eddying of the storm carried the
Metliisiist church steeple in tin-. pp. stt.
dirivtion, landing it iUvi f-a t away in
front of a saloon. The hell was dropped
iu the middle of a street near by.
A little ts>y w ho w a coming from S-liihl
IhJOW Mam street w is liftisl alsive the
bouses and laudeii unhurt at his house,
half a mile south. He said he
over the church steeple as it went the
other way.
The fury of the storm was sjvnt in tlie
husineas jH>rtiou of the town. Iu some
case* buildings w.-re only miroofisl, but
the demolition of otln r houses was com
plete. The TresbvU rian church is nirtsl
to the ground. The 1-- i-u prop, rt* by
storm and tire is estimated at sooo,o-H).
A Carres pendent Attacked.
Jerome I>. apecial iMrres|Hu
detit of the KM York UmxUA, wo
graphtsl the foi. -wing to that paper
trom Silt LakoCitv, Utah, umlero. te of
May 31;
Last Saturday eveuir.g, between ten
and eleven o'clock, I, who am acting
here as your correejxiudeul, wa return
ing to uiy hotel aloue .11 a buggy from a
drive. NVh. u four blocks east from the
Liou Hous,- I was fin d upon bv a mis
creant who had jxishsl himself behind a
tree alnuit fifty feet away, on a en -s
street. The speed of my hors.-s doubt
less saved uiy life. Before 1 could turn
my assailant fl-sl.
This attempt at assassination was suj>-
pleraeuted by another Invlder on> to-,lay.
While sitting ale .e m my rvs-tti writing
a knock mine at the door. It wasojx'iiixl
by a tnau strongly re-ciubling the one
who lnui fireil the pistol 011 the previous
night. He held his hat and a j-ajn r m
ins left hand, and while Wwing
his right hand on the lv som of his coat,
whiw-li was closely button,vl. He ashed
my name. Being answered, he then ex
tended tlie paper, saying: " Here is an
afliilavit which interests you."
He st, ssi at a distance of aotuc four
feet. Reaching out with uiy right baud
to receive the paper which he offered
with liis left, lie suddenly withdrew it;
at th. same time he advanced, ami pull
ing a short knife from his bosom struck
uie a heavy blow on tlie left breast, say
ing: " Tike that, yon
Unprepared for such an assault, I was
kuocked Ih hind .1 table. The mnii in
stantly made his exit, supp -sing, no
doubt, tlnit he had blood-ot uisl Ins vic
tim. *
The point of the knife j as.s,,l tlmmgh
a portemonnaie and two photographs o
pasteboard and glance,! off from a sus
pender buckle against which it struck
and which is badly bent by the blow.
Happily the only injury is a sore rib.
The man guilty of these two as-aults
has uot Is'en ulentijiisl or appreheuded.
Tlie cause of them con - uiy be c njec
tured. It will certainly not be as,-rib,si
by Mormon journals her*- to a member
of the Church of Jesus of La iter
Day Saints.
An Audience of One.
Quite a number of singalar things
'nave occurred iu Bueyrus, (>., and we
have the following to offer as one of
them: Several years ago the T *~t rs of
Pittsburgh were holding th. atrioal en
tertaiuuu nts there, and dtlflng their stay
a novel incident oocurml. Mr. Foater
was sitting in the hotel in
all probability upon the full house he
was to have that night, when \V. S
entered the room with a bill for the eve
ning performance iu bin haul. "Are
you the manager of the theater," a-k\l
W. S——. '• I am, sir." replied Foster.
"You are to play 'Bichard III.' to
night?" "Yes, sir." " Well, lam and
always have lxn f-.nd of theatricals, but
never had an opp-rtunity of seeing
' Richard III.' " " Very well, sir, come
to-uight." " Unfortunately, 1 must go
to Coliunbns to-uight on the '- 4o train.
N-iw, how much money would induce
your company to pla v ' Richard III.' for
me this afternoon?" Filter, thinking
for a moment, repli-td that he would do
it for 525. " And what would you charge
extra for toe ' Rough Diium iid?' F--s
--t-'r replied 810. To his surprise AY.
•S counted out $35, and fiossevl it
ov- r with tlie remark that he wanted the
performance to o-mimence at two o'clock
sharp. Foster got the eonijmuy together
and relat' d tlie circumstance. The idea
of playing " Riehar-1 " to an audience of
one was excessively ridiculous, and so
new in their experi'-ncethat thev alio->ll
- Two o'clock came and AY. H
was on hand. Choosing an eligible po
sition an 1 cr-king his feet UJMJD the back
of the seat in front of him he waited for
tlie performance to b-gin. Tue b- U
riuig, up went tlie curtain nn-1 the play
oomtnenced. Never did the actors di
better. They all exerted themselves to
give their patron an entertainment fully
worth the price paid for it, and tliey
sue-v-eded. AA". S- applauded vigor
ously at different points, and at times
deni nding a repetition. At the close of
the lay, " Biehar-1 III.," Mr. Joseph
T. Fannin came before tlie curtain and
responded in n neat little sjieeoh. A
dance an-1 a song followed, after which
the farce of the " Rough Diamon-i " w iis
playe-1. AA". H laughed, roared and
applauded, and left iu time to tuko the
0.40 train.
A Joke on Harniiin.
An elderly gentleman aud a friend nr
rived late at night at a hotel in a town
riot a hundred miles from < )swego, N.
Y. In tue morning thev g->t up (as is
usual with travelers) and went down to
breakfast, leaving their d-sirs open nn-1
things lying about the room. The cham
bermaiii saw the doors open and imme
diately locked them up. In half an hour
up comes our elderly friend inquiring
for the key of his room. After a while
tlie ehamliennuid is found, who opens
the door with profuse rqiologies, some
what alter this fashion; "You know
tliem show folks came last night, nnd, as
they're a pretty rough lot, I thought I'd
1 letter shut your door." " Ah," says
our elderly friend, "them show folks
are a pretty rough lot, eh ? AA'ell, that's
true ! My name's P. T. Barnum, nnd
I'm the boss of the show, but we're it
pretty rough lot, 'tis true !"
into a milliner shop the other day on
business, says a AVestern joker, and
accidentally sat down on a bonrn r that
some one had laid on the chair.AArc\ r c re
mained there until no on was looking
in our direction and then quietly got up
and stepped to one side. There was u
lady in at the time looking for a bonnet
shaped to suit her. She finally found
the one we hail put in shape anil it just
took her fancy; it was just what she
wanted, so she said.
111 M \ N II ATT Fit IBS.
• I'xi-crlmrnt* Tlon llMr KrMnrbat-lr Iti--
I ■nil*.
It has been known for some time tlint
j the human bo.h l.o.sunc* niueh charged
I w lib ebvlricity in the nltitudi-s and ex
lv e-'c.litiglv ilrv atmosphere of the high
. plateau iu tw. .11 the Si- im Nevada and
It *'ky mountains, but it lias heretnfoic
j Ux'il unknown tliat sneh
l cliH'trieil v is a enuse of great danger to
# persons liandlmg rs. Two vei l
j senoits atid sad uivi.h nts bin- liuppeiu d
, within a few mouths at tin- mouth of
Sutro tunnel, both through the sudden
, and ap}Mtvntly unacc-uintable disehurge
r of a itumWr of exptmleis in Ihei xphslel
house. In the first case Henri L. Fore
man, formerly eoituiH'bst with the signal
I s. 1a ice bun .u at AA islmictou, a g>nib
man of st'liolarly altami ••nts, a g.ssl
innthematii'iaii and astronomer, was en
gagisl 111 exatuiiung sinne -f these ex IS whell 'JIHt went otV, Conipletelx
I destroying the eyesight and otherwise
seriously injuruig him. 1 lie exphslers
, are larfte c ppt r gun caps, an inch mill a
-.t\t> , nth u length and tbli e sixteenths
of an inch 111 diameter, and most kinds
I are charged with fuluiiuate of mercury
Two insulated guttn pi ri-ha woes con
' tnvt w :th each cap, through which the
, electric spark is si'iit tiiev are
p'.actsl in cartridges of the ibtferent i-mi
lunslioiis of intixsglyceruie 1 which Set*
r on the cap, and the concussion caused
( thereby explode* the js-wder. The
t stvv*ud tuvidciit ri f- rre,l to liapja lnsl but
a few weeks a oiu the same place, and
I probably 111 the same manner, by which
l'homas A'l-ombs lost 1 is left hand and
" part of his arm. lie was engaged in
forming ten exploxler* uito a iv-il around
t . Ins hand, wlieu suddenly tlu-y w-nt oil",
I sliattcruig that member 111 so fearful a
manner t it it luwl to be omputateil.
I'll, se snd occurrences led Mr, JSutro to
, at once institute siuue careful expci;
. unnts, for he was strongly impressed
with tlie belief that it was Is sly elivtrict
j t\ and Ui t concussion wlneh had caused
tin s,- explo-io: s. I leetrtc exp. i- r>
, mode bv liiffereut parlies were taken one
, after the i-tlier and phuxxl in a strong
wi-sleu IH'X, which was placed in another
j ls>x in Mr. Sutrv-'s parh>r. This room
is e -vcml witit a heaxy Brussels carjw t,
walking over which causes the human
, Issly to 1-e sp< e.iily charged with eleo
tricity. Mr. Hancock, tlie chief blaster,
. assistivl in the experiment.-, and held tlie
' wires wlnh Mr. Sutro walked round
j the room two or three times, with sltp
. jH-ra, sliding Lis feet gently over the
carpet. After doing t ; ;s he approached
the end of one of the w ir--> w uh his fore
finger and instantaneously aloud rep-rt
was hearii, tlie exploder having been ihs
- charged. I'hc tir>t lja-rmicnt was
with one of the San Franeusvi Giant
r 1' wder 0 -mp.itiy's exp. ,i-rs. N w one
f 'it: Eiivtrie.d t' 1. struct, id' uipar.y's
was tr 1 wit!. >ut etlVvting it* discharge.
1 N vt, me oi < .rgo Mow .tray's, of
- N'.-rtii Adc.:us, Mass., which did not go
• off on the first trial, but it did on the
v second with a very loud report. After
• tl:ia another - f the giant exploders wus
- tricil, which wont off by the time Mr.
Sutr-'s f. refiuger had reached within
n two or thrtv inches from the end of the
- wire.
i These experiments have clearly estab
lished the fact that t xphslera may In
- setoff by electricity acwntnuiatiil in the
. human Issiy, and the men als-ut the
r tunnel were at . nee informed of th- fact,
i Instructions were also issued f-.r haiid
■ hug tiieni hereafter, and a sheet ir.-n
- plate placed 111 tlie tl r --f the e\-
1 phalcr house, to which is coumvted n
1 reaching int.- the water flowing
, from the tunnel. The men in liaudluig
1 exploders now stand on this iron plate,
- and have instruction* to wet their Us-ts
1 before entering and to put on India
rubber gloves l-eb-rr touching the cl
r phsiers. If these precautious are pru{s-r
--! iy carried out there will Is- no danger of
I explosions hereafter. Any electricity
; aocumulat- .l in the human Is-dy will at
- once b' carried off through the iron
i plate, while the rubber gloves, Isuig
- u->n-oouductvs, form an additional pro
t- -ti> 11. N" ii-vidt nts fr iu the--- < x
* plosions have ever occurred inside the
- tunnel, for since the place is very wet,
> no electricity can I*' retained m the
- b • IT. But httle d -übt exists tl ..t Is.tli
Mr. F- irt-nmn and Mr. (' - nib- !uive met
1 with their misfortunes in tiie manner iu
d aiteiL— Sutro 1 .A*- r. 1 i<)>■ tub nt.
Variety of Life in New Aoi k.
Howe, the great Tombs lawver, was
s supp- se 1 t•I -• doing one of lite m- d
profitable la* bu-uie-s--- in New York,
-ays a c -rrespondent. He d< feuded
} nearly nil t'i<- n-gucs in Nee York, and
r liis fees Wire snpjH'.s d to be Lrge; Vet
r ln> has be-n 1 ijudgt'd a bankrupt. All
the men of this class go under. The
divorce luwy r . who are rep >rtsl t-i
Lave immense f---s, seldom List long.
Nine out i f ten of t <• liquor men fail,
th -ugh th-- -mm- 11 idea 1 that the pi -
fits nre simply immense. 1 WHS in a
J- lea ling restaurant recently, and was told
that t •-• chicks showed that four hun
-Iri-vl nn-1 fifty dollars were taken at the
1-ar the day before. Yet every man who
( has kept that hotel hns failed except the
present proprietor, win- has uot !> 111
there 1 "Ug enough to give tlie thing a
fair trial. It is the same tiling with tlie
, politi-'ums who haug around the city
j hall. It is feast or famine with those
fell-ixs. One of them wna distinguished
for his heavy drinks of brandy and f--r
[ buying two dollars' worth of cigars daily
j t • give to his followers. He could not
, buy an oyster stew- to-day. A city <>fli
e:al t--M me that hi - office cost him 8-*i>,-
t i*H> in cL tr cash, Htnl he holds it only
for two years. 1 met a man the other
dsy whom I have known as a 1-uver f-ir
a leading st*-k Louse -ui the street, lie
I was dressed in r mghel-thing an-1 l-sike.l
like a builder who goes out t-> days'
w.,rk. " How is this?" I said. "1 am
in am thcr business," was the r- j'lv. " 1
get §TtHI a year. I hare a qtiiet home.
t 1 sleep w. 11 night*, and have enough to
, eat day by-lav. On the street I made
money one day and h-st it the next. I
' had to wateli my customers nights at the
t h-t- Is. ] hail to eat as others ate,
an.l drunk as they drank, or I could n--t
get any business. It cost me all I could
moke to keep my place. I'd rather Is- a
seiilli 11 to scour the pantry than to do
the drudgery of the str--et."
Osman I'asha's Hea<!(|iuirfcrs.
I Osman I'aahn, the oomtnauder of the
Turkish campat AA'iddiu, is 11 genial gcii
, tleinan, short nn-1 stout, about fifty years
, of age. A corre-pon-lcnt of the ii-mdon
. T> Irt/raph, wlio called upon him on
. May M, foun-1 him s;ttmg eross-leggisl
. on a long sofa and ela-l in a dral> suit of
1 European clothes. The room wn* white
f washed, no pretense of any orimment in
, it, 11-1 table but one little one for liis ink
I and tobacco. Tiie windows looked upou
the Danube ami Knlafat, tui-l one could
, s- e the Roumanians making batteries
, ami earthworks opj*-site without the aid
I <>f glasses. Two or three officers were
. sitting on the opposite aide of the room
on chairs put in a line against tlie wall.
AVhenever a servant brought the gener
al any paper t - sign, he did so by inking
a little <r stamp which he kept in
i his poefcet. AA'hen th- correspondent
hinted that it se- ni---l strung*' that the
Turks •In 1 not cross the river and occupy
" Kalafat, the general replied that thev
j were acting in self-defi-nse and were not
iudincil to invade Roumanian territory.
The ntmds-r of troops in ami around
r AA'id-lin at that time wu Ifi.OtH), and an
mlditi'iual force of Tio,oOo men vvns ex
, ]i-cted from Hofla.
Hritlul Revenge.
v A young lady schisil teacher in Alla-
H makee county, 111., had a lover whose
1 affections tnraed to rage in n singular
R manner. D-sdining to receive his at-
H tention any more, she gave him the
* mitten. This sorely perplexed the
1 young man. He packed lip liis IIIHIH for
n leaving the country, but before going
called at the school to any farewell.
After a few minutes conver ation lie re
) quested the favor of a parting kiss, and
ix reached out to embrace lier, whea she
1 struggled, under bashful modesty,
t Seizing the opportunity, lie drew her
. face to his and bit her nose nc irly off.
T The end part, a gisxl nioutiiful, hung
j, by the gristle, and was sewed in pla-e
u by a neighboring surgeon. With the
q best passible care she will be disfigured
q for life.
Why cannot two blender permin* ever become
® great friend*? Because Oiey will always
slight acquaintances.
11l ItlKll in A KALI IMi M Al 1..
rirrn Mm Klllnl nl m I Irr In 111
< ......
I A terrible niultngb! trity?eilv invitrriNl
<it ii lire in Bridgeport, Conn. A lint
factory wiu tliKOOvervsl in tluiueunt eleven
| o'clock. mill mxm iifii r I'i fiii ii'il llie ilt*
. Ilhti'l' wllielt I* tlillh ili tuTllH'il
I Wbil tin' tlii iiu ii www >torbing n lu>*t
, of ti'lnnti'i IH tii'ir in tin' tiiirtllu;• t'uilil
inn atliving li li move I li i lia.l
I iiueoeevieil in I'LIRRMTIF? out n liirge i|iinut
f .tv .if linli. niiil iithiT |'ru|ifilt (ruin tlir
i lower din. uf tlio in nn lutiMuig, when
tin' tl.uiii'N iiiilili'iilt ili N.'iMnli il mill iliuti'
tin-in out, The lire lutil 11 II tin isl tin*
tlnnl llimr to itn i it-it in.l, mill, i liißi'i* iii I *
INN hv ttnt nf tlio i li'tnt •! ut tin' ri-ii,
Iniil ulno eouqiletelv gutti .1 tlio ttrcoiut
tUvor. Slmrtlt utter twelve o'clock tin'
t"p uf tlio front wail, in r where tlio
tlmiu'H ttorf tlr*t won, foil tu tin- ground,
mill, ut short iiiti it IIIH, utlu-r iniil* uf
i tlio nmuo null kino tumlili'il. 'The ont
till)! I'f till' ItitUll l llll.llllf ttllM t!lll jl'ft
i uiiNiipportoil, tt Uili' tlio t
, uf till' lltllllt'rt heat ngnttlM it 1 i.Volld
. tliiH ttnll ww tin' i ill.'. . f tlio firm, tt
luiilitiiiK .'nt' it >n mnl nlutl fin height
1 lesjute till' fili't tllilt til. Uima'Uro ttnll
hung i<tor tliin 1 itt!• i litii'o, a li 'nt uf
i volunteer* ttoro gathered within it,
thru tt mt? out hat"., flirnitliro, etc., fill
, otl.or J' r an to carry mtt of tlio way of
tlio tlaini'f One of tin' jm r .in* in tlio
office tt.ui Mr. 1! <i. B.iufi t.l, th.r jiiniur
iiii-tultt rof tin* tirni. Ih h t.l In .titi t
ltlg to 0.K'.l tllO ttilfl' ill Oft It r to h.lft' tho
hooka, lint bu.l I n*oii forot-il to give up
tlio iittonipt, ns, tu lus excitement, hi
ouiihl .mt remember tho ouiuliiinitiou
with which t: IM liH'ki-1. thttiur J.
Afkor, tho tinuifti r t r (!.■ tirui, tlnu
pro|v>notl to haul tlio aafe into tlio live
utio, Tho tut'ti Matted tu do this, uinl
i auoecedi'd in moving tho |voii,icruti* re-
I'optui'lo frotu tin* O rin r HI which it h nl
st.R'il tu tho center of tho tl sir, it .I in
tttlioe of uh Ut toil foot. While tilt Wiio
working a tironuui entered tin utlioo mnl
told Mr. Sauf. rd that tin lift wall . f
tho huildiug was Mt n\ nn? mnl w tul.i
niH'ti topplo uvur. That gentleman culled
out hi his companion* to f .1 iw him out
of tho office an .ptli'kly as p '-nihil Si i
oral ran out with him, hut .Unit twelve
lingered ut tin ir woil,. Just if Mr.
Sanfur.l roaolio 1 t'ri c. ut i von no, m
frulit of tho otlioo, tho wall hll A p
otlioor who was at tho door of tho oflhv
juuipod into tin avonuo ; ,M . s tin- tiiill
Mutppod, nud th'.n narrow li cuenped
dontli. Tho oil'Vo'l sturdy ft low sw ii illl
ho loft hohmd woio 1 ruo by t) • w. ipht
uf tlio ruiun into tlio tvllar uf tho office.
For a loug t in after th- crush it was
not known thnt anybody ha 1 h. on Willi- I.
Kveu tho jmlioo 111 r w • via-the la-1
tol. ivo tho apart; out wan lot oortain
that other por -on* hud r' > mil I ohm.l
him. Ho Ih-Hi ii .1, mi Iso iinl tho • tlu-r
spectator*, that tin workriu .i had o-oajs- 1
hv tlio Kiilo windows, mnl oulv aftor u
long aeriew of impurii-s was it learned
that oloM-n [mum won- auarin* n i
wore prolwbly buritsl in tin rums. Tin
tlromou thou tLrow water up- u the
r/'f'Oii to is ml it l*ho fliiinos now roll.ll
haok, mnl mooting with no opjroMtjoii,
attacked, mnl in ah w hours uttorly de
stroyed, a largo butl.ttng to tin- w. *t of
tin* olio iu whit'll tin- tiro is s'an. l'lu y
woro thi-n ohookisl, ami s an nmalh r
oiiidotw of hru'k, IM-II a.s *1 v
liousw, i t<*., woro Mti isl.
At four o'clock it. tho Morning tin
soaroh fur the h In s was liogun. A hut
•f men wurkrsl rapidly, ami within an
huur thneoverod tho sp->t whoro the vic
tims wore group.-,! tcgotln-r. It wa
alsmt tlio o.nt-r of the ufH -.s llur. All
tin d. A.i lay s i r!o i . ,p. s ~r ;: .
t-ifo, t' • i : i- .11 •' ' • oi W'•
omtiwsl the IOM *f life. Five I Willi— wi ro
found m a space of idsmt t t fist. Tin y
w.-n- horribly hruisod m • 1 sriu-tl atni
could not 1k- iiuiuishat' iy . sogin.-od.
Two hourtr more of hard work imultnl
in tho disoovi ry of four more Isalii *.
hut it was time o'clock Infuro all the
IKH1IO WI ro found. Ihe corjin-n, if they
won- dug i ut, wor- tiik u to tho under
takt r's nl.op on State sir- .t, w iro tlu-ir
friends mid n lut'.von I Untitlo,! thoin.
The Horrors oft Hinrso Murfaro.
A i-urri-js :dnt<! ti <l. 11.i n / *.
writing from Sh.mglia.- of tho t sun o
rilioliion, gives a thrilling a • unit of
the capture of M inns by tin ii rnim i.t
tn>ops mid of the t rriblo msuu-s of
bl.Httlshod which etiMii i. l lio MOlMUl
mislmi comimun i< rot the u -urgenti
sought and obtained jsruu-si. m t<>
surroudor, and man*lisl into the g .voru
uient camp with tight i.',* ni-n irni
i.l to tin- t.uth. Tho government gon
onil ordorod tl om to throw i-mii tie r
arms, wlu-n tlu-y su iiionly ma lo a rush
IIJSIII tie- besieger*, who h . I. however,
Ihm*u auspccting this niu\i ment mid - uu
n'puised them. The insurgent bailer
was captured an i Whi adisl In-fore bis
line of battle, mi l bis were ail
tli'.ally captured and kdh-d t-> an. m.
Another biy of the i vi i m.< tit tri- | s
hod, liiciiiiwhllc, capturssl lii city and
put to death every one of its inli intanta,
sparing otilv the r>!d men, worn- i mid
ciiildroii. Hm gen mi i other inmtr ut
loiwlera wore captuml alive niul pu; t>
death with extreme- torture. Tiice >rj • *
of various other lemli-ra, together with
the remains of the " I'rmeeof I'uro It- •
ligion," -.-ailed, who luvl diiil or been
shun during the siege, were sought out
and exhumed and cut to pii-o-s Is-foiv
tho tr>- ps and the survivor of the rebels
as a public example. In short, all the
able-bodied nudes in the city were
massacred, to the nu bor of several
thousand. The account of this aff .ir is
not taken from rumor, bit from the
official report* of the 1 nperiul \ oeruy
and of the commandi r ■•( the p .vern
ment fore< s, (teueral Ki:i Shun.
Destruction of Yuan: l.wnd.
Among otlicr reeouimoiiditti is of the
commissioners selis-to i by ("ongri ss t .
investigate and report on tic best means
of destroying and prevent in;.' the ravngi s
of the locusts, is tin- following:
" One of the most rib tnul means "f
destroying the young locusts, and one
which is bs often overlisikisi brcmisi it
i-iTis-ts are not so directly apparent, is
the preservation nnd uiulliphcutiou of
tho native birds. Without undertaking
at this time to spi cifv tin species which
should be especially protected, and
about which there is yet some difference
of opinion, we feel warranted in stating
thnt until the useless species in this re
spect nre distinguished from those that
are beneficial, it is best to protect all in
sect-eating birds; and if the laws of the
State arc insufficient for this purpose,
let communities, townships and counties
use all tlu-ir' lawful powora tharefor.
Chickens, turkeys mnl hogs devour lo
custs iu immense i|iiantities, slid thrive
iluritig years of locust invasion or win-n
--ever these insects alsnuid. I'rairie
ehieketia and ipnuls devour them with
avidity, and even hunt for tluar eggs;
swallows mi l blackbirds pursue them
unrelentingly; th littb anow birds de
vour great quantities of egg - wlien tln se
are brought to the surface by the friez
ing and thawing of the ground, and the
sunn- may be sai I of almost nil birds
inhabiting the Western country in winter.
The good offices of birds were evi iy
wln-re noticed hi IH7G."
A l.essiui for the Tillies,
Few persons properly estimate the dif
ference between ft high and low rate . t
interest, and therefore often borrow
money at ruinous rates that no legiti
mate business can Stan I. lint few have
figured ou the difference between six mnl
eight por c<nt. One dollar hailed for
100 years at six per cent., with the inb•-
est colli -ot ed annually and added to the
principal, will amount tnjSt-10. At eight
percent, it amounts to 82,203, or nearly
seven tinu sas much. At three pel- rent.,
the usual rate of intru st in England, it
amounts to $10.2.1, whereas at ten per
C"nt., the usual rate in the I'nit ;! Stales,
it is $13,809, or nearly one thou-uind
times as much. At twelve per cent, it
amounts to i? 8 f 07"), or more than four
i thousand times as much. At eigtheen
! per cent, it Amount -to $15,H5,(X)7, and
at twenty-four percent, (which we some
times hear talked of) it, reaehes the
enormous sum of ?2,551,799,404, or in re
' than the Htnbi of Ohio is worth,
A potato bug crawled out <>f his hole on a re
' ci-nt line nm-niMg mi l mounted a fence post to
sun himmil. I'iously mnl pensively lie snt
there, anil a- he complacently watched (lie
farmer at hi* potato planting, he ever and niicu
• enroled thus, as if in mockery i " What shall
I the harvest bo ?"
st MM \ it V tip M:WN.
Ilrin* el lulrri-il limn llaine una Vlirnttd.
Nine cletkii who mm lliipllcited in tlie
har> e i f liaMng (ilileil til gsssllig (i multili nt
> limit* Itn oils Ii lb, M• - lid eo'npli oiler s ofllce
a! W i lili s ton wen t> : oi.l lo tin iHiilary
of till tri HSU) v lln l n MAS ill 1 i nl. Itchi
ng in Montenegro l-. the I'mks an-l llie
M lili llegllllA, t- tli sides i tailtltllg a lli'toM
rin 111 lilo .. .11 |s.nd. til of the I - ul. Ii Jiwi
tl'll ft AldtN I tiAl it I* A.* lit Oil g' sill A lit 111 '1 ill 111 At
I otiul You M 'llki n giiid> llusHta s i IIAIII i "
!• iidily liiiproilng Inisiii i pieoce of the i ilia
oilman in gin i Hi. and IACI. of foieslglit of
llie l ull,a I nitty (HO lltr Wrri 1 I and
over A hundred IIOIIM rn it. -tj.o. I to tin
tol tiailo it lie ti AHi-jrl otrt Mount I ut llii ), lit.
Mary Ml.i*>n, a Idlh gut lu- has
-i ten from her i im.di iothi i m t'hila tidplii i
!A*( Apt d, was ill -'otrrt-it in the 1i.10.1H of
a Moliiau named I aniiii IttuHli, who tti ai
10 li't In M I eiiA f.,r tag-ran . .A rou p
lion to lien liraiit gimn I v Mint tir I*l. i
-1.|~,|,l 111 I -.11.t01l Ail llie —few* "f the
tiigiisti cabinet net-pi olie Here pf.-flit, an
H i 11 aa nearly the entire diplomatic > - t p atul
a large nilluts i of im ml era of Pat halm nl
I'll, nn-t court and gland Jury In Ure lllack
IIiIIA im tat th-adttisst on June A. r.ilylo
to Im uit • Hiii, ado it.el to prn.tli. 111.
t'niou Sat. - n t-Ai.ii nf liatti, l'a tiA* -napMi-t
at-io. if givtu tun.. tu pni the itoi- utoi - dollai
for it-'ilal \ I- allti ,11 lu,l '-111 l.ti leill
formed In lire*. " Ml P. t 'ln, V, Jr.,
of I'roiidertce, It. 1 HA found.l. ad HI a hull.
oiitl.eH.itUidntu.. i Ma-saa. huaelt- lie had
shot hIIUM If I.Villa Mielltiall, the |>otwiner,
ti • t -ca|hrl fmiu tlie i'oniiectii ut hula prison
a oliort time ago. Hra captured in Pfurtq* n,
I, 1 i.e. ig. N, I I,:. r. a H. allhi —■
1 httl.t of 1,; | ill, |-Ull,|tu((l d "di Hlllli
tab ilng under tlepr. -ngof ngirila A
h.i t . Mil-, tng in fay rof i.,pld trauolt nrto d
IU No* lurk.
V A Aioll I,ridge At liAth, l llglailil. 1 lokr
iilille it HAH covered with people, mho Men
precipitated into tin river Avon ibwli fe. i U •
lntt At- ul IHI lie jHrsoiiH Hen killiil, and
, 'ii tifli wet. iujiiri t At S tlit IIA.II. v,
MM* It r.d.o f . Iluiit ttan killed h]
lly Ilium.-, and tu of hU tu rktiiru vtrii pi
11 d II . th, MUM i.- i Tin Illl—
tioiiAi d v|Migrapb.'ai I in--u, in iviuveiitioii at
I ouisvilfi , h. detrutineii upon n luting a
di lt galo to the 1 ja idtl. u at I ana next Vi -r,
t ripri-i nt tin mpo-ttorA >,f Atneiica
t our tram reiki: ho re. eiitlv alt. u,pi. dto
Uir ov .i Irani down an embankment for th.
lull | -1 of pill!.del Wile, A; lull t n. ar Itlili
iand, Mo V| r - IHM • II and Ml*. Ih
s.ll ytriniH it from a huriiiug t,ulhhug iu IL..:.>n,
and Ml were fala! . Iniil ha "Ult of
the po| I. of H Y ..rk agam.v l'et.rb
Hw.-.tiv, I rommentJi coniH-clvsl with tl 1 Wi.xl
nn - has I , ugtit I , an at-ruj t dmciueiott l.\ a
tt |*-ftl l i t the Ii n> ' clttllued from tl., de
fendant then waa AU 11 ideiui. of un
known character aiuong tlu li*h i ! tin I'asaalc
rtver, in N. h Ji-mV, a Ilk Uaau.lA died dally.
1! e I ar ha* arrin I at tt < Iva ! .nailers
f th. 1. Ismail at; ,V. and w r. iwil I v th.
tn. with great ridhUAiasiu the rinvitd
( - f the l >l,l. Tit I'll- IX I - t- ,I. feir.d
u;~.ii Marshal MacMnte-n I v i,e |: |. A
c isp iac, ha- teen duesivered Ut i-erua to di
I'll: Milan, in ta, a of th. i'rinoe . t
A u. i-ofticial n leg ram from St. 1'- lerst-urg
- tat. I that til. tlusaib anil, -ad. into I. udou,
IWi . i and An iiUtt w. a'> to gllaraalie
that loiAsla duoa not . .1, rut aj.v changes In th.
titrag. - at. frj- rtnl in Serila A I'.
tta.i n ha. bevn pi.Hlo ted to the pualUOQ of
third a-ltint jaotniai-ler griiiral ui pla.-e of
Ilinai 1 o'.h. t and i-:,rta of N. : :aska t!> a d ~u
a v.- .ng wife f taenty-onr. living in J r.nklyh,
S i . had a trivial .|UaiTtl with her husl and,
and followed it up I loinmUlMg suicide
tl.Ka,. in put,lican ciuM Ut bran W clow, d
t-v the a .tt. *ltlea on a out f unaUilo ri.. .1
js llttctti rm.tings J. h:i I'-ran was I tut
u the in., a i a raiir- ! n m ntnU Ni w Yuri
wit .', tt t l ! m h - ! ■ v t A 11 am of cara
had t a-M I over Ita M. tv. tilth mutilating it.
I hiring th, I'tif . - p.tu'e m Koine tie ri -
ce. i.d .ii tudmg vttluat o j*emu.
V number * t ihslt.o -sl> hav r t. en li.ade
t in; I iis*i who Itad I.laUvttt in otlu r tranche*
of ih. g *emme at I ar hundred thou
a:.d .1, ais is th. .... wh. .. wa- ma "e th,
I t. of the e. •.1 loun-e m the alUt of l! . J e
P . , f M a Yolk ag:.i:.-t i'.t.r It. Swveli)
ihe s ttk t are .. la gnlaluii | aat.vt tt tax tdil
wh: li u,elude- a grovi.c f th. payment of
th. intere st 13 tin tattadi ! etvtd of tin Aute
threw pis,:.. w,i kid.-d and MVeral were
HU't.!. injuied bv aci Untv ui the nuiie* IB
the vi.diutv of ScnuitdU. l'a hafavett.
. . (tu. . pr, f.r .r of Ihi a-t.r,
• -
1 he cxmuiiissioit appointed to inn sti
gttla the w rkmgs . f the I I had' i-lUa cu-t. m
li is ha.i te. tin tl .at- is til V w
It. i. r*.r.| the state u tta<-'.ind financial man-
J—:! J i ': I. 1. as lierii elected
Iliac I Ma-!.! of UH 1 Xttl -.fN.w ft tk
r. t.-t a.' tiie i A woman iu
Meth ."U. Mass.. car. tilth to i it children,
three of thnn dying si,n after they wei, lairti.
tl I* rumor.d that Kugtand taut at t- pur
ii.,:, siptari s of 7 litldtn, > ultialvetl. it. Tel.,
. ... ;
f ii. 1 nn'.tv-stx 1.-uddiiigs tttrt * unwd.
. . A tire broke - Ut at rbe.en och at
night in a larg< hat fa-l. ri tu l ast Itndgejsrt,
in. At Hi tu i. ui after il mm. m. mi lit.
as a fot f: nw.:i at w ik la t) , n ■
t .m hug Ua'ttti te't !!< r. and >u a moment fed
lit. I Uiing the nn it unelcr a mass of Uvck and
dm 1 and ll . ruin* bad o 1 off. men tt. Nt t
tie '.A udlti'lU. It t ! 'irvisl that no rttie r |*l
lo ving th. fnrttUuw of the ifhcr. .*-. ve-ral of
tl.e d. -.1 won v.. li A-.OHJI iluena of the 1 '.are .
I lis lhiHsiar. ofitrikl ttewspaiwr puhUaln-d
ad> rev 11 tie-f it:, a lew of J] a 0 " inrn
ail uupreet S.nt- i!rp. i.iimtvrr. Aftor light
ing all .lav th- 1 ari. were defeated ty the
Mi ntiin frius, uaUimng a l.*-a ..f S.oiKiiniu.
M. I'uverilnr. pi, -ideot of Un municipal
r uutcil iu Paris who was rets utlv nrrettUd,
rhargisl with Uutiltiog l'rrsideiit McMai.viii
at.d inciting civil war and asaa**tu-it)-'U, has
been si ateiuxd to t.fts<n mouth* impris- n
ine nt and to | ii a tine . f J,(A' frauc* At
a jvr. tri t< d Cttiaiu-t im ito g it wa ri *lv. 1 t<.
; h the |in>aerutiona of a!! |w folia cvniierted
with th Mountain M- adow in*-A- re, as am-a
aon< ! ■ tlu mwviif of the immigrant*, ami to
-in I n s'ift "• .1 fori, tit • ivli to rnfono thi
il, n fi irt it! the M.-n. II atte nqet
to li -i I the lmniahmrul of anv of t!,. :r letteti-r*.
...John Tv 1.-t, Jr.. an of '.he Uto !*n aideiit
Tyier. ha- bCM ttppufatttd t:i-i>oct..r of custom*
ai I: hm ud. V> . ai I Mr Inet-, a color, d
mail, li - U, i it apis-mti d naval od .-.-r t Ni *
rirli-ati- ..The - nth Carolina legislature
adjourned after apj-iiituig tt coiunu-*loi. to ta
quire into tin ills'nr-e im nt* of jui'lic n.0:,. v
nud the election of J. J. Patlir n !•' the
t'l.ited Bf|, HeliA'o 111 172 Ahull Is.y
liaiuiii AAcii h. a i two year* lld MX r •nth*,
klii.d his thri 1 ar 1 d play mate. I 'iiaru
-I'agorstr.itn. in !'. *!•,n. by -Inking bun with
■| • d 1 1. |L friictimng lit skull .Is uis
II is-, ait. a white man. h<> lad air rail' ISMI:-
mitle-d vui murdi r. aa lniug mI. ci.-iaua
f. r tin murder of a 1 ntrher vv.ih wh. in he had
l!i quarreling our onn I.unties matter:
and JA k Pleasant-, a colored man. wa-1 ung in
A'irgmia for tin murder of Ann t unity. a!-o
n lured, to vtliom he liad la i n | avitig hi* ad
Calvin It. Camp, a nt ton broker and promi
nent m. iula r of lii-nry AA'.ird Ih-echer s church,
coniliuttid arilClib ly aliootmg li in o*l 1 f at his
re-nteni •tu PriM.kly n, iliinug a .ckn.- brought
ftis iit I Y I u-ii. m iroobltt. .„IMin.-k BMMr.
a butcher of Jor- y City. N. J., vra* shot and
ni'.rtally woimdi I Ir t countable while r. -i-1-
lug arr- t. ill. lowing cont.-t at l'ltta
burgli. l'a.. I t vicu I van Moiri* and William
Sdiarff. for the i liaui| i u -lnp of tlie t nited
Stall i. v :.s iiou i y tl:.- t- run r A*t:i!eof ..
ha* 1* i n proclaimed in li nmauia. l lie l urk*
wire advancing into Montenegro (i. A.
<lslsirtic liva l" .n uppoilitcel I'uited State*
n.mutter to Cluh Iho un|,| |.r
tina of l,iv i-onfi s-ioiis havi t-t-n sutuiiutevl
to At!, riicy-tlciii lul I', von- I . 1 'idrrct-Attor
ney Howard, of I tali. I'lu * are said to trn
phra'o lirigham Voir'' ai d iher high Mormon
otlicittlaiii the Mo-.mlaiuMeadow ma a. re ..
i barh'H 'lb ni) ill, a private watrhmaii at
AA .ml . Tlu at. r. I in, ins.all. n shot and mor
tally woiiinhd iw John Wilson, a circus rider.
. ....A famine prcvniltt in China, and thon
sxnel* of )v. ijijc arc siarviug io it.atii.
i hiirlo* I i diliuaiiii A < wYiolcaale clothiera
, f N, w VotU and di i ran . in, faitivl, with
li.diiliti* amounting to f Ji' ." " A tire in
the dry good* In>u • of the Auburn mill at
Autiiu n, V 1.. can-ml tt In-* of .tin,.'
liaiiiel (l Mara. t*iy ,f w veil, died in J rs*v
City, N. J . of hydrophobia two we, k* after lo
htt.) tu on bitten ty a rabid d0g.... Ii ederick
Elliott, vrlio w nwttitmg trial for committing a
forgerv .1 3 cl ivk for tCI.OOO last April, in
New Yoili. inv-te ri,,u*!y • . .-qv*! from tliolx: ml*
of hi* Ins per while in tlu-crowded com t room,
l'tttri, 1. i I'-ary , a hlarkatuffli of N*w|.ort.
!;, 1., w • arr, ted for brutally hi* wife
•ud two iimll i liildri n.. . Cv)ii*ideril lo dnm
a h:sloi ii done by the rimgof tlu- Mi, ,iui
liver iu tlie won ity of haiiMi* City.
X sudden rise of the Ihinu!* delayed Rnaaian
military o|M-ratioii*. Tho Huaatau point* for
cr'> .iu; tlie river will I i elu>*i !i east and West
of Ih I nrki li ipiaelrilati ral, and while llie
ost,rii ed inn 11 ke.-p* i;i chivk tin- Turkish
force* massed in ana al*mt tlie fortrvsnea, the
w, de-rii culiiiiin will act a* tt littld army, operat
ing again-! tin- Itnuk or r. r of tin I'iirki-li
|isitiou*. The garriaon of Kar* made 3 aiic
,-c.*fiil sortie nnd routed tlie Itii--iaua. who arc
report. .! in great force I. tvvcen Ivar- and Er/e
--roum. After tinMl iy • lighting in Montenegro,
tin- 'furl: 1 1 Iro ih leutod with a 10.-* of loin
tlioti ni i men I'he govornor of N. " York
w welcomed to New Y'ork city by tlie l>emo
cnta m a torchHgbt proowiloß 1 mi
liundrcd men nnd t>v* employed at -even Col
lierie* in Ih, upper Lehigh region of I'eiinayl
vtttiin struck against ii reduction of wage
The seer, tarv <>f the treasury ha* isunvt an
order d. cliiiig that not more than one in. ml* r
of 3 faulty may hold offiee in his department,
nnd accordingly a nnmler of removal* have
been made Ira Cole, n lireman on a hico
motive, was fatally stubbed try Calvin Stewart,
111 Dover, N. J *. There was an affray be
tween (iennau and Frencti snilor* in Japan....
I.ttrg. and enthusiastic meeting* were held in
j New York and Brooklyn iu opposition to tlio
liquor traffic.... Itetwecn two and three hun
dred graduates of tho female Normal College
of Philadelphia, p*id a living visit to New York,
1 viewing the various object* of Interest
• and Wlmeler murdered In* Aunt llarrint
Wheeler Ileal llttttleid, Al**s lli.rge AA'.
Ili t. hn was tiling 111 Philadelphia for lit* mm
der of Jmncs llmilrv The inurdeier and hit
vlelliu IIA.I been on ftieliilly tenn* prevloiitt to
tli* 1. niuu-sion of tl.. .-time, hut 1 letclier ■!
I. g. -I hn lost lii* |M>it*in •* (trrniau
through Usui. y.
V dig Haiti uf tiiasslmpper*.
A lies MOIIIOH (la.) virr'H|oiniiHt nf
tin- (lliicagn /'t//ifs Htiyn: 'J lie luirth
w. ti rii . ,unity funm IM nre runliiiy? (lie
Tinji|iera in every e-'luM'ivalilo litatiiur.
H .(lie Inirtl tlie llehln, Millie ]>!n\V llielil
nn.l. r nu.l duig lite Riiiim.l <>r roll it. :
lint the Hindi ll'ivtivc ttllil simple liu'llkm!
v.t n. u improvised by u Carroll
I'ounty fnrtuor, who say* In- pr.H'urivl a 1
hhect ..f heavy gmlvanitt. ll ■ 'iur elg'ht
feet lOIIR, two ft . t four llli lies Wl.le,
1111 in 11 up o!IO siilo nint Ih itlx,
•qiltt:e, one foot, ttlui the other
*i.le, for tt front, üboiit two inches, ut an
itng'le of f.,rty tivr ileßree*. thiin f.irining
lit..Nip. Ho then attache.l tv long rope
a', each rtnl of the wvsip, about ttillttclirt
from tin ti)>| • r ivlge 1 f the liwk. Two
me:i t >k the r.'|M-r., .liuggi g the m**.p
aero** tho ' tie hi, while another
■nun followed behinii with a iiuantity of
ken-*, lie, with w hi, h he Wotihi sprinkle '
the 'iiopprrs UH tin-V lalnh',l 111 the ociMMi.
In lift, en minutes half u bushel of 'hiip.
p"IH, jnt hutched, were f Hlg'ht, which,
wlen full Rrown, woiili] have made
twenty bushels, au.) it required lean than
half a g'nlloii nt kerosene to kill the
win le of them.
"Avion t . ** V|ti*i be Tr*r."
I l.i- lne-uitliji ri 111 le irslittioni offered hy
th I who have u-v.l Dr. hMltt'a PttVorlU Pie
•crlpUuu ludocod Um d.s tor to hlt it audi r *
posit! Vi gunlttiitre Mxnv Itt tie* have rnfrttinril
(loin using It oil ttti-.uul of • griierai fertlng
ol jirtjudt 11 against advertised wedi.liu-.
l-ct ui. ask a querluai. Are yuu ptejudhwd
agalitsl s< hlug iitttchlues UvAtiMi \ have
.-ci-11 them ttdvaatlaivl ; ,r can vou dould the
i . . misty bi d aklll required Ui thill lUVelitlOU ?
A, am, wild y. ui.fu-. to insure your hull**
u sin. tlu company a<tvirt)M*l tYiat it l:ad
1 aid mil buns in li., and yet had a capital of '
-oral million* Iki such advertisement*
al.aki your ul.drii.i, anil eioate,* •'!
ih.'U H i.y rtftlAi- to ill.lst lite li Million', of
those who have found tlie b'avuri e Prescrip
tion to tv ali tint I* iiatluo' t -r It IU ovsi
1 - -tiling tJ.oo ailn.iM* i-eulnr t., vour sex
AA hy submit toll. Use of liarsh aiui j* rhaj**
lAU*!i. ir.Atittii.t, thu* aggravating your
: viad- win al, , f i g naranteed, and a r> *l
- ve. |Kifi.! an-l ).ini*uent cure haa Ueu
eft. !. 1 1.. tli 11-ar ! of <-..-*s
AA ii.asu Htiiios, lit. Octolvr 'Jtth, 1K76.
1L A Pin.. 1 kt. !.. buffalo, .N. Y.
/) S.i Ai, m in. t*. i ii. uti my moat *in-
Cer. thank* to y U f 1 the gleat benefit my
wif 1 ha* i - civ. 1 fx tl.- use ,f y our lav. rile
Pirr- iipiion. hho suffered almost intoierttbly
i* f,,i. .*-. , .■ tu qndtnifw, oadl bAdir*tthe
skil! I ssv.ral i fl.s . iA!,. tut to lei purjstae.
l.ually. I thought I would give the Vimm*
Pr. -- upturn a trial, an.l she is now wu-t.! and
will. Very g-rah fatly y-,ur,
D. A. Ili'vrtx.
I b r r I Mines* Ihi lllt-*|.rlfl| el lit till b.
'i hal • jUalde *!ale 1 f the luiud which U UU
rnlfl'd I y Irttling U. ideuts, aiid took* on the
sunny side 1 f lh;.( tu gen. rai, is lit r *u!l of
a liialtl.ful stale of Ui Iwatu and stomach.
Ihe dysiv|-*la and n< rv u* invalid may al
tli,-ugh ttiitt I* rare iudfvd feign chttrrfu. hi ss.
aud may I- ir the harassing aymptuui* which
|sravu|s hau with an assumplioii of Iwrou .t ui .u reality he U u.< victrui of
desj, .<!' ..-I *|o (Xjvntncv gei.uuie rlitsr
fat'H f IL.- m.hd, the *l- mach must ms.vtr
Its lot ti - (I t thinking organ it* normal
quietude If. -s teller * Hi, -loach bitter a are the
I* si rui,i*l 1 for mental lejT>* .u, siisil,*y
over n . the lietVout debility and Indigestion
wt,,h urinal- and foster 11. Persons *uff<v-
Ing fr- -ill mill aulu* )**-iiUr!y incident to lk
di,, .i.t if htt la*ti< s 01 dedicate health, and
r- tin. , . ut*. ili .ve s lac- and vigor frotu it*
i- Drive away the hint * and revive tlu dna'p
..,j Hdh t!.:- gri.ud stonuittUve tome.
Ir s|>r(.s,i, lII.AI tt Is, iniil I1v* I f 'are 11.
lid ll . slouiai'h don t vr<■:k r.ght. then
C. Uira I ad fevhlig after lalJlqt, Aotutency, head
a-!,, ilc. i- ai.d 1 ■ lai.fh*>!y, nuMliarv
n*u>ea and v. noting, dhc hver asm Ivn iuii
t -rqu l. U:> n I iu Uaua *, c utotijittUonr 1 ptttxahly
di.vrrbi , f a*. Th.u <vn.n t.' i kiJnev f
--fee tu ma, wiiti jtain in the Pack and more or tea*
rlHumatism - r n<uralgia: finally the latum*
*yst * I , tw-r..[:,cs aff "ted. aggravating a.)
aud a-hling • 11• r svn:)*oius, until it I* at! ache*. :
pains, weakiii sa dell 1 s, irritability, had tern- .
I* r and a lu- ri Ile f.rli gih rough. ,u'. A
Sic;) le, 1 teaWttlit Slut cheap re tiledV for tti) Ult
is \nu Ituskak - Invigoraiit, otdr fee c*ut*.
Ift:.. • 1!. Van buskirk *A t <x, )ir.>]er>i
I. r. 1- A.- N • York.
Arm an njsivuoe of over twe-nty
liv, yvar>, liialiy le ailu.g | div-iciai.s acktioal
esie* I!.xt Die* '1 nf. *,'! ) Jf.iriAs! > I'ti rUn
t'ufMsvw t* UH- . niy knowu certain re-nu-ty
f..r >t.-esi *to which women are anlqacL The
Ora'/trtimy I i s.',]'.. J', . U.e most popular
remedy of the dav f.r toll.-u-!u-ss. hia-lsclu.
liver coi.qdaint an<( disease* of digestion. N>ld
t. all ill.; st * nd for aiasiiia--. Graf el,
!- : . 1 . New York.
Please tlrar It la Vtlael
Ilia' if v nr grocer dev* t..>t have, and will n. t
get. IK- . y'a Y > a*t Powder ftw you. you can
-e : ! . vi'. f : a quarter, 35 cent* t r half,. ;
. la f. 1 M !• 101.1 can. direct tu Mn A •
ttrnthcr. New Y.ik. and you will receive it hy
relui 1• f mail. A use 11 f..r Un dehci ja
lirllffhtlNih C rt|.
Traveler vi-:!; g N-w Y.rk during (lie cx
trrmrlv war. weather, ! • wire fortunate ,
1 .rough let step at su)*rt> aim ' g tlie t t
hotel*, the leiatiel Central. SJ ak inthe highest
| rac of It* wide, cevti r .sllous hall*, and
spacious, airy chainls ra. It is aald to tv the
1 . —t, as 111 oil . r the 1* st, house IU
A Yii-t'ifii tiHT. To every reader of thia
pa)* r. who is * * 01 lia- an invalid friend,
sill tv fur uli d free, t v mail, a U*.k which
wit e-v; n lew s,r. f Hnn. -rs. Ne-rvon*
ami otlie-r Chronic ilt-s aacw inav tv jvnna-
I , 'V ! A . -P. (. P. \ 1627, Bost
Inf rt! -I ve rtll tl., tSsttlld* t, those- oat of
I'aith. Pe If lielp f.a- weak ami 111rv.u1* suf
ferers. 1.. ! f-'t llleesl' who have )-evil etoaed.
dramd andfßßohoi. Hwmb HcslttiJ.uir- .
nal hacki (MM FIMOV Addn-aa, Bee- J •
trie qiuarteriy. New York.
I sell 11, rtjof Hatch a I'nivcraalCough Svnijt
tJa;.;■ , f all other similar pre-parati.ioa. I iiave '
sold it for als.ut six year*, and my customers 1
would certainly m-t continue to buy it if it were '
not a ri mc-ly.
l 1 ItnmtVK, b'ne-ndshi|i. All. Co.. N. V.
Punie tt * tVeci aiuc allays irritation, removes
dandruff, and int igorate-* tlie action of the
capillaru - HI tlie highest degree.
Pom!'* Katrarf.
" lie A'egclal.le Pain iN'stroyrr." There i
no pain or a.-lie it will not abate, no bruise or
burn it will not extract the agony from.
s-nlil I v lrnel*l*.
I! .! ll mdi-rful l inoiis (,>uirk' Irish
Ti a. It cot* 29 cent* a package.
Ileforr buying any Turbine Wheel. *end for ,
N 1.1,aril New Pamphlet and Kcduccsl
Price *. Addnwa I*. O. IV>x 513, Y'ork. Po. |
The Market*.
arm ToHK.
Beef Carfle- Nattv 11 1 14 11S
Tiim WH! Clifrokw. w\\A 10^
Milch Tow® BO wssott
II . I -Ac '*>'4
>4 t
•4! irrj o\wt
I ~. \+ || A l>
CVtton Mi.hiunu IJ>%
I Mi-hlrrij (itiot !■ Choice*. - #OO
hvirtff* - to rhoirr .... To rt H5
W hfMi u • t*rti j I OA (
N A*. J M A vx 1 ?*•
fix, M
Itnrlfv state *2 M
lUtlry M.%lt ISO A* 1 .<*> ]
tuta Mtt' I Weateril 4'
' it, M k • Wratrin ' * ** 1
1ly. jvr cut 70 i 1% I
Straw |i r fwt 05 t
11..j a 7". a Jtt . 17 7rt Ut
I k M. .x 14 IS <414 1^
| . '. Clly Ht< MR life# 11* I
**l) Muclvftt I, No. 1, nrw ...
N,. i Hff s .VY <4 yno
I ry <v 1, |>rr r*t . 4 :•< t* 450
l I. d, J. • bos U rt* 14
iVtrrlftui < i:d* t7%407k| l Tinnl, 14'% ]
Wool —4'* Yfornia 1 '.'4 '.'H
I• a a •• H (4 SV
Autrli*i " .......... 4 1 4 4*
Mill ltl t4 :t
\V*a • m Clio C ............ 17 X** 1M
Wotiirni <kMNI lol'rlm'x... U 17
w •. rt fkrldM IS 1 li
(Thrfrtr s't*f r 1a: tor) <". >t\
Kt t. im . 1 <% <4 0<
Wc-t.rn to i 4 lols
!VK Stntc MMI I ciii.P\l\a. ti M 4 |§Sf
Hi ri Ai o.
j iur 750 rift 900
\\ ,o a No. IM 1 Wsllsk'MP 1 •" 1 •
iVirn M M
■ • • B 4i i 4 4m
|;x. P7 <4 Vrt
lUrif) MiJt 1 IM) irt 1 IIAJ
ruti rriT*.
II rfl'atl ' r.IITR <7 (* ( 7
xh. . ta 17 i
Efofi DN •• I M)| •' ' R
t ■u 1 • • a , • Kstn 7RO soo
\\ lirat H-t mlrru .......... . 105 c 1 .*
It) R 10 t4 1 I
Oora \ • > \ ... S ■ • •
Wsi s . is m 5 \ •
Oofta Kited IS 4 47
rti i • Crudt )1 1 i' | 1• ' t , 11 V i
It : t .■ ido i; * jM 1
T* X■ )H (rt .no
C*<Hort)l* IM (4 'JH |
llcrfTnttlc 00^
Hltrrp . .. 0"\4 <W^
Rorr SO <4 <• j
Klotir - WmctHmiu niul Miunrm't#, ..h 75 t4 SI 50 (
f\rn—Miirtd.a 01 <4 i.4
I Ortto - " as (4 t5 j
Wini—Ohioaixt iVium)h;iuU XX,.. 40 t4 4H
('alitor i*.,., ...... lrt\<4 '.5
IWf Cattle 05%. 4 05%
Hheep >5 (4
Is 07 * <y
Beef Cattle—Poor to Choice.. ...... 675 H75
ttMR. 600 <4 850 j
I I OHM #75 (| 6'tß '
A r A||V M'Uhrt?A*r"t In Jen 77 *MS
rn HT lliifltrll- rw Kai>|.iri ffrr.
V UVVI a.1.1..a.i V /.c,N. v
Kf-t |<H||| |CT* ••,* i,•'<! Tb HM4
Kmivi I'klM.t I'afdi m'! !•<# hfjiHa
i 'an 0# Oniahml aa aaa aa hrmm a llatli*ff liif
| Ha tar. an tw
h I 'uat in Whii t % tturla to matuuft,
I Im rerjr !.•( ail f..
Ah sl. •< ai f arnuTM j.lair < >l|ar ••!
Slonie hull- ixa #-• Witt. ll Eulf d< ticn>'a WtniU !
kp • M.itu ilmlmwiml I i;r ftto|ivwrwi|4 priiv.
In an) pari "I tin* I 'tiiuti m. ijirNa l* |as
Swiiij.i. n w.iti full tiirw Unit* f. i Molt >.— uramiewt
s-,,1 Ftm I ati > - *i rM|un^il
rtn.Htl) w.tii <li MifluUil .'.f •! eH MwH'im j
•. U•• Kraf 51' .. .fa. 'utl.ll Hi* M.-....1 M . H V
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
fttetaiJAMfci' 55 VkAh m Alwaja rurtu Al|*
OA't) A itfaja littid) ll iMAf# H (kiwi rktrtf
an 111*1— r laafr t tt Tim anH4 *t'l' n,v *9 <ka ,
alctf .u ..11 M xatal-n Urn H< tvl> l.ttximtfMf
Ilk aiiatriM • . ~! %I. H!. Igm M natal.* UtulNrtll •'
(4IMM ).• ll'ttlLtlag 1M Will
It Utir Mttn* lUi atltkt t '*.■ .-.I fiairiA*
II t ( likQfvlA :* : *-< ,tg' • f- al'Hiti : t • >a|. Htf
i !.! Hv. Tw h* k • ) a •tu.i--.' •- .• facbiriii
StfM- • itig .f t r 1.., - - ri.rf ut 4f%
l*n> ><tftu ixeYM t. if a real, rat au i tu
Tarrant'* I ffcrn-sceiit Hi lt/cr .Aperient
V- cn<t ha* i'njri.s*xl xjtt txa' -ir- I,) .• fblota it* )1 Um
• ai'ial ir ia*ra*l ' aa <-1 the- liritnvti ft •mtittu it. a iwrii
'■lr f a, Mild '4h lUtt Oiiae wiivt . I;a h > ittatlb ilul
rili.ra rhka aefrnaaul* ali 1 bJletit aaiiW* kilerklDc
. h*i.*r* t? < ■ Hi'liti'si f fWu-wi *nl | ii.Uaw all iu
> 1f y t e
Ul_t™ ri
26i f 262, 263 Broadway.
- ♦ oßbiAtikk tio ♦
ASSETS, $4,827,176.52
SURPLUS, $820,000
every approved FORM OJ POLICY
will be 2ISCOySTED at 7
I 7fx I> ALT: TiitET, l.'ln *■ 'IkLT*. N. Y.,l
Nat. 14, JH74. (
H. ft. KTrTfNA. l"w ♦
/•mr st! *r M I hi \h '.U fit br It* I
ti<. aa aril a in \-i* .1 I.UAiwt'xtki* of th ai j
vihtMMi nt rr* tber -x . t t . rt.. >| aittpal a rati* !
I an ixxat L arti x i at rt-1% rmu lUftid
the \ airiMl for U>#c\in| a;!!'.* wh h II iaekuttcd
to cure. JAM! 4 I*, i rnii ltt .
Uh ri*'. r ( klYin iU|4i( c'i nr**h t
HecrAttaciita, CaL |
[ fvAfl'RL'j liLVLI'V
1 ?-r Cpfftt Bteo'j P. en
SorTM I\H.AX **, If IL, Od* 11, IfTTfL
NR. H. Ii KT*3 em
l*rt\r Mr 1 here Rlck tiro yoara with tho
Littr o mj-latnt. atid durinf ttut hare Lafcen
yrrat many (1 iffrrrut Hut roup f ihr-ca
did Hi" Any 1 i r tJraa and ha.i DJ
ipjf t|e.*- Laktiift thr VtOffTlMK 1 prat Wr;lef |
rt! b li;y f Can the Vi orri *4 fof
bal It La# <kN>r for tt<\ ttra iiOtm ifttUv,
Mne. JkLkLUT UiiiLUf.
nf thfr atwrirr :
Mk. <>LOlU*l. M \KVim\S,
McdfA*rd, 14 are,
r*f Cmt Pioce
pßOTiDttxrit, 1L I , 164 TRAXatr STEKJXT.
11. H. STterjia. I-s :
1 frirltw ulid tOßßprri with mraiimitnrethehifh
tiln* 1 |Ut <• tipoQ j jrVpuiTpi. MyfamUyhare
liaod it 1r Hr lt (xvo )rare, ij ur debility
ilia ii.x alnaLlri. and 1 m mint *lit lo aii who may
liccJ au reuokmttiif t
O. T. WAI.RER, \
rormtfly l*uor lVowdoia**<iuam Church,
Tat Catit EUOD P-.aTi
pcr-TH liuil, Mia*., Nov. 14, IfTA
Xl*. It. R. pTEvaw*:
iknr ,*ir I have Isvn trwuWcit with Rcrcfnla,
<Yiikr, an t 1 Jvrrc<vnu !.nl furlhrce y-ara Nuth
lr . isr did nr any R,*l until I i-omniuccd using
11 A i..1.71*-*. I am now *• tllng al"n£ flr*l-r*tr.
siul wi ill using tti* VravTt**, 1 eunalder lb*r* la
: Ihlnu equal lu 11 fur aiirh c<nipiaiuta. Can heart -
;.\ rn mm*:,,l It torvrrjl*tv.
Y jura trulv, Msa. I.IZZIE M. PACKARD.
Nix 1C hay-rang* M-, Huutli Sail4l;, Maaa.
Tar Citxt Bicoo Pi'aintA,^^
Ihvaron Hour. 14 Trr aa SrirnJ
Jmrrciw, Aprlt, I*TA f
H, 15. ffrrrrv* •
JVi 1' Nu-XV* foci thai th* chll.troti In ottr lvom*
liav■- Ivrn greatly • • '• I I y lb* Vauttnwm yetx
haio * vkindly girrn u- t un llrii* tu lUu*, cwpwriaUg
liiusc troubled Willi 11," s. rofula.
AA uh f -sivct.
Mas. N. XCOKMEhL, Matron.
iTrparcd by
11. It. STEVE**, Itoston.
Vt - tino is Sold by all Praprgists.
vd(S3fe*?^ : ]96X YT *" ,T " twn "I"*"!' prmiimd I" •" tht n*mt
Ar pf thaMof linMn d IkMiUllHMiiut}.
Ok- >*&&. T ~,& „ BOSTON. .. „ _|BJL_
WW rmto Ilnrtt. * S. rt*r*.
Xtmußoi'ii. I Mcl>*w*u. * imai.
,-i* " v , s Finn AMR* HUM. | ALKIC, MIKHAIL* COKMT.
f *ft*n Wtiimmtn IUITKU j riudTiuow.
ConiintitTAL ll.'Hi.. | Tnorioi, fine* * J.
Wiiiirt.i IIOTIL. | HAIL* Ilrm.
■ IMUI HIJ ELTAW Ilonr. | G. 11. Rusk *II* >. WW
BriaiT noru. n. CATAOKA * So*. JO*. S. I'IUUI.
„ CHICAOO. . M _
\ajKy\fcr - JY SMITH DBOI. * Co. I CLAKK * MUUT.
f 1 Thr Ml *T(i II 1: Erftlrrtßi ( 1
V m only ' .rrul.ra fr** aa atr
OH IIAHHOW*. W|ll>mMM. f*.
1 hmi f sandy P'iMmilnml , m\ghl l*mgm . fiftf
i nit <MInM rltmr
l •urn M' p*r mnun <l<jU of mUrrrnm, 91A P**
v i I I if| % ( Ol'V (4RATIH.
awM' Mmi Iwtf M all M 4
item •! tb b#ty. P*Os M ball la
fl "Willi Mts proMMM bark *•!*.
q \"Wjf r m
|U|| y ltMl i u iimlU la IUI
Mi i ratlMi r Mima li M A*y.
*•••(. ' •.4 u**,. iki if aiii dmoii bw
■CCLibTON TRUU CO.. Martftftll, M:Oh
fTITTTT* AN miN* IA nil l fln ia4 of rvrrf
A 11 Hi iinirl|Mluii, tn*m Iho ll*late*t,
flnrol, and mhiM rlranol in um lo lit* kriflnl
and aiioo** *t for any kind of wnr| in
concord r:r:r.
Mrmilli and durulilllM . Ttaay imnl lha blah.
**l aarlilea nrd II Um CWMwmtal Kiyuaitl<
II A PMCyO " >"• iraalur wlm
XlAUilLljO. Ittmy ... .UMprd
•an vur naiur w4 Trade Murk. A lilml
npaT JT A T TV will •-* ■•" M u>f*m*t
II Jj VY /In 1/ Uwi i)| raaHrl up MM
whtt aril* Itararw mm llir I aaiard II or no**
ihol are not Htndr by mm, KlU* ladiicMMaU
doiol Mid lor nrsuUrr .Oil yru* l*MtM
J. R. HILL & CO.,
4 Vanenpdr W* 11.
Providence Line
ONI.I 41 .MII.KM or UAll-
M iibMAobuaolta,
<" Tbr I'ulnrr •Mritnrr of Ibr H ar14,"l
AMI Till* M llUl.ll HI SUM Mil) KTKAMKtt
Zihorio I1AU(1,
<aTbr Qarra at ibr a*aa4, H i
Will on and alirr MA \ 7 !*** id. y, Irum Pto* *ll.
% U I*4 ul Wima MM al A P. M.arr.-laa *1
I'roi Iflrni r HI li *. H. Mi l Hanlaa I A. M. I
n.u in-~l;.t. luid.n*. Utrmu ft** Vori and Pvi
' Fnaadt of ttaa KSd
Wm#' ' .1.
■ . irr 11ii'* ' i Mt' il i~ * 1— h tri
HV , ',/// fnemm mtm ft act -*< *i .rFTTI
E3 . j /JY' MiOALauitvto E3
B3 V:. • I r t trcianaaiti Ci]
pi* \ t ,( Cn ihd Cdaaiiy* and fW
W J I'fA boarof tnuuiion* H4
/ dlfflfv v **h*ooa u
v' j ai< \/aaaauAAU IIIUIPI
I > Si ,/ lbabnadaiaada E3
V . 4 l%\\S r W #iba ridmaof d
abj Ir TrddrNUra.dCftOWH.Ard B
W! darr, CarMf AlCI WBSi
1877. NEW YOBK. 1877.
Titft hi * ombnusi U> Im Um Mnetnui aftoesi* of
''• #• MnsiiuuMil, aiw) of (h •aabot.tniauo of
u * r • ill. •<! fraud is Um ado sn4rUaa of
lut*lic afftm It dOUauU for Um #'**ornts*< -# Iho
(*r* V> I > U|| 1 ' 0.1 MI i:r |<Miplo, o* ifIMMKI U'
jpivrittssrit i > fro4b is ti* '/sliul twi nd in UM count
in# -f % ■■ **, MiLreid ti oiifiurf rvh*tto It
t' r. j. t|iU rdwhin • iMadf Dot Ur frxaao aim JJP o
J -if SaauU l'a I M Dl.Oi ATrfvil. l.Hlpilil. Uld IrVH
| *• t. li) aci iHtfiU of ournrnt rniu, s.itt i.*> <u iiiia
!t'U| P- s sunoaisi AH He-}, td*4 alt fl . f nr.
jbrt*-r And • ■ in|Am'-flla It* from Ws*t 11,4
Ij *•+',** ait- full, m^arato ms 4 fmiroa* . it
4 ttWinA- 4- aft Hn to itaMon* Odd S)J f'lda m * ,4
| thow otao 'ht.%d- tn lUmiilrrin# th Ti roour> r
j gj *{ i# | | 4t , <f.dMdi t- I :%-•* tholM. ohtlo it
j Hidtll ft \* Hi- r t tJ.r* V rio4*tMM of thda OuhLc If d* tt*# rifht*of tho a<fA.tu' lU ocKfruaach
* tori.b of un, mi {SfKI i r
Ti* prw f <f UM> Man j Kt * x && oosta a swti, or
i * 1 or, •it li Ur ► I>4a| od-tbi.afa
. ft.lO a >ar
I' " > oi t*oO aJ"o. fifbt fifM, 51.9(1 *
I Jaosr, |a Ml |dscf
r S•> kit hi * tsar*a of u bro4 ooiumzu
i fUtftnLr 1 At :a | A )A*f. I**4 piud
I Nrh iai N 'lt t la ordrr to utradan T>| Rm
| mor a,jfj u u.m jnat ic. srr t!l oood THE WKRKLY
od/Unti tug tho of Iho >s.r, to Jan. I. in,
jb-ot |a*-*1 for ||*l! a Ik.IIAT Try it.
Ad.irof. Tin •! N* \. . (ify.
Tonic and Invigorating Effects
-or THE
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
- UR -
Protected Solution of
Protoxide of iron.
W* FiJkUl Yt.Jas IL IfCi
/*r • > • r Aftrr r |h- • p**t 1 tiAri**rn is
}*k • n-vlth. mhl f I'* petal isar c* tuiarr rrry
My !.<•llh rv-t linwl ta d! n. *r.<l rrj fith *n'
lr*run. w*aimi A), until I *ia umi mi -ai ur Mt-t:
I <> tap'tßtrs M.i-it itPMt n I fr-aa>
froqofat t ac ! divtarMrinc stt f x •lptt*t*a| nf Uar
#rTt Hi) fewd d'AlrtWAed fW,CAWr.:i£ AilOl|| All 1 pMJ
iti tb-*. I. Xtai I frntu nl r'a# D*rv*M
no**, i c*ot :i*t.ri. and <i*hdttf of U>r a)i4tt fmra:lf,
ny b .id ♦•!* (bis and i***. as.! luKUhh Hi <-irrim
t/ n ainl I MAA ft jwiff .til!iar,ng aii th* UnISTM "i •
A*, nfermrd Uif.jdd.4at., Ataout m* months MAC* I oosarlMl
-01 1 win,jd fry * brtil* of PKHI VIVII SYRI!P.A4
n-AM *w4 m.. nrb tHmiflt 'run it that 1 porA-hnoMl ftw
t*attV *nf havr rori.t*d th* UM f v.,f Sjrun
until <4ii r*ormfly It bi r*aal4ira*d m| hnAlth b* sural
•n ost.nt tl;st I Id*; Aiyertf a ir**d au tvew Mj di^nn
t on • ifd, and my m , .a ,v 'l lim isfmajed in thr {>ai
f'nr worn . ir-oi Isr U* D 8 t*>>uci,U my rmicth haa
1.1 m*d. An-! my prnrrAl health i Uim M tidful jin
1 rait* i 1 ran lr j ray I our* it all tullw UM tf r> >or
PrurVU.N hYUCr I h*jt.Mtly all
sunM a from djip ;<.a and drln i'f t f.rr it a txia*
hoping it 0.1 l tb*ri. a* much food as it haa m+
Y> ur* ttrj truly,
Mfcl 8 H BKif IS
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
From a Merchant.
V urn S' x aawmcT. M* . S*|dt t. IfV
/-Nt4 Wr-|t ffitoos i crt pi*a*ur> U- nfinn I
fin; of thr Imm-ftt roc*tra 1 fwt> th* ns* of rRRI'VI Ajf •
'>\KlTin my fan: ly My unfr. !o tbr (• t*
K*** h* tmn ic tr-r> V ii*a.!ffi much d*hihtaik!
s twraily l.w 1 ,,, "4 ahr nenrlsMhi; t irt a b Uir of
I I lit V UN > : Kt'P. m l war eo a*i! pWssd with
th# r#*.ilt c-ulifttird it* UM snlil tbm- -w hmr tmhlsa t
hfc<! Inm. n uaod. end ah* i n.nt in !m4Wmt hoahh at
anj Um* f<-r ten jean, and haa n. reared in aeicll from
IU t> uodr to IIS I liM# rwnphryvwl j.hjH4a a, and
HM a tr*al TthHt of pat*nt meul icirw-A. lo th* rtlad
•f of liar*, sn.l | in • ah* rrrmrd m<vr*
|M-A*ht fr- mtL* I'KKI VUN SYHTP than all lb* n*t
tfti*dM ti*r
Mj aale* OA th* Syrup *r* tarjy* and constantly
r:ni-a>,n|. and I <so n<4 heart* 1 :# V reoonußrnd an 4
ever aanant t U. val-vfact j-m If you dwurr pu
are xt li*Mrt* n hia r<mni;n<ilwn aa pm MM fll.
um A *ir*a m* pUaJ!f to i*eowrnd a-- *l**3 an artaci*
' t© runnnf hum nsty Yours tiulj.
Peruvian Syrup
Peruvian Syrup
It new.,.. V. . Snj.l T, I*M 1
/""• '.>'ra wty y.-tit I ... ImJUI,
ltm! 1-1 *.!' h':M4 m my l>i Vl. mliyna .ml
if 1 *y*t*nt r-'Ti.t.; j, . ... un*|.' to UKr much, uu
toft. Iltkl 1-it.iftum. *n.l Ih.ui uftly ft.lh gnmt
N"" r •*" • l-l mpt n*. I hml m -r*r* all ark
•'l'. . TI. ch '••(1 my umb* •. i.
.. I>ll rinal-lr t.i *. a r N.-iic.n* ih*
..)u.M...n,.nl ..I PKKI VltN S\ KIT I c.ncluilmt tu
en. it . trial, .ml b. my * j y found m. hrmlih
' ' he S>rup tint 1 Ihrre
fa.*l . 1 I Ihhmi 'i*d. ami fr*l to cmplrtr j
hevith. a;U hare r*matn*4 a* t' thi* dy.
I attfl* it* hit tiMmt haa'th ntir*lt to ih* na* of
PI Kl \ IAN >\ lit I*, ami hold it in huth ertitnaUon
I c*nn -i •|w-%k Uoh|fhly an Ha prata* t >iat* ia aeTeral
c**.- r 1 nmirndoil it in i-**4*a v*ry sinular to my own
with thr mw O*Hl nrsulta Youra truly.
i ll \HI.Ks K 1-KARI'T.
sKTH M. FOWI.K A MINs, Trnpi irina,
Kl' llarrlann Afrtmr, ItoMon. SU by nil
alriintt*. • > nni|'hlr*iA firrr.
Ml Ja dn? al bmr Aarnh mntrd UntfH ard
I * 1 nrt Inrti-d v AafMbL Mem#
$5lO S2O v, -;cx.,rwtsaJK
. >56 2 >77 t'sjzvz.
Dcuni ucp- t. ■ ci -
ntiULitnwwtui(ir*Wnitaa.'hi.r' "1
Ol. II llnun.v l.nnd Warrftnlft Hmachl. MM
•aabpru. |>shl by lin aoat > f'u ,Wlilrsiif.l' i'
(CC a am** in yiwoaa I.—r. T.-• mi >4 4li
SmO tnm II it A 1.1 lIT H'O.MmI. ti.,nm
Mill* N* l l'H. I'aialmm. and Aamnl* OUfK
l? |U rKI.THK A 01. |in Naaaaa M V.- V i
WW AT4II It* A Ofaal baftlM. dampla
Walcb and OuMlfniatn A**nla I nter lit.n
livid Addnma A "OII.TKH * ITI I hk-ad"
SSFAA * Vrar I* l,ri<ia. n*ti o.
A#nlin ?''* > *" 4 "" F.-r u.m. id
VAvUvlna./ ran* d Oa, taad*. JN
M-> 4 !• 9* n |,rr Mr 'k Kaaily Ma.!. MalllM
' v'' to h.miltoa Hand #r* I nciUr la 1
fun , A tiros rum ITI IdHOwmlmnM .b.Y.*a.
S\% A KTII MOM 1.1 ailed* ft I. e. a...., awfa
rare "I rrwnda All ..ftaa. eaaarad by >3*ll.
' ! yaa. Klwl> II Hai.lM , A II . f-ra*t, llwaiihmura Fa
jnrQQHBBOk An 4
*TIRjfJEO!*ME3uE2!SaPni rw oai.
Muid l>> •(< l.maka*. Hf m.i! IMIc Olrcalamfraa.
, I J II Kllf II A Wl. IN Oaf bIH-at, *• fat
CHROMO iyi l klZ H &*P. FREE
tllua |L—r Inr 3 anaUu, If y-M will a*rim to d.Hrtbnl*
1 aviaa >.f vur Irian hi bebpd J ■ JA , Ift ddddd KddMea
__ hKNII 11. A I 11., HaalM, Ham.
LCAIIN TKlrlKiltAl'liff
y "i , Men an t Iftd.a- and ami tr mm ><* U
to dir.# per • i.mlli Mlaaltoe. aaar 1
aalaa." to. • I aal. ra whilft iaarnuwt Add'aa. *
. W.ll, .la.. . F llatftani. Mlwrl n.K
SV" - SS.R '
aa .. . UI-* t. j- [ Htoaaaftla—W4
a iJmi'ruT '.7l^7K 'a."-"i-* a
AliKNTh' A 111 I <TI*I M. -rJI o# aotid mfnr
Dittos, isduiMtiisbir l AysnU It t* Lr,
1.r,14 .....y. Immfwl ef ywd ih.n#a irhcba M Ihft
Art <>l Muiay M-nay. hew. ul I'aa.aftiai, " Ha* to
lim Hub." and loalraniuaa In mla Ift * b BmW
t% ><>u alau Addreaa. WM P ICIMBAI.I.
Y O Ibn 3111/, in*. .
Patents Secured!
Alau Trttdr Murba. I.e.ft eft tal r lln ft.
I'naapvi 1., elr. >" abraan I all
. .* addraaa. IIKMt V HKIIM 11. Falenl Ku'.l
' .aretla FaU-nl Aaaix > / i llay. lay Mfad it. O Bui
iioio szs
w rlh MS. aamt teaaf Iwsd.
.■■■addMeiuaß, • (, I mia Iltarieatad
1 tuli free. J. 11. 11l KHIMII'M MOSf.
Itwalftft. |KH.Ul.had MM )
A' 1. " " Dr< . rraai wwd
andhEu v,^^3s
I lichtJ
Low U> ini* >'# IrMliiteol end trli* *4 mattf r ■ u 1
cwrw* m*4* t#t ti** um of (Km srun4rf*l mwdram Otr
. rui ras ! '*•' t<rMi% %n e*H iwi irUiU
t J M Irth U1 ART ACU .Tfl( Lews*at Rt.* Pkiln.
The Bfrkahire Hill* Bend Spri&^d.
To IWAAI f; AA! t*mnlsr(nnis rwwn rrilt t<M
4 or the rdM-|h ;• offiMrt* Jnnr 10. Hurd from f U
W) 914 pr' WcdfS, fas* ASd Will IB APTWTP trtdOHb *#*
rted ruim-f A- onbiumtif -'** fv pr.tfti* thSTMrt
HuiMrtH UUiMu K*nd f*r orrsln
\% . 11. \% INMi, Pr*rHrt*r.
'S°O ° V>T AODHCSi Jo^
.. c (o *- J*L ° **"
; y=w> aia WATCT >T Mf S YOKKCWY.
ra ccukfa'btd lIIUIARQ TABLES.
[7 IninUAd fUHs * w. i.W
fu ' P! —■* sd m* myth tug U
*r~fJ Ha.ertl. *| le-WWAI PVUbm iW
; I lßb ■** Mbicb snd in*si
Mi m ~f *t* ah* f ect > r i u*,
"W I • he (Acmitrtiy biiwd
* • f *jPl \Veel ewr . ,nd *4 TIJ.UA eh>A*p
MBr kl\W I Tt* KlLUii> Crt, u a In*,
a ' ( tr Aeel seb|M(wr mmt bsr an
's(f spsebeata-m.
I 309*1 H. W. COLLENDEB,
I IW TW Er>d4wtj, . T.
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings.
TKm rAaiday. *ur*aM armmi.ary. t*rt
Oft* eeeA. Aeftd far mtmtmgum,
- Maize Flour Toilet Soap !
Maizo Flour Toilet Soap!—
—Maize Flour Toilet Soap !
A great tiauim) ' aam warn uaa* mat - It anutbaft,
Annmi . Asdsbtim* <t*dp. f.A> 1 * .-It*# son
•npwrvir viAb'Sf i* jmriwd mJ liaq tally -*it*d fur ttm
belli miMCf end #wr*rel t-iWt It i ocfulhr pm
fuMM! and Ao4d rrwystwm A a .dnt4- prd* h*c -
ut*i ta Ptlr*i (Mk I i llir hkii .fArtiire*.
_ Mi KKXINR. VAN IIAA<*KN A X P jodblplMP.
Ont AA a VRAh
nslwJrMrystMrr Tbr blnnrwl thlmr rvrr iHcd,
S*hw ><lr !r-a lh> wtum all .&.! I r% AMI
AMUwAirtwdtmcmr .f %(;\lf l f;\T f •, IH.Y fl
ftl H I.IX hit pari, r t*. il (4fc*i W rth It $- * uit 1* Liu*.
Amla and Nafwnt hr Lr *i- TLrw H*. i- •br sl
K" U wrld. IC. PaH n-blad fr— J M.N IL
After ntn* y*rr njwrfso" h** G+* * *-m4 h utn
<wr pur* t iliSntM Winn *nd Rramtl b fun Jim bf tt*
(ill* or urn> *w vt |fM( i rwdSKwi jr ws TMM
M ivmw iv iblu-B-a* t<* iiccd u * *ii:• ibeif rtnrt
parity Ti. tor Ummb *- h tr ml il>
mwi tJ p ' rpme* A tn*J . # <ni) • <*wsn hi aliow Ihwtr
Aupunontj t'#wc ulalierilxd litv-jru r i* M (>•* n
Pllt •" th* rbmrwt A mn. .nH I tniMfM.
•}d*H lA-ly Nreil fwr C fraltx *Jhd nr-so* Ret I*
CM AMWKRUX A <X) . -(.# M-rr. j ' . N*n Yni
Facts for the People!
fi* Ilia r.nft.l. tba >Mik. ii. Iha II r— m,w. lit
Tl-ai raiaat. Mi* P. iltry Aa, Jaf Ik* Hfta 111 MW. 1*
la!.*.* tola Froi, raiaef, Mm liantoaa. iba tl •
It trym*H tb* H- aaW • . ..> |. •• ;y uu waft',
to aava muj Tie Boek af Ike I SNA I ruler- .
Male aftd Iran .* Agu .u mftn.n# a li Bft H Hard
to, wa a> <m *r *te* um* I Jtui, \ *. SMITH A
BL*i K . 731 WalftiH Hteea*. I* . Ml ha. fa I
Dunham A Sons. Manufacturers,
Wardrooms, IS EdStUtb Slr*#L
i ZftUbhah*.! i *. j sew rem.
S~ufmr /iWretod Cwml -r ami met LaL
14 U . limil ■ ' Dr*p,y a . mil diarwra <4 ■
iw lktdaejr*, UlaMee aad I riftftry Or- I
■Bft*. II at a IC parr i■• fy<*b* aal I
,ua*are4 rayraaaly J * tsa *boa* iltaraam II baa ■
canal iViuaftftda kd#>4* a ailftftßd. Wad to. W I
r • *a*ta. rro. idauir. ft I f • u.'ußrmlrd aatnpklß. I
II y.u.r dntß ■** tl. Ac a ■ . ..ntou a U-T fnm. [
n A "lUIIOLII! il-nk* h. HO I
br n y u *,i*4 Tidin|r of Greet
ft * , rh Khali h* TO AUd
\ Tn All IV r i#
\ r ~~ p Pt*A>.c*U:!.:n Mr. .llmnll's
N#w 8 rmon*s.lttbl* R**din*r.
T*mp*rsnr***** . and IVv>r M**4in# Tslk*. d*-
i#ro-d in BONTO>. r*|irtnd \ *rbt m -spr***.ly for
th* y-w* n /ml t '''Ad. Oth:h such, with 1.1 IV nnil
PnrtrnilK of tloeili ud Snnkrv. A#*nt*On.
; JH wi !*-1 fnr •>!I i ri.u. Burnt* bmmy *t one*, sad
t*urin*M Ofrmnisf | tN p*r nid^nth.
K. 11. TREAT, PuMiobar. <i(a Kmadwsy, N Y
raklto Tbe TIMST TOILET deAP l. iL'w.rid.
the pi WW* df*>Lf mi* dWid Ur ■ nmtacrm-.
YSRJTE. I sat .f^ f gg,^iga,?i?iißgaLu
'•"Tl. —•. * .•■ y rake, mt • ua. mcb. *al daa k aay al
dma aa rrniN of ! m l*nu
B. t. BABBITT, WWW York City.
IF I* bal. by al! Dlayguta. 41
Kdiiidk. liidoldT of prudin U. hi OfiM-tltilal ur-
Cißacl all olli-r Sukti-4 H INAtA I'll ll'IC
■W. 4X>. iiffim larued' laaiy of gixal laucU in
K INAA* at iiwaa jinn-- and laat Irrnw.
I'leutjr of Wnv t land* I'REII lor Homesteads.
F-rii'.pv nl— HAKWAK I kt 111 l IIUIK.
Ml'lMjl," kililmi, I.nml ( auimtsmiomer,
A. f. ,MWft Zaaaw. I
Pittsburgb Manul2:t'ires at Wholesale Prlaes. .. I
H. i conUiniiu: Crsim Juj.OITMWI Sox*r Bowl, Spoon jfl
Huldrr, Omrsd Bnktnc Dish. 1 2 U*t-lt. 'J enrht
in h Oval Dish**. Wafer Pitobor, 9 a*v#n-incb Hiyh
Kru-t Pnh-u. Individua! SAUC* Dishm, I Cake
Salver. *ll of quahtv (slam, for the box. Wit (hi
Box f doxeti ii.-.Jf j.nt Table and 4 down
Tin €W r.d J*lly Tumbler* *
Hot o<nU>tiin# 9 dos*t> Table and 4 doien Uncovered
Jelly Tumblers $2.1Kl
Wmd<nrl>Uaa.fLi& b() ft Bent. Second. TbirdT*
Sby Rtolo by U... TL.S rT'-i 25 _ "
II by 14 to Ifi by U .. 3.2S 3.00 2 7S
IK by 13 to * by.*•... iim &7b AkO
ÜbyMtoX by JU . . 4 50_ 4 uo 3 75
10dt©M *&9 (at 7 445
Nails. K# of 100 !ha 7k S3.U> r-25 f3.sii
We will furnish any of tlmry articles at pricea stated
! deliveteil on board cars or -Uiiraboat* here. The money
must, in nil caaw*. accompany th* order. Send P. O
Order. B Tiber'* Draft or lie* isle red letter. Refereuce
sth Nat. B uik. PiiUburtt'. Pa. Addreas.
IIK.NHV H. VAXCIL P. O. Bos 3(18, PiU*barph x
N. V. N. (J. N*. Y4w
p>r*iae y that yen taw ibe UrtfttW
Btofito t (kts aPer,