THE CENT HE HEIHHUER Till KMU\ .UN I UN XuRMs. s2 per yr>)'*, ' 7• '- r fTi/r" s2.-V> r n f }. ii-ati.v ,'W tKWvyer •'*'■; _>" ;• '' re '> vrrti ■">. i hcintsptr 11 .t v .. a,yt4.~ni nisi rtio i. Aiirm.. . yf'l. uf • 'ihr.-al CO I 'it. LOME MfcKtlNOS. CIHTH HU t'llMl (Id. Ml, I f '* 1 (, .. ' ■ .. V . , tl; th.- v\( I 1 ' j Si (Jn.tat.oiD. a-t M I' Sixn*v. * ' llltl I Ot I/iW, Nil S I V M , ••• '■ ■ -Uv M;oi ii(on p*t !i fill' !'' n * u " * IM4 Etllowt ft *ll. IV V li.U oifli s.m .1 S FUW •£>•* n - • r ' u - -••* |! * 4 *; lift., l nil. r. l r. Sft ,t-i A ' IMMltll' M |.. w.'.t • ' Hi,< r. M .-l< G W l> > *■ ' LOCAL. ITEMS. STORK ROOM SOU RENT. lio u ftJUn s...> •>nDm• I••••• ■ '>no* n ft > Bitlmlh . - d .1. •! •' 'EftIL for it til. T.u J .s.x * in aUrwiHvi"- r. •: :1 : H Y lime alt t\\ zil V. 1 y aj'P'f ° . J * Hr.NRT Km v:n ~t Centre Hall. Or. hand— haymaking. A splashing rain on 1 *•'■' —llranhopi'M' nun omui' • * ■' farms, The new bank buildi -; wov. >a'.on. the foundation is ready. The '" it to here a fire proof, or vai:t. a..d * not used for safe-keep!"* of valuables, will ho large enough for a lock-up. of insanity is urged in favor of the allege*- murderer of Dr. Shade The boat skill and artbiio t.vte is displayed in the work turned out *- Hen ler'j Beilefonte Marble Works. Our friend. P. i. Keriin. of Lena. , 111., writes u<. '.June !• Everything promisee fa.r for good crops : ore, hut v - • talo Vilas are as thick as hair . : >•* g back. Grasshopper- are numerous en some j {arms in this valley, having disappear*! i from lands where they inhabited the P-t | few years, and now show themselves upon j places which w ere tree from them hereto-1 fore * The worst persecute . insect, m j these parts are the potato bug-. The} seetu to have no lrieuds, and in-j mac ?, j boy's and girl's hand is aga;:i*t '.hem. tion of directors L C. *B. 0 El. we era roneously printed the name of I. 11 Dun can * one oflhose elected, instead ot J is. P. Coburn The names of the directors are 0 F. Miller, Moses Thotupsor. Jas. P. Coburn. O. P. Roberts, Wm J. Howard, Wistar M arris, W. Du Parry We print envelopes s- low as $1 per thousand. Send us your envelopes. IN >' print letter heads, and -tatou e its s. ■ . as $1,25 per 1000. when parsons find paper. This is lower than you can get .. done for in the city. Faultless is the work turned out at Hauler s Beilefonte Marble Works The finest tombstone, and monuments in tic cemeteries of this county, come from establishment. Next week, being 4th of July week, there will be no paper issued from this ; \ office, as per custom amoagtho publisher of the land. There will l-e * big railroad jubilee, j near Spring Mills, on 4th, whin the first passenger train to Fcnrsval.oy w i.. arrive from I.ewisburg Yuay Deiuir.ger s new houso -n i Church street is up. Next summer he in tends erecting another on same street. most destroyed the crop. Mr B. F- Dasher o: Edwardsburg, Mich., reporO.t' e wheat crop 1 ' s'.vcry fine . straw will be short, but is headed out well ; hay crop -hort; corn locks very. wel 1 , mddttisi the drouth .n May. Farmers bu-y ploughing .- ; fallow and picking strawberries, which se. ' can get the best instruments or -owing ma chines manufactured. And now Pennsvalley has arailroa l in fact—the track extends some four mile up the valley and the engine can be seen a beiow Spring Mills, the day for wagoning our grain ocross the Seven Mountains to Milroy, across Nit tany mountain to Bellefonte, and through the Narrows to Miffiinburg, ha? gone Ly and farmers are relieved f the great ex of getting to market with t'.eir grain—time, horses, wear and tear of wag ons, and some toll will be saved, on ac count of the railroad, with bitter prices for grain in addition. Best and cheapest homo made furni ture—full parlor suits, or single pieces—t" be found at the rooms of J. (J. Brachbill, jr., Beilefonte. FOK SALJS.— A new Guide.n To p gue Organ, warranted. Will b" sold very low -Inquire at ibis office. Many of the Pianos and Organs now manufactured will contrast well with some watches we have examined, having a massive, highly embelish- d case, anJ when you ask them what lime it is, they don't know, something is tho matter with the movement. Such is not however th case with the Realty internments, manu factured u*4 Washington, N.J, the move ment, durability and tone, is the lirst con sideration, and then the case constructed according to price. lm Groceries down to ca.-h prices at acchleFs, where they keep the best. ——At J. O Deininger's you can buy MuttoJFrames from 30 cts up ; Mottors, o Cts. I*:i on .vunti will Mlsbntl i. 4 b _ | July :: (1 lire nnty lhi y.-nr, and ' t gr: ;d j -r.i. i.ea: Spiing Mi' • e. jor of tho .'poning if ur taiiroau to t oin T y wiili-oai ut on : • 'o.i . •or-1 gti 10 p per? own :ho >, oi, i Irst ji.-si train, tu Icavi Li ....-In. , - ''.Jo ,n th. uorn ag. lon will' nig. .c wive . cli rci nn ell. -irt •! I " uand wi' sin! oiig:i.tula tbi th '.i onnti ti ~ • J*. ' ho v !1 la n 1 -nl t ' . or t) ,-ni Hca'ti mc'■ ir< N\ ■. \ r, • i i I'en'igti -n ■ ' hoih t< il' on nr. a uir ,'\>r iu'. The l'i n c.u.nty j per- iil l tin' .'i • ing nno inoona it FOURTH OF JULY. 1877! ! GRAND OPEN 1 NG Lwi-t>ur \ fro J S. t'. Kailr ml i ' EX.1 1 ON ro SPKINt; Mir!JS. At iin i .1 h .vi> 1 w.rg tbout *. m ,'ulv I, nrrtvu g *■ Si r g Mill about " i Kn .U. g. .. ~• S; ig M about t.P 1 arming .• I.e. *' i ~ rAvrvboiiv i- c.-r-sully tuv cd u la., pa. i iu ami i • ji>\ a BASKET i'UNNIr ain I (11 auil Kaili id Exoui'si >n. rbc Excursion will be acei nipaitioil bv the LEWISIIUKQ BRASS BAND. Tickets fr L . ly anJ tin ; etuan, roua.: Trip. n Sing sl'il t.- iV Children ' o.v>> n and I." yea: r! Half Price, In Til, r to* u'.iw accouimoda; n? ta k ; cts mutt be pur. Wed by tbeV >i ofJu .• i v eau will be pr> rided lor ail who 1 iv> ;ickeu on K it .late Signed I>. B Miller, F W V'..,rs! . - \V. Johns n. Geo, W. Walls s D. ' i-rtes, 11 D Albright. C. ti. Davi-, 14 \\". ISchoch, It IX Caw ley. CenniUli —— fhe P.'M \ a . 1> . itu'.e, ui J.-r i Pref. Forney w ill sh -rtly close its -ac j ,'Mtful spring ti -j, v ha 1 ternry cit r . '.ainmeut. 1 1 flplil g Mi.i n, tl li.r .epet. Work i- v ..a .tici for ..> lepot at lie Forks. Ti. n. k .10 i. w rans t, wit'...ntw, lU.'. S of Spring M; - There will U- a water -Ution on the railroad at Stover's Uillh.-use, in Petm twp. S; angler's hotel h., boon repaint ed out and inside v and looks much im proved.- -Ira. Cottle has built LiUiself a roooiy tailor shop.— Iron picket fences are getting into stylo here. N i'u r, \\ i.aon ,t 1' chl j aid paj Evert ci for . aim. acre of an i at las Forks, <>u winch they intend • rectiug a large gnu i ware hcu e. If Jaii iy Kv ert art seii.- al. ground at thai ia'.e, hcu,. - a- weii a to trikc "ilo " Frank I. no , i'. p ii. , for J . !v is ens of tho be>t numbs:s oi t .• woi* et i-racd Its i.rlic'. ?, f • i.utifuily an ! bera iy l -trated. are time' y. high It n : Teat:: g i i ..; uctive, especially "Uus - a a;... 1 ti-.-ir War Sireugth, Sov ereign -. etc." by Was. Staughtoi ih.a . , The N\". -th 1 of Par : s. ' "Malta ' Mrs. General Gaines " "The Great Grain Mow— l, etc.. etc. In . Ulit. u. I.tins iiinm: rah.o paragraphs o var . inter, -ting ramjet ;s—s meUting for m body besides the usu il r.u: ber >f short -sleet -tor . j by "-ocular and g-t"t. 1 a-.ith- ITS, ..ud .Lien are ready caplivat g. This mags ine of 12S pages and liV) illus trations m.i-X in view ot iu a.-tuaiiy b- "g the cheapest publication ut the iu ex istence at..; it the same timo uno of '.lit KUMtselect vCd ur.iver ally .e'c ine, , •inuo -o inc-ea?.' in public favor, and rar.k with the publish, i Sunday Magazine, tio '..ighest among all our nionth '.ii?. L'he Popular 31 nth'y may b" ib 'ained for SASO, and tho Sunday Maga zine: rs! for • e war, postpaid, fri m Frank L's Publishing H> use, 637 i'eari Street, New Y( "k. Sscl-lox A t'o. k. _'p the .arc ststock of grocur:- sot ny firm in Centre i county. B-st assortment, tine-i goods, ■ lowest prices Tbe richest cheese eve. of fered in tl - market. Th- be*t roasted i coffee and finest flavor of all. New Or . leans molasses, enui-.e now c- p. The | inest doll ir ten- -n t! -talc gr ri,black, and Japa: Tho best brands i : canned j traits in the market. Suga -, c rfees, yr ups. rice, hominy, drici fruits ami for. gn fruits st lowest price? Th- fim t sugar cured ban -, dried beef, and breakfast ba- I' con. Every piece guaranteed. Our mot to is Best and Cheap t. Ft. hi - A Groc. rs. Bush house block, Beilefonte. The larg. t sit ck of furniture in this ' county will be found at J. C. BrachbiU'.- room, Beilefoute. God-y's Lady's liook for July i : finely illustrated and filled with reuJmg • matter ca.,ul'.ed tu : lea*.-, uma.-o and in 1 struct A fellow by r.auie of P. Lagiarisin, out in accuse I)an Ha.-tiugi l of stcaiirg Everett stamps— or n. tes. 1 Dan can prove Rn alibi, for Everett isdead : long ago ar d has no r.otes to .-teal, and be ! sides lla?'.ings never knew that there was | any man d Everett. Dan am inno cent. ; Tun AMUUOA.N Pxurtft.—No peo ; pie in the world suffer as much with dys j pepsin as Amerl ans. Althougli years ty. etc., yet since the introduction f Gr. en' Au gust Flower we believe there is no ta' of dyspepsia that cannot be immediately re lieved. : -0,000 dozen sold lat year with out one case of failure reported. Go t your druzgist, F. I*. Gre'-u, and get -am pie bolt'.•• for 10 cents and try it. Tw< dusc> will relievo y u. Regular sire 76 cents. D.' : ning.>r A Mm- r, of the Mill he: r:i Marble Works, ar d ing a very good business, notwithstanding the bar. titnT, and tho seci> t of their eucce-s is that they mak" good work at very moder ate price?. Don't be impc- d upon by ir re?p >nsib!e agents and runners who 1 arc no knowledge or experience in tho Lui ntss but go to the MiHheim Murblo Works' .-fore you buy c-i.-ewh-re, where you cun g?;t Monuments, Couches or lleftdstor es, of an 3" pe?iblc design or price, 3t Take notice grangers and all others, J. C. Brachbill will sell y< t. Chamber suits, Parlor suits ar.d all kinds of House hold furniture at the lowest cash pric. J ' :.o humbug.) Call at once and see for your selves. BELI.IPOSTK MARK GIG. —JUNE 1* by Shortlidge A Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale, $ 9 60. retail. s!''(Jo. V) bite wheat, 1 76. Red " 1 75. llyo, XO. Corn, shelled, 00. Corn, cub, 60. Oat-', 35. Barley, rye weight, 50. CloverMscd $5 per <4 pounds. Potatoes retail, 1 'Si > Nova Scotia plaster, ground, 10 00. ; Cayuga " S9OO. Anthra. ito coal : Chestnut per ton at yard, $4 50. ; Small stove, " $4 76. Stove, " 4 76. i E-Cg, " n4 50. I Broken, " $4 60. Sinking Creek HHIH. 1 his old, and well-known Grist-mill, ii I Potter township, is now -uperinleridcd hj f Mr. D. M. C 'WHKK, one of tho best ex perienced millers in Central Penna, wh< - has rendered the utmost aatisfactioi , wherever he has been, and understand , tho m.llirig business thoroughly. IF WARRANTS HIS FI.OI'K and al • other work, sent out from Sinking Creel 1 Mills, to give satisfaction, a? to quant it: . and ouulity If you war t good bread i< . Mr. Cowber furnish vo ir Grist. Gri.-t . de'ivered to" Hal' twice a week b; j mill w tgon. HoUie.'cecrs, g've Mr. CV • her a trial 3 and eat. fv yourselves of the great rupe.'i . ority of'he flour manufactured by him. i2Am ay 3m, I'EN MOt .iK tl At; til ID i \ .'l V I'll 1 .l: i'El Mi. - t).N IHi G ALLOW ". P. iv li*. Juti. fl la horou A I, , to d*\, Hugh M (low J.iue. Mot ' ' latin- - Cart. 11, ' .'. <' K<' tu ITi " 'it 1) . > paid the i a.ty ,! >i * '* 'K ' i fir ;h ■ brutal > lu.Jer of 1' 'lt, i i F 3 : ut l'n. , about six i * ' miln from '-snt IL. e, i ii'.e t.-as i • • I'.td at an t*r!y b. .r > i 0 .< mornhig ''' •.I,i i IS'.i, ii •. 'alia', on I;•an i .g • "' Jry wr..; „Jt ... Th, ui Di. n Moll ' iMt k . c. mlk •i I | . ' v i-t II 'the l are while latov .rated alid ill o. ! Oei !\ h. I l.i bl ■ ... ! 1 t-V I I'd, < ' W a j >!!. .me to t r IIU '.'a -u j bT-tI. lit. l . law Fit d III,* ' id. Lan on'uor Duffy ri o'.vi I that u oub! . -s- i ito,. I M0..i0 31 i! il■ I not p> iki il:s r jut l■ i oniagi tii - ■ . nul ti on ui i bu; l.e f- i' .1 :' wd. to .ar ..ul . ... orr I,a I : ■ I'l 1.,'. ,*tik ami tur ili-iit.* i I C r l.\ i L t io it. j Poiuul.. . June 21 \t 10. the jjr, "' ! fo.-llli .1 m li. 11l . 11. -. .tie'J, lW"ii. i a .- idin k .II . pi i !> Il j :.n.i'i d-.1 , thi* i li" -. ■ * c- n• ' iOU.-ii.,xt.- .-landing oa, k of the roj' At twelve intnu'.t - 11 ta i.iii gi. i tiia bend ot .. ee ' i i.'.er wasihiow oj . . and at t, i uiinutes ot vie ven th. two inrr j Boyle .endll < and M tie ei lolU wii g cauie out. At Ii Of o cloek the i oao was *fju>'.c,l and nl ll.lof the trap uroppid. B>u briol - aIiTU. :it, ne the alliriiilti| i r.or denying their gudt. 5 Uoi e who wa> eollar.e??, wa* altendvi 3 by Father Bi-reslord, and M l.ehan, wt wa- well re--cd throughout, by fat ho M'Govorn. l'he former larned a lai;: rial r. -on lit- band, while the la' hai ' the fi wor in las buttonhole. Ino rv ieoi of tho v alhoiiechurch wen * rendered in Eng. -h, Boyle ropeating tin ■ prayers, while M iteiiuii listened iuten.'.y and ot onally movi'.l Ins bp* iu piaye' r I athor M ii a 'r:i ex her led the men U . look to the Otioonly who eoulo ease. A tor making '.his exhortation tho pr .ub ts the C alhoiie service wa rendered to tl '< , about to die. When the religious ceroiuonu- won tailed M'U. i uan spoke saying: "I have nothing to toll you, gentlemen. 1 blame no one. 1d * not lay anything, whether 1 am guiity or ittr.oc. r.t. I only a-h tvr givetii'j-i f tl.o WTKI.O w..rid, and it 1 have done anybody wrong .nul it fhoy d.o t Christians, I •.', :i- 1 know th.ev will, to forgive rue. Bi-vle sposi next "1 have nothing to ,y. biK pretty :i i the -aiue I -aV r.otiiiiig of tuv guilt or innx-e nee. I for give th. se who put me here, and 1 hope all wili lorg vo mo, nr.d I will forgive a. those wi o diu mn wrong." After B vie' concluded, il again spoke, saying . 1 have d. no all in my power t<> save my loul, and i trust u. ( tod that if there i- e!i my - >u. now any - u that I has j not e'.ca.ed el!, lie will ntakv tile- -ud -r bore, aud this i my pray er, that Gcni will forgive my sins." When th wa- eud.-.i the audemnc ' nun kisicd the warden and keepers, on the platform and c;i:bra. . J Boyle -ayittg • "Good by Hugh. "May we meet in . better w rid, aid M Gehnu. Tho f raerthrew tlie- red ro'eheearrn on the t.aji, put hi.- ii.ind* I ack ; • be man , acted hi ! j.netly - ibmitted While the sf-aps .ve-rt jdac- 1 ar uit: 1 t! eir ankles, knee.* and arias, the prior's cikurlc i theui to pray. i tAII n: vt ! from tho trap ar.d the lip- of both c utlanlly moved as the i. ■> •> wore b iag adjusted. Then in tt moment,'.at ll.K>x, wit ut warning, tlx > trap w. ' sprung ar.d both were launched into i. r ' T.ity. Boyb die-1 the ea-ie the luli.s ; ahirlii g oti the re. e, . .1 M Gehatt's •• ' | the last to show muscular aetuin. When tho trap was sprui ■ the p rust- coin tucnciil their f.: al office.-. The bodies hung until 11.32 and and were then cut down. * Boyle died fro .. the *X ,-k in t-'n min ■ utes ; M'Gehan in fifte. n, from -trangulu ' tio.n. Tho Ultei > body exhibited tcrril L ' cunvulsicn Ju-t aft- r tho bodies wen 1 cutd"wn, M'Gehaa b."ng tak n d wn i 11.37, theijherifl decidsd nut to hang thi ' others together, but in couple.- of two. At 12.U5 Koarity, • .unpsn >*d by Fa'h > er Gaiety, and Carroll, by Father Beres ford, were brought out and at 12 >5 won - on tho {caffold. The serviet -wore as he - fore. When they wore finished Koarity -aid, "Well, gentlemen, I have only u f. * , words to say. i .".and here to-day befon . the public and I must tell tho truth, don t know whether those of whom 1 -peal have gone or come after mo." Then hi rambled into a statement, saying, "I nev er saw Thomas Dully more than threr times 1 ?uw him in P tt-rille jail I 1 never beard him talk about Benjamin 1 Yost, or about ten dollars to bo given fc sl.e .'.ing, < r anything concerned about it and another thing 1 mi:-t = y for Hugl M'Gehan and Janies Boyle, thnt I neve a-ked them to come and shoot Benjatnii F. 3 -l or any other man. I a*k forgive ness of everybody, and hopo everybody will forgive mo. That i all." Carroll then jko "1 have nothing i ? n J*. gentlemen, only I am innocent < f thi crime I am charged with." Koarity broke i*i : "Yes. that's a wuri I forgot, t';at I die un innocent man. forgive al! who put nio here that pro*, cu ted me." Carroll added : "And I too.' f Koarity singled out Mr. L'Valle, one o his counsel, standing in the yard. Hi eyes roante.l around in search of friend but he ?aw none to knowl-iive L" Valle ti whom he thouted, "God bles- you, Mr L'Yallo ; God b!< ss y-'U," ar.d the counso - ech lit ! ack K ari'y and Carroll were hung at 12;21J Both declared their innocence. At 12 4: the b'.-lie- were .ul down and r. !iiovi-il and a : tl;.' two end scaffulds ha 1 been csei there now remained I it the setitre one fo duty The sheriff de ij. 1 tijiun tho thre. executions in deference not only to th wishes of some of the no-n, w!-.o wanted P go t< gethcr, but because ho thought whil" ted; iu?, i' was -nf.ut. It arity de clare lin 'tis -t.itemcnt that lie never nv " A: twenty-ono m nulos pas', one th r last two men, Duffy and Mtinley, wor hung. i, Duffy, with Father M Govern, ntu r Mun!oy, with Father Defman, left th ■- prison corridcr r;t eleven minutes pa-t nr o and when Duffy csmn in sight of th •- crowd there wax n<> reprieve." After the ceremonies, and a- the lenthe band-were being placed on timir lirnt ■ Father M'Oovcrn told Duffy ho had i opportunity to speak |if IteVvishcd, but h shook hi- head with a "No, I want t think of Fomothing elio. Aiunley refused also, anJ th"y quiell 'uhmilted thein-eiv. ?to tho sheritf for im mediate preparation to their end. At pre eisidy 1:21 tho trap was fprung, ar.d i twenty minutes the bodies weru cut dowu lit'o having been prunounc-d extinct wilt in twelve minutes after tho fill of the trttj Thus endod tho career of the six, an the sheriffs long drawn out and drendfu labors cuinc to n end. M'Gehan an Carroll, from appeuranee'. died the mo horriblo of all the deaths. Execution of tho Mbucli (,'lvutik Mol lies. n Mttueh Chunk, Pu„ June 21. —Micbai y J. Loylt, Edvrurd Kellev, Alt xundf l " Campbell and John Donahue expiate , n their crimes on the gallow? here to-dni I- Doyle, Kelly and Campbell were exec. K ted for the murder of John P. Jones, th successor of Morgan l'uwell, a mine boB r who was killed in lt*76 at Landlord. Alei *t Campbell came out, first, attended b l * Father Wj ' t.., and with a firm step v. i.l! * ed up the staircase his l.a;.di together b. fore hhn gTasping a crucifix and muttc iicg p-eyer# through bis cIo"d lip.; wax p1... 2 in one of the ft ur cornerr, an k'i i.. "" i 1c; i •c m i. \ i . i Ii ml* continue I kkl.iOn ui.hoi'iKi I will b •' ipp. ' f' .u ilw ''• .• u t' I <<(;!(>: ii 'i.-tr. yif.| I ly I , illUolilltVlllt'lll , Wtm authorize.! annoum • J II i ' ' < i !■ i|< i ui-iii i i I i' .i. • \ , , •uvi'tiliur. ' \>• iill wc i n'! :! ■, 1 i ii ' r■ ■>t '•' :•'! . :i . i,1.-I.i .i I> K I:, it i I I nni( r{ii I li 'i'| i ..f Mr Ii nl'v !l * j*uk%iiir. *l, !• in .> | . i \. i'S ti < ' u|. iiiuti ii urn, . *ii*t*!i■ *n >! in ' rial, itnd !,J 1 • leu". :i i i;i.:!i .•r:!n • in|,;, \ •, their *- i. rI t,-r (--iliitiii . 5% REMOVAL IN SIXTY DAYS ! ! iZlf in ci'iisi-.jiifßre of n ir.c- h ni 1m i- mid lo imilte room fur afill heavier alocka of merchandize, I have been compelled to FNLAIIGIy AND IMI'KOVI'i MN S'loKK, ilic E .lc Cloihini* ii all. A Hreet, and for that purpoae will remove, about the middle of Juijr, one doi. Ik I .\v the old atand. l>uringthe next eixty dayt, therefore, 1 will offer : W E V T II A I N I) IF C E MEA T 8 T 0 BUYER S.— -H lv d. UTin ud l rlo-p out, a- ii- url van posniblt- during that time, my pr*cnt atork at ruiuoualy low price*, preparatory to placing in the ' **'' W'fl'ip \ tu'ily-ri jiairetl Ifall, tihn I shall return t it, un asMTtment of New (i toda not equaled in quantity, quality, cheapnem and variety outeide of ' J. NEWMAN, Allegheny Street, BELUEFONTE, PA. lii f I<■ wis rj.i- Ivl lu ii. liis lin.'io i.i I! ; all ful 1 ii .. >:.diti , m . ••s ■, f U! .'it i. i . ! ring i"' .at iwl •: -\; .• li; . . th g> lot*.- Suva i Irs.s of In J Jen m.>t >n. Whin 1' > !■" renchnl his iiu si tho .hcritt ' xjki'l (.'nil.. '. htd U|tlh| to 4 l> * 1 i vii • ■<- 'All i I.:. • i> ihui I:* rgirc ever} oil", I havo not an en u:> in the world.'' Tho ahorill'then turned to 1 V.IH wi.i aoioui| iiml 1> Father Hume, ai.J . asked hill. w hisl ho lift Ito Ml. Dojlo answore.l "I f "Veiy one, as t'Lri-t has torgiviii mo,' ami v ?o. :a 1 \. .'ii- ..II in. dolt, .hi. 1, however, couhl not be h.ard by a iegh 1 i>erion biyond the short! h.m-ulf, tho ' (Ca -o boil that ■!" . ite l'e.> 1 • v :to boi l, growing o i tint from hi bio Cilfc ili'.i, n until t *y ho oe .id hardly ta!>. H above a whisper. \ How .'a k D .r.aliue ckine •..! next, ' fun 11} Futhirlli ir, arr-. 'kl oruntix bi'twieii hi-ha;. Ij, . <. a. 'ibia i down praying earnoftlv 11 it oh o p ( |>.-i .x.-h'ti dl'ftth was wo.king i'.s rffut oil in Biui ho show t l d'.-titiot Mjjti •f it or* VOUPII iMJ i' iiiaUuc put at . r.f 11 tho otl rr two , * 00. i • ., I r ■!. keii if' had anything to • .y. D. imbue -imply i.r-- Wt'.cd with Lis hi el Alii uowii, "1 1 as nothing to say, and not oiJ If ! op. n his ii| ? exf -pt in | r iyer. lljj lf, ftlso said, when (penning the sheriff", that it • " hud uu. >. • t th..' a 1- vico of iii# priest nd hftd uft rtri' , i.'.alio .sab-tiC he Would not hale b< oil on , tho C * fluid. Ho hfptd Cj od would for- | ,*i\ e him and overs no in th - w->. i wi • had to JC' to Uod for f .rg.ver.. i k' lly thou came ■~t 4 c :, . , Father M lll.oli'O, a' .-J ii en" is', galiow* W* plat od '• th" remaining in* ■ •ant corner, op|>< iw Dot ahuo Mierlf! Kaudenhach walk. .1 - > t• Ii y mid j ■ aid, "D.< yon aifh to av anything' Kelly answering the sheriff bat i • t rais r g h. eyes from the erne. .s >aid. It 1 hud [taken tho ad*loo of the bishops and prieu t . 1 vr. uld nol liv o t.' t hero • .. I the pardon ofrrv li.d, mi lof >• eryt ds , t who all i . th* tar ! f:tl • A „ mighty t. ! '*.;iio my ions, l'lie |>ri "iier- l,v. in • coni. 1 | a .irig at ~ half past ten, Over '.'fly droi i" d en their J. kneel, th. t iur d. med men, t • : ar pric-sU, and four v a. iv i ir >n po.i c and j.ideputien. Anotharaarrleafor the dying y was begun. The ... klet 1 1 "n fd* n justed to tb • feet, l '."-eva—.,!• dth wrists •i% manacled, and '.ae white imp- pn • os.-r I their head*. This !'. office lis I r --,'K t'..rmei. at HM : > Sh'-riff Itaud" 1- i w I ie j t<> the rope adjusted to the lev ur, and '. •• > i- with a signal ir-un on" of tho >;i* •, the jher;d" and a f upleofth deputies |. seized the r j•, and pull : g it, loft th" 1- drop down pr. .-"Iv at 10 o'clock l<* r minutes and >0 seconds. lin ro the lour it men hung between heaven rd earth, anil ;h all who wilt.' • od the sight st" 1 aghast. L . r t\.r H nivtncnt tho bodi-.- Just rung iniarotjnd and r. f.eling wa- | par-'nt in e . • ither f ilo: men. Campbell v* the v urst to shake, u:i i I.* dt.l it i.-t i • rcepr* ' |hiy. 0 Then .1 . Donahue b gin t kid,. , a lraw bii limbs into all disproportionate !shape* -"He was dying very hard, poor ■j fellow," cT. rybody -aid his bands ha 1 drew up li spilt thi manaco s, and aline-t y. brought hi* fitg-rs in o u.ta t with the rope ah. ul his tuck. The great .train pf! upon his wrists made h.s hand* a lived j,iblue. IT" kicked very hard f.-r aim, t a | | minute'# time, ami then his kg- scttlrd tyjdown and he became fjuitt, while his L dy r returned its regular swaying The other 0 1 two men, Kelly and Doyle, w< re ) • rfect'y "u!y, there being no ni"tion whatever be* j jy i. i tin -way f.g, nnd ' ot . \ < i onco w.. jtherc a perceptible trum r. j"; ••Yellow J:i k' D :ahu\ wl ok ' 'j I the hardest, died lit" quick, -t and en iest. jT Tho longest life and hard, t death were those of Campbell. His shaking, w tuipends'd, was slight, but Ist* (offering , ' must hare been very great. While Dona , j liuo was showing ir'i i v ideni ■ .f p .iin, a a.{ before stated. Father Heioan approached ! '.he swin -ing body and anointed his wti ui •on-t' eac the ' anguish filling 1 : -out, if ho were eon.-, iuus. V hen the • c ' i'hysit iat.s had porf'Tin. tb r Mollie hung about the -amo time, makirg the eleventh f. r that day ly • ♦ • Ml) HE MOLL IK M AC. LI It hi Ml lt- DKILS. i,, Munch Chunk, I'u., f! A was „ feared would b the • i-e, tho ii.lurialed 1,. Molli" Maguir. - have n,t only murdered I, William O'Conuer, whoso boiy has been •n] found near White Haven, just nbove here, u j but ha vi: brutal iv -sa-sint..i John (ri rid day, a miner mployo . in oil" "f the L— high cllieri Wh t' it been to p"i. ditui I it ,i •" y kim), i, is j not impro ut . erii lr> uhlo may " yal occur, i• . a ..>n p i. e. and Cnplftin Jiiii-'. i I'i k< ton .1 ' • t irl ivo agenct.'.r<' 'itl pitroh. tho regi >n. ler There • i.. • . l>. an nnu Mtn..( . n ed an tl .• M • lt'.uler iy. v ir. •no <1 'r. . xi 1. r- th. .* ,r tli T" ia. ..ii, stpo'VT 1 ' >|io w .'h In tho law brunkcT-, the appro..en im of a h,| general ttpraiiif iia* < bMton# so grcnl fumiiii'D are removii.i to point* where t.y itlicre i* in. re p-.iti'cti":i !r ~|o ,n,j prop k-|orty. This is the e w tboso whotntk |ar,y j urt. ga!n,st the Jlolx 1 ' lio S' aguiru* ul t..i.r t.iai. m Fcuuy.kill, an• Carboii, Co.uiiiUiu. k'urliiiiinlurlaiid aid counties. 'II.TINVI ' ri. (lltANJlh WAiU f'C Koc (.OACIIHAK.EB9 AND SAD]>LKIU<. . -*• H ' ' Ofaliiii iTi(iin.iik, \N ali It,, io, "tew "2 r r *' Kull lino of all kind* of Saddlery. Alio \\ i. ~ aitufti i. i.if :: 1; .. . .*■ K.ltle.A ■• . Ac. Till* i. tilt .. t war. tn£ " i ;.J Wood-work, Follow, Plain and Pate.' / . uic, ?• rr *1 lAr4bJ• tNun tifi tin! ;rfiu from HS Q l-Z* wa#a I t. x Vii ~VK! ••LOWS. -"1 ri .■' V r ' i !#r ir All kld< of? •. f 3 t'r p •••' . e. Zi* f -i '• il " 1 ' : ' u " a '" dt £ % w I%'i SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVES. S.n;liiil tVibl. I- tli \V. od nn.l Ir.n. „i *jj ~ A „ * ■ 1 nit MECHANICS 2Y - t: Z ? ti i In ik. Ak , I. U , ' 5 J •- - <2 • A " rt - * rlid Uravl' it in woiKhl and bi*t bakar ~ 1... sjv.l") a S w liar, till ■ • <*'.'>• I . -1.1- 28 I" tbf n.arke All kii.Ut of I'orUbla *- i •' *' I ' rj , l>rn* * K: 11 % 1 1 AUo, Hhily g pJ y z lnt>Kri§ with tiff* cnt of |'|(,\V II x. " ■* J? W ; jut abl Ir-n I'Um . \ fi SsfiOA ] I kw w'Sa.-'S OfJOR STOV K.S. :: r i_ : ■; i.ati ri m pk \ kd i.a m r p - ! , ••, . *.■'"<*. " ;• iii *>> Tlif#.. will bo mid on a vrritton guaran* ] **] ' *' !V ft*® b-il in ti*• iiiur No-* • • Ift-, :*nt ht thoioH<*t ir ;*. J rr.ui> .I lmj .'rial l'> i '<•> I I'l n* . > i „ • lit i*n , Irr ak .-r il.-i.ti, anl giio i>, > 2 1 r . ••• bettor liicl.i an. In u..- & ♦ Oi;' 2 TllOd. A. lllL'tvti .w UKOTHXK, J H H - 3 . m .v vi iitno -f k x'lH toU.N i'l.A N 111. i ill:.*, llnl for , inl ,n lot.' !;.■. S<2~ h AilpjfHony Street, llallefimto. ~ I ■ | 4 z I Till Daily News h.* a liUslchuk deS | patch, which ay- that ii let'.-sr# •• t. l ob. - lies cd w hicli have 1 r.. ■ -it to tl ire by nctnhilili t .Jten-i'by bel'tigu to the iiiosi loyal t' of the tsUosn t -ul eet*. oulrog are | r.-ev ling uncheckf .1 ' t tl.o province f TiFtcha <" ; .ritlaiis are s ut law.-d I tho authoriti and abandoned to the 1 4 uti l (.'itc , ans. Village-and tan: are want m- -.iek. 1 and nurricd with a % c* of rctideriiig th. country do* sert befv re (be IllriDC# of the llttsiaiis. tih ast y h. to! i'i .'.rr,.>l c.cry dsy by blot . -tainid i.iuitkis .s into Tultcha Mfttchin, llaltadngh ami ikr-sva. 'l'he flams- . .t. bu. otng vi'lug • ;r.♦ vi-ible every night- Tho l>uciiaret Corts>| , nd snt s>f the fiame js>nri>nl telegraph* that in no brigade of the K Minn troopa . i Itoctod to the f ith and *i t : Hu !:> :t J - th- Sick e*f • iiKely' t" lake time have been rem ved into the re serv • -; 'tw - li -t ui d olht r plat t-s behind ihe Daiiubo nue, so t- to make t- -tu !>r c* .thith uim nce j merit . ... t. g .!• .a ■ eau-e. Ihe 1)* .be .4 'iigli i ~ <•.. at I. > . ti all at any time this - .- > . i the c lit on of the lteni r ad verv pref.riou* .ii vic.;t r.;>. On'.:. 12th :nU. ilr K K. Smith ami M A Smith, a • f I'cnn tsvp. : Dm -'i-t nit , ii Hit* "-.p. DaoM Bcholl, age I • >• •'?, I months nodi M days On 2t). at Spimg Mill#, at the r. Jenca IPili r Wi! n. Hi H ggia F Ir, g. 1 ah nt !! years UU I.'. Sephiet. on of John it.lbb, aged y . *r* and 17 dm - W.-ep nt, dear • • ••]— } ■ k to J .--us for comfort h t tho r, • rom of < word . liet r your . : - ; . - t . t -tl gl"ry In re at : y - u •! all \"<.t 1.-v. i one again meet hiui never t > part Oh. drare-t kephies thou ha*t gone . ti tie to til*: belter land , At ! now h< for. the gri,th it,- th.t- f<• With aint-t'. U there lit"' ta We mi.- Thee here. >. J> |>hit*s, di'ar, Winn rouml the hearth wo meet. Hut when our journey '* ended here, In heaven we will thie greet. 'Till then we sadly say, adieu, Ami lay thee us the (Mil Hut eon we'll re nd dwell th ; si, 111 t-jr c< If *lil home. I. M (AVat< htnan please t. py.) On •'>, at Milll .tm. Frar.k'in Kdwin, son of O. War.d .Muggie li Stover, agr i H months and 22 days, i Death ici/.cd him, whila but young in years , It ha Uk.-n bin. away amidst "iir tears, Uutlhougii he - - ,• ne, why should wu weep, lie's iliad to us, but in Christ doth aleop. 11. '• bnppv now, in 'bat hlei lar J Which is prepared for the taithtu. land. If we on f arth prove laitlif il 1 ere, W. have the promi ton db 'n there. Then why 1 • we mourn an 1 shed our tuirs ? His pairs nre ended and all t ur feats This is but . land of trouble and c ire, Then to meet him in heaven let us it 1 prepare. But in vain inv i lair.tivo calling. Tears are falling all in vain !l'now p -ts wit', fairy plea-tire; lie's tho treasure of tl . ir train. Fare thee wel I, iiiv ehild forever. 1 n thi* ' r. . 1 h"fit ru.v jt.y , But in tho l.est we ne' -r jball iover T ; ere wo'li :'ml our angel 1..y t It. Cheapest of All!! Largest of AH ! mvSTOK ALU !! MACiNII'ICKNT STUCK <>F Sl'KIMt AND SUMMKIi GOODS. Wolfs Old Stand. AT AT C2Hfa2 >JALL, OVI'. 11 .burnt YALDSOF CALICO, WHICH AV ILL HK MH.II Clir.ADhH TIIA \ LV KK HK Ftlt I". I N THIS SUC TION. ' W" lltlVO til" (i.K'ds 1 I'riei Low ! Se- I lection Ciifiurpufised ! I And wis now extend a inviluti nti , our irien !*. i ni: n-, nnd the i tblic gsm . rally. Come !w ■ will * <.w you Its ; JIKST Bi:i.Kt TEl> STOCK, . At nriee- 'oxver'lbnn usinil. ; V lull linr Sh v w i L(>(kls, Clothing, Boota nnd Bhos , Grr-ceriei tilr- .euro, ''l ft id \\ il , low Ware, llats and flaps, and in fact cv r ery'.hing and anything ornhrueod in lh< above liiic.-. A I.AHOE STOCK OK I READY - MADE CLOTHING 1 constantly 011 hand. Customers will find the stock com • pletc, uml u call i ali that is rcijitircf * to aastir. yon (hat this is the he* I. place in liu valicy .0 buy your good: I WH. WOLF. SPRING, 1877, Wi! A RE NOW PREPARED, POP TIIE SPRING TRADE. W1; 11A VE TH E GOODS ! P R I C IvS KO W ! ; iSeloclioii Uiisurjmssetl! Slock Large. And now we extend n rilial_in\itation (our friend*, pair..n* public generally. We will say thi:. Come! if we do not ehow you THE RES T SELECTED STOCK AT PRICK. LOWER THAN USUAL, Htnl it wc cannot prove mat it i- to your interest l< patronize us, then don't buy ; but cme atid •n'i-'y. yourself. ' We btve opened a full line of t> 11 v a o o 0 s Clothing, Carpels, Hunts &; Shoos. (jrororios, | (iCEENSWAI'i:, GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILI*OW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, and in t.iet every thing and anything embtaced te especially in Groceries. Call, and it will prove, to vout interest. VALENTINES &, CO. 11. HERMAN, Manager. 5 PER CT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH* I WE II AVE, AT PRESENT, ON OUR COUNTERS. A LARGE AND WI 1.1 ELECTED SIOCK F DRY . WHD Ii W K AUK < 'PEERING VERY LOW TO CASH HUYERB. OUR LINK Of Mul RNI N< >( !A L-Cotton l*o|M, 15, 22 and 28c " U t)ES IS 1.1 >MI*LK IE. Calicoea, t, 7, 8 and Be Lancaster Ginghams, 10c ** Bengal IMaids, l'2!c p< r yd. Best Cotton Carpel Chaiu2sc " Star Mills, _ 15 c " Bed Ticking, 14,20,25,38 c per yd Alpacas, ..>0 f 1•,"J >0 " Split and double Zephyr ( lark's t). N. T. Thread, 75c per doz. Black and White, 18c p4>r ox.' Men's Shirting, 12), 15,20 c per yd. All other colors, 2tk Bieachcsl MufiUn, sto HJc " Germantown Wool, i2)c " Unbleached, sto 10c *' A large stock of Liusced Oil. 1 Sugar, 10,11. 12c per lb White Lead, (laiwii'), Putty, etc, j Best V\ bito, 12-e " jou hand. Bold by s[>erial contract. ! Mackerel, Lake Herring and white Fish very low. TERMS positively 1 CASH, or Country Produce. Respectively, ISAAC I). HOYKR, 1 Aaronshurg. j w. R. CAMP'S CENTKF. HALL r Furniture Rooms! I would r. .-peclfully inform the >' <0 Centre '.".miy 1 hiv, opcnul 1 Furniture It >oui in tVnlic 11*11, and liav. on hind it large stock of Furniture and Chair*. . >n-'-tmg in part of CHAMHKRSUITS, KXTKNSION TABLEB, BREAKFAST TABLES, BITUEArs. WASIISTANDS, BEDSTEADS | SINKS. CIIAIIIS, i Ac. 1 Who ti will b- 1 :t t'n lowi t i :i. b ! j prices ; come and examine my tlock of • j fan ireb.keji:'.g ■ 1-. m lm n UNDERTAKING a fpocialty. COFFINS ari l CASKKTSJ I alwayton bund. Funeral* attend* l .i ■i. I an BLKti AN 1 NBW 11 B\ 11 B tat j ' .i -i um a* I'.iviiu i.t> i i . Mur'JJ :.m. \\ .K C \MI. OUI'tJS! DKIiUS 11 DKI'GS 11 ! 8 T. Sbufart, bay lag pnrebated the bniK atore on Allegbenj itroaL Bdlb f >nte, next door to the hardware Store of Hick* £ Itro . 11l- -ti .Led aiij lilKal it out with nil the in. st popular j DIIUGSJt MEDICINES, | *-CUKMICALS, PKRFI'M i KV J SOA L'S, COM BS ANI) HIU SI IKS, : jTi: Css KS. s R rronr us. n A CKS] 1... KAN' YVNI > TOILKT | ARTICLES. Ac., \r„ j < Pat tit Ali du.l, pure Wines •iiid L.ijuora lor meoiini pmpi-e* on y Phyiirian'* proeripliona carefu.iy com pounded . ;1 ordi r* t.r.v tl with i are - ETOL ■eh l armei MM! l'U ,-I, inn from tlii country wdl tin i our took • ! Modi. in. ci>in|ilei', warranted genuine aiol oft! e lel >|tittl it v. This Store will remain un ir tbo dirr ■- '• tie i > i the in rompl: ied Jruggi tat d • t■ h irmai i t heretofore entire ted with t, Mr. II M llciriugton and we renpectflil* ie |y 'o!ieit the custom of our friends and the old patron o| the store. 19n|*f s. T. sJIUCKBT. | BRICK FOR SALE - First dm hriek will he kept on hand for stile by J. (. j Deiti'.nget ! Zerhe'a (Vntrr Mali hi ok VH-ils Tli -e brick are <1 ottered so low thnt it will pay persons at a . distant o . •. hare for thi ,l Infenipi!" |o continue in the iminufac* •j to e ! t! e vol Ihe I opt e,moartl\ jon band, • riJ .Air indue -up nta offered to I put huser;. ll w! Itntllinilo . tb atm#nt ' It rout* u.iiUnjr • Ir> th# I>rm *iJ f* OoiJil *(Jtirpa a! tinrff II lislMl A i'o .1 j Pwtlmi, Fortlsad. Half i3f*-h> • Manhood: How How Restored ! Jt p ibl!t) id, 3i * nlillos of IH Falrarr'!'*| ♦ Ir l r*t i Ka*j on th* rsdkl * ar •Hi .tit iniNll it ol Lo— .r S mnal lnoi uhUrt it.*! 14o44t. mU j It. p e ia! Ht:.ragxbrp. io I ' \ *ar ft H k Jr, :'fA. k MBtS. 1 • (k i.'litßlfH) Aut r. in Rill <.dtsir*b!* I!***> , laaHK Hem .natFAtfA lr.w A thirty Jrati' MloconHfltl! ld> lh <•. 11 -At I4l* aUimlni . ..Ilk" 4 rttt* of aalf aii-j*. mij t> radi< aHj cur 1 itP.>ut t h* ut A tuudo of cars A obmi slmpls. c#rt*tr MM! hflwi UA! !y mnui f hich naffnrrr. o--'*r At Mac ndttion mi) IM-. iu*> euro biap. If i . i rtAbclf AI <1 rodicAllf I 'll* !.s tarn nh.-aid In. In th# hisdt of itai; jrouth tnd for) mac In th# lAn>l. fS#r.i u i.lrr •#*! i i * silk m oarrloM, to nj nditr#M r i*.t ;*>.!. on rrittipl of nil int* of two |hi*l !in..>a 1 A .Micas til.* III! t l LVKKWKLI. MEDICAL C<> oct t Ann St . N York Po. OBW. BM.W XKCUTOItS NOTICE.— I Letters ti -tatnenlary on the estate of Susannah Kline, of Aaronshurjt. dec aisd. hiving been granted to the undersigned. ■ja'l p. ri-n. in lebt.-d to said estate aro re l<|uirod to make immediate payment, and th no hating elainii againat the same to i>rcs. Nt them, duly authenticated by law, for settlement ' JKll. KLINE. Aaronabarg. D. K. HKCK M AN. njrf] Sugar Valley PENNSYLVANIA RR. ~ Phiimk iliia and Erie Railroad Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. in r.t in.t srxp \v. M/ it. iicr. tii. miM n ih I Mud* Viilm A I ti. KAIIi .a.l Ik|il.m will rub a folio# A wi:yrwHD iicKir MAif.!#ATorhiud#iph.A n^piu HartihbttrK 4 lia • . ** MohUnd ii Vl* iiliAtui>crt tl ll tn Ink KkVfii V 40 Bin KfUOVB |* A II) •* art *1 Krie Js l n ;\i.\ (. IK \ fn t. Avfi Phil* :auAtu " liatrlsiinri Id Wow McntAQ.lon I i<3 i m •• ntr a* ll J sh l n I-K k iUboa *' Urnii' A A 4i |i iu FAST I.INF. !#AV#APhiUdat{>hko l!3io ro ii an tai-utc h*'| n. " V'M.iAi!tn ♦ li p it. ** Arr l II iUutii*|Miri i au | •• I*ok!f%* 4ipn r.v \VAIU>. |*A IFlt t X !• mA 1 ... 1 1 .i n i * •. > V . AID , .irt I **a I " M.>>u M -k*. a ■ Art At Hut| Ini-'ll ft ] | A + m I'htliulrliihtA p. i> i tj. IIAY I X UAF a Horn fold * ia ■ k "•'•0 H *' m I ;; ;; Wii...msp.H Ift> m i !. Meouiulea I .i |> ml air at Harrubare tlttpw " ITiilaU, U'Uia 'a,!'ml J 1,. HI * *4 AH. Isarw. tten.'. e .ap m| " " t-" v llaren V.Spiu! , ■' ' Ham. port tcAfne J | ■ Mu.iUuMloa tllNaiii , 1 " atral Ha.rtobura tiJaiu i DUMioipiua 1 ii u ml JUSTUNKIwtn W'l|!i, n ,, lH ,rt 12 Hi a in I " .an Haritlslura .(Warn ...Tat I'lilladolpbia ■; ii .u, l.rlo Mail Wii'l Niagara K. Wort, l ock llaieu Ac ' Wool auU l>a Kiprva. I a.i n.akt. rlo.a emu- i.en* at altli 1.4 ll KB train,. Im WilSi liarro ami S' ratlinll Sr. M> I WosU Nigyar. Ii Wpl anil Rri, Ri. {!" "nl l-'ik ll.ii.t, Aovouimialatien WPS. luake r: iiinnoptiun at WlUi.ima|H>rtwit iNO K\V .raina l'rlp Mall Wpgi Niagara Ktprog. Wrat,and P*i K I i. '.•etn.ak,clo,ouuwaun at loak Itt.ia w.U> K Ki '' \ HH tlain i Krle .4ait i.w .■■J W'. -t. nnr.erl at Krio wit!, trai.-iaj '• * Msri: Ml.- I> l- i A V ttu, at! -I A ** " 4A '' •" lJ al L.ii/ lat wllh , Harler cam "111 run 1 lornu Plilla't. .|u ,nrt VTII . ; I.e. t ui.. ilriv I'i. iVeat. Phlla •i. i I .I ml r-lit t) iI, Kaat and .Sunday •'* ■ It-plllf iraul all nigtil train* W -U A. itAt.UWIN. tirneral huporißlamleiit. CENTRE UALf™"" 1 ' DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. t _ —— (Successor to J K. Miller A Non.) Dealer in Pure Drugs and Medicines, Dye stuff*, and Druggist's sundries. PORE WINE ASD LIQUORS For medicinal purposes. Th* best t.rand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO always in stuck. • Prescription* carefully ('•ompoundod. MILLER A SON J as, Harris Co NO. 5, BKOCKKKHOFF ROW IRO \. \ \ I LS, 1* A I N T S, oilsTetc., JAN. HAKKIs & CO. Bellefonte. A K A K fcfli ANCS I F-r a Sewing Machine. ou call hat e your choice of the follow i in* first class sewing machine* : New American, St. Johu Domestic, Dan ice, Singer, Kemiugton, Howe, ami Weed. V. tin S.-ntii,; Machine spire of Bunnell A ; Ai k<*it, Ka* 1 Market street, l.*aklMn. Aim |tart, attachment* and needles ftir all machine# Ureal inducement* for cash. Don't fui| ' o toe >L J hn, '.'.lung cntrcly Hi ;Ma chin taken in part payment for lew one# Soud 50cU to the above party ind you will R.-t by return mail, 1 do*. ■"H. I nwdle# for any machine UOtinvly OF A THOUSAND. Having diM'uveied, in a manner almot i roridential. a p*itive cure fur Consump tion and ali Lung Complaint*, 1 feel it my luty to make known in a practical manner iby furnishing a sample bottle, free of -jcharge. to ail sufferers, my only hope oi remuneration being that the medicine will perform all I claim for iu The illgredi jcuU are of the choicest herbal products • and perfectly safe ; will ho sent free to all. , Address at ..nee, Dr O. Phelps ttrown, 21 jOrmid .Street. -Wc City, N. J. or n.ay in* had of J. K. Miller A Son, Druggist*, Centre Hall. Pa jati 4 ly c. T At KisHtu" C. M. Rowan ALEXANDERS BOWER. At- Untm^ l#a. Hellrftvnt# Np
    ti|lKUow, a.nd <>n LacV t®fl t rMlka a> If <<♦*.; It- lin (lynui „d Ko*lt*h << t* irtrwui btuMinc, mfTb <4 if PATE N T S ! Fee Reduced ! Entire C st $55! 0 F.'tcnt Office Pee s;*,"> in advance, balance S2O within tl months after patent allowed. Advice and ex* animation free. Patent* sold J. V AN CE LEWIS A CO., I -"bu Washington, D. C. Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD. UNDERTAKER. Coffin* of al' style* made on shortest no tice. Undertaking strictly attended to Chargn* reasonable 17 aue v. iNervous Debility. \ liai 'slww or Psprsulwa.s osk *l'mailed feritnc. Ml, Mrarar. ciu, • ih. rrwali C.I Menial Otw was*. I mi,#,r. ilea Org, n mom* dm la Ui ottfiu U tlniji t ami l$ Humph icy s Homeopathic Specific No. 28. II 1 <<>■• n.i tnslcorslr# |b iJ-Ssm. disp#|, lb# Slooa, #ad .trspunduc|. Im|mtu #tr#sU, and #nrr ; lep# lb# drain sad rr;us#natn lb# aatlr# nut Ilt-cu used laaatf roan .Mi p#rt#ct #uom.t 7 Hums #i J rrdeslms frlc*, Sl UOpor , tn Te rial "? '*• nd asm, *UI of is 'L receipt ..I |>rlo# Address Kuiwa "v^ U, ' C M * du ' n# SKSEV. U " REATTY'St-S'f... „ lor Organs. Factory Established in iB6O. From the Press. From i.|.ionie. Pa. Dffien with Ja ll.'Msnui, esq. hievmans' hotel; I iIILUoY, PA. bleand bur and excellent I . stabnng f,.r irses. Al-o a fine re ort for! rsumrn r borers. Bus* to do W k and ionubfi 8 ° C#at? * CUUUIy " Cbergesj A DMINISTRATOK'3 NOTICK. Lot tor* of administration on lha aetata • Daaid Rood, late of Per*u*on twjiJsUw'd, la*ing boan granted to ttro undurignod •II parson* knowing themsolms to bo in debted lo Mid decedent ere requested to make immediate payment, snd pvreon* baring claims ag*inl tb eetart are rc qineted to brine forward their claim* du ly authenticated by law. for '#lll owe"' • JACOBS. REKD, J AS. GATKS. 7 junflt. Adtn're. AadeUMMretrlMlelk* mm* MMrttM. I"W i lu hw IM VMS •" |fM <■" ' diret u ilii eMula t Iviinrom <* , dlmmm/TV— f umaM >• MeOialiaelel JiaiMUg.. ■ * .<... niua ami tig ••• w its-w terwribJssh£ CO i:imjky9m " ** Broadway, K. \ IL. BPAHOI.KB, Attorney at Law , Consultations in English and Gcr wan. Offic" In Fursl's naw building. —aa