The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 21, 1877, Image 4

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    A Mother's Heart.
A little dreaming, each a* mother* know.
A little lingering over dainty tiling*:
A happy heart, wherein hope all aglow
Stirs like a hint at dawn that wake* and
And that ia all.
A little clasping to her yearning 1 roasts
A little minting over future year*;
A heart that prays: " Hear l.ord. Thou know
est best.
Hut spare my flower life's bitterest rteri of
And that i* all.
A little apin! speeding through (lie sight:
A little homo grown lonely, dark and ohill.
A sad heart, groping blindly for the light:
A little siKHwJad grava Kmoath the hill—
And that is all.
A little gathering of life'* bivtkon thread;
A little patiouoe keeping hack the tears;
A heart that sings : "Thy darling is not dead.
lk>d k.vjvs her safe through llis eternal
And that is all.
Clara's Stratagem.
II wa* an auturjn evening. The dead leave*
www falling about the garden, and all siili
save tile noise of the fl.svt lapping the seawts-d
OH the shore. Two persons wove walking Is—
Heath the old trees tu the garden , one w A- a
young nian in whom wa> exhibited somewhat
"of the mienc fa sailor, though aearve tweiitv
summers bad tiroadeued his shoulders, and
though a foreign son had browned his cheek,
vet he was " full of lusty lite." I'pon his artu
leamsl a lovely, laughing creature, just burst
ing intoglenous w> mauiie .1 . hi roe spaia ed
with the fir. s of wit and mischief . she sis meet
one who could laugh at e>crv disa;<|<otum . nt,
and by whom to I. beloved was luia*. istlvw
toned wont* vi re ill oppiwg from tier i. >** d ps.
She gayly reproved him of the t>roJ sin ..dori
al her side.
•• Do you sail so sen. tlwn? How naughty.
Rnjveri. 1 shall be getting jealous of Mistress
Ocean. Ton have scarcvo arrived, and now
you are anxious to go, Mayhap prettv
one of the luxuriant South calls you ftoi ;oai
cold maiden of the North. Ha metiutik* that
browu cluck waxes a Utile brighter at the .vu
aatiou. Oh. vol nxughtv. naiuhtv boy! Ba
rnaul a few day* longer and attend our picnic.
1 shall bo alone without my manly liujwrt.
t\uv, say you ill.
" Were'it possit-le Clara, 1 wotliJ. but I must
sari 1 should have ls ea away three day* >o'.
but for those *uper*l:lloua fellows st. Ua\ t
got an nit a that tin vessel \> haunted. Anl
now they will uot sar! without I stay to-night iu
the forecastle and unravel the mystery for
theun If 1 succeed in shaming them. e are to
sari to-morrow. The whsie vruage is astir with
their fvs ish sto; ;es.
" You don't believe in gh.ets, then
" Nor diva t'lara. 1 presume. '
" I beheve in ghosU, the evil spirit* which
haunt the vessel of llujs rt Lyons end in "
"iKvud-mght, Clara.* And lluvwrt w.ked
toward the wharf.
The scene was via the bank* of one of those
quiet Uttle harbors, where merchants asuuetunes
grow silently rich, away from the not-, and
smoke of the crowded city. It wa m l"riu<v
Edward's island, a good many ye or* ago. when
ce>mnit roe was an infant there. I was a ytwtng
man then, and had charge cf a small 1 r:g sail
ing io the Smth. We had ju-l eomnleted tak
ing in a cargo for New Orb-ana, and intended
trading among the West lneha island- until
apnug should unlock the harbcrsof uiy father
laud. whic . winter always fastened with -trong
bars of ice. X'y employer was the principal
merchant of the place, and heed near the
wharf. We were eh-'.antly related by marriage,
but a near tic of fnei: lship bound u- rioter
than blood. lVrhajw that tie was Clara Sea.
perhaps it was not ; at any rate 1 had always
lived with hun prev ions to going to sen, and
now, when in port, spent all my leisure hours
at their pleasant home . there was itnpert a
room still, and liupert * slipper-, and las writ
nig desk, and his rule, and tu dog.
1 was paa-si .inatcly foud e>f the sea, and bei"i;
scarce out of my teen*, the acme of r.y in i
tioa was to makt shorter stays and qnici. : . .
ages than any other vessel ; and now that 1 had
l -hare in tiic bus.lie.—, private interest up
phed to atnbtuou what it might be losing of
youthful cuthnsiasm. I'pon the ith. io 1 am
afraid 1 wa* but a - rrr lover, aud my coldness
and neglect were sufiaent incentive* to awaken
the witty sarcasm- of the pretty tiara, which
were always joined by the jovial laugh of old
Mr. Sea
According to the statement* of the crew, the
brig had been haunted for several nights pre- (
viou* to the completing of her load, by nocture
nal visits ; and th-se still continued to l>e kept
up. Hue had aeon a small, whitish figure jumr
fr, m the wharf, hop quickly acro-s the deck and
leap mtothe water . another had seen two fig
ure- passing quickly ar.mud the shed on Use
wharf, and all had iieard loud reports at mid
night. as of the explosion of a gun upon the
deck. The combination of tlu—e strain events
had so terrified the superstitions sailor*, that
many of them refused to -ail until 1 should
convince them by other means than words that
they were laboring under a delusion. And
now, when three days were gone, and their
Lively imagination* were enlarging everything
tenfokl. I determined to watch one night and
weigh anchor on the morrow : and for that pur
pose. on the v enrng alluded to. after taking a
hx-ty leave of Clara. 1 proceeded in the direc
tion of the vessel. The long wharf wa* desert
ed by all the craft, and not a spar arose above
the wharf save tborc of our little brig wtiich
lav moored at the further eu<l Two small
schooners had just moved into the manual,
and were awaiting a more favoral le wind. Thr
night was go - wing rath. r dark, bat disturbed
only by aoft zephyrs which sighed softly in the
rigging. Having" arrived at the cater block,
and before going on board. I made a review of
the place. Near the bow cf the vt-se' rr.d
opening in the other direction, wa* a -:.u or
storehouse, erected on the wharf, for conve
nience in loaditig and unloading. Entering and
casting a searching clance around the interior.
I satisfied myself that no one was there con
cealed. Carrels and boxes w ere piled again*:
it* walls, la this corner was kea;d a lot of
large turnips, in that were arrami'-d oar*, and
spare yards, and oyster tongs, and in the ceuter
were several heavy anchor* and two or three
superannuated, heavy gun*. Leaving this and
stepping mi hjird I found the men in a fever
ish state of excitement.
* I endeavored to shame them out of their
fear* by laughing at what I termed their folly,
upon which they pre mused that if I watched in
the forecastle. wLere they deemed tiie most
danger was to be encountered, and if I could
explain the mysh r.ous visitation to their satis
fact on. they would sail the next day. Taking
with me two of the most timid, and sending the
rest to the cabin. I went below, and stretching
myself on a sea che-t. wa* unking into a deep
slumber, when a noise. II of something falling
on deck, brought me to my feet, and immedi
ately a roll::sound waa heard foil-wed by a
sudden plash a- of something falling over
board : this was rejs-ated thrice at intervals of
about a minute, each Ume, however, increasing
in loudness, when a'! was hushed. Taking ad
vantage of thepau-e. I dire-ted my two men
upon no account t" make a disturbance, unles-
I called, ami went on dick.
After searching everywhere, ami putting mv
ear down to listen, until completely urert out, )
wrapped myself up in a foresail and awaited in
curiona anxiety. Remaining half an bonrvnth.
out any sign*of a repetition, I again w. at be
low and prepared to deep. I had bare;v tune
to gel comfortably stretched. when, a.- I hail i
just begun to doze, a noise, louder, heavier and ,
more terrible than any preceding one. brought
my timid re unpamons trembling to my aide; :
but, unlike the former, it did riot extend I*-
yond the deck, no rumbling overhead, no !
snlaeh of water •- hosed—it ended a* if some ]
thing bad lieen cmhWto atom* where it fell ;
then followed the same gentle, lulling sound of
the water upon tin- vessel'* prow, the same J
gentle breeze was hear! moaning in the rig
ging. and the dread mi.-ore of the fon-cw-tle ]
was broken only by the loud heart-beats of my ,
sffperstitiou* attendant*.
I crawled noiseles-lv from below, and hearing
a alight rust hag in the direction of the shed, 1
passed over the bow and moved eoftlv round to
listen. On arriving at the opening in front 1
looked cautiously in, and what waa my surprise
to see a figure approach from the further cor
ner, with something ln-ld iu what aptieared to
be an outstretched arm. It moved slowly and
guardedly toward tho spot where I stood con
cealed by a large box. Uuick a* lightning the
truth fla-hed across my mind. I closely scruti
nized the object, ft wa* held bv a small,
gloved hand, which wa* now near rnv face, ami
10, it was a huge turnip! The figure placed
itself in an attitude a- if to throw it with more
than ordinary strength, when I *tepj*-d for
ward and there fell into my arm* the form of
Clara Sea. Another slight rejiort might have
been heard, and die ghoat would trouble ti* no
more. I waited till the day of the picnic, and
the one following—aud another, and another - t
until the old rn-,n began to go nftener than
usual on the wharf, and then sailed out of
port, perhaps not so enthusiastic a sailor, hut a
more devoted lover. -Clara's artifice, if it did
not frighten ti* into giving up the voyage, hast
ened a marriage ceremony.
.Yone Like Hiin,
At the Detroit and Milwaukee depot
as a lady was about to get aboard the
down train, she said to the man who was
loaded down with her parcels:
" Now, while I'm gone you must take i
up aud beat all tiie carpets and lay them
" Of course," he replied
"And polish all the windows, rnb off
the furniture and repaint the front steps."
"I will, dear."
" And you must rake off the yard, make
some flower-beds, fix the alley fence and
black all the stoves before vou pack them
" Of course, darling," he smiled.
"And you must send me 320 per
week, write to me daily, and the neigh
bors will watch to see if you are out '
after eight o'clock in the evening. Now,
then, good-b-e."
" Oh 1 darling, how can I spare vou !"
he sighed, the engine groaned, and away
Bhe went, and as he turned to go Out his
mental distress was so great that he fell
over a trunk, barked his shins and rubbed
half the skin off his uose.— Detroit Free
\trow l"scape in a Cmton Aqueduct.
Once a year, or oftener, usually in
Novcmlver. an i* made of the
interior of the No* York sque.luct from
end to end, by Mr. benjamin i*. Cliureh,
(lie resident engineer, who for over
twenty VIVU-K ha* boon 1,1 ' o-e , f this
part of the work. The water i* *liut off
at the C rot on dam, and the nqiieduet i*
emptied l\v thewa-te wier* wlneh I have
describe*! Many stran- imi exeiting
adventures befall the u detailed for
tliis service ; and thone.ii but one
ha* ever l*x<H hwt, large parties have
IHSMI iu imminent danger. The man
holes having been O|HIUHI previously,
the lalvirers under eharge of Mr.
Cliutvh, dressisl in rough siuts, enti-r
the aqiiiNluet at the dam, and travel
downward i it her ufo-t or in an ingenious
ear |>ro|*iloil by a orank like the hand
oar* used on railway. I'he effect is
wierd and awe inspiring. Some . ( the
uteri carry torches, wlioe smoke and
wavering blase curl and flash in the
darkness and throw fantastic shad w*
and reflection* on tire moist wall*. I'he
vouv* reverlierate like p al> of thunder,
and aoem to awake nsqamsive vibration*
iu the mas*ive atone and brick ■ ik
itself. In si sue condition* of the at mo*-
phere, lalnuera repairing the nin*<>urv
live tuiles Is low .'all be distinctlv ! ■ ird
bv those at the eutrauoe, and at all times
the luuiian vo:.v pitched iu an ordinary
kev can be hi ard at a ilistanee of two or
thnv miles, m Km I w rntiibh *. A
broad lialo of light frames the men in,
and belaud this th< re s an unpeiietiwbh
blaokness, so dense that an iu vjvrielioed
iwrsou take* every step with extreme
iiiutiou. Tin re are few greater pro
moters of terrer than the powi-r of dark
ncsa, and the simple, superstition* Irish
men ilesetndiug the ladder ut the eti
tranee ltvave suusliine, skv a - i I fields
nl*>ve iu no cheerful uiiHvi. I'he short
elav pipes are> ailowtal to go out and few
worvi* are sjokeu. It is a busillt ** t l>e
done with a* sou u* pos.-able. Thou
sand* of tons of water are pressing
agionst the gate* at the entrance, uiid
should a bar give vrav, or im order tv
iniMUidcratood, the thsxl woukl rush
down u}*''i the tnifortni ate* and engulf
them with irresistible foixv. Ouc, ui
fact, an order waa luouudersti**!, and
twenty men narrowly es*-uped witli t eii
lives. Mr. Church,"with this nun Ivr f
lalHircr*, euteresi the aqureluet to make
some repairs, and instructed the keeper
at tiie dam to let the water flow m again
at eleven r. M. The party were making
Mime repairs at a j*>uit some vlistanoe
below the entrance at eleven A. M. when
Mr. Church notroed a gmdual rr-i m t!ie
water. Afraid of Causing a panic, lie
ihd uot s.vy anything to his men, but
urged them on tu the lope that the work
might le completed that warning. Ihe
water eontiuued lo rise, however, tir*t
submerging their feet, and then creeping
up toward their knees with terrible
stealth and certainty. The situati n was
lliat of a sliipwrivkisl crew cast upon it
, r>vk which is leiiig slowly covered by
an incoming tide. The engineer now
realized the fact that Ins order had Iws'ii
misunderstood, ami that the water had
been turned on ut the wrong time, and
would s*n le within u few inches of tho
roof of the aqnevli-ct, Hy tin* time the
men were in a highly nervous couditi m,
and Mr. Cimrch hai to use his authority
iu preventing tlieni from making a e >ll
- refrt at for the nearest exit, which
waa some distance away. Meanwhile the
water hail made its way above their kuec.-
.uid wit* rushing tlm-.tgh the apicduct
with a velocity of two nub - and a ipiarter
|>er hvur. It was no easy work walking
against such a current as this, and the
progress made toward the man-hole wo
unavoidable slow. The torches were
successively put out by the splash until
only one remained, and that threw a
dim, yellow, uncertain flicker on the
-lark surrounding*. 'Phere was one dan
, ger which Mr. Church fort saw and was
particularly anxious to avert. If the
men were not kept under control, each
would make a disorderly struggle to
reach the ladder at the man-hole, and a
delay would result that might prove
fatal. As the water increased in depth
the greater, of c-mrs \ became their ter
ror, and when the gray light of the open
'ing came into view their Insiies were
submergevl to their waists, wh le the cur
rent almvist liftel them off their feet.
By reasoning with them and encouraging
them, however, Mr. Church allayed their
fears and tliey gointvl tiie ladiler, ami
ascended it, one by one, in aafety.—
, ScriLner's Magazine.
A t'urieu* Prophecy.
Just before tho defeat of Mr. Greeley
for the Presidency, several gentlemen
were congregated on a piazza ut New.
port, R. L, says the New Bedford
tMass. i Mrrtury. Among them was
Chief Justice Chase. Anothi r was one
;of the tir*t conversationalists iu the
world. The Utter repealed not an
anecdote, but a propheev, which had
been made by a hermit in Havana many
years before; and this prophecy was not'
onlv delivered, hut printed by a nNitnU-r
of the Allgemeine Zeitutig of about 1>."7.
The Austro-Pniss an war wa* Hirr*-tlv
prrHtictcvl, as well as tic Pmnco-Prus*ian
war and the taking of Paris. Now for
the future. In 1876-7 the pope is to die,
which will cause a general European
war. Next, France and Prussia are to
have another conflict. Franee will lie
defeated ami Pari* taken for the second
time. There will be a partition of France.
The Ilvoriau power* (Spain and Portugal)
ire t> have a large share, a* also Italy,
Belgium got* the northern part. Hol
land is ceded to Prussia. All that will
remain of France will le tha old " He de
France," of which Paris is the capital.
These results having l>eeu obtained,
there wiil 1> a general acknowledgment
of the folly and futility of excessive
armaments. All the powers will ngris>
to disarm. Swords will be beaten into
Tho hermit'* prophecies for 1866 and
1870 were fulfilled. It seems as though
the rest might be. The JKIJIC i* in bml
health. The chance* of a general war
growing out of tjie Eastern question are
excellent. Should France think the
moment favorable to attack Prussia, and
be defeatetl, the conqueror would show
no mercy. France would be rendered
harmless, and her territory divide i. The
partition of republican France ia the
dream of thePniMsian "Junker party."
The general redaction of armies is less
probable. It is easier to change the map
of Europe than human nature.
He Wanted to Exchange Wive*.
When Hir Samuel Baker, the African
traveler, was taking leave of Kamrnsi,
king of I nyoro, tlint JHJ ten fate nskisi
him. a* a particular favor, to leave Lady
Bak' r behind. This 000 l request raised
SirHimuel's ire, and in high indigna
tion he told the king that if ever he
m&de such a roque*t again he would
sh'xit him. Lady Baker, too, who over
heard and understood the offer, felt that
a word from her would not !>e out of
place, and gave tho monarch a piece of
her miad in the strongest language she
could command. ilis majesty for a
f while was greatly astonished, being un
conscious of having given any offense.
At last, seeing that his guests were real
ly angry, he said, in a deprecating
voice : " Don't be angry. 1 did not
mean to offend you by asking for your
wife. I will give you a wife if you
want one, and I thought you would have
no objections to give me your*. It is
my custom to give my visitors pretty
wives and 1 thought you would like to
exchange. Don't make a fuss aliont it;
■if you don't like to do as others do'
there's an end of it."
Cure for Trouble.
There are some great troubles that
only time can heal, and perhaps some
that never can be healed at all; but all
can be helped by the great panacea,
work. Try it, you who are afflicted. It
is not a patent medicine. It has proved
its efficiency ever since Adam and Jive
leP behind them, with weeping, their
beautiful Eden. It is nn efficient
remed3'. All good pliysieions in regular
standing prescribe it in cases of mental
and moral disease. It operates, kindly,
without leaving any disagreeable se
quelae, aud we assure you that we have
taken a large quantity of it with most
beneficial results. It cure more I
complaints than any nostrum in the ma
teria inedicn, and comes nearer to being '
a "cure all" than any drug or com
pound found in the market.
KNH MiKH Tilths.
llAttarrotts ( itntllilfln of \f!nlr In lliilvnt In.
The Uu*ti'huk *orrcs|*mdcnt of the
London Ames writes AM follows "The
twenty odd thousand troop* ot tlu* gar
rison are the Jxuhvtion of soldiers,
riiey are brown, open too. I, bt, slioiil
ilensl fellow*, perhvtly ie*:p'ti 1 to ntiv
fati* Allah max luiii for thorn, with per
fect fiwtli iu the bankrupt goverunieiil, for
tlieehlef of which tliev *hout and .< i.'iMia
cxerv evening at minset. I'he 11i.l-1 ly
Mi wloin element i* in a state of great
fury witli the Bnlgartau* iiiul foreignei
generally. The t'liri tiiin-, tie tr. lit, d
to tleath le*t sollie tlnprildellt member of
tin ir faith should provide the cp.nk
which might light up such a glare as
would throw liatuk iutt> the shade com
pletely. Even the consul* have to be
careful for their live*. l'i. ,f* of the
extreme ami dangerous tension of the
relation* between Moslem and Hon Mo*
loin could be given without end Mr
Richard 11 ndc, the I'.ngliah m I Anu-u
can e-'uaiil Ins"-, wlie lia* ucvit b<>en
licensed throng!unit the late trotibh , ~f
Uung iu any vvay jtrejinbio d against the
Turks, but w!o In; bo, ■ * . p. -lt d "f
h-auiug the other way. think* that mat
tor* are a* serum* a* they can be, ami
hi* urgent warning* are ignored l>lh at
Downing street iid to •tuntu p.< It
i* lw! nod lo i >• It r I it R o
influence, in th< f, nu > t n oucy, i* utt
fully planning a dreadful outbreak, and
that those are no friend* to the Turk
who do iot iu*.st up n a stop being put
to irregularities the firm r. po >*i,n
of which would g'*e Satisfaction
t • divcnt Molia arac.; . n:. i n i-
Mlisaillinail* abk " The t'oire
sjHiudeut explains an ituudent i
ceutly reported from t'ouiaiitiuoplo
*!• it tin- I'ritish consul striking a Turk
ish ortu>-r. It secuw this corn *p<>iulent
with i lie c -mpainon cro**,-1 in a small
boat Gturgcvo an i wa* at re-.ted by
Turkish naval .dice re. 'They were
-i r.onslv threatened by a M • ■ .-ui mob.
The Cousul came to the rescue ai i u- h
t*l the .-apt-i ii t at of his way win n the
l..tter trn*l to stop him. The ,\>nv-p,no
dent think* that the consul's vigorous
measure* alone prevent" : th. to 1 - ,ng
thrown inbi tit. Danube by the mob.
A Mill Site I i'At Tren d a (•old Mine.
A few mouth* ag • Hart:*<>n tir*\ put
chased the WIHKICU bhcll of the old I'mon
null in tSold Hill for 81,t*>o. 1 i ■ null
having boeu .i smantl.d and the tua
chiuerv all taken awuv t e own.-is
thought thev were getting a g *• 1 pr--v
for the rotten luml>er, and probably
laughtsi ia their sleeve* tit dr. Gray*
greenuc .*. Ihe purchaser iiuaicdnrtelv
put some tucn to work at the * ittth eu 1
of the mill, taking up the tlu< * an 1
slnu-f*. and came tip- a tiie hid.- ui t
ground wherw the wa.*: • ha 1 tu u allow
*1 t;> run when the mill wn.s iu . p-ra
tton. Tins ho e had Ihh u nude at this
place because a tunnel via* known to
pit*.* within a few tect, itu.l ti.t refu*'.
being m a liquid *tu'c, would tl w off
tliroiigh the UirineT The tlilun - had n<>
noMr bum mnrwl Hum Um mmmi
of quicksilver waa made apparent.
Closer examination rev. ah*l the t i that
a a(vac. of ground id* .t four bv five
feet waa |Kwmeated with .mail g! bulc*
of pure quicksilver, a heav v
perccutage of gold luni stiver. This
ground wa* all iug up and sluic. 1 until
u shaft twentv-flve t.-et il.n-p an 1 six
wide had Ih-cu iltlg, when a eon u-.-'iou
waa nuuie witii the tunnel, and a large
deposit of quicksilver was I in such
purity that it can be raw,l t ■ ti,. arface
by shovelful*.
The ouly preliminary work ti>v<-**arv
t* to carefully skim the sttrfn.-- ground
un I put it out the way, when there In -
revealed a genuine quick*.l v. r and gold
tnine. How much of a dopant there ia
ha.* not been ascertained, us the parties
it work there are very relic* -.t, but t is
ku .wix that betw.s'U Bs.,8 s . , * 1 "' nti,l Sld.o,si
has alreiwly 1* en tak. a out ami * ii. A
gr-at part of the amalgam c.rrie* a
higher percentage of gold than >.f silver,
Is'cause the mill waa runmi gmt <• < .rlv
days of mining on tiie C, vi heii
the ores were worked for tiie gold alone
and the silver was allowed to flow off.
There is yt> doubt but that the deposit
will !• found to continue to the la- ii
which is pmltablv fifty feet de. j . r than
ha* yet been obtained in the tuum l.
1' Tub >ut thr.-e m nth* ther w r* live
men employed there, and the viol I waa
about sixty jsiuud* of amalgam p> r d y,
but since roornvtion haabeeu made vvitli
the tunnel two men have 1 u . nipl. v. 1,
who take out :d*-ut forty pound* >f
ipncksilvvr p>r day on an avcrng Tar
tic* who are anxious to get <<ld mill site,
off their hand* will probably be m<>re
careful in future un I examine them well
before disposing of them.— I try in hi
(•N* r.) Chronicle.
A Chinese Bath llmisc.
A Bhaiiglnu c-arresp. I'-nt of t >.n
J'nuieis.xi f'ArouiWe, writing ot /. v t
•to at .inese bath house, -ay* ; M'it! tr
we were icwstol by n damp Joking
specimen of humanity, with a face
shriveled up like a washerwoman's
thumb, who proved to !*> the pr >prie
tor. who consented for a <*insident;,>ii
to allow na to examine the work,: •* . f
the establishment. Tailing aside a
•urty curtain we were ushered into a
large ris.m iu which a half dozen tallow
tii|o< made feeble effort to illuminate the
surrounding < bj.vt*. A tank sorn flf
b'en feet long uud ten w ide waa antik
in the tl *>r to the depth t four feet,
and powaibly contained 500 gallon* <>f
water, heat"d by mean* of underground
furnaces to quite n high temp, rnture,
ami in which I counted fourteen bather*
at one time, while nt least twenty others
Were either preparing to enter or com
pleting their toilet prior t<> departure.
Tiie proprietor twoiued quite j r aid of
his aooominixlations, nn.l after jwilitely
iuviting u* to take a bath, which we re
luctantly declined, gave us the follow ing
information: The tank is refilled with
clean water <*verv midnight, and is not
again changed for tho twenty-four hour*
succeeding. H:s customer* arrived at
any hour between daylight aud mid
night, nn.l usually iminbered ab. Nt one
hundred and fifty a day. \.<ne were re
fuw -I admission on any nooonuL cither
of filtli or dis'wuae. I tried to impr. **
uiMin the keeper what n great 1 vantage
lie would have over rival establishments
if he would introduce a t*thbru*li on
the end of a chain, but lie w;.s inclined
to regard it as nn innovation calculated
to engender too luxurious ideas, and
therefore declined it. Seriously speak
ing, this frightful system of bathing is
the cause of propagating more disease
than any other met with in this pestilen
tial land, if we except . pi.Tunics, winch
can hardly be regarded as causes.
The Cossack.
'Die Cossack is a little Russian, about
five feet five, even-on his high heels, but
nt once sturdy and wiry. His weather
lieaten face is shrewd, knowing and
merry. Ilia eyes nre small, but keen;
his month large, and between it and his
pug nose—rather redder than the rwt of
his fnce—is a tuft or wisp of straw e,.1-ored
ored mustache. Hi* long, thick,
straight -hair mutches his niustaclic in
color, mid is cut sheer round by the
nape of his neck. Below the neck the
Cossaek is all boots aud great He
in more armed than any man of his
inches in Europe, and conl afford to
lose a wenpon or two nn.l yet be nn
average dangerous customer. Weapon
number one is the long, black, fliigless
lance, with its venomous bend that
seem* itching to make daylight through
somebody. He carries a carbine, slung
in an oilcloth cover, on his back, the
stock downward. In his belt is a long
and well made revolver in a leather case,
and from the belt hangs a curved sword
with no guard over its hilt. His whip
completes his personal nppurtennno s;
he wears no spurs. He rides, eoeke.l up
on a high saddle with a leathern band
strapped over it, a wiry little rat of a
A good story is told with regard t a "daft "
man and a somnolent congregation. When
ever any of hi" In nrer* Isjga . to "nod," the
minister observed that "daft Jamie" ar.uisid
them somewhat sharply by shooting peas ut
them. Catching the eye of nt at
last, be shook hi*.finger at him reprovingly ;
but "Jamie" responded, not a hit< I :
"Jnst gang on wi'your sermon, mini-tor, and
I I'll keep the Itcggars wakin'."
i There are'six different ways af spoiling the
i nanie lfatoum, tho Turkish port, but tli.-re is
i only ono way of capturing It, and tlial i* hy
i fighting.
linn* at Inlrtrtl trout tluntn unit UM'OIIII.
\ W.ahitiitton report •*.* Hist *• Attoriie*
lienors! I'.wu. i. u..l alt<q;t'lhr .-"Uleiild in
lit. t-tilaui't p 'iltUm (in l i'ii *i.|et Milt A|i|i'iitil
linn Iti the vacant . :i Hit' iq'trnir . -• 11 (
tench A Vienna il'. -patch -si. At>lnl
hi mil l' lin (Im lull. l*li in in m ii. ti tin ■ I if.
lllfi 11 Itlr.l till' 1 nil ill'limit n llf liuiti'tlllk, \ 111 Ua,
S. till 111 1a milt SilltStrlS dial till I* I ll. Willi haw
ll"t J'lt'l IM.'lia f'-r Ht U-.V—t |.|v lllllllilm lllllut 'put
mtiilii Ini'ivti iim * Ahi l't h 1 -billp .j" ■ lal
HI " till' I'lirklnti Ulillllt"! lili' II U|i 111 I ('i ll
llulil lit l-l 11It.-*- 1.11 111 t'. .(]- lltllii I II ill .11 \
ill. V . .ii aim i t.4 l-i ittiH'ii 'mm link* anil
I,i ih* tin uiiaiin Imili I'lii* ** Ut'tti ti ul *. tilt mi
klii|i|aat ai ai'i-li ti-ptlli 1 i a ti. all mill
llii' lil.ik* lllli' ti i lllnl Iho
111 It lull \tl"lial liltli' Anma-tatl.'ii Mill WIIJ a
I'liitint Kit'.' limit train to Auii'ii'a tin* it ar, t
.MIHJI tfi at t'likilllimir I in lit! 11l mi u
li.ill;' i all I luailv aa man; ,le!uitgs iirrt .ii
>11.11.1 I v 111 ■- In Walki'l ti'H. l 1 tin
WIMMMI VOM 11. .1f..ul tin nil M luM, kit
111 l . -t 1-. ait l af I litems. t ia|in alul Ilia Mlfo,
aaili .t fur l.uii.ji'ii lln ir ili |iatlut>i in ttin
flatl,i..flM,!ft)Ui's-ett-' m. itl!oue , l
I >la| at. lit", kill liinuil at till' Nam
fork .'it;. % of tin fntflu Mail afiannlilp mat
at a .1 . 111. d . llli > . T tli< . t > f
Man.'. i'f tlirii at .a tin I lit. . I Han 1 i auii'i
• ii'ii taiailt au.l la if i ati if aat lull -,i
.'. uichl I i Ilia, tiiaai'i aii-t li ailing . iti/ana uf
ljvrrj 'l. ami nil. taiuUlanl tin' lii<a| itailtli *
llf ttlli 1..a u S.IUII.IaI 1 lltraalllfia alt. |.. la.
tak. II t" pi I. t Alut it. an I'lluMia ami pi i>|h itj
ml tin iUio ..f ttin tin! Ursn.lo ft. m Mrnuaii
ranltia Alt oxpl .loii i-vuno*l. ti lighter
. litaltillik ai null ijtr t Alt', la i f naphtha at
t iv nut all. .t u tin S.-idi run S.'.tt.ik
au.l • itu it mil- kill. I Ami "iiai li a* ttaug* t
.mail n it I 11. M ifts uf Haprate
> liwarr. .1 ami au.'il.i iiuinau mir almt I v
llUUiluiu. a. plan, llli N< \ ik A I I I
f. : shipping plain frum M I u:a t• I nrq .■!,
I i nay >.f San Orkaua, lain - itr-mplattuti
Ihe uf th ;ar tl ~ D( l ili'lala la
t'lainv i .'iitmuea In a i .it m. In KiiKlainl
lliv t'liampl.'llalilp uf dm i'liamea Maa nmi t i
li l.t 111 tlt KM,., a atl.'t alul kllll.t Mia.
t'. t". t'haiubh.- a toward count;, (ieurpta.
I'tit i Mi re caught, aml t I die una UIUI. .ua lie
i u . f ai. ul • wliilo an I . .. r< I |*'"| >
Mala' llullla illati ll tuupi.l lu 11. Mllea Uiaite
all alta. k uu a luaattle a'aiu|> Heal tho I. m-bud,
a 1 i r.1r.1 ll.w I i ll' a after a ael. . run:..up
l-.plll uf ai tral 111, . a l.' tr mlillltt Ml re
kli . I ami nu • w. uiuli I I • ulc i
im'hull p Uicir oiuaf, mre ki.ii.t Michael
M ilaltv naa alai-tav) l*i tlralh by 1 lltiuiaa
lit an, itnri pa quarrel lu Now Y"t a
J.l.a l tlirup M Ut I. the li-UIIMI, ai If r
RiX V ear a I luteal hlalt-a uuulater t • Atlalila,
tllrtl .11 1 m! Uat tin apt •< allty '. hi i-O He
Hi. liu audi. :ui MI ku w . Mairka ...Uietnl
Milli the hlaturi uf It ..ami He rat. u
tl*_v naa tuure peuerailT utaericj thr. uph.'Ut
tin' i itry Una nar n.rt'. f .it 1. New
Aurk lung jwia-i if.ju uf the:.. . smxv, veteran
a-VieUi's alul lire iie)iarliLioul, cluainp With
ii a r ni-a i . [ ll -rem f i ti.e pravuaof t
aa'i.l.i la lu the vat -1 Ovmelenea In tin v. u.Uy
uf tho fitv, link 1 ii.-e anil Hie atal'lea if ... in- t l.f elml.
Jvjiiari - ..1 Wi ..II . U hi nail. ai„l li eW. rtlt
u.. uuti.uut tu ItaiiiM u h . tan. urn it. .uralrel
with ti 'Mer-i, ami a| , nriale .rilita Mire
he .i at e*. it. In M Uiuia. t .atlas up a, alul
ether |4aeea rv a It v i ..fcOei.te .ul
tima tltUicai 111 I. 1 11 11 up the itai lal I ."'U -
lar if the nie.k f the I'A. . . M... auiahip
City I'f hall trail.have I wen iretlvt.l. Stie
pli u- nil a i ,-k M lie ll live iiai a uut freiu
I'anvina, ami waa unuiniiati ,e heath .I fur the
all :■ and luu apt. unit nil a aanJUank, lu a
amkuip . I.tllli u. tile | a-. ipiri a.l
tva.u eS Ui aafety Mlua and . liter hluid
lupaiull -ia, Vll.'ii were huineat -> ♦ls*',-
tuo . A hre lu Mnutrt ai tli airei 111 |rt.|irtv
lu t ie la. lo el Tint'.UiaJ 1 it I. Hal|a-r,
tli- ia-l a.irnvir f t!:o fir ili'lhtra nhu
f untied the Well-kill' Mil I'UtillahlUp bullae uf
HufMt Ihtdhwa. .in-l 1U Sea lock mu
• iraUt rvwille-l lUiltat. Ua I" .ii Mlth k, 1 11 eell
Ai ' I iv. the l'rutee uf AA a . the i all . f liea
.i. a: 1 ..liit r. uf ti.. i np.;li at
iu Imp:vud the lnrt y naa nun t y Mlvl .
Al .1 vl-all li v. Uli rtvajituri i li the i'uraa.
Al :i than klii. " Ik. haa let :i ra.-ed in liiia
alv fur nar |t.;t)a-aeaby vuiuntaiy .•
M. ill.. : - haa ie AJU.' the I . .'..Ued
uf (lie i'll in I'Ul U.'a .a 1 lit Mtt -U Ug
Uiati'h m N.M Aurk betueeu Jaf. li 11. Mvrtui,
uf Mi.'liip all. Jam. . Urua, uf A . ru.. ul.
waa Mtill i v t!io latter after a file huura atiup'-
pie. tieu. K lder demit tiie rrk.rt that l.e
naa'(•vunp tu aril . tu t'olt laJ • A tunu iu
i. iaa maa cij'lurul t'\ Ap. 1.. In.liana
three iiuu uu v hvmi car m New Jerwi were
t'lUalitxl I , death t• a fr, .ht trsuu. and tie
it. an Mvin II itay i.j tired Ati. 1.i.1u >li< t
111. . die femaio pat*., ver, wi. naa utuhrp .ug
a life iui[iriau:.'.nrnt lu i tim : ut, ieajml
(ruin Jail . Mr . JitiUeOgmr and 1. t dauphtei
Mere attacked ai.-l tiulrap.'d i y ma-kid
U'-r AVanrlt j. N. J A wave vlaited
the tu rith i'acitia noiat, fn in t alia* t" t hill,
lie -!: .. r* a tuiiuimr i'f • 1 cvn-iup C.f
la a acetic uf diiaaUltili, and the! va of hfe
and Mh t> aald to M MOOhOM A
. -inniiaa: a ita. 1-1.1 .'llitll ito .eatlpate tl.e
New t>ri- -a cuvttwu h 'Uae t hariea
K Howe i. Ih.ited Sutra . ral at l.imotle,
I'cTu. uf ft-v. r at tiiat (art Am'l lit r
revolnti 'u haa ln '.en uut iu l'eru i >*.
Aau /vuiit, uf Kindt laiand, aa, timguritnl.
li I aim el). Ma,- . 1 : i A. i! k naa f tud
gutity uf li.aiiaianpiiler fur having ahut ht r
iurer. 4'harle. AV. liicker It ;• rv:,Mrted
ti at Aluklitar i'a.lia ha- heeti di-ruia>. 1 ft iu
the euiau and uf the lurki ban yia Aala A
lady uf liadn Ha. uka iTu ae-! ihe Ilattllle,
ca: lure i f. orhen liuiimantau tui. tiameiy and
cut I!T the calve >"f their leg a. Advke •r.
.a ivt .J from i-t. I'lttrdurj; re pre - ut that
the Turk- reea)>tnred Ardai au after it had
i- a red i ed by tin Itu—ian Fifty aiidt-
Ui ualmn. val-. tnrlntitng f urehicfa i f divta
hina, have Ue u inaele from the i ureau . f tip
prav Uig arid I n ' uf tt I ll'!' iry de: ar*.
meat al WaalilnpliHi A ay ail . f imrae . tan
away tu tin Burai remit, ri. at AHwiiy, N. A .
an I one , f tho la-vcujiauia uf til carriap. Mi
lair ■ Cat. uu waaalm d iii-ianlle ki!)<-l lu
jiuii|'iiip at A I "all lie cl.urch iu AA u a '- ti,
• train! I'u.-l.y of i'ua. u, viae atrm k hy lightning
!uu pa * err-. • . av! • v |: - ite m- :•
killed and alia ut arventy injured mure < r i. •
aeverelv At. Alrrvpiiat, a j ruf> w r e-f
Trench in a actuxd in llartfurd, < "i,n.. do 1
fur week, after having In n in. n l>y a nnail
iliw Hie autt uf Sarah M 1 i!M' a.-vm-t
John T. C.-'lidgti ami uthera fur alatrder, waa
hagrin in Hoaton. All the principal* in t' •• nt
ar. e!l kn an iti Ikwf' ii Ihe II n. I uha
WatWOA, I'f hillg-t-'IJ. li. 1 , el2l'Mu*'d hMU l lf.
1 Wi) attempt* . lie with a hudcl aiid the
u'her n;!ii a knife .ei re made tu a - ua!.
.1. I'. 11, do . rr ii 1. ut • f tie tie
A'urk //rr u. i, at Sa l 1-ai.c City, tint rath tune
the WuUld-Iwi murderer nae f.;itd The
< ighteeiit It animal enumen anient m rowof
tile < ■ . r I'm 11 **'!• f n.-e an I Art
|."k in N't* A "ik. Tefrr t uoj- r ditnl ut
ing the pn/i A little purl - vol caught lire
in a I athuii- chnrch In New A■ irk and a pam.-
atfoide.) with m mm* reault- m a*"lily J>IV \< ut. 1
l.y the 1 r.e iioi uf mmd uf the "f.n'iaUug prieat
and uaLrr.e.
A Tar ' f r.'d but ate. 1 c ile-.l al- ill ti:e
< f John l.atii .lun, a irknivi in < iauto r r •
ing mill m |jtf*y tte. N. . ternl'lv burning
lull) before !." * aid he r* •.• I At. !■
gram fr, i l.r.'ermini -ay- tie- lin*ian Mere
cauni'tiadiny Karadarh, tin Turk* replving
vip-ori'Ualv. lie f rtinriti ria "f N'tti. i u Mhirli
thouaaiui* uf men Mere MiTkleg f r inmuli*,
have Imwii romplettd, awl m illbdwith ht avy
Krupp gun*. They arecun-ulerevl very atmng.
I'lip villap-wuf New Centreville. in IVnn
aylvauia, wa* aimo-t entirely di atruyrtl |.y lire.
John I-<v-i a t' har deciinetl tin eollcctor
hip of . It*!' Ill* at Chicago 1 lie vi, ape uf
Or' ta, on I .ai.e Sujierior. Mirh . anght nr.
from the fnre-t fire* racing tiiei.-al-'iit*, and
i v< rv hun-e e\c pt thechurch an.l *ehotilhou*e
were d< tn>y< !. depriving .pun hundred up.,
of their h lie-. A tn,;l ut with pruviaiun* and
rluUiiug fur the sufferer* waa dmpatrhtd fr.'iu
Jlarqnette , . 'The ipieen uf Holland i* *• ri
onl; ill. Heavy furp*t fire* raging in
tiie ... i I* in the vi inity "f 11 a Ufa a. N. S.
M. Hrmaen, h ad. r of the 1., ft in thal'uii*h
pwtiamat, b dead The pttbko ileht mv*
redtieed in Mav ,% <p(*ai, tie total n-lnetiuii
since .July 1, 1- ini: al --ut ••*i,t)tiO. . .
The merea-" in hours of C-iii the New York
< i hmi bullae, ree>glimende<l hy the cofiimiHe.
uf invi stigatioii, ha- gune into effeet The
great vandal ca-e uf vlr*. Hire against Coolidge
and otliers, tu Hoaton, va* token from the Jury
after one day's tri*h and put in the hands i f
three eminent lawyer-, fur private adjustment.
.... Ocneral (irant was formally introduced
to the I'rtlice of AA'al, *, and went with him 1"
the I'paom raei - An expr. * • train ran "ff
the track m ar AA'yalnaitig, I'a.. eruahmg in four
passenger coaclit-a ami causing Ihe instant
death of two Indira, Mid the a, rums wounding
of seventeen other persons, five I'f whom ■ re
expected tu die A cowl • il refinery iu Haiti
more was hurned for the fourth time. Ihe
burning oil ran through the -to ' t and gutters,
setting on fire a block of t. [lenient liOU-e*.
l ailly damaging tie in.
A party of rough* assaulted Officer Train in
iluirlii ter, N. 11.. overpowering am! brutally
| . i iii him. At la t he drew • revolver ami
shot into his a**ailant*. mortally wuiimhng
William It; ail A flight watchman discov
ered an unknown i* r on m the act of siwmg
through one of the main brnrc* of a railroad
bridge mar Canton, 111., f u tie evident pur
po iof wrecking a train. He was final upon,
(• it i -eapi I (iU iiwood. a small vil'm e in
All h - i i. naaip' Iriived hy fire from a hiiriimg
fore t, the Inhabitants beuig oooipelled to the
fur their lives .. .Hev. John Al Friday, pastor
uf the l.ntheran church at Hvrjs'i i'erry.
A'a., was dpuvtiod in the canal nor IT' tleti k.
Ml ... Oeorge 11. Wolff A Co., uf New
York and < inemnafi. dry good* jol Ist a, have
failed, owing 4t.Vl.fKWi I'.. II Tiylor, pro
prtetor of one of t!ie larpu at distilleries in Ki n
tneky. failed with liai ilitus rxeei ding f.VWI.tWHi,
Ida assets Iwing one-half the mm A I dv
of Cir. a- laiia al It.-kli Ahund. near bars, was
routed hv tli" Itn- dans, and the phi. a vas
burn" !. A di-patch rays the Turks ir. k g.s d
eomniamlers ..A large oil tank near Millera
tonn, i'a., was struck ly lightning, and the
flames communicating to the other tanks,
32,000 harre' uf (ll were destroyed, together
with several d>rtieka, itiv Uing a lost of t*fi,-
fWWI Four per tens were drowned msr
Albany, N. A'., while bathing There are
s w ral bundle I applications f..r vacant consul
ships on tile in Washington There was a
i. rums drought i i Aiuhama. no ram having
fallen in several weeks Edward Harring
ton, a New A'urk saloon kcejirr. was struck on
.the head with n cart rung in the hands of El
ward Olto, and soon d ed from the effects
of tho b10w...... Anthony Gardner bus been
elected pre-ident of Liberia, Africa . Sophia
Fredericka Matilda, qtiei n of Holland, died
June 3, aged fiflv-nine yi ars... .A comniis-ion
TO IBMH me Philad ipina a—tot bona* has
been apjiointed The Jurv in the Elleuton u
conspiiaey cases in South Carolina acquitted
j one prisoner, and disagreed as to the other ten.
I Tha Civil Service Reform Association
was uiganiri d 111 Neiv A >k Whllnalranip
waa atuimig a tratu tieai Aiiialetdam, N A., lie
us* slrin L hv a lisMiiii'tivs going 111 an opposite
dire, (lull and w.ia Inataiitlv killed
Wi i low and liri daughte uf alitrrn were war
I* id I, this* ruffians near portage (it v, Wis,
taken fi io the team which the* MIIS driving,
ami nil* brutally outraged and beaten M*IH
II !v hev.'iid t' oeiv ll an i M'irphv, Hie
bnija ranee reformer, addu.-<d .'too honor
dealer* and their fatiulive Ul I'hlladi Iphla
Set cute* II nihil' lelllperauCM nnilil.g* were
held In Plilladelphla uu the sarin dav, ami It la
estimated that over I.OtKHKNI p. pie have
tgued the pledgi aim * tho Murphy umveimut
was triangulated.
All attempt was made tu an* k au eiple s
ti ii in mi the Atlautl' and San I lancie. o rati
load, lot lull.", ft.ilu ht Ti'Ul* liait* so*
in ve.t from tho track and the t ugliie and hag
i a, e .oil piling, -t down an end aid.limitl f ity
fll I, i an-on lh. death ■ f tliasii, ! in, r, liretnaii
and another. the endm tor Mas also tiled
upon tu tin daikn.sat ) the |M-rsoiia who had
pel It-dated Uie It. udtah a. I, alidwhoei evl.leut
desigu was to run the whole (tain down the
hat.L and pluudei tin pascM lq . ra A ieiM
t> . turua.l" swept ki'iis* suufln rn Illinois, its
li. vlti| it-, nt IHI nt* live* and Injuring fi in
thirty !•> utiv persons ltotiduig- in Hie
tra. U of Hie sb lut wile Uiifuuf'-i alul mn
tinned At M.-iint t'aruivl Hie l iiihitnga dn
alloyed wile (Mu chlttvhes, twos. hiailllOUses,
I siurt house ami a nuiutsr f stoles and In Ala I toon mm building waa
(hrviwu into the street and turueil upaid. down.
Ai ii. h ex iteiuent was tailsed aiuulig live
M.irklUi i lasses of Tails tq the art est of M
IhlM l.llel piesi'leiit nf the luUUli lpal euuuni,
i hai, i< I with " lusuiUitg Marshal Ms.-Alahon
and Uniting civil w*r anil as.-asstuatuiii.
Tli" Auirrhmn whaling s. tiooiui i.iielr l.irpah
*>< I aidi .1 by a hpauish cruiser win e taking
tl oil Hie hi ... s ulli . f * üba, and Hit o;
latn s pa| i is I ting deeuit d insulin u>ut, he was
detained f. ur davstn close Coulinrinenl
1 hiring a light among a drunken r.-Mil iu a
ral- u Iti N.-rth Hudson, N. J., on a Haluiday
n. lit, one man was fatally statds-d, attuliie-r
lost ail t . ', and several uthin Mire lUute ur
1< -* dai gel. Italy stable .1 ami t-ealPu An
e . .i, eut I-- . pa. hot*eeu two 1 ugllsh
ship, uf Mai ami a i'rruvian rebel turret ahl)!
tliat I . I ' <en . oiululttlug puatli-al a. t* against
IU 11.-Ii aut'ji Is Ihe TrrUVlan vessil Mas
had 1 v daitia>'d, and aUITt udelid The la'aid
f V -It. I ' f r t!.' alii, .ai . lamination . f radeta
met at West I'ulUt ali i orgauUed A Mater
-i-' .'. in ar lt'irhngt >n, l.wa, caus<-'i cuitMdri
aide damage tu foundries and machine shops.
1 tu l'aiillt'i has iwell n. -le ueavily sMuilrti
Mitti uu 1. I! is year than m u.c last thirty
irai* l!i la a.i I'.idltalT operatlii*.
a .1 making tin pa-aage i f ttie rivir t v the
1. .'*:ali ll p# a matter uf e 11) Sltie itlfllcultv .
.A baud ■ ■ 111 .--la.ia al.d itaohi ltaXollka
ii.e-.J ll I'ai ati.l a raid withtu U.s
liu* iaii line- cap!urn gt It; l ead uf cattle and
tasu.g a u inula ( .I jllso.u rs A ovallhy .an I'r Israel iiaudolph died suddenly
ill a tn'lsa car Hi New A oik The a* imu-eii
..l . nil* t el U.s w -it of ,\. w Jets* ) for
A (iliost in (auip.
The 1. 'U.liin J i in * hu." a gho*t at.irv.
1 •! II I'!"Ut!i tin iMiuji nf Alili rwhott W .IK
v isitnl nightly hy iui nggrwutve spirit.
It wan ii.i r. -pivb.r of je re.ina. r rank;
It plllb' u i .1 It.* b'hty ■ flic ie in the rih.v
im i g'liv. iiiinil . privtib * hlnck . res. A
private nf tin- knit • - it on*' itig'lit nml
*M nhit .el ll Atnh iusinight, mill the
•w-ulry petci iA-ing * metluttg inlvmicing
towiirvl Iniu giivu the IIMIUI challenge, l>
which n> reply wan iiiailc. The chal
1< ' e will r<<-.1. At herv U(M>n tin* ghiwl
\i. Nt to tilt -entry Uu, atp]w\l tho * ■!-
liter Meverul tlllie* ill the file**, mnl In-fore
ho intil.l recover from hut cotifnaion
niti.le off irrus* the common vaitli luvt.ui
iahing IHIUII'IM. Ihe wldicr, m lit* x
--eitciueut, hvi I'-ll hi- ritle anil tlroil, but
mi-.- 1i; - mm. Tin* ghost Aleut toward
the military c. 'tietcry tunl iu a -imilnr
tnauner atteiupti 1 to frighten a private
in the lOHth ri gimeiit, who turn onguurii
bv a j-'iider nu'igar.ine. Again waa a
gull fired mid a til*, did the g'lnmt stalk
ell' unharmed. A fortnight afterward
tin - g'ilost p "UtieC'i ujHti allotlier soldier
mill endeavored t-. snaU*)l away Ills rtlle.
V siiarp atmggle eitatte.l. A* inch en ied
by tile soldier treviving a pmr of black
eye* ami ! vtsig bis ahtko, which was
f uind n< xt p. it:, • iu tin- canal. An
other seutry AHO UlXN istivl in the cauip
by - niic I'L.E with a musk, win mfomicsl
him that he Ala* tin tUlb'h drea*ied gin -t
and hi- object Was to *!i"W tiie Jlnti. u
1 w e.v-ily lie c uld frighb n thi e- idii ra
of tiie prt - 'tit ilay.
A Heaf I ider'a Mi-fake.
Some tune- a Lptgh will itvur in the
m r: in* mmd' I congregat.on of a O 'ti
m-'ticut church, as on a recent Sunday.
I'lie clergytliau viealrifd to rail the atten
t uof the on green!'.on to the fa**t tiint,
I Isping the last Sunday of tiie moath,
In- vi •o i adlin:.. U r tie r.te "f liapti-m
to children, i'rev: ma to hia having en
tered the pttlpit he had received from
one i f the t-idera, At ho was iiuite deaf, a
ti "tic** to the effect that aa Ute children
would lie present that afteruooti. Mini he
hud the new Sunday acln 1 *iitig las'ka
remly for diatributi n, tie would have
theni there to „.-U p. all who dc-ired
them. After the M-rvk* the clergvmaa
iwcuti the tiotice of the baptismal *• r-
A ui'. thus; " All of tlnaie having chil
dren and ihwtiring to have litem letptired,
will bring them tlm afti ruiwin." At
this jwullt tile ileuf elder, bearing the
tuention of children, euppoMsl it was
something in reference tu lit* U-ik*. and
rising, aaul: "All of those having
bom , and d-:img them, will be sup
plicd 1 v t .c f.-r tig* atint of twenty-Jive
cents each. "
The Sweetness of Home.
lie who his no home haa not the
Kweete-J plntaure- of life; he feel* not
the thousand en 1. .irmeiits that cluster
u 1 t! ut hallowed sjmt to till the
v nd of! is iichiii ' heart, and while away
his lei.-ure momenta in the swc'tneaa of
life-joy , I-m i-fort nne your lot ? Y'ott
will tiiul a friendly welcome front In art*
Itcating tine to your own. The chisw-n
partner of yottr toil haa n ntntle of aj>-
probation others have deserted, a
hand of hop. when all others refuse, and
a heart t" te. 1 vutr sorrows, a- if they
were her own. IVrhapsn smiling cherub,
with prattling glee mnl joyous laugh,
will drive s. ir<>w from yottr care
worn brow and enclose in it the wreaths
of domestic bliss. No matter how hum
ble that home may le, how destitute its
stores, or liow jxwirlv its minutes nre
chid, if true heart* dwell there It ts vet
a home. A cheerful, prudent wife, .>!•-
dient ami affocti' mute children, will
give tln ir pos-. *.us more real joy than
haga of gold and worlillv liouora. The
home of a temperate, industrious and
honest man will be his greatest joy.
A Raleigh f.irlS Mcighl-of-llael.
Not more than twenty-seven bl.M'ks
front tin' cupitol building, on Hillslsim
street, says a Raleigh correspondent,
a couple of young la.iiea elegantly cos
tumed in visiting paraphernalia emerged
from a residence and entered the street
inst ahead of us. K u'h had a trail aa
long us a peivb.wl's tail, trailing in the
dust, and they must needs be taken up.
Tl ltler of tin- two followed the revolt
ing custom of the day By reaching down
and taking up Iters by hand, but the
Votuigcr one didn't do that way. I'lant
ing her left f**>t square on the ground
she gave a sudden kick with the heel of
the right f.s.t, and the trail was instan
taneously elevated t<> its position ill the
right hand, extended to receive. It was
done so quick that the inotl"li wa- har.l
lv perceptible, in fact it was tln* " cutest "
trick we ever remember to have set n,
and the firs! sleight of-lieel JiorforniHllO*
we over heard of.
A Foiled ThitTs Hib tnnia.
A pickpis'lii t, who was out at heels nn
well m out at elbows, recently entered a
basement shoe store on Rrondway, New
York, t.*>k off Ins boots, and dirn'ting
that they should be resoled forthwith,
proceeded t<> select and try on n new
l>uir. While the shoemaker was at work
at the old Ixiots the customer attempted
to b dt with the new ones, but lot being
so light f.silisl as lie was light lingere 1,
ho was eiuight by the irate shopkeeper.
The latter not only forced him to take
off his new f.s.t gear, but, having already
removed the sole from one of the old
boots, stoutly refused to sew it on ngaitt
until he w.s lib rally paid therefor.
Having nothing in .his own pocket, and
having no one e! -.'s immediately avail
able, tli" discomfited pick|sieket had to
tie (lie severed sole to the upper with
his handkerchief, and limp home as best
he could. The would-lw freebooter had
liccoinc a footpad.
A minute analysis of life at onee de
stroys the spletnlor which dnzzloH the
imagination. Whatsoever grandeur can
display or luxury enjoy is procured by
ofTlees front which tho mind shrinks from
the contemplation. All Ihe delicacies of
tho table may be traced back to the sham
hies and dunghill; all tie mngnitlceuco
of building wue hewn from the quarry,
and all pomp ornament dug from among
the damps and darkness of tho mine, i
legal Ili I*l i')t I Ignorance.
I (tiring the trial of the celebrated ,
Leavenworth lathy ease, in which two
women claim the same child, one of the
law'iora. in the course of his rcuiitrka,
points to the painting <>f Holotu"ti or
dering the child to be severed in lialv. a
and divided between the two women,
lit < scriptural l.naiw lodge bring small,
lie alluded to i'llutc instead of Sololnon.
T'lie opp'.i'illg li'tlliscl, Hllp|Hming he
knew all at "'lit it, inntulitly jiinqx.l t"
In* fret, uti.l called loin a find, and said
thai the order wan by <'s'sar and not
I'llutc. After a bcntc.l dis.'iitiMioii they
agreed to leave it to the judge. Ilia
honor d<-ndtsi that both the attorneys
, w< ri' taking upon a subject foreign to
their knowledge, and, p ntil.g to tiie
painting, raid it win intended to teple
sent Iter.-I, an.l not Tih.te or ('s'-t> r .
The lawyers considered the matter Mv
tled and prts'eed**! with the caiw.
TliMtta HHt Mrn.
" art (he tut ik, iki laifua (h<*
of lUh|Tfalui t luf taii a in an t ntW withlU*
rtitirltiuiiir*ii (hat a <tou!ol noiiur c>ou
killtilui; 111* vitkia. NN j ij Uikt t t'f 1 tUuia.
A liNUtollirU Illicit( (aU() i'likllKt] to t!n ttf
rm k with a ttilturr |jctr|MttuaJlv |;tistUtK
hlB 2urf. fttttl hi* fa. .MI Wear au t l| !•
uf lirrnh' au.l c y t?u iu f k rit ltiraiM * Hut i ruum
tht'Uß liaa lrft no ticwx iiAlantu With vulturt-a
itllM IN t .-netlliiUiU hlti ilkcr, tho IUIMI. ru li.ail
luakt lilliiM)f aiut rtrrry uuo aictui<} hUu
fun. ral Ir. I irtful, p •Uit, llVjOfli'-utlhlu'Al
he* Ik ■ thr ya * t J .I alul lift" ai) UU tho aide
l)jr <tai a aide and l dkfM to iMcfft
that (lu fa a-iiitiy aide ho rtflfdi aa an
r unity, rat ti*r h-i a mock wi of taia liuafiiiary
w t a ( nhke t)to IliYthual 1 tlan. the vtrliin
cf A11n Aer i n.'i at;. rltiM. I l.ito ib an aru
tu it .u< a halm l- eiraoao and )md. Aa
rolludn a thla !li at tl* |ft aadtt£ of all
ttlM aara " i.lYt f < . Ill| laUtt ' IT* lllro
ciAcuut r |M|*u)ar than l>r. I'm oca Ootdcn
Mc-vh-al IhacoYrff and I'h-a.aaUt
l't ilrta Die I'rDrta rffrOttiaHv miit'Yo the
t ffrto aud iiutia matUr whilo the Mdi. aJ
I'l AIV imi'Csita otif and health to the
entire ayt<fu. Ihi y arc auid 1-y dru^guU.
Nrrvfa lt Ijtthrr,
I trad a tIM arhc at*uiaslia iHat infkot i)rptf>-
tic t<*fiiit i.l ii.uN t t and J.fcnt- ra< ktal with
the I)ic umatiafu, ar lufallihH featured Ui hra.tit
I y the rt lckritid ehiir, HtMrller a Mvtuiarh
llittofo a ihfT no jll -*i il w i I ? I'hyaictaiia
J- lkllUil** |UIItV, and Y JllCh UO UfW
'.akea In Yam Yh- la t*d with anv of tho
hUUit Ti' ib • .it*} .. Ilia ! > wbbh It >1 a>la] t<.! It
frrxjlx! ~!!> )iaj Jx im ii ul r. ai d r llktaitra fait
to prndurc a j*ruia!M-!it ttfHf. 'ihi® ia lot'tUAu
they arc uiorriy \ .. .aUu*, ai d thrrrforw do
II t : in- . I) ' * nar -f the inalatlira. whoao
#Ytn)itoms thr> aftrr a tUiir iTAhf to uurlkinte.
rhiaU n. ui )Y ll . r- Y ith>j ..ttoa and a 1a-
Uve drttfcc. It i I*, t at-, h- At >rf. with HiWtrt
tt fa lnttora whiih aio a atar. hlltg
that A'lbjUtri tho di&t - aa YA III aa baliiahra
it# Imfiria
I t*tH. \\ rll.lUUrd Mlm NIIa, Itrrnd,
t Jsi. e, alid t*aaLr) il< -t VI a. l ltd • ' t
j'sh) hndth. *• • d ). atlh make? iah*'f if all
kiQtta taeirr, and l*r. Uw|C lit#. I.uuh*y • Vt a*t
I'owdtl Will aiwaYa lUftko all thrac }TodlirUoU®
and whoUa. < *c. It J warrant*d t mak
llghUf, aw t*r, jnvrr lH**.ha"no and
nutnUratia biN-tnla, rail, trrad, ttr.. than any
oihr hakuif jAitdtr.
Flout Hon. laY k1 hj rakrr, i-f t anaj- hair#. N Y.
"1 h*Y# tlaod Ir a |tftiAlU of ild
t Lrrty tiivwlf atid in my faiudf for acYt ral
Yraia. and tak* gtrat j loaauro Ui rr % Aii;tn* ndiU|C
it tu |tf* frrt inf t am thing nf the k*nd for the
|'urfoac f**r i.i hit la mtcudrd. lu caac ot
aathrua, t'htht ir t t affnrtioii of the thrvYat 1
liaY*- U Y ruu \ w*lh ai*Ything cw|ial to it U)
cant* an ! a ' *.! . S- dd I * ad druggiata.
Arrta au of utr twviity
fiu y &ra, j- at Y h at)lug ('bvatriana irVubtk
t%.!g# that ti.' ' .h/rtiVry UtrftlM
r'i ■ .ia lh* ou)y kiM>au cx-rtain rrtn~dy
f. r d.a- * • lo which w. mru are autjact '1 ht*
firtir/rn'jiry I * <iUr J 9 the mAat pojmiar of tin day for UiltHtaiinM, beadarhe,
Uyc*' >ii|daint and dlwraaew of Ndd
tA ad diuk'a'ut*- S* nd for t,iraf.a
brrg Oa, Vi York.
lUiuiatotir and troach, and milk and atdidiur.
arr adiuiiii'defrsd r* very change if a* nUt
TA: ... iU thr • d A Uutf.J a to fortify cLiuUt U
agfluUftt att.-i- ua t f rrr.pljYt ft \tra Aldo
titra with CihntFa Huljihiir S*aj miiij )y an
a run at • clistam' ran i*n* Irate. Hold eYc-ry
hrt . I*r• -t, i'ritteui* u,N . T HilthairnUr,
N* w Yoik.
Hill Hair A Whsu't Ihe, hla* k or t-tuwm, 6^c.
It ttr umiYt t*nt t|ul< IIY ' iirn!.
•* iHira < a hi-' itiutu- lUibHih, the grrat
2u'< rttal Yuvh Uar. will |**aitl%ry cure an* oaer
' : f IMH I'rvw
It a UiUh it lottW. fk K id by all drug
> *.s n . ) f*r *>• ..xr ! 11 , i <ueUnc
lWulh-y, drtiggiata, Uaahmgt* u, lh i
Informat- -TI worth Ilu uaanda t tl iar tf
htalth. Self hrljt ft* w*ak and mnott> auf
f rera. KatU fur Urmo wbohaY* Uo. doacxl.
dnifigfJ and jua* k*d. TUt* new Health lour
nal t* a<d;ra all. fiw, AddiYAi, 1-kc*
tr*t' in .y, N * Yolk.
|U KMr; w t xjM \J rfoCt dfrwaing for
the hair. Tl • .due l .d in a lhjuid form
alaift ] t?:-ti of *! -d raxni rMcoanut oik lre-
JOJ* J for thi*
tl'• I Airael.
Tha ItuiiM ho i lu me U f r Faith Fota. Ilr.rua,
liruiaea. etv\ Al*a* rehahi*. It nrycf faila.
CiYo t a triah
I em Ililloua.
v, . ik • lriah Tea Y*iU i.ikkt it in* turn t f you.
Sa.ld by druggtvU at H ri*. a larkage.
I lie Market*.
|Wf Catt.e Vi' v*s 1 Hk
Irto at. i Chrrolier j v . *4 H'V%
Mo JsiVww MP" #'l '
Hog*—|Jrr. d ■. 4
I' rws . O' 4 W'
H))MWi mu 06S
U - t: <4 Hi
>\ . 12 * 1 3
Fh ur Wr',4>r . -<>oid i# OboN#. * t> s v 4 •
h'.iif —<. l s.nJ to Ctofor *tl a * 11
H J.. i H• al• f• 1 w im
•• • I ft m 1 ft
Hya-Htai# V? a *
liai'ry ate. . f d
liar . Mat it 1 1 vi 1 1
YY aWt St 4 iJ
r.ri)- *•: i'd vYeait •; a> 4
|I%Y, j*rr cm'. Tu 4
Jiirtw, j'-r cat, . *5 4 N
fj. :r® t# Yja 1? 'k 4 ® • %<•
i'. Ik II 69 (|U U
tali Oil) ■m 11 MM
n®h—Ma kert2 f So 1. Irw .... 19 uu O'
No. 1, Dew H W A# • 00
Dry <\wl. - rart 4<k 4 S 4 '*'
H' aied, jwr U-t 18 4 1®
lMfDlir. 1 t'ruir .......lUftnM, 14*4
Wovi fvjttaUfc Flwe 23 4 3^
Trias 31 (4 2
Australian ** 4* *4 45
Iluttcr- • 1 *4 32
W . ' . ... 2 T 4 4
\y Hrtern —4n"wvt to l*ritti® h 4 If
*Y*atcm -1 irliuv. - . H 4 19
(Tinaa Mat* Kt 'n 0# 11
H'ate hk'.u.... t*s 4 07
Ue*iern 1< H4 l*h
rgga- Utafr and IVnuavlYaula. 14 >4
ri, 7 5.3 <4 9 00
Wheat No. 1 Mi'.wauknr t !#• 4 1 W
CVrn- Mixed. *2 *4 81
Ity-/. 9* yi VS
l'uflrt * ..*••••••• 4
liar U) Malt 100 4 1 10
r tit nana ur ma.
!lrrf Cattlr— Fitra . C7
Mich, t4%*4
) 'Weal Wig I
floxr PtMnayltrmala Rxftra.... * 14T ;3 I
Wheat-KM Wi-atrrn . . I#' t<t 1 "5
H\f ** *4
Oorn 1 9i y4 '2
MUM tJ (4 60
<*#•#—Mil d 6* Y4 45 >
l>t role urn ruih ••*) (>l t4k A llrt\nvt, 16 N
I < 1" <4 22
Tetaa...... 36 (4 25
California.. 3 25 t
• noaro*.
llerf rattle 08\<4 0 g
Hlifvp.,,,.. .... C'\# tig '
li-tjjg fi "4 I
Klottr W*. l ain and Mmneaota I* 75 t* 050
Corti—MlUNl ... ... 67 <4 70
Yata - " ... 5* <4 S* f
Wit. 1 (i oat 1 iVnnaylvania XX 4 ' (4 44
r.'i W(w 2i 2
IWf Cattle 06 (4 05g |
hftttii* I'H-Y 11* 1
H.jr- E
iw 'f Catt!e—Fxr to i ' <Mc# 0 75 <4 9 71 c
Nh*#p..... • ft '0 4^Bl
la til® •••••• 2 74 t4 6 76
Burnett's Cocoaine,
Burnett's Cocoaine,
Burnett's Cocoaine,
J an uiYaluabic remedy for .
P Or t. y\
I have u**d leti thftn a hrftje jhe d •; ru* fid
the h'rimkm which cawed it, Ha** cfKirc v t. -
prarrd, and my hau nrvrt I rfot- 1
condition. A. A. 11 I.'
Chii .c-c, May tt. i 3;.
Si nee tb* rrrt* t nae c'your * I rw oaine," r , , rr.
vioatiy ktld hld )uy lem revered Iv i '.au •
jrowtn of hat* I had nlw va ewtermnl yeiu \e
tation M • drMMM, I 1
f aided it very highU a* atn h, hut n-ci it i i.i
ow valuable it *a% ft* a xraturaliYr
j. G. i.:'.vis.
OYNGSI, March *, t"'.
Yottr M Cereaine " ia thr only drr*\mg 1 r tiir hair
Yiaed in my family for the lavt \'ju. It tv t
only atopjveil r*y wile'i hatr from omi?-.. * ht i in
rtrjA'-l 11 sy•-a t lam ll m
thiYftame "to oam r " for MWg 'v Own Mur.M fit h 1
wa% very t.*t coming out j r . iou umuj thi
valuable preparation. J. C. MtICHLLL.
WATXHVII I e, Mr . Srj t.i%.
1 purchased a tottle only, for the purple tI a hair ~
dreftMiig; htit, lo my urpii*e. it It.Aft entirely removed "
ihe irniation of fto standing I have recom
mended it lo several of my friend*, who were afflicted ■
in the ftanie way, and il has wholly eradicated the
difcaftc. JOSEPH JUL! , Jr.
Nr tv Sept. .
For ome time pa*t I have been using your C<toaw
lae, and think it far preferable to anything I have
ever uaed for the hair. t RANK LhSLIL. I
Manufacturers and Proprietors* I t
Fret# the N Y World, Maf 0u
Ow# rnlrii era /oh4 f# mf fAa
rs. 1.1 JftM(bM. ( #r tm .A, .
**aW* Ay vA• <A m Mpflaf •+ *.*•>*f emm h f hy
<,.+* 4IS 4# '•*!"• ••*•# tf la A# •(•'#. :w ***••'
* 4<aa rM#t4 *• oftrVft u <•
mj *M|S,M, a.J , . fr
ifit4 4 • a l mfi+m e'fu#
Important Notice
Premium Gift.
'l'll i;
London Fine Art Association
or KstiLtsu,
United State* Offices. 793 Broadway,
linvc'l mriitigr-iiK iils by which
ftti'il *I|IHMTIIM.' B) this Week's psper Will
I>e ciititli-il t*> rwsivß Out) Copy of •
Magnificent Engraving by Zobell
or THK crt-xtiujiTiU) rxtMiutu u*
ItttrmtOUT. Ib IM. Oy UO in.)
Of ull the efforts tiint httvtj previously
IMM-ii iiitfl** for |)ortryiug [xirtriuUi ut
our Kwvtor, uoiu* bus c\ <-r rc*-iv <-*1 such
tttuvcriuii upprolml.oti iu> tbul wiach I lie
ulhivc Ik-.iillul picture oimtusixU. " I
mu the iruc viuc, uiui uiy l'athcr is the
hiuhiuiiimiui,"ttrt- the wuriis upon
Ihe sublime oubjtet is allcgoiicullv s]>-
proarht-01. ((ur biesiteai Ivor! ts repre
m-uLd in tin- engravuig ili uioiihtratiiig
the truth of this YVor*i, utxl sea-k
--ing f<>r exatnph's to illustrate iiis pur
libit s from Uu- iMiitntiful gifts of Ix-uute-
HUS usture which surruuuii him. Ku
circU l by a vine, Hi- right hun t grasps
at< iril of the plant, while the left is
outj-trclcbe l iu the act of illustration.
The urti-t hiut ilep'i t< J with a tuaster
htutii the ovrrllow mg b-ik of lm ffable
and year ill ug love u|m the liivius couu
la-nance, surrouudtil by the Heavenly
hahi. 'ihe vine on tho left of our IcrJ,
has an sx cleft ut tho rtot thereof, sym
bohi'iil of the words of John the Baptist
ui Matt, ui, x. r 10 : " And now also the
ax is laid unto the root of the tree,
therefme every tree which bnugetli not
forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast
into the lire.' Thus the authc-n* of the
pictttri- is given. Our Lunl holding in
lit. right band the growing, or true vine,
unto which He likens Himself, while on
the Other baud Is shadowed forth the
destruction of the "tree which lieareth
i,ot good fruit." In the Istckground the
slu-rt twilight of at) Kaateru evening ta
descending upon the mountains, at the
foot of whu-li grow iprtaatug palms and
other Oriental trees.
None can h>ok ujMin this picture with
out taking to heurt the lesiwu inculcated
by the Divine Teacher, which is illus
trated in *" a !t ami Ix-autiful a manner
by the prem* nt subjecL
The aitove beautiful eKgrnvitig may lie
seen, frt 4 charge, at tiie oftiotw of tiie
L 'tidoii Fine Art AsMociatiuii, TIO llnwd
war, N- York, between the hour* of
ten ui live o'clock.
Early Application Should b Made for
by those whit with to bec>ittie j-.-a-wwil
of this Splendid I Net ure, as, after the
date uunitt meil lx'l<)w, it will lie too late
to send for a Copy of the above celebrated
It is particularly requested that tiie
names and wMres'-.ii of applicants may
le written as legibly as j-sssible, nnd
that the ui-tru -ttous below may be care
fully attended t >.
Tliis IVcaentstion I'ictnre will le sent
free to any part of the Unit, i Sfatem or
Canada n- urely pncLed, tip n nvi*qit of
the Commit found below, together with
Due Do- xr in currency, t<i jvy cost of
e.ise, transitu? -.on. coj'yr.ght, import
duty, and other chnrges.
No C o|t> %* ill ftar arnl nulra* Ihr ( cuNB.
loxrtkrr * i U One Ilollnr lu t urrrnr*, I®
m< !•• 4 with 4r ftp|t||rftllon, alalrd
nboY r. _
The vouch* r found l-low must Ite cut
out, and the name nnd address of each
Applicant platulv written upon it, and
forwarded to Mr. HENRY STANLEY,
Secretary, Ti'H Broadway, New York.
Ms. 10.
"The True Vine."
UN i: CHY.
rv>K TiK
London Fine Art Association.
793 Broadway, Now York. seeretar*.
n d J it'*— rf jf j i.cint t+ 4* ■ rittmm Aara
Mr. j :
No • ran ba fnnrtrvJad without rpa, ,
Ap)>lica:um fur copit* uf " 77ie Trur
linr " tniut Ik made at the uftirr of thr
London Fine Art Atnociafion, Tfkt
Brtmtitra}/, .Ycic York, and trith rach
application th- nlxirr Voucher, u-hich
will not le available after thr 12/A
June, 1577, tnn.t he inrlo*ed; and a*
applicatiun. fnr thr above k'ngraviug
will be attended to in rotation an re
reived, early advantage nhuuld Ik taken
of the prrt>< nt orra*iun.
til i NO hi tt Til ITI tot r Pitt *.•*. .ratL o " Fane ...t • ,r..l wrk
BLUc and htul;; b.>- *Jr .■ ^ita
, I Tli. .wily Is-'X ir*ct"-*i!jr
L! GHT. |l'y®l*n® it.ta nvw un,r
' - N4 ® 1 f g ;,. gJ.wnftMn# ta-| a N't.'Wft
b t ' ftpDlf l is antl nf many • trraswafai
nrwi iua<l* !• ',' if u*a .f thi* n*r!tl t'lf
etila a ftnd lt#'l b rittl • o.%rh ai'p'iranta
J M WTGUDAKT A ('<•., TH rhwofnul At. I*httft.
261, 262, 263 Broadway.
♦ ORGIMIM I*io ♦-
ASSETS, $4,827,176.52
SURPLUS, $820,000
Received the HICHEST
Tna "PXTXKT ITOBT" Eueu Txaxs Ekh
h*. I'iaivs Mnk-r. of iho " FATF.NT IVORY " <"
(kdltibntl Knifn, th® n*t dtiruM® \\ IIITK I|AN
111.11 kiYDtvn. 'Hto Oldoftt Manufrtur*r* in ADMIOL On
Bunpiiuit SOAP
CoMfI.MI.IN, I'ltf.VKNTa AND 11KM* |
Dir.* itllKL'M ATLAM AND liOl.T,
or RN Cvmu, AND
Ttii* popular anil ineKpeoive rftne-
I> AC<Yiiupll*lim the KAMR AKACI.T*
ami INNMUON* OF the Kkin.
WAYA obviaD .1 hy It* UP. and It REN
• let * lite cuticle wondrouity lair and
Ituru* ami 1 ula arc SPEEDILY RKAI-EO
DPI it, ami It prevent* and retnedtea
(jout ami KheuinaiUm
IT UKMONK* DAN DRCRR, atrenpthent
THE roots of the Hair, and preaervea
ID youthful color As a Dial* NOT AKT
of CICUITNG and L.inen uaed la the sick I
room, and as a Pauracnoa
COM AOIOI'IDIKRAAJR*] It iaunequied. I
Physicians emphatically endorse it.
PER LIOX, (8 CAERE,) 80C and F 1.20.
*. . TU*F 11A *C.l.#T*y la BAYLUF U,'>*rft CAKA*.
hold ALL Drafftata.
HLIRT Hair and Whlaker Dye,'*
Black or Urwwß. MR.
f, !K. CUTTBSTH Pny'r 7 Sirtk A*. I.f. 1
tar 1 EiTrrv M T v>i WI UNWHNW
VV M I 1 I*4 all U.MLMR
A4Daa* <TM MUT| *, . hi tjuuk*. MV
CPA *-" "I-TITU P**T.
■T'J SECURE* tli.ira AND roiMitol
J5 J D" 1 ?. MTTI OEACE Slid KEACTT at
Fertn. lines GARMENT* LB cue.
A. Y Approved I.? all nkralruu T
A D K J* T M M A N T I I.
CMIURS /IJJA USUI pie* t.Y mail. In Conn I. FTI,
FT/S , I VJ erata less. Order 7ae two
1 IT'LL FRY I luetic* amaltef than waist mea-
T *ol* oyer the dree*.
PTI(WTCI Warner 8r0a. 351 Broadway .l.T.
Reliable Evidence.
IT* NAIRN Mean. fcruuAiya, K * , NO 1. HR4
It It HI * 1 HA. KAG
***** PN proaa T*VR •K3 UFIETI r*E ratifr< D* EM
m va!i a* fr -DM ioiUB4AL KH role* )g* ■* 1 Uwma vis ta* TT
Uaate4*f Lu alm af uiTKUIDU* 1 rati n*uaf
baaart 1> and asucMTtuj la-r.U.m VIUiKTtKk lur
lite CMMVplamtV fur wi.itii II U t talUMkl U row
PATOR I a.'kary LIIP .•*( CHURCTL, batutMtatm, CAL
Wrltwr le *>o\4 All Hfigtal*.
W KTL are <Hr !• taplnaa, lotaw ' Ar* ITTJ *
furr* • 1 >.* U. 4LI .. . R* I*. BE UWA| * I.
"I'PNaiia aftn .. A* I-A * BRIWURO in* ,boulrf*r*.
•-....1i1u1ie • If *. > .. R* J .....r and UI.UAE. UTD
nnaiim* anlliaer. .....F raar A. ■ (FC MIU. U T*>tr >
TMM> ■* I KTUITT Arraicsr fur AK 11 UM
ditMM- F' |(Hi PlANil* tad (lKti i>*. trt
ttd trrtsd-li oud li tlnlua makri. la.
• 1u.i1... It ITKK*' al latte* pri. . - lar eaak
*r laMalliai iii* a la Iri aniii paid Ir than
em b< lore -Erred. W TTEK*' I.KAMI
f-it IHI. ait.l I ritloUT PltMl* aad
Old. AW (ML.I 111 S(. TIIKIIt M W
-o| tl.MIt TMI 11(11 IIOIU are tlx ILL-T
M AIIE. 1 dirt at r I'l ana- SIRI. " 1-3 da
(HKI Itnl Btrd n tenr. •• tf " "lap llraaa*
F.MI. d MP *.D. -l opt RdiH. It *>lap*
Stk. Id) ••lap* ks a. irMtiafllKl rath, *<M
ased a tear, tin tut It-. I artier al tt t!
luteal aad Trntellna Ad. I.NT** WANTED.
llla*lraled d tlalugurt V|i. Il.rl. A likeral
dloeaaal • P-. >.t.uwt, (Ktnki, ■ • strrl
>laal al l.ali prtee. IIOK Ad K (TKI( A
WIN*, Hattlt' inrer-. do Ka*t I 4lk 1.. N. t
n riff .t ha No Cau.n'.
*"C. T. 15 IBHITT. Now York CltT.
• " .'m I
Arm matkf tn nil al FT lou anL r* r% rr%
JL RLJJ (|rrHiHiB, FRAM UA ligklrM, '
flnrai, aod MNI vlrffani in VM to liw krmlrel
AOD alrvngral
concord |
•irrnLK Vl*4 dornbllit* . TBF RVKOVTVOD IHV KT*FC '
rot vrldrn MMN at lh# CVOMUUIJ KipoTWM •
UuJtlilljOU. UMF M HRRtpra
VNTN our nvwf and Trwdc .MARK. A leborai
TJ T*TTT A NN will UA !•■ •'* mlooaainai
XVHL W XLJAJL/ Uwt .01 etßTlrl to, no*
tt bo aril* hnraena RA the d aarard llarara
(had arr aol atadr t>A as. Kttra oducataaau
aEarad Sand lot circular* and pne* hats
J. R. HILL & CO.,
d •onodird. N. 11. ]
Mexican Mustang Liniment ]
FIHIMMRN VlA** Alvajrv cur—. A)n|l I
TFTLJ ALVK| hitndfr LLFTI Bervr YVT (ailvd. f*T|
flonetw OLD MTJWIRTVJR the vnd Chvpw LMMWIT |
In •Eiat<.O< * re*ni A TV*ttiv The UTUUQ| Lninent
rum vbvn D'Hhtr< vlav WILL
' V %N VL ' :NF ' ,X|R VKXNITRS '
uU 4
DINL* • ro<1II T* M ivntrntiliftl -ur* i *
IPU OTL r - *!•* H%\N%N PAF iriC 5
K%\S%S .11 PN.IH MKI U>T tmnft. T T
• TELL HooMUflflAk 1
K.. R . PV D.? F -H ANNAS IVAF ll lt KLONB I
KRl'.ll)," A-MNN tam tn IIFIENRR,
A. I'. KV., hit/i MV, laflNJltfA. j _
Burnett's Lxtracts
Foe ccklnj pur]* l ***.
Burnett's Extracts
*•/*• vwaiava. J 'r ~
-ritkfr U.Miaa, Btaton.
Burnett's Extracts
Burnett's Extracts
•fk fl IV fAv ftTVr? !."
-rifth AT. lintel, N*. T.
Burnett's Extracts
— ContitirnUl Hotel, PKiU-
Burnett's Extracts
The NIFWRKWI/Y LARNR Extraets etmaU't in
FKOR perfect purity at d YRR.IL air. SMK. Titer
era warranted D. e from tlio JU imiu. ut oila
Slid i.el it wbli H ruler Into th eomiHialtim I f
many I tlio TU-llllou* fruD flavors now IN tho r
niaik. l. Ihcy are not only true to ilie.r nami t, s
but are rre|ure>l from f nltaof tho best quality, F
and *te so hif()ily eoncentrste.l ili*T * eommia- "
ttvelv email quantity only ne.D be tisod. D
rwinsl makars of thrU Mill Kt'BRKK II <N 111.1 1
O" on Ike Maria. Warrsntod and aolddir all Datdatt \
49 Chamber* Street. Neva- York. I R
mCC • weak in ftW own tow* Termt end E.V slit
*OO H if si i i
at A_ aen |Mr nay al hont Nafta wait ri
93 lO JtU rTINMi* *('<> . rf.tead.Maine
A (A d WEEK. (Wdalftpi* awl haf'f rHRE,
JJv-Hf irrmsi i in v.-..
AM llraai (ib*ar* w. !•• (led ♦•w"'* "tP"!* 4 '
W|.la " • ' " • V! i >
arc 3 ai7 iiahnli Will " f*.
odd H A7 frill I- RERT. •* It'a. Main*
DCI/AI I ICQ* Vldi.j*ylaa Itl fee /♦,
n tVULV t n w tan** i.t-* W--> K.(i..f.|.iii
|t> a day • ba * Aynia w*alao IJuißl aad
91 J Drmalra- 1 ' lii-i \.>r ..I*. Ut-aa
Vka Wt rt 111 " A..ran* Bvwadim. Rampta
% E Waieli and llatklfial' dv- .lt Radiar (baa
W%P <.td Addrarn A. CJOtfLTKR J nl. I in|l
A f AfM Da 1* I T with
v ft,.u ifai iinitr
PV, W L-flarwe*. Ttaeaaeaf Gaaat. FliW*,Ont*e
Ah Tuaai F*i' mw il t lot i ua*.
la MutOa. IntOunof la M.aU,
awiac* (.twi'wa.ialraa- 111 if al At. Ik. tit a.
t* I, I'( T|( Id MKI.Tt, A KKW, CHEAP. PR*
b Kfci fI uf for t.if'i.tlaradal . r H--n.l <i < .r
.a1... oaU na l>* Mat ARR. U.i
VAEAA * Var la A.eula. Ow* aad a
.Y/Vflfl ft" *— .r lariat ad-
CaVVU Trtt -
SWAMTII <I(1UI < oll' S' i -"haataa und.r
aara K.m..|t All atuauta. aiiaatad by H 1..A a
>a*i ki.aii II, Alb biai , ttun,n.if. I'.,
The JH'aT.ti UK i'relr.iai f 1
uuly if .k ra*t* < ■ ir.a a. an
i II IIAKRiiMrn. (*'. 1.... 8 it i (
ftlflda 61 Af 5 ta.atda dln Wa -i*
flO to v i.O '
Addwot liAXTb <l. Bankers. |T WaflElT.
finilllfl 11 ' l dl no iiru
If r Iliß R' pvAbi'tr i Ilia thart. Tarma mjE
Wei IwEI I.Odkl Ttai-i fit j l>t.
ante earn DM. Y. K SdSL Utlwbjljfk.
I J "' . . ...iiida<l ro|*nrrd . ■ drnt
ailV IViurwd tr diMUa<l htfldlaf i *mi & W,
rffftiiuuii*. v k Okia Au'ii Wws.i>fu. f
Raid try Wau-iiaitaar. M> iaa.l, *lb OWeulantrae.
J B EIBCM a " . an Da IPw*. Raw Yarfc
lllaa papar fur 3 num. it yua aid tyraa do dtatritHUe
oat ud uar kiaukt lavbaa I 3 *"<* ,c- aetr paUya
Kl Mill. A d (., 11...10n. duaa.
(if mil* lull.a Vtutia Mm*., tlaa for Baaju r Owk
lav 14 aad INN or pldl aadl ** a Waal
by mail ua raruipi of ih~~ Da lam " Aaad card or cat.
ai,. J. fa 11 Nd I It. IvapHtar at Mum a) ItiWvo
waq.a ...1 fu-i.t. I(u|| 1... t.loit l„ kratarl.
The I arkahira Hill* Sand Springs.
U 11.1.1 AMwTOW N. ID*.
T UftsUtv! ai>4 ptNikf humtu** mmmi w Vh+'imrn
fur liw rwrpteai uf|>wli Jmmr HI. Huvd tr ma M I*l
tdf ||s |WT awft UM ftAd UU> n wwj mum S *
mJ ru|r. b*• I•# jtfitiU i<riEW
hutenur LiUUte *vhu4 i* < rniiki
U. il. 1% l >MU Piyiirfr*
/T>r\te AA A YEAR AfißVTlft WAKTEO
JlkV.fNl If 1 Oft .uf ftafVtrA I UCffbft tiMlidb-B
hn>i lift, rttgMKSU^
*f*alad atmyahara The bteyeal iblaa nrr lyied.
Una ma da feoa (hit *• t.. nwk R-. kt fail A*.aa
-laaaka t.m.l aa our RAI.MHI 'RNT FA Mil.V
Illltl b-U. au,-rv K. *i 1 df batra Wt£ Ib*alk*l i* \U Udft
irniad Aula ai.4 Kti parti Kiadity. Tlio llatla be a I
Ibr U arid. Fuli Fan t-ular. frm Addnaiw .iIiMS E.
PtyTTKM A CO . publ.aia.ra. KHILAIHCLFfttA.
Facts for the People!
far (A* btrtsMH. lira MtHatmad, l a H-.- ui-B. '.ua
Muck raiaar Ua* Poultry kaapar. t&a BtaAaaptc. um* bruit lout, (b* Itald. . l'.t Uu'.r, tba
Ik.iryutac. tba H.futab'.ld for a.rry ' f abu uabfa
it anaoq Tkr Boob al it. UMit Icattry.
FAUN b(IK At; I'.NT'S.
Mala aad >' mtln Aewuit cotaiu * i wit *"nd
la ua ad wa (<w ittot iceokt IN 1.1)1, kMITU I
BLACK. IS I Walnut Wtvnad.. P I .
399 Sixth Avenue. New York.
CARPKTs Tapaake. Rruwmia. *! - ■! '_ par yard.
I AMPirrV Tbnaa )..t II It lu (I i |*r jard
caRPKTO A ; W..! inyra-sa < : parfwd.
CAKPETW ll.l<*uc In. tie., a. St par yd.
id ATTIM.* i wkti wi ■! a fm prpi
OIL CUrrilA Alt Wrdtba. tram I. I *1 prJ. id
C/* dm* t-i. o**l motiritmf.
MTI.PIII \ . -1-1 Ad I B.
PWR 1# CKKTi,aadlauawb I'MftafM wv wtß WNmC
Madel printers guioe
kawc. vtmt trnmerh* li VMraOdNk i*
f~ kafW UN kui Si* Mthb-lei* VLiia^l
How to Print
Mti'V.tsriMDc- m rteaa-^-.f-kdku
a Carta aa* *ta.aaaa ua koa l.a ■ .'** dm ,*•* up
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings.
T'h* rKolnest h<wmh*ld orna -um'*. I'rir*
On* iHmmr enrk S+nd f*r rnttiU*rjur.
b. a cv. BOSTON, MASS.
-Maize Flour Toiiot Soap!—
-Maize Flour Toilet Soap!—
-Maize Flour Toilet Soap!—
A flrwaf - mnp T?n*S ' It —rtlriMl
tadabiUra Uie h*a w4eHI ra4
► apwr f vwiiibf m1 m
belli, ourvwry tf id it i G* tf 'MuV} |w*.
fiftiEil End wUtl fwryfthrra at a mniptrt- pr*r+ kUgt*
Urvd <n P in * 'few ms wmr*,.
M-KPOXF. VAX 11 \ At.f V I < '*
COLUNS ACO S ct v ,u - t c
;c „ c fo \ i - COLLINS kCo
; *Kf.. /-J af 2 WATER St_ NT w YORK hr,
fj i.c...'..r"IHNARO~TABLeS.
mm Km al .. i Ua. I SuT.Owoa
j _JR ' - 4 •<- K . ppaidataiu u
' Jaw iHi i.trlt at lb. a-i Nma Ha.
- ■!< t .r met. i *t <k and total
- Baet'.Wrett.
X—~-uo—a- .djtuu eta la urly alitd.
V#B~ZL3SFI <e "nl •,! T. I.m rhaap.
• " c7J\l\ BP - Tr * lUU.ui. Crr aa dtaa
/. I .- j 'ratbd n-u ic|ar aasl fra# cs
I HE T39 Preagy&y, g, T*
KECr*H Of ly creawh J TbtßteL
kawp'a PhW.f Partly roaafr l> *w Kbtrto
An bw hntahwd aa wmm, aa ••*•; a Uktulkarrhjat
tb# my I***, ni lur b*.lHI.
kawp'a n Khilia nuOe to omiurft.
Tba my boat, bi Kir
tn rUna: awt of twiu rw i*• Jrf-fla*a aard
Slwwlluttnn* gimi wlb —ct\ half * KrwjiS Sbirfta
Kp' Sbirta arw .Wiirwwwal h\KF a mw.pi of prtoo
Id at> port of thr- I -u * cbr9iop|
Stmpie* tk fall 4:rwutc*ft* Vuv w.'l m*— urwaiM
Va! Km trt any fMrw Ko *.t *ip rrqjuimt
IVb! ditWly with tbo llAßnlartutw aod f< Bottmi
Pnewt, ktwn V <V* , Ift.'i Myfv-e Si . K Y
IIK. b. W. EKXaOVH t'lll.CKY aad ('RAN
litlil.l I'H.l.n are prepared rk|ilT.|. la
enrr -Id K Hi: kit Id 111 . M Ut 111 - 111 All.
Ad'HK. OYMfIirTIC HF All.Ad Ufa Vil
li A1.d.1 A. M KldM ml.| |>l.l
Nl—, and ..-ill rare any raae. dkitire. II 9
S. Lata" Ml., Aid. I'rlee Mk.,
rnainir free. Mnl.l k. all draua-i-l- npd rt.a.
try alarea. Kb IIHIAI L ll.rn.rd Bank.,
Baltliaarr, Md.
m * PN fifwiEj iia tt) attert, te
akapa with hwtf A4joaua Pa 3
white tba bfii la
M Olf IfILC m thft fty pmwi b*ck th m
a zssrjsfo •i.^rsrss
IMNIy 4a* aoJafefcL aad a ra4teai aero wrait It te a-*j,
flarmhiw aai aheoF- *Ol ki aH. Ctraate?* fro*
Aflwr nnw faara Mpwwaca • hate drcKtwi to off r
our pur* i 'kht'trnia Wi** and Brandy Ia faiaHMw br t sa
ri)"0 or *ngia cm> at irrttlf iwOucwd M m Thg**
WirvaM arm dtelu-MWR fur iwti. y ttw. NM ibw atn I
parity twndorft thwtn mvaJuat'le ftr na*dic:nhl and thcra
wd: tal p irywdM A trukl ia only IteVMMtfjY U* *l*a*w fha r
aupwritHiLr o*#r adullor*'l4-<l forrift) flvKKta. "(fu
Prill* r," tt> choicwl Ame .ran hajnpagnu.
apo, Son l oirrular an J i<r.oi lt*t U
J'M hVBKItI.IV A '> t.% M-ra* M ..Vow York
Providence Line
A nilOLl MlillT'S K>T.
M Anclixiotta,
(•'The I'alaer Slrttier f llie 1VW,"l
Illioclo Island,
(. The Uueei) of the Soniid,")
Will an aad alter >1 A A 1 le.r- id-'iy I™ Pier 89,
N. R.. foot of Warryii Street at 3 I*. >l., arrivin* at
Providrarr nl di * . M. and K.wlon 7 A. M. No
intermediate Laadir.** between New York and Prori
•fedr. The Only Safe,
Odorlee* an<i Jlurabfe
1 Sl oiL stove -
Only Centennial Hvdal
Alto the
Florence Jiachliif Co,
The Cook. Will ftrta. -i f/ci'f* II amtetl.
Id. vTnT ir. No. 83.
H II rut any Ibnt jauiawika udvcrllao
r .- tula dinner.