The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 21, 1877, Image 3

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THU USD AY JUNK 21, 187".
y*<*r, ?ht* MU ■'
ndretnef; $2.00 w-'"i . / paid in >7:-
jdrtr.'i*emr*l)i*JOri* p*r hn'jnr thr<+
ertion*?**d ncmt*/ < •• lit /"• e. ry •'
uganmt iwi In" 1 "- A>lrrti.' ■< -1* y'< •'
yor o toor-M
ECBW nrniw
, N.I '".VI O fO I'.
• tri KaturJaiiavatttimln *)• CV 11 1.-;*- llMl
j i 1.H.: 11 r •"IM'V. 1 <
dm PORT IV - t.n. V \ M. J"
Hl.'. I*l ,a-*ttln* " . l.i.ti-p*.'! f'lll a la, 1 "*
(W I'll"" Hull. .... w M
t ! KHkU'lk,W .1 A 'UIU'O 1 '
|->. V.r ku) 11 V t 11. n' . at I'."*'
Hr rroitiUi'. th- r l 1 !*'; 1 " 1
M -,.*. ■ -vwk- ; '•*.**.
ni.. ■ M * w B- ' AI,
.. STOKE ROOM l oii KEN T, Tim
undersigned offers the store-re- m, known
as llerlaefoer's old stand, at Centre H*R,
jar rnt. 1: o stand is* do'-rab 1 on* l <"
mi r*Hct*. iv ,; * : ; Cin , b ■ ' n 'l t
timoaffor W-.1 HI. by spy yu-g t
HI NHT KKU.KT at Centre Hall. "•
|V* SVIK—a new Golden I'onguo
Ores", warranted. XV ill be sold very
low. Inquire at th ; > office. u '
NKW KX W1 ."Vre.l tot ->*•'■ 1 *
ouKAP, by riiu.ii' MIK-IV.KU Ar;L
to M Sp.vic't r. Onit* HH o'.may4t
Delicto I .:* ice ere. Nat Willoa *, ev- j
cry Saturday em
Mi.-hael Swi.r!.*., ofOrangev '. .e, 1.1 ,
writes us, .Tune 10tb -• Crop prospect fair;
rye in p.-od rendition : wheat and eats
fair ; too c Hd for corn ; fruit scarce.
—-Accourts due or job work, or , m
candidates for tickets ar.d service*, will be
thankfully receipted tot it amen: t >■
tender i J.
The trial of Cresswe., A. Reese t,
the murder of Dr. J. Alfred Shade at the
village of Shade Gap, Huntingdon county,
on the 2nd of December last, was com*
roeneed on Monday. The trial will prob
ably not be ended this week.
The Forks looming up, and o;.r
old frier.d, Iton Kent. Her, will soon see a
now town spring up around him. George
"\V. Stover's new hotel is nearly up, end
Messrs. Young, Wilson & Co , of 1 nion
county intend to erect a grain ware-house
in time for the moving of this y ar crops.
The Forks, or Coburn. will be : • b. >:
point along the railroad ; it drain- >*ru-h
--vaUer, part of Sugar valley, and Haines
and Penn townships.
Good gracious! The Lew istuwn
True Democrat calls us "t as r. 1 net' j
Kir-tr " Make it "General," next time, j
it sounds a little higher, and :s jul as cor
Two barn- were consumes! in Perry
county last week. One wa- struck by J
lightning, and an exploded lamp was the j
cause of the destruction of the other.
Hassenplug's new goods are in great
demand ; every fatuity in that neighbor-!
hood gees for them All find the Captain
selling at almost c. -t. and ta-e house great
would be no harm in taking it. However,
our enemies can Jo just as they please.
Centre county folks, going to Lock
Haven, should put up at the Irvin House,
where they will receive excellent treat- j
mer.t. It is first-class throughout, and
charges moderate.
Ex-Governor Curtin has been ekct
•d president of the King mountain min
ing company, North Carolina, phis com
pany is abvut to operate eu an extensive
scale the old Ga-toa gild mines,
X. C. The great riehne-s of the-e mines J
has been known for years, but the unset
tled state of the country has deterred their
practical working until r.ow.
We hope Andy's company will atrike
the yailer stuff in profusion, enough to
make us all rich. At all events the gov
ernor might send a big nugget to the He
porter as a sample.
Sechier A Co. keep the large.-: stock
of groceries of any firm in Centre,
county. Kesl assortment, tines: goods,
lowest prices The richest cheese ever >.
fered in this market The best roasted
coffee and finest flavor of all. New Or
leans molasses, genuine new crop. The j
finest dollar teas in thnatate— green, black, 1
and Japan. The best brand.- of canned
fruits in t'rrt market. Sugars, coffees, syr
ups, rice, hominy, dried fruits ai;tl foreign ;
fruits at lowest prices. The finest mga:-
CureJ hams, dried beef, and breakfast ba
con. Every piece guaranteed. Our mot
to is Best and Cheapest. Sechler <Se Co.,'
Grocers, Bush bouse block, Bellefonte.
Housekeepers will bear in mind that '
the beat is always the cheapest, and that
the purest is always the best; you can get
the best and purest of Scchler &
Co., and hence the cheapest.
Karpster, late missionary of the Lutheran
General Synod in India, has applied for
orders in the Protestant Episcopal Cburih.
Kev. Ilarpstcr is a native of Centre Hail
and left here about live years ago fcr In
dia. We believa ho is now in Oregon or
California, having returned to this coun
try over a year sgo.
—3. S. Condo writes us from Birming
ham, lowa, June'J: Times u.a pretty
stiff here at present. Wheat >p has
missed last two years, and it is so wet this
spring that farmers cannot sow. Some
few farmerasowed in February, it rotted,
and had to be towed over again.
The boom war between L:tk Haven
and Williamsport is much more threaten
ing than the contest along the Danube.
The Gazette and Bulletin reports that men
sent up from the latter city by the boom
company to scale the logs in the Lock
Haven boom belonging to manufacturers
in Williamsport, have been ordered t'> de
sist by the boom company and notified
that they would be driven away by main
force. At last accounts the status quo was
We arc indebted to U. K. Smith, c. 'j.,
Assessor, for the following staiistks o! the
live stock and farm products, in Potter
twp, for the year ending April last. These
statistics were gathered in compli
ance with instructions from the Bureau of
Int. Affairs;
Hogs, 2.C81: Sheep. 1.100; Cattle, 1.431;
Horses, 773 ; BuUer—k.-g-, '33,180 ; Hay
tons, 2,393: Potatoes— bushels, 2,407 ;
Barley—bushels, 2, l J03; Oats—bushels. 1V
028; Buckwheat, 3; Corn—bushels—shell
ed, N) '>lo ; Rye—bushels, 4,770 ; Wheat
bushels, 42,082.
Potato crop was failure last year, as
the figures show.
Order's for work are increasing with
each week, at Heisler's Marble Works,
Bellefonte. They make the best and
cheapest monuments and tombstones in
the state.
The St. Cloud, Arch St., übovo 7th,
is the neatest and cosiest first class hotel in
Philadelphia. It is most elegantly fur
nished ; has very obliging servants, and a
table second to no hotel in the city ; with
all the conveniences known to our modern
hotels, and charges reasonable. The pro
prietors, G. W. Mullin & Co., with theii
assistants are obliging and attentive, nr,d
render their numerous guests perfectly al
home. In saying this we speak from ex
perience on late and former occasion;,
and recommend the St. Cloud to all.
Many of the Pianos and Organ,s now
manufactured will contrast well wilt
some watches we have examined, baviuj
a massive, highly embelished case, um
when you ask them what time it is, thej
don't know, something is the matter will
the movement. Such is not however tin
Case with the Bcatty instruments, tnanu
factured atJWnshington, K. J., the move
ment, durability and tone, is the first con
sideration, and then the caso construct?;
alcording to price. • lm
Grccc-ics down to ensh prices a
Secnier's, where they keep the best.
At J. O. Deininger's you can bu:
MottoJFrames from 3D cts up ; Mottoes, *
CL. St.
Ol* 11 RAIL- ttOAP.
| At the L. C. A - 1 -. i' KU election .
j Philadelphia, on Tuesday, If, the .allow
, ing ticket was elected :
Pr. -ident Kii tslifer.
I>.:. ct, u- G. F. Miller, lfo-, Thouip
son, U. 11. Duncan, G. <>. Uobei.*, \\ m
J. 1L ward, WISUI; M W Du Liar
Wc learn that alt- th.-rc-u ! w i- weet
" tain- d there was objoe > ito to eloclior
.M. - TV :ni h ■
" ing a coot met or cr. part d :ho w• : k Tin
matter wss r, Vrrcd to n cernt ate.
, Tl vote w.s- the la-g ' 1 ;IHe -by
s tin- c m; ny cmbra, ! g a'! tl :ck ol
the !*. ,v I- roau, HO -hat> ar.d
•vr two thi 1 - trt* or \.t -
from Pen: \alley tu all of which
, were \ .-i.d by proxy.
After the proxies wer, counted, it was
' -u:.-l t .st Mr. 1 ;omj en ' .* a contract
or having taken li o contract for the
grad. .:. liar:, twp. and w*> tl.iref, re
ir.c .g:Wle, and a vacancy Wa* declared.
The bard we 'ear' 1 offered the vacant
direct, r.hip to U. 11 Pur;wh wa
the ;. \t h >; l.i-r vctcd f- T. e app inl*
merit of Mr. Duncan to ': :? old place
ino;t; ca'. ,:>• worker- I. r the railroad, and
these w: po-ed er tie gro..- J
that they ft .r <l ' e ,n K •ve liff r
ent t. a further p-o> , uti.n - f the work
because it had reaehed Spring Mills, *
find tl ,:r< ur.fe-.nded, i.r.d |b ,t 11 b
ert will do all in his power a- heretofore,
to hnvethe art .rpri-e ee- p'.cicd.
On *.' e L'tli i , tl . fi I'ow g pr,a-
J bl, gr ,1 re ... ~, e pr. 1 tl e
1 Hear lof Diroelors of th 1 C. 4k & t\
KU ,hv tl F. V. cr, wl clt w, ae
.. pu-d 1 reti ■ ;. .; - , . -.1 >n
\Y ; i;*r a<, T .at part t't" ".he 1 wiburg.
Centre and Spr. ce t'r >- • 1- • id, :
end . track it ."-pi c M t>> depot
ground r.ear Centre Hall, a distance ct
of near -even ni th gr-i.St a: -n eul
masonry has been finished and partly bul
lasted, all ot which has been r-anl out hf
local subscript.on- ; AM WIIKKKA*. T ie
stockholder- in Potter' \M!U|>, Centre
county, in the main, bavo paid up their
-to' k sut-er ; t ••-, and met Iherr guaran
tees with the explicit understanding that
the road should be tut it r.r. rtg , raer to
the point la it dt - gnated with as little da
ay A' P, --title; TUXUTIOKK RI:-OLVXI>,
That the Cbier Eng.neer be and :s here
by directisi forthwith to git o put> ic notice
and receive proposals ft r ballasting of the
J balance between said pi-mt-and for furn
' .shntg first-class tics, - , that ti.e r.-ad be
f tweea said points may be put in running
I order within a reasonable time —giving an
ipernted railroad of U' wards of fifty miles
that the pr p.-al- ;c . ,;.l be;r a icia.
i meeting of the Board call, 1 for that j ur
| pose
1 road jubilee, at or near the Forks, on ju
j ly 4. to inaugurate the opening the r al
poto Penr.svalley. Col. 31.t'er will no
j doubt make arr: gernenfs fir a free train,
and Union county will turn out largtly :
I the picnic, and cento up to e >ngratulate us
| upon the completion of the enterprise
. "thus far. All rs.'re-ad : .en in P. ni.s*
I valley will join in giving our Union coun
ty friends a hearty welcome, and drown
; the whi-tle •-' the iron lit r- with t! eir
cheers. We inform-1 President Slifcr
| that such a jubilee was ju*t tk • thing r.nd
;f he can perfect arrangements—of which
there is no doubt—the railroad picnic will
! come off. We wilt give further notice -
wo learn more definitely about it.
plo in tha world suffer as much a-ith dys
pepsia AS Anuri ar.s, Alt), ugh year- of
experience in rm.; no lad failed to a *
I coraplbh a certain ar.d - ire remedy for
(this disease ar.d its afiects, such a-
! stomach, heart-burn, water-brash, sick
| headache, c.>stivene>s, palpitation of the
heart, liver complaint, coming up of the
food, low spirits, general debility, etc.,
yet shice the introduction <f Green"- A..-
> gust Flower * be!;, vu there • no caso of,
" dyspepsia that cann tbo irr.tueJiate'y re-j
iievod. 30,WW do vn .old ia.-t year with-1
'out ore case of failure reported. G>t >]
year druggist, F. I*. Grc> n, and get a 1
I plo bottle for 10 cent and try it. Two j
' doses will relieve you. It -gular iz • To
i cents.
j Shame on y ..i, Fry-; gc-r—you of
( the Law:(town Gazette—l > call it "pot
! hooks," ar i y- a admirer of Horace
i Grecly. Had you called it chicken
I scratching, we could have J;cJ in peace;
i but "pot-hooks'* is c,. ugh to ki-1 a who!#
I regiment of p. tat > bu„s. All we have to
say is, sell yc ;r p ',-ii >k- fir oi l iron ;
with proceeds buy a piece of c!e< trie sonp,
land follow directions, and your most in
; limate lrlcnds wor.'t know you.
Having several years experience in
I'hi'adelpliia in mirble, Mr. H- -ier of
; Belleftinte Marble works is enabled to fill
any order for monuments and ! >mbstones
equal to any turned out in "he city and RV
less prices.
Xewman has got into a fix ; ho is
about moving his stock of Clothing into a
! smaller re m fir a few week.-, ar. 1 having
bia old quarters enlarged. The-mall ro- m
j is next door t> the oil, but t- ■> small to
hold ail his immense stock, hence is tote*
| ed to tell it off at prices lower than ever,
.and dozens tarrying ff the be-t| of
! bargains every day. Go too, and buy
i The Finey Coal ami Oil Company,
j has been ir.corj crate d, sr d waa > rgan zed
on last Saturday, electing IV-. r 11- tier as
President. The ofil; of the C -mpany is
at C- ntre Ilail, and it x l.nt.i in the
| new oil territory, which vv.->- purchased
>duri: y'tbe original oil excitement, tome 1-
! years ago, whi h wa- > >n- dercd of little
j value, until the late oil d. coverics brought
j it ir.t > life again, with pro-pi ct oftherebc
ing "aoiui thing in it.'
A\ ilcn ic M> Farlano's hardware
store, in Humes' block, is st ck J'with all
I in the hardware line. Farmer.", mechan
i ics and bou-ekeepers will find their a-sort
> ment one of the inoit complete, and their
prices reasonable. sol! at the small
est possible profit
nal not to ap; r • .at' -mr witticisms. Come
; Whitman, smilo at least for sppearanro
The .Mi.llx im Marble Works (Dein-
I inger ar.d MUIH r, prcprieti rs) have earn
\ ed a reputation second to none in central
: , Penn a. If you want a good, honest a: d
lasting piece ol work, you have no occa
sion to K > out of jour valley. The old
established Millheim Aork- wiil furnish
t you a; well and cheap a-ar.y other.
31 mv 4t
At W n . Wolfs are for -ale Knspp'i
j patent curtain fixture?, advertised in an
other column of the Reporter. They ate
the most convenient out. tf.
On the 4th inst , i! ith for the lir-t time
entered the fraternal circle of Waikei
• Grunge, No. ?,.>>, I*. || , and taken sis.
a ter Mrs, Catharine ZuniiieriiiHii, a highly
respected and worthy member, from out
midst to the great muster above. Tneio
mains were consigned to tbe grave with
- the honors of the order,
r G" Thursday evening the grange met in
j their hall, in special cession. A commit
of sisters offorcd the following rcsolu*
II tions, which were unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That whiiewe bow in humble
: submission to the divine will, wo cannoi
out regret the 10.-s of such a worthy ruotu
bcr, and we hereby extend to the family
w of our deceased sister our heartfelt sym
ll g? Uiy ' cctoricg thcin in their hour ol af
nietsoii to him who is too wise to err ani
£ too good to he unkind,
d Resolved, That a copy of those re.-olu
„ tions be sent to the family of the dcceanet
sister ; that it be published in the Far
mers' briend and county papers; and b
ic recorded in the minutes of the grange,
I- SOPHIA Kocgjey, J
B .IKJ>N{K JotifcsToN, (-Com'ittee.
Accounts frern Tripoli and Barbar
at Btatc l ' ,R ' an urea °f o no hundred mile
has been devastated by locusU. Crop
ar ° entirely destroyed, and a famine is bt
% lieved imminent. Severe distress alrsr.U
r, ii i "ii ■!——
KAllTllgl AKE IN I'LUt .
!. rtllllTill N Pi'WNB \Nl>Sl\ IU'M
i)RKI I.IV 11 - IH>TKO\ KI),
An Estimated Los? <>f Twenty Mill
ion" of flollnrs \ Tiilnl W live
1 til vt Hos, Sixty Ft ct High •
Hliipncnl ol' (LIUHO Sc-
I.ntc nr.'ivn ■ (bom Cailao bring fullat
. detai *of tbe d -usteis suffered on U>.
coast iVoni cart!. JUnacS i'i-1 tidai waves
few wee .- -ig-- 1. o town- - . Alien,
, j AH a. t .tin v it, 1 1 ti i i U. Totvpillm
j Corija, Nit 11 t-dc B >'.ivii Antaiaga-la
s ted I haluv-, tire ncar'y a i destroyc,'.
About lis' ive. wire 'ot i'ha destrue
lion of property -tiinati -i al S l '.! .I*V>,IXH*
, oonfineti m.'stly to tin- coa:. a-though the
. :- vvn et l'r a tv* niy-thit- L-vgut
ii latul, and the viiiage -> Uit-a, Matilia
audi b lea, far ... thb itilWier, war.
mo-* or le* ruined. The shipping of
, g.mno fit n ; s.nulie: u dep.-sua will W.-
j ihdefin >-a p. titled. n< ali faciitt e >ti
the W.-iy :It cli.itff wl.trve,, wa
tir cc'tdctisers and t>u tdiug* - 1 all k-o.l*
; 1 have be • sw.,-'
IVrrific I Li W'nvc
! f-t. Me\ I <*, T • pi- 1 M'tl
. j Cob x, town- th coast ol H> Avar, tttrt
, | with the same misfortune f carthp.;ak.
and t t!s! wnve a! t t t >• and are in an iden-
Icali ndit oiwtt i 1 jui-pte aiul Vr; h
\t Anl !i .\::1 lives w ere -t
Mo\ Hone* wa v -:te l by a 1 U! w we
xly "ve f-t' • h ght. 1v -third- ol
the tew ti w - completely .bl it oral .1- At
Mexi,e- :vpt • s were drowned At
I'.-t-o; .t Hitie or no' temams of the
t vvn A-m Li 1' ; lilat -o,
four in:-- to the southward, . -*nk in
smothering A*' workmen, of whom tortv
i were Cornish miners.
IV-trtiotion lu Other Places.
Col a, tl - t-r r.eipnt town of the Bo -
viinu i-t, lm* lost three fourths
house-. The wave, thirty-five ftet high,'
-wept the main t nine-- street and left it
a< level s the desert. \Yi.rvi- and
lain ,in were all carried out '.• sea. A 1
of these t wn- are in the greatest d:tre-s-'
Chili has e-t.ipcd without injury. The
northern ports f Peru w r>- tlumsged but
little, although the -ex was running re
markably Efforts for the relief of
the distressed re being made. Ch*niv
Ya. the little '.own at the guano depo-it
known** I'aball-r Pe l'ica, w th four
hundred In u >-. t- 1 day has only tw
standing Here, a-at Iqui.pie, the earth-j
quake was lire The tea catue'
in and extinguished tin e mflagrslien, but
as it reti ed carried -ffall that remained of
. , t
the place.
Guano Cuttings Dnmngcd*
Ir, ts.otf !:.•> guar cutting- thirty 1*
borsra were buried by the falling earth'
and suff ated. Am ugst the shipping- at
i. a*t i.Y* p.. fplo were kided. Bodies'were
ileating areut Ain the hav a:.d ; ;il. tue
is teared. At It at.i.ios, another guano]
1 -sding station, the damage ii.tLcted w.s
;'ar(ul; all the ht n-f* vs re dt -tr yed.
The wi.vo, which -ucceeJed the earth
quake and C- topLuJ .ho work of uestruc- j
tion, was nearly sixty feet high.
Many Whites Killed—Troops I'is
{latchcd to tbe Scene of Conflict.
> t:: Franvi-t , J .n- 17. A Portland
dispatch say- A '.i-patch to-day from
Lieutenant "W tilt it ti, n . at Wallula,
convey the startling news of an uprising
of Indians; that they wire murdering
white- .te Mount Idai. e, -i'.uxtvd - xty
mile- fr ::\ Low isto:;. He a- .%J to hav.- a
boat dii ate bed at once from Walla Wa'.a
to convey oldieri to Lewi;t. n. Tbe ord- r been complied with, and a boat with
all th.- available t: OJ s at 'A s:'.a \N a.a
was di.-p-.te-.ed -t once t • the scene of difii
Another tie-pat. h -avs. Several - !-
tier, living on Cottvnwved crce-k hav
boon massacred by Indians, and the rues
-engt who bre tight ths- intcUigor.ce t
La; avia v...- w. ~ndcd, being cntrapiped
by the ..vug - Geucial li- vcard, who 1-
L-fVt i: 1 Wnila Wa'.a, just telegraphed t -
Adjutant General Woe i of this city, le
forward all available uoep§ w itboul delav
to the scene i f trouble. Great excitement
prc-viti.-. It i* thought reports have been
axaggeratcd. Full particulars will soon
bo known,
R-. v. Aurvnd has -cturncJ from a west
ern tour.
i Work on the Reformed church still g-'t-s
f on. Thu appearance jmt ti.>w promises a
* very neat rtructure. The windows will
* be G >thic style, with highly colored glass,
k A short time since some roving fellows
were dc-perato enough to raiso William
< Walker's post and rail fence clear out of
i tbe gr and and split up the posts and rails
; r.a-ty. Now such conduct should not be
; tolerated and why does not William give
>; thein a touch ofhis renowned "Bully fly.'
- ! and put thcin on the wing.
By tho way, ir. n pipes arc getting intre
fjduced in our neighborhood. We learn
,- that Henry Meyer, sr., is about tc put
j down 100 rods to supply his farm,
j On last Saturday last "wliack'" of the
, Ktbcr-burg .Select School. The teacher
„ 1 with his pupil.- deserve j raise for tho "well
, I timed ' literary tr. at they afforded us by
t , i way of rationi, ts-ays, and eacciienl
j j music. The church ws filled, tho ordci
„ ! good nr.d the heat a:.— ot t-yend entlu
e ranee.
, The bricklayers have finished their work
on Henry Urumgard's dwelling. The ed
ifice presented a gut J appearance.
And at last Wolf s stand, four miles east
e of here, is again without a store. A mat
1 thatjmeam sella as low aaotheta
" cannot fail to do a good business.
H*;w Mo*.
I'hihideipliia, June 11.—Geo Fletchoi
went to sleep about ten o'clock last night
and slept soundly for five bcurt When
he awoke, he lit a cigar, but soon laid
0 on his stool. Ho took *
light break!,.-t and appeared cheerful, llu
* was shaved and dressed himself in a suit
* ofb!a?k. At fivo iniiiutcs after ten Sherifl
l - Wright direct? J tho formation of tho lint
' i of witnesses, and at clevi n minutes aftei
'•(ten, Fletcher, preceded by Revs. Dr.
H Campari Pierce, follow-d lj' Sl.c-rilf
; Wright Mid Superintendent Perkins,
; moved directly to tin scaffold. At tin
i conclusion of the prayer Me.--rs. Camt
s and I'tarce, not used to tho customs o
such ocean ins, vvtro leaving the scaffold
e when Mr. l'erkintreminded Mr. Camp o
the propriety of shaking hands will
Fletcher. Mr. Caiup called his Lruthoi
Pearoe, and both turned lack and partial
®ly embraced tho doomed niuti. .Mr
. Camp grasped his band warmly and said
y "Cowl bye, George, you are going hom<
r to God." Both clergymen then left tin
j, scaffold and the sheriff applied the noose
Mr. Perkins manacled Fletcher's wrisli
n behind his buck, and the white cap wai
drawn over his face and he was left alone
Moment* which seemed liko hours to tm
Ic spectato-rs followed while Air. Catnp pray
ed for mercy. The last "amen" wa
y said and at eighteen minutes after ten o'
i- clock tho trap fell ami Fletcher was hang
ed. Before he left Ids cell ho "hoped lii
fate would bo n warning to all young men
a- Rum ! rum 1 hud brought him to this."
Loudon, June 18.—Special dispute ha
. from Paris agree that Saturday's sitting o
the Chamber of Deputies wns one of th
most violent ever witnessed,
ry Tho Times' correspondent says it cx
es tended overlive hours ai.d a-lalf. Dui
ps ing that long time there was one prolong
ie- ed roar of vociferation. Atone time, wlie
ly M Garnbctta said that "power was in sui
Jpieioua hands," tho Minister of Publ;
\\ rks -prang, w It 41 muetnng n.r, l •
■ w.nL tlm tribune. nn,l ntem 1 r <>f lb •
(. Itight tuifl Loft i)n-lu I f.<t ;irl Th
!uh> •• )snil to 11 pamte tlr li i t !, ttrmii
. It roal' v iooiii, I :i- it tU • <
1 jliiinil-to-h*cl ft ,f lit AP irif! iiu , ivt
iii iti . for,report* of rev.>l art.
% lllKlUlltH'lllt'lll.
Wo n'o authoi. ..M to .. i u .1 ||
j K rich line, KM., of BillfMnte, in i ctndh!
>r,<lulalo lot I'iitrici \ * Pi..; t.
~ tlio di'i iiion of tin I>oui > iii> county
oonvrnt on.
i. \ i.. ie call tlio .ttrt■: rii id iur ti i.l
--i ! to till! MtiwUxi'll I : •' ot i • I', l.',
K> i W ■ In ■ , N . •! 1 P'lu
'• tnit i Tim it-puts • o Mi l>. ntt\
, iuUt.l t ,il, . . . s ; i .i i itL tl . o v
Const rtu It-t-'i f ,iori;l, n> I
t elite, . t anl tr.u > rttv i| .*'•. '
viiri 'in ut pit run cut* boiiii; >i ! ti
ll • rviee mitl i . lot hi; .. ml jntrpet.
i They .-in .no ot tlio i jp.ioit inti u<,
Hut ii mWUHitial' v tin I |iorf< tlv fitis
ad In lhair tarxxa aapartwfnU tkititi
lor I.ti l.uiilamoiitii! nun, dura) ity, nttiil
f jiarfoil in i.iti * of toiio. Si hi* odvt'i-1
. t lotnout in i,i tin r column
In i tit. . t 1,-tice . fa inert aii)j{ busiut - and to make room for ttiil heavier blocks of merchaudiite, I have been compelled to KNLARUL
Jlr \Kl> IM I'l'.OVl 1 M H'IORK, the liable Clothing llull, Allegheny hitel, and for thai purpose will removo, about the middle of July, one
door be low (he old stand. During the next ri*ty days, therefore, 1 will offer
JWL. -ii X Tli A I X I) I! oii>lE XT S T(I BUYE R S.—
Havii.j. let, •.t ed to, ! om' out, as nearly at p i-oblo during tli:ii time, my prtteul atoek at low price*, preparatory U placing in the
"*. n, v l_\ repaired ii.tll, when 1 hall reiui u Pi it, nu ar-ortnieul of' New CL dinot equaled in quantity, quality, cheapueaa and variety ouuide of
t". l'liiladelphia. Call at onceibr vxtrtt bargaim.
5f J. NEWMAN, Allegheny Street, BEIXEFONTE, PA.
Wf- S~ T
Special dispatch I the t*l, ago IV-buim,
-Mar.a, II!., June 1! A-iJs Iroiti tho
important question us i- whether we nre tit
have go ii r >p in this * the pre?, •> t
, t i nto-t interesting '.-pie of . :.
vcrsation on the UpUJtut no* i- At fact
•.hut, withi". i. wt t, Mr-. B.mtP, bv.rg
:,hout fifteen mi.f'. wn, '.• given
birth to I 'ur boy - ; M *. (tulhri . rc-iding
i.ear Mrs. Bern in. t gi -, and Mr,
Kre*!t?r, living i n!v . f • miles from the
latter, to two girls and .. b. y The three
nut! M and t < I-aHe* ir • wall.
A Wal.ngtondis patch giv to
the statement it Judge lE"' '• itl •"I■ Cn^
-d in ih< |r< I araln-n of a cv r<- r. •• w :
( -.ho Ki< . torn! Com uu-- -n v.d ' tho >.
prciuc Court Judge- bu J ie :ii fn r
M r 11-il e- tl.o i < for tl. I : -
-ion The article. which i- de-igru .! tor
onJ of tho magaxines, is snid to I >* bum
revised by Ji.-tio' I-m,d one day la-: week I
at Judge lltai k - a*i ; : co, at \ - rk.
' The Emperor and Empt Jof Brassil
have orris - d London.
A volcanic croption oocurrod in the ,
|mountain* opposite Flow;: gV- ■ >
-■u the Southern Facific Railr on 1 .
It was preceded by % .oh lit vibration- ■
■•"artb, about 1 alf an hour all. ? whim. a ;
it'Dse volume ! smoke and l> -uld-rt w <•
•bserved to issue from the in. ui.tain*. It
continued in a", active stale a;, day, but
became nearly pa*ire at tfall
——• Any <f t -,.!>•■ .*? •• £u- a ,
now nan. fort! t Be porter, and in cash |
along, we will tend each at j-1 To !or the
year. Header, with a little exerli. r. yon
can thus help out c n ulati. n, and bo paid i
for the trouble.
On Monday I. t a dctaehn.-, t.t > f Mevi- ,
can Oororiiment troops cro- ed the Bio
Grand*- t" the A: erican sid 1 -nt
twenty miles f."v:u Foil (' st', "l-ia*. In
order to a* I a i ' diet with a -rger
body of revolutionary troops fa-t closing
on th. m. On the -am- night a r v- . .li i -
ary b dy • r>used the r;v • r and uU.v e i
tho K vernmetit - Mo rs, killing sever:.,
and wounding tunny. afUr w! ch tl . y re
turned to the M ai. .:i - .•. The 1. nited
States military a iti. ri: b'ort t
aasdc captivaaof tba Mexican 1 r
violation of tin n itrality . ■ m rro'-ing
■to tl Atncrioi.n 1 J lav *
1 1 ing a battle then
, A Bitmark la • special report* the
return .f Kev. Alt-it Martin from a
1 conference with Bull, held -nt the
: Utter's camp in 1- British p n.
I May Mr. M . ■ w.-. . c ani.d by
>x St-vi* Itid itis, and -ii i rj
Sitting Bui. wasct-urt- v i' i
bio and attcm • H tol - the -vld
*torv • his wrt-r ys inane! , - ntat-.d l.ery
* j, uh. Tho r ■ don rcache-s wa- ... .
* Sin. g Buli .Id 11- t- lb- I -
ted Stat-.s. but w. ild remain in th B-it
•!ish pMMaci WW. He . uld not b<ar to tut
* render hi- ponic-. arm?, etc . l-erides he
' tear. J for hi? own j-- r- nal rafetv. He
appeared thor- .-gly subdue 1 hath-rr
' Martin thinks the ban I is better oil w --re
e they are, and recommends that they be
l' encouraged to remain*
Dr. rhilip Sehnff, travel;- K in the Fast
- war nearly killed by the fanatical M cm.
i at Hebron, recently. He want- 1 '. - g'
l, into the cave of Machpelali where the pa
itriarchs lie buried, anil tho j agan* object
e| ed.
>•; On 7. bv Uev A. A Kerlit Mr Milt n
U tJardner," f rmerly ft'- ntre , ; >.:y t -
r Miu Magxle TrouUveln, both af Hunui
~ doti county.
On May 23, at the residanca of tha
■ bride Mr' .1. II Jami ri of <'umberhu. I
" county. Vii. fornwfly of Jteriu Milk
I* Centre county, Pa., to Miaa Alice i .
] Hrijihtwcill, >! I'r I 'd, rince KuwarJ
it co„ Vi.
ii i:i>.
On t'-. at Miliheim, Franklin Kdw ; .
of ti. W. Stover, agi-d s months a? !
da) ?.
On 8, at Alndl. tiburg. ■ f j al-y, Micha-1
-I Hsxell, aged C 3 years, 1 months ana 11
On 7, at Miliheim. Ida M , duugi.lcr - I
, Uriah Iteif.nydcr, aged 2 years, 1 month
aio! 2D -h->
0 BRLLKVONTK Mihkus. Juno It
it by Shortlnlgo .V C-*.
If Flour per barrel, wlu-1- tl--. $ ?b
t , - r. tail. i"l"00.
White wheat. 1 7-">.
,r Bed '• 17-7
r - Bye, t'-0
If (lorn, shelled, 50.
f Corn, cob, 60.
Oats, 35.
e Barley, rye weight, .V>.
P ('lovi-rse- -1 ?•"> per (-1 pounds,
if Pi tatoe. retail, 125
1 N iv-sßcotia plaster, ground, 10c).
Cayuga " $'.)(•().
,f Anthracite coal :
h Chestnut per ton at yard, ? 1 '-0.
, r Small stove, " $ t 75.
I Stove, " S I 75.
Egg, " SI 1.0.
r - Broken, " $l5O.
f~ 11T' 'l'll 13 OUT AN D AV !'
Aloney wlicn you desire to pur. lui-e
1 Cent Mottoe
9- 0 cent Perforated lb aid.
M 6 cent'.*ll New t'l >m s.
IS It) ccul Drawing slates.
2 cenl2Mo Pins in one pnj-er.
e - 3 cent 2 dozen Hair Pins.
it 22 cent M->rw eo Leather Pocket-books.
6 Cent pack of Good Envelope-.
18 cent 1 o/.. Z--j.hy r.
" 2i cent p'-r cake 1 oil-1 soap.
3D cent Gilt caacl PrIBM !--r Photo*
{- graphs.
|h 7 cent per quire good note paper.
4 cent children.,' Bound Combs.
n - 27 cent varnished Uustic Motto Frames,
11 Cenitooth Bru lies.
10 cent Hair Brushes.
A- 4 cent Jajianne o Fans.
7 cent per i-air lorGarUr.
These and many other bargain., can bo
oi " had at the cheap stationary alorc, next
of door to the pot otlice.
i"sl 25 for a Complete s iof CB< Hjll KT.
x*'J EWELBY, a llandsonie Assortment > 1
ir- I J welry at Cost
(WALL PAPER, prices nt Wall Paj-i
1 reduced to 8 cent# and 12J cents.7
< n Sa'o for Cash and ''atli -;nly. Port. Off ce
is-J atora.
t ions ci i/riv Ann: -i tin vnitp, waul. i-'.oc coaciimae.eiw and sad dlers.
f' * '[ . ofal! .1. ripl :• n.; Wmti Ilndai, Slaw * t~ * Full lina of all kinds of Saddlnry. Also
W it'. Uov . t. . In.l Teeth. 2 *4 / * K -.tins, Ac., Ac. This is the Rne*t ware Ir £ •* * /r Wood-work, Fellow, Plain and Patent
< •* / . u*<\ mora durable tbn tin itn! fr©o \tv rn g : f £ Whftli Jtt An*
. 1( ,, V1 i JM..U- J Vcv Hill, higher. All kinds ofO <g |w • Ac.
7* i I p l|,,u " Fur " i '**"•"• Vg w StSiiUKHAJiSA COOK STOVES.
SiftnUt, nil I 1 1 th \\ ul .ii I. i. .; .. '* * Ftflt >1 lit'llAMCM ®, . £ ' , , .. .., , . , .0..
- J ?/<, S -'A - g >I v Th heavtati in wnight und bwt bftkr
r ni ' { > \K > hf*\' tin best o! (*hin]i, *n\\ 8 h m ir4#t. All of I orUbll
* * l'* 4 If-i.iti* . iU>\ 1• id f 'x *s v Drawing Ktnv®. tc% Al% Ha ly Al- g p *J;; , liAngtii with ©ight nimkci of
, , I, r t * "* *Z [ * j u-1 th'* lr m Plan©*. . -J?-: nXC ~
PLOW IILAD) L I 3 i i-.H •• ft.--? COOK STOVKS.
X - f LATHST IM I*KO\ KL> LAMPS. fT :, c as "
, s _ rJ <i ; C c 1- guaran
lnij'i-, hi t I i.i.i; .io. ; ~ " l)i y the j. fit in t i ti. ' & . ' tea, and at tha lowest rrieat.
it toil. I n't onal t"i-t steel Plow/- m it d j: liin •ev to (•rank or clean, and yire n • t'lzZs T T
~ 7 - y " belter ligbt ttiun any in m. j £x: j} i* - THOS. A. 111 IKS & lIKOTHKR,
' H UL'M WATKRHOSK. p? Wp~ "o^s?
Co UN PL \NIT II ( UN HO!. A 1 for we'erlug ynrda and gardi • 3£ Ji£aS& Allegheny Street, IJollefante.
Ci 11 vi - - HNY i- i.* A imj r'.ant
law, | m-i 1 nt the last -■ ssii n ■( the !.< g
idature, provide, forgiving priority to I
laiins for manual labor, on nil trials ot
claim i : s-i.M-s in tho courts i f this ( <tm*
monwealth. Heretofore, the clsimi of
workingoieri, alter it-G- court, by
being plae.d at the nd ■ ! ; i>* li tot"cases
have often been -o delayed from court to
. ourt that the plaintiff, lr. Nt in ibilti.v to
be present w hen they liavu come up, ha*
been i mpellt 1 to e. :iij>r inise a just
claim t - get th-- matter sett!- 1 This t-*w
law . vi- all such • '.uitus p.*i and - - far
is ar- vl l-: M.t t- th- 'i.boring man.
Sinking Creek ♦! ill*..
This < Itl, a:, i well-known, in
Potter ' -t -hip, i- w- sujn r-nlendod by-
Mr D. N| COVHIX, eu oi tha but ex
peru-m--<1 miller-in Cent-ii l'enna, who
ha* raliderevt tint utmost sati.factu-b
wherever he has he n, arid understands
\V \i:i;AN rs HIS PLOUH, at I at
Midi, t ,-sv e satt-uctn-!., as t-> -|uantity
u.i quality. It \ t want g<---d bren l let j
Mr. Cow her fur;.il- v tir Grist. Grt-l
deliver, -! t - Cent"• H twit . ■ bv ;
mill wag ii.
Houses, epi -j, g.s e Mr. (' -wher a trial,
aud-ati-iv y -u-seivea u! th- great superi
■ rity of the fur manufiv tur- dby him,
I may >m.
Glioice Farm
kokhalf :
The undcrsigt.-d ot'V- -I - t ?' -wing
choice hi m:t< id, near 1...M :i Had, at
jrivatc -ah-. Co-'-islinit of
under fane- ami in a high '.ale of - .iltiv
• ~n. Then are erected a h-STOHY
BRICK lIOI'SK. B 1 ira, - 1 necs •***
ry outbuilding-, with choice fruit on the
i,n-ns re*, a -' -t-rn and i. never-faihrg
stream of running water.
Tt.i- t-r- pertv i*deirabl\ local- 1 about
| mlli. from L I .>v B ' i. it , and oflsn
i fine opportu- ty f • s • -no wishing to
retire tij-on n aial! farm.
For further t-arin raj-pl v •
lTmavdm. Linden Hall. Pa
A'- a aa im war "• ewarwalaad
in every ri ,- t, for sale, or taken in c*-
. hang r y ung eal'.a .
Cheapest of All".
Largest of All S
Wolfs Old Stand.
>vr csin-r-AZ hall,
Wll It'll \\ 11.8 BE M'l.D
CUE \l*i B I II VN KN -
Till- SEC
We have the G- d ' Prices Low ' Se
lection rnmrp.iN.i-d I
AT.-! we now ext. nd a c r ! ill irivitat. Nt -
our fro n-ir. patrons, a:.i the sub!., gt-n
--• rally. Come ! vro Will - - ■> you tho
]',est .<i:l.i:(Ti:D STOCK.
At pi ices low, •"than u ia'.
A lull line of Drv
Cloth in g. Boots and Sh;-. <-r
Mueeii-ware. (ilas-WHre, Wood and Wll
low NN araJUats -> ! Cat**, and in I lav •
rrything and anything mnbran d in the
above lines.
constantly on hatnl.
Customcrg will litut the stock com
pi etc, apd a call is all that is re.juirmi
to a.'Stira you that this is the bcsl
place in tho valley to buy your goods
Philadelpliia and Erie Railroad Ilivi
On nn.lafier-t'NHAV. Mr B. 1-rT. H.e i,la ntt
Ih* I-!III.-M|I!IU .1 Kno lui;! >.) lllii-l-a will run u
KKIK MIII.I-, . rhll-! II B|- m
** M*rvlbtitit 4-*t
" " M"t\ln<L t 61 * fit
** ' VVtl]iiinii*<il * iki * iti
•• law k HINfR * *
" ** ilmoU Id tt i W
nrr.vtKrt. V V tn
MAI.AItA I \ li-iw. I'hll* < *'
lUrrUl iftf lulfMw
" *' Miint -titilisn I l a
" ATT at \%'lllattr;<t J P m
*• *• 1 4M k llrt* fit Hiii> ra
|{..n 4 40 i< :n
\ AS r I.INI it FLiUtUlphia 11 ra
11 nt rtaltiiri; -T *>|tU
• " M->i.tA.L.i I ' i' in
" j arr Y VVjilt V W
M " IA k II Vi*l) f •• VOt
KAN nv AKi>.
I'M II I) I X IMVF* 1 't k Hvon • hd A : .
" VAll|UllD*l<rt .Nsaro
•• arrnt llirrtlrir ll*4iiui
Hl.iUtlrlibU S4&HW
ICN V K\, lsivrA llDiHltA Id n it
I--- k Itiivrn 11 > nt
Willunihi-ori l2Kpti
M *• MiitiUndoii 1 I id
•• arr a I lUtI-irjr 4 !• I m
" •• rhlUdolpbU 7 9h i *i
I RIKMAILb *" C p m
la- k Havsyn • !> | :
" *• WtlltaiiiH|->rt llt4iW
•• ** Mrttitnrtiri 19 It* am
" air ®t lUrriwburjf St 4ft m
I fiiUdi'lphln *OO am
i AS! UNV Itavß \VillUnaiort 12 a nt
ur at llsarrilaliirM 4 "Hani
" an nt PhtlU'lt'lphU 7 aIU
Krtrt Mail Wcvt N.*arii K Wrtt, 1 t-t k llavrrt Ac
cuininoilation 7%*l at**l I>s K*l Kt i*k* cl.
,t iff turn a! Nortl'wmb'hindallh I.d H Kit trab'i
ftr Wiikeaba r* and .St:rtknt*i
I ti Mill Wft, Niagara I"* AV ■ t and KiU- I
W.-t lit k llavßi, Acminmoti itinn \V,- M mabt
.!.. t wuuacii 111 W|U4*m*i>nw|i4i fi OUW uami
l.i !•* Mail W>at, Ntag*r Kiprtu Wcat. and Pay K*.
Kaal make clone connection at Iwk Haven with li I*!
V ItU train*
Kri*t Mall l int and VV t ronns*t at Frlc with train*
on I. H.l M h lilt, at t ttirv v i h t) t V \ V KK, i '
Kuusorlumwitli H ,N Y A r KK. ami at P'lftwiHMl will
I'arltir cars will i i" I'd • 'n lMi'.l - . ipltia n<l Wll
lUirn-sport i-n I * Wrrt, lino I s Wit, Thila
tioJpHtu Kxnrt*!*;. l-.ast,aiid Pay Ki Kaist and Suniaj
Ka. l.aat oloniiinx vara Oil 1! Übt train*
\\ M b.RAI DWIN,
C> J aural Supcitntenvknt,
SPRING, Is; 7.
• - - ——
Vli 1 ( ES h() W !
Selection Unsurpassed! SlockLargcj
And now we exteud a cerdial invitati u t.> our frieiid, j atrons and'lhe j>ublic
gcucraily. We will say thie, Come! if wo do not show you
and if w, e.inuot provr that ii i- to your interest to patronize us, then
don't buy ; but come and satisfy yourself.
We have opened a full line of
I) 15 V <; (to 1)8
C'loiliinx, Carpels,
Hoots & Shoes. Groceries.
and in :a.: everything and anything embraced in the above line.
We will beat every thing in prices and assortment, and our past, we trust,
will be a stiffic'ent guarantee to oar patrons of fair and honest treatment.
We have tabiishi d and will maintain our repuUll n. The large trade w t
dj enable, us to fresh goods ilaily, w • b i a ;*r ; adrairtage t j our pa
trons in all line-, and mora i pcc'tally in Groceries. Call, and it wiii prove
t > vout intcre- t.
11. HERMAN,Manager. 1
OUR LINE OF.MOURNING CAL- Cotton L, [ , 15, 22 an J 28c
ICOES ISCt)MPLKTE. Calicoce, C, 7,8 and 9c "
Lancaster Ginghams, 10c "
lb ogal Plaids, 12} op, r yd. Beat Cotton Carpet Chain2sc M
Star Mills, 1j • " Bed Ticking, 14, 20, 25, 38c per yd.
Alpacas, .>.0,1>, 2„• " v jdit and double Zephyr
Clark's O. N. T. Tbreml,7 >e per do*. Black and White, l*e per or.
Men's Shirting, 12i, 15, 20e per yd. All i.thc-r colors, 20c "
ißh ached Muslin, sto 16c '* Germantown Wool, 12Jc "
' Unbleached, stolo ' 41 A large stock of Lin.-ecd Oil,
Sugar, 10,11,12 c per lb White Lead, • Putty, etc,
• Best White, 121 c " on hand. Sold by special ccnlracL
Mackerel, Lake Herring and white Fish very low. TERMS positively
CASH, or Couutry Produce. Reepectivelv,
w. lb CAMP'S
Furniture Hooms!
1 would r-'pfctfuHy inform the eitirer,-
of Centre county that 1 have opened
- Furniture H in CVntto Hall, and have,
on hand a largo stock of Furniture and
, Chair*. cn:ting in part of
Ac. j
Which will be mid at the 3o\i< -t cash
" prices- ; come and examine m.v j-tock of
0 Furniture before buying elsewhere,
a specialty- COFFINS and CASKKTSj
•!way on hand. Funeral* attended with
distance- l'nytiler.U casv.
,1 Mar'..' dm W.H.CAMP.
}, "
J[ / .S. T Shu ; -it.' iving purehn-s d the
Drug i-l.sre on Allegheny street. Belle
fonte, next ii >or to the hardware Store of
ilicks A , ha- stocked mid tilled it out
\\i:h all the UMt popular
J t'HKM ICA LS. I'KHFI M Kit Y -? j
™ i..„ FANCY AND TOILKT ... i :
I ARTICLES, &c„ Ac.. Ac. j j
m . *
HI Phl" nt Medicines, Alcohol, pure Winfs|
in and Liquors lor medical purpese* only.
™ Physician's proscriptions carefully com-!
|| pounded anil order* answered with cure!
' and dispatch. Farmers hikl Physicians]
II from tho country will find our stock of'
1 Medicine* complete, warranted genuine
J" ami of the beat quality.
,i This Store will remain under tho dtree
- lion of tho accomplished liruggi.-t ""d
" pharmacist horctofuro connected with it,
" Mr. 11. M Herrington, and xvo respectful*
" ly solicit tho custom of our friends and
I„ tho old patrons of the store.
BKII'K FOR SALE i-ir.-t el-.-- I,rick
will be kept on hand for sale by J. O.
i,i Dciniii|{cr at Zerbu'a Centre llall
brick yards. These brick arc
offered so low that it will pay parsons at <,
*h distanco tc come here for them.
Intending to continue in the piauuthe-
U tureo. brie., iho.v x til to kept eon
ijr on baud, and fair inducement oiforod toi
t; 17 uug if. il. it. ZKHBK
wfc, o ■ e*r-<-! is f i; mrs list
L / / /nt in t># widr t*# HMnUti l y n>
\ til n* f >>! .ff art in ay }>lH of liar
' ' i I ! r* wh.> it ntnUuc to .tk .
lij at lb# tai'lvjmicut H*t w# fan* !
fiWp*r m rmh in >vur ofrn ftn, Voa nd Of'
! '*< Ipntn U' -.i n*bt Ya con ftr ytnr]
••••'* MS *i-*r<* IIMMMiB
;It • • dhing i try bonittOM. f rrmn nod #&;
M.ti.tfrrv 4>lllyaw nt out U At o !
j I'ofthad. PoftUnd, 33 ♦#>! j ;
Manhood: How Lost. How
Restored !
Juki .ahotS. a nrwr of Pr l
t pjfl Imj <*n <b xi eery itrtUwot rn 4t
tt<y .f >jyrt*i>rtU.*<n r Srtisio*l Wwiine latrol
a*iUfl Nrr- s'ial L •-*, 1 m|w>fnr MmUl nnd
I'iijitrtl 1 Hi lrn|MHjitrcnfa U Marrlagf, lv '
a a. * t ..wmi'lior.. Kjtilr\y ind f '*•, in ls;c-vt I \ cif
indtsldicrt* < xr N IUII nifitittTK*. Ac
| I'rtcf, *n m M>Uytl ftovocOfM", u-nl* sit rrnts.
I Tby icldbrstrA tstimr, in tU admir* Km;
pftfllrt. thst lh< sUrtnlhtf gf syjf |>s*
--s rsdicslt} cur 4 tUina U.y 4tlgtniaa n# of
kotaimal Msdteiat or ifpUttlloo < tby Knif*
At • >a<id* o( cars *1 o *ia>|*ir. csrlite
tt.l ode. I jt BlfM Of '-'U fa CtPIJ uffcrOC,
] wst tesr Obsi bis Im. rnsjr vorc fc imsclf
i |rtr*tr!jr ssd rmdtcslijr.
This Lsetttis sb- uld U In bsods of f *ry jonlh
sad rtwrjr msn in lijy Isod.
.Vi t untlrr ys.l, In s itisln entrffiops, (s my
i \\l' 1 wit*teat*ot iwopostlUaps
ocl. 41 Aaa bl. Xew York . Pad Ufiitf klos.isSH
•j —o—
i—large iikduction in phick.-
c- , /
We furnish the Pi. kct , made from S-inch
round iron, like design shown in cul, at
.make n h:.:.d- :twr, u.oro durable, and
U'heaper Fence than tin l wooden pickets.
Send for circular to
Manufacturers of MERCHANT BAR
IRON, GATE ami 12.\ K.N DUtJii HIN
GES, 1201 !- # M"I'S. WASHERS, and
•their new line of Patented Wagon Hard-
91 A V 2 \\ ttct and 111 & 116 First av.,
Piits) urg. Pi.
t ' Kcr s tie by ull the loading Iron and
Hartiwaiv Merchants. cuiar tm.
,i Letter testamentary on tha v-mio ol
, Susannah Kline, . ! AH...t)sburg, deceased,
having bc. n grunted t> tho undersigned,.
nil portions indobted to said estate aru re-'
' quired to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against tho tamo t
present them, duly authenticated by law,
for.attlement JFK. KLINK,
niySl Sugar Valley.
OK'ITLKMKNT—Notice is hcrh.v giv
O en, that, the books belonging to the
ostfttu of Peter Ruble, dee'd, will rctugin
in the of A a ton Lukenbach, until
Oct. Isjt, next, where all knowing them
-elves indebted to said estate are requested
to call aud make settlement. All accounts!
remaining unpaid after-aid date Oct. I,t,
will be p laced into the hands of a "proper!!
[officer fur collection. j<
By order of the Executors. 1
< ! NTJ'.K ItALL
Succesior to J. K. Miller A Son.)
Denier in Pare Drugs and Medicine*.
Dye -tuffs, and Druggist's tundrie*.
For medkinai purposes.
Tbe bet brand* of
always in stock.
Prescription* carefully Compounded.
Jan. Harris a\* CO.
■ ■
P A I N T S,
01 lA^ETC.,
For a Sewing Machine.
A"ou can hTe your choice of tbe follow
ing first c!a* sewing machine* :
.New American, St. John Domestic,
Dauicc, Singer,
Remington, Howe,
[ ami Weed.
\t the Sewing Machine store of lJannell A
Aiken. Eo*l Market street, Low blown.
Alao pari*, attachment* aud needle* for
tail machine*.
Great inducement* forcarh. Don't fail
to see tbe St. John, something entirely
Old Machine* taken in part payment for
I new one*. Send uOct* to the above party
und you will get by return mail, 1 do*. **-
ifnrti J need in* for any tnacbino. JSOnovly
Having diM-oveted, tn a manner almost '
providential, a positive cure for Consump- :
ticn and all Lung Complaint*. 1 feel it my i
duty to make known in a practical manner '
->i" furnishing a sample bottle, Irea of
harge. to all mffereri, my only hope o!
j remuneration being that the medicine will
iwrform ah I claim for it. The in grid i
■JU nre of the choiccf. herbal product* i
and perfectly afe ; will b" *.nl free to ail.
Address at once. Dr. O. Pbelpi Brown, 2!
Grand Sir. el. Jersey City, N. J., or may
jbe had of .1 k. Miller & Son, Druggist*,
Centre liail. Pa. jati4 ly.
•0. T Alexamkk. C. M Ikiwxx
/"*. t.rrj-r, lUi. PeUrter.U SpwUi HMIIn
f.rrtt U 3 •.' Jr, r>n I , art IrMllff
|i >!•*■. n.;!td i- Una*o aod KasluUi uSw la
j<-*ra>*' Imlidin*, ri,W Tt If
r cc Reduced ! Entire C ft ?s'*!
i'alent ( ) ikj SSo in advance, balance
it-M within li month* aiter patent
allowed. Advice and ex
amination free.
Patent- sold.
ITmeySoi Waihir gt n, D. C
Henry ReinJbart.
Coffin* of all styles made on shortest no
tice. Cndertaking strictly attended to
Char* reasonable 1* auv v. |
Nervous Debility.
\ lUi Wfiiii >a*or Itoj>rosii*a, a weak
ffrlft. m* c nfvfi w ' |h .f M*nUl
i ' whl, Indinfounß Or riuiwfi, or k •r tlraia
u|M| ike U tiwtjift mrtnJ If
Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific
No. 28.
I It tea** n *B.| Inilanntrr U> tolfm. dumeb the
I 'o,T„! 0 ,1,' ' P '"["•"••"•""Sill*. I iBrrWT
t 1 t* [Y* UQ rfjotrmlwi the •ntir WJUJ.
iTi? u rf;r°,' r i " r * 1 h r- r, "i'",i,
I *1 rc-o I > J**!er HrSaa, a I jiw Bin*l* rIJ
jor *i l p*r |>*ck*c- of fir* ,u;> .n J f J JO >ul ot
jj,orfr.r Satlj tall en re. etpl ■( .run. * lilu
y'rk' 1 ""** I*
„ . ' or Organs.
r actory Established in 18&6.
# From the Pre**.
From U D While. Editor IlackeUs
town, N. J. Herald.
"The organ has a rich, deep and *oul-
Htirriiig lone : could not stay in tho house
without it It helps wonderfully to drio
away the thought* of hard time*."
,T.° Lebanon Pa. Daily Newt,art •
Wo aro in receipt of one of those' five
np 6 n a . r . w 7 ?. 8 ' manufactured bv
l> r. Hcatty, Washington, N. J. Thin
>rgan is a fine, solid black walnut ca*o
.nd in tone it cannot be aurpaued by any
instrument of its kind "
( From the Lowell v eb u O - i#l( . r
shn Tcceivod this week, direct from
the manufacturer, D. F. Reattv WVsh
elfn't?* J " hi *J u * l >y celebrated organ,
f„-?s e •" "I'b'cranco, and handsomely
furnished unexcelled in richness and pow
•.u . UO , , Hro more than t>loa>ed
with it, and heartily recommend it to any
one contemplating of purchasing an or-
Bc<t offer given. Money refunded unon
troturn °f organ and freight charge- naid
by n,e ,D. F BeaUy) both ways if unsat
i.liu'tory, after a test trial of five d-ys.
rgun warranted for six years.
maVrrU wanl ®d overywhere, male or fo
ah . tocanva-s fi- th , s fupPrior instrus
nieni. Address D. F. BEATTY
Washington, New .1 eis'ey
W A ' '* A N Ut), Attorney at-Uw
''*■ 00c "s®oi'"
'. .1 lit ,1 " V1 I!U ' -i.I eicellcnt
.-tabling lor ttorses. Also a fine report for
.summer bo :r..or,\. Rtiss to depot, and
IreasonabhT ° CCUtre C ° Unty * Cha ' : - ft
■J a
ir o|sJmimslrali *> on the estate
Dsv WBjlßjti*f.W frgu*n twp, •!*'
having boon grintcd to the u'ti< *•->
■ll person* '.knowing lhom*!ve* t>< '•*
dsbiod to taid dncodent are roiuw.-d i
make Immediate payment, •" porenn*
having rlnim* acalnrt tbo ui arc re
quested to bring mwi their claims do*
" ''' 'JI^S'KKSD.
, junfit. Adm'r*.
£~3Hr s?£nb&
W b £x a vr^^s^ssrjric
' "ME*Diro**ruio CO.
lSmaj3m No. 66 Broadway, N. T.
L. BPANOLKR, Attorney at Law
, Consultation* In English ana Ger
msn. Office in Furst's new building,
A soar
Have the exclusive aala in Bllefont
Edwin C. Burts'
8 WIDTHS, the
2*34 SkoMin
Ail Kind. ofCttttom Work Made To
Bishop Street, BKLLEFONTE, Pa.
2) may tf.
RE A rIT p'*uo'
Grand, Square and Upright.
From Geo. K. Letcher, firm of Wm. II
Letcher & Bro Banker*, Fayette, Ohio.
"We received the piano ana thick it a
very fine-toned one out here. Waited a
short lime to give it a good teft. If you
wish a word in favor of it we will cheer- *
fully give L"
James R. Brows, Esq., Edwardiviiie
111 <i v*:
"lit Beatty Piano received give eniir
*ati* 1?. ion." A genu wasted. Sand fo
catalr a Address. D. P. BEATTY,
Washington. New Jersey
DP. FORTNKY, Attorney at Law
Beilefoste, Pa. Office over Rey
nolds bank. may 14* €9
Elegant styles, with valuable improve ■
meet*. New and Beautiful Solo Slops.
Over 'Te thousand Organita and Musi
cians indorse thef-orga. and recotuniend
them • i strict!" fir-t claw in Tone, Me
d anism ard durability. Warranted for
ti; vara.
Mnat Kkgam acd Latent Improved
Have i . - awarded 'he H rhesl Premi
nj in compel wiujotiier*formplic
ity. Durability. Promptseas, and Tiano
like ai ti,.n.
Pure, u eet and even'y lone,
orcUeatral eflfec" . fid iastar.i.vncoas ac
c.* ruay .* had fo fbr : rcda.
tseuu for Prsre List Address,
Washington, New Jer*ey,
Letters tertamei 'ary on the esuto of
Catherine Peter*, widow, Uteof Potter do
ceased, having been granted to the under
signed, ail person* indebted to said estate
are required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against tbe same
to present tbern, duly autnenlicated by
law for settlement. BAM L ROYER,
may 17 Executor-
jr w • t r t
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair lo
its natural Vitality and Color.
original color, with th* glou and
frerhntxs of youth. Thin hair ia
thickened, falling hair chocked, and
baldness often, though not always,
cured by its use. Nothing can re
store the hair w here the follicles aro
destroyed, or the glands atrophied
and decayed, But such as remain
can be saved for usefulness by this
applicat ion. Instead of fouling tho
hair with a pasty sediment, it will
keep it clean and vigorous. Its
occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling off,
and consequently prevent baldness.
Free from those deleterious sub
stances which make some prepara
tions dangerous and injurious to
the hair, the Vigor can only benefit
but not harm it, IT wanted merely
for a
nothing else can be found so desir
able. Containing neither oil nor
dye, it does not §oil white cam
bric, and yet lasts long on the hair,
giving it a rich glossy lustre and a
grateful perfUme.
rn* pared or
Dr. J. C, AVER fc CO., Lowell, HaSi., ;
frssfisst mai! ta*J*ttst CMiMt.
win mr ASA ascunsrs avwrrraes*.