The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 21, 1877, Image 2

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    . b €ontre RepoHar.
i i-STKF. HALT, Pa., June 21, 1*77.
Just now the prospects for Tweed
early release are not very bright. Hi
nvrv still l>e frnml a boarder in the Ld- |
low street institution, by the time v |
Simmons ripen. And "what are you go-
Jnp to do about it V
On last Saturday the rails of 1 nion
county voted "for" or "against' the
Crawford conntv system of making
nominations. They were working un
dorthat system heretofore, and there
was some queer primary voting, hem e
some are for abolishing it.
We ,oc no hope for a revival of busi
ness ia the near future. We rather fear
a feaiful crash is instorc for the country.
Labor is not getting plentier, -.nil He
cry of destitution is not stopped. Mill*
and factories are on a stand slid- i >
short all interests arc sntWing. What
is tho government doing The
experience of "he past should ha. e made
our Washington statesmen wiser Tho
following failure* iu New dork, ust
week, may only be the fore nr. mm of
other u:
The failure of M. J. Steal erger .x Son,
AOt" Broodwav, one of the laigaat and
oldest hou'i - ia the trilliu 7 gnoils
trade,is announced. 1 lie liabilities are
about ? ISO ,000; nominal assets as
Hamburg, Hill A vo„ importers and
jobbers in millinery good* have sus
pended. with liabilities free e. s litv .to
one hundred thoosaud dollars.
Brigbam Young it sec:- . h.x a die
position to defy the government. 1! e
Virginia City Chronicle publishes an in
terview on the Mormon question with
\Y. \Y., who defendeil John D.
Lee. Mr. Bishop savs that from an inti
mate personal knowledge' of Mormon
affaire, if Brigbam Yoong thinks he can
.tanvl a trial and get clear there will be
no resistance, bui if he apprehends exMi
viction he will unquestionably fight.
His followers will stand by him to the
last man. Higboe. Haight, and *<tewart
can only be taken by the superior force
of tho I nitcl States troop*. Under the
present jury system it is simply impos
sible to convict in Utah any of the other
participants .n the Mountain Meadows
m:v-sacrc. wns convicted only be
cause District Attorney How ard succeed
ed in making Young believe *hat if Lee
was convicted Utah would be admitted
into the Union as a State. Young ac
cordingly ordered hiacouviction for the
good ofthe Church.
Hayes'Secretary ofthe Treasury, Mr.
*herman recently ordered thai relatives
in Lis nmstlv thinned out.
This is getting the Secretaire in a sweat,
or rather the attempt to enforce the
family removals. A few days ago this
order was put in practical operation by
the discharge of a number of clerks thus
er.cambered. In one instance, a sister
was dropped who had been drawing a
sa!.,ry of f 1,40") to let the brother remain
at $2,400 a year. It is farther reported
fmm Washington that it will be found
difficult to make a clean sweep of the
relatives, especially in some eases of man
and wife. Clerks have married clerks
but the name of the lady has not been
changed in the rolls. In fact the mar
riages have been kept secret for the sole
purpose of keeping both the man and
wife in employment. The denunciation
of Shennan because of bis own liability
to the charge of relatives ia cilice grows
m:re severe with the removals now be
ing made- It seems that it was not tLe
Secretary who denied the relationship
with the collector at Des Moines, but an
assistant secretary did it for him, ar.J
hence got the Secretary into hot wrter.
It is now said that in audition to the rela
tives of the Secretary in otfice who have
been mentioned is a niece in the Interior
?dr. Tilden, to-day, is more highly
honored ami respected by the American
people than Haves. They greet him,
wherever he appears, as the elected
President the choice of the people, while
Hayes is allowed to pass almost unnotic
ed except by a few post-masters and
custom house officials. This the Bx7
President experienced in his visits to
Philadelphia and New York, recently.
Wherever Tilden appears, the people, of
all parties, turn out, enmcss, to do him
honor. At the departure of Mr. Hen
dricks for Euroj>e last week, a great ova
tion was given him, and Mr. Tilden was
there and made a speech, which will be
found in another oolamu. They are the
words of a tree American patriot, and will
burn like a pan of hot coals upon the
head of Hayes. The Cincinnati Com
mercial's special reports of this incident-
The first round of cheers greeted Til
den's assertion that "everybody knows
that after the recent election the men
who were elected by the people Presi
dent and Vice Pre ider.t f the United
States were 'counted ont,' and the men
who were not elected were 'counted in'
and seated." Then he aroused enthusi
asm by saying: 'To every man of the
four and a quarter millions who were de
frauded of the fruits of their electoral
franchise, it is an great a wrong as it is to
me, aud no less to every man of the
minority will the ultimate conseqence*
After this each sentence was greeted
with cheers, which grew more and more
in intensity as the iovernor grew more
earnest. He spoke with great earnest
ness and with marked emphasis, and
was listened to with breathless atten
Sot less liearty was the reception ac
corded Governor Hendricks, who was
next introduced.
After the meeting in the parlors had
ended, and while the guests were partak
ing of a collation, a serenade was ten
dered the guests. When the hand had
finished playing, there were loud calls
from the crowds on Fifth avenue for Til
den and Hendricks.
Mr. Tilden appeared on the steps of
the Club house, followed by Mr. Hen
dricks, and the cheering was so longsus
tained that the gentlemen were kept in
waiting many minutes. Both Mr. Til
den and Mr. Hendricks said a few words
to the throng, and were frequently in
terrupted by cheers.
The enthusiasm reached its climax
when a gentleman jumped upon the iron
railing in front of Governor Hendricks,
as that gentleman finished his remarks,
and called for three old-time cheers for
Tilden and Hendricks. These were
given with a will, and after a speech
from Lieutenant Governor Dorsheimer,
the crowd slow ly dispersed.
If Hayes succeeds in recusitating the
old Whig party he might next try Lis
skill on the Cardiff Giant.
"Two Tramps killed in York County,"
is the heading of a tragedy reported by
telegraph, a few days ago. If tramps
will take to butchering each other, they
will find plenty employment, and busi
ness brisk. The fellows in York county
did up the work of making cold incst of
each other effectually. The despatch,
dated Fairview, June 13, says:
A terrible trage'v was en a etc i in the
mountains near here last night. For a
• long time the squgds of 'ramps who
trave' through this region have made
the place a resort.
Yesterday afternoon four or five ot
these emtearts stopped there. In lh>
evening thev were joined by quite a
ninnber of others. Some of the patlv
wore welt supplied with liquor. Vhi
wh dc party indulged pretty freel) the
earouaal being kept up until a late
hour. _ , ,
\1 nt midnight two of the tramps l e
.... engaged in an altercation about n
woman, one of the pari). Ihe quarto'
terminated in a general tight, nesilv m\
of the tramps participating in it. '"'"J;
them, known as the "Strangei' and Kill
('urr, wore i > sovovolv tli.'iithov
Mied'sh. rtly aftor the end of the fight.
! The rest of the p.irlv scattered ia vans
| OUH diiaetiona, and ua no elue l as been
• discovered of their * hereabouts, it is
| thought they have managed to es-
I ,if,,, of the t* it -pa told an e.d man,
! whom he met in ar here, the story of the
I tragedy, but he waa not detained, the
a(T. iis being investigate!. Ibis is tin
seivttd tragvdv of the kind tba'. b.w oe
eurred in thi* vicinity, and
> iiougb some alarm lis- been oecnaionud
among the few people aUvo
Ji IVIK RHONE, of I iuoi. 0 counts. has
I called tor the vouchers tor tin items
i termed funeral • vpeiiM s in a recent. ase
' heard in the orphan*'court, lheann e.u.
, f the decedent's pi moral estate wa*
f.>l S2 while the expense* of mina.
were returned hv the administrator ..t
;■ l.f.Te. Ou tl e sillovt oi extravagant
I funeral* Judge Rhone y It is not
i necessary to have a pen j u* pr<c - . n
m great length, in w Inch figure conspic
uously plumes the piuming
I livery steed, harnessed to tiiielv UP*
. holstered \el nlea—and a glistening sd
i ver plated casket in which t 1 ' west the
cold eiav clothed with raiment as cost \
la* the richest he wore when living.
Neither .s a pile of carved marble with
pee lie inscription set oyer the tomb in a
Iconspicuous corner lot in the city < t t ie
I dead, neoessarv for a Christian, buri.n.
'.. ns the tertnsgrave.coffin and shr. :d
been forgotten by c\cry body .' sm!.
parades as are called 'lino fonv rs - '*>'
gratifv tho v.tnitv of the living but no
res;wet for the dead demands them, and
' where decedent'* wUle i* limited ami
his dobU are not paul.or where he leave*
a fa mil v of helpless children the ex
pcim>s of an eh burials i ill not be allow,
ed out of his estate. Those who contract
for and enjoy such luxuries must pay for
them themselves.''
During our flying trip H>t week, we
.'ruck ujxon several old and esteemed
At Philadelphia we met congressman
Mackev, Judge Mayer and Hon. W tn. I'.
Scbell. Mr. Mackey had just arrived
from Montreal, in the Queen's domin
ions, looked fresh aud vig rous, and w as
iu one of his most pleasaut iaools. He
says that the Bald Ijgle UK. Comp.uu
is ready at any moment to build the
branch to Lemont, whenever the l'enn'a
t'o. lay the truik to I.etuont. Mr.
Mackey assured us even further, by sav
ing that the B. E. to. would build the
branch to I.cmont as soon as the l'enn'a
Co. gave OASURTMIY that they would build
the road to Lemont. Now as the Penn'a
lilt, has prennded all along that it w
onlv waiting (br the branch to be made
to Lemont, we do not see what isto hin
der them from it now. for "when you
put this and that together, it leaves no
hole for misunderstanding. Col. Mack
ey is president of the lb L. Kit., and has
a lr.rge interest In it, and vo take it
means w hat lie says and knows.
Col.Schell is a democratic candidate
fir Auditor General, and a very good
iuan too. and he feels sure of going into
convention with excellent prospects of a
nomination. We also came across Mr.
Tharp. at Milton, an ex-member of the
legislature, an incorruptible Democrat
and honest lawyer with whom we stood,
side by side at ILirrisburg, and voted
against corruption every pop. Mr. Tharp
was a bachelor at that time, but now we
met him joined to liis idol —a very es
timable lady—with command over two
younger Tharps. A lapse ofS years, and
a legislative experience of two years, we
found had left our legislative brother as
staunch a democrat and firm an enemy
of corruption, as when he was under
oath to be an honest legislator. We
found our whilom bachelor friend look
ing twenty years younger, and with in
vigorated health, all of which we credit
to his having added unto himself a bet
ter half.
We also came across Hon. Jas. W.
Quiggle, at Lock Haven, exvtata sena
tor, consul to Antwerp in Belgium, un
der Buchanan, and prince of the House
of M'F.lhatten near Wayne station and
the donor of the grounds upon which
the famous campmccting is annually
held. We had expected to ee some
more of the good men of Lock Haven,
but Mr. Quiggle held us so sj>cl!-bounJ
with a post-prandial relation of incidents
and interesting observations on the Ku
ropean continent, with which his mind
ia so richly stored, and which he can re
late in so captivating a manner, and to
wrhich we were a filling listiner for
three hours, until the locomotive whistle
warned us that the minute of departure
had arrived, and wo had to bid him a
reluctant good bye. Mr. Quiggle's
knowledge of Europe, its customs,
habits, institutions, and interesting in
cidents that came under his keen ob
servation, would jnako a book that
would be counted valuable in any
We met many other good friends
and acquaintances—with an addition of
new ones—of whom time and space w*ll
not allow us to make mention, all con
tributing to make our trip to Philadel
phia via Lewistown, and home via Mil
ton and Lock Haven most pleasaut and
' There i* no longer a doubt that Mr.
Llayes and hit lieutenant* intend making
a bold effort to capture tho organization of
tho next House. Tho log-rolling will bo
done at White Sulphur Springe, llayos
ba* engaged quarter* for July 10, and in
tend* to remain two wool* to superintend
tho work in person, lie will attract
nround him Matthews and Toiler and
Garfield, and many other retaintr* fiom
tho Republican ranks. It is understood
that Randall, Cox, Say lor, Walker and
Morrison will all bo present to hold the
Democratic forces in line against tho per
sonal persuasion and executive patronage
of Mr. II ayes.
Oieat Excitemeut at the Trial of El
der McGhee —Verdict of (Juilty.
Dixon, 111., June 13.—The trial of the
Rev. 8. H. McGhee, for the murder of his
wife is over. McGhee poisoned his wifo
with strychnine, in order, as is alleged,
that lie might tnarry Lorilla Paddock, the
pretty daughter of a rich farmer. While
in jail he induced his daughter Jennie to
sign u confession to the effect that she was
guilty of the criuie. Jennie afterward re
pudiated the cenfessien. On Saturday
McGhee stood a searching cross-examina
tion. The State's Attorney then opened
for the prosecution. He wa* followed on
Monday by tho counsel for the defence.
Then the special counsel for the State
made tho closing nrirurnont. During the
three put day* tho excitement has Leon
intense. People poured in from every di
ruction with horses and wagons. The
streets and side-walks were thronged, and
hundreds camped out.
Tnis morning the jury rendered a ver
dict of guilty, but fixed the punishment at
the lowest penalty for murder, fourteen
yours' imprisonment.
McGhee belonged to the sect known u<
•'Christians," and was pastor of a church
at Asbtou, 111. He was remarkably illiter
WW \ r IIK THIN h< 111 Til I IMb
BY \\ IIH II Til I Hid H I I I 1
PKKSIDKN r w as nor N r
Kl> OI'T
Kinging Ucinarks Itv Ihe Heal \ ice l
NKW \<>Kk. June I", Governor I'd- I
den made a hiief pe eh at t -ept.• n, *
of the M:uihatt.iu club t - night. \Hi i 1 v
alludil gto the depart.u. et t.oeviior
Hendricks to-morrow and wishing him j,
a good vovage ho ns-eited thut the men ,
eleele-l b\ the people ill the late pr<
dential iiUitest mHo uuti 1 -ut lb-'j
] would not b\ nil) word ol hi* dwarf --r .
' degrade the gieati-t wing iluit has t
slained our national am ..b in" - a ; i- j
sonal grievance. Ihe ultiinati c .
.nieinw* will. he -aid. extend t.i i \ei . ,
man of the four and a .puirter n. 11. • ,
who were defrauded ol llic in: ! • !!'• lit !
elective franchises, lie ... d the e\: - .;i (
gov -i nun glow bv • tcreN and bv ..
impunity, lliev >li>u< '. atti tin -w i
progiess. l'hey can never be luniti ! j
except by external 1> rev * It tl < men
in po>M'.Mon ot the govei nuient can in (
one instance maintain them-- v.. in ,
power against an adverse deei-1 n utile
elections audi an example w ill b>* inula- j
ted. l-\ie •• • ;
U> gtV c llie co.ol -f httg ait M pro-1,
tencx-son which to found ft if
. is.--us will not bawanting rhe wrong
will grow into a practice if ou e adon
ed. In the war! I's hi-t •> i!an,--in
the nuive-—ion <T g.i\-inments havt
' uNiiallv IH'I'H the lesult of fraud r h in,
It haa'been our fidth and our { -h it
we havl e.lahlished a lliod.e ■ I . ill ill
• (hung*to he worked out by the ugemy
1 ofthe ballot box.
1 The question now i-w he'.lu i n> ••
' I tire svs'.em In its snlisiaiice as ■;; ;i- t. 1
' form "is to be maintained. Tins is the
' question of nuestions. I util it i-tinal.v
' M-ttlevl there can lx> no p Utn - - founded
on inferior que-ti>n.- of admiiu.trntiv•
! policy. It involve- the fundamental
right of the people, j! in\ lv<- t!;-
elective principles. H involves the
' w hole system of |xipu!ar gov rimieiit
The twople must sigualiv condemn the
great wn-tig which DSa been it.'in- ! I
1 them. They must strip this example f
r everything that can attract iiuitatiops.
They must refuse a pr *;>erou- lauiiuiis 1
tv to crime. This is Uot ull. Ihe m - 1
f pie w ill not be aide to trust the author* .
t -r benetiinaries of the (w roiig to drvi-v
|he remedies. But when th -e whin ti- I
ileum the w roll,; shall have the powei
1 thev must devise the m.-.-.u.-s whiii.
■ shall render a repe'itmu of the wrong
1 forever impoesible.
If my voice could re t h thr -ngliout
our country atul be heard in ifs ri no -
I test hamlet, 1 would "Bo of g - li
e- cheer; the republic will live." l ite in-1
• sUtutions of bur fathers are not t- ex
pire in shame. i'ho sovereignty of tin
L> people shall be re-cue<l fi-'tu tit j ri! !
* and in nWliHiliiil Dntuneftil wrong 1
•. never appear, so triumphant a- on t:.t
I very eve of ita fall, rn veii ><i:- ago a
; corrupt dynasty culniinatexi i" its ; -w< r
l " lover t tie million of people who live in
a! New York city. It had c-nqtit r< d, ■
II bribed, or tlaitercd ami won almost I
k everything into aequio-cencc. It .i-
I pearel to be invincible. A year or tn
" j later its members wi re in the ; emu n
e tiarv or in exile.
History abounds j t) similar ex.-.i. ;>h
We must believe In right and in future j
a great and noble nati iw nl -t • v< r
3 its political from its moral life.
Mr. Hendricks having returned
g thanks for the honor doi- him. iillud- 1
. to the presidential eh li-ei ami said ' i <
result aa declared in ! uisiana and
Floridagt;d at Washing!•-n is u. .t, and
c cannot be made satisfactory to tin - <un
j try for obvious reasons; that it was n. t
trite; a jrrcat and sincere j.oi-lo will
0 rest their final judgement only up -a
a truth and never upon fraud, successful
r. through technicality. Even sh uld the
e Preside at and his cabinet adopt i ;..:t
, or the whole of the j olicica and pur
poses for which the deniiHratic party
'■ has been contepdingfar n.anv year - and
J which became so d -tinctly oetiiu-d la.*t
~ year, even that cannot remove or qu -1
J the public discontent. The dem :rat.
will make no factious oppition :: r
will they seek to enibarra— the ile f.u '
o administration but will -;:.-!.iin in
j what is right because it is r.ght and for
the welfare of the country and t.- t ..
0 because of any fealty t-> a j irty that
8 stands defeated and condemned I y the
y people. The people cannot all w tin-•
r selection oftheir i hie/inagi-trate to be
come a thing of chance or of sharp j . •
c tices. The fraud Jir>t triumphant in
■ \mericen history uiust he it.
- proper place among the crime- uguin.t
1 popular government and ma !e •< d. o
that no party will dare to it
repetition. He who i. eli ted I're- '• nt
must bo inaugurated. I'util that i et
'. tied and made sure no dci t-e
seduced fmtn his devotion and . !o>i
anct in snv way—not by the aiiurc
meuta of office, nor oven by the -ti : •
e appeal in the abandonment by tho ad
-1 ministration of vicious principles and
, dangerous policies and the ad-q t.ou of
better U< i trine and just measure.
' Democrats will not entrust their in- st
" cherished principh o to the keeping of
, power which is attained by vicious and
j corrupt means. Thev w ill rather con
tinue their faith in right of the majori
s ty to rule in accordance with constitu
* tional provisions. All democrats rejoice
1 with unbounded joy that free republi
can governments are once more allow
ed to the stati-s of Pc-utli Carolina and
' Louisiana. They rejoice in the g->f d
r fruita that must follow. They know that ;
t peace and good order will prevail : that ,
, capital w ill be made secure and labor ,
safe, contented and happy; that enter- j
1 priso will revive and the cruel burdens
. of the government and public n-rrup-;
tion will bo lifted from the sb >ulder. of j
labor and that production will increase
arul lands advance in price. But they
know in the language, of Governor
t Morton, it had become inevitable.
, government in the states was not a free i
offering upon the altars of the country.
For years the democrats had contended ,
' in congreaa and before tho jieople f-r
r free republican state, throughout the '
I south atid tinallv it became inevitable. :
because the right and truth were t->
strong to be longer suppressed. In this
democrats find reas- nt ; stand more
firmly with their jiartv. Out of power '
with no patronage to dispense and no
irotiey to distribute but animated by a
spirit of our institutions and inspired by
tue sentiment of the rights of local self
government as inherent in the people, "
the democratic party during the past I
ten year* has restored one state after a
another until now the tread of soldier is r
heard in no legislative hall, but in eve- ,
rv state tho people are governed by law -
of their own making and by officers of
their own choosing. Mr. Hendricks
concluded with the declaration that this :
occasion had more than a personal i
significance. It proclaimed that we had
nosectional sentiment; no eastern or „
western policies. The east and west f .
and south were one; a wise and just
policy would alike promote the pros- 1
perity of each.
run. I
IMttsburg, June 14.—'The intelligence
of numerous great "strikes" in the now
Bullion ru?i and Summit petroleum re
gions, and the announcement of tho em
barrassment—if not actual failure—of
Frederick Prentice, president ofthe Pro- (
•hirers' consolidated Innd and petroleum
company, are creating an excitement in
the oil trade greater than it has expert- "
enced for a long time. The leading h
operators have regarded witliconsidera- 1!
bio anxiety the continued heavy de- u
preciatiou of petroleum production in ~
the old districts, and have awaited with
great interest the development* at N
Bullion and Summit. Thesuccessftil re- "
suit of the operations at these places has
restored the confidence of the oil men, e
who now generally agree that Pennsyl- n,
vaniu's important and valuable petro
leum interest exhibits no sign of flicker
ing out, as there was an indication atone
time would be the ease.
Several wells iu the newly discovered Si
districts are spurting forth the oleagin-
oils compound st the rate of l,f>no bar- o
r Is per day, while a number of other t |,
wells aro doing between and .'MI
barrels daily. The aggregate prodm■- j
tion of the crude article reached be-1
tween 32.tK.0and 33.<"<K) barrels perdiemj
and tliis will now allow a good perc< !, t s i n
age of the oil to be stocked. t'j> to tlujl;
lime ofthe ULW strikes a heavy drain, dn
XX'm ln'ill;, InHili' llp"ll llie l.llik'il oil.
I his xx ill [ : l-ftl i' ■ ' |■, I ft till tin J
.'.•'in mil 1 i;• j •■! K llto IP' 1 i'•
i miii.iiili'N I'lii'(' >htt i!>in r.i'iilnit r.itn ■
j'fttiv luin transported HI,OOO barrels,' j
while il* ft ink oil luiiul in lun ~
n-L. The i"million of the • (lic i'iu i x |
iug iMUirftllU'K i* <• on til v 1. Willi t
. ii oIU tit I'i'Oinl • Ii i tin' fill i.r.
ll XI.!1 1" ti till l.l'l'll'l tlllll I 'l."ll I
tin o ,* 'll scheme tv.i i riptiH'i ill \ tin- ii
IVxtts anil I'lentloe ei'inj'ilttie* to form n I 1
combination to niottopolixe tin' pro'lne- "
turn, transportation, it lining aiul mar- 1
klllllg of Oil. As till* I'll jll't M.I- t • '
111 Willi \;. 1 .i| tii', 11' '• op* rilled ,
with)*) -I'Vi" ill ]'fiiiiiJ-. I trunk ' in mil
i iii.lm, tlio I rtri'kmni . .perulom, reliiiera
ttnil . the!- interested MIU npprehen- *
MW of encr. achttlMits lijn ti tin' bit* i
It'll:!* ant: iiinH'iufiit oftlm origioti ol t
t! i- c ml'iimi nil ricaled Mii|riao in 1
' tllie t ill'll tills lifts Roll lu ill ItlCU'il- "
. It n-lohl-! Un lit I V Mo' latlu'l OI: X- 1
|n\tul ninlit.uMing statement that I red-
fiii U I'ti'iitiw lia* faile. 1 . I'liia isil*- ( ,
man, \ lii> i i■*i**l tul Willi I - *ng one if .j
tin* ili.ii |*i -t ftinl "lit* wdeat oil, railroad
mill I ; inv;latort, no ft central,
l'ighii* in tin' i-r .jK * .1 i iflgni! cent
hitiirimi !■ . nlro! the xa*-* petroleumi f
openllooi ol tin- state. 11 in what out I
In* learned tin- i xtciit i ! tin" failure n •'
great, and all of Jdr. iTciitici s mli ri •isj '■
..ii ui' 10 or ii - ailed oil. Tin liabih j*
lit m re - : *:••:.!. 1 11' hi'.wteu
ami | t'll.Oi' > Tllii XX-JU give check to ,
the eatnl Haiucnt of ll .• j i j - * I cm-;
ti.i •( on, lut it n-ttu ■ lie lit it will l'ii iM
m.. iu <>i /m: I. t /.> ; R oma.\ ■
J:, nil. it /-•//.
iiiiii'.ioiii.t Mtnne- itft Courier.]
t Vir r.r*ixx •• x il!<- - *!••; n.lent sends
it- an ;■ ji'itaiit Item in the death ol ,
. .tuix \\ lofti-e, tin n'ctiatrd Amen*
out: giant* -- lor uiaiiy xi am she Id ,
■i x led xx i'.h i iretiM-i mul 1 i came xx !i )
ki. ix n tin ughout the i untry
lit largcot woman in Ihv world, Mn, ■
Klltll loft! 11. '.'.no* I ftntiy W all.l e, tlllll
a'. \ eriior. county, V\ iscoiiiii, Julie* S >t
She xx a* tiny-four yean old, sex i-n feet ,
; mr inches m height aud weighed t.x.
tl'.llldreil ,iHit eighty llxe JKMUiIs. slot r
■ illII XI ill li i .11 til: ! VTL- -I'. and XX' a* *
sexi-n feet eg lit iuehei in length, tliri e L
t'li-t - x inches in dej'tli, ft fti hit wide 1 1
at the centre, laeiilv four incht-i at !■ j t
head, mil txx Miiv-tliree lnclu • ..i tin.-
foot. It rt ijuired eu'lit tueti a ith Ll.*k "
and tftikJe to 1 oxer the remrtins into the 4
e. She xx:.s a kind, go !, lit iv'hbor, j
,i loving uiother, and xx .i*> bel vi .1 to all
xvho knexx her. Kii-'xxing that -he ift-,|
i xitftblv *diutile oil the tiioiul • oil.
all the 111- ...rx I'll tail . were 11
made, mid die do ! m. in k I ly hri
f.iu :l> and many frondi* haj-jiy, e>n-i*
tented, xxith an tinrl .iken 1 i-lii fin her
a 1 opted religion, xx!.. h that of an 1
* ' *
DKKKAT OK i 111 ll KKS.
The Ku -iaii C'i in tiitraliug Tit ir
Tr • i !n; r x• t Movt " :
j Jiilc . I .to ill J|* Ikbi *ft 'in
It;. *vy f. '.t ir g ; . j . " V I ■- ■.*.
Turtukol, bat the n ulli x n the in ic* J
jby xvhieb the etii'ti ;. no t si br ugbt
t .4' -it*r ■ !.< ;".-<i fit- N . rri - ', . nda'i'.r ,
I - ; .it. • - ui titi *. .1: i * fort.male
i tg t l*: t -ii' ■! th .t ' g
c\*. '. i • tin* te!egr*i h t > -.! their
r. .. : rft ! hi. i- (i •11 1I > . • Ni.
batxhut tl Xi-TX* avenue bv XX h:.'dij
emeu ' : the A .'.beeiu mr gr.'t m *vo ot
hi rti y cn jjet K*llxv.i)i pot
r ftd'.tl. tch-grai'b V. .*. mul even th.
amtl 1 it- ute e. N't hi* wi." r?i p. The
very fact ef tin" lilinc* tli< ;* i of x.r
indicati* t • i'liHoii. i<e i f great tvenU
Heary rannoffttlmg x<*i going on du"-
ing Friday at F • it Miratin, >i!u*t<d b<
low Kuxtchuk, sr I nt ltshova, dawn t!.'
river, a hrt 4btUN If- nx W'iddin.
W hi' • r tl. : M '. bv T .r.i 1
or Kuti.mi l *lter:e i> no', rt.iti-d. Iberi*-
foro the CBiinonadi' < may hive been fir
thof'i'l' -of mi* in? :*n n:t- mj't at a
I:. -ft(t . f the river at > 'lie " 1 "int,
or it mar ! ax- bmn the I" gii-.iiß of a
rreat battle n*. Rmtl' r • I Kb'
I. i d 11, J . IT. Renter * V tat ti*
i:> pie diiyste! re; o*tr that t! e c ;*
i tia! trial i f tl.-' f ■ eri if t! • f .n! u! Sa^,
ZMuiuha.haa c loclodod a- i•*' it It •
beliered tiia". pflwtttn x*ill bo MtlMCtl
to t'O h. t.
receive i f. -in S.lnv. .■ - are •'.halt .en
j x*a a '.iiig iii tj ei gii, • ti.ei.t. i■' r
j throughout Saturday, betwi-cn lo.ltX)
I Turk* fti.'i i.i'-O Mwi.ti i" gr.r -. at H*: '•
j glari. Tbo Turk* wra defeati<l and i tit
*ued ti Sj".*, cav ng 2.W dead < nt c
C-rotanti:.. i !e, Jm ■ IT A telegram
from Mnk.Mar l*ab:i, dated the l'ilh inxt.,
•ay* th* Alatch'jn. rd.i divitien, which
tlaricd f: in Xelibaba oil an offemive re
connuittatico in the dir< > tion of the Taber
I s, was at'ai kid by i' no Ru--iali i -, but :< j'ul't-u m. wit li h- .ivy i •,
:d r five bour'd'-perate fighting Mehc
met l'a! a. commanding t-° Turks, waa
killed. The Turks returne I to their f r- j
mer position.
1. : . :, J i T T! e nexx • fr. in V *?•• 1
I tonegro u contradictory. Mebeinct Ah ;
l'aha tolegrajiiis, under dute ofSalurday, <
that 1.0 defeat, la corj i f Mcnlencgrint
who xvero concentrated on th< rond from |
Kile hin tto I.ivaraUa, Sclavonic a lvcc, j
via li-gu*a, rt | rc.ient lliat Mohenut At i
l'ft.i a ha* b*-en coiftpit tely defeat- 1 ntTr :
the Joi :,ka river. The M- ntuiiegrin* ,
pursued him, burned all to Turkish ,
vil'ngi in the Wursayevmh district, and i
the Turks have been einipellnl to com* '
pletclj I'vacuat" Montenegrin tcrri!"
r> '
rate ti >riio ol the (.larriM.ii of 0
London, Juno I s —Tin* llcral.l corros
pendent at St. Petersburg telegraphs that
advices from headquarters in Armenia re
port that the garrison of Kars hns made ,
another desperate sortie. The Russian
right xx ing, under (ifneral lleincman, re*
jiulsed tlic Httack mid inflicted sevore loi*
so* on the Turks. The flrt onslaught of
tlio Turks was very furious, but the Jlus
*isn troop* met the attack xvitli great stead- v
ine-s. The Uu*ein cavalry at Kugola
succeedi 1 ill turning the Turkish flank ;
and rear by u bold moveuienl. The figiit*;
nig xx as very bri*k, but the I.ISJUS
not great on either side. I lie 'lutks lost
200 men und tlio Russians 100.
The Turks Dcsertiog. i
Hundred* if Turkish soldier* are de
serting, oxving to the ill-provided condi
tion of the army. Their condition is de-j'*
scribed as groxving daily worse and xvorsc. b
Tin y are poorly fed and clothed, and are '■
in xxanl of almost every necoasary. ui
♦♦ ♦ h
Robert Richer, aged 40, for along time y
clerk in the Quartermaster General's "Hi- w
[•c, quarreled with his wifo about her eat'a*
md kittens breaking doxvti his floxvers, jc<
Hid remark : "If you don t keep thoso kit-1 te
ions out of the garden I will kill them.' pi
llin wife answered, "II you do, Ixx ill t.-ar fa
ip all your tomato vines," Richard ini- li
ned iatoly began to beat tho cut, and his
aife to tour up vinos. Richard then plac*
id arc volx er t" his head, und exclaiming, Hr
■ You I'P me," shot himself and instantly tl I
■xpired. 11c was appointed from .Mi**
our I.
. ♦ . pr
l'elcr o'ilrii ii and Roger Donoliue were : v
by lightning about three o'clock on ■
iaturilay afternoon, while standing umici iu
tree about four mill • south of Columbus, j'
)hio, seek in" sbe'ter during a beavv | '
Inn der stun i < Rii-ri'.-boots w ere Isnct- -,
v torn by the i hti g and a slight emi-lpu
i sioii xvas found In I * breast. 'I lie I eel! if
I>. notiue s let 1..' i was torn • i! but i - lin
mi. • " b dy. R"tli were t.. marriedjUi
, • The .igl'tiii:.:- all" stl k .-ex "ml, IM
■ libiingr in C'lumbu*. hit no serirn, hii
uinngc resulted. I J'C
Kliiiu imill it.
For wi I! nigii a .pi irlri of a i ntnrx,
Eli bu Ilut iit has been la mi Early k wn in
1. country ami i.ui.po as iho "U-ariu-i]
I'lhi .. iniih lie was iecltiier, edit'-r,
iii| "ran' <• 111'caie. founder of the
1 Ngti' "f llrollictliood i
II wrsti* iiiucli, und in hi> priiue was a
uriii of nil! ionci*. He owe I tu* ce'.nbrili
prim |'i> 'y to his womlerliil aplituili for
c |i,iiing 'angliagiis While wmking at
i bint .smith, ha loafed Eatin ami Greek,
I MIICII, <iciinun, Spaliiih ami llaliai
in. tl>. II he has u.i|uil' I nllil.ut the d. .
lite 'Ti.'.' ' fspoken language*, nt ,! maiix <
. ! iliim- wbicb tiaxp now only aii intcre*. |
to the stuilent lit* .• n.-t ullo in hi* old >
tig• , but ha> j'. >l ! loslicl aSaiisi'lipt gram*
.it niiil i early c lopieti'd gian umrs ol
[lit. II ndi'tlM cc nut P.Kinli, and i* I'll
gaged "i"' - 1 Iho 'Lurk nl> I'h at l>
i-ti. ugh 1 ' itufy any rt*a'>nab!o dux un r
ci langUßg', tut Mr Huiiil pi |."a* I"
1.1 .< up > i it the A rah.. , Hebrew, Syria*
itui I tli.p|o. a woii'lt'ful phiK) "gu al
' at, il lioliXeiln III" stllj'lltll it Mi-r -I*
11liti i diiii!' bel"re it
!'l< i* lt'iiiisiiiiili Astf" lomtt I lit
nnon County.
There eom- to be another be.idos Ilur
• ■ v, o it entitled to tlie api" lotion wliirli
I .1* to I "!g lu'Oll p\p|ul*e v Ilia own. A
correspond* ir ot the N.-ft A ork n*uii n*
I. und hi . at Shciidai , Lebanon lounty,
an-! *i i iti i the lo!loxs'ing interesting ac
.. iint "I ! ui to tliui i.i'wtpap. r. Mr.
It .I- ll •' < B't r Ui 'Hi al obn rva (
its bu Ituer a a such n pi puiat
it: ".lica in l!iu f"Ulitry, that lh< f.llou
11.. ii hxx ill be read with iuteri at:
"i ) aro arc tid manv blackaiotl! n*troh*
. n.r * 111 11 ' lit.'! Id, Ael fieri) i*l this ljU •'
it .. - x lag-- II tl'" x alley Lt'anon 1
ii four. ! - i.e. probably th" only one in
: . I lot d a man who to day
uiak i e astronomical calculation* for n
Ut!> *"i d fa ouii ai i laker.*, and wli
11p!i.\ s lis** other ! i if of In* time m inak*
in. lion spoon*, ladiis, iiorte tboe* and
>• in r art I t- "f I lie hlai k tin it • trade, ills
,' tr i- ■„• Hid t-.. I'sy ea . ida'.loii* do liol
: on i s !'i -lit s.,iii to ( ipport i
mse!! slid fat .dy, and hciu-o bo p 'und*
ui .! n*hi<-!. red. n •. iron for a livhhooii.
lliftl - t!ie k!' d of an.all EiXxriluO J
1 bach is
Jutl '7 mile, ipoiu New A'ora by wax
,-! A.ieiit'iu ii i.iiie, toward llairitburg
is a Stat "ll on tile htbUN Valley Rati
r. :. ! ■ aiiiid in honor ut gallant little I'hil
Sliernlar. It i> at- it thirtx-fixo mile*
• ial t Hafri.t.urg and leunfMn wet of
Kiadii g From Si.eridan vour i-orre*-
p i. lent rode two miles inland to the xib
luge ol N| XI rnalulowi It ft as late 111 tie
alleim>"ii xxhen the jolly (iermaii dr.ver
dt* a rein arid came li' a hall in front of a
little low country blacksmith khop on the
1- a street of the VI" tg' 1: Was a dingy '
; ' ro ketx ty anxl btais. AHI nil
p. •' of - a! ami a lot - I •' raj- iron were ly
ig iur tbu door. '1 lie tiriklir.g Song of
ike uiiyil and hammer was heard. The
i ( i id, and a tall, well-built man
app* ar*d. ,
Nothing im, 'g, Mr Uuili, ' -aid the ,
w . s "only brought a •trang.r to seel
X ' . > '.st I.aX e a wttfi V"U "
Ift hour* afterwards, by ai'poiutnient,
1 ..•,* in the study ut this riit'ii remark ate I I*. ft ai as ..g ~.r apartmenl ay of! I
ere . i'-niivy l\anift. 1 lie wads xi< r<'
but g with map* and tbe corners of the j
' 111 - -I.' allied pi .sLI Ift .K. A!.ft '
b: .1 table * in the middle of the room.
•••'• 1 large e. p. oil tamp was diin.y burn
. ; S.veral beautiful globes, t-feganUy
mounted were on tbe table The ran
pattered ineissalitly i>n a skylight above
A ~rg to n*: l. lcsOope was Tying on a
.... u Al" Il.rr, "tl at' autllul skal.d, wa*
n* at i' * I >.t An old t'biin is work otij
astronomy I! a raf" relic, lie bu* an I
print of M"i.tucla, rec> utiting obsurxa !
.. in thai ft'ero I. Pfts*'.- '<o}ii.n ag. lie
'.J- I n ft. .. I ? ee ,'f ThalM nr.d Met"::.!
'i t. i'lo '■ in IPS are represented. He has a
ark : In- 'Tge of I'tii-rbarh, an aslron •
inert f the Austrian d iuiiuons, born in
11'.". Ais ofJ. bn Mui'erafKoiiigsborg
f: •< m a p.-us* the first g< J and
< iiil"'.'- E*idi< n.ern). He it n great stu
■ I :"' N hoi.** Coper . eul, born in 14*:'
.. -e of t \ cho Hrabe, a lisne burn in loo'.
I . i >r f Galileo. Htdyet i.- ll iy
g> i • Nexxt.xn K*-; !er, Haliey. Itonguer.
M per In • la c'adle, I'obias Mayer 1
i .e. i.aiftl'trt, fculer, and many < tiler* of
u ;.t. r date are on the *l.ilve and table,
lie !...> . lißrts, ir.ttruinenU, skeud.e*, nut
Ent-s "fa rand wi'id currents, and very
i:.y o:l:er articles pertainir.g to tb.s
bra i id ii.t tiusiiu'si And all these hid
* a ax-here in the rear por'on ..fa two-sto
ry frame house far fr. m tbu habitation of
" . <*, art, *>r letter*.
M: It * hi fifty-eight V'-ara of ng>.
He -v*s ! rn in Allentown, lh-nnsylvani*,
and in all rvspi-cta i* a self.made man as
'.ir i be has got Ift sj'l-.ftks English,
(■ :i * , Spanish, French, and s ne lta.-
Ho i furnishing thirteen larga es
'.at'lishmenls with astronomical calcu'a*
t" ns, iin ■ .id* ng several nowsi ipers in
New t rk for theirnimauac*. His caicu
it :i>tor!* i were " ado two years ago
Ti. ■ I r IfiTA are finished and translated
iU to four Innguagesy and in a few days MI..
be.: nt away. Ihe i a.eolations for ]i?<
h ivc been cotnmeni e J.
In tho morning iho astro': >m< r works
with 1. • telescope, charts, and instru
ment-. Intbeatiern- n he shoes lu rtcs. naiis, hammers iron im - lailes and
sj' si. und bids tune t" instruct bit
,g: r and . -r> L. the cvenir.g
!ie entertains his wile a- i Utile ones, and
never la It to j.< s two hours th Lis
.-. Ho translated escalations go as
far as Si il'i America. Ho is in r rre--
|M>! 1. ncu with many of th-S leading rnmds
. tr. noruy in this < our.lry.
I' . h w .t to school until fiflet •; year*
fag., a", i xi * then appl. Nt . - i to thi
!>lai u .mi! 1 trade. At the age of twelve hi
h g*n 1..0 study of astronomy, and r. ad
•uu n on the subiret after working hours.
A Fri: chman named (lancard payed
s in*.* alteiitii n to his educat. n. Ibach
cry' I his apprcntii e-l ip in full. Attliir
ty x • ars ofag" he fell heir to a large lot
nitrumcnts. the j r j rty < f *n aged as
tr ■ "iner. Ibach determined I • iearn the
l-rof* ..;sn ft •• d<ad man. He worked
.ii' sanlly, and fiaal y gained his point,
lie hat grown gray in his work, and it is
an absolute fact that one-fourth of th<
I t-ople, i:i a cinuit of twenty mile- around
tins Jr- ary country, arc not aware of the
I resume of this p.ilosoplur of the stars,
ar.d yet he has lixod among them twenty
xi irs. They know him urilv a* a smith
und a il.trrna ;ucler— a l't nr.sylrania
G'-rman term for star ga/.or He is well
informed on currct.l t 'pi< *. 1 was shown
the first page t lTbe manusi ript of a new
book ■ n astronomy he is about to issue
Ho als. p in ted with |>rideto a lot ofshov
i-in ai d tren ladles and spoons hi* had
made during tho day. Ho is a grnius in
no small way. and is completing a tele
scope larger than any in the state. All in
all, he is a wonderful man. hid away here
in tho country, *olnng the problems cf,
the star* and planets, and shoeing horns
and doing ctticr work in a blacksmith
The attention of persons holding unrc
cor led deeds, is directed to tho provisions
of the Act of Assembly, which requires.
"All deeds and oonvoyances for real es
tate in this Commonwealth, shall bo rei
. filed in the office for Rn orJing Dc ds in
the county where tlio lands lie, u-it'nn siu
-. if/is after the eicculion'of such deeds
and conveyances; and every such ilced
and conveyance not recorded as aforesaid,
shall bo adjudged mat. PI'LENT ASDVoIU
Rgaii st any culisequent purchaser for a
vnlliable consideration unless such deeds
bo recorded before tho recording of tl.a
died or conveyance under which such;J
subsequent purchaser or mortgage shall!
Those holding unrecorded deeds will seel
the importance of having them recorded!
without further delay.
• ♦♦
RATIICK OLD Fouiau.—Tho York True w
Democrat says : Thoro is a man io New
bury township, this county, named Jacob'
;ihr ri .-ton. He is a large farmer, wealthy,!
inJ in no hurry to gothia work done. Ho' h
ins now 10 acre* of unshockcd corn stand
ng in the field in shocks from la-t year's
field. He intends to shock tho corn next
week, llis wheat and outs of last year are
is yet unlhroslied ; has still 13 acres of
•orn land to plow for this year, and IIOJIPS
o plant in Juno; he has 00 barrels of
Time cider on hand, ownsgood buildings,: |
>0 lings, 80 ihcp xvith other stock, is com
unlcd and hajipy. mid don't cure whether
etical keeps or the niater courts the "]
•iris. It is evident that ho don't oxpei ' ' i
ho world to end this your, ami when the
ngcl Gabriel blows his trumpet, it will
Ind him just goUinjc ready to harrow,
• i •
Mr. Daniel F. Realty, manufiicturQi and tfi
ifoprietor of tho Rentty l'iano and Rent- ]-
y'a cclebriileil Gulden Tongue I'arlor Or
alis, Washington, N. J , is certainly nt _
cry rensonabi.' and generous liinii to trans-
I'tT'iisincsf with. He makes this veryj
ir projiosition to any who may favor himjd
,'ith an ordc, n - fid lowa :"ll tho instru-l
unt doc- 'i"l prove sati-factory ntAor a, j
ot trial of live dn.v iller receiving it Iho! J*'
urelm money xvi 11 be refunded up-n tliej,,, 1
i-liirn of tho iii-fftif'iont, and ho will pay "
eijrht charges both ways ' This <• #r ,
linly xr >*xc--Jing, generous, and safe in xvbi* Ii to transact business xx ill* 1 *t
int. He warrant* hi* instruments for sixl t
ears. See hit> advorliscmcnt. Ju!y2o.y
All tlx* beat talent, e*pei-lancc and a-lvantaa®" w,
, d . can ocmmsnil.- .ntlnued at OAK H ALI ,to |KMIHCO tl.e
Al A HE9T and CHEAPEST CtXlf H!Nf furmsiiiwUxy k| A
Foe at *ts**n yaarn wn t.a vn ii vd at tlte i t ' >rnc r .f
Q SIXTH and MaHILIT, and tr.e l.usuias* d>w thuvhi- i O
bean ao *atifctory to Uie public And ouraelvea, liiat we A
liuve (tsnids I not to climiyo or move the CtotJiiixp/
busiiisss away The poopls likslha plaes sad xvs likaw O
I leftse ttxn peopt* , anil wi,eve thai we can <to Ii A
bettar tfion ever al the old plaot. I
Tlio aalea of the j wit year far aurj.aatod anythm > T
v.*e ever tlr>,i*mact of. ar.ii lliie i u'a t ii 1
•tart t. '.pi my) of IBTT with a rji.L. fi a
OF riUCIIS. an s a ctae* fg Oil.-sus -nt '
not afrwlil to follow ea- .1 > ile v*!th oui Wt - '■ "
r . Ivs l*i !' thi goo>l- tin /ol .1 an t.a -'t ve. t . Jk ■
rui'.ointr th jmi ney pa 1
Ttxo kicra hst tseen largely refittrd, aint there never Q
was *ueh a spltndid *tork of Mm'* Boy'and Children A
clothing under the roof, nor were ws ever v. c!i *• y
eheaply. Our word for it, and we are jrour friende of Q
sixteen At re. A
W 11, sii \ a M'F AItL AN E
i*. il. 'ft'lLaOS. Kol. i M ruUt.k.Mi
muNm, rx '
IV have oj.cncil n rn xv and cumplet*
to* k b"if .1 in N x- Yuri. 'II* 1..
iripliiO, from tho maßuiftCturirrs frum :.rst
hands at exlrcmt ly lew j.rices, x*h. !i xx"
will toll at thi "*sest bottom jir.ces. ft li. ■
we xx ill give tin- pi. pie the ndvanteg" of
Wc say and xxii! ta'.isfly that ft" ->r< tfi-
Cheajiert Hardware Store in thee uu
tiy. We have a complete >k" k
of itaugry, Heaters, Parlor
and Cook Stoves. Each
Htova guarantCiil
to give autisi
faction in
evi (
erv respect.
liar-iron, NaiU, I
Hore-hotA, Norway
Nail lioiir, v.arruuted of flic
b< st tjualify, Wc ciaitu wc have '
the i xst Pure I*ea<i, Oils, Colors, Var
ever olfcri J and the cheapest. Our
■- ■
Have erected a r.ew liIIAIK ELEVATOR on their Coal Yard and aro buying Rrain
in cah on dclircry, for
t'nloudinc i done mote on-il v u*d more promptly than any other* place in town
which makes the NEW ELEV Al'OK the most desirable place to *ell grain.
The only dealer? in Centre County who sell the
W! 1 Li Ki E Si Hi A 11 Hi E Ci Oi A L
. from the old Baltimore mines. Also
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly for house use. at the lowest prices
which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to he as good a lertiliaer as an
other plaster. , „
Respectfully announce that they are prepared to do all kinds of work In their lino
>f business, in the neatest and best style. All kinds of
Cuh binning a specialty. All orders hy mail receive prompt attention, and satisfac
ftfjfWSr* CI„r S mo.l
Spring Mills, Pa.
Chns. H. Held,
iloelt, Walebinakcrd'Jewelei
Millheim, Oenfre Co., Pa.
AL kln.tsor CL'I-KS Wsirhit •>'•! Jewelr)- <*F !"*
'tsvftl atx li'H, its air IIi Mdraiitlllr f*ati*n' CBi^iidTl
uu Lb. | rov!4<nJ ro.b f lUo ioinlh
nddny s*i this month ••<* MIHIL on iu fac, nhlflta uj
Arrantut) a * * 14m*' *wier.
Olorka Watchrg ftml.fouo'.i. < H •) >rt no
tg and uarranUMl
t?f m. i* wilson". aito-no ,x; ,
W Reliefonto I'a. OlKco in Mrs. Ron 1
r's R aiding, RullclonU' I'a. i
Slock of Coach auJ Wagon Mate
rials an.- of a very superior quality,
an<l rl.i-.ip, We will sell Saddlery
goods as low as they can buv them
in I'hila. Wo will keep all kinds
of Farmers Implements, Cultiva
tors, Shovels, Plows, Pumps. Pic
ture Frames, Moulding, Mirrors,
Toilet Setts,
Children's buggies, Wagons of all sit
es, Oil Cloths, Tubs, Huck
eta, and Churns,
We have
u Tin Shop, Mr.
Smith, foreman, in which we
manufacture all kind.* of Tinware.
Spouting made and put up of the beat
quality of tin at the lowest prices.
Call and -te us and wc will substanti
ate what wc advertise, as wc shall
lakepleasure in showing our slock.
1 looms No. 7 and 8, liumcs H'ock, f>
doors north ef Pest Office, Bellefonte.
Lincoln llutlcr .Powder, utakes but
ter sweet luniliarJ, and <juickcr to churn
Try it—for sale at Wni Wolfg stole.
i ,
Donlist, Miilhelm.
OffrrabtaprotoslnnslM nl.e.lortie public. It* U
! r | t u> ;-v rforui a.! operations in tu dwutal pro
loon lon.
lit - LOW fv.Uj prepared to eitrctlteUiab"lntely
without pulu. myH.7Jt/
S. &. A, Loeb.
We r selling- CA RPKTH AT CTS
We era .el ling CARPETS AT M CTH
Wo nr.. telling CARPETS AT'AJ LTS
We ere telling CARPETS AT 25 CTS.
We h r selling OA HI'K.TS AT % CTH. i
W are selling CA UPETB AT % CTH. .
We selling I NGN CARPTB ftl 30e
I Wo en ..lling— ING'N CAJCP'TS t 30c.
j We ere telling -INO'N CAKP'TS *I3U .
We ere tolling INORAINH AT £5 cents.
We ere Hilling INOK AI NS aT 36cenu. ,
We ere telling INGRAINS AT 115 cents
We ere Milling- Damvsk hell <k tUir cer'U
We ere sailing—Damask hell A lvir cer'l#
We ere Milling— Damask bell A tUir car U,
Wo are selling—Superfine Ingrain el 75c.
We ere ttlling—Superflne lngrait et 75c.
Wu are selling Superfine Ingrain et 75c.
We ere tolling Tapestry UrusseLalfi I,o'
j We ere telling—Tepettry Brussels llfl.OU
Wo sre selling -Tapestry Brussels at SI,UU
We ere telling- - Ladies' IVilmans el s2,!d)
| Wo are tolling- Lmliet' Dolmans at
I Wo ate telling —Lediet' Dolment at $2,50
We are telling— Indies' Dolmens at ff*,oo.
We ere telling— Ladiea' Dolment at $5.00.
,We ire selling Ladies' Dolmans at $3,00.
■ We are selling—Lediet trim'd hats at J 1.00
We are telling—l.ediet trim'd baU at sl.(*>
We arc selling—Ladies trim'd bate el SI,OO
Wo are tolling—Ladies trim d baU atsl,so
We ere telling—Lediet tritu'd heUat $1,50
We ere telling—Ladies trim'd halt at $1,50
We ero telling— ladies trim'd baU at $2,00
We ere telling- Ladies trim'd haUats2.ool
We are telling—Ladiei trim'd halt at $2,00 i
He are telling— Ladio* Shoos at SI,OO
He are selling—Ladiea Shoe* at $1,0(1
He are telling—LadieaShoeaatsl,oo
He arc selling—Ladies Shoes at
He are selling—Ladies Shoes atsl,2s
He are telling—Ladiea Shoes at $1,25
He are telling—Ladiea'Button Shoes
at $1,50
Ho aro selling—Ladies'Button Shoes
at $1,50
He are selling—Ladies' Button Shoes
at $1,50
He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents.
He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents.
He are selling—Calicoes at 3 cents.
He are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 cts
He are wiling—Spool Cotton at 2 cts
We are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 cts
He are selling—Drew Goods at 8 cts
He are selling—Drew Goods at 8 cts
He are selling—Dross Goods at 8 cts
Ha are selling—New Spring Plaids
at 10 cents
He are selling—New Spring Plaids
at 10 cenu
He arc selling—New Spring Plaids
at 10 cenU
He are selling— Men's Plough Shoos
at $1,25 <
He are sclliug—Men's Plough Shoes
at $1,25
H'e are selling—Men's Plough Shoos
at $1,25 i
H'e arc selling—Men's Gaiters at $1,50
H'eareselliog—Meu's Gaiters atsl, 50
He areselliug—Meu's Gaiters at $1,50
In fuel wo sre selling everything at
prices that will convince all thst we have
touch ml the very bottom—no trouble to
show goods for the purpose of comparing
prices N. A A. LOEB,
u i-iToKra. r*.
Das been recently thoroughly renovated
and repaired, ana under inu management
of the New Proprietor, Mr. K. |). Mr
, OOLLUM, formerly of Pittsburg, Is first
class in ell lu eopointment*.
Are offered to tbote in attendance et court
and Hhsn
days eta time.
The largest aud moat superbly Designed
Hotel in Centra! Pennsylvania
All modern conveniences. Go try tbe
Bush house,
1'•*!' F■ D. McCOLLU M, Proprietor.
Having opened rooms on the 2nd floor
of Was Wolfs warehouse, be Is prepar
ed to manufacture ell hind* of men's and
boy's garments, according to tbe West
styles, and upon shortest notice, and all
work warranted to render satisfaction. .
Cutting and repairing done. "sept y
Best flour for sale by the sack.
JOHN F. J'OTTER Attorncy-at
" <• OolloUMi rfMeUi ■sat*' **d WMUI
alter, lUm "• b, Uiut Vadas Uada at ptopmrU Sat
Mia. Will draw • *ad U. >- ulwtlul,'..'
keisu". Sa liitt la Ut SliattS. aorta aula ef
tv# eaart W'wm Hottataata aetSSWtf
RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allowlnter
eat; Discount Notes; Buy and
Hell Government Securities,
Gold and Coupons.
Wu Wolf, Wm. B. Mivolk.
Pres't, Cashier
No 6 Brockerhoff Row.Bellefonlc.Pa
Dealer* la Drug*, ( hemtea U|
Perfaatery, Fancy Gaadk Ar.|
Pure Wince and Liquors for medicr
purposes aitaavt kept may >l. 72.
j fliers his arviea to tka eitixcos of
Outre county in
lloitwc, Man and Ornamental
Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders
respectfully solicited Terms reasonable,
i ** >t>r
Harness, Saddles, &&
1 TV. nlweiaM. <ll rnrlol tr. AtM IM poyaUr
S—aS im Im pnmm . i ■■>■"*lll **Ut IV* itu,
ISM U IV* imVUa a*ai*fcS T
•MtSanSeikMUeaaL DaaSca Vasfvctilr la*
IV* v* w* M< IV* llait. tk* l*rjr*.t aad aM ..n.d
uU mi I*l* mrbm *4 aadrfha. SUreaaa. Catlan.
IMwSIm. .1 mn inula'"* evd tea Ills; WVap*. said
I la (act tterUta a* —*** Saas ataaa anVtuS.
, m*al. a* Mom aCsta aj mrUrnrn *hu a ;L .vl IS.* Uan
Jicub DUMIKfi Cttln Hall
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store ha
been opened by tbe undersigned ia Cts
ire Hall, where be is prepared to sell al
kinds of Building ana House Furnishing
Hardware. Neils, Ac.
Circular and Hand Sawa, Tension Saws,
Webb Sawt, Clothes Recks, n full assort
ment of Glees and Mirror Plate Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hobs, Üble
Cutlery, Shovels, Spades end Forks,
Locks. Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs.
Hor. Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils,
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Vara
Pictures framed ia tbe finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notice,
i Remember, alt oeds offered cheap
i er than elsewhere
Would most respectftilly inform the cil
sens of this rieinity, that he has started a
MF Boot and Shoe Shop, and would ba
thankful for a share of the public natroa
'age. Boots and Shoes made to order aad
according to style, and warrants bit work
ito equal any made elsewhere. All kind#
of repairing done, and charges reaaoaabla.
Give him a call. feb IS lv
I Furniture Rooms'
respectfully inlormt the cltixena of Cealr
county, that be has bough t out the old
•land of J. o. Deininger, and baa reduced
the prices. They have constantly on hand
, and make to order
TABLES, Ac,, Ao.
.Their stock of ready.made Furniture Is
large and warranted of good workman*hip
ami is all made under their owe >turned .
I ale supervision, and la offered at rates
) cheaper than elsewhere.
Call and see our etock before porvheslng
' elsewhere. *6 feb. lv
Frona Jaa F. Regan, firm Regan A
Carter, pa blah ere Daily rata Weekly Tri
bune. JeEnsvon City, Mo., after reocivisg
a S7OO instrument, says t
' Piano reached us m good eoaditioa. 1
aqi wsil pleased wllk it. it is ail you rep
resent it to im."
From K. K. fialdridge, Bennington Fur
nace, Pa., after receiving a s?ut) piauu.
"Beatty" received 4th insk, all O. K.,
and cornea fully up to your representation,
and exceed* our expectations. While 1
don't profeas to bo a judge in the matter,
Mrs B. dees, and pronounces it of very
swoet tone ; and is very much pleased with
i it"
I Best inducements over offered. Money
refunded upon return of Piano and freight
charges paid by ma (P. F. BcaUy) both
ways if unsatisfactory, after a teat trial of
ire days. Piaaoe warranted for six years.
Agents wanted. Send for catalogue. Ad-
I dress. D. F. BKATTY,
Washington, New Jersey,
izxvsT aaocKßßHorr, j. v. vuioh t
Preaideot, C*hier.
iLateMilliken, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Bur arj Sell.
Government Secuiities,Gold A
apKVfttkf Coupons
at his establishment at Centre-Hall, keep
on hand, and lor sale, at the must reasona
ble rates.
4 Spring Wagons,
and vehicles of every description made to
order, and warranted to ba made of the
beat seasoned material, and by the most
skilled and,competent workmen. Bodies
for buggies end spring-wagons Ac., of the
moat inproved patterns made to order.also
Gearing of all kinds made to order- All
kinds of repairing done promptly and at
the lowest possible rates.
Persons wanting anything In his tine are
requested to oall and examine his work,
they will find it not to be excelled for dur
ability and wear. may Btf.
Grand, Square and Upright.
From Rufus Snyder, of tbe firm of Sny- j
der A Hendricks, Carriage Manufacturers, 1
of the city of Allentovn, Pa : A
"I must confess I hardly know how to M
express my gratification on receiving tbe I
Beatty Piano you shipped me. It i* utR
least all I could ask, wisjj or ogpepl Ou?H
of our mart eminent tried it apjfl
-poke in the most favorable tinms,
thoroughly tasting it."
Beat offer ever given. Money
upon return of Pitnn and freight chargiS!
paid b.v me (D. F. Beatty) both way*
unsatisfactory, after a test trial of
day. Pianos warranted for six years.
Address, D. F. BKATTY, ■
23jul y Washington, New Jcriej^B