The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 21, 1877, Image 1

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    Onr Dally Reckoning.
If we t dovn at set of un,
And eonnt the thing* that we hare dons,
And countinjt. find
One self-denying act, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard;
One glance moat kind.
That fell like snnsliino w here it went.
Then we may count the day well spent.
But, if through all the livelong day
\Ve've cased no heart by yea or nay;
If through it all
We've done no thing that we can trace.
That brought the sunshine to a face,
No act, most small.
Tliat heljssd some soul, ami nothing cost.
Then count that day as worse than lost.
''The Satirise Never Failed E* Yet."
Cpos the sadness of the sea
Tlie sunset broods regretfully ;
From the far, lonely qvacea, alow
Withdraws, the wistful afterglow.
So out of fife the apleudor diea ;
So darken alt the liappy skies ;
So gathers twilight, cold and stern :
But overhead the planet# burn.
And up the east another day
Shall chase the latter dark away ;
What though our eye# with tear# be wet ?
The sunrise never failed us yet.
The blush of diwu may yet restore
Our light and hope and Jo* once more.
Sad soul, take comfort, nor forget
That sunrise never failed us yet'
The Story of a Pleaaant Love
"I have got >ine news for yon, Maggie."
he said, one day. abowi eighteen months after
h had gamed bis cvwntatssMß. " tsUWSt what
it is."
Thev were walking along the grcn laiies of
Tcrlisii. listening to the ,-ease!e-i murmur of
tlie MX. as at intervals they had walked and
lis caed ever suio* they oouh! remember, or
ever since Maggie could rmneiuber. st a:iv rate,
for she wa six year# younger than her former
" You are going to l< prasmvded,'' -he *akl.
" TromoUsl. you little gvo*e! No one ever
gets promoted la the British arasy. Guess
•* You are going to marry an heireas. "
There was a lump ui her throat as ahe
said it.
" Wrong again. No inestimable young per
son with grvi-a eyes, a turn-up nose, sn-ceid,-
blc heart, and hfty thousand a year, ha# turned
up yd. But it something nearly as good.
I ui ordered te China "'
"Oh, Ahe' sljegaajed. and burst into tears.
It was very fooltih of her, but then she a#
only sixteen, and had not yet acquired the
praiseworthy art of concealing her feehugs.
"Why, w"hstever are VM crying for.' he
asked, and kissed away hir tears, lie d kissod
her ever aiwK she was five, and thought no
more of it than if she had beeu (us sister, or
t v cat. excepting per hap- that it e a.- nicer—
—which it was. no doubt. ! shall i nly l
aw.vy five year# at mo-t. and when I oome lri
I'll iring you a pigtail and an ivory toothpick,
and a whole lot of things, aud "
" Yes ?" slie said, listening attentively.
" But thdi von 11 te s voung woman -I for
fm -and 'out.' and all that sort of tiling, and
won't condescend to speak to a poor he.,;, n
ant : you will have all the squire# and fox
hunter# about the place at your feet.
"Oh, uo. indeed I shan t, Alic," she-aid.
•• But I tell you. you wiU. I believe you are
a born httle dirt, and I shall come hack and
find you
But she burst into hxrs again, and put up
her pretty little hand as if to stop his teasing,
which she could in : Ivor just then. It seemed
*c cruel of him to laugh and j"ke wheu he was
g, ;ng away fcr five y, ir->. He did not -eui to
care a bit. and she could have broken her heart
en the spot, an ! wi ;ild have gladly done o.
and thrown the piece# away o i> never to t*
hothem! with it again. Then, seeing her
matrafbi 1 iae eye-, he was niereifuL
"I believe I shall cotue back aud find you
jn-t s greet a httle darling as yon are now.
and if we have got any money we'll get married
and live happy ever r.fler, arid if we haven't
we'll get tuur .e 1 and starv, ever after—unjes#,
cf course, the !w ire— turns up.'
•* Oh. I h >pe -he won't 1" -aid Maggie, like a
truthful little idiot. " Shall you ever write to
me. Alic. dear. "
"Ye*, of coarse I shall, and I shall exjveot
you to write Kick six ivsges crossed, and all
that sort of thing, you know."
8o Abe Granger wi 'it to China, and Maggie
w -uil hopefully enough for a letter, but -ix
mouths j>a-s d and none came. "I . rhaj# it
tike.- longur f >r a letter to get here from Ckuia,"
•die thongiit. knowuig a# little aiamt the nc-aus
of trail-it aii 1 the tiaie it t**rk a# if the Cele—
tia# city had beeii m the moon. But a yekr
pa-e<l and no K-ttvcfiaiiie.
" Perhaps he'-ill, or it s naiseam,*!. site
said tearfully, half wondering if it couM be
posaßde that a Chinese heire.* had tnmsd tip,
and thl was the rial reasnu of Ahc s laleuce.
Two veai p 1. ml utvern word. •• It's mo
l ad.' 1 !:<■ -,iid bitterly, and womkrwd ruefullr
if he really had m-rri-d a wife with a pigtail.
A;.J the iliv, the tie wit b* w-nt bv and
le journeyed ou into w manhood, hut nc
ctd or sign came from All- - tlrnuger, and at
last she gave h. n up altogether.
Maggie was twenty years uid when her father
di, L and the creditors did pounce down, j
uni -he and her mother were -.>ld out. Mr#.
I>a.ikp wa- i-ffere.i a home su London by a sis
ter i*b i was wtfi ff arid bed b mperoi, aud it
sat thankfully accepted. M -ggie was informed
that site must gv-l 1# r owj, if which being
precisely Mairg:, ' owfi npif n is well a# lu
te:;:. .11. she adviriiied for a -it 1 atoll as p---
enies#. Now. Maggie- hid a vety moleit : lea
of her own m< r.t*. and lh,r> f r- oiily a-kt-1 for
twenty-five pnimln a year aud a cumf wtable
home," so no k ss than five answer* came to her
annonnccmni'. that die contd tewch Kng'.i-!i.
French, mu-ic end the rudrmmt* of t!ra"i;-,g.
One of these an-wi r* came from Woolwich,
and stated that Mrs. Mar-hall n cured a
guvernea# for her three little girl*.
Mrs. Marshall was a -tiffneekid sort of
and stared at poor little Maggie whs looked al
most as etui hike and twice as pr> ttv a# ev .-r
through double gold glasses*. Colonel
#baU. her busltaud. was a tnoe old man, with a
hold head and an iron may mustache, and there
visa grown up daughter, a M:-# Patterson.
Mrs. Marshall # daughter by her first husband,
who wa# really the tuistrt— of the uaUbh-h
--m< nt, fcr Man* Patterson hail a strong will,*
and he was an he:re. "A very ns-u
heiress too.' por Mtggi# thought, arid -he w.i*
right, for Maria was skinny, and thought her
self sarcastic, and always said na*ty things to
people who did not dare ar tbem bvfit again.
One evening, whoa Maggie had !-en about
a year at Woolwich, and site wa sitting alone
in her fthooMlMm a# usual, for h-r pupils hai|
just said gooU-meht an 1 Veen delivered tip to
the tender nieroe# of their nurse. Mia# Patter
s in walked in verv much dres#ed, aud rather
flushed and excited.
" Mis# Dunlop," alie said, "we shall have a
few friends thia evening, and I know one or
two of them like an impromptu •lance ; will you
be ready to ootne into the drawing-room and
play, if "we shtaild want you V
"I fear I cannot play J inc music very well;
I never ke'-p time." #>•! Maggie.
" Ye*. I feared <*. aud thought I would come
and tell yoti, so that you unght jrractia) for
an hour or two till after dinner and she sailed .
out of the r wm, evidently eonsidering the
matter nettled ; and Mvggie meekly pronsdtd
t<> practioe the Mabel W jtz and the Flick and
Ft'"tic Galop. Then she put on her shabby
black evening gown, and stuck a Spfav of white
flowers into hr gifideo hair, atidfbrait" 1 pa- ,
tientlv for a summon#, hoping she would wait
ia vain. It very noon earn'*, aud with a roll of
music under her arm. a Susb on her innocent
frightened face, and a scared, almowt hun'ed.
x pre#-ion in her eye*, she deaamided, and
timidly opened the drawing-room door, and
there stood still for a moment t*nug in as
tonishment at the scene before her. '1 here eat
the heiress with an eager, pleased expression on
her face, and leaning over her. talking ami
laughing, aud mop handsome than ever, aud f
sunburnt and soldierly bxikiitg, wa# Alic
Granger. There was no mi-taking him. The
color mihed to Maggie's face, a- if to §j,y a
hurried good-bve. and then left it altogether.
Bhe recovered her self qs,-session, bwwever.
and walked with what she flattered herself wa
great dignity toward the piano. Hhe felt rather
than saw him raise liis lie.tdarui look at her, and
tin next inoment lie was by her side.
'•Maggie—my dear Maggie! Why. fancy,
you being here ; where did yon come from ? I
htvelieen frying to find you out for month*.
"I thought you"— And then she did not
know how to go on, so added, almost piteoualy;
"I am the governess -ere."
" Are yon ? Oh. I aee. then, that ia the rea
son I've not seen you before. I snpjsjse."
"Do you really know Miss Hiuilop?" the
heireas waked, coming up, and spoakiog in her
coldest manner.
Mxggie wi-hed sineerelv she could sink into
her shoes aud bury herself.
" Wh ?- of course Ido ; we have been play
fellows ever since we were born—haven't we,
Maggie ?"
Aud Maggie, feeling she was being backed
up. answered bravedy:
" Yes."
"Oh. indeed! how interesting !" Then, turn
ing to Maggie : "Will you be so good as to be
gin a waltz. Miss Dunlop? This was to be our
dance. I think," to Alic, and she sailed off
with him triumphantly.
He came up to her directly after the dance
was over.
" I went down to Porlock to try and find ont
where you had gone to," he said," " but nobody
knew.' .
"It didn't matter," she said, huskily, letting
her fingers wander vaguely over the" kevs to
make believe she wasn't very interested in'what
he said.
"Yea. it did—it mattered s great deal. Wliv,
I I've got a box full of curiosities for you —clubs
FRKD. KUIiTZ, Kditor ami rropriotoi
to light with, mat * Utile heatlwu g**d or two,
villi a ,l*t;U' of loi.i.ilia. an<| ail aorta of thing*.
!<>!.! >Oll Ith ulj bring *oti them home. IK>
\o<t !.\i* l-i-rv t itivaii 111 till- teniae
tie -ou-l thna words uuiiar his breath,
foi tl rb : 1 11 oanio tip ailii tho in v nillluUi
ha . earned off to tt.iiux' with Mn Sonnl-nt*
at tin other en.! of the loom, hut not before*
Maggie hail n. tiled a reply to hull. S.mii afti r
thli Mill Paltt-1 Oil e*!i,i up to til" piano, ami.
Mil ; all" n ! J pIV her< f. ami that
M . . Unheil moil dlm.i- < ! her her
I. . „ ..lie to .<t rv.u another h k at Alio.
CHAl'll 11 111.
The tit\l morul a to Ma. :n' vert great
ill) | i i. Mia* Pattei *- :i Came 1 into the whool
re in 1 efon the children had am mhted.
' Mln b p, alio aiil, sttrth. "1 alniuld
hki t know winle>i ,i a> you met Mr, tiran
gvi - "
"At 1' irlo.-k Hu nnole hu d next divir to
my lu th. i He l# a very old friend indeed "
" Tank yon, I uieiely wi-hnl to inquirt,
leoauie, I>f eoiirae, yon nitiat he aware thai it
i not Wi'ial for ate . no in your uwlmi to
luai.a hern If remarish!e ht having long court*
tie :. ; tats a with any g- tlcuuu who may viait
the house."
1 do t .. iow what * u mean, Mi Palter
*o: Maggie aanl, ludiguaullv.
Pot \h- 1 attein'i. 1... 1 inept out of therooju
without ieign.og to reply.
Then Maggie went into her own little room,
th* ores plan- six* hail ui the wurhl entirely to
lur-eif. au t c#*l till her *>*<# Weixnetl and her
heed welled.
The 1. - ■ >:ia did not pr lyrea# that morning.
Maggie waa thl oki.ig of A lie, who *a* It • doubt
#lt\ mg aU-'.'.t the eouiuiou, hstrUUu; to the
tela! ami making love to I tie he ire#*. Ihe chil
dren were more than usually stupid, 100. and
alt the world ;pnlr tlowu, and alt tta
wav# luriud crooked, Soddi lily, at about
l*v*i* or -.k. )u-l wheu Maggie .# m the
middle of ea;aiu:idi:.g a# het aiie could the ec-
Oentne M tn - of the trench graiuuiar, there wa
a kmi k ,-.t ihe achool-nxun do r.
•' l oiiie ui, " ahe *aid.
T'hc d i>r o|wiifd. ami there itoiwl Iwforo her ell 1 til-, form Of A c i.ranger, and
ta-limd him was a uian evidently his aervant
with a box on hi* shoulders.
'• AU light, liiu, put it down . that * right ;
low le off. There. Ive I bought the curtoaiUtw
riutid. Maggn . I th 'Ue .t y.-ud like to aee
"Oh ' what w;i! Mrs Maraiiall and Miss I'at
trrn.n svv said Maggie, in c unit niatiou.
•• Noti.iug to v*u for the ueat half hour or
so. fur 1 have jitsl svu ihcta aafelv ou their
way to Woolwich, and thought I aLoiUdjuat
get a quiet chat with you. Mi dears,' he s.vid.
turning to Maggie s " ..poll-mouthed
imptis. ** I tn sure you'd like K> l> let off tour
tessous, so I'll let you off for half all hour . run
alone, tuy nit., dears, and hi in d the door
for tiiciu. and shut :t after them.
"Oh, ,Ahc !" sh said, tti fear and UvrihUug.
"OU. Maggie! he auswend, uuottcki g.
•• What did you mean by going away from lor
lock, and not leaving anyaddri >'
"l couldn't Li co it. and you never wrote,"
she anawt roil, helph -slv.
"Jio, l never write Setters ; don't know how
to sped Wi u en.inch. Bat I have been hunting
for yon all over the jiiace, and never dreamed
of finding you lure. Now we 11 unpack the box
1 had it opened before l came, o it only fat
etud hv a lock. "
" But, Aire, they'll tieu r forgive"
"Never mind, it d xen't matter, because if
you are giK*l I'll take you away mxt week
Resides, tliey'U forgive me anything. 1 -aird
th# colonel s hfe when he was m Hong Kong
at least, so he says. There, now, what do you
think of tin " for lighting with Out them at
Java ou purpose for you,' and he held up a
pair of heatin in-h lor*kuig club* and braxidiah
<il thcia over her head, and then ; rweeded t- >
pull out the rest of the contents of the box and
to decorate the school-room with them.
"There's Mr. Bu 1 lha, and tUere* why,
what's the matter, Maggie
•N . nij ma will pet me into dread
ful troul'i y n will. !...!•* !. Miss Patterson
Came in thia monmig and scolded me for talk
ing to yvu last night.'' .
"Never nwid, she was only Jealona." he
laughed. " Now tell me how soon you can
it*AV r iitiTt*.*
•• What foe?" she asked, innocently.
" Why. you haven't forgotten that we agreed
to g< t married when I caul! back, have you,
you little coquette ? and he put his arm round
tier waist jm-t as of old. and was not re;coved.
It wis so very comfortable, -he thought.
" No. but you an- engaged, are you n >t ?"
" Yes of cnur-e 1 am - u> you."
"Oh ' but, Mic"—
"OU ' but. Maggie " And then he st.|ied
and kiSM-1 her. and nothing more could I*
in!. for the <bs>r < (>eneil. xud there it<sal the
coloneh and tin r -t al Mrs. Marahall, and
there -tond Maria Patterson.
" Mis# lhiuiop 1 1 acroaine I ilaria, horror
" Mr. Granger !" aid ilrs. ilarahall m aaton
" H"-*v trite t i -Itimed the colonel. "What
does all this mean ?"
"She must leave the house at once," #anl the
"Of cou se she mn-t." Mrs. M.irilisll aaid.
"I lover heard of -uoh a thing m mv life " -
"My dear Mr-. Yfiriluul, -v.d Alic, k-ikmg
• a* tf lie were beginning a ajveei-'-. " it i all my
fault. Y'ou toki me. ana so di the euiouel. to
, cot-si Ire your house my home ad I have done
so. Mb- Dnnlop heie was a playfellow of mine
oOif. and when 1 went awav we were engaged,
out soinehow we lust *:gbt of each ■■tie r when
there were 1 few thrWl- tld nii'urS Is tweell US,
and it was the happ.est moment of mv hfe to
meet her" again la-t night : and so 1 took the
litwrty of calling on her this morning, aud we
were just arranging to get married next wee#
when you interruj teil n-."
-y lite right, quite my dear Granger."
said the old colonel, heartily, " you aliall be
iuirna! from liere "
*• Oh ' pie * let me g to mamma—do let me
g*> at Wi.v." pleaded Maggie, flr.diug her little
tongue at la*t.
'•I think it wonll be much more satisfactory
if ill— Iluulop went back to her relation#," aaid
tlie heiress, sourly.
8o they all dually agreed, and that very after
noon Maggie picked up I* r nn-lest ljelongiiig
sud ail the curiosities, and weut to the well-off
and bd-!ni[ i-rvd aunh
Tlie bad-tempen-d aunt reeeivisl her ni>ei
eery graeioualv wlien she found she was
going to marry well the following week. It
is amazing how fond jws.<ple are of rieli rnla
tions, even though the riches conix-rn them
little personally. As for )-sir Mr-. Dunlop, hn
ciuld have jumped f"r joy, ouly she was too old
for such violent exercise.
" Pray, nii-s, what are you laughing to your
self about? ' asked A lie theeveumg before their
wedding day.
"Nothhig. AHe. only when you were away. I
Wed to iliuik wauetniM-s .hat perhaps you'd
marrv a Chinese h' ire# wi.n a pigtail.
"Tho sort of thing you would think," he
said, grandlr I "as it H. TO see. I am going
to marry a little girl without t pigtail ; and I
am very happy, mv darling- :•" ou?"
" Very, veiy," aite aaid ; and #..e was.
Coldneas and Cordiality.
There is no other war bv which frienil
ahip may be ao couipl t*-ly crushed out
of existence, a* by colilucan of manner ;
bartl words are no comjjetitors at all, for
they are so often satisfaet mly exjilain<xl.
It is frequently said that " like 'regeta
like," aud we believe that in often w.
If we meet with nn acquaintance who
graaps our hand cordially, and gives it a
getuiroas aud hearty sliake, an I their
countenance lights up with a cheerful
smile as they utter a pleasant and wel
come salutation, if we are feeling dull
and moody, we are, or at least should at
once l>e, ashamed of that feeling, and
instantly put forth our energies to dis
guise and haniah it. If, on the con
trary, we meet with one who rejiels our
very attempt to lie cordial by a studied
coolness of manner, we very soon be
come impervious to any genial feeling
for him, ami a largwr stock of pride
springs to our aid than we ever dreamed
our heart possessed, and a gulf is then
and there formed over which a passable
bridge can never be erected.
A Marshal's Encounter with a Gambler.
Erich son is a citv marshal and Wood
lief a gambler in Houston, and their re
lations, one being an enforcer of tho law
and tlie other a breaker of it, have not
been pleasant. The following descrip
tion is given of one of their recent street
encounters : Wood lief was angry at the
marshal for causing his arrest the day
before, and was just out on bail, when,
meeting the object of his ire on Main
street coming toward hiin, the gambler
drew his five shooter and tired, but miss
ed. Erichson, perceiving his danger,
drew n pistol, but the weapon caught in
his clothing. In the meantime Woo llief
obtained his second shot, the ball strik
ing Erichson in tlie thigh. He fell, but
succeeded in drawing his pistol. The
first time the weapon snapped. For tlie
next few seconds one shot followed
| smtfcer. Erichson, although prostrate,
fir. d four shots, three of which took
j effect iu the person of his assailant.
Lobstkh Uvkip. t'h*oe a email but
hcav v lolwter, klui ultcr tenting il, t tkc*
the meat uui of tin* shells, leaving the
largo tenlv obeli whole, liili v***h
Uicelv , out the mini ui small dice, with
a lit tit* parsley and shallot, a tow tlr* >j ?
*>( tl.® essence of anchovies, u spoonful of
vinegar, a littlo cayenne pcpjx-r aint salt,
some melted buttor, Hint tin* yolk of n
hard-boiled egg, rubbed with tin* buttor;
put a littlo melted butt. r in tho shell,
sprinkle #*>iue brt*n*l crumb* over it ; till
with the prepared lolwter, and cover with
bread oruuilat ami small lumps of buttor;
brown m tho tiToti, anil re utl to table hot,
A'auph Tiufk. Piocure vory nice
white trq*e ; cut m null piece# ; seasou
with salt and popp i' ; "to* slowly until
vorv tender; it will take quite a long
tituo. At tho KUibf tiuu* h ivu in u sepa
rate saueepau eight white oniou* toiled
soft IUKI umshed; the water m whioli
they were Loilrd pour off and (lour, milk
ami butt* r added ; let till stew together ;
wheu the tri{>e is tender dish ou bnttero.t
toot with a squeezed lemon over it ; Uie
outou sauce served in a gravy boat.
YY'xrEU MXXON CAKB. White ]>.u!
two enj fill* int* sugar, half a cupful of
buttor, half a cupful #otir milk, on-) tea
sjHHUiful IKHIr, two of cream tartar, the
white# of eight egg* and th roe cut) u!t> i f
tleur. ltralport half a pound of rral sugar,
halt a cupful butter, half a cupful nwcct
milk, ou® tai]M*ouful of #-#ta. tw>- uf
cream tartar, the wl itc* of six egg* and
two cupful* il.iur. Put half the white
puit in tho pan, then the real, with a tew
currant* Sprinkled in to have the p
--p> ariuxv of seeds, then place the remain
ing white part on top.
SatsxiiES. tlriiul your im-nt iu a san
sage-mill, aiul takegroond black jaqq-cr,
pnivcrized rage-leuxe*. and red ]t ]>]>er
well j owdered; mix a small quantity
arid cook to dry it, and th a mix ill the
jH-pjH-r and to suit your taste.
luitter, two of sugar, uue of milk, two
and a half i f tl ur, one an-l one h If P a
spoonful of baking powder ; bake in lay
er* in * Inscait-pan; p ace between tlicm
the following mixture, cut m square-*:
I -uig—Dissolve one sheet of noughts* m
one cupful iH-iiing water; mix with it
one cak*' of grated chocolate and one cuj*-
tul powdered sugar, to the consistency of
cream ; for the toj, mix the r m;tulcr
of the icing with a cupful sugar, flavored
with lemon ; spread thin.
BRKAD. — Dissolve one cake of cm
pr"*\l yeast in one-half cupful tepid
water ; take thr e quart* of tl ur. one
table spoonful salt, and warm sufficient
to m ke a st.ff hatter, ald ng the yeast
last; In-at all well together ; cover tight
ly. Ear yinth in. ru.itg a-:d a tu.ul
lump of butter,two tahlcs]#>oufu!*sugar,
and mold in tl mrsufficient t > f ruin soft
dough ; must In- well kn-a i-d, but Dot
too stiff and hard. Cover ami set in a
warm place where* it will rise quickie.
The quick r it ri <•* the ii t r it will he;
should be perfectly light in, ut most,two
lu-urs. Mol lona I r a.l cloth, or foi led
fable cloth, w;th a little t! ur dredged ou
it. I like narrow, long t:us, wit 1p r
pend cular sides, for ha mg in. After
netting iu pan , 1 t riK- nlmut i Been
minute*. Just b fore* placiug iu the
oven, wash tin- top of the lo.avc* over
with a little iu lt-il hotter - r milk with a
paste brush or Gait! er. linxnedintely < n
'.akirg from the o\ -i , roll sieli h uf s ]*-
xrately in a bread towa-L
t'rrc l*r<*rription.
The following paragru|>hs from the
Annrii in Cultivator are w-rthyof nt
THE F'KET. — Were LH-oplo tu bathe
their feet an-l legs m !uk- warm water at
night after hemg expos d to cold ■ r wet
•broiigh the day they would seldom * x
peririiee tlio ill (IT#**:# which often pro
ceed from tbesec.iuae x -
TSTZMFEIIAVCE. Evcrv act of intoxi
cation put* nature to t!m cxpcuiw of a
fever in oreler to dm-harge the ]•<*#. -nous
Iniught. When thu is fre*juently r- -
[mated is very ec*y Ut f- r< see the cn
srajneiices to the vi-timof thedibuich.
HEADVCIIE. — To cure a simple head
ache, put the f el in a large basin of very
warm wat#*r and k*-ep them there for
fifteen minutes. This will often afford
immediate relief. If the pain i* severe
add a tablespoonful of dry mustard h)
the water.
Euu.r Binxo.—Let any one who has
been acrnstomod to lie in bed till eight
or nine o'clock iu the morning ri#e by
six, spend a couple of hour* walking or
riilmg out of doors, aud he will find hi*
spirit cheerful and serene through the
-lay, hi* appetite keen aud his b-sly
braced throughout.
I'KtosriiiATios. —Il is absolutely im
possible to enjoy health when perspira
tion i* not duly carried on, but this can
never be tlie case when proper ami regu
lar exercise is neglected. When tlie
matter which should bo thrown off bv
: perspiration remains in the liody it viti
ates the humor* and occasion* gout, fe
vers, etc. Exercise is far more effica
cious and pleasant than medicine.
AIH OCH Horsra.—The vnrioun meth
od* which luxury ha* invented to make
houses close and warm contribute not a
little to render them unwholesome, un
less the air ha* a free passage through
it. Bed*, instead of lieiug made up a*
soon as people rim* from theiu, ought to
lie turned down ami exposed to the fresh
air. This will expel noxious vapors atul
promote health.
- 'Experiment oiili irrdt.
There arc many questions constantly
presenting themselves for eolation to
every thoughtful person engaged in the
propagation or cultivation <>f plant*.
These questions relate to all the infinite
ly varied condition* aud influences under
which plant growth can take place.
Every farmer ami gardener has many op
portunities to throw light on the*e sun
. jects by a little effort ill the way of ex
p< ninenting. The whole" future life of
the plant is often greatly influenced by
the conditions under which germination
take# place. The condition and quality
of the soil, the nature, condition and
amount of the manure or fertilizer nm*d,
and the condition* of light, heat ami
moisture during the germination and
early stage* of tho plant, have a decided
ami in mo*t case* a controlling influence
on the future growth and vigor of the
plant. These things are nil governed by
established laws. Tlie reason that suc
cess is not more general ami uniform is
that our knowledge of the laws of gernii
: nation and growth is too limited, and
, even what is known i* uot a* generally
and intelligently applied as if might and
*hould be. A Himpio, carefully conduct
ed experiment, in which all the elements
are taken into account, maybe the means
of throwing light on some important
point that will result in great practical
good. (Soaking seed in various mineral
or chemical solutions before planting,
often has a very important effect on the
health and vigor of plant*.
A series of trials that would determine
| what these effects are, would he of great
practical utility to farmers. Would it not
tie a good subject for the consideration
j of grange* and farmers' eluhs? Suppose
j the different members of a grange should
I arrange for a series of experiments to be
made during the present season, so ar
ranging it that each one shall have a defi
nite ami specific duty to perform; every
step ill the process with the results to he
reported to the grange at the proper
| time. These report* might be placed on
the record* of the grange for future* red
ere nee, and tint* #* ie a# a guide lo fu
line operation#. /Viti-fn il Farmer.
Null's l*r I Mimrn.
Arrowroot lture, which formerly
wit* carried iii quite i-xtciisively in
l'l-T'.da, i# nl**)iit to be revived by tin
new M-ttlen* in the land of tlowt-r#.
The wuithing ami shearing *>f *be< p
should be deferred until the weather
1* warm enough I# insure them uguitisl
taking cold after the fleece t* removed.
Filthy ami wet jstulliv yards arc likely
to produce u -li* ,m- known as scurft leg,
just as low, wet lands for piisture bring
on f.-ot rot in sheep and cattle. It m
much * easier to prevent siieh disease*
than to cure them.
The grasshopper commission, consist
ing of l'reifs. Riley, ThoUiu* and I'ack
arei, are KS-H to leave f**r the Rocky
in--ut.tain*, for th |iur]>.>< of iuve*-
t: 'atiiig the life history of tin* great
p.. it of tho Western hi.ite;, and Tern-
I'lie breeder* of Angora goat* must
Ii- to get discount'-'. -1, tliailllUch as
the price >*f the animals hit* dropped to
almost nothing, ami tlie fleece, which
we W< re assured would MII r* 1 11 \ at jo
or Jpi a I'oiind, fiml* slow market ut
thirty-five to fifty cent*.
Those wli-i may desire to rois#- Ameri
can elm, acarl'-t i*nd*dvtr maple tress,
should m>t forget that the ##cd ri|mtis in
the spring, and shoul-1 be aowu a* *- **u
in gathered fro-u the trees. l'he seeds
of all our other specie# of maples rq* n
in the fall, ami may bo kt p: over wmt r.
For ln*e pasturage tlicreare* f*w p'.mt*
tliat ex -el lu g!ioiictt#',iutit gr us readily
oil light * -lis and bloom* throughout
the hotfoot and dry est wentht-r, when
many of the more* barely jierein :al*
fall. If Volt keep lt#*cs, sow a la 1 of
mignonette for bee pasturage iu times of
Ittfteri I'Mil.
Allow lite to give to the suffering pub
lic a more- effectual rem* -ly than any 1
have seen rec. -minendral tor the destruc
tion of all those p its tliat food tip—.; tin*
foliage of our oi p*. Dissolve a dram
of corrosive sublimate in a pad of water,
sprinkle it upon the foliage with a fim
sprinkler. It i* not necessary th it \ ry
leaf should be w# t Willi it, a* it i* the
sating <if tho leaf th*'. <1- sti >ystlt# w--rui
or bug, nnd not by it* application to
their bodic*. I destroyed the wln-lc
crop of currant wonn last year upon
my hushes by one sp|i!icut. i. There
ln-ilig etitir.' alci'llO' of toite I - the arti
cle, it i* eat#'n, readily. The rain washes
It off, but it Would not be #ufe to put it
ujs'U fruit uearly ripe. It is a im-#t
v: lent ]*>isoli, to man or Wet ; there
for# tho utxuoit cur*' should l*e cxcre'i#* 1
iu cleansing all vessels in which it has
tsceu ]>ia'il ; the witt*-r even iu which
they are washed shoul-1 not be pour* 1
n(si!i the ground where f- wl* might pick
up food, lu the p*tato field there
would he no danger in it# u*e uuh-s*
f.-w!i were allowed to ruu in the field mid
should eat the worm*. A f-ran r *nn
affiirel to use great caution iu it* mo it
he can iiircewifuHy destroy the worm <>f
the t'->lora*io l>*'<. tl* 1 . M .'ifi.' /iu#' t(*
Needed Inftirin.ition.
At ton o'clock th*> otlier f-*ren- #>n a
man wearing a doubtful l-#k apiwarexl at
.• stajiqi clerk's w .mlow iu tlie ] >st
officcand asked f--r a postal *-sr*l ami
facilities for writsnc. He wa* a long
lane g ttuig ready to ]>ut his ]>• n t<> tin*
*x*rel, and he liiv-l only made a stroke or
two ion he calle*! out:
" How d*> yon sjH-1! * Jim ?' "
"Why, J-i-m, of course," auswete-1
the clerk.
" Don't look a* if it was right," #ai-l
the man, he held up the card and seni
um,:*d the w-.rd, "Sun- you have n't
mode any mi-take?"
"That'* Uie wav, of course." growlrel
a by-stiUi ler. " 11-w . Isc can you *; 11
the name ?"
"That's *•>— how could I?" smiled th*'
man, us li lookrel again. " I'll put
J l-ui against any other tyl* - f spelling
every time. Now, hie othee nam# ia ia
well, knock nie down if I haven't for
gotten ! Why, hang it, 1 have kn*>wn
him for ton yean-, ami n -w I can't tliink
of his name! Jjn -Jim Jim -J-i-m
He looke*l nr nnd in n helpless war,
and one of the smell crowd finally said :
" You can writ*' the message, mid
tl ink of the name afterward."
"S i I am. I want t say t<> him tliat
his wife is sick tdml, hi* landlord i*
howling are-und for rent, and that he'd
letter conic homo. H->w do yon spell
it ?"
" I'll write it," answered the clerk.
" lb* couldn't rea*l your shearograpy,"
iai-l the *trnng r. "Jim isn't much on
education, and 1 have t - write iust a*
]>oorly a* I can or he couldn't make out
a word. Lei* see ! Do I want to shirt
off with I*. S , or what?"
" I should suv: ' Y'ou arc wmtcd to
home to once,' if it wa* m<*," suggested
;t ear driver, who wa* after a stamp.
•*'Twouldn't do," sighed the man,
slinking hi* head, " I wouldn't dun*
spring the thing on him suddenly, or
heM make tor Canada. The place to
toll him to coin® home t* down here ut
the Itottom."
" Where i* lie?" some one n*kc*l.
"Why, in in—in—why. blister my
" I'll bet you've forgott**n the place !"
shouted th<> car driver.
" J-i-m, Jim—J-i-m, Jim, and lie's in
—in—J-i-m, Jim !" gasped tli*' man, a*
he looked around with an appeal in hi*
The crowd mentioned twenty different
places, but he *h*Kik his head at CJK'II
" If you can't think of his name, and
can't remember his address, how nr
von going to send tho cold ?" asked the
"That's so—how atn I?" siglied the
man. "If yon was me you wouldn't
send t would you ?"
" I don't think 1 would."
"Then I won't. If his wife enn tliink
of his name on-1 the place where ho is
she'd better write it."
When he walked away lie carried his
lint iu one hand and scratched his head
with the other, aud muttered ;
"J-i-m with a great big .* J,' and
blister my ears with a gr* nt big 'B.'
and I ought to linve written his name
down on the door or pomewhere. L***s
s<>c 1 J-i-m, nnd he's i-n in—in " and
he disappeared up Cong re is utrec .
Detroit Free f'rm.
A I'lenmnt Custom.
Cameron's "Across Africa" say* that
on the death of a Urua chief, it i* tlie
custom to divert the eoiir*e of a stream,
uml m its bed to dig an enormous pit,
the liottom of which i* then covered with
living women. Atone end a woman is
placed on her hands nnd knees, and upon
her lmek tho dead chief, covered with
his lx-atls und treasure, i* seated, being
supported on either side by one of his
wives, while his second wife site at his
feet. Tho earth is tlieu shoveled iu on
them, ami all the women are buried
alive, with the exception of the second
wife. To her custom is more merciful
than to her companions, and grnute her
the privilege of being killed before the
ling** grave is filled in. Tlii* being com
pleted, a number of male slaves—some
times forty or fifty—are slaughtered, and
their blood poured over the grave, after
which the river is allowed to resume its
U hnl lie Ir 1 u llrlttHitrt Hnn It* l-UUtl ttftttl
MpN**K'rilb lu I itrlttut Bhpn.
l iirto miN Ltl lv Lht lit u !l Hut
tenia, it counting \c*md bound from N< w
\ . >rk to a port oil' Texas, the captain of
which, Jolm Wdliums by name, hod a
somewhat reiuarkuble enreer. li* was a
native <>f Susaex ivmnty, I><*l., and first
son light about sixty year* ago, In m the
bank* of Indian river. Following the
example of the mule population nt that
region front time immemorial,he curly in
lite became a fisherman and spent the
greater portion of hi* working hour* in
his boat dredging for o\sters or huiiling
tin seine for tish. Uf Wlllluius' haps
niul im*ha|#s at this jtcrioii of hi* career
we have no record, but if the> Were
at ail in proportion to what betel htm
IU Nlllwequellt St tin tl.eV Were Very
When he was alstut twenty veur* old
he had grown tired of lus quiet fishing
life and tilled us u hand on a iw-hooiier
truniug with New York. H made set
eral trips, and his first glimpse of the
outside world was obtained us the vessel
sailed tiji the Float river among the forest
of malts. The only accident that hap
pelied him while ill the SI rvioe of the In
diau rivei ski]'per was Ills being kins-kill
over one dav ui New Y ork harbor, but u
rop- being thrown him he was speedily
on deck again. His first cxtendetl voyage
wa* to the \Ve*t Indies, and ou> day
while iu the tropic* he, with two com
panioLi*, went in to bathe. A school of
ahurks liupjx nl iu the uetghlsjrhood,
and one ot Withum*' ouurpankin* was
eaten, while eur hero himself lost a part
of his foot. His escape from the jaws of
the tish was so narrow that he never ven
tured to bathe m thut latitude ugam.
H next adventure was ill South
America. Willie Uie Vessel on which he
soiled in jsTt undergoing repaar-
Wdliams, with two other ra lup.tUlou*,
got leave to make an excursion inland.
As the three nun were winding their
wa\ slowly down a mountain slo|e, be
•trnling the mules unsl in such eouu
trie, Wiilian , hetug some distance in
advauee, wo* *t.iilhii by the andden
shying of his mule. At the same instant
he heard a horrible hissing sound, and
on looking in the direction whence the proceeded was tcrror-stitckeu to
behold a huge serpent ia the *< l of
|s>uncing tq*e.hmi. 11<-instantly sprang
(rem the saddle ami bounded up the
|tath. A Uio.uellt later the |**>r mule
uttered an almost human cry < f fright OS
the si rjteut sprang U]m>u it a~d bore it to
the earth. When William*came insight
of his com]' .aions they u- kc 1 for an ex
planation >1 las strange conduct, declar
ing that he hsiked a* though he hail seen
a ghost. He could only point down the
mountain where the Mp'il and the
mule, o'ded together, w-re rolling ia
the thicket below. The ttiuicr* loat uo
time in dejmrling frohi the darigerou*
ueighUnrho si, and mtnie no more excur
sion* into the country.
On th* home voyage the vessel eu-
CoiiaU red a b mble storm and went to
Williams and a colored man
found themselves clinging to a spar, half
dead. Th< y both manage 1 to bestride
it, and by c : slant watchfulne * inanagul
t > avoid Is i'ig rolled under the wa\i-s by
Ure:r unsti .idv raft. Alt# r they had beeu
tl itmg for twenty hours the ccdored
man coinplninral that hi# strength was
fast leaving h'.m, and feared that he
i-ouhl not hold <ut much lunger. Wil
nxms t iuleavomi t < chra-r lutu bv siring
that us they were iu the track of south
ern Uutml they 11111*1 surely *i>n
lie si eu ami picked Up. But exhaustion,
thirst ;uid hung< r proved t<s> tmtch for the
titan's endurance, and 0:1 the sixcoiiii dav
after the shipwreck he suddenly fell
backward with a sharp cry of despair and
disappeared under the •a. William*
continued to il' <at for another lmlf day,
uh 11 he was seen by a ] Mowing ship and
rem-uinl, more ilead than alive. The ti *-
scl jrov*l to Is- an American bark for
the West Indies, theiicc to Spain, and
ou reaching the former islaml*, Wil
liams, finding n<- vt *m-1 ready to sail for
New- York, and lieiug offered a berth by
the captain who re<*<*ued him, acra-pUxl,
A* the v.•.••• -1 lay in n Spanish j* rt a
pnrtv of the Kailor* went a*hore on mis
chief IH-UL While strolling ahufg th**
*trc< t they heard strains of music, ami,
entering a house, found a 'lance in pro
gress, " llalf-iicOH over." and eonsc
queiitiv rci'kless, they mitered into the
landnngo with gn- it ze>t. All went well
for a time, ami the inniste* seemingly
enjojral Uie vivacity of the intruders,
l'resently Williams Is gsu paying very
marked sttentiou to fair Heuorihi, who
in turn s>'nnsl ehmnnrai with the Ameri
can tis> much *, imhssl, for the |*eacc
of mind of h"r jealous cavalier, who in n
rage drew an uglv liw'kiug knife frem it*
sheath, and, making u lunge at Wll
liatns, stabbed bun in the sidi'. He
staggcrctl. and would have fall-u. luui
he not b'H--n caught by his comrades,
w ho, after demolishing the furniture of
the pl<'c RIHI wounding several of the
inmates, removed their injured compao
ui 011 Itoard slop. Williams' wound was
found t*> 1<- a dangerou* one, and it was
deemed advisable to sail without him.
He was accordingly placed in a hospital
ashore, and the captain sailed home w itli
out him. Inn few months, however, he
recovered nnd sliippral for N-'w Y'ork, at
which jsirt ho arrived without sivident,
after an absence of several year*. Find
ing a vessel from Indian river atmut to
return, lie embraced the opportunitv of
visiting his early home. While there
he wa* offered the position of first mate
on nship engaged 111 the Southern trade,
and accepted the place. On the second
trip from New Y'ork, when off the capes,
the schooner was wrecked in a terrible
gale, and William*, the onlv survivor of
the ship's crew, was found laahed to tlie
mainmast ami taken Aiff by a passing
vessel after the storm had in a measure
abated. It would naturally be supposed
that this narrow escape would deter the
mariner from further risk by sea, but 1
not *0; there was a fascination in the
tempest it'>nn life which he could not re
sist. and accordingly we find him sailing
again as soon us lie could find a berth,
lie continued a seafaring man for a num
ber of years, and finally obtained com
mand of a schooner trmling between
New Y'ork and Galveston, Texan. It was
while Huiliug from the former to the lat
ter port that his vc*sd went -lvvn during
one of the terrible gale* of the early
spring, and all on hoard arc suppoaed to
have perished. Thus ended the life of
tins intrepid mariner,who for forty years
followed the sea, in that time visiting
almost every part of the civilized globe,
and braving dangers both on aea nnd on
land to find at last a watery grave.—
ENMWIY ANI HnMAJtrrr.-—A widow
about forty years of age, living on High
street, and having the reputation of
being one of tho meekest and humblest
Indie* in Detroit, pulled hair with the
servant girl before breakfast the other
tnormpg, clubbed two boys from the
gate before eight o'clock, and had a fuss
with a neighbor about a parrot ere the
clock struck nine, run a peddler out of
the yard at ten, "sussed "two of tho
sanitary polio# at eleven, ntid at high
noon she threw ashes'over the valley
fence on a man who was swearing at a
balky horse. During the afternoon she
was engaged in working the motto:
" Let tliy light shino."— Detroit Free
A Isdy in Covington, Ky., held s rabid black
an-l tan dog down by the throat for more than
two hour#, until lior husband canto homo aud
dispatched him.
A Voting Lawyer's Downfall
The New Y<rk f 'sjirmt has an mv suit
of the downward eatecr of a voting law
yer of New Y ork, who created a seiisu
tiuu roeetiUjr by wilding a challenge to
tight u duel to Mr. Anthony Comatoek,
aecretary of the (Society for the Preven
tion of Vice. Tli® young lawyer wan
making a disturbance in Mr. C'otnalock'a
office, and was ejected by tliat gentle
man; In nee th® cludhuige. Th® story of
his i urlv life in as follows:
Alsiut twn Ive years ago the New York
bar wus greatly surprised at the wit, brtl
liancv uud learning of a young barrister
who l<ad just IMX-H ailmittsat B> the legal
profession, having taken the highest
honors in college. A bright future win.
exported by every olie for the man,
whose jovial habits aud high standing
and social attainments wurranb.l Ins
frtrnda in ealbng htm " Ut-nry." Hut
its time paasod, it Oouhl eauly be ob
served that Henry was not tlie name us
before. At times Lis wit wiui dull, hi*
voice husky, and his eye larking in the
quickies* that had formerly sparkled
there, u!ld it la-gun to la- i aid that he
was too fond of the cap; and that his
Ulghts Were often Sjient 111 dissipation
and debaueh. lie was seen hanging
around Jtelmoiinii's, wailing for hi*
friend* to pome mid ask him to drink,
and people made up their mind* that he
was fast drifting away to utter ruin,
llilt the gosnlpa seeiue 1 tt lie mistakiUt,
all at once Henry seemed to gain new
vitality and a newer ate) tietter hie began
to open before htm, hi* glail laugh and
hearty voice were heard again la the
court rooms, hi* client* multiplied, and
men of double his year* preferred to Is
aassK'taled with hltu than to be opjsweil
b> hi# dushtng eliajuenee and brilliant
Humor of coiirae was not long in find
ing out the eause, audit was an id that
his uffecttou# ha>l bi* n plm*ed ii] siii a
voting ami charming lady, and that for
lier sake he wiut endeavoring to lierome
worthy of her love. His family were
delighttsl, and hi* friends gathered
around him cheering him luaek into the
paths of virtue with word* of encourage
ment and hope. The reformation seemed
Complete, the engagement was made and
the wedding day was fixed. It i* aaid,
however, that >'ll the morning when the
uuptlal* w.-re to t#ke place Henry Diet
several of hi* friends and, dated liy the
occasion, adjourural with them U a
ueightsiring bar-rvauu, and hi* fall wa*
'lit® hratitiful bride, drcssral in her
w. ddtng'attire, w*d<-i long and |*at]uiit
ly, but the grtsiui did not come. He
was, it is aaid, in the room of a hotel
Itopeleeotly int<>vteu>i and ear til for by
tlie gentlemen whom he hail asked bi act
as his friend* upon his wedding day.
The it#-xt morning, sober ami repentant,
he stiught hi* bride that was to be, im
plored her forgive nw and one more
trial. The latter was given, hut a long
|>roljatioii was inqsmcd.
He sold Uie house oudTunuturc which
he ha.l Height, and voluntarily n'tircd
to a private inebnnte asylum, hoping
thnn bv to eradicate the fatid tendencies
which lie believed to le a curable dis
eaac. It i* alleged that he remained
there for two years. F.-r a year or s>> he
was mdwr, hut at lost, either from a
natural w-akti''ss or fpim a fra-lmg of
di-J'air at having heard that the woman
of hi* ehoira* wa* t< Is- tnarrietl to an
other, !• resumed hi* old halnta, and
with a few .>nal periods ttf sobriety
became a hopelem drunkard.
Turkish Title*.
Stiltin—The sovemgn < f Ihe Turkish
empire—the recnguiaral organ of all cx
(VUltve power in the Slate. HiJ hca>i
ijuarter* are at Coustalitinopl®.
I'orti - The government <f the Turk
ish empire.
Sublime Port# 4 - -Tlie official u*me of
the government, * -called fiom the gate
of lit# sultan's palace.
(trati i Y izu-r—The chief minister of
the Turkish empire.
Divan The Turkish council of State
the "cabinet."
<ir.ui 1 Mufti Chief interpreter of the
Mohammedan law and head of the "wise
men" jurist.*, thrailogiaav and lift rati
—who as-emhle for o nsu txtion on hi*
onler. He i* moatlv styh\l the chfc'f of
the faithful. A writer savs a fctwa or
d®cr<" from hint would summon around
the standaivl of the prophet .all tlie fn
uutieal hordes of Islam to fight to the
death against the " infidels, in the firm
lieiitf that death on the battlefield l a
sure pvsport to pamlisc."
l'ashn—tioveriHirs, vie#n>jrs, mm
mmillers, civil ami military rulera of
province .
Deya--Abont the same as |*ha.
8h- ik Hi® name given the heads of
Arabian tribe* or elans. It l cans elder,
or old# st iu dignity and authority,
Oimandi—Turkish official.
I*bun—The religion of Mohammed.
I slams Mohammedan* themselves.
Mussulman—A follower of Moham
Ottoman Empire—Another name for
the Turkish empire, and derives its
name fom Osman, its founder.
Oama.nlis—The Turks proper.
A lirookhn Man'* Mineral Spring.
A Brooklyn paper rej*>rts that one
Mr. H while excavating ou the
shore of Newtown crivk, struck a spring
of mineral water. He b*k a bottlefnl
of it to German chemist for analysis,
telling him he should advertise the re
sult. and convert the place into a regular
Iladcn-Hadcn. The chemist, having Iwvn
favored with n sight of the location of
the spring, remarked, dryly, that he
would send his analysis written out in
common language, which people would
understand l.ett'r than such scientific
terms as chloride of sodium, oxide of
iron, etc. Mr. R noon received the
following ;
x> AI.TSIS or Tttr. KKWLT tusoovrarn SKWTOKS
Salt wi r 750
Coal oil •' t
Extract of d>-ad dog IS
Precipitate of rat 24
Oxide of !inop*kirt. 17
Heaqnioxids Of barrel hoop* 10
Quintessence of gl 14
Decomposed bins. 6<>
Infusion of soot 8
Triturated ]>aint screening* 11
lloarduighoiise butter 0
Fish reiduum D
(Vinglotiimatcl sediinmits 2S
Other nasty tilings 12
H. K—, analytical chemist.
Mr. R has concluded to postpone
advertising the spring.
Tlie Family.
The family is Uie educator of the race.
Here men and women nre mmle. What
they are in the world, that they were in
the'family ns children. The family is the
place where first the lessons of law are
received, and where the whole character,
in vii wof law has a direction given it.
Th® citizen is made in the family long
before the tune for voting or activity has
come. When Napoleon said, in answer
to Madam do Stool's question about
France'* greatest need, "Mothers," he
asserted tho all-potent influence of a true
life. The family is tho greatest means
for the development of character. What
n world docs it present for the affections
to abide ill 1 Where in all the earth
beside nre sympathies so warm, love so
pure and fervent as here ? All that gives
value or beauty to human character finds
in the family nt once an atmosphere in
which to expand and develop the ele
ments which shall bring it to the highest
TKRMB: 5'2.00 a Year, in JYdvunce.
A Nr llaauMklrs Tr|r.l)..t farmer Km-
Slso tita Hired Xaa la ."Harder a Yaaaa
New England of recent vewra baa Iveeri
fruitful in terriblecriuina, but no tragedy
has equalo.i ui drlllieral® savagery the
killing of M m Httaati J. Hauaoii, of
llriMikfleld, N. 11., in Novemlwr, 1871,
us its revolting details are now develop
ed lay the con!eastou tf < !h*rla W. OsA,
of Fariuuigton. He did the killing on
the promise of jhVk I reward front Joseph
H. lituuwdl, a farmer of tuonna and ro
imted res|H*-tahility, a former auttsir of
Sftss Hunsoii's, and defendant at th®
time in a breach of promise knit brought
by her.
Susan J. Hanson wa* a native aud life
long reauluut of Hruokfield, thirty-four
years old, attractive, suitable and cul
tured almve most country girls. Bhe had
known Former Buz/# UiiituuaU Iy always;
they hail grown up near neighbor*, were
engaged before the girl had reached her
tw< iiticlh year, and several trine* It® had
appointed aud po*t|M>Uod the wedding
day. A few months la-fore the tragedy
the lover, to every body'• surprise, mar
ied auotlier woman. The fricutis of
Us* llanson were naturally indignant
aud outraged, and at their earnest solici
tation* the disserted girl ooneeuted to
bring a breach of promise suit against
The legal pajier# lual I teen serv ed, but
the night liejore tlie first hearing of tlie
caae the pliuntiff wa® killed. Hhe was
sitting iu the carlv evening with her
mother, brother and a little nephew in
their cosy New England kitcheu, when
a blimliug exptowon otvurrtxl, th® lamp
went out and Mia# Hanson fell dead. A
hole iu the window and seventeen shot
uud slug* iu tlie woman's Isody disclosed
tlie horrible work of an utsiaasiu.
Buxaeil wa* naturally arrested and
irit-ii. The imprint of a guustork near
the window through wlueh the shot had
been tired cvrrcKpoudtri to a gun he luui
formerly own#*! but which could not be
found; a wagon track front which a man
wa* followed thr ugh a piece of plowed
loud near the Hanson's corresponded to
his, the waddutg of the gun had been
from a m wspaprr lie was known to take
—but after a week's trial the evidence
against Farmer Buxzell was held to be
not convicting. The lfanaoii house was
soon after deserted by its ooeujmnts lie
cause of it* terrible associations, and the
h**al public gave over expecting liiat the
murderer <>f Susan Hanson would be
brought to justice in this world.
I'uiihc exnu-mcut hecanseof the mur
der wa* somewhat revived, however, in
the *prmg of 1876 by the burning of the
fine farm building* of one of the wit
nesses against Buzxt-ll in the murder
trial, and again in the fall aud last win
ter by the incendiary firing of buildings
imlonguig h> two more men who had
gn-u evidence unfavorable to Uie de
fendant. Reward of #I,OOO was offered
for the arrest of the mcendiarv, and Bo-
Un detectives l* gau to "shaJow " Chaff,
W. Cook, who had been IluiteU's hired
man for vearw.
The otfiiwr* became workmeu in the
shoe fuctory at Farnungt# n, whither
Cook h.-ul removed, and a few dars ago
arr<-*t-<i him a* Buzxell's accornjilice m
Uie murder and uicemfiari*ma. Orer
eotnc at finding agent* of the law in hie
n-w friends, the young man haa made a
voluntarv eonfreaiun of the rneaxi* em
plored f>v Buzxell to revenge himself
on \lisa llanson and his neighbors. He
\Vc went up acrva the hills and pas
ture* leading ! C- Hanson lamae to a
little knoll where the barn used to stand,
about three rods from tlie bouse. I
think Buxzell then a*kral uie if I would
kill her, ami I told him t", that I had
rather b< killed mvaelf. He said he
would give ma s.'*•*, and that he had
witnees"* who would swoor we were not
on the road. We wcut to tlie front side
of the house Slid h Hiked into til# win
dows and saw Susan, her brother and
mother ami a little l*oy. Buxzell wanted
me to about, and said 1 hud got to do it
or he would blow my head off. I was
afraid he would. He leveled the gun
and told me to fire it. I h*k it and fired
t Sn#an Hanson, ami went back of Holt
rtdge's Irani. Buxzell went directly for
hi* Incise.
The wretched lad wa* mail** to testify
to an alibi in Buzzell's favor at th* pre
vious trial, and was then stmt out of
tow II by the farmer, who subsequently
recalled him to burn the property iff
tho#" who hail sought to justly fasten
upon him the killing of Miss Hanson.
A Murderer Guillotined.
Billior, the man who killed his mis
tres, cut h*r IKHIV into pieces, and threw
them into the Seme, *a* guillotined ou
the Roiid Flint of the Rue do la
Roqnotto, Pari*. Thousands of people hare lawn anxious to witness the
execution. Acconhng to the observance
in such cases, however, the autlioritie#
kept the ilate of tin* event strictly secret,
ami only those who were adventurous
enough to remaiu on the famous place
all night, in the hope of seeing some
thing at daybreak, were privileged with
the melancholy satisfaction of witness
ing the horrible sight. Billoir to the
last wa* confident that his long service
in the army would have influenced the
marshal. On his last afternoon the
prisoner ate his dinner quietly and with
a good appetite, and in the evening
played a few games at cards with the
keeper who remained in his cell. At
one o'clock in the morning the fatal
truth was made known to the convict by
his com|muiii at cards, whom the mur
derer n*garilral at all time* with special
disfavor. Billoir'* answer was simply a
sneer. "I thought it would be yon who
would convey that information." '.-Then
he retired to l*ed, and slept tranquil ly
until the arrival of the public execu
tioner, Rod). Alvont half-past twx tlx#
crowd was cleared off the spot where the
scaffold stands, and th gloomy machine
was wheeled out and fixed. A small de
tachment of gendarmerie on horseback
were stationed l>clow the guillotine.
Tlie prisoner's last words Iwfore stepping
on the platform of the guillotine wre :
" Good-bye, my father," addressed to
the priest* Death manned to b© in
** How Did Pharaoh Die. '*
An English clergyman and n lowland
Scotsman visited a school in Alierdeen.
They were strangers, hut the master re
oeived them civilly, and inouired:
" Would you prefer that I should speer
these hoi**, or that you should speer
them yourselves?" The English clergy
man having ascertained that to "s]*eer "
meant to question, desired tho muster to
proceed, lie did so with great success,
and the lxys answered satisfactorily nu
merous interrogations iu to the exodus
of the Israelites from Egypt. Tlie
clergyman then said lu* would be glad in
his turn to "speer" the boys, and nt
once began. "How did Pharaoh dief"
There was a dead sileuco. In Un* di
lemma the lowland gentleman inter
posed. " I think, sir, the boys are uot
accustomed to your English accent; let
me try what I ran make of them." And
,he inquired in his broad Scotch : "1100
did Phawraoh dee?" Again there was a
dead silence; upon which the master
*aid : " I think, gentlemen, you can't
speer these boys; I'll show you how I do
it." And he proceeded :'' Fat cam to
Phawraoh at his hinder end?" The boys
answered promptly : "He was droon
ed;" and, in addition, a mnart little
fellow commented : " Ony laeeie could
hae told you that."
Danger* from the Dead.
That the dead eliotilil kill the living
: seems parados ; yet nothing ia wort
true. Judend we venture to aay that
i-very y*ar in our land oorpMa tutirdei
| more people tluui uaaina do. Not
only have intramural mtertnenta poinuii
*l whole block* and quarters, not only
kuH drinking water contaminated by
trrave varl* yearly spread diaeaae and
ilea tit through country hiunlete, but bo
fore the tiroocaa of dcconi|KiaitiMti com
mence* there ia often a great ami preen
ing danger from infection* disease. We
quote a recent instance ;
" lr. Gohlie, the medical officer of
health for Ls-c.l*, Ktigland, in hi* report
to the local authority, state* that every
one of thirty p*ple who attended tin
wake of an Irish girl who recently died
in tliat town from typhus fever were at
tackad by the and no fewer than
un of tie cases ended fatally."
So strongly have the needless dangers
of etpoaurr t funerals impreased the
iitodii-'aJ mind, that the health board of
New York have iaaued a circular recom
mending that no public or cbureh fune
ral* should lie given to p-rauna dying of
either diphtheria, euurlet fever, ineaales
or whoopuig r
In Olurago all*i, where scarlet fever
ami diphtheria have tiecn severe this jiaat
winU-r, the reoimmendation <f one hun
dred medical men in cuttunl was in Uiaae
"There should lie no public funerals
of any patient bo had died of any in
factious or contagious disease. Rets em
lx-r that Um seuaration of the sink pera *1
from the well ia the most certain means
of preventing the stiread of the disease."
A writer in the llaltimore PhynicUm
and HurgtfM, last OtClDber, went so
far as to advocate the passage of a law
on the subject (the average American
man looking upon a •* law " a* a cure-all
on every occasion). He thought it
should mnbody the following provisions:
1. Whenever any one dies of ooutagiou*
disease, the publication aiiuouncmg the
death should state cause of death.
2. So person except the immediate
family should )>e permuted to attend the
funeral, and the handling and burying
the tiody should be intrusted to penama
who devote themselves to that business.
3. A sufficient number of carnagaa
should be kejit for tha special purpose
of attending those funerals, and tlie
hiring them for other ptupaaM should
t>e prohibited, under the severest penal
These are good suggestions, but peo
ple should learn and obey them out of a
nat ural sense of sanitary propriety, not
out of obligation to a statute.— Medical
and Surgical Reporter.
Cbtara Water.
In onr climate, where rain in abnmlant
during a oonsklerabls portion of the
year, the *ii!<-r fulling upon the roof of
any house, if properly collected and
stored, ia ample for the whole supply of
the family which that roof shelters. This
water a*" it falls ia ardiitarily free from
any imparity that caw affect it* taste,
anil from every source of aerioua foul
ing, though "after a ioog-ouoUnuad
drought it is well to divert and discharge
npon the surface of the ground the first
tea minutes' flow of a ahower—ao that
the impurities <<f the air, and the dual of
the roof may be first removed. After
this first dash, load to the cistern all that
follows. Even with thia precaution the
water will he more agreeable for use if
filtered There are numerous ayatema
for making filter* in cistern*, but no
other is so simple, nor ao durable and
satisfactory as the separation at that part
of the cistern from which the suction
pipe leads by a wall of Irnek aud cement,
it is simjdy necesaary to build a wall of
brick aet on edge (two aud a half indie*
thick), so ss to include about one-quar
ter of the area of the lottom, sloping it
lck so as to terminate against the aide
of the cistern at a height of from four to
si* feet This wall should be so well
cemented at its joints that water can only
pitas through the material of brick, and
lor strengths it form should be slightly
bulging. A wall of this sort, measuring
tar six feet at its base and rising to a
height of six feet at its highest point,
• will transmit an amount of water suf
ficient to supply the demand of the most
couwtant pumping that any domestic use
.am require.
Putting hie Horse to Bed.
In a book written by Major Charles
Lofton, formerly of ' the royal navy
aud lata of the Coldstream guards,
*vure The following passage: His
ancle asks : " ' Where are you going ?'
'I am going to lay my horsed' I replied.
' Lay your horse !*' he" said, ' what do you
mean Y In two minute* I explained.
* Oil 1' said he. ' I should like to see that
performance,' and. jumping up, he was
followed 1 v all the gentlemen to the
stable*. • Vow, h*iw is this done ?'
Tie groom* were bedding tip their
horse*. I walked np to mine, and com
menced by flatting htm on the neck, and
taking to htm in soft, low tones. He
liegan pawing first with one forefoot,
then with the other, and evidently knew
me ami my voice. Taking a snaffle
bride, I put it on, pulled him gently
back into the stall, rubbed my hand up
and down on his knees, and then, put
ting my month to hi* ear, whispered
into it, "a* if talking to him. He liegan
immediately to move, and, bending Kia
. knee*, slowly let himself down on his
nearside, 1 at the same time keeping
well clear of him. while I still patted him
on the neck. Wheu I took the bridle
off, he settled fir the night. * Now,*
said I, ' he's safe, and will sleep all
night. Come swav!' They were as
tonished. 4 Why. % said ray nncle. • I
shall send you to* Astley's amphitheater
and make your fortune. Where did you
learn thisY 'Prom my own groom.' I
(felting Even With an India Prim*.
A curious story, by the way, comes to
ns from India, aaya a correspondent
The viceroy had received some offense
from Seindia, and could not avenge it
openly; whwrapon he meditated and
took "the following deeply deliberated
method of retaliation : lichen a large
number of native princea Came up before
liim to make their obeisance, no sooner
did the offending Beiudia enter than the
viceroy sprang forward with unwonted
effusiveness and kissed hitn on both
cheeks. Such contact from an alien and
a Christian is the extremest taint a na
tive can receive, Sciudia'a own wives
would not come near him ; in one mo
ment he sank in the eyes of all India
from a prince to a pariah, and ever since
the poor man has been undergoing puri
fying ceremonials, costing a large part
of Ins fortune to him from the
viceregal kisa by which he was betrayed
A Pnzxled letter-Carrier.
A letter-carrier had a missive to de
liver on Mount Ida. Troy, N. Y. He
rang the bell and waited for the door to
he opened, but no one came. He turned
to go away, but bearing the word " let
ter-carrier " pronounced, went back and
rang the bell again. After gazing at the
windows and exhnusting his patience he
knocked at the basement door, and going
uround the house peeped through the
windows, bnt the only response to his
appeal fot admittance was, " letter-car
rier," "letter-carrier." At last he
espied a parrot hanging high in air and
repeating the salutation, and he departed
with stealthy step— a wiser and more
contemplative letter-carrier.
ItMMC f htNWt.
Tha osar has already had a delinquent <**n
miaaary Shot. lie profsawa to aland no trifling
with the flaur of bla amy.
A 3aa Franriaoo child haa baen bora <***"*
eyes, and wtUmnt any place for them. Tha
father la "a waU known and prominent ti-
A Rhode Island man. whan arretted tha
other day, waa armed with a pMat, a tand
dob, a sharpened knife, a eoU of rope and a
ptptr of pOiMHX.
Thirty Uwm HtHm Uv m*d ft lftw for Urn
prevention of cruelty to animals Tha State#
that have not are Monde, Mii*ippi, Arkan
u>. Nebraska and OoVorado.
"I wish I woe dead." ta a common exelamn
- Uon with the dyajwptie, and vet no man can
got over a fence or crawl 'under a barn faster
■hen there'* danger ahead.
Hate are *o thick around Blnomington, 111.,
that the weary tramp who lies down to a fence
- owner is soon made to feel bats poor, mis
erable creature he is.
Tim bay of Tunis 1* hard urn the kh> dive of
Egypt can't pay hi* Ulls. and jLtow Dahomey ia
standing otrhis wash aixtv days Let
_ tailoring men he eouaoML
The uncalled fur baggwm id a hotel would
; strike one as being full of lonely romance if
one didn't ana the porter take "ut ao many
g ; brick beta and old bouts.
• When ycra "pop the question "tea lady, do
,t , it w<th a kind of laugh, as if yon were Joking.
If she accept* yon, very well j if aha doe* not,
, you can aay yon were " only to fan."
* j " (tone-faded into the dim mist which
'* i hide# the sunshine of life from the Mack pell
y . of death," said an orator, when speaking of
y ! the And two captain* who nailed on the Rrte
J ! canal,
A man at a restaurant bad called for the bill,
' paid it, and was leaving, when'the waiter nig-
l * j (rested that the amount did not include the
h waltar. " Ah," said lis man, " but I didn't eat
e the waiter "
The question now to the male juvenile mind
t ia whi-Utsr to wait around for hi* hair to dry eg
t 10 walk boldly into the bouse and risk his
ru. .User's finding out thai he has heuo to swim-
V taiag.
'* Over two hundred page* of delinquent tax
1 notions were published in a Chicago newspaper.
- The | roperty affected would seem to oomprisn
, a usual every lot m (he c-tty. The pnhlicatloa
will cost the taxpayer* tSd.OOO.
h Danoon Jones, J net deceased, bad a very red
i noee. Hie wtdew I bought it rather |s-ronal in
, the minister to kp hi* fnneral dtseomrae :
' " Another ahtntog light ha* been taken from
- am congregation.
* A faahi.ift report aay* that gentlemen's hats*
f are with a new kind of ventilator
„ which wBl last rnnob longer than the bole style.
AurtjUuug will fifilTart 1 EttnH m ft
r Comparison* are odioua. The major-, rock
' tug Nelly on Ida knee far Aunt Mary * acka
- I soppuec thai ia what nw tike V Nelly—
t tea. lie very OICK. but I rode Ott a realdat- ,
key yett*rd*> —1 mean one with four legs, yea
_ know."
t ttiarbw, ptaytnlif- •*llow much, really, did
that hat >, Jennie?" Jennie, archly—
" "If von reeJlt want to inspect the hill* for my
dry goods, t naric. them m away to do it."*
s And what sise euuid Charles do but propose on
" the spot?
t j "Bojn,*" mM Um* tfidwf, op hf
t rljL'bt for* ****** to njftUr Ok- ftdboUr* *!Usu
live, "what ut Indian meal aomposed ut T
And a little boy to the hack ami, who wore
it jaiched trousers, got up and ink): "Mease,
1 ms'siii, foftaft tiUfiMt'mirm,"
t A correspondent write# to aak why newly
: married men are called iv-ncdiets. The ran
s Mem. ww it tbil to ou llscsir
new state of life they are anppoaed to fr iv up
ah the had bachelor habit* to which the* btvo
been Is-nadi Xe<l - Arm Pramiimm Acsc* Inter.
1 Mrs. ik-jsacks ia sotnethmg of a joker. When
P hosbftod iii jiiae fti boon ftisd over ft
shitewaeb pail, harking hia aton and frartur
„ sag una of the nemwaisdment*. to aay nothing
of y to. hi* wife told lb* next
iluor nrif tibor, after dinner, that abe had just
* beard the latest mraew nowa.
e After seeing two doctors hang around over a
P man for four tsostrs and oao a gallon of miaed
J chloroform and ether, trying to get tout to
simp that they may aaw faia law off, it grows
more and more a myatery to n* now a robber
can oume to, and slap a little two-by-four
* sponge saturaud with chloroform over a
a clerk s noes and steal a whole bank slick and
t Urtn ia km* XXma jwtwo mutatm.
Fashion Jiste*.
Sleeveless sacks and jackets are still
The Tally-ho hat is a broad brimmed
There ia an effort to revive the pagoda
, 1 Light-colored shoes trill be worn this
The modestie is the new name for
- chemisette.
I Japanese designs cm note paper are
' very fashionable.
Small *inod Charlotte Oonky abawls
; are worn in Paris.
Bonnets composed entirely of flowers
are worn with vrty dressy toilets.
New garnitures of rose* and leaves
f have tiny shells hanging amid the foliage.
' Black or white straws are prettier, in
• t tetter taste aud more ladylike than those
' in colors.
The edges of the newest linen collars
1 , and caff* are needle worked with red,
r bine or grey. .
Elderly ladies are adopting the long,
loose paletot of black silk, '.rimmed with
' passementeries and lace.
. Drapvriea are not tied back so tight,
. but skirts are made narrower, so a* to
| produce as dose an effect as ever.
Rubber grasses are mingled with the
I 4 violets, roses, mignonette and forget-me
' nota of corsage bonqneta,
' i Large cravats of white muslin, fcrira
-1 cued with fine lace, are worn knotted low
in the throat of summer toilet*.
New linen collars are cut low in the
| throat, but they have revere that fold
closely so a* to conceal the throat.
The gatetu**, or dust cloaks, of thia
season are long, kwae prince** paletot*,
, with two large back and two front
. pocket*.
Princess drosses are not appropriate
! for confirmation toiieta. They are nn
lieeooing to youthful figures, and re
ouire more garnitures than the occasion
demands or permits.
For Breton costume* our large houses
sell along with the material for the dross
all the trimming necessary for it; that
a, the embroidered bands and the
cqnimte number of lutttou*.
White dotted, barred or plain Swiss
drosses are to be worn this summer over
slips of pale blue or rose-colorod lawn.
The dress is then trimmed with bows,
jabota, and " panel " trimmings of rib-
Ixms to match the color of the slip, or
of contrasting color.
Confirmation toilets are most tasteful
when mads up with rigid simplicity. A
plaited corsage, a skirt trimmed with
Himpie fold* or scant bias volantes, the
neck and wrists finished with a simple
ruche, and round tfcsrwsant a white rib
bon sash tied at the back, ia the correct
Parisian toilets of whito muslin and
lace show several contrasting and har
monising colore in the riboons with
which they are trimmed; for example,
one haa ribbon bow*,cascades and "lad
ders " of straw eolor, olive, brown and
pale blue ; another of pink, pale blue
and tilleul; another, olive green, brown
and cream color ; and a fourth of Maza
rin bine, canary color (tad opaline gray.
A recent traveler in Asia writes: In
the latter days of the Greek domination,
Trebixond was the capital of an inde
pendent empire. Since it was taken by
the Turks, notwithstanding the advan
tages of its situation, its growth has
beeu arrested, and it has sunk from the
dignity of a political capital to a third
rate town. As long as it belongs to Tur
key it will be the miserable, tumble
down place it now is, without a
sheltered port, and with an open road
stead only for anchorage, where vessels
lie a league from shorn, exposed to the
full power of the land and eea galea.
The Turks have a great power for de
struction and none for construction. Put
tliein down in any given place, and let it
t e as rich and prosperous as it may, and.
in a short, time they will let it fall into
decay. If it is a seuport, its harbor w ill
be cfioked up with Mod, its piers will .
crumble to pieces, its trade will dwindle
away, and its population will thin off as
if it hsd been swept by a pestilence.
Sirilla is going to London for a season,
is name is Pongo, and he is the only
gentleman of his race in Europe. His
education has been completed at the
Berlin aquarium. He drinks claret and
water, turns handsprings, swings on a
trapeze, drums on the floor, chases a
little dog, and behaves like a gentleman.
Ha manners are very graceful, especially
when he has occasion to drink wine with
his little cousin, toe chimpanzee. Pongo
looks like a little boy, and his hands are
j quite soft and pretty.