The Wife f-he who sleeps upon my liesrt \Vs the first to win it; She who dresins upon my hresst Tver ringn within it. She who kisses oft my lips. Wok.'* their warmest Messing : She who rest* within my amis Feels the dose*! pres-nug. Other day- than these shall come, Pays that tuaj lie drec.ry Other hours slisll greet ns yet. Hours that may be wearj ; StiH this heart shall he thy 11 rone, This hroa-4 shall l-e thy pillow : Still thews lips shall nn et thy own, v billow tm-eteih billow. Sh i p. tin o. on mine happy heart. Smoo thy to- e has won it Dream then, on mv loyal breast. Nona lint thou has done it ; And when age OUT I-loom shall ehaiigi. Willi it* wintry weather May wc m the self same grave f-U-op slid dream together. OLD MONEYBAGS" WILL A Nurse's Story. It is about ten years ago, when I folk-wed my railing m Wui- uhnil and Walsall, 1 wvs M .it for •-nu what l.astily to attend an old (id low —1 cannot call hun ag- ntleiuan. though he was rich enough—who lived in a si-htary >pure lioiw away (n-in tlu lugti road, and wa* up j>ed to be dying. i hid oftl a Ma n old Weston, or "old Mnevhag*." a* 1 - was called, walking aK-ul and talking a- the kvksnnth* and nailuiaier*. ns-n ami v.omen l*lh ; au.t it -as fiv-iu i*iie of the latter Vi .a.--: s. whose h> ed 1 *> I - ing up aflir a tree tight with a uvat of the liamnu-r. that 1 had heardNhat little 1 knew of lnm. ••Theer goes owd Money bag* after his naut*. Tin - sav he's a mint of i.i.'is * tu th' bank, an lots'o' house* ; an' it U fa t- his gran child. a lad IK- niggei u '■ rawr *-m. Mil' then went . to t .me that Jim Wes ton had inveuti-d ai - kind -if lea's. and. tak ing out a patent for hi* invention, had ttiervby amassed a fortuue, and it would all fall to a Ak-y who had tut otlioi folk* DM- out though to l-e *ure. -ho had a t-eller right than hi* own grandchild :■ Jinx Weston ha.t tuniiwl hi* l-a.-k m-ou In* -laughter (or marry uig John Dudley, a W alsall spnrtuaher, without a penuy, just a* her father waa beginning to make his way in tin- world, and thought hu money and her pr. t!v fa.v togetlnr luigl-.t procure her a gentleman f.vr tar lui-hazd. It,- M-t his f.* ssaiiist tlie young oouple, and never relented ult after she was a widow, or quite fornix e hex until ho fxUttd buW Jim JXVbhUlg IvSlslo his vl.aJ B!o!liw' vxtttn. in * miserable garret. iu % griaxy neighborhixxl. Then he buried her grandly. and put a flue monument oxer her—* **t of broken pillar— taking the boy home to hi* house. and engag ing minter* to giv him a good education. of which he had ft It the want. There were two joe)>1. however, *bo did not twee kindly to the arrangement. and these were Kelurali and Job Btvuuirv, his elder sister s son and daughter, who had d.i.e thru U-st to nTiimle into his good graces. and though he had ahown no other max as of favor than getting the Utter into an attorney • other he was articled 011 a itk> stamp) and patting Ketnrah luto a small shop iu Walsall, th. S t . two hxvkod upon iheuwwlvea a> the rightful heirs to their rich uncle s pt\>;>erty, real and ixrsoiial, and. as it was more than Us{*vted, nad kept open the breach between the fathtr and daugh ter to make aasurauoe J ably - an. He had to .1 ey< s. this old Moneybags—eyes that are mod to searvh on* tlirv ugh. 1 know 1 used to Unc.k -• when afUr a time he Ugau to stop me and ask me how my parents were get ting on and many a time- -for he was not a had sort, you must know—he has slipped a couple of half crown*. .ir even half a sovereign, int my hand, and told me those were the pills he ) rscribed when hntook to tin healing art. ll. u he would chuckle, and ask his grandson how he would like to be a doctor of the same sort * hem. grew a man. and pn s-.ver pills and go deli ointment ; and when t' bov laughed at the conceit he would press the small hand, and go on hi way rejoicing. '• If I were to fail sick. Mary called nie • Mrs. Marbtirv near WUlenhall, "would you mind con :ng M> nurse me. and see I wa.- iiot choked off i- fc-re mv time for the sake of my moneybags. he asked me one of these times. * Of course 1 said I should be glad to do my best on such au occasion, but 1 ho;- d ther. would be uo ued of nie yet awhile. That .was i:i March, and sure enough the last week in May. James Dudlc> cam* running to my poor 1 dgusgs. white fa.-od and breath less. Mr. Wi ston had fallen iu ant ; wiiuld 1 go lack with him ? 1 hold it the duty of a nurse to keep herself in readiness night or day : to no more time was lost than would cairy us over the mile or no of dusty rvad. A fw hawthorns scented the air as wo approached the house : end a doctor's brougham from Walsall stood at the gate.* We found the whole house in coufuwian. and the old nun lying on a -..fa, breathing heavily, and speechless . the doctor feelmg his pulse. Before Dr. llill went away Mr." Weston had recovered >.> fnr as to justify removal to his own bed and uinirv ssaig. though he still re mained ta a critical state. This t>ed wa a heavy and peculiar piece of furniture, evidently built to nt into a recess ui trie wall of the room opposite to the windows. The door opened on to a sqmre landing, and was one of five, two rooms being on each side, the fifth door opening to a sort of dressing room. which had a >ecotil door opening to the chamber. The next day he was better ; and it was quite touching to see how lie stroked the heaf Augn-;. "Stop." sail the stranger, "let nie catch tliat blue-bottie." and after aome dodging he caught it. and for what do you supposeHe put the fly ill the mouth of the dead man, and held it shut, savigg a* he did so: " Now put the pen in his hand and guide it. and we can swear he signed it while there was life in him." I shrank with horror as 1 saw this villainy peipetrated. and the other man's signature affixed, wliilst the tlv roleaaed went buzzing over the room, and then bells rang, and a great wail weut through tlio bouse ; but the young one who fled, to me for comfort, and sobbed upon my shoulder, was tin.- only true mourner. The funeral came and the will was rend. James Dudley had not been wholly excluded; they had been too cunning for that; but the will set forth that his mother had offended in her marriage, and that he, James Weston, hod taken an oath to disinherit her offspring. The testator, however, left a charge upon his heirs and executor-, his beloved nephew and niece, to educate his grandson James, and article him to a solicitor, as he himself had been ar ticled, with a small sum for maintenance till the youth was twenty-one. when he was to have £SO. and no more. I told Dr. Hill that I was sure the pen was put in a dead man's hand, but he said it was preposterous, and hade me hold my tongus. I was dismissed, and being myself afraid of any-* publicity of my own name, I weakly let the matter drop, stifling conscience with the thought that it wr.s no business of mine. Then my own cares drove all others out of my mind. I came to London, where I soOngot a good connection, and I liegan to sayc money. At last it came to my ears that the Bromley* were purse-proud and arrogant, and had not even fulfilled the provisions of- the sham will for poor James Dudley. My conscience stnng me ; I felt as if I had been a, partner in the fraud to r ' the orphan of his patrimony, and I went to a magistrate for advice. He gave me a hearing, and then referred me to a respectable solicitor, who took the matter in hand. To niak l a long story short. James Dudley was looked up, criminal proceedings were threatened against the Bromloye. a search-war rant obtained, and in the recess behind the bed another will was found, properly drawn up and I •Ilrrtnl. in which *>l4 Money hav* l>ft t> hi* lu'phm only tlie tnoncy he had ahead) de frauded him of as witness s, i.ial forged checks inrKneil with the will. Of-ours- the lath r will would hive et tin* aside, had it Won genuine Thit it was not W 1'IMV1 hy the abrupt flight of the Ilromli ys, ami the eonfe* sioii of tlnir fellow conspirator, who i> brought to l-i-V A SotnttnitibttlM'i F-CI|M. Oue of the moot remarkable among the record of mchleuta of im iw|Hm iv ourrotl noiir Mtuiafichi, on tho Atlantic mtil tinnt Western roiul, one night re ivutlj, lUVMnlittK tA tho l)iyUti tO. 1 Jt>vr'ol. \ gentleman mill hie wife, named Wakeman, were on thoir wnv u Ijivniiiv, Kaiisa*. I'hev wire IUVOHI (mniiHI by their oulv mm of aixtivu. (hi arriving at Mansfield nothing could In foilinl of tho Iwj, who hiit been si-en Iv HIM father to puns toward the otnl of tho oar a few minute* previous. There wii a thituh tun! viioant air in hi* tnannor at th# time, which hi* father ha-l noticed. The young man hud on one or two y *lO oveio.-lue with fear; lu* father, in oow|leep, hi* clothe* covered with dirt and slight!) torn, and hi* fiuv scratched tu several places, but upon being awakened he atv*e unhurt :uid walked hack to Man* field, a distance of six mile*. The coujis'ture that he had walked off the train when asleep proved cornvt. The Ivv states that he he* no roouUee tion of leaving tho car, but was arou*ed by hearing the crv>w of a r\H>*ter from a neighbor tug farm-house. He found him self lying alongside of a fence, and with much difficulty clambered up the rail r\ their sufferings by suicide, and in one family the father and mother, to avoid witnessing the death agony of their starving children, hail buried them alive. The famine has been caused by the failure of the harvest for two years run ning in districts which arc generally very fertile. Neither grain nor fruits are to l>e had at any price, and the laud s. cms to have l-eeii scorched by a burn ing wind. The grass by the roadside has l>eeu devoured to its very roots by the famishing people, who have strip ;KK! all tlie trees of their l>ark and foliage. As the winter has been exceptionally severe, many of the sufferers have died from cold as well a* from hunger, and the appearance of the survivors is most ly ghastly. When tine weather return*, these provinces, formerly so populous and flourishing, will have been convert ed into deserts, and there will be a lack of hands to till the ground for next year's crop. The functionaries, the bonzes and the missionaries, without distinction of na tionality or creed, liave joined their ef forts to those of the government to ar rest the famine; but charity, on however large a scale practiced, is insufficient to meet all the wants. It is worthv of note, however, that an anonymous dona tion, equivalent t<> $15,000, was scut some time ago from Japan, and it has since been ascertained that the donor i* a Japanese who for many years was a domestic servant in China," bi.t who by a lucky marnasre hail become possessed of a large fortune, part of which he has generously used in promoting good fin-l ing between the two countries. A Murdorou* Lunatic. Quite a commotion was caused in the vicinity of the •' Forge," Weston, Mass., by the wild freaks of an evidently es caped lunatic. His first appearance was before Mr. George Hull, who was planting iu a field near the roadside, who, on looking up to see what the man wanted, rcceiveil a blow between the eyes wnich nearly felled him; recovering himself and starting for the man, who was then on a run for the fence, the fel low- st .pjH-d and commenced atoning him, winch caused a halt on Hull's part. The man t ok to the highway, and next caine up belun I Mr. B. Hull* and felled him to the ground by a blow in the back of the head front a large stone. He next met a man coming toward him with a hoe, and running up to hint he snatch ed the hue from Lis hand and struck at iris head, but he caught the blow on Ins arm and the handle was broken into two pieces. By tins time the neighborhood had become alarmed and au effort was made to seize and con tine the fellow, hut he somehow got a six foot fence stake ami went wildly for any* and all who approached him. One "of the meu finally went into a house, borrowed a pistol, and presented it at the man, threatening to lire unless he gave him self up, but the fellow would not yield, and continued his attack on all; he was finally shot, the ball going through one of his cheeks, yet he would not give up, and apparently did not mind the shot 111 the least. A boy getting la-hind, hit him on the back" of the head, which knocked him senseless, in which condi tion lie lay for about an hour. During the whole of the melee it is said that lie did not speak one word, aud being a perfect stranger, he is supposed to liave been an escaped lunatic from some asylum. Point D'Alencon I-are.. It is estimated that there nre 500,000 lace-makers iu Europe, of whom nearly one-half are employed in France. Almost all of the latter work at home. Of the French laccs, the most noted is the |>oiiit d'Alencon, which has had a wide celeb rity for more than two centuries, and has l>een styled the queen of lace. It is made entirely by hand with a fine needle on a parchment pattern, iu smali pieces, which arc afterward united by invisible seams. The firmness and solidity of the texture are remarkable. Horsehair is often introduced along the edge to give firmness. Although the workmanship of Jtliis lace lias alwnys been of great beauty, the designs in the older speci mens were seldom copied fro in nature. This circumstance gave a marked nil vantage to the laces of Brussels, which represented fi-wera and other natural de signs with a high degree of nccuracv. The defect, however, has disappeared in the point d'Alencon of recent manufac ture; at the Paris Exposition of 1807 were specimens containing admirable copies of natural flowers intermixed with grasses and ferns. Owing to its elabo rate construction, this lace is seldom 6een in large pieces. . A dress made of 'point d'Alencon, the production of Bay eux, consisting of two flounces and trim mings, were exhibited at the Exposition of 1867, the price of which was 85,000 francs. It required forty women seven years to complete it. Human Nature. From our window, says the Dan bury News, we have just observed a man cross the street in front of a flying team. Carefully measuring the distance with his eye he saw that he could make it in safety by hurrying, so ho started on a run and got across before the team reached him. Then he stopped a mo ment to look after the team, and then sauntered leisurely on his way. Till'. IT KkISII CAPITAI, llrpnriurr nl Kiiasimts Iruro I •Halnniliitiplr •-I'ltHllMC llNlt Mi kttt mm In thr I lit. A correspondent of a New York paper writes us follows from Ooil-tautiuoplo ; The departure of the ho>t imperial mini beat front til * Clt\ to (Ml ss.l Wll* llOOulll p lllled bv scenes novel before witnessed in the history of a eivili. Ed city. <>n tho morning of the day on which tho last steamer was advi rtised to leave, the funismrg of l'ent was full of R.ISHIUU men, woim n aud children. oftieutU, Ingli ttnd low, pri-puritn: to embnik. To say that the set-tie was an enchanting one would be to belle the {net*. It vv an one of the saddest ever witnessed til Colt stnntmople At least a dozen Kitssinus were aoeompaiiied to the v esse! by y. •ting women, mostly hautlsouie t'treiissuui*, vvlto wept and sobbed a* only lovers know how, and there was deep, intense grief depicted ott the fat-es of tin- ntett. It was with difficulty that these jusiple eotiUl IK- siqvittat d when the offiei i on duty at the wharf warned thetu that the time of the .*!< aunt's departure was nigh approaohiug. lleiitlv and (irmly their arms were hmsi-tiel troui the departing Ktlsstans, whom lla-v m* at- d upon em bmciUg again and again, until the gang plank of the steamer pi > settled a scene w< :thy of the pencil >-t a great artist. There they SUKHI, M amtig, erving, hug giug, kissing, until - v< n the sturdy sail ors on l> aid the Kussiau ship were amazed at the fits! sad picture winch the reality of war had pUe< d before their eves. At last the atuyloyoe* of the Bus* an leg at ion catUi ah • g, officials one and all of them, and of course less dem onstrative iu their conduct. I'lu te was one notable exception to all this sadtli *s. Ann i.g the passengers wus a yoiing Bus siati naval ortu-er iu undress uniform, said to IK- also an attache of the now ultatidolied legation, who wulki i the divk briskly with a blonde north tier mail lady. Those who witnessed the departure of the vessel had noticed the lieutenant and his wife, as son; sup pi si 1, as prtsentrng a elieertill o ntrost to the sad scenes on the dock, but paid no further attention to tt. l'o my us tottishiueiit, however, 1 heard that the lady vv as the wife of a well known Ham burg merchant doing business in Con stantinople, and that she was in the uet of eloping the lieutenant in the coolest manner liuagmublc, taking advantage of the last lauil to Odessa ti flee with her new : tin i lovei to Un*s!v, s-> us to cut off all pursuit by her hus band. The departure of so many Bnssian officials has also worked great misery auHing a large olosa of j-pie, mostly Creeks iuid Armenians, who have been rishn-ed t • t> ggary I y basing their poss tt-'U* u* M-rvaata for Uussiau fumihes, without possessing the means to leave for their r- speetive homes. They re nt: iu u re mutter want, nnl only in crease the overwhelming HUIUIKT of pattiiera already uHitui i:ng in this city of the Bosphorus. The prices of ail uec ssancs of life have risen to fabulous sums here during the p;t*t few days, as moat of the cattle, flour and other f.ssl ussl to IK- sent here in large quantities from Odessa and other Cities ..f the Black sea. This traffic i* mov interrup* ed by the blockade, a* also the exjmrt from Bulgaria, where the tr-'ps will need all that the country produce*. Add to tins the fact that t'.e government has lanl in immense store* of flour and meats, atiit von can readily understand the terrible o -uditiou in which t; e p- - pie of tins unfortunate city tlur get* out of his death-lied t" make .i spe. -h—tlie euce i* X buck in the carriage, drive to the market place, ami leave it unat tended while lie ate dinner, in the ex pectation that some one would steal the box. The driver took the hint, and the lxn disappeared. Neither l.nly nor dead lwsly has since been heard of. Reducing Ills Rent. In passing over the New York Central and Iluils'-n River railroad a few days ago, a correspondent learned this fact, creditable in the highest degree to Mr. William 11. Vanderbilt, president of the company. At one of the eating-houses owned by tlie company the lessee was paying Jfl.'NH) a year rent. Mr. Vander bilt saiil to him: 44 If you will give up your bnr, cease the sale of intoxicating liquor, I will reduce the rent to 81,500." The leasee at once accepted the liberal offer of Mr. Vanderbilt This art of the president of this grcnt line of travel and traffic is evidence of the faith that he has in sober conductors and engineers, and that he is disposed not to put tempta tion in their way. This is a contribution by Mr. Vanderbilt of $-l,5iM) a year to the cause of sobriety. A calculation made forty years ago stat ed that for home use and for export pur poses 20,000,fX>0 pins were required daily in England. The quantity now produced is 50,600,000 per day, of which Birmingham produces 37,000,000, leaving 1.8,000, OCX) as the production of London, Stroud and Dublin, wdiere pins are also made. The weight of wire consumed annually in the pin manufacture of Eng land is about 1,27. r >| tons, or 2,857,120 pounds, one-eighth of which is iron wire, used in the manufacture of mourning and hair-pins. Two Brooklyn thieves stole a bottle of cologne. The officers soon had a Bcent of them, of course. M MMAKY OF NKHN. Ilrini •( Inlrrr*! Irtim Home ml %l#rod. WhiW* )itct*rMbm wrro U'liig uifttn for the Uunohuij: of the IV, *ho |i IMOVO iloviii lli Ntock*. *! Miiv llit* inbuilt work oil li .Mo* k.H out i'f |l0 W.*\ Ml YOU 111011 \*IO Ol Ulm *1 1" clouth jo 1.1 a tiuiulx rof otlu molt 4*l U* Itt*t 1 \ hurt (IhUiit, o.i llio Ihiu iU'. wn* I'iirtH I I i the Uiihhiaiii*. win# mI o i)i.titouut t tltrii foi tiltoAUotia *t li.ti h . 111, i c*iiiutt ring tln in * f noftllUttl Um\ Tlio lillMltUll flOltUl't l*nt* lit AMI inn ihu tt ml l\ * IAI,-• f■• • • I'tuk llliltlll'l KtUckotllu' IkUMJWI|'MtI 'IHt A lilt tilth tOfttl of MAI |MUll\l lui ut of tl |Uv. \\ ai Ih!mi ii lurkY mud 4UCVOO la Ootialih l d Hit Wlul'J. Vu till Illltll}'hr >A, Af;< d uty thl<, MA llAtltfod lit Naintwloh, tint , for Mm uiudr of IndoiUk a huilditif; ooutr*. t**i I ht cmiAi of tho emtio A||*L< a diiitoiuii M in |>awik A tU*ll Mllll f tllotlt ) till* to lluiU| hl V hi* fh %'liAti. i>mi i tua*h in Court" ud jMiri UlFllt* of Hut |if| f, * UllAl tU (lilt lltnof F*t4H \ \\ lllle tMO !I|l U Mi l! iti 111 A N'Al'l in N( Hittitt ti' tkt vtkN bflit kt I • Alld U'foiu tto I 4XUht I** |.o| ollt 4*UO of tlu 111, uaiiuhl Kmrt'll, droitu v! lit a !ti> iti tiKui-raull' N A to £l'*'. mas dour* , iUAtiraiit-. 0,OM 1 ! lUltuU-r of |rtoit mm kuifj tvltcf lit India u AtXVUUit of tlu fallUiit haf* ilit it a • d o\i I !'*, OtKI, Alld L'loal illatu • ftlnta I hi* c U> w t* kdhd t*an \j *i>u ' f !iit daiu| til !he Mine ItUl fortiri Y at MlturfttlUe, I*A Jolui C\ 'l4, Mho ha *■ I-** 11 a Uliltlatr ff tM i lit) a Mai*. Ma OU'.iitrd of i . tit; iititf I ti VuiUd nmrl la Himhwi \vi.iie at-ut t> ,l> Hull wne at it. it a llg< tin, -i I* t-i i k t'U* kat IV dat tiaptiU, I''**, It sudih-iitv f ll tit, ai''t w f the lat t,la • ere tl.j 111 illltolrul ill fllvci ttf a, ■l. lit.. I lilt r1 ti lift 1 r t. tilt a K ait *< it. • ■ t I 'at i - . t liatii!-. t At ■ , lit I'tllat ;i eti i n- it' ti ii I bt tile, a !"II i'f lltk't'.at, tut tahlt'lt Utue ut (nil iMMi!i.. lUair.arck an tuilt IW-Itill I'tUml (S'ltiitilrr al'l> uitfaaliutaa lit Kraliri \ tn man >:t NSli lamtl ulgtl, . 11'tnunttril an.i'nto l takuik tkilM'U, au trtn tlata a(ti I t.t-r lillat alni, J it. SltULlltat'luir, aitt'b lltlilM if it' All i'ti I hla wife ai' :tln 1 tie. atn ttl iN UlfU tat :. i 11l Ulli ataui'CHi, t'tll a< m nitlta| j i lit their thiiuo"lli' trlaUutta tlie Ttirlka ill lultota, n the t'aniit.', tin.l I'll an All- titan tr>" t, alnt aft. . mat ahnla art her . a til. 1 l.r 1 ill kl4l I'rti. ial ai\ . unl i f tin tatting i'f ariaitnilta the In i'f • i kiitcit atn! <>uiit< 1 lk>it t r!", .f Sj alll, a l.' iU' at' t trai e t"l al 'c h* l'rr|j' iit AlacMaln'ii A e rial tirai. t n nf l.afat' tie .laltril tin t uih of \\ aaiiiltet. n a' Uminl \ ern.'ii Itnii in 'if li-kt r t mtiai Mate* UllUlatrt t ltlliMl, I'll 1' it. nr l Mlitl. - fII t -ti. ! llj 1 t.air a' (X .11. .1 I Matru 1 tie ml. N l ,Md tin (Mrawtawt dielwurteued Alft-.t 1 Ant. i . a fi ' v*t. " T'lk, ill. t oil a ti. . t'i an.t St. t'atiiar.n. , lint W it. < ttiuMlier. the jaa I t iteail Mane |a in na air •(>!.'!> a! It r ilri'artli ilit nf State t.i f.u a>ni!ini In .>1 tilntn/ ;• tk*Ua in the ttlrjie-al MT|' I'th. r I'lanet e, nf Itir liua-im ui iter; nn. • Int i i'n [• lnaite that t.l new if • ueutisUti .i> n aUvh aaiialaiii r rail t-r ri :i t i.-t At ier m tlir t'n n i tic n '.I t t'U <:i • K I . eti'halecl. I tie fill—im Mm llU(tl>e>. Jl An ti -ill. i-tt.'U 1U Ja| aui> rajCilit Iwll.-i iiur. ial 1 i lit. . \ermuelit The Kit* of' N IA Matn :.. a wealth* llilliiei.tial i.t .eii . f Haitf.Jil l aiiii, he ha. K• u li.laall'K aln.e lat J Sitiary, wa f.'Un l h* t- tur hahrrltlru li. af Via 'mi. lie 1* l*>- lie-t i il to ha\e d'lUUUttril aiiU i t. Hie PiMil-offl ■ J. j.artnin.t m \A wkuif too nuilo lt- If emt erran-'il t.l t!'< * i f ailvcr tnourv | > in ui- u it. At 1I unl, tin k I'lt. tlir ttallkere tiili atem ii t-' tin iliafta the Jejiertinelit to |fotrt unit ati.< 1> Una t. l Irlkkr* litielitCi ii A i.'.itjUT of 11 ■ Il i l nhneal ill hrii-k *anl 111 Ha.rratraw. S I .wis hail KotM) on a atrtl.. for tukhrr liian.i mi dr-mouatrall.e tiial th. : : it.a an* out to ihafrrar them . TUr Itua-.eua UieJ. two Jr|i rate atta.k. ill l,tt bahnie/ and Kardakh. oiltwoik. at Km*, tut wrt* rt-- t u.sail raeli lime. .A 'Ua war l.aa K < ti | - a. i.i-: lu lkiama. the kterlin e.-rre-j. Ltd. Nt i f tn* K'Uiloii finwr uiquui. > - dtirini; th. |-a -1 few wt.ka ineaaitr. - ha.- Ken a.i.'j 'ltd Lr thr kmduel tuoKluatloa of the whole MM nan army to na.!. l'urkr* 11 u; • ntal e. if It I .!• t slat. - ui tiie h . vhihlll • :i< vt "at 1u,.: tea-u nt wrr. l>v tlir i.ei.iral Tb* lViceJ St-mmarr t tir in h. of n w fei. in iterkainru ixnutty, Sla - . . u May -t The trull work- ui liraduig. I'a., an. t.teily d.-tmy.ii t y tir. K>-- l*tw and f i'iO.tll'u Ruftte !'■ "-human, who an to lia.e iia-li hull): la liocheat.r, S V., had ht* iriitaniT rutiimut. d l-> Uiijwtwiimetit f.u life .i hr annuel ciHl*ri;t.'u of the Nat liil AA ot-ieu Suflrakr JbaMM ' I ■ '• 1,1 S * lork, men* of ti.-- inoet tar n ua af.iat r of the qurUioli > f wotuen ent .. O; • f the deuyUtera of t .itninnlon Vendertuit haa til. I a ]--titi . for lb. r. >;•< ■ f the jwolktr of t. ■ will 1 !>'" K' A " worka al (irreiipoint. N. Y.. w. tr t urind. re faMe lom of ibMyMO A.. Um —| I ... • of the Tenn-ylrenia i otitral raitr ad liaie had thrir ulurn > r.-duea-d ten ii-r out l ite men ar.' to 1* hanked lu fttMlk I'a . June -I A lotik letter by s. uat• r M ■ na- I'ut' in whirh he t ra.wxl tin l'r. .1. nt. lut eaprt -.. ld' ul>t i f th- itwerily d Soulheru nieti, andeeltcalui - u I-| i uhii.ana •! to cjdit into feetiona l'..ri t-r w.r.xr mied in lla*.r-lrw, S. 1 , and tit. I wah.ra there r. - ;*. t to . -■ llmr yaril-• n a- lklUt f ti,' -tr.k. A 1-• r .ii Jojal t. •tat.-a that th" I(u-*iao maul atui* Ui Au*. abk-h caiHnr. d Ardahan. w 7t),ai atruii);. It i* *etd that ti" imt*rUiit moterii'nt on tlu l'annK will K- mkle h* ! - rtu-iel • until the wf- r,. i* si. ] - "i!. "ii a. tio ink of t ,e nier. The aitnetioir in • unMaukn. ; i> ■ i tr nicly i-ntioal on a.- .unt of th" turl ulrnt •!. m uatretioiia f the Sofia*, ei. ! a -tat. of ... . ■ we- jwn. tain."l in tin ,'ltv 11., rejoitof the r.-i|:!iat. .ii of Air. I■ at-r. Tutted Sta!'> lutni-t'-r to Hniate, la deni'sl . imnii); tin l-rogrea- of athlrtir gen • - inl mweii. t niada. a hear* ek-lgo hammer ui the hen.!. :u| tr".l' r of tin eurroocy and to j" rltiry and rmlwj.henu nt. were m-h- U'ttced in llartf rd. t oiiii.. tin former getting five year* at herd lehor end fl i in . and tin latU r ait year* and -it i nil.- .a! l ard iai : m the Connecticut State |r.-on Alary Iran..- Ileccli, wlio wa- err. 't"l imer Weahliu'ton ft mtouraln-ii, w< Vuriud !•> death in In: ■ .... At "tit five thou*an l |*o;de wltno-we.! the eieeiiti 'n "f Jart. Will n for tin murd. r f AA'yir* MH'uah near l' orr, l> :.'i li.v V.' ('*. Tralu r, let. jr. ' t fit the ih fin., t Fir*t national bank of W . ...'.a. Kan. whoa) amnded witii #'.>I.DUO of the i:ndltiiti"n - fund*, wa* ceptnre.] on th. M.-\n-an ! r f A atrikrng m- l'l c in ir- y. S. Y.. Ron • let od of ax-mud. feit'd tin heavy arntene. of teli Tear a unjirmnment. Klrven coaehea ] artn"i]'ate.t in the Keeon.l animal proc wiun of tin- Now York t oaelung rltih. The parade i re-"iitf Henry Tower el North Clarendon. Alaaa.. u lutrned. and two of Ida children DOT* age.l nine, and eleven yar eacli wrr I'ltmed to death A ->]iia<] of men etlointitel to arr.-t William 11. Crawford, near Cleveland. Ohm, for throwing vitriol in the face of hi* wife, who had Ken ilnorcnl from him ; tot after tiring at hiMmr-imrn with out doing any injury, lie h"t him-rtf, prefer ring death to arrest The following detail* have been re.-eived of ilie.t* -ttrm'tion of another Tnrkiahm nitor ly tor[w*lo'- Two ltii*-ianru ginccr otltcera ettempled to reaoti the monitor early in the evening wltli tor]'ef Sew Y'or'.i. who at' •inied during tin panic of 1*7:1, and who-" defile .tioii* amount'.l to t375,00(P A gang of drunken desperadoes made an attaol. on the Gru uway Ibdi I m Svra riihe. N. Y , and one of t'lem na* shot to death by the hark' "per and Iwo other* w re v., .iindi d. F Hinckley, mnnngir of the Clnengo and I'aducah railroad conipany.waa arrcsti d on the charge of defrauding I ngli-li atorkliolder* of tlie coin], my of upward of *'.>on,neO. lie Threw il into lite File. A wrnltliv ({ermfiii iinnker, not having; Irooti able toiinii a Buflicientlv tinootnim n ami cx|H'nivi' tov, presonlml his little prriHtiltioii on iiia liirtliilay with a brink note of conaiiicrnhie vnliie. Soon nfli r wnril the little follow'* mother wn* hml l.iwi llolli. I A marriage in iletnut was r.wwntly \ 1 broken kk. .-|H-r seeuusi ; i to g'aili Hi mfyautage, and becoming , lltol'c assiduous 111 Ills at', litlolls to the girl und her parents, again urged his suit mid ius uctvpf. d. The clerk first 1 h arue tofli in defeat ft'otll the bps of the I obl.H't of his art", cllolis, hut did Hot S. IHi • to be cast .town by the tinwelcolne no tellig'cnce. 11.- r< |ltxl luvsteriously, in tie following words: " What you hay.- tol.l rue shows ute eotielusiv< iy that I liny.- failed to gain your heart, and vvith -1 out that I should never seek to marry you, and I now renounce all claim and pr. tensions t i your hau l 1 have done i my l-st and furled. I wish you to tin ' dot stand that what i ant aim lit to tell 1 von is not instigated by spile, revenge or jealousy, but solely ly regard for vour liappui.-M and fultir. w.-lfur.-. You r can never ttiarrv Mr. ' 1 will pre 1 vent that; and I tbank t i.*l it is iu my power to prevent such a marriage. When In had delivered tli * extraordi nary sjK-.vh lie t<*'k lus hat and pre pal. 1 to It ave, but til, ;*:i 1, her c iri ' ..sit v alld inter< -I rouse.l to the high, si pitch, for an explanation, ven ! oldilig hilu by the ixiat to prevetit h lu from gome. Hit lie was itumovable. "1 am simply doing ju*t:.-e t • all, and particularly to you, by preventing tJua marriage," h. 'aid. "Hy revealing the i means of prevention of which I atn pos* M s-<->1 1 aiiouhl be doing aii injustice to my fortunate rival, un.i lam t--> protid t-> profit by hi* downfall. He is the last man hi the world I w uid s. k to injure. Hat 1 am determine.! he shall in t injure \ou by marrying you." Then lu-t - k i t* leave, and next .lay he Welti to the store in which hi- favor.-.! rival waa at work. The two adjourned to a <|Ulrt '• writer in the store, from which the voice of the Kukko. p. r was shortly heard in . xeit' l and augrv tones. Tlie voice of : the clerk vv.ia low. cool and calm all throng, tin- iiitervu w. Tlie otherelerks i4iw papers and i> pun of old newsi a -1 < r* pa** Is two. n tin- two, mid finally put away til the )*cket of the clerk. After a brief space the Itooklo eper's ' voice sank to a whisper, and a listener got the impression that lie could discern ' the sc.-eat.* of . ntroatv. After about an hour's rsiijTer-iti u tlie two separuted, the elerk e ung • it and the ls'lik.s-jM-r, with a pallid countenance, r. tuniing to " hl it -k It .x* ob-< that he did v. ry little work with hi* jm-u during the r> - laind'-r of flu' day, ami finally left the store m the middle of the aft.-rmsiu "U a ph-a of ill:.i s*. The young lady r.-cesvi i a note n.-xt tlay from him, iui- Douitcuig in gxiiuxled but delicate terms that the engagement was broken, alld 1 tl. dhe w >uld in v. r rail at the house or se. k her eomttany again. A passage iu the letter read . "T" marry v• ti woithl Is- the -mi I'f my earthly hapjuneis, but a calls.', with which you are entirely un connected and which 1 cannot rev i-al, make* such an event ltupuaaible." liv this stroke the lady !•*-• * both of her loV'T* ami i* entirely ui the dark run i corning the cau-c. Any shrewd r> ,td< r, how. v. r, can make a g>**l, general guess at the h. art of til" mv-t. rv. /'t fruit \t tr*. V Kith Man and Wife al School. V . : ,-ivg' 1 in teaching the rudi ment d branch. i to Wealthy people of !'.' r'ected etlu.-wtioli 111 N"> w York has Is* ii giving some of her eijwwu-nee in a s. ri. * of articles in the New York /Vlr . mml Among other* taught by her wn- n w.nltliy <• Ij'le, of W'hotU the w ritcr Htt y s ; Hut "f all the eniM-i of n'g!. , ete.l elu cati li f '.ich w.r.- brought uitlru the ran;.-' > f my jx-rsoiial . xja-rienee, jwr hnp* the ii,' *t Hit ere* dug t . me. and the nvst touching, was that of a nuv and luatrouly woman who appeared at mv ' rxstiu* <>ne day btcrully blazing with tiia- Uloinls, with a fifty dollar bounet on iter hoad. and a twenty dollar canuT* hair shawl ou In r ample alutui- : der*. Though tliua overhstdul with or-iaU'.-ii*. the woman was not n ally vnl- j ar, ami after slu talked with men while 1 really liked her. She made a confidant of me at once ; h" told ni.- her -ituple history and hr strain-. j" *i trotr. Tonrt. <-n xenn ago she had Ite.-ii n chumhermutd and lur hus band had bi-eti a private eoocliman, Iwilt iu the m rviee of the same family ; thev lin.l marrto 1, ami her hus band had taken to his old trade of car penter. and from a carpenter lie lvecaine a builder, and from a builder a million aire. He was now tire fortunate owuer of • .ne of thl tr..o~t btMMM on in New Y 'rk. ixiid In* suns arid daugh ters wore Is-ttig ulii-iited at the best - -bonis m the cot try. Hut up to this date he liisl enjoytil no spare time to ne ipnre any knowledge save what was ab solutely necessary to his business, while his wife had remained as ignorant as at first. Now the loving and worthy couple began without anv false jHckge. ••Snrvlvsl f ilit- Tin' liiki uioii* il*-tiui" |ir"i.iuali by Mr. I>ai i*in, thn Urrl'-H iuvt sligatur uf nature and lu r ltt, i* *• s|'|.|i' i io iu di lerminin* Umi futo of Uuitielllos us 111 tl>t of fh sillllisi S|- rii-s. loni>siin w i ■ au diss sre Iron)-lit Ih foto llio |>utfttul ui" ■ on roni|i!"l'ly dls rsuliit s tlu a sul" rapidly dM il' S • UlitS Slllllislll" lust tost If fill) '■so tried und futuid MariUn* ' in His incuts • lilt It limy si*- I'lulUu dto |*hiscc, isj uinoiint of udvYttlstiig will uiukc liirui |ni|itrlar, l>f ult llio rctiuilic- our liitoslii'iil I" Ui* public, n> >iti ui Ml I'l'iilsi a- In I'toi'is family lilt* 11 j crocs. Tticti sut" bus st< uir|'i<-i| us* l'r TiwfC' s fmutly luudi'iiu ii*>l't* II M'ilk ul 1 nsiavcry is sit* is livr, or blomt iloUMslii*, and an unc-iuali-d . oiigli nniiily . I'll u-ui.t I ui( ttve T.ltots, w-UOrly laigrl tbaii lutlstaril Kola, MMtllilU sua,i''all' and ri liable plo-i. I siorlti In - ri|>tuiii, a rciiiislv f"i *t I'ltstc't fi-utaltta I vliacl of Kmartwwt, a iua*Ual icluedV for |t*lu, K'W't coiuplaiuts. and au uuc|uati*l luu iiu ut for K ill liuuiatl and luiii-eil'sii , wlillo tile l'r. dago - ■ atatib lUtncdT la luiowii tlie oild *iii-r ss lite gi'-stosl speoltic for < slsrrli Slid " "old ill tlu bead tor glitulo Ibc public. I I I.i v ate sold by druggists. Tbr llrlirls nl the Sulr* iliul cillf ■ |". ibmugb Us lialuisl channels of i lit, tto Kovela, lb" kidneys aiut the purcs, or lu it* fault lltereof, j-Uxoii and (Itsoxdei liu tlu ids of ll.e si stem, lu *di r lu rlfo. t tlu 'lu|l'l< i vpuisiMli of Ibis daug'lulis lof use tlu "igslut Ibrougli wbk'U It |iassi-s off must u*in < si.d ui" i "li noted Furluuit' li I lur* ib a iv rial ti meuix of r* tidcltiig tbrm a* wlun i they ai c nut, Buab ttel s htoma* ti Juttiff s Btimulati ti>< a< tioli of tlie t xcr< l> ry organs, sml by diffusing a gonial warmth thnmgli tb* in ulalioit, eiiii'iirag" moderate i *|>iraU"b. Iti triple t ffti't the extifus of tl.ii fiatal and "liter rat<- mat tors are cmimi aged, and the osi.iu fttul from |*crU it woukt otlserwise tn i ,r. lb- action < f the K••'ls wblcb follows tlu Use of tills l*-ncflr< ut altiwatlve is eaev and .in... >*>ut|iaritod by griping, and IU stimulator . fl.ct ui-.ti (be urinary urgans vriy ioili<'Usiu sa,ii>usti|'atrouor possibly ( dlatilu a. folk *s. Hun roine* the kldinv af cclioiis, with pain in tlu tin k and unirr or loss rheumatism or net istg-.a , finally the iirr.ous system taurines afl'-led, aggia.aUng all these and adding other s. u.jitoUiM, Until it Is all acbre, pailix •taki.i ss, duiUe-B#. ir-itat itity , l*ad ti u, ■ j* r and a inli* rat l< fi a-ant ait ■ hesi remedy i r ail thn 1b Van l!u-kirk s Invig-tml, only 40 crnU. Inuggi-t x ... n. v.. , In. A t'n . prupiiw t. t>. IS A.• yht . Nca 1 ork. Hurler, II I rrls I.ike n Itull ef fire! ho ]*atx funtii ■ x tl ■ euffrirr fiom dya- ] H-pata. -Aftr eatu.g, it H'Cliu as if there as a writable ballot !u* running up and down ll.r. ugt, hn sU i >a. t. If lu- oats much io f.eis 11. if he ,1"!. I rat lim lib' f<. W it. It de-tfxiy s bis rti Joy laelit of life It the d.'tof be really deainolls of cur g hill patu lit lie should hot ■ 11 el i men! with th. BUffeter, he jl.oUldrtil.tlo lut i.d bun t" Use I'iru.iai, lyrup. *lumh merits have In u lewttml eo g. So l always sat -fav torily. Halls f flu in th* stomach and IVru . .an i. ru|> ' all t dwi 11 ! grtbr* Send to your druggist, t.e kt*ps it aiaaya i.ady, and try lL It works like a > hartn. Il l|lhl kr lulrrrrd rbat t'.-sum tin iira-.ul i Vulra) Hotel isknown as the iaJs"-4 and K -I hrst-cluse hotel In Sew York tliat lie Jri s are mx-ewsaniy tbrhighisl. Unt th e is n '. l:.e ease, as the last reduction la< j. an ! ♦ from tin old prior of #1 UU per da*, mah< sit at once ll. i'h* a]*-st. as it Is the Ih--! lirsl-ciass h let in St * York And by the w- tl.. tiiai.-l I • ntrai t doing the largest 1. it 1 busiliewß lu St w Yolk. Tb'- .curner t. 'ks . UwjtirlitJ* at-nt truffled >|UaiK j-rfr .I* ft-.* ft- tit and otlrei anch ilrlica- ' <.. - lin htm down, though, and TOO il lind he admits the xuj-t. n.e tmjwritai.-e of giwsl t read. I ut, rolls, < Ir. Her. all agree on the basis of tun g..-tr- i in. Jo be -are of the most do. ioua tilings lwk<*l from fl. ;ir ue IXwik; s Y.a.t l-'.wd.r. Arrra au experrence cif over twenty fl. y*ai- many trad, g jj..stciart ackiiowl t*U e that tlu Iriiv/c '*J JUtnhliTl I'lsltM < i.- 1 . is U,< only known rvrtaiu remedy f r diseases to w Inch ri.-ii.i u are sut Ject. The tir.i,/, . m-t i I ■ * tlw most |H> pular rem. >ly of th. day for hidou-iu sa, h*ada>i.e. diet c in] ialat and ducks. *of digesUou. 8o!d I* ad druggist-, h. nd for aliuionu-a. Orafeu- K rg i o . S*w tork. Itiieumati-m and gout are uivanbly beneflted ! * sulphur l athing ll.< diftn-ultyot prucunig trustworthy sulphur t-aths without the danger ous r1lUiiinili.cidetit to iriitdie Iwthing t.oUses. has Ken fttllv But I tiieiin a hivaluahle hul idiur ha; It 1- 1 tvervwhere. Ik-tad, iittri.U.n a. S • i hixth avemu'. Sew Yuri. Hid s Ham A Whisker lve. black c* hrvwn. AVe have (~.;d Hatch'a 1 luvnaal Cough Svrup for als.ut thr yi ar. S medicine of the kind ■ l.s as tap. 1 .. or goes such uniform saUsfac ti It ha- gr wn in favor fr>tfn tlie hrst of 11-u- in thl- - ti" >. tt take* the lead of all th< -■ piop-rat. i* that have l eii mnsidi red BIi..:. T.I. fi. mmm A Mmou-i, Kan haven, t'ayuga lu., S. Y. I .for®*", nw. rtb thousand' to those out of htailh. helf-hrlp for weak and nervous suf ferer*. I ut. fur Umms who have 1h-II d"iweb drugged and >;ua' iol. 1 lie lu w Health Jimr nal t< acju ait. < pies five. Addrewa, lglc --ir>' yuarleriy, S* w i ik. An aw i Iliouskirils of the w rt cases of asthma have K' li lehev-d ly Using J* vx Wttfteomli'a Iletrsedy. In •> cae of purely i--!.iiiil. lei l.a- ,t fa.(• y .*• rH Xt,,<-h (V*s ••• • 00 v I! ~ -I n '#k*4 WA 1 i-x.-l tV4 Oil Ismls V.W4 IN i oltot) MM W • % llowr—Ywtm —aKk>*l lo ChoiO*.. TSS *0 9 i* 1 h* to Chulft * *?> a* 7 OU W • trrr I # J *} v j M,,iuitf4 i ......s 1 4i4 1 K V 91 * 1 -j4 fttf.,,. ss • ' la*' 1 S J #0 1 Ull* Mir.! WrU*rtl.„... *" 44 ("sird Milf ! Wnßtorn .. tr. ,4 iUy.perrwt 7 " 1* liirn, Ir esrl ..... tt i 4 W) ll"lo —Irf*4P(l . .... Flour INshi itlfit • Kiln, 7 (► <4 " fto Wliral-Kfd I 4 1 7® Bjri 4 80 Oorn— Ypihtv.sssaa 'ft *ft Fft (Hfl VH'tl 4® 44 46 I . tfoU itn t-rn I*. Rrftnrwl. 1 \\ c! (M10riftn,,,,,,,,,,,, ... I 1 <4 32 Tri A 46 <4 3J 4'Ai:;X, MAM. IWf r til* 06 !,,-*|v 01 <* K'S. 1 11*9x4 1 N I , Ou || tsls ©C \ VATtNTHVK, MARK. II 'f I'attJp*—l*OOr to t"h4tc** 6 75 <4 ft 7® Tli" B'-rkshire Hills Snnd Sprinpn. GREYLOCK HALL, j't Ml ft At 11.1.l A VI-TOAA N. Jl l**. T' n tw**oU?ul *n! ■* Naim*r m*irt w !!trr |c '•i 1 if f> - Il. t •'■*. l il lr lift. It- •Vril f • 11 SI I) to ftHl® ftpf will . I M ♦ tyriMM n*v #'n-s*rt r 'tnnifl ii--n* f r prnt • Xt:|**riot batliici£ X. nd i>r \\ . 11. WINN I". |*rprt tor. f) !A ®! L\ w 1 4 "PlA**i Ituf* rwi %* **•#• i i uf| lIMltUv v.T .At, '.a!, ;:h. . •< .'A%T. r /""WkJEI ' Nf w < '•'! Nijtiftr* nI I'prtj;! * ORGANS ; t .. ~f, Civat wnst • .'n. only f NVw V S(op (trn> f*v. 1? M'f# f'.'i ll*r* ofp(irtun! .•* I4rt offer iv-r iim l* my mnnfArt uror New |l<* • 11> intmitP" t* isvfitlj fWnt n ft t> lf fl*r ' t t .*< M .i.ei f # iti.!" I and ftvlfM Mid (to f tin-v (t frivrt'ty \u'itlsv Witniitl. (lil #ow| i IrtHinl in BM to tli* lirnvlr*! unit wl roiiacnl rr juirrd for Any kind of work . *rw concord! wTririi sirenalti suit duriikllltv. Thry raeairad the blali rsl vvrtllen nmird si the ('anlwnnlst Riposillon. TT A T?TYTT< , Q!Q " 1 None ii" n 111 lie unless ilikkkis HiOlu. i they arx slflmpeil with our Biutie sod Trndr Mark. A lit—ral T> TT I ITT AY) IT wiU * '" n ,or iafonwatto* Itili W xItvJLJ tint will rollv let any one who *ell* harness in tlie Concord Harness ■ kill nre not iiiiidc by us. Kitr* inducements off..rati. Suit fur circulars ami price lists. Address J. R. HILL & CO., Concord, IS. 11. GLENN'S SULPHUJt HOAF RHAIIIOATM Aid. IstiCAh Hm livramk*; pKHMANKKTI.Y Ht'.AtTTIPIIC* 11f B COMrUtXIUM, I'IiRVKNT* A Sir Hkm triK* ItIfKI'MATInM ASH trOt'T, lißklrit HrtftKa asir 1 sjt'HiK* or Tiik t'OTtcu, A.ntr u A Ha t.i Ani.a l>ini.iron ANT. This popular and im-i|MTiaive rerun ay aiiotupliahrw the KAMI uK.m At tvorrh* Huid-irru IANirtit'rr,Hrcngihrn* the roots of the Hair, and jireaervea tin youthful cirbtr Asa IfiniJiracTasT of Clothing and l,ineu used in the aick room, and as a I'hotkctioV against (JONI AOlot aIJIKKASkI It is UUeijU-.led. i'hyaiciant cm|rhalu'- sal I y- endrirae iL l'litcu, 23 AMD 30 Cknth i-r.h I'akS, i'au Box, (3 Caaxaj Otic and |1 'JO M. b. T-ere i - ciiußiy lit Dwyltsf U. I*f(* cyuyp*. ftwitl by all t>ruffl*u. " Hill's lUir and Whisker Dye,'* Black or lirowu, &oc, C. I. CUTTIJfTOI tnyr. 7 Siith 4. IT. • ' • ' .# < J h lilli" If J U) AH iv> Nfonl Jiww Vi /[sETH f\ ( CLOCKS ) 1 RUN WELL I \ WEAR WELL / \ rttf* / U 1 ri NITED STATEO X.IFE INSURANCE COMPANY v IN THK tTTY OK NEW YORK. 261, 262, 263 Broadway. ♦ OOktMltlf I* to ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY AJPPROVED EORM OF KOLICY I&SUED ON MOST KAYOKAJiLE TERMS All ENDOWMENT POLICIES A;PROVED CLAZBIS MATURING IN 1877 WILL BE J]JSS3STJJ O.Y rIiIJ>I:\TATIOT JAMES BUELL, - - PRESIDENT. V- ~v *1 v As r o f U lur y /"TXT-JT r / l\ /£i r =r~iZ?ST. * ' > '~iw- n —^w.^! 00 ' VEGETINE. Hor Own Words. Bnnsosr. kid . Feb U. IBT. Mi. II R Srvvria i*evs' 5 • Hinor •vvnil I ! ' morm ami mj p*;n!ul 4. I had *•>* } •. Iat !f*#f Chi !'i cot* m* X*, 1 L**y hr-..# t f*f fnor YRGK- TlKIt (r m 1 Mf *!• ***• I r 1*44 tim*. and !•** •mo il! *•!! fH'mp ut V KfKTISI I *itl U-iut.t *.<• f \ Kf.KTINft "4 kftsar 1 h**l ua- ! n • "• ' •>*#! rrrtj i.flrff mx psy *l4 tttKn t i It ' * llmmdi f*r b^*'-th M:.t f KRs%h&.63ft Wt lUitkUixrr* Str*rL VEGETINE. Safo and Sure. Mn II JL SUIT" In )'-■'} > r > J .ITIN'I wit nMnntiMMM U m*. M 4. ysaUditxr t p*r**M*M f •ir nd. 1 msnt*d t.r in it At t ,• tim*. I axm •uffwnnf i'u pmerkJ drl -iity aß<* n. 1 kv.uM j n-u*it n. •apcrutdtu**! by w -k nt#*- if tv'F r habit# It*ai dtrtwliwniM *(. af ct tn) dstHltt*td sjrilsih > m t ' tint do**, And. K'-tWr its i*>i- stent u##, 1 raptdh 'ffacsvYrfyrd k'tnin| tn4 frr in# > n.a lhtn I bar* nt 41™ \ KtiKTlNb ni) n -j unqit*lib*d tndorn#*oL *• bwn A aa f # Aunr.Aijd p>mfal in prwnw ' ti* 1 miih MM . * : . t*M I - ■ t. t I • Itf* MM YH.KTIM i* l|.*svfl OMdt< nal WA . aod. >• ln* *• I lire. { na-rrr eiiiM! t find I Mtrr Your* trUtr %% H < I.AHK . IF' Street, All *otwin#. Froo VLGETINE. The Best Spring Modtcine. Ciuainon. II R STrvr*. Knr .V.? Tb,. la eeillf) 'til! 1 hsee w—*l Jreur *■ Ml—l IVxlviT .1 *..n" in ikj l-.mlj lor —exral jeers, sml think I list. fe T—i iv.itia 1 have err. i-xt. ei I I h'rx...x.! •verjthin* I "an r ,xxtl '•< m nir-'i l I, l" snj ui n—l nf soch a med.i.n. V ~ur- rxsi*-. tfnllr Vina. A A 1 iISSMOKI'.. IV ftritselStreet. VEGETINE. What is Needed. Hoe Vol. Feb ILUn. It It Sinna. Kaq I. .. M-m' one yesr • ""e 1 f.'iin.l my—if in a f,..1 ... n f, rixneeal del.lit,r v MJkl I Its ... ,t. ■ 1, rx."mn"'iO"'l lu m" l*r a fnenil wb. bed I .I. b. i.elMed tw its it—> I i.r x-ured ll.x article. -n I I i x- "■< •• - r.l Kxlte " ■ ic-i red tx health, en ' . ..rd ioied it- -e 1 (xwl I Jll* clifldent thai >,. , , X . medicine-xi—ricr to r I 11..,.' r..mi>lainu f x- wl II eei—elallT )>n-pre.t. and w ul.l .-heerfullr r. X IX-X I II In Ih.'-e wh.)fprpaA in !• wor*t form for (h# Ut !. n ye-tre. ud hars* (.Ami turn Ir*d< of dolUri#' worth >f indi. up without tslitnininjc nw rtslinf. In Srpienil'r i ia* I oonimui lWi!|f \ KCiKTINK, sinm which time my health h*e atoadilr improved Mjr food dijfctkl* w*ll. and 1 h*r* tWt en |ioundh of fl-ati Th-m arn >ev t f 4 artl Rtx>m. l*ortui(i4th Co.'i \liil. VECETSME riIKPARKIi BV H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. I'eyrtfnr fa Sold bp All /r,-uyifisf>. I * 4 Th in !*• wr*M Importer* I I pn® in Am^ncHk aiftpl* •(!• t- t4 i r \ >4f TrkMl** iwwiMnwftlly iA Ai>m nmu'. wlißfn I—t imlmnimoti **(• taw •••!! (iif rtftnlif u KOMICKT * i i i •. i i •> i;i Jk!A . f*'*'. "M' M|l < MHWM ■ _ ( !•"" oil. Oh. p. M "4 •". W•• •! '•* lh. Im.III In „m U..ab aa.4 kr< ........ >• fl *'ti In aary raw. •' wtamay rn-aaffailr r 'IMQ ('.• is >.ma I. P. li/f. d, 1 tm I W JTif/kn. Aj.iia4.HM. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. rw riim rnn rr inir i. a. wii ..... it. ....a . aa7, .M aa aaaaaffaea*. .It', f **!• Nu '""' " J*"* f quo '' nn.| I. Int. . ...1..,. fcg I nakn. dim aak, n.l In iv aa. I at "* U. T. ■ * ■•IT T. Mow York Clly. IF r.W by ./iMnfllM. jkJ THE GOOD OLD STAND-BY. Mexican Mustang Liniment FOW MAN AND BEAST. UMI Abl iM || 34 VtAfe* A}w*> ftttfWft Aiw| •ftdy Am.,l (iMd| IIM t.ev*r ywt tllmd fAirly rntiUmmt An** r#*/ j if Tlw k*<4 wrid Uw fisilVlli uid MUMWJI (2M HMI |d < *UM|MW( L. muwot U tb t*ttU ft t4&W T I*o MuiIMI UsMßMttt emtmm IMm t*T\uu* *!• nU WIJ> Hl' ALL UKI>I< INK VHMiK^ Pittsburg toaalactores it Wholesale Prises. IV.I . . ..I.t.i>ur i ream Jug < i.ivo.l buya* h .*!, tueeiri Hut,i,. . ...... j H.itior |l.||. IS li.aMarta, ff , ,h. Ilarta llnl liwlm* Watar* Prta lio I otMl ilwa lit#b rru.t Daat.e. | S lakmlwl a u.e I • I < aie Hajari > !nlg..d qa.1.11 1.1.n, I .it'nh., VI.(O) . It". I 'bl. i. t. S 11 Inn Uil pint TJ. m and 4 iVftno _Tia > ...aaal J.J, Too t -aa /..V IV.. ..' *■ a .. s to lb la, aa i*jm Itf It .. | m I 4Ji I tj| ludu.M >ll fi ; lit *. u, k.g wo :u alias nSt I *' *• wtil (tivait.i. aaj "I af*a*e nrt.c.ea at yruwe aleled. dell—iff aMI (| 1. uttl cat. Off alnoaalnmla bafo Tile to t.a-J n.uat in a I . nana vi.nttt.ttt lb. tarda* Het.,l I* II llfftlo' lla-i-., aa* f. .* latr-tt .!. **l li-.t . fillffi nr.-. P. At Ina** 111: Ml 1 11. I AMI. P <• Hut HUH, P.iialauyt. i Ka.fA- .l>flav ..1 (.rudii. t- at iff itlrtiiiial -uf IMao. '. a lUlff-f fjlH KIM< I'AIIIIA' It. A*, t . ofl. r Uudj <•( fi**l lattdi la la AMa AW at kiwni |*ri< to at.d !*-al Uriaa Piouljr i.ttv i t .1. I Kl.l '..r BmMrtralv ¥■ r..|M of -KAMA AO ftlllll MUM In Mil.All." itltlßW. I*tnd (oMmtMUtatrr, A. f. It"-. 9 Wa/.NM, Jtanaaa. Tin-: M:w Providence Line TO BOSTON, Vu PBOVIIItMCE DLRI.CT A WIIOI.K MGlirit UEWT. tIM.I 12 MIUEM OF HAIL Tl *IK l. and Hmtltiii \. >|. N RtntiwJaiß lvn4tnflra Mwn NV* Y n mb ch ittdriviit itiJ'tuiOsia H* by ti* mw c*n*i4 ol 'liMuw iii-i-n: Qpua tb and Unjivrii nmc; N.4m> p rwa* Kr iwnnc, rr ;n>n# In Ifw*, s- tpr Id btlhiui t and 4hr t- twrtmj* aAoot oo la COOOO a poculißf urfH.bUitj | an* *avrt. r at t' d||wt*'ia. of wSow nene* ar aaiajf ah*>nld friitnnUf rt U. (hi* aalttM c-fmi n -jcia!;> m warm weMhef It to Do Imm ftft • prvTrntire tbM * i : A POPULAR NEWSPAPER. TRP IF TOO WAFT inn DLui A First-class Family and AV "" * Political Newspaper CHEAPEST. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE INTER OCEAN, Tha pr>r* of th Du!> U*m >• 9lOir Ywarpcwt gt> paid*, (ha S*cai • k\y Jt.l.nO pwr Year i p>wl 'f paid \ and Thi Weekly Edition 51.65 per Year (POSTALK I'AIDV As a Literary, • Family, or Political Newspaper It a* un*tcnd l*j any tn the country. Th "guooo, aad Anitwrr-" nod (Ito AcnrnltunU doportmonl w w..rt h ro* IIIAB Iho prtro at Ihr p\twr lir.wlff <-.!)•'<• AE.vr rtiF-C o|>j>.'>ffWi>". AtMno. THE INTKU OCEAS, 11(1 l.itkr V| rrff'l. ( "hli-080. 111. X m.""* X / \1 i '' I ***• a5 V "** v. * \ I : <: " r-e- <; x X ' c< £. /; . .* - ••-."•iS-s?"*" w v ;, . e, r.x - \\"3 i >,v ! PONDSEXTHACTT POND'S EXTRACT. The People's Remedy. The Universal Pain Extractor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract. Take no other. I'ONII'IFXTII V( I WtitillfprcscrlheilbTPhT ult-ltiii') of Hll Sfliool* tittil linnarqiilrrd llir Utle ■■ J ),e / .i./uV vAV virutff ' (or Pll<-w, Kpralna, l,nnio>e*. Miirno, N.-aldo, BrulaeOff RtirriivM. Ilolib, I'lrori, old Korea, WoaiiilW eti'- PIIMI'SI AI It IfTalwcDrMToolhMhe, llr>Hdn-lie,Korr Tl, rot, I, Hoarse neea, ■>il>lilh Hd, Mttm, Oood Awl we*od Wrtio i otww v. R on MM , V>, ROILJO. W * _ Qtrt/ni i/CD- "1 naiidM. . <*./■ nLVuLVtnWr.trnv Lis M...i,A ' v> to A xt FKH. Mthn and rgRJ. 1 I KKI.TtIN A (Ml. 110 Kama (H.Jtao VorM 077 * wwivipt..., pio mwex WOO r v' I I- u Vlt Kilty. laa—^N*l 01.1 l lAind HarraM, t..iht. ktiko wit prico (,atd „<>•* At'. Waah.OMlon.C " I.) a lint a! It.irta Afonta vaoiod Dotal aod V I w -Off ma froo (Mil lilt, t.i(i.*t. Haw HKI.TW. A JIKW. f lIKAP I CR Fj rH *T tfin lor d.1.t1.i IM (•* dm laff mil no Do II KARR. W.IM hr,-loa, MwrVwk . MB ATI IIK* A Dim! fWna.rv San. r :. W at* tt affi.f Oittßl Imbi Awah MaUar tl.aa (Mi Addff-a A IJOtfI.rKKT(X>. ffk by TT ArmM In Jati. T7 with Na NM4 ■ ">r Mn.owtfrl... Rnmpl.a fr*. IPUVVf A.■.tiff,a . .At. Av.|M. rlvaya. •AC AA 1 X"V '• *■■■• "wj" 4 <>ur M att IneLoftft I d • . t • 'R>rt pottftt* h k (IU. A < II. * it., i. t. Hmmm, Sf i/ -tA ntiM IU*IWft4ABIM aw vMff,. a I * ( STCSm BOSTOI WEEKLY TRAMSCRIPT. TV. bad lua l) Maim" puhlwlbad . Md>t l>a*aa . 4(l# a.I wrUmtta ffiwdtft# Tra. 2 t— utatm: .lab. -I •••. VIA *— Utbun, I*l a-lffai.'-a al'l l Mil > ( fa... ..t>r"rt Ltli and hLu • *"* "*** <" -t - *!* a . urn. fit. .mi# l.k Inwaltff.ll# LIGHT Uawtan# n*m fc- VAfS . a , alffvnt,...# Vp.. Sn>. ba.* Iff. anp), lb. IratllbalA.HN Ullaut Wianr WMWmI Far* wad. b, tb* uaa ..I Una • ff. 'nil! Inwii.l Cw < uiftiA ftnd tie-l lnii t . Mfit ibiii'tM* j m kfonitAki'iiKi vfi( w..t aa. ridin. CARPETS. CARPETS. 399 Sixth Avenae, Hew York. KXTKAfIMDIKAIiV RARLAIKNf CAR I'm - la. *.*.*, I!AU|I 3. |atff ,affd (, AKPKT Tbt |. ; It ti|..|l dl ,ard AKPKTI* Ail Wu2 ln#>airu. AVc ... la- p.* rmri I AKPSrs t.ffb*ofS...l Ivarait.v . .mm paw fd MAVriWt.h i lM <*a*( Whtia t* . Me par yd. OIL! LfTHk Al. W Ska tita ur n> ft At |m yard. UijLri im litf.l Atdiri.'W WTI PIIKK A. aPKM'KH. 4 Fruit and Jelly Press! On# Ukttd MF4V liaftJb b> Um tld prcKMN A a-'UMLtrj OiMMiftt Ui the liwd* fm rtit4r tJtd Unu •ddiwn, witb fIfeHHIL Amrrreoa Fruit sad IUY Pres* CompAST. Cinrmnati. Ohio. tfffMa W a*ird In nrrj Town •ns ('■■■!>. 2 DUNHAM PIAKOS, Dunham A Sons, Manufacturers, Wi'arwmi, II UtX 14111 HrM. [BMnUinlMd tOA] RKW Yftftft. JnU/kr /ilodW4H< Omiar aod 2Via* LuL Kl I !"•> -11(1(1- ff ff a .ua.f. ru. h—t Kra-f . Pabaatl I'arlii oab* Oiaa- Sbttlff Uaa ba Pmakad aa aaa> aa bna n. a HaaflarrllMl tba waj bad at. (< *?.(MI. kaa-1 * t u.t ma (Mttrla .atla Iff. nfilll., Tiv w, bA au hm HAU. A. a.affffatit tuff ffaf #M>.Uaa 'a-W < MlAr astl Siaa.a Putt- i.a g.trt. art!l. taab (.all due.. Ksmp'v Ptafln. Ke') ( an daftnand PR P I < taM# part af Urn fata, m- .ipfaaa tbupa baa to#, -anafalaaa a ith full tlncUuaa (or wit atruunaml Waat.l Pr— la) art) addraoa Xaabaa,m—l fkaal dtff—cAl# tntk Uaa llaaalMtaitaff and f.l BaOro P-*-aa Ka-f. M - a,.- . .- |V, M.aaW Ml . * T 1A | e ■• ID i <■!• ?fti*lt-- ** s ' ■ LW M*•>. Illft**ivr 4 t rtuftry Or- I |ft. HuftC* HrmrdJ .|ft • ftr-J | tiaMMMMMte t.prrj twe?* Npn4tli ■ JElClftiliir. I'rotiluin, II !■> - P&- fiawvt ■ | s ywu 4ntat4 < ■ PW-1 100,000 Facts for the People! Fur Ika Famt, 11M MM - imi I la. H-irwannn, Ikt Plaack nmr. tlaa P milff-> b.-*-ta !• - 11 • kaaaapan. Ik. 1. -laara-r. Um I rial! rami , ttw taanbrua r. IV*- IVaUaa- Ira. t> .triman. tb. H-.taaah-Mt Kr rtffffj larmtljr —h aat ta to aaaa taa-ma, Tltr llaaaak aa, lkr 11Mb I ralarj- PACTW FIIK U.KATW Mai. and PaarnaW Aa-.ta khum Mta, M A bad to ua al Mtta aatra lama f\'i.R A*. MdM U * Mates. Til Wajuai Mr~< P> taWljn Pr m4w mB mam mam t. not aw- ..mail t. tkaa, u- Una la. la t t rub. KtaV Ml MM* UJ B M M *IIW art, a Mil pan at Ui. WWW k atawdif, al lb. raplorn.ff.t trial -V f umaah Ml na aaak ibfaßtrotnitMa Too iwal nad ba in, from hataa uaa* M#ht Yon ran C-* l-B mMI* tun. la> lb. n.b-off oolf root ataana wanaanta Mffhm* bd ana tuak.njc ffaawr YI pa* daf al tl a baMiMa. Alt WIW *'-#*#* .1 ffWoaa r/ r naka uaaaca*, tail At tb. praaa.aat a-) ffawt tar raft a. MJull and rt \;A t at Utr -star* baa' Mall r*aaU n album lay lb. bwaioana. Tmaa and b.l (btlbl (a-a tkkraa- at a— -11. II AI.I.KTT A I '(l** Paartlnnd. Maine. 77 " c * m 'Z'Jirzrz UMadel PRINTER S GUIDE _,r I%iTr - J ftAa* matrti4 UH> ftJQSPz ftM rv4Mft taft. wUlm4 How to Print !>*.• ft 4 rrtfti*-r i44fWfti. i*cft-4 !v(gM AC* . D- P>i.bDi|A M y PPN| pkMlftiiri ftft4 Nftftwm wf tftft OrttwwtftA OTOTPRINTING PRESS. kaa Caraa aa* kaUam, Ma fa klaa atfMW baw Ufa SI.OO SI.OO Osgood's Heiiotype Engravings. Tk* rJMbwtl kn**Mdam.m*nl,. I'rie. (Aam Ibuar rark abend /kr WC/ityn,. JAMES IL OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON. MASS. $ 1.00 SI.OO LADIES -Maixe Flour Toilet Soap!— -Maize Flour Toilet Soap!— -Maize Flour Toilet Soap!— A |T*>k| dwofHwry '- • MNI *p enp-oad ' It vw.. Ph.liiiNMi- THE POTATO BUB WITH F. W. Devoe & Co's Paris Green. For rtrralara how l na, addra-a. tw I niton and II llllnna —la., >r 1 orb- -HotttlMtarrffittl Wfcu. Iwad.Otalura.Vai ntt fca-a.l hi* an A Pa ma .a Mr. ra.w ru. Afl/Wf AA A V K.IK AIiKNTS WARTICD JSV.nI it I ottT (Irani! ( umblnntian tlffVO V/V rrmapeet Ua. ri-|u*wmtam 150 DISTINCT BOOKS waniaul ffrarptlww Tbe klitral I bin# r *er tried. -va"-* mad* frmi Una übrfft ail .oaf* K-a-ka (ail A law IMffti. ..itlMtni-r .11 lIIMI II I NT PA Mil.V 111 III.K—, Snjarruar la allufhora With IrraloaM* Illua. tralaul Aula an.! Sup-rb Rtoaftnca Tbr—*• Itowk- hrnt ■he >1 wrld. Pull Part cuUra lira. A ltimaa JH.\ K. PIITTKR A P.) p. )i rfmra PitII.AHPI.PHIA. COLLINS A CO'.S C^ B t s V tTH £S t e eo XXXt-nmkpH- COLLINS A Co. P *'C£ 212 WATER ST HfW YORK CITY. [aj 'ctutiMtt I BILLIARD TABLES. Iff K in Uw IUUr. (Jkrth.Ottwft | _ WZ ~ ■■ * ntj e t-rytltiiic ppTUu: in to . Hill • nip. at L wwt IVICA*. Hy , flf \|# me 14 t(*ck ftiid tineftt •"—tfl v - tAdlili. • I f niaiiiufftAturine,. Tiler* run Iw promjp*ly 6IWL w V Crte k1 MR-mdaiwiM Tkhkt ch#p. Kt\TK\NHrr TM? i i in> ftn illuft> 7JKS ir*pfr lent fro# on H. wl COLLENDKB, 73# II. Y. __ll|- _fi TTllir ■>■>- TL. orwrivK a— _♦ _ I™} SSKSfi? Kurt SINQ k Cfta. ft biili>"..'vt L *' irr 9mm *-. ftw* lb.—-- kwr a_ mww4 ftnm fwn. m* 0^ ere* kTatpm. ""II .r.7^*li * fvftl) M.riTrn.l. /iW'taw. d HidlT • V AAB AVU mjbmnwm^wd M,7Xw*ib x./w •• Yb".rTTL*" z *r— u - IT .- iiT'-t 1 '**•'— —■' f L i* Xlbtftj.w. Oftnnftn mm ZL be— DUW.JC .WaW^-.Tv IN VINO VERITAS. After OIL. J'rat- rtlur jrnca w liai* tlra dffd to off*: ! out p.tro l-'fflto.t t.ta 11 .r-an.l Brandy l f. ml ttw bith > : or HIIK> OJ*. t ,r*wtlr reduced tu -ea Ihnaa Wtnea are dehrioua rttr laittilr u-a*. elitle tUeir atrid lautily render* them inralttafale (aar medic bad and aacrj nient. I purfuw-ea. A truJ t ouly n. emaai/ to ahow thai , a'iDertoritr o'et adulter.ted foreign earn "Crow. Pr lnr e." the choioeat Ame .can I ham|aa#ne. •ivH-ift'ty Skikl for cirrular and pricft lit to 'CHAMBKRUW 4 OO . 4. Mt rrmy St . New Wk t FLORENCE, The Only Safe t Odorless and Durable OIL STOVE. Only Centennial MedmL Best -lEWISG 31 ACM IS B HADE BY THE Florence Machine Co, SEND FOR CIRCULARS The Cook, With ore*. .( r/eufa. |, ntt led. N. V. W. I'. No. 23. VI 9 % WtfITINU TO ADVPRTIKESH, > .. .- ia- en v i taa.l yon saw tha ndvertlee* , u*n ,am*er.