Only. Only a WNM lmt it chanced to fall In a little cleft of a city wall. And taking root, grow bravely up. Till a tiny blossom crowned it top. Only a flower but it chanced that day That a burdened heart pa-wo by that way . And the message that through the flow, r wi sent. Brought the weary soul a *w-t content. For it apakc of the lilie* o wond'rously clad . And the heart that war tired grv strangely glad At the thought of a tender care over all. That noted even a sparrow'), fall. Only a thought—but the work it Could never by tongue or (>en be taught . For it ran through a life, like a thread of gold And the life Ivuv fruit a hundred fold. Only a word—lmt 'twas apoken in love. With a whiiqiered prayer to the l.ord above . And the angels in heaven rejoiced once m.uv . For a new born soul " enter.-.1 mby the door. ' Ji.iSf (.'.>!-•. TRUE TO HER WORD. Txvnora Lonsdale's mod partial friend could not call her pretty. Her n.M impar tial enemies—being j\ s-weaod of much u \ • ernoss, strength of character, and hatred of shams it fallowed, she had a tew—declared her uglv. For the benefit of thoae who have never eeen the young lady, and tvnsequentlv he long to neither one side nor the other, t ill deei-ribe her—beginning with the most prominent feature of the human faee. Nose of no particular order, neither aqui line, straight, pug, tumed-up nor turned down, but original and indejH-mlent, and apparentlv in the right place; eyes, brown with a glint of topat—a slight cast in the left one pronounced by the friendly • U witehingly cunning' and by the inimical ' decidedly impishmouth neither large nor small, with full, red lip* closing firndv over two rows of strong, white uvth : com plexion neither blonde nor brunette, but clear and rosy and her own, and chin that only escajed being masculine by having a dimple in it. Her head, heavy with a quantity of straight, black hair, was well shaped enough, and well set u) that apron if you're quite done with it.' ' Deuce take the apron, say I. Stop sew ing I beg of you. Leo—it makes me quite tired to look at vou.' ' Clifford r ' Leonora ' Aren't you ashamed of yourself?' ' Don't think I am. Ought Ito be? 5 With decision—' You should. Were I a young man in good health, not maimed or crippled—blessed with the average quantitv and quality of brains ' — 'Thanks!' ' I'd do something beside* lounging at wa tering places in the summer, and club houses in the winter—something in the shape of work—yes, if five hundred uncles, and grandfather*, and aunts '— ' Couldn't any way in the world, thank Heaven! my dear girl, have so many rela tions.' ' Left me five hundred fortunes. And if I fell in love with a girl, I'd prove to her before I proposed marriage, that 1. mv self'— 1 Myself! Behold me!' quoted Cliff. ' Could, if an emergency arose, and life is full of them, sup|ort her, and that I was not entirely dependent upon the income flowing in from the coffers filled by my an cestors.' 'Bravo! Leo! You're a splendid fellow! That last remark about the coffins of mv ancestors was extremely fine. I'd like to have any one, in the glow of my present ad miration for you, dare to hint that you were the tiniest speck cross-eyed. He or she'd repent in haste. But, most admirable of your sex, what would you do if you were a male fellow, so unfortunate as to know useful, and wanted to propose to the girl you loved and all the rest of it ? ' I'd learn a trade if 1 han't talent enough for a profession.' 'The average quantity and quality of brain is scarcely sufficient for a profession, and I'm too old to be taken as an appren tice. If I were not and could he converted into a shoe-maker, or brick-layer— or—or —plumber, I think I'd prefer being a plumber, they only come and look at things and go away again, I rouldn't give you a house like this, where you could sit on the porch with a peach tree in front of you and a nice grapevine over you, making clothes for horrid children around comers.' ' Nonsense! I don't mean that.' ' What do you mean then?' reaching up and plucking a grape from a low-hanging branch. ' Cliff Cameron, you know what I mean as well as I do,' and yet she explains with great slowness and emphasis. 'I mean that a man should lie able to support the woman he marries either by his head or hands whether he is ever obliged to or not. tio away, you are putting me out of temper.' ' Putting you out of temper ? You're mistaken. I never saw your dimple so angelic in my life. But I say, Leo,' he con tinued more seriously,' if I prove to you that on an emergency—that is, if you with your luxurious tastes and general extrava gance should waste my substance in riotous living after we were married—if I prove to you that in that case I should be willing and able to give you bread with an occa sional bit of butter—would vou name the day ?' ' That emergency never could arise.' 'Well, imagine any emergency you choose, only answer me. Would you name the day ?' ' What day?' ' Leonora!' ' Yes, I would.' ' You would—fair and square now ?' ' I would. Isn't that enough?' ' Quite enough. But it must be an early one.' 'Must?' ' Will, rov blessed.' ' Yes.' " Cliff Cameron arose deliberately, took away the sewing, deftly converted it into'a ball and tossed it up among the grapes, made both small hands, little gold thimble and all, prisoners, and kissed her upon the dimple, upon the left eye, and lastly upon the warm, red lips. 'Mr, t'mewn, thii ii premature," said she, her cheeks glow ing like two pink rose*. ' Not at all. Miss Laimlale. you are mine. To-in.rrow I will take niv plane among the workers. Ii will lie a humldeone, hut sulli eieut to prove lo you that 1 am eom|ielent to earn the bread ami butter of winch I have spoken.' 'lbtt t'litl '--dropping her eves for the first time. 'Well. liOo" -clasping the bright face Is l ween hi- hands, and msk cr raise them again. ' An- vou sure-- you know how you ad mire pretty women, and I'm not preti*. "llut vou iv gvwwl—and to me the love liest and sweetest girl in the whole world." < hie rhurwday afternoon, two days atler the dialogue on the back p- rcli. Mi-- I co nora I.DIMUIS, as -be was won I on llun* .lav aflernoons, la ing the executive ability of some charitable so. iety that met on that dav. stepped into a - uicwhat • street ear, l.Hkittg neither to the right or 1.11, but straight before her, in her Usual manner. t hue seated, she abstracted her pocket laa-k from her satchel and look from it the inevitable live ivttts, when sl.c Iwcame aw an- of a hand -Irrt. hvl out towanl hot a man's hand, a hands, in. hand. a familiar hand. Her eyes rv-u-,1 on it an instant and then traveled up the arm to which it Ire longed until thev met the la.v halt hid .leu bv a sluuehevl, broad bt imtuevl bat-- of the conductor, t lit) t'aiuervui Slio demurely placed bcr lan- in his band and, her enemies would have said, the east in her eye beams more impish than ever. ' The day -aid tin- conductor in a low, tirtu, bu.-iiH-a like tone, not a gleam of in telligence lighting up lis- lug, tune ey- - "r*;x ii -til lis I rout dale, n-plicd lasHiora, in the same tone, a- she dropped her |<- Ils.-d for tie g-.rl- aid.-.1 at the Bower. After explaining the .1. ->;n of tin- en closure he pnvtr good-liHikmg, but lam in business and doing well, i was lv>ru in Ibe "State ot N w Vork, but 1 have lived sixteen wars in Calif rtiia, :.ii I l .-arlv two years IU this State, A y >u have probably guessed ere this, 1 aju l t w.uit of aw if. , tui.i would ask you if among your acquaintances you Could dot pick out for me a luce, virtuous, and true woman, one who has no home and would appreciate oue of her own and a ku.d and loving hitsbaud las I would tty to bo) to prod t and provide for her. 1 do not care how poor she may IH>, as far as money is concerned; but 1 would have her well educated and accustomed to good society, for 1 should take her among those who would lui-i t her with open arms, and I should introduce lit-r among the Iw-st s.s-:cty, U-th here and in New York. 1 would not object to a nice little willow, provided she was liomeleaa, young, virtuous, an.l in every way a giwal woman. You will probably wonder whv I do not go among friends an.l acquaintances to pick me out a wife, and I will tell you the exact truth. 1 spent ten months two years ago visiting my friends Iku-t. hut the marriageable la.iies all seeuuNl to l>e well to do and to live iu stylish happy 1 tomes, better than 1 was able at that time to give a wife. Then I would sooner give some gcnl woman a home who now has none than eta- who is air. .sly iu pus ssitm of a good home and otherwise well provided for. 1 believe it i in your power to put me in correspondence with some lady who would like to tin-1 a home an.l a husband, always provided, of course, that we were suited to each other, and I will, of course, give her undoubted proof that I am what 1 represent myself to be. To these and similar epistle- Mi-s Col lius always makes suitable replies, and in some eases she is really the good genius who makes easy the first stejis to a happy home. In one instance a gentleman wrote to her for a wife, and while she was considering what she should do about the matter there came to liera girl who was an orphan, an edu eat*d girl, but like so many others, not trained to anv particular calling. The letter containing the request was handed to her, an.l she answered it. The gen tleman aaw from her reply that she was not only a young woman of education, but of strong common sense, so he ar ranged for an interview with her. This interview took place, and tliey were mar ried after a brief courtship. tlf their after life Miss Collins knows nothing, but she believes that the marriage was a happy oue, in spite of the somewhat peculiar manner in which it was con tracted. Mi-took Him for a Fox. Mr. Hughes, an old and w 11 known resident of Washoe valley, Nevada, was shot and seriously injured by a French man who mistook him for a /ox. It ap pears that the old gentleman hud found u pond where he could bag ducks by the dozeu. This was a place excavated at the time of the erection of the old Ophir mining works, a large pit SCOOJHNI out :n digging clay for the manufacture of bricks. At this place he liud killed no less than forty-six ducks at three shots. Tins success induced him to con struct a regular " blind " in which to lie in wait for his feathered prey. The " blind " was u.inle by digging n hole and planting about it a screen of sage bush, willows and weeds, leaving a small opening tnrough which to watch the pond. While Mr. Hugh- - was lying in his hiding place, a Frenchman, who is a great hunter, and who, it appears, also knew of the "gamy flavor" of the jKiml, happened along. He saw no ducks on the water, but soon caught sight of Mr. Hughes' head at the open ing of the "blind." The old gentleman has a long, white la-ar.l, and wears a fur cap. Seeing this fur cap and white beard wagging about, the Frenchman concluded that he hud before him a sil ver fox lying in wait for thp ducks fre quenting the place. He therefore biased away, :,ud with excellent aim. filling the left side of the old man's faee, his left shoulder and his left side with (luck shot. Hut f>>r Air. Hughes making n lusty outcry the Frenchman would prob ably liave given him his second barrel. The wounded man was taken to lb-no for surgical treatment. Almost a Terrible Disaster. While the train frotn Philadelphia on the New Jersey < Central railroad, due in New York at p. M. was Hearing the depot at L' immunipaw two men jumped upon the baggage car next to the en- gine, and nns,T( wed the hose which conn- ts the cuginecr'a cab with the air brak( s, and then jumped off. The trnin did u >t slow when the air brakes wen applied. The engineer shut down all steam, but the train thundered into the depot ut a fearful rate. The engineer and fireman saw the water directly in front of them, ami thought a plunge into the river inevitable. Fortunately the lumls-r at the end of tiie track proved heavy enough to stop the speed of the train to such an extent that it prevented the engine from running further than tin- edge of the pier. A party headed by Detective Kih-uuhy started in pursuit of the men who at tempted to wreck the train. The men were captured and taken to police head quarters in Jersey City, where tliey (leacrilied themselves as Lewis Fox and Charles Williams, tinsmiths of New York. To Break Off Had Habit-. Understand the reasons, and all the reasons, why the liahit is injurious. Study the subject until there is no lin gering doubt in your mind. Avoid the places, the persons, and the thoughts that lead to the temptation. Frequent the places, associate with the persons, indulge in the thoughts that lead away from temptation. Keep busy; idleness is the strength of bad habits. Do not give up the struggle when you have broken your resolution once, twice, thrice—a thousand times. That only shows how much need there is for you to strive. When you have broken your resolution just think the matter over and endeavor to understand why it is you failed, so that you may he on your guard against a lecurrence of the same circum stances. Do not think it au easy thing that you have undertaken. It is folly to expect to hresk off a habit in a day which ha* been gathering long ywr% I.EK SINtiI.F.TON'S ItIMK. t I nnlrMlnn N|\ \ rnrs ttlrr Throwing ■ Fellow l.nhorrr Inlo a Vurnace, The Eureka A!nfiwcf iKtiteiue ti a fol lowing At the head of Culver canyon, nlmut thirteen utiles from Kurckn, in H ih-solate and forbidden country, is a tumble down nliaiity , evidently built by some is-id bnnieis. Some four month* ago, s timti in search of stray stock hap peiu-.l to l.s.k into the shanty, an.l found the b.slv ot a man dead in a ru.lo bunk against the side of the cabin. A week ago, Janus l'lioriiton, while out hunting, sought shelter umter the rvs. My tuuiic is la-o SuigletoU. 1 was bom in Litchfield .smntv, Marv laud, m l>4l l lived there until tin- nmaking out of the war. when 1 enlisted tu the Southern army, ami mixed until the el- -so of the war. I via- wounded twice, once at Yoiktown, and again at the siege of r. t. rsburg. It >Ui my par.-nts illivl, ami after the war w.i-s over I came \\. st ami fbHowwd tin- IUH n I'a. ili.- nulrxxad until it was completed. 1 then went to White l'uie, ami m 1~-. lt" Tu reka, where I went t wmk a-, a feeder at the furnace My ooiiquutn u, John Murphy, was\. rv ovei Iwuring, ami lusultisi me on several occasions, but as lie was a much stronger tuati than my s. If 1 t.s-k no notice of it until one .lay he struck lue. lie did not know that lie signed hi- .bath warrant with that blow, but ho did. While fceiling the furnae tlu- thought ofteu caruo to me that it would !c an easy matter to stun hitu with a blow ami throw hint into the stack, and 1 knew that if it w ouce accomplish..! no one v*. HI 1.1 ever detect anv tin '■ -of the crime. Hie principal .iiill.-uity was the continued pi. rtice of the ote wlierlcis, but as they worked ten hours an.l .put at six o'clock, there was an uitcrvid of an hour, during which nit- an 1 Murphy were alone, nve X last of the Ulght Is ss. I had to watt nearly two in. „s before the slufts ehange.l, so that we came. Hl at the same time. When the opportunity final Iv presented its. If I stepped behind him tui.l struck liuu a blow u the hea.l with my shovel as lie was st.s.piug tv> get a svSH'pful of ehare. nl. l'o vlrag him tvi the feed hole ami throw htm on the charge was hut a menu-tit's work. Ido not know whether he was dead or only stunned, but it made little difference, as flic fumes would have sutV.a-nted ium m a moment. By working hard 1 succeed ed in covering the bovly with ore innl charcoal, ami as the charge iu the fur uace sunk he w.u< s.s>it out of sight. 1 went into the churconl business, and, binning a copartnership with two otio r men, built the cabin in which 1 sit writaig this statement. \V<- buri.<u't aupjHts.- that any one ever passes tin- way, and I shall probably lay hero and rot, or the vermin will feast on me. I cannot go t > a worse hell tluui what 1 have Iwvii in b-r the last six years. If any one finds this stateuu-ut tin \ can verify the truth of it by 1 king over tin Isoks of the smelting company, ami they will find mine ami Johu Murphy's name ou the pay roll, and if 11. M. Wal tis is still HI Eureka, he will reuu'iuln-r the fact of John's disap|>earnuce, for he was the night fonunaii at that tune. LKE SIN. HO rntahle Institution. Hot thn hut interesting of the j-nblic buildings of New Y'ork is Lgidlon jail, the place where Win. A1 Twee iw..- iN>ntiuil previous to his escape. To the stinb-nt of human nature it ut well worth a visit. The visitor on entering is shown into the warden's < dice a- l r.v. ptn :i rtsiai. This is a .liugy sort of pliu-e, but withal comfortable. In one i>>mer i* an office whcr- the IsH'ks are kept, ftlid around tiie rooiu ari- chairs hh.l Isujcbee for visitors. 'llien he is shown up a nar row, winding staircase into the main cor ridor, and to the right is the dining room—large ami airy. Here tho-e pris oners who eHtinot afford to buy tin- r own meals are supplied with ftsnl at the ex pense of the city or general g--v. riuneiit. Others, ealhsl b. Hxr.h-rs. pay a price j er week for tin ir lncals ami re ceive their lodgings frs. Hettiming from the dining r.*>m, the visit r enters the corridor. Tins isthe prisoners' g.-u --eral nsiui, and is their only promenade except when the state of their health ren ders fresh air necessary. Here they are sts-ii lounging alsnit, n:nl one would scarcely conclude from the air of con tentment that prevails that they are pris oners. Among them are counterfeiters, forgers, and fraudulent voters. They are always glad to -ee a stranger who w ili talk with tliem, and are always ready for conversation. It seem* strange, but it is a fact that they are all hopeful of a speedy release. They are watched over by akeejs r who, though -mall in stature, seems to have a perfect aw.- over them. A word from him is sufficient to quiet the most noisy. At the further eu t of the corridor is the chaplain's library, a small mom with a marble fioorand etnliellished by a few decorations in the shape of (low ers, woodcuts and chromos. The IMMIUS are plainly IKJUIUI and ore loaned to the prisoners whenever they want them. In this r-s'iu arc also chess, checker, and backgammon boards, which serve to while away the tedious hours. Tiie celebritiea of the place are wont to con gregate in this apartment, and while the writer wns present the amount of "cliafT' which WHS passed there was sufficient to make the most despairing prisoner merry. The cells are apparently very comfortable. They are about twelve by fourteen feet, and contain two beds each. The wails and ceilings are whitewashed, an.l the only tiling of which i-i.iiiplnint might be made is the darkness. The windows are large enough to light the room fully were they not covens I with some stuff which excludes the light in a great measure. For the invalids or those who have influential friends there is a yard with walks around it, aii'l here they can Like fresh nir and exercise them selves. It is generally supposed that Ludlow street jail is a terrible place of confine ment, but it is much more comfortable than the Tomlm, and though confine ment is irksome, there are many free men in New York to-day who wotlld be glial to change places with the poorest of the prisoners there. A Chinese Story. ('h and wife lived with a nephew nnd wife in a house in Tung-hwuy. The uncle was a dyer and the nephew a tailor; their wives were congenial, and they all were happy. Last spring the nephew died and his wife vowed that she would he true to his memory and IH-M r inarrv again. In November Mrs. Chit's mother died, and the dyer and his wife were compelled to go to Shaon-pch to Attend the funeral and settle tip the estate. As they did not wish to leave the beautiful young widow unprotected in the house, they asked an old neighbor to atay with her (luring their absence. Now then lived in the town a soldier named Chno Tehshen, a bad man, who had been east ing sheep's eves at the widow. He arm ed himself with a dagger ami about mid night jumped over the wall of the house, and entering the widow's room threaten ed to kill licr. Hlie replied by offering her throat to the dagger. .Suddenly the disir wan kicked open and in burst a tall fellow who wrested the dagger from the ruffian's hand and threw Jiim on the floor. The widow rushed out to arouse the superannuated neighbor, and the bad man was secured with a coil of rope. Then the neighlsira flocked in, and rec ognizing the soldier set to and hammer ed him. Then they turned to the widow's gallant defender and asked him who he was and how he had happened |to be in the house. "My name is Ts'ao," said the tall stranger; "and I am j a robber by trade. I was passing i through the town, and having no money oarr.e into this house to steal something; i but finding this fellow hc-re on a worse , ansnd tha mine ! made him fast." The M KMAKY OF SV.WS. a llfin* ot Intrrral from lloior onf %hronl. At Hireling of the oithnut it iltvi'lrtl 1 hot,rtfh i h ti*k' rftu'ii lit ln tontttrrt for i, thi- |iro|tvMott of out bout* tn on tin M\unn ,i fiotiti* r lii \* w \ otU tin tli"t Atuiunl i i ItlhiUoU lf til l • lO Ut f*illt t|a\ WftMi'l* uh| M Itiluiow ttmih-u, Y%itll All . t11 -• 1• N It* II > > it* i K li Vho.. mm U i f*t i of % m i%I *l, H tttohldltlg **<%' fit! millllAlii . fiaviAUy from I itglmitl. w* i on'\to!>ition. J 1 11* ii*ut *f tlio A|'tm* of k;u-l > tli* l(iu . alalia hot > um no d VYh uiia ill-jrtUh *o\ > tin- liiiMiati* Alt* tii)*t*t t laL t IK jlA*h hv A I I Allt AnnAuit. tllt Urti l|t|lti ,fi||. Allt'tllfl I* *h|ll**f, 111 wlili'llj I .tdhal X'llAitgi ! 11l ilio Stair All*! • uatloiul itwu rttlii* lit-* m-rr kluhniUxl John i Mi'Kr. v, A lion I nnui in id i, wa attacked • on the bh *tm i i*y,N \ * threr mm, rath of whom fir*"! A k t lut** him. Ho *a mortally WOUJlvltx!. Ill* AAbAltAlltb c. a|M-H!. Its All V|'loio(t in A tliinr at ht flair, I'a . •e\ ii utiu* i> urn kill**! AII*I bin wottti*!*d. 1 !ho buiki-h tomtit or*, bU||H*tt*t hv t*Att< rn-b on abort*, of*n*xl a editing nro on th** ltu-ian t lat ten. f* At ItinL lilt I l th Mi. ku.t a uj> .kimi iixluic I laxlixl tlinv luHlr. . .uhl, nu11..11l ill. itaiua,. Iwll.K ili'UP t.i 11 in 1.-wti. 111. l-airkt'La all I . I*l. in h.iuan al Vialafal an. ilolmifj l.j lUrWtah aiirlla ft 111 Wltl.llll, autl tlin !.' U a- > rmkul. lr. |w. r. lai.( .1 pHwilli r. 1 ill- I'uiUal Mat. army wilt la' naluml t*. r.l.iaal lli.u 11.. .-a.ri'itrt a jui. 111 11.. Nt-W \ :k 1* -1 11. . .! -..-in. I 1 Wtu l. -.".rial inrti W. I. kill. l, Man.. to Nii|*ruui.; ir.Uil. Mt .11 a.! ftliri , m>nriiln. Ut ••(B. lala .... AiioUinr t al. ti of llultaiia. t" (tin iiituiM rof .M, hain aiir naabfiHl In lini. Mil * uuml . i .f am., ainl na\ v . rhtfola all. U. 1..1 tbv Uiaruat;. Of a of th.- mi] ai WaaUaftoa Alfi.a AumL a maul of 111.. llaM at .1 limit.'a. a. lI.K .1, .X.U111111t.,1 Mil. Ir at < I. -l w li, Ma -- l ouui lhiijatulu J lott. n .f thr I Mill.l Matr. ia.T, tlit.t at N. w lWnlf i.l, Mo. , V.0.1 acltUlJ-.•• * llc.(a I at. 110 I.t I > tail • 11 I nitial Mat, . ll,kl ahaia an.t t,. iii.., ru nun; a " ili-'ft "till '.ok I.lki-o Oil tin) oil talari a (!! w. S J Ik'lli I lv.lh.'ta ri.- allot an I llin maraliaia w. r. air.l.J I , [I . ahrnff, a:Jtal ! * a ; ■ of acxfal tillliUlo.l eUiirtu I !n> rl. atlur I'akola. from 1i0ij...! f i N. w lad, ,. alrand.-l . ii 11,. .. of \n f U ~ a. an i-,ai..l of Nor 111 \* ~w, an ! w I|, ~ a ! tal alt a. 11. r mv ami | >jn^ti. wri. aaf. 1. Undo! V lit dlllj; 111 la 111. cl M> wa d> lr .. t by au ri|>l...i.ami on. man w kilint. I on |.rx>|-rt \ ikoal §46,600. . I l.r MnbMHBl r.lut lU Ui al riulad. ij Ina w . o|a-lo d I . l't. al d< nl lla.ra in tlin |ir>Mti. < f Hal,i- \> la tora. litaMlriib in all |rt of Ihr oltv ma.l. a |■ t.' f. la., dt.j ,1. of I tintuif.'. Ibr "* r.-i . .nu a . oi.M.t.xl of niui.,,-, tb.-r.a . pin uofll . I'r. at I. ut an or.d.raii il o.crt ■ i i a.. r I. tbabo) Ml mMpm bj fi. -.d. Nt i . in 1U.1d1.. of lb.. t'UnblUon ,-.nii|.aii). tl.r of lidv.r \*. n.Wit Holm.-a ('tit< i,u,al livinu. tin formal proclamation of tlm oj- nui|: of Ibr . ., .n I . I'r. -i l. iit llay.-, the balit luiab iliorua, an -- I . Mr. J lui W lab, a- ll.n .!. itiv a.ldl. -. l y *li 1. at. : ll.n • . lr ; , f Mr, \* hitU. i a (V nt. uiuaj by tun. and ll.n U na dn-lioit. 'll.c .-ihil.tta di|.lay, n.iiraiit Ir. < ut. i it talo . With ai ll and 11 at ll- to attend the ro.f|*i u to th. I'rc id. ut tu ! tl . i,ui; t'onrad lk>!h-r, a furniture dealer of New York, alio had l.m idniMfbd with th.- inr*d 1111,;. ilt—|i|aniiii| midn> lt A widow with nhoui br had Ufu tiiUmati- t a'w. mu-i: ami it i 1-h. w-Ith.. hav. , m j off t yrlh. t bat.- Urv-- faimii' - lh. >uiuutt . t - rtk ial it I*-, ::,|i.-t ayia.m t m a! >r . ft:.< N. w York rw-nat. n .rati Mb .. Kkkb mlommA wddMown, V. v.. wrr.. fli'wd Jtir.iiy Ibr t.-in|wram <- r* * ital h.-kl ' thrr * i Italian in K.u,triiUo, Nl> , kill. ! ; a \outi,; lady wh . had i.j.- t'd bttn in Italy, and then aboi htumclf tbrotnfb tbr hrait. I hc'court boinw- at It ■kf id. 111., f-r it. wi.ut-d. t and a niiiuUr tdl in jured YVbii. atUTeni.,; fi-*i a fit -f nV i. ,1. or- -ai-.u, John li. liartoii. ; r - r of I nff h-fi Ul.-ratur. in th. • .. . ■ f tin fity . f N.-w York, committed aUicnlr I y cwaUovnu; a .|Uan lity of aulpburi.- acid J- hti t Y.lUna, a Hug ro wul.qr, *a I rought t N< ■■■> Y kin iron* from A| iuwall. win r> h. 1-ad im.r !. rrd a -hip- , mat.- named ii. 11. Mi.r.. . I ■ • mAoMM , iVwl Mt-ker raia/ol • ff ' aj- Sahk , and 1 r en w f thirt.. a all of wh n )*■- ug.d t-> lnu ntigt.-u. N. S w.r. l -l He l' |ii, in ! a Udir of nog-Tim. from Canada and lihmh I-iaiul ..The ldy of Film Holland. - f \* tl ttemeburgb, N. Y.. wa fotaud ttoaUag u. lb* Fa.t lltU. liit.f amaui b] I! ' d-ath >f a young daughter had drthroucd her nvni and .he ha.l ceMiunittrd .111.-1.1. fh* } f e-id. ljl - an.t other re; r. -entati.. . f 11.< trunk lim -of railroad* held a rucrtuig to arrange a . h.dul. to m.-et Hire mprUti- n that . I[rted at lh. ..jw-miig of the canal natigaln n *Ynr. 1 Hodge, pn anient of the Nati-ual Tem|w ram r Kviety, rcigmd from th- N. w York I'm u hm:uf club, I" an-- a c • .deral N j art of tic club • animal incaue ia d.rive.l from the *ale of 'intoxicating lnjuor. and In c uid imt c..u r.-tcntly r. main m it On tin arrital of an Allwmy lwit in V > \. !. tw w i... l. m rtruggbug for the 1..- • . nof a braUUl ' and richly dr. d child. < >in of the w- men "t.. lein-j Met/, a wealthy r. -rdent- f \il • lainxal the child breatiw .hi had l< gaily adopt.--1 it the .-tier .mat. Mr*. Itrnhet How.-n, a don., die claimed it I e,-*u.e it had Iw.n born I" her. and taken away wht > .hew*, nick in aN. w \.>rk ho.pit .l, th. -fticiai. hating rejwirted her a dead. lh- laid wrva git into Mr.. lk.w. it. The director* f the fibdw Fire imrarance •- rn|4iny, of Ik--! -n, hat. tot. It.-d; -- .tinn. hiiauie.*, owing t<> th. .hnnkage m value . f tl.. eonipany'a inve-tmetit* \ getx-ral |*rdon t. ail mditicai >ffeml< r in th- Arg. iitme r.- public I.a. Iww-n granted by it- pr -. taut According to a dt.pat. h fret . < n.t*ntim>p'> the Turk -h tanguard at Hat nm wa. attacked by tin- llnuiiu., and a . re eiigagrwneiit. ia-ting over eight hour., t• W•s place. The Ro man. were hadlv defeat. 1, ru-taming- a 1 of al. tit *,<**> men. the Tnrki.h 1 --•> M ine >malL The Turk, emb-avorcl to I nt- a landing- a', (lib tut/a, hut w.i. fnutrate.l by the Rou maniaii., w!hate tirlually d< lar.el tiu-ni lt . - u.d- p.-n lent of Turk, v V a earring, eoiitamiiig time la.lie- and a cluM wa. I wing driven through Central I'ark. New Y--rk. the h-.r.c* Uvaiiu- fnghtetia-l and rati away. The driver wa- thrown fnitn hi- eat ami fatally in jured. Mr*. Ikuwick and her aunt. Mr*. M. Ik.ual, jumjael fr.-ni the earnage nd th. for mer war aerionrly wound, i. win!.- the lath r wa. in.tautly killed, thr- other lady and child ccaping uninjur.-d Telegram* riveived in Ijverpnol rlat.- thai the town of l.|tu<|ur. in I'erti, wa* U.-troyed hy an earth.iiiake .-n the tenth of M*. Ylr., Hoger Shurtl. ff. of Lincoln, It. 1., *. attacked |.y a rtrang. m*n while attending to h> r d on. *tic dull- ". and .hot, reieiving a fle-h ttoWnd. The f. How whoiN- obj.-ct evidently wa. ptuml r M-a|w .t. in tin- Mormon Theater by Hngham Y-mng... . Y'r. I hoard, the French atatennian, i deau. lri- gulanlie* in the maii.-igf iiietit of tin- New York cu.toiii hou*e have Ixv n diacovirid l y the hit. tigatiiigcomnuttee .. llie Unw-.d oil work* of 1 'amplwll and Thav.-r, in Itr.w.klyn, S. Y.. n-i re rli-troved with a loot of 6t(ik.7sfi. I he I hlv of a:i unknown man wa- found in th. lia.t river. New York, riddled with ah'it, A claim of *>loo,onu on the Vanderhilt eatab hi- Heii made by Victoria YVoidhnll ami Teiitiie C. t laflm .A negro niinatr.-l wa* arr.-ted in N.wsik. N. .1.. for counterfeit .iH. r half dollar* .. The father of Charlie lloaa wa. in coii.ultation a* it la P. T. lUruiim nt Hririgeport, Conn., in regard to the iniadiig Ihiv. Fp.hi recent evidenca it l* H-- Ilev. d that lie i- alive, and the ahowrtnan will offer a reward of rlu.ooof. rhi* recovery, with aguaranti. of imniiinity from puui.hment for hi* aUluctor*. I' Nt Have-*, ac v.nipanied by Se.-retari.■* Evarta and Kclmrx, A.'oruey-fleneral Ik vena, (leix-ral YV. T. Sherman, Sir*, ilaye* ami Y\ . bb C. Have* viaitud New York. In the evening flu I'realdent waa a gue-t at the niiuiial rliiiu. i of the N.-w Y'.-rk Clinmb r of Couuuei -.- ami de livered a .hurt adilreaa, a* did Se.-r. lure * Evarta and S.-hur/ and other proinim :it pnhlic men A battle took place *i Butonu oq the 111 nl; --. ni \ia Minor, in which Me IPi nu * were il.-f.fl. iL The Turk* are .aid to have behaved gallantry. Three liua.iaii eoliimn* were marching toward t.iurgevo, Kimiiit/a ami Ylogiirr-lli, witii the evident il.-algli of cro- nig tie- livmb- at three point*. The Hti*.imi m-w P*|m r organ at Itrii... I* puhli-he. a leltet from St. I'eb-rdittrg .aying the Hueaiam have l ilt | one m carrying on the war the ameliora tion of the lot of the Chri.tiana John i.iin/er. | roprirtor of aln:> r brer aalnon in YVilliamahurgh, Long, wa* found inur d(red in In* b< d while hi* wife had I*-, n fnluih -aouml.-d linlgi- Fttimou*. < f the Sivih i'nib-d Slate* circuit curt. v. York, lie had ataldied liiniar-lf . .even tune* and then > Jim pad overlx.aid. .An anti-liuaa an nurt , ing in Loudon wa* (li*porn-d Luring a re j cent htrike in Streater, HI., over aixly nilnr-ra were poi.oned hv ar., nic, gome of whom cannot 1 recover... The rili/eu* of Hanover county, i i Y'a., were thrown into a late of excitement hy ; the diaoovery of a lion. ** roaming in the wood.. , lhe animal evidently had escaped from corn.- traveling circus ..." The trial of Edward ii. • Smith for tho murder of the Trim fani lv a! L> i i.uckiport, Me., ended in a verdict of murder e I in th* tlrr: dagrs* I HVITI.K IN ASIA MINHH. I. Ilrlntla f I In* U on itir nl I II ti Inu in limn I *••• I uflli li tl i I lir l( ma- AIM MA. Y Itnt.'illil trdegrum the lnili.loil /. * and ledge of tlieao lull*, and upon the advauee of the eiteuiv they opened on liia column* a terrillc and w< II -.u.Ullial tile of mutton mid liiunkctry which literally mowed the ltum-ianw down i tu nwath. *. I liry felt by hoot. * and bun dled'. on the plain Helot* the Turhinh |a* ' Mil. hi*. I Hiring tiicir atl. iiiptn to nuike way ug'altiMt thin lire it IwHly of l uikinh I' hone and foot, Inking advantage of a thick forent, lu-.kc foltll upon tin- tlalik of the Kunniatl coLiluli, and l-flielcd great wlatlg'liter. The M uneov iten l>< nig' ' u|k>ti ground perfectly oja-n, and huvmg ' uo elioree Hut to tight or tlx, in a nlu.rt titne the npot which wan the neone of tin* tlank tinivement Lr-cume cov. icl with d. ad and dying' UunM.uin. Hut the cm . my .puckly Hroug'ht up re enforc< uieiita, ami the buttle wa* renew cd wit Ii much deteruunation. For tunny houm the effort* of tho annul hill tn Were dmjicrittcty utaiutaiiievl, Hut toward midday then ar tillery tile gradually nluckcin the It .atoll Journal, remind* llie of the original liavul monument, which wa* the tirwl out f-door work in tin* metro|Hiliß. ugw - > profu*elyadoruei with statu- - and f'lll.tail.-. It wunexe ciib-vl m Italy, by tiie - iL-criptp.n* of officer* of our g'aihuit navv, mid w.r* b.-i up in the iiuvvvard here, in memory of N-.iumi-rv, Wuilnwolth, Ibiiu-1, lJe.-atur, 1 tor*< y and Caldwell, voting naval offi -<-r* who h.-roieallv perialie.l ..ff Tripoli in l"-ot. It wa* a Houiaii nautical pillar, ruaui.-nt.-l with tin prow* of galley., ml - urmount.-d Lv ioi agle. Uu our -de of the L:*e w a* cuSptur.-d 111 tut it to ii view of I', with the I lilted Stat.* tie. t,III the foreground. On lhe other tlir.-e aide* of the La*.- inscription*, and at ear'li corner -t.H.I a full length figure. One of the*., tepr. -. ut. d Atn.-rinw .hr.etmg ! the attention >f her two children t.i j !l:*tory, who arc r.*-ording the intrepid : u of the v.uu.g martyr*, the third represented Fame, with aw tenth of , laurel in one hand and a ]M-tl in tile i .tin r ; and the fourth Mercury, a* the g.* f c .i:n.-i\v, with la* < rn • j . and hi* cwdueeua. 1$ did alightly re -.-mLI.- u (S.-rmnu fr.*t.-.| Chrt*tnia* cake, a i-unc I with sugar t! >w. r*. Imt it , wa*, on the whole, a creditable prxnlue j ti m. When the l!r.ti*h tr-*.j.s oecupie-1 YYa-hiug! ii in IMI. the navvynrd wu* 1 one of the pla.-.-* which th.-y eml. uvor.-d I t. destroy, aii.l the - .l.lier* broke the ting, r* und *o!ue ~f the no*.-* from the •:gur. - of the ti. niuuei.t, t-i curry holm j a* trophic*. Some year* afterward, with the ttp ! proval of, if not bv the direction of I'resident Jackson, it wa* remov.-i to the west front of tin- Cap to',, ami *.-t up, mutdnt.-d a* it w,.*, in t atone r> tervoir, , -upj>!;. -l from Smith'* Spring, with the foUowiug word* chi-chvl on each aide of the bane " Mutilated Lv Itntou*, 1M4." Thi* wa* ntlnr nu annoying * mvenir ■f their country'* vaii.luh*tn to all Htig .,-hmen who wiw it, and *<*.n after the Ix'giutiing of the war for the Mippri *ton of the rcls'tlion it wa* rcniove.l by Con grtvanioual aid to the naval acruU-my ground* at Annapoli*, wh.-re it wa* r< *b>r. I, ami the ..ffenwive in*eriptin wtt* removed l* f >r it .u *etttp for the third Heave Hrntuiner Hoy*, In one of the Lattl.-s of tlie Pen'naular war, a drummer, wh.—- name and eorp* have L th I.e.u unfortunately l..*t t. history, having wandered from la* regi ment, wa • taken primmer by the Fr> noli, mid brought twsora Vogowott a* a ■*, Ibmnparte fro wins I h.avily ujhiu hi* prisoner a* he d.-mandevl hi* rank in th- It- tisli army. (>n being told it wa* that of a drumnir r, the i-m|eror, to t.-st the t nit li of the reply, cntimsi a drum to be brought, and r.spio-ted hi* prisoner bi beat " the charge I" The drummer°* eve* parkh-l with enthusiasm a* he gave the terrific roll and ratnplnn ileinnn.bvl. " Now beat a r. said Napilnn. "I cannot," r.-pli.-l the drummer, proudly; "no imcli thing is known in the Kngliah nriiiv. We never retn-at." "ti s*i!" I xc!:iini, I the emja-ror. " Y.ui are a brave hid, and may rejoin your own urjiiy." Then turning to tliuae near him, Napol eon gave directiona that tin* drum mer ahoiild I* % e.ui Liu-k in safety t<> the Knghsh line Fortune is, how ever, a fieklc iinle, for at the battle of Waterloo this humble hero met with a and death. He had la-en out with n Imdy ~f skirmishers, who were auddeiily attacked by cavalry, and driven leu-k on their supjs u't s. The latter formed s.piare, and tie . vrtli shiaik lauieath tlie fis-t of the advancing cuiraaaiera a* they r.alc right ii|> to the jKunt* of the IHvvonetlte;tenth tlmt ramjmrt of st. cl lay the drummer, who had lie ll late t.i*seek the ah. Iter of the s.piare. He waa safe, however, Will when the horsetn- n were driven back, he jumped merii'y ti)Min hi* legw, and shouted ; " Hollo, comrade*! here I atn, safe fimngh !" Hies., were tlie Inst words he ever uttered ; for nt tlmt moment a round shot his head oil' Ins shoulders, and lieapnttrr.-d his comrades with his brains. Such i* the fortune of war. In the Crimea, ou tlie evening of the day on which an unsuccessful attack had been mad.- upon the Re lan, a drummer was observed to leave tlie shelter of the trenches with his.txuof ten tu liia hnml, mid in the midst of a fearful shower of sliot and shell from the Russian batter ies, lie threaded his way among the wounded, giving a drink hero nml a drink there until his can was emptied. Then fiitigittg tlie empty can toward the enemy with a gesture of defiance, he walked coolly back to his post. Hy the means of this tiim-lv assistance some of the wounded were able tobenr their Buf ferings until ilarkne s enabled tli m t<> be rescued from death. The drummer boy who did this brave deed received the Victoria Cross from her majesty's own hand. \\ till** Other llniela \rt roinjtlAii i Ini - in* •**, (In (leANatit tncdiciue to tAkc. It in elauned to Ik* unfailing for rronp. , P. lUvin, Ontario, N. Y. Yon HIIAI.i. HAVE IT.- If your grorrr or ntore s koeiM-r hn tly tiv to d* t aay to thoar wlio have n >§f giver It a tri-il thai it will onNiuiiM ail that i cIAIUuhI for it Now i tin tune bo tone Up th. m trm U f ;. the h lin out ha of ftumin. r fair); art in. Sold by all drugglnt^ Atiiu au ii|Min ne of over twenty tho yearn, iii am leading pliNoiclaiiA a-kiewl edge that th. 'it uj - / .V.iraAuffi t teriui t'o \ i, * . i* th- oJv I now ti grttain retried; for di- . t> to which ** :u< ii are auhject. Tic litUt frn*: >-J b. Jr . r J' - the ItCM |MpUIAJ it ut. .In of tin* dttv for l ihoUMK a, ht ada. he llYel , 'iuplaint a:. ( difteaiM-> of digestion. Solt i y all druggut- Send ft-i almanaca. tirafc-n belg 1 O", New York. Information worth th - out o! hi i tll. Self-help f- l Neak and lUsTVuIIK fttlf f. Jel - Part* for thnae w h. have berti dosed drugged and rial t aci. a:. Ioj. > lire. Addjeixft, IJtT trie N. w loik. If you vv..>h to ftave your ha.r and keep il tttiv!*g a! id healthy uoe JturuHl ■ i ocuaiiic. llie* Market*. mjw Tea a. iterf CalU Nnvc b It TriM and Clierukr* 1(1 4 Milch lY'wa.••••••••.••.••••• --- 6- 1 <* uu II g 1 -r. Ut !roa*t-t t7 •§ Sheet (4 A t6\ UMM 1 v 4 it* .1 11. t ixt w ri: - !u kb vAiiM : i . YV 1 19 v* 1 Ai N 3 y a T lift 41 fi I• | WUU Ift v 4 1 1 liar if) Kt.t#. A'i ,4 M i*ft-" Mil 1 ; ,4 1 ii. ♦ ,4 f.J ' T, V; ar-l\Y. ' U *.'ikn4 TIN Tu * To jwr eu ...... ei ,4 k> lb j* TAft—la §4l? Tl'a oi .4 10 t ia :t & lar ' < y Mr..! 11%v4 Xl\ Is. N*. a ' - ' . N n If 0U vf*" 1 00 No. X Dry CM, MM nt 74 4 4 74 Herri mt. e vie 4, I- * 16 .4 IT I i rtnlr AC , Ivrfiucwl, )<% UsM . 1 - ; -rtiift I tT C 'JO 4 'J S Trtat •* v 4 k4 AaatnlM * # 41 If utter -Mat* .... > ,4 TJ Ufnuru-4 v 'j r#,„ 14 4 7 Wttttcn. 0-..1 !a I'Mtur 14 ,4 .4 VflU ]•-•-- M I n ■ f . 4 14 < v 4 oi W \r 13 4 U Egga Blale and b\4 14 irmu). - 0 <#n m vrwi s->. 1 Vi.wftukfx- . .... 1 4 1 11 Our o—Mixed io \*4 an 11 4 4! bye s- vA \n i w ' i 4 13 llar.ry M& 1 00 4 1 lu ntiLiifLrMu. MCttCft~Etlr (•*§• (T NOeeJ (6 -4 OT Hflff PtAMwd „ . CW vwA I • i'.ra. | H v 4 k M vvh-ai IM Waalani . a aI 3 10 bvr I 9V 4 I Mi*ed.. (J .4 fi Ol Milad ............. 4 M Idl <'• il, .......11 all l;r fined, 11 W . t B IS ,4 70 Trifttt 14 ,4 21 California 16 4 il WAfOT. Derf Cattle (954 0?N W-\a Of** ■ I C4 • H I u 1 Wilot-m n and MinnfwoU HO IT4 C n-Mlird . 7J .* 74 (kftl*. " .. f.3 m f4 Wovi ' u dl i!ft:iaX\ 45 • t a Iv mb . 14 §4 21 Wat** It tow. Mftft*. DMiCMfeMi i.*N k if > Mwnp flft 4 4-TVfc ll"g 07 07 VATStrovi, mu. llerf l*xHf l C'UotM 4 7S 4 * 7S AM 3 7S V# A TO Uu U 3 TS 4 :s 'l3 ■ n a • T. el .nt in Ha §rof'l lasprtli-fi I I*j . • > • • . ftftM |4WftM ftlfflWt| 1 t-fflt t. ... IIM t ••wa; '< 1 f irfval.rtc !>*l t§t'i pva UtMfe an 4 : ntv Ajj c tmtallwtt fftcw v Wtthoul liyucr mf| itt '%**. er hr#etully w f • tied u iv 11 iw p- kir*. I* 4t|>d, j for )W* 'C I v, Jit*. I - Xw gr% otrr\ A a ykax x.i:\i-s wxstsu §2500 1 50 DISTINCT BOOKS vintttil ftarjMlwirs Thr tilaik'rwl IMn rv rr irtrd. Soiea tun !r !mB till* w !e ft" axttYf ie fftti Altt>i MH.MIII I M I i HIIA 111 111 I ** ■ 1 • - :• I llir \\ nrlit. 1 Pari.* *•* • • .WHIN K. hirtiHicu.i' pilil im 11 UU Via %I • I NT-v \\ 4\Tll> UK Till Ldrkdaysofgod: M 1l Pnor 111 KHFKT W MoRRtA A M .If I 1 * tirar ! II oorj t t World brfarr Adam, ft* wtfh d**Jia)it inmtt€-lft('Tva Srfij ff fifealftT. TvnM and Saw pie |Ilvlrftl- rta Addreft*. J. I . >lrl I Kill A I U.. Philadelphia. It a **ltkllOI.|l! I tike ii. IP I ..A.' _§i §iMi hr * • '• 'IT tin*** of Oiftl , i . - i.. ru vii. Jw . PI f||*t.V T \ll People bjkv J !• thr tit •• ft' t l--'k ~ * i'rr-.i tari nt llr. MoothN " S MIUW, ll !le Reft'bnr*. Tamiwranr* 6 ft'Kl ■ rurt§tly r r ' • '** '• t ■ ■ I Fruit and Jelly Press ! On*third n-.' tTf tni-e (nan l>f lh* old itfteaM 6 • i i neeeftftifj" K*rj Vftmily •!' bn| or* IJ .art *id ftlVt F\ • " J I • eirrulftr i I letn *tMra, toll! ~i alamp. | Aiaprican Fruit and Jelly Preti j- V Coui]iany. Cincinnati. Ohio. ' JL baeaift M nttlrtl In vi rv Tor nnd I mint v. "Tho Bfst Polish in tho World." Pleasant as Wine ! Han'.ess is Wutir VAN BDSKIRK'S TONIG INVIGORANT! Many perron, live o) .1. In I tit. l-iit li'-. tli.* 111. i. live I.) 111. II- of tills rxorilMlt nml i-ij nl* rnurtl.T. Nirl> BTBIjr form "f ilrMllt} and *!ir*a lis. Ih-i u riirnl by 11, slid silliout suy of tin- u.. sdvertlslti/ It 111. iM-coin'- IsvorsUj known tli i It i> IM lux *• I fir from all jurt. of tin- . imt \ sinl tin- farlllt'i-s lor In-ili- m; it hsvo bsil I - In-In cri isnl t.. tlir i-.j-s. ly of I iindri-il. of Ihou.sti.' of iHiillr. to uiret I: i-. ii-i.iut i Inert-*., n .!•*.. sir Ihr .nor**** of tin* I rmrilv liu. no |>:ii*llt-l, an wlirrovi-r known H b. c*|:iir-.l rei-utal ion ni l - t -| in l- . t wlio Inkt- It . It I. a rrr'.il't l lir* for ity*|N>: ia, ron,tl|i*tlol ' lilllt-u.iir**, bt l u i , m-uii lßt*. ,iml *ll fT-rtlon | 11,,- .toui.i'b, llvi-r. klilm-i* ami ut-rvmi* .v.tin , . ..1 f..r - vtoy lorm of ir*>*tiU'tt au-1 I est med'.itie in tb 1 world. Frier only fiO cent* for H.lf-p'nt bottlr. VAN BI'SKIHK A CO.- Froprirmr, 18 V,*t* Strcti. Nw York Cure for Drunkenness ! i'rett. ri|! i -II |fl ftfTeeftiftUv rui lh uttkenriftftft A fit e tonir fttid ailli Ut§ aptelii* )w n4 M ftiilft Hi* |Mia<':|ol lia HV/ ;' x t*to*te£iivtt> C] Btt At l t Nil NNI.I mi n \ ii, / Ct th* Oonuino and HJI Awl > ) f beware of imiunon*. x4r ll t" aim aiio ro* |*H Ej THOMIONI Pi B(l\ / |,l; y ue*itt mi it rjy w Yr-'-J \ i I y Th* tm' t"Ni M.a. LJ K] NJ -!i X* ih*i IM **m* of U tri Ny'l Hi X THOMkOIOnd >• M l-H >L.afjr lr*(i(M,rkaCowNar Ey t F3 Ndirinmptd on,Uvixlieei Ka !v Ii Ar iuftte in oil •! i Ira and of err> t , 1 HIJ dcftt rli'ilou, haw Uo llfllilrsl, h flwral, and miu*l rl §iuil lu um t* Ua ftirlra< to and •( i on* el ra juirwl f-u any kind of *nk ar* - concord mv::::.:;t !• • rr ii * 111 and durnWllliy . Tlm| • • uei l.* kifk* 4, 1 ral §rlltrn auniil ( !!• 'Menu *1 fijeo t uto ; harness." srrsr .tn: lu Willi our on Mir sitd Tm4r AlufL. A littoral A REWARD Wlt *t-ll* Ihri..-.. Ibr I .......111 llwrurs* Ik.l ar. H.I maidr In u*. t ilo Umldommal, uo*ih] ho'.d f.r c.imiali and ptif .>•!• (f AddrwM J. R. HILL & CO., i.r <'ononrd. W. 11. I I i i . n i . v\ ;• Providence Line TO BOSTON, Vu rUOVIDLNCE OIUECT \\ t VV 11(11.1: M'.IIT-* 1(1 IT. ONI.V t i nil.l - OF Kill." Tl VIE oo v| IM TK*. THR NEW atnUricm BTKANKIt M /i a* w (t o lx u m o t t m , '* I"Tin ratoie wiiiwr i ,.< WeHJ," lv AMI IHK WiIItI.UHKSOW.NKO MkUUk lllxodo leilitncl, " Tl.r Uni • of i lk --oii ml," [6 Will.*.- I.ti-r HAY 1 latooHMli *-I ML " N' It f-i ! f Wftlir'i Mftwd Ml ek P. 4f ~ ftJT • i!•* A L- Pt n% Idrnrr nl * f r*l) A.a)t Laitdy liu nevwr ywl failed TKtnp wUlioM Am# if*fi ii Tito toboiw wild a id* *n Itw N glorioiAft old WuatAf.ft 111* >W*t and l.illimwtot a in etikUiu* f.) r*liU ft iaotliw l Mualaiij c urn whew* B■ I / wnvM m Aililma. TIIK INTER IM FAN, I Itl l.nkr •wtrrrl, I Itl nun, 111.^ NO READER OF TH. PAPAR ££ £> R^LT , "M'TQ IHOU'D LOIE T L PPPORTUN TJR O V-R JU L T! ACI DURING BALANCE EF TO IUHTORIBO FOR PER YEAR. YNAR 1877. THE DINING ROOM MAGAZINE I IN ONR OF IHOM. ■ ABLY EDITED TI .ULM -A TN THE ROUNTRT.AN.L WL:B|TAI.T RF POPULAR ROEIRLBUIORT. PR . ARNT. IN A • NAUHRLL." >1 LL.R M P..|BTE R..N, THR L .1 THNOPHU I.U ILIA ANHFECL UF UUUAEKCEPLACKM \ K-INR INATU R" FC. R SUPM RIHRR •. RERRLRRA > UARF UL PMNLUIU UUTUI JCROU. RI THR > ARIAFMN I H. N W.NL H ROHER'A PAPER. OF IT: . ' -TN* PI*I\I LI M>A>-INI • L'N.LRR TILL* ML.-IHRRR !• UN.-<1 IT TH! RLTR.L R THE I NLOOPUBLLAA . INS •• . ITI LIIUT' M.TIRRRI.TI. ETCRUIIILN. AND U~IUI LUO.IIHLJ MAA-NATOE, I I-SURAK LRMAN. .<( THE A ) . .R. THE UI.WT RRMAIKABLE F. TURR . F IBU PEEFOJTCAL •LUPRLCO.* RR.LL. >RRAT, NTIL. H INRLO.' . UNPI. • NI . ..RTH I'' RRN T • IT. RR .TETURNT NLTHTHEI.IANUFARIURRRN CUM- I I \ WUL •.■RD BY NISTL, FREE.T V) A TH.WTUN.HLJR RRAPONALBLE R.UN; NV. AND LIT* OIANDNRD AROTW PR-MLTED,I* LT WFLMTFTOVFT TO EVERY *. >-J LIOUIWKT ■ I-RR TO OWTL LURT'UR IIITUIHRUTLTIK'U BY U CVMIITK I JMCA. FONA RNACI U N JO, " N.L f" NR THR MNCNUUO FOR UO L<-..R AN 1 PREMIUM. BOTH POSTAGE PAID, LO ROUR ADJRR*. BY REMITTING 90 "•' XH£ UNION PUBLISHING CO., P. 0. BOX 1037, NEW YORK. S BURNETT'S I . STANDARD —, \> -X-Jf V# HIR* KN MPTW'I PR-" I T" T NR HO*T OF THR SW*: T* IU NIT. IFL JGJ; : : „RJ * BOSTON. _ _ PAFCIRR LLORTT. A B KRYRRR UOLLB. I MCI>IWHT * AIA*. K J# NEW YORK. ' FIRM ARANR. JIOT*I_ I ACA*A. MAMAI I A CO.TNR. B ?JL VVN UIIIAOIIA HOIAU I LANNA FUR<. _ IL LTJFI I——|L PHILADELPHIA. \ LLOIAT I TNONRAOJ. PI CA A BO*. \^. >' WASHINGTON. 881 OTITUIP'I HOTEL. I LLAIT A LIMA, ANA BALTIMORE. OF J TJW/EI'TAW HORN. I 0. 11. Rl*A> A H*O. RST J*J |MSDKTTRI;RA| CINCINNATI. ILRAAIT ILOOAA. B. CATAIIHA * I S A. J-T " R.RLA. ML ST. LOUIS. -R, SORRNAN* HOTAT. I BAVIU NIRNOLAO* SL| NAANA*UOIT. CH, 9 ACO ' SRAAROSXRO. .1. IQGLLLLLL 'II DETROIT. -I. KRMII HORN. G. FT H M MILUH. M SAL SAN FRANCISCO. •*R |U GO. PAIIRIC A OMNTBTAL IIOTCI.*- CCTTISOACO. II MONTREAL. 8^ OTTAWA ILORAA. I DATII. CAAWROAN. TASA PBJJG&Y TT JF NEW ORLEANS. N LU FMITII N*T. A CO. | CLARK A AJRAPK!: HGG L>R IM FLAVORING I EXTRACTS. mamamm Bt.'ltNil AM'fi UHT * ROOK I I I I og Fw'LTIT-"lltw •• Raise L I l oaUmH F-gge for Market." nr | Mulled for 1& rts and t real (tump 111 I *>rr.o p. Brß*fUM,r.o.oi I** I Hi. M etreae. Ma—i ____ I I r7|y I oM Keitsaa dtatday of brotfutts at < Vtilrnnial sur- Cum I all olio f ritab*. K 4N* ** l'*4 I'l4' 4 O.ufli rn tantnat Isaly uf good land* In al Inani urhe* and ll terms. I'l.niy of irrrv | laii'ia I Hi t for Homestead*. r)*l>'PlH Four Iran, ( ontlU pillion nud Inrtiiwiiiiilion of Ibr ItuarU lime % rnra, 4on flsicd lo III> ICOOIII Two I aara, So I oil Id !\o( Mi-ip Without Morphine. (hie raikaff of |uulii' 4 on dm on I'lIU in ad ' in- I.ail Urll, Hrll, mid Frrr from I'uln. ufirr bring ulll'll up b) I'll) l lama. Wfcar Ulllui, Mb., Feb ft, tart. Awbhu an Mr UK-ana Co. —I bar* Umao fur hut aii'l I .a lla i*M (bra* years. < >i>tl|-atlt>a m l ]ti HalsmalJon uf Uie How •la. I liars aaflraad all Ilia |uu I could atxlura at..| lit a I bat* bean > •nil Ked la m nam Ibr two yours, and imsM nol alorf blfbtl wfiboet lb* uaa at muipbiua. I bats Urn given Bp by {-byakums as past euro. I bats talru one ue-lafeof Ua (ji'au'i < Manual hug, and tbrv bars dona uu BMt g 1 (bail all lbs liurtor* I bar* bad. I ibf|> srll, 1 aat wall aud bars no imln. Tker ars all lbay ars rsautuiueudaal Iu las I'lsaas asm) ma ibroa |asay<* as leu ..I my neighbors slab to iry Lbs to I siu-baas f 1.50. Vouis truly, JOHN W. LORD ,\ru ral gin nod IthruiMUllum, UVMT mad Uldiir) oinpliilui for Twrnl)>l'ivt 1 ran 4 un-d b) i|uuln* 4 ondlilou fill*. ban v ana. Ma as, Jul* la, 1*73 A M mica n MRtiH'lkß ■. ifuitiii'% 4 oudlilon fill*. Lt stsm sm Vt , Xor #, IsCi. /fear Str -1 Iters bran troubled utlb Neuralgia for sU years. bars taken ercrt medicine I could bear of; fbund none that gare any relief until 1 re oeltad a pferaage id your DuyntTVH f ILIA, wblcb base cured tar HAKKISON STtltfEbb A package of lir Quain's Magic Condition fills sent to any address on receipt of fiAt cents by A met lean Medicine 110., Mancbaatae. K H for sals br loading druggists. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., llsnrcr St H<(un, Mam.. John f ■ Hmry, < 'urran & Co., No. • Col legs i'lace. Sew York City, General Agents. i~ VEGETINE. Her Own Words. BCLTLMOK*. Md . Psb IS. IfTt. MM H. K htntfii >•' him* *Yra] joati I haa fnt ft tura ft4 rf) Jidinfu] Ini I h*4 MMbO pbf>CldlH. but IfaM Cih ln'l ( urw Iti. I hm*m brftrd •*. VlUefr. TINK Iftmi ft I*4) •!<• •* Mfk fr* ft loim ttftoft, ftad u-a *• ftit ftp:t tr>mt jftpftr VIUiKTISK. acid I wnii ftfid Imufttit Hi* Oft UiUif ill VK njflimv ma; MlftDUuu to a It ia • tildwaiftf tor i *ftJU. Mtbft C kIUHK Wcsftt BftlLimor* SltmC VEGETINE. Safe and Sure. liu II K Invest It. !?: ft.ui VftifTlfK ess ftsnaminsnded to ma. and. j ii*idisg i" lb* p*reuaa.ia of a 1 roaoand to trj it Al Uaa Ist, I trsa auftartag dot. tj o.i oer..>iw — ins Ifeace ties 1 hare aot octal ed to gira Vr .Kl iytK < moat ne isakfisd Jtdorwmees. aa tm"lag a .ate aura, asm K-erertul aetet ID prtene ur h'alth and f.e!.eitig > esated ayrtsie b' Bee life and romgy. \ r' ,r llh K the *fft fttirti" in my iuulf for towmJ >••, an.J ibdiik i :>at f' N• NII " * 4kuk*rc>ttft Httwm ue Ht>ru mftiiv ftflK[iMm il t fttiocd I— and ft* ft I4md imrißwr and ftffTYrif medium- it • U bmft tfctnft 1 bftfttf "FT ntw-1. *nd I U Ykftwd ftlm wt ptwrjiinnj I o*ri rlMftrfultf iftMmimaa A U> ftj *mm m mil of Kb ft mftkl.v Yof Mkft A A I>I!INMURk. II HumoJ Suwol VEGETINE. What is Needed. B-*ftTi. lot L\ isn II H NTIVIM. Kftc, * .*• ' \bout "t4f jrw*r HOC# I f mod mmlf Wft ft*t*ift cMSdtlVdfts (mm irwt4*rft.J d*bi)i(f. VICiJICTI * ftirt n ) rftcmmMi tod to m ft ?rmnd b hod ttmfi m •..< h ml. ftflwr up tut Af'ft-fti b.Jtttoft, * rwftt'irwd to bwaHft. ftnd d"K "at'Tiowd lift uftft 1 !w quit# cuoftdwnl ihftt thtrv • no mwdirtW fa|pf>or to it ft* tb.ftft ottj'.ft n'ft fat aciicn it • rwpft*kftilf p?i.*rad. td wouid cto-anolli rartmtoand it • ah< lm4 fhit Uitf imd Kftft# ihittf to mtorr then to parfK-f hwiUb Hmpactfuily your., U I. rKTTKXtiim Finn of S. M IVttor.^tt] A 00., No m Stftto M rrat. Hodoa VEGETINE. All Hare OYitained Reliuf. Rurrtt Buwi.l. Ms , Jaa IT. 1(71 II K StTBVBKa. Raul Itre. A|. 1 liars had dysfevps'* "r wtwsl (ana f * the last test pr.ra, an.' hare bakru. hundreds of dollar*' e rth of Oted-ciaea e-ithost ohta nine any le-lisf 1.5 .Septemlst la.l 1 owtenm! taSirvg the \BtiKTINK. rtnee e t.irh tme my health has rteadvly imposed My I.VKI digest, sell, and I hare gained fi'leaa pounds of ffeeh Thieve are uveC other. is this place taking V KI.KTINK, an t XI hare . re .ef Y.oir. truly. TH'dltSK MtK>RJt Ourwer of Card Room, Portsmouth t"o 'r Mtila VEGETINE PRKPARKD BY E E STEVENS. Boston, Moss. Irgrfinr is Wdhg 411 Brwgglsfg. At .real dbaasuts Mats Mnuey Umd Agents esntsd Writs at ere in Bran Mru On., ftswsts, B. T, I >H I NTPItn. get " atraas nlal " I aara. w-d --g by raspsaaPUnß-WtikiuTkl ,1* Dstb AJ^T $5 to s2ojc' , Vr.%i^*io.x^r < rf.t?. j CC s eesk m sear mm tnwa Tenor and ft* eatfit ' ftOO (re* It HAMjrrr At . Port feed, rfr.ea el Ir> n day X lose. Ageots earned Oatfit sad /J 1 £t terra, free TRl'lt Xt O Augnfea. Mama *55 3 $77 S4O PuMVi •f^ SM rtTSW-W t®tsrtt*#*f tag aumTma. P N.r II h Imitaeuj fill K -.r * V t9RAflffV -ri* fftOUU drees. J fed In,* IweM. *• ll,v|,P< Tlf H BKI.TO. A urw. < HKAP. PBft fj fIU Tllui. he pteraaldf* .lability bsnjt for ctrsa tar or sail ea IH> M K AUh *;lg Hr.ede.y. NawYsrh. |- AM.M llt r*. ber PIMHKB It PATaBTIfiH HI * f "it INl" V* Ifay forka. a.l farm Hell, field by Itoufitr •. Wfui4fti fVfi# li yttHKA CiiWH,Or w'>( i it tvmizx mftCAjmi* TKA no , I 4N < hambem fit Nee York. g)a fiAM VaHe by IT Areata taJaa.TTwMh V D ft my UngwarUrlas. Kampiss frst. tptlvtftf Address (. M. list.yr-, chumf. ftkfift W ATt llßa A Oieal fisnastem fiampta X J Watch and OutAt fr— u. A*, at. better I has ( Addrser A 'ot l.fOt * OQ. CM— till AUfitrre oil KVKRYBOOV The .HI T*t II V. Pretectal ft B ealy g&saeu Cm ularr free aa air C. ft BARRuWK. WilbmssdlTOA. ritttK tkriyiw. Most Oeapleia and Reliable raahfeu I Paper ersr pubbahed Tl.e ligM.dUary yt'aTK*l.T .1,1 11. 1 Mngle Arte. Vscrly lilJttJtfi (■■■■ Addr-a. trJk.NNlftfifi ORMORnfiT. IT f I4b street. Nee V Vy fe.4>. I*. fttlUlftAll. fiefeem, Bern el SIOO.OO R'.V.V, BOSTON WEffiLY TRANSCRIPT Tie led family reorapaper published ; sight pages fifty * 'le.i Laua. slabs of slessm. ft I* par 1 : ftttftftm. ft Mliifiw arM IMKN 40PY 4JHATIM. PHeftijEaaapysas ordurary cess of Pfisa teo boast edl care Urn eons aaae .d .ay toad Byes pm Ims. ft I. trend moMtlu Regis 10.l Imum Bast of Refer ere. gieee Da THOU H W I PhMl R McNxt. Leßes tto, Msm , rjr— BILLIARD IkJfZ- £3P^ rf SA lag the iargnvt stecfc aud fiaml I' " r facMeem t.m maaafaatsreig. Spl .edars ram be pneantlg Alh^ "■ Hlft '4' 1 < led mi imdfeaud Tabias ciiaap Tas fiuuiis era. as Bias /• 1 j ark. Mawetacf unera af Wt.l a I—ed.i ...r. \ . i .-' r. o.i. and Paw, ar mix we raa FOR sale; On. of lbs urnl tmaatifal ajtd psfwun Farms la Ylrgtnln, ailsoed on Jfe*!h stssr re bbeene ansmtg and esnua HAI tnulTl Is rehrvatem. s4 atei u 7C ts m gram, balance m ktrntmr Tbrru*rngU>e I.* large lie I. ant at-reads in rah eater lagnrte. The cl mate dnligViiiol A *taaUea. Arhoufe. Pswcdhc. Hu j bgsawinr sad HiQ. inai in net large d.ri' ng tern luadi fin am and all meaemrr ■ utbe-lduw* Chsatast fen oat beaatifsl fee* and -.had. Trees and aa in.ih.mtih*. iappfyef Mall Tbs Farm ant be wee 1. be apriret ,t ■; Till, teosd Address 11. K. hRITH. Cfearmtrr I .H. fa. SI.OO SI.OO Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. Th rkelwil A ease A old s new.emfifi. J'riru One ffe/lsr neck, feed /er rswfeysr. JAMES IL OSGOOD CO. • SI.OO BOSTOM - :m LADIES •• Maize Flour Toilet Soap! Maize Flour Toilet Soap! -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! A |T*A: Jtftdxwwr' -• JHHft ft*p ecamtMHsnJ! Kl ftfwthefty ik Jton*. ftiid thd fikin. ban vmmtorfisi beelmft and lappnor ah nc lyrriiMßcttoto. uid n p-qu*i' > t:tted for (be bfttb. Bftrwftn • rrnnri U*iK 1% i .tonftrUtfolU pme lflM*t ftfftd fib-id fir*r}-wb*r at ft OKdmlfi p l-ay. Namplsa wvlh full directions for self msaairrnmoot Sent KVes lo sny addrwSL Knaisp reuuired Deal directly with the Manufacturer and get Bottom Prvea__Keep Mansfect nriae Co . ItkV Merror SI., 14 Y 10 0,000 Facts for the People !! For Ihft F*rmor. tho Mon'hant. tbft llnr—iw, tbft S!tck rftimr, fti# I\> iltr?-kftirymn, th MftusMfih***.' fkr w*iy family ho wnntft to uTfiiovon Tlir Book eMbr I Dili ( culurv. VAI T* MH AIiKaVTM. Mtlo and iVm.-rlto ouiiunz ra- nn on it Sond to uk nl cine** for o*tr toiw* INGHAM. SMITH A liLkt.K. 731 Wftkiut Strwrt* PhUvdftlpbift. T*ft BABBITT S TOILET SOAP. p - L L - - "* mil i'- tht Mhlta Tbft FINEST TOILET IOAP in ihr ITftrM. Onff lb i 'tat i r mm •* ii b*4W for Use In the Nursery it bus No Equal. M tirlT. left 11 MM. its cost 60 ftt fv itMlkrr scri tunilv ln( bf .ui. Dftow. ssinp| bo, 1 ontvumf S rfthfifi iJ • t>. ftftcfa, Wftt Art to toy ft*l drta oft fKttrt af !i rfu AiWwi t FLORENCE, Odor let* and />ura*f OIL STOVE. Only Centennial Medal. JtESJ SKWINQ MACBINK. Florenee Machine Co., BEND FOR CIBCTTLABfI. fb Cast, with Ovtn. Agmtt W owfsd. N. V. H. i'. >O. to, CfiTMBN WItITINO TO *DTBKTIfiBItSt f I It fnae .M y ih nl yfißfifiWlkfi hdrtrtlse* f _./ . .0 ta*a wnner.