THE CENTRE RKPOIIVKR THURSDAY MAY 24, SJMMC SISU vim Hot in if for Vrery #<*• trqi rnt innrrtton. AdrfrtisfmtnH by 'Ar yen • at tl Uhrra! disfount. OscteraK H m tsvooa. Me. WW, I O "tn F.. ml • v-r* SMnrtlh! #r*nln tn thn Dfld KwU* 11*11 j, M tiu.i.iuAwr, s#©t It r. sa***y. A.ti. On* KORT lAIMt, Vo. r K R" m**t* M.w l■%v *vnninf, o* r f*r ch fwtl •t.x*'* ** Odvl Unit. (V K HvRUi RH.SwI al K Ktmnnn*. * v l*n.v4 K 4*HkMtsi". N*.r si H. *U HaII . Ontrr Hnll >n th* Saturate ""J] aUaastJP M "T t*r.* rrk. t eeaarO H*,i iiaw. li.-ri *- LOCAL ITEMS. —STORK ROOM FOR RENT. The undersigned offers the store-room, known as llerlacber's old stand, at Centre liall. for rent. The stand is a desirable one in all respects Possession csn be had an* time after April Ist, by applyiag to> J. Hksky KKLLKHat Centre llall. t'- FOR BALV AT HALF FRIO*.- A good new platform Spring NN agon, for 1 or 2 horses. A good sound mars, 6 years old. Also a good single harness. Will sell all together or separate. Will sell a! half price , K. P. jp m . qt. Pleasant Gap. la. FOR BALK. a new Golden Tongue Organ, warranted. VN ill be sold very low. Inquire at this office. tf. IM-HAT FOR Satß. From JO to lo ton* first class Timothy ha.v for sale. Pfico. sl2 per ten. IU i" , V H \?\. May l.St Linden Hall. Clothing goes at about half price at Newman'a. ——Esq Deininger, brother of the quill, from Millheim, paid eur sanctum a visit tha other day Joe Tarker. of Lewistown, has been admitted to the Philadelphia bar and lo cated in that city. Wallace Duncan has the appoint ment a* ager.t for tha Spnrg Mills railread sution. We congratulate our young friend Wallace upon his appointment. It gives general satisfaction, and is one ef the beat that could have been msde. M*. . R-vigors, of Aaronsburg will be agent al ( Coburn (Forks) station He is a gentle- f man qualified for the position. Frank Green, in the Bush house, is the oldest druggist in the county. with one of the meal complete drug establishments this *jde of Philadelphia, in drugs, chem icals. standard patent medicine*, toilet ar* |' tides, all kind* o! fishing tackle, ate. "Yes, of course,' 1 said one woman ( to another, a few days ago, "go right into Hasser.plug's new store, at Spring Mills, t ifyeu wart to see a large and eplendid j stock of goods sold at a trifle aboye whole- j sale. t Owls are of immense service as vermin destroyers. An English gamekeeper found an owl's aest with one young bird in it. He visited it for thirty consecutive 1 j mornings, and in that time removed ft-om j B it 106 rata, 49 mice, 11 shrew mice, *2 rob- j ins, and 1 sparrow This was, and well it c might have been, over and above what , the owl's consumption demanded d The day express has been taken of! the road frem Lock Haven to Tyrone, and n in its place the Watchman says a passen- , get car has been attached to the local y freight from Lock Haven to Bellefonta. ! The mail tr-iin runs as usual. Passengers cannot go to Tyrone and return aatue day, —the train goes up in the afternoon and y returns in the morning. Among the most valuable home medicines, of actual worth for certain f complaints, are some invented by Frank Green, of Beliefonte, and they are beeom- I j ing standards wherever used and intro* i duced. becomes dear, you cgn more than make it ; ° up by purchasing your groceries, pureatid 1 fresh, of bechler Jc Co., whereby you can 0 SSTC money. They keep everything you 1 need, and are the most obliging men you 1 can find to deal with. The old firm of C. Curtin A Co. ' have retired from the management of the * Eagle Iron Works, Beliefonte, and the boys—Austin, Andrew G. Jr., James B. i v and Harry—have stepped into their places under the firm name of Curtin A Co. Parlor suits, all styles, home-made t and city, very low, at J. C. Brackbill's, jr. ! , Beliefonte J —Last week a gentleman surveying , on Big Mountain, Sugar valley, came . * across the carcasses of two bucks which f had evidently killed each etb£ in battle, as their horns were so firmly .ockod to- ] gether that it was impossible to separate c them. These fallows evideatly didn't know it was against the law to kill "deer" at this season of the yaar. - t ty, two men recently got into a quarrel on i the porch of the hotel kept by George W Davis, in New Washington borough, | when it is alleged, Micheals struck , Witberow on the side of the head, the force of the blow knocking him down and causing instant death. , The contract'r, Mr. Hughes, has i cur youi g friend, Charles Smith, of near Woodward, as foreman on the ] carpenter work for the new Pennsvalley t bank now in prcgress of erection here. Mr. Smith is an experienced mechanic. ( At Wir. Wolfs are for sale Knapp's patent curtain fixtures, advertised in an- | other Column of the Reporter. They aio i the mast convenient out. tf- Many of the Pianos and in tho lluh house b'ock, Beliefonte, whore So, h!or do bus'.i.cs* and constantly tend their g-'oJ. pure, iroah j and wholoaomo groceriesout into a'. nock and corner# of the county. This we j hare gathered trom popular opinion | privately expressed, and all the returning boards in creation could not count them out. —AI! the handsomest work in the Hellefonto, Centre Hall, and other eenie teriee in this county, whether m monu ments, couches, or headstones, is turned out by the skilled hands in Heislet s Mar ble Works, and cheaper than e sow here. we I ave seen it, you can buy a full suit of clothes for at Newman's, and a good article at that. U.-ys'suits from SJ,bO lo ft JO. Now then, here is a recipe lor any ef our matrimonial readers, who may quarrel, and then wish to become "turtle doves" again A I'*rtsin aid hi* wite quarrelled "I shall drown myself, she finally cried out, exasperated "Go, it 1 ant ail that deters you, he ai wered. Still, he followed fier, and w hen she threw herself into tho Seine, plunged in and brought her lo land As ho climbing up the bank, however, he s'ip , ped back into the r.ver, and being ex hausted by b.a pre* <1 us exertion, was nr.. able to save hime'.t. His wife seeing hi situation plunge! in alter him, but a* |he j could net sw m, that wa of no avail, ami j both must have been drowned had it not been for the timely arr *ai of §om- p 'ice men, who pulled them out. The pair went home like two turtle dove*. —The Selinsgr.'ve Times says shad fo , | hauled about Sunbury and N*>rthumber ! lsr.d a day or two, and then what remain unsold are brought to its 'gr ve. We judge the citixecs of Seelystaedle can cot be veiy particular about their fish, it such find a market there. We won t or*J der shad wheu we stop at Selin>grpve. Godey for June is a most Je ightfui number. The steel engraving. "The Country Beau" is a charming picture, while the large and handsome fashion plate, and the numerous other engraving* lend to attract an interest the reader. Uodey alway was and ever will bo a hs vorite with the ladies. Harper's Magazine for June i* a beautiful number ; and for tho uniform excellence of iu illustrations and the va riety and interest uf iu reading matu-r. it descryes comment as being a stop :n ad v of anything hitherto undertaken, j Den't forget Decoration day. May 30. The citizens of Centre Hall ar.d vicini ty will decarate the graves ofdeparted >l - buried here, as a tribute to their pa triotUm. They died that the country might live. Let their names ever be green in eur memories Let all who can, be here on Wednesday, afternoon next, and participate in the ceremonies- Weather very aira a few days, with occasional showers, up to Wednes day, when it was coel. Yony Deininger can sell you any thing in the hardwaro line, low as else whore. The Lewistowners have voted in fa vor of a steam firo engine. They have had their b-.g fire, of < jrse r*ur an en gine. At J. O Deiningor'a you can buy Motto Frames from 30 cts up . Mottoes, 6 CD. 3t. Diphtheria baa been the cause of the death of five children of Samuel Eisenhart of Ringtown, Schuylkill county, within two week*. Three were buried in one j grave. Never read manuscript, or copy, j lying upon the compositor's stand in printing office-it is a* ill-mann-red as to look over a man's shoulder to read a let-1 trrho is holdirg No one nevd know; what is to be inserted in a newspaper, un < til the paper makes its appearance Cowher's mill wagon visits Centre! Hall twice a weefc—quite an accommoda tion Nice thunder shower Thursday af-; teruoon, 17. The Pcnn* Valley Institute, in this j place, under Pref Fortney, i* ir. a flourish ing condition. Shad have been caught at Selins grore. 50 cenU a day and board. That's too lit tle Ail kinds of furniture, the best home-made a* well as city manufacture, I always on nand at J. C. Brachbill'a rooms. Beliefonte, at prises to suit all. Dead Sh<4 Pain De-lroyer kills pain in from 110 20 minutes. An excel lent medicine, for which J. K. Cross ;s general agent. Sold at Miller's drug store NOTICK TO STOCKHOLDERS.—^ The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Lew isburg, Centre and Spruce Creek RR. Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 233 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, June 12, 1877, at 12 o'clock, m. Election for President and Directors same day and place. JAMKS R. MCCLI RK, 24 may3t Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF POTTER SCHOOL BOARD. The Board of School Directors of Potter School District will meet at Old Fort, on Monday, June 4th, at 9 o'clock, a. m. to examine tho Treasurer's account, and attend to such other business as may come before them. All persons interested are requested to attend. The directors elect will meet at 1 o'clock, p. m., to organize a new Board. HISO the township Auditors and Clerk to examine the School Treasurer's account. By order of the Board, W. A. KERR, 17may3t. Secretary. The death, at 54, lately occurred of an Englishman, known as tho Norfolk giant He was a farmer, and often loaded his own wagon by carrying four bushels of wh.-at under each arm at a time. When in great haste to get farm work dona he has been known to harness himself to oneof bis own harrow*. His weight was 836 pounds ; height 6 feel 6 inches ; width, from ahoul der to shoulder across the back, 20 inches He was a most amiable man Pottsville, Pa , May 10 —The forest Ores have been spreading rapidly between the Sheaandoab and Mahanoy planes during the week. This afternoon the bridge near Frackville, the timbers of which were smouldering, gave way while the Shenan doah stage was passing over it and an un known mun, who w as on the bridge utthe time, waa crushed to death. The strge passengers escaped e PKNN'S VAT.I KY INSTITUTE Dk.VR KIMT t • 1 •< annexed i' a i " port of the aland ng, in o *• , of each ft ft dent In altendai oat the 1 ti'.Uto. • r t n week ending Miy I s . in'' Ibo t r;nr • opposite the nuin indi. ite tbo goner • aTorago. • Ileal, Sallie, 75 Hoal. Jennie, 7 0 Hoa'. lie mo, 7*. Hoop, 1> \„ > . BOUM tl K Dlngta, Clevan, Kmetick. C K. N> Famer, N M . r For on in. F \ I Foi.mai !• li Fo'ttiev, D t , M Marp'tor Dane, 7 f Holler, PS., i ■ H, tier, \liio. 7 h< Jot \Y 111 . a . k • ■■ no, >M||l f Kurt*. NY•" I. > . K te Chari , • . 1 .*.< It anobi M 1 waul, I - Murray. orw. 86 Natl. Ja 1 . # (1..1H \\ F 11 '• ba'o. N Ki. in. |,, \ N . 7.Y Smith, 8. \V . • Mnitti, John 7-'. Sali t" \\ , ' > fp ' s'or. H., Sl . While the numb, i • la hn report ai for the most p.itt, ■ > y, >•' ihti • are acme tl at do not till ilie bit, i ' laid !. \v : hitu V of, : ... io r nil • rtfitind by th< parm I hop# I • the co-operati -n nooo'iaiy t> rm. >vo t:i 1 d 'creditable .landing, by mut g a Woo Iv, or li entb v exhibit of the kind abov 1 given The patron* of the achool aio r. speetfully requested t. attec t .v i ,-f '. . 1 exercise* at their pleasure. If the o ni mumtv is a veto its wf mtci," I onr; Yallay lastltuta 1 a ' '•< haartilj an ; wall sustained ; the fi.m.l* of odue all* | have th matter in their awi ..and- w j tbs opportunity ho mproveJ Respect fully, ti \V Font sn England is still making preparation for war. and aa though alio wort g in. Into a big fight. Austria is a!- > gottini into alupo f>r * nit'tliing f the ki: and Germany iediuilling lip her t;st> to. France just now seems to be getting ii. to trouble at home which tu.> keep he out if the big fight among the other t-.a tiona commences ou ncceunt of th< Turko Russian war TKIH"H I KIN FUA Nt K Franc g.-ts ui r> ut t.s v .ne::. notice than any other nation on the and they never are i y timig but u riou and bio. dv and u variubly it short dira lion. Things ju.l new look like a new I revolution in that country , a: d ho >r. j tasueof lie Reporter reach* 1- readers ] [ great event* may .avetrai j red in Par . or the danger may have pas id awy A despatch was recc \6 ton, from M-I tor \\ B.hi ..r: e at Far - stating that a rev. '.ioti in France was • imminect that he di emed it >,dvi*abio t. telegraph the situation without delay. It was thought to be serious here this umrn ing, when the temper >i Pre., but Mao Mshell'* letter l > Ju'n S.n . war o tiMiied. and this afternoon t! i r-rogui: g of the C amber by the form n ordi r t, r one month was regarded is aJJ t l ugh it aa.Ji : • 1 y ivaii r.g : m-e : ! a clause in the C l: -r.n In.gtl t the Gtiamber e uld be adjourtie4 for that time It will reas-emt le, t i thought heie, only to be do \edt.~ t' <■ esita. ble struggle, unless a r.-vo'ut ni. as im. mineiit as Miniter \V ; ,*hburne be ,ivi> Another despatch *"• rti Pa • .>- There was groat eiciltuieni in Par - a: .1 in the pru\ ince* la'. r: g! t &: d to day. I no disturbances The Temps quotes a threalenit gar! o from the st, Petersburg tli ,'■ *i t.i which points significantly t a * r of r< • venge against Germany Th Times, in a leading art! c . -n --menting on the situation in I a: -ay "In the er.ii the Lett may evt:. strengthen the republic, if tl . y di| ay a - u;\ at i of temper and r--p. :rt' ■ In A single riot in lue strop', might do irr. j ara ble mischief by giving i. pretext f : dis play of military r g - Vneatine.. prevails among t! • .op; - ters of the new Ministry It ;ear.*J dis selut.on would t arrow tl i put Mii • Mahon and Gambi tta. nr ! t' ,t :h try would declare for Gambetta The Standard's Versailles spec al says the scene in the Chamber when M de Fourton appeared in 'i.e tribur." to r. ad the message is Indescribable. The Right applauded and tho left hooted and >"■ -1 Kic'aniations of f. arful rage an.! i .Its were exchanged for ten minute* Some members were actually soutUir.g with etia another. HUNDREDS OK PERSONS HOME LESS Wood's Falls, NY, May IG,—Terri ble fore mo't of them, six savruiiils, two stare* and one church were swept awsy. At Champ an irg" > ar • t s of I - viitons and ne. e*nry c tiling have hem contributed by citizens. The entire r in try is enveloped in den..- mnoke. It i statci there were many faiiiilie. living ii the woodlands where ii. have ragni so fearfully, and that unduut't.-J 'y IUHIIV person! have perished while attempting t> ave their house*. DISTRESS CAUSED HY FOREST FIRE> W'atertown, N Y M,v lc Harr wit:. I accounts of suffering an ' d -t.tu'. n * no from the burned district in Clint- P-uii ty Sixty families n-'ar Cm.non'i Cor. i ners are destitute . f everything tut tin clothes on their back. Ki.i-d s hen g -eu to them from all directions A large t-n< of rich farming country ha* been .wrp clean of building, f.-m ei, trees ami j Tfie crop! that huii been puti-i the grouni are destroyed, and the people aie ulier y daatitute, t nlpless !4 r.l wi'hout re-our e*. BOSTON S RATTLESNAK.E AND RAT. (E'roiu the 15. "t0n Putt A short tini since one of the member of a prominent Boston manufacturing firn spent a few weeks hunting in Florida, am on his return he brought with him a mon ster rattlesnake, the gift of u riend. Hi snukcship measured about five feet u length, and ha* a body the si/.* of a man arm, the white, yellow and brown cuticl blending rather beautifully in patohe* < various forms. The heavy trinngula head, characteristic of veuomou* reptile ha* a sinister expre-sion, an 1 in moment of'excitement the five rattle* on hi tn keep up an unplea.antly sugge'tivo whir ring, while a forked tongue of ink . blackness and surprising length dart nn grily from his turtle-like mouth. Ho isn sleepy, half starved fellow, a* may rend ly be imagined, but wide awake and rend for an encounter of any kind. It was ir to the cage occupied b7 this snake thr three days since, a small si/.ed wharf n was introduced, in tho expectation lha tho rodent would form a meal for th stranger. Tho snake seemed to think s> too, for he darted on the unwilling visit* and caught him by the neck. The rn who had hitherto been running around th cage trying to get out, gave a shar squeal as ho felt tho serpent's fangs, nn< twisting about, buried his teeth in tl scaly jaw of tho aggressor. Tho snak writhed and twisted and rallied s'uar notes of alarm a* tho rut kept his sharp ii cisors at work, and before the spoi-tatoi ' could fairly comprehend what had h| pened tho little quadruped had shuk himself loose and was bopping in atl'rig! at the further end of tho cug fer a mca. h of exit To the surprise of all, 1.6 *ho\vi r no effect of poison, and w hon tho snal i again made a grab ut him hs met h r creeping foe halfway and snipped off e piece of his long forked tongue. Th - seemod to bo rather tncro than tho Flot diun bad bargained for, and ho druggi e himself into a comer, cast down and d Coated. Since that time ih„ rut ha* llmi r MOW .MAN'S EAGLE ( LUTIIING HALL, 3p NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING BALL,* •• NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING HALL, •' |T •'' S •'lore "H'l hellergood* for lea money else Central Pennsylvania.*] ' "fp. lilf ' J. NEWMAN, JR., Proprietor. v I Allegheny Street, Sands' Btiil? ing' BELLEEONTE,-PA. 5 ,. . r n _ ■mm ■■mill ■ n irn n . unnrf j—-- L I 'Hit ill Ills -trull-it , I' lit* I !1 . r ilt , o\(ir thr body of 1 i- * ii.'iu enemy, am , , avoid* the Jill lull (II I ■'> I i <•(!!( | under the hewit >'! '.• The r eeui> perfect i indiflVirt• : i regard* th reptile en i i* ' en (he ariHl*etl to i „ 1 ,-1 • ' makes ,tg Ito dodgo, and ml| I>.:c* bwk vkH th ,i ral'i-r i* mi :*ua!ly itfei v. 1' i, n =i , ~ nulai condition of things, and there*'* int ilj j muniiy from di ulh ir.niul he very em I ly accounted for. AI. in WATKI BtIIUTIOS A ili* - "A ih. rt tinu .■ V 1* in.. Amnion who had it sulcd in I - '. May; tor tin '1 p*t lti years, dm J at th- adi tiim! ago • ' 'l* -wonty-oiie He nm the t wio rof inn. '• iideretile property, : l ii|{ the Oprt* (■*■ Home, !,U *- we'd .. .. u:i in the city, l'!u morning M r. An. in i, w >h*!hi■ ((►.tinted administratrix of hi* i-rtutc, when jlhe pj . intmont iai r. ••: .1 n the grout d tlint ! e hud • , r wi:> iiv ng in \ .rill Hint . • in . . . nl> to urh :n ! e nut married in IP'.M. ■. I from whom he lit. ! never W. • t |t* .it he l*. 'hud three children hy tin" .!■- .ivtn.v one i .'fwhoui. timuel An. o. ■ .frii.l.nvi , Ohio, retUt* the ujtpo.ntn .ml f Sarah Aiiitn ti, • i th:* •v, ii ii, *trlr i .ind file 1 a long iff. iavit to the effect at ve 't . , .ttin only lawful vile el fie decerned, *nd aihs for fine to ,;*t!'er evidence, which wa* grnle.l at i : .< erne ,et tor .•hearing n tne "it!, <•! May. i'■ o ritr ,'. *u*. < a ile. : t. i -en To tt... the Mil; ii to un : t e f. - . 1 The tecond w;e in the arli. i# ah. ee u - . nded I m 11. M v r , . St.. r h*t been In *,. i. .he N l.l.viij* . the ... | ( Amnion wa* n kind uad ..... !.-• . dufii'it the niter. ). *r- i.ved with him, and ththi • <'. • •.>!*. n . .tiled .li Lcr lif w . t: i the hrt wife vtrjieit Up t .it I : . her : . t*te She ha* four i hiidreii, n d <-r c*<- [ - a *ad . j.e Tie '. v. ■ i*v i r itid left her and *he 1 - : rver *rn t in ' 10-dav. hlukiui; ( recti ThLolJ. and wt '.'. h:. ir. t*r t-i dt. in i Mr 11. M I wiieu. t l . x , (!: enced t... er* in th • i'< t tia* render-d t!-. utn -stff-ict- >h .vherever he I*. been, in il unu< ntandt * the milling bu-itiii- t! . i lie WAKKAN 1> 111- FLOCK a" other work, *cnt > ut from Sink :ig t'r. t i- M . t yive .at -fa. o , .) and jua ty lt>... .1 l-.ia! let - Mr t'.wher f rnih v ir • r-t <•; -U . ile'iverei to Centre 11*. .tw ■a wt * I t Mi'.i w agon HoUM-Kcepe"W, give Mr (' w' • r a tr * i .' !v > i r. t ri i"-* 3 " • ♦ i| MtKIKI). On tbu Dili intUnt. at the re len • f '' the bride * parent. Main .troct. La .11. I veti, ov fi*• i'► Creifhl KH J i Mi * Kntire, ot lte ■ : i.' •. at..; M. Fanny h Laverty, of I.wis llavoi. 1M i l. On 13. near Kreel rt. 111., John J ' Lamb, aged •" V ear-, S ■ ■ ' - SB I iv •. I On the rdofF- ti :a-t. Thou the . above . Jsn I* l.anvh i.-j ( rte life, l idding her hn*band nt t ■ -.rrow for her ; that *he would await (i.i c. . .r,g ' to uiet-t her in that better land. How i r_v v *oon (t.-i. in h iill-w:e f r-vi. •• •, h.- !, re-united tin m in that hnv-n •! . t rn . , rr*t, all adopted d.oigliter Mil the n v - . ■ * Tha uhj*ct of tfio ah. ve l til l* VI M - hen i>: with a rhil! whi! • n i i . ■ " ib'taf lat. Oth, which rnul'i 1 . - tinn • ! the lung*, which d.d : v -rV, ij .■- ' than one week Th .> >r ot the above n wn at hi* bed*'do d,n i , in-t h if. which ended at 1 IV a and ■ *' al n*' hi* many friend* thai 1 • '1 in the tri umph of a living ! ■ . nt • •*•* 1 not** " ter. S. II On l'i, it t . io r F *.n Ha.'. M: Hr*yUa, wile f John F 111 o|4o year*. 6 mntb*. ai d J Although Mm, Bei long and trvrre t . the n tiger ui ileail. eatne at u tin e >tii'l under iin iiintn ■ - iea-t expected ; Up to it fw .1 i- - donth *he bail lon n ill • : n-ii.-il h. . *.b e h u t death cam u ! y and t-.ialie i hi* . work The dec, - : v. - -tent member of the Hcforn •.1 church, at i when her 'apt hour • i *1 -• wa* readv ed n 100 w nicti nothing b it divine giac. en heal.'i .1 ' -to I • that c-o ' 1 i-d an J broken 1 eart. 1 r;h ha* "• *orrow M * huh heaven cannot hen J.O S On IT, in Pcrgu >rs tivp, Ii oge \V | Mk, aged 78 year*. ' i'KHi ci: n' \?.: ;i --l'hi'a-1' !pli:;t I Fhitade'i.hin Mi.v'Jd 1 ir d . nd owt r ; Mini c-.itii ' iv.-- v. - ti i Pennvv vniiia do.. ' . .' ie -1 lOfod'i rs Wheal quiet, w • I' '- am her. 206; white 2lb Kv -d . t■ n - '' :: il *.IV i/.'7 Oat- ' . ' '<•>!}•• ' , Mutter quiet; New V 11'. ii!.rd a- county extra*, 23(' '• •: ••.. ' i j,:2.'e. Cheeie tead>; N \otk lancy, l-lti.i,l.V; we.t-rn li. I ' ill' Kgg -1,1 iirtii ; Pelin*\h i, '*••• •' ■!-<•>• .i ' - Delaware fr. ' I • • "i , le KIJ. of It r-.T.1. K i NT. Ml Mil. May IT. ir |by Shnrtlidge t '•. -.; Flour per barrel, v, • nle, c <' . i " retail, jl 1 IK.I White wheat. 1 '.HI 11 , lied " I '.HI r- ! It ye, 75 ,y ' Corn, shelled, b" Corn, rob, 4'> Oau, 35. n " Hurley, rye weight, li- I '',OVer*eeil *5 per '*! i O'iml*. Jy i I'otatoe retail. 1 It) Nova Scotia plaster, gro jml, 10 no. n *i Cayuga " $'.150. Nt Anthracite coal : at Cbe-tnut |ir ton nt yard, f b 00. ,i Small stove, " - b 25. Stove, " -5 26. Kgg. " Ss(i o, Mrokon, " Sotc. ,or it, / rp Choice Farm id, FOR PALFI The urdersigt-.i d < li'. r the f.'il.'Hin ' 4,! choice h< tiniteai), i in Lit Jen Hull, i. rp |• rivittu kale. Con-ing ..I in 19 ACRES OF LAND, under fences and in a high state of cultivn ip lion. Thereon arc erected u 2-STOJC ~n BKK'K lIOUSL, Ibn.k llur;i. all nni-i m f , iy outbuildings, with cliou, on ti, '' Ijirciniee* n < stern and n never-fnilin '••"'gtreat-.i or running ivd-r. Ed 1 I hia prop, ilv i* de :r ill .' loci.led ah. ii ik. - "(ile Iroui L. C. A S ( Kit , and .If o ' ii Sim op( ortunit, for any no wishing t ret're upon small (brio I" ", For further partieulnr< ispply to hist I> C (HM.KKH'K. ,_,. i ANNA (aNGKUD K. liiuaydm. Linden Hall, Pi b'd, Al-<>, u new 2 loirfj '.in/ii, guarantu* dc |in every respect, for* e, vr taken in ex ur change for i nrig cattle rJ 4 DMINIM KA IDK S Nollt 1 i -t a • Letter* of a lmim-trnti i on the estat got Sarah (i i o i tatii ot Penn tw p ,t♦. ~l havi g le-en i noted to fo- Ulldl igl.Oi! n 1 lef >.ills ... OIWII g thi-ioselvi to be ill *" dobted to *a i. I de. , drill are requested t H m ike iinno dial, pay lucid, and p. rson a !m ng claim* ag iitist the .-late will pri i., Lent tlu-iii authcntii .ted f .rttleno nt THD- IDM'K M \N. '* ItOBKKT SMITH, uny 10 ft Adin'rs I 11. \l. N.ll ll 1 N. fie i I ( CI. VI II jtiiat an ii | pi it d . ii nil! be Bled* 10 Hi 1 I •' I. I 111!, ilift, ti Varrio •-1 of the State of Pennsylvania, forthe incur p ration • ti. ' Pinj Coal alul lr n Com ■ • i . ' 'drably in sucl cam made and provided. A Ll \ A N A BtU KH ■ .'Cheapest of All!! a| Largest of All! • IIKSTIIF VI,L!!! MAGNIFICENT -hick <>F SFKINti and --1 MM EE GOODS Wolfs Old Stand. AT /VJ* O£JJY;I£ >J/\LL, ov! •; on y \ KD*. uf c.\ Lit o, U tiD H U 11.1, lit .**- A (mmhlS, vvar M ; ai.u Wl -\\ are. H a ;- an I Caps, and in fact r *., erything and anything embraced n. thr A I.AKUK HTu< kOF $ READY - MADE CLOTHING "(distantly t u L abJ. < u.-t-imcr* w.!. find the ck com |li :<•, #:n! a call is all that is r. juircd to a*#nre you that tliis is the bel [> ir, in th valley to buy Tour gooda. WM. WoLr. L \ t L l 1 I u N * ' - * - feCM C S '"5 * C*sf C S. c " - T •** x-• % K :- • i 'Hi I*l*fiVa ~: * 4~ ~ ' < I>% '' e *T4 v>. *- K K V O L V T I 0 N I WALLPAPEK t pri. - gr stly reduced. The -lock is v-ry l oinpltt. and Mtiiu g for cash at 7, 1 IL 12* ai.ii 11 it- t :!. •on w 'iile thi CliN FKCTION KH V. A f.n< .. rt;.. : t i (he ihoi.iot Con* fcctloiiery, fr. ti m ihe* liianufsctoiii*. JU*t ri ' I-IV i d :it Welch's ( IIIN A WAKE AT COST. A -po -ulid et of French China ware, w-itt.c id b.,-d Jl pi.-.-.-, price ■educed trumlDlo lit A set Eng *h Chioa, tt (.;•, . price reduced fro in ?12 to s*. (,'sil ami see ttiem a! W. J A MKS WKLCU |;\mttoi; s N'trici. L tl*r* t. ■ stnentary on tie • 'uto of • i eieol. iisviiig been granted to tho under. ; Signed, all per* As intj. bUwl to S lid estate 1 it. required to make immediate payment, I and t! ..■ |.at it g t aim* against the smi . to |ire*elit them, duly authenticated ht .■ f.-r t'. rn-r ; FA M I. )HV IK. mav 17 Executor. I N Till. MA ITI K ■ H,, estate of C. I 111. Kxvl i : 1. F.VI Option to the • ( account of \ R, Bar w Executor The Audit r ;:.•■■! l.y the OrpbaM C If I It en i- tuilty. to licar and |i*s ft 1 ■ X : ; - to the account of A. K It.-*: "iv. <\. . utor . f C. Meek with, ib 'd. w i alt< ■d to the dutii *of h s ap ..•intl.ielit at I ofhco ill Bellefonte, on Fridnv, the b . lay of June, 1-7". at tor. ■ cb-i '., a in., when and where nil parties i ill f( d i .11 at' '-fit them, authenticated for *• ti* t. II EN BY LING I.E. I,„i Adm'r ,j,i u|*2o fit Spring Mills II I A r irrhi i five perron* vvi struck by a railroad train near I'oniptor j New Jersey, Wednesday evening. Sim . I Doinoi !, Mi. • Tuy or < f l'nterson, arid 'young man were killod, and the clhprtw , fatally injured. •d| - ♦ x- It seen s I ha* u Huo i bad to the jn r|u trutor of ;he muni ■ ai Elm station. TIIOB. A. HICK'S. ILK. HICKS. IIAItDWAIiE! IIAUDWARE!! |To Hid Public : W i I ievo theic i k'o. ii gto lieu K , ' ,l <'-n! revival ufLtiaincxa of all kimla, and especially iu our line, for Hardware {wax never lower than at the pr. -in! time. It has been on a gradual decline for ycara. ami is certainly at the bottom uow. W . liavc b .up-ht A LARGE S TOCK HF ALL KINDS OFGOOUS at thcae low hgnrea, and we intend to sell at lower pricea than Hardware uits, or cu r will be, tiered in Jtellditntf. This is the tune to buy, fur you can positively get bargains from us. We defy competition, either in prices or 1 iinlii v of L'oods. W c intend that no one shall undersell us. \\ e lravo been barely keeping up the variety for some time back in order to take advantage of the low liguri-s nt the right lime. We l.uve now on hand 300 kci,s or NAILS, over 100 Do/. DOOR IXJGKS AND LATCHES, and GLASS, SHOVELS, HOES, I UliK S, mid all kinds ( .f' Uadiog g ml* iu proportion, which we propose to sell at the Joweet CAHH pricea. H. bttv. Irv t ill line oi c'OAf II MAKERS f JOODS,aII kinds of WOOD WOKK, and PATENT and PLAIN WHEELS, CIRCLES |NIIA( It LKS OK I |,LI NG. K PC., for Mechanics, and Carpenters, at lowest pricea. All kinds of Mechanics' Tool* at bottom figures, FOR BEAn i buy ; h it C'ltm ;.'.d tiliifv vourt-elf. We have upeued a full line of l> R V G OO BS Clothing, Carpets. Boots & Shoes, Groceries, tjCEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, and in act everything and anything embraced in the above line. We will beat everything in prices and assortment, and our past, we trust will be a suffic'i-nt guarantee to our patrons of fair and honest treatment We have established and will maintain our reputation. The large trade wt In enables u* to get fresh goods daily, which i* a great advantagv to our pa iron* iu all lines, an 1 more c-ptcially in Groceries. Call, and it will prov* to voul interest. VALENTINES & CO. H. HERMAN.Manager. 5 PER CT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH! WK HAVE. AT PRESENT. OX OUR COUNTERS, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS. WHICH WE ARE OFFERING VERY LOW TO CASH BUYERS. Ol'U LINE OF.MOI'RNINGCAL* Cotton I*op, 15, 22 and 28c ICOES Is COMPLETE*. l!alicoes, C, 7, 8 and 9c *' Lancaster Ginghams, 10c " Bengal Plaid*. 12$r per yd. Best Cotton Carpet Chain2sc " star Mills, 15c " Bed Ticking, 14, 20,25,38 c per yd. Alpacas, 7.•, 50, -1 >, 25c " Split and double Zephyr Clark'* O. N. 1". Thread,76c per dor. Black and White, lse per oz Men's Shirting, 12?, 15,20 c per yd. All other colors, 20c " Bleached Mtudin, sto lt>c " Germantown Wool, 12Jc " Unbleached, sto 10c *' A large stock of Ltnseed Oil, Sugar, 10,11,12 c per lb. White Lead, (Lewis'), Putty, etc, Best White,. 12? C " i>u hand. Sold by special contract. Macki re!, Lake Herring and white Fish very low. TERMS positively CASH, or Ci'UUtrv Produce. Respectively, ISA AC D. BOYER, Aarousburg. W. It. CAMP'S t CENT*! HALL I Furnit ire Rooms! i I 1 respectfully infirm the citltcns ! <"• litre i unt.v that I hvr ohci.rd i I urtiiiun K 'onis tn Ont'c Hull, and have >. band n Urge alack "f Furniture and *| Chair*. consisting in part of CHAMBKU >ll t>, EXTENSION rABLES, BREAKFAST TABLES. \ BUREAUS, | WASH STANDS. BEDSTEADS . SINKS, CHAIRS, ; A o. . Wli ch will be told at the lowest cmh i |ir I I', ; Kill I- Mild CXStllltlO 111 V (lock of I Furniture before buying elsewhere UNDERTAKING ii |ie i .I v. f'l•t Fl X S Miid CASK hT> > always an liHtid. Funer:. U attended with hi KI.KfiAN r NKW It F A USE id any' di-tunee, Payments en*> M r .dm TV. K. CAMP. 1 I kHI'HS DRUBSM DRUGS HI I * N. T. Shugert. huring purchased the Drug store mi Allegheny street, Bollo fnnti', neyt door to the hardware Store of Hick* A Itro . fas (tockril and filed it out with nil the mod popular ii 2 ! ~? d | DRUGS A MEDICINES, j t lIKMU ALS, IT. I'.Kl MKIiV -* r,| | | SUA rs, COMBS AND BRUSHES, j • TRUSSES, scPPoKT'KS, HKACKSj '"j 1..., FANCY AND TOILET ~..i j ARTICLES, Ac.. Ac.. Ac. ! Vj " l'ntont Medicine*, Alcohol, pure Wines , und Liquor* for medical purpcies only j Physician's proscriptions carefully eoni- PS 1 nounded and orders answered with eim .i .nU dispatch. Parmer* und Physician* 111 from the country will find our stork of _ Medicine* complete, warranted genuine and of the best nunlily. This Store will remain under the direc tion of the accomplished druggist and 1° I'liarniHi'it heretofore connected with it, ' • Mr. 11 M Herrington, and wo respectful* r 1\ solicit the custom of our friends and the old (nitrons ol the store. • I'apt! S. T. SHUGKRT. ? D F. LUSE, FAINTER, halSupl. nflera his services to the citizens of „ Centre county in ' HOIIHC, Mgn Uml Orunuientn? I'ltistlliig, " Striding, ornnniectirig and gilding, I: r ri'.ii' OAK, WALNUT, f-IIKSTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable 21) nor tf. i• t rxxwtlj r*rnnsl 'n Iheae t tttica But I f 0 I I > 'in abulia tlltn< *- wort alaadi II) *1 lh* i<)oyrnt that are furu lb i" twk In jour otn lown You nead not •ic>M,r algbt Yon ran fftrr your whole !-•< t .the wurk. "V ob ronr wwnrala It owls n dtiiitf to try Ih# buslneaa. Trrms ami |> OttWi' fr Addrw at oar#. It. I!nlk#tt M Co . IN ttUnd Portland Maine _ Stfeby Manhood: How Lost. How Restored ! ,lu*t i nMi-ltsd.a nrw edition of l>r 'ulv#rw#ll' I elebiated I aaa) OO Ihe radical CTTFT WllhoOl inedl rln* id \ie :tiaLt). KptWpaiy tand I it# ttx|ti % #d i y w#lf lGitwl#flls eifMtti|strxi 4*ng. d" Vricr. in a Mulct 4 erjtsii|M> nOh all C#nt The ie|d>iatixl authni, in thia adatrahl# Kaaaj. atiMrij drm latrates fmnt a thirty jean' succaaaful Ft'its. that thealarmtng i'm#• of sell xhuae tGaj br radu all) t ured wtlbesut the dangen-as uaar of ititsrual ro#tictnf ur th ap|>Ucatiun ot th# knif#. i IN at < simpi#. certain. ►•nd efl> • tual bjr nteana of ahtrh eW) anfleret. r> natter what hta ri-ndttton mar !>#. may itttf tit„M'R chrapljr. privatrly and tadh allj. 1 his t •* tare ab'iisld b# In tb# baud* of avarj youth atd #v*r) man in la*d. Sent Gr.dc j acai, tua jiUln ruvaiop#. to any addrwaa I make a lianjuoiuer, mere durable, ami i-lmaper Fence than the wooden pickets Send for circular to LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS , Manufacturers of MERCHANT MAI I RON. G A'IK and HAKN UOOR HIN .((.lis, BOLTS. NUTS, WASHKKS. ant dielr now line of Patented Wagon Hard . "inre, t '.'l *V" M'.' AYttterst.. utid 'lt J: 110 First nv. p Pittsburg, Pa. f or sa'e h.v all tho leading Iron am _ Hardware Merchants. Bmar 4m. BRICK FOR SALE -First class brie - will bo kept on hand for sale by J. (1 ! Doiningcr at Xerbe's Centre Ual brlcK yard* Ttieso brlok ur offered so low that it will pay persons at distance to como hero for them. Intending to continue in tho manufac ture of brick they will bo kept contantl, [on hand, and fair inducements offered t purchasers. j 17 hu(c tf. U. K.ZEBB 1 f ft HIBSMANS'HOTEL. MILKOY, PA. The be*t table and bar, and oxeoller tabling I'. r hot-si s. A!.*o a tine resort fi *uin:ner boarders Buss to depot, an daily stages to Centre county, ('hanri s OHsonnble. y , CENTRE HALL ' DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. (SueceMor to J. K Miller A Son | Dealer in I*urr i)rug( end Medicine Uye tiuff., mid Druggui't rur.di i *. PURE W ISE AND LIQUORS Ki>r inedicirrl purpo<-. The brrt brand* >if CIGARS AND TOBACCO • I alway* in Moek. ' • i'rrvcriptioti* carefully Compounded. |i C i M ILLER 4 BON Jan. Harris if Co SO. 5, BKOCKERHOFF ROW. iiui Trails, >• o P A 1 N T S, 01 IS, ETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. ! Beilefonte. ARARK CHANCE For a Sewing Machine. | You can have your choice of the follow ing firttcla** tewing machine*: New American, St. John Domestic, , [Janice, Singer, • Remington, Howe, f and Weed. • At the Sewing Machine *tore of Bunnell & Aiken, E**'. Market alrect, Lcwistown. Alao part*, attachment* and needier for all machines. 1 Great inducements for cash. Don't fai] J to aee the St. John, aotnething entirely new. OH Machine* taken in part payment for new onea. Send 60ct* to the above party and you will gi by return mail, 1 do* a*- - r:. d ti.-.-dl.- At .ny machine SOnoy 1 y A MAN ~ Or A THOUSAND. Having ditcoveied, in a luanui r almost providential, a inoilivc euro f.-r Coniump l. ti.ui andall Lung Complaint*. 1 feel it mv uuly to make known it a practical manner t by furnuhing a (ample bottle, free of - charge, to all aufferers. my only hope of remuneration being that the medicine will perforin a1 I claim for it. The ingredi . ecu are of the choicest herbal product* - and perfectly safe ; will be aent free to all. V Addrma tt once. Dr. O. Phelpa Brown, '2l Grand Street Jersey City, N. J., or may be had of J K. Miller & Son, Druggist*, V Centre Pa j ar , 4jy C T At" C. M. Bower ALEXANDER* BOWER, At , lor "r*l Iw. luttelnm, Sped*] atwwtMa Ci ® VUIIKUUIH. Mid Orvhaoi' i tuti priflict I Ma* tw -wimM IB onaaa and Kath.h KS la rt i.anaaa a bvilcUa*. j tf I\A T E N T s ! * luduoed ! Entire C et 855! ' ' "ifice Fee $.Vt in advance, balance j! within 6 month* after patent allowed. Advice and ex animation free. Pa:mt- o!d. ' J. VANCE LEWIS A CO., . Kvom Washington, D. C. Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD. UNDERTAKER. 1 Coffin* of all style* made on shortest r.o !,ce. Undertaking *trictly U> ( Ohargwa reaaonahla. J7 r *' _ A . Nervous Debility. • %! .y)* ] Weakaaaa or rv-prcwUn. , waak *>b*aaled ioJ, s„.'L° sl*' *• wean VII Int.ikuciii.]) t)r r of tome drain uihmi tbf inifßi la al tj a cared L|- 1 iumphrey's Homeopathic Specific f No. 28. g It 1,-no* op and Inrigoralw Ih. .yrtem, dlnwl. tha • i'"? "'U alraagU. and aanrcr ; • tb# drain and rrjnTonatca tL* enilrr *"T" "rff"*" 1 * r—™ "lUi irrtwl auccaaabr tbooa" it .J^'br dralara Vrlea. ai.oopar •ia([e vial iHL!". 'tf "T • via la and t ||| of ■> "• 1P <'f t'rtce.* BEATTY'Sto^X. ' lor Organs. J| FaetoryjKatablished i n ;i856. From the Pros*. t, " I >e organ ha a rich, deep and *oul • (tirring tone : could not *tay in the homo , it. It helps wonderfully to drive I away tbo thoughu of hard times " 4 .A? 0 Lebnori P* Daily Now*,ay* • . °° \ n r °c<"'Pt of one of those' five octave Par or Organs manufactured by .. D. V. Beatty, ANashinatun, N. J. Thi organ ts a fine, solid black walnut case id and in tono it cannot bo surpassed by an v instrument oi it* kind." 5 5 - ..y/ rom lhe ¥ w ?! 1 Register, ck.u r i CßUed lh, week, direct from „ the iMnufWeturer D. F. Roatty. ffS ill ' h'sJuMl.v colcbratod v,r Kun . ro ° "l'l'.oranco, and hndso,u!v B turn shed unexcelled in richness and pow'. er of tone. We aee more than with it. and heartily recommend it to an\ , -me contemplating of purchasing an or t -* gan." Best orter given. Money refunded upor E r n"L-'fttn>nd freight charges paic by mo iD. >_ Beatty) both ways if unsat - J*hotory, after a teat trial of five days Organ warranted for six ye trs. Agents wanted every Where, male or fe male, to canvas* for this superior instru menu Addross D. F. BEAT! " r New Jorsej nd . Wii. P. M'MANUS, Attorney atlav Deimionte, Pa Office with Ja tMcManu*. . . f.kJUr GRAHAM & SON Hnve theezcluaive rale in Bellefonte Edwin C. Hurts' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES, 9 8 WIDTHS, the 3St O>J6S3 5J3 WHOLKBALX * RKTAIL SKALZU I* Calf Skins, SOLE LEATHER, | SHOE FINDINGSi All Kinds of CueLom Work Made To MaI'TV _L'Z^L Grand, Square and Upright. fc From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of Wm. H 'L* * r Bro., Bankers, Fayette, Ohio. r ' • received the piano and flunk it a vary one out here. (Waited a short time to give it a good teat. If you .. a word in Gvor of it we will cheer. ' fully give it." r , I^ fca * et R Brown. Esq., Edwardsville ' 111 < r: BeaUy Piano received give entlr •atisi* < ton." Agents wanted. Bend fo • * Addreaa, D. P. BEATTT. __ W*hm*lon. New Jersev • TX F-FOF.TNEY, Attorney at Law 1 Lr Bdlefonte, Pa. Office over Rev s nuld* bank. may 14'C9 j BEATTY S PABLOR ' Elegard styles, with valuable improve-. ; ment*. New and Beautiful Solo Stops. Over one thousand Organist* and Muvi cians indorse these organs and recommend a them a strictly fir*t clas* in Tone, Ho • chanism and durability. Warranted lor ' six year*. Mot Elegant and Lwtert Improved Hnve been aw.nrded tha Highest Prerai- S urn •!' C niH-tltiun r itb <-' her* for simplic ity, i'uiH !:ty. Proiuptn^.•, and Piano like action P ir<% iwe t, aau avMly balanced tone, erchcural effects, and instantaneous ac ce wMch may be bad to the reeds. ?er-d for l'rlee Lbc. Adtlr*** DANIEL F BK-VTTT, Washington, New Jersey, j i This atandartl article ia com " jvouodod with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderfhi aint ' as satisfactory as ever. , It restores gray or faded hair to f its youthful color. ; It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use Injcomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. '* A. A. Hayes, M. D. t State As • sayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents arc pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and y I consider it the Best Prepakation is for its intended purposes." '• Price, One Dollar, y Buckingham's IDyo FOR THE WHISKERS. 1, y This elegant preparation may -c '• relied 011 to change the color of the y bearil from gray or any other un r. desirable shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, Ijj being in one preparation, and quick t. ly and effectually produces a per • manent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL y NASHUA, N. H. SsU ty til knggim, u4 mi is. Etdifiatt. w M r