Jti3 C*Dtr© Suporter. Kl'tTZ KBIT©*. CENTRE HALL, T., -May -•!, I*'- ihc are ulsx l slangntx roig each ether, in -mitation rt .ntsnle har bar.ans. An official telegram from JH tn state* tit. t another army corps hn* reache 1 Kagoshmi* More than on< battle has been ought there, ami a part of the town has been burned. The imperialist* have been victorious in eve-1 rv engagement. It is announced that the links if pressed to abandon their position- ;n Bulgaria have deteraxined to lay w..ste the country and cn rosidents to remove their This shows the character tlu> war will rcsinue should the Russians succeed in effecting aloxlgment in Bulgaria. Ihc operation* on the Danube are of iux un portaiu'e, and there is a dearth of news from Asia Minor. A fierce war is raging among the 1 xx a republicans. The rock upon they have split is Hayes' adminutra tion. Don Onuerou was in Pittsburg the x-xther day, to sx-e its manufacturing greatness and xiit a sxvell a-- U. b. sena tor. But nobody in the pmoky city seemed to ea-e übont the young senator; there wore no demonstrations, and that ort of things, and Hon went home wondering why th - W"* a" s ' v ' er ' bans JubnSc " h.xti f tuuity of h * xvay ot - -Mx. Dxxn't go to the B'ack Hills, baa been On cry nlang an lisy < k The R. t. Sun publishes a long letter from the Black Hill*, in which it i stated that the aggregate yield of the gxld nunes last year was twe attxi a half million i l . "ars, and the Sun crre"p-nlent P r '" dixtsthat tilt" year's yie'xl w'H rv'ach twentyfive liitilioa xlollars. Improved mining machinery' s going into thchil.s everv week. Stiver has als-> bex-nfoutnl in grvat qa.tr.t:tie- The >tt:t oorrv-- p,indent, hvWeve-. advises th..t per orhelple-j people stay away fiom the hill*. Col. SUicr, President of our railroad, passed over the brie last week. rm' ■ e h:i 1 the pleasure of traveling with him par. of the way. The Col. WHS at belle fon'.e and he'd *. conference with the pir'.'es there interested in the Branch, the result of which WHS that the Belle fonte parties re Ivcd to close ui> the b urns of s2o,tk\', of which ouly a smai! amount was unsubscribed. He then proceeded to Harris township and BoaUhurg to have an interview with in terested parties there, and to endeavor to r'skesonie arrangement by which the pending lawsuit on the s*.>ok subscrib ed bv parties in liarris, and who refuse to pay, may be avoided. President flifer feels confident tb*t with the ad justment of the Harris township difficul ties and the raising of the bonus by Bellcfonte, the road will go ahead, and that the threatened delays spring from these cau-Mjs alone. We believe Col. Srfer is eager to have the road go on. an J that all the intluenee he has is be ing used in that direction. The track has now reached Beaver Dam, which is within one mile of en tering our valley, and in a few weeks more the whistle of the iron horse will sound at Spring Mills. It would be a great wrong to have the work stop at the latter point, and we trust that Belle fonte and Harris township by adjusting their matters, will not leave the railroad company the shadow of an excuse for delay at Spring Mills. But the affairs at Bellefonte and in Harri3 township, if they remain as here tofore. are not good ground for the rail road company to stop off at Spring Mills, instead*of finishing it to Ceutre llall or farther west. The company is in all honor bound to bring the road on to this place at lea.-t—we paid all our stock, paid oar bond, secured the right of way, had our faims cut up, laid out of the use of our money (or live years al ready. the road is graded to here and partly ball •••-'. if there :v a -park of honor left in thote who have Ihc control, the road will go right on six 'miles west of Spring M. its, to this point at least, in ordetto afford us sonic bene fit for what we have t! ne. In seine localities iuin-<(t;rjs arc op posed to funerals on the Sabbath day; and we just see from an item tbat the ministers of Chanbersburg axe opposed to funerals on the Sabbath day, and hence at a meeting of the ir Association a re-tilution we* adopted discounte nancing funerals on that day,except in cases of absolute ncccs-ity. Some of the organs that stand by the Fraudulent think it was a breach of etiquette when Samuel J. Tildcn refus ed to attend the recent banquet tender ed by the Chamber of Commerce of New I'ork to Mr. Have*. .Mr. Ttlden did right. Suppose your neighbor stole a turkey from you, and then would in vite you to the roast, wouldn't you con sider it impudence added to the theft, and wouldn't you refuse to attend ? Yes, you would. Well, that's just as the case stands between Hayes and Tiiden. RIGHT* AND DUTIES or TOWNSHIP OFFI CERS —By W. R. BIKRLV, ESQ., of the Wiiliamsport Bar. The only book of the kind issued. The Acts of Assembly and Supreme Court Decisions in relation to the rights and duties of Township Officers, arranged and condensed. The volume treats of Assessors, Auditors, Con.-tablesJKlection Officers, Justices, Overseers of the Poor, School Directors, Supervisors, Road Commissioners, Treasurer*, Tax Collec tors, end Town Clerk*. Borough laws appended. The whole carefully index ed, with marginal notes and references. For sale at all the book stores in the county. Price, by mail, post-paid, 50 cents. Address the Publisher, Box GO, Wiiliamsport, Ta. A man named Jones had fifty-five thousand dollars worth of diamonds stolen from a trunk in New York. That was a far better haul than any one could have made in the African diamond fields. Ohio will stand by the country- a long as ii 'can be m-cle to pay.—Pitts burgh Dispatch.* Poor Pennsylvania will have to crouch bv Caaieroui until her honest citizens and her newspaper* with some manly spirit arid sense of honor, got the upper hind.—Cincinnati Commercial. Bantam has gone into the Charley Ross business. He thinks < 'barley G-H living and has pi j os. d to '.he father of the boy to let him offer sl PrMiJrittf oli. texi hv it, while in n" single ltistnnx*e li®" been the raw with adminiatrntionix under President* p!rct tl hv In Democrat*. thio half ot , the administrations put in power by tin party xxpposexl to the iVmoemx-y, have "(Tone hai V on" to use a vulgar phr.i-< -that party. INerv administration under a demo cratic President, has been true to th end to its party and to the country The op|Kvition hud iu> trouble with tlio adn\ini*tratiins oftlie two \dani>< - fite r neat success was with llarris< nin IS-tO. He died after being in >tti e out nt nth..and John Tyler, Vice l'resixh ot i elected on the tieket with llnrri-.>ii, he i came President. lYler'a adintnislralon j at once deviated from the putfc fj whiggerv, an.l the part\ reaped p<-i fruits from their aplcndid \i t >r\ in the hard cider campaign Tyler's faitti tt the constitutional doctrines of tl.e democratic party, towards which --j oath toconservativeanl pro slavery , for the northern ultras who elected him and they had no warm sympathy for it But old Zatk died, and Milliard Fill- , in M, a New York üboHtlouiut, elect x- '• 1 on the ticket with Taylor, as Vice President, became President. But j when Fillmore tCK>k the oath as l'rvs - dent to support the Constitution, he found It conflicted with his former at lition faith, and true to his oath, he found no other course but to go accol ,!- ing to the Constitution and cut 100-e | frvxm the party of Greeley. Sumncr.lla •. I Wade, Gidilings. and the other leadcis ] who hail elcx'teil him. And the lax! r land Fillmore administrations brought por fruits for the party that eVctxd them. Ntxt comcx Lincoln. He suited t; e opposition during his first term, but ..t the commencement of his second term tie began to show to> much conser vatism and mildness towarxi- the x-otx ♦ conciliation, he soon disgusted the above I tri eto such an extent, thut they at | tempted to get rid of liiiu by lmpeaoh incut, in which they failed; and that administration xxu* lost t tlie party that had elected it. Next came Grant. His administra tis n xv.is a success throughout, for the party—the plunderers, thieve, ariii-kv rings, defaulters, hummers. brothers-in-lAw . daddy s-in-law. cousii -. uncles, or any one with a J'ntt in his l;u'- —had full license to plvtbeir vocations; an 1 all of them to this day, are highly pleased with Grant's administration, , and swear it was the best we ever had —and so it was, for their.. Next comes Hayes. Well, you rad*. who voted for hitu, it is not necessary for the Reporter to say that he chea't d you, because Ben Wade, anil Blaine, : and your other big leaders are 011 the I stand now, and swear that he Ims be trayed the party. All that the Reporter would add to their testimony is, that Hayes is a Fraudulent President, who while he looses the respect of the Re ' publicans, never will gain the conti l deuce of the Democrats. In view of the above facts, we would; i advise the opposition, whenever they go into the presidential business again, to j take out a heavy accident insurance j i policy; the average make on that will be ! l>etter than the risk on an administra j tion. j The Clarion DMMMI says, that | Clarion county now produces more oil j I than any other county in the state. The j daily production of this county at present Jis about 11,000 barrels. This brings ; from $25,000 to $30,000 a day, and of j j course makes inonev plen'ier than in ; other places. Nevertheless the hard | times prevailing elsewhere, has caused j j an immense immigration to this county,. j so that every profession, trade and oe -1 mpation seems overrun. I-a borers un-| | skilled in the kind of work required in •he oil region are crowding in by hun dreds, and most of them l>eing without! means, suffer many hardship"—being inable to find employment. Huntingdon and Tyrone are rivals for the proposed plate glass works to be ■--; tablished by English capitalists. Tin Huntingdon Globe of last week says that $90,000 are now subscribed for the erec tion of tne "Huntingdon Plate Glass Works." Who doubts that it will he! over $!00,0(*, in less than a week ? All I honor to the enterprising spirit mani fested by so many of our citizens in this great enterprise. It is said bloody shirt- Morton has written a private letter which state" that he will endorse Hayes' administration.! This is quite a caving-in of the Indiana ' bulldozer, who was the advocate of I Packard, Chamberlain and carjiet-hag gers in general. Blaine, on the other hand, will take the cudgel against Haves' policy. The credit system is one of the ulcers ofstore-keeping in Centre and adjoining counties, it would be better for all, farmer, mechanic, laborer, if a cash—or pay as you go—system could be intro duced and the cheating system of eter nal credit done away with. As showing to what extent the credit system has been carried oninShamokin it is stated that nine merchants (or firms) have on their books outstanding ac counts amounting to $105,000 ranging from $2,000 to $30,000 each. Of the nine merchants, seven have failed, or have been compelled loquit business because of their book accounts. Brick Pomeroy still thinks thut Wilkes Booth is not dead. In certain radical quarters there is a desire to have Grant nominated s the next radical candidate for President. Cameron is in favor of this, and the Harrisbnrg Patriot says that the en thusiastic demonstrations in Philadel phia 011 the departure of Gen. Grant for Europe turns out to have a much deeper significance than a mere jxerson al compliment. A movement has been et on foot to make (Irani the next radi cal candidate for President. Already in the third month of Hayes' administra tion the leaders of Itfo party have be come so much disgusted that they Jjavg begun to intrigue for the succession. They sigh for the good things they have enjoyed for the lust eight years at d impatiently uqrait the close of (his Hayes interregnum tJj;U Grant may lead tlietn buck to power and pelf, lho oe |< j e.-tsion of the trip down the Delaware on riiui - lsx xx:■< "impr> ved" to le! the public into the secret of (his presidential [ tnox cment. ■* The first speaker xx 1- Gen. Miernian who assured Qn Grant that "millions"! of people xx ill he ready to gixe him all he wants on his return "only for the' asking." Z.uh ("handler approached 11 little nearer the subject in saying "xx hut ever criticism he may mux receive full lis! ice Will be done him ill three Xi.us, and he xx ill hereaftr i he known a- I soldier and a sialism;.n Whelior this justice is to lake the shape of 1 nomination f t Piesideiit or xx hi ther it wdl he done in teakll ;■ u exu.tr.i-' h< Grant plan of pinning Gales to the re t puhlienn party with the h.ivottel xxith : the n ilk ind xx .iter p< l.rx Hay es the j ! lute set let.uy of the inteiior left to be j : inferred 1 x Suretnix I .-li spoke of. Grant a-"one of the ;r< xt• -t men fthe count 1 y." Fx Sii rctcry R.-hcsnn s.iiil ' "In xx us never found xx until g, ami that i- what has-lamped the mutt upon the hearts of the Vint rn xn people xxh-n-e up to-day t ■ xlx him honor," But it xxas left for 1 \ Serial t i'.iun r 01 to lilurt < ut the real meaning of the iemotisir.it: •11 in this ,sp .vh "1 be' eve that when 1 e returns to us again he xxil! be askexl t take the helm again when tin ship of state is seen going tx> destruetion.' I'he applause that gr x text these xx.oxls shows he w* 11 knew the .. td.x nyv were prejair , ed for them. mi: .sf.'r'A'M" OF 11. lK>n Piatt prxxfessx-s to have unraxded , the esaet and rchabb true inxxi liu-.-s of the jHistp.ineuicnt f ttic cxir.x -e-s oii of Gongnss The carpet bagger- --f the Senate, holding the balance x>f poxvet tn thatlKxdv, liuxl been in negotiation xxith the Ik-uuvratatoxio what the l-'.e.t rat I'ouimtssioti re hi sex! gx> hack of the ie turus ami unaeat Hayes by allowing that Ttlden was elected. We quote The Radical rascals of >-outh Carolina and IAXOU-IUIIO, maddened by the unea tK-cted xlesertton x f Haves, hail 1 i.xlx tor publiesitioii all the rxxt of 1 .nitla am) Louisiana through xxht> h Have--e. ureii his inauguration, and the production <>f that wxftihl have forced an investigation and the President would huve f and hmiselt xlepemlent u|. n ttxe dc-j crate fx 11*-ws in tlie Senate. They.wxtuld then , hx> masters of the situation, iusU-ad of the Administration. The 1 'euioeracy, at least no leaxling iVtmierut, wxiultl enter intxi a eonspira !cv fx>r any such .1 purp -e. especially with car|tet-baggx-rs aml eonvictexl rogues who turn State's evnlem-e. But supi-xse st me -tartling xltseoveriea were mu.le by M id. Wells and Pa. karxl. xx ho tioxv, hy and xxith the x tisetitof Hayes, are being kit h-t 1 out of the s>otttli, the Detuo r.xts xx.xuld haxe to an :- xe-tigutioll, ami the result of 11l tt woubi t'.eaelid oil the hiiildful of ilcS|>erate and rebellions Kepuoliituis in the hx-n --; ate. I Ami so to ax id a!! t: s the 1 x'I.I . - sinii Was , ailed for (I ol t r Vx's, uuxl that is Httl all. It they tii.xi tliey 1 an run the machine smoothly un til then the President v* lit revoke tits proclamation ami we shall tiaxx- mi el tra session at all. Tin: T Finn in i: si .t i <;n iin <-i Rl f>/>jAXS MAR FA TO I W. I.onxh n, Mav It The Daily tele graph's sjH-t 1.11 from Batouui, I'rixlay at midnight nays : "Ahont 5 o'x! < k tlo i morning the Russian fort es, which had !>eeti largely augmented for the purj -<•, atlvauxed with batteries of field artillery and made a furious a'lack UIKOI tiie heights defending Batoiini on the land side, which were occupied !>x Kushi- Baztxnks Ttie Ottixinau troops xxere tn tr nchx'tl in the usual effective mam cr Up >ll t!l*i s|t IH S ami ledges of these bills and Upton the ndvai.tr of the enemy they ••jtenetl on Ids columns a terrible and well-sustained fire of cannon and musketry, which literally mowed the Russians 1! x nin swath*. They fell by stsxre* ami hundreds xm the plain (h-low the Turkish post ions. During their at tempts to make tray against this lire u fordy of Turkish horse and foot, taking advantage ofa thick forest, broke forth ti|t>n the flank of the Russian column und effei*tedgreat -laughter. The Mus covite bring upon ground perfectly : open, anil having no choice but to fight !or fly, in a short time the spot which was the scene of this think movement became covered with dead ami dvmg Russians. But the enemy quickly brought up reinforcements, ami the txjt tle was renewed txith mtirh determina tion. For many hours the effort* of the assailant* were desperately maintained, but towards midday their artillery- tire j gradually slackened, and they at length ' withdrew, after suffering very consider able loss.*". 1 myself xxas an eye-wits neaaof this irnj- rtant eripigement fr.un first to last, and can testify that the Ot toman oldters behaved with a gallant ry which was most admirable. They 1 had. however, during a great part of the action the advantage of intrenchmeuta on high ground, and it 1- Jut* to this fact no doubt that their los-es, citm(tared to ; those inflicted niton the enemy, were ; j insignificant." The same jiaper's des patch, dated Saturday, say* that tin- vic i tory was won hy the extraordinary 1 courage of the Hashi-Razouks. Tlie | |>ositioii to a!) Ruasian hostile intentions, getting clear tires under the boiler* of hi* 1 raft, in order to avoid smoke from her funnel, and making other arrangement*. The Rethymo, he it said, is a very fust boat, eapableo'steaming at the rate of fifteen knot* an iimir. When Unhurt Pasha started on his daring expx-dition the Danube current was running swiftly, being estimated nt fully live knot* an hour. Upon Rearing Galatz he found the heavily armed Russian batteries commanding the river, looking capable of sinking anything afloat, besides the torpedoes reported to l>c hidden be neath the water*. Immediately it was ■lark the word was passed, "Light* out," and the steamer, sped rapidly ulong. The batteries were ROUP reached, and the Russian lanterns, the heavy guns and soldiers in great numbers were clearly visible to those who manned the Rethymo, w hen suddenly a rocket was sent up from the Roumanian shore to apprise the Muscovite gunners ofilohart Pasha's coming. Other rocket* follow ed in quick succession. Then the hoarse word of comniaiid was distinct ly heard. Bugles shnnded and the drums bent merrily, summoning the Russians to their post*. Holmrt Pasha expected every moment to he blown out of the water hy the fire of the heavy guns he was treating so cavalierly; hut Ireing determined to make efforts in some degree pro|ortioiiafo, to the great risk he was facing, he ran his vessel close inshore, not forty metres from the batteries themselves —indeed, so nx-ar that the Russian gunners xxere unable' > depress the pieces sufficiently fast to get II good aim. His boat went quickly past at twenty knots an hour, and soon all danger was over. When satisfied he had fiotiiing to fear from his enemies, Mobnrt Pa-hit < rdcred the crew- of tin- Retlij ni't, xx Inch carried 0110 -tO-pound- i cr Armstrong c qyi ( to throw one sheli | into the centre 01 tbo li.u.-..a:: cantn, an : order which was quickly obeyed, tl.p' missile bursting in ihe midst of the) 31'tscouiLe tents. It* effects were of course, unknown, but it was the first caution-aliot tired upon the |iniil< in tin-l{tinrl I'ualut MibM-qneutly pincs-odcd to (."oliatiintiuo pic, w lie i o lu< received u licartv wel • oino nnd enthusiiKtlc cnngrntul*-, I tlone • - - A MHA .VGA,' > /')y Wright*itlrivi lli VAIII. I woor three inoiiilin aftoi tlx 1 \|>o>.ix it i IOM tl llic ili'txl I'o.l\ of ii in in mm fotiiul HI a lonely gorge, MI uillr* from the city. 100 linn ti do •oiitpoM"il foi recognition, nml without (In* slightest til"vi ill hi- clothing by A 11111 110 tdcnlllt 11 I 111 It Nt .111 Rllppor oil In li.ot hern ii gix -l nt tin- Granger's Hotel, NNIIXII IVI all rli.l liioUb temper- H I tint tin L* to which tlioimAixtn of tialiMi lit I ' tj. ill i utile dulls . No regis til \n i- W i | t ||. r roitlil HIIN ix r> out In* taken of tlu'iii aftei they piud for their room in uitvumv \V Jiul could In* Uo-rr nit 11 ki-l y 111 it 11 that tint unrecognisable l Ii uly i ul.I In- xli'iititii-il iii one of the iialtielet'M million* who it.me aa.l went , through Philadelphia last year, or tliat Mi tuurilerer should In- found? Y', to a chance letter a to prominent in'wm|'it|ier publisher from (ieimanr. tin- whole at range t. •r N i.laidhnre. lln ■ iniirileretl lu.ui |ITON i- to In- young tin ( Mian of a wealttiy family wlto came to I*l. lulelplna last Sutntlirr. At tbi i ii.inger'* Hotel In" fell n with another Herman and formed a clone companion ship with turn. 'I he stranger learned all' tn secret*, the particular* of iiia biui in— iiiul family life, obtained letters from him, from which he studied hi* handwriting, ncctihantirs of expression,! etc. When h.a plans were t.pe he nt-j ■ t: *ed tiie voting fellow out to this lonely gorge, killed him, took puaee-vioii of liia trunk and other properly, and opened a correspondence w itft Ins family in tier 'many. Nttico last October this corre sjmixlen. e lias In en carried on, thetmir deier personating hi* victim and ob taining by plena of dines*, losses, etc , iaige sums of money lis tins time bts arrest w ill m all pro bahii tv be made. We *|k ke the ntlirl c.av oflheinei -ruble justice which d..gs the steps of a guilty man. Hut we never remember to have seen it stronger proof of it than '.his. unless it w as the death of Ice at Mountain Meadow* lit old times the avenger of bloi'd held it us u vo red duty to pursue the murderer,and the f rinnyes helped him with keen IN is whose sight reached around the world We have given over the matter to the police, who certainly are not weighed with oppressive sacred duty and who -i-r much w,>r**e than other I eonlc Yet, by s u e uiysti-riona pur •ner sent by other hands than our*, the guilty uian is f, ! w wed and brought to justice at last. t'tiOLKKA ItAY.ttiK.s IN I N 111 A 50,000 Ihuii and thier H .i es Pois oning the A sr. A #*\ihgt.i May 15 It '.rmlii>; his t.r. f r i I i-.l ut the I Isjinrilnwl t l'f S le 'i m {>• f r.'-i. -Iselirra at t'alcn'.ta t* t' ~ tIT r,S a !.: so r, C l'f l 'IS > : Dv> sr.ii tlcsr tssnis , ll rjn there I sir been large liiltn* |.mi poll i .la' l"rs, attributed In tiie same genera! earner, th* infe. tiun .f theairat.d w*l-*-bj the decomposition of the multitudes t human to .figs atx! cat tle 1 .. h per - 1 a! t. at I I * Th.s slate of things likely lo continue till the heavy rains carry iff the remaining impu rities. TilK W Alt 11N TIIK DANTBK 2f'o Ivtissian \ISSI'U Se:g.il hv the Turk*. 1. 'niott May It. Thu furss has* tap* tilted tw hundred rrorh in the ltanul c containtng ovrr HO.Utf krctti iirst o! a heat A rec nnoiti ring ripedit n of .VX) Rus sian trifsnirv cr.ised the I'anuhe in a heat a little helesr Kn.i. The Turks al lowed them to c rt.e well withiti raf ge, when the, opened such .* heavy fire the Russians wrro compelled to retreat t" their t oals w itlrser ms !o>s V evere musketry fir.rg it heard n the other side of the Danube Abidy the Turkish rr. r.itors hurrying toward this spot, and the more advanced ones are taking u;> p<"it. ns in front, or near to the point where t < Russian* hope to lay their .pontoon bridge-. To t.-.ght the scene -ti the I'at.uhe is it di ed a D.agr -.Scent ona. Shells an bursting in the air, and distant camp Er. t lend err hantment to the si ene, *r d sigr.al rockets a rend and fall, and tell the st ty of the advancing forces The rait, rad • g g-.w- heavier anJ heavier, and at this rat. I will not take long to lie troy Ku schuk. The place is the u • aki -t in the quadrangle of the Tufk sh j fortresses Further down the river the sky is ri hienrd 1 n the flatties of burtm g i Turtukai The town has b. en Ered by the Russian guns in Oiternilr.a. It will he comparatively easy for the Russians to ortMs at this j oinl The h'-ad'|uarlera of i the left wing are still at Jhrait. New s has just reached lis that MatS'-liin, s.inve Evo miles di st nut troin that p.utit. has been set on fire l.y th.- Russian artillery DI>MISSION.OP TilK PKPUTIKS Continued Ivoimlrc* of the Rueeian* in Asia—The Turk* Strenglh* eiiing Their Defeinn Ah tip the Line--No (iei cral Fugago rnent Yet. ('i.risiantitx'ph', Mav - JU. An official bulletin hi nouno ti nt the Tiirkidi fores - j operating "sr S.mkgooUl Ka'e were a' jtu lo dl • •"> T"" Russians near Sie' The ITu-ks eon-plete'.N arinihilated a c 'tiipitny <'f ('..ssack' They piok Eve i xrioinera bs—ides some arms and provi ions. The fighting r. ntinue. Tin- fle.-t ha- destroyed It urgdjardjare The Russians lost "-00 killed and wounded in thesfcirntish near Kars. Tiie *-t Petersburg tiewspai-er. The New Tunc, recently published an articledeclar-! ing that Russia is as much rntitlrd to the nght id passage to the Mediterranean by! way of the Bofphorou* and Dardanelles nt] Kngland is to use the Sueit r'ar.n! The Standard'* Hraeroum dispatch says a decisive battle is oipected in the Kmily M ountnins. The Standard's Constantinople special telegraphs "I am afraid wo are on the! verge nl another coup d'etat Tho rela tions between the Porte and the Chamber are so strained that the Chamber will' probably be closed. The deputies recent j ly made a violent attack on tho Porte, al-, loging that the financial envoy who ws sent to London was corrupt. Ofonohun-I dred and two member* all but two voted i censuring tho appointment. The Russians attempted to regain Sook gootn Kale, but were repuU'-d with loss. An attack on Kars was repulsed with heavy loss. The Standard also has the following from various points : The Turks have sent reinforcement* to Nikopoli* to guard against any attempted passage of the Dan ube there. On the first of.fune nil traffic on Rou manian railways will be slopped to allow the pnssag" c.f stores ami siog.i artillery ('/. ir will remain at Bucharest uut 1 the end of tho war. lie will witness tho pas sage of tho main bo ly of iRe army. Til K WAlt IN AfclA. Tin? Ar.liilutn Victory Loudon. May 21 Ihe fall of Ardnhan i-a great advantage to the Ktis-iiri*, for besides opening a new line of communica tion with Aklitt't/ik, it will enable the •til i'ui- to turn tl.o fone hitherto operat- ' - ing ajyiiisl Ar4ai.au towards Kats, or to ' ' take pu 't i.*t n combined operation against Jir/eroum. 1 At 'nek on Kara on Ktiiar. From Kara w have intolllg. HCe that Nistri.iiiN the Russians attacked the outer lute with furious determination, having preceded their attempt by a heavy hut iSI-direciril cannonade front siege artillery I'ow rt till guns in Tut k ish batteries repli ed with belter effect Tho duel was vig. orously maititaine.l till the Itussians brought up columttsof infantry *• close at thet dare* to the fortifications, apparent- IN purpt'ting, ifpto-ihl* to lake the place by storm Iho Ottoman cutnniaii.lrr ob* rving this, dratv t ignthor a latge body of ti...| brhitid the ramparts and launch i .1 a lietiiti lout sort s upon thn Russian flank ant rrat. un.lei itieshcok of whitdi ! the sin in t w.rooblgnl to rotroel into a .11a'ltag >o* l" -itioii A bloe.lv en* gngex.fi I fol .Mid at lose quarter, and at its l< iminatixn tho Russians worr obliged In rot I rat. leaving till** the field }tf'| corpses and a large number of wounded 1 riiore wa* a slight ncounl(ir ill tlx) mean-, jtinte ! elwern thj cavalry, without any! I special rrsu I Kottninn* l>rcl*rcs AYar Against Turkey. j London, MaytSl. A Bucharest dispatch ni .'ui'i-ri that Kouittai.ia yesterday pre . hiip.il bor'iiidvprndence and declared war against Turkey but will remain oh the defensive • N hi' KA I.lilt' STORM UKLTS. l'f S Weir Mitchell, a physician of I'htladulphia. l*n , has recently conducted ■ii. importotit terioa ot very interostin. tn* v o-1 gat ions with refergn t il:t< lKit.es, chronic rheuiiiatism*. ini ar cis-nt wounds produce a renewswl pain • <1 the npprea. !l of a storm ; to much so, ir.dnod, H at parsons thus inflicted fre quently ure able to predict impending , ha' g> s of weather with rs-rugrlsahia s. curacy In the course uf study ul many of the cjr us symptoms belonging to the -tumps of amputated limbs, Dr Mitchell frequently encountered the above t.s.iu.n and he bet ante so impressed by the re pratm! lest.utony of patients, w!.o staled that their com:, rt depended largely . n the slatts of th* Writ tier, that lie resolved ft., undertake . arel'ul research into the sub jet t He was fortunate enough to obtain the cti operation uf Captain Catlin, 1' S A . w ho Ii ad ! -tl a leg in action during ths .< ti and ha 1 bee me a suflerrr of neural g.a ill the Slump, It.a pain set-tangly resid-, i g ill pi rti ns ot the absotil foot Tins (officer kept records of his pau.lul sense .. oi, i in ( onnt-t lin with the weather ra ti its as shown by the S glial Sorvtie, for ,hfee years , and he plrpart-d elahoralr j cap* and charts, showing Just how tertain sltat its toff espott ieti t - certain periods el . ti .ft.titeliit* ife i'resst* l l, and other ii-.eteoro gnal pheti 'toena In br.ef. he condutt id I i h l-t laininai'tin with an accuracy • i i - .it tl. it.or- uvhnrss which canuol tie It HI t. gt.ly C- lutnefctied. The r. iu l now adducct) by Dr. Milch rli is tliat there is rvery reas-.n to belies* that Ine popular view which relwtes some I*ats. tpsl'i florins ks< a distinct fountla* > .: , hut that, as the single element t>( r ,-f o I ha- i-tb en detected, f.e it tins* , ei to t i ire e that is the combination ot al 11. -phn cct d.tioiis winch -catit the pain r.to peitig Tite separate factors of storms . -at Ii a * Irssened pre-sure. rising tcmpera u < greater liun..dtiy, and winds, appear , i.s aiui to to incompetent, when a ting xgiy. I- 1 give rise to attacks ot pain Kiilit-r '. is, as above stated, a coinbinati sn t ■ tti p. otokrs tiie tisin. of it may tie „as v**l unitr iwn agency, acting alone It wasobt.rv <1 by t'aptam Catlin .hat his 1 rr ali.>n of pain prevailed when the au rora ens intense Whether this was due ■ t the magnetic or els-cirn* disturbance t-reva!-nl or to the-uct eedtng storin, Ir. Mitclls tl. I. ss is que-tl- liab.r Abo nt the most striking conclusion rs real red s that relating lo the neuralgic f sto• tn bell I-vry stornt, at It swreps aero s the continent, i oiislsts of at est rain a-ea, at Hie centre of which IS a moving • | ae of greatest barometric depression , t,:. wn as the -I- nn cri.tre along Which the storm r. v. sea b.-ad on a thread Tl • ran u-ually J.rec.des th.s by '.Jit " it.ties but befom s'xi at un l the rain !.ea a belt, who h mav be called the neura'gic margin >.f the sturtn. at.d which precedes the rain by about L*? miles This feed is very deceptive, bscaue the suflerrr may ~ be on t.e far eUg.- >d the storm basin of baromeir c depress,t n, and, teeing noth ing of the rain, may . et have pain due th* . storm "It is seme what interesting," adds D M tcht-'l, "to . g ire ei e s self thus- a loosing area of ran girdled by a ' neuralgic be t 150 miles wide, within which, as it swcepi along la advance uf the sti t n , preva.i in the L art and tr.ainiad .mil s of men and in tender nerves and ■ rheumatic joints, renewed torments called :m.' elisten.-a ■ v the stir and nerluthatien of tiie p'eniei l* Scientific American. A FATAL ECNOUKTEK The fui owing are the particulars of a homicide al Heal'isviile Montgomery p> , Md. ] tin Wednesday night. May a smake house was br. ken ihto ar.d a quantity ol ' meat st .ien Subsequently a valuable " mule was stole* 'ruffi the farm ot Lemuel r I Bew!!. M r Heal!, while speaking of ~ the matter the noil das to bis neighbor*, '.(it'll t! at be believed that ui e Hen son] Antes. noted dastwradu, ar. i of whom t th* residents of UeaiUvilie stood in great tear, lad Committed th* the.'ts. Later in th* day Ames called ala store Dear the houso ol Mr. Brail, kept by agio.l emsn named John Bell, and asked for Mr. Be . ail. arid said fu lhvr that he intended lo , ki:l hint for having charged bim with fob bing the snptke-houio and sUalutg the mule, tin lei; the store, snd Mr. tieall I called ai d wa- informed of the facts Mr. - Brail sa dhe based hi* charge of mule, stealing upon the fact that Ames, who ' h I bean employed by him .Bealll. was > fo only ona likely to pgrry the muie ofl. i < tie tig-o thorougnly acqiiainlwl with his , habits Ante*, armed witlt a stout cudgel, , a murderous Weapon, cut front n greeni ' sapling, appeared at the store again late ' on Thursday allernoon, and inquired for ; , Mr R<-*ll,and said that be had cut the: , club to kiil Ix in with Mr lieall being aware of the facts. ANCHORED 9 AT OAK HALL. 6 X O?®AMD MARKET V. ■"■■■ (TILL TO II MIAOQUXIIIIHS FOX * d> CLOTHING, kh | WANAMAKER & BROWN, | 0 IN THE OLD PLACE AT THE OLD TRADE. X All th* liMt ulnt, •t|irinM nd .I* run t*ommnd, continual m OAK H AL.L, U* produot th® I BUST and CMEAPRJ4T CLOTHING for mwn wnst year far .ir|jeeaeil atiytltlnj we ever drasmet of,and this j.o'a It in . 11l B**W 0 lAg atari lite Spring of 1H77 with a STILL LOW tit SCAt t. OF PPIICKS, and a claaa of good a on *.*: lent that we era Uut afraid to follow aaoh aala wills our warr.snt,•" B /- receive hack iho good* unworn and haisd over to to A K A Ui.siumer llit money pid. 0 TTia tk.rs Las Loan largely refitted, and there n v r Q A wa* such a splendid stuck of M en' a, lioy and Children a X etulhing under the roof, nor were we ever able to 001 l < Q cheaply. Our worst for it, and wo are your frisivds of Q A ataiean yaarw. A 9 WANAMAKER & BROWN, THE OLD FUkCt, HALL, X '"Y* 6th A M*rk*L PHILADELPHIA. my>- HARDWARE W [|,so N it M'FARL AN'E. i NKW ANDCHEAP STORE. r a w ILSO*. 808 T M'rAkl.A.M BBiLr'*Ti, rs. We havr opened a new and complete disk b.ughl in New York and Phila delphia, troin the manufacturers from fir-t hands at extremely !<>w prices, which we will *el' al the lowest bottom prices, which We will give the people the ad vantage uf. We ss N and will salitfiy that we arc the ('he*| c*t Hardware Store in the coun try. We havc a complete Hock of Kftuges, Heftier*, Parlor ftod Cook St ive*. Each Stove guaranteed to giye **tie f fact ion in ev i 1 ery rnpect. Har*irou, Nail*, Hor*e-lu>ei, Norway Nail Hod., warranletl of the best ijuality, Wc claim we havo ' the btst Pure Oil*,Color*, Var ,' niahee, ever ofTcretl and the cheapeat. Our -ill lUMIOI SHORTLIDGE AQ The only dealers in Centre County who sell the WILKES BAR R E C O AIL from the old Baltimore mines Alto SHAMOKIN AXD OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly for house use. at the lowest price* RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which it always sold at low prices, and warranted to be a| good a fertiliser as an other plaster. ©??)©£ AN© TAB© NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. OEPOT RELGFCfKTE, PA. DUNKLE & AI MAS. Hons*, Sign, and OHNAMENIAt PAINTERS, Respectfully announce that they are prepared to do all kinds of work in their lino of business, in the neatest and host style. All kinds of GRAINING, PAPER HANGING, AND C A LCI.MIXING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Calciuiining a specialty. All orders by mall roooivo prompt attention, and satisfac tion guaranteed Charges most reasonable -15 fob if, J. N. DUNKLE A CO.. Spring Mills, Pa. Chas H. Hold, Clock. Watchmaker A: J cwclei; Millheim. Ontre Co., Pa. A1 kind* of < Watrhaa and .Tawdry of thi" !tM ityiM. aa atan Iho Maranvillr I'atoul t.'alm.deri Clocks, provided witli k cotnpSot-a t of the month! andda) of thc month and w**k on Ih face. which iaj warrutcr. Clocks. Watcbss and Jowolry ropaJrod o*. boit no U and warranted j. WM.F. WILSON, Atiornv-tLiw.] ( Mi 1 !rtfinti< |* Offico in~Mr. Jtcn- ' nor'a Uuililine. Bellotonto PH. * , Block t.f mid Wigdii Mate i rials ate of u uiy superior quality, utid cheap, We will sell Saddlery goods as low its they can buv thera in riuia. \V will keep all kinds j of Farmers Implements, Cultiva tors, Shovels, Plows, Putu[is, Pic ture Frames, Moulding, Mirrors, Toilet Setts, t hildren's buggies, Wagona of all siz es, Oil Clothe, Tube, Buck- P *' ete, aud Churns, t We have in connection a Tin Shop, Mr. Smith, foreman, in which we manufacture all Linda of Tinware. Spouting made and put up of the best quality of tiu at the lowest prices. Call and see ua aud we will substanti ate what we advertise, as we shall i lake pleasure in show ing our stock. Rooms No. 7 and H, Humes Block, 6 doors north of Poet Office, I'cllcfonte. WILSON A McFARLANE, r sap3m Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but jlor tweet andhurd, and quicker to churn lr.vit—foi siilent Wni IVolfs stoic, jQU.S. O. GUTKLIITS, Oantlst. Millholm. Ci! I%' • Mi it • it CTS we are lllng-CA HPKTS AT A) CTS. W are selling CA HPKTS AT 26 UTS. j We are sailing CA HPKTH AT % CTS I We are telling—-CARPBTB AT 26 CTS j We are telling- IMi N CARP T8 at 80c. VSeare telling— I SG'S CAKP'TS at 30c V\ e are selHag-ING'N UARP'TN at 30C • We are SALLING-INC RAINS ATB4 cenu. We are selling—lN<;KAlNS ATttcenu We are telling INORAINB ATWeents J We are selling- Damaak ball A stall car ts' \\ e are telling Oatnatk hat! A >Lair car'l> j\\ e are telling Damask ball A Stair ear'tsj Wo are selling—Buperfiae Ingrain at 76c. Me ere tcjlifg—Superfine Ingrain at 70c. we are telling—Superfine Ingrain at 7&c. [ We are selling—Tapestry Hrutelelsl.(JU e are telling—Tapealry Kruttelt at SI.OO We sre selling—Tapestry Bretteltal f 1,00 We are aelling—Ladies' Dolmens at $2.60 We are tel ing—Latitat' I)o!man§ at $2.60 We are tcliing—Ladies Dolaiant at $2,60 'j ' W* are telling Lad let I>o!niant at $3,00., \Ye are telling—Ladies' Doimant at s3,uu | • We are telling—Ladiet' Doimant at $3,00.' ■ We are telling—Ladies trim'd hats at s!.<*>. We are telling—Ladiet trim'd halt at $l,OOl We are telling—Ladiet trim'd halt at SI.OO i We are telling—Ladiet trim'd battatsl.So We are telling—Ladiet (ritu'd halt at $1,60, We are telling—Ladiet trim'd halt at $1,50 We are telling —Ladiet trim'd halt at S2.V I We are telling Ladiet trim d halt el $2 00 Wc are telling—Ladiet trim'd bait at S2,. (Jo trv the I liush home IBap F D. MiCOLLU M. Proprietor. 1 KAT ODTTLK. Fashionable Tailor. Onlre Hull. Having opened roomt an the 2nd floor of Gift A Flory's building he la prepar ed to manufacture all kinds of men's and boy's garments, according to the latest •tylts, end upon shortest notice, and all work warranted Pi render satisfaction. Culling and -epairing done. 7tept y JOHN F. POTTER. Attemey ai- VY !*., 1.F..n,(,U, tuU MM) irwltl SUillm 1 to lb— htflac loSi at mwat <<■' Mis Will dree t> tnd bttt to* Bowled* d fBodt I M 'ft#tt. Ac 08.. it Uw dUßiotd. aerl* iiti at Itbß mamn Snoop. HalWatu ___ - -irl ' .1 I* MAHHta. OA.VIKI HKHi, J A trIVM WM W our wis. a. MIXUI.II. PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allow Inter eat; Discount Notes; Huy and Melt Government Securities. Hold and Coupons. Wu. WOLF. Wm. B. Mimole, Proa't. Cashier J. ZELLER Sr SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoffßow.BellefoEteJ'a Wralrra in l>rnp,( hemirnlkl Perfhmerjr, I'nucj (sotds dK'.f Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicr t>urte*t always tretvt may *l. T2. KINGSFORD'S Oswego STARCH L lb# BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL in the world. ■ It perfectly PURR—free from acids and other foreign substances tbal Injure lin en. It STRONGER than any other—requir ing much lea* quantity in using. It UN IFoRM —stiffens and finishes work always the tame. }\ KlKOnKOKlj'ft OSWEGO OOP.X STARCH ,'lt the most delicious of sll preparations for PUDDINGS, BLANC-MANGE,CAKE ___ etc. luapfe Harness, Saddles, t* Tb t.dr>ti#Bßd. Uc ta bit stock of BADDLKBY , •miSmSailw.U tuts lintsu >a>rtnllr IM Iks imjptm u4 Iks luut. ft Utgmi *ma ma okes, Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs. Horse-Shoes. Nails, Nerwsy Rodr, Otis, Tea Be I it, Carpenter Tools, Peiqt, Vstra ; ishes. :[ Pictures frames in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon I shortsi notice. PFKrmeabrr, all ooda offered cheap ;rrthan e'.tewbere w. a: CURRY; y iittfi z)iDD &iakPa ITXTRE HALL. PA. Would most retpectfhlly inform the cil sens of this vicinity, thnt he has started n new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public natron age. Boots and Shoe* made to order and according to style, and warrants his work Ito equal any mads elsewhere. All kinds ) -if repairing done, and charges reasonable j (Jilt him a nail fab IS 1* Furniture Rooms 1 EZRA KRIMREVE, ) | res}>ectfully ir lorms the citiaens of Centr 5 county, that he has bough t oat tfce old r stand of J. O. Deininger, and has reduced ibe prices. They have constantly on hand and make lo order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS. SINKS. W ASHSTAXDSs . CORNER CUPBOARDS * TABLES. Ac., Ac. Their stock of ready-made Furniture is s. large and warranted of good workmanship vend is nil mad* under tbeir own imn-.ed - ate supervfaioß, end is offered et rates ' cheaper tht.n elsewhere. ) Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 2ft feb. ly B E ATT GRAND. 6 JUARE AND UPRIGHT ' ' From Ju F. Regan, firm Regan A Carter, pab shers Daily and Weekly Tri .lbune. Jeffer on City. Mo., after receiving a S7OO inatrc-nrnt, say* : "Piano reached ut in good condition. I ;am well pleated with it It is all you rep. resent it to be.'' From E. K. Baldridge, Bennington Fur j nace. Pa., after receiving a S7U piano, sj "Beatty'* received 4th met. all (>. K , ~and comm. lully up to your repreeeaution, and exceeds our eip.-ttali<-nt. While I , don't profes* to be a judge in the matter, Mrs. B. does, and pronounce* it of very I sweet tons ; and is very much pleased with I Best inducements ever offered Monev refunded upon return of Piano and freight charges paid by me iD. F. Beany) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of fire days Pianos warranted for tlx years. ; Agents wanted. Send tor cata ogue. Ad dress. D. F BEATTY. Washington, New Jersey, u* MY NAOCKKKHORR, j. T>. SCI*T President, Cashier. QENTRE COUNTY HANKING CO (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Noleg, BUT d Sail. Covernment Secuiities,Gold aplO'ftbtf Coupons C ENT R E S~A LL COACH SHOP, LEVI MURRAY. at liis establishment at Centre Hall. ke-u on hand, and tor sale, at the most reasona ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, 6t Spring Wagons, PLAIN and FANCV and vehicles of every description made to order, and warranted to be made of the best eeasonod material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the most inproveu patterns made to order,also Gearing of all kinds made to order All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in his line are requested to call and examine hi* work, they will find it not to be excelled for dnr abiiitvand wear. may Btf, BEATTY***®™ Grand, Square and Upright. From Rufus Snyder, of the firm of Sny der A Hendricks. Carriage Manufacturers, of the c.ty of Allentown, Pa : "I must confess I hardly know how to express my gratification on receiving the Beatty I'iano you sliipp-d me. It is at least all 1 could nik, wish or exptct Ore of our most eminent mu-iciacs tried it and sr oke in the most favorable terms, after thorough !y testing it." Best offer ever given. .Money refunded upon returr.nl Piano ml fre g'.t chs-g. .i paid by me (D K Beatty) both ways if un-alislactory, after a test trial of five i .ai Pianos warranted for six veer-. AJi.i. D <• KFA IV. 23jul yr r. , , >'•; sr Jersey