The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 17, 1877, Image 2

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    Ceatr® Reporter,
QPTM Haia, ft., M>JR_l7, ITT.
utoppcil n aliort tinio \\\
° 1 1
dav. Ho came out on tho platftuin hut
there was no crowd and no . he. rs Ibe
lVmocrats wi re -. oc been < l ' >
owO'l him P-> respect, and the K'P"b -
can's were not there to cheer '
t hey were ashamed of htm. Thus !s his
Fraudulcnry treated.
The Indians are roiuing ! ' 111 "
SamV arms. A AM n*
Sioux surrendered to Gen. Miles, on
Tongoo river.
,;ov. Kobinson. of New TA, * 1 1
murh of a woman's rights man. and is
not even willing to let the fair s< * 1
come school dim-tors, and vetoed a bill
to that effect a few davs ago. He
the bill goes Uhj lar or -' '' • r
enough. There can be no reaso-. tha
women should occupy these isouions
rather than the less responsible ones of
supervisors, town clerks, justicro of the
peace and numerous others llo 1,01
of nature ha* appointed different fie . s
of labor, duty and useful nes.* for the,
sexes. Moreover the bill is a 01. ar in
fraction of the spirit if not the letter of
the constitution. Under that instru*
ment women have no rigid to *>''.. ' UI
it cannot be supposed that it is t' e in
tention that persons not entitled to the
right of suffrage should be ehgih.e
some of the most iroj>ortant olfiees iu
t he state.
Wo think GOT. Robinson is aKut
They are letting up on Hayes a little,
and oceasioufclly they retcr to hwu a*
the President. Ain't it nice of them? >o
s.;'*s the Tyrone Herald, evidently tin
ferring to tho l>eiu."cr*ta. but it might
have added that tkty ,the radicals
letting down "oa Htrr.- ami iwlling
him a traitor. "Ain't it nice oftheui
diaries Ofonner, tue d'stinguiaht .
lawyer o. hew 1 A. at: t>n 1-1 *
the 100 anniversary ,f the adoption of
the Constitution of that state, a :ew days
ago, waathe orator of the day. In his
address he advanced some new ideas
on government and said he would
abolish '.he system of legislative u'j re
s -ntation by districts, wi ltd reduce the
1 egislature to ore house, at:.! would
take a new Govenor bv 1 >t each month
from the Legislature. The Presidential
t-. rm of otlicc he would modify ctt tie
same plan.
A K. MTlcrr, of itir Times, vvl -> is a
republican not iu good ttsuding. he-'
nevertheless got ir.togooJ standing with
the "Mayes administration, ar.i thinks it
is a pretty gcixl institution, though Alec
worked hard to elect T;;Jen. M'Clure
was in Wsaiiiugtan Vsi week and had
quit** a nice time with thede facto prest
dent, and wrote flatterii's letters to h:s
paper in Philadelphia. IfM'Clure is in
with the administration, it is plain proof
that the Cameron's and that class of
people are out with it.
If Alec M'Ciure can get in good stand
ing with the administration, then surely
the tloor is open for Andy Cttrtiu, for
Curt.a and M'Ciure never sail in differ
ent boats, and where Curtin enters in,
there the Camerons must go out—this
is as true as it is that oil and water
wm't mix. And any administration
that will gather M'Ciure and Curtin un
der its wings will not bo touched by
Cameron with a forty-foot pole. Hayes
mpy be willing to have around him such
ex-republicans as M'Ciure, Curtin, etc.,
in order to give his Fraudulency some
respectability, a taint, it does not receive
frcrn Cameron, or Chandler, or Ben
Butler. M'Clure's praise of Hayes'
southern policy will not hide the fact
that Rutherford is a fraud and by theft
holds the seat belonging to Samuel J.
It may be safer for men like M'Clnre
and Cartin to lead Hayes by the uo.-t
and be in his confidence than to have
him guided by the rascals who counted
him in and whom he Las now kicked
from Lis presence. But if we were
M'Clure w e would let the Fraudulent
administration severelv alone.
Hayes made up his mind that heeould
carry the army along a few months with
out an appropriation by congress, hence
called the extra so late as Oct. 15. Many
expressed their doubts of the legality of
keeping up the army in that way,
among them seme cabinet members,
and now we learn from Washington that
a prominent justice of the supreme
court, it is stated, in an Interview with
Secretary M'Crary. ir.:' roied that officer
that upon ar. e:. v:t f ",o l.;. He
is satisfied that the failure to appropriate
for the service of the army for tho uext
year is equivalent (o its abandonment
as an instrument of authority. He re
ferred to tLe doctrine ol the English
government, which is, that a neglect to
appropriate for the army .s equivalent
to its disbandment. The comptroller*
and auditors of the treasury who have
charge of the settlement of the army ac
count say that they regard the failure to
appropriate as terminating any authori
ty to use the unexpended balance, ex-'
cept as Bpecifical.v de- ; gnaied.
The i abinet is now in session, and will
look into the new questions which have
developed since the issue of the pro isola
tion. There is still a fingering belief
that the time of the extra session will be
changed t- an earlier date. This ques
tion will bt finally determined to
Russia must intern! In wake quirk
work of the war, because she wants togo
through it by Kars. *
The Secretary of War has issued an
order to discharge 2500 enlistee! men (
the army —thiabe<au&e congress failed
to make an appropriation. The demo
cratic house wiil perhaps bring the insti
tution down to 10,000.
The sewing machine monopoly lias
ended—their patents have expired.
Now for cheap machines.
William Miller, of Curtin township,
Centre county, was ninety-nine on the
6th of April. lie has good prospects of
turning the hundred.
Hayes.has lmi uadr and isfound want
ing, and this is what makes lien Wade
feel hasty.
The Rhode Island Fish Commission
ers put, 120,000 salmon and 20,0000 land
locked salmon into the various rivers o(
that State last year, and stocked twentv
iive ponds with black bass. Their ef
forts in shad culture have proved very
The political excitement in England
is of the most intense character, arui
this is stimulated by the warlike prepa
rations of the Government. Tie great
est activity prevails in naval.circles, and
30,0 troops uud 11,000 horses are
ready to embark for the Mediterrane
The Centre Hall Reporter expects
trains to bo running In-Ucon thin an I
thin placoby the irM of July. We trout
Its prophoav nut] prove true I
hurt] Chronirlf.
The Chronicle is mistaken; we said
the e.irs would run to Spring Mill* by
first of July. The wurM is, there is
strong suspicion that the work ad! stop
at Spring Mills. If ihtr proves true,
I although we patiently put up with all
the annoying delays in tie past wi
feel like starting in for the tirM time to
euiao the parties order atiothei de
lay when Spring Mills i* resetted Ibe
track should not end short ot i entie
llall, only five mile* a* the
road is graded, partly bo o*ti •, and i
bridge* ore required, lhi* would <i
commodate all atoek-liolders and the
western end, and our people would l e
willing to put up w 'b a temja-iary .1.
lay in putting the road through aVr
reaching this i"oint if the cvm|winy had
giHwl reasons t.r such delay Mb* does
the railroad i-ompanv fail to do it jmrt,
or why so slow in doing it ' The stock
holders havt done theirs and when
some of them were slow about it the
railroad eomj any evi i pros, -uted tin in
to force payment, subjecting them t >
costs ami I'J iw-r cent, interest' It a
shaute, after all this, that the tuen ..'
headquarters should again determim l>>
bring the work ton standstill.
Oregon takes the medal for a new
liquor law. which set.* the old played out
Maine law in the shade. Ihe tw just
! pissed in Oregon is a no* el one it is a
Itveuse law, but instead of licensing s -
!ei>, it |>ro|k -es t. hiviw lonituiu i.-
Every man who intends t" drink intox
eating is required to pav *> x
dollar* for a license to Jo so This he
must show to the saloon keapor every
time be wants to get a drink, an' 11.
latter is IbrhiJJt n utnler sharp | ena'.to
to sell to any one not having a license
to drink. Those having license, may get
as drunk as they can. There :s a free
doni and direv tnewnbout the operation
of'his law which challenges admiration.
The object of all liquor laws is cotifve--
edly to get the consumer and i tleet hint
i hut ssa rule, through a lingering senti
ment of respect fcr private lilwrty,
! which even prohibitionists can t quite
I extinguish in their besoms, tins end i
sought indirectly by a nuiidnlH>ilt way.
and the consumer is attacked the- ugh
the dealer. Hut the Oregon intellect
tolerates no technicalities and hair
splitting distinctions f this sort. Krs
cognising that the consumer :s the ulti
mate object tn view it goo* tVi him and
lets the dealer alone. Certain member*
! of the community, persons, pre sumably
who have t. ugh constitutions and in
t friends, and who can glen bonds not t<
I be charges on the tow n }>oor rates, gic
i licensed under public seal to get drunk
j with impunity, but every! >.H else mt>l
I remain solier.
MKXICAS C\rTl.h TlllE\ I >
The Mexican attle thieve. in their
raids aeros- the b'-rders of Tcx.i-. are
making matters look a little ser. us
down there, ami if the Mexi. an go ern
rnent does not manage to keep its cattle
thieves at home -owe body will get
hurt. Gen. Ord is stationed at the Ki>
Grande, anJ will cross it to follow and
punish the raiders. These troubh s have
been subject of discussion at a rii-ent
cabinet meeting at Washington and it
was agreed that the organised rattle
stealing and other depredations upon
property in Texas of American citizens
must be effectually stopped without
furttier delay or inattention on the part
of the Mexican authorities.
Correspondence with the Mexican
Government will be immediately re
opened by the State Department, and
unless proper steps be promptly taken
by Mexico to prevent further incursions
upon our territory by bodies of her
citizens, our military fones under Gen
eral Ord will probably be authorized to
cross the Kio Grande to pursue and
capture the marauder*.
In this age of newspaper.*, which al
most every one reads, no man can prc
tend to do business success tally without
'advertising. All successful business
. men will tell you so. The object in ad
, vertising is to reach the people—the
larger the circulation of a newspaper
the larger the number of people you
reach by an advertisement, and the bene
fits you derive from it are in same pro
portion. Hence the fair way to charge
and pay for an advertisement is accord -
trig to the circulation that the paper
gives it. A paper with 5000 circulation
should receive more for its advertising
space than the one that has 30tf; and the
paper that has 3000 circulation should
receive more than the one that has
12iX>and the paper with 1200 circulation
should have better pay than the one
that has only 300 or 400. In the cities,
where the dailies have enormous circu
lations, ail advertising is thus rated, and
it is the only fair and honest rule to go
When an advertiser asks a publisher
his advertising rates and circulation, it
is a swindle take pay for 500 when you
hav# only 300, or in any mariner to de
ceive the advertiser by a false claim of
circulation. Vet, there are many pub
lishers, we are sorry to say, who are
guilty of this very sin; and advertisers,
when thus imposed upon, can not In
held to pay the rates charged for a
fi-rtitious cinulatiou. We think the
sooner this pernicious habit of many
newspaper publishers—misrepresenting
their circulation—is mended, the better
it will be for the craft in general. It is
downright lying and a cheating of
patrons. We are at all liines willing to
be held by the representations we make
as to the circulation of the Reporter,
dtidoffer our list to the inspection of
any advertiser because we have a circu
lation that we take pride in showing,
solid and bona fide, not counting dead
heads and exchanges.
This is a subject that should receive
the attention of newspaper men, with an
endeavor to correct an evil among the
craft, as well as to protect advi-ru-ei
against swindling publishers.
St. Stephens, X. 8., had u 1200,000
Blaine intends to make war on Hayes'
southern policy in the senate and But
ler in the House. Fun ahead.
hi Bedford county, last week, Mrs.
Eliza Null received $1,500 on a civil auif
against a tavern keeper named ('rouse,
for furnishing liquor to her husband
when intoxicated, and while in that
condition he was killed on the railroad.
The case is an important one as it goes
to the liability of landlords for liquor
sold at their bars, in this case it goes
further, as the defendant, (.'rouse, lias
failed and an attempt will be made to
recover from his bondsmen the amount
of the judgement in the case.
London, Muy 11, —The dilfcicntu* be
twecii England and Uu.-tiu relative to the
eastern question are increasing, and an
open rupture is probable Should this oc
cur, England's neutrality cou d no longer
bo maintained, and it would, it is believed
inevitably lead to a general European
n i HiwitKHiir.iK-i
isa n.Acr.
From tin* Kennebec Journal
Mrs. Belknap, whose hriliant paht
nattirallv interests one m hi i sad pre
art ami future. lut* left \\ ,i*liii>gtnii
m>vr,to return So tle \\ > t!d says >he
and Iter lillsbnud |ia*o I'o'ii tiling at
one of tin* primipal h,teh hnt unnots.-
Oil, unsought hi all till great ill wd w! "!
MI rliurt tllUi' *11111", bowed, Buttered,
and knelt before tlieni A* heauliful c
i-viM lit MHM ( h cbtntliii "• manner, I
hew i . hillg Mi a belkniip be! -tigs In a
dead past. 1 renumber her ut a bril
limit entertainment just hefore the ex
po*nre emue, radiant in white - I'll a I
diamonds, lovely. gr<u loim, ami t lie een
re ot mi admiring erow d' ind t In iu aim
•meki'loth ai d a*lies, a-i tie n 'hi iniue*
' .low ii on ah uutiful da\ I lit* i oi iot
•l he Mid lii tIIII one hi 1* at tiie tltllloi, .?
aplta! \Yliu was'.he pei*on who s| he
! t Washington a* a hen' break lip
| i!AN l'o alii one who has -| i-nt MIII ■
• 'our or five i ear* here tlu -i lew woi.t*
w id aptly d< *■ IIIK" II
Aliiiihle famine i* la^i: 111 the
i'lulilt mid Miuntunp di*tral* ot t hum
In a * illupe \ isited by I nr. | call* the in
habitant* wru putting mi end to tin r
sufferings b\ suicide, and in one lainily
ttie lather and mothei buried their
hihtreil alive, tly.t they in uht lint w .:
Hess theii ugouie* 1 111 pc • ehavede
Voured the grans all.l tin foliage ■>( the
ire*, and tin- eflolts . I the Cio\eminent
nid the priest* have been ;n*uHh lent
meet the nerds of the famishing multi
tudes China n> so deiiaelv populated, 1
and the fui ilitie* Ail internal tratlie >o
inadequate, that* failure of erop* in any
urge ta ction of the empire i- sine to
e.-liise aw tul distress.
• * •
A .tutistnal Parisian bm t maker has
. eiitly given tuiernan ladles It a di.x
'inetiijit of hai ing tins auia' -e-t fret by
nature among tin r -ex. and from tin in
he ascends in the order i>t -*paui-h
Italians. Russians and Knglish to the
> ii i mans.
Kictutrd t'onrad. aged I(W years, died
opposite Pluer.i vville, l'a.,. n Saturday
Mr. iwtiiad participated in the rehelhoii
against the British cio, Malted by
laird Kdward KiUgerald.
Harris burg. May 1 G v.-rmr llari
ran ft iausd * warrant t > day t.T the tie
cutlet; jgaa 'Jl, ISI7, el Andrew Lm abui
of i,u eran i 00.ii,, >r t 1 ■' murder . 1 I'm
lain U -illy,ot i!„,Lurrr Ai.-.-, loru..
xeeuli. '■ v ' the day tl * M.
M*gu *a*, Kdward Ke. ey. Miehaal J
II .\ h- and John 1> no.. >e. of t'arl. n eo ,
at d I'hoina* \lm. ey, . ' S ouy kil! > 'uli-
M unit > d 'lt tl Ik. gof 1 bun
as Snuger, a mining i -■ n, *■ hnyllkni
ceut .U lir fa ! ot iS . will . Lew •
prec.'t ling to ho eo In ry. The nnrj.r.
,rI, ,I . vei at n. . .iniu - J - Ifatto
Iho 11 IST I hot M rgaii I'owt. a mine
tn in Oart'i.. - ' • on his .<>
tO work Sitr';ll et the murderer •
trends witnessed to tragedy M.eliael
lUvii Hid Kdward Kellev in "sepu-uibi r.
i isTa, brutally murdered John J ones, a
mine bos* in Carbon lounty. Kerr gan.
w' a luri-ed Jitat'i's • vid., pi. I
'l . tklss,.".. l"'s' " •
year* ago. in l.ucer. . ~:itv. t '. J
KeioV W I -• II- tw • re -J ng a ' g
--gy. *N early al. I aev. .. J M
.?■• and l' vle and Kelh-y :• under . i
, lenee of , .-alh. liis - ifci " . A nd tine
! : tie llxli r. •" ' * issued ilea h war; .
•r itie rxceuli.'ii ii ■ • . . r Irers
. Expt - . (";* wo.l N ■ Me; Ki
ed ail 1 Woiitni. J.
—t. C.i l ' l's . M*y A tor 'e* x-
I 1 >i r'. Rtf; is ■ urrwl - '-e
iu'>i.. near St C sir, .atui t- •• c
lhls in.>rnii if. killing c'td • Ut.-l ;gi a
' 10-II r..| iißpristii mg I've mite'. "I <i
Waiie-v 1 ■ 1 alt. w• IC I. NV let ' 1 • I ,
k 'uat<*] b< twet-n l".:t-c • ■ n> i
i, r i -I i. . , "at'O 1 * I' :i ; r
a-.J Reading c"! cttu.|'~..j j e I fit
warning t*n s.. .!• t w .. I o -u-: tel.
aUrm sent up P> the b*- for aid I>• -
< icrnding iuimediately, ll -y rr ov. ied tl.e
b lie' f Jellll I *ll aid yy 111. Ki ,
who Were killed cutrgbt, a d li ltrd
them to the iurfm e S\cn more nun
' were then reached, all eru u*lv hurried,
and it i> thought three of them catin. t
p.t.-ibly recover The fit e men -til! t :-i-
I>d arc behind 20U torn of coal, which w .
displaced by the f„r..e the i-ipinc a. A
: Urge f rcc of mm are rem tvirig tbi int..
'i f coal as rapidly as j s-ible, and some o
them think the entombs 1 men can be
! rea hed by night, wtiile other* connected
with the tninaslata that it will b* imp s*i
i b!e to liberate them before morning, u
the gangway in which they are impr'x n
ed run* under the surface for over a u de,
making it a alow and laborious ta*k to ga
that di-tance. The *cene at thi moulb ot
the shaft i heartrending. A large nuni-
I ber of nten, women and children are
gathcr"d P gt-ther, awaiting the
i rescue of their Iricnd. and relntives in the
Montreal, May it A terrible land .i!e
is reported on the bank of the river V.el
let. a tributary of 8.t1.. *n, in the pariah
of St. Genevieve, HJO mile* vat of thia
city. At the paint where the alide obcur
red the bank is OTCT eighty feet high
Over an acre of land moved, burying the
saw and gri.t mill and houae at the foot of
the hill and turnii g the courso of the riv
er. It is positively asserted that ten per.
sans were buried alive. The bodies of
Mrs MuMacotte, wile of the ownor of the
mill, her throe < bildren, *g"d tliree, seven
and'welve years, and Mr. Cloutier, the
father of Rev. Cloutier, of Three Rivt-r*
have been Jtaken from the ruins, hardly
recognirable. The coroner i. n. w hoid
trig an inquest on the bodies recovered
nnd particular* will not be known until he
arrive* to.ruorrow.
San Francisco, May 10 There we n
remarkable tidal wave at Guviala San
Luis, Obiipo county, today la-morn Tin
and 7.30 a n>. The s a rove and fell about
twelve fret three times. No damage i rr
The T own o| Iquiqiit P. rII Kliliie v
I >■ -tr< \ • ii
Loud ti, Mr. I'i LI \ il-> an no tice that
tel-grain* have been ret wo 1 ,i. J, r< r
poo! ai d London -tiling that thT town of
Iquique, Peru. ■ d- olrned l,v an earl -
quake "II Thur*da>. the May. The
aiq.a lii g calamiU accounts |..r the tidal
Wave* • Ipi rinicod on the Par tie < <>u.|
l*t Thursday, the .lav on l irh tie-
South American t->n wn d -tmvi d. The
town wiillor. il severely in the ctirl hquuke
of A ugu-t, IWIM, wi en nx )ui drwd iv
were lost.
Columaia, S. C . May I Three of the
ten colored L >wndesvilie murdcrci.
Wightoiari, Allen and Jenkins Whitncr
were hanged at Abbcrville court house
this morning. The other seven com
muted to imprisonment for hfe John
All<*n admitted hi* guilt, hut the other
two proclaimed their innocence.
Uali'ax, May I<> The schooner Cod
seeker, Halifax, lor Hurt ingtun. r|ni/. d
last night oft Sable. The caplain and two
men wore landed in a dory nl Harrington.
The rel of the crew, thirteen in number,
were drowned
Scientific men in ull age* have been
puzzled to assign plausible reason* for tlie
sultishnc*. of sea-water. Two-third* of
the globe may he said to be covered by
the sea ; and therefore, tubing an average
depth at 8,000 yards, and that this body of
water contain* 81 per cent, of suit, we
have consequently existing in the sea no
lem than 60,000,000000,(10 tons ot suit.
Wore ail this water to be dried up, then
we should have u deposit of dry salt over
the entire bottom of the seas equal to 150
yards in thickness. Were it nil taken
from the sea and spread equally over th|
W tole surface of the dry land, it would
make a covering 900 feet in depth.
IX •W N \VI I'M A ('KAMI \ IfiMtT
A DOZBM i'l iisiivs KILLKD.
15 kforJ, 111. May 11 The Inner
I'uili of the north .Ule of the eoiirl lioute
*'l| in hlihhl lotrtlt lo day Innving u litiin*
tor *i! wfotktnon, xrernl of whom ate
,H"'ti iiv bo Uilleil while other- aie in
tired n d eome ar vot beneath tk ruilie.
Iheu gll ul i*i X meiit in tlio viiiiu
111*- hiitldxig wit - li"t vol tindor i*iof
*fl<l the nianive alone Oiiinii o whi. h |Oi
, il* >1 t I- i oof nII being put on .1 o-l a'
the be*.tone *t Lug |la ol in the
loin ol tho to n pavilion the bti> U work
tw■ *ii tio r* n i.' l tl"iie pii* *- aa\ i"l
the . nt to and u ten. r walla of tlx- trui
to > e *' t* III* > rillnli Ilig do**! With a tori ibie
i i-ll that **a- lit alii II on I ) It 111 ito awa*
\ ! tot de-erlp' 'i .■! tho itm*tore wi i
nil in Hi ilotatalitlilitf th* ne I lent file
v e - the but:*! tig ia a Frt-i t'i venitian
i- , • , d, - i. .1 l-v Henry I Mat
of (.'bio g • itxl the • ontri.el •>■! bill ding
wa- I*l t* \V 1* Itiehard-v'ii, of Spring
tl. d, ** lio In the .pi ing *if InT'l hegati
work At the time "f tiie aeeidenl I hero
w oVUI > Vi i.l Willi. 1 lit ii( I: y flaliigali
who wM. ju.t putting in the key.tonn of'
ll'O til t* 1 l ie MR'*!, jun pi *1 for a g IV rope ol
, I ig derri* k in fi>n t t ot in .itng h - aim
It! I. I' *■ t tl- t' . ea lli ktid Wat (lathed 111
t eve. ll i" mat. ot the human hoiPg-.
will the un- .on ot four *i I.*e >o
j iiujiid train i'n \*li tiowe, ft-1 i Ii - d*- tne
tottering walk and un*- liun.d in il.e
ilebr'a ()i r utiforlunale man niitnrd
\\ Iliaitl tin- U II i I'.liin'ol, lit:', one of
Ins leg. in, <|t beneath it poiiden uv
*'. ne, and 1., i. on ri| ired A liegio
jumped 1 1 oil. a wit low *tv to*', lri'in the
third aii. tl. ugh kali.) injur*'d will
pr- ! übly i*. ,-r
I'p 1* a p ii, th,' following li-t ■ f vi.-
I.ina tin. I I obltttio.f Fl* J HaUgh
* 1 e:i.i i. i in . .nil in tb. budding A
1! ..g , Ji i : A I.iu-is, engineer, leg
b: .. I. a . bad y injured; T. Hay*'., * tl Ny nvi'Vi-r, Win M 11 ije. leg
t roken, ribnw (njurt J an.) t.alp wound,
J.F l'ti k, ii , riaKy injured; J. l'ipe,
dm .. A II H.'iendi k, .load, reiaain.
in bin ding, li*- rg*-Smith, badly hurt, J
Warren, and pr* bab'y dead.
(*, rge Ok - color**l, dead, Hugh Kid
red*, bi.-t in tito '* g and face: Timethy
F nntiigai:, diad lllafie Unbolt*, dying J
1.-t- 11, ** tired, r p! •.' d iti'l.d, A Italdahl
bvdl vi! ur**l. may re*-* vvr, U W .Vine,
bend bad!*'hurt, liotijatn tli Br •* !. color
ed. slightly hurt; I.aiab D-uinolly, two *
vere c*lp wound.; t.eorge Smith, ne* k
and bead hurt I'vero Hani, of i>iy *u.
had hi. leg amputated and wdl proba*)'*
die. The e-x"fer . iory meet t* niorrow
. ! w.lluiihoa thorough'.
lt i-believed 'i lal Iwtft t* n -r twelve
t:Ve have be-li 1 t aid voliie foutlweh
peraona inor' .ir !ei> injured '1 iie !o. t
the buildit g will b* ram S.fI,WW to £<'■
'IA'. SUP* , lit* ndetit Lal'.aUt laV- ti r
blame Arclitetl M*v. w'.x i r t • n
lion. i-fe foli we.! out m.pnt-itli
tub wak o . rut ii anrit f.
I nkm Mav 8 A Buehare.t i rre.
I !.d. ttt'ogi.i ii. t'n"i uo • th KJ-
Ivai ! e guard have aire • ly t-a.-ed
that cf v fir 't tfg . i.
Tne Kuo i n I** day k'u.l td'J Mhtel -
ti in the Dot rudcha for tour b -ur. frtn
;t:•! t Itertr. oti tlx- op|-oslte shore
'iUe rt . tat .a. 1 -epaix.g lot '.e th.
>u . i the middle) n utti ol the Danube
t in ituf ■ b.llerie*.
Ki umaniii ai'- cy Ha. .tart* tl t • 411
! u AI y tit-Mk •Itftllpt tl lb*
, .*t. **. iu'Wv r. I* t ui *♦• i
I *ar betw .14 -un Bixu ar,i furki y
Tie lurk. Sne been bombarding
tv* fat !roiu VV J in.-* 4 tne U uinaio
i.n ti.ttvria* reiur e*i ln- lire A fiu**ha
r- t UlegfalU *). I'll lbo reply o tbt
K.I .111.1 ! ii . , - * a ri-.t. it* to |;t ut|ir
the Turks to c* ax'
A| i ■ 11 I' r lk lgrada say the Ku#'
- an iii i *r.i-r w I remain at e>■
:1 until tin- 13th out Tt • Hu garum
brig i lc, 1 rn • r *!•■'. at ( adova, i
now at Ploirsti unJi-t lbs cmiuiand of
Kus-ian • diet r
I*he Monti negrin war.
ftinduD, May 'J The Tin>t' special
froll. Danih *rad says "tsenerai \ uko
fitch rc( rt. fr .in Kr jii.n that < very
; thing . in readme* for a Turkiib attack,
and Limt hi* force# aru sufficient for tie
!i n*e ; but there are no indication* yet of
I Turkiib movement* (ien Vukovilcb
boid* the appraaolas to thi Inimm •
well a* to Nicsic*. Ths Turkish Ireopt
;n .\ibania are corn nitrating at Pod*, uf
j itaa ; but :i > . flVnsive movement i* rnadr.
Montenegrin artillery > posted in very
siren* petiti on c ■ninrandin* the city.
Turkish Monitor Suuk
London, May 11 A Bucharest ti
pal h - iyt that the largest Turkish mon
itor on 'hw Danube, which anchored be
, foro I brail, was tunk by tiro from the
Russian batteries thi* < Friday! afternoon,
i Russians Preparing toCmw the Dan*
übo at Matchin.
Vienna, Mar 11.—The opinion on the
spot terms to bo that the Russian recon
noilering expedition loGhiacet is the pre
cursor of a serious attempt to cross over a
force and capture Matchin
A Bucharest correspondent reports that
the tin---n commander* are evidently
taking every precaution to tiling their ar-j
nues to the Danube without fatiguing the
men or animal- The condition ot the!
troops shows their efforts are successful
A majority <>f the cavalry passing through
1 Bucharest walk, loading their horses.
How the Russian Army was "Com
pletely Defeated."
1. ndon. May 11 - Intelligence ha* been
I reeeivi I frotn Sulina that on Wednesday
! the Kus ins attempted to cross the Dun*
1 lib- at lit in. They threw it bridge over
the riser, but were met by the Turkish in
fantry and artillery and as.nulled by three
gutibout*. The bridge was broken, and!
a largo number of Kussiana killed and
captured The Russians were complete- j
1 V
Reported Rout of tin! Russians wit It
(in it L< - Be 101 l italolilll.
l. nil. n May 13 An official (ViiMim
tin p " d *p Ai h cay- the Ku-ian-. having' <l"n Friday iri great force th" p"si
tioi, ■ ceiipi' >1 by 'be vanguard of the Tur
ki- auxii my If" i' in the vninity of
liatou'ii. all engagement endued lasting
eight and •■!.<■ half li"iir, r<-lilting in the
ill' inp etc til el the Russians, who
1,,, 1 I,(Km MEN The Turkish IOM. was in-
Il'iniuiburdiiieat iutu-s the Danube.
K id' henetf Mat l'J It i*i'flic ally con
firmed tiiat the Russians sank „ large Tur
k dli monitor in the lianube yesterday. A
telegram from Bucharest says a ahell pen
etrated the boiler of the Monitor, resulting
in ao explosion which tired the inagaxine.
Tin- monitor sank. The entire crew and
'JKI soldier* all perished
London, May 14.—Tho Telegraph'*
special from Botoum, Friday, midnight, j
nys: About five o'clock tliia morning the
Russians, largely augmented, advanced
with field artillery and made n funcus at
tack upon the heights defend ilig Batonm,
on the land ide. occupied by the liashi-
Baxnuks. The Ottoman troop* were en
trenched, and opened a terrible and well
sustained fire ot cannon and muiketry,
which literally mowed tli'e Russian* down
in swath*. They fell by scores and hun
dreds on th-) plain below the Turkish
• •
Nfw York. May 'J. Tlii afternoon two
miscreant* broke the connection of the
engine with tlx* nir brake* on the Jersey
Central trft'fi f/oni I*lit>c<Jo)|>hih a* it wa
reechinjf the <lojM)t • Ootnniuoipaw, and
the train. with over 100 passengers, bare
ly esoa"Od precipitation into tho river
The mop wore arrested and gave
names as Lewis Fox and Chnrles Wil-J
I\r tln (Vtlr lU|M>rtor
Aflt -i\ (!>* Jmui tuUfili IVrr,
Jmhiiii, m>l hl hrt'ttntr, avid bring*
iti | 1 < lift II | llt lO sill Ii lif It llHiUMtnil) up* it,
Htid wh• lrnflgurml bt*f ir t htm n i l tm
ti ii liil thint'a* thif ititi, and lt iH'meni
wu• wltitu ** tho llgfil And hrl.old.
!II !*• lit <1 lltltlt 1111* |1 M• I ltd
I 'in* [■ !UI( with thsitt Tliait antwarad
Pntor, alld itf Ulifu l. 'd, || i
unod |\r ii* t t*- Imrr . if thou wilt, l*t
u intk<i ii*r* lliitMt tiW* itin )• w it
I I nltd •* t%i nlid tlr f*i|
I 4- \\ title* li yt*l k|mk<, bthulil, k
t*igM el id 4\irt.idiw'd thrip kin! )i
li.iltl 4* \ iii * nut •>( tljt 4 loud, A Itit*fi ftttil.
.in I* 111 \ tndi'Vrd in * !ioin | tNi * all
i" • 4 , In i \ hint. whott litci it *
t§ • If* hi* It id It, ht*v fell r tlirlr ttfld
m "'it hlihlu And t ntiit tnt
' i lh*ii, uiiti laid, Amo, uin! ho ii't
t falil A till ilti'li thoy hmi lift r*it ti|
>r • v -It •> * t ni in on mil' J ciui oil*
> , Moth 17 1 *
In thU paragraph •*! Si M u ihr\% * gut
pel, tin i nr.l a iiunibrr interesting part,*
II 'ir ! • I'll tii.lltrd, * 11 The tlltir, plai *•
-|U I tutor., Irati.flgiirall >ti Itself. the at
ll-lotl'lll*. l' o Wltll* llfl shit till) I ft, !'( i.j)
the ipti'tnli'ii. Fir.t, the
11 w
A ft. i i* li.y*. cm|i l.k at. (In the
til.l ' these eight tin). Christ taught 1.i.l
til.. p i patience in their i*utlriug Hii
>-av tiller, or. Un the eighth dav. he w.inll
op 'ii Ml labor, lie had talked to l.i
■I .i Hi , . "t In. .utter.ttg anil death, and, <
IX.,ni Rll>*, I lie V were and and .iirr,'W
H' llirirl.inj tiM'W 11.e 111 upon Ml ,
I'tilioi ii' i! euro tlu lu a |iirotn*! of coles
I I >'\ There 1. nil nluii l.nti.'i, 111 O) - ii w Hi the lite u| limn on omlli
: I eg 1. . yiduUte of tin. fa* I bwtli in t ',.
| life Ot Christ 111* disciple. The tit!
I ;.y delude the ll ,y. human life lull ol
ii I rr* w 'liiti seventh Jar lU'iiate-
M.t iii :lio |riTiMi the Mjlitti dealt**l
!-• lexirri ctlon. u tit'li tlia lollott'et* ol J
t l nl, i-liter i; in i*vi-i in.',init joy utitl {
-,e li e j; , V Ot t'tri.l ntui In j-li.rilin.l
ivilh |i.ii Sr> iii ortlvr it the
I'l lit * HIUU Uill'.M aid
1 iint ii irporl. Hint it inn l abor,
. in.i--.0n,, mountain, high, round ami
in aulilu . on lilt) in ribt-rii borjer of it, H
jp ii II of i, iliu- >!i, abotii ,'m.i mile* uortb
■! Jel o-a ' iii, aiul o ini.r. Irani MimaieUi |
An.Hi., an M .tiotiarir. ray ~ ~ n luvelv
>pol, a'ui olio "!i itrLieli t v er> man. uVeii il
a .'.li. ot ati> |iol,iia> ot lief. lii'O, would
liovelo ilt-ii'T Hilt) on tl,l. uraUd and
uiajr.iic aiouiilaln, rr.emblinj; lliettuire
fan luiinei.te Kaidtu, (. brill w n tratutia
jurod. Ttie
•v ere l'rlrr, Jauii > ultd Jiibli. They were!
I utl. i d tiim in bi> aj;oi,y bent *bo tool
Ui.i ii, up oi. I* u iiu'uiit of traii*U(uralioi
.tin: til*v :. .jbt Lo Hroli*l .elied I'oter
to 1'" ilr.l • ! the apo-t r Oid people
..!4 t-U .lendla.t in tUeoerTico ofChri.t
At loi ; a. the old people are Iteadfatl
•b.-y may ilpriltn bae forrla.le* ot
*.a < :.'*• ji-_\ Young coiivi ru ore nt.t
p:i parr.* for aueb a fulllie.r of giery a!
1. e will' are i Je: •Ii u mole el per ie to id
-ci fr il Ibe Matter- Jatiie* wai
tlx :iniaity , it a. pre per, llierefore, <
■ bat to b"ul ! baveu lorrlaaleot re!eal!t|
joy. ile louiJ aajr : I know what folk
■•.artvrdon. I have bad a alimpee uf glo- j
• V Iny e f J, liu to del*lid the dl *in
! I4> • i J. u I'lirot afata.t t'erinlhut Af
( l-r !<• au t I.ii t ii bit divine gi, rv br
i- uld rtf. i lua y d to , and ti% availro
I iintr'.l of tlila argnturi I to* For. tar*
be. tl e ward wit made fl. tli, at,J i. fip
r liulig U-. i.rlid we belie d hit glory, tile
gi'-ry at < f the onljr begotten of the Fall
tu !. : grate and truth !'elr, Jaiurt
► i*l Jot. !• rrpre-a- l li.o ttnee clirit-
Itili |(rvri J f'at t • ) 1 a lib. h,.pe and
, ! i,;i f'eler r>K k rri ir-eilt Fa 111.
F.h th reu on the fork ( hritl J**,..
J,i ID* tnratt to Ira hi u under il •(•••
tretnpk I< n a'l eartbl ~ thitig-. i'aulav>
' I Hi *' 1 tbn.iji but dr o i.nui t* t.iill"
i ,J t • y wit t'briit Jobti tig
. 'I-ftt- e-I ,v t (Jod, be to | I.oT e
I'iearber \\ len 1., g: t. bp , u u |j t, v
1 v i i n*. nd and ia . to t.* i-arriad to
* iurv li, hit graatarr uaibei. Wat Love
~ ain-tbrr. I tie.e thre* virturi mutt lie
• v 1' the i t rut t' at-1 fig tire *
In -rif a 1g V lit in thlll af. r* la-te ot
b* av.ii y j-y O rnt t. ok l'*.< r Jalttea
n 1 J i 1 li.rua.- !. No u but thou
* ont un! take* to lina.r.l. W il tee bin
I*' y He i take none t" heaven,
1 to. 1 . *u !i *l, I, rai * I 1111 * * faith We
• -ball lir u f*|!! rial tl of glory at death, I
; 1 '.I He t "k then. upui. a tiioiit—
if><.. wu-d tee the glory of (.U lilt up
vtorey ii t i tb* bilk wl■ n* * on.rtb y,ur
• : )> n't lovi tbe world nor ibe I'.iugt
that re in the world U"d uianifeitt
. hiui.elflo 1.,t po.ipii itt tb- ii* tel. at the
Uiniiy a '.i : . A* A.i our aipirat.oi.i
tliei .• o' jld b<- afler bo *'tu and heaven,
•ti laid eternal glory Tbi
iktMriol atito.v
i it■ tisdi spy important and interesting
M.rk I 3. er.d L% 9.29 The fashion
, !bit c. Ji ti'tiance was charged it did
i.ot si.utr. the form of another, ,a
f.rti '. .an li e dtsciples aouid not have
known him but bis human form rece.ted
other attributes at d became lucre glcr:-
o s. St. transfigured before th*m. The
- glory tha Father had inn-arted to l.iui
. ;r.ii eternity shone faith briglitl> fiouii
say he wa. m l true tied, lie. suit he wit
1 tranfigute! Mark says He tran.tig
un-d himself The transfiguration o! M >
f on Ml f*.nai *as \.-r> diflere l froui
, this of Christ .or Ml Tabor (iod t look
transfigured Moses, but Christ transfigured
himself- 1h brightness of M .ae *as im
s parted to him. Christ shone by b s own.
It is not enough to know that Christ was
transfigured. Ho must fcu transferred in
1 , u* Paul iay( We all. with open ties
beholding as in a g a*, the glory ol the
are . gtd in; 1 the same image
from glory to glory, 2 Car. ;! 18. In faith
and love. Faith is the image in whsc
• you may see the imago of Christ as the
. savior of sinner*. He must be formed in,
our live* as a and humble savior.
Math. XI, Ifl). and in our sufferings a* pa
''lient, submissive and obedient. Wo must
reflect hi* image in our whole life. "Hi*;
face did shine as the sun," signifies that
I Christ is the Sun of Righteousness ; that he j
is the enly Sun that can enlighten the un-;
, derstandiug, warm the heart and make us 1
fruitful, (sal. ft:23. His raiment did shine
a* the light, was white as snow. I.k 9.'J9.1
indicates that he was the true (sod, P* UK
2, who cevervlh himself with light as!
with a garment; that ho was the true
Light ; the Lightot the world enlightening
every one that cnuieth into the world,'
sparkling at a star—the star of Jacob;!
! that he none can make u* while as snow,
Ps. 61 t and 9 Tim law- and the prophets,
pointed to Christ See Christ standing be-,
'tween M >se*and Kiias. Should the sinner
come l<> Moses and say : A hat shall Ido
to be saved ? Mose* would say : I ean't
, help \>u. 1 have nothing but threatening
una euro (Ju to Christ. Should the sin
ner ask Kims, he would refer him to Acts,
10 T? To him gave all tho prophets wd-
Hesse*, that through his name whosoever
helicvelh in him shall receive remission ol
ins In this wav we collie to heboid the!
glory of (iod Moses knocks down and
convict* ; Klias litis un and point* to
• "hr:st. who comfort* and bring* to glory
1 *on Mand Elias, tu representative
men Hwei lias been dai nnit liurit'<i
aml was resurrected in wonderful way,
n<> tutu tan tell when body and soul were
united. Hut there i* here a proof of the
resurrection. If (Jod could resurrect Mo
•es be tun r> surrect u also. Kiiaa had
i gone to heaven in a chariot of tire and
hail loeti Inundated, hut both Moses and
i|K iaa were present at the Iran-figuration
tin glorified bodies : Me to represent the
Luw , Knas the Prophet- and to signify
the Lew and tile Prophet* pointed to
> Christ The diu iplea were latgued and
'it'll M-ieep. Wti<n tliev awoke, Peter
'-aid It i* good to he here ile ■< full
j. I eelenliai joy and did not know what to
-a\ To see the glory of Christ, arid hear 1
;lie eonveranlian of .Moaea and Klia* a* a!
foretaatn of the power* of the world tol
OOlnea ao overpowered liilii that he did not
know wlmt to *ay or where he waa, ao fulli
of heavenly Joy Miiy christian* be. that|
like Paul they will not know whether!
they are in the body or out of it How
-weet a forelaate ot t elealial |'<y —what a
brightness ' It wi good to ho there and
yet only a drop compared with the fullness
ot joy in heaven, of which the world
t nuwi nothing. No wondar the world ia with gold and ailver—alie know*
nothing better. It i good to be hero.
Tti i language may he adapted in many
plaiea, in the cloaet, prayer meeting, *un
i ilay-school, at the Lord a table, etc. If I
have Jesus, 1 have heaven in iny mul
! Tile heavenly
were Ihe Father and tho Holy Ghost.;
Heboid a voice out nl tho cloud. The
bright cloud signifies either the Holy!
(llm-l ot the power of the goapel, or both.
A bright cloud, aliadowy cloud. If the
Holy Gboat bo in you, you will be auch a
cloud to your neighbor. Thi* i* my |be
loved Son- mv Son—tny beloved Son
dearer to me liimi all the aiigela— nut Mo-
I -o* and Kliua, hut my Son I Think not
thai lie ia lint my Son, bemuse he differed
ao much, lie ii< my Son in whom I ain
well pleat'd : bear ye him. What he
command*, do ; bat lie forbid*, that don't
do. The
upon the beholders wu* joy, fear and hu-l
imliit. It n good to he here. They fell on
their laced- iliey rejoiced with trembling,
feeling entirely unworthy of hi* mercy.
Hut Jen in- daid to them : Tell tho vision to
no innii The true chri-tian does not die* J
[cover hi* gift* unless it is necessary todoi
e<i in order to the glory ll| God and the.
salvation ol soul*. Christ did not aim at;
ostenlatiwii, but usefulness. Ilia example
should he copied by his followor*. J. T.
I 9
6 —p
i market :
All ha utlnnt, e*lerionee and adwantaga# w*> i
nan Commnnd, eontinusd at OA K HALL, lo prod una the ||
CSLST and CH£A I * JLST CLOTHING for man and XPY Jk ■ A
For tlttasn ysars ws havt llvsdal lbs old eornsr i
SIXTH and MARKET, and the btUsinsMM done Uteio '*" (j)
lieen so satisfactory to !>• publlo and ouraalvaa, tl*at *r ■ y
havt itaonleit not U. otianga or move Die CtOihtS i T
buainsts away. Tha people likaltea piaea and wolikoi.. O
please tha people, and wo Oeliova that wo can do ft A
i>eitr than ever at Usa old place X
The aalea of ti*e past year far a tr|*a#eed anythnfi)
we ever dreamed of.and ttiia puta ll in oor power t"
Blarl *iia Spring of 1877 with u BTII-L LOWER SCALK
OF RICES, and a olaao of y.JOtie aoeaeaitenl >-' v "" *'
not afraid lo follow aach **ale with our warrantee or B
rrmvt tiaok ilia good, unworn and hand ovur to 'lie A a msr t)i* mutisy |:d.
'ika stor* hat l>aan larjaly refltl'-d, and mere n* • pj
wa. kUCliv aplandid stock of Men's,Uoy ' and Clslk'-i * •> A
eiolhllig undar tlie roof, nor were wo ever ahle <•* eeli •* ▼
cheaply. Our word for it, and wo are your frionda of Q
sixtssn ysara. f'
tha old rukct. HALL,
6th I* Market. PHILADELPHIA. ■#
n mini mi
likl 1 BPttSTS, rA. '
We have (ipci tJ h nr xnd complete'
flock bought iu Nr Vorl ai d flu •'
dalpkia, Ir.• m the manufacture r from first t
hand> a: i ztroruely .• w price*. akirli we
will ►•! iat the !<< i bottom pro c, * bit ii
we Ws.l give lh< j i the advitilafc of
We lav ttid ..I satisfy that we art- tin
Chfiij iat HiitdviHK- Slope in the couu
liy. We have a complete stock
of llange*. Heuters, Parlor
aud Cook Stove?. Kach i
Stove guarantees!
to give aatia
factiou in
ev- • (
cry reaped.
Bar-iron, Nail#, (
Horsc-ahoe#, Norway
Nail Rod*, warranted of the
beat quality, We claim we have <
the heat Pure Ix-ad, OiU,Colora, Var
ever offered and the cheapest. Our •
' 11111 111 HIM
p Have erected a new GRAIN* ELEVATOR on their Coal Yard and arc buying grain
in cash on delivery, for
Unloading in done more easily and more promptly than any other place In town
I which make* tho NEW KLEVATuK the irnut desirable place to ell grain.
iANT ii It ACI X K Ci > A . |
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
W I Li Ki E; Si B At U R E Ci Ot A I.
from the old Baltimore mine* Also
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expre*ly for house use. at the lowest price*
which i* al way* *old at low price*, and warranted to bo a* good a fertiliser a* an
other p!a*ter.
D??IC2 A ill) TAB©
Repectfully announce that they arc prepared to do all kinds of work in their lino
of business, in tho neatest and bint style. All kind* of
Calcimining a specialty. All orders by mail receive prompt attention, and satisfac
tion guaranteed Charge* most reasonable.
Ift feb tf. J. N. DUNKLK A CO.,
Spring Mills, Pa.
ChaS. H. Held. I Lincoln Butler Powder, makes hut
< lock. Watchuiali>r& Jew Hoi tor sweol andhard, and quicker to churn
Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. _ „ , ,
At kind* of c'ocks. Walche. and Jewell? of 111. Tr T't-for sale at Win Wolf s stole
Utast styles. •• also tba M.r.nville'ul I '.lender
4'lockt, provided with a ceniploto Indei of the month - r hi i i
and dftjr of tho month aud w)'k on iu (moo, which i
warranted aan p*rfc< (tin* k<<#|*er. I T\ R S 0 (JTTTK LI ITS
Ciooki, Wftlobw tnd rsp*D-<1 ou abort r*> | 1 * * •
tlna aaS NtrrAtilful. - 7
_____ Dv >rM s! f .Vi *iah - i m
W\* i> it; IT oov A a i CMfar* I.U i.\ I SRVI*T-M io tho iu B. ll is
31. 1 . YYlljsj''£i,
Bellefonto Pa. Ofliee in Mrs. Ben-
nor"* Building, Bellefonto Pa. to ninc * ,mUi ?SSSS '
Stock of Coach and Wagon Mate
riala arc of a very superior quality,
and cheap, We w ill aell Saddler}
goods as fo* as they can buv thecn
in I'hila. We will keep all kinds
of Fartnera Itn pi cm cuts. Cultiva
tors, Shove!a, Flows, Pumps, Pic
ture Frames, Mouldiug, Mirrors,
Toilet Setta,
Children's Luggiea, Wagona of all siz
e, Oil Cloth*, Tul*, Buck*
eta, and Chums,
We have
a Tin Shop, Mr.
Smith, foreman, in which we
manufacture all kinds of Tinware.
Spouting made and put up of the best
quality of tin at the lowest prices.
Call and see us and we will substanti
ate what we advertise, aa we shall
take pleasure in showing our stock.
Uooni* No. 7 and 8, Humes Block, 6
doors north of Post Office, Bellefotitc.
S. & A. Loeb.
litl. lIM E.s A DMONls|| YOU
We ate telling—CA KPKTS AT 'At CTN.
We er tailing CARPETS AT'J) CTN.
We are telling- CA KPKTS AT A) CTN.
We are telling-OARPETS AT 2& CTS.
!We are tolling CA KPKTS AT 2ft CTB. I
We arc idling -CARPETS AT 2ft CTS 1
Wr are telling- I VO N CAKP'TS at 30c.
We are telling -ING N CAKP'TS at 80c
Wc arc telling-1 NG N CA KP"TS at3ot
We are telling -INGRAINS AT3fi cenU
A c are tilling— 1N till A1 Nn AT 3ft cenU
Wc are *cIIing—INGRAINS ATSfteenU
We are telling- Dametk hall A tuir car'u
We are telling— Damatk bell A ttatr car'u
, Wc are telling— Daiuatk bell A *Uir car'U
We are telling—Superfine Ingrain at Tftc.
I We are telling—Superfine Ingrain at 7ftc.
W*i are telling—Superfine Ingrain at "ftc.
We are wiling—Tape*', ry Brussels at $1 .00
We arc telling—Tapestry Brussels aisl,<t'
We *re selling—Tapestry Bru*nlsal sl,ol'
We are selling— Ladies Dolmans at $2.50
We are selling— Ladies' Dolmans at $2.60
We uie *,-fling— Ladies* Dili;.an* at $2.50
\V* arc selling- Ladies Dolman* at $3.00.'
We are selling— ladies' Doltnansai S3.UU
We arc selling —Ladies' Dolruan* at $3.00.
We arc selling—Ladiestrim'd hat* at SI.OO
We are selling—Ladie* irim'd hats at $ 1 (*t
Wc are selling—Ladies trim'd bat* at SI,OO
We are telling—Ladies trim'd hats at $1.50
We arc telling—Ladies trim'd hats at $1.50
We are selling- Ladies trim'd hat* at $1.50
We are selling —Ladies trim'd hat* at $2,00
Weare telling-Ladies trim'd hat*ats2,Mi
Wc are selling— Ladie* trim'd hat* at $2,00
M'e are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,00:
He are svlling—Ladies Shoes at SI,OO
He are selling—Ladies Shoe* at SI,OO
He are selling—LsdicsShoesat $1,25
He are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,25
H e are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,25
We arc felling—lndies' Button Shoe*
at $1,60
We are selling—Ladies'Button Shoes
at $1,50
We are selling—Ladies' Button Shoes
at $1,50
We are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents.
We are seliiug—Calicoes at 5 rente.
We are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents.
We are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 cts
We are seliiug—Spool Cotton at 2 cts
We are selling—Spool Cotton at 2cU
We are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cts
We are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cts
We are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cts
We are selling—New Spring Plaids
at 10 cents
We are selling—New Spring Pa ids
at 10 cents
We are selling—New Spring Plaids]
at 10 ceuts
We are selling—Men's Plough Shoes
at $1,25.
We are selling—Meu's Plough Shoes
at $1,25;
We are selling—Men's Plough Shoes
at $1,25
H'eareselling—Men's Gaiters at $1,50
He are selling—Men's Gaiters at $1,50
He are selling—Men's Gaiters at $1,50
In fact we are soiling everything at
prices that will convince all that TO have
touched tho very bottom—no trouble to
•how goods for the purpose of comparing
Prices. 8. & A. LOEB.
nct.l croxTK. rt.
Ifa< been recently thoroughly renovated
ami repaired. uriliitdrr Inn
of the New Proprietor. Mr. P J), Mr.
COLLI'M. formerly of Pittaburg, i* flrtt
elate in a>l U ai>|<>ntinent.
Are offered to lh->*o in attendance atcouit
and other* remaining In town for a few
day* at a lime.
The lnrget and moat *uperbly Detigi.eJ
llnta! in Centra! Penntylvania.
All modern convenience*. Go trv lb*
lluth bout"
Itlap K D. McCOLLUM, Proprietor.
Fashionable Tailor.
Ceitre Hall.
Havingopened room* on tb* 2nd floor
of Gift v r lory'* building he it prepar
ed to manufacture all Icindt of mrn't and
boy'a garment*, according to the lataat
vtylna, and upon thorlett notice, and all
work warranted to render Mtitfaclion.
, < 'utting and repairing dona. 7*ept y
T<) UN F. POTTER, AUorne y-nt
' ' U*. I'aUarttaetpniaipU/ aud*u* aaarlal
j tltoßliiMi Elm to ibtjM UimU mt pr*pmijj for
iMlt Will <s turn uj. *a4 htrt tckftwMfM iWrdi
;Mufl|kgo,i 1 Mfo# in ih dltloM, bbft]: lli "I
I (lis uiui l h'UM. IWlMttnU nrUliEl
Htt Wul Jf. Wftl H MfJKiLK.
RECEIVE DEPOSITS. and allow Inter
cat; Diacount Not**; Buy end
Hell Government Securilie*.
Gold and Coupon*.
Wm. Wot.r, Wm. B. Mi sot#,
l'ret't. Ca*hi*r
No 6 Brockcrhoff Row,Bellc.ibnte,P
l>rhltrain l>ruga, < ti<*iui<*a!n!
IVrf inurrj, lancj Geed* dkcj
Fure Wine* and Liquor* for madfer
ouroo*aa alwav* knot mar tl. 72.
in tb world.
It perfectly FURE -free from acid* and
other foreign(ubelatic** that injure lin
I* STRONGER than any olber—requir
ing much lea* quantity in Ufting.
I* UNlFOßM—tiiffent and finiabea work
alwayatbe tame.
i I* Oie Kiutl deiiciou* of all preparation* lor
etc. IMepft
Harness, Saddles, &c
Tka auraiwt la id ta* popetar
Oawtlwloan eaiti itauua
i ttoa vt the public u at. mm* of
tntlan* >1 IheuM Mend ItaMga <at*ariUg far
the paaett ud Ua Una* tb* linal lit ttteal ,uU*
ut wßitai iMHiawi at luuaiaa. Manama. Calkit, eariy dawrUKtaa ud qaalMy. W supa, ut
a lilt >ar>t.'Ja l. coiaptaf a Brai claaa MeUat.
■tal, Ue aaa utert at pnraa which ailiaalf thaUaaa*.
Jitok DIXI.Kh Cute. Halt.
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store la
Seen opened by the undersigned ix> Ce
trc Li ill, where he is prepared to tell el
kind* of building and House Furnishing
Uaroware, Naiis, Ac.
Circular and lland Sa*i, Tesron Saw*,
Webb Saw*, Clothe* Racks, a full at tort
menl of Gla** and Mirror Plate Picture
Frame*, Suoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table
Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Fork*.
Lock*, Hinge*. Screw*. Sash Spring*.
Horse-Shot, Sail*, Norway Bod*. Oil*,
Tea bells, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Varn
Picture* framed in the £no*t style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
i shorted notice.
Remember, all ood offered cheap
er than elsewhere
Would moil respectfully inform the cil
ten* of thia vicinity, that he ha* started a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a (hare of the public patron
age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and
according to style, and warrant* hit work
: to equal any made elsewhere. All kind*
I of repairing done, and charge* reasonable
<!• hire a call. fab It lr
Furniture Rooms'
respectfully intorms the cititen* of Centr
county, tbst be he* bough t out the old
-land of J. 0. Dcioingcr, and ha* reßucet'
the price*. They have constantly on hand
and make to order
TABLES. Ac., Ac.
Their stock of ready-made Furniture i*
large and warranted of good workmanship
and it all made under their own immed
ate supervision, and i* offered at rate*
cheaper than elsewhere.
Call and see our ttock before purchasing
elsewhere. 26 feb. lv
From Jm F. Regan, firm Regan & shers Da;IT and Weekly Tri*
! buns. Jsfiar ;>n City, Mo., after receiving
I a S7OO mitiaaioni, says :
1 "Piano reached u* in good condition. I
lam well pleased with it It is all you rep
! resent it to be "
From £. K. Baldridge, Bennington Fur
nace, Pa., after receiving a S7OO piano.
' Realty" received 4th inst., all O. K.,
and come* fully up to your representation,
and exceeds our expectation*. While 1
don't profess to be a judge ia the matter,
Mrs. B. does, and pronounces it of very
sweet lone ; and is very much pleased with
Best inducements ever offered. Money
refunded upon return of Piano and freight
charges paid by me (D. F. Beatty) both
ways il unsatisfactory, after a test trial of
are days. Pianos warranted for six years.
Agents wanted. Send for rata ogue. Ad
!dress. D. F BEATTY.
Washington. New Jersey.
itg >a* naocKKxuorr, 7. i>. shcciext
President, Cashier.
(Late Milliken, Hoover & Co.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell.
Government Secuiitiee.Gnld &
- at his establishment at Centre Hall, keen
i on hand, and tor sale, at the most reasons*
s bio rates.
| Carriages,
& Spring Wagons,
and vehicles of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made of the
) best seasoned material, and by the most
. skilled and competent workmen. Bodies
' for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the
) most inproved patterns made to order.also
Gearing of all kinds made to order. All
kinds of repairing done promptly and at
the lowest possible rates.
Persons wanting anything in hts line are
requested to call and examine his work,
they will find it not to be excelled for dur*
ability and wear. may Btf,
liKATTV? ,AN ° !
9 Grand, Square and Upright.
From Rufus Snyder, of the firm of Sny
der fc Hendricks, Carriage Manufacturers,
of the city of AUeritown, Pa :
"I must confess 1 hardly know hvw to
express my gratification on receiving the
Beatty Piano you shipped me. It is at
least all 1 could ask, wbb or expect One
of our most eminent musicians tried it aad
spoke in the most favorab'e teims, after
thoroughly testing it."
Best offer ever given. Money refunded
upon return of I'inn" and freight charjr.
• ,: rt by n.e F. Realty) boil* w *v- if
-'■ictorv. (* test ir®*' i rive
is. .i 'o- 1 . :ars.
'Adores*, I 1 KATTY,
23july v\s-t. ... .New Jersey.