Mother'# Eyes. A traveler mice, who limp did roan), WM returning back to Ins own old home. Now, who know him the fu st * hn he£trucli the town ? H;s sheen wa# dusty, his skin was brown • The hotel man was his friend so dear— They hat drank together many aotioouers ot hw. But the hotel man didn't know him again Ho was so changed with the wind and rain. So away ho wont with a tn>d and a smile, And a little sigh, for-about half a mile. Rv a window high lit* sweetheart sat ; Ho smiled a smile and removed his hat. And his sweetheart didn't know him again. Ho was so changed with the wind and nun. And as ho wandered further yet. His pretty good cheek with fire tears was wel. His poor old mother was walking t,xv. In the very street he was walking through. "H6od morning !" lie my*, hut #he cried with joy. As she whispered out loud "My IVit. ! my boy!" The wind and the ram can do what they w ill. An old mother's eyes will fool theiu # ill. —tkoTf dmfty. THE WRONG COAT. Site had promised hitu that site would mend the imttig of his overcoat, if he would wear another ami leave that at homo, and so, as lie had left it, she ti\>k it from the hail ami earned it into her sewiag-room. Mrs. Wilton had been married live years ami never during that time had had ana unhappy moment. Mr. Wilton had been very attentive, verv kind, v< ry generous, ami uev er maile her jealous. Site often said tdte was the happiest woman living. Now. s she hatktxi at the lining and compared the silk witlt which she was about to replace the torn portion, she was thinking these thought.-. They had never had any children, bnt when people are all in all to cwh otlier, that is no very great grief; all her care was for him—all his for her. '• And he is just the dearest, best, tru est fellow in the world," said Eve Wil ton to herself. "I'm not half gvxvl enough for him. I wouder what tins is in liis pocket; it bulges it all out of shape." Site put her hand into the breast pocket as she spoke, and drew out a lit tle package, w rapped up in silver paper, * and tied with blue ribbon. " Something he lias bought for me, I expect," said Eve. "I wonder what it is. I think I won't open it until he OOmos home." Then slie laid the silk across the hole and cut it out and lasted it down. " I wonder what it is," said alio. "It doesn't sfui like a book. It might be lace wound on a card—real lace " She lookevl at the package again. "I do wonder what it is," said she, hemming the }>atch down. " There wasn't much to mend, after all," she said; " 1 thought tin- tear much longer. He caught it ou a nail at the office. I know. Now 1 do wouder what there can lie in that package." Eve put the coat over a chair and h>ok up the little parcel. " Tom wouldn't miml,'' she said; "1 will just take a peep. I'm sure it is for me." Then she undid the ribbon, unfolded the paper, and saw letters. "Dear Torn," said she. "He must keep my old letters next his heart, and he never lias told me." Bnt the writing was not hers; she saw that at a glance. " His mother's letters," she said. " He loved his mother so. " Then she began to tremble a little, for the letters did not begin " My dear son," nor anything like it. She cast her eyes over them. They were IOTC letters. "Tom has loved some other woman bi fore he met me," she said, lie ginning to cry. "Oh, what shall I do?" Then she cried out: "Oh, foolish, foolish creature that I am ! Of course she died, and he only loves me now. It was all over before we met I must not mind " But "there she pan.-ed, gave a scream, and threw the letter from her as though it ua*l been a servient and liad bitten her. It was dated the past week. It was not four days old. "Oh cried Eve, "oh, what shall I do f Oh, where shall Igo ?" At every cry a thought pierced her brerst like an actual stab. "Tom—my Tom ! What shall T Jor Tom !to be false-—Tom ! Oh, 1 have gone mail! No, there they are ; they aro really there, those letters. Why do I not die?—whv do I not die ? Dispeo ple live through such tilings as these?" Then she knelt down on the floor and gathered up tiie letters, and steadily read them through. There were ten of them. Such love letters! No other interpretation could be put upon them. They were absurd love letters, such as are always produced in court in cases of breach of promise, and they were all signed "Your own Nellie." "It is all true," said poor Eve, wring ing her hand-; "and it is worse than anything I ever heard of. I trusted him so; I believed in him so." Then she wiped her eyes, gathered tip the letters, packed them up, wrmjpe< I the silver paper about them, tied the blue ribbon, put them back in the breast pocket of that ilreailful overcoat, and hung it in the hall again. "Tom shall never know," she said; "IH not reproach him. I will never see him again. When he comes home I shall be dead. I will not live to bear this." Then she sat down to think over the best means of suicide. She could hang herself to the chan delier with a window blind cord, but then she would be black in the face and hideous. She could drown herself, but then her body would go floating down the river o the sea, and downed people looked even worse than strangled ones. She was too much afraid of firearms to shoot herself even in this strait. She would take poison. Yes, that would be best; and though she would never Bee Tom again, he would see her, and remorse would sting liim. Here she made a great mistake. A man who is coolly treacherous to women never has any remorse. Remorse in love affairs is a pnrely feminine quality, and even the worst of the sex are not without it. However, it is natural to believe that remorse is possible to a man whom one has heretofore believed to be an angel in human form, and Eve took a little miserable comfort in the thought that Tom would kneel beside her coffin, and burst into tears and passionate exclama tions of regret, which she, perhaps, might see from some spiritual post of observation. So, liaving put on a hat and a thick veil, Eve betook herself down the street and around the corner to the nearest druggist. The druggist was an old man,a benevo lent-looking one, with red cheeks and a smiling mouth; and when she asked for "poison for rats" he Baid—"So!" and beamed mildly upon her. "I want it very strong," said Eve. "So !" said the druggist. "But not to give more pain than is necessary," said Eve. "To the rats ?" asked the druggist. "Yes," said Eve, "of course; and it must be quick, and not make one black in the face." "So!" said the druggist, slowly. ' 'Well, what shall I give you that shall not make a rat black in the face ?" And with a grave countenance he com pounded a powder and handed it across the counter. Eve took it, and paid the few pence ho asked, and -•..lked away. Once home, she went directly to her room and retired to bed, taking the pow der with lier. Once or twice she tasted it with the tip of her tongue, hoping it was not very disagreeable. Then finding it sweet, she bravely wallowed it. "It is over," die said. "OH, Heaven forgive me, and forgive Tom." And then alio laid herself down upon her pillow. k J list as she did so, the familiar sound of a latch-key in the d.x>r below startled her. Tom never came home at noon bnt therv he was now. ,f No one else but Tom could walk ui m that cool w ay. And now he was eal' tier. "Eve, Eve, Eve! Where are you'" Nov. ! la-fore had she refused to an a war that voice. Why had he come to torture her dying moments? Hark ! N.m be was bounding npdaiiu. He was in the room. "What i- the matter are you ill. Eve ?" lie crush "No," said she faintly ; "only tired." "Ah, you l.Kik tired, little one," said he. " I came home to get the overcoat. 1 suppose you have found out by Un tune that that in the hall is not mute. 1 ti wore Johnson's overcoat homo brum the iiftlee la-t night by mistake, and he is # anxious about it. lie asked if there was any o iti the house who would be apt to meddle with paper- . r anything in tin pockets. I said 1 thou, ht not. I hadn't a jealous wife eh? Why, what's the matter, I've?" "Oh. Tom," cried Eve, hysterically, "oh, Tom, say it again. It was not your i\at ? Oh, Tom, km- me." "What ts the matter. Eve ' cued Tom. " You must IK- ill!" j Then Eve remands ml all. "Oh, lam a wicked woman, Tom !" alio cried. " Hiere were letters in the jHH-ket -love let term. 1 read them I I thought yon false to me— I I took JKU soll. Torn—l'm going to die and 1 lot g to live so ! Oh, I'oiu. sa\ cme V "Yea, yes?" cried Tom. "Oh gixvl Heaven ! what po.-on :• " Mr. HotTman will know. 1 bought it , of hitu. IVarlmps he can save mo, ' cried Eve, iu piteous tones. Anil sway went Tom. wh.te as death, to the druggist 's around the Corner. Ho burst into the shop something like a whirlwind. "The huiy." he gasped, "the lady who bought poi-on here an hour ago she t -ok it by mistake! fan you save her—have you an antidote ? She i dying." " No, no," said the old man; "booalru IK- at rest. X . no, she cannot die of that. When a lady ssks me for poison. I sav to my sell "So!" nt.d 1 give her in the j-atK-r a little sugar and some thing. She could take a pound. Go home and tell her so. I never sell jx>i !K>n to women; so be calm." So Tom dew i ome again, and Eve re joiced ; ami bearing that Johnson was a siugle man, who admitted himself to be engaged, she did not rip the patch ofl his i\iat as she at first intended. The One-tien of Mortality. The comparison of vital statistics, as given in a large number of reports from various countries, makes the death rate of the cities of each of these countries considerably in excess of the cities of the United State.-. K r instance, the anuiud mortality for eaeh thousand in Madrid is sixty-five ; in R-tiii., :K).B ; in Loudou, '21.'2 ; in New York, 27.9 ; or, by another report. '29.8 ; P* ilaJelpliia, 20.3; or. by another report, 19.82 ; lhieton, 18.85 ; Liverpool, 23.9. Or, taking twenty English cities, an average of 22.79 per thousand, an excess in tls same year of 2.98 over that of us many cities in the United States. According to De Bow's statistics the mortality of Sweden i 524.39 ; France, 28.81); Belgium, 23.23; Massachusetts, 17.31. By the returns of the seventh census, 1-vjO, the death rate of the wh .lc United States was 13.8; while England was 22.07 ; France, 23.97; Ru—ia, 35.30; Prussia, 20.58. By the eighth census, 1880, tin death rate of tin- United States w.i 12.5, showing a decided increase of vitality, as. in times of peace, the d--ath rate is an index of the sickness rate and the general degree of physical disability. The recent army statistics <>f our civil war give yet strouger confirmation of American advantages. In the mean girth of the chest the Americans enlisted meas ured a little le-- as compared with Cana dians.. Englishmen, Irishmen and Ger mans ; but in the mean expansion of the chest they surpassed all but the Cana dians. The height of the Americans, five feet and 7.29 inches, was the great est, except that of the Canadians. five feet 7.50 inches. The testimony of tin great majority of our army surgeons in answer to the question: " What nati- u aiity presents the greate-t physical apti tude for military service V is most em phatic in favor of the native American ns possessing more stamina, gr- r average he '-lit, superior intelligence aud activity. Not to multiply dry tacts an i figures, they seem to support the opin ion that the native American type, in stead of being a degeneration, is an im provement. I'iie new world has - ■ far improved the progenitor nus-s. This is hopeful and cheerful for a national out look toward greater improvement and a worthy destiny. Removing Disabilities. Price M. B. Young, a recent represen tative in Congress from Georgia, was a Confederate general and a graduate of West Point. He came to Washington soon after the war, seeking to have bin disabilities removed. He is a fine, man ly fellow, and seems to have accepted the results of the war in good faith. H-> went to Thad Stevens, and Tim 1 began to play with him, as he sometimes did with those whom he intended to make his victims. He said : " Yon are a graduate of West Point, I believe ?" "Yes, sir." "Educated at the expense of the United State-, 1 believe, which you swore faithfully to forever defend ?" "Yes, sir." " You went into the service of the in fernal rebellion ?" " Yes, sir." " Yon were a brigade commander in the raid into Pennsylvania which de stroyed the property of so many of my constituents ?" " Yes, sir." "It was a squad of men under your direct charge and under your personal command that burned my rolling mill ?" " Yes, sir." Young thought iie was gone, but see ing that the ohl veteran had come into the possession of the lust fact, which Young did not dream he knew , it was impossible to deny the truth of his ques tion. Tha 1 roared out : " Well, I like your impudence. I will mi- thnt your disabilities are removed. Good morn ing." Aud the next day the bill pus- d the House. Glad He knew His Father. A voirng man who had a claim of &.V) to collect took it to a lawyer. The hitter, upon inquiring, no sooner heard that his client's name was George Jon s, than lie seized him by tin- hand, fervently shook it, exclaiming : "My dear fellow, how fortunate you are! Why, I know your father well; in fact, hi- was my first client. I shall take particular pains for you ill this matter." A few days later the young man received a note from the lawyer informing him that the collection had been m->de. He called upon hiin, and was handed a roll of bills. As he was counting them the lawyer reiterated his remark about the young man's good fortune in coming to him who knew his i father, etc. The young man, however, looked anything but happy, for he found out 815 in the roll. Tlio lawyer, noticing this, said : " Why, my deur fellow, what ; ueems to be troubling you?" "Oh, nothing," the young "man replied, "nothing. I was only thinking how • lucky I am that you didn't know my gramlfatlier."— The Reformer. Not Valued Highly. A minister was told once by a man | that he had been a professor of religion i j for many years, but for ten years had 1 neglected all religious duties; but uot r j withstanding this he had never given up - j his " hope." The reverend gentleman I noticing meanwhile that his breath i 5 smelled strongly of liquor lost no time .• jin telling him it was time he did. He | did not set much value upon a hope that r j had been preserved in whisky for ten i yam. u A WAR IN El ROPE. 11 tlrnaol lilmliul I'orirr wmMO-iirml Mi-r --i A corrcKiiondent of the New Y<>rk i It'or/if law- hud iiitei'iu w- with \dtiiirid Porter and General .Sherman re -aiding t the probable result of tin- impending European war and its effect <-u luis ivim 11 try. Admiral Porter was found in his odks in Waahingtun examining charts and maps of the country which will most likely b<> the BiK-ne of conflict, and in r ply to an inquiry said: "This war promises to be the most 8 gigantic and important to Europe, and even to the I mo d States, t >t lias taken place. It will be a great religions war, and the eonseqm noes can only be sni luised. The nh ,of some iif the tiewa . paiM-ts that I'nrki y i-e-ang to be Wlp- d -ut m a dav i- a mistaken one, The litis- an- w: I nc\-r eaptm. t". -tanti ' nople. It i- not iu the jMiwcr of their army or two to t ke the plats A- foi • their navy, it is of very little eotiae- I qiletuv in iK>utrast with what it is re ' qiur. dto ai\K>:itpllsll. l hey litix c als-tlt 1 thirty troti-iwiil and 214 \< ii war ' of otlier I'hey hare tO.tKHI ur< u iu their navy and alsiut ti;tiKti hundred and tin v-five guns." lletlien readofl'a lis'. <f their iroii-chula, showing that five of them carry front sixteen til tweiitr SIX guns, and t <• le-t from two to eight guns a pin v, and con tinued; "All these iron clads are of the very la -t material, and their gulls ure of the latest pattern ami heaviest eaiiln-r. l ire other ordinary n ss.-lsareall report e.L to IK- m g-ssi iMllditiou. Tiie larger portion ot tins navy is uow about getting trxi- i: ".a the i. < ot tin \ it!i sea, mat St. Petersburg. Those Vessels ~| the Russian navy tliat are now iu our ports came her. m get ri i of the ice tin re this winter. Ihe nam . however, tuakr - little dirtervuiiK on eiti er side. I'h - war, us between Bu-sia and Turkey , ia gOUIg t-' IK- m tlic uiatu a land fight. The Turks have twenty splendid iron-clads. with eighty four other! and snl>si..,itial war Vessels. Tl ey have 1, 218 gtllts aud :t4,0d1l iu< 1 >r the defensive this a g-ssl navy . Tin y huvt-the great ! its , t t . Dattiauelh-. all along frotu.ttsmonth up to G:dlip->lis. Here they ils - have eliuins, ti>riK\li Imata, their iron-clods, sunken hulks and other olrstruetioua. Tiie Russians have to pass through these to tiulhpohs, thence int.- the s. a of Mar mora, and then thev will have to tight their way up through th* torptaUav., iron clads, etc., to the Buspli.Tits, A- they I ~-s by I' ast.uituiople ill the |i -p! or tts, they have twenty unit sof fort.- eu iMUuter, and having paunsl ti..-e th.-v are ill the Black MS. You MS, -.r, t!.e fight is by iti> means to IK-U on the snU ef t!o Ru-sia: 'They have n i fleet l-i the BiiU-k sea. When S. ba-stop ! was destroyed and tin ir great fleets I . wn up and sunken and tlteiruuvyyarvis u< -tr*iy- Kl on the Bl.a-k tea, that w-ttlivl tin ir fleet a in that locality, aud the Euro}K-aii jKiweis. have forbidden them ever since to rebuild in that locality. "The Russians have a tin. aruiy, well disciplined, well officered, and dinibtleaa their arm-, gtn.s and supplh- are of the tiis-t CIUKS. They are not eoimueneing this fight for sentiment sake. It ia tiie hoja of their lives; and tlu-y are now arrived at that jHUUt when the emperor villi IK able to gel every man and <v.ry dollar his people have, so aa to w;u the great omti-t of tin- natron. It will IK* UO use, though, as it will end in disaster The Turks are thoronghly arous-il. From one cud of their vast empire to the other, the Muasulunuis are crowding together by the tens of thousands, and idrv inly the religious fanaticisin of the Turks is iiis eernsble. Just think of 40.000.000 i i people ! They will giv every dt<ilarand every valuable they have to aid tln-ir side. They hue the IK -at arms iu the world thev were made lv our own |- o ple, and Eur. pe has i.o ls tti-r. Toe large guns the Turks get from Kmpp, and. of cours--, thi-w- cannot 1— exix-lled. There it no doubt that both - i. s have pleutv of arms and ammuiution. After the Rus-iaus • t v. ry nnteh vv. .kei.- l and the Turks have worried tit- . . a g.*d ileid, theu the Austrahnns and, ) rhaps. the tferniaiis will have something to a.v, Fr.i:ie- is not particularly niterv-te i. and —mark what I say -alio will not encage .1; tins conflict. silt Wt'.i >•-. v ith her exliihitiou, and it promi-. - to 1- a grand success. The war will not affect i! IU the let. t. Austria is the country that i-iu--st interested m the oonte-t, . v-i-pting Eng lai i, turd just how Austria . .- in to remains to be seen. Slie IK- it the fight, however, IK fore the war 1 o gtuie on six months. England is th- -rand i awla. YOB en depend an it abn .i - - not intend t" allow Rus-.a to t.t C 'ti stuntiuople, even if sin- i-mld, and her time to .-ut. r int< the coutc.-it w ill be markeil by tin- e-.remust.m -- > of t;.-- sui thri. Tin- great gissl that th: vvnr i- • going to have on our country cannot IK computed. We will n< t otilv st-11 flour, wheat, i -ni, irk, clothing, arms and ammunition to the contending parlies, but wo will sell nil these thiiy;- to the other grea) nations, especially our cereals i.n l provi- .on -. If til--war t-tuitiimestwo years, aud my pr- dietitm is that it will, we will have to plant for the whole world. The entire agricultural pursuits of the great grain country of the Black -a will IK- stopped. It vv as -t in the Crimean war. I was a lieutenant in the navv and commanded the supply, th- n iu tie- Mediterranean squadron, ami w.-il do i rememlK-r the rich harvest our merchants reaped during the war. This war will hjing back again t<> us the commercial supremacy we hst during the war. If C'ingress legislates projK-rly in June, so as to allow vt -sels to IK- Ismght ami placed under our flag to remain here, our sommereial marine will 1m- revived. We have not time to build ships ; we must buy tliem. There probably would not be much blockading and that otir supplies would be iu demand by other nations in any event." Genera) Sherman on Wing interviewed said that neither Russia nor Turkey ever lift'l larger or 1 letter disciplined armies tlinn now. They have, said he, all the advantages of many improved nnns and inisles of warfare, and the result will be thnt the world will witness the greatest battles ever fought, so far as the destruc tion of life is eoni-t nieti. I believe this struggle is going to cost a million of lives, and they will not be all Russians und Turks either. 1 can hardly Wiie\ that the Turks can withstand the shock. They may save Constantinople, but if thev lose every other jsiiiit what good w ill it do them i General Sherman nl-o took a favorable view of the effect on this country. He added: " It will keep our people at work tlav mid night to provide for Enrojie, if there should lie a general war, ami that now seems inevitable to me. I believe all the great powers will he directly or indirectly involved liefore the year is out. In the parts of the country in which the lichl tights will certainly take place a half million men on either side can and will be und. The Russians will have to pull along very fiu-t through the sit miner, for they get all their sup plies by their railroads, mid in the win ter thine are rarely available. He was in favor of allowing some of our army officer to visit either army without pay and serve on stuff duty. A Verj Peculiar Briile. The Popular Month!;/ has the follow ing: A gentleman traveling in England 1141 a letter of introduction to a person of i onte distinction whom* whole estate was in excellent keeping. Among other , fine animals shown liim was u line white cow, and this creature, he WHS told, was the very personification of pride. As though she considered henclf of pure blood, she claimed precedence in all cases; she always went ahead of the herd, the best bit of pasture was her ex clusive domain, on whi'-h no other durst intrude. So far did she carry her pre tensions that if any of the other cows entered the stable before her she would refuse to enter. Anxious to see tliiH with his own eves lie desired to be taken to her stable at evening. The man, in striu-ted how to net, drove in some of the other cows. The white cow drew up; not only did she refuse to advance, • in spite of all encouraging words, but i her whole frame swelled with anger ami i offended dignity. Bhe kept lowing con i tinually. At last the cows within, us • though eonacions that they hod forgot i ten their place, Iw-gan to come out, and t as they were driven out the proud white, l with an evident air of gratified pride, strode in in state. NIMMAItV Ol NEWS. Ilrmi of Intrrrat from llitmr mill %btoNf. lloii. John A. |\a <t\, of !**, TIN* Ih*<u ( ii . •! !• %! Willi Iti vIl || 1110 I'ONtIIOII of I littml ' Slwli i num .lii to N|>nm l lio ooiifr ■-u u ? of \Vtlltniit M l IllAtii WM | lit* }ftO Of )lil liU itv, mul ttiipli. tiling uiitiv pmitiiiii til i*ilt ftOtftllH of N W Vol'k M|i Mill l*lt l, HI u*t • . 1 frwiul ntul .-nu-ol ttifouw. *nhiU rimtioii H in polilki] divliii Ttii* frimji uf (JtolVh '' Ihu no I'laiiuAtit tin. nil nliii; to intticli Ht n Ihhli t to till* it t 'OtlllUl'tllt, fit JI. 111 A J-, tit oil lot la ri'l.'-iM. itiHt|i% w. o In-hi in r< <i<l)u>'i in M0 of a .ilnlurl-wm. 1U twii nftft v winl m\l> . Uiuu**tul 1 to 4 t'tutintl . l. unm t : oi n. , hilt UO tlullMt* uAllot! Mint int. it St*| ' 1 .*|JrvlH. Mint lin l| vl Win I llio liulit-liollt i Uw hitherto in o|*rat!ou in the nuwof gov . rnnuMit Woikim n tHiHi iv w iltit.'.i. it to fi ' UU'lita Willi the wvi.lAi* of tho til a*ut v will iaatlr* Ail olilor Hi WtV ortlwiii o with lli tic* iMvUi I I'ortv >o.o f tiucatiou hv Itrra Okrl ' liwHim hwvti tfUili-tl iii w it. v.*in IH<itig #t\ru in . lot fa vol to thhtiiot Jiiifg I- lullliii .of Sow OtlcJtun. >li\hoiiA of ilvi! .! x 111 I : jM 11\ 111 that oitv wnv invotvtwl The Huwwten mm> ia in motion win! wkniotnhiug haw .xmiim ucol \ IA Ulrlitii 11 of |U.•>. 1\ ii iutaiti t -• * li i.t for tho }Hir)wiM of ttiwiii, matin# another loin jMiailiV VIA! Wfttilml till h|ti I li.wllln : K.'l-n M I>u ill a .. n t.iU i ..I N. .. Y.'lW, w ,v. l ittru 1 . a 'MI i inq, U : . *' eg.', Ijtll I 14) IK' ..A. I livUl.l phobia, ami tti after *tJl> i iti lute:i*o ..out, j.Jiu M. Nauiia a ~n, h,hl in > 1it.a.,.. f.u lit.' imiixtci ot hi- „vv >. i. . ait iu . irnu.;', ! bllrg, i . the -lUiie State, part IV ,vtKVnlr<i It* leav.- ai.,l wrl.. Hi, 1„ a.i ami |m . vv.i. . ■vervj with ,ut . ftll.l l ami It 1- (.)..I that lis 111, t with foul ptav fwobovs ftitlu San Kr*n. iNi\., who I O 1.-ft tin ir horn. - ti.l matin Una > to Net* York, arrfll there. Ayr, 1' M.rr " rriteti( I mte-l Mat, lat.r to Itrn.-rl ,* l. n tin ■ ■ with i o *l,>) IU. I 0n.,l Hi .to* anthorit). . hat. ordrtt.l Uto ttinhair < of a matt ami hi* wit,, i l lrttral w Ith f- I l.) ~ an,l 111)|'11 i.0.l f,>r i \tia ihUon by tho Italian , ooniin. ~!. lit. , ,t ,i( tholr OOillllloiLiolit will ha,'.- t,t ho |mul I , .nil p.,, rutuoiit 1 , urtooti thouaia i dolUi. in U>u,la. I,: ugliiK I" HoWit W l'tioui>. of Itr ■ kl>it. N \ ami k it n, .tm It. a.k , tho ((air.t ul hi, mkloiuti, . ro found to t Uilaainx attol h) ihvoaa.- thro, httUdrtd omployo, ,t tho li ii, a 1 of ami |<ni)UU|,'. in tlio J'r, a,m , d< ; ai tm. lit, a! Maoh mjfloi), tia\o Uondiiw'harit,,! I diaatl, u* t;i. mx irrod m Son lurk, hv vhioh a whoi, hkvi of Imtliiiutf* • u I-ml " Twenty 5..-oml ,tia< I, woio .lodfvjot. and a ~aina, , of aU.ut #1 In.utkl infill t. ,1. 11l , If, of tin huddlUa. htirtiod a fan fact, r\ at .it lift, ifirla and to l ,a wore rfiij 10v,,!. and tho, .1 a tiarrow on.a|o from the t!an < , b, iujs ,nui|* 11. dlo niah Uito th< tr,, l, without ill-.: ia . andhat .... In *l,w , f tho reeo-nt hotel 1. luaiut at St. tho holola of N. ,i V, k am lea . overhauled for tho pur) > . fa,. li ' ' he r I VUtl, ill V , i . . .. hi. I- , . . - r<oui f>>r lh. uiiir of lilort,, o .d|tUteiitiifi the world, )t < ntod h, t Ft ; „-h j, (.. tho L'lUtrd niaio. Aw. , f hi 11.,,. a broom,it, . a. 1 wa-an '.. d 1 I wards. 1U . Jr.. a!,, ,I h: h land Rill war arrort.d, ihary.d with or. uial tm.-.n. . traunartiou* ..The l.ivrr|.l ami Trvaa .to*uiaiu|< ooru|,any ha, f, rd ... John U V York, and wa* inij al d U) . I'aul \ a.out n. a f tm. j . • hut who rlaiuted th .t U 1..J1 eu nnrt .; to an. ,t,d m S. w Y.akf ■: , ...Itr,at h .h.n ui hi, I,kl))|l'< Imium', w.. , it, in .1 t- t, n Ottta flat, that lh, tuun , Mt, hare I < ii a|e l't) lnj{ the tot, hto S|4llih ,-,tatr owl Unlit at , ,'atii).,, and do'tnoum a v>-t an uut of | i th. I -,,t ■ ration, arid .V) .1.5 ( !: liavir dotwatuirtit .it, ndnvkatgid and . „a to th. at. S • • uf liftcfii Uit'li Itat! Ua ,|f If da ■ . .;ji, * f< kt ,*water ulirr,.:: the UmiMaita mvo. Illation are pt< |auriU|t their liiial r, j• M to lw, trauMmlle l t,, the l"r dent, i'he Si U laglalatui lu ! r U!y*. S'. V rt Itavtdaou, a w,*h„ll*'T of ~;at',-i. iUcni)tt,d of ItLudoUt. S. Y . w. , ,!.' It I- . ■ • : ; n .reliant :.,m,d „ ? . 1 ,ti the Kaat n,cr .. The ul ha. :,trr the third . tiou fi . ~t I arid . . , uta ,harmed elerk ai d Onlor* oav. 1.,r f,„i, v IY.-.dent Hay, > to wtthdeaa Uio tm> , in th. I. .loaiia Mat,- h -uiw , All ,vjw, train ,th, ilaatorn raid,.ad, tw-ar l.yuu. Ma.,., wa, wr>vk,d, ami uijnred A (, <• - t.on wa . i,,-u Sow ■ vaimned tlio Ui ;. ,h< 1 \Y 1.;: t n ?! nti toMlt It the ttahomd ra;>ilat ' fefw-rt'.l that the fo'uuda: wottM 't •. d'ii t* •i ■ ■ 111 S • Y< ! a - .... !. man who >(alU,l ht white if a ~ar a.*-', krlhd a to.taunu.t k„.|,r ,■ ,d • ■ u, : "•Ua UttMtetniv ha. r. 1 d . IT Hit.) v hilt 111 ft t ~ : At tfi, nrvdrsftf oaerv.r. ,of Hartford II . i ■■■':. .at:. t<n <>" f -i* An t. .n • ■ , * .!• ' h -ii amNTtdiu, ! that l*t f. I . ii. M:.' ' ■ . - ires,.rai .'f d hi' *!, . I .f.'n na'iid t r I.l* roi.ii. t„ f Chicago, ha, :,,ii atwvitited t„ th. sw.-.m0,.f ~f cumplw-ity in th murder of t • firnuam-. wa* hftiiK'id :,t \ik, u. S. t \ .all ' . : involving a!. - , f * o . •inrtJml'iii-.,, ; ■ . ■ IVrolift, i'a . wa, Am by hghtning, and th. Ilatne, muumuii-aUUj; to ~ti r t ok-, twelv. ml Well* and the town of T. d< atroyed A dnv.r to t!. . t , of a dry g.*d houi" m Sc'i \ iI ft in. tn. .1 Rot ft drink, an 1 duruig h. r ' n., tw.. n. u liruve oft With tie v, hi-i<. - ntauiimf f: h! vaiuiwl at sin." Sixteen igo i i!<-tf a:. I dumb 1* . le longing in Kitelihurg M -* . -,a 1 ~t. h.witi - wandered away from hi, re T) • other day In- wa* found on n 1. i-laud railr, a<i, wiiero h< wn ,mj ! ,1 r. a n> •< .t l'a rnard J. h'io.l,? k. „n- rr t, 1 m No, V •1. f-.r fnliAf aoM* of ii. mnapan with Crtitiou, new* .. s-i.r.vl Tuski.ti mtlilarv oflicer* and civil . ftu-ial . have I on „nt to th DAM stan . by Tin ktf, to loob after tha *rm that aro 1* ing manufacture ! her for tin tr govirumi nt.. . .Wliik a ui*n nam. I Oove, of \V< tehe-tor , oiiuty, N.Y rat: ,• 1 i radih. ho w* t ki tt with a I, f V|, loll! ,ii< ' mg during whieb I- rniturod I. Iu- -1, ami death n ,iilt,d in a ! -rt tin . .<ion,-r*l Crook report* tin aurronder f . htv lod < of Chevi line*, under the <l. f Standing I lk and liitliKmfi, ami including Indian*. Tha U-gi.hitivo .-omnutt' oof in -mry p),unt„l to look into the cli.ii e, .f brilwry I S, nator W. din. . f the S< * \ rk s* -t.-s, :.. I'vaioJio 1 William M Tw, !. in I ! ■„ ,(:• • I Jafl, ro|-'. tn.g hi- kimMfl Of tho affair. Ay advice of hi* connael, Mr. Two, i refma I t attawer ino.f of tin interrogatoru . ) i". to him. lb- H.ii.l that all be now ,!■ 1 ,va, to regain hi* freedom, and he did ted ib-i nt it i*ilitie t ■ reply to any .)?■• -ti, n. tlmt might omlanger In, )>r,*.)* <■(* ..f ultimate r, loam fi -tn eotititiem, nt. .... llnritig a heavy Htorin of wind and ruin in tin- fiiountainoii* n 1 l.orh 1 of Wh t• I lav > n. I'a., *ll men in a i .1 in „rr> on rtak. n by lh>. tlood that followed and were drowned. lln < mnu-.ioii .< !.! to lauii,una by the l'n-pident ha* lini.biwl it* duli * alid returned to Waaliington to re[*.rt the r? -tilt of it - h t .r- Bome of the foremo t in. in) <r> of th.- Packard loginiaimc mdiiii. Warm..tli I* ing among the number- have joined the Nirholl* logi a tive l*ty. Hev-n mcmlier* of the Nicliotl* Hoiine, wtio tiad tie, n given ?.at, iil-j,*-t to future context, r. .igin d tlielll in f*,or of t!> pilliliean*, who tiawd tlioir ci.iin on the fact of burin:: l> < n elected on tin face of tin re turn*. llie S'iclioll, govonimont j>r,imi*ed to pay th-- aalaiic* of Packard * |Hllc<'Uiou mid other official*. bcTetary v in rmaii tin* di*nn- <•! two nu.h tor* from the Trea*qry dcjiartuu tit . in Now Y'orl. a tin . ting was h"' 1,1 to prot, ~t agnin*t the action I.,hen at a recent gathering of tax jiav.r*, it which it w..* proiwi*,d to confine voting for fluniiciitl ofticom to thpn- ].nyiiig tax, H . ..The ltiiH.iau czar ha* r*vlowed ht troop*, and the Iln**ian ombaawy h* vbiml,.l t omtantiiiojile A tir, 111 tlin Sew York Journal of flotnouTc* htulding do,troy, d ty|e and other inaterial* to Hie value of 6'JO,(KM, I.ut the paper wa, ixned a* u*ual the follow it ; -day The S|mni h govoruiiieiit ha* prom *iod to put (leu. llurriel, connected with th" ' Y'irginiua maaeacro, on tual (Jen. (Irant and 111* wife wore entertained at a dinner in Harri*!mrg, I'a., tiy Oov. Ilartraiift.. .. Pt.*i dent Have* wn* vi*ited by Mi*< Y'an la w. wlio deaired t• t*> eontiniicd ill ofticc a liead of lln Richmond (Y'a.) ji*t nice Ad.ltli -nal charge, agaitiHt Hani, Sni*i ml. in lent I.lll*, of New York, have been made by thiv. Hohiu ti. ... .la?ttl* It Ntee.le. who had nearly reaeh. -l to. ■ ifp hundred mid third yt ,lu !in I'a k. S. .1 A number of cn-< ■ of -mall-pox v. re found among tin p*-*engiT of n t< :.mer that arrived in Han Franei .v> from C'liina. '1 lie dix.aao is raging in Hong Kong . I.arg. fore*t fire* are burning in Ylirtiigan. and *everal town* are threatened by tho flame* Pioneer block, in Omaha, wn* di -troyed by fire, 1, liered to bo the work of iiic.ndiarn* ....A woman named Norman )ilungcd a knife int.. her htiHbaud, during a quarrel, wounding liiiu fatally In Vermont tho trial of Edwrard Tatro, aeenncd of tlie murder of A lie? M. Unt ler, ban been commenced. " Aw ! I: >m TitiiKville I hcp," Htiiil the mupnitloeiit hotel clerk to tlio guest who hr..l just bookist, " You are in oil, I take it!" '"ln oil," tlinnilered tin farmer. "No! Do you Hippo.that I'm I a eardine, like you ?" A New Hitltie. Tito Vtrpiiim ('hnmictr aevn : A nuiii • emtio into ii rc-tuimiut nn.l nuiutititig u high Ht-wd li'iiiu'.l over the counter mul ,1 or,h'lc 111 portd'tuMlm eleilk with ,'glK" n on I It,, Mite, mul Millie ale mid ovnteri • to hegiu on. In ttlmnit half mi Itottr lie hud llniMi dln repunt mi.l vtiut begin. u lung t Ilb liberate vvliut Lllld of ileeaert lie would wind up oil, when it limit walked i 11, ill 1 tupplllj hint on the shoulder, re llimke.l " I - voitr tnuue Hilly llu ka?" "Y w, that'* litV liatne," am.l the Utmt oil til e ilmd, ttit Die httil.l stole down to ■ In* It 11 > pocket, filinbllUg (or the ban,ll, of ti bai k.'t ;" w tint do want ?" " YY'c had a little t rouble of lee before I in YY lute I'itie, and n.>w 1 guess I've got Volt dead to 11 "lit*," eolltmu.d the Hew eotnei, pttlilUg out II lat' st/.t*i MX sli, alter, J "If vuti'U Jtt't st< p into the street and pace otV y.'Ut o I oi.-e, ! in your iiuut," said th,' feeder, who had just finish,,l 1 Ills pie, at, I whipping out a revolver he - prtutg oil 1 i, peli'h and rush,*! ttftei , tlie other into the street. I'ti, frt- iiteiied testiiuiant man got down behtuti tlie counter and bent his i at to listen to the shots and the rush of ' the tuob ; but he didn't hear anything UlltlMUd, nttd in uliout five minutes lie r> . leet. there was 8*J.50 owing ,ll the tile,,!. I': >II he Wellt out oil the sidewalk to itiv. .tlgate. * " Wa* there t row out lu re a few | nunut, hgoV'be itujutretl of a star | on the sidewalk. "1 dn't sei* any. I've la'en here for the hist half hour or so." " !"ie. two lellow* With ulsters and re volvers come out ?" "Y. , thev t.ilklll' alsnit swuppili' guns, lllld they i'i oli r lU'pma tlie WaV now, tukin' a drink." Tho ri man went back to clear up the dirty dishes Slid reflect on his fiHihshness. lel tible Itngeilv ut Sea. I'll- I .ilk t'l-ltic, Captain YY'.sih'ot, left I. veipooi tor IteUMftm on Januaiy 2d. On January* 'doth, after clearing the \V . stern land*, a dispute arose Iwtw ecu ti:.' eaptult' ,ltld • :ie of tjie Seallleu IlSUle.l Andrew 11 oil is. In the course of the . 11 < I I i.e WX;. 1 iircw ska iff and st.b*, e.iptiuu in tl . ntomsch, intbettug a mortal Wound. I'lu uofse of tin- row drew tile mate t i tlie spot, ami, tt< r r - c< vitig a scv, re wound 111 the arm, the lieitjcreut seaman wus s*-ur,*i and put in tr is iu tin steeruge. Two days later he escaped, and, after a ilesjienttf struggle, 111 the e .lsc of W licit two of the Other sail- Ot - lllld the s* eoil i mate were seriously hurt, lie Was again s. Hod. ( ill the f. '.low u. vU.y the steward Went Odo the stela. 1% as llsllul, to deliver to til. 1 rir *ll,l In* allow.mee of f,*s|. lie found H.'llis cow, ring m a comer the st,*, tage, luttlie,! in the hh**l which from a wound in Ins lies,!, re tivl daraig tie* struggle f tin pn i on* ,lay. YVheu the steward s|ipr>,*li • 1, 11 -ill sprung to his feet mid clutch. ! him by the throat. A fearful struggle followed, winch drew the CreW t" tile *|*>t, where the steward was found ci sell***, with hi* *kull shatterci I>V the .. .. li. .... i i ug euotig to di'ia.l the eireumstanc's of tin? assault. I'p. n the arrival of the vessel 111 I>. tfinara, lloiiis w„* hand,*! over to the a i'.boriti' .a- idi. r a brief trial, wa* -'.euced to I, . years' s rv ice m the Brit.*h colony at ll*n,*piit*.. Y bind at A spin wall. 1 ; •• I'aiiam i .S far iiu.t Jit raid tell* t!fo.'owi.e : .rv During the Toy age • t • *t i. t t n fr. T.i N't w Y rk two -f h, r j a*seiigcr* hit 1 a <lim'uk*iou at table w! h 1,.i t" lo.g'h Words, Bud at last tiit < .all, The surgeon of the *t. uu< r was t.-d us r, felee, and on arr.v.di.t Yspinwail, on the tw. nty-tifth, ..though t w - the Satiballl day, the trt ■ * tut •> t to th-' siitmrb Ikvn linutile to f'igi tlt out. The omibatauts p d tw. . p *. the w,>nl w:.* giv. a t.n.i Is-th tired. As neither • e ■;U, i 1 W.. ,1. i,*l that t . V :t .d. '. ■ Oft the MOOOd tire, on.- :*ir .v up] nit?.*, put in* haiids to In for, h,.i i. and in an instant, ItKfvrv* he re- ital ;us.i fell, t • criinwoiigiuhed forth and unod .i wn over his juile und .tflsi i! ti hi* rtiitafjt ■ . • :*.''. '. . '■< paltry ex. • *,, of a few listed w.-nl*. The r fer*e an i other* gather,*l around in l>r ,thi . ituxi, tyr, mi.l it s*'ine,l ns thou it. t .*• dv had elided futsJly ron# of th-- act **. A* ss>n as |o*- i !<• mi ex imimiU i w.v miuie, and it w.. discovered t at the fallen U.all held in the i -nv iib>. ve gra*p >f his right h. In satunit,*! witli earnni.,' in 1 .. It v... then t uild that the bullets i i I*-,!i extnu-teil from the eartrniges of the p * 1* by th e who had them . c. u r but ~ -if tin j nrti. * wa* not iu th sect, t, at,.l for the moment sttp po-e-i he had " kilted hi* mam" Reaping Hi* U> want. An oilier ■ f rural j*diee, m Russia, w! .*n ,lriv mg on u country nsid, thidft a 1 ' ly by t ■■ wuys-de. (Yingratu hit:i : himself oil this bit of gissl luck, he pr.*'<**! to the nearest village, and let* the miiabitant* kn -w that all manner ..f legal pr .sling* w. 11 !• tak, tiagiutist iheui, • that the sttpj *.* l murderer tny lw di ' iv,Te i. Tlie jH-aaaiits an* of e uirse frightened, and give him • i• i• -*. b rable sum of money in order that he may lite hup tlio affair. An ordinary (IMM of polloc troold have I Im II quite satv.;i.d with this ran*om, - but the officer w .* not mi ordinary man, mid w'.i* very much in ti<w.l of money ; he conceive*, tiier fore, the brilliant idea of repe.'uig to' experiment. Taking up the dead bisly, he take* it away in his tarantii* . ut tew hours later de clares t> the ir tint,* of n village some mile-otT i ' some of them have been guilty of murder, mul that he in tends to investigate the matter thorough ly. Th. peasant?' of e.uirs,* pay bin-rally in oi l, r to escape the investigation, sn,l the rascally oflieer, etnlvoldemsl by anc <•> -*, rej'eit* the trick in different vil lage* until he has gathered a large anm. YYlial He YYnnteih A !ett< r was receive 1 by the |*>*tnui*- ter-genera! at Washington from a person living in the Kiev,-nth ward of New York city, wh . wrote that he wante 1 ntt office worth ."Ci.ikNf jw r year, and promts,*! f<> give yearly t • th. p >r if tiie I'resident would give him tlie office. He siigocated flint tf there wan any doubt of his fulfilling t.ii* promise, the 11,000 eotihl be deducted and .®I,HOH per annum paid him. He Imped for an early answer before all the best post -offle, s were taken lit,. Tie- letter, ultlioil "ll iltelosed to the p. sttmister-geiienil. appeared to lie a.hire ted fo the Aim."lily, mul wn* the frenk of a burnt io. (thl Kumigli. The follow ing is told of n grave digger in a cathedral town in the north of England : One bav, whilst "gathering in " the remains of nn aged parishoner, lie observed some women Weeping by the grave side. Turning round, he sharply demanded of them: " YY'hnt are ye crying f<>r ? If ye diiina bring 'em ut eighty, v.hen wnd ye bring 'em?" Itimitrrk. I In* mouth tlie reading tuihlic i* to to- it.-- lighted with tli- niitheutie biograpliv ..f tlio (oroninst Mat.-man in tlio world, <li*el<v*ing onriou* ro- aroho* into hi* anoostrv ftnd lively iti. t.hail* of /ii- v,>uth and atiidont life, coup!,*! witliaohiM analysi* of tii* remarkable nuhlio earn r down te tfn- |>ro. iit Ulna n translation from tin (ionnan. itli an Introduction tv llftyard Toy lor. \ spirited, absorbing and in fttriietiv* nnnwtivo, oploto willi anenloto, wit and wi(tom, it- | >■<". gather luster hero and tin ro from ctmi ict, i'-tie jk* Olio* and private totter* of Hi-taar.-k liiinvelf. Tito story of lii* hf< i* rendered doubly vivid by upward* of one hundred illustrative bonis scene*, battle*, ]ior traits, etc. It will lie sold bv canvassers, whom- time for real Hit mark , the bour of it* publication. Person* d,-*ii ing to arrange for it* *alo can write to "Von liiamarrk," P. O. lb.x AC29, Now Y'ork city, and Kocnro advnnce atieet*. Facts fur tiniso who have been dosed, dru| I and quad l Mftelpfcr tmklM nervous su.Toreilnf. rmntion worth thousand* , t ) th..-" out of lie 'III. Tlie new Health Jour- I mil thai tenches oil. Nt free. Address, Elec tric (ji i inay, ( iiiiinatl, <'. ' Dttruug'n Riioumatic Ueiueilv uevei - falla to oure rhaumatiain. Hold by all (li uggiata. Ut*. lMufli tii. I'ltlrf miikmUi utNii liy<vl ui tlrnw. He* hah l (lUUliKtUnhiHl fur lt IU U'tlii l-a| iitmi ( 111 In Alt| It HtUt IltA fl'tllcf . !||At|iftA to filitl fnl*. I'lT t lAtlil'le, l tHtk ft iftittri li hlii tlftv Ytlicii I lie Mtni wu hliliiliii; H l>iif lillv Bittl h'iit uut l M-ifttvh f<r iiii h nuiii, tWrt-by tiiHiiiiDi<uK that aujit t Hw. ttkimlv m'rlt't', U lit'tt All AHUtlt r, ft tli tliKiti*h<H! utilltrtrv titltMtiftii, liitu a YUil. tttti! IIKJUIITmI Hlltti iit < • •llltl it*l fu| tillll. It* l ( liHtl th* lit|mtUitot* l trtl litiu t " a?i t out if I hl blUtfllillU . I• itt|) tlir • itliiAft of lit. uititi llt-rt. lit tlr tvt like ft lx-)tKft< c.tal ilvol lit ft tul' tin wan a Moitr, cul'limJ, ui uty okl bni lmlot. Wo tuft I ttiftt lio tout lio Alfc, lUt. Iha'aiim litaUii y i|tM * |tt tut illicit her. imtuiul, I l*. aium* iiti Human Hottltl litii klittfly t" yin of ' hln hut-ila, illt-ftft or liifttilti rn, til tt|nr to tr II ttllntrrimuf ltii luiuali'lh 'l'lu har a!I dltt ttniiikii hht* ihi !iu A *'• , it Utruo, hut l!tn HotilftJt H ill) HmUUI lilt* 111 A tut', fttttf 1 • jftih vt it Ii U h < ,i/*f(ip(, Ui liuf )**>!! ' lußtil ftuiii. Tiif iuUAjiUrtiiU' Apirit Hhh'h \ j- aw smk! thift IIIAII Hftft t!ol|htlf*AA tillf ti tji- H|ttrVi<Nb ••thill Hint A l4ilollU(NMi, Hilfl uf thr llfullllUUlt \!U|*U*illll of wllU'll Ia A Utitft'M', I fftult IltlAlillK UtA|MAiUttt. '1 lit- fo|tf*tU II ilt AYlly ' OUlffMd, fgroc| l t I I tta tr, tl. A|'|H lite i nut (iiHnl, Ami tin |*at|ril( fu U tfull, fllrtMiv 1 I 11/ V. ftlultA}'t tut . fl. tfuh I'tlf l ItlUAl, IY, , Ml. in ft w vrfftl (Tiifutit n t*rf.ifr I>l t licit. T I'ltAHAiit l*itr|a*al!\ u Idh-t mrir iu- Teitieda I f(W dtMM (tHh.-ii VQiU ho y c i. lift cm! lout ' f Id- "hiir hlt.l t 31AI 'lt : *! lulu It. I fU**l .* '* '> uf "lnllt t loot! Hit h lilt tli All! of tv 111 a IftUtrfli. I lult I t (it ll liiftf i lltll UcluNP, HU f Mutti Hith timt of th. fioiJeu Mt.h.ftl lu , 'Yti>, ! t it ftU A hiA I i ! ht 1IO#!tt lift At lot j h i I •Ijjp a i t• i .l. t i fui ym w uf lift, ki iY'tiAUf < hi till* f : a.!-* uI ha!'itfttitnt, to • " A|TUf nn ill J 1 fft'ioal ft|*} ATftitene, am] at l' liuit ha\t laLi it A Hifc ft' lIM'Uil bit fi"titr nu>t liii Htitiiiit iif, of nhi li h* rc iu rvitlrtit Uuchl ..f it Jl c. ftud Ufluiiif thr hft|M>* Uloof ' lit th lh, >.< U- H!u# HUUIt! ltft\ hnifh'i duHli I j !*tmy (Iu si u • I A fin a j i.ti- .* j'lo-r, hut of A • ht* tju\, hn§*py t tirtuuu* f '(((IN % { nrti for HuiIAAAI l(rnlrr. Iriatiolial |H*ipl. always t. ),< I adiU'e, ftnd i.t nothing i* ti.. n tolly in "io tie.pi. all. ' conapicuou* litfti. Iti M-norlng or, ,-ftiiti.ilt* IKSfl* Kftiy f" tie lot. lit: ..if iKftitll. 1 . ,t* kt, oil tho utiirr hand. 1* ft i. 'tat le i-lilll. t rldio of Hie rational, mid it l> tlx ov. rei.o ut Utu qual ity whfh w would ugseM to thorn. Protect 1 tlio y*t, tu ngftiie-t dl - a*,-* whi.'l, t*t. li U|*.U the dot iiiut. J, til. .narvou* and tlio ,b|C| t !, by t-iftcing the iitiy -1.(110, regulating tho stotu ft. i: Ui* >1 fttiil liver, and hftiiifthitip do *l 11.1. n. >. with tl.r pin. -t ftiel no -t , fttoi. ut • f botanic Invijorai t*, 11..-t. lt, 1- M..iuft. ii IWHT U.FTT th. . it., T* t. R W U* U*, . und liiftf tt | HY ll!* Ad Hi lift- ft llliilillfttt* * iiii' fltllt tout and rwnuttent Im-i an facto , *tftbli>dicd to utdropulat.lo ovidols'. do rnjoy tho twin "a * tin 1 mind mid a umd budy " la all tiirir plflliUtud try • 4tr*o of tin* alrt . ■ Ftir I'ltttttoutid lltMii,* <•!%rn \hhy fur ikr .% *• 11 •- WhlU Ir 11. J&tu H .ift atu< hril Iu tlir lirtt lJh tnulki fttaft iu thr \ art ludirt*, hl hl#h {YHUIMit rlifthhnl hiiu iu * .11 ftfiOtlf hftu the Ut • litittlflh, jdifrirUliA aud M-t utlsl® uf thr <!>, fttid Hhil< 6i|mtitit4 atitdff Hiih aiu! aiuutt# tli iiftU • ( hi • . tf 1 1 < ih. i uf • t htet uisitiiirnt'N U iy am! |*nun uciitly i Ai! Iunu-4 ihr tuaiiy y<-ar .f hi® - juiirn th. f , hr tlrluUxi hi tiiur lu t)jo trrt ibtut uf lni*# A-m .*, nn! u|k>u rrUraturut he It f! HSih ii U*kft ftud r o uiftimu# full ) i aitiriiUid, ebuHiii-' that t ufjr uttt* can Ik hi* otU |ihv Kb ill* l>i Afr lltft t'H it JUOftht iltr, Aia! AID b itifuruifttiuii Ad Ht have WlUt| He ' lIUH t '(fr t* thr i'UhlD Hitbuttt ! r, uuiY Bftk- UiAt ' t- ll in I a Ihll riiT , i A#t \ Jx!r d! ( Utl'lHH h4 t ih, 1 i lUuf h!,, I'hiUch I s. V Nov* t rrurl, U, vntuilwn. \ w li . .. baits ' fftftin St. p !. Nt ..f it iifur s, tr . ai, illI: 1 -,. it vuluto li. i.IIT ll wilt, lu all pi -Is; I I ,t,< .. lonrthat An,, rioau Iftdt Wpf hull With jot. YVr refer to th. dr •ft-ILJ L I.' : ■ .• OWTUB. *0 JUnar ot Mars h SLJ, WHII-FI IM..ICIFT oruroliiMt indimvuftaiJr, Not tt. ditft-aid, ' fttyle* of f..rn,rr day*. tul nil . ftiiftli-w. <d. ,1, (.nit ak.rtft : B:.t in fr :.t and ■ - st tnr ~ te*. Willi a graceful train at tl • 1* .. adn..ial iv . da; led t tualaia Ul- n, i riim -r and (iat i.. lie rvriwtft. Wo !• ru from iu., in . <.t < - that tin, n, w l*aru> fashion t> up ftCftimg ail Other*, ijttly'f Jimmni. From I'rtor ( annoo. Km) . lietw raf Agent of th *;t. X 1U1.1....d at Newton, N. J. • llave., naodl>u WbtxbYßtutaarVu (Yltbil ill li. tu:... with groat ad.antaf-oft, t t rt.ftie yraift 111 . ... . f arvorr ,■ id Im. >1 riiorrfuli* give WV ftUtlvotiy of Itft o.CiCacy. and nvointiiwil it to tie.ft,- wno air ufl,rUig from t -.ilghft. < id-. ftJ.J Pulmonary l't..-.-.. .1 buiy .lauding ft" t*>. a *->f< *rtd roiiatd. rsn.rdy. te) .s lit, alid *1 a1 ■ -ttl. . ..1 by I DiroriHi.i, YY'tirii v u vi>!t ,*•:. av.N,wV rk ,l at Uw (Yrand l/ttSB Baftt, tirwnd tVntral dr]*.L U|. .iigiutiy fill olfttiod rv- lUft. I- -t r,- taurmit in U.. .ty . pr.., tn.*i. r**.<. llaggagt Uktn U> and tt .u i id d. ;*._t fro,. Cart and stage* p*- th. hetol f"i all j art. of tlio city. ("li *. . !so rv, - * <>f htm ui.itar . at,-:.- doncj,. mint have ..tior*l th*t cothmg is w f out ale, a> old u n-. w! ■. it r-nt ai) ordinary ftpjii, aU.uift for tin .r r. uitivoL tiu:\> * hix i itt a Hoar will heal tie m Held -very wtua I.-pot, r'nlt, .-ton's. No. 7 S:\Ui n.>nur, N. Y. H: Hair A YY ticker live, t la. k or t,.wu, 30c, Tli, lltftior, of t I, ill an, ion i, . Ist 1 v ti11,,, . t: ■ . :... at ; - . f Ituprwv* out IK Lit out ill ait:. • of food. !•' 'rv ) ?,.gt.- -v. lp tea putdic t.le*ftl:ig. To no c::o article u m.-r, du< than to lK*>lxr VtaT Power*. This w.tli proper cars i!urv* ■ ctula, psalry. rU\ Ve?,:. I !' dmm, the groxt New F:ig'.and euro for cv.ugha, cold, and oonaump tksi. I'uUvr ltroa. A t'o.'a. lkiston, onfy genuine. R!-> ntna! • -tu on .*1 ut .n*e by I >urtini?V lUiouinatiC Ite ,*iy. -end for r, *iUr U> Hoi ptielistme -Y Ib-utt. ••. YYmhuigteo. li. We have liear.l reei'iitlv of several ft'-vers-case* of Spinal ,!:*om*s c;:r.*l 1 1 J ' •OH s .TNE: /,T*o,U: o?IE ca*E of a man f rtv tiv. - d. Ml > tiad t• t done a ,lav's work for four o.vr.. TFIO l*u k ,ho".kt til. ll* waste . I. then ruld* •! with a . tows 1 A)m plv the liniment - I. I :id rub iu w,il with the ______ " Horwe-isen," m I others xrbo preten.l to |in< . -av t. t tie f, own due.-,. - had Ivottor I*- ol -, rv .*1 in u*ing Sturvkin t Caraby i .1 /'—Stern (uv. a l...t*ea tat.i, ft)ft.;i fulrvorv ingot for awo k . tli- *. ,vtyot!,w in, lit for four r ii I irlc tin same 1 r witch oow, and twux in. much for au ox. Tlio addi tion of a little fine aalt will tw an advantage. A positive etire for rhenmatiani- Dti r*ng' Rheumatic bcn, *!v. Send for nrrular to HclpliensUot A HetiU' V, YY a dan-ton. flh ('. ItfKtntrr'aCobai.vr i* prepared from the "rest arid lve>t mat, rials and i* muivaled iu ri ©as and dollcary of jwrfume. **!♦ Itr. **ol nittl i owl Un. And all worry with tire* that will net burn, ftnd whore it t impossible to em>k properly, can all l> rom<*ll*t and a ftftviug ill fuel obtain,-d. Send itamii for circular, tlonrv t'olford A ( 0., 7jr. .Sau*oni St., I'hiladelpbia. \ iliwrrnMr Vlrltitf ii otH that i* btliotiß. <t' from tiin#pii*t apn ' "f tjutrk * ltili Tea. lYics 25 et*. The MiYrket*. ar vow*. Hoof Cfttlts Native I V* It T.-Sft* *o.l r'lnwokee.. W ,4 ft te Mtlcb Cow, C. J ( >* 7s '' ■age—Life > |lrews.wt Wllft AH Sheer *# 2 '( '* t# iiiddilt M*f, H* rioar Western—Oo.*ttoOhates.. It* Ml • - ... .... *■< ' -"* Whsel ftsd Western '' R '*l '" So. 2 Mtlwacke* 17 , 174 |;v* BtetS ,J (I • llj, llrT - *?ftte SJ 14 (A MftXti*. - • *• 'f! Oils Mixed YV.-.0 I ... I, V ~ I VV. -I. Ml f't .4 CA It*,, psrost Kir** | .wt '* •* ll.'i - . .. *■"'■ ' : ' "* ?•* ' 4 - ll l-,„ t_Moft. >fibi .4l IAN Uid-OlllftM UK# "Yt Klftli M: Xoisl, No. I. new.. . !"<►' i4FHi " No. 3, U*w P„> 14 ao Prs t\*l, prr c*t 4"Y a 514 Merrm*, Hosted, per l*ix. . 1 ,4 17 I'etrolen m .Tmlr 19\.41 1 Ro*li.*t, ljS, VY tol—CWilf. r its I7eooe ,4 37 Texas " f * ,Jl Aiifttrftttftn " S* <4 41 Butter—Slate J * ,4 Western ( li.iloe 17 i* t* Weslerti—,<M to JTii'ie. .. 17 i* . Western— FtrXina tt . *1 i liftnfts —Btt* Fo-tory I*7 *4 :-H Hlale Hhtuvmevl.•••••.••••• '4 *4 , 7 Soiai U el t "* Kftgm slats and l', ti> ivftP'a i". i 4 IS 1 * •emu. Flour •".° ('' ' Wheat—No. I MtlwsnVeo 17J M 1 7J Corn Mixed .. " * IM> (4 y< live " " Barley 'j '' list ley Matt '* 1 ratisnaumift. IWf Oftttte—Kxtr. (<Y)Yft 0' Hheep os '•* llog* Preftftisl ANA _ Ut'Yl Flour pemujlvanl* Kxtra . 7oi ~v 7,.. Wtiftft* -1t..! Western t " <4 1 81 |{, r l't .4 1 I*l c.'.rii-Y*' i" ' 1 "* 8 Mix.*! '1 <4 1 ft it*— Vt it' tl 4# ,4 4< I'etrolen v. Crude IS IglStS Kotlned, 18 % J Wool -Colors,t <" Texas 1' (4 38 California..... W (4 38 SiiSTOW. Beef Cattle 1.5\.4 (Wl, Sheep ■ 18N<* <8 V, I )|„ R . 08 (4 P9 l I loiir- YVlHcou-iii ami Mluuesota Bi'J i (iu Corn -Mixed 8V <4 f* ...t- " 'I YY'ool-Ohio suit T. m sylvoßla XX.. 4,. (4 48 Qaftfori . F*:t . 18 <4 JN I uniIIRTON, MAMS. ■ 11. ot Cattle °8 fii 08N Sheep,,.,. ..•••• (4 l 111 '' • C 8 Hog* 0 N WftTftUlt'WW,*. Besf Cattle—tsvr to Chnt. e 88 irt ft ii I Sheep H 8 8 . Lambs. . .... 878 A8 78 % Ttlbaalr In llrrll. '1 lie Now Yoik Nun, tu a looa-ut article <>n hot,'l lualh ift, |ak* very favoral ly of (In. steady and Increased |*tronage t,. tlx- llraml I . ulral Hot, I ninco ll |*q.tiler re.lie ion of i at, * from 44.00 to *2.M> and *9 00 per day. tin l* ii..tiling tiro however, f.-r Hie (irand Central has alwavft lieen th. firt among tlio I, luting New Vorli hot. |. to rodm* . and no* It ha* made the last reduction t ' lowest of I li. an *ll. I HALE'S HONEY OF UcnEUOUlli Atll) TAB \ FOR THE CLIKE Cl' t Desybs, Cutds, laiaema, DiActih ' totalling, and ail Aferti si cf lb* Tlrcat, brvacliftl Tabes, aad laad/af to Cos.rumj .oa. Tht iiifalld'lc remedy ia composed of the If.iNFY of thr plant Hurrtiouii.t, iu ihemiiil anion with Tak-UALM, cxtravted (rout the , l.trr PaiNClM* of tlie forest tjee AfcXti > RAI SAMBA, or llclui of (jilrod. Tlie Honey of llorehoun.t toulltlt ANI> ' ir ArtKhs all ii ritation* and iiiliaiiiuiation*, and llit Tar t.alm <1 * vwt s AM, ill '.is tlie Uuoat , and air passage* leading to the lung*, htv* , tdditiona! inpiedientft keep the sigan* coo!, moist, and tt* healthful action, let no jvre - judice keeji you from trying ltu> great medi .trie of a famout doctoi w!io ha* saved thou t lands. f live* by it in l.i* large private juai tee.—'Hie 1 ar-Halm ha* no BA!> iaiix or ' smell. 1 FBICBS 50 CfMV VNti |l IT X OOTTti. 1 Git*! AAvtnf to buy Ut| we *• l*ik4* , s TiKitliHclie 1 irop* " Curt; in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggist*. C. N. CRITTENTON, Prop., N.Y ! NAII'KLS F.IWLDI N. VEGETIHE> (l*^tU^iOO^PoaiW^^e Rocommond It Heartily. Iftv Jl ill Hit# T(J A. Ik BTKVKHh 'k I Ue Uke't setefti tedlln# -• ) ■•tiX V f-( *K "1 2N i , mJMI niti ift'hHhce.l it A ttlttei ie IwiimKl) I** ft. K.Jtecj t dt'D'titei au4 a*< ne.fti cJtJ hgt of th I * at icexmrY -k rM<4ttmoA<! tt t ail • fe-rUxflf fruoa the • ' hbftltr CYi4tte|, \ ,rU' Y2all> , Mkk Ml Mt- • f' AMKKH .iter. Aiiirtt* n*rt Ip^HH Ka I'JU J.! ay t! IN ' • < ii rtiui*; 4ur teuc ii m -lh t K%NH%A !• %€ ItK It %% . € ci. ofti r> iAfKtt uudy 1 i .*l ntodft in k UMA ml iuftft*-# pr..7> ai.'J t rtXAA P tit* tk! im I In ) 1 It I I ! r HtkßlfKUMk I "HUfitN |'t( 111 l HOb* A I I 4 ll," At)<]r<rtMA, /-K••<# f oWtteilMUfllff, h . Jftr.t .Se</M< I, kdNWA. 4F+'++~-F ■ r 1 +FREE GIFTLL ■ to cry Aobftcrfber tu tki) I I ' Jilt >1 111 | I. II *". I m HK<tl la rr.' * *- 4ln ' *Ullf .ij I <" tehi'ii *tt d*fa hfcf k- I ■ HAMft .. litsjri ID: ■ ku-IDi| r'.xltiU .' AH ir.l | ■ Ml'.'Ul t4 AUJ } •*!■" lit Dll ■ hW bitft tu*d<* •rrwitcifli'ttkj < 'ba!ft •a • \ j +t a; f rat J' 'TT :* t|ubr t'-'Uil ■ • K-t 1 tl* ..'(!• ' ■ lo lotthflf f |tAcr tuV ;itic.irc< r . c t . c. e*ft ' ( ■ tlu r-flfrf I > lr?T* • CUT 'I J h 'tor*. A• t h, Yi 1 * Ma ll VYIUi 1..11 : I M + ++ + + Th* tains) sopwlsr styi, ■ 341* V XX p * i a,ft : Ibis I sllers M VatAk V < lot h XloSel free. f ■ r 14! ■u. HHflkaL • s-:,! .: Faunu " * ).*" ** l.ff' 1 ,f 1 '■Prtncrm PokmaUt " Tm par Mailtos expenses. Smitii's lnstmction-Boci & Catalogue. Hundreds of*r llluslrwlluus of U.J New Si v Irs. u ;?i nmplr lesirsolns. ta 1 Hs>' llresfttnaki "4 slilnii Osl." * •Ftllts*. elc. K,.1 Tso mhrii* *ud jr r 't It M rrtur? t41.. ltMb Puiieruasnd - Sit STTIiS wdUST OUR PRTTEWIS. A. BURDETTE SMITH, e tor. ft. 0. Box ttfiii. 18 East Mtl, St . N. f. City ■ Young Men and Boys '■"7 i in Itfr a fid watitm* tli* !***■( sh>i*Ulmh |c -Mr mcfe ■ in r*rmnfi A ftnti h*inir. ramkinc V : { fof ! ..<• SofliV* l>i '■*. >|l4tlr* ntt f| .r.| to r. snja ihttr (Murwol Itfh, or ,T ml b-.iMno** or *t jnf*ct.-rr|r And rr Yt.*c | icr*> mul t*nnrilißHiY *Antin|fhmr t • ie jirxMßfte' v tirmti* \<Tit!rtnir ntii! t .life ifp Cat i tlNAlr* ■ Tttttf t. j t a pitelira. arrl • . i . n' • • ! ' niitmiukk i 'i.'.ul \ll ib cW,rt. ifl-f' tin* d At imti : 'a i' cf ' • I b'jtd "I im thfti? Hfnsi." 1 H N • • i-t *. c.-.l . tr*4* el st tads At k hplimna llnwinrrea I ullfiiF* I" A' '■* li r- j • .< V Y llsslie'l . 1 ntpr iloYi(*il I' -t.i. \ I ilD>t it "it! Jii t'vt **'. IXfr* dft* *tod td *. •■i |• :x , grm i t huhtn*s Ait Yl* ' 'sl ll thr I ? rjfe** t n.i m<( fHt7itiftf IWTSrAtr ► ft.i X tt |*}V. (ft. At! pftrtidAt" • t tfflkl from Hnfm t pstptn* AndgrAduat*• in nearijr rv.-rj • ttj *:td ' tJ Trnni* arm 1 <a \|*j>u-*nt4i rnter ant da> n>* t io* n*f-tdm and tio asairu. tt*4w t ouh ♦ 1 •S' 1 i7t,ai. m*ilrd trrr } >r Otaktfrua of Ti.f TbttiwuMi (inklMUr. m bnsi p- . an>! x bXt ttifoftnat •*•>, rclaft fhtw Isttar ■t7.i|* ii <• I' \ S TM \Y. 1.1. 1 1 . fV***Hlmt I* a" krw ivw e*. N V A v \ Perfect Hair DrwMing. A Promoter of the Growth of the Hair. V A Preparation Ipse from irriuting matter. •#- BURNETT'S COCOAINE. Tor prvsrrTlnr and brautiftrkHf tha i lUir. and rrttdcniif it dark and 1 he ( ivcrvtme hold* In A H0v.,.1 fvHtn. y-al fo P of tiwi ol dceut- n.-' .t Cocoa-nut Oil. prrntrrxl 9%r-r*m\v |e>r thi. y. , p , t Nrt alhrr fnmiK'tit'd ..* **, th.- . fKH tillar |>r.-pet ties • c x :*c' | x I •nil thr TAittfUA c**7dittxKi f fh i, B . t man hair. It o!tfni th* hair nhrii turxl and dry." Ii ao<>tbrathr irritatrd sraJj skin. I* alrcr-la (hr rirhnt lustrr. ll rrtnatns Itutfett iu rtfrct. // ti (A* Omt •,/ ( h.tjeif H A I R DRESSI NG is rug WOKJJI. DIRECTION*. . Arrtr wilh the hand, or ■nh bnuh rxrry othrr dar. or ar oftru m the raor may rrqmrr. ruhbitifr It fhtxrouylilr into thr nvtr of thr hair. To ttHHits /Ai%./rh/f, Sr-f. ,Ac i wash thr h* ad sriih Dt kaatt'a Kal * LIATOA, rubdrjr with A towel, and ap ply the ( oralis* as dirrctui. riit'Aiib OMIT ar JOBEPH BUBNETT & CO. * BOSTON. r*%i ISiT. F Jossra 111 xH A*t .** ■* the ( ts-h'e ttc# uf the Ihatr ct Court f lh. D>- tl ct f X'a . , ROYAL iVTisiolxxti ZMT Will fo one third furthftr than adAltftratftxl or •! powder of frocert. or §fnd (HI eta. fr I lh Can to RI. it. poatace paid, by return mail, with recipa# for i ' Braad, Muf2n, ate Sola onljr in Tin Cana. In writing, i f l*l/ 4. C Th t>"trMrt in tt liwpnfl^l I I IJa \>rtrrm i.;.n> n Am*rcv •i M"" rIM > pIaMM KTrryUxl) TruW >n>yiMf <• *!**.! pwrrwiicr** !mml lift •* !• nt ) .li.l ot* tun* M.rwl for r.rouUr t ftOftJCRl r > BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT. I Tit* !**♦ family •*!> A p*r JUMI*I.I >gLt im|M, Aft . f | Twmr *l|M>r • in*tun . clwtoi uf nWvoci, 914 pr . * MM i | || \ ro'> liMATIH, IJi ill w 4 I I, 1 leaning Mill. tw*h and |V*#c ""14 I il i I WLif| ■<s W ] *il fHftii.iMKt Milt! M •*.. *-rj Umrtu** ViiUgH wrU* j lii* *n<l ihQrrb tnl Mn>titid*d I ) a j |t>4 and Kilotuin fanning Jiirnt I.uiair < l*p ] A Wo-LwiW U itlMlMtUnd* 1 !■* LIMiIIMI (A r'| . iuait'l a *•*! MUI| Will MII i|tiartr and ; iW-Hintu* t lUb i (MI til Unaltb ! Add IM, W IXJPBAM, Hl *ar, rblinaat SOLID STEEL HARROW TEKTE Mrragilt ( otnuinrd *!• Mglilaraa. rm* < |A nt a pial tdL* urdar, • will ghltvat l (la rf |>rwa i. <***! \in • Mtaia i< im hi* W*tg. foe |i. M) 4" llHi. tMjoaja (cadlt. in. hot Lttg. luf 3. kUKLY tHtltO llTti < O Mia* t ar. *V _ Western Lands! ttr*>ll Itf Mil . ~■ rt • i tufttM.ntarkaCa.KttHtfita, .. .f iiw. mU) i ► •. Aim* tn l< rait |m* t Laaora Th j*r% credit Ki jw.rni intataal . no WH"-' ' "t jartnt if*al I■ h ltit Iran Ktlta** i iijjifwf* t*ui ft If Una and u Ka Uilnmnmh and "| uu ti.,l 'MM HOOIf Kj I and Igrnl, ISui !.g1 .A M "WHirt lutt.l it It . 311 Hnadm), !<•*► V ark -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! - -- Maize Flour Toilet Soap! -- A fiwat 4i*r*rtW|' a iwtt aoaft "inMind ! ll axititM. . adi-rful kaat.i.g and •atsowx* tnai'.iig | rt -pmt-f .* and ta a< 4 uail| *uilod (>a l|*a ♦ .alii. bur***? and gnat*! VnlM It tfaligtrfluliy | mi- Utuod and a-IJ !.-♦* at mdcflM* pr.m Kafa • ' ■ > ■ 1 K uiaiiulmurwra, M< K 1 11W J V All HA AAKi A CA . Church's Musical I s2ovisitor. i vmn Buiulif La* 3T " f kutw and MuatraJ M**rW*. fck4 .W* Kd.t r.aU. laHnt. 4r ,L <U-r*oa "I W'u9 K PHMIJIUB. VJUNM* #Vaa UIMMI •ttbarnbri i M I ..*<! * V* Pw*l ri*>up ft* /mi) %m* Ucuiai* or |. >hU for aansyk*. HL Lot a>* mil F f til.a* Addma J. I 111 l< If A < (1., ( Inrlßsall, 11. COLLINS A CO S v D . c to \ n ~ COLLINS A Co. . *'C/ - 2U *"■ -ft. I'M; •-r THIS HIW TRUSS L •4- } • ***f laH A u aw.*** *d*M* iMMtif la ail mw SZI ** *•* tn-i *• ft V" u ">f s-.iru.n^rrx hgbi |im * la# laO* la MM •a.'if Itf MTTIIII MO rtdiM. r* *tf a Mm < *fti rt>. t**< if a*i; n**arir** CCOIttTON TRUH CO.. Maraitail. MioH. W^Wd f LOWEST PRICES. '* £ £ri ?w PajUrt .f th< HthOl* BtrLifU* Bail. A! 5, tat Cawiitrir.Z. tt: l. lit *. SSJUW#T-J*. idwa IN THE UNITED STATEo A GREAT OFFER ! il.l'Mr r|IM|'MMK.& llHl.tS~.airu ■r. ati.l.lin lid 5/ w.ktrr IwMlai I* %T*.K~' rI l rr |lirr lot < <- laa.lnll mf I* Irt aalil ttiatal laar I laaa at ra rr larlaar* .fl rrat. WVI I ll*' I.IHM' Mtt AKC aal..: I'UICIIT .V HIM. IS~ latrlaatfiua tarlf SI " ~(tl I I SI It > lad HIM IHIIH Mr. h. 11l 1 I iaic. |.(M tl.Biad TK .** I I.IM. i- \l ■ sTI'.H. 1 llnalrmlril I lala inyur. Ibllrit. \ liVriil.UM-rti.a.l Rt*..:ar. 1.., > ' *•!..< I Jl..|r l ttaal frier. Hlllt V< M ITKIO .V Maaaati. faaclaarrr. aaad i ralrra, 1U l.aal I ilk ~iarrl. I ni.r ~qaaaarr, N. * . |ft ■ AI.KM- \ IVTKII HH THK WORK DAYS OF GOD! WV Hr Piv f HKKfiKKTW MORRIS. A II . O D ) Ml Lr-lorr Uaw a |i n Krgitt. Ibriliuif a:> • -- araWiM • nMcada n?*r. Tba baaof a* - ■ uwj r*i .1 • I I'tnaa ba • al "belraarr. K.IMII i~u an.i rtb.l < ut.drr-lr.Kl I .bl .11 rwbd it arrUi dr! jf bt teirit t iirttiUi.<i hml t<T I'lawtlrr, Trim. d> IN.o-|ii. I: i.iim . - A.'.iimm J. I . Mel I 111)1 A. I (1.. Itatlaada tibia. HEADACHE. nu.r. w . n (TI.KKY nn.i € it m* I "VIII I Pll,|> r t*r'**|*nr**! rajrrala la . r. -If K 111 %l % f If I . Nfc f% or - If :%!>- 1 % c 11 IIKAUAI IIL Mf. if %M.f%. Mhi 111 NLKITUXfi N|>\ and %%iil rrr ant a*r. (IRrr, IIM. \. I UIhW Mi., ll.i htiactrr. *l<i. I'rli ■ .VO*,. janingi- Irrr. b* all HraaaiaV* and rM r darra. If 111 if ! M K lli.nuid Hank. ftatllMari. I|l. 1 [)R. U IRVCR'S lEALTH CORSET. m. Wifb Mlrt ~npportrr and ■f r M- Adja.liiia Pad*. S•/ Seeorr. HHLT, and t'< amnr of E® 3 IVbIT will! (iuriuiil iitat'TT nt I ArAz"> Form. Ttirrr tmnrimt. So one. / Jj \ At>prowrd by ail i byucana. At. XK TH AV AXTXD. LV - f Li Sua p> lijr maU. In Coqul. $1; i ' Oy~i l Katirat.. fl :&. To Aft-w a at I : , ij \J real* irr. Order l* twa faC M*v 1 liithea .mailer ibau wiuu mca- : .y It imtotrrniedrim. a tliiiKT'WjttiL Vuscrßre' 351 EroiAraT.a T. CHEAP. SIMPLE. RELIABLE ->?wyiTJAas.<- ALL GLASS w-"T-H.PcKCLiAihi bHED LOSS ..eIricoNVDiIENCE AVOIDED BY LlDSand ONE PIECE riRSpPRCWoWS .Haibiu-r-t iwiTvn./>7L\ idSKNSfJ - , i i LAD A P siMPirrt*! I. S-.S V UN ISM.'TUtrp ' I pOIfCCLAINa 1874 |..MEAPE^ i • CENT. *6 r l-PATEHT-HAAi:i.-CEMI T [rOR GLASS r* TIN COVC-AS *wo WIRES I .TTARAIGTIES iTT-T AAJlii.i > f'trrg fViMif/M harr a ISvtiy. i*m X+trmjHtprr. Ar* V<H* a xiWnlor t* ai j ? If nn(, (hdi divhugv that DUTV \<W hf ibarnbig (ntkaS |id <!<f miiat !• Fi.uu'i' Jaumai. THE PRESBYTERIAN m*RLtSHRO WKXktt Trier. n Vrar. Pm*r Inrlndr*!. Hott InClith* of Fit* or m >ra hrnhar, tha prior .< *15.1 *i • Vow oath. family akottld ha fa The W I rntrnnlnl Mrmar: >1 . Solifitw and Pair**! -m'. an aftrac and mtnic(ir Pa*i>r Omamnnt l*rc*. pt (Ml eta in tVdora. %I.(NI or Tl*r Tl rb 1 K rlnn, noo Year, only (a. 2IK Add r<-* I? m n. * t.nlrr ut 'k, Till: Tlf l>lsvn:ul %N, |.IJ • .inm | FIFTY-TWO or THK MOST PROMIXKST STATESMEN of tie COUNTRY WIU. WRITi: FOR THK Toledo Blade i X fifthf/'m i*aprr). Krarta. Sh*rtnn. Kejr. Mtr|rm. RUina. F"tar Wtn<}*m, ai.d *ibo>ra <*t mjual n f*. c<*rtrtT*nta an arlieW danm tin* pnar Tlf \t!|l> I.rffrpn an* ar -.t*n *tc!air*l} fr Ihr 111. \IF. Tu* host and ChAapaot Papar te iha c*rl<l Hprrlwrß I eul Kfrf t any addrwaa Knul A idf*** " Tnlrdz*. llhlw. 4 I wp ■ Ara mr.<lr n all at % Ira and of ever* I ll v <(**-riptioti. fmn lha huhirai. flriraf, and anot rlrsnnl in ua t< th* brariral and atrwnaeM mjaiif l Lt any Kind of wrk . art t nrf*Minlrl in • 1 Ir, oncoro wrh Wa .hi*, •irrtigtk and dnrnhilli > . Th\t rocatrod thr hkjili ri nrviltrn annrd at the LVnuaaal Ripwtnoa Uomncc " Nwnr ncll fIV/Oda thay am Mnniprd i with c*nr mnmr and Trndr Mnrk. A lib*m! Daw/o r r! ,or mforwS4A " l\ UVY diU that will ronvlrt any cm nko arlla linriu M a* lltr ( onrord llnrnma Iknl nrr not mndr lv i*. Kitra iaduroraMiU idfomd Sand fvW circtilara and pnea ltafa. Addmaa J. R. HILL & CO., Conoonl. X. 11. rn QCAwrn rtm TEN QVAtms. MASON & HAMLI y CABINET ORGANS. N Mlon*sT AW A RIM* AT FOUR WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS Paris, Vienna, Santiago, 1867; 18731 h* 1875 j PHILADELPHIA, 1876. Oat* Oaa*wa taiflii* Fiaor R*i IT CwiT*m*u 1, rf r,;.. .1 i-ir,. .V|. .K,M bt inf-nll, fm wi bf ib. A w.uaAwbl fttluUt/er .....'.ri.... gXAMn.KS or SET CASH MILES. Flv octnve double reed orgnn, D>l AA with tremulant, JpAUU Five octave organ, nine atops, il 1 i with vol* celeste, pIX4 .rw aba/r ainiliir faaarWWjr a,.,8f.. ~ ~aM aai,i WW * m-t m krvrkiri ialkwr ri'i.v|: r' r. i,.,...,,., dwirm /. MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO. IMTrwmout Sl tb t'aion Sq. MO W*bah Aa. BOSTON. NIW YOilKa. CHICAGO. BAKiNG -POWDER. oly Itiro. ibort-weicht kind*. Om.en.i'ra tu.r obtain thi. unrqtabled LOYAL BAKING POWDKU CO., X Y , 8..J 07it, end ' mekin* tb< celebrated Vi.nnm Roll., Bucuit, Cakea. Corn , etate where yon taw thi. sotic*. ' id'r v * f Waltharo • K Reel i'Drletlee < aria p n rrr • I > n.a L. , ill m lOfl* I H H ,t I| 4 I r.u : rut, b V ■ y<)wit * MO>TII. Aarmt. w.nted Q2SOU UnM O I'IHKI >'i. K.eeaanmed. 11l _ .'l*l F S II MM, i:r„ XIIH -A IK l Del., Pa. VI wad lie Mr,blne J Ital.k. Wit Pi Medial Adriee Fwl rvw.Lr.Tsi vr | t55 a $771 *• ir.rV ' $5 to S2O fZ 4 */rfkiSr. *WTu^'.!!s tcc e week le ->■■> ffltea Tamae and MA eel II *°° Ir— H HAIXITT A <*> . rwtleed. 840 fflffial Wtfiß: |> ■ 4e el beaaae Amk taaM IHHMaad •u I ie-n,. 1,..- 1 lil'K *11), Ata*ue4e. Maiaae nruni UCD* iaMramim aaaam. ft t V U L V t nwrarm Men Woua. itil<-ee, 111. i ia|:>T~ M ANTKIi b caiilert aeaell |u<' ir— U in r,,it* .nil eailaree M.*ae in it F'-f }..rii. ulara uHrau K H I.KIUit IJ> Alii.. v I! AlaXbT* 4 Muwd I brMMa I. ikr Hmlil. tin eee..rie<trie< I>e>d Ml, w 1 W tJ ■ .leftncirT.l. UUttEo <ci .iHX.eeeu Hi . Hrm Verb OAF AA A \ r " r '• Aaeoie, <> n .n $2500 AG' I Well '. . .. ■ '..a a ; ' I tMNlwt V- *• AbMMMCo^Oi—innat < ? A r o**-f Nt i *P BftlaW t tti> Unrwartlcira ban.pte. free. W WWUf A'Mr. ..I .AT. A1.1.^.e WHAT! IIK A tiawel beeeetu* WeU h eaet Oetat ff— Aaetne Heater Una <e.ld Addreea A OOCLTKK t• 0 . < 'hiceeo cun T" VVtfU All— Jil IIIIIIMXIS, li." 1e A 11 Kl U1 lb lie t— perl id peeae " A If '1 r braeea wUb ruep end ] artae Iket, ee4f—e Xilctl A (,!•.. < efilr—libe, Md ' 1 nrnTKir A M I HKAF. FKK I ItKi t T Cere .e Aeluijlr Mend lor elroaa. , .1 .* cell •• r H KARK. HA'd Mroedwar. NaawYevb i I kI'MUHPHT Utanitlt JofknakOW Faatanwe, I tfmi S J Wueaaelliiea Nee H h !• ... m I jftKV H -> Nt . 1 An> teUeleie d ike Jre wlege Xaalllr. * Uleeuet IP JrbWle.. I et ulee .u i iu(lend, tear beer .< eeeriiitu e.l.eeleae-o" '•> eeawl.u# Ar. elaaatap | .|H A M.e DKHM. P—tu*e HotlNMieorgeaeenJC. IMtNSIONS i Miiarod '"i dMMp<l kldat A4t)r*mm tl K W. ' ti. a AH'i, w*itmi". D c ' 4 IJMi* aed tr.emj*ai| >e C h l ;\ VI 1 ef tr-mi e.err pen d|. e. Pl( IKOn t "r: vmii /. i'. M KTlbNaJief'l jfaM*r. Iba'lXX ATI. O , te lA>('lbVIUJt. KY <fei viTOr A r, u rfer* isr-Tir. <P A ee.r,:: *agT3tft.Sr A-wa-J OEM HEATER. * *"1 'g'Jlitf j&ttSSf JM 11. O ■ *FN AAUtrarMmwaMl Vh / Mil tat" —M or laartrtl air a Kie arttiae. iJV I lUU Jen patented baroplee eena Ir— te R iIbmWHUTOHH.IUrriknIb.IT 111 i tITCIt Men te ireeel end tab* w Iwa nf \A/ Q N I tU M-, uetiie beiar> Ml e<h'*)rer ffn I * and all tea—litw t— paid AAA— Ira ManT Ma , R. Irak. Me JIOtoSIOOO • r—. B AXTFR A <X) Henber*. II Mall bt. N T. AHIIIU HABIT (TKCB AT HOME. UrIUM We TMtMnt Ten—nA „ * a"V—. W L Mirra. Tankar d GAka. rm-Aenal AC t.M Turn Pet C.nai.Be leea ik aa km Meeee. lanrbarcu. Mux, . : . Ml Ibe^a fAMIPn AI. i:\T~ Te eeil tie Read Petent HltlCU /e .• i. r.aeed Ilea aal ~e trt a I ean p. *<fd f*m r'aof <Hi Writ** far M*n*c uur* i.. iiM tbv iTi Mirrrv LAMP i I lla—eaaeP| * jmnMnzißD A " d > * M "Itllliulll'J 1 11 POP* """• b.ud l, 'iUUMi.e AM. Crr era free I H BIHI H *jt") .U I*-? bar—. See k -ek 10 Per Cent. lowa Farm Mortgages. kaufbt and bold and Cella-rf Moa made an ell pita el una Ant lali—e A—— <• •)! "■ uet Addtr—e J A ITTi HPATKH K. Nnedo. a— -, a jit lit Weld Unlit. Tbe —nnM and b—( •)'r.lft HI th id "e Oraot Kll t rant KeJla I ewkt •• I ttama te'.! e lie. I carry eat I <tW Mar*e Übd lOtk h* aaeblr, I l.r IA if ■' Kb. MUI. I I - s V 1 • • bra 11. .ai teT* ArkK.ea bead tet otcalera I T. beeev , tie., tt Klw Ha . Cberm— r H" 4 *' rn MONTH. fV/i /NVt PkTT tJmrAb LetaraP^Ata iyioney KCI.IPMK fril ru.,l inrlMßbli, O. xioo. REWARD. 100. Tee MOtaCTACMßpeedaeed a—at bet I 4 J[J k, lbs uea ef ftaa * keeaw rotate eailoaM k IH 223' SiTtiTwr'S.V^ A Camßw * CO- AftW. MM*. Ilk gfflVA r&s. • •;■ pictorial BIBLES ,M*l 11! net re I lone. A .Id re— bw new axrauLave. a. J. IIHI-M AN AJ 0., HSU AB< H M-t. Ptlt ar%b rmf. Hell's Haitr ■■>■■■ H b Ike prepeaen—. oe. perteeeeT rW, W— ar nta lartn Ike had ae ree tkara eed keear 4J are tkr aoianl,— *— iwlreaei M HSR daaa le rawi tarn, er ae—ay .. aw mmsnsvv EBaatsra.' ~ VIOLIN STRINGS! sjufj. , iLKAiIrU, I-—b. l."Un sent* and bniaia. IUC i'nn—bere Nr*e I ark. flllKA PKwT Artta-hn oMered In ate paMlr On I r—e. ( e cd | A cte we wall send It] mail |K— |aatd. or I.'.dee' Bt4d nleled rwau mental Naaaarl Pm. ale. one d the mean akyfa Ilea etanr— Tb—iwdaen d be nee—l and lata— Areata, mrr n—ti ban "rarea tb. S2. if* Sl BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE evor. Oeterrb. Rnptnre. Opaem Hal rac , KENT I; KK on receipt id dam Addreea IV Inula Darpe e art No 12 \.e*th Nth baneei M 1... .a SLACK HILLS.-^S t- (Artrldf** (35 U |M*bnxor rafoßdableatmlb;sU cU I* * *• . kof uirr, wx'Awnhk iiguto, fiftrlj -.bed. '-TKKL raarte. A Kea—rlaaUe Beairata "-X r .a Sat t.y rtjva eßd. I trcelarbuatemp G * TI'UM'R A ROSS. .11 OMwl Street. Ha—en. Han Get line oatG PILES! IV Preen'a Herbal OinOnaM bnppne.tawMe are rua' at Iced to ewe any ceee a! thai can be fenad tn thr r..led Stelae A auunpie box rt ttaeee Hnpyaiattairare nil bo en— fr— by maal te any enCer— on receapt . I iO oeote. te prepay putayr and pacbtnc Aecnlar price 41. Add— Br. O. PIIEI.PV B (OWN, *t ( l a-.l eid.f Jrraacr <"lt, N. J. Mother* Who Here Daughters That Have Weak Lungs, aboold arreea the dime— obex at aa In the incipient dace* It IX iaaafaoated by a hark in* ooajrh. pai aaa in th 'beet. diAcaiHy d breathnm. ar eppaeeaa-m of the lervr* If the be permitted to nan am. Inhere!— mill form, and "oneoinptaoc will be the a—ah. A m—l reluahw r— c ty -ill he b- nd in c core and rliecb ti.ia die— m ale brat xUce FW sale hy ell Medicae It—lira. Every Year You Lose hfr*ra than oo* ooot*-Oari thr*y mht- No pap till wtad •*<! aottod Xo ri*K. *• nay Mffat-Be yrmr mm and .Sa**(dwrntoaiia~-h>or"h a kln n*Rlpr, '"•i''"' inoao latter' 4WiwW. Snid fur free Priaa Lsat all nt* Scakw and jadgw for yuretf. JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINi;IU.HTON, X. V. nVEROIiNTGREEN^^ 1 ff h:IMV funny trom flrAi to layu Vsi t" fc iA*Tnaxmore "advcn'. irot" aid tub* I VTYy,yolcrot>—, than ercr bet or n brfcl tucir "/ {C-'*l tnan. If "rrcry laiigl: pullx * trill Wi-Urom one's oofflu." ml Ibis b t-k unit fibiT'l|n-in'iiirlTT nivx-c. Iwxt-. and thai Doctors. l* w,th lHObutnora>ascnjtm*ia. I'rlro '• SAG 11 k—>nby 20 ccntnj bv u.iiL ko cents . V\l -V 7! ordlnarr price Si.TSlt. b ''d bt All 1 IrVl /* NewedraVra. oracut, i-ctTia. ;. t'- ! mtt- I'll * Dcllci. Loyd ACo.. Puba, C Ulcitcra. A i\ PPRCENT. NET ■ ■a mw u!i, l^!t ■ hrel tear in advance Sc. ■ enrity < In HI tim— the l,n in ■ land el'>nc. axclutiir (if the build- H m n**- ll* A ceah v.'ic I t awnrn ■ MM \ J Nu pajmenta awr* pn-mptly nrl B—l of refaateno— yivvn .Send veaup for particulars. 11. s. ||. JOHN!*TON. S—.uiatorof Merle.c> Lneaae. Nr. Part. Mi> vrnoT* (hrie AA A VKi: 11 1 lin liur Grand I'uanblitntlnn N(IwUV V I'rtaeprrlaa*. repre—r.tiny 150 DISTINCT BOOKS .anted erearehawe Thr blll*ra abley cvrr trlctl. -lelre ruedc fn-m lhae eben all *an*te HaeAe faX Al— Ircuta eantaul on our .il.lilMHl I*.\T KHljl.l HI III.FM. Nuperc* tnailothera. W nh lnv.luxt le Uluu ratcl Aula etui Su|ert> ltindin*a. Tbcea; llonbenCßt lbe World. Full Particular* fa— Addrrrj, . UHb K POTTKR A CO ■ Publndacra. I'HII.Ain.I.I'HIA. ■ BILLIARD TABLBS. B—t in 17- Bella. CWh, Co— tail nrjrtbinM aint iT*inina to Billiards, at Lowwt Pru*ro. ttar to* thowrrmt otuck an 3 finest faeiiitim f*r manafactnrlßf. urdar* can hm |ironi>ilj nuad. |orud*hand cheap. Til* r.n iA!il Cnc. an illoa tratad p-awrapapcr wut trmm on application. H. W.^COLLENDER, KFFP'S NlllßTft—only cne quxlitr-Tho Bern. K—p'a Patent Partly-made Drv- Shirt* fan be ttmahed aa auuat aa fcemm n* a Handkurebiaf. Thr rerr beet, at* for *7.1H1. Kcep'a t'uat .an Sliirta-mxdc to mesanre, The eery twat. an fiw MO-fMI. An eleyant act of eenuTne tb.lil-nlate Collar and Sloe re Hntluni siren with each half dot Keep (I Shirts. Keep's Shirts are dehrered KRKR on ikmi'l of w ice In any part of thr I'nem- no ax pre— rhursea to pay. Sam pi— with full directions for —lf measurement Sent Free to any addr—a. Ho .tamp required. Deal directly with tbo Manufacturer and set Bottom Pricaa. Keep Menafactunn* Co.. 1 ♦!-) Mercer St., N Y Woodward'*Onuunental and Fancy Alphabets. Four pa it* just publiabed. AO cent* each, poat paid. WOODWARD'S ARTISTIC DRAWDIU STUDIES lleadnr Klsaarca, Aniaaiale, I.audaK-Bprii. Two part, joat publiabed. AO cent* each pott pei Woodward's Designs for the Fret Saw. Two part* just published. AO cent* each, post-paid. Order free Oataloirne by P—tal card of Art, Arc In tee. tural and Rural books. GEO. K. B OOIIWAKIi, Publisher. 1 311 Chamber, Street. New York. ~ N. Y. N. B. Xs. IT. W' URN WRITINO TO ADTRRTIaBRBv p cane any itul fsssswtke afvenlai' ' this pneer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers