THK CENTKK HKPOUTEK THURSDAY MAY 10, IST". _ jßir-TicßMß. —92ptr year, wAen yaid in tuimnff ; s'2,.'al o*< m not paid in itrfrisßcr. j4,ferrfiaemcMf* JiOef* per l.w for three t-i --,so /ion*, and ftemttf" • Zinc for err:y si.' • srquent insertion. Adrrrtiaementt Ay ZAr year o( a liberal dUcvunt. LoioxTtnmroir itKSTlir HaU-bono*. Jt.s f.l O (> F , tui-U eTry Nalnrdaj•venta* In the Mt Fallow* 11*11 j UA.ralusD. Jiwcl. 11. I* Sasskv. A <•. Oil- Your lasisaw. * &sr, F A M., an V|. •. Vv\ itn or ailrt ra.-h lull ntvn In tnr t 4 . II a va M IV I IURI.k HKR. $Wt. J A I|FMl*. V M ft I'H. utrrU At tlt#t HAT. H*L! %W IH* SAURDNI >FT OR WOW FN 1 • in nan *t i V M *ni vTWf t. >f\rr. I Kb,tic Mifti.-t t' W. tUm. Sect LOCIkL ITEMS. STORK ROOM FOR RENT.- The undersigned offers the store-room, know n a* Herlacher * old stand, at CAtrr Ma.., tor rent. The stand is a desirable one in all respect*. Possession can be bad anv time after April Ist. by applying to J lIKKRY KKU.KK at Centre llall. AY roK SAI.K —From lOto IS> ton* f.rst-clas* Tinn'thy hay for f*'e. t rice, sl2 per ton. DAMKL May I.Bi Linden Halt. QOOP lII'SHAKP AM< (IIW'P IN\ UK —both of you are reminded that Hood Grocerie*—the freshest in market—are of fered at hard time prices at Sechlers, in the Rush house bKn-k. Before prices go up lay in a fair supply. FOR SALK AT IIALY PRICK— A good new platform Spring Wagon, lor 1 or 2 horse*. A gmwl sound mart, 6 year* old. Also a good tingle hamrs*. Will sell all together or separate. Will sell at half price. K P. RAKXK^ 10a'.. 4t. Pleasant Gap. 1 * We had light frosts every night last week, but see no harm therefrom. Mr. Jas. A Keller's now dwelling on his farm near this place, is up. Dr. S L. Van Valaah, of Mlffliu burg, formerly of Boalsburg, has moved to Terre Haute, lnd. A little son of Samuel Fartier, of this place, had his arm broken above He vrmt, a few days ago, by being pushed from a fence. FOR SALR.—a new Golden Tongue Organ, warranted. Will be sold very low. Inquire at this office. tl- Wanted—at this office, half ton of hay on subscription. —Rev. 0. F llcffmeier, formerly pas tor of the Rebersburg Ret. charge, died at Lancaster April 19, aged T3 years 6 months and -V days, On morning of Ist inst., there was frost in many parts ©! Alabama. A model man of our acquaintance accounts thus for his unbroken bliss: "1 j never go home till the other places are all; closed; I r.ever strike a roan when he is down, and 1 oniy drink when somebody defrays the expenses And another, 1 never buy any groceries unless I can get them at Sechlers. We sea in our exchanges th* grati fying announcement that the grasshopper eggs are not hatching out in portions ot Kansas. This i* notably so in Linn, Bourbon, Crawford ar.d Cherokee coun ties. Similar reports come from various parts of the country. W"e hope these re-J parts may prove true. Go to Heisler s Marble Works, | Bellefonte, if you wish to save money on | monuments, headstones, couches. Ac , at.d at the samo time get a fine job. Mr. Cowher, of the Stone-mill, intends running a mil! wagon to Centre ! lla'.l twice a week, which will be quite an accommodation. Ladies, the latest styles bonnets, hsts, trimmings, have been received by M ss Lucv Deinir.ger, who has just re* turned from Philadelphia. Read heradv' and call at her millinery store. A son of Mr. Abr Hershbarger, liv- j ing on the Stump farm, a short distance below this place, on Thursday of last werk, accidentiy fell from the loft to the barn-floor, causing a compound fracture of the upper part of the thigh, one of the bones almost p<rotruding through the fleh Drs. Xeff and Jacobs set the bro- ' ken limb. of new goods, they need only call at ft'si. j Wolfs old stand, where a large and weli- ■ selected stock has just been received, sur- | passing anything in the valley. Mr. i Wolfn.sver lays in any but the choicest goods. He always keeps the bet, and no i " customer gets any poor or inferior article there His line of dress goods is full ar.d i complete and embraces the latest styles.' the same may be said of his notions, and his groceries are the best in the market. Call and see for yourselves. Decoration day, May 30. will be ob served at Centre Hall. There are several soldiers interred in the cemetery here whese graves will be decorated with flowers, and the usual ceremonies of the occasion be had in honor of the dead. We will give turther notice hereafter. Many kind friends of Centre llall and community. Remembered the Luthe ran Pastor and wife very substantially dur ing the past few days. We hereby tender many thanks for these expressions of good will and will be glad to welcome all at our new home in the Lutheran parsonage W. E. F. Mr. Hughes, of Bellefonte, has been awarded the contract for the new Penns ▼ailev bank in this p ace. The building is to be a three story brick, and work to commerce next week. Our old democratic friend, Captain Hunter, of Halfmoon, intends putting out r. large tobacco crop this season, and has ; engaged a gentleman who understands raising the weed, to superintend it for him. One of cur exchanges says the cul ture of tobacco is spreading rapidly in the eastern counties. It requires more labor to raise tobacco than wheat, while to rai.-e wheat it requires more land, and therefore a larger permanent investment. To illus trate : 50 acres in wheat at SIOO an acre requires $5,000 as an investment to raise, say at 20 bushels to the acre, 1,000 bushels of wheat at $1 60 per bushel-$1,500; now to raise tobacco, 10 acres is as much as a farmer wants to attend to. He can raise on an average 1,500 pounds to an acre, at 15 cents a pound, which will yield him $3,250. This will require three months of careful cultivation. With one reliable man and several boys and girls al! the work can be accomplished. prepared by a person who understands the business, call at Green's drug store, in the Bush house. we copied the burningof Mr. Erdley's birn, in Union county. The Mifflinbuig Telegraph, says further upon this matter; The destruction of Mr. Erdley's barn, horses, cattle, 4c., in East Buffalo twp., on Sunday a weak, was the work of an in cendiary, Laura Pierce, aged about 1C years, the hired girl spoken of in our last issue. Being charged with the crime and importuned to tell the whole truth, she confessed to having fired the barn. We learn that the Insurance Cempany bus had her arrested and at May term of Court her case will be tried. Mr. Erdley's insur ance was SI4OO, of which sum ho will be awarded abeut SI2OO by the Company. At WD. Wolf's are lor sale Knapp's patent curtain fixtures, advertised in an other column of the Reporter. They aie the mest convenient out. tf- Many of the Pianos and Organs now manufactured will contrast well with some watches we have examined, having a massive, highly embeiisbed case, and when yqu ask them what time it is, they don't know, somc-hing is the matter with the movement. Such is not however the case with the Beatly instruments, manu factured atjWashington, N. J., the move ment. durability and tone, is the first con sideration, and then the case constructed according to price. lin Groceries down to cash prices at SechlePs, where they keep the best. I Last |<| k tho ease .>1 Adam Greno ble, of Gregg, against tho Railroad lor right-d way ilamag*. *• tried at BoHefonte Ml (iirn.ili' via- n artled ! damages, vh<•')> cave* him i r*> ; move liaimn buil.i mg* and no tin' ie'tciig 1 a dig tho Sine of tho t I. | trine* wtiU ii ft tho above wo :.v,> ro. iv j oil a copy el the vor.iic, in tho case of j Grenoble v* 1 l'. A.V C UK., witch i j follows : \uptn KI N VKM . KK led given in const. l*r > tion ot .iv ant; gi • • I" ' ' draft "A," an 3 I"sv. WH . :• j rvi damages lor hog pet , I IV.-od-h ~M* UNIT •KIOK.- h >u*e • j Damages for IS u|< j .It . . Now garden and fencing . 10.10 Fencing KK * - ■ l l** voo SIVKIN.I CRKKb. V A KM RR bed given in cor,adoration cf advantage* as per draft "R." .Damage* for road hod, dug up and dolroyed (means bor rowed material outside right of-way.) $1" I*' Fencing UK Tft-K' sl-i>,oo This makes a total of damage* :iw*rti Grenoble of sufCl out of which he must ds> lis own fencing, remove building* mentioned, and make up his ' -i for Id ap ple tree* out down, and damages done outside of right-of-way, which would no tually leave nothing for right-of-way. out | sido of tho items enumerated, and thr-w --! the responsibility of keeping fences in re pair Upon plaintiff, A more iheral ver diet would no doubt have su ted Mr. Grcu oble better, but jurits will do things thus- !y sometime*. We think the r*ilr.-sd company can not, and will not, complain of this ver dict. -—Over s,t\t) yards of the latest style*, calico, cheaper lh*n ever before offered in this neighborhood, are now offered tor tor sale at Wolf* old stand The fishing sea*s)p is at band, and t Frank Green > drug store, in the Rush house block, e*n be had any kind of fi-h --ing tackle sportsmen nre.t in thi county. Also the best and purest a-sortment ot drugs and chemicals, aiul fancy article-, and standard meAiicities on hand Sechlers not only keep up. but keep ahead, as grocers in having tbe large-t. fullest, freshest and best slock ot good* al ways on hand. They are live fellows, and do the larg< st grocery business in ih is county. UiTe them a call in the 11 *h house block, when you visit Itellefwiite. They sell at the lowest possible figures The court has appointed t' emmt Pale. IV 7. Kline *nd 1> W Woodring a* Co mm usioners to fx the lino for the division of Potter tow: -hip into two . c tion precincts The** gen'.'c'. en wt.! al* tend to this duty r e.vt week. Read Hick* A Bro's advertisement and call them if you \ .-h bargains ia hardware. —By using the Varnish Gloss Polish, you can instantly niako any article of furniture look new and fresh, it is easily applied and dries imtiidiate y —have found this upon trying it. and recommend the article. Mr. J. F. Meffitt is now in the county selling this u-etul article. 8:. J, C. Brackbill's furniture rooms, in Bellefone, the largest and best st -ckeJ :n the county, and parlor suits or any artio e •f furniture sold at the low < -t figure-. Rain on Tuesday and W idnesday. Owing to the absence of the spring flood* in the Susquehaung, the probability is that less than half the stock of new logs o- the headwaters will get into the booms. Bo side* the l g* more then one ha;, of the square timber remains back in the smew streams. With the light stocks now on hand at Williamsport and Lock Haven, and the short stock got in this winter, with the prospect of a foreign demand for ship building it is mere than probable the present holders of slock will rca!i/.e larger profits than anticipated. The finest work in marble turned out at HeLler's Belletonte Marble works, and cheaper than elsewhere. Mr lleis !er followed the business in Philadelphia, and is fully competent to furnish tomb stones and monuments -qual to city work. • ♦ • ZIOX AND SUBURBS. The erection of BrumgarTs fine dwel ling has been commenced. Stein, our accomplished blacksmith, i> now making preparations to win a cor.sort Since he is worthy we with him a.l pus sible success. Larcony is still carried on to some ex ter.t. Hayesism will soon have to come to fine points and investigate these roatter- A horse of Squire Shaffer, on Tnursdav last, became frightened at a barking cur while be was of! drawing's gate shut aril ran away leaving the Squire behind t> gather up the fragment* of his pleasure rigging. This undoubtedly vexed "ur Justice considerably and <•. d l erhni s have pronounced a mortal sentence on the dog had he net retreated to hi- kennel in mediately. A cave was discovered a few days since in a lime quarry, one mi'e south of this place- Being as yet unexp'ored, it* •x --tent is not know The establishment of a semi-month ly journal is now contempla ted by several of our talent ed gentlemen in this place. It political sentiment is tu be deruoi-rat.e. A radical organ would soeri flag among honest dem ocrat* as we have here. The Murphv wave struck u at la.-t. A temperance lecture w- delivered in tie school house ori the evening of the 2t(, by Mr. J E. Haas, formerly of this eoiin iv, but now of Lincoln, Neb. The spo-k-r delivered an able address which required about nn hour and a quarter to render. The house was uncomfortably crowded, but the best order prevailed, which der.i ons' a ted the high appreciation of the lec ture by tbo audience. llis words hud their force in carrying conviction to the bAnrts of many and wiil likely result in n temperance organization in this place Co* DENCEK A TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR FIRE. Tyrone, I'a., May C.—A fire at Wallai e ton. Clearfield county, yesterday dortrry 3,(XX).(XXj feet of pine lumber and about 25,(X<1 shingle*. About l'X> feet of railroad track was destroyed, delaying trHin- an hour. Four telegraph poles were hurried, interrupting communication a short time. Loss about $20,000; partly insured. THE EUROPEAN THEATRE OF WAR. Now that the Russians have crossed tin Prulh. a typographical sketch of the Rou manian territory Inclosed between tin I'ruth, the eastern Carpathians and th< Danube may be of interest to our rcadt rs. The Roumanian principality, which, n must be remembered, still in it mantlet owns the siiyeraiiity of the Sultan, re i tu bles in general outline tbu lorm of a shoe Moldavia representing the uppers an<! Wallachia the sole It is separated on al sides by natural frontiers : Irom Hungary to the north and w c-t by the eastern chair of the Carpathians ; from Ru--iati Bcstara abia to the east by the Prulh, and fron Bulgaria to the south by the Danube. Tin country is almost entirely flat, and i* per haps a little more densely populated'tlmi State of New York, the areas of the two being almost exactly equal. It has man) extensive steppes and marshes, especially along the Danube Below the Turki-i fortress of Bilustria the country is a< marshy and the roads leading to the rive are PO bad that to approach und cross i there with a large forec seems a shear im posibility. A really serious attempt t cross the Danube can be made bv the ltu mnsonly between Yi'iddin and bilistria <> Rassova. This explains the importance t the Turks et occupying Ralafat, whic lies on the left bank of the Danube opi< , site YViddin, and other Roumanian town which present convenient starting poini for a Russian passuae of the river A glance at any good map will sho . plainly to reach one of these points wi be no easy task for a Russian invading a; my. From Jassy, its present headqua ters, two main roads lead to the banks t the Danube : the railway via Kaujeskli Gala'.z and Bucharest to Giurgevo, on t> Danube, opposite tilt furbish tortitb'd own of K'nditi In k ; and a rather go-d I; igli r. id fr- in J Oi. r \ a-In i ib : i"t, whet co a railway **• ■ wu t ' • main lire tVoui ta-• V to bu arest. I', di lain t" a eei da v - I ■ y on ne M l auk • t Iho Da uha b Itj oi K • • • ova and Ku 't l uk : in di . t r•• at'. . I'9in I. - n I\\ ' i • i . n u'-. i. in id" a • ■ tta K.i i - ty, ov< r i"tini 1 Iti* t"p ' ible, liei. for a, for Rio - ato i one< truly a lOisnle: atile :,ire.'- '. i e Dam - I" . t'ae . t liri. en d i■ t the b t. al d t - - tig to giMMi.,. rurki time t-> <roaj ih* n\-r aI. take it' -'it Roumai n R ■ : v I tUt t" ! ** i|i |41- t. lha R. > I -> tt .Hire,-. 1 1,- to an ten ill w< i no n an las >' '*• . ub t■ position ot tn K . wt <• . vine sill ni >re ,1-thi u'• in oiler i■ki •i> up untnierupted .oinniuiti- fti n hi i 1 wit tho R.i-sian ft or. oh i- s i on.ibto tor the -p. .dy and lagulai e i vevalico of pros.-t lolheiirn v . -> i•> > lerablo force mut be left at tialatr to p otoet this impor ant railway junction against a furk.s'i attack and more t .-;p must be pot. I alat g the I.• ebe w ••. •• t.a tats HI J Giargeve \uother pot : who h eiu-t be -trong V detente ! t>v 'le Ihi ilan* is t tuated ! the mouth .•!' the I'atts utie. between the 11 ntn *' a" '• • Ki a and the Turkish torts of l u l-. ha and l-rnatl, at which a .on- .ieriv >- I itkuh t ir,-( is eei e etral. 1. w! ch. it t ot din rk**k by Rimiss troop*, snsy v o great mischief hv crossing the Roumanian frontier into lt.-.> .rabia Th Kas-iati filfQM now , om entrated i.i M. 'dl a itl.nunt, hv K.l-s an in' t l about ;CatU*> men lf Ihe-o, M),tO) at ea-t must he detached frotu the invading army to protect the lott bank of ttie Dan ube. Thus the actual ilivn : Itg feree which Russia can -end a-'nin-t the lurkish nr IUV cannot be .sautued in a' v ev.-nt t-- amount to u ore l':an is'.isk' . en Now lMusersw* Ik* Duitb*Mid *M it what Condition the 1 u'k- are to epi"'" the invasion Ah. at 4ho,t*.k men. m. ad ng the irregular tr i, are -aid to he com entrate.l in the v u inty ot Nil ito d Sbumia, where to- Tur'. sh headquart- r at present are This mak. - the numerical forces ahout the -am nb- l 1 • vie- iut the strategical di-po-itiint ot the 1 .ri anuv i far more lav.oable than t.eit the Ru--niti file vv . e . . ur-e ot th. Danube r-m \Siddi' to Ki v i- pr : ed by a bug row of tort- and ihrtiiie.l towns, monr which Widdin, Nixhpol,j Kusblchuk, *- i.a ai d fulls tia ar. tic most figUMtkls A l#vt > t Iroi, ad* *Ttl se isf, the riv. , all 1 eati -peed v lrn he i> where it i- needed Supp e . pivivistotis v*an he speevll V eotivev •>1 to the army by tvv raiiw'nv- r inning t- ■ the seaport- ot \ artm and Ktis("iije t Ku-hlchuk and Rassova on the Danube Thus the front 01 the I ;rk -h artnv is coy ered hv the Daunt. • and its tort-, ami i' it* rear rise the Balkan Mout tan- with their almost inipretvaMe pas-a, w here . small body *'l iI.'U muted met in iv !i .1; io check aw ■ 'earmv It is ev ident that. >h .It K >n in * rv ' exceed 111 numb. IS tie 1 irkls ! -rco-, t I-. a lva tage i- more than lik- lv to he i-aun - 1 [| rhalanced by the l ,vr*Me i osttion f • lait-r occupy on the right l ank .t th. Danube. N Y. Tribune. A GIR I, MI*RDE KE R HANG HI). St. Louis, Aprh *JQ. -WK am Pin t, who killed Catherine Bu. a ootid .0 o nine vear* old. in Balinger county. Mo.) :i the loth of N.-venih- r l*T w.- g p.l on Marble H: 11 on Friday I th( prei cnce if * c r ** nt ** r ,Wli 1,1 * Ilt briff irni ihe d, mi which hg said it wa- women, whi-. . indj had men that Lii L. h m into H ...- le Previous to I. eg. jtio'i ho ma t. i>' L-onfession ayir.g that lie had murdero : the child at the requ, -'. of her mother H-- tlso confessed lo having killed a man' named Wt i-.amG-ay, in N-w M .lr 1 . :'.ve years ago Ho had a'-• assisted .n .averal robberies. American* are n. • ■Jif } ; r Russia at pre-.-tt. Th. is a wide ex pectation that America wtii dec are w vgainst Eng ar.d in o-v-e the la'.'o-r nt'.a. k- Kussia. It is supposed that Am.-r . would gladly -e.xe thcopj-orti.t ity to d*- troy Engli.-h e :t m~'ce I' this o(u- it is aiswrd, still it |* - Ku# tt so.- T IXJTTKE TOWNSHIP AUDITOR? I REPORT. April. 1>77 SUPER VISORS, pi tyr Shifllt'r, 1 lr. To order SUM To amount of du plicate ......... . . 924 CO To nm. unt due iwp 126.00 -slO6l. M 44 HO $1095 95 CONTRA- By amount paid for work s9*o 77 By amount paid Mr Kurt*. 10.ft) By amount n^n* oration..-. 1.19 By amount ser vice* I<W ft) By amount paid Win. Kmcrick— 5 CO SUOS.9J Hcnrv McCSosky. Or. To amaunt of du plicate .77 —s94! 7' CONTRA. By amour t pai i for work .*. $715.71 By amouniil - r vices 100.00 By amount exon eration By amount ..r<ler on I> I' V ur x 25 75 By ord r on Swee ny 7' l "0 Hv w..rk 10 61 -$ .>43 T OVERSEERS. .John II Kallcr, Dr. To order on Je* i Sovder ' ' To bill of Wiu. (•oodliart 17.00 T-> not.- ol tit-orgo Near hood 2H. H2 To a. count ot J. Spniiyier 20.C0 ITo Htiioiirit Dup.i- I cate 574.27 < (INTRA By vouchers $ 151.61 By exoneration* 2.70 Bv judgment paid Centre county... 103 H By attorney fee ... 10 (XI By service- 46 00 By percentage...... 2* "1 By order H. JO Ruber. Lee. Dr To order on John I Hnrner $lO5 08 I To orders 271.57 To ainout dupli cate 648.13 To ord< r on suc cessor 122.50 slll'.'.lH CONTRA. By vouchers sltas; 7a By services f.'j (XI Bv percentage 32 40 By amount p.iid for duplicate Ac 5 (XI sll IP IS Auditors, Dr. To amour,t in tnvi ury S3O 82 $' (i .32 CONTRA. By amount paid officers SIH.OO By balance in treasury 12 32 - $30.32 We, tho undersigned Audit<>ri>, do certify that wo have examined the above accounts and found them < errcel WM. K Kit It. J F., WM I .lOl:D<)\' (JlurK. LK\ I M ITKK.\ V. Auditor. | OPHIXG OPENING OF ' BONNETS, TKIM MINGS, MILLIN. KKY. At MUs LUCY I>EININGKH'S, ill Centre Hall, • who has just returned from Philadelphia, r with the LATEST FASHIONS, and i complete dvcli of new 15 omet. new lint , j elegant Trimmings, Ac, whirl) will lie r sold or made up. at reasonable prices, t Also, old ladies Ilriwit 'lupi. The new itv leg are very p-ettv. Ladies , call and e them early. First come, lir-i • -erved. • lOumj'4' 1 DNIVIBTKATOVB KPT{OK.- Letters of administration on the estate S ol Sural) Gniliily late of I'enn tWp , dee'd ■s hating been granted to tie* under.-igned, all cergons knowing theioaelees to lie ii * M debted to anid decedent are requested to II make iininediate payment, and persons r- havuTg claims against tbo estate wi.l prc r sent them authenticated for sett lenin t. if THO6 BOCKMAN r, ROBERT SMITH. io may 10 6t. Aom'rs (JO TO NEW MAYS EAGLE ( LOTIIING IIALL. F NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING HALL, ¥ NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING HALL, , ■!' dialbetter %<n><h far lessmoney Pennsylvania. .1. NEWMAN, JR., Proprietor. * r Stv V' . Sim#' Bit.;;. io<* BELT ESONTii, PA. Nftlt'l. F ol' 'IT \l/ Nil... n _ J In re -x sivro t at t > -ninis-ion a town-hipsai I !*-*• u. ■in -■> 1r ■ no* ' til" fx. ■ wi: ! • ! - 'or lio'.l ittgx-h- lion, iu tew >li|> at I l> >rouch', to wit: I It., M oi ! ti. ' I . '(••! I>, \\ I■! ' X Itai ris, I hue i-.x AI ('..Mi.wo. Friday 24 Fuller > .luri ,x Ii i I'iiiT. M.III 1 IVnn. Tu< - !x . 1 llain. - W illie .x < Mi'e, Tlior-.l .x : Wnl . t Fridsx 1 i.l . M, i, *- i". ti • Libert*. 'l'm .!\ ,Y Ilowsrd t|> nd II W iii i day I u tin, I loir- ix 7 Ho<-. I'r .lay i M t ■ -our.. > u i , I'nion, M >ll,| V 11 II USKlll, Till - lax I'.'. W ..rill W i . .1 Taylor, Thur-day 1! a! I! tU" "I Join i 'o( I'tthav or. HUM. F rids\ 15, Fit.lit l.urg, Ssiurdf. hi Hunt .ids, M udax I Snow Sh Tut-.,lax n Hi-niti-r, W . ill ■ -.1., x J" 1 s. 1 1 xir-dav -I. Brllefonle, Fridav '."J A \ \ It CUl.iit. II Bi, K l! \ MlMiLh. Clerk. . N. HALL, 7l Com r'. HI i I*. On 2\ ult., ill li'. ! >p. Laura I'" n ! .nt itaiigiitvr •i .1 ' M x lire •m, ageii 1 year, 4 to 'titll. ait,: '. tax., MARK * i > Nexx Vork. M o 7 1 .. .rat . ■- erlt a>i-t Mate ?7 '.* il I", ~ n in■!i t. g, a ;x'>.ia', . • * 0x; white wheat en? i * N't , wlo-.ti ill! f.l .1 111 I I ,'S' t 111 J .■t! ti<. ■ pt '.i- . Kuru.g IH' N i . Til •• auaee rtiifr ?! '.'7. No. . I !• Cag . spring nominal* fix ■ W . : r - i ! Ha- •■ ■>< ari .• and firm; N - t a .da. ?1 tAj . . B> U.K* >N i Mx ;k six. I .notary !'• Ux ShorthJge A C Wi wheat. 2 Knl ■ 21W Rve, .0 t oris -he!!. 1. : Com. e. t>, 47. I St*. o.". fiarle> ry t. x. .. . Cloverseeil 50 t. J I V7 . ot <1 I |'i ;at- retail, 1 i F'. xtr | ■ r h.,rr< , xxt : Cayura i ■ Amlii., i i Chi-xtllUt I r , SliUll I'.it X K'' " ?">"•• : Choapcsl ni' Ail!! Largest of All ! REST DF ALL!!! MAGNIFR FN t - i>t K <F sPRI.N(} AND sI'.MMFR GOODS. Wolf's Old Stand. AT AT C2i-mi£ HALL, llVKKhni V A F.l c OF CM ICO, WHICH U 1 1.1. ! L! CHI \!' r t; 11! \N' K\ F.ii ItKFtItK IN Tllb SEC TION We have the ti . L F Low ! Se ' And XVr now 1 ..1 I x '.ltlion ' ur tr. i. futr-.r .'it • nibln- gen i rniix Come ' xx ■■ xx ■ x x • . t!.- RFsT SELF lED .MOCK. At pr .a- o H •,it a ttl i*l. \ liil! liiii' of Drv (lOOtls, Clothing Boot- and Sh .C.r. c. ii.- Oueei it . W ■ I and Wll U..1 W ... Ha -'a fa fa. t• V above line#. A I. A ltd I - r ' K OK READY - MADE CLOTHING cni.!iint v 'ti iiniiil ('iial'.rners wili l.iel ti c -t e k coin plctp, ami at ail uli that t- require.l to B-';re V'.U llott C. - i- tho In t pin- ■in tt. ' vail'. .to 1 niy your gtHnh. Wll Woi.K. A DMINI IT. 1 'il N'orici; I."Per- . f ■ the i slat I'M 1 1:1' 11, * ■ g IIV I Tw'il, having In < it" ti under '-igne I, all pel - k i wi' gt! cmse'tve- ti ibe ii:di btcd to • •! . i,i ,re r< ipu si ■1 In inuUc iliiti. -ii pa; no ■l. and pi , on# having el:, u it t t i tate nil ! present them, • . :< l, for seitlc ment. 111 \it Y I.IM.LK, Ad rn' r , aj>26 Ct Spring Mi A IIMIMM I! V i ill N n'l lCi: having been grant, I to the in der-igned, | nil person* kl. 'IT . llltl" Ve- In lie ■U debleil Id Cfli I de, . fit re 1 tot iinke inline. I into i i.vii in I peri' nt biiving i' .iiii- ii - : ■ t' :n?e lire re-1 quested to lnii i iri> t 1 ,ir claim* du*j ly HUthet. ie,ii i :.\ iv. >i -. n lenient. ANSI I M I! \ \ KV. M adi*onb'irg, .1. 11. K:• I -NY I Kit. M lllllcilll, I'dnpiil Admit,i-lrntor. i )<)CK K r i:> Hi A lob l"t •f*o I 1. ither l'orkei It ok*, ivlii. It will be i'l i.l u'lie your ufli r. ('•II nt,l. Weleb ' te *1 i|ie>r to pot of fice, M'KCTACUS i A jprnt varloty ••: SpwtwlM tod K.y 1 , 1i n being el eat in,if il . UMIHI priee I Now i- lb" Mi,i lira bargain. JA" \\ KLCII .i w i M: v ; A line assortment • I pint, d Jewell , < nnibtitnf of bre i-t pin ear and finger j rings, sleeve butlon . liirt studs neck elmilo, brio ob" A'e Ac. Tlie„e lire all | .if the best ij inlit y iif I!" . pi tiled ware and will p' -ilivclv he -cud ai l-j** Limit I'mt In !clo*e out the lot .1 A S WKU'II CON i l(I I'loN I HA' I A elioiee te leeii. n ■! the finest confer jtionery nt ~!ie-hnlf the priee uvialli ! charged fur i* tail m I be e .iiviin e I MAS WklJ I! ' MOTTO AND I'liM'l ItS-! FRAMES. Multtrame- dll cent* bull' picture frailieii 7 eentr, , uti paper •">. 7 (till l( rent*, per quire, ei. uu.u- o eetit* em n poekel lumk 1551 lib end . f.iney leu pA n per Id cent,, Inn bru-lie* II cent*, tootl ■ br.olie* Hi cent*, pbutngrnph nlbuink W • cent- and upward*, to\ nt net, eerap pie tare* from Ito 10 cent* Call at Welch 1 cheHp KlatlO I cry Mid 1n.1,1. etore, ilex' du.i to p. *t ollli e. JAM WKLC'U. may 3 M KtxC.VN lILK \FFIx \l; i.MI NT. lir-r OF VINDIKtI OP mm: j . niity of Centre lor the y. ar l. K ."7 Ext. ' front lu'unxr l*.x pax-i .1 April 11111. Falliphiet laxx peg' 4''2 A' perron r ■ -■ arfatit. 1 nn.l #M>i'il XX he -lux; I fail 1 atti iil tuclt appeal, or to appeal front the tin on of the appm.-er f. (he propi r, court, of C"iinon plea, xx 111. i ten xlax - thiirenftx i, will not he |.er mitl.'.l t -top t. a ' * ' to the re, xe ry i>f the amount of the li. > n.e xxltn Si lie I, required to pav xx hen .nit .halt he brought for the reeox .rx of the .alue. \|. |. land -e, or a dnt.ll. : " "ilher that he t not a dealer in or retailer or hrewei I ta' • . the duty >. ■ x.rx t ;tx ai d . of 1 • ttc. u. ill. > r. turned to linn hx the lot. the firt dsy ot duly, > n each and x! ,1 ,t I I'r. .1- ir. r lt .11 no: he do. harg. .1 friuii afix MICU !n • lire mmi in I.rings uil ■ n-i'i xt-r the istns within raid date C'a-- V ■xan.brW K Mil! . n I MUtJ'. A ~or' II IV i .p-burg H 7 7"> D u 7.T& t.lmux (heir '4 \ .x x I. r.) It AC T It. I. f ole 1 I 1" 7 • \l,.r Tilth tards " (ti ack hill I C " 14 7.7A ttf.mii Henry Hub ert U"g I'• H' I x \V f \i I li. h. •-! . i ■ I" 7 fix. 1 H Ahr.o ahurg 12 I t 2". Hu r F Itrllu onto '• 24 "o II- irTi ou Il," k>| i x'r 14 .. ■ II ggr A r M ih—hurg 14 7 7*' ll.xar.l \\ W Idt'llefoiit I I 7.."' . lira, nbill .1 hit " li "'• > lir..u it Kir " 14 7 >' rtr- w S \ Ar Son " 12 1 ,24 ll.uin A '* 14 77- II a. l 1 F " 14 7,7; < 'a" ph. K C Mil', iin 14 • 7,7 . Chamber* J F Milloeim 14 7.7 • Co.'U K hert Howard 14 7.7'. i.'op. t.hsver John o via n 24,7" M- - S I' 14 7 • ,In h'o- ,V Campbell " li 1U74 t ix.iuail Mix- rtatiia " 14 V . 1 • XA li " 14 7.7 IV r.l -r; h " If 7. • C iJ W " 13 1ti.74 Ih _• r It! C M ". 7 10 iapJa-dtC' Foetirove lit lU I'll ger J N lioaUburg 14 7.7. 1 bold John Howard 14 7,7" I hi. , K A I'hilii -! irg 14 7" I Dare Mr N K B*)l#lonl 14 7.74 , Me. ki rA K liifdy L- u. ni 14 7.7.'. K, fjhmh J ' M.Hhenu 14 7,7 ■ ' I Sv.i .1 Bckef.hnrg 1 in,74 ) Dav.d A ' W dxxard V 7 • i etc John l> MiiUn itn 14 7,7 Fo .-r J t F.: r. Mali IU ! x.- ' F ix JT ACo Tvrom F> li 7.7-'* : i'l. gaICS " 14 7,74 " ti .odhut S It Hublersburg 13 Id 74 . \' !" X.rnx W - Hal! M • 0 I I 13.24 tiriJ.l \ JA T K F.e: .mg It 14,K --(iray 1 r rt Matilda l i 10.7'. xjlt n J p Snow Shoe II 7.7 • tJnen F F ltelKfonte IS 10.74 <• J\V Letn- Ml It 7.7 <iugg. tibeimer. 1 H, i!efonte 10 'JO.7 > tin, ham K A Son. 14 7.7 • Ila-g <. I' ..! Pt.xp L' ' Ha. L M ■: ni # - Heat 1> Lmdrr. llali It 10.74: Holmes R F \\ kei 11 7.7 ■ II.J. 'M il. * burg 11 7.7'. il rI. M llou-erville It 7.7'> II o rJ l Juban Furnace II 7.74 H ex.rAK 1' rl Ma'. 'xU Li Hb !! : g. < il Fid 1.1 -burg 1 t lx".7'' Ha worth John " 14 7.74 lloover llatri-Jfc c, " 10 2t\74 11- . IfaXil Mil. h.. g II 7,7" Harper bro IlelU fof.te 10 20,7-'' " r II u billiards " 40.74 lloff.-r 11 O lobaionist " 14 1.74 lln k "1 .1, V A Uro " ti V 4,74 llurr J : , A c '* 11 14.74 Ir . 1 1 \g'i Julian Fun ■ e 14 7.. • .1 . .i. II Hoabh -g 14 7,7 • .la •• "xV'C. or State C... g. 1"■ 10 7 J JX. Fori Mot: la 14 :.7". i Jack- n Win I'owelton 13 10.74 J, .;h ht -A , O It lief, OS" 1! 1 4.74 Ix 111 - F Hi ward If 7.7.1 Huh". J I ii; ,i.ohard II b' 74 Ix'i .p C Mih-.hi.rg 14 7,74 Kuhn \datn Fb.opxk irg I I 7.7 • K Ixaulb A 15 ilefunte 11 7.74 Kan] tI - iac " II 7.74 LiebJohn li " 11 10.75 Il x, J asS a L .1'... e 13 Ift H 1 ui> A l!r<> lb xx nd i t 7.74 Lauth 1:.•: i oi - A' Co " It 14,14 L iihi r Jt' lit I'nion 11 7.'. Lucas Ja- J Mileshurg 14 7.75 Layman J- ' n " 14 7..-' . L ,tiiers A Uuck Fix mirg 14 1",75 I. ig !■ llrr A K I'l u-nurg 11 7. o_' Lv-'ii- A co i> Uefonte Ixl 'Jf' 7" L ah S A A I. wb lo J© 7* M \V bam- C HA i It spru g L 1" Mo- rM M Aar naburg 11 |0 75 . II ■ r Bros Mil hi in 14 J 3 Miller JK 41 Son Centre Hall 14 7.7 Mutrx M - Kate llurtn K m 14 7.7? Mattern llro- 14 7.7-7 Mi r\V 11 Walker 14 7.7* Mo..n 11 A Howi.rd 11 "To M. II i'V .i mm . 11 : 7# Alt .li .V 'imk M i .!• irg 11 T.T ■ M. Coy A Linn " Id 1" <•' : %I D pi.. 1 irg 14 •7 > Mui,son A san " II l'"j Mever# T.I " 11 "."fi Mu -cr Robert " 14 7.7'> M W R Sandy Ridge l I 10A&i Mam I Fnrron li ih-foi.te I i lU.7fi Miller On .. II M ntgoine vA co " II 7.T.* Mil' • Hun \Vm Ibll.fonte 11 M< Bride LM •' II T 7{ . Knti'e L B Fillm rr II T7 1 M Al, -eb Si. .11.Ion II l.'j 7( Niri ' ! .1 t.ij Plulipsburg Iti N oik I' A " 11 7.76 Newman .1 jr Belli tonte Id 10.76j i I ie; A finer k M : -.t.b irg lit 10.7'> P, i••.1 .1 IS .ai.btirg 1 1 7 76! Pi'li'i - Ati Milesburg II Power# .l"hn Beltcfonti* II 7.7" llitig' \ .1 A lllalie' aid 1 1 10, i" Kit hard FO Belli fonte 14 77" It. . -mail J A Centre Hall 14 7,76| Illlm' iirger ( W Filtnore 14 7.7'' Ib.t.b Will Howard II 7.7'" ityinan 17 A Phili; i'urg II 7.76 itaiikm L B Belief.nte II 7.7" B .nk'o M • JI 7.7-; li i-e A l.ehman I'liiiij bu ; I : 10.7j - trim se .V Lehman " 1•' 10. ■ 'i Soil David Zion I I 7.76| Snook .1 WiV c<> W lb '-Store 11 7.76 Mover A ' II 7,76 Spigelmyar 0R A bro W'dward II 10,761 Stovi i(i W Mi iieini 0 VC',7; Siioi''# .1 \\ Aco Mi ilieiiii 1 It'.7* Snook Smith Aoo IS 10,76 Shook A !>ro Fainier# Mil'- I:'. 10,7{> -t r. bin M (h litre H ill II .'.7'' s itop|. •' <' A'' Pipe (irovi II 7.. Smith .1 II -r " lit, 7"i Stover SII Boilaburg 1! 7.7"| Mr "Inn A- a art/. Centre lliil il 7,7;'. spigelmyer .lerome ' II 7.7" > iidov :11 F. M.IIIII >. ii Fur'ee II 7.7' fiwilur F H Pbiliixburf II i". ■■ Sw.l/er Fii " 11 o"i'j Smith l'eter " II 7, •' "li. ■: lidge A Co lb .'. I lie Id III,? ( Seehler Aeo " I'd l j,'}', i Huumnn Aln alii II "."-j |tj 1.. land C lb la b nte || T "■> Istiti'.erll Y •• II 7.7(> Slnigert S T A co " 11 7.7" Stuart .1 \V Stnte (adlego II 7") Stuart fin* T lloalsburg It Thoiiip-nn CA co Kentonl I'J 1.i.'.'0 Ta ylor p P i. >nont 11 7,7® l TII.I!II-UII ,| no I Maltha II 77" TwitmlreWS Bllefont n 7.7® j I'll llp-ell W,l I', It, Mill I 10. Vo I'mxel A Swi-ver Hnward II 7.70 II:, . .1 Mill .'ii I I I T V"' V alentine* A Co llellei oite ,<0.74 Well' Win Centre Hall I'd I I •> Weber 11 ACo 11-ward 1' 10 7; Wi nun Jul, F M M rtha II 77a I Woll I'otter ACo Snow Shoe lo ip,7® Willie'. - MerLi'l't , v .now*loi(i I t 7.7" Well WS A Son Kelletonie II 7 ,r ' Wgn*r D M A Son ' 10 Wiilili .lame. B. llefonlc II 7:.. VV I Noll A MeFarbiiie " 10 "'',76 Young Wi!o|i Hi It Woodward Id lb 7 1 | Yeiiriek Tlionoi* Aaron-hurg II 7.7" 1 V eariek II A Sn Walk, r Id lo,NA Z-Igler <4 II *I'U. ,r tl I" ? i Z' icr -I Son Urtlieji'iite pt lb 7 Not icy I, ueren.i alien that mi appea v. lil In- mild nt the Tr. i-nrer'* olli. e, ■> Moiub.y. the 21*1 din of M ..v A. I) 'H 7 i hetweeii tin- hour* of'J o'clock, . in., and 4 o'clock, p in . where till per-oit* inlor * c-ied enn linve ii lb a ling r fi. I MA UNES. April 'M. Mercantile Apia niter. IHOS. A. HR KS. H.K. HICKB, HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! To llir Public : We In lieve then* m going to he ag< neml revival of buainx-a of all kinds, mid especially in our Hue, for Ha dware was never lower l'_TO at tlie "i .nt lime. It bu- bi i-M on aj? r tl tin I !-•' ii h>r y earn, and is certainly at the bottom now. Wo have bo • ifbt A LARGE VMM h III' ALL KINDS OF GOODS at tbeae low figures, and we intend to aall at lower price* tban Hardware 01 eo r will la lin Bcllefonut. lb" Ltho tune to buy, for you can positively get bargain* from us We defy ompetition, either in prices or >1 :hIIIV nt go-id*. \\ •• int ill that no me *hall un<l>-r-■•II us \V e have been barely keening up (be variety for some time back in order to take advantage nt tbe low figure* at the right time We l.av. now mi land 300 ko K s of NA I LS, over 100 Do/. DOOR LOCKS AN D LATCH ES, and GLASS, SHOVELS, HOES. FORKS, and all kinds of leading g <>d MI proportion, which we propose to sell at the lowent CASH priciw. II" l.av. :i v. ,v toll Ino o! t oAt 'll makers HOODS, all kind* of Wool) WORK, and PATENT and PLAIN WHEELS, CIRCLE*, NII AC ItLES. DRILLING. ETC., lor Mechanics, >nd t 'urprnicrs, at lowest price- All kind* of Mechanios* Tools at butto u figures. FOR RLA K>MH'HS — lis have a.V may Rod ibai we warrant and sell on trial. Vices and Rcllows, and be-i Charcoal Ir ,Q ; alio Common I roii tbnl is usually sdd nt very low price*. FOR PAINTERS We offer rjxecial iuduceiuenta iu Pure Lead, Oi s, Brucues, Etc. We h.i\" the *.■!. - .i.ev t..r the celebrated Imperial Cast Steel Ohio Plows, formerly wild by Burnside i Thorn**. Tbey are warranted to give -alisfactinn. \\ ea m keep a full line of repairs for tlieiu. I We have a veiy In,l line ..r ( OOK SIOVES sod gi ea written guarantee with each one, if wanted. Will cheecully give any one our lowest to ices v\ bo wauls lb. HI through the mail. . p THOMAS A. HICKS A BRO, . Allegheny SL, opposite Loeb's Store. srill.YG, 1877. Wi: ARE NOW PREPARED FOR THE SPRING TRADE. WF HAVE THE GOODS ! P It I C E S LOW! Selection Unsurpassed 1 Stock Large. A tid u \x • i xtetid a i iTxiial iuviintiiiu t>> < ur friends, petrous ami (he pubiic gi nerallv. W.- w*li say tlii*, Come! if we xta not show you THE REST SELECTED STOCK AT PRICES LOWER THAN USUAL, :tn 1 if wx? cannot prove that it i* t vxxur interest to ua, then •I n't bnv ; but cxjittx at.J t-uliafy yourself. We l ave opened a full line of l> i! V <■ Oi) IKS Carpets, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, FENSWARE, GLASSWARE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, and in tact everything ami anything etnbraeed in the above line. We will bx-at everything in price* and aMxirtment, and our past, we trust, will t>ea autli ent guarantee to our patrons of fair and hornet treatment.) We havx x -labiish I an<l will maintain our reputation. Tb large trade we d> x liable* u txi get frc-lt good* daily, which ta a great, a I vantage to our pa ir n* in all lines, and ni .re ejxpeoially in Gro-'eric. Call, 'and it will prove. to vout interest, VALENTINES & CO. II 1! KKMA N, Munig. r. PER IT. DISCOUNT FDR CASH! WF HAVE. AT PRESENT. ON OUR COUNTERS, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS. WHICH WE ARE OFFERING VERY LOW TO CASH 11l Yl RS. OUR FINE OK MOURNINOCAL- 1 K'OES I- COMPLETE. Hx iigal Plaixla, 121 c fer yl. Bui Mills, 15e A ipar:ts. .i. 01 1 , •? 2-lx' t lurk- O N 1 Thread. 7"i..- perxb *. MenN Shirting, 12!. F r . 20x* per yd. lib adit-d Mu.lin, . r t • P'c Unbleached, 5 to 10c *' Sugar, 10,11.12 c per lb Rc.-t White, 12jc Mui all'i, l.akx' llx rring and xvhite CASH, or t' utiir_ Pr<niuce. W. H. CAMP'S CEfiTHK li A 1.1. Furniture R:>oms! I would respectfully inform ih.* cit f Centre county that 1 have oiiemd I urnituf" Hoonii in IVnl r Hull. and have ■ti Ithml n Urge stock of Furnitar* and Chairs. con-imnt m pari ol CH A M liKli M'l I-. KX 1 KNSION FABLE;;, BItEA K KA*T TABLES. BUKKA I'S, WASH STANDS. BEDS' LADS SINKS. Cll A IKS. Ac. Which will be Mild nt the lowest cash prices; n>nis iind tin >tm kol Furniture before bus Itig elsewhere UNDERTAKING ti -j'ciiltv (,'• fKt iN > uti ti ( V-KKl> nlwMV*<h hntii). F inir*U ttlndt?ti with Hti KI.K(#ANT NKVV lIKAHSK n! nn> •tisuiice. I'ftvinent* mM Mnr W. K CAMP OKCf.S I DKCIiS { I BHt'OS!!! S T Khugerl, having purcha-ed the I'LUG I 'FE I"I Allegheny .trret, HE !e --font.', m vt door to thn hardware Store ol liiekr .V tiro , has stocke ! and tilled it out with nil the most popular nniHtS A MEIHCISKS, I cm:MCAI>. PKKIM MKHY— -'OA PS. COMBS ANl> BUI'SHKS. : ; TUCSSKS, Si' PI'OH'I lis. BKACEs; FANCY AND T'MIAT i ! ARTICLES. AC,, AC.. AC ] j l*i*i nt Medi. inr *. Ale ind, pure \Yiiiej ' mil Kitiuof* lor medienl puip>* only I'liyvieinn'* pre-'Tipli 'ni carefully coin tioundi'd and order* aßtweri'd vvitu can ad dbpatcb Farmer* and Pli\*iiinn (rem the country will find our ►toek el Medicines enmji'.cte, warranted yenuini I and of th liest quality Thi Store will remain under the diree- II ~f li e HCcmplisl '•( •IruKirist and i plniri.inei-t barelniure eniiuecleU with it, Mi. II M llnriin.'toii, and we ri speelfUl* \ rolirit the in i ot our friend* and 11 lie i:ld patreiir "I Ibe store ; iiiapti s r snrcKitT. DR. BANNING |l," lo ,u. I ill neateO 1,1 ill," b I I (Ml A K 1.1'.S HOTEL. Fusbinyi r, D'M'IIS" HINT 'ef RM ' UL I! Liturine l>ib| (" ni'-ui- •' • ilor* nin and File*-ueeo-slu: i > . I \\\N NI Ml "YS! KM • t .Me | Sin|• (enl ■> Call -n s, I I i ,1, pin,nhlei, "|'he Hon- V lai' i Mailed free tVLKY So dip,r; ,- u : i | I >r 111 I di-t'HMY in w.'f I,', , f,|, y M pi'iihioii l>y writing lo Jtlm K iifc k i Ohio it i*l II * Cotton Lxxjx*. 15, 22 unl 28e " Calicoer, G, 7, 8 anil 9c Lanca-ier Ginghams, 10c Rest Cotton Garju't lTinin2sc Red Tickir.g, 14, 20, 25, 38c p< r yd. Split and double /.< | hyr Rlack ai.xl White, 18c per it All other colora, 2'lc Germantown Wool, l'iic A large alxok of Lmaeed <.G!. While Lx-Jixl. l/ewi*'). Putty, etc, x>n linnd. Sob! by special contract. Fish very l< w T ERMS poaiiivelt Re-px'x-tivelv, ISA At D. BOYER, Aanuiaburg •| 4k. !• Milky carnal In thw# tin*** but I / . / t . n l made mihrw tnnU lij n> / / / r,r ' rllhmf mfit In ar.y ;*it *•' 'he fI I I I h> t willing Hl tw*d: ll) at to# 1| lay Pill that wr (um th t**jcrwi-rk In you? •an •* Von nod uc i tx> ivk) (n*n bna* <nr nit ht Yof cn i| your ah I timrtothr wtk m l) fOt MM* no*irit It ot 'o try liiMdH— Tarma and #5 Outfit fr~ ai Ui< II lUlloll •! t" l* .ftJar<| ('.ifttund. Main# 22 fab xYianhood: How Lost. How Restored ! .luat published. a t.#w edition of l>r rilttnr#W' tVlrhralrd I M) H> the radical enra without rm-di ttn .*1 >p#rmat*irr'i ►## or <ualaal Wnaltuew Inrol fnUri 'initial I - Imivictit * kl#nUd and I )lcal liii'apacltl lwi'<dlmro| to Mrrtw*. etc-, '■la' • <m*uttiltrn. I {>lDpy and I it*, itiduml by acif j Itnl' limrr .r aaual a*traapancr Me rrlrr . In a •nr*tofw>. ,ul* i* cent* Tt,'■ alahratud auth .i In II.a admiral !# Kaaay. l#r!y 4. m.T.atrataa f*ro a thirty yaara *urc*ful prnc' Icr. that tha l*m it-r of aril abuaa kip radical!) curad without th- 4an<*roua uac ([ internal modlctno or th< applies! *n >f tbu knife. jM.lntUi out a mode of cur* at one# einiplr certain., and fflwtaai by i:i>-*ni ai vkkll r.pry nfVrcr. ro! ti.alter hat bi condition mu be, U'y arr bituuvifj i hoapty. iirlcateh and radtc 1 > I lua I ettttM ah- '.ld Uc Iti the Uanda of ueery jroutli ail tM> k*%p lit the land be tit under aeal. trt a plain enrelope. to any addreaa jpoftt paid. on of alt c#nt oi two poat tan pi Addreaalhe Mil i LYKUWKLI. MEDICAL Co net 41 Ann M VP York. Past Offira Hoi.4l*^ FENC3EI PXCEETS!! o ' LAROK DEDUCTION IN PRICE- We tiiriit<.|i the Picket*, mndolroml-ineh r. und iron, like design shown in cut. nl J.". KNTS P K R 1.1 NK A L 1M >T Tlu-.v make a liulid-inner more liurablw, and i hen pi r Fence than the voodeu picket*. Send for circular t< LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS. Manufacture'* of MKKCHANT HAH IKON, (i v I K und HA UN DooK IIIN lURs, UULTH. NUTS, W ASIIKKS. miti their new line o( Patented Wagon Hard * Kfn, ''l A" 1)2 Wnior *t , and 'l4 A 11C Firtt av . I'ilUburg, I'a. *r"r For vi o by nil tln> lending und 11 .rdwaro Merchant*, Mnur 4tn , i: \ ROW s VOTH'K - Letter* of administration on tin* (Stale 1 • fSam'l KriM'. late ofc'ei l?e IIKII, dee d, 1 ii M'imr been y anted to tbe undersigned, i! I|> r 1> knowing themsolve* In l>e m : I.ebled In "Hid decedent are reauetbl V jmnke anno d'-'b -ay men I, ana perkviis •V.l . on- {uneil ike ey*io will pre •l lli" .1 | i i •eH l cin"|it. \\ M \ Kl.l -K, r.v,|.i t Ad'nib. ( • o 1 1 - in \iif#\o BV.KK FOR BALE Fir.-l cms brick be .. 11 • . . • by •' 0 I Deinn.gcr Hi L■■ ■ - v "lire Hell "brici v til* Tb< -e brick ure • ! - . ! tit w ill pay p"r*„n* at H ~. " h< - i .i: • ' 'bell , Intel, line I" ooniit;'.- p-tb tnnuf*e ; u*e 'i - I .w ' i I■ • ■, -p. iUaitll ered I" •* ' . I , : ZKUBS CENTRE HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. Sure***or I*. J. K Miller & Son ) lie tier in Pure l)rii£ 3ti<) M rdtcine*, !>}• "lulfe, MUf! PURR WISE AND LJQCORB For tci fiag) purposH. Tb bfhl hrhd f CIGARS AND TOBACCO always in stock. Frescriplion* carelully Compounded. MILLKI; ASh.S Jfis. Harris cV ('a. NO r >, RROt'KEKHOFK ROW. IK ON,'NAILS, P A I N T S, oiLsTjrrc., J AS. HARRIS A CO. Belief tile. A RARECHANCE For a Sewing Machine. Yi*u can hare your choice of the follow ing first class sewing machine* : New American, St. John Domestic, Dan ice, Singer, Remington, Howe, and Weed. At the Sawing Machine st re f Bunnell A Aik-n, Eas' W-'kel ilrul, I.t tsiuwn Also paru, attachment* and needles fer •11 raachinca. Great inducerrienU for cash Don't faij to see the SL John, aomething entirely i'.ew. Old Much in-* taken in part payment fur nx ones .Send fitk'ls to the box-e party and >"U will g-i by return mail, 1 do* a*, .■■r:. i. .. j.. . f..r .nv nmchinr DOnuvly CF A THOUSAND. UoilliK iliM-uvm-d, 111 a til*nil. r i l-rov idrhlml. po*ilive cure f,<rCon.ump* ti' ij ami all Lung C<'W|ilmU. 1 leel it m\ lui> U>mir ktinon ID a practical nuari '•v furnubinit a .ample bxtlie. free l .-barn*, in aii uff<*rer-. tnjp. only hope ol : > inuin rali.'b being that the medicine will ;ert.irm aI I claim fr i The i***r,ili Mta are ..f the ckniWH herPai ptodurl. and jiericclljr fe : Hiii t. n-nt free t * all \ ldr— at in l>r ft l*nel| Brown, HI (■rand Street, Jer.*-> City, N. J., or may 'n* had "I .1- .-\ Miiler .V bun, Drupgi.u. | Centre Hail. |* jaiidly C T Alkjcaxpbk C M How ■ a 4 LEX A M>Kli A* BOWEK. At A 1 l U. B#lW*L nt* K|MckltNnU(* fj un 10 * "iWltoMi, ud v)rj L*n* t trl M*y i*w <..auitv! H lUkffUfcfe ir Kpmrmum'u builitatg. : U. Excelsior Cement* Tbr undvtfeiftßt ii(kaft>tum ( rnitni fcar ranted ufa i;oaitt>. a: hl kiln*, mult * tu • m*r>k Mill*, la Hain**iwp I'tua .n,rui tia almadi t***.t hmnl in lata* oftntitt# vpoa Ur L Ah. < rtR . and ttaa hewn .utnl hiUo aptui *ll > hrcr it haabrMt ua*d and at* routi U> any *•• maunf**.: urvs: tor tww la i l*u*rn. wit i'tpr*. cm wtoi irttn (.en*** a *oud quality .1 t Vment t* dosum •IP 1 1*1* • rmrtif h*i alrrady Ixmmi Irttaf* far ant*. 1 WW- and n>nd*r*d ihm atmuat a*ltat*. iVraoaa ibcrrfar* cv.hatrti. tira t i*inn iayin* ttrr P|pr 4i .will hod It lu thru alac.tar lo Ikmi ihu a . mind and alao that he warrant* in* aru Ic u mrr a J.U M KVKk i rsa/tl tf Aarvtabatf. ra. Henry Reinhart. \\ OOI\V AKI>. UNDERTAKER. O.fflu* of a u *ty I*f on fhortnt no- Undertaking itncilv i Char®* |7 aur t. Nervous Debility. J \ it*] HmUmio t I ;t—•*' ■ a nk nvu.t.J j M'in, no or * th# r*ult of im *ciik, lndicr*tloß(>r Kkswm. or mibi dr*io t|*n lbs *T* cm t *1 w rsml ly 11 ;n. plirev'." ilii(iieo|ntlhic Specific No. 28. j It ln |. *nd in, i„rlr. IS. .y.(*m. dluwli IS* a i-Hitn *nl <l<**(HjQil*ao, imparl* ir®ngth anil rnsrf) sf"!** tht* .Irwiu and rrniTsmtea th* cntiro nut* Urcn w*ta twonty fear* with p i#*i imveM hi them* •till* Ml] by I rkr ft o|Mr Muie via! (M fa ill psr tmcKkf t'f tiro vial* u<l #2.MO rl*t ot s*n:l y mail on r*ctl* of |Tc*. AdJro** Mumi.hrrya Mi>rno<ptliio M<vl|clu i |fl HriMidM*). Now \ urk. fy mar, y. BEATTY'S'4S*- lor Organs. i F ictory.Ettabliihed in * 186ti. , From the Pre?*. From <1 I). While, Xditor Hacketts town. N. J. Herald. "Tin l organ IIM c rich, deep and *oul -tirrihg tone ; e<>uld not rtav in the bous< without it It helps WOT ! • fully to drive a the thoughts of ha -j • mes." 'lhe Lebanon Pa. Dnih News, (ays; "We ro in receipt of one uof those Ave octave Parlor Organs, manufactured by I) r. Realty, Washington, N. J. Th organ is a fin*, solid Mack walnut case jand in lone it cannot ho surpassed by any jiustrumont ot its kind." Prom the Unroll Neb Register. "We received ti- week. Ttrect from the manufacturer, J). V B atiy. Wash ington, N .1.. hi> ju..,v oeloh aie.i organ, lelegant in appeerauco, urui handsome.y |' uri uucicelied in richness and pow •r of tone We are more than pleased I jwtlh it and heartily recommend it to any ! jooe coiiictup. 'ting of purchasing an or igan. Rest offer given. Money refunded upon ' elurn . 10. gun ai d Height CPargea paid M •' Po-at'v) both ways if unsat • V alio 1. nt trial of five days ill . W : I , or - X \ e ts. ■' ■' <l '' : , vei \ w.ocre. male or fe u.aie. to canvass n>r thia superior intru A In D. F MK.ATTY. n Mr w Jersey "VE .*•' '•! A.N i -law * f" -. I' ■ . i> Ja , McManus. esq T L. SPANOLKR. AUcrney-at Lh *t Ballet emio. Pa. Office ia fe C xuilbuu*, . Coasuiutton io and German. Collodions promptly attend ed x/.. __ rh6-t' GRAHAM & SON j '{•^.* > ' r l H*ve ibe ezclucive sale is Bellefonks Edwin C. Hurts' CELEBRATED FINE SHOEB, 8 WIDTHS the libzl ihaVyorii). WUOLKSALK * SET AIL SEALKM Ut Calfskins, xSDLE LEATHERS .SHOE KIMUNGSi All Kinds of Custom Work Made To Order. Bishap Street, BKLLEFtINTE. Pa. 20 may if. BEATTV Grand. Square and Upright. From Geo. K. Lxffcher. firtn of Wm. H Lxstcber ,V Bro.. Banker*, FaxrWte. Ohio. "We received the piano wed think it a very fine-tuned an* out here. Waited a short time to give it a good teat. If yon wish a word in favor of it w will cheer* fully give IL" Jan.** R Brown. Esq., EdwtrdrriHe lii r*: "J i Beatty Piano received give entir ►atis • ion ' A genu warned. Send fa "fttal. ft Addroas. D F BKATTT, WMkisrtna Nw Jeriv Un We will start yon in a business IsLf yuu x-ati make s7x) a w<*ek wit' MONEY u( cm ' ,iul ** 4 F respecta ble for either aex. M. A. Young. 261 Bowery, N. Y. ISfeb ;IB BEATTYS PARLOR Elegant nyie*. with valuable improve menu. New ami Besut-ful Sol ' Stop*, iiv.r one thousand Organist* and Miui mii< indctve thefeorrai r and recemtnend (ticiii a strictly flrt cla*.* in Ton®, Me* ehaaitm a&d durability. Warranted far *:a year*. Must Elegant and Latest Improve! Hare been awarded lb* Highest Premi um* in cmpelitioe n-stb other* for *i®piie itv. Durability. Promptm**, and Piano • ke action Pure, tweet, and evenly balanced tone, rvbeatral effects, and instantaneous ac • >• wnicb may be had to the reed*. >end for Pric® Liai. Address, DAMKL F BRATTY, . Washington, New Jersey, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purpose* of a Farr.iy Phya'.c; and l'w curin* CuartTonea*. Jaundice, India ii, T ul Stomach. B >*th. Hosuauba, l-.yaip.; .c. Bhc uiUk tim,Pmptlms sn ltimicr, Butou*no*a, Uropay, Ttuuara, Worms, Neural in a; as a Din ner PUI, fur runtyine the Blood, fft Are the nios* effective arw —. l,ut are stiU the most thorough and scareb- Ing cathartic medicine that can bo emplojrad: cleansing the stomach ami l>owels, and even the blood. In small doses of otic pill a day, they stimulato the digestive organs and promote vig orous nealth. Ayf.u's Pills have been known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtalucd a world-wide reputatiou for their virtues. They correct dis cased action lu the several assimila tive organs of the body, and are so composed that obstructions within their range etui rarely withstand or evade them. Not only do they euro the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and danger ous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they are, at the sums time, the safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they gripe mach less than the common purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not inflamed. They i reach the vital fountains of the blood, ' mm strengthen the system by flueing it lVom the elemeuts of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions j lu all climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious dreg, these Pills may be taken with safeiy by anybody. Their sugar-coating pre serves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm con.atiso ftom their usd in any quantity. raKPABSD nr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analyrt®"! rhemlU. j-iLn it -i.i. iutpuGisrs Ktaarwnrnn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers