The Centre Beporlcr. FRED. KURTZ I.UTOI. CENTRE HAM . JV. >'> it '- I>77 ' Tf Hayes deairos to revive lb© ©M Whig party, ho hail bettor wait imßl next fall, to see whether thoro w apples enough for haul ci.-> ■ ' in. -fr ♦ Haves has given up all hopo ! . ing an administration peakcr, at t < coming extra session, Randall, demo crat, is certain of re-election. Another bank failure, on the last day of April, this time it is the Pune sav ings bank of Bethlehem, l'lio sbihm© exceed I2S5,0(10. Assets unknown, hut claimed to be sufficient to viold a_f*;r percentage. Tho bank declined to make a statement. Mr. Haves' postmasters, the sir.;. > r fry of them, have been playing a sharp little game to make stamp* for them* selves out of the stamp bu.*ine~*. postmaster in a Luacrne county village of SOO population managed to put out stamps enottgh to raise kis hamlet to a presidential office with a f.tK. a a It has been found that since the act > • l>7-t went into effect the government has been miuus several millions >-t • lars itt its revenue from stamps, i is is effected through gentlemen in 1 * * ness in the city purchasing theirstaoij * for use in the city from postmaster.* in the country, w here they get a to.** si on on the amount of stamps sold. It is claimed that a person has a right to buy stamps wherever he desires to, and t. > is not denied by the department, though they claim that letters mailed in ;lie city should use stamps purchased there. The agent* of the post office de • partmeut at Philadelphia ami ot ■■■- r ities will be directed to exercise in creased vigilance. A recommend.ib n will be made to congress to restore tie old law of compensati >n on sUiinjs cat - celed. Two railroads at war, like two bul * with heads down, ready for action, * just now amusing the peop-e-'f' .fuyette I nd. A dispatch of 1 inst. giv. >. e f-1- lowiug account of the bulL n© war Ihe combined forces of the Toledo, B ..l ash and Western, Cincinnati, Lafayette am Chicago and Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayette Railroad t'onip.mies with six engines, made two attempts last evening to push the engine of the Lafa yette, Muncv and Bloomingtor. Railroad Coaipuy back westward off the bridge. The Muncy and Bb mtngton engine is chained to the tracks and ha.* a large, well-armed and determined guard to protect it. The Toledo, Ba bash and Western engine, standing with a tender next to the Lafayette, Muncy and Bloomington engine, ha* pieces of wood placed uuder and behind it, ©o that it must go over if pushed westward. Several gangs of men have been sent to remove it. but have been warned by the Lafayette. Muncy and Bloomington guard not to touch it at the peril of their lives, and no one wi-hes to take the responsibility of moving the wood after being thus warned. At noon to-dav the situation was urn-hang-. 1. What Cov. Hendricks thinks of Hayes, will be seen from an interview had with him by a repri-entative of the San Francisco Chronicle, to wh tn Mr. Hendricks said with much earnestne-s tb : there is a grow ing sentiment that Hayes is little better than a u* irper: that be was not elected to the presiden cy, and that his attempt to propitiate the democracy by adopting a course which Mr. Tilden might have followed in his treatment of southern interests, will not be successful. The democratic party, said Mr. Hendricks, does not want such converts. Ex-Senator John Scott, of Pittsburg, who was made U. S. Senator by Cameron six years ago, has come out in a letter against the Cameron gang, and threatens a defeat of the Republican ticket in Pennsylvania next fall, if the Camerons are to dictate the nominees. Mr. Scott is an able man, and the radi cal leader in the western part of the state, and thinks it is time Cameron domination in the republican party i broken down. Mr. Scott is right—but has he courageous republican- enohgh to stand up end make the Cameron? take a back seat, or else bring about the threatened defeat of the party? We'll see, as the blind man said. Mr. Scott was in Washington the other day, where be predicted that the Cameron rir.g will be overwhelmed at the noils this fall. Tne people of the we.-iern par' of the State, he says, are indignant beyond ex pression, almost, over t! ::ime played bv old Simon in the intere-t of ' is i and the Senatorship. Although Mr. Scott does not say so openly, his view* clearly indicate that there will be a Democratic tidal wave thi- fall whir l, will destroy the Mackey-Cameron-Kem ble conspirators. Senator Blaine seems to have taken a second thought and will not attack the administration. Wendel Phillips and Ben Wade will have to do the ear-box ing without the Maine statesman's as sistance. SA TIOSAL DEBT. The report for April of the debt state ment shows a reduction of $4,315,- 609. Currency, $8,395,145; special deposit of legal tenders for redemption of certifi cates of deposit, S4O,46V>Xi; coin, $103,- 439,740, including coin certificates, $49,- 712,700; outstanding legal tender.-, $361, 494,404. The coin balance includes $14,828,250 held for redemption of called bonds not presented for payment. The currency balance includes $6,000,000 held as a special fund for the redemption of frac tional currency. The payments made from the treasu ry by warrants during the month of April, 1877, were as follows: On account of civil and miscellaneous, $5,493,082.54; war, $3,447,881.71; navy $45 ,884.01; interior (Indians and pen sions), $307,927.17. Total, $9,700,775.- 43. WHO IS MURI IIY. The Murphy temperame movement, which has reached Centre county, and seems to be spreading like a great wave all over the country, naturally brings up the question, who is Murphy. A friend has handed .'us an item which gives this temperance reformer's biography as follows: There seems to be but one subject agi tating Luc people, and that the necessity of suiy : r.g the disposition to swallow in toxicating beverages of the day. The present movement seems to have been inaugurated Ly one Francis Murphy, who seven years ago was locked up in prison in Portland. He kept a salot n, kicked u man d-wii stairs in a qmnn I. lio hit lor living, ho urrc-to.l fot murder. He "got religion" in jni' ami I;J.I took tho plcdg>. Purtlv by 'ho in tlnonoo of his now religious friend. and n 10 beoanse ho show oil -park* ola bright ai d noble nature. Muiohv cam -0 I his freedom and entered tho t i Id o a temperance advocate 11 lit*' grew* 11 inipli *a* in Pittsburgh I i-i lvcem -1 ov some 'J.ikM i ignatmes to th Murphy nledge being obtained in that locality, flic niovoniont spread, ami wont* to ha* r githerc-1 a force like a thumb i storm a* it lvanoo.l, judging bv tho sweep t mud© anions; all chr *es ity an.l ow i >UU .us. rail" ay ■■■ < *• •" ■ i ■ : reus" and working people all tak-ug the pledge to abstain. I'll 17.71 TO Kb: HI ! I s/ Tweeds confession, according to the \<w York V< rid, hM beei p' ! and h© is to have his release tr it. 11* is to be released this week, when a .. t - !e**ion twelve columns long is to be made public. l arolin Bry ant, the author of the 11 i.ei artsch by tu *tcpt*cr.:.i'. obtained a -worn *t.ileniout from 1 wc d also thirty-two checks and tour notes, the latter signed by lhk Commlly. ag gregating fffikN.OOO, indorsed by lw. stevi n of the checks w t te given l'e'.t b Smmmft Mh, Ahtmham vn \c. li'.eti i f. !cd Albany lobbyist, ami Hugh Hastings aggregating over f7ik'.* The remainder of the elmk> were given to the f, ar above named at >1 1 IV Harl>r. Ihe coiiu—uui positively declares that fcMO.ik- 1 wa* . ven to TVinslow to distribute to the partie* previously named, including Wo din. faced ri'vWiif.l all frotu Bryant ex cept one note for SIOO,OOO, which the World intimates has been disposed otin Woodin'a interest. txOTHER NATIONAL nUMILIA -7 JO.Y. A Washington correspondent to one >f the dailies, says: restiuionv taken by the Commii'.ct to Investigate the Workings of the Bureau of Lngraving and 1 tinting in the Treasury IVpartnient, on which Jewell a* removed and Mcßheraon ap p ii.ted as Chief of the Bureau, shows a fearful state of affairs. It is alleged that the testimony of some of the feuiah employes was to the etleet that they j wore appointed, not because ther servi c s to the Government was an obytw, 'b .: either bt .use they had yielded to the sensual appetite of the head of tli Buiean, or wore the object ofhisdesign*. The tcstai.ony tends to show that the government has been snptHrtiag a harem for the use of Jewell and such friends as he saw tit to invite to share with him its btSSfltl, OsudilJ Shvr man iss.iid to be so much surprised at the evidence adduced that he is incliued to keep it from the public if he can. In this course lie is doing an injustice to s i.-h estimable women a* art 4 in the .de partment, and they are quite indignant they should be open to suspicion; for while the rcj rt' of the Committee is kept quiet they feel that the good suffer with the bad, especially from the shafts of scandal hurled at theni, by innuendo at least, from the gv**iis. If ; the Engraving Bur- ait has been run as a bagnio, and the facts have been elicited, the truth should come out. RIGHTS ASI> DVTUS OF A7.7* 77.'.! LS. As the l'nited States are t be neutrals in war between Russia and Turkey, says the N. Y. Sun, there are *<uue pr ints in regard to the rights am! duties of neutrality which it may be well to state. The jct.i ral rules of neutrality are the following: On the breaking out of aw ar between two nations writh which the United J States are at peace, the vessels of war of ; either of them may be required to de i part from our ports within twenty-four i hours, except in case of stress of weath er, or when they require provisions for their crews of repairs in which case the'v mast go to sea as soon as possible after the expiration of the twenty-four hours. Neither provisions iter repairs can be obtained beyond what i.* necessary to enable the vessel to reach the nearest port of its own country. No facilities of warlike equipment can l>e obtained in a neutral port, and the belligerent cannot use the harbors. ports, casts, or waters of the neutral in aid of its warlike purposes, or as a Ma- tion or place of resort for any warlike purpose. If the belligerent vessel is a steam vessel of war, it cannot receive, in a neutral port, any more coal than is necessary to take it to the nearest port of its own country, or to some nearer destination; and it is usual to require that the same vessel shall not rcceivetwo Supplies of coal from ioits of the same neutral witlun less'han a given time, -ty three months, of each other. Sub ject to these rules—which it is compe tent to the Gov rnment of the neutral State to announce that it will act upon the vessels of either belligerent may enter our ports as often as our Govern- : ment mar see tit to allow. American vessels carrying arms or •ther warlike supplies to Russia or Tur key will be liable to capture for carrying contraband of war. The modern rule is hat provisions are generally not eon ' raband ; but they may become so under i ircumstancesarising out of the particu lar situation of the war or the condition' ol the parties engaged in it. If they are carried fur the general use of life in an enemy's country, they are not in gener al deemed contraband; hut if they are destined for military or naval use, or for ports o' military or naval equipment they are liable to be treated as contra band. Contraband works a forfeiture of freight. Formerly contraband worked a forfeiture of the ship, but in modern I times the ship is forfeited only when it is owned by the same person who owns the cargo. The cruisers of either bellig erent can capture American vessels hav ing property of the other belligerent on board, and take them in for adjudica tion in their prize courts, hut they can not transship the property at sea unless it is indispensable for its preservation. In nocent parts of the same cargo,'to escape the contagion of contraband must be the property of a different owner. EXTIiA SESSION IS OCT Oil Eli. His Fraudulcncy is timid alwut meet ing the representatives of the people, so the extra session of Congress goes over until the 15th of October. This is a confession of weakness. He is afraid to face the music of the Democratic Rep resentatives Croin whom he has stolen the Presidency,or the Republican Rep resentatives whose principles he has be trayed by shameless bargaining with the late Confederates. ESI) OF THE SEW ISO MACJUSE J'A TESTS AS!) MONOI'OL Y. The readers of the Reporter may soon look for cheaper sewing machines—all the patents which were controll ed by a few companies and enabled them to monopolize tlie business have expired and the World announces that at noon, on last Tuesday, expired tlie last of the scries of patents upon the es sential portions of the sewing-machine w! ich have enabled the owners to exact a royalty from all manufacturers. From tJat time forth any one can make a sew ing iiiiu bine. I>r ninny vent* p.i-t a. I combination t>f large iiianufactuici t iIl, Um Singer Man i factoring Com pan} I < the Wbeelcr V Wil on t'oinpany and i tho tliovcl A Ihikci Malir.l'.li'tUi ill; Company h.ixo bought i p and i ontioll oil iiiveutora' patents and concentrating their right- have been enabled I" to 1 stiict such general iniitiiifactiireas would interfere with the it hustles- One . I the most impoitaiit o( then patent w.e the old Howe patent I i all eye p it< d needle, a shuttle, and othet tin clianii a! , tie vices for sewing, which liiwc\i. e\ pi red nearly ten veins ago. ti tit patent wu* foi the Bui motion l" >U which w ;* invciitt !' > V • B. NN and patented in the name o! one I itr ger .1,1, and was ku aw a* the 1.. • 1.. 1 patent. This alsoexpind thie yc.u oi more ag and was hkewi-> a relief to . the outside nianufii. turvrs, who had ! i many years a royalty for its use, . it was an essential in eV'eiv tiiaehii e. n.t iasl patent wl.i< h they b> J, a 1 tlit- one winch expued .la t ruestl.iy, i* know II as the HatcheKler patent, giant* ei in Is'il and renewed in IS7O, ami i* for what is know ii as the i.eeda | late, an issentia! in even mm lime, l l.c needle plate is the small pie ce bci t .ith Hid through w hit ll i U-.*C* the i eed.le to c •nncct with the shuttle, l'hc patent roal ly co* era all st y les of Seeding dm tcee in which the cloth i* fod between two c'.. mi pi ng wrfkcM lor the | rivilega ol using this article on the r machine* all cotiij iiiiit s outside ot the coinhitia'.;"!! have been obhgi 1 t p.iy u roy alty . ! s.t on every inachme- -Id. except th e which ale mtc'.d* I t t *p t'.a'.ioii rhcy have cotuplaiued loudly 'Ut | thistax UJHUI t'.emand hail it- expira t>n with uncoiu eah d dchght. In regard to the c *t of a sewing ma chine many erroneous statement* have been published, and the general im pression of the public lias been that the profits have been enormous, and t at this royalty wa* much larger than it really has been. The miof { is but a *tu.'.li item on a S 7O sewn g-niaehme,!■ it a gi>od machine ofthat kind < *'-•* just at.out f1 "> to place completed in the warerooms. The regular army ti w coiisists of almut -a.OOO. At the next session of congress an effort w til be nmde tor du>< the number. I'he* 6onth< ru i■ say that the Army 1-II will t < fought in the House <f He; rt . :.t.itiv *. and that it will not pa.* • unless the Republi can© consent to reduce the army by several thousand *av t al> at I ttieu. It will be rctm ml en 1 that at se*>ion the democrats • : the 1 use j : - poaed a reduction to 17u"0 men, but the republican senate would not agree to it. They may a* well n . sin e ruling th'- south by the bayonet is played out. Thev arc t w after ei! in I'anier ti county. Better b re into old .Simon and *trike ile sure. From Washington we 1 -rn that the r Washington monunieul is not resting ujon as enduring a foundation .is the fame of the father of his country. The commission heretofore aj p intevl to examine into tho sufficiency of the foundation of the Washington monu ment, consisting of t>ens. Kurt/, I'uane, 1 and Hillmore, submit that the stratum of 1 sand and clay upon which the monu ment rest© is already loaded to the limit ' of prudence, if not, indeed, to the limit ' of safety; that the additional weight im posed at the top of the structure will in all probability cause additional and probably extensive splitting in the ash lar facing near the ba.*. that the mas ai ry foundation wa* not given spread i enough to carry safely the weight it was designed to place tip n it; and that there has been an actual compression of the soil to the extent of between eight and nine inches; the shaft is sensibly out of plumb.and the foundation oourw -show an increasing departure frc tn horizon tality. | We sec iron quoted at per ton. This is very low and should bring down the price of castings correspondingly. The Pittsburg Commercial puts the Turko-Ruasian squabble into shape that is as concise and intelligible as it is easy of pronunciation, lfere it is; If the Russian forces can only gain nosses-ion of Tzyntzaveni, they will I have Tsehumahoaitza at their mercy, ami the inhabitants of Tama Feverinu and "-ardiune-chti will be forced to the to lk>broelantosehua or Sehetatea for protection; but in ease Ik.kuzaghat*- h falls, there will be no n-source for the Turks except to fall back and fortify ltojukderbend, Menekt.-ehilhl, U.initino, Fski, l>juma, and the fastnesses of Tsi-liallukawogh. Fdmundsthinks that Relford, rati, of Colorado, is entitled to a -cat in congress —l'clfortl got his vole at the wrong elec tion. Congress will decide that matter, ami there the democrats will be the K and the ruds the 7. understand Russia's military strength exceed? that of Turkey to a far greater <1 egret than would be supposed, without refer ence to the statistics of the subject. Tin- Russian army on a war footing contains j 1,041,329 troop*. 195,14.4 non-combatant*, -' 24",h:is horses and 'J,'- 1 "> guns. In addi i tion to these, there is an irregular army : containing 140,491 i men, so that, all told, the Russian forces exceed k'.OOO.OOO; though there is doubt whether many > uioie than halfof these can be made di rectly available for a war against Tur | key. The Persian army, which is ex ; pected to co-operate with Russia, has j about 70,000 available men. The Turk ; ish army on a war footing Bombers, of j all classes, 610,100 men, of whom 130,- j <>oo are irregulars and auxiliaries. It is ! not probable that Turkey enn bring into | the field many over 400,000 men,so that ; Russia, probably, in an active campaign will outnumber Turkey two or three to i one. But Russia has long marches to j make to get to Turkey, and a tremend ous linn of communications to guard in the rear of her supply trains. STATIC SAII It A TII-S( lIOOL COS* VESTIOS. The 13th Annual Convention of the Pennsylvania Sabbatli-Scool Association will beheld in llurrisbiirg. Pa., Tuesday, ; Wednesday and Thursday, June 1-', i 3 I and 14, 1H77. The Rev. Llewellyn I>. Bevan, late of London, and one of the foremost Sunday-school men of England, will de liver an Opening Address on Tuesday evening. 15. F. Jacobs, Esq., of Chicago, is expected to speak on Thursday; Rev. W.F. Crafts will give his address on "The ('oming Man is the Present < 'liild;" Mrs. W. E. Crafts will present "The Ideal Primary Class." Among distin guished workers from onrown State who may he expected t<> add to the interest and enthusiasm of the meeting, are Rev. Richard Newton, I). I). (to sje:fk at a children's meeting); Rev. George A. Pcltz; Presidents Cattle, Wylie and llays; 11. W. Warren; Rev. P. S. llensou D. 1)., and many others. llarrisbuig extends a hearty welcome to all Friends of Subbath-schools throughout the State. Those expecting to attend will please notify S. J. M. Mr- C;.rrcll, Ksq., llurrisburg, alio is Cliair m m of |.'he Comiuitteu 0:1 Kntcrtain inont, before June 4th, and they will be provided with curds introducing them to free homes during Convention. Furth er information in regard to the pro gramme of the Convention can lie ob tained of the State Secretory, Jtev. K. W, IJi re, Philadelphia, or of Jas. W. Wier, Harrisburg, Chairman of the Loral Committee of Arrangements. The Union Banking Comp., of Phila delphia, has gone up thespout. Liabili- u • i 0, \i illi u ti i, -it gi i show tii|> fin ho xto. klioldcrs, unit in n 11• ,*od ht*a\ > lofnli iition of tin* • i.shior. WhnlVj ho ii-o in liHvin - a cashier t ltnl • ti c rituit. The prod,lent tuts i•• lied ill |!uehun: lion mllio • for mi cylru —>n *1 con*, pro-.-. October I,A. lln i i i|i icjiort: frmii tllii >. Mi. liip.- it Ihili.itiii, Ulhii is, lawn, and Mi u'ui, uro nil \it> j'lomiriii,- 1 \ /"/.•// vi n: ill i;J< 11 ** I VTK AM> llh'l AM Mill! 1 WANiWt tH < I ! lilt At MOuiNld • r, ili tu i! o N. \ Sun.) Tin* Ui-v. Jo-oj'h Jmit H, h miitiimro ,It ig\ l. in ot tin* Vlt*tlt.nlirt ih n tun u* tl U, I'ill ItcuLll 1\ s' roll.' ill 1o 1 ■ \ ill* . y t Iml.l !il lulyi* | • itluli <1 ~ be.|Uc.t lit ••h i loft i.i Ins . litirch, itii ■ ti .1 it for li.* uwn bout*lit, g* t tin oh i >l, .is i alii il to account by tin* church trustors, unit thl'icup.ili ll few rial s Ago, committed * by taking jtopop. 1 hi* l\*v I'r. I T, ltiiint, ti Hichmond t lcrgyitiiiti ot tin* I'll *hvti i i.iu ilouoiu Hint 1011, uiul >v. m :ii > ol iho Tiostiyiinan l*it 1 i* t '.inn t dlliliotloo, has jiwt In oil on trial 's-foic tht* I'm shviery at lYtorsburg for < n. 1 -, - 111 1. ; ' ol' tlio Committee's funds, and lit* has hoctt deposed from the Uiii istiy, ..ftoi . -11 vi.ti ii It it *hi* . riino. Iho lit i. I'h 11. Hot!, l'hilailoljilita clergyman of tho baptist denomination, lias In on . a tnal during tin* bat few dap, in a < riminal court thereupon a ftmrgi' of iniprojier con* dlli t to® ,r.l a young l.nly of his chili, h, Kn ..glit t > tho \ uing holy's f.tthor, a ho . i ilea.- n of hi'- church. The lit \ V|i Williitn .a Nt-ii Jerso) clergyman of the I'm h lief tiiu d denomination, II trial l.i ■ work before tho Classi* at Now llruiiMvitk for courting ono .citing lad. nftcr he had secretly mar* in-.i anotlioi and denied the marriago, ami the result was his dismissal from tne church at tirigg*toii for the offence. I lu-eate a tew of the latent aud tn>*t melancholy instance# of clerical miscon duct. But the most singular case of a clergy- 1 j mail in trouble is mentioned in this i week's if-uc of our religi • conicinjior ; ay, the NYitnefo. It appears that the \\ It llcw. has ! • ell Uitiilctl from 11- office ill this city tithe lb-v. Leaven I'lUWcltc, I'.irt Hudson, 1 uisiana, and that a few , tlays i the publisher g t a letter from ; the Postmaster at Port Hudson saving "flie jsiper add it -nl to Leaven; 1 aUsette is Hot taken o'.lt, so pie..a- ill* , t-ontinue the same," and then, with j striking brs-v ity, the l*tstinaster added "Kens -ii He was hung lust June, 1 >7 and is no more." l'his is all the new* '.hat the W iliu— I veil a! ft ' ' tin ai out the fate of the Bet Mr 1 '.,* i ttt and being troubled on ucfount •! the .of-ot it* Poll Hudson readt r it .. r.--w : trying to Hud out "how *,> strange a thing us the liaugiii.- fau.ii -'e: ' Gospel took place." Jl'OliK BLACK M'Aiail" | t,-. in Pi i!a ei; : ... it. wi -I. Mr M, . s S'H'J tie at t.: apprchi ns.oil a I ■■■•- | tans 1 claim ed '.he fact It s -gt I'--'. 1 doubt at-oul the parfact ti|kU(MIIBMI, jus :.. e and equity of the plaintiffs ..mi. Nor mi 1. :r. Ever vi- i v • t v'.' New Jork and here Mr Bugl, Oa&r*l Harlow. Ji.tig. Strong- ailcot.curred with me thoroughly in ll > Viaw. N- ib.i.j has occurred fr rn that t.n.t" to thu to j change my mind 1 aui • ■ al sfle.i that at last il tan be (aid that I ay the thing which 1 do know whets 1 >ay that my , 4* •nt ha> been • lv, ..strict.. y in lurcd b> tl.civ | eop'o. lin lilcral.v mr cd, ar.d Vet lam ct-rla ■■ v not afr.. U ••! < C-'url. tor I at. w v u trv wth y .r whole soulsget at the truth, aioi na will succt . d N. ilhor am 1 afra. i,f t; ■ j plausible u g- nuity . t my Uistingunhed j friend in : rt- filing l.t Ji-i.-Mr of bis cli* etiU. But us :r aJ am at'., to judge, " > dread arises tr.-ru t one tiling I . fa • y seated at. anj that in the * rderfui. tbe amsiing luck t it has attended th< •' di fendenl- 1 n a ! th>- r attacks up n 11 in . 1 uaL in legal bat! • Their ho: ry ,s a part of the history of the country ll i k !,s* n• : a • rn< a. 'I ... v liavu a< •;... re . jan fortun. araiir adtbatbri gs 1 them in a r.-v.-nuo a -i.. I .g . 1-6 : trie ir.-.1- ..'y cf a *.cgd a. .... rg enough to make a slat,- lia!f a> big as P. >i .i a- ia, and alb:- they bavt git, r.. : only thout | lying en. rent >r it. hut they have g.l fltty mi:.: >n* to be t For tha last t or yean l ■■ ablest mm In the Senate and 11 of Brprei niatii * have be. : e gaged earn -tly in trying t • devi-e son o wi.v by w ~ii 11; s• j rople could be c. mp. .led to d:sg. -ge at least a I portion of this booty, or, at the worst, t • ' top them getting any n re. Thrsr If. farts hav o I ren failure* every tin.e Th I'nited States have engaged with all their power an.i influence in three different liti gations, which were made strugg'os for life and death. These people came If (rom every . >nte ' without k scratch D. a private di-pule. a private suit with a pruate iioiiv idml i f the city o: N, $ York, it b.-canic certa.n and plain that the cause could nt be deteriuini df. ly with out the production ol the r book* They were ordered to produce them, but they refui'd, A compuls ry rder na- madr. but lhay 1. t ci Iv defied the authority <>{ the Court, but thoy raised *uch a clamor about the ears o! the Judge that they drove him .gnominiously from the banch by impeachment They then commenced a frightful perse, .lion against the < nr.*. I who had committed the offense of n'gu ing for that order, an 1 t. >y came within a vi ry little ,f expelling him fr. in lh. profession in di grace, and yet he n and is among the brightest and best nnd übli-t men that ever honored the American bar. And then, too, here in the Stale of Pennsylvania, when they wero sued for l.ii s. why. the stn'.a lost ev- rylhing ol thi tiX. to which she was a* well taliped I atn to the coat you see on my back After thev hud rei-. ived I'tV.! per rent, on their large capital, it was certainly the. most amazing good fortune that they •hould bo able t • swear without commit ting perjury that tliey had only divided llj per 1 erit. A still grei.ter good fortune was it for them to find court, the higi.- ost in the land, < imposed of the be*t ari I abb St men, to give such a judgment upon t' t deflMid, that they got ot! and the Mat of Pennsylvania wis cheat- .1 out of more than a million of dollars. And now there is another piece of luck. I find now what I never nr-pecled before, that there is ono distinguished, able up. right gentleman alluding ! • Mr MeMui-j trie: in thi* whole country, whom they bad the g.Mjd fortune to lind out. and who firm ly be lev. 1 in bis conscience that this enor mous swindle, which shocked tho whole ci untrv and ma le ail Europe look aghast to thiol we would endure it, was all per fectly right. ENGLAND S ATTITUDE It i- a dispatch of the highest importance that i- cabled from Liverpool Courier, to tho effect that the British Govern merit have determined to interfere between Rus siaand Turkey. Tho nnnouni < ment may t> premature, but, if no, it undoubtedly force ait* the policy that England will very aoon be ( (impelled to adopt. ()| couro. : Russia will not now bo turned from her. purpose by any warning, and her armies, pushing into Turkey, will not reverse their march till compelled to do so by do. feat in the Held, or by the necessity of de fending the soil of Russia iUell. "But the' appenronco of England upon the Huge, 100 ked ns she doubtless will be by Aus tria, must rai-e the ltusso Turkish war in to a stupendous conflict, involving probav blv all the lending powers of Europe The Turkish Government has formally appealed for protection to the powers thai ' signed the Treaty of Paris, guaranteeing the integrity of her territory. Russia has informed Europe that she will riot promi-e to refrain from territorial aggrandizement at the expense of Turkey. It is immedi ately alter this appeal of Turkey and this declaration of Kus-in that we are fore warned of England's change ol atlidude THE KKMAINS OF P P m fvs FOUND FIFTY MILKS FROM ASHTABULA Cleveland, April29,—On Friday Inst party of sportsmen gunning along the lake -hole at Eur,id village, tell mile< east of bote, loiool the (lead body of u man on the beach. The body Was considerably burn cd on the hack, one leg was broken and Die other leg had a lurge flesh wound File head was perfect and covered will, hair and full black whiskers. There was no clothing on tho body but a p:iir boots The p IMIIIS present had no ido* whose body It might b • and as it had al ready comii.ciicnij decomposing they dug a grave near by and buried it After the burial a description ..f the body was givci at n railway stuti n and it was at once rec ognised as thul iT P P. Bliss, of Chicago, who was 10-i on Friday night, Decern he i 2!I. al A-htabiila in the great railroad dm aster which occurred there. The the. it ig that the Inby was fro/.. nto a ( akc of icV and i up ilie lake to the point when .t wus found. Eueli lis fifo miles west ol Ashtabula. The ho !y will, in ,ili proba bility, betaken up to morrow and a furth er investigation made. 111 I i \ M I'.Uli S' ON' I 111. 1A Nl' UK 1 .ii .lon, M) 1. Tlu* Tolegr|ili givi II llowltig oc nit of llotiarl I'mL i I .lino it tin* Id. I K I. J O nt I.MIIII-' HI LIL .LEU Iti lti lino "Tlio Adtiilr®) 101 l Kii-pcluik lit liiglil A cproni lung (ill Ist ' irliieh w® guHhJed by lor|><*.lo, nml to ,TV bnUerles .'eiiiiunti.liiiK 'HR river, (lit* on Ho* stewiu. r Witro ultiiifuiill* !ut ■> < k.'t (loin tl.e Ait.u in u lllMll |i.' tkowed LLITT tlx* .tesiiH t win dltCoir* .■I. .I . in trig stir, N.t of I IN* ballerln ; the 1n. .1\ ' i.* lief I ri T ." Uro lull tlie KellyO I I. i NO .I .|. - to ' lie >li ti to. ILL lit Ho* I. 1.. •. HI ÜBLI LO tl|H <TT LLO r |ILI" I •uflli i< title for LLIR >liot. to laknrrtiil 'l'll® \clttiir. onlc liteii m e TLOD ami th® li-T t I nil.. I M !to III.* KUck Son .u oh II n \KM IKS IN ysiA Ml Suit. lUI-: HA 111.K of K Altai 1 rutin I hit ai I tliu luikt, l.olid.'ii, Ma.v o fin- Uttly Nt'Wi I'm i. to i .It I -a> * niOM-age frol \l ctia git''* tho following Kccuunt ol ill® t> ii 11 1 c®! KI . The . . tilto > tho Kuaainlt araty Alt '**) : ' in., Jot Mrhk tl, attacked Muckli tir.lin tu i lea from Kara. Atoil If' I In- Turk* ' •light c:c*|#ral®ly Tho Kuxintia. • i|i| e rted hv | ..werful nrtillery. auceood ~1 in • 'gn.g tin in |rum Ihoir poai too M akhtar lulled out all hi* roaoiiot, and attempted, n tho '-Olh, ' > recover the •t ground willi UU.OUO men, hut waa do* ted and dnvoii back und. r the gun* <•! Mar , I'ln* Uti**lau lu.ret were ronaidora ' e in 1 *. 1 ! 11,0 Tttftu wore MMf* liinu* V 11*11*1:1 May 2 A diidoiuatio mplurc hotwieli itirkev slot KnUßiattia I. ill.iiil ii' l-. .1 ,d; he * lowed hy deelaratiaiii o:w.,r Tho Kut>iaua have .lopped the .nu11... .eluie <1 gas at oil iheir Sea 1 :t. 1 liig cuutlagratiou. ill the ovonl iof botiihardment. Ihii iin ß.*.! . MHV'2 Kiglil tliou.anJ tnoi ■ !l - Ki.. Ati advance guard are olpiK't' ■! >' Ii . intot t nulla (iiave vain plant, me made ~f r. -4 u I.i lion on fin 1 Kouinnnian. Tho i'utk. r® hurt iitg Ilb ag. oppo.ile Ua at*. I t HTM i K BOMBARDMENT OF Itot'M \NIAN I> \N NS BY TL'KK 1 II Mi iNITOi.S. \ o i.a, May 5. A telegram from 11.. thai, it ray# '.hut the open t-wn 11 ni was b-.iubarded on Friday by the Turkish j Ui ' tar tor, el. urr. VII the ihbubi-l lai l .-I Kei i Ihrnil and O.tcriilaa have tl i lteni ir jut below (ialalz Ollcnilzu' it furtb. r up the Danube— about forty j in. i-s be' a Kutlchuk ll war the Scent of a Buss.all defeat in lK.i Tb< Progress in Asia. t. i of, Ma_v o lnt< r.-ceived tie fr it Otlt-sa -'.at.-s that Kara it eoln p • turi.o... dfd. T(.. Ktliiiant h\t it ti ! iri<g. gum in postlion The! • ... n; : Kar > w-. I! beg in i >lllll <J i riic Miri iite Wat Over. 11,g . May 6 Tbe insurrection ,!' thr Miridiles o virtually ended Siit;. ! Mil .. b. • • ..rrri'.ed and br. ugt.t --: >. ta*., ti.r principal t ity of N rtbernj Vt-ILIAS INTFKKdT IN TDK < UN FI.D'T A Rep. ;t I lint She is About to Occu py Rosnia M .iter, M> ti The (tuardati .'lit- :.l pre i -.ii ..fioe io a ilalt inri.t toat Auitria h .- Jeti rmined, as a pre. au-! ti.inary rtii-a-ure, to occupy Bosnia and! Hertfgoi.ns Afcarding to present ar 1 r ■ g mr • t-. the liiovemsot e! tr*-,ps for ithal i will .begin in about a fort-' night. i KPoKT.* TH AT KA BS HA* KAL i.KN AND BKPoKT> <F TI'KK IMI Si t V ESS S Prh '-org, Mv T 1 !.e Bust am hai f takt-ri Kr The Ru sian army at* ta. kn g r.-,rnhi i .VI.OD men. Seventeen ll ■ man J Turks wt-re captured. BiX'KET MU LLED BY IL'BKISH Ft ißt'Fti. Bucharest, May " - Bickrl- as iheded by ti.e Turks yesterday evening. The It*.' ; Birouki j-'underetl the neighboring v!!!ii . 1 at tlo- -ame time, ai d returned with their -j- .is a - n the Danube. It.YPT T.i C<)NTItl BfTE lA'A> MEN To TI'UKKY. t' • Msy I A C>-mmittee of the* As? n.l iy . ! N tables havir.g decided up n tlo l i.poiiti 1 Jof an extraordinary war in f f fwt.d<>. the Kbedive hai te'egrnph r I to t'onstantii. pie that the Egyptian : r.ger.t now in Turkey, numbering men. will bo railed to IJCUM" The remainder f the Egyptian contingent will h. k, !■'. in Egypt for tho pr lection of the Sir"* Cars' BHOinTiIAND. 100 Won!" jer Minute. Wiih .>ur "Lightning MrthoU of Sin ri Hand," any | ormn ran, in OM M STII, barn !o wrre 100 words per muiuln. -•h •rl-lliiioi reporters are always in de mand. rtt giMd wages. t> ir Churl, con taming full injunction#, in # lessons, sent l any adilrei tar $1 t*i Wo refer tithe K\ KM No lIKKALP • K St M< AY l'Rlt-s pf Philadelphia. Address. C. 11 MURRAY. It' North o'.h Street, Philadelphia, I'a HIBSMANS' HOTEL. MILROY, PA The bed table and bar, and excellent! -tabling for horses. Also a fine resort fori summer boarder*. Hut* to depot, and daily stages to Centre county. Charges' reasonable. D. F. I.USE. PAINTEII, Sum, olfera ht tiervict* to the ofj Centr© county in lloiiR, MGN SIIIII Ornament AL I'alntiiiK. Striping, ornamenting and gilding. Graining OA K, WALNUT, CM KsTN'UT, Kir. Plain at i Fancy Pnper hanging Order respectfully solicited. Term* reasonable. 1W apt if. Private Sale. A Choice Farm and House and Lot. I'lio following described property, of John Kiniuort, dee'd, .ituate in Harris twp, Centre county, one FARM,contain ing one hundred and thirty three acres' 'more orb bounded by lands of il. Kv •irhart. dee'd, Jame- Glenn. McFarieii, 1 I Sr. Henderson, dei d, and other* is offer ed at privato sale. The farm i* well wa tered, a never tailing stream of water run ning t'nrnughthe farm and within thirty j yard* of the barn. n!o, a well of never fading water at the house, with good pump in it The improvements are a large FRAME HOUSE, two stories high almost new ; a frame hank barn, forty llvo by eighty feet and all other necessa ry outbuildings. This is one of the best producing farms in this section for all ' kinds of grain ;is ail limestone land. A large OUCH AKD of choice fruit on the , premise. For particulars inquire of Win. Wcrlx en the farm. Also one House and lot -situated in lloalsburg. Centre co , the hou*e is two stoties high, with kitchen at tached to it, ami all necessary outbuild lings also a good stable, a (lev r failing well of water with good pump. The lot is well set with fruit trees of best quality. Also two acres anil lit perches of excel lent land situate near the German Re formed church in Hoalshurg within two si|iinres of above house. JOSIAH NKFK, Executor of J. Km inert, doe'd, .'KlnovJm. Mr. Daniel P. Realty, manufacturer and proprietor of the lleatty I'iano and Heat ; ty's celebrated Golden Tongue Parlor Or gans, Washington, N. J , is certainly a very reasonable and generous man to trans act business with. lie makes this very fair prop ->tion to any who may favor him with an order, c* follows :"ll the instru ment doc. not prove snlisfactury after a test trial id live days after receiving it the purchase money will be refunded upon the return of tip instrument, and he will pay freight char • - both ways." This is cer tainly un exceeding, generous, and safe manner in wl tel. to transact business will him. lie wi. rant# hi- instruments for sis }IIII. See In* advusilsciim;.' July 20. S IKfiAl, NOTICE Notico is hereby J given to all wliein it may concern, thai an ii| p ic.tion will be made to Hi- Exeiulnnc.v, John K. Ilartranft, lioternor ol the State ol Penn.-y Ivniiia, lor the incur PER at i. HI of the "Piny Coal and I ron Com pany. in M cotdancc w ilh the act ol As sembly in such case made and provided. ALEXANDER ft BOWBIf 3 may 3t. Solicitors ' DP. FORTNKY, Attorney at Law I Rellefoute, Pa. Ofllee over Rey nolds bank. may 14'6t) i 4* ANCHORED 4> ? • AT OAK HALL. MARKET £ HILL 10 HC HCADOU&KTtRS TOR "W" _ * CLOTHING, kh ? WANA MAKER & BROWN, 8 0 IN THE OLD PLACE AT THE OLD TRADE. A All the b®® talent, experience nd alvemagea w " I . mil rommand, oonlinuod m OAK MXLL,lOffoduc#ih I All BCbT und CHEAI'EST CLOTHING for mn mid buy All For aixieen ye®ra wo Imve lived *1 lh® old corner of Q SIXTH end MARKET, and lh® busmen® done thpio h® O A Ijmn bo acitlefectory to th® public and ourwlv®, t• "• w. Q V hiiva decided uo( lo otungs or move the Cloihin j T U butiuex away Tlio people like IK® p!®e® end we like i> D A picas Ilia people, and we believe thai w® cn do it Q V bailer than ever at lb® old place. I X The aalee of tlie paal year far e irpaeaed anyihinu U wo ever dreamed uf.and Idle pole It in our power to O trim atari the Spring of 1877 with a bTll-L LOW bit SCALL OF PRICKS, and a claee of good® oexcedent thai w®aie ft: . not afraid to follow ®aeh eale witli our warrantee or p rr pj 4 receive let.-k tl.e good, unworn and hand over to t e k. A cualomer cualomer Ilia money paid. *Ar 0 The aloe® ha® been larjely refill- d, and i ii n®ve Q A wa ench a aplendid lock of Men'e.lioya'ar.d Children 1 V <*4olhtn j under th® roof, nor were we ever able to aetl ®o Q cheaply. Our word furti, and wo are your frionda of Q A a.xtooi. year®. A ? WANANIAKER & BROWN, ■ 9 Q the 010 klacc. QMA HALL, O ■fr l 6th A Mrkt. PHILADELPHIA. ®# sa HARDWARE WILSO Ni M'FARL A N E NEW AM)(IIKM' min HE STORE. J* li WILSO*. aoa't M FAILIVE. IIKM KFi-MTB, rx. NV, have opened It hMr and o.• ?i.;<l<t• ;o, .. bought in New York and Phila delphia. Irorn the tur- r fron. first nandt at extreme')- low prices. which w i I I ■ 11 *5 llir lowest bottom | fieri, w bid. f giro tl " p<-•!•'<* the adantag.-i f \Vt tav and wtllsatofly that we are the t'heajseM Hardware Store in the coun try. We have a complete Mock of Range*, Heater*, l'nrlor and Cook Bit ve*. Kach Stove guaranteed to give.#ati#* fuction in ev* , try reaped. Rar-iron, Nulla, ' Horae-nhoes, Norway Nasi Rod*, warranted of the bcrt quality, We claim we have the I eat Pure I*ea<l, Oil*, Color*. Var niahaa, ever offered and the cheapest. Our t O c SHORTLIDGE& CO, tj HKLLKFONTE, PA. O t j Have erected a newGRAIN KLK\ A TOR OR their Coal Yard and are buying grain AT THE HIGHEST PRICES, in CAth on delivery, for WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OVTS CLOVER SEED fccj Unloading is done more <ailv sad more promptly than any other place in town which makes the NEW ELEVATOR the most desirable place to sell grain. iANTHIUVCITECOAL; The only dealers in Centre Couuty who sell the W I! Li K El Si Hi A! It lti E Ci Oi A L from the old Baltimore mines Also SHAMOKIN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly tor ho use use. at the lowo-t prices RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIKK BRICK ANDOROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which is always sold at low prions, and warranted to be as good a fertiliser as an other plaster. DrrJCS A})D l&m NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT IIKLEFOXTE. PA. \ DUNKLK & ALMAS. :<K House, Sign, and OSNAMKNtAt PA3TNTERS, Respectfully announce that they are prepared to do all kinds of work in their lino nf business, in the neatest and best style. Ail kind'of GRAINING. PAPER HANGING, AND CA LCI MINING. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Calcimining a speeiallv. All orders by npifl r<",ctse ptnmpt attention, and sati-fac •ion guaranteed Charg-s most reasonable. 16 feo If. J N DUNKLK A CO.. Aprit g M ilk. Pa. Chits 11. Hold. Clock. YYatfhmuLt-r1 Jeuelei Millheim, Gent re Co., Pa. Al kind* of clocks, Watchea And .Icwolry tsf <h l..ttst style . AS sin.* ths MsrsttviUo Pst#Bt GsUtidfi ii.s kf, |.r - with * i oii.|.l*fr In G'x of the m.ojrh no! ii*} of the month ami w, k on lU face, which I" warranted as A perfect llmo kupr, ('locks, Wfttclios AUI .lrnln rspilrsd ou ahor no tl* and Wai rant*.! WM. P. WILSON, Attornoy-at-Luw. Bellefonto Pa. Office in Mrs. Ben uer's Building, Uolletonte Pa. Stock of Coach and Wagou Mate ria!* are of u very superior quality, and cheap. We will eel! Saddlery good* a* low as they can buv them in Phila. We will keep all kiuds of Farmers Implements, Cultiva tor*. Shovel*, Plows, Pump*. Pic ture Frames. Moulding, Mirror#, Toilet Sett#, Children's buggies, Wagons of all six es, Oil Cloths, Tub*, Ruck* el*, and Churns, We have in connection a Tin Shop, Mr. Smith, foreman, in which we manufacture nil kiuds of Tinware. Spouting made and put up of the best quaiity of tin at the lowest prices. Call aud see u* and we will substanti ate what we advertise, as we shall take pleasure in showing our stock. Rooms No 7 and 8, Humes Rlock, G doors north of Post Office, Rcllefonle. WILSON A McFARLANE, .jap3m - Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but ter sweet nndhard, and quicker to clutrn try it—for sle at Win Wolf's stoic b Dentist, Millheim. Offersliis professional services to ilia public, lie is prepared to perform sll operations In lb* dental oro He ia now full? propared U extract! tooth absolutely without pa la. uf-7UI S. & A. Loeb. THE TIMES ADMONISH YOU THE TIMES ADMONISH YOU T<) sAV JM fN E; V WHEN YOU (A N. TOSAVW-; MONEY WHEN YOU CAN. Wo te feIIing—CAKPETS AT 20 CTS. We are telling CARPETS AT 20 CTs. We .re telling—CA HPETS ATyj CTS. We .re .ailing— CA KPKTR AT 25 CTS We .re telling—CA HI'KTH AT 25 CTS We .re MIIing—CAHPETS AT 26 CTS We .re tebing— IN'G'Jf CAHP'TS et 30r. j We re filing ■ ING'N CAHPTS .1 30. We .re telling—lNG'N CAEP'TS .t3ot We .re eeIIing—INGKAINS ATSS cent. We .re tel.tng INGKAINS A1 36 tenia We .re teIIing—INGKAINS ATS6cetiU We re telling- I).rank h.ll A tlair cePtt 1 We are telling —D.ruatk hall Att.irr.Pt- We r Milling— Darauk ball A auircar'u We re Mlling—Supe-Cne Ingrain at 76c. 1 VN e .re— Superfine IngrairTal 76c. ; A e .re telling Superfine Ingrain at 76c W are telling—Tapetiry liru*e'.at SI.OO '* e are telling —Tapetiry Hrutsei*' SVo are telling—Tpetry iiru*<-lat SI.OO • We are telling— Ladiet' Dolman* at $2,60 We are telling—Ladiet' Dolman* at $2.60 Wa am wiling— Ladie*' Doltuau* at $2,60 We af telling— Ladici' Dolman* at $3.00. Wo ar* tolling— Ladiet' Dolman*at $3.00 We are telling— Ladiet' Dolman* nt $3,00 We are telling— Ladiet Irim'd halt atsl.oo We aretalhcg—Ladin* irim'd hat* at sl,llO We are telling—Ladle* trim'd bat* at SI,OO We are telling—Ladiet tritn'd halt a151,50 We are *el!ing—Ladiet Irim'd haUat $1,50 We are telling—Ladiet trim'd halt at $1,50 We are teliing lrim'd hatt at $2,00 We are telling--Ladia* trim'd halt at $2.00 We are telling—Ladie* trim'd hat* at $2,00 Ife are selling—Lstdie* Shoe* at SI.OO H'e are selling—Ladies Shoes at SI,OO lie nre selling—Ladies Shoes at SI,OO lie are selling—l^sdiesShoes at $1,25 M e are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,25 He are selling—Ladies Shoes at $1,25 He are selling—Ladies'llutton Shoes at $1,50 He are selling—Ladies'Button Shoes at $1,50 He are selling—Ladies' Buttoo Shoe* at $1,50 He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents. He are selling—Calicoes at 5 cents., H'e are telling—Calicoes at 5 cents. He are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 cts He are selling—Spool Cotton at 2 cu We are selling—Spool Cotton at 2cu He are selling— Dress Goods at 8 cts H'e are selling—Dress Goods at 8 cts H'e are selling—Dress Goods at 8 etc H'e are selling—New Spring Plaids at 10 cents H'e are selling—New Spring P.aids at 10 cent* H'e are gelling—New Spring Plaids at 10 cents H'e are selliug—Men's Plough Shoes nl $1,25 i H c are selling—Men's Plough Shoes at $1,25 He are selling—Men's Plough Shoes at $1,25 HV are selling— Meu'sGaitersat $1,50 He are selling—Men's Gaiters at $1.50 He are selliug—Meu's Gaiters at $1,50 In fact wu are selling everything at price* that will convince all that we have touched the very bottom—no trouble to show goods for the purpose of comparing prices S. & A LOEII. IMPORTAN TO TRAVELERS. —THE— BUSH HOUSE! niai.KiMKTK. •*. tla> been Wfnll* thoroughly renmrated and retained. ec.a under the management of the N' Proprietor Mr K D. Me* COLLUM, formerly of Pitliburg, u fir.l - in "it >'* "i'l"'iniwentt. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered l th-we In attendance •( coutl inl other* remaining In town for * few Jut! i limn The lnrn*l nJ ml tupnrbly Detignrd IKit** 1 i(< Centra! Penntylvmm All modem i <nv.<fileate. t| u try il. ( It i)i !i<>u-e. | i.i. K I). McCOI.LUM, Proprietor. I HA T. COTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. Centre Hull. IfMvinff opened rooms on tlio 2nd floor of Gift <k Klory'. building he I* prepar ed to ii i.nufacture all kind. of men'. .nd b> >>•' garment*. according to the lalett tyla, and upon .hcrteti notice, and all work warranted to render katifrtiin, Cutting end repairing done 7ept y JOHN T. POTTER, Attorney at '' U> Ollklmw prampti, made n4 wsrtil lllmllnn (IIH Ui llmw bttllf laMa Of prufrrt) In •all W ill rtr up and ham tckaoalad.rd Paada M'.naar>.4< niSr, lull, diamcad. wdl> aid# of 11 ha court Ofoaaa. Hato,looi oatXSdMf J P. ItAKKIII. IIAMKI. ■■*. J. A MfAVfcK WM WOLT WM B MIROtK. PENNSVALUY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allowlntar etl; Discount Notei ; Buy and Sel! 'iornrnrnentSecurtllef. (•old and Coupon.. W*. WoLr. W* B Misrui.a. I'roa't. Caabier J. ZELLER ir SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerboffßow,Bellefonte,P Draleraln I)ruf(a,( bemlcaM Perlbmery, Fancy CioiMla dk<*4 Ac. Pure Winei and Liquor* for medicr tiurnosa. *lwae. Want mar >l. 72. KI NGSFORD'S Oswego STARCH I* the BEST a'nd MOST ECONOMICAL in the arorld. IlperfMtljr I'UKE—free from acid, ard other I rtign tubttancet that injura lin en. Ii HTUONGKB than any other—reqnir irig raui h le.i quantity in uting. It UMPoKM —.tifferi. and flalthe. work alway* the fame. KIMiOFOIu/s OSWEGO CORN STARCH It the meat delictum of all prepa-ation. for PL"DDINGS, BLANC-M ANGE, CAEK etc 19at>6 Harness, Saddles, &c Tha nfMinuf. MamM le wrt IW popular Irmand far It-war pncoa raepetifeUy call, the ultra U..C of Uia I .Utile la bja aloe, af SADDLERY m>w ogaaad at It-old nunl tliiua 'aapariUp far Um poopM aM Uw iiaat. IM Uinti and aaaat rartad a lad totuplaU aantwal of Haddlaa. Haraaaa. ta.lura, Undlaa of atrn dawrrtpuo. aad faaUf. WMm aoe la lad aaofrtiii** u. .aaii.lata > .eat rlaoa aatahlla. iraM, Mra. "CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEI SING KB A : ft, complete Hardware Store ba been petted by the undersigned in Can ire 11 nil, where he it prepared to tell al kind* of Building ana House Furnishing Hardware, Kail*. Ac. Circular and liandSawt, Tennon Sawt, WebbSSat, t, Clothe* Hack.*, a full assort ment of Glat* and Mirror Plate Picture Friimet, Spoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*, Lock*, ILngea, Scrowa, Satb Spring*. Horte-Shc v, Nail*, Norway Rod*. Out, Tea Bella, Carpenter Toole, Paint, Varn it he*. Picture* frames in the finett style. Anything not on hand, ordered upoe fhcrlett notice. jsfr-Remember, all oodt offered cheap er than eltewhce W. A. CURRY, B&t>i <& ftJufear, t'KXTBK If ALL, PA. Would mott retpecifuliy inform the cil zent of this vicinity, that he ha* atarted a new 800 l and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a chare of the public patron age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and according to ttyla, and warrant* bk work ■to equal any made eltewhere. All kind* •if repairing done, and charge* reasonable <}{*• him a call, fab IS lv QKNTKK H ALL Furniture Rooms' KZRA KBI'MBIXE, | retpectfully intorm* the citisen* of Centr :county, that l.e haa bough t out the old -land of J. O. Deininger. and hat reduced 'the price*. They have constantly on hand | and make to order . i BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS SINKS' W ASHSTANDS l CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES. Ac., Ac. Their (took of ready-made Furniture i* i large and warranted of good workmanship and it all made under their own immed - ate tupervition, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and tee our rtock before purchasing I _ 26 feb. ly BE ATT — ORAND, 8 JUARE AND UPRIGHT From Jft F. Regan, firm Regan A Carter. put hers Daily and Weekly Tri buna. Jetlr an City. Mo., after receiving a S7OO instrument, >ay: 'Piano reached u* in good condition. I ana well pleased with it It is all you rep. resent it to be." From R. R. Baldridge, Bennington Fur nace. I'a., after receiving a S7OO piano. • Beatty" received 4tb insc, all Q. K., and comes fully up to your representation, and exceeds our expectations. While I don't profess to be a judge in the matter, Mrs. B. does, and pronounces it of verv sweet tone ; and is very much pleased with it" Best inducements ever offered. Money refunded upon return of Piano and freight charges paid bv me (D. F. Beatty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five days. Pianos warranted for sixytie*. Agents wanted. Send for cats ogue. Ad dress. D. F BKATTY, Washington, New Jersey, ua. at SHOCK xauorr, J. N. BHVOKKT President, Cashier. QENTRR COUNTY BANKING CO s (Late Milliken, Hoover .% Co.) . RECEIVE DEPOSITS, it And Allow interest, s Discount Notes, s Buy at d Sell. Covernment Secuiities,Gold <fr arlfveStf Coupons CENTRE HALL . COACH SHOP, > LEVI MURRAY, - *t his establishment at Centre Hall. keep. \ on band, and tor sale, at the moat reasons, . ble rates. ' Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Pt.AIKA*I> Figcv' and vehicles of every description made to order, and warranted to be made of the ) best seasoned material, and by the most . skilled and competent workmen. Bodies ' for buggies and spring-wagons &c.. of th* ) most inprovad patterns made to order,also Gearing of all kinds made to order. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in hu tine are requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not to be excelled for dur ability and wear. may 3lf, BK.tTTY PIJU ' O! Grand, Square and Upriqht. From Uufus Snyder, of tho firm of Sny der A Hendricks, Carriage Manufacturers, of tho city of Alienloiva, Pa : "I must confess I hardly' kpow how to express tny gratification en receiving the beatty Piano you shipped nie. It i at toast ail I could n*k, wish or expect fine if #r ma*' eioinrnt mu c ic*ans f.r'od h sod w< t;, I ..t favorable lei ne. hfler • .11 J : teslifHT it " tr< r ever g ren VI. >i.. .-'•■< •! •! •i-l " I -.1 r le tr paid o.v lee (. i I „ uays if u nsalisfacuw >. -i.e. • . ,-,sl of five day. Pianos . ..i .1 ,ix years. Address, b. r. BEATTY. 23jul y Washington. New Jersey.
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