THB CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY APR. 28, 1". LODGE MEETINGS; rrsi K II t.l Ijonnr, No.**,l Oof O. lf. meet* eeeo ttatuotar avontaa t h >'D A G j M ona-iusan, Ret. M. I On FOBT t/Soa. No. S3T, F. A. M . M,-n lm svsnlna. on or after each fall n"™ ,n th * i'r 'H*BI.An all respect*. Possession can be had an* time after April Is, by applying to J HKXRY KKU.KR AT Centre Da. l. F Thfnde wishes to lease 320 ac-e, of land in low. for- a Unn .of j onr. 17„ 1 J77 tL & s"- " the 5... i-j'^^uiSn-Kr. V- >c„. Bellefonte, Pa 16 nov 6m J _ZTxhe weather was very fine the last few days, and warm, with a sprinkling of rain on Tuesday afternoon At IVrei. Wolfs are for sale Knapp s patent curtain fixtures, advertised in an other column of the Reporter. They aio the hiest convenient cut.; '*• We have lately had ourattenticn drawn to some handsome work in marble, equal to the most skillful city workmanship, and upon inquiry ascertained that it was turned out at Heisler * Bellefonte. It you desire a monument or tombstone, call there. Whoever lost i yards of carpet on the Georges Valley road, can get it by calling on the finder. Mr. Henry t oyer. of the Leop. Hard times are not felt much by those who get their groceries st Srchler s. L -eb's store is complete in every de partment. Tha largest and bast stock ot goods in the county. See their prices in another column. A correspondent, "K. writes us that the Red Mill, having been thorough ly overhauled by the most competent millwright, and with two otthe Allentown turbine wheels, Mr. Breon. the, it now making the very best 11 ur. le., i free to ail who go to the Red mill. - i\r. Bau-e, of Woodland, tl*srfis.,l county, paid our sanctum a visit the other day, and i* a plea-ant fellow to chat w>th. He is a thorough democrat and a good physician- The attendance at court was large this week. On Monday the license* were taken up. and a general fight was made by the naii-lieense men against granting The lime of court was occupied with this matter all dsy Tuesday. A num ber of applications were refused. Belle fonte go: four hotel and three saloon li cecses. F. P. Green's drug store, in the Bch house, is complete throughout Mr Green is the oldest druggist in the coun ty, and understands that important branch of business thoroughly. All the standard patent medicines on hand ; also valuable reni-slies of Mr. Green's own invention, with a large stock of fancy articles and fishing tackle. The sacrament u the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Luth. church, at Churchville, the coming Sabbath, at 10 o'clock. Preaching in Centre Hail Luth. church. Sabbath evening, instead of afternoon, on account of services in the morning in the Loop, which will be some what protracted. W. E. FISCHKW We h*TC received * clod of earth from Dakota, which show* the gra.-shop pvr in iti present state ; the lump is full of i the varmints' eggs. "d if the soil of that country all present! the lame prospects for a grasshopper crop, then oh, my ! there is infinitely more "than millions in it. We are under obligations to T. 11. Harter, j of the Nevada (O.) Enterprise, for this specimen, who bad a large lump present- 1 ed him by a lady from Dakota, who in- j forms him thatthe newly ploughed ground is literally covered with these eggs. Some of the critters crept out of their shcils on > their transit to Centre county,—they are j about 1-16 of an in. in length, and know 1 how to hop. We moistened the lump—which is the size of a small walnut—with a little water, placed it in a jar and set it in the sun, and in less than half an hour about 20 of the insects had bred out and jumped about quite briskly. Anyone wishing the breed can have them at less than $-5 per pair —which is reasonable when we lake into consideration that short-horn cows hove sold orf $30,000. We were pleased to have Mr. W. 11. Snyder, of thi L. C AT. Rlt. engineer corps, who has charge ot the road in the mountains call in to see us on Monday Mr. Snyder informs us that the PadJr mountain bridge was to have been com pleted on Friday, last, and the construe- tion train to pass over it on Saturday with material for track laying to next bridge about a mile distant, which bridge with the one at Beaver Dam would require seme three weeks in constructien, when track laying will continue to Spring Mills. No regular trains will be run until the track is completed to Spring Mills, as this would interfere with the construction train which has frequent short trips to make ererv day. The road will tie campletesi to Spring Mills by Ist of July, when regular trains will be run. A turn-table is U> be erected at Spring Mills. Theitation house* at Coburn 'Forks) and Spring Mills, will contain ticket and freight offices and two passenger apartments each. Harper's Monthly for May is as full of good reading as usual. It has the con tinuation of the two excellent serials, "A Woman-Hater' and "Erema," besides many other stories and illustrated arti cles. West Susquehanna Classis of the Re- formed Church will meet in Lowisburg, on the third Wednesday of May, the 16th prox- at 7,30 p. m. The P. R. K. has purchased the rolling chairs used at the Centennial, and dis tributed them at the principal stations along the line, for the use of their invalid or sick passengers. The choicest macherel at Sechlcr's. The best tea and eoffeo in the county—the nicest canned and dried fruits always kept at the same place, together with the cboiee.-t confectioneries, queensvvare, crackers, soaps, Ac., Ac., For the Reporter FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR IKTEBEST!— Mr. S. P. Ruble has rented his mill to D- W. Cowher, formerly of Phoenix Mills, Mr. Cowher is a flrstclass miller, and gives good satisfaction, and will the county to beat his flour. He wi!l insure forty lbs. of flour out of every sixty IWs. of wheat, and if not gord return it and give other. Give biui a trial and satisfy your selves. FROM A FARMER. There are in existence a great ninny musical instruments which ure sadly neg lected in the most important part of their construction, that is tone. More time if taken, and too much labor and expense attached to the case, and the tone sadly neglected. This is not the case from what is said by the most credible parties of Mr. Daniel F. Ileatty's instruments, Washing toil, New Jersey. The tone he consider the most essential part, and he spares no pains to make it durable, rich, and perfect and then constructs its case to correspond with price. Sec bis advertisement else where. QKOI.OUU *i. JM 'R \ k V . The Lcwisburg Journal says Mr. Charles E Bil!in, civil engineer and *: *i.tant to tlm second too logical survey of Reimsy Ivania, i< now in this county making arrangements to make a geologioil examination of tho western end of ibis-County. His work will extend over the greater portion of our i vinty west and southwest ot Mitllitiburg. and ex tending into binder, Mifflin and Centre counties. Lew -burg will ho his head quarters for some weeks. AH person* having any gold, silver, Wed. iron, coal or | Other \ali.aide deposit en their land, ot believing that they have anyU mg W ll sort, ah n|d , , i upon Mi Htllin, a- it i# hit pleasure to make a thorough ex u.n.a lion, and, i:' .v, m. lake its', is pa d hy the State for this kind of work A- < de# re our county to he thoroughly U'slol for minerals, and a* such report ot ill he pie seuted to the Legislature and I>. placed upon record, lot every man lend his ha ,1 in making the geological survey fu'.l o d thorough Newman'* big stock of Clothing B one of the wonders of the county. He will sell you a suit cheap, as dirt, and it you sing him a good little song, Sternberg will throw vou in a straw bat. J —lf you desire an elegant monument I or tombstone or any other arb'.o work, you can cet it at reasonable price#, at Heisler's, Bellefonte Marble yards, wber> the most skillful workmen are employed. One of llie Potter ev erseera, Mr. J. 11. Kellet. informs us t'.at'.'t paupers were keptTsst year, at an average cet of J1 "I per week, per pauper. They had a six feel snow storm in Dakota a few days ago. and the cheapest ar.J Pest groceries at Sechler'. is about to make sale of his personal prop erty, intending to remove from Mifflin burg We hear it remarked, genera"l.v all around, that \ alentiiu - A Co have the handsomest assortment of carpets, a- will as other things. —There is quite a large w o.lding party from Penn township, • >' at Belle fonte, this wet k It is Kern v- the Serena de-*, and the Serenade?- vs K, r". RKBKRSBUHG & VICINITY Coal mining is to be resumed on the farm of Edward Houtx, southeast of Wolfs stand. The prospects are encour aging On the 'AHh, Jennie Gram icy of our t'-wi. died verv suddenly. >'se wa- -ick only a few dav, but suffered severely. She was a maiden of 20 summers, and ** esteemed by all. Her diea#e wa* inflam matory rheumatism. Our neighbors in KrcamerviPe put up two house* last week. Thi- mut mean business ; and why not give them a school hou-a also. A jury allowed a pub c road from our town to Kreamerville. Many rejoic \ but few make ug'y faces and bitter denunc:a tions. Haw Mo*. ITEMS FROM III*BLKKSBUKG AND VICINITY. —Horse trading i frequent. —The farmer* are dene sowing oats ; and ire nearly ready to plant eorn and pota toes. Potato bugs lake n oiie Mr. Mtctiaei Corman was quite un fortunate a few day* as \ by l->-ing it horse, dog, sheep and hoc. The horse got a eorn husk in his wind pipe, which soon put an aa end to his horse-hip. '1 tin dog was poisened by some one that did not admire bis habits. The others died because they quit breathing. —Aust. Whippo sold his let in town to John Emoriek, for $l9O. Emerick in tends erecting buildings thereon this sum mer. The mountains south of Hublcr-burg were set on fire a few Jays ago by some fellow that had nothing c : to do. For tunately a shower of rain prevented it from doing much damage — The Dunkarda will have services in the school house near town on sunday the 22nd Dave Soil s store iu Zin, was entered by thieves, on the night of the 10, and rob bej-of produce and other things. No clue has yet keen ascertained who the robber were. The thieves gained entrance through the cellar. MILTOS. Jurors —sth Monday. Spring—C Eckecroth, \S in Aikey, J S Hockey. ! Walker—Wm 1' Harris, Geo >wartz, M Corinan. Snowshoc—G 11 Weaver. Rush—Peter Smith Miles— R I) Burly Howard—J*c leather#, Jus Heverly. Potter— W J Thompson. I) Brisbin, L Murray. Gregg—.l B Fisher, L Risbel. Union —E Fisher. 11 Hoover Ferguson—J W Krumrine, I) W Slave- Is*. L Kreps, S Ward, J Struble i Patton—S O Gray, C Gepharl, G W Rumbergf r Bellefonte—D Z Krino, J II Fellan baum. I College—W C Huey, U Dale, .1 Wag ner. Haines—T Ilutlernian. Taylur—l Reese. R Newman P-nn—M Lamey. Boggt—T Adanis. TIIOMAS A. HICK*. 0. K HICK*. Rellefonie, 3 Jtfo-10, 1877. TO ofR raiESpa a CUSTOMERS: We believe there is going to be a general revival of business of all kinds, and especially in our lino, for hardware was never lower than at the present time. It has been on a gradual decline for years, and is certainly at the bottom now. We have bought a large slock of all kinds of goo is at these low figures, and we intend to sell at lower prices than hardware was or ever will be offered in Bellefonte. Thi is the time to buy, for you can positively get bargains from us. We defy comp :i --tion, either in prices oY quality of goods. We intend that no one shall undersell u- Mf have b*en barely keeping up the va riety for some time back in order to take advantage of the low figures at the right time. Wo have now on band 300 keg- Nails, over 100 doz. Door Locks and Latches, and Glass, Shovel*. Hoes, Forks arid all kinds of leading good* in proportion, which we propose to sell at the lowest CASH prices. We have a very full line of Coach Ma kern' goods, all kinds of Wood Work, and Patent and Plain Wheels, Circles, Schack les. Drilling. Ac., at the lowest prices. Full BLACKSMITHS-We have a Norway Rod that we warrant and sell on trial. Vices and Bellows, and best Char coal Iron; also Common Iron that i* usu ally sold at very low prices. FOR PAINTERS.—We otfer special inducements in Pure Lead, Oils, Brushes. Ac. We have the sole agency for the cele brated Imperial Cast Steal Ohio Plows, formerly sold by ISuriitidu & Thomas. They aro warranted to give satisfaction. We also keep u full line of repairs for them. We have a very full line of Cook Stove and give a written guarantee with each one, if wanted. Will cheerfully give any one our lowest prices who want them through the mail. THOS. A. HICKS A HRO , Allegheny st., ( ppo-ite Loeb's Store. When the Great Eastern was recently cleaned 300 tons of barnacles were scraped Ironi her bottom, an area ot more than 52,000 square feet. Carolina and Louisiana are to be the names of a large number of fair babies now on the point of coming into life in he southern states. The murder nearSbaefferstown, Lebanon county, is the third one committed in tha locality, within a radius of about two miles during tbt past year. The other two wen in Lancaster county, and the scene of this one is within two miles of the county line. General McMillan, the ablest of the Packard Republicans, went oyer to the Nicholls Legislature, /•//>; rooii'tiorsi: 11 r< nox. The poot-hottne election on Inst Sntur slay, icaults d in n defeat of the piojec by not less than l* .at her tip only the follow iisr Ap. inst Tor Hollofontc W H t \ \\. II 1 '.'Si S. W. 17 r, mi. J Gregg do | Forgwwin. I 7S T' f ILune-. i Totter. : >' il • ! College 212 o Miles. Mai .mi. Snow-hoe I lam-. l>o Worth. 1 1 1 1' nts >n vtlU i Tnion. t> We find "The l.adics ■ the White House* in Flank I c.-!u Pope ir Mont !y for April, succeeded t thy May : .•li ber hy "The President* at l!<>n e," hy Benson J. Lousing, LL I' tiie :i ce i> illustrated w :.h I* line engravings -hew ing places of interest in the hiatory of out Presidents front Ma- : dew 1 • May number is ;■■;> .tow > ture, emhrai 'i'g short steiie.-, ;! , :< • !- ot travel, anecdotes, poetry, art, >. ei e. etc It has - nte 70 illustration- among its 160 pages, concerning Benjam. :n Prankun, Santiago de Cuba, T ,phat-Kapj eg ir. Ceylon, t'l arc. al bur eg • et T ■ Wd iii, in its best standard and well w\rth its pru*i* kotoi <>fu > t s to Ftank Leslie o-T Petri Street, New York. A swindler has bt v. . pe it: H. .1- ford and Riatr counties recently lie claimed to be a government detective, and visited a number of country st Kt EARED FOR CIIRIaTI\NITT. NOT x'tiN yiPKST. Terms of the Uu*-iati Manifest Bulgaria to be Occupied t\u stanli: p'c alarmet! at the Prospect of Immediate war. Lml n, April 20,—Tie \ ict na eorre-- piindent of the St.,ii.ird teb gr|'!i- "1 am informed fr.>m 1> . hare-1 that Pr. - Charles has rece veda i py ifa Ku-i#i maiilfe-'a, which c van - t; , t i! deeiarat on . "Whereas, every endenvoi by the Empero. if Pus-ia is pn-erv. peace ha- tailed owing t ■ the •'.... b..- ne> of the l'orte, we. e tho condui i ■ the Christian* in the Ka-t i unimproved, their live* and property bei- < menat id. therefore hi* Majesty, in the name of hu manity and in Cue full c neious'—s of hi severe g'l d e- a- tha tistural | r tect"' of the Slav iiic Rat . ns in the Ka-t, hi been compo.lei.t rei v•• m ohtnimng by force of arms such g.ia-ante-, for his dis trte 1 (ellew bolievi-rs ti Turkish i a appear absolute y i.e.i- ary ft-r Ciur.i g their future vn-lta- ' ' Th • d unlet pro- reeds to state that this -rtued inters • ' -• is r.ot meant f->r the purpo o of cot. juest and will end after securing the above mentioned re-alts A Ji-pitch from t'e ;tar.ti ./pie t- the Standard, confirming the al ove in rSVct. add* that the ninii'- -to de. larrs Kn--ia intc.'d- to onupy Bulgaria and h 1 '. the proi inee a a map-ia; guarantee f r tt - esecuti.m of the ret >ns ; lha" she will i. - vito European power* to take part in the occupation, and, finally, that he din 'aim* any intention to acquire territory perma nently. REVOLUTION* IN PARAGUAY. Peraambuco, April 21. —A revolt !>* broken out in Paraguay, ami the Presi dent, Don Jui - tii.i and 1 - brother have been a--u>-inat(- i. The cc - >pir*tors were route-l llivaro'.ta >! 1 holds the rural districts. POMKKOY. OHIO, SWEPT BY EIRE ON TUESDAY NIGHT Cincinnati, April 12.- Ati eat Pom< rov Ohio, broke out in ll>< w arer- i f D Grycr A >on, in the n ain lui-.Bess p •rlnsi of the city, last night about ten o'clecli and .-pread rapidly in every direction, am. was not chocked until twenty-fivebusines houses, office* and residences were des troyed. •FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND BAR RKLS OF BLAZING Oil. A Vagrant Thunderb >lt Destroys $2(10,000 Worth of Property. Pittsburg, PH.. Anril 2d.—A dispatch from Petro'ia. Butler county. Pa. says, ye-terday afternoon a heavy -torrn p--ed over this section. The lightish g -trutk a largo tank on the T.outman tarm which contained 22,1i"0 birr ~ f >il, and the tank was torn to pieces. The burning oil set tire to two other tanks and one con taining 25,01*1 barrels was destroyed. The other was extinguished by steam The burning oil lan down the creek n rn 1 e do stroying everything iu its U wa checked by Ralston'* dam, which was large enough to bold it and stop further damage. Twelve oil wells with tanks at the well were destroyed. The town of Trout man consisting of a hotel, two iiv.-ry stables, a billiard ro. in and houses, was destroyed A pips- line pump •tation and a number of other buildings wer<- also destroyed. The 17,U0 barrel-' I oil burned belong ed to the Union Pipe ino anil will be paid by pro rata *-" • iiHitil by that line. The loss in the town t.f Troulman is estimated at sOn). The 10.-s on the twelve oil wells is nut known. AMERICAN INVENTIVE PRu.; GUESS Under the above beading Ihe Scientific American > T May 7th has a long and inter esting article, fr-in which we make ihe following extracts: To show with what rapidity invento. made improvement- on inventions cm bodying original prh cipals, say -the writer it may be noted that in the early days ol the sewing machine 116 patent- were grunted for improvements th> rem, m a -in gle year; and out of the 2 010 patents i -ti ed in the year lfS r 7,15 were fm improved; cotton-gins and press< s, 164 tor improve ments on the steam engine, ami l'.ttt for 1 novel devices relating to railroad- and ini ! provement* in the rolling slock. In the year I*ls, three year* alter the publica tion of this paper was commenced, hut 6U) patents were granted; but under tin stimulus of publishing those inventions a thev were patented ten year- later, ii IHM. the number lias im i.-a-ed sixfold,: reaching 3,710, while up to January 1,186b a- already staled, the aggregate of patents issued amounted to 17,407, since that time and up to the preterit the total i- 181,- 016, And curiosity here lends us (adds tie editor) to review our own work, extending back, say. twenty years, or to 1867, a peri od during which 170 7 16 patents have been issued. Wetird, by actual count, that 62.062 applications have been made through the Scientific American Patent Agency for Patent* in the United Stnle ft nd aoroad. Tins average* aim . I t nup plication* per day, Sundays excluded over the entire period, and hears the relation of in re than one quarter to the total i ,sn ber of patents iisued in this country up to the time of writing. MORAVIAN MISSIONARIES MUR DERED. New York, April 21. Information was received in this city this morning detail ingthe terrible slaughter of a Moravian missionary and hit family ut the settle-1 ment of Lance, a camp on the Labrador eoaft. The crimes were perpetrated while the younger ministers were away from the mission bou-o and whilo the only occt:- j pants of the place were two feeble clergv- I men, the son of one of them, a paralytic, and his two sisters. The names of the vie- NEW M.VN'S EAGLE CLOTHING IIVLL, R%PKR*W NEWMANS EAGLE CLOTHING HALL, WLW NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING HALL, Gf'' 1 a ml heller xowlxfur less Hum in Pennsylvania. J. NEWMAN, JR., Proprietor. r Alli'gh. uy Struct, Saucls* Buih iiiK BELLEEONTE, PA, • 19 tn i mi. it, . \\ U , \ ii tid spent ji l [vest. i, |.,t Kvard lln'lii, hi* nan, . -nil i"; arloti.- ,t At !v, hi- daughter*. i iid ! 1 c ift 4 . niHiig tit v, i;ii )knives and ni',l a n'g>' quantity 'f K-s .-hi: -t K I. A WARK IV . .t i A • :1' i city ;-J . *.- t!.tW .. -11 I'll -ItlU- l- ti.'.O ment by tti® muriiet of n weil-known co • ore.! named Jitn Temple. Hi* budy v, us lii tin J at a!i c.uly hour llii morning on th< ran . i-ml ..- ! • N'.w C* tic. with 111! throat cut • I I .111 v '.hat tilth head Man nearly si- v.-red 1: 'in Ila b sly anil on® or" the ears • ..t ' A colored mam, John 111 amis, > - rb-< quently arrested, and made u full corifi-i n of thi d< i si. Hi- slates i! " i ii- i in ' i de- fense, niiil that the murdered man was ly ing in tnitbuili to kit at K • tune The colored people ii'e r h invented against the murderer, a I < ongri gated around the -t.v.ianboai. in large crowd* Lord Derby deviated the U. use ol Lorili, that tl e Torts eed not cxptqff aid from Ffgiai J Gov Har'ranfl !• *igri.-,i l e bill ap propriating *'T t I la l f rt e e-eot '.in it a iunat a-y t.m in K*>'.i IV i sylvan ;a It i< rai l that the Tur ~h M -try are alarmed at tl ■ pro-peel ofim i .'dtaleimr, an 1 efforts t • negotiate an understand!! g w :'i liui-it ar. :• 1 n >. Al'lllL COURT I MONDAY. Grata! .Lir Tenn—ls F Krankenburg, I< Confer, li s. L"lrirh. Spring Wm II .t er. 1! nines XV ill U>W .■ I'uter liar Retb, Jat Linglr. R M Coruiiok, College UK. ,i 1,r,-. .I,i .It - n J Mel" -- lis .to.te t I. Burn-de J Sen. In l.ibarn II X Snv I . T.rgu- -i. 1U M. J 8 .. Ua, T Cuttenborder, J A Wearer. Rush J XVail. ii - Mile.burg K t Tell • it mer XX in 11 i. iil It Harris XVm M Fi Fmverre Jurat -4ili M utd.ty. He.lefonte J T.S , J V. |). ; ti II A exver. 11 T II .; J 1 . . l Johm:. - Haiti, M . J XX i , J H Lots Libertt J Br-i.iv Us-. JII AJ- T r .1 MI. I 11 Lirr 4*i, Dent, J 11. nrv K. Spring- M 1" XX .iNTr Xlahkk January It' by Short!idge Ji C • White wheat, 1 11,-.1 '• I 9H Hye, tA> Corn, nbe'o i, 10. Corn, cob, 40. • (>at\ Hurley, rye weight, Cloveri >1 }•' to J"' -A | : 1 i ■ i- Trtat e- retail, I til Flour per barrel, who!. l •. ?.t. ri-lai!. tat >i.>v. Stf"l.a piaster, gr.-.s: I. I 10, Cayuga Ant hr* it* Co a I Chestnut per to-i at yard, js> Small stove, " > • - • Stove, " Kgg, So.U. llrokca, " S > 00. MARRIAGES. Mitrt-h - ' Hr. IvJ. Ili ; U ' ■ bu-g. Centre ('•> , -1 M - Knin . K Hiih -h, • : Fre- ' nrg Snv ■ r ( bkw—r—urn-i —r •t- - uv. - uxor j DEATHS. tin '.A', at Aar-nsburg, XL- Si r.n* widow ot Daniel Kline. ig< 1 .• y> .r#. Near KI wood. LI. M . eh li'th,, i>TT. o -earict fevi X. : ■ L. in l\ . il.l o James and Mary K :: . ...! nbaut ■ yean Father, Mo her, y. i n ay often regr. premature death, hut mourn not. for lie your !■ -s ha- he. ti h< r gain; ai d imiy ,tlii blessed assuranceii.eite all to greatm diligence in serving Aln.-.ghl v ti ;. an-, ibnt with Paul we call ,v "for m to Ijv is christ, and to die is • uin J K. (> On It), at Milroy, .4 i -mi >t, ti r John llooger. formerly ol I' : Mills aged about *iC V■ ar. 4 D.MINISTKATOK S NOTICE.— l\ Letters of administrati. n on the etat' of Mi hael Lingle, ate i (iregg twp dee d, having been granleil to the ui d'-r I signed, lid per.-on-ki .w themselves t( be indebtiai to said 1• i, • are request d to make immediate paymM-.t. a* i per sons having claims against the <—tain wif praaant them, authenticated, for eaitia ment. IILNIIY LINOLK, A dm' r apk'tjiil Spring Mills 4 11XII N IS'I HA Toll's NOTICI Letters of ndrwini-t; ttion on tin-estate <■ John Ilnney, lute < ! lioike ilnmedintc- p yilient, u.J p. !-•>!! • having elaims uguin-t the . state urn r. jqueste I to bring lorw .rd their claims du • ly auLbenticntcd by law, i'or settlement. I " ANMK M HANKY. M adis..nhurg, J. 11. RKIFSNYI, xi illhoim, • I'JapCt Administrntort.. J-.K XMKS t FII.XMKS ! PICTCRK AND MO'I ft FR A M KS. .In t r ceived, lit \V< • 11' Cheap Book itli• I Stationery store, next door to tbl PoSt-ofßce, ft i ll JO usiort merit of Motto nml Piptnro Frames, embracing mnrix new A ! onu tilul de-ign* in Ru-lio Kll - urnc!< d u nd solid walnut, which will Ik; sold at greatly KKDID'KI) PRICES, Motto Frames. w tb It irk and Ola* 3 , SO 35 rt- Km: v Frame;* H\ 10 < vi i ll in ■ ! glut . k) arid 35 ft Miittoi, ii,any new epos, 4, 5 an t IS its. per pack. Note Fa to r, I, {i and 10 cts. per quire Fancy Box paper, 2 tints, 15cC. WALL PAPER A great variety of Now Style" just roreiv ! Ed, and -"llling lower than over he fare. (loud style* ol Itrovvn Pa per for 7 per holt. Best quality of W bite Paper 11 to )4 ets. per Bolt. Brown and White Splint* ol all try,. - front 8 to 25 ets per bunch. Our goods aro ull plainly marked in figures and sold at ono piic on y, i -id to do no injustice to any th terms are strictly cash to all. gpl'J JAMES WELSH, i i.e opinion! i emara amotg ad tb Xme'ieati I ankers in Loud in ■ - • > f the ri.i.-t prominent Kngltsh banker oho dm! ill Amern.m set uritice. Or a" i' riiin Ud w lb Arnuru-ao ■ tiilncrce, ilia the ultima effect id the Kastern l o-npli . a'i. as Mil tbe fa* uable t • American i curilie*. ei ral wane >e at 1 or- er i.- quest on Hie St. 1.0 u> r!< testitied thai they believed it originated from t ie beat of the pipes passing through the store room, ML lit XNTILK X T Tll XI KMKNT. I Ist OF VKNDEIIS 11F Ml". It I j chand m lubji ct to licep aw tbli ... t ntre. t'.-r tlse y ear IK Cl***. Xhv.: :. rXV K Mild .mi t ! $lO xilp .r: It Thi tp burg 11 7 7,-r J It AC I' llelli ! te Li 10 7 • \ .:- T It It; .rd " 10,:,'. 11r... kbill J U " II 7,7bj iltrovn. Itenrv Huhlersbu'g It H' "b| llaitev XV I X• t 111 ! rshurg I . U.7 • I! 'i er I D Aur • -hurg I'd I t "-!•'• Iturer F llelleionte d" J' Ii ' . r Til Ml li Ho. I S'.i'Hi'i 4 1.0 Hogg A I Mib-burg Id 7.7'' !i . ,ni XV XV Bell fonle 1 1 7.."-' Itr ii-kt."l John M H 7,7.' It row n Kjr " 11 7.7b Hresr s X Ar Sm " I'-' 1 h;b ilaum A " II I.' B air F1" " 'I *.7;| Campbel Kl' M ll.ini It C' smb. -- .1 F M. .im II 7,7 ' Cop nbavnr John o *u '' #l.7"j Cipper Mr. S Tb ip-l .rg 1 I V._ • (Nmpb l.r -.V Can \ b*-,i " 1 HI . * V -:an Ml - Sal te " 11 7.7b Cord Maggie • 11 7.7.1 C u- X J Belli'! rite t 1 775 C *A 11 " II 7,75 Coder J oeph " 14 7.7b C .J XV " 1 ■ 10 75 U nil; -. rJ It C lr. II ill 14 7,7" H ' t ,.J N li'g 14 775 |l .hi John Mow .rd H 7.75 it.l is I. \ T .p.bur* li 7.7 ■ Dare Mr. N K Bel'afonte 14 7.75 11-. ... rA Iv r.e !v L.-m " 14 7.75 K pj|i. ui I* J X! loi.n, |4 7.75 Els I II AII M aal . K 14 >: • F .nh Samuel Hi 10.75 i F J .'m D Mill.. m 14 7.75 F.-tier .11$ T.-nn 11*11 12 13^ F. b-r .1 Ti C Ti r, ■e TO It 7 7". F•a I. S K Tt ip.l urg 1 : 10,75 F-gaitiS *" II 775 Faust A tiollefonte 11 7.7n (J ..' ,!! . |,l , .i Hts 1l .If Mo -.1 i. 25 O-i XdA T K 1" . n ' g H 15,7". U v 1 X T l M - ! to. 7 tilci, J T Sn..w Sb..- li 7.75 : ; ti JXV L moat II 7.7 ti -g.nhrimer, I He -i mi.- '.o 3d.75 i. an K A !i. " 14 7.1* II !g I. dtlteb T is*: t Up 25 75 Haas L Bellefonle 9 25 75 lie-, D Linden Hall 11 10 "5 H.dme* 11 F XVutkrr it 7.7- llibier Jehti Mde-burg 14 7.7 • il .-er I. M lieu- rt .le It 7.7 • 11 , rJ I Ju .an Furtiave 11 7,75 Ii . . •A It - T"M .: da I lo 7 ■ Hirltnger Cii Thiltpsl- irg U 1*• 7-• llai. inh .John '* 11 7.75 Ho i.r 11 in A o " l't 2PJS 11. ton David MOe-h ;g H 775 Harper brn> BellcMnte 10 3 .7- 11.d1.-r A K .ne " 11 15 75 H •-r II K din Atiaui Thiol-burg il 7.7-j K or A Hulliing.-r I*' 30.*•' K ißlh A H Ilefi Bta It 17" K.mpt l-.:i- " H 7." Ltet* John D •' tu 10 77 I,'.ve .1 i- a n L von. I t li) 7 • L • - A Ri • Howard . t 77 ft L'o.tb I hom .. ACo 11 15 75 leather* .IC Ml 17:. i■ i n 11 7.7" - J Mil. burg It 7.75 I. tjrwsn Jslni " 14 7.75 Leathers A Buck F . mir g I 1 '.75 Lingenfelter A B Philip* tut rg li 7.75 Lv nsAe. B. •',:;! Jti I .•'• S A A I. eb 10 20 Til MXXi i. on- Clt A U Spr : g 1 i 1".75 Mu--.t M M Ami nsburg 1 l'hio .XI | M Broa It II! to im II 7 . X|iiler J KAS> n C ' ire II . i II 7 . Hurry Mi'sKata Buffalo Run ll 7.7# M ittem Bros " 14 7,75 XL 1-r XX" II XXV.ker II 77- M .re H X lio.tur 111 7 : M. HflvJ ,m* II i 77 M.Clsii. w Mutiso n A - n " II 15 75 M.-ier- T.I " it 7.75 XI Hubert '• 14 7.5 Miller XV U Sand* Ridge i t 10 .5 MmiiiiJ Far run It de! m'e I" KIT" Miller Or il em Xlontgorit. iA en " 14 7,75 HeCteltaa Wm It. •• • M 7.75 \|. Bride LXI 11 775 McKnti-e I, li Fillmore II 77 - XI a.v Al. tel. Sm.wshoe II 15 75 Nu'! . I J. i.n Tin ip-' urg 12 1. .5 \-ingle D A ' It 7. <5 I Newman JJr Bsllsfents Iff 1075 ii ..-r A L ii-ro !. X| ~d..- i. . g 1 ; JO "5 Tn •J -I 1$ ,1s! urg i t .7- Paiai A!'. Miieshur* It 7,7# | I'..iv. r John Hellefonte II 7.75 Quigly J X lllitnehnid li 111,. 5 luntmrd F 0 Belief..uin Ji 77" Mover A . " 14 7.7'. spigelmyer (I H Abr.i XV'd .nrd 1.1 10,"h IBtovi • 4 XV Mil he.m 0 2-5,75 Snook J XX Aco Millhi im lil 10.76 Sin.. .. Smith Ami 1". 10.7" !, A lir • Furtn> i- XI ills lit 10.7" S'rohm M C. ntre ID! 1 t 7.75 -sample .I CA C. Tine Grove II 7.76 .Smith JH r " 14 7.76 SpiverS II B.eil-hurg II 7,76 Strohm A Sivurts (lentri IDI 11 7,7" Spigelmyer ' J4 7.7' Sturdovuiit K M Julian Fur'io II 7.7' Stuuer FI! I'lnlii -burg 14 7,75 S-viuer FII " ii 7.75 Smith l'eler " 11 7,75 sli.irtlidge ACo 15.-"!. f .nto 17 H",7 Sorliier Aco " 12 i:t,2si Su*tuan A lira m " 117 7<*> Strickland 0 B-l rfrmtu li 7*6 -titzer II V "11 7,75' shugert S'liV co " 14 7 7" Stuart .I \\ Statu College II 7,7 'i Stuart JasT Boulsburg It 7,751 Thomp-oii C& co Loiimnl 12 1<1,251 I'aV'lor D P Lomont 14 7.75 I'h oin son .1 no 1 Ma tha 14 7.75 Iv. Ittuii e\\ S Beth'.olite 11 7.75 ill, 'III:, 'll \V .1 Potters Mill- Pi H1."..: Troxel A Sweyer Howard 14 7,75 I I'lrirk (ieo Milliiciill 11 7,7.'>j , A Co li.'ilopoite 0 fill 74, Weir Win Cctiiro Hall 12 15, 5 a', •nor B A Co Howard 14 10,75 \\ ii.: 111• - .1.. F Martha 14 7.75 \\ oil Putt.-r A Co Snow Shoo 10 20.75 W id::.Hi; Herbert iSnowshoO 14 7,7.5 ; Well V." .S A Son Belleton'e 14 7, . Wagner 1) M A Son " 1(1 20.75 Welsh Jauio- Bellefonte 14 7.75 \\ ilson .V Mcl arlattc " 10 20,75 \ ourig \\ 11 -on \S oodward 13 ln.7<> Veurick Tlioine* Airoii-hurg 14 7,75 Veariok 11 A Sen Walker 1! 1(>.:5 Zeigler Gll Philipshurg 11 15.75 teller J Sett .BtlWoiito 13 10,75 Notice i her. by ciyen that an appeal will ho held at the Treasurer's efflee, on M today, the 21st day ol" May. A.!>., IB 7. b'tween the hours oft) o'clock, u. m., and 4 o'clock, i>. in , when; all portons inter e.tcd < an liave a hearing It. 1 BARNSB, April 2C. Morcantilu A| pra tor. SPitl.Vd , 1H77 WK Alii; NOW PREPARED FOR THE STRING TRADE. WE HAVE THE GOODS ! I It ICES LOW ! Selection Unsurpassed! Stock Large : Ami uotx we cxtt ttd h cordial iiivi, -L5, 2-h- ** i i t) at llu.a 1.7.5 cj. r df*. Men -Shirting, 12:, 10,2 D - per yd. Bbnched Muslin, 5i • Die " j I sib cached, # to ldc *' Sugar, 10,11.12 c jn-r !b IK si White, 12k " i Muck*tvl, Lake Herring and white CASH, or C nutty i'r . iuce. W. R. CAMW CKNTKB 11ALL ' Eurnitiire Rooms! 1 iruuLl ri -p<>, tfully inform the eilixeris ] f Centre > t* ,t 1 have otier.c.l i Fun..tur ■L • >iii .Ct sti( Rail, *U h.,v-;, l and a lurge *t ek '•( K..U. ki, and, Chairs, eonsiniicg . pari iff CHAMBER SI I IS. EXTENSION I'ABLEci, BREAKFAST TABLES BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS. BEDS'.LADS , hiJNKS, CHAIRS, Ac. j Which nil! he i-'.J at the lt>*i-t rub , priet - ; enne and examine my slink.! Furiulute before buxmg v 'sew here UNDERTAKING i-p. iniii tX'KI iX>, and I A-liKL liuii' hand, t mural* attended aulij .n > LKG.X NT SK XX HK X It-K at • i , ditiam-e. TaymeiJl* casv. Mar SB W. 8 CAMP. hlir<;s: DUl'fiS! • URCGSM! S T. Shug. rt. having purchased tti. • Ii g < re Al'.gliitii -".rut, 11. li-. ■ ! lite, •\! d. fln sh u hHliiwar. Store .0; 111 ..V til l ii i ... I I i 1 . ..:.! . with all the nmst popular j LUCG-.X: MEDICINES, I HKMD'.XLS.TKHFCMKHY • * . i M.ACS, COMBS ,\ND BHCsIHi- ; ■TBI l. i> ire XX'im ' *tnl Liqil'ir* ("r lindnal pulp- e* only T) I s|. no's pre-! riplioil* carefully C >!li notinded nnil nrd'-r* answ-.-rei! wild cat. j ' and dispatch Fanner- and Physician*] (rum the enuiilrv villi fir l our stock >1 ' .Xli di. ii. - i >■: iplrti v,arr.ii,tcd gcttuiro ami uf tbu he*t quality. '! Thi Store will remain under the direi - ti..ii of the accomplished druggist and ' phurma. .-t heretofore connected with it,' ' Mr. 11 M lieriington, and we respectful* li the custom of our friends and • i tie old patron* of the store. ' I'.Lptf fa. T hIIDtIKKT. I i i PENN S VALLEY INSTITUTE. The f,r! -i --ion of this Treparatury v 1 will opeii i CKNTBK 11 ALL, on ' THE LAST T|l l" I .\ Y. :■ in April, '.1H77, and continue ten we< ks >:udcii,s l ' f hotn 'exes will Im pri pared for College, Tea. lung and Bi.-im-- Tuition fiom $5 !.. j-H per term. Board per w -ek, $2 Wto ■ 2 75. Addre.s, G. XV. I OK INKY. : lofeb lino Centre Hall, Te D. F. LUSE, PAINTER, HAialeA.. oilers lua services to Uio eitizeua oil 'i* county in lloiimc, Mgii and 81-iiantciilnl Painting, Striping, ornamenting and gilding, t i raining DAK. WALNUT. THKSTXI'T. Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper hanging Orders' , respectfully solicited. T*riii reasonable.' 120 spr tf. EVERY So iiiir permanent uisoais IU service, can got a | pension by writing to .John Kirkpanri 1.. Cambridge, Ohio. 2tlplm DR, BANNING lis permanently located t the BT, (CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsburgh. Pa 1 l)iseae- and Del". rrudies of the Spine, I'lterine ll'idncmcnt- Ili>pcpia, Her nia and Pil.,- -till'v treated by fbo BANNING SYSTEM "l Mechanical (Supports Call or send for descriptive' leiinphlet, "The House You Lite ill.' ; Mailed free 2aplin nF FOKTNKY, Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Oliiee ovei Rey- I ll< Ids hank. >v 14''' Cotton L 'j -. 15, 22 and 28c '* Calicoes, 6, ", 8 ami He *' Lancaster Ginghams, 10c " Best $ "otioti Carpet Chain2se " lied Tick it o, 11, 20, 2.5, iiHc JKT yd. Sfdit and double Zephyr liiack and White, 18c per ot. AH other color*. 2 jw M n f IH 'ttUerwelU* • faaay *w the radwaJ mrr llht>ul tmdt sine -*f S|K-t ttL>rrhoa of Waghnem la*s*l uM,r* Setttnai I, Iffijmlraci Men la] and lortpafH} lmpe4tsi>r iU k Mtn *t< ( k\* • -.ri*,.tni-tt>'U. anil • th#, tn I IIK ( • LVKRXVKI.I. MEDICAL CD 41 Atu K| New York . Teat Ofhen ti< t.l Talented Wagon Hard ■ • wart*, I '.'l At' 2 XX' .let st , and Ut A 11G Fir-l rv .1 Titteburg, TH. ffi'Fm - • e hv -*ll the leading Iron nrnl! ,] Hard Wang Merchants. Fmar 4m. I AMERICAN Sliado Roller Comp. Manufacturers of and dealer* in • and COMMON Ctrtais Fix TCRES. I tlullatids, Opaque Shading*. Ta**rls, Ac, • -it it a* ley Street. Bohm, Ma*-.i Sole Manufnt tuu l* of KSARRS srmxo HXTVHES. Knapp's Spring Fixtures, tor Window B.ina-, a'e the b> st in that line ever in vented and are scarce to be excelled for convenience No cords used to raise or lower t> e blinds Blind* remain Jut w Here desired, by a simple touch of the hand. N tiling complicated in Knapp's Spring Fixtures, and are eu-iiy all ac h <*< l :t >ai.y window. Price of these Fixtures 'and Shade- no higher than tha old and jltaiuh'e-ome ones. Call he seen at there** . idem e of tne publisher of the Reporter. ¥ mar 3m V DMINIsTKATOH'S NOTICE .alters of administration on the estate ! f Sam Krise, late ofCVntre Hall, dee'd, j oaving been granted to the undersigned, j ill persons knowing themelve* to be in 'het'ted to mid decedent are requested to make itiitnediat • payment and person* 'having claims again-t the estate will pre sent th. tn icuthenticat. il for sotllenient, WM X. KtUSK, 12aput Avlmin, Cum Tesiaiucuio Anncxo 11HICK FOR SALE First ela-s brick wit) be kept "li band for sale by J I). Deininger at ZIP he's Centre Hall 1 rid; yards These brick are i. .tiered o low that it wili p>iv porsuns at a di-iance to come her" tor them. Intending to enntinu" in the manufac j'ura ..f brick they will be kept constat.tlx on hand, and lair indueoroent- oM'ered to - purcbasars. | 7 aug tf. H F. ZERBE. CENTRE HXLL DKUG STOKE. MILLER A BN. Succeor to J. K. Miller & Son.) De. iin Pure Drugi nnd sledkin Dye *t u tt*, and Druggitt's sundries. PURE WISP ASH J.Hjt OJtS For medicinal purposes. The bet brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO always in stock. Proscriptions carefully Compounded, MILLER AB(' N Jas. Harris Co NO. S, BROCKERHOFFROW. IROCnaill, B A I N T S, 01 ETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. ' tteltefont®. BEATTY —i- A £EZ" GRAND, B JUARE AND UPRIGHT From Jas F. Regan, Arm Regan A ■ Carter, paN dier* Daily and Weekly Tri , bunc. JaSe- an Oily, Mo., aOer receiving |a irTUI instrument, *ays ; "Ti*no reached us "in good condition. I am well pleased with il It i all you rep rtwenl il to be." Trom F.. R. Baldridge, Bennington Fur nace, I'm., iiflcr receiving a S7UI) piano. "Really" received 4lb inL, all O K., iand come* lutly up to your reproneniation, and exceed* our expectation*. Wt.lie 1 ton t prufeas t-, be a judge in the matter. Xlr* B. d e*, and pronounces it of very .w eet tone ; aud i* v rv much pleased with jit." B *t inducements ever offered. Money i r. funded uimn return of Tiano and freight! charge* paid by m rsr|, I ... • , j, X' )• f *, a.uchmenu at.d needla* for ill • Great inducetiienU fur cash. Don't fail l ► the Su John, something enti-aly ; lieW. Did Machln-s taken in pari payment for' j new ones -v-nd SUcU to the above party and you w iil g. t by return mail, 1 dot as* -crtel needle* for any machine .TOn-.tly : OF A THOUSAND. liming discove:coi>, Druggirt*. j .Centre Hall. l' jan 4 ly j 0 T ALKXAUPKK. C M Bow xk j A LEX AN DER & BOWER. At /l krtnyilUir, fc-4%et In *sk! I Cirsuit prtDc# I* oxtwillwl n iicnwti ab4 i n|hii Dftct in 1 •*rmrt s i .ititling Excelsior Cement- Tb- uo4#ru4it4 ihm* f urg# rmvßi W#r t *t.U*4 ui * MptlMff siunlGj. t hi* ktln*, P|# ti'rvek Mill#, tn It# inn* l#r| Tt*l# h* !rr#dj sc.n use.l h. I*r t ' 'lUtfHHr. ui-m U:r |. AS 4 ! ii R , nd h# b*#n found Mkcbb ##U*t#ctorf wpoa #ll j K>b* vl.ffelt h#*t*Nßti I4t*d. Had 41 i|*] t #n> no* ntxiiuf*< fj r*d lot u* Ic 1 UN rio. Wikf of i>ur)Mw a Kd vju#ilt| ■>! i t* dnaira j him This < inrnl h#a airradi !##* t*r and ! Wkia. and mttiitfd thr tiinoff aati%l*cU*n#lorc. P# Henry Reinhart. XxOODXX VKD. UNDERTAKER. Coffins of all style* made on shortest no jiiee. Uadertaking st'iclly attended tu Charge* reasonable 17 SU* V. Nervons Debility. Vital Wak<*#or l#prpaAo*. a weak rtb#ua4sd j Iff* Uff|, M Mtrfl or r#ut** lb# iw#u)t of Mr©tal Hitr fftNk, IndMrrtlloß (>r I idttMH, or acMti# drain j vi |Mn ihp Kitlrtt. ka tl*aji t uwl bjr Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. It I* no# np and luvifixratM tb# ayatrm, dt*pU tb# cloom and itffcr, ImfNurfa *tr#n#fb and cn#r#j j ib drain atd rrjuvanal#* lb# #ntir# man. u#d tw#itjr *ara with p#rf#fft au* c#aa I f tb*o and a Sold by d#al#ra Trie#. $1 (* ! p#r alni# tlal or |A,id pur ptckAft f five rutl* and #3.00 Gil of i'*4er Nrnl hj mall n r*cetp( of pric# Addrwaa Mcunnhrtfr** Homeopath!# kledlclß# Furai#tj. It* Hroadwaj, N#w York. 3f mar jr. |> 1,1 I'P'PV't! Gold, ° Dili A I 1 1 OT"b lor Organs. Factory.Established iti^lßs6. From the Press. • F rotn O. 1) While, Editor llnckelts town. N. .1. ilcrnld. "Tins organ has a ricli, deep and soul • tirring tons ; c->u!d not -tav in the house without it I: helps wonderfully to drive awav the thoughts of hard times." The Lebanon Pa Daily News, says : | "We irein u eipt .of one - I those five av Parlor t)r:ii, manufactured by !>. F. lieatty, Washington, N. J. This rgan is (Lie, solid black walnut case, 1 and in tone it cannot be surpassed by any instrument ot its kind." From the Lowe I Neb Uegistor. "We received this week, direct from the manufacturer, 1) F Hatty. Wash ington, N. J., his justly celebrated organ, 1 elegant in appeerance, and handsomely ; furnished unexcelled in richness and pow er of tone We are more ll an plmi-ed with it and heartily recommend it to any one contempt ding of purchasing an or gan." Best offer given Money refunded upon return "l oi gan and freight charges paid byme(D. F Beatty) both ways if unsat is'iacUiry, alter a tt-t trial of five days Organ warranted for six v ars. Agents wanted everywhere, male er fe main, to canvas-for this super or in-tru uient. . Aridreg, D F. BKATTY, \ ashington, New Jersey Tl ' M P. M'MA NFS. Attorney at-lw Yv ru in lonte. Pa. Office w-.h -las MfMhtlUh. eS<| 'ffljlll \A , LUi Uu.aN -U ik.x V t,ui,l*\ .HE BUSH HOUSE I BtUWI/XTX, PA. Üb* been recently thoroughly renovated and rapaired, and under the management ■f the New Proprietor. Mr. F. D. Mc* COLLUM, formerly of Pittsburg, is llrsta class in eil :U Mp)iintm. r.te. r-TBCIAI. IKDUt, MENTS 4 - * j"tr. d to those in atteu.'nnce at court *nd other* r< tnaining its town for a few de\ * Mt a time. The largest and mast superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniences. Go try the Rush house. TJ.P F. D. McCOLLUM. Proprietor. IRA T cofFEE Fashionable Tailor. tetilre XIaII. Having opened room* on the 2nd floor of Gift A Flory's building he D prepar ed to manufacture all kind* of men's and boy • garments, according to th ß latest *tylo, aud upca shortest notice, and all work warranted to render talisfartlof,. Culling MLtl *y#iriyig do fie. 7wfit v JOHN I- BOTFER, Auuriiey-at f" l* •-•-•Ui—I44MM pn-wpU* *s4f H. 4 *<•*■ I xr Iftc •* y*"e h ef peapwS I,r jJSj* W U *'•" >*• *e b** b,,,, I 4< '•' i Ulaaxiag. aceM; ,U- ei • Nil### T L. BPANGLBR, AiUtn *' „ . Pa. Office in tn# Courtbou.e, Consulution in English and German. Colle, lion* promptly atlcn I "d h fetWLtf Have the cxciusivc sale in Beliefonle of Edwin C. Bnrts' ! CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. 8 WIDTHS, the 2>33"1 Zh&hz lu iii#W*r3g} wuolesalx a UKTAIL PEAIIS* IS Calf Skins. SOLE LEATHER, SHOE FIN DINGS' AH Kinds of Caelum Work Made To Order. Bishop Street, BKLLEFONTE, Pa. '2O FKATTY pIAMO! Grand, Square and Upright. Front Geo. E. Lrtcher, firm of Wm H Letcher A Bro , Ranker*, PaveUe, Ohio. "XV. u . v.-i the plan., and think it a I very iine-uiaed one out here. Waited a ; short time to give it a good test If you wih a word in later of it we will cheer fully give it." R. Brown. Esq., KdwardsviHe 11. * v*: "I i B.atiy Piano received give enlir SUtlap. ion." Agent* wanted. Send fo cataL * AddreML D F BEATTY. Wulunnm. K<* tyrx We will start you in a business •vvJ you own make $.50 a week witb- MfINFY capital : etitioi> with other* for simrilic 'tv, Durability, Promplusw, and Pianu like action Turn, sweet, and evenly balanced tone, ■ ux-beM-a! effe* t*. and instantaneous ac t-e*- which may b- hd to the reeds. Send for Price Li-t Address, DANIEL F BKA'TTT, Washington. New Jersey, .. -. >• 0 r' ■Lvsaparilla * "M For Scrofula, ami all *,> .1 scrof" lous disease* ,Ery .kX ripelas, Boa* or St. An % tinny '* Kiv, Eruptions ami Eruptive diseases *|g of the.-k : n, Ulcerations S' ISi of th# Elver, (Stomach, i ffl Kidneys. Lungs. Fini i'ai'|SSV ' Pustules, Boils, f * •* "lotehi's. Tumors, Tet tcr, B;Ut Rheiun, Scald . ad, lUngwoim, Ulcers. Sores, !lu unudbm, Neuralgia. Pain in tho lones.SWo and llcad, Female Weak ness, Sterility, Lcucorrbeea, arising trotvi internal ulceration, ami uteri no disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion, General Debility, and for Furi fyiug the Blood. This SarsapariUa is a combination of vegetable alt erativcs-Stillingia,Man drake,Yellow Dock—with the lodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully combined that tho full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to nurse out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it cnioys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the count fy repose in it proves their experience of its usefulness, i Certificates attesting ' its virtv.u have accumulated, and aro coit •stanlly being received, and as many of these eases are publicly known, Ithcy furnish eouviucing evidence of tire" superiority of this Sarsaparill.-. over every other alterative mcdiciuc. ,So generally is its superiority to any i other medicine known that \vc need • do no more than to assure tho public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. PREPARE!* PT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical ami tualyHoal l/wmtitl. iorjj ax AIX PEUGCISTS Z\ mIt.YWB.IIME •