The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 05, 1877, Image 4

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A Ho.tilc Indian'* (iraphlf *iwi f
Kutlo WM llrd llorap f*..Anthem lo
Accnant nl the Indian l,*oni.
Lieutenant-General Sheridan line just
received an important statement con
o. riling tho Castor massacre front Colonel
Wood, e uumanding tho Cheyenne agency
I wist. It is no less than the story of lh*l
I erne, a sub-chief of the Minnooonjotiv
Sioux, win assisted at this momomhle
fight, The storv ocuues from u sonrc*-
which the interpreter states may Ik-de
pended upon as trustworthy. It appears
that oil the twenty-fifth of Febru
ary 229 S oa\, belonging to the Mnine
(onjoni, Sins Area ami Two Kettles
hands arrived at tlie Cheyenne agency
from the main hostile fnmp on 'Tongue
river an I surrendered, giving up their
arms and 1! their horses—some 800 in
nnniber. The principal men of this
party wen Red 11 us,, Spotted Klk and
White !.< ;10. The former, upon coming
in at the agency. told Colonel Wi**l that
lie and his people wanted to behave
themselves jn future, and then, ujhui
elose questioning, told what he knew of
the battle when-ill Custer's command
was annihilated.
The following is his story of the battle
of "Greasy Grass ens k," Little lie;
On Greasy Grata era-ok was the main
camp of the hiwitilea. At that time
I was one of the head council men in that
oanyv The l"in-ajiapn.s, Vanktonnais
and Santees wore camped northeast vf
tue, on the right, facing the battlefield.
The Miuneenojonx, San Ares. Two
Kettles and Bruloe tornml the center.
On the left to the west w< re the Ogallai and C u venne. lhi the morning of
attack hit self and several women wen
out about a mile from camp gathei ug
wilii turnips. Suddenly one of the
women oalicd mv attention to a cloud ot
dust rising in the ueigttborh*od of the
camp. 1 soon discovered that troop
wen'- making an attack. We ran for tin
camp, and when I got there I was sent
for at once to come to the council lodge.
1 found many of the tviuncilmen already
there when I arrived. We had no time
to consult one another as to what action
we ahouhl take. We gave directions
immediately for every Indian to get his
horse and arms; for women and children
to mount their hor* s and get out of the
w-ay, and for young men to go ami meet
the troojis. Among the latter was an orti
cor who rode a horse with white feel.
The Imluui* have fought a great many
tribes of jx*q>le. and very brave one.*,
too, but they all say that tlii- man w.i
the bravest man they had ever met. 1
don't know whether this man was Gener
al Custer or not. Some say it was. 1
saw the man m the fight several times,
but did not see his laxly. It is said he
was kilhsl by a Santec Indian, who still
holds his horse. This offiwr wore a
large brimmed hat and a buckskin cvv-it.
In speaking of him the lmiians call him
tlte man who rvvic the horse with four
white ft*-:. There were two men of his
description, looking very much alike,
both long yellowish luur. ,It is
believed that General Custer's hair was
cut ctunparatively short at tlie time of his
death. }
Some time before this fight we were
camped tut the Rosebud; but we moved,
crossed over and struck a tributary of
Greasy Grass creek, following it J wu to
its month. We theu crossed Greasy-
Grass creek and went into camp on tho
west Ivuik. An Indian started to gi> U>
Ri-d Cloud agency that day. and when a
few miles from camp he discovered dust
rising. He tnrnevt l>ack and reported
that a large liervl of buffalo was ap
proaehiug camp.
The day was very warm, and a short
time after he reported this the camp
in attacked by troops who ha*i follow
ed onr trail down the tributary ami
crossed' Greasy Grass creek a little
above where we did and above the month
of this tributary. They attacked tlie
upper end of the camp, when- the l"n
--capapas were. The women and children
del immediately down Greasy Grass
creek a little way and ons— d over. The
troops se: fire to the lodges. All the
Warriors then rallied ami attacked this
command iu an overwhelmitig force and
drove them in euafnston acr-oss the creek.
They forced them ever a place below
where they- first crossed. The ori ek was
very high aud swift and several of tin
troops were* drowned.
After driving this party hack tlie In
dians corraln-d them on the top of a high
hill and held tliem there until tliey saw
that the women and children were in
danger of being taken prisoner* by an
other jmrty of troops which just theu
made its appearanc*- below. The word
passed among the ludiaus like a whirl
wind and they all started to attaek-this
new party, leaving the troops on the
hill. From this lull to tlie point whe*--
the troops were seen below it was
ground all the way with the exception of
tlie small tributary I spoke" of oefore.
A* soon as we had finished this fight we
ail went liack to massacre tlte troops on
tlie hill. After skirmishing around
awhile we saw the walking soldiers com
ing. Tlie-. new troops inakiug their ap
pearand- was tlie saving of the others.
The attack was made on the camp
abont noon. The troups, it apj>ears,
were divided, <>ne party charging right
into camji. We drove them across the
creek. When we attack**! the other
party we swarmed down on them and
drove them in confusion.
Xo prisoners were taken. All were
killed. None were left alive, even for a
few minutes. These troopers used very
few of their carteidges. I took a gun and
a couple of belts off two dead men. Out
of one belt two cartridges were got; out
of the other, five. It was with the cap
tured ammunition and arms that we
fought the other body of troops. If they
had all remained together they would
have hurt us verv bad. The party we
killed made five different stands. One.'
we chargei 1 right in until we scatter.-.!
the whole of them, fighting among them
hand to hand. One band of soldiers
were right in the rear of us. When they
charged we fell back and stood for one
moment facing each other. Then the
Indians got courage and started for
them in a solid body. We went but a
little distance when we spread out and
encircled them. All the time I could see
their officers riding in fr<>nt and hear
them, shouting to their men. It was in
this charge that most of the Indians
were killed.
We lost 136 killetl and 100 wounded.
We finished up this party right there in
the ravine.
'General Sheridan iH of opinion that
" Red Horse" meant to say tliat 136
were killed ami 100 were wounded dur
ing the entire engagement, and not in
any one particular charge.]
The troops up the river made the first
attack by skirmishing. A little while af
ter the tight commenced with the other
troops below the village. While the lat
ter fight was going on we posted some
Indians to prevent the other command
from formiug a junction. Some of the
young men took the clothing off the dead
and dressed themselves in it. There
were several men among them who had
citizen clothing. Tiier then went up
and attacked the other in that
way. Both banks of the river were very
steep and difficult of ascent. Many of
the troops were killed while crossing.
When they got on the hill they made
some kind of fighting works and the fight
was then carried on at a distance, the
young men sometimes charging close up.
The fight continued at long range until
the walking soldiers came.
[This was the General Terry column,
which arr'vei at a point near the battle
field on the night of the twenty-sixth of
There are many little incidents con
nected with this fight, but I don't recol
lect them. I don't like to talk about
that fight; if I hear any of mv people
talking about it I always move away.
A Stupid Son and a Mean Father.
The Southingtou (Ct) Sentinel says:
There is a man in this town between fifty
and sixty years of age, who has steadily
worked for his father until the present
day; never had a dollar in his pocket;
never went to church, wedding or fun
eral; never was on a car; never to a
party; never spoke to a girl except to
ask where her mother was; never had a
holiday; and yet had his poll tax abate 1
this year on "account of poverty, while
his father's estate is estimated at from
£BO,OOO to $50,000.
Tho Jonncn* KmhICM II I* Tlie I'Kum r l
over Mcnltvtna %> iNlni lr#m 11.
On the Inirders of Suffolk and Essex,
two miles from the old English market
town of Lnvenham, whose parish church,
renowm-d for its exquisite tracery work
ami carving, is a monument of the pious
niunitlooneo of the l>e Veres. sChhl at the
close of the last century a sumptuous
and stately mansion called Acton Place,
raaed to the ground more than forty
years ago. It was not at that time an old
house by any means, says the New York
Ames, from which we clip, having only
boon erected altout l?'h> by 11 >h< it Jen
nous, who bail purolia-***! the estate
This gentleman was a uiotnlier of one of
the first fannhes witogn w w< altliy m t!ie
Itirmiugham trade, lbs father. Hum
plm y. acquired u enormous fortune iu
that town by button making ami othoi
metal work, ami took up his hlkhlc at
Hnlington Hall iu the m-ighborh'ssl. lb
left several sons, who aptx-or t • have had
souls alaive buttons, and set up as gen
tlemen, although we believe that the
descendants of his brother make buttons
at ihrnimgham to tin* hour, Chati .*
Jenueiis Humphrey '* eldest sou who
attaimsl mauhood married into tlie old
Norman family of Ibmletl the same of
which the Rurone— ltnnlett t'ontts i- so
worthy a scion an I seated himself at
thqiaall ill l*eioo*tof*hi*v.
11 •bert, brothei ot Charle*, s.-. ius to
have resided iu L*udou, ond to have
Ik-eil mucJt in the army ; h-- was .n i <i*
co-op to William 111., ami subsequently
tuueh occupied in real estate transac
tions. Although it d.s-s not apjs-ar that
he was related to Sarah, Duch-*> of
M urllHirongh. whose ms den name \<a
the same as hi*, there was a elo-e inti
macy between them, x.ud Mr. R-*lwt
Jeuueus was largely tut rusted with the
management of the \.i*t and seatt. red
piMjH-rtu*. and the invi-atment of tin
em uuuous In ard> which John Chutchill
and lus grasping wife were daily mvti
nuilatiug. With l-otb Jen nena and his
wife—the descendant of .at eminent
Florentine family settled in England
tho duchess was m constant Corn -pond
encc, and most of her letters contain n
allusion to their only child. William.
This William Jeuneua was godson
Mine scandal mongers even hiutd that
he w:v- soil >f King NY ilbam 111 , pa. ■
io George 1 . and lived thirty-ei,ht yearn
into the retgu of thsirge 111. lie inher
ited from bus father, wh >m he survived
seventy-three y ear*, a large fortune, and
prohahlv derived more from his uncle.
-uiw> it is difficult otherwise to kv nmt
for Ins fortune living at his death so c*>-
hvssal, inasmuch n Robert JennemT let
ters to the duehi-ss do not indicate that
he was more than uflhieiit, ami William,
though living far lie low his income, was
uoi a miser, but lived at Acton l'laoc in
haittiaome style, noted for his luxurious
tabui, and had a house iu Grosveuor
square, the beat place of residetiee iu
Loudon. lint at his death it was found
that he hail, besides large real estate,
accumulated upward of two millions
sterling, a sum almst mtkuowu up t •
tlnit vlate. When lie died, iu 17JS, the
dividends on tuost of his st<vks and the
interest on his mortgages luml not lw-en
elaimevl for years. In his iron chest
were bank notes of 17fi8, to the amount
of £ 1 J.tXH.I, and several thousainl new
guineas. He hail never employed a
regular steward.
A will was found in his picket, but
unsigned. His servant explained that
Mr. Jennens went to execute it at his
lawyer's, but finding that he was w ltliout
his spectacles deferred doing so. On
what little points do our fortunes somc
tnm-s turn. This omission cost -s-veral
people hundreds of tiuuisands sterliug.
In the ahaenee of a will tin-realty jwssed
to thf heir-at-law. This was tlie d>-
seeudant of his father's oldest brother,
Charles, of G*>paall, whose dung liter and
heiress miurie.l William Hanmer. Ry
him she hal a ilaughter. Hester, wife of
Assheton Curzon. They h:l a *<-ii,
Penn. He niarrietl La*ly Sophia, heire-s
of Earl Howe, and that earldom la*->iu
ing extiuct, was revived in the person
of Iter son. Thus the present Eurl Howe
owns at this day the ryl estate of Wil
liant Jenm-ii*. N*w, for h:s personalty.
In default of a will duly t xt*"it*l,a<lmmi*-
tmtion witii the will anuex**! was on the
sixth of July, granted to William
Lygon, Esq., ami R-.giit Hon. Mary
Vise mntess An lover,the cm*ins german
onc- removed, and nearest of kin of tie
said •deceased. They were the grand
children of his aunts, and a step nearer
to him than the inheritors <>f the real es
tate, but not so near in direct nude de
scent Tlie connection of hi* father
and mother with the M irlb >ronghs wa -
brought to light by this devolution of
the personal!v, itnutmucli a > there was
fonml niong the paper* at Madresfield
—the s-at of L*ini Beauchamo, head of
the Lygon family—a series of lett*-r- l>e
tween the Jennens*-.- ami the Marl
boroughs, which l*rd Beaurhainp |>iib
lish*l last year: prolwhly at the instance
of his accompl 1 *faed fatherrin-law, tin
late Earl Staiihope, the historian. But
it is notable that neither the Curzon nor
the Reaocbaxnp pedigree in the " l'eer
age " refers to the source of so much of
their property.
Her*-, then, is the history of the tuAti
who is supposed to be awaiting heirs.
From B<>:ne inexplicable circumstance
the idea pit abroad that it remained un
appropriated, and it must lx- presumed
that certain cuuuiug persons connected
with the law liave found it profitable t<>
encourage this fond delusion. A qftnr
ler of a century np the OcnHrman *
.Vaf/azine printed a statement to the
eff-ct that:
"The long litigated ease of the Jennings
estate has been settled bv the court of
chancery. The prottortv lies principally
in the county of .Suffolk, and at one i>eriod
was estimated at £7,<XJit,o'to, but only one
half of that amount lias lieeu divided by
the late decision. Two claimants reside
in Chelmsford. One. a journeyman
painter, has received £500,000."
Hut next month follows an explanation
to the effect that:
" Our correspondent, it appears, de
rived his information indirectly from the
painter himself, who, mncli advanced in
years, having lieen called to town to at
tach his signature to some document con
nected with the proceedings in his lie
half, fancied that he had by his autograph
secured the property!"
The editor pr.ieeeds t > state that he
had received a oouuntuueation from the
Jenuens Family Association, from which
he is led to believe that all the chancery
"doubts" as to the rightful owners are not
yet dispel let I, ami that all the claimants
may still indulge the idea that they have
vet a chance of tiie prize. Tlint clnimnnts,
here at nil events, continue to do so, is
evident from a recent paragraph in the
New Haven Palladium , of Feb. 3d,
where we rend that:
"Tli'- American heirs of the Jennings
estate in England held a meeting at
Bridgeport, Conn., on the thirty-first of
January, two hundred being present.
Competent agents will he employed to
thoroughly prepare the ease. estate
is valued at $80,000,0"0, of which s(>o,-
000,000 is in personalty. The English
courts have rejected the elaira of the
English branch of the family."
We have no donbt of it, nor Lave we
any that they will do precisely the same
by that of the American branch. That
sotneliody, however, his made, and
hopes to make, a snug thing out of this
delusion we also feel assured. This sort
of game goes on all the time, and it is
but a few years since two rogues who
had served in a lawyer's oftiee, and while
there contrived to obtain points in the
family history of various jiersons, re
ceived for a length of time large sums of
money on the assurance that they were
agents of the Lord Chancellor, who had
directed them to inquiro into the claims
certain persons bui to estates which he
deniml to apportion among the heirs.
If persons here who imagine themselves
to be interested in English estates, had
a grain of sense in their heads, they
would subscribe an adequate sum, and
then apply to the British consul to nomi
nate some respectable Englishman, con
versant with family history, and matters
akin thereto, to institute inquiries, n
course which would speedily elicit the
A sailor was recently brought before a
magistrate for beating his wife when the
m;igistrate attempted to reach his heart
by asking him if he did not know that his
wife was the " weaker vessel." "If she
is, she oughtn't to carry so much sail,"
replied Jack,
\ Balky <'ow Surrender* lo Steam.
The San Frnneiseo < 'tmvuih says:
V ranch hand arrived by the San K.ifael
ferry in charge of a milch cow and its
young i-tilf, which he was to deliver to a
family rowiliuu in the Western Addition,
He ti<-d the leg* of the calf. disjmtelnsl
it to ita destination on a truck, and lol
lowi-d up Clay atreet, leading the cow by
a stout hiiln-r with a long, flat, strong
leather shank. He had little trouble till
In- got I let ween Kearm-y am) 1 hilioiit
stris-ts, when the cow planted gs fore
legs at a reta-lute angle of forty live d<
grv. s with the street nulroail track. The
driver exhausted ev-rv variety of i-ow
dot ing known to the profession. He
went ahead ami triial to pull her along ;
he went behind and argued with her by
twisting her tad into a short ami eraek
ing spiral ; he ti isl varnAis devices
kindly suggested b> the crowd that had
gathert-il atxiuml, and finally fell back nil
the eloquent ami irt'ivtiu- profanity
faaliioiiable on a thoroughly eonduet-d
dairy ranch.
Hut the cow wasstubUirn and wouldn't
move, and the d**|>crnto vaquero had
just come to the iMtielusioii that he \uld
only wait helplessly and witm -- the ter
rtble telescopic tragi*iy with the iluiutuy
of the next up trim, when an ingenious
ami airily df*vsivl Voting Harhary coaster
ti*>k the job off lit* band*. He slq|*l
the eul of the halter shank
through the slot m the street rioliim.l
track and dro>pel it on one side of the
moving win- lwiieuth, then he n-iirwvl
his attenuuteil eane ami sliiquxl it
through ami past the win- on the other
side . then he twisted the his-ked top of
lus erne amuu i, caught tin- etd of the
shank, drew it up through the slot, tied
it with the slipping knot round tin stand
up- part ot the shank, thru drew the
kliot throe ;h the sh t at'il tight round
the wire. The halter shark stretched
out, but it was of the tough. >! and Ih-m
tumicd leather ; the cow s horn* clacked,
but decliueil to oouie out of lu-r heaii;
the verlobrie of her uech elimgutisl. but
stuck to the remainder of her ly ;
there was iui instant abnormal *tfkiii on
the enguu - over tli<- hill, nint a clatter of
the gnat wheel :U the Kearney sti< ■ t well
for taking up the slack, then the *>w re
luetantly r.u-ed one h--t set and it down
again quick, thou another and art it down
quicker, ami then sin- surrendered to Hie
superior powers of steam and w ire cable
ami tridteii rapidly off. With head down
ami tail ut>. like an ee< r and v\< !1 traiu
el setter tmating a stubble field for
birds, she went over the hill* and far
HWiiv. Dexter eouhln't have ma<le as
g. *1 time up the gnuh *. John (iilpiu's
r de iii-ver attracted - > many ast. nislie.t
evi-s. A- she vent over the divide and
let out a link or two on the dowu grade
the train men at the terminus were
thrown into a temporary pan c at the
new and inexplicable dummy bearing
down on tlietn, but one of them had the
presence of mmd to cut her l.*>—• b-fore
she was drawn iu ami cut into steaks on
the friction who L-. She w;i- a little out
of breath and a trifle astonished at her
own outcome of ,-jhh*l, but she was cunsl
of t>alkiug, ami continued without fur
ther trouble on to her new residence.
Hon a Jeues* Married at hri-tiau.
Tho Nashv T.o Amtmiemm say.-: Mr.
H. L. Oliver, a voting lawyer of gssi
s'.aiultng at the N.i-io U • W oi ; i f rc
sjHstable family ixmnectiona, was mar
rnsl to Miss Hannah Weil, ilaughter of
Mr. S. Weil, of tins city, at h-r father's
residence, Friday evening, by Justice
Creightou. Fts-img that ln-r parent*
would oppoae tlie match, as it i* ag-aiust
the Jewish cresl to intermarry with
other people, she went t> her father, and
put to htm the follow ing insurmountable
interrogator! <-s:
" Father, how old am I ?"
Father—Nuiet-eu years eld, my
Daughter—Wlieu Jih h u young la ly
lk*s>me of lawful age ?
Father—At the age of eighteen.
Daughter—Then 1 urn free t.- act for
myself, am I not, father?
Father—l see no objivtioti t<> it.
Daughter— Well, then, Mr. Oliver
love* tne ever *> much, ami 1 hive him
ever so much. I want you to consent t<>
our marriage, f r if you do not I fear we
will have to run away, ami I'd much
rather l>e married at home.
The father was very much astonished
at her |>ointed inquiries, and more so
when he fount 1 her !>etrothed a Christian
gentleman, but, after poudering the
matter awhile, gave the sensible re
sponso: "Well, if you i,r> Isunul to
marry, I would rather you woqld Is
quietly msrrieil at home,"
And s i the voting pc >ple were luarrietl
ami left for Htintsvilh- tliat evening.
A Romantic Life.
Miss Cora Dickson, a young girl of
twenty-two, arrived in Paris the other
>Uy fr< in South America. Her life haa
thus fur I* <-n a checkered one. At tlie
age of fifteen, tire.l of the moiiotouy of
home, she ran away from her father's
house with a large sum of money. She
cut her hair short and douned n Isiy's
garb. After Iss-orniiig in succession a
cabin ln>y, a clerk, and a horse dealer,
she turned up in Hueuos Ay res. where
she entered the army, still disguised.
Slie distinguish' i herself iu the service,
and lieoamc a colonel. Some mouths
ago, at a meeting of officers, she quarrel
ed with one of those pr-seiit. A duel
followed, and she killed her adversary.
Gn examining the dead man's paper*,
she found that she had kilh*l her oldest
brother, who had left home when she
was two years of age. Horror stricken,
she threw herself at the bishop's feet,
who promised to intercede with he*
The Km press ( hurlotte.
It is said that the health of the Etn
pron Charlotte, the unfortunate wife of
the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian,
continues to improve, though there seems
no prospect of her ev< r regaining her
reason. It would be, indeed, only to 1M
made intensely wretched if, with her
reason, her intense love did not wane. It
is said that h-r already great beauty has
increased. She lives in nn imaginary
world, talks with imaginary visitors and
friends and finds solace ill this harmless
delusion, while she ignores tile people
around her as if they were not. S<> fur
is this notion carried that she disdains
the services of a maid, and performs her
own toilette. To maintain the opinion
that she is still empress, upon which her
life seems to depend, one special copy is
printed for her of The Almanack d>
t tut ha, that unquestionable witness of
high birth, in which the court of Mexico
holds its place us in IH>7.
A Remarkable Han.
The British House of Commons has a
very remarkable meinlK-r in the person
of Mr. Knvanagh, a country gentleman,
of ancient family and great estate in Ire
land. Although Inirn without legs or
arms, he rides, drives, and ds-s all, ami
indeed more than all, that most men do,
and his dexterity is such as to lead to the
conclusion that nature must have given
him at the shoulder joint something
which answers the piirpn-o of a hand.
In 1765 there was living in Somerset
shire, England, a farmer scarcely less
remarkable. He was born withjmt arms
or shoulders, but endowed with such ex
traordinary strength and dexterity that
he could, by some contrivance, do almost
the same as other men. His teeth were
so amazingly strong that lie could lift
ten pecks of beans with them, and with
his feet could throw a sledge hammer
further than other men could with their
arms. He married, as has also Mr.
Italher Esp ndce.
An Englishman writes from Paris that
a new fashion in ladies' stockings iateung
introduced. The stocking is <>f thick
white or pink silk, the clock being of
solid but flexible gold, something like an
ordinary snake chain, about aa thick as
a man's little finger, and ornamented
with pearls. The price of these simple
articles of dresß is only 50(1 francs a
pair, which seems very cheap. With
eighteen-button gloves at twenty shil
lings a pair, Rnd ball dresses which cost
from 120 to 300 guineas apiece, we shall
soon attain an Arcadian simplicity of
toilet-, and a man who has say £2,0(10 n
year will be able to let his wife und one
(laughter go to about one dance [each
I during the season.
II r,., nl luirrral lrm llome nn,l Xbronrf.
I'lie pert, I .>f the New \..ik alsllnlisrv lleuse
111 tvi-.,>u, Itlnk, man. I'avl. t A Co., t. i the |o,,t
rsa, tin-. Is'rti l nlittg tar,- .|tinlitirn „( 11,-
•l,v 1 |s i,, tti,, tit iti iiia(iul,-tui, , nit,l vt>'lii>: n
ICtssl luiAitii -s with .ti'st. ill> Im.l tstugl.t s
It,.U—' AIM! vvn<* lapl.tlv s..'illiiulMttMg v
w'tielt Ml' 1. I M hlli' Kill, .1 ltutl.-l, of
I'.'t t -it' l W It, t'tt .tt ft*. ' olllilii'.l to lit ,In ,| t'V st.'L
tt. -a. lilt' I'ltlll w,-t t.lll at til' Is.oka discover. .I
a tllwW'l'Ait-'V, which lot to the svss.nnta o( 11,
sjek lit Ail 1-. tug UT, tllAtll, A Alul th, ,t< v, lopllt. itl
ef ad. lUi.'ttcv •( tl7,(S*' Mttow fell in tit,
liliitttttwlltA of t tall f.'t tw. lve tsittsin'tlltv. ttsVA,
Nlltil,-tolls Allow lull • ItAVI tilled, All.t villi III)
(lite ef th.'Ut two Itu-ti wt 11 kill, t . Oil llu
relirvlit. ut "I J italio 1 1 vv i.l iNtvi, ti 'in tie
Is ttclt of lite sttpiv lit. oil, httviA of r*;; t'T
Slid vst|tl|ilutlt tit |vt '1 Is twv, it lllln ■■ !( A,id tl"
othel til. Mils I . i ( ltll' In '.VI ,| Ith It A. 1 M, t
ritltsu. of Iv. - k I'Hsvk I .111. 1. I tl,l who had
Jttsi nrrtvvd It.utte frvtttt s Inustie mo ituit, shot
Altd fatAlil wotttid, ,1 In, '.-111. eI V, At old - It
Aitvt Al— ' nil.'l his sixteen vi ,t old aou, tilth,-ting
n wotttivl wlit. it will tttid-.tthl.-.tlv uv.Vi tti.utal
1 tie insane mail thru hi. v out his own I t aim
I tie . ottl, nlaltls of ttle \ hill Will
withdrew llu ti o| | .tti .ti wit. ii (lie ea-u w.s
MdtedWiorv tlie suitogata It., t'olorado
is lalo hu. ha> he. u .Uavs.vvi, d it. a 11,. .n.u
dilluit St Ih. Ul-u, hnwug tscs-ii call led Ih. I, ot
\lll. I I.MI ,-nnln Ldortn 81. l llig lUsdi lo . V
lertuutal. 11., j l 1 in. i >i> lion build
ins in t intikhit -Ir*, I, N. w 4 ,-tk. ■ .u| .■ d I v
Hull.s k. .) 11. las ke and a minds I of other
dealer* in di v g>- tn. was luj-lcti iv hurin d.
1 In- lease* aM( t. sated ♦t*e.v*n, oil wllletl iht fe
wa- a i sun.; .nniti AlMS Kiiiitli M Ilan., i
of tduo. Is 111 Cent. l Ih. will of his lal. mere
Mali, v 'i o died in N.w York, 1, a.,n K -
Uesrlv a million dollars (o charttv I'.ace
liaatss-ti .. deluded Mats it tin liaunvaall,
I'lihli.- and H*. ill, lit,- naliv. 4fli all ,*lii,-f.
lit., lattir *gr.Utg to |w> an iu,t> iiiiulv ot two
thousand . aid, ami a- knowledge hints. If a silt.
J eel of tin Transvaal r.-puhHc,
The Turkisti trou[—are rr;>itsl as eommil
ting the most (f!,., *Us ,*ttutr* lu thr 10. . .
tie* where tlirv iieaJil| r.t 1 1 wo latsu,-:*
wele killed I v 111, .avilic . f ealtil 111 the tHilled
'iiiir-cle*! wtl'i the waterw. ias .f Ivaltlinore,
Md Ihe CeUHiiis-KW ai<| Intel in Ftaiuv
to investigate the vine t'hght, re{sirt that
twenty-five depurtment* LAV. ovli tavAge,! t-v
the phvUext I A to AIK-h n evßuu as to greatly
diminish tr*lli.\ cause luuch sulfetiug amotig
th. lulial llAlile, and t.> Itslll. i th, taxes to such
an extent as I t. v lo |*y for th. u eellecUoti.
The < rwcAVnimeiid tlie coaiplele t la
tiotl of the Infix*!. I il'.slll ts fi- 111 lite lest . f
the vine-growing country The kliedlve of
tV vpt has rem wed ftli.t c.o-'niu ,1 tils fath, I s
gift of " I'l.x.patra s S. evtle to llu lUltisli
go.eruiueut. Sli i*-s at. tx ing uia.te f.-r it*
| eedT IWUD.VKI to I udoli >Uiall|HiX prv -
Vhi)* to a ..Co'.h rat i, < \l, nt 111 London
Hie Lark l.nitiaberghail*, freui I.tveiissd fur
ILltniioie. I*lt lad, ii. gIWhM on LMfamt
Sh.wxi, N. rth t'audina. and siv f th- .r, w ■ r,
drowu.d whlk atti-mi tug t>. . - aie in tx>at-.
lH*|wtchrs from lii.-nihti. 10, N. w ltruiia
wick. -(Ate that a i.'ght ev-lss tiain situ, k
the Isstv of a man Ivmg oil Itie track, |,ut lu
vesti<aii.v. that h. must hnn Iron
dead when the train struck him, as there were
nianv knife wuuttda and It., (hi- at was v'liL
ihr Ml was idruUfied. by (-per* in the
Iks'Lvt, as Is lug that i f Jalue* tvingan, tire .1, -
faulting New \,.|k who dlAa}>|wafe,t
a few .lav prvvtisly. ! attest Stab* 1.-nda In
the value of J5,77.t wer. f in ton hi- | -< rs,ui.
He was (landing ell a Irani which to|'|wxl a
few monieut* *t thi* atalMU, Mid II I ]**-'.nud
he strpjwal < ilarde f : freali air, hint was either
UlUl.tered of committed Sllicldt 111 tin latter
case he ntu-1 have cut his throat and then
walkeet a sh.-tt vtlstance ami la. 1 himself acr. --
the track V daring so uu ir.-l ut the t. ;r
graph wire* a few tulles out . f tTlUburgh,
and sent a di*|vateh to the rxi-rew* iirn* ugrr
••fan m uitng Irani, nvdettiig htm lo turn over
his car (.. J. H. llr.s ks at leniph! u and i.
5 eel at an > f v f irther tack. I'Le >l:s;<at
islllg aigllls) by the elpress sUjsrllltrildel.t,
the messenger mnduilnl it was all on reel, and
when a mar, aprs-are.l at 1 rmplel- a and allowed
a .h.patch autho.-uriig tutu to take the car to
Pittsburgh the messenger qui- klv vacated, Ilie
thief lea k the gvasts I (fie depot where they
were regularly checked > -if and put eu a wag u
let go In the iftke, Ilie Ixsgtls IIDSS ngcf going
w.tii them, (hi tht r ad. h". v.r, he got <!T
the vehicle and disapi-carol, wb.n it was vhs
i-v.veresl h" h id op, I • 1 a aafe and atolrii #l., si
ur nrouey.
The government cult against Jacob Rrhm
for 4l.rasi.iss., f,r fraud, in eutiuvvtieti with
the t'hicsg ■ vh.skv ring, is to 1- carrnxl on
vigorenisb lit,- vr, tarv cf the trv asiiry
has :Asti.xl thr forts third rah f-T Itve-twelilv
U n-ls ef May and N vrtul-ri. la Ih. ai:
for e;*y,i**o registr,vl and f9.0 O.OUO eou|-u
Iswids Ti - rep it of t sst b halt affaris
f r ilie lis. >1 year , f l*Clk-7l> stiows a dr' il of
#l3 iv.,.". and th- .-(.mat, ■ for "!> 7 pla..
the deth irin-y at f .v'.t • i.'SAI, en aevxmnt of the
faniuie, d>. lea*,-"! re veil ID occasion, d (hers I v,
and the uuuieu*, work* of uuprovenu ul. who h
have t-e. il llttvlet'takrli lu Older to give the
t*>palace work h> ktep from starving
Ihr Saiualia ty Iranaa.-ti.ti is agajn being Th* tem-h:|' I'.ty ,-f I'lM-strr
brought HOU.tMO in bar rln r from 1 iiglaud.
Unknown |r(i. murvlered Kleurwr
Larg. and Ins * n. John. iL - si. jg tu tin *lotc
f Fielder Migrnjtf, in l) ■ I'clrft of ( • ' .m
--bta, ami after robbing tic ■ t vbhshineut. * t
re te it and t.urne.! it t . the ground .. Tht
huajit,-** (sirten ..f Ifc-marek, lisk.vta 1.-rri-
Uvrr. including two In tela, w-a .h-strevn! by
1 a. fJ ski**! ; id' luauran. Fifteen
men r.x • tl. d>. r„ < f JI. I> . frun Un
W- en - Med- -at < - I'e. Eof IVm.vJiat.ia
l>r. \V. I'. I'ik., , f ('liMMgo, h< ! and killed
Mr) h. n S. Jones, editor of llu /tfntfn- I'hti- ■■
- v ..' I t aiiege.l ,'uuuiai inlruia.-v
with Mrs. Like. The miirvtar.-r gave h iu-. f
Up to Just . At a f" fir. Intl.. r. *r
of tin \n.ericau H.ntwe, llot.>i:. a uumhrr of
jst-'iiAwet' seven ly tujutvxl. Mr. llm. th.
projvn, t v of th. Aturti an. was SO s.are.l bv
ibe lire as to came death .White s.>mudri Is
attack t a t-abmful of t'tun, at
i'lti. , California, murdering Ave ami mortally
wounded another I're :-ler,l llayr* a|e
p'lnt.d Kr,xl k. lhuiglass. th- dorrsl orator,
to lw marshal of the l>istri, '. ft 'oluiulna.
■MM*) &M, if Itllflai". WAS suff s-Ated 1-V
coal gas whih a>U< p. and hi* wife i , xprctrsl
to ill, frxitu the satue rails, , . Charges
against Assistant S.,r,tary of (h, ttvaanry
* onaut are rivor Is :ng inv, atigalecL lie is sau!
to i- hnpHralwt in tlu- nMßp#b era* i
fraud-, wic rel-y tl„ gonroment was d..frau lx!
out of two n:illi"ii dollars in inlet. -1 on ts d
-11,e favorat.le condition of Auieri.-au
- x-uriin -in Eur'p MI markit- is a matter of
congratulation.. l'car*of the overthrow of
tin- Cabal government in Hayti i* made mam
fi st ly the constant arn-st of snp|sww-d con
spirab rs Ity the cX(.k -i ni fa Isiiier in
lluuter I'gv.s,' sawmill at Worthington. ind..
two ~f th. Hunter I rot hers two troth, r- uaiiied
Ilendwr, and a : flh man were instMitlv killed.
S, v, rl oth, r* w.-rw more nr lea* mjnrvxi ....
The World Mutual I.ifc in*ur*tKi- companv of
Sew York city > required to show an--why a
rv-c-iv, r "lionld id >t t- Th,
t'odiuan I'Uilding in Ih .tou. ,*,-upied by a
number of bii*ini'*a finm wn* buru*<l. I>> -.
#SI.WW I"' t r 11. Swc-nv, one of the
former 44 ring ' ma--'iate* f Now York city,
ha. r,tnrn,xl few I'rta ■ , wh> re hi haa rc
sidtil atnrr tl grand r;s'*.' of Uie immctis,
fraud* Tin- ateaim c Gov. t V arland w*
biirmil on the Arknn a* river, with her cargo of
650 lud.-* ~f cotton. Nhe wa* w, rth r35,1100,
and caiTi* d an inauranrv of #15,000
lhtclK-r A to. furnitur, factory at Athi n,
Ohio, wa* d< troyxxl bv fir, . I*.**, #30,(4X1;
niiintire>l. . The will -f the Ite tHinr
Am.', bequeath -, among tie r -urn*. #.*i,ono
for u pdi.lic library m N rth l.A*t- Ma-*.
#IO.OOO for a !■ r the Unitarian
parish of .the aane- town; #lo.oo<i to kcepth*'
, Ijiireh and pnraoiiag.' in r' j.air ; #StMMI for
put.lic school ptiq-'o -in tie town of ILaston ;
*50,000 to til. town of Eaaton, and #50,000 to
the *ame town for highway* and public n>a<l.
Four colored nun were hang. Int Aiken,
S. ('. for mnrib nog two inofl. nsive (irrman*.
Tli<-y diet camjrativelv eay. in tli" )>r, *en,i'
of icsrly five thouaatui j ron. Previoii* t
the exeeittion. they eolif. -wv! the crime. Mid
admitted the killing "f two other men and the
hurtling of a liapti-t church. Gov. Hampton
re-pibd the tiftli "f the do]*Tftdoew.
Joseph Goa* a- fined #350 for violating the
lsw * of Kmitucky, by engaging in a pn/e tight,
and, Iwing without fund-. t committed to
jail until the tin. i* paid. .. After a abort
visit to the AY, -I, Gen. Grant, with hi* wife and
youngest son. will embark for a two-year* t<>m
of Kin-op. , traveling in nu nnoHb-ntatioii* man
ner The Frt 1 'itt Iw.iler work*, at Pitts
burgh, Pa., vv, r- ib-trovid by tire. I.< --
#140,00); iuaiirance, #'J6,L'OO. AVIIIMUI, Knvder
A Co., founder-. nl*o 1,,-t #15.000, of wliieh
th, v will receive "in.IKM iiiaurancc. and Man—
Held A Co., bra-* fiui*bera, l"-t r J'l.taai; fully
iu*iirii) The Augu-ta iGa.i C-'o iwiic.'s (lief
fr-nliiuU, wlii.ti wa. . in 1715, and
the C(iro7u/i">i<l/i.*f, which wa- < *lahh*he.| lit
17;K. have U > n ootittolidaled, and n|i|* ar umb r
th* mune of the f'hrtinirli ilini I'lmitilufiiityiiip!
Advic* from China *tate that many
ih",tha ar . <* enrring hi Coren "li account of tie
famin. Igle-iaa, now in tin- country, has
i--n. d a maiufcato clniming the Mexican pr. -i
--dency During tie fierce aiiowalorm of the
night of St. Patrn 1. . day, the l!ed Star steamer
Itn* lit ll,l, fi in Antwerp for New A..rk. went
aaliore at Icng Branch, N. J.. and *tnik ro
hard a* to pre 'hub the pom ihihty of raving
her. Th. lib wiving men, atatlonei 1 on tie
eoaat. were quickly on hand and r< -cued tie
250 jveople who ware on board. The cargo may
b. aaved ill |iarL The v. ->< l atriick on the
sunken cargo of grindten - of a *te:uner lort
twenty year,' | rsvioiia, and within alght of tie
atran.leil Aimriquc, winch went aaliore *oue
wocka ago An expre*-car on it* way from
Mot ile to New OrlaaiiN, wa* t*.nrd< d l.v a man,
who aliot tie- measenger ttirongh the hand,
caught up a T.KHI moiiev package, jum]>c<l from
the car ami escaped.
An unknown man committed suicide in
King: bridge, N. Y'.. by jumping from the moun
tain aide into a railway cut, a distance of ninety
feet A telegram from /.a/a ava a six
hour*' 01-tinatc fight took place between the
Turk* and ItoHiiiana near Bonaventiira. Both
aide* anfferiil heavily Hanoi. 1 C. Bell,
formerly eaahicr of the (Pa.) national
hank, lift* been sentenced to ten year*' imprison
ment for eml>ez7.hng fund* of the in-titiiti<>u.
. .Ex-Uov. F.mory YVaahburne. L.L. Ik, died at
Cambridge, Ata**.,'at the of age seventy-aeven.
One of the most pownrinl loconiotivea on
the Baltimore and Oltioa railroad exploded at
Keyaer, W. Vn., killing the fireman and acverely
injuring the engineer. !Te*ident Iliirgera,
of the Tranavaal republic, m southern Africa,
favor* union with Great Britain .... The sul
tan of Turkey, in lit* speech at the opening of
the legislative body, put the fault of tin pres
ent disastrous state of the financial condition of
the country upon the iutrigu. s which have
been consummating since the Crimean war, and
have kept Turkey under the expense of con
stantly providing" material for |s)*ihle hm-tili
tier Httih*.-, .fill trltgititta revtvaL ale lut
ing tk.-1.l in All.ativ. N i \ i* matt
tinine.l liearvt Will* littliilnn <1 a |uvkller.
kllt'Mii a William t) linen, limi llitrklieail, tin .
I v striking liini mtli ail *l. W. lie limit anltl
t tin giMola t.f I tin nilir.lnti'.l until and M |>ln
|.MI tlild I" di Mtt|i wlmll nil. ln.| Tlin ITilln.l
Slater Hii|irv tun nnttrl liar d Itiat a Slate
ha*. Ilin thmailtltUmial tight In deity ait lltatll
aim. nniii|'aiij, L longing in atndhn, Stain, jwr
llita-ioti (.. Iran rant littail -a vvtlhtit it a I" 'lilt
dailt-a I nalmaatnl t. in tal Kojf, 111 wilting
In an Uu|mirr t dated that alteu a Vltuuev oo-
Cttrrnd 111 lit. ill pat tinnnt 111 tlu SnUthnrii
Stal. a, |..efit.i . v..mid la- gIV.I. In ltn|<uhll
t an - lit making the -nl-s'tlnll l'h< |*„4in'lr
nf Ih. I iighah grain nmp ate g.uul Majnt
lt.ii i all > • iiiimaiid. d a |Hittiuit id I uat. t a
h . intent IHI tht lata! tlav nf the Inuaaa.'t e, ami
vtlin gallatlllv , vv. d Ida fntlnweia from t'tlatnr'r
tat. la ,-ii trial i \ p.mitliiarllal f.,t lii,| i,,| . i
|irn|.aal tn a f.dlt.w nll)<u-r a v.tfe, and tlu |>i,,a
I ea'ta Iv that he Mtll la- tllallUaar d flitltl th,
Hullwm) WIKTU I I'.IJMT.
Tlin ttilitntn turutv ~f pari"*"'* •"
wlli.'ll Itp-r la up)lilt.l til tin- I-Iltllira t.f
Jltpdll, Mil a tits li'>U.|i>lt / ' fill, litta dn
t,.lii-.ii.-, 1 nil l-'.tirt.JMtUls win. Intl. viait,sl
tlidt txiiiiifry. They hum lit.-mllv foiiini
ptii-r, p:t)M-r every where, MHI in nil
tvhnpoa ttljii f.tpln* l'l* .1 uptrln ■• , how
t-V.i, illpt-IIUIty Itl tine .it
re.', vv. nt 1,1 inier ham tireaint t,f
tiiaktup pttp.T w lter la Ittr ntiiwgy ttur
'l'll lev. Sit- Vt-ptht'lt-arv, t lu-ttlg ,lolt<- ut
Hhi-lUeivi t tltta tin.tin til, uinl wn liam
atwil a sample id tile work. The paju r
vvlit-ela ham ate. 1 ttr.-a, i.ttuln wtllt uti ttt
hitlc rtatn.t* Will .Mat trull lioaa. till ..n il
siil.. of fit,, ami tit.- at <1 platen 3, It",
melt tluek We .1, mill tite spue.- I.e lite plates ts lilletl w ltll roiupr. ~s
tsl pip. r. Tite pajM I is is tut I swell uf
wliat are klltiNU tt" " straw laHtfils, ami
tltes." ate liuule to a,il ere t . each "titer
l.v lite.tits of rye paste. The POUlblUtsl
lai era . f | tr*|rat are tirll Itltlijwtetl to
lit ilrauhe pit ssuie to tin- eitent of L!,""G
t '.iitt for lite spats, of four or live hours,
altd thru tirieti tit a lieattsi air hath.
l'lte rttuil thii'kuetv* t.f ilie prepare I
paper la itl.out tiiree nlt-i a italf mt'lies,
ami, its may l.e ttuu., lite quwitlfy
of stl.iw 1., atll pat'ke'l iilU. tilt* tsmcwU
truttsi apitt-e l.v tin- guuit fore ■ t.f the
ltyilrauht- raut is s nut thing enormous.
Still a certain Hill >UUt of i laatii'ltl r<-
lUnitta to lite Hlll.stAlltV, Itlt.i tills in
tltttou with its hoiuogenitv ami sitigtilnr
stnoothm -s of griiiii ami texture con
stitutes our of its |ii;'htat tpiulilit-uttotta
for the tlutv tt will pieseittlv have tt>
jterform. I-Utliev, slj.le r< st* ami slt .rjt
cutting t >!s are to shape the ts.ltt
press, ti paper into tlim-n of the prvijier
si/.-, ami iimh-r a i>r< satire of four Itun
tlre.l t .its tin t ur>- tlien f, nssl inUi t!e
tin - The st. el protecting j.lutis ait
aul,s.s|uetitly to the inner ami
outer partpherits of the wlteela, ami
after a tiliisitmg t. Mich in tite latter they
art- retuly t<< 1m- k.-yr-l on their axles ami
placed under the railway carriages.
It is limit rst.ssi thai ex|M-riuicuta
ui America and ut this country ham gone
to prom ihegrt ai stija itortly of pu|M-r
rai.wav wheels OVt-r thtsu- of stiwl or
wrougiit mm, ami tlmt tin* l.mke, how.
ever atnl leuiy ami sharply applied, d> s-s
not injure them in tin- least.
4 Wonderful Gorilla.
A gorilla has "st eudeartsl himself"
t. tin- people >,f Iterlin, as Mr. M ..nciire
Conway t xpl.'Utls it, that "tin* otheriliiV,
when l,e fell ill, the wholtf ,-apital Wits 111
a atate of ularni ami sorrow quite e.jtiaj
to Umt witit-h this ts.untrv sttfferisl when
tlie I'nne- of Walts was ill. Bullet us
of the gorilla's e.n iition were printed
ami eagerly s->ught." This wonderful
animal enters n eotiip.iny leaning on the
arm of his attached eust.wliiui, ami gi*. *
t utile satis!ui*tioii t th.iee who are din
oils eoti'-erning ht ltiti-ll.viual ability,
iits iiitelligeiice is almost human, lut
his large heart edmns is what most
touches those aeitiml him. He ta aff.-c
--tiuuatr, Bt'tirteous and jwdtte; ts never or grasping, ami resptnids to
every ktmhte Mr. (h.nway relates
tlie following of the chdnpanree tlmt
lately tlie.l :ti le tjdott Having s-eti tta
keeper turning .t key in a padlock, it
gave indl'Mtton* of a diire to have the
lock, and. on receiving it, tried vainly to
turn the key; it could not. with its im
la'rfcet hand, get the exact twist, ltut
having arm the thine d ne, it a| jwnrisl
t. set ita heart on achieving tin- same re
sult. Failure only stiuiulate.l its uuxiety
to lufuiipnlate the ptullock; it would si
for hour* trying, and trying, until at
last ite luiitd mv'hd',l to gi v.* way under
the rffoit ntld excitement; it iwmld not
ia< indue,si to give Up the tank, ami it ia
Itelieved that the mental agitation
I'D .tight oil disease atld tlcwtll.
An Fxtratagsnl IMiti.r
John King lent <v, a chAraeter well
known on the l*tt-itic ixast, where he
was known tt* tin- double character of
journalist and miner, tvcentlv ditsl in
Nevnvln. This llaty .s loU of him:
"When oouductiiig a nawsjiapcr in
Dowineville, liemg in need of funds, he
started out through the mountains to
get en I "sen! Mrs. lie was gone tw .weeks.
When he returned lie pio>s<sl his aille
script ion I>a. k over to Ins partner. It
ahowcsl a list of sulscril>ers with sums
art t-piNjutc amounting to sonic g"J,fifXi.
All the sul.scriptioua were markisl
•paid.' Tlie |>*rturr was rejoicswl, snd
told Isrvcjov how timely the money
would he. ' What money?' asked
joy. ' Why, this money that is milv-
SCIIIMVI here,' u the reply. ' That
inonrv," said Lovejoy; 4 why, I ns<sl all
that up in expenses, ami had to Is.rrow
money to come home.' Five <r nix
veara ago lie l't a new ooflln with a
tieighlx.r that he would live over a year.
He said t,< us afterward ; " It was a g.ssl
bet. 1 ahull want the wooden oTere-iot
lvefoie long, and it will l.e handy to have
it around.'
Want* to Write.
44 1 .in not wiah to live always, luit I
do want to write for your |>aj>er. It is
my lowly Rim in life to be s great writer.
1 want to be great. 1 wont your advice
on a few line*- I gctid. I have a great in
tensity (ir for travel. I will go any
where and (tend back long letter*." A
peculiar appeal is thin from .a nepspspcr
mailing, and these are tlie lines blie
aeipla ; 44 Why doth tlie owl hoot and
sleep by tiny, And sleeple** hoot at
night? Simply berimeo tiio night's dim
rav ut better for lu* Right. And a<> witii
t rut Ii alie aliinoth out. At night as well
an day; And ever knows what oho'it
ntM.nt." Wiiile other* pa.tß nwny." Ad
viee : Don't l>e great. Whenever the
44 intensity for travel " comes on, take a
trip to the kitehen.
A Tough Stibjeel.
Tim Boston Ruth (in says they lin.l a
tough subject in the inquiry room.
Moody wrestled wills him. and Sankey
sung with him, but the man seemed to
despair of forgiveness. Finally Mo. dy
Aikeil liim what itettvy sin liunlentil ins
mind, and lie confeas'il to liuving beat n
newipaper ])ublihh'r out of three yt'iira"
anbseription. Tlie evangelist informtii
him that they did not profess to perform
miracles, hut if lie would settle up ins
dues, with eonipound interest, ami jaiy
for three years more in ntlvance, althnugli
they eoiil.l not open the doora of the
elmreli t,> him, )>erlia|vs ho might be
naked in under the canvas*.
AFTER nil experience of over twenty
(ive year*, many leading phvainati* acknowl
edge that the ilrarfi-nhrrrj .Ifura/tof/'a Uterine
r'.if/to'ieoti l* the only known certain rem.dy
for ditwa-"* to which women are subject. The
ir'rfli/.iikTt) YfnUihU /'ill*, tno must popular
renuilv of the dav for hilioii-in ■**, hcadactic,
ttvi r complaint and di-easos "f iligeation. Noltl
l>v all tlruggi I*. Hend for almanac*. Ors.fcn
tw-rg Co., Near York.
(!npt. li. 11. Young, 11. 8. Army, says:
44 fiharp* ri.rfc.* or, f/tebraf in thr irorld ;" and BO
aay hundred* of thousand* of ot tiers who have
I until the "Ol.!> ItXI.UIILE" during the I'aat
twentv -even year*. Send to Sharps Itille Co.,
I Bridgeport, Conn., for illuatraled price list,
More than fifty years have elapsed
*inc Join men's A te-'tyttc Liniment was first in
vented, during which tunc hundred* of tlioti
nands havo been t'iiefit<il by its ti*e. I'rol.a
-blv no article ever became ao universally p>pu-
Inr witli all classe* as Johnton't ,4nixfyn* /.irtt
Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam, the great Now
Eiiglainl cure for coughs, colds and coitaumis
lion. Cutler Bros. A Co.'a. Boston, only gonuinr.
HITUNKIT'H Coco AlNK kills dandruff, al
lay* irritation and promote* the gD.wtb of ltair
Durnng's lilieumntie llemedv never
fail* to cure rheumatism. Hold by all druggists.
Thr linpiirliint (jiirst lon.
(If all loatllAollle diseases rataiili stands pre
cwnilielit. It render* Ha victim aa disgusting
to Initio. If AA to other* \lid the nmat luimlli
Atillg: of all I* III" .-.illAclnUAliraa tl. .(J Ilia
In est nee la ofTcnsive lo those aioiuid him.
I nut iliseas, di-servt'A the name of uiuviisal,
11 1s tills. Iht-letlc tn.'ls anil the folic a
fa dil.Jtl HII|'B. II oil II" t" II11 foster and dla
a. liilnate It. To tire pitiful .'IV of It* lletiiua,
iilhi. II uy .n't ft* .iifrtrik* there i> billon,
ai.sw 11 consist, lit wit li 1 111 I' 1 lan I. aon t tod
has 11. V.I lui one etll Into tin World for wlih'h
11. has not oclit lb. i■-tiledy For the greateat
of all splutnal Bud tiKMal i ills, tie Great
I'liisician lias |necrlled a|s.l,iit and m vrr
falling lie haa given explicit mi.a
foi ti„. tf eatmeiit and r vat 101 l of the
spirtliial and ttioial Uian, bill lie la silent ill all
matter a lo the physical man ll would
I- an unwarrantable detraction from 111* brneli
ix-lit character t>> *u| | thai lie haa alßix'trd
Ih. gicater poitioii , ! hiiuiautty with au in
cur at tie dlaeaoe. The day of plagues U past
lire (oat of i tiristrariitv is a ((.at of hoe, of
lit. lev, Ilia ui, ssage la " go>,t will low arvtu.,,ll.
llu aai 111 aud all . • Idaili, d therein, waa in
tended by (hi gloat I. igiDl b< aup|4y man a
wauta , and surely he ha* no gleater wanla
than i.-iii, .tn n I i l. InttnulU. * f . .en. a la
lapi.tiy pi - thai Um ,nii i* nttrd to ,,),
ply ma... uttermost need N, w iitodlrriial
plant* ai, tsmalaiitly ts-lug itlao,v.-red and new
leoplletirs .l. v, lo|< ,1 tiom tliior already known.
lor , atairh, tin iie-st |>t nt remedy veldt*
.over, lis I'i hag, e Catarrh IteUirdy. Ita
rliicacv ha- I*, ii (■ U*d w. manv Ihoiisaml eaaea
with miifiwtn autvc *a. * Air. (hat ba.t lieu re
la iledlv jirv uouii.ed incurable, readily yielded
toil, Jn , onflrm.xt, oi obstinate ease*. Ir.
Plrtvve , Goldrn Medical I'lacoitrv shrwild I*
taken 111 cuuneetiua with the use of the ( ataiah
Itrinud). full |uiilicutara lu Pleura memo
raudiuu bAa. '1 l.ey are glviu away by
File I lion sand Hooks (ilti-n tan} for tin-
\\ Idle lr II lame* was atta, bed lo Ilie Hi it
Ish luevtlcal staff in the l.aat tlellea, hla high
|,ml|' n ma I -led liltu 1" call about bun Ilia U l
.'ll, inisla, phyah'tall* and a, h-ntlat* uf Ilie day,
and while expMXlneuUug wtlh arid among the
hstivts. hi ac, i bnlally Irtadv the dlw ov.iy that
i ossi'Mcltos can K js.-lliveiy ahd |H-tina
ta i.flv • t urn. Pining tin nianv vears of In*
aojouruihere, h d, voled hi* lime lo the lieal
li.. ul id hiu dis, ares, mid U]aru his retirement
he , ft with u Isark* aud je.ers ooutalhing full
I-articular a, allowing that > v, iv one can te hi*
own pitval. ran and j re|r l.i* own luidiciur*
aid such luf' iniati'.ti (. we have ruv lvd wc
now ,grt t<* tire pill lie without Jirioe, only ask
ing that ■ tt. h rr t. fin.- cciitptttUi]" f- I |>t
tn. Addre** ( ItAlilMM K A CO.. LOS J Ha-<
Nt., Philadelphia, Pa.
Ileiutor, tuiiiinriator and Ftrhiayr.
Tlie (fraud * * nlral 11.-lel, Sea York, i.a* lire
laig< *1 | aeiig. r ri. vaUw ih the w.-rhl. ll 1* a
marvel of curiously >rtid ami inlaid d.cia
tloiis. 1 lie 1,, let aUhlUirraUir 1* also tin lalgeat
lu Use, l(*fa.. |* covered with Is twreM oil and
a, veil huli.tlwl ill*!-, each c. hllolled by it* ,c> h
separate wu, 11.* grand exchangt is ad" th.
largoat It i* a maguilkwut eipanx of martili
si*,. ping through a full 1 !-*'k. from Proadway
b Hero r. Tli.-•••■i'i'.'nf lb, hob 11 also mc,
age i tin - uric geiier. n scale. H,i sej.xratc
meala batug ITO Vl'l.xf fnr th, pint* da.Jy ; vet
the Grand ' elitrxl 1* tin rhoapest flist-cias*
h. !• 1 ih New Y. rk. it* rat,-* being from yi.ho to
f J.tat per day.
Noatn N*.(iu.jiosr, M<NejA. 9, lß7lk
liar Nr- It gnca me very great pleasure
to irtf,>rm von of th* brm-lit rxe O*d from the
UM of pem, tan Nvrup th uiy own family. My
w:f< forth, past !• u vears. liaa been in f,-l.le
iu-aT.I wry much <b-lnlil*Jei g.iM-raliy, l ast
■lwine she c .iulud, It Uy a toU*c of l'etuviail
>yfiij>. altd was so wed pira*<xl Willi the r< sill I
il.iiiiod it* Us, urilii ihr, ■ '•( four tsiUh* had
ten >.s*.!, and si., is is..w ml* t(, r health than
at ft if: h " and has ImHMM :! i
weight from llu jciund* to PJS ... 1 hair em
ployed pbvahhaho, ami used a great vartely of
paletit 81.xi,. lues, to th< rxkrlll of hundreds . f
do.far- and 1 km-n al . rtxvii.x! lu.-ii 1* ti- fit
from th< IVruiiau byrup thau all tin rent t'e
getl r.
My sah* on ll.> Syrup ai< v.-ry larg. *ml cou
stanCy tlvct.-asrlig. and 1 do Iwd hesitate lo
rtonjie ud aud . veti warrant H to give satisfac
tion. If y. u desire, yd an* ( liberty ( uae
llii* .ximuiufacat" u a* yott *ee 81. a* it gtvea me
i - asm,- to risxwnmeivd *o g.ssl an arlicic to
- ,ft.ring hutnaiUlr. \„ur truly,
ITMHX I'xxxl
< ilr* r Murder in the Night
4) jvall us, '- tad . : h ringing thn-ugh the
bn*r ill tile hours of darkness. >s .sjually sug
g, -tn. "f dan. > r and d.ath. S.-alk .) met and
... with "I*l*l Hi MM * ,'f H oleh uud am!
la: Other tmuvlirv may h*" dirappwrtßtittl
you, but tin* t i >< I latla. Sold by ail druggists.
p,k,'* Tootha dm lUx.fva care in uur minute.
I>iZ*itH-. -, heudsche, jmuii uitiv tin' 4
eve*, lulammatioii of th< ry, a, copious watery
dtseliarg. ■ (haft dm rie* and mise. are sytn|e
b sof ciitarrlr. Naufi'ixl * 1 tad teal Cure f.-r
l al. :lb will at Mkv CVtrv those y 111 I loins.
I* lis arhich citit*';i vrGmoiir, qoinine
and oahancl, aboukl l avoided, as *t vet. grqs
ings ivaiiis w uld I, tin ir u!y t.wulL I fx* saf
est *ur, al and I* si (ail* arc I'arawr J'uiya•
Urn or 1..f.-/h.V..u f ill*.
lUiruunntisfii at ixin 4 by Ihi
r*nc - Kbeumftltr Ih-tnedv. Nsiid for circular tn
Helpliemdin* A Ih-mk-y. Waahmg-tuu I'. C.
A jwsitivc cur,- for rlietimntisia l>u
rauc's lib, umatic licmedy. Send f-T circular
1,. ll< !|>l#tutinc .4 Ih-nth v. tVaslnnglon. I. C.
The Mjrkidi.
It* TOM.
tleef Cattle Nailer 10',II
1 exa* and 11et,krw (a '* lo
Ml'.rh Coww. *0 00 .sGOIW
n bus tt '* ss
Dressed....... .. . .... o*', i Cf 1
atoeo (,v < Cy
latulw Ift 4 an 0,
(<tl..n: MkMHn* - 12.<w I3q
ITnttr: \(sirri|- <i., .l (~ Choice 4 M is HI
Htaie (),ssl lo Choice ... *W> i* fid
Wheat: Bed Weatem l(1 ,w 1 '
1". 7 Milwaukee 1 (,' I (JN; M ' *'
IWrlry: Mate • <w 71
lla'.') Malt. 1 I I 3^
<.:*: Miiexl wsatern 5* .* *1
Com: Mfxasl Weatem...•■••.•••••. M o M
llay, |*r cart -• M <4 *0
Htr**, |er cat . 70 ,4 *1
Hot* 7*'s—lo i4'tt 7*a 14 I<i 10
1 -x : Me*s . I*7* i4IM
IATXI : ('lty Steam Il'iia lilt
1 ish : Mackerel, No. 1. Dew 1* 0J |4l <•
No. X tire ( (4 9*o
Dry Cod, per rwt. . I 7ft <4 ft 3*
llerrlDg, D.-aled, per tsvx. 1* v 4 l<
Ivtreleiiin : On#* NhSSA lofln-xl. !*'
Wool: Cahfortna Pleaea 3S .4 80
Texa# Pleeee . . ft 4 2*
Austra :tn Plice 8* >4 (1
Ilutl-r: Male JI ,4
Western: Choice. ... JO i* If
Vv'esie:u : li'svl to prtroe. 1* ,4 17
.; Western: Firkin*....... - f'2 "* Ift
Cheese : State Factory 13 .4 IS
Mate Kk1mmed........ us *4 07
Westell, I' l '4 IS
re<: Slate and Pennsylvania .... If <4 17.H
mour 7<o ,410 ta.
Wl • 1.1 MTwaukee 1 M .4 I ft*
Cote. M led SO .4 S N
O.U G "* '
fltrley <® 4 **
tlariey Malt 1W (4 110
Hsef Calls: F-itra nny,<* 07
I S .4 07,
Ibw-s ; I>res*e,l (aH),4
Flour: Pennsylvania F.xtr 5* k*4 SMh
Wliswt: He.l Wsalern I*3 S IH
Ity. 7S ,4 80
Corn: Yellow M '4 Hk
M Ixetl 34 If t4 54 N
Uala: Mixe.l 37 ,4 55
prtfTvleum : Crude.......131|,413H Iteftnevl. 1 k
WATT* T. or a, MAS*.
fteef Cattle : Pur t- Choice 5 "ft ,4 850
Nllfi'P. JSO ,4 80
lain,l- JlO 14 0
Al.h IiOCAL !*KtN )f!KA81 4 ,
Thik popular and incxpcnaiFC rt-mo
,iy acconqvliah.-a the KAMK HEOCI.T*
Ar COSTI.t HubPnon HATHO, since it
ami IKIIITATIONH of the Skin.
CoMrtJtxioNAL lU.KMiaiiKa arc ai-
W'iv obviated by it" uae, and it rcn
dors the cuticle wondrouriy fair and
Hurin and Cut* are 8! 4 kki>ll.y HKAI KD
by it, and it prevents and remedies
Gout aud itlieuinaliam.
IT HKMOVKB HANDIU ff, atwnplhens
the roots of UM Ilnir. and pnnervra
iis youthful color. Ana IHMNFF.CTANT
ot C'lcllting; and l inen until in the sick
room, ami as a I'HOTKCTION ajjiiinat
CoNTAoyjcs DIRKASKT it is uncquxled.
Fhyaiciana emphatically endorse it.
I'nicKß, 25 AND 50 CENTS TRH CAKR,
Per BOX, (3 CAKES,) 60c and |1. 4 30.
3. B. Titer* It economy In buying the large cake*.
Bold by all Druggists.
" Hill's Hair and Whifther Dje,'*
Black or Brown, roc.
C, N. CfcITTENTON, Prop'r. 7 Sirth Kx. HT
XI 4 XV L'V linallv mititewithonrStaneilan,
U'/jjlLl Key Chaek Outflt. Circular. Fr^
"IN ■. \•: rui* Hr vrroau. 105 Fulton #t. N.wYurk
WAN II .1 * !
JHO. I. TiLNET & CO.. IS Wat] St.. Hew Turk.
|) IU |l<
• • I r V I' NKiUT."
-<r rue -
t* I'.a ml. .. h|.IM r,. t wUI Ilia 1 -nUwalxl
|.... I A 1.1. !> . ... |,mHllii|a.tai.
!>.. 11.... ..I I .. ..u lt' lo fciq It. ■•• tiaala
\A .1111. ||. A' < I*' I |lal ..I Maul
liiwk i i nl ' fiTil IAIIING HOUSE.
.537 f'aarl Mo~*. Ku
—a _ Tl.r Ilial Triiaa WVhmjl
MM tVaflla/ ® 7 I a . ■ I
TyD"' rtjMMia*
itl full |rl< r 1 >t *ll 1!' I • <•*
hriM,ln|le IlifCful 111 I I •' l"4t '!• IMlj
mail. |.J(Nfiil. * l< j4 ..f |mu# S II TJiU T u
WI4J • t hi W>MT Hupfitifs** (&*** J t •tile*
• IA.IUA •.•!• ( I(. ..Un la
hLMr.if i\ t lUm 10,710 VmMWQfU i art
Mazarine Blue Glass.
I i ewaU !...f|..a*c AI.I nOihitlil iti III# fnmili ut
txi.ittti altd iila <■! lr|
(irlHVli I*)cr iA •(. lit* . l.f 1 • . ,i>isf.> ii-tf
i U*+l lil.tM iI f i H-i Mi!lt t,n
||> UA l1 UU|r IMflftl IH !'.< Mail
I r V% . • ! Hrf I Id
ktr. .i'nf IIISJ%|S II -IIUI HIKIII,
•hiU |m .* lUAii, t i.N. 11 I'i ii>. ii ti l>h>f.
<4rM' k Pit a.. 4f /##,'> Id J|| V 9 SsMI til *1
tt *-h t HI.I K Nf N l H.lfT fMu i;I emi
Hi liuli ifAf Ai4 tAiailUl > ll| IUMSI
/II IMA MilfU.4 M - :• (oulEtfUttfti AiuJ
at■•i 4*<)( I|i <IhU eim4 I .! Lit*
lnrt I Pi.. If "!. A IHIRSrTr
&<■ ? W al**"l Nfwt .\-M Y-.flk 1 "
>i a v.-rk
I .(Ml I 0,1 F matbtne
an ' k UT' U
"'•icing \, \f Aummalie
"*' wl g\ 9 Ttn.Hrtiaod
Ifcrai BUleh
• '* M4 IA Um f t*rtj MUAJM.
i>ci,.l I'usud •an! far Illustrated l*rlce Li at, Ac
Willtox A Giliba S. M. < 0.,
IBt Hub Jbl ' &■ Hroadwat. Near Ton* _
H> an ifrnupmim Ht'il I. ( rkfth IIV'. 119 fimith
HUAMA- I -.ila ir-ij-li Pa .If * y i-ffmta to mt.<l u
emmtli .4 u* wlac*U*, A Hii.pip ul Ida# iH<urt4
iKfbt'.fii' Mai irif |n>v(W I' rf tb# a4
r.W". i*m* * unit |urtl tha MlAf*
.n 1 1 ' ***, 1 • MMIi a j..f nM ..IdMtl \ > 1..r 4
nut .lutiftYM Ull Aunl* (iiirr Inuilh AJ mw} m
AmefK II ir iiMdari tiitvii! Itwrn' u| t':|* W p
l*AWr li-1 . jl|fli|N il Owl lLf MiAf AJ| tiAVM Ail
UHf Id.lllrtlMl-iint ttA
Nn4 ) >'ur AtidfTMM t.4 RUm'. emM* Urn |mmU htm U>
lit* Houlli l~a 111-lli Hlivi-l,
riiiMi'Ki.rf<u, i'.t.
SONS and DAUGHTERS. altnUon!
Learn to beautify your HOMES and
a.£T , L I 2 iT * n ' l GUIDES and CAT
having a FARM or OAR-
P n Poatal-Card at once
S!L deairiptive CIRCULAR; or
10c. for 111umruled CataJc*ue, 13d payea
P gri. B. K. BLISS & SONS,
Nu. ; 71 34 Barclay St.. New York.
M '*R AMrd
I • " 7 I rrr U All
vlMafM}. < f.: I - 'vaaam uuij Mnl |i#
I -rt#*r .■ ■ ' . Uiitt-* -■: if \
SfMxl > tr MMttf Gt t>) All* w>d hit*— .n \ut#'rcA. A tftiv
t*rii"ii w; h tr *n • my tt w*Md luim,
/V In' i.e.-. ,# f(t tl.. 1M I . ' "'1 ym<- **ff. All
waid fr>itn m/ Mlill ,ii.u><t warraitli J to I-oth
• • • rt • mki It BNM
<4:iTrtMi 1 Mill mII I •** . I%U* ATM!'*., Aa fw- <T*4|iMMl
iltftalti - * • '■ >■ ti il tMtrdl . n.l Mill ifbrifl
!'.f V* • l<l#TAa1 1 'nMilf**. Mil l A mc" nr **( dttr *r-M
\ r<i'tal>l<n. 1 Ml' !• ll • |Mlft n% id a..L ArvAat<>n
kdrf .#.* v 'r i rt *4 lA fffj' fcfti ♦!•
\rw \ m< * n "•fH-' ln ll * .
J Y lft> J. 11. !• It 1.1.f IK \\
ifl.lrLr ,d. >!•••.
Music Books!
VIM il„
World of Song " Germ of Emrlith Song.
Wroath of Gems. * Gemt of Srottuh Song.
Shower cf Fearlt. * Grrmt of German Song.
Operatic Pearli. * Gemr of Sacred Song.
Silver Wreath. * Mocre't Iriah Melodxea.
Qu I# nn()qsiml R*iVi <*f B"n.l Mwaw. h M:th
ytO is S&0 i tgea Stkfml Mti* Atfc M ul
HaCKC*. I>wrtA P*n G-fsti ai <
Gem* of Straus*. * Gem* of the Dance.
Piamit's Album. * Pianoforte Gem*.
Home Circle, Vol. 1. " Homo Circle. Vol. 2.
Organ at Home. * Piano at Home.
tEi-rpoftut* ufM'" ) <riA*o WfT v
Quit# nTW"HU*I#I l- ntt'l of MttSlf l"P
had ,u *th ta> S*'with #*c#i
ti(si2) fotl fwo-rr
I'rkr •! ihr nbotr lioola*. rnrli Mi.iYD in
bonrd j In r|all ; H4.1H9 ifill.
S. M<v>i M *lt B * • S S B
HifhS.-' r H| ii* r ' JAcU)
\% . 'M il .Vlf-i >h I'uwt Kiimt .15 ru 1
ne ■ V .>#*.(.'M9 Ci* L..Ov| Srow, , rtA.
( nT" I t rt Book m. i 5-1, p>t ftw. for TYin.
r. 11. 1911 HIN aN f 19M
Til iL-oßilwiiy.Npw York.
paait in |jtr k w PklVn.
rATARIIII.- foi>d> Eslrn. l t nearly Se
i'i fir f T thi .linoa** I'ran IAT .ly br r*-
. . .Irtl, rvrn iti old and raara.
Thr rrht f i ►> i'Hm|4 thr' m oM *<
hi', rv. Rtf -1 tt will he **lth L
I'HAPPKU (Ml HI K. Pond.
Kairn.-i * '.l tn..rr> l.nnl. t'-
• r. utli .roihrr it reni",..- the ~>rrpr
and ruuirhn. , and .ollro. and hei.
the aktaprum|dt)
1111 I'.t Vl4Tl*'!. iHinna- irrrre and rhmifeaMc
weatlirr. ti nihjert t.> llheumalic
l'alm 'inilld !>• tie da. Pood'a
l:\trnrt. whs '■ n'wnj, reltef.
SOKt 1.1 M.. t ON"! VIPTION. I lll'l.ll'N
I l.l-> Tina . Id >■ .thrr Irt., Hi,. -rely Have Pond'a Ealrnei
en hand ala> It relieve, the iin and
nit,, the dlaoaae
CIIII.BININf. "ill lw ir nu-ily relieved and
vittimately ren d t>v Iwtliin* Hie afflh-tevl
I Vie- wit ii Pnttd'a I'.atrnet.
FIKMTKII LIMIHw Pond'a l.atrnrt la, n rl
I.l v relieve. I ■ t *lti -vud lliu'i I urea.
0K TlllltitT. Ul IMG, IM'MIID
TON-ll.fl <\|l AI It P 4-Alii
are |,r ■ t! v ir, !1 ' t u , f Pe.d'a
Tvlntrt. It never I'nll-.
lII—TOR V end l'.r< el P.,nd'a Kstrn.t. In
inmnMet t ii wnt f■ • e .yi afc'icati. nto
POMPS I VTIt II T ro.. W- Vlnlden Una
New York. Held b) I'nun t
Standard Flavoring Extracts,
Per n.e.wlee Ira Creama, Cwalaed., I'tea. Hlane
Man*e, Jtlllea, Saui: upv, (itav ir*. ate.
VVa hare heatv aertntlted to tha ttamaa
ef a boat..l the heat i,mm and ll.arl. In tha couatrr-
VVa n*e a few la-low i
!'. Here*. I A.. Ptc.
Hat nan Hot aa. | it,ihnu * Ana.a.
Pirrtt Ari.n It< r,i_ | Avaaa. Mraaati hreweiv.
VV saiKtaaraa HOTl. 1 I'ita * Turoan.
OotrvtttritTAt. Ilornt. I TMoiroit,BL*c* k So.
Viuiia't HOT at.. 1 Hat*, k Urns.
SrTaw noma. I G. 11. R k Ban.
DraitrT linear. I Jorum S. l'rret.r,.
Povrnrai. IlotrL. I DAVID NTrttOLAor.
; timriiAV Honrs. I FIATVOS * Co.
I itriiELi Iloerr. | G. aR. MCMILAA*.
! SMITH Baor.h Co. |_ Cutil Kur"-
Tha tmjtrriorttv qf (Area .rleecfa enw.Df. , , fl.e'-freArt
rin ra anil prtal ttrtnpiK. l"hev eia vrufrauted Iraa from
i:,r pi.irotve.l. ollarnd tcida which rtitrt into tha eontpo
,itlon ot niAiiy of tl.r loctltlour fruit ftrvora now in thr
1 tnariit.
Special Notice to Our Readers 1
To wll tb* New Patent Improved ETP. ('I'M
UwraalMit fa to Ik* tote paying fottones* h
dpnle by any II" w* A* May and
plaaaanl xajilqrwal.
The vein* of llw nMiriM new Valet:' Improved
■M OHI TO LLI restoration I.f sight I. teaks out and
Usees In Ilia avldannae uf am B,()()0 (an ulna Im.
tln-mlals of rum, ami r -.-.mim. uu4li|f mora than
I .(MM) °" r •**' physician# lu their practice.
The Pstaiit Ky* Cuiis araa eiV-nliltn and |.t
logcal iHantn-jf, ai|i| at Am It. M. li,
and *a, llMti ti. M. I) . writ*, ibey ara iwrtslnly
U> graalaat intention of 111# at.
Read lb* following < ruflmtaa :
kIITUM, Ugui Co.. Ky., I
J una Mb, IgT'i. I
tin. J. luu. k Co., < collate •
t.vnfUm/K Tonr Patent By* Cope ara, la fry
Judgment, tbo moat aj landld Irliuiijilt vklrk optical
trlrtir* IIM ever adiloal, but, like all and
Important truth#, In Una or m ant otber branch uf
alnirr and philosophy. have murk In contend witu
truau Uis Igauiaiwa an t ur-)4irt# a 100 skeptical
uiliUr , but trulU la nng Lit, and It anil pm *M, and
II la on)j a duration of time aa regard* their general
arrriHainc am I lu,lor acme ut by all. I liat ain my
bends Mrtllrain of paraoua t~tifyln* In UIM*|IUI ■
oral tertna to Ibeir marila Ilia inoat prominent
physician* of my nounl/ neowttiaitd your Eta
OMNI 1 atn, n|artfll), J. A. 1, MOUTH.
aiLUta kairut, M. I>., Halt ma, Ky , nritea:
" Tbauka to ymt fur ttia greatest of all fntanUoua.
atgbt la fully rswtorad ly Ilia uaa of yoor I'-trnt
l ja t'upa, after bring attuual enttraly blind for
Iwcnty-aia yaara."
AMES. H *ir. U. 11., Alrblat*, Pa, writes t
"After Intel Utndine* uf my left ryn for four yaara,
by paralysis to 11.a optic aeris, (tar ultra salon,
lab merit juur Patent fc.s l.'upa isalortd my ayaalgnt
permanently la tbraw minutes."
Il. It. it. fiUikaataa. Minister of M. K.
Church, wiitea ; *' foot Patent Kyt. Cups ham re
atornl my atgbt. for wfekb I aw uot thankful to
tlx Pat bar of Mamas, lljr your advartlaamant I
jaw at a glabra (bat your tutaluabki Eye Cups pcr
formed their work larfwtly Ml anrmdah-a wMb
physiological la a , Lbat Lbar Ittaaally fad Ua ryaa
(bat a era atari tug for nutrition. May tiod grnaily
bicaa yon, and may your bams ba wmtinaed la tba
tfl- t. natr memuriaa of wnliiplbrl tbonaanda aa
una of tba latirfirtm of Tuor bind."
Moaa'a 11. lil'luirt, If. l., any*: "I sold, and
affected future aana Überaby. Ilia Pete at py#
( UJE. Ibey will mete money, and make M I eat, IM ;
no email, ret, '.-penny efiar, but a auparb, number
una, tip-top biiatnaaa, promise*. aa far as I can am,
to Ira life- teg."
Mayor C. wrote aa, but atn bar ink,
IMP •• I baaa (rated tba Patent Itory Pja Cups,
and I am aal lifted I bay ara good. 1 am plaaai.d
wliblbrm. 1 bay are lartemlj tba graalaat inten
tion of tba age " f
Hon. Ittwet-g Outui. lata editor of tba Maw
York Tt limsr, wrote: •* Im. J. Bain, of our city,
la a < oner-wutioua and r*s| oneltila loan, wbo la lu
oapeine of IhlaatUonal deception or linpuailuib."
Prof W. Mtaair* wrbrw; "Truly, lam grata,
ful to your nubia luveutwo. My eight tsrewlorad
by your patent Eya Cups. May Hasten 11— and
Itmrrtryou. I bats bean using a) setae* wanly
ytwia. I ant acrwoty-ono reals obL I do all my
, wn'.tng wllboul g!eases, and I bteaa tba inretiUar of
tba Patent Eye Cape eaary Uaa I labs up my Oid
alial yati."
Ai-' liioswßKao, M. V., nhywbten to Emperor
!fa|deoa, wrote, after baaing htaatrfbt ruatorsd by
our 1 "atelit l>a Cnpa; "With gmtanda to (sod,
and tbabkfulncm to tba Inventors, Da. J. be in A
t'.i., I to reliy rouuuttstid tba tnel et tba Eya Cups
(in lot faiUil 'JO all and etery una llisl baa any Un
paired • yratgbt, ballet:ng aa I do, ibal gtooa tbart
pr.niiu't wilti tbta wonderful dlaooawry baa proved
attdonaaful on tne, at my advanced period or Ufa—
bluett yaara of ago—l larUeaa Ibey will i tartuea (bo
liaton to any Indieidual if lbar ara properly
applied. ADuU'U BIuKMBEBO. M. 5."
Bmnai i tarn irk f Maaambaartte, Ami, a..
Jane Alb. UTS |r.onaiiy aM-iad AUolpb l#-iru
berg, made oatb to Ute f-lloeing nrtlßcele, and by
gun eutan-rlbed and eworn l-f-era me
MM. mrtnf, J. p.
l.ewagacg CITT, M-aaa , June ib, IST I.
We, tba underi-igttod, banug f rwoaatly known
Dr. Adolpb liiorubrig lor yaara, U-llrta bin. te ba
aa bonaat, morel men. liuatwiofby, and In Imia
and ntac.l) nnapottad. Hm rbaracter la wilbon:
raproacb. V UUMKEi. El-Mayor,
8. B. W. DAVIH. Ei-Msyor, •
otUrtu.E tt. MUtltlU, P. Me
Btv. w. D. Jut ktun, M. D., of CbUltmtbe, Mo.,
woo baa utal, and seen otber jwrtlea Uee oar Eye
Oil*, writes: "'I a Utoaa wbonak my adrttwAboal
your /fatraf ffp CVi t I am bippy to state ibal I
ballet a tbern to be ut great edvet.leg - In many caaaa.
and ab'-uld ba triad by all and paginated by none.
Tele MP holiest rontrteftOß."
Bender, three are a few errl) Ana tee nut of thoa.
seixl* we racalte, and to tba aged ww wtli gnarantaa
tour old and diseased ayea can be made new; your
unpaired atgtil. dunnew of rtateo, and oie worked
cjrw ran be rewlored; a oak, watery and sore ryaa
cured ; tba blind may aa#; ajtaeteelaa ba discarded;
atgbt restored an l rwton praaaraud. Bpactacies
and surgical operations narlnaa.
Picasa send your address la us, and wa trill send
you our book, A OEM U'oliTH BEADiSU:
.Sore poor Kyt* and flnfm par SipLt f
Tkrvtr A tap pour SpaetarUa
By reading oar Il usinaed Fkytteigy and Anato
my of the I yteigbt. of luu fegee, u-Jls bow to raster
Itnpairtd trtaion aud ots rworkrd ry at; bow to cure
week, watery, inflamed and unar-eigMod ryaa, and
alt otber d lace tee gl the ayea. W sale t.c. mote 1. ucy
by adjoat ng bug# gtaaaas an yoar noaa and Alabg
ttrtng your ia liouk inatiod free to any person.
Baud ou your ad drear. ,
To frrii tb I'blrul H)f Cus* Uf til tliodndi of
ywwjfile wr.'.it dtaPkiMfd *rtm aud Uij|iaim4 in
jrour oouiAtjr. Auj t*rwou r%u art a* oar A#riA.
To gruUrmttx or fa<lM. §5 1 I2D * fuar
a&icf d. paruculani mrjl fr. Writ# immedA-
Mdj to
dxi. or. haxilj t fc co..
(P. O. Boa USf . XEW YOKE CITE. S. T.
Do not mua tba opportunity of being Ant la tba
field.. Do not deist. M'rilo by Aral mall, (iriwl
Snduoamaßta and largt proAta offrrod to farmers
during the winter month*, and to any pcrauu wbo
wauls a Arat-rlaaa paying busintdt.
IE Tkt uaonr oomitnaiow AUOWU TO
Aaaicra m s>i llofat in tat I tcrrtti disrga.
6f f*r PatEjiie! of lit Btiiakio Bc-lieftoa Bcai
t Addrew, itrj CrEEh*,l. t E. I I
It. nuwxi.TTwi -e-O
WONDEBFTI. f*r<-('KMM sf!k fMMI •' lb#
is (HI dar It twtnf 1h oh r|lrtr Wfn>
• n *2.d(r. pf tfc* *•'<-
) tiiwf •■r > t iirnnd bmidltifm womlrtlal fthibil.
rri<NkMirt trrn! An\ otc lllmm mirf and (t f
' fhfit>pr thAT ant • Uwf .r% ImmI trm-f *1 On* www
jk#wm rWwl MMi >n 4 et.lNUi
Swnd d<frf* !j f pnml if •*wA,cikini to i oAriAlA.rJwr|ej.
tnd foil iWfnplw#. ux) pi*rn vrm
lfd ntAMI HN< VUI-M . I'llila. P* . A Nr<nn*ft*M. MM*
n a TTTTAW llcwmrr of ftWli rUuiMsi oQm
UAU 1 lUIi *
Saf* k Itowifie PMpurla*. " hit >w m1 m m blMod
IMirrftwr |{pr.n| l iU r.) eorrm, (i
14 tirr rpmwiiM hd VioUad. I tiMtd llw Übnrtf*? and
ctntin' wl u.jwf-K oi itn jr**n(Ti rotf.l It • jnfsrd
fr-wn Lirk rt n4 nwrt*, wowh "f whifh i*
pfMrtj.khtl Ihwj rr ot&}*> iruW ir uch * ou;ir M
. to prod new aof.mtftl.ifw wwultft ~
I* tba (treat Bktod PuriHer
WUI cum th# w-trwi nw <f SemJalk.
1 nwommm Jwul by PtfwcuiK *ftd A jmH bfctn
lift* atom* mintliNU cnna m c*m * at Cutokr.
f'nnw tb# mrt r#M of ranker
_ Mrwtft with wrmdnrful ftuccraft in Macruriftl tlmawft
Will wradtcftl* Halt Rhwutn from th# sptna
Currft lh moat inrrti-rat# caMw tf Kfr*ijlki.
Pituplrft and Hwoon thr
Com (VnMUpatkon and Rpgftl*Un th iLituslt
la a Tftltutil* rrnwvly for Hnftdftch*.
W ill fklT l>>-*prpi*.
Rpttorw the wntirw ytcm tft • hnalthjr condition.
Curft r*in la thn Sulc.
RrmofM the CkUM of I>:r* nw.
RbIIPTMA FaintnfM nl Uik Stomach.
('arm Pfttn* in the Ilck.
Rffectuftlly cure* Kidney Complaint.
la effective in it a cure of Female We%knr*R.
I the irreftt remedy f*r CieucraJ Debility
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vesting U Sold by all Dru^jfiiu
I a COMIf PIIOTOte. like, ae Tea MetuPfe
IIP AaW.rn in n. 111. by ||i STMtt I Olv . Msaaeu. !<
A OPltfT*? " w toll St • I }• aeary family.
AUXill I 3 Art-. Am.tb Mlf ;•* .Warrastgr. Mas*
gill tl/Kii r sad l*asfiama_CfiateaUardit! or PV r
V/ nrcds free far ctstap f I' ,r. a, ('Sj-de.Naw V-ek.
lylilNTl II not "Utrwwg Hint" Cwsra, meda
J h, \ AMt.gaai n<t.W,t4a A i .1, |i iti.,M V
\IIM MiI.TUN I. MIM, arm ha Kb
lent paid, by J II I.AMhTSii. Llumactad|i. MY 1
855; s77j inters,
$5 to $29 ~V,
$ 12
A IMY W Asuif Knv*ifl frer S]f MM
*e0) UUldftlfi f f'l ff'ff lk ff fte-r IMP ' V
Drum utD v
uTkSVwnnt ftwaygtsgsrs
Of- ttf"Tl IT I 1(1 I
tetaa t.. I ful.Y. 111 Harass jtltwW Hawfarti
Itllllan A CO, 3 a Ktal I h luet. Jfew Vtob.
I'MK AfstTlN'ai j PHI'K ui MAIL. f.Vc
P.MIUK Hoic.l.|< A1 " TIM MPa 'tt .
I ultrn.and tU-dterautabtnad.' M. At) .V .VtbM.Pbil
■ I tilt Til f AKK Milfidfl pta Weak API I
■ I IMI. TKAsTlirrUll lit I . 1... fee A!,
ftCAt ( AMTJS TKA 1(1. 11l f,tute-i .** 8t .KawYutk.
VVA>ThI Tbaadenaaof any baelnA AHTII.kf A,
II itsi. pis of ram* It sent lrc A l.lte= w.< h stamp
t . It. \\ f-.TI.IKH A I tt.. AddlaoH, >. V
L*j:< Tun hki.Thx A Mbw.tnr.Ar. rin
ft rSKTC ue (.* ueMaalnra dat .i/ty bet tagctrea.
js .* ech u la tt Un.mHi.-üb' kcaV-d
ftACAA* year l Agrala. led and a
$2 500 d"s **" Y. V -j . I
In* V McMnYuat. Any . TOY Aawamafit. fhtla.Pa.
Cftll CDOV tf VlTft T 4 Dr - "W ftftp*
ErUtPaT iss?JSt£anssjsS^
01A H ATt'HIM. A (ton ImiAia fiampK
X 0 Wateb a. ) < hit/It ft*> p. te>..i. unite :aa
WW < mid AAdms.
Art fin t .Heath. Unit wasted M bast aalb
J, all Jig ta tt* sotii '* nampis teas.
<WV II Adtrtaa J A % HHOTwON. Un;..H. Miaw
f lltlll f. os-uplc. .4 turn ttardea te PI "*
| I lls Heeds met f*ff wt :3-- -c at • tj
(litis p-u rte .ee peatsge Klki-kHk PI-AST
iii t\. HAftßbtw..rmtc,
a gui a U rafi an to Agates Tba Haw Wok
YV •
hi HK P* MMT itad Ittil.liAs fe • detect ta ,
4rn fww* wptrnl too tu4+ wpYsrry tld Biw U* **•
iiiW w law lir.| Nml rf -frP fttP C-ICfthr
qn $25
■■BBHlMftftMftftMftP l^> *' iui "" "■ Mu> '
HIT t'f i'MITTTMI A " 4S "'
Ac 11* it." I,* ansae Mi ated. SPtto. <'<jmi*mliw.
j > I II:. K A ■ . He* Twi
mA4> X rtMkplfMMf, rk*irwr!-i-ow • to
tiry I linriT-Tf. Titatwr, Lwitf. lirv* J tfft.TctMM • !•-
itlt awflU. M*t for lace* Tiia—iwy lUrt ' 'j . t
Id I KKIsTY. ErSifAftlj I* O tMnM rn On.
Co South!
bate 1-atieos itmd lie fur m-t*. b. ete Add"#
i.alklLh A VlMteLXMte, M IP Aster time, Ssa > tefc.
WiNTf 0 **> • tasset wiwitellralttaawr
AH ICU M aiteeeaa . i> tltsea < ...neya ad
Lamp t.-scda Sw PrsUtltaa- buy bbeesl teat
nam p.rmeaaal It t*i ami Wart! ag etpamw paw
Muni runt, teas Un *i( MtiaK.OtoJto.O
till Msteuitt gaga ga pa
at,luiets It* yno .-*y, *t a saaall
cost. M#JJ-*" ■ uUUU "'■ l "toad crpitsi
ru-Jad PtossaM W W an j t -r. c 1 W by
sudrceemg Jae. T. it llHswus, ckmms.n. Q(m*._
lory ctraalsr sat tree. BOKfc ISA t BmAaga.
Jt tlc-*d Mete*, f O II i ;A.ta. Has Ywtt
Kagntm mflte btteaieawte Maw to'Utb *to
from MaeTtek.ft3l-utl.guld per part .cab r.-pw > te
K A I'unmuel' M_.JP3 Heat h W',.sa kd. Meek nit.
';! *??Sltesir l FdtffCt w-tT
Pbc*l CMntdw. taamM. and A lumijdr IMaats. "39 tea.
UauFrat. J OBCIVEA.Sec. DtAS. Put..N J
Oan't Be Annoyed Any More. ;£
Herwlcb. Pn.. (■** p:e*f Pstect Rabbar to e be*.
S rurcft LaM ft end **nreW t k^rp
K'fltime Nn lnw <M U Hiwl -KW AgwUl
• KfttlNKi < rcwftl Nriid _
fllli tJ -Tba ch*urate in tba ararbl Imp-!•*'
I I ,A >. prteP-Ui-te Oteßgacy m An** = ■'
tei gls items thine •ia|*dr Tre-U celtetislly ■
ere.stag Agent > eaa*d etarrebarw tea: u-looaroawte
- A*l nto Urn ted fat t tr to B>HI V
V r. l US. 43 Veeey fit. Maw Tmk. P <> ft** IW.
Mft Praf- Hall's Magte t
b tassah paresgea* Wh.ra
wWtf ta* tha-fc •- '
BjA as
JPgak c-y >a mf CM. ■ • ftto-Aftcjp dkfiW'* rM
8 crMfk tBA- Uf, fitHftj.r. l fcf
mim l w sTi<t -* j*.-. _
The Morning Hour. i.B ß .^u.n.
.A • /" . The ftwwt ftetr- br ♦ twcrvfdvftl
(mm 4 d (h# yftcr "HftH* ft dkitv fc Msftft.wwd Tft
ftuUtnt 1 nofyfthpr* U T. Hi* bwAi* l'ft d
ft irBi ftftlfts, kftd fttw m cfttiif.l dm *wl Tl.t nkm
f-r- - ftrwrk- l.nelBdr# t#irr Vi> A -ft I'-Jl
Urw ftdlnk, J H H*w
Caaoar. Catarrh. Kept art. Opiate Haled etc . MiVT
rny.y ,a neept to mae Add-em lr Bant Lbepen
tan. No |fi North Htb HWtcal. M loiilc. b..
We W>. by sn-tal reaMt. near luu dAaante tw*>sre.
Ice. for e mail* ;i.fl all ettadeed read* was. r.M
and aaa, railed M ia I'm metsia. We bare seed
HstcL's t'niapimil > -c-jgfc <■* At* pairs W!k
in aipafite i iuaaai. tots rasrndy baa bad a -:#
.Ufrf LtMUB MQ AIMNT ll WftlAft lAkkdltf, ■ftftfiiftl^
fttttf oof rM ■'■mmr-rm tm*h eiufornly to H* fft*wr. a
ft kkte kftd A-fh. HPtt mm I*cm+ • it* k .e* 1 _ M
mm fi A V|fMai!
LAHLII Al - kct Cfftrt imrc tl ! •'
i Ut SU Ctv stwii":
Watebehetn. I an at K|A si ten An
It ra! Hcartp.u, 1 Igfiy'. Wadd.aY-rta* aal i uaprvui 4
L'-cUar botbin Sstcfacwoa weer-wtaed or r -aiet re
,-.u .1 Tell ■* J list Jeeeite.. IMI V.* • N\
The hast fan. ly u-a -ptpar published eagtte pagat. fifty
sis cltaa. read:tig (IS per aaacm. elab* of etoten. ft 13 par
AfMIWB COPY (illATlft.
hftfi knnr# thft W oCAftf tftft'ij M
palaLk II XHiOCdtlg ttftw UKMft M
, r ihiti I HIT acre, m ft- -1 calturft. if to.* .w
--•ml WtJ nrrcUi
11. 11. r tIITII. H ant Ha em, I'm
Yonig Ante: ton Pi t— Co.. (?V .
53 Alt nuti *' ia* Vonji. Jftgb • /
irtoaarit iiae bctt late state jtefifC—.
trirunklag ysednllag presses.
mim fiAtmi kg (ft a. we. jwwA- m ft- As* a ktollSkMi^:
nauwhft.C ftwi-ftbtw it WZThr rftCftCftT ■ ■"'■toft-' *
CrcklMAftAA. *pAciwkm>Aftyyw 3uu.A.-, utku.
Shopping Made Easy.
Wa Lftkm I*i in olkriai <n*r imnw ft* pwhnwi
it U*m nr.* mythiM pnw*Mk n Nr* Vt
of TO ta*a*l nr*Ai W -Ijtoin rvon;* .'I CftfiU
i cjvwlkr ( TtM
fifitoam ( lcAtg?. a L ytm AIM,
Ttse PAKtli:*-'! MtIV Publadsadat Ylinnr
npstlle. Minn., is dattW-d t> ta greet Wbett tnd i.s.eiug Inleftes at tba N.etliwaet Part ute tf>
letign .w ascnttenulito nsotvug West, aad wish I" lessons
csmeeeaawt wttn lY Mississippi Vsiley aad tba beautiful
country Wtet of the Mlsnasiri i R.ccr. sh-mld a tb-criha
le tk. IMU ill.ll-' I NlsIN, tin tarty Vg , , 1
txpaf in this srs-ruM Tews J'.'.H per Year Sis
M.uith. la 1.1 . Trial Ocp.c. ri.rre M. .it s, j cent*.
Ssmpb-TAe Addrnaa. lUlMKIts' fNIOb.
MlttwenpallSs Rlua. Pur Adtart.sing patpmae It ia
lbs best madium ir, tb* Xortbwast. _
nkirrnlli ( ftinhli! will LUhlnrni.
I*pan rmoropt of ft mwy order, wo will
tlmlirrr tt. thft m*pra*ft * rftilruftd
* \ infft A.jurft t-wih. mchr* lan*.
k S cii ••iasit tooth, l w iDrim iui(, fur 3a<s
NICtIY aoifD.
IKrr lOOFIttf Dimmi !.*, cvtiw S 'OitNM*.
The only K*>k fftirly hm hit-* etlf tlhiliAt "f
lha Art (iftllcrt nd Main H-iiMuu Wide Wkl Afccti
•re outttmw ell infnri r b *ikn for thm. !•%•! |U*
Son si fur c rculier. larmn. so 1 unyk fafrin*.
P. \V. /.II (.11 It .V t 11.. „|M - !• Is. l'a
I'd 14 CUM ATI'S.
One picksge -f Caltww "sred by mill. prep.d. *n
the race i. .u tine Dull.. P in Currency
A.tdra-s, J. 11. W tUTI.dt'K,
I'alUttlßs AiHDttUia.
sST;>!nd f D-ftlcr* in !nfn cr o*U quant .tint: by tho
raH n or put up in bsillinft. . .
Privato forwaki tttoirtd '-B ?sr.ct orftiftxienee, of
Ink*. Mua'.IAITO. I'hcmiftslft Mn ticinn*.
l> ,nr a !!** I'Mtn.Tft. with *—' nonrowd nwhlHrj
uid tinder ih# upennton toooft *d % Camto, mm
can offer *mftl tndnofttnontf t*io tr id.*
orpr.i: A HoitKXft
Prr,ni.- •* W MftCi l * Wi.rkft. BwfN ni*
listing improia l ' t-a uo:! t, --I uiir IVsrp n -w being
sol 1 under tba " PEKKI.KSS ' Lcktt. we snail her.-s tar
ad..14. tor lba impn.vad qnehty. the br.ind V. 1111 It
We shell .dsn manufactar* i l'.eer no.iliy of Warp,
which all basnl I uml-r the "Ff.Kill.Klib ' bran !.
Knquire for "WHITR RTAH AAA" Ogyte Warp of
all leading Dry (inula I mtoi.
rTs! S r.g dlfferiag frsm slim gars, la
easier, sdspta Itself to oil f-tb
e iioassf ik b.Jr. wkllsrke ball la
K eCNSISLC mf ths ep preaaea back ta# In
rfOa C TRUSS M twstlnas just. • • P® l ?®®
M IRUSSJjy wou j,i with the finger *"b
.Ac f,, press-, IS# is held
sseste', 4 r sua uukk si 4 s rsdlsal su.e ser-s.u lllsesay,
4ursM-s.Job.sp. e#s. bj wsll. 'l™#. lite.
I ECCLEATON TRUSS CO.. Marshall, Mich.
v a 11 " 'f
VV" en" WKITINU TO AAYtk."ta.
II p rase any tbat Tea ssa ibe*rtiast
i maui |g this paper-