The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 05, 1877, Image 2

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    h9 Centra Reporter*
CENTRE HALL, Pa., April 5., ih77
The Tweed trouble is throwing up a
new bubble of trouble, and lb* re is quite
n commotio* in Albany over the report
that Tweed has made out a l-ill against
every member of the legislator > • ! h""-*
and IS7I to whom be paid, taken
from the city treasury, as bribery, w ith
names and amounts and bus assigned
the bills to the city as payment of the
|G, 000,000 judgment, Then- is consider*
ble speculation over who will be em
braced in the list. It is claimed that it
not only includes legislat- rs but a num
ber who have been prominent in k*a
affair* heretofore utwuspootrd of shar
lug in the money taken from the ri
Some of John Bull's lo'.L* have been
punishing an outrage done to one ol
Uncle Sam's s, hooncr* cut in At a
Advices from Congo, w < *t roast of v n >:<
January IN, state that the British wai
steamer Avon had destroyed seven
villages on the Congo Ktver, r.t.d ki"<<i
three natives, a puni>hn.< t'rp! "•
dering the American' * tier lh ma-
Ntckrson,of New \ork. lhi* \<<
had been captured by the native* ami
about thirty tons of coffee w ere carried,
off up the country. She was tut Iby tl.i
Avon in order to prevent further ; ii.n
--d ring.
Now then, after this, ifauv - ueundi r
t ike®to hurt John Bull -ec how Cm '.i
Samuel will step in and admin-ster ;
black eye.
One "dam" disaster Allow- another
Tnc year started in with, vheating
Tilden out of the presidency, thi- -
quickly followed by the terrible dam
disaster in Connecticut, by wl.iih pet
haps'Jmilliou dollars worth of | ro|erty
was destroyed Partieu'.-.r- in a:, thn
- e •
AVe have no less than three ooitna v
notices upon cue case of death, llu
obituary mania is growing a little t
strong f<r printers and readers, at:
while corpses go under the ground, in
fear the practice of writing about thi-m
is being run into the ground, as a i* u'.-
mon saying goes. Thc-e notice* often
are annecessaiily lengthy ami <r wdintt
other matter of greater inu re-: to tht
reader. AVe see no nccesaity of extoll
ing the dead—the living need our at
tention much more. To who
did not know the deceased, an obituary
is the dryest kind of reading-to those
who did know- them the virtues of the
departed need not be rt-luar il. and
then there is the fond practice of exag
gerating good qualities. Often long
strings of stuff are written on the
death of an infant, telling what a won
derfulchild thedear litCeone was. AA'edo
not object to these tilings if they can be
put into a space not exceeding about ten
lines, and that is enough for any ordi
nary mortal, man, woman or child, if
any thing at need be said at all.
POOR 1101 SE.
Mifflin county has a poor-house, ami a
prominent citizen of that county informs
u that it is a sorry affair for the tax
payers of that county, on account of the
gross mismanagement of the institution.
This gentleman says that their poor
house management wouid IK- in a
far healthier condition, and lose burden
some for the tax-payers, ifnoi hi so close
proximity "to the evil influences of
tlieir county town." Here is just what
argues against m.tnv similar institutions
in other counties. The politicians, at
at the county seats and other elements
indigenous to all county towns, prey
upon poor-houses making them sources
of profit for themselves in a hundred
little ways and positions and soft steal
ings, which would not be the case if
located out of reach of these influences.
Oar people will have to vote upon this
question.on 21 ofthis month. Let thc.-u
consider the matter fully and vote in
telligently. The Commissioners will
have the power to locate if it carries,
and this question of where it would most
likely escape influences that make poor
houses in many counties a source of pri
vate profit, demands first considera
We are further informed bv the same
gentleman, that the Miiiliiecountv poor
house farm has 2uo acres of good, clear
land, and that it requires (14,000 to be
raided by taxation, in addition totheen
tire farm products, to keep the institu
tion, whereas with proper management
the income of the farm should defray
the expenses. The pauper labor there
amounts to nothing, and outside of w hat
labor the paupers do perform, lie informs
us, the other hired labor costs more than
it does on any other 200 acre farm in
that county. When the institution was
founded, some 2o years ago, the expense*
were some (000 per annum above the
proceeds of the farm. This sum has in
creased from year to year until now it
requires ( 11,000 per year in addition to
the products of the farm to pay expenses.
He thinks if the poor house were pro
perly managed it would be nearly pelf
sustaining. Here is the trouble. Can
we have a poor-house and farm ami be
secure against mismanagement? If so,
then there would be little to fear, but
we all know how such Institutions are
run. The starting in may be well
enough, but how in the long run? If
we are to have it, let the Commissioners
so locate it as to best secure it against the
evils that are chalked against the poor
house in our neighboring county <sf Mif
The president lias decided to with*
draw the troop 3 from South Carolina,
thus leaving Hampton where the people
want him, governor of the State.*
Ex-Mayor liall has not yet been beard
of. Where is Oakey Iiall? never mind
about Charley Ross.
A Rhinecliff, X. Y., on Saturday
morning Mrs. Burns and her four chil
dren were burned to death in their
house which had taken tire.
A new railroad freight war is on the
carpet again.
On Saturday gold went up a point in
New York, selling at 105.
A report has reached London that the
roof of the Mount Cenis Tunnel has
fallen in overwhelming two passenger
Chamberlain asked for a commission
to settle the South Carolina matter.
Hampton "asked" no favors.
The State Bank, tjarrjsburg, has fail
It is said upon good unliiaoy liut
Mr. Tilden's attorney had prepared pa,-
pers to test Hayes' tide to the presiden
cy, in the courts.
They think Oakey Hall arrived in
Liverpool on the steamer Victoria, un
der the liauie of "Sutliff."
Fraudulent Haves inv'Ns.l Hampton,
the legally chosen gojJUtcr of South
Carolina, and I'hambcrfain tlir pretender
to . omo to \\ c.shingtnn, so ho might have
a talk with thrm and loarn from thorn
bout thoii claims. Hampton knowing
his right to the governorship, derived
from an ovorwhelming majority of the
votes ol Sonth Carolina, eouhl not see
that the matter was any of Fraudulent
ritmVs business, so at tirst thought he
made up hia mind not to accept the in
vitation, upon second thought thcgalUnt
South Carolinian concluded ho would
go out of courtesy. \ud ho went. On
Uia journey to Washington last week h
was met at every station by thousands
ofcitirons who had assembled to greet
him. At Wilmington in reply to an ads
dross ho uttered the following patriotic
and manly speech :
"M\ Fin KM*-* 1 G' 1 to W asbington
simply to state I eforo the lhesidcnt the
fact that the po<>|*le of South I'aroltiia
nave elected me Governor of that State
I go there to say to him that we a.k no
recognition from any President \\ <
,-lainv the recognition fr<m the votes < :
itii* people of Uve Slate. 1 gi* there ti*
s-mv him that we ate not lighting for
partv, but that wo are lighting t* l r the
g.nwf of the whole country. I am going
.heretodcuiand our tight.*, nothing less,
and si help n.e v.<hl, t** take mutm
le-.- 1 g*> to toll htm the condition that
South Carolina has been in for yeai>
past; that oui jw-ople have been under
It-a*lvantage- never encountered ly any
other people on the * outiuent; that th y
a! Mid the election, vvcie sins cs-ful.
and that they propose l-> enjoy the fruits
of their victory."
AM.V 7"S UK! i, /.* /' */'/"At II-
Grant, not having been heard Ot sine®
March 4 last, live lU-;*ertcr com hided he
had gouc to see Charley Ko> lie turn
ed up at Cincinnati, however, the oilier
day. where he tuade the longest sjK-ech
of his life. Gen Graut said
GENTLEMEN Tl is reception **a* en
tire) v unexpected by me, but I aasure
vut "1 am very gl<l to nieei you a!:, and
feci very thankful to you for kind
reception. 1 have no doubt but 1 will
be a grvat ileal better fellow now than 1
a.,--ix months ago. 1 don't suppose 1
wi'.i have any political opjvonents now
-ince we are all sovereigns together, as
I hope we will continue to be for a good
many year* yet. Ift el that 1 have com
-idtruble life, health ami strength left
notwithstanding the pa.-t sixteen year*
.f labor and toil I have undergone,
which perhaps is not surpassed by any
other sixtien years of my life.
i-otsosis<. INS WIN: TO M.VKHY A an it
MVS'* U.vll. lITKB TIIK ftlls-Slca rot!-
MKKLY A KE-tOKSr < f JtmsttV SIl >KK
c* Ns :• vsivs: n>N —"l w i*it nnuN f
From the Chicago Times,
AMITON, Illinois, March !3.
The centre of the excitement in Let
county is this little town o( A-hton, a
pretty* village of 1 ,dOO inhabitants on
Ihc Clinton division of the Northwo
tern Hailway, about eighty-three tuilcs
trom Chicago. Something less than a
year ago there dropped in upon the quit
f. Ik of that burgh the Kev. a. H. Mctieo
<r "the elder," as everybody soon catue
to call him. There is unite asettkiucut
of so-called "Christains ' hereabouts ami
he came to preside over tlieir church.
He brought with him bin wife, one year
hi* junior, a daughter atvout fifteen years
of age— who became a mother at thir
teen—and a son about twelv .* years .if
age. Mrs. McGee was an uprcientn u*.
unassuming, pleasant lady, w h.-ni to
know was to respect.
KC-siding near this village is aweulthy
and influential farmer,one of the nabol -
of this region, named Thomas Paddock,
with grown-up daughters. One of the
most attractive is Lorella, or "Killa,"
everybody calls her, who has seen aboii
twenty summers. Mr. Paddock, beiu
one of the pillars of the church, cxertc.
all his influence to make the stay of th
elder among them as pleasant as po**i
ble, and the families in a short tin.
came to be on very intimate visitin
It was soon observed that the preci h
cr showed u decided preference for th
society of Killa, and it w as said by mat.
that the young lady returned his fon<!
When this preacher made his advent
here, Hilla was engaged to a young man
• named Throop. He had been here but
a few months when it is reported, Mrs
Throop saw the preacher kissing or at
. tempting to kiss her prospective daught
er-in-law at a camp meeting. This en
■ raged the old lady. Hhe made a r w
, about it. She was determined to have
a church meeting over the matter, hut
the affair was tinaliv hushed up "to
avoid bringing the church of God into
Sometime about the 10th of February
Mrs. McGee became ill, and l>r. Brow n,
a physician of excellent repute in this
section of country, was called to attend
her. The symptoms kept changing,and
about the time hedetermined it was one
thing, it would appear to be something
else. To the doctor's mind there were
indications of poisoning. However, in
the course of a few days she so far re
covered that his visiting ceased. About
the 2 >th he was again called, and after
leaving four powders, the first of which
was administered by him elf, he left.
This was about o'clock in the evening
At 2 o'clock the next morning lie was
again sent for. The symptoms were
alarming. He found that the powders
had all been given, and the patient was
in spasms, ltilla l'addoek was in the
house, with several other ladies, in at
tendance upon the patient. The doctor
asked her to go to the drug store, not
more than a hundreds yards removed,
and tell the druggist to give her some
chloroform. The druggist complied with
the request, but as soon as ltilla was
gone he hurried to the doctor's house
and asked Mrs. Brown to run over tothe
parsonage and cajl her husband, as lie
wished to see him on iuijiortant busi
ness. Mrs. Brown complied. As so<<n
as the doctor came into the house the
the druggist remarked to him that he
believed that he was dealing with a case
of poisoning, as Elder McGee had called
there early in the afternoon and procur
ed some strychnine.
This confirmed the doctor's worst
fears. He hurried back to the parson
age as fast as his legs could carry him,
and as soon as he entered the sick room
he gathered front the tloor the papers
which had contained the powders and
the spoon with which they had been ad
ministered. lie also directly ordered
coflee as an antidote. The nurses at the
bedside instantly surmised w hat was in
the doctor's mini], and remarked to one
another. "This means poision."
At the inquest which followed the de
cease of Mrs. McGee, Mrs. Freeman
Ncttleton, one of the nurses, testified
that when the patient took the first
powder, administered by thedoctor him
self, -ihe made no remark. Two hours
later, w hen she herself gave the second,
Mrs. McGee said, "Oh, now hitter this
is." The Third powder called for no re
mark. On taking the fourth, however—
she was already in spasms—lhe patient
again spoke up", saying, "Oh,this is ter
ribly bitter; this is like the second one."
Mrs. McGee died shortly after six o'clock
in the morning, the last hours of her life
being marked by terrible convulsions.
As she expired her knees were so tight
ly pressed against her chest us to leave
their impression there.
The physician advised a post-mortem
examination, and the Coroner waasum
moned. The evidence being exceeding
ly damaging, the stomach was sent to
Chicago for analysis, tlie jury in the
meantime adjourning until such annaly
sis should be made.
On Friday night the report came from
Chicago that the chemist hud found one
grain ofstrvchnine in the atomm it. On
last Saturday the Coroner's jury held
their adjourned session. At this time
Dr. Brown gave important testimony ad
ditional to what he bad deposed at* the
first meeting of the jury. Then he only
recited tlie facts as presented in 4he
narrative, with some additions,to
tip.' urjjuct that lie had tasted the papers
containing two of tlie powders and
found Ihe ui hitler —ajjso the spoon, with
which the powders uef.e adut,nist v rc.l—
while the powders lie had prescribed lin
ing composed of bismuth and calomel,
were tasteless. The addendum he gavo
to the jury lust Saturday wasto the fol
lowing elicit On the day following
the death, the doi tor had a convcra.ition
with Me* <OO in the roar of his ham. The
doctor an id "Thin is a laid business, the
talk about town, ai-out poisoning, is
liable to injure Bio. There lias got to ho
some investigation in ordei to save my
reputation." I'hcn the preacher remark
ed. "Well, who is running this spoon
business, any way* I have the .-pouu,"
remarked the doctor. "Well, can I you
fix it, can't y on put no me <|iiiuiiic in it to
conceal ttie taste of the poison, licit may
help me."
'I lie pi cache! does not deny this 101.
versalion, except in uc.nd to one word
He claims that he did not *o* tins ina*
help me," but "This may help us
t he jury returned n verdict that "Mis
Mcliee rame to hot death hv heing| i
oned wiih strychnine, and that from tin
evidence they t>elieve the drug was ad
ministered hy Mr. Milne."
lin Monday morning the icvciclid
gentleman, in • bulge of a constable, was
taken tn Oixon, where he n>
languishes in jail, aw ailing his liiul for
Mcliee was ex<ce.luigly dit-ssy, w ut
lit C hi* stovepipe liat jaunlly oil > lie
side, and S|K rung a goatee. He was
born in t'linlait countv, Pennsylvania,
in htl, and mart led when 2" year* of
age, while hi* wife w.<* It- He tnoved
to Indiana, w here b l ' * A l'<c- lent
of the 1 ol Ktver Confer-i ce < f t'hii*-
Han*. He had been a itiinistci" since
I*7l,and pastor at this pla.e about nine
months. It now transpire* that he
bought strychnine twice trom the same
druggist, and the tirst tune eoir-.s| <n>!
mo*t auspiciously w ththe inception of
In* wife'a sickness, a month ..go IVople
su*|H-i ted htm of the intention to poison
hi* wife, and it wasc< mmongossip that
be was trying to get ml of her with a
view ofuiarrving Uil a, in order that he
might tk t a slice of Paddock s property.
The old gentleman has two daughter*
married and in each instance he utade
hi* sons-in-law a present of a farm. Of
course he would have done no less for
the husband of Killa.
I lie I•<k 1 * of Mil i<-i- * wile was in 1 yet
coKl w hen he set at out arranging the
details for the funeral, and in-;-tc<l that
the obfequtcs should take place immedi
ately the very day of her death, tie
was nit then aware th.<i be was supc< t
ed of uiurder. This effort ou las jatrt to
get the evidence of hi* guilt under ground
was strenuously resisted however, hy
the neighbors and be was forced to ac
quiesce to n postponement. Curing the
tirst watch-night, halfa dozen people, or
more sat tip with the h dy. Met ice wa
shout most of the time, now and then
taking a nap, or at least, on a lounge At
one time be seemed to become oblivi
ous of surroundings, and exclaimed, in
seeming great mental agony, apparent!*
speaking to himself, "Oh, 1 wish 1 hadn't
done it." "I wish so, too," spoke up a
brave > o ug lady pr. s ut. Hi s remark
-coined to recall htm to a consciousness
of his surroundings, lie became deeply
agitated and walked the floor the rest of
the night. To one of the party. M.->
Vessie Glen. he had mkn -<*!<• lg< i that
he had purchesed strychnine in the af
ternoon previous to his wife's dci}th,
but in the presence of the t'oroner'sjury
he stoutly denied it. Thomas Acre*
composed one of the party who watched
with the body the second night. Met be
was about most of the time, and, during
a conversation with Mr Acres, remark
ed, "I've no doubt they'll find polnon in
in the stomach, and if they do, my God,
what will becomeff me'
The analysis was made by I'rof.
Ilavnes. the chemist a.-sociatc<l w .th the
Hush Medical College, and one tl<ir<l of
the stomach it said to have realised one
grain of strychnine.
In an interview had with the sitsj < vi
ed person, before he was taken to jail,
he intimated his belief that |>oi-on
might be found in the stomach s ihmit
teil to analysis, but claimcdthat if found
it got there through the carelessness of
the doctor or druggist He stated that
he had always livid happily with h.*
wife. Indeed, one brother in hischurch
had intimated to him that they pelted
each other too niu ;h. He so: I that yut
before she died she put her arms about
bis neck and said "How ran I leave
you?" he claimed to have no access to
the medicine given her in the night 1 e
fore her death. It was all given by the
neighboring women who came in to as
sist. lie i (aimed that the OBljJnidMMt
against him was in the doctor's fatnilv,
this statement having reference to the
fact that the druggist is a relative of I'r.
Brown by marriage.
Mr. Paddok is interesting hint.-, Ifcon
sidcrably in the preacher's behalf, ami
it is lielieved that he w ill defray the t x
penses of the trial.
At tirst the people of the church were
disposed to stand tin for their elder, but
day by day, as additional implicating
facts come to the surface, thev drop
Extraordinary Dying Speech of the
Salt Lake Citv. March 23 Jahn D
Lro wit ibyt it Mountain Meadow a! II
today. The confession whuh lie left be
hind him reveal* a toris# of assassinations
and mutinies by the Mormon*, lie admit*
being in the plot to massacre the emi
grant*, but says that he opposed it in
council. The confe**i"n i* not mat. rially
different from that in the New York Her
ald except that ho goes into detail* nnd
denies having taken any part in the butch
ery bevend being present.
At 11 a. m. precisely, Lee was brought
out upon the scene of the massacre at
Mountain Meadow before the executing
party and seated <n his coffin about twen
ty leot from the shooters.
After the order of the court u> read t<>
him and the company present by Mnrhal
Nilvon. he asked Lei!" lie had anything
to say before execution. Lee then arose
and *uid :
I have but little bay. 1 feel that lam
upon the brink of eternity. I have made
a manuscript historv of my lite. 1 have
given my viowsand feeling* with regard
to all these tilings. 1 feel u* calm a* n
summer morning. I have done nothing
purposely wrong My conscience is clear
before God and man and I am ready to
meet my Kedemier. lam not an intidel
I have not denied God or his mercy. I
regret that in parting with my family,
many of llietn are unprotected. When I
► peak ol those little ones they touch a ten
der chord within (Here Lee's voice fal
tered.) I have done nothing detigriedlv
wrong in this atfair. I used my utmost
endeavers to save these people. 1 would
have given worlds were it at my command
to have avoided that calamity, but I could
sot. I win sacrificed to satisfy other par
ties, but lam ready to die. I have no tear.
Heath has no terrors, nud no particle of
mercy have 1 asked ol the court or offi
cials to spare my life. Ido not fear death.
I am a true believer in the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Ido not believe everything that
is now practiced and taught by Rngham
Young. I believe he i* leading people
astray ; but I believe in the gospel as
taught in it* purity by Joseph Smith in
former days. J have my reasons for say
ing this. I used to make this man's will
my pleasure, and did so (or Si) years. 1
have been sacrificed in a cowardly man
mer. 1 regret to leave my family; they
are near and dear to me. I did every
thing in my power to save ull emigrants ;
but 1 am one that must suffer. Having
said this I feel resigned. 1 ask the Lord
my God to extend his marey to mc and
receive my spirit. My labors here are
Parson Stoke* (Method ill) then made a
prayer commanding the soul of the con
demned man to God. Immediately after
this a handkerchief wai placed over Lee's
eve*, lie raited hi* hands and placed
them on top ol hi* head, titling firm.
Marshal Nelson gave the word tire, and
five gun* were fired, the bull* penetrating
in the region of the heart. Lee fell square
!y buck upon his coffin dead. Death was
instantaneous The body was placet) in
the coffin and the crowd dispersed. There
were about To person* all told on the
ground. Not a child or a relative w*i
there. The hel order prevailed. Lee's
last words to Marshal Nelson were, '"Ann
at my heart."
The hedy i* now on its wuy from the
scene of the execution to ho delivered to
his relative* utC.darCHy.
[The Mountain Meadow massacre oc
curred September 17, 1H57. Lee wa cap
tured in 1574 wu * twice tried, theju
ry on lint first trial disagreeing "Of
Lee's eighteen wives two w ero 'Tim I ad" I"
him hy tho Prophet Jirigham after the
massacre, hut ho lost eight of them hy di
verse within twenty-four hour* after lie
win cut off from the church, in 1871
Three others WC|e S'.il>*c<|iicntlv divorced
from him, ami only three remained faith*
f 111 to tho end t>( his sixty-four children
titty-lour are still living, and twenty-lour
ol tin so were dependent upon him fur sup
port nt the time ol his arrest in 1871, the
oldest of these two dozen being then only
sixteen year* ot age. Leo is -or was- a
man ot muscular and powerful physioue,
although not large • hi* forehead is low
and receding, and Lis hea l show* an over
balancing weight id-7ha tJejT'beHuir.. JJc
h iPil If'
was born in Randolph county, llliiioi*, on
Sept. 0. IKI'J, unit thus li trni lioilttiii age
.<f 1.1 lljoined tlio Mut man eliur. h ii.
IKST. ninl iitlnliii'.l u high tank hi iis 1 1
I'm I lii.l prlc-thoo.l, being recorder .| thr
quorum <•! seventy, Ii i'Ml iliiU if I In
church, II bishop, a traveling inn i.Him i
a member ol the Mnriiinii legislature 1111.1
H probate j Uii k *' )
V A- IAII Ulf A I 111 ImAI'IM.
Mil*, Stun!". I!iu*I . a t'liurih ainl
n Su 1l it iII I m.i I.i\i
111 |• 11 <•I | ( Ult
I*l >•! ~!i . . Mill. It Till- SlaflbrJ- | dam gave way about 7 *'■
. ml. til.i IIIIIrIIIIII£. sUcrplllg ef. rillling
along III# tllUl It. 11l { lull 'Till i-l*
through II .1 Kurtia. o |u Stafford Spring*
I I,r national batik ul S', the;
t'ongregat ... I i liurtli, I. \V Cihiii, •
.|nir li.n In igld depwt 1111.1 till lliii hoil>.
111 l llld ItvMII.I 111 Stall.*fd S]lf|ll|| .li ft' lit*-
str> vi.l All the t>r{iJki-a between tin.
I'fN f! ilio disaster iin.l lullaiiil. belli on (
lliii milaoV til .1 111 l the highway, Were
I mmIII'J 'llii- lost 111 Mart.'r.lvilla i
very I . avy, the milts antf*. riiiK .r < ts, and work villi liav<*
lit 1,0 iiiiiiftidiHl in it..'in ittttil the reser
voir con be rebuilt. K \\ ('. liver i* A .
U.i mills Imv. !' itr set# i.f . tt'ili Mtt.l I IHHI
Spill l|r> atl<( . U'plo) u litlK<* llUllll'i T 111
hand* I'.ie 11..iiu' (Vo p.nv. tin' Home
M itiiil.i'ii ii ('*in |>h . nii.l tlie ll.line
\\ rl: I 111 |'H I, V ii:. 1.1- i villi.'. ...I then
the Ulle tut,, ii, *1 spindles 'I tie Sinf
(ti-.lvi. e \\ i.'..'ii t 'll. |. 1.11 \ hav three ul
.it.Mi.ii. In Stall.od St-rtngs are th
mi. * i buries Km A t'o .
.11 -. t- of e ivtJ- . (lie t*,.|iverve Company,
a ill v veil H'li of . rut I.HOUtpind i
K , Con verve A t'o .the M literal Spring•
VI ,• ufacturmg I'.mi|, .i.y VII vetv ol card*
| nii.t l,7tt> spindles. lit SlmlToi.) are tin
, Vv.lrj Company v 111 i• la the (ilvi.n
\li >, V.uvi spindles the (iruiiite Mill*,
> .1 | iiilii'. the \at < v Manufacture g
('. in .. v. t ■ l'l mi VVonleri Mi!!, arid
tin- lie-viler Company, each with four id.
of c..ri!v The granite until and tenement
hoove at Slatf'.r Jv t! !e vv ere nit iii |il avv a v
..rid alvo llie stores nii.l ttore-hou.a. Slate
Set ~*, r Julm, (,'onvervo ieu|rv|> that a!
i ilie dmiiv on llie vlream Iroui ille
'.via (.nit t he lo v. th. spring*. atlh all the
lir,J|;i*. are g> lie l'rol ably 10l i->> ltiali
thtrlv hi let. were deslr '.veil, and ttie low
vv : Ibe ii rv large '1 lie Jain Was con
-l.icr. d su!. , I .1 thr ti >V) rain* af Moll
; Jay aftvru on an I . vet.trig r.!led the re
j revervoir to overflowing. I'he breaking!
I HV.I.V uuv vv hoily unexpected. but the revj
orv. tr being set volno above tin
: town the alarm re icheJ the |.e.i|de ill time
1 lor them lo . llect their vafetv.
Iltll' id. I' in, Mareh "? The St.if
j v lie r. *crv oir bi lur.gid to tho Re*rt
■ veir *C'iu.| at v , coni|..icvl of ovvn. iv >!
ml .- on the itr. am beh.vv '1 he Jain x*u*
raistd >ii feet during the | .si winter, m J
' the storm lavt night til!..! it for the fill
lime t i.vo h. the reservoir vloo.l tin
vatii . I ini'■ 1 I hi A I 1 u-rir. till ,n
the vhodJ. mill of Jacob ItvvCh, then the
it-a bii .* vliofi o| .-I Sainu.-l A Millie A
nr. ic lower the I'm mi Moiiu
faeluritiK i'omfvany'* . iwimere mill, al
llaJev ii e, i.nj three liiilev below ih re
the (iieim VI lv ('..11. it M ii|i Kael ry
vlooj. al (ilelivilie. The (.' niverveville
Mm iiitaclurinK Company'# .avviuvnrw mill
*aJ U M lvev'Uranite Mill for makin);
Otton ifOnli, were on ihavtream ul Slnf*
ford Sptinftv, ukout live Iniirv from the
I Jam Ihe revervoir wav ah a Mil. at.J
I a quart.r loiif, a.ltl averajfeJ a quarter of
a mile in width The Jam w> about
twenty hijjb, but vhorl, the vtrealn
beJ b< nart.'W for ..uiie diviance he
low The v. iter i the heal of the \Yil
limaMii riv. r Sn vcart aj;o a Jam on a
tributary -tr-am al>>... here tfavc way,
aioi cauv.-J ff -.-at Jatua|{e
The cvllu'al J . sv t.i the low of Staf
ford in roadv anJ bridfci s at Ht'iiti, mi J
the total !. v> by th. flood at l.avl ? a* .ltd
IS, oil. llv ia evening vay that two hvev
were . t. the rami, ol the partie* being
Hichard Sfiedding and AV m 1! irwoll
Dr. 1! has nt last lake!) ul to hiluvelf a
w !e. Wo hear.ily e.o.gralulate him
up <n Llv .;CCev# and wvh them a happy
life, ver ike Turn).ike of life. week th h. i.veof Mr h tank liar
ker wai burred Jewn with tioar'y all biv
g.H.d# and furni'.ure H.-wav doing tome
haulir over in our "burg al the time and
no bod* wav ab >Ut the houve. It lv be
lieved thai the bouve Wat tre.i by all ill
u ndiary. W'e undervtand t'.ial there iv no
inturance on the property 11. M
LINKS on llm death .fa friend and
tchoolmate, ll.. kit C. Utmun
Death hat been here and borne away,
A iter from our mle ;
Juvl in the morning of her Ufa,
Av younr at wo the died
Not h I;g ago the £ ed her place.
And went with u. to tchiml ;
But the htv run her mortal ra< e,
And never can return
I'erhapt our time may be ai abort,
(>ur daw may fly a# fnvt ;
(> tioj ' iin| rev# lliii tolemn thought.
That thia may bo our laiL,
ll.iw aoon her little alrcnglh wat fled,
Ilet life how aoon wav pavt :
She uniled u|mn her dying bed,
And loved uv til! the lavt.
I>-ath ridea on every pnvaing brrete.
And lurka on every flower ;
Karh aeavon hat ila own ditoaae,
It'a pcrila every bour. .
The lovi .1 form, now cold and dead.
Each mournful thought employa.
Anil nature w.ep# ; her c. niforu Aid,
How withered all her joy*.
(■oil had laid up in heaven for linkie,
A crown which will not fade |
The righteous Judge, al that great day,
Shall placo it on her bead.
Sleep on. dear Beckir. sweetly lieep ;
Your Jay* of .aic areo'er.
Soon ahall we ail in haaven meet,"
W'b.rc sorrow is no more.
Clara J. fiuitr.
Mr. Daniel F. lleatty, manufacturer and
proprietor of the Realty I'iano and Ib-at
ly'a ci-h'brkted Gol-J'-n Tongue l'arlor <>r
giin*, Wa*hirigton, N. J , t* certainly a
very reasonable and generous man to trans
act busines* with. Ho makes this V<TV
fair proposition to anv who may favor hint
with an order, a* follows :"If the instru
ment duos not prove satisfactory after a
test trial of live day* after receiving it the
purchase money will be refunded upon the
return of the instrument, and ho will pay
freight charges both ways." This i* cer
tainly nn exceeding, generou*, and safe
manner in w hich*to transact business with
hitn. He warrants his instruments for six
years. See hit advertisement. July 20.v
_j I, IJ. W. Munson, High Sheriff o|
the County of Centre, Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and
give notice to tho electors of the county
aforesaid, that an eleclisn will be held in
the said county of Centre, on
for the purpose of accepting or rejecting
tho provisions of the Act of Assembly, in
reference to the erection of a poor house
in mid countv.
I alo hereby make known and give
notice that the place ol holding the afore
said election in the several Borough* and
Townships within tho county ol Centre,
are as follows to wit :
For the township of Ilaine*, at tho pub- (
lie house of Mr. Boyer. ( Anronsburg )
For the township of Hnlftnoon, at the j
school house in Htormstown.
For the township of Taylor, at the homo
erected for tho purpose, on tho property
of Leonard Merry man
For the township of Mile*, in the school
house in tho town of Httbcriburg
For the township of Potior, at the public
iiouse of John Snanglor Centre Hail.
For tho township of Gregg, at the public
house owned by J. B. Fisher, l'enn Hall.
Far tho township of Colluge, in tho
school house at Lenient.
For the township of Forgtuon, (old pre*
cinct) in the school house at Pine Grove.
For the township of Ferguson, (new pre
cinct) in tile school house at Bailey ville- |
For tlm township of Harris, in the school
house at Boalshurg.
For the township of l'utton, nt tho house'
of Peter M urray.
For the Borough of Bellcfonte, and the
townships of Spring and Bunner, at the
Court House in Bi-llefonle.
For tho township of Walker, in the
school house at ilublersburg
For the Borough and township of How
aril, at the school house in said Borough j
F'll the township of Rush, 111 the Cold |
Stream school house.
For the township ol Snow Shoo, at the
school house in Snow Slme station.
Ft r the township of Marion, at the lo use
ol -Itie! Is.line in Jacksonville
For the Borough of Milcubgrg, at the
school house in Mileshurg.
Fertile township of lloggs, at the new
school hoii-c in Central City,
For the township of Huston, at the house
of John Keed.
For the township of Penn, al tlu> public
house of Win. L. Muster.
For the township of Liberty, in tho
school house in K-igleville.
For the township of Worth, at I lie school
house at Port Matilda.
For the township of Burnaide, at the
house of J. K. Bnak.
I'. i the tew n,iiit of I'urlin, at tl . mli. I
. no in it Hubert VI anu'v.
For the llo.'Ugh of I'ii lull V ille ill. I the
..wii.liip o| Cuion, nl the new school
i.ill^. in I niuliv ille,
I.urn tiii.l■ r my hulid ami veal, nl in.
ilh. >i in llelh I'utlte this )Olh day ef Mar Cli
II the v i in ol our Lord, olie thousand eight
hiliilii.l and aeveiitv-teven. and in lit.
111., hu ml I mil Ii and h rat y ear of the I mle
undone., of the United Slate-
Shrill) of Centre county.
Ami now, Feb. ",li, lf>77, the petition .fj
urn ir v iiihalotmUv of Centre county pri
.lit. pi ..y ing ihe'courl lo ordei an election i
in I held, in eoniiiqu. nre with the pro*
VI-I. ma of the Act -l Av.emhly, that tlir
juul iiod voteu ol Centre county may .it
. opt er reject Ihe prev ivi.itia of the A. I of
V.aeiuhtv I'. tel. relico to the er. . lion of n
......i house in nod . ount v
Am l. iow February 'Ji. Is. 7, llm within
I' pre>. lit. I ami duly colialdeied, i
m.l thereupon it ii ordered that an e'.ec i
llou I .- held by the .piall'leil v. terv of llm
. only of C. 'litre, at the several place# 01,
liolding the genera I aml lowiivhlp ele. Hon#
in the v. v eral bor lUgba ami tow iivhip# of!
.~| i .oii.tY on Saturday, the Vll day ol
April, 1h77. for the purpose of determiii
ng ly the vol. # of vai l eoutitv", wliother
h. provi-ioii# ol an Act Aweinbly
tilled " All Al l 1-1 prov Ide !..r llm i r. .
. >n ol u poor h. uve for the support of Hie
....or In li.e several counties ol tin- corn
i.oii wealth. approved Ihe hlh lav <f
May, 1 will be a. . .-pled by a major!-
;v of lhe v 01. r* ol raid rountv. 1 i.e vaid
-le-ctioii to he r 1 roi uel ad by the otMcers ol
die gefiefal eli.l tt.wfivbii. alectiona, and
.heiu ketv i.. bo Voted lo liave w rill. i.
,| Hi led oti the inside thereof "for nr.'rpt
ill.'.' or "ag.tlt -'. ur. rptalH'r The . nil
.l,.h!e of .o h borough or liw iivhipte gi v e
i lai.-t 1 . day v noli. .' "f the time and
.'u. o of holding vivt.l election hv posting i
nt written or printed handbiilv, in the
hi. .vl public places ill tai.l tuw nvhip
It v the Court J 11 (t.
Celt. fled from the ree. i.l, al lieltefonte
du> l.t day of March. A D.. 15. 7.
l'o piovide lor the "recti.>ti of a poor houtc
ai.d for lite support of the poor in t! ej
Several counties of the common Wealth.
Wiifctvti*, lit# the duty of society to
make provi-i-m for the comfortable niaiu
lenanceof thovo upon whom fortune hu-i
Irow nrd w ho are found to be Je-tituV and
void "I the meant of au|.|H>rt . therefore,
St. lion I. Hr if rnurfr./, Jc , That the
r.. r lotin-vioiierv ..f the vev erul t,<ui,.
ties •! the commonwealth may cl rt sti- h
real .-vtate av they may derm necessary for
lite accommodation of tin. fioor of their
respective counties, a'.d shalt submit such
with select on, together the Irrmt and
cotidilioiiv upon which vu. li real .state
can be purchased in fee simple, to the
i..url of quarter sessions in and Ir the
proper county, and if the Value tluill be
approved by said court, the county com
mi.doners shall take n cnveyanie there
r in t' e name and for the use of corpo
ration mention. 1 in the fourth s.ctmn of
; ...act and I' it stall certify lie pr
.ridings therein ufuler their handt and
seals to the clerk of the court of quarter
sessions of such county, and the same shall
be entered at length upon the records of
sit -h court,
>g."llo"v 'J. That at the mat general
election to he held alter the purchase of
the real estate a* provided for in th# first
section of this aet, the qualified elect rs of
such c >ui:lv shall ele. tthrer reputable . .t
-->a. lis ot the said County to h> .lire, tor# of
tho "Home of the Destitute' of vaid couli
tv ; taid election shall be londucUal under
the generwl election law# of the comnion
wealth in every resiieet, and the sai i di
rectors shall un ci at the court house in the
r. #t rtivc . ..untie. <>n tho first day . f De
cember following their election, and dt
vide th. mseivci, by lot. in three class.
the place of the firstlo ho vacated a', the
elpitalioii of the first year, of the second
at the expiration ol the is. tid vrar, tlmt
..f the third at the end of the thirl year
so that th- so who shall be chosen after the
first election and in the mode above de
scribed may serv. for three years and one
third years shall be chosen annually there
SkcTlor. 3. Thai every director ele. ted
in the manner aforesaid, or appointed as
directed by the twelfth section of this set
shall w ilh IB t.-n day# ufier he > I t it. >•! ol
Ills said election or appointment, and ho
fore be enter# upon the dutirs . f the sail'
ofllce, take an oath or affirmation as pre
scribed by article seven, sort ion uneof the
constitution ; and .# ease >.f neglrrl or re
-11..11 to take tee Said oath - T affirmation
he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten
dollars for the use < f the poor of sa-d coun
ty. w hich fine shall bo recovered hv said
dir. . tors for the lime bring as similar
debts are by law re. v. rable ; and the >li
r. . tors qualified as aforesaid, are hereby
aulherir-ed to adii Msler oath* or affirma
tions vvber. tt shall be neecsary in rela
tion t > the duties of said . ffiee.
Sc. 1 l-'K t That the saiu dir.-. >rs shall
f..rrv er hereafter, in name and in (act, 1.
a b. dy politic ni.d corporation in lav. t.<
all intents, and purposes whatsoever rela
t vnt'.lh. pa r<: sg.J county, and shall
have perpetual sue. . s-iot), and may •
and be sued, tilea.l and be impleaded by
the name, style and title of "The Direc
tors of a Il.une f. t the Destitute of the
county of ——and by thai name shall
and niay receive. lake and hold any land*,
tenement* and hereditament* not exceed
ing the yearly value 1 i .ghi thousand
dollar*, and any good* and t <att!r* ol the
gift. alieneetion or bequest of any person
■•r person* wh*t*oeve* f>r the hnirti of
the |e.K>r afore-aid ; I • lalic ar d bold any
I land* and tenement* within their county,
in fra simple or other* ire, under the MI
pervtsi n of court • aforeaaid. a may he
donated to ihetn by deed i r other*i-e, and
Jit of the ame deemed i ondueive
• to the coin fort of lb* initiate* ; to provide
all thing* necessary tor the lodging
ma ntenance and employment of *nid per
teni . at.d the said directors shall have
puw er to employ nnU at pleasure remove a
►toward or stewards, a matron or matron*,
phyacian or physician*. surgeon or sur
geons, arid all other attendant* that mat
he necessary for the aid de*tillilfl|pcriori*
respectively and to bind out apprentice*
o that such apprenticeship many expire,
if male*, at < r before the age of twenty
one. if female*, at or hef->re the age of
| eighteen year* I'rtifti, that no
child be h- und out for a lungt i
i time than till he arrive* at the age wf e gh
• teen year*, un!* ho be bound <• it t-> a
:| .do other thiiti a farmer I'
i That no child hall he apprenticed with*
■ out the limit* of the state; and the -aid di
rector* are hereby empowered to uo one
i common leal in all buine>. relating to
•'said corporation. and the *ame at their
i plea*ure to alterand renew
tilcTlO* 6 That the aid director*, a
• toon a* may be, after their election and
organization a* aforesaid, nn.l annually
therealter. hll make an e*timate of the
'yearly cod of maintaining -aid establish •'
imi nt and furni*h aid etimato to the
county commissioner*. who shall add tin
same to their yearly etimate preparatory-
Is) levying their tax for the coining year,
'and they hall, from timn to time, make
such suggestions to the county commis
sioner* they may deetn necessary, a* to
keep the improvement* or alteration* that
may be required to pace with the necet
•ilir* of the occasion, und the commision <
••r* alorvunid shall make *uch change* and
, improvements a* they may deem lieces-n
--ry; and for the purpose* c.f this net thrj
I commissioners aforesaid are hereby auth
orized to procure a loan, for which they |
i mav pay interest not exceeding six per
I centum, if they deetn it bc*t to do o, said
loan not to exceed three-fourth* of the
amount ncco*ary for the purchase of said !
property and the erection of the nem*nary I
i building-, said loan to be gradually re-j
: diieed and to be entirely cancelled within
! livo year*
.SUCTION f>. That the amount necessary
i to defray the annual expenseoftho "Hotn<
ifor the Destitute" shall be paid over to the
county treasurer, and by him pnid out on
warrant* drawn on him by the county!
ooniinUiioner*, upon order, presented to
them signed by the president of the board i
of directorts and countersigned by the ec-j
retary, and to which the seal of the cor
poration shall he attached, and it shall 10-l
the duty of the county commissioners t-
I keep tilts account* of the "Homo for the
Destitute" in H tet ol book* to ho provid
ed lor that purpose, and said accounts
shall ho audited by tho county nuditor* at
the same time the other account* "I the
ounty are audited by them, mid to pub
lisli annually a detailed statement of tin :
1 receipt* and expenditure* of said "Home
i for the Destitute" ntthosaino time and in
i the same manner as the annual county state
ment i* published: arid tho judges of the
! several court* ol the nid county, and the
minister* of the gospel o| the different de
iiomiriiitioij, shall bo visitors ol
said institution, ami shall have the privi
lege lit nil reasonable time, to visit and ox
amine tho condition of the same, including
the book* of said institution, in which shall
Ibe kept nn account of all expenses of the
! same, a* also of all the receipts of the
| same, a* well as those derived from tin
l Oqnly treasury a* the production* ol the
farm and the industry ol it* inmates, as
also whatever gift* ur bequests they may
have received from whatever source the
9atito may have been derived,
BKHT|AS T. That as soon as the said
buildings shall have been erected or
purchased and a" necessary urcoinmod*- (
lions provided therein, notice shall be
given to the overseers of tit" poor in the
various districts of said county, requiring
them forthwith to bring the poor ol their
respective districts to said "Homo for the
Destitute," which order tho overseers itfi
required to comply with or otherwise I"/- i
IV-it the cost of all further maintenance, <j -
ecpt where by sickness or any other suth
cicnt cause, any poor person cannot be rc-l
moved, in which case the overgeets shall 1
tepri SI lit the its tills to the ncaiot jlulu c ol
the peace, vs ho being satisfied of the truth
there..l, shall . . rtily the stuiio to th.* said
dire, tors, ami at thn same time issue tilt or
|.leriitid> r Ida hand ami s. nl to the tni.l
..vcisecia directing them to maintain such
poor person nntll lie or she tuny he in a
situation to he removed, nml then to ii
itiava tho said person and delict i him or
tier l>> th . st. ward or keeper of n .1 home,
J together Willi t aid order, nn.l the charge
.■.deepen .. vital I ha pu id by the said dl
i rectors.
| Sgi'TloK K 1 hat tl.n sail .lire, tors shall
troin time te lime re.. ive, pr.iv ide for and
I'lnplay, according to tba line intent and
meaning ..f this aet, all sueh Indigent per
•oils as shall he entitled to relief or shall l
liave gained a legal settlement m the said
. utility, ami shall I e sent there by an order
or warrant for thnt purport* under the
(in 1..!> al. J sea Is if two justices "I the peal e
j.if said county, directed to any constable of
the same county or to the overseers of the
i iuo|>er district or of any district in av
(other i in this common wealth; and
i the sa I dire. tor. are hereby authorise.l
wb. n iliey shall ilrein it proper nrol c.*ii
Veni* itto da so, I > administer r* ef to any
per. .it iii need of assistance or to permit
an. person or poisons to be maintained
els where /Voli,/e.f, That their expense
•I. r.'.y en d. >• not e*< e d that for which
they could be maintained iii the said
IION 'J. ilial the said din. tors or a
majority <•! th. in shad he a quotum forth#-
transaction of butine-s. and shall have full
power to make and ordain such urdman I
ces, rules and regulation* at they shall I
think proper, rouvt n -nt and necessary fr t
the government, control and support of{
• ant bottle and of the revenues thereunto 1
belonging and ol s(( sueh j is .lis a# shall]
mm undue their > tgßiMw
1 hat the s-iiiie be n >1 repugnant to tins oi
an y other of the aw ..!" th is stale or of tin
i United Mates .If*./ j.r rid' I farther, Tliat
i the sain.- s'oill i t bat e any lote.- or crt,. t i
| until they shall have been submitted P>
the court ..I quarter session# f„r the time,
, being l said c.m tv a till shall have re. .-iv -
led tte approval of the same.
1 fvg.-riov 111 That a quorum of - .11 di
in t >r# shall and lb' >' arc hereby enjoined
1 Hid required to meet at the said home at
lea-t on. e in i v cry month a J vim the
apartment* and see that the inmates ar>
comfort nl> y support id ami hear ad i n -
plait.!-, and redr. or cans • t * he tedri fl
ed, all grievnlu . that Ilia) happeii by t'o*
neglect or misconduct ol any person or
persons in their iiiiplv.oent other-
I wise.
i b. iloS 11 The annual salary of the
>ai i dir. . tots be one hundred dullail
rigin a I.', 'ini.lii.ei->. nnv varan.y
ij by death, r.&.gf.atiun or otherwise of any
■j of the said directors, the court of quarter
|-ess. otis of the r> > . ctive c, unfy shall fid
.; such vbi aitey until the m vt general elee-
I i lion.
Ni it >i 13. That all claim* aril ui
' I mauds r i isling at th time of this net he
•jlttg cat tu-d Into efleet shall have lull fort*.
- atid efT.-. tat lull at it this net had not h- n
ps-ied and wl en the tame may have been
■ fully adjusted and s.tti. J, all muiieys re
maining in the hands .1 the over-. < :s, a#
l| well as the ui.e .Heeled laves I. vi. J lor
the tupp It of tho poor if. the several dls
i trie is in tai.l county, >bali b>- pa. J<v er t<>
I , tho supervisor# s| the higbwa)* of said
iJtoUlily lobe t v llicut mi Jed to tin- rtiad
II fund and applied as read tax is by lavs p
--j plied iii said County,
SkcTIOS 14- That as Soon as th -p .or of
fi said county shall have beer, removed to
; ibe'lp-me "f said county and the outstaml
f ing taves collected and paid over the of
■ b. e of ov ets.-ers of th. poortherearter shall
' be alsolisblHi.
SgeTloN lo That all lines, forfeiture*
r oi bequest* for the use of the pour -ball he
-ipavabi.- to the county treasury fer the use
• of >:J home, and the directors are her. hv
- authorized to demand and receive the
- same ami in the name of said corporation
may '. ring suit for the recovery of all
■mofo y b. longing i t >a.d institution to
plead and be impleaded in all matters ol
1 j la* and ■ quit) and to prosecute -.11 such
I j suits to final judgment and the money so
recovered shall to- paid into the < eunty
i treasury and shall he appli. I in liquida
tion . f the debts of the institution atui the
i -'support of its inmates.
Sg. tion 1(1. That the provisions of tin#
act shall not apply to any county or dis-
I tr i t that hat alri i.dv vv ithin it a county or
• distn. t t*or hau*e or bouses under any
t special law, Rorto any county n district
' unless the same shall b accepted by a
majority of the voters of such county or
• Jotr.rt at an ele. I ..n for that purpe*e to
- be or J. f r.l by tile court of quarter tem
i* sions of tbe proper county.- PrucuJ rd,
That the directors of the poor !U:v erect
and maintain two house# for the destitute
v in any county containing a population of
...v.r 'jHIUi fifty thousand inhabitants
. and ((iJt'i siv bun.irrd square mile*
r SKi'Tlo* 17. Tli-.t whenever the county
- 'commissioners of any county seo pntper
, fr. hi any cause whfrt- -ever not to coiu lv
a .th the r.-quiren,. Nts of this act, any four
or more townships of any county through
a commissi, tier apjtoinicd by the poor
J.overseer# of each towi shift ran proceed U>
i procure rial estate a* prev ided hv the fir>t
sect..hi "1 this a. t: /V. r, W, 'I iial in all
cases it shall ha nece>-ary for the majority
• f 11.. - iifi. i --. net st" ec:.ei,r in ali act*
before the cour' ha! tak>. c gnii-ince of
, the same A>t yr i -rdfurthrr, Tbaldis
- trot fi.a.r-hous. s shall l e governed by all
tbe prov itiot.s of this act the same as eoun
; I V poor house-, except a* far a- ri late# to
It*.- appointment of coromis-i r.ers hv the
. ToHir overst rs forming the afor%.:. ! di
1 Trirt.
St. Ties lh All act* r parts of cU
,'inconsistent wilh this act are hereby re
( ftealed
Arrß v. t* The h day of May. A D
Private Sale.
A Choice Farm aipl Houc ami Lot.
Tjio following described properly, o!
John Kmracn, dee'd, situate in llarri.
twp, C"nlre cour ty, nns FAKM . r tain
mg one hundred and thirty three acre*
more <>r less, bounded by lanJs of 11. Lv
.-rhart, dee d. Jam*-- (slonn M. Karlrn,
Dr. Henderson, Jec'd. and others is ofler
,ed at private Mle, The farm i# well *
tered, a never tailing stream of water run
ning througlilhc farm and within thirty
yards of tbe barn, air*, a well of nevcr
, failing water at the house, with good,
i pump hi it The improvement- are n
iarg- FUAMK HOUSE, two stone- high
almost new; a frame bank burn, forty
five by eighty feci and all otlu-r nee. -va
ry outbuildings Tli -is one <>f th" best j
iproducing farm* in tins section for ah
| kinds of grain ;is all limestone land. A
large OUCHA RD <T < bi>ic fruit on (hi
For particular# inquire of \\ nt. AA erlr.
,m the farm. Also one House and lot
{situated in lloalshurg. Centre co , th*
house is two stoiies high, with kitchen at
tached to il, and all necessary outbuild
ings also n good stable, a never failing
w ell of w ater w ilh good pump. Tho lot I*
well set with fruit trees <>l best quality.
Also two acres and l'J-1 per. he.* of excel
lent land situate near the Herman lie
formed church in lloalshurg within two
squares of above house.
JOSIAH NEFF. K;e. utor of J Etu
rn art, doe'd. 30 nov Bm. j
Wolfs Old Stand.
A't ©2IMVa2
! Magnifici iil Slock of Fall ul A\ in
tor floodi.
OiJQppi'Joi Ltivy Pmu 1
llavingjust returned from the East, nnd
bought at panic prices, I am now prepared
to sell cheaper than ever before. M> -lock
| consist* in part of
Lmlios' mill (Jctils' Underwear a >pec-j
constantly an liund.
Gii-tomcrs will find tho stock coin j
plcte, ami u call is nil that is required
to assure you that this is the best
place in tha valley to buy your goods.
Remember, ire have but one price for
everyone. I
aL clothing. u>
j All thw twlorvt, expsrisnos and advantaoaa wo
. rutrv oommand, eunUnu*d wt OA K KAhLu>prudus tha ■
Ali It; ar n<l CHtAi'EtiT CLOTHING forrnait and boj KEA
For sixteen yaara wit havallvadatlhaoldeoritarof
Q GIXTH iso.l M Alt KET, ssrtd tlio business dons thorw haw O
X bsan o •atisfaclory to tlj* pchlia and ourrnlvaa, th*( w* Q
Y l IVO dwcidwd not to eltanfla or mow* th Clothing T
Q liusiness swsy. Tlis jHsopla likatksw ptaew aind wallkwta D
X please the people, anid ww halieww thsst ww OWO do It A
T Inciter than wvar sit tho old piwow. X
X The ww lea of the pstst year far aurpweaad anythlnfl T
Q we ever dreamed of.ond thte pute it Irx our power to Q
■-*rn . tart the Spring of 1577 with a STILL LOWER SCALE
OF PRICES, and claaa of goods aoexoallent that we are
I not ufral.t to follow aaeh wale with our warrantee, or |
414 re el ve bark the gooda unworn and hi r.d over to the AIA
customer the money I-aWt.
Q Tl.e store has been largely re ft i ted, end Uiere never A
X was *uch a splandid (tockof Ma'a,Boyt' and Chlldran a J.
Y oloUtlng llinlmttia It f| nor ware WW aver s*blo to aall ao ▼
Q cheaply. Our word
A oi*ieen yeai%. u
6th a Market. PHILADELPHIA.
Ififllll] if nil 7
If:.* e erected a new (lit V 1 N ELEVATOR on thdr Coat Yard and are buying grain
in cash on delivery, fur
Willi AT.
< OHN.
Unl.iai!it g •,-*:. t.c m*.r<-< *.- lv J ti'ur.-pr -mptlv than any oth. r place In town
whi< h tuakv the NEW ELEVATOR the most desirable place to *e!l grain.
: - '
The only dealer* in Centre County who wli the
W I la! K E;S: If AIR; HE CIO! AIL
from the old Baltimore mine* Al*o
of AnthiaciU-Coal dryly boused expressly for houseuse.atthe lowest price*
whi b is alvvav* • v',d at low pr;.. *. and warranted to k a* goou a fertilizer m an
D??3D2 MID 7
ItlXKl.b A A I'M AX.
Ui spc.tfu !v '' nmmce that t i-y are prepared io do all kind* of WJrk in their linuj
ofbu-ines*. in ibe iieatc-t ic -I I••• -1 style. AH kinds of
Calcimining asi eiallv. AH order* by mail receive prompt attention, and satisfac-
Hon jruarant. U Uhtrg. - ... -t reutonable- RL£
Spring Mill*, l'a.
Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but
tor sweet andhard. and quicker to churn
Tryjit—for sale at Win Vf.dTs stoie '*
jQll. A. J. URN IKMt F.
Intillloc*l4Hl( IMnr <iror Mill* nd u <* pro
l'rr] 1 • irttrl l.i Iho homo* At a tlwuwf
and render dwirwt arrrtco In hta lino, tn tho hoot
ma* n T <<f (sow! qowlity ami at roaoonat U rotoo In
•nt o i t<l now Vonturoa mode a i*-cuJy. Tooth
11 a. |• i MiMNrt iatn SI jan 71
WHoroaa tho !In ('hurw* A Mayer, rroo4dot of
tho rs'iirt f ( omniiia !*)•. in tho U-tt* Jud.oinl l>*
iris-t. cmHitlng of tho i.•units'* *>f fontro. CtinLin and
t loarhoM. atnl the Honrnl*lc SMU'I hnlt, an 1 tho
lloaorthle Johl Huron*. Ju Iff* in i entie
mntf, batlni iannl theti liwoj. hrnti** dat> the
Ith d*> cf Apr A i> . 1*77. -<• hroctod t*r li4din
a mnii f tiyor anil Tt-nntnor and tlonrral Jail Mlv
erj and liintoni of tholVacotn Hollo I tmts. for
•i .• , % , .-•• tad l wNßMaaca oa tiw tih
Mn-!ay f Apr. I oinw tho Sid day of Apr
and t* * oontfnno to** * A
Noli, oi* thrrs horoh; (Iron 1 • tho (*.t nrr. Ina
11CM <f tho I'oaco. AMorwian and t'onatal !• i f tho
*1 county of t >ntro. that t hoy lo t-hon and thoro In
tholr tro|or |c-u*. M !0 o'cWk tn tho ftrono.n of
•aid day. with th* ir ro*-rd. Inq nUion. raamtna
tion*. and tholi nwtt romoitihran. oa, to do tboao tltmira
which to thoir o!hco apiortalna t bo dm\ and tl*oa*
who aro bound in raciHtnitnit rr hi acatnat
thr pHaonor* that tro * ahall ho In tho Jail of t ontro
pouuly bo thon and thoro to pr>-*Oi uto againal thoin
a* ahall ho Jur
(tiren nndor lay hand, at llrllofunto. tho lat day nf
Jan., Intlietear our I <d, K7, and in tho lul
roar of Indopt ndcnco o_ tho vnllmi Statoa.
IhVl MUNwN orifl
17\ KCUTOK - Rofli K
i The last w ill and testament >f Wu<
Allison, late cf Potter twp , dee d, hav ing
been admitted t > pruh ile by the Reg - er
ol Cenlre county, loiter- testamentary
the'eunder have b.-eti duly issued to the
undersigned of which n 1 person* in any!
WIIV interested will take notice
Pollers Mills, Pa t
Smar Ct UellefontC, Pa.
J(is\ Harris
v \ i n r s,
OI lis, ETC.,
HAUIii . .. ).
Bcilel'olitc. I
Chas. H. Held.
Clock. Watchmaker*! Jewries
Millheiiu, Centre Co., Pa.'
AI tumtanf ekeka, Watclmm Jewolry of tb♦
UucM atyloa. aa *!.. tbo I'ateot CalmmWi
|CUick, pnnkad Hli I cotoplrt* of the ibomUi
aodday of the* mootli and we-ck >u iu foco* which la
uarra.ntod aa a Urof ltaapw
Ulockk M at* he# ad.lw*olr rwpalrad an abort mo
c* and aarTantad
JL. SPANtiLKK, AUornrr-aULaB
HolMontf*. Pi. Office in
jtbe Courthouse Consultation in English
and Geunan. Collection* prompllv attend
!d to febk-if
W. K ( AMI'S
Furniture Rooms!
. 1 would respectfully inform tho
' of Centre county ttiat 1 have opened
Furniture Rooms in Centie Hall, and have
, on hand a large stock of Furniture and
Chairs, consisting in part of
Which will bo sold at the lowest cash
prices ; conui and examine nty slock ol
Furniture before buying elsewhere.
n specialty. COFFINS mid CASKKTp
'always on hand. Funerals attended with
distance. Payments easy.
Marti') :im W. it. CAMP.
BHICK IOR SALE —First class brick
will he kept on hand for sale by J. O.
jtU-iningcr at Eerhu's Centre Hull
brick yards. These brick arc
'offered so low thutit will pay persons at a
i distance to come hero for them.
| Intending to continue in tho uiunufac
jturc of brick they will bo kept constantly
,on hand, and fair inducements offered to
J purchasers.
17 aug tf. H. E. ZKRBE.
The first session of this Preparatory
I School will open at CENTRE HALL, on
1 THE LAST THURSDAY, (26) in April, 1
11577, and continue ten weeks. Students
I >f both sexes will be prepared for College, 1
reaching and Tuition from $6
per term. Board per week, fri.&O to j
'2.75. Address,
Ififeb Snio Howard. Pa.
\\T M, P. iI'MANUS, Attorney at-lav 1
>T Xiciieionte, Pa, Office with Ja
UcManus, esq. 23jul tf 1
I He following account* have been exam
ined and patted by ma and rrmnlii ft!.-.I ,>(
rccord in thia office fur the inrpection .f
hoira, legatee#, creditor* end a|. other* in
ny interested, and will b prcaenlttl
to the Orphan'* Court rf Ctnirr count.,
on Wedaeaday, tha 2Mb day of April.
I8i". for confiirmsiion and alWanrr
1. Tha irat ami partial account of {>vid
Krtlt, adminlitratar of Ac of Philip F.rtl"
late of Gregg twp, dee'd
2, The acconut of Gao. W. Uumhcrgrr,
adnilnlslraW of Ac. ofOeo. B Kumhcr
gar, late of Fallon twp, drr'.l
8 The account of W K, llndera..n, ex
ecutor of Mary Henderson, Ut of Ilu*tnn
twp, dee'd.
4 The account of Gao. Frarel, guardian
of Samuel 8., Wesley 8, and M*rr F-
Fravet, minor chitdran of John Fravcl
&. Tha account of K. B Ifnalorman, nd
rninistrator of Ac. of John lloatorman . Into
| of Potter twp, dee d.
6. The account of Albert Owun, trustee
of the natate of Wm. Athcrton, late of
Philipsburg dee'd
7.1 lie account of Joe. .Shirk and \. Lu
Irenbacb, edminlatralor of Ac. of Kub. n
M Shirk, late f Potter twp. dae'd.
8. The account of P. W Barnhart, ad*
miniatrator of Ac of Henry Barnhart, late
of Ibirp twp. dee'd.
0. The account of John L. Muucr,
guardian oI Iticbard P. Morton, minor
child of Robert and Susannah Morton, lut?
of Ferguson twp. dee'd.
10 The account -f John L. Muer,
guardian of A'esander R. Morton, minor
child of Robert and Susannah Morton, late
ol Frrnuaa twp, doe'd
11. The account of John L. Mu cr.
guardian of Laura V. Morion mi or
child of Robert and Kuaannah Morton,
late of Perguaoo twp, <lec'd
12 The account of Win Liard, jr., ad
ministrator of Ac of Win. Liard, r,, lato
of Worth townabip, dee'd.
18. The tenth annual account of Daniel
Rboada and John levin, jr. aurviving
truateoa under tha will of Win A Thom
as. dee'd.
14 Tl.e partial account ol J. C. Sample,
administrator of Ac. of Aleunner Sample
late of Ferguson twri, dee'd.
16 -The account of J C. Sample, admin*
ir!rater of Ac. of Margaret Sample, late of
Ferguson twp, doe'd
16. The accwualof Samuel llilliken jr.,
oirviving eifxutor under the will of M.
T Milliken, late of the Borough of Belle*
Conle. dee'd.
17. The account of Sam ue! Miliikeri. jr.,
surviving guardian of CLra V. Milliken
under the will ol M L Milliken, dc*d
-18. The account of Robert Glenn, guar*
J,an of Daniel Bailey, minor child of Jaa.
Bailey, late Perguaoti twp. dee'd.
19. The account of Joeeph Hey, admin
istrator of Ac. of Wm. Corl, late ol Fergu*
•on twp, dee'd.
'JO The account of Daniel P. Sbope and
Joseph A. Rankin, ei ecu tor* of the last
will and laatament of Jaa Alexander, lata
of MiUwburg. dee'd
21. The Crl account of John Garhrick
ane of the exaevlort of tha last will and
testament of Martha Cole, lata of Spring
two. dee'd.
22 The account of George Kerau,
guardian of LotiLa Fraxier {now dee'd) a
minor child of Jonathan Fraxier. deed.
28. The account of Samuel Frank, ai
mioistrator of Ac. of Maty Confer, late of
Ponn township, dec d
24. The account of Samuei Frank, true
tee appointed by the Orphans Court to II
real estate of Solomon Confer, late of Penn
iwp, dee'd.
26 The final account of Ira C. and J. R.
Leather*, executor* of the last vill end
lealament of Jebn Leather*, late of How
ard iwp, deed
26 The supplimentanr accou id of A IL
Barlow and Wm. V. ifeekwitb, executor*
1 of the lat will and testament of Clement
Be< k with, late of Port Matilda, dec d.
27. The account of F. H Van Valxah,
admmtktraior of Ac of K. F. Tan Valjuh
late of Greg* twp. dee d.
28 The first partial account of D. G.
Bush, admiuistrator of Ac. of George M .
Yfcum. late of Belle'octe Borough, dee'd.
-"J The partial account of George It.
80-fc. administrator of the estate ;of
Jau ••* K. Boak, late of Barnside twp.
30. The acc-onnl of Cyru* Wimud, ad
ministrator of Ac. of John Watson, Int .* of
Ham* twp, dee d.
82. The account of Adam Stover, guar
dian o'John \V. Biddle. a minor child of
Wm. Biddle, late of Centre Co., dec'd.
i 32. The account of Adam Stover, guar
dianef W. F. Biddle, a minor child of
Wm. Biddle, late •! Centraeo., dee'd.
88. The account of Mrs Mary Valen
tine. administratrix, of Ac. of Rniben B.
Valentine, late of Spring twp. dee'd.
34. The account of John Buffer, guar
dian of Anna K. Fulton, late Anna K.
Moon, minor child of Cha* Moon, late of
Centre co., dee'd.
86 The account ofTiiomasDale, admin
istrator of A<-. of William Dale, tele of
Lcmont, Centra co., doe'd.
, 36. The partial account of Jool KHng,
jr., executor or Ac. of Joel Kling, *r.. Into
of Milesburg.
8?. The account of William Allison, jr..
guardian of Nora Daugbenbaugh. minor
child of Jacob Daughcnbaugh. late of
Ccolie cfl., dee'd.
Sh. Tbe account of Josiah U. Brown,
guardian of Alvira LoUar, late Alvir*
Luca* minor child of Henry M. Lucas,
late Snow Shoe twp. dee'd.
82. Tbe account of A.J. and U. W.
Sbively, late of Patton twp, dee'd
40 The final account of J. P. Gephsrt.
sole acting administrator of the estate of
JacobS. Awl, laleol Harris twp, dee'd.
Register's Office, IW.I BlEcuriXLU,
B.lle.'onu '>
March 9hth, Hr? I Hogßtor
libfl & sjht9 Sdfikar,
IKVTHi; II 4 1,1.. IVt, '
: VI ould most repectfully inform the cil
' tens of this vicinity, that be has Mart* d a
now Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public natron
age. Boot* and Shoes made to order and
according to style, and warrant* hi* w orb
{to etjua'i any made elsewhere. All
of repairing done, and charge* rnasoeublo
Give him a call. >h 13 1 v
Fiii-nifurc Rooms 1
(respectfully inlortns the citixens of Ccntr
county, that he has Itough t out tho .l J
stand of J. O. Deininger, and bat reduce**
the price*. They have constantly on band
and make to order
TABLES. Ac.. Ac.
Their stock of ready-made Furniture I*
, 'arge and warranted ofgood workmanship
*nd is all made under their owe iuiux d'-
itle supervision, and is offered at rate;
chcanrr than elsewhere.
Call and see our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. 26 feb. lv
DP. FORTNEY, Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, l'a. Office over Rev
•wbl* bank war 14'6P
President, Cashier.
(Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy ar J Sell.
Covert, ment Securities, Gold <t
l>lo fiKif Coupons
st his establishment at Centre Hall. keep
on hand, and tor sale, at the most reasons.*.
| hie rates.
& Spring Wagons,
and vehicles of every description made to
•rder, and warranted to be made of the
best seasoned material, and by the most
skilled and competent workmen. Bodies
for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the
most inproved patterns made to order,also
Gearing of all kinds made to order. All
kinds ot repairing done promptly and at
the lowest possible rates.
Persons wanting anything in his line are
requested to call and examine his work,
they will find it not to be excelled for dur
ability and wear. may 3lf.
Hardware Store.
A new, oomplete Hardware Store hu
been opened by the underaixned in Ceii
tre llall, where ho is prepared 10 sell al
kinds of Building arid House burnishing
Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothes Backs, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror I'iafe Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table
Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks
Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs!
Horso-Shoes, Nails, Norway Kods, Oils'
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn
Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered uron
• hortest notice.
■"•"Remember, all nods offered cheap
t. i ePrwV.evfc