The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 22, 1877, Image 4

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He I'nmlafK n roars Tollr* m ihr aanili—
Itoform In itip I'lvll Vrrtre 4*o*fTmn
(Sftytm: We hnve Assembled
to rep ; the public ceremonial, lx*gun
by \W-limgton, observed by all mv pre
deeessors, anil now a time honored cus
tom, which mark* the commencement of
A m W term of the Presidential office.
Called to the duties of this (Treat trust, 1
proceed, in compliance with usage, t*i
nnnounee some of the leading principle*
on the subject* that now chiefly engage
the pnblic attention, by which it is my
desire to \x- guided in the discharge cf
those duties. I shall not undertake to
lay down, irrevocably, prirciplos or
•. lonsuro* of administration, but rather
to speak of tlie motives which should
animate us. and to suggest vrtain im
portant t uds t*> la* attaitiiHl, in a.vord
ance with our iustitutums and essential
to the welfare of our country. At the
cutset of the discussions which precede!
the recent lYesidontnd election it seem
ed to me fitting that I should fully make
known my sentiments in regard to sev
eral of the important questions which
then appeared to deuiau*! the nui-sidera
tion n! the country. Following the ex
ample, and in part adopting the language,
of one of my predecessors, I wish now,
whoa overv motive f*ir uiisrepreaentatwui
has pas- d away, to repent what was
said before the el.vtion, trusting that tny
countrymen will candidly weigh and un
derstand it, and that they will t'.vl as
sure*! that the sentiments declared in ac
cepting the noniination for the l*resi
dencv will la* the stauunrd of my con
duct in the path before mo, charged as I
now am with the grave and difficult task
of carrying them mit in tlie practical a*l
miir.stration of the government, s*> far as
depends under the Constitution and laws
on the Chief Executive of the nation.
The permanent purification of the conn
try upon sncli principles and by such
measures will se**nri* the complete
protection of all its citizens in the fre*>
H yment of all their constitutional
r s'hts, is the one subject in our public
affairs which all thoughtful ami patri
otic citizens regard as of supreme im
Many of ilie calamitooa effects of the
tremendous revolution which has passed
over the Southern Stat.-* still remain.
The immeasurable benefits which will
surely follow, amuex or later, the hmrty
ami generous acceptance >f the legiti
mate results of that revolution hav
not yet been realise*!. Difficult and em
barns*'ng questions meet us at the
threshold of this subject. The people
of those States are still impoverish.-*!,
and the inestimable blessing of wis*-,
honest ami peaceful local self-goveni
nient is not fully enjoyed. Whatever
differences of *puii<m may exist as to the
cause of 'this condition of things, the
fact is clear that, in tlie progress of
events, the time has come when such
government is the imperative necessity
required liy all the varied interests,
public ami private, of these Stat.-*. But
:t must not l*e forgotten tliat only a local
government which recognizee and main
tain;. inviolate tlie rights of all is a trne
With rx-qxet to the two distinct ra.iv.
whose peculiar relations to each other
have brought upon us the deplorable
c upb*sitio:.s and j>erplexiti<vi which ex
ist in those States, it must la* a govern
ment v!i *li guards the interests of both
races carefully and equally. It must be
a go* -rumen! which submits loyally and
1 - to the Constitution ami tlie laws
—the laws of the nation and the laws of
the Stat*-- themselves—accepting and faithfully the whole Cnstitn
tion as it is.
Resting upon this sure and substan
tial foundation tha superstructure of
boneflcieut heal governments can la*
built up. and not otherwise. In futher
ance of such obe*lieuce to tlie letter ami
t • -pint of the Constitution, and m be
-1 alf •-i all that itsattaium* nt implies all
so-called party interests k**e their ap
parent ir.-.ixirtance, and party lines may
well IH* J to fade into insignifi
cance. The question we have to eon
sidtr for the immediate welfare of those
St*.'..-of the Union is tlie question of
e iverumeut or no government, of social
order, and all the peaceful industries ami
tiie happiness tliat Wlongs to it. or a
return to barbarism. It l* a question ill
which every citizen of the nation isdeep
1*- interested, and with respect to which
v ought not to lie, in a | artisan sense,
ether Republican* or Democrats, but
fellow citizens, and fellow men, to whom
tie interests of a common humanity are
The sweeping revolution of the entire
labor sy.-tem of a large portion of < tir
country, and the advance of four mil
lions of people from a condition of servi
tude to tliat of citizenship, upon an
equal footing with their former masters,
c- -uld not occur without presenting prols
lcms of the gravest moment to be dealt
with by the emancipated rata-, by their
f rmer master*, and by the general gov
ernment, the author of the act of eman
cipation. Tliat it was a wise, just, and
Providential act, fraught with good for
all concerned, is now generally c* .needed
throughout the country. Tliat a moral
obligation rests upon the national gov
ernment to employ its constitutional
power and influence- to establish tlie
rights of the jeople it has emancipated,
and to protect them in the enjoyment of
tlit >se rights when they are infringed or
assailed is also generally admitted.
The evil* which afflict the Southern
States can only lie removed or remedied
by the united and harmonious effort* of
both races actuated by motives of mutual
sympathy and regard, and wliile in duty
bound and fully determined to protect
the rights of all by every constitutional
means at the disposal of my administra
tion, I am sincerely anxious to use
every legitimate influence in favor of
honest and efficient local self-govern
ment, as the true resource of those
States for the promotion of the content
ment and prosperity of their citizens.
In the eff. >rt I shall make to acoumplish
this purpose, I ask. the cordial co-opera
tion of all who cherish an interest in the
welfare of the country, trusting that
party ties and the prejudice of raw will
be freely surrendered in la-half of the
great purpose to be accomplished. In
the important work of ,tha
South it is not the political srcnaiiofi
alone that merits attention. The mate
ria! development of that section of the
country has been arrested by the t x-ial
and political revolution through which
it has passed, and now needs and de
serves the considerate care of the nation
al government within the just limits
prescribed by the Constitution and wise
public economy.
But at the basis of all prosperity for
that as well as for every other part of
the country li- s the improvemont of the
intellectual and moral condition of the
people. Universal suffrage should rest
upon universal education.
To this end liliernl snd permanent
provision should be made for the sup
port of free schools by the State govern
ments, and, if need be, supplemented
by legitimate aid from national authori
ty. Let me assure my countrymen of
the Southern States that it is my earnest
desire to regard and promote their
truest interests—the interests of the
white and of the colored people both and
equally—and to put forth my beat efforts
in behidf of a civil policy which will for
ever wipe i -tit in our political affairs the
color line, and the distinction between
North and South, to the end that we may
have not merely a united North or a mil
ted South, but a united country. I ask
the attention of the public to the para
mount necessity of
a reform not merely as to certain abuses
and practices of so-called official pa
tronage, which have come to have the
sanction of usuage in the several depart
ments of our govermneut but a change
in the system of appointment itself, a re
form that shall be thorough, radical and
complete, a return to the principles and
practices of the founders of the govern
men'. They neither expected nor de
sired from public officers any partisan
service. They meant that the officer
should be secured in his tenure as long
as his personal character remained un
tarnished, and the performance of his
duties satisfactory. They hold that ap
pointment* to OFFLI* WITC not to be
made mt expected merely * reward*
for partisan service*. ror mcrrl} on the
nomination* of mciiilx'nt of (Vingr.*** us
being entitled m any res|n , ct to the eon
trol of such *pjxint.niout*. The (net
thnt both tlx' great political (Motion of
the country, in declaring their priwwplos
prior to the election, gave n proiuiucut
place to the subject of reform of our
civil service, nvnpiiMUg ninl strongly
urging it* necessity in term* almost
identical in their specific import with
tlio*e I have here employe*!, must he ■* n conclusive argument in lie
half of the-..* measure*. It must lie re
gnrdod n* the expression of tlie unite*!
voice mul *ill of the whole countryuj*ou
this snbj.vt, mi l botli p*.litienl panic*
nre virtually pledged to gt*o it their mi
reserved support-
The President *>f tlie Tnit\l Stst.e
of invcs.Hitv owes his i l*\'ti**n to i to
the sutl'rwge and zealous Ulkms ,-t a po
liticnl partv, th*> nieinlwi"* *f winch
cherish with ardor and regard as of c
sential itu|s*rbuiiv the principles of their
jwrtv orgmuzatiou. But lie should stun
to l>c always mindful of the fact that h
serves his (*art* best who s rv - los
country Iwst. 11l futlierau*v *'f tlie r*
form **i seek, and in olhci imiairumt u
sjwvt.* a change <>f g'.vaf importance, I
recommend an aiuenduient to the (' -'
tUUoll presiTilung a term of six y. ai- tiU
the Fn-side;.tiul office, and forbiddiu ; a
r**- ehvtion.
Bi'stxEas iirrHZsMos
With respect to Un- tinanciul >*ud.tion
of tlie country. I shall not attempt an
extruded history *-t the etiil*rrnssm. :it
and prostnition which we ltayo suffered
iltu ing the (>ast thr*v year-. Ihe deprf - -
snu iu all >ur varied commercial and
maunfacturiug inter. *t '.hu uglnwit tjie
country which began in September. ISTd,
still owitiuuec*. It is*.tv gratifying.
ti* U k t*' SH\ ti: IV :t!V all around us ,t a i-. MU
change to prmqwrous tunes. Upon the
currency question, i ltimatelv i\.ninvtc*l
as it is with this topic. I may le js-rmit
t*si to r(H-at here the statement made ill
my letter of acceptance, that in my
judgment the feeling of uncertainty in
separable from au irredeemable
withitsductuatiiHisof values is v>ue ot the
greatest ol*staclcs to a return to pn*qnT
ous times. The only safe pup. r ourreii,-*
is one which rests II(K>II h*Min L*sis, mid
is at nil times and proiuptly inuvt-rtiblc
inti*ytn. I adhere to ti c views hcret.*-
fore expressed by mem favor of Con
gressional legislation iu behalf of an
early resumption of specie payment.-,
ami 1 am satisfied not ouir tliat this is
wise but tliat the interests as well as the
public sentiment of the country impera
tively demand it.
ronsMM Kr.LvTtoNs.
Passing fr.mi tliese remarks upou the
condition of our Country, t consider
OUP relations w^;tli other lands, we ar' re
miu.led by the international implica
tions abroad threatening the p. .go of
Ennw that our traditional rule of IMll
intertereoce in the affairs of foreign ua
tious has priored of groat value in pr.-!
times and ought to IH- strictly observed.
Tlie pi.licv inaogunitisl by my hois ri d
pirdrrfwr, President lirant, of submit
ting to arbitration grave questions in dis
pute Iw-tweeu ourselves ami foreign (low
ers points to a new and iueomparubly the
Iw-st instrumentality for the preservation
of ( ftu-e, aud will, as 1 Wlievd, b-con .
a lietieficent example of the court* t ■ !-■
pnnrae.l in similar emergencies by other
nations. If, nnlia)ipily, qn-wtions of
difference should at any time during the
p.>riixl i>f my admiiiistratiou aris*- Is--
tweeu the Uuitsl Sta.-s - ami for-, gn gx>r
emmeute, it will *x*rtau;ly be uiy di.-jx*-
siti*>n and my IIOJH* to ant iu their settle
ment in the same peaceful and h.n. table
w-ny, thus securing to our country the
gn-at blessings of (x-tes* and mutual gvxxl
office witli ail the nations of the wurkl.
Fellow citizens, we have reached the
dose of a (xilitieal eouU*.-'. marked by the
excitement which usually attends the
eviutests lH'twts*u great (x>liti.-a! parties
whose members espons.* ami advocate
with earnest faith their respective creeds.
The circumstances were, perhaps, in no
ri-sjxs-t extraordinary, save in the c! ■■ <■-
u*as aud ocHQsequent uncertainty of the
result. For the first time in the lii-t ry
of the country it has leen deeme*! 1 >.•>:,
iu view of tlie peculiar circumstauce of
the cas'. tliat the* objections ami ques
tions in dispute with reference to the
counting of the electoral votes should le
referre.l to the decision of a tribunal ap
pointed for this j*uqxr*. That tribunal,
estabhshed by law for this sole }mq>e,
its uiemlx-rs ull of them men of long es
tablished reputation for integrity and ni
telligenoe, and, with the exception of
those who are also members of the Ml
preme judiciary, chosen equally from
both political (>arties, its delilxratinns
enlightene*i by the resi-areh and the nr
gnments of able counsel was to
fullest confidence of the American (HIS
pie. Its decisions have been patiantly
waited for and as legally oou
clusive by the general judgment of the
people. For the present, opinion will
widely vary as to the wisdom of the sev
eral conclusions by tliat tri
bunal. This is to lie in
every instance where matters of .lispnte
are made the subject of arbitration under
tlie forms of law. Human judgment is
never unerring, and is rarely regarded
as otherwise than w rung by the unsuc
cessful party in the contest. Tha fact
that txilitical parties have in
this way settled a dispute, in regard to
which good men differ as to the farts and
the law no less than as to the pro; er
course to lie pursued in solving the
question in controversy is an occasion
for general rejoicing. Upon one point
there is entire unanimity in public senti
ment that
te the Presidency mnst lie amicably nnd
peaoeablv adjuste.l, and that w hen so a.I the general acquiescence of til.
nation ought surely to follow. It ha
been reserved for a gnvernnient of the
people where the right of suffrage is uni
versal, to givo to the world the first -x-
Hinplo in history of a great nation in the
midst of a struggle of opposing ( urti.-s
for power, hushing its party tumults to
yield the issue of the cout- st to adjust
ment according to tlie tonus of law.
Looking for the guidance of timt D.viu.-
Hand by which tlie destinies of nations
and indlvidvals are shajHil, 1 call upon
all senators, representatives, judges, fel
low citizens, here and everywhere, to
unite with me in an earneat effort to se
cure to our country tlie bles-ing* not
only of material proejicrity, but of justice,
peace and union, a union depending
not upon the constraint of force, but
upon tlie loving devotion of u free peo
ple, "ainl that all things maybe so order
ed and settled upou flu- bnt4 nnd unrest
foundations that {x-ace awl fuqipincss,
truth and justice, religion and piety, may
lie established."
Properly Appreciated.
"My dearest Fiducia,"he wiiil, nit thev
stood fxneath a tree in a fiix*! of ni< on
light, "I have longed—oh, s<i hinged!
for this blissful opportunity ; and even
now I hardly dare to speak the swelling
thoughts that struggle up for utterauoe.
Not in the blistering glare of th^nmin
day sun would 1 whisper to tliei- of the
sweet love that has tinged my whole
being with a celestial brightne *s, but in
this Boft silvery sheen of the. constant
moon would I syllable forth the ecstatic
song of Eros. Oh canst thou realize
how like the radiance of heaven thv
beauty beams upon me ? And shall not
the blessed boon be always mine Wilt
thou not henceforth, for all coming time,
give me the right to shield thee from the
rough contact and chilling blasts of an
unfeeling word ? Oh ! if thy smiles could
be mine while life should last, they
would shed—they would shed—a—a- -
Ah, dearest, they would shed " While
he hesitated and stumbled for a word,
Fiducia eagerly whispered: "Never mind
the wood shed, Augustus, but go right
on with your pretty talk."
A girl attempted to walk the ridge
pole of a house in Warren, Texas, having
made a bet that she could do so. She
fell off and broke both her legs.
Till! WORK OF TOMiIIFSS. til I Ito 'lo*i \olnlilo bin I'M***-*!
bt iht I*Mi la • I tinrt It ( m li Nrr
••ml **•'**!•• it,
Vn act prvu nliiig for the sale of saline
All act authorising the ttac of certain
Imuds now m the treasury belonging to
the Osage linliaiis.
in a. t t.i amend section of tin
revised statutes of the United States,
ivlatmg to iviiutcrfeitiug.
\n act autlioi iring the isiiiinnssioiieni
of tin* Ktoodinmj'* SMMUKR and Frust
t'ompany to buy m ivrtain ri id and
other property, and to sell the sauie at
public or private sale, and for other pur-
Vn act t i provide for the d< tloieiiey m
tin- npproprlatlon for the puldie |*riuUug
and Inudiiig for the ciumrl tW-td year,
and for otliei pur|ssa,
Vn a**t making iq pix*priatioua for the
payment of in*slid and other |a<nMons
of the States forth.- year eliding
June ltd, laTH.
An act making appropriations to sup
ply eertain di tlcii-nci.w m the *-oiitmgeut
fund of the llou -e of Repii seutatlies,
and for other purism*-*.
At- act t pro* tdi for and regulali- the
cotiutilc of votes for President and Yiee
l'iv -nii-lit, and tlie division of questions
arising tin H .in, for the term cutnmeiie
uig March t. 1577.
An act to emvuiruga and promote tele
graphic iv ia iuiu atioii ts'tw*s*n America
and KUMJM-,
An iii-t to p. ifeet tin* revision of tin*
statutes , t the I lilted Status :uid of the
statutes relating t the District of t'o
An act to allow a pension of ?.si> per
month to su'dii-rw who have lost laitli *n
arm and ti leg.
An aot to ratify an agreement with
Certain bands d tlie S aiv lialiou of 111
diaiis. .id n-• with the Northern Arr.i
pahoc and t'licya nuo Indians.
An act to rep the statute ftirbi-ldiug
app -utments and promotions m t.. stall"
of tin army.
An aot un till ti ■ _ the pension la** sous
to remove the disability of those who,
having participated ui the icla-lhou,
have, sine - its termination, enlist**! in
t!; ■ Unit.-,I States uriuv ami l*eoi>me dis
Ait act for the relief of the settler* on
the public lamls under the pre-emption
Au act to s.vure the lights of settler
u;i< n certain railroad lands mid to re|H-al
tiie tiwt five so-:ions of the act rutitled
"an ia-t granting land-l > the Stat •of
Kan- an .t ■ a tin the **>i,tnictiou of
ti. (v.,al i Ni \ ille* rail I ad Its exteu- n: > the lv I ra-'r.
All act to amend s*-Ctuli "'.'l of the
rcvis 1 cf.ltlltes of tic- Umt**l S aU-S ill
r. !:.t ou to pro f rispiir*\l m 1 me.stead
An a -t for tlie r* h* f of certain settlers
i!i public lauds.
An act t extend for two years the net
establishing Uie board of conuuissionent
of claims and tin- acts r* lntuig tln-reto.
Au act making appropriations for the
current and iMUtingcnt exjtense* of die
Indian dejartiu*-ut and for fulfilling
treaty stipulat.ens with various Indian
tnb*s for the year cubing June JtHli,
IS7K. and for other pnrp.*-- s.
An aot making upj>opriat.ou for the
-upjHirt of tin mditary u.-iuleniy for tlie
fiscal year ending June ;tt>th, IS7S, and
for other purposes.
All act reiquH-tiug the limits of res*-rvn
tims for town sites ujß'ii the pubhc do-
An tu-t making appropriations to sup
ply defi iencies in the appropriat,ous for
the fiscal y.wr utultng June !10th, l"*.?,
and prior Tears, and for other puriKXie*.
An iu-t to provide for the sale . : d*-s, it
lands in eertain States una Territories.
An act relating to tin- production of
fruit brandy, and to punish frauds con
nected with the saiue.
An net making appropriations fur sun
dry civil expenses of the government for
the tisiil vear ending June 30th,
and for otla-r purj* ses.
A'.i act establishing |s*t n-ada.
An aet making appropriations for the
naval service ; r the year eudilig Jum
.kt. l"*7s, ai d for other purjs.s.
An act making appropriations for the
1 ayiuent of chums repsarted allowed by
the commissioners of claims under tin*
.•f Congress Man-hJ, I >7l, making
appropriatmna for the legislative, ex
♦vutive an*! judicial xpa-nses of tin- gov
ernment f -r the year ending June 30,
lt<7B, and for ith r purpis-i-s.
An act making appropriation* for the
service of the l'ost-cilice departu . nt for
t:..> ti-.. 1 year eti i ng June ,k>, Is7h, tuiil
for other purjKises.
Vu a-t to provide for eonqa-naation to
the owners of certain land* ceded by the
U:iit**l Stnt.-s t • (ire.u Britain in iuul
hv tha treatv of Washington of .filly 'J,
An act making appropriation* for for
tifications ami other work* of def - n*e,
and fc>r the armament thereof, for the
tix-al y ear . ndiug June :kt, IS7N, and for
other pnris**•*.
An ad for the support of the govern
ment of the District of Columbia for tie*
fis*al year • tiding June ;k), Is7h, and for
other pur]*>*cH.
An act to nuthoriz** the appointm-nt
of a sergeant in the signal corps us a s,v
ond lieutenant in the army.
An act equalizing the (tensions of cer
tain officers in the navy.
New Spring (;*NXK fur Hri-**ei.
For the first wool. -n dn*ses for earlv
spring tie* retail storm are displaying
colon* and designs to match the cloth*
for wraps. These are of fine qualify,
pure wool, wry light weight, and oust
eighty ends a yard f..r stuffs nlxmt
thtvisfonrths of a vanl wide. Among
the pn-ttiest arc tlie rhsir grays with
steel blue shadings, and the cnwmv
browrna, woveti in square figures, yet ail
of oue shade. These woven plaid's of n
single shade promise to he exceeilingly
itopulnr. Fine twilleil vigognes un
shown as b>w as fortv-five cents a yaxd
in single TUf!is. Very flue summer
camel's hair, with soft finish, yet show
ing the stylish tl- eoc, is vard. From
five to six yards arc sold for a jsilouaise.
Bilk aud wool mixtures are shown in
unusual variety. Then- an- moat often
in roughly ra;-i •! thread* irregularly
woven iu what ha* Is- *:i known of lute
as Knickerbocker style. These eouie in
eliarming light shades, such as tilh-ul
gr*en, lilue with white, or cream with
brown, aud cost sfl.'J.,' a yard for double
width goisls. In Htill liiu-r qualities of
mixed silk *nd VVH>I theo- iH grii-n witli
r- I, or blue with cardinal, or else shaded
'•lire green, for T>l a yard. I'lain solid
blue Knickerbocker is shown for 02.T0.
This seems t.i indicate that blue will
lose *l* prestige, and gris-n will take it*
place; at present, however, blue still re
mains in great fuv >r abroad. Blue and
gold stripes of mixed silk and wool nre
sl.o<) a yard.
Wool Si -ilienne* for wraps and over
dresses are shown in far lighter shuile*
tlmn they have lieen for years, and the
Hiimr* is tni ' of eashllieres. Tilleul
green o t]m ii"V ity nurd Inrgeh unpnrt
e i in thesa fin,- stuffs, and will be usisi
for evening wraps. Basket and crape
cloths in all tliesi d< licate ahadea nre
i}l.7. r i a vurd.
IlOw Mi" Threads a Needle.
The Baltimore Sun says : Am lig the
large number of patients who sought
treatment at Dr. ('huuiltn's frc • eye and
ear dispensary yesterday were two sis
ters, one eighty-four and the other
eighty years of ago, who lived together
for mutual support. They were both
active in limb, and had walked over a
mile to visit tin- dispensary. The elder
sister of eighty-four lost iui eye fr<>m en
accident many years since. The younger
of eighty lost fiotli eyes from inflamma
tion forty years ago, so that for half her
long life she has been totally blind, fine
eye, aud that a crippled one, did the
family work, except the sewing, which
was done by the blind sister for both
parties. She retained such delicacy of
touch even in her old age that she could
thread an ordinary sized needle with
ease, and even a fine one after a few
efforts. Her metluxl of threading re
versed that eommonly adopted. Having
cut off squarely the end of the thread
she held it fixed between her fingers and I
brought the eye of the needle up to it,
and often at the first trial would pasa the
end of the thread through the eye.
SI MM Alt! OF M S.
Ilrma of Inlrrrftl Iriun Home itn<l Attruml.
V dispatch ft> %> i'tiMunn agm. v nav* J29
it Indian* •mnl tin re fruit) the luisliltv
camp ntt tongue river, aurn n.lci tug then mum
mill lint**' hundred I'liiit* 'lhe ttlmlii .
•I. (inn i S|'il. n. Isd'Uiging t>> Dumb..
Scotland. Ii In •ii lost in ii Hi i , i ii. Ml Intuitu,
nun.bctuig tnriiti (no pu*"i,', jxrt liml
Smallpox it. i i lint i" iin In ili in,ti' unii'li in
t.illlitilll. tin' lu■ I Weeks IX'JKlll nlmltn ti l
death* from tin disease tin I'lim Tiioij*
II ii iiM) Hi liiliilJi i lit IU-i iy, t .until*, J, -i ili J
hit wilr mill faintly In rliiji witli a voting
of lila oougl. gallon l lii' will ' f llio lull
( .mined i A and. l! 7t, i tijt'l winch III! sou
William II wai In Ita. tvi tin la;,. t slur. •(
the Ilium use property, 1* i'l'lllt all J l>i 11 1
other lln lut ri* lit lilt faiiilb 1 lin luost ti-'lrj
counsel in llu. cnmlt \ i.av. 1 • on 111ttlui J
Thus. MacDuffy, innllili clerk "I llu' wull
kitnwn Imulwi rut "I iiitiinmr A t'u., l.xxt.J
at Montreal, I ati.ula, i a ili taullfi In th.
aillnllul of #4>',tl*i I In' lii-ai ti-1.1 v.tdtcl
mi r given l'l a Jutv I'U pel-oiiaJ dalllug. le
pioliallv llmt jil m-llli I al I'nii; likee|iait li
lli'lil l Aalnr, HI 1111 wealthy falut.l l'l Val' la,
win' no ul ligi J In inn the sum of ? - I,last fot
indicting pennant nl injuries < n till little . UUJ
i f I'llf nf lila Ii natiU I t pushing tin mil of a
chart 1 lu- |'tiiwi|ial, lullitat Mulet'nlaaui'mil
tnl to *3J,11
Investigation into llio burning of tin court
house al, M nilt-iy i'mili i .1, J. it U |"i
llio fact that H was d m I'll til' pilltmiM- of ilw
rirovuig tin count i 11>, '* it J • lite J|-1 'tit y e.>|.
Ux'toC, Wit; >l. intltlsel, tiaiUlg iml * *,111!
f-|i.taKi, win It lie liml ai tin- gaming tahl. In
JUoliililelil I Hauls ll la thought a " rtii(!
existed among llio |ailllli'latm -Hut llio I'ltlaoln*
aio in-. —pi.ullv excited atiil lluvateti strict
till. ntlgallou Judg. hell* 1, lint It* puhh All
iiH Uilai nf 1 .'tigrt *s, ha** 'm4 a irlt. 1 1"
Onv. I'ai karj, of IsnuMOJla, .'"a, 4 f 1 t ]al
doll of llu 1 lilig luaii uli attempted
In a**a **itia!v Ml. I'a.kaiJ. Mi hi lit \ ha*.
lua appil. atliiu oil tiio fait Ilial AA'cidoii * fat-11.l
la tutu nf lua 1110*1 re a J*Vl**t constituent-., ami
tilt' "ltd" ne ti' 'll alliilta III' 1 llllg lilull In
halt' la on 'Hit i l ' t'l^i lit liilii lat tin Uluo of
the attempt King istatli I ho atvrrluri nf
tin 1 r.asiir 1 has i-.ued th. l .11 lot 11 call f.-i tin
redemption of 10,1X10,'ill of .. .II laiiitla of
lv*s. ltio t-all i> for #.',o hi.iarj i'o.ijhhi and
(ft mi n "t0i..1 lin* in- th
of Fetruaiy twenty tvv..failures w* r. almoin "■!
Ul Si W Vlik I'll* . Wtllh lint t lln of el 11 .I.
au.l *-** I* "f f|* i.*,n VI tin Uri alt linn
tali 'if >•*., 1 111 Sin Aim. .ili pro ' "in trillo
high* t lluui al the |faiid> *a!> Official
figures from llaiaua *h., itnro at. 1 ', o*i
dale* 111 1 ill'.t u,:alii*t - . ■ I thin ll It
.Willie drltrtolla flolll ill Ink, Jai-oli Wit.'i 1.
of TifMiu, Ohio ai,,.! lit* fwti-yt ar-i ! 1 mi
tin. heart ami thru attempted to kill
hi* wife, ahnotiiijt.hri ui the Uy.
Intel.lit' from Vukahtuia la to tl > rffo, !
that tin famine Ui t'o:r* a.lln .> -. -,'nl *:.|-c.
for alii have lire 11 ti ail. til Jal*AJI the
llarthtn; |aprr ettinpauv * mill at Franklin,
tlUlii, thi' *etMtul J ajeT etMU|'.iin in tin ii 'llii.
tu i-'tiil '*f *irr, no ili *i: iiil ii iiti. rim
hundred liau-ia itrlr thloWll o'.il of t lil] !"i
luellt. 1. "I hint l two and ti.ree hll lli 1
tlinuaaud ih>Uar* lhr 1 fk 1 ir.i tt tir.-.v,
wh'ell aallid frtau is.rtla l, M. , I r tiloiier
lei, FJU; land, I* aU|'J* ml til hale IK •ii !. -,t at
aea Willi a'l on U il 1 J.-hit M ' all, tin
tuttrd' ror ot " Wi! 1 i * ! ,t V.tio
liiu, l*aki ta iii' bshftlwieooUgr, and 'CK itiod
In tlutlk he ii. en tat hi* fah . i'hi N. a
York C 'Hereof PhjratoucMau.lHutcwwagradu-
ated llv atttdetit* Jiiojh*, a fruit
dewier of Now York, v *t.i . . .. . ■ n
lie wa* lOMUUIiiI.t a* a ,'htu h, I.a* ft, * 1 th.
countrv, 1. *1 in. lehu.d nu . mill di'Ll* foritrd
tiotea and iu,irt r 'i- , i • 'll., I uotri M. thai
I'oUege i f .New Y ;k ktahhJii : -olila* I , Hit,'
leeil grati'iaUU|t M 1' * *u of Ihom U . .
men I'he tilli.lH'itelJ tat .1 f I i illaj'
allow* til. tola) outataiidui); do lit hi I*
613.7**H.iJ . i-mii in troa..ui, f ~771. it :
docreaat of dt ht durinc u. nUi. t-Ih 1 "
Itir KVuad aiu|ii'Ved f hum . ra: t* ft Sow
K uth Wade* kfl Now \ a. .i t! . th J iiol
Ttierr were 1 iih nn u, w. men aiid cliil,iron.,
1 lie On H"U far llu r ale elati d nr a flatt<! Ui.'
crop imiajiet-t . Flic I'mted Mate* U.K: -
haio 1-e, u willHlrawu from the *ui |K<t .( tin
i'ackard (.'"itrurura t in Now Or., a:.*, and w. .
IK reafttr (• u>. ,1 oulj in imf fai'ut' . f tin
State anthontte* to protect life arid pruprft}
Jiei 1 Itar: an Vitiinau : . ;
lie one, dletl m Florence, lla. Wolduli,
the aoukl te a**a*aiu i f Ikii. i'ackard ill N, w
Or It an*, ha* l**ti rrlu*. ! on fs,taki hail
l e'.uai.l 11 ward ,i m* htinard 1 , w,
hanged la Ih iabum |Y V. State )•( li f r
the ri fa frl! O.i ] :.. .. r t . ar
Owing to * :i:t mi-.-ale.irate tl.r mck *. :
Uriil.eri. arid the f ttltv man J e 1 fri u f * ,
ti tl JulllM Id-TV of M. "..' hi*. 1 .
after a fi i weeka'mart .agi . r.ivn .1 mtli 1
wife our *otue projiertv. a: ! ended th. dtlii
cuitv by ahuotuu; her rated; thrae time, and
blowing out lua own hrmm* h.* her A
liaki r aawmtll at lianUiytiitt, 1 1., . Ie m
phtely detliollahed hi tie el lt**|.in of ti.,
'• iter. One man wa* aU.i d and ktt rai * tex,
ljr injured.
A lo .J mmwmentailed<Nl tin iit.ii
alte I ta a- Urwi iII. . .nail !1 *!• ~1 I ~ t
I'T tiio hmnrti.: of iht ufa t- rv i si. I.
Senator JUrtiUin, of form, lio ha* lon
elected chairman - f tin 1 en -ratio nation..;
committee i . lit wttt, re,u-ut*l Ih* fnrtt
tlr*t call #■ r llie n>l ij'tj. of Site twenty
bond*. • f tin t**ue ■ : May uulNoirn,'; c:, |N
lia* jn*t tern l**ui*i l* tlie a**itant 'retail
of tile lieamiry. 11* m!h f--r f h"- -•
Mai rioUtertoll nl- Tilt-l-dt
hf V'i. J !m O Maho u i lewng r uored m Jri-li rttiea, wa- tinned Ui t'ut iiu wstii
great loiradr and OUIi-h -anon. I uiiv t huir
■ !:■ 1 thou*a'.d t' Kik part in 11.. |fx *; u.
i \-i lin f Ju-: ■ 1 . f ti f r
eolile-tajita fur Ul* jai Knlcinvf of M \i**v, i.v
witbdrawu in* pivtene-'Uaa a • th, siiaih tUa
t. nof (ton. Ih*r. lie ha- *•* indid l> lon
liiu country and return to i'fev. .. Kigbt
men loet their lln - by tin- i, a. hmg and ilc
otrUt'll :i cf the *• -ina • ■* Ms . sret and I.e.
near Uarnegat 'H.ore war no m-nram ■mi tin
vc**<'l. A fire ui UaiUin, :i ill rul<*i Iht
Pata|Htco guan work*. raln ,i at ft h.t"*.'.
vr nnle.
Mr. Sargt nt l>p. ..f Cabf rnla, sH*l up
tin Mouae I'l lto pr. v|ih f rll -.vie fdo. , I
land* in th- Stale* if Cahforu a. Oregon, and
the Territiaii fWaehior! n. idah". Montana,
i lali, Wioiiimg, Art/, ua. New Mi i > and
IVakota. Air. Sarg. Nt -ul : HI, lan anu-mlt un!
"that iki [* rin *ha.l le |K-rnntte.l oithcr tore
*ervo .irac |uil' title t" umre than Otie aectimi
of tami undt r tlie act.' Agreed to.
M: '• v preentKl tin-rri*h ntlsl "f ! •
Hon. liavnl flavin, ehct.d FiiUeU Stab * <na
t- r from th. Stale of IIIUK i* t r *:v y • ar from
March t. 1177. 1;.. d and placed on hie.
Mr. Oord' n prvneated tin- o .lrutiala of tin
Hon. J. T. Morgan, el>Se>l Fnlteel Stat. • *ena
t- r front the s: le of Alabama f r *u yeari
from Mar. li t. 1i77.
Objcetioii having been madi in joint CUM n
tiou to tbo df i-| ,n of till T.l •: i >n 11., dli
t'aroihra ■ otorwl vote. Mr. ITOBCRTKON , Iten. i.
of South Camlina, mileiMtted a reanlitpoii that
tiio dicm n of Ul Cvmuiu i I||hhi tin • ~<*
lora! v "te uf the Slate of South Far 'Una atvud a*
the judgment of the Senate, tin oFjici; N*
umdo thereto to the cntrari nt ith t..ndin .
After *"tiif dt*ctiion >fr. 1:. ! rrt u* r> i.t
tiiui waa agreed t< ycs. J.'; liar*, 33; s
aim t party vote.
Objection in Joint convention having icon
math to receiving the vote of Vemtout. Mr.
Kdiiitind* Ilc| .i, of Vermont. *ubmit!<"l a
ri ohiti"u that the vote of Henry N Sollace a*
an elector for Vermont IK countt I with the
other viei toral lot** of that State. I'ht roa. t
tion wa* uiwuimioudr sgnni to.
Ohjcrtioii having I*, n mad in joint cn ,n
--tioa to teceivutg lin vol. of in,, • f Uw Wi ■
conaiii elector*. Mr. (um ran Hep. •fWi
couitiii, moved that tlie vote of— 1 >imn 1 W.
llowu* be counted. Tin* wa* adopt. 1 with nt
I debate or roll call, three or f ntr Dt iiw rati.'
Keuabifa voting " No.
Mr. Kelly ilb'tiub of On| "ii. pren d 1 the
credential* art„ F. ftiorer, • • te I T nile l
State* -i nator from the "-t ate of Oregon forsiv
year* from March I. 1 v 77. iinul and placed
on II le.
An amendment to the appropriation hill giving
ATI, 15t1.113 to pay rent to the .i*ignee of (hi
iHunitiican gov*nimeut for s.imoiia liarlur wa*
agreKl to by !| yea* and 7 nav*.
in tlie Icgl*ltive, .Fi li al and F.veiWitivc
AppropnaLi ii bill Ibr 1! m*e nndcrtook t" r.-
dure a very large number >f -alan. * which
were fixeil by tlie Oompronii* acl of la*t year.
The Senate ri *f ire.l lii u aalavioe. and the
Home confi ree* agr< • 1 thereto. In a very few
cane Kjilaru * were rt Itced -lightly.
Mr Sanlabttlv lam. . of I'elawari', nmved
thai the Senate re-'ede from it amendinent • in
regard to tlie *ub*idie* for carrying foreign
mail*. Agreed to jo a*. 29 j nay*. 11.
The *nl)*litllte of file Annv cnnimillee wa*
agreed to yea*. 33; nay*. 35 : a *trict party
rote. Tlie bill wa* then pa *..!. It appropri
ate* #21,992.000 for the army.
Thu cou<idi ration of the Finance bill w i*
]*i*t|Nitied until le xt Ik-'eiulwr
The Naval bill, *iib*tanlially that of la I
year, wa agr<cd iij* n.
Mr. Logan llep. i, of llliuoi*, called up the
House IdI! to cpialu" 'lie iMHintJe* of . 'ill. r*
who -ervi "I in the late war f-r tin 1 nion. liv
a vote of 31 to 25, action oh the bill wa* imleii
nitely p-t(ine l.
Tlie Senate tben ailjotinu 1 and the *. ion
Mr. Field (I)etn.J, of New York, from the
committee on privilege*. re|tort<l tin- bill
amending tile revined *tatufe* of the Foiled
Slate* *o a* to provide for the ca*e of removal*ignatloll or inahlhtyof laitli i'ri aidelit
and Vice l're*ldeiit.
The bill wa • ordered to I*' read a third time,
and having I ecu no read, it wa* pa-*eil ven*,
US; nay*, 109; a party vol., except that one
U pnbl - aii. Mr. I'urmaii, of Florida, vobd for
it. and the following titum d tliirteen Pemocrata
agaiuat it :
M **r*. Hockner (Mo.). (Foodin iKnn.'l. Hnn
cock (Te*.), Knott i Kr.), Seal COhtoi, I'otter
(Mich. I, Savßge (Ohio). Stevenwiti (111. i. 'i'ar
box (Ma**.), I'houiaa (Md. I, Warren (Ma**.),
Whih lioUHC (N. Y.), and William* ( PisL).
The exact text of the hill i* a* follow*
In ca*e of removal, death le-ignation. or
inability of both I'reaident and Vioe-I'reaidont
of tiio "United State*, or in caae of a vai-ano.v
in thoan offlcea ariwng freril tlie failure of the
two hotiae* of C'ongre** to a*certain and de
clare an election before the commencement of
the term of oftico in reepect to which the elec
toral vote* wore ca*t, or in cane of a vacancy
among from any other ciuiae, tlie preaident of
the Si'iiate, or if ttiere ho none the npeaker of
i the House for the time being, and if there be
no HUch sneaker, then the secretary of State
! in office when the vacancy happens, shall act
as President until the disability i removed or
I a President elected.
Mr. Schleicher (Dam.), of Texas, moved to
Mm|v n(l t!%• i uli K nut) At|i!|l H rrmihilitui rtn'M
lug (lint lln |*iin t|lo (lint n fit ' i HIIH it(
tli I l\i n It * In iW t I fli'lil llu* *!! rtl u| #f 1)||MH
|>l( . i t I!II> ( I t'(tnl l\ i of
tlir UniU! Hint* ttiul liml tl i< \i*lt lit liml
llll* I' lA t Mtllii Ul . laH 'AYU it" Hit' llninjvl. il .'Y
FltlliH" I ill fii||ll < ;|ulli.:i lUtll (lie Nulhllh
i "A riuiitiit id l,t itUiina nm lhr ily gi\ rn-
Hi itln lu llit'Nt Kldln I hnl fx tli tin An> I tin* ni|i
poll of th< j i opto, alh) ih ! th'jH Jul (vi (In it
riipl**ri on llu* iitililoM i !i rft'iviu't' <f lh#
tmltui al K-'Vci!HtlH ul, nm! ih * lni thnl llio
hlttlt *t lltlt* i• 1 I |T' rt-tifcnl l%- litiv, Miiinp
(••ii niil lhc hlisli juYi*Tiiliniil I opt* • nlrl ly
V 'Y Sit hvtiU Hi I' ' aK I * I* aI h> i Mlllfi
n\t Tiitiii-i|thv f ntnllhl'fii"
him ttJi-l t ' UUlmm. um*, hSi . Ih\b,
y;l ih*l 1 Y%i-Hiilw Yoltiitf lit the *fhrtimUvr,
V\hf lib tit iyihli of lh ll it'iiimi 111 I ht- ffiM
'f H tU I'iiitfhiiA i niiir* Up, alt t ft il %#a timilo
t lUlliitllvN' llw t'Miltliv • 111 (ll#) oante. ll la *
paiiiphh tof IWrUc htliiili< t pf ainl Mhulil
i< t|l|i|i font oi U\<A tin)a to I* .ul Ml . I'hltUpa,
of Slitmiiui, luttili tlx motion. It y%a auiitint
leal, oil ai A ami ia> rail, nli>! tl*f tetknl hv I??
to H7, Afl 2 a lvl!|{UiA (iiMTIMvli oil jkl llliil
lini\ iiialhin. Mi. i I.iAiit , I'titi ,t f iSitio
riiii.l h n N.ihllltili thai (ho litvialou
of (hp | Uv'loial oolliti+p -101 l '! (h \o(< of
Stllllh • A Urn I I tl 'l -ihUillnl 1Y th*' llt'UMi
Mitt if UiH u-nlil) il, lh i .wluUvfO um athipl
I'll* I Inline liati a iiifl aloflnv mneloii oil (ho
lti* (Hill tvf tlie t>li)i - (itiUal VpfHii'iil • ltHlm,
ih I>#•!' ; lll*hull* Nft- tilvitM I'll lUKIiV
> I llu vol- a aulti. icitl t voting willi
lh<- lit pill n ..! - lo .an - llie diffeit nl nioli 'iis
mad. . i del. J 111. ill a* wa - d< tiled. A tial.l
fight wan imtd. lo Jots* a r* -olilli.fll ill inaii.ling
that \li. ttewill Aeun.'sit pa.kag. Is' opened
in Joint . .\. .1 ; 111 . i'Jo i ts-li.g lo get tin
Male I. I, 111*1 to 11.. lb' t..r*l count.l - 'loll, and
give All. t i. Id all opjs.l I Hint v lo . ft. I Ilia -;m..
tciicrttMo bill.
llie dlspiil.d ebs'tor <* ill the Mai. ot
Win..wit held llie I son '■ from leu . ■
through a . ullnuoiis II ..f twelve and
lliic* .piaiur li.Hits, and alb n inuiubs
eleven o . Us'k llie " . ski r s rt ld he bad given
Uie Hon *ll p.-sib., b.elue under . Ill*ra!
C-'Ustl ig'llou oi |NU-li*UU nlal V rub" Ibe "liiy
ti.Ulg Hi ord.l w**loi...uf i (be C, I.ale alid go
oil with Uie .iiillil.
WlMXilisitl having 1 cell objected to i:i joint
liv< tili. it. the Mirer. i ft. rid lo Mi. la. •
well, of AA issoiiaiii. lliat llie vote of Ik.mi* Is
.viuilol, wa* r. je. at 3 .V* a. vi veaa, 79
n*v*, 1 . it . origuial pi'siii'.n Ui*( it Lr
lK't > 'linli I was ill"11 agPeei! to by the House
Williotll division.
A uumls t . I rvaoiutkai* to iF . tiarge ifemr.
Wells, Alider —-ii, I'*-'uavt iiii.l Keuiier, inciii-
Islsof 11.. 1 u.tiai.a leltirtuug ts.ard, wbu*re
lu ciisl.sly of tin House, were negatived.
All', lie 1.1 .t K 111 , of Vk Yuri, flolll the
sebs l csiiuuillleo on pnvileg.-s, rejairUsl a Fill
l" piovi.l. an . It.s'lual Ivtti.slv f..r • wiougful
... tut) into th* . - i 1'1.*..). .: .v;.l 1...-
Frv i Sent. Ibe 1 .11 wan read * follows
ll plov l'b* w iieii aril lei soli iitlrvide*
into or without doc elects at K- ids or eirro*-
Ui. ..ih.'e of Fi - i it nt .a* AJcr-FuwiTdeul, bi*
Ullu to th. . :!'. . and 111. litis ot an. elaiuiabl
tluret . may h< filed and .3. t*ruol—.l by *ll -• ■
Ibni oi llie iraltile l or.lido. Fbe action
. .ay te brought in any circuit court of tlse
I rub I Mate*. *' >1 -.halt Is- u.ed be a jury, or
by llu- court, if * Jury trial be waived. Iht
Itud i, to b- Commenced ninety days
after ih. serve* of thi summ it*. Tb. c urt
shall 111 j tow whellnr electoral vole* We.e
al ly ll.e s:M.;IS duly a|T|sal.le<l tu lite
iiitlUH l .irits'ied I ' ll.e Ma.. Ugi-igurr,
• lot bill receive rlib lice Ulld.Ug I *U. w
the foi r ,ry. falsehood or invali.hly ot any
. rtrtira(< - of any governor, canvaswer or
other ofbccr. The court uto rejact the vote*
,-f all ier-" i inched le it lhr time * f lli. tr ai
. -cest . ;s',u(t - ;.i r uicr] dab lal the lilne
I oasling their v.d. s, an t the court mu*l lu
le-Ug.vt. any "tber fact in<* -*ry to a Judg
ui> t - f tin right* of (be par tie*, and jmtg.
lite:d i* I'is I. ml, red "dtunlen dsv - afl, r the
Veiiifcl..' the jurv. If Uie .1. (.elanl le ad
judged 1.-t uulilbst to 11K.4b . l.r sj.a'l I* rt'
hi. if: II i*u:.a;.l Is adjud; wd
rntilAd to it, I ■ shall immediately enter on
tb' duties of the c!ti •. A| ;*al mav le taken
to the sujawtue court . f tire Fluted Slat, s
within t. ii day* of the t."lice of the judgment.
\!ld rile Judgment a; si! IK4 iss eXnruttsl UUtfl
tb,- .te- slon ■' tli* peal. And if llu supreme
. ,-urt te- u"t ,u ** -... i wh* n that aplsai i
i.vkc.'. .'■ -lial! Is lin ...Lai- .y .X'li.rUl,l by lb*-
. Itlsf Just.. I ut nof lb* judgment may
! * . *,l .'-ftp. * ; writ issue Ito aiiy mar
slul Of tb. t t.iiod f-Ut* s.
"nr. I.< Ut j-r.,jas .11 < vplain the hill and to
ar. Ie m uj'js rt of .1- c o-utdt. uolil-. and it*
. Apcdrem y. Hi til), b* argVnsl. atuild Icing
co- Jiat. nf.r t! j re-.ut ..nd softy . f the
f titur*
Ihe 1 waa :v j acted \ea. tC ; nav*. 99.
Mr. I* :. i. f Virginia, .'-2. t* i a
r.s*rluti. ti dinvUng Uo *• rg*ibat-aruis t-<
.b- haige a.. JstC*H4 now m h.a ctist**|v.
Adept, d.
(T.i m.'ti -;i ■ { Ylr. Il .hliMi (lem.). of I .<!;-
Ith, 1 •, r 4 . !■ U.' t IV." Mill
drrhi'.i wcrr srote# c* ui ivd ui.
Mr. li. IN Ui. .of it .1- utov.-d t*i stisjs u 1
the rub's and pa - the 1 ill pi..nduig that al!
J* . gi int. 1 .ut f death, wounds
■ a Jtsal lhty. t)*t liave i nor tuxv I* granlmh
sh..;l tk* .8. *. fr a tin day of li oth. r f
.ti*chars fi cn-u .. and Fx-,. Uai) Is'
p-..!. Fbetnoti .. X. agtttd to, and Uw tel!
(•*-***! by a ',' ii s> T"te.
Mr Kn .tt lNm u* b< nlnckv. rliaim in of
tl.. s*d.s3t com iuR,. on tb- pnviU ,e of the
IF i*e, >V|*urtcd a JTc..mbl- its) rcsa.iSlK4i re-
C 11.'.,' tl.vt it was u ; disputed that 1M v*4es
• guiug ti*e noma*of tin aacal state*< t.*d
Is,n ieca) - *;.■! ,* .. t't.iti. Ir. ; ast fir Ham
. id. Tttd< that tb- e.i.t.iix txk. nxiid ie
Jsirtswl I • tie House in 1 usuaor* . f it- - i-lcr
ah—wed -lusaelv iiislni Ft'iida and I-ouisr
ana tl.ednh a : .tut* I .'■<•! a-, bad ca*t 111* tr
vot. f-a 1.71* an t tb* I, f* .ng that
: tb- duty • ! lhc li i* !. d* .sr., and
II d - -innly tbs '-aie. that Kxiuu* I J. Til*
d i ft. '-'.af. ' N*w A ik. I. "iv.,l l.s
• led• >rai cb f the .".of Fresldcnt
f li. United s:t . ail of winch V l.s
were <xi*t. an t I.C ■ th<l< f sign-4, c* rtr
ti.*l. and tranamltted to tli.- s*-at of g.o.m
ui* nt. dtr* u 1 ! tb. jvre-id. ill *vf th* • late,
in conformity wtUi lb* i'.institution and 1*. ~f
lii- Unit"*! Htale .by . le*'tor * *l g|blr
and nualitnd as aucli. each of had i*cn
duly aj. iiited an . 7 t.* lu Uie Juwt
>d by the 1* „i<da!ure of tie Mate, and for
'"llK'li he cost ins . it* . and that said Samuel
J. i 7 li. tiaving thus ree*i *d tb. v..t * of a
majority f ail tin v. ;. - ..f ,l,ct r* appointed,
wa* tlierel-v duty . . -tcl l"r <ud* ut < f tli. I Hit* .1
stat ■ . f Amen a f r U.< term of four yexrs
• Mfutnen. :na cm tin fuurtti of March. 1*77 ; and
ftltili*r dtvUirmg tl. t Th.-ma. A. liendrick*,
f Indiana, having nvxirsl the xsunc nuiuls-r
of etc! ial vol* - f i tb' <V"c * ..f Aic*-Fr.">
.lent, it ;* (In uptuiouof ll.* Hoiiw that lu was
duly * l**ct**l A i.x I'll - dent for th*' term of four
yean, ituracncing *hi tin f..urti. of March,
le'. 7. 7h. r* Itilmti wa adopted by a strict
Jiarty v t- |,17 t> is.
All. Pit I |of New York, from Iha
H* bet ix.munti.x .II toiv ilog. r**(s ai.xl ar. ->
!nt oil declaring, aft* r a lone ureaiulile. that tu
the tinting of th. .hi"! vote* of any Stat.
ii is the right and duty I 1 :r< -s and of tin*
House to ti |tut. ulu lh r any vol. * imrt*utirig
to collie fioiii a Stat*- have Is . u cast v.y (afsi'iia
duly appointed 1 y tnat Slate, and for that ; lir
po-e to r< • ie *•■ Mb'iice of th" f.ygery. fal*.-
liis.l or invalidity of any certificate of any
governor or can v. .*rs. Adopt, d.
lie Senate a. . inu-tits to the Army Appro
priation llii! w r. tui-c*uienm 1 in. and a con
ference rvouinuti • M. -ts. Alkms (Teuti.).
AV. 'ls ( Mo. i. and Foster (Ohio) appoint**!.
The rep rt of tin committee on the Foat
ofii-e A)'!', piiali-'ti bill wa- agreed In.
Mr. 1 I.;s . Hem. t, nf lantnuana, niov.x! to Ml*-
|x'. I tlie iulcs and pa* . Uie lull appropriating
•f t.3"i3.'" for r> ; airmg the !< vi-e.'l the Missis
sippi river, Defeated veas. 73 ; nay*. 115.
liie c .nmulU* >ii rates rctsirteil tin amen !
man! t<> > i!*.* twenly two, t.. tw ix-jsirt-sl ti tlie
lloti**', wliiih giv. * th<- rterk >f the lI*MIS<.,
liendmi: the elect nn of a apeaker, the Muue
]>wer ttint t!..- apeakcr |*vss< •** *in prcserviti|t
order and .pi' stion* of order. Tlie
am* ndni. ut was ndoj>t<xl.
Mr. C'iymer (licm. i, of Pennaytvania, said
that r 'rn.bimg aJI tlie circuoistatiC"*, it was
tlie part<>f wi .lotn f.rr th" Hon-.' to r*sxsle
from it* aitmii r.xjn ;ng tli" salary <.f tl."
Fi' a but, a i lot t . iii -1 -t. He mad' that
motion ami it wa agr. < I t". Ho the Fn- i
dent -sxlu' . remain- at #50.000, and th. Appro■ 11 I ill was pas-. d
Mr. 11 >ti (D o.). of Tcnnesseo, tuovisl ) •
ni*p"iid th" rule, and j.,.** the S natc t'ill to
piv For / liiekins'.u, of renin's' - . # is,!' ■•) for
c tt*i!l Used lay (I.'U. Bitriislde's " "Tp* Ul the
fortittcati'gia an und Kiioviille Tlie veas and
tin nay* were or-h i-d and r.' yeas, 110 ;
liars, till. So |ho bill was pit *<xl.
Tlie H 'li M.' s s'ii after ad)oiiriu*l and tin
forty-fourth se*-totj clo*. d.
Tlie two hotiaoH in. t again at eleven o'clock
TlinrMt.iv ni Jt. The action of each Imu-c on
tlie nhjcctiiui# having IHX u read, the presiding
ofiici r attljotHieeil that the two hoo*. * not con
curring fitbr vnisa'. the 111" "ie bra I mtis of
Vermont would 1" ■ united for Haves nlid
Wheel, r.
The is rtiflcate - f Vircini* was read, and the
eleven v..! • ..f Hiat Slate were counted for Tll
don ami 11. iidrics .
'I In- iiv. to!" of W. i Virginia were counted
or Tildeti ami 11. udricks.
I!u . iTti■ "ifioin Wisconsin having l>een
read, Mr. l.yn.V iDcm.), of Wisronaiii, prc-
M'tited olij. - :Miiir* to counting the vote of
Daniel \A'. liowilK, on.' of tie electora for tin'
State, lie having hold the office of |s IIHIOII
Hiirg.s.n and examining surgeon for the (s'lision
olUcet.rior t■. and on November 7, lS7fi, the
day of the lTeMilential election, and on Dercm-
IM r fi, 1*76, on which day lie assumed to cast
hi" vote a* an elector.
The two h'.ttsi s separatist, and at 4:o* x. >.
Friday morning, re t**, milled, and all tlie in. 111-
!.< (- Is ing -. at. !. the action of the respective
In.uses on tli" Wi-eoiiKin .picstuui was read,
and the t< n vol. * of Wise, n-m were nnnotnnxst
foi Hayes and Wheel, r".
Th" presiding ..(Hci r said tin* concluded tlie
count of the liii tv • ight States of the Union.
Tiio tellers will now ascertain and deliver the
result of the votes to the presiding oilier.
At 4:10 x. M. the president of the Senate an
ti.nincasl tl l Filth. i ford 11. Hav. had received
I-', votes f..r President and William A. Who 1. r
|s . votes fur Ai. r-pn sideiit. and that they
were therefore res|Ms'tively eh
One solitary hi * wa* heard. With this ex
ception the announcement v\as made in the
midst of the most profound silence. The Seli
nte thru withdrew, and the House adjouruisj
for the first time in a mouth.
The Elretarnl Tribunal.
The South < arolina elector* were counted for
Hayes—tlie House voting against them. The
convention reassembled. Tennessee mid Texas
w. re next counted for Tilden and Hendricks.
Vermont was then reached, and became the
subject of a struggle in the Joint convention.
Not only was one of tlie Vermont electors ob
jected to, but Mr. Springer insisted that there
were two certificates from that State, and that
the case must go before the Electoral comrali
ion. The pu *i.l< ut of the Hcliale refu*iKl hi
I'lib'llam this I i"|*.ilioli, and the two IIOUMHI
again *< p*ial.-.|.
\ii Indiana Merchant'n K*cape.
I lie ("iiii'itiiuit i f Jmrtti lell* thi* k'r_V:
Mintliiim Jt.liiKK.'i, n tnerclmiil of Koko
nin, 11val , loft In* luHiia on f.sii i>. wo n
Mr. II it nt, living lliri'o mile* from Young
A morion in II iliti-.'Uoii aoiitii of wt-nl, lie
liolil ii claim itg IIIUKI MI. Until, ami Ina
olliil't HUH to gel ll HOW to do. lie Ifrivnl
nt liuiit'n ju*t ll* llu- futtiily wen* going
1" dinner, ami lie bk ilinuor with them.
\fb rward, lour MiinloW'U, Mr. Jobtmoti
hlartoil for home. There am M-voral
angle* in lint nun!, an, Li'ing ho
croaMil aotuo lb hi* to ahorton tlie ilia
timet'. AH lie o.uuo upon the Haul, a
nnle or tlioii nini weal of Y'oung Aniori
-oi, lie met three meu who wore driving
u pair of hot hi lo it spring wagon in
which there waa but otic acat. I hoy p"ke
to him, lutving Htoppod the ImrMMi, and
F.lining who lie waa, i otuarlu'd he w an llio
Hutu tho_v wmitcd to *>*!', a* they hiul an
iiiipmveiiieiit in iiiai'liiiiery they .lewired
to show him. It vtai now the dilHk of
the evening. One of the men |i*ik a IK.X
otli of tin wagon, imotiier iu't**l n if he
were i villaining a win .1, whilt Mi John
son pnirt hiiuaolf in a i*ntioi to b*>k at
the (K.X idi lilt to I It* opt lied. 11 < kllovvi
no mote al'oiit il. Thirty hour* afl* r
11 ntt lin.o lie Leonine OOIIWIOIIN and found
liiiiHolf in the daJ'klioaH, wodgul in a
clo* ' pta*-, ax i*bmi* u* if he were in a
gruvi llv d< -re. a lu* r'loa*-il hiuiHidf,
din. u'lng In* Ik*|y iilottg, pualitUK olntukH
of wihk! out of hin way, ami In aml-hyi
eiiiorgo.l from a hollow log. Looking
about him Ui grout bewilderment he saw
it dim light ill the deviance, and naturally
took that direction if arrived nt the
liott*! an 1 awakened the family, Here
le found out tli ' lie Ana li*t* than three
tnili m front l>e!phi ami from thirteen to
lift. 'll niilew from home; that it wan ju*t
j i*l midnight of I'iiura.lay night, and
that it waa thirty hotira later than win n
lie ho*! met the three m ii. '1 h** truth
uow broke in on him. 1 lie bruu*' and
lump <4l llu* bnek of hi* head helped liiu)
to tMttiprehetid the -dilation. He had
boon knocked down, hatthd mom than a
ti*..'en uiih-K ami i>Mi.**al*l 111 the log for
dead. He only luui !vventy-flv e dollar*
ul*>llt hliu and wa* gone, hut it waa
kliowtl 111 till' lielglilK.fhooii that lie bad
engaged to make it pnmhaai- on whteh
S-'HSI won. to have lieeti paid on WeiLio*-
dy evening. He wu* iktvcJ with m
freahbtv lib* at tin hoiiw- of the Ktrungera
ami watt urged b> remain until morning,
bill he got tile !' -1 directs tun he Coul I
and startat - n.'e to go home. It *<-e'n
aliuoHt a Ktaggertliß thought that he
would lie the Iwlanec of thai night Mini
all the next litty gettturg over tlie twelve
or lift* a milt * la-tween him and hi*
home. Hat tt lutnd la- tunlerst **i that
in hi* cunlit; ut them were cliam-eKi fi>r
gri at bi wi! li rt:.. at, and that he .lid not,
by any itn atis, liur-ue a straight direc
tion. If. *, thnmgh that part of the
country, he lul no icpi.tinLtncea. Etui
ami south of hi* home he knew nearly
every i n*Hi, ahd all km w him, but w< *t
he km v no otn* Iwy.uul th timnedui'c
n. ;'lil>rh<K*l of lu* home.
lip, New Hoarder.
Yi .t private I. nr .dig hojivg the n.
' IM-ar.h rt* an (Mae# of KJHCI*! mantel
He walk* into the liott*** awkwardly,
liutigt. III* ha! earefully ..'i the rack, vdi'te
a ! u>ty look over lit* | * nam to *v if h;
v. st i* pullid down, arrange* hi* t*>llr
and cravat, run* h.* lii.tals hi* liewi
to tuaali down k*UII< unruly tuft of hair,
* ami limn walk* into the |Kirlor ns a lt*h
ful lover would on la* llr*t to hi*
*Wk tlieiirt. Then follow* nil ilitr-*1 ne
tiou t> the otiier btstrdeni ami the iaii'.es,
mid among the multiplicity of name* TOU
catch only .die or two. He has n>w
ero-*. i tin' Bitbil .;i, but them are *. v.
1 ral other UiuigH b> transpire !• -fore lie
, i* fairly liuiii*L
He sits in In* chair with idl flie gram•
- ut command whib* lie is i* ;ng meusiire*!
by the 1-. lies. They cither think hint
*'jwrftsTly linodaomo" or "awfully
ngfy," never a mipr,■lll'.**' lietwrcti the
two. He Kit* there iptietlv ami With all
attempt ut dignity. He has ti ..thing to
' *.iv, l';iig it -tranger, ami the i* aril. r*.
la-ntg (grangers, hav<- notiiibg t > my to
him. Tiie la*li** nil the time keeping up
a volley among Uiemielviw of Womler* a*
Ui if he is marri>*l, what he di*-* for a
living, etc.
Aft* r an aw kw ttr.l |>au*e, the liell ring*,
and the party lib * into snptier. The
new Uor.lrr t*k> * h; . sett man ew>v
way and h*tk* a* if lie w... about to sit
ilnau on a pincushion. He commence*
hi* *up)H i witii the air of a man who
could !e *ati*tii*l with the tongue of a
snow bird, ami when he leave* the table
he is a* hungry a* if he had ate nothing
ut all.
It take* several days to wear away the
xtivTne** ntten.laiit ujain hi* coming. Af
ter tin*. lie i* a* one of tlie family, and
lose* luterest. lb' take* lit* *ont nearer
the fire, ami make* mutual cctummt* <m
aomc other new lmarder.
Wtinder* ef Modern Science.
The perfect .low: . wilhjwbl-h scientist*
arc eu*bi.*l to deduce the not minute pstticu
lar in tb. ii *< v< rtl <b imrtiucnt*, *ppe*r* si
ne "t limn, ttlvus it wv Ut it tu the light of
the early *ge*. Ti.< ? r exam) 1c the e'ectrts
magiietic t. l. grs'i'h tie greatest invention >.f
Hi.-age. Lu ii,.i a tnarv clous cli-gr-o of ac-
I'uraey which enables an . to r/uetiy
locale a fracture in a siibmarine cable nearly
three thoii-and mil.* long r Our venerable
"clerk of tl.ew.aUier ' has teoinif an thor
oughly familiar with those most wavvrmrd ele
tneii'.. of nature that he can oc. nrat. lv prwlit t
tiiejr otovemeuta. He ran sit in Washingtoii
and •(trail it what th. weather will 1*" t.emor
tow i-i I ; .ri.ta ot S> Y -rk. a well a- if veial
iiutuh'.'d miles .lid not mtervem latwieti
him si. J the ohe. * named. And s.. in all d<~
part He nts ( 1 ' . ;ein* . what i iiK|tiired
i- the knowli*lge of certain n an. From liicse
the scientist - deduce aci'iirat* conclusioii* le
ganlle-s of dislar.-e. A few fossils seat to the
< v - ( geologist enable bun t.i accurately da
te i the nek fon nation from which they
were taken. He can ikvcrilw it ti you a* t* r
feclly a* if a el. ft of it w. re lying on his table.
So also the chemist can d. t* rtnnie the eonstr
tutjoii of tin sun as mcurmtwlv r.s if that luuun
arv were not nuiety-flve million mile- from liis
lafs.ratorv. The ami sends certain over
th" "infinitude .>f spm*. and the el.emit
ct oshie* them be pa-sing tie tu through the
*|otmooiie. nil') the pre-.Tjer of eertail
snbstai.ees C' llld Jirisluce (lies* solar signs. So
l*o. in medical science, dis* *s. * have i-ertain
unmistakable signs, (.r vmptoni. and i>r rea
- .11 of this fact, 1 r. Fierce, of the World's
Jhsts nsary. has !<• :i , nab!..! to originate and
jo-rt.'.'t a system of detirmiliir.g. with the
greatest accuracy, the nature ot chronic ilts
. se without . nig and |versonslly evnruining
his patients, lb- has spar. 1 in ith< r pams nor
•v J * ii*. (.. a : ib" with himself, as til*
fa ulty o" th- World's l>i*|*nsary. a large
nninber of in. -heal gentleiinn of rare attain
ments and Kill graduate* from some of the
uiost fr.'>."iis inch, al college* and universities
of b'.th Kurv.|* and America, llv aid of I>r.
Pn rce s ry tein of diagnosis, these physicians
and -org. lis annually treat, with the most
gratifying ie. many thousands of invalid*
without i ver seeing them in ]* rson. In reeog
ni/.ing .!i-<n*<> without a personal examina
tion of tli'-patient th. v claim to JK>HS<-* no
miraeiiloiis jsiwor*. They attain theg knowl
edge of tlie patient's disease by the practical
application ..f well . *tablishr<( principles of
ntiwlern *c I'lice to the prnettcc of medicine.
And it is to the accuracy with which thi* sy s
tem lias endow..l tliein ttint they owe tleir
almost world wide reputation for the skillful
treatnicut '"f all hug. ring or chronic affection*.
'I In* s* in of practice and tlie marvelous sne
!•<•,* which li*s Is . n attained through it, demon
strate the fact that thseas. * di-play certain
phenomena, which l*>ing subjected to scirtitiAc
ar.alvsi* or synthesis, fnrtush abundant and
iinnnstakal.l.'data to guide tin- Judgment of
tlie skillful practitioner aright in drhrtuiiiing
the nature of diseased conditions. 'llie
amplest resource* for treating lingering or
chronic diseases, and the greatest skill, are
thus placed within tlie . n*v reach of every in
valid. tiowever distant lie or she may reside
from the physician- making the treatment of
such affections a specially. Tin- |iecnli*riti< ■
of this scientific system of practice are fully
explained in the apt* re'iv ■>f "Tlie Feopie *
('.minion Sens. Medicsi Adviser" a t.ook if
over nine liutidre.l large liagos which is so
|Hipiilar as to have readied a nale of almost
one hundred thousand copies within a few
months ..f it* tlr*t publication. It is scut
(post-paid i by tin-author bt any address, on
receipt of otic dollar and fifty cent-. Address,
It. A. Pierre. M. I)., World's I>i*petisarv,
ItiitTalo. New A'ork.
Amcricnn .Staiulnrd Shot, of nuporior
finish, also had pnic and sheet lead, manufac- .
tin. .1 by tlie Oo(wI] F> ad On., MMMMflko
tlie New la-ad Co., 03 Centre Ht., New York.
Hhonmatism cured nt oricv by Dunitig's
Ithcumatie Itemcdy. Send for circular to Hel
phenstine A Hentloy. Washington, I). C.
Vegetable Pulmonary Itaisam, tlie great New I
F.uglaud cure for coughs, colds and coriump- 1
tion. Cutler tiros. A fVi.'s, lloston, only genuine |
Pu ten teen nn.i inventors shouhl read |
advertisement of Edaon Bros, in another column 1
Durang'e Rheumatic Remedy never
falls to cure rbeumatiam. Sold by all druggists. ;
lulliiiiiNiiitlon of (lie Throat and Lungs.
M..airv. N. Y'.. Kwp. M.
Grntlrmrn In the early part of la*t wtuirr I
wa* suddenly attacked with a very severeeobl,
which settled on my lungs, je.sjti. iiig a jisinful
cough, a.iteiteas and liiltatniiintlonof the throat
and lungs, together with a pr..stratbW of the
whole system. I was inforni. d hv |diyi4ctan*
that my .xiintdaiiit was dim ascot the liver, and
w*s t|. !.d f..| Hint disorder Aft*vr suffering
for tin. " .....ntl.s I tried * Is.tlle f Da. W i
txns IIXIKXM or Wn.n t'lttHhi, and received
lluuicllst" and |wnuaaellt rwhef. Hllwe tb. ir I
have 11 si * I II tn "tb. i . * * of cotds lu tuv fam
llv, with the same re lilt*. 1 can
cx.u*cliiti.>uly r< "iino. ud it t.< all who suffer
from .'.Kiglie, ur my iHiluiouaiy affr.-tlou,
as the 1., t remedy which can Is- bad.
Your* truly. Mxa< u l!< Ai i i*im.
So cts. md #1 a Is.tile. Hold by all diuggtrts.
"Brown's Hronohial Trorlica. M
('..ilgbs slid is .Ids sre often overlooked. A
ooiilluuaixce for any bngth of time .-arise* trn
tati.ui of the lungs or eiiu chronic lliioatdis
*■>, •• /(nam's Itri-f Hull Trot He a are an
< ff. ctual t '*. i '.u lUairnr.
A Model New Yolk llolel.
'D.e (liarid < rutiid H<4*'l, N. w York, lea
lti.Hlel estal'llaliuieot It is slit-rill in style and
ajipi.tiiln.eiit In -ire and apsclt' for rnxxan
to.station it ba* no <e|Ual It was lhr hi*l lead
ing hotel to low. t it* i*t. s from tt mi t-. #3.50
and ♦ i oil isi day. its r<; Illation Is tlllaur
j'*ns. d. and it receive* fu-h indot*stnrut dally
flolll tbouaands of its gloria.
Wttahirijffnwlv with Old ''N'liKFt.FHt'ii
Hole paits sfl.-tnl Willi tt..- (i'tioxloua skin
diseases, which tiavr UsUstly 1 Ii dressed with
"R. ustvi *ul|diuri nitiiieuls, will eft.s'l a certain
cute will, il having tehiud any .ttsghatirig
.st.4. Hold every win re Hejs-t, t'ritteuton's
Si" 7 Hlxth aveune. New YoOfc,
Hill s llxii A Vv bisker Dir.l.lack oi l row'lx,&Or.
Wtt lm\o Keen it state I in vornitts
|'X|sTs tl.i "igli.Hit th. country that agent* for
til" sat. "f >'..h 111 s ' . I .. ilfK-a l-'tf.
(•is were ailtliun/.d Ul refund the It. usey to
any person wb . should U-. ti .-n, and lost l*r
aatlsf)<*l with the u nit. Wr <l<>nl.ted Uil* at
firat but ths J4"j i.t'*s author!., u* to say
(bat It ts tiur.
Juhttmm 'i .tmsh/Nr /, irtintrnt ijr, with
"Ut d.ittt.t, lite sab t. - ij**l a J I-est reiitwdy
Dial t-vrr l**u In < ul. I for lot*trual and ex
t.rnalu. It l a].; heal 7 l a gieat variety
of , oiaplaiiits, and i- ually Irani, ta! for man
or beast.
A jK.sittv- euro for rhtnitiuttimt- Du
rang s IUK mat; l.rrn.dy. (Vend f-r rircular
Ui It* Ipliriistin* A 1 lent ley, AA aahiiiguui, D. C.
Ht km TT's Puruiotg KXTKJKTS arc
Used Slid indorsed by the l*eat ll*4ei- ' Ulf.< ll'rfl
rra,glovers arid the first 1 similes ID the rxiufitry.
I'hc Mai k* t*.
saw icxx.
tUx-f Cattle—Native 10
3 exaa and I'berukes. OK ul te
MUeii t'■ wa (K. ( .a7O 40
Mug* Ui* (4 . o*.
l>r**s*,l 07 , 07 s
Hbt*p oS',l UTig
lauils Id ',14 (W
Ooiiou- llHhbmg is .4 11
Kil.tir— W , alert, less) lu Cbovse. 71 <a •00
(slate -*s*XM* to t'tuitoe. & til .4 VOO
Wheal be.l VV .sleri: ! s*l it 19
No, 1 Milwaukee... .lis •* lit
Itje—Uixis 4 a 71
bar ley Klale V, <4 *v
llarlej Mail J t (4 1 tk
IWa 11) id VV esl. r,. II >4
I'-irt. A!' X"-1 W eslerb V i 4 .A7I(
Hay. jver <1 t. • ,4 T.
Mrsw. jiercwl .. M (A 71
Hops 76Vs— 0 <4)7 7k* (XI ot 10
fieri M.x. 15 7 .all tt.
lord—f*uv Meai 11 ,ia U|g
iiah Mackerel, S .I. n> J* *lO .eUO
No. X, new ... 7&j *4tooo
I>r; jer *-wl <*• <4 I7
]' f. Si S.S 1. |< 11. 1 l <4 IS
JviroVun. -A m.,1. 10 lalnti Uefi.itsl 11%
Wool—*a.i lorn la Hsew A *4 I'M
Texas " '.4 a li
Au-fisllan " S* 14 41
lSeller sn, 27 ,4 -4
AV rslrrn--* I. :* . ?' V.4 'XI
w.sle-n- to PrtßW 11 (4 17
iv .eiern—Krrkvas.. .. . la *4 Ift
f'tssese-I -I - IS <4 li
(via). * 1" a IC
Vlesleri 10 14 IS
fc*-g Mate and |v i;i,>!* 14 , a 15
rtour 7tio saiotKi
Wheat St Mbeaukee 1(10 alio
ex. M:xrd f-1 If (4 .Mlg
"ais XT .4 37
Itye '." .4 90
jUt ley (! *4 t
Marie) Ma-t 100 *4 1 10
Ileef Cattle—2'xlra (ex"4 MV
H.-gs tTess"d *v fti>k
Ileal dkMWINI 1* t'.xtrs ft 75 w (00
Wbrsl Ked WesUdl IXS .4 140
Uye 75 .4 75
I,llll—V. -CMS fcJ ,4 U
Mid M .4 M
oats Mixed .4 sr
t'eUxii.-ugk—Crwds...... .IXJaoft-IXM UriUiet 14 %
(irtkToer, m-*.
Ueef Cattl*—Poor re Choice ... ft to 4IM
■M XSO .at,:..
lambs ISO *4 t. !■"
i_ii i
Octgkt. C '.dx, Ir.tarEia. E-artrcrri. D.Crbi
lireatYicg, as! all AffKtiost of Ut# Throat,
Erc.s.7;al Tcbea, and Ltajx, leadiaj
Thi< remedy iv comptwcd of thr
IfoVBA* of the jvlant i lorrhoimd, in chemical
anion with TAR-BALM, extracted from the
I tut Fxtxari k of the fbrevt Dve AflyiS
li.A! saui'A, or P.vlm of Gtlca.l.
The Honey of Horrhound S'vOltfKS AND
fc\ 11 KRs all irritations and infiommationv. and
the Tar-holm ctftAwrs AND mi ais the throat
and air patvagrx leading to the lungx. Flint
additional inejr.hent* keep the organ* eo*v|,
moist, and 111 healthful actu m Let no pre
judice keep y.'tt from tivtng this Rreat me.ii
cine of a um ms doctor who hax save.! thou
xar.d* • ' livrv by it in l.iv large private practice.
7. . The Tar-luUm box no ban lAS7E c
an il.
• * A.iAinj to luy u.
•• I'iUc's TtMifhaclto I)rtip n CIIPO
in 1 Minuto.
S Id bv all Urugjistx.
• " / V V" 1/ V I'ffalk miiilff wtih onr •!
' \ *4* li 1 K- Cltet k 'rclar Fim
1 1 1., ! • r ■'! \ r V \ - V
•• i v \ r Hitiinv
—or THF. -
' -• 1 . itV! . IVd-iriil llHiorfnf (>Mt4temi
** ■ \ 1 1 -it tp.i.r >■, • ,<M>'lUrir fKrr*.
i>i •. .f ft* •* 'v e Hi !• • Aiimtn
s\ .in * |. \ • \ • V t * A"t 1.
I:.Y\\ I. K* I |' * N I'. 'USTMUNT. LI.X'SK
- • N vrk
AThni cf Beanly bilfVKiV.
Thw I-nt(t>n l*n(lihinii r*t Kst tM IMUWII a Urt#,
m*irmfWnf, <( awrU* tf chrvmiAfic wr*
i*f art. Mwira4 tY{ th |m.*S<inri n |r !.|tii to mHinra.
I." t 111. w Our 1111 (iie . I'll I •>il |W 111 X
atyl IVnkiP ih* V,orl. T 1 mofi-ira
ri in M Knch*h t.r| lx*nt Jallj nmh>Uialtrl wtU
*in and r 'inn n* thr. jrh thi rn! ir*- frk . tn flu#
)<•!•! o1 lt)*< tlr( U*ttr "ti** t a MrtOw tnarhtn* h-r
!*<• thtl-(rrte ti !-*•!•! a |rajrrr. htV* tax H*r riff tit **
tt. litrfffr rlulvfmn, witli Iw.nittfut tlwnmc *inff^nff
" lYat-* !•' . wi ** T:r Itefk |r<>un<l of t't*> rntifr
i % l***aufifut lsandM"a|** S<vnw, ir|imwttiinff lliwnn
Tbter !!(!•* Iwai:! tf 111 prtviiiiiipv a.r,- It \i- IDCW ra-nt
Ik.t .X. \ ;T1 |t v f •'.% f. , w I ,1 •I•1 #* *
I'liltlloliinaf l i., I aii 1 |s,*> \V Srf ■ I Stmrat.
Otaeiiiaiili. Ohio
Burnett's Cocoalne
Frevent" the Ilalr from Falling.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Frtvaioto" It# Healthy Growth.
Burnett's Cocoaine
I* not Groary nor Sticky.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Leaves 110 Dhugroeablo Odor.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Hulnlurft Keftactory 11 air.
Burnett's Cocoaine
Pooth.-s the*,i bcolp-Skln.
Burnett's Cocoaine
AUonls tho IUcI.LSt I.uriro.
Burnett's Cocoaine
la not an Alcc.boho V." i.- .
Burnett's Cocoaine
Kili* Dat. li'UtT.
Burnett's Cocoai'ric
Given Now Lifo to (be 21.air.
Burnett's Coccaino
Remain. Losses: is Effect.
Ornllmm,- I hrf t'f rrtlf]r thai I ht'ft had rt
lain, t it ten yart, and (brtbrlttstll rttinbart barn
• tulfarar. I ant/rnilartd pa/Utlif datf.lstd
I la tha botiUJOi.a .t..mi tlta iattpt. durr
waltl, W< ak tii'l |.a.KVa> ... arollra and alcrrtlrd
toutilt, hai l and tunalant i.>n(i,itvra pain acrta*
tha ,ht.l, an.l nrrf li. Ileal |e. "f aontaniptlon. Mr
batd t. hrd all tli tin.a. Tbt rntllrr trrumalttrd
to ttpllir in "1 brad ami Ibf.,at thai | eon 4 not kaap
th. at free. rfequmtl)r at tl|M I woold tHi'int uut of teratrd (< In., at tha (Milßl of aaffw-KIU u. I
wottl I thru l.avw rrrnartt (• ,r. > mrtl.i le. air tr.atr
lu dltludae tha iimtut tiuiii iu)r Di/Ual a. d hra-l brfora
btttig t tUrp tin, I- r a pni..i oftlirrara
lur tuttiit ••• ul. r rti. d and tu morb IndaiMtf Ibid
I r.mld aMb dld!< uli)* ta !.- w. I liißlly i > bt.ntri ta
tinlhi nl tuifrut in rrifttd an Bpetaltutt oa tbrm.
but at bit frque.t (Uml(MJhtd It. Tht Cutt ttl iatltt.
n.tllua and aimraiO'U la tar tliruti, cauK-..1 V/ tba tr.ttlrr dn |>pia doaa If in u.r haul, had
to irritated tad mOau.< d tar lo h|t , teal 1 ootidbr.l tm
r.mthllr, a drr|., hai (I r .lijl Mtablltui)'t)ttria
I < aaa to t..w u.r rtlai <a orlll ltd lata**, te that I lot
Rial., (rear palt, and aboard atrijr trt|.b'ia of aa
early .iraib by cufttamplioß. wd,.n mi.Urra bad
rtarhod thiaaityr, ur abual tlx jaontba ai;o. I bayaa
tht u.a i f Baar.'Ui'a H>t> >bri db yoa CtTaßkn.
Altrr t.' H IbaSiatbotlia I btatu to li.j rura rti.ll
iy. Tht f'lat d'mt tttlurd to Ci< AT Hif br.d at I had
b'.t It U> bt Itr jeara, it arertiad fiat'ifelii ta
t arrtai ihs dli.t aryra. /I lUffn tmy in tin*
day... Ill' tuli.y It aaayargia I •>> rrdmwd tbu la
Ml ißSbtfaa tad tßrlUhy u( lur luatlia, to that tea*
tooßßrtetd lu Ironh tint. *1 f.t t.raa triraa t
rtrat dittpprarrd. tht I Bultrt la Bif brad
crt M.l. a.y trnant ufbttriaa and of ttrlha ant ernti
flalny r.feturtd, thi tfrry •) ii.j of dllettt that
ad rrdartd at to Uin rerya ut th. yrtrt il tat'imarrO
y thcuac of h.jiroai>'ait.uicat.l t'a* torn tar . tin,
i hart boll 111 ut e tyllcll a iruyyi.l. I
l.a. t acaa a (treat dral of tutlrrli.4 from ( atarih. and
hopt to (' i.rinrt atauy that thw M a rirat II '; ' ,ij.'
, I atu fa illar alih tht ti. a11,..hi of Laiarrh ta prao-
Hard by the boat phy.lrtant, and htrt t"nuli. i tut
moat tun'.tht about my raat. 1 baft atrd rtrry kud
of rrthtdr ti.d thtaralua Ural but a|'t>rarad durlry a
iieritnt fu> ). >ia hatt, a d I ava, abilt fuUoaiha
ihrlf uar, takm y <■•• cart of ay yrurial hi atfl. bat
ot'ialhtd hufcllrlor ah' "urayturntfi "ia any of tbeta
tlara i nrlt.y a.yarlf t tin n.'t Il.oiraL t i at,
I hart raC'.o.UMhdad It la oi.a buatrcd caaat
i althuiM a alaylt rata offtilurt.aad hart la atnur.ta
luttahcet rtrelvtA BUolraalt arOaia from paltb • bt
a bum I Int. .< Id OBtboUU. Ih. it the oily y air tit
' mtdtcibe I bart a rrr..uui.n.-1. d. ntrrr atrbf br
. lirved lu bafure.altbouybeuoaiauUy imgantd ta
Uwlr t.i Vr aratrfatly toara.
Uoarca. *n..kClr. I.UjUOK P. DUiaMOIUL
Bt rrohl. aa. Pet, in.
Thaa parm oaily 1 tht Hid Owrrft P. I'irm
aoi*. ai.d uiada ..all, that the f. rryuthnaUbaurabl by
. Alia aUbtr.'lbtd It UMt. Arfort lur,
Jratlrt a/teaPttet.
Cure* Pain* Knd Ache*.
It tl.r <1 rrelation
t tut Jura 1 x.iamah.f r Arltua.
I rule, ltui lurra tad btralut.
It !&.,>' a Y*.h aad botrtiatt, •
h rurra tLidur) 1 isj laiut
. It ttiruall.ri.. the Muactaa.
it . ao'. Kaaralcla.
t itrlafe.a Sutrntv Corda.
)t i urra Nrr.oua n.otla
I it lurtlua It it Partlrttt.
It Cttfrt Jhfla oiutlluu ul ura Ural.
It mtorm Srrvotat rtlta
t curat Bj-thal Huti.ra.
I it orttrfhl ahd booth thy.
it roret fcoilrray of lilt,
tla taf. ite! fault, and KeonomlenL
f latvtarrlbtd 1J PhjtlrJan*
l la ludortrd by rieclrlrlnna.
Bold by all druryitu fur B erau. Bent oa raettpt of
emulator Ufat. lie for tla.or tzit for lri.l rart
fullj wrapped, and warrahttd aroftrt, bjr PCXEA A
KrTTKIi, pr ..oi.atora. iiuaUra. Matt
lAf ANTED **'' "*b"^d > traratem
VT MR I LU pant tiara Mia Uo.Aß.Uo.ta.Ma.
frtf HtU't U.rtr f arayttM
ta tha only )eHartthra.ta pataayt ul atuct
atefP w.l I true the Ware u> yrtt mirk ait Lea.l
A J.i to the aam.-M.rt! fart (tiLbtai talmy ta £
d' )• ' rvrrr ranr. tr riwr ||, K
•".■ffl ' ' * r.". f" J ..fear* I' y. >tm
|aiSß*..i. W JuSl> t.Uaue Vm.
mtm JB&gwiKL g^rPSSteL.
| ..raw Itlj
|i f :,on ami V lit \ /if J i" rjt
■mp \/ U AntciL-aUil
inott ■ Jf W/ Tantlon at
Vtrra ran 'ti Ti i nU M " XUtc.
. i*4 Merit t Um \fljHr <* *m< wte oon.
ScxX '.'oatal Card few Hlaatyated Price Let 'ot_
SM & CJilibn K. M. * 0..
're Ibed bi 1 3B Rrtadatr. Xnar Yr.
t,e /% Instroclion Book aid Catalogue
i oaanrrn.
Flaral Ftahloa Yfipoaltor
VM ti.d unprudlum f (awful
A nn torn Pi I Lilt
lutuitij. Send jroar addreat Bad
81l J WQ Sinn.;.., and you *lll get U
by morn mail.
SLi'X 4h CLpTtt. hqMI. Ton"
BJteiAKf On c orUiltlYrw andiKipaiar
JBKlfe'i IL •• Friar, of . aim /R[£
>-> ady aba will MM Mf
SUpt Uopay sthilihg<ießtaa
r.aara O;l IS E Idth Sl. New-York City.
Buniett r, Extracts
f\<T dhß puTfteertk
Biimet'.'s Extracts
rJwifllcw, Rt tetoa.
Burnett's Extracts
4k.' ND. KiCTAWWC, CtLrRY,
Cl'<n4MOS, CLOVfI, GiNQffl.
Burnett's Extracts
-t ;iii A*. !lo9t i,X. T.
Burnett's Extracts
i I rutin kU*: linltT. rSOte.
Burnett's Extracts
r"c .•• ri'-. ' . 'fill w l.rtmtu (vwutd.'t to
teetr f ■ r.r-f ;.V ~1 (jrv.U ..'rrayfk They
ar V I jiit .1 1: 1 . i., ikr iwummh otla
tr .1 ,win. h rt.ici i • the . .uupoaitkm f
lii.i y . th-. firtllioo* li I'. li ir.,n ikwt in tha
i a:kr-. 11i> vnr.-nnt oulv ittw t<> tbrlr tiamea,
Kate I • bat qtjtllty,
ami .. 1 jhly eouxnlrmtral ■ hat a roa>|mrm
Uli'.. : .Jul .j.tau!i y ,-oly re d bt uttaL
Uto tti ntuwj of A4rprUen • called to oar
lint of Wf ily NVtrv^pern.
8H! ftr a ( 4t^l of ue.
Wont?* ol*flf f*r co?*.lr4d*.r msrk>, umi*n*t<li*ti|>y
or 4B)ivrtt-f'n>rnt* innirsl ka-t.m Ir< <t mirw CtrfuiDTMi;
• *' '• te-f ,* o-.ttA ara I- iirptt fir tto atiolr ntnt.tßPf
of T|e * |U|PT I Ut* 4h*uiil mt to tit'M th 4t* | ItKf
htli .Rt io m i<lth
A toM arinmtk rtt i I! n-n, -fot lu all of th**r
PMww *n Ito dK* iS • kyv receinrf. and Kj*r.'t in tha
fttnoßing IMIK* a'l .j Hit *4jr toljr.
111 iU ACTi K OF Tin: PAPKRH.
TUr nrr-{ |tb ar* rf tSeMtwc!***. tto qa)itj of
*r th.* u .. k hqrli.t |r.oa lh*n t:t uead
of?.*r - i*p t'ir k *r-- tot* -r c-1 t*l by ittghrr
pno- ; he*m* rn itor pv|N ritemte Ttinr Nta'raamto
MM) *vrjr* wrvwiiirtß i* bfjrw.
T - RF*fi 1 -m i.'rrrtjanit <m)pr t • I, I .VO noe*|Ajtrtru
w 'iM tr jam* ro mrptnin of fr piUg*:
itoHiNUt) would r r t AM nnitb tht Mgfgf
i'*i •'ing 1.l iO (xmndmhi*. f n t>
I|.AO " 'm wnl.l to A I! > l likli.tu |r:it thau
* Hid <*et k 'HrOmiii Otit otni-h* f*r 4 Hro 1 • '!**r
iia.'tn.'if m ' -i wh-*1 |qar*, t-no aoak. m
93l**K! ( ' r !< v tu%anibpot****
To Hop n n-liprt Mni.'iit M *ip in lite fonn of read
inir iitsdWi Kn.l invrn.w l -n tho drkb ratlumnp if now*.
ltnparK i i trrv mdp of Pelrrrt nine Thtetete
iikt a. J tpwptiH-r* -tfr.r *3* .ml m thiN rr-jio vhieli
ri' o*!ir i*w| ippr* or tot of iip||ml|M>l i * o*j.
Mtntif/ikurrr* ! merchant* do* ■m* gwili*h K
tlr*oni't. n of thwr m na er **trfilikm*nls will find
thte |tnn vwrj MinioihW Hr n.iMihing a wnrs t*f
to n t <■*. Ihri can i.Hifl hnU fUo n*r,t* of 'ie'ir
iTN.iN fcvmliar * UlO ioi|4*flf UM rodn<mM m ohjch
thrite* pajH an* ;' il
Thr t-tr.-ul t ion-* b n "T* fr-m the Amterican Xteoo
pß|te-r Ihon'toiy tir Ih:h. and m hun.lmU of i<m>i imtno
*m-tH ! rjnrf *nc#, the i -hicvr i I whu*K in>in
>t f.INIO i"iv,.l.*ti...artaHjri?MtOM f teoc'kJy
Tti • I • nl> tot of (AV-oporataVte Noi*ppT|tear* which
h4*> c\. r .l.ib • ! t tto 4'tvcrtiKoptbr circa! t.t not th
!bopirtte paper* and no thi*l t the .icttigl ch-rct r of
teach |iTt*r, whether th* to*t Uif4ib |qer in 4 plug,
m piainl* indie t d ill c*ry CUML Send tor
Of the piper* mo to tonnd In thr aflo* frf !*... )* 4
1 Fii*tr, I I I'.tik Row, N'W York A pirtu! t
-r with Mtnplrw •' I!. ni„v to . und at I.U W. rth
Stri t. Now A ?J. lit M- nt"r Ktrrct, Chi.'ifo II
*t t.*r S'.tM? VI Itraukcte, Wi* . 17 VVaba
NhM* Mi.v: ■ ! Ml in ; | f l Rice Ntroct, Cnc n
mti.o . 227 So r 1 f*tract, M/taphi*.Tnn.
Furl-iitjicfi lc ad<l. o 1
ff l'ni-k Voir. A KIT YORK.
Tnm "fiTinr XTOET" HAUDU T..
Cll iloi.l limit thf m...t durable WHITE HAN. I H Uhk VV I kbll ll
•trad* flat ah rant ..f M wilt** Jfmtal
Una in Iht W.wWI Arnw >fC->. Rrncktwo. Mate
ONI,V rhildran'a HF "f *• tiara WI-W
;>.ar |> r Ml (V.H J
l.rrat whl HI ri* and aUnta
I ht aampta ami partieulara lit l l AiMrhamlnß.lt T
I .-!••;; xnr Wtoyf
•OO F-UMIP. KIP.. HN *• % I.I; •" IM. IN. MA.
I laaOlla fkktpataa. J Im| K Im
$55 3 $77 t aWT
sin a
$5 to S2O .
sl2 Liv,.:: '-nrr^.-TSMeßr*
82 5 A.i!4~ -. r,TTi err
Brum iifß" r -' /'•*
nCVULf tllwr.iim WnaH.CbIMCn.IIL
4 PR'T lum f. i.riMi.atui, del .'dy Band tnf cilta
Ur.trail.*. l II KAHtI Nil* l:> *da,.N** fort.
MftOHY <i W.rf.t.-., I'lppi papraatraralßt.
muuu 1 A4i.1l Ml nAwJ . tarW of
UkAal M.i ... |.ul, til . af l bkap.
ban. T. M< Mi.Wall, AU* . .1/1 banana.* , Mute jFI
WIM Win IIIM. A (Mlmtta hub
t* .1. h ,B'l I mlAl tran tft Anartn fatter titan
teaid. AiMm A (XIUtTKM A CO.. Oliltfr
aiknn A Monlh. AyanW nantetl M M rate
\ d*kll -a ar t-. Uta HI lha wrt4 * tea ajaapw DM
<OOU iXurnJO MUO.NM4IN. Itatrart. Mite.
II I m H IIAIM In lilts . IhiKT PAY Ml
* Lall,a 1..r hair, but Mad a Milan I/Una hn
■ljwualai Na. u and arafMra H jwrarlf !•• O < an!■
. • r. II Ah 11.1 V ill! V.a.traad An . fir *!,. M. *
111* ill Hi K. I.'il.lmti rtmetWnrt Tawtnt rand-
VI IVWianta JfUO)' Ymtntnßtait U
•enter rata I>K I'. E MARBIi. •/.
WB BITCH MALKAMRM H> UwalMil ml! t.aada
ANItU w Ita-fletn. Bai.rr LIBHKAI. AU
Ua.e'ixn IIMM ttald l.| Ira. Aldrtra
11. la. IHlllK KH A < .. < .. •(., OhHa.
nnmte an.] - ...aant ham f.n.cnLrr Inn.
AAArmaJ. WJIUTII* C 0., IM. Inah, M.
tin S2BiS^2/2r^
Wl BTCn-Oemm#"!** enter. tat raw mHj
H" " LU|mraainal larplarlaa rati fwl
rata.*. Tr..altar a.praam |B| • ettytny.
I laa4mt.ial M arte, ''inf'anal.4b
I hirN'T lir taaairl Cajwrr. ItaC *5 rta.
II u, N hi nic htuwtrt. Pa .tin apt* f S'.taat
RrMar Ma Har) a .p.. •.r. ltaar a IrM.iar and nar
' rallied la, km*. |4<tU*n !.-. irtß malm "t at Heei
t.a'.iutH i.raai md i iniania BraHlaa anaTa
iuaMt't) mraiar mhi frrr. .HOMI-A> A COh
Ite4.t. 3n hnmd Mm. p O K.a UIH, Mot Tnaß.
WIHTrn M KN te trawl and rati w temlrrn rar
rill ILU aaa anbmlilur I. Urn tli nana ami
Uap (teat Na P, MU|. BaUay literal. Iml
nraa maaraU It.aal and Uateiilat at) mm paid • I.i <>.. Pal 4 Main Rt ,CWonfa.ll
I 111 J. mil, a Ammm pplA teataMta,
rniauid and tannrahta, hf
J MM. T. W,, Oten.
Kraiantra amiated If lauaanan W In teall Wain
'MI L..V.A >• patt-.-alat. aJj la
I. la I,Kim It At... 14 teal * .limn. M . Am 1 <4
tftau "Jl IU at Wwhrwt.a lit l.tah !< Pan
Hin Cti imltr at ta~tr nrahma. ate . m tram
Jfck. REWARD. 9100.
W 11 IMifl I imrmi>
U<W rata atttana • raaaa. hr ma W raraa.
' A. L tnlrn a Co, Afia mm
I 1.1.T t LMI'ITIM.a MteMca. njrA FJEI.T
I i 11-IM. Ira nrraaa la rtant rf natter Mtlt
milll INI. and a 1 111 M, . te cvnlar at!
nan pit-. titiian C J KAtT ' nradtt. S JaraQ.
I -M II a vm I :yt.
AMY PKMIatiA <4 uaAraan iMteiaaoa ran tara a it*
laa bp rarratama tar Um i. aatraia". Waail) Rtpan
tan la an naanaaan Um mat) mranate baraa, ta u> t>
Wimt, radaarrr ltd Mmp nn.! !„ par
bcalan Lta.i laia.V (a., II "tmai 1 <T
T|] I r Tte rt '.oral ar ite aarM - Irataiateaa'
I lt,li~t |M- rra Itrrnl tl irapta/ m Awtnri -
Aapteartnte -tteaat ranMi-TiaA o< aat aaati) m
i etatattd A#r.ta a anted a may a lata batt>'<aan(a
d r.t a ante tin. mad l a rjaabr te ktIHPNT
•1 1 I l.n 43 I—-, M >.- \.a. p ti h. , IINI.
I fit<l a.Ad Hatrb'a t a .tratl tiaatb tl)Tna l, almtat •
Uirar lain I tump ail mKarb nmda. that art nan.
..drrad ttendard ta tat. racttrat. Xiraa atfl tat nnii t> aba
"l nKtol" It) taA.aaili atimat naiterraif at Ma
'ana I oaa radar aa. rem may mantra. t una aba
bam brat rand at Um aaa raaaaa r bran fee raragte It
1. rfe.d ate. te te aaluliac a aB ran 4 rrnam.
K PJMANON. Wateter. X T.
fatten,. Raptan. Opiara HtbtA ate, BEKf
Gemufle lia'ub ViaHt Mnn,iW
Ur. ml $!•*
:f maiioß t *•'--Ini tf ufK* Dm.r! mm c*r4 riV
auatira. 4. n LKM.KH. Inpniar rl Ma>.rni laatnt
ratnu an.: Uhi C luaralacra Mr Nralari
Ycnbr Amrrira. PrmCo., fNn a
. brafm .1 >.IW*I ,| trad aid
trlldahlac |.rtatlr( prranrt.
CaiUtrsfrta. ZjK-Jut s-di e! Trf- A: 'as itsu.
A. Tin ■ A mini ma ai ilia aiaa tetteßU
aim for cau i..n aii Eiada .4 Aoh .a Ratter.
VA antli nlaaai d and I ' La ire wiltecrt
Vd aminaa tea bnada. Varraraallr raaira
\J nwKWle.l b aamrtaacm imriiAr in aaL
M rantA Aamd ataraplbr JlaatraraK'rtrt Arata
ranted. KAC LK ILA WOO, rUhuaa Rt. if tilt.
Tbr Hraa Tnana ai'Aoat
n.Ob' J 0R V Iraa andtaal rarr, |aa
n rara and rattadartewr ippl.
arar W nil tnkr tnril tad
\d par fall nrt. r lor til Ite do ma art.
fr'aa. ..nata.bkr cat PI 4 lor teak ten |A Mailt bf
mail. ...] paad. an rarrapt <4 prtra X. II TNn Trtata
'll rtiu aramr K. rtntmihu wd tlma tar atuth
nitrara ja] cimrat trr mad* t'lmdaaafran •
i~ ) V tKOt TttMl <kd 7HI Himdrw. Mrr Yiat
\S IIMIKMEI I. m| < t I mm: IA,(lrr Ikr
M 4 w IMI drm It l inc on It roroplrt r bifrM
liitetor*. gmti2 uoMrrlh! riliiltu.
rurioiiir*a grrnt • U*trs*i-d #1
ch#Y|arr (hu Mijr ;lipr rvrn s<mlv ' • l Om •
MT i rlmmrm* m 4 3*ooo c" wmmutd
MM |nT |NNlt•lrarTd . rig*t< -t* ffedMJbk tbfTgJ
n I pnMMr t' 'nil n. km! rgtrm ltf> ■ ■
lit H9I4RX) Bi • PI Qa. P* $ Mo
PMITIHV Hrnrr erf f*Wt rlnmed oftfttJ Md
LAu I lUn o(ih)o> bkv iiod fiw g*roof s
PfcoYinWci. m.l TreMit StrwL
I M htiuiid I • iH wv* 4gn*lr lb* b
ral-ir I tiara anun praar VPt.KTIaR. Mj l.nad, •
ntete! it fw t!M ut too r**r* In <UL>ctiVT l K
inraUaMe. ko-1 I rtKvo*ii ni it U *3l vbo m*f Mod ar
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