TMK t vr> run liKPOK Kit. THURSDAY MAR. 22, 1377. ' LODGE MEETINGS • C!i ;im llsi.t.Un-1 No no 1 O.ofc). I , i> i crttittf ll OtM lull j M (HUtlJtHi HMK M. IV fc4**WY, A. (i. . I irt lamwm. Nntri lUII on th* Saturday on *r tofer* full n , Htn H 5 V M and Ptrrrjr two wrvrka *fl*r, NtnMcr *• LOCAL IT F.MS. Any of our subscribers who change pot-.'fßves this spring should not neglect to in'orni us, o the Reporter onn be sent them accordingly. Always ..'ire oi.f ad dr in Informing us of a change. t!. - A new Trotting RuggV and new Harness wiP be sold together for sllO C'i a'so he bought separate Apply to WV. A. CURRY, Centre Hall Imarlm About n foot of snow on lat Friday. The snow on Friday wa- near a loot in depth, follow ed by cald weather, made c ic'tnl sle'ghing for a few dav- ll mowed all dv on Monday. Our democratic friend, Mm Geary, of Penn, had two ribs broken on A by falling from a tcnco. M n M ichael Stover, of Fine Creek, in Haines township," a few days ago, s'ip pes! on the ice, fall, and sustained a frac ture of the collar bone. Tic-et- fo the P*v*r House election can be ha>' at the Repoiter office at 30 cer'.s per hundred. Al' orders by m*i with the cash will he attended to. l.rt every town-hip he provided. St R.-id's R>ch ester Flower seed- :'or si'e at Wm. W ill's l-:*c Miller, of Bellefonte, intends i rc modeling the old to'l-fe, u-e, this side of j Pleasant Gap, and turn it into a hotel >|r. Robert M'Corns Wk, of Potters Mills, who has been ill for some weeks, wo regret to learn is not improving iron bridge acrc-s Penns Creek, at his p'nco. is erected. It has a 100 fswvl span, a 1 calculated to hear 00 tons \ subscriber, J G.. in'orn s us that George Weight, teacher of Centre school of Walker township, is lying very low from white swelling. As he is widely known among the teachers of Centre and; C in'on, Mr Weight will have l' •> sym pathy of bis brethern in the pmfv-sion. Hotter fe K'ine have the largest as-; sor'.menl of store-goods tn tha county, and . farmers can not buy cheaper any place cl-e Give them a call- dry goods, gro o -o -. clothing, hats, b -ots and shoes in p:, fusion- We had a hi.-ty g'ar.eeat Nftman's . (took of clothing just received. It re- j m :• is us of the mauntains vf ready-made . g >ds vMie oftea sees in the Market street stores. Philadelphia Bx selling cheap, j New man sells a great des 1, bei ce he must ( keep a large stock He is -till gelling an- ; either supply. and has S'.ernburg to assist in giving it away for a most nothing. Mr J C. Mo'.*, on last Thur-day, i 15, met with an accident which might have resulted more seriously than it did. As he was on hi* way over from Be! In fante, with horse and buggy, on reaching the me kiln near the bind on pike at Waddci s a csdt in a team at that point got to capering, which caused Mr Moiz s horse to -top over the wall ah ng the banks of t'.e creek, and horse, buggy and driver went over the precipice into the water. T buggy was somewhat wrecked by the tumble, and Mr. M-'tt well coated with mud. He had with him the b< oks of the turnpike company which were carried off bv the water and nut recovered in spile of search made. The horse belonged to; flpnnejrr and was not injured. IT W ILL PAY any ore in need of ! BB' divincs, chemicals, spice, brushes, or to ft goods to pay a xis'.t to th well ; kn >wn drug store of F Px'tts Green, in the Buah bouse block, near the depot, | Be'lefor.te. His Fami y are t' e m reiiab.e in the market,!. - liver pill* have become a "household werd" and : sh uld he kept by every family. The Bush House, wa are pleased to i inform the readers of the Reporter, now has a rrn! landlord, in the per-on of M-. M Collum, the newproprieto-. The pres ent management renders the utmost satis- ' faction, giving first-class accommodation without charging more than other houses that do not serve you near as well. -Mr M'Collum has added many improvements ! and conveniences which all the more tend ! to make you feT at home. The proprie tor is a gan-.leman in every sense, and has his -ye upon the condui-t of the house in every department. Large stables are a!o l-eing erected for the accommodation of horses. Messrs. Wilson A Hicks have a let ter n this issue of the Reporter which it wi'il*pay to read Spring is coming on when many will need hardware for build ing r other purpose-, and they have re duced prices astonishingly. They keep the fines', hardware stjreout-ide of Phil adelphia, and have a complete assortment of every thing needed by blacksmiths, carriage and wagon maker.*, builders and houseaeepers, and are gentlemanly and h nest in all their dealing*. Read the iet- Tl.c ncent Co. Audit Statement show - that Collector Geo K<>ch. of Potter paid over only $-' M. Mr Kn't forget to call at Camp's new Centra Hail Furniture Rooms. See advertisement of Mendelssohn Piano Company, N. Y. These Pianos made one of the finest dis plays at the Centennial Exhibiton, and w re unanimously recommended for the Diploma of Honor and Medal of Merit. This Com: any are tin first to do a gen eral businw-s with the purchaser direct, saving him more than one-hall the prico charged by other first-class makers. We would recommend any of our read ers who have any idea of ever buying a piano, to send for their Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue, which will* be mailed free to all. The firm ot Miller & Son, in this place, which was dissolved about a year ago, has again entered into business at the old stand, late J. C. Millers. Old cus tomers and new ones are invited to call, as they will aim to sell dry-goods, notions, groceries, drugs and medicines, as low as e'-ewbere, and render the utmost saii-fac tion in all respect*. New goods constant ly received. 2t- Those of our patrons in arrears, will do u* a favor by sending all, or at least part, of sum due, between this and Aprii And. Gregg's sale near Centre Hall, M arch 28 I'eler Ruble, deceased, sale, ApiilS FARMS TO LEASE.— The undersigned wishes to lease 320 acres of land in lowa for a term of years for improvement. UK) acres of which to be put under the plow next summer. These lands are among the best wheal lutids ol the state. For particular* inquire of J. S. BABNHAKT, 16 nov Cm Bellelonte, Pa SUNDAY SCHOOLS I— Mr. Daniel F. Bealty, manufacturer and proprietor of the BEATTY PIANO, and Bealty's Gol den Tongue Tailor Organs, Washington, N. J., has always made very liberal de ductions on his instruments to Sunday schools and other religious purposes, we would therefore advise such as are with out one to address Dim in regard to it V • f.. purchasing <>n*, as they are said U e aery superior and durable instruni' .. . See his advertisement. lm Rev. S 11. M'Gve, ot the denomi nation ol "Christian*," at Athlon, Lee county, 111., poisoned t)is wile a few da** ago, that he might u*rry l.erella, dauall tnr Paddock. * rich member ol M'Ghoea churxh. This \ illaui, M 'Geo, whs horn in Clinton county, Pa. in IS4I, nd married when he was IX)year* of age. while his wife was nineteen, and mowed west. Perhaps -ome of the Clinton coun ty readers of the Reporter know M'Uee We have receive.!|;he "Broad A*. Frank Meyers' new pa par, printed at Bethany, Me. The tirst i*-ue is creditable and indicate* a live sheet, which promises t > "hew close to the line, no matter w here tha chips fall." It is denuscratic in polis tics May it prosper and always preserve a sharp edge. All who have been at Valentines lit w store, speak i : i! as a r.r-t class place lor assortment, low prices, anil polite attention Mr Herman the manager, has just hern east, they has e now unpaeked Uie latest styles of dress good. which all are invited to call, and examine even if they do not wsh to buy. William, oldest son of J, Henry Keller, is dangerously ill from a sudden attack of ir flamatory rheumatism Our next door neighbor, lather George Harps ter is also laid up from rheumatism. i Another old cilire.x of PetxixsvalVy is rog stored among the departed nes On Tue-l*y afternoon Mr r-amucl Kri-e J.ed in Centre Hall, aged about 73 We hasc had cold weather again Saturday, Sunday and Monday last the mercury went Ik'ow aero, and sleighing was good. There must be at least li fe- I of snow oti liie ground. Tuesday was pleasant and indicati >n> for a thaw, but Wedne-siay turns in colder and cloudy- A large slock of steel and iron tire, Rowland's best Sword nh sieol springs, the latest improved axles. hubs, felloes and • hafts, together with a fu'l assortment of trimming*, such as Gum cloth. Duck and Drill canvass Ac , iust received at Levi Murray s Coach shop. Having bought these goosis at low prices, we will he pre pared jo til all orders at the lewesl prices. All vrork done with the object to suit all who patronixe us. Second-hand spring wagons and buggies for sale, or taken as part pay en new jobs. The ibwral patronage of the public gen- eraliy, has enabled us to increase our fa ci'ities, so that wi. are prepared to offer h. tler inducements than can be had r.-e --where. Commend* it and the d.n-tors prescribe it. We mean Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 26 cent*. THOMAS A. UICK.S. 11. K Uli-Ks ReUrfpHft, 3A I -10, 1 h77. TO OCR TRIKNP> A OI'ST-'MERS : We believe there is going to be a general revival of business of all kinds, and especially in our line, for hardware was never lower than at the present time. It has been op a gradual decline for years, and *.s certainly at the bottom now We have bought a large stock of all kinds of gvxiis at the-e low figures, and we intend to sell at lower prices than hardware *a, or ever wil! be offered in 8.-llefonte This is the tiuie to buy, for you car. positively get bargains from us. We defy comp--ti. lion, either in prices or quality of goods. We intend that no one shall undersell us Wo have been barely keeping up the va riety for some time back in order to take advantage of the low figures at the right time. We have now en hand 300 kegs Nails, over 100 doz. Door iJocfcs and Latches, and G-ass, tvhovels. Hoes. Forks and all kinds of leading good, in proportion, which we propose to sell at the lowest C*SH price*. Wo have a very full Fne of Conch Ma- kers' g Kid-, all kind, of \\ cod Work, and Patent and Plnin Wheel*, Circles, Schack !e*. Drilling. Ac., at the lowest prices. FOR BLACKSMITHS —We have a Norway R"d that we warrant and sell on trial. Vices and Bellows, and bet Char coal Iron; also Common Iron that is usu- ally -old at very low price* FOR PAINTERS.—We offer special inducements in Pure Lead, Oil-, Brushes. A-*. We have the sole agency for tha cele I.rated Imperial Cast Steal Ohio Plow*, formerly sold by Burnside A Thomas. They are warranted to give satisfaxlion. We also keep a full line of repair* for them. We have a very full line f Cook Stoves and give a written gusranteo with each one, if wanted. Wi' cheerfully give any one our lowe-t prices who want them through the mail. 1 HOS A. HICKS A BKO , Allegheny st , opposite Loeb'* Store EVA NG ELICA L APPOI NTME NTs York District —S. \V. .Stibcrt, P. E Baltimore Mi-sion—Joseph Archer. Baltimore Circuit—ll N. Greninger, H. S- Besom, under presiding eider Jarretlsville —1* J. Jarreit. Shrew-bury J M L"rig<>durf. Glen Rock—H W. Buck. Logansville—T M Morrij. York Mission—E. Swengle. York Cucuii—S Au-and, H W. Gross, un.ier the pre-idine el.l'-r Prmpsyt—R J Derrick rd H C. Ber- gcr. Levrixberry— S E Davis. DiSUtmrg—W N Wallace. BnnJeriviile—B F K Cumberland —K C. B'lwtrxn, J. C. Reeer, under presiding el ler. Carnrle Dftrict —E. K>hr, P. E Carlisle—H. A Stokes. Le< *turg—J M Etlinger. tia(rr>Vlle—G. K Zrhner. Newport nd Patterson —G. W. Currin. Perry—l M. Pines. M ill-rtown —L Mathia*. Liverpool—A W- Krtamer Big rspring-—S I Mtorti*. MtC.ure —J. M Price end J. Sham bach. Middleburg- A. K rouse and P. Weide myer. Union—S. Smith. Mitfiinbur - L. Dice. PIT: Treverton—Jacob Young Prof. F M Baker and Prof. J. W. B ntz, of Union seminary, and member* l Union Circuit qarlerly conference. B F. Hall ol Marysviile quarterly con lerence. George C. Carothers, member of Big Spring quarterly conference. Lweisburg District —A. L. Heeser, P. E. Lewiburg--Z. Bamberger. Buffalo- M. bloat White Deer—J. M. Hmder. Milton—B- T. Buck. Danville—P. S. Orwig. Columbia Circuit and B!oomburg—A VV. Shenberger and J Hertz, under the presiding elder. Berwick—J. A Irvine. Sbickahinny—W. M Crotnan. Ilugeaville—B W. Bunion. Luzernre—G. L. Buraon. Calawtxsa Valley—W. 11. Lilly. Wyoming and Kingston—W W. Khoad and J A. Hollenbacb. under the presiding eld-r. .Susquehanna—W. 11. Davis, New Columbus— J. A. Hetner. Dushore—S. P. liemer. Liarebville —1' M. Coup. Williiim-ppu Station—S Yarrick. Dewart Circuit—George Joseph North Danville Misaion—P. W. Ki.da baugh. George Hunter, member of Lewisburg quarterly conference. Wiliaicsport District—M. J. Car others, P. E. Lock Haven—P H. Bishel. Duhoislown—J. E. Courier Jor*ey Shore—l). P Kline aud G 11 Scbleh, under the I'. E. Nitfany Valley—W. E Detwciler and J.J Loiir. Sugar Valiey—K Young. Brush Valley—John Kreamer. Centre—C. F. Duisingcr and J. U. Pe ters. Lycoming—J. G M Swei gel. Wiiiiaasport Circuit—D. W. Miller. Williamsport Mixtion—A. H Irvine. Milesburg—J. M. King Liberty—N. Young and C. F. Gephart. under the P. E. Canlou —L. K. Harris. Centre Hut!—"W. H. Stover. Newberry—P. W. Group. Danville—J. P Shuhz Seneca—U F. -wei.gel i ,i Uarizler. as* stmt ed t . Evan gelical Messei ger Geo It linn -tor, . ( Lena. HI . ■ >le ofthU plat, who died r-. i inly, had n s2,tli\i ofe i curaiice in favor of his wile. •Ap. or l ouse will i t I*— n the poor taxes of the people i this s le ol the county, w here w . have lutl fr w paupers to support V larg. fssrin. i\|un.-ie In: l ings, salarii for attendant*, an I the si. til ings that are priu liccd in many of these institution* m some cou* ties ■ f llie Stat.' render lliem a unking fund. a A large lot ot lush luai'teiol jus! receiv <• I at Win Molt - aid .1 ;i i>- duoe.l price- RKBF.K- HU KG A Y ll'lN I 1 Y Kebersburg is liav ■ a g oi. 1 .-r< \ i I ill the United Bicthern church Many j seuls urx* co'. vertsxl Thx* meeting x ' duclrxl l>> Rex Auri.nJ a'ttl Smith. Jx i at I. all Kuhl I •• bad x la-laj -e It til tllsxWuUn.l which he rec's-IVxvl la -aiuiuer, and ll came nearlv prx.ving lata He is recruitl ig seme Tlie v.he* cough is I r;: g' 'g - "i sjerna'ioU in many latuily, a- xx. thinning the schools Busine-s wd' he xpi le brisk 111 x'ur x il l. I erectexl. Centre circuit >f he Fx cbui. x i. been final v dividexl a*nl Itiuslixaib-x forming a new cirx*uit 1 I the same name and is served b,v one piinisli-r. l'h prx>- , j.wt was for a long tune under cxuitemp a- ; lion, and we hope it may provx it-e I a . move in the right dirctiixf John lxrra inrr i- their pastor. " And at last the "Coon" that predicted j x an ear y spring has failed tx> prove hir. , self a truthful prophet Hi- -ix weeks r. x up and gone \x 11 exx • have o irn'ure ll' t xfegrees Uel >w rero li 'XV Is I' at f-'r "oi s xoiue!is fables ' lltw M is •♦ • r George Ke'slelter. an . id gent ■ man. r between 70 and 7-1 > ears of age, li vii g i Pack ixf Tr. vorton. xx.i-Hl home with hi* I ife (.ii Surixfay evening F.-h li wno I about xlark a man di-g.n-et in lein-xte ap- c pare! and wearing a ma-k enter, xl Mr. K > hxiu-e and ptx-ciiting a rev - xer 1 mandexl Mr Kerstctter n. tiex l'he ■ >1 gentl. man had a cane in hi-tha"d a 1 d xx ill. this he dealt the robber a blow knockit g • the revolver out of h: barul and -tin ng n tbe villain. A -c-ufHe ci.-u. J, xluri g I which Mrs K.-rt-iier rail out ami t screalllrd ls>r help Gutside of the house " she was tnel bv another rxiht-er, also atlired 1 in woman - clothing and masked ltn- w man Uv, hold of vl rs. K rsletter and " cam man.led her to go back and ke-p .jm l, as they did not intend to harm tier In :! the meanwhile the old gentleman had * been Severely bvaten and kicked, and wa s badiv used up that h vx as almost sense leas. The old couple having b.-un ox r- j piwered the robbers pro. eedexi to rid. oi Mr. Keistetier * jx-ax!- and al->> search- * nl tbe premises for money. All they h tained vxa* lesS than two dollars. The robbers it i- mppo-. t made a mis- ■* take in gamg to Geo Kerstelter s iiwue L.Kerstetter was re|>rled !•• iiav o rece. ved five hundred dollars latelv, and it .§ thought that he was the man they were ' 1 if er. . A man by the name . ? Jacob I- ing, re siding at fxhainokin, has been arr. -ted a one of the per-on* who committed the out rage.—Shamok.n Times LIFE IN THE BLACK HILLS. A Dead wood City col respondent under date of February 13 writes to say that the people out there are doing what they can lo sustain the reputation of ilux camp as a lively Wality. How they do it may be learned from the follow ing .- "Last ii'g.'.i one w.-man was choked near r > death, a woman of the town cotiitniiti 1 suicide, and a lady whs is running a hotel wi grossly insulted. She armed herself w ;*.h a revolver and started Mr. Lawyer i n a bri-k race around the hillsides. To-day the -anie man had an ear bitten off ! \ n man of whom he had spoken disreipecl- j, fully. The same night the Indians kil'.-d a butcher tr n. Montana named Tom Morgan. He was drivi g- me cattle to a slaughter pen a lew mi > s Iri m this plat e. A few days ago the redskins ran off seven • • ty five head of horse*, and wox.nrfi i <.ne niHii who was herdii g theni He a. led two Indians alter he was wounded To day they have brought news from Spear fish Valley that the *avag<-s have cleanm: out the v. hole valley. This is getting a i little serious and rather too troublesome A meeting of the -itir.ens was held to-dav for the purimse of raising i n>xugh men to •tart after the Indians The Unitet! Stale* troopa are too slow for the ntincr*. - xho hve 'heir rlai'i - a!. t i' •<1 "Ut n'd and ready to work as soon a- spring opens." MARRIAGES. On 6, bv Rev. Robinaor M' .Mfr. I M iller, of Spring Mi and Mi-* J : ri • McC-rm ck. of P > t r l wn-hip. DEATHS. On 10. at Mixdiionl.tirg. L .'. K I'.'ir ket wife of John C Hurket. nd datigiiler ofjac-oli Hover, di'i'd, aged "4 v.- .r- it* .1 3 months and '4 davs. On l.*th. Berth*G . daughteroi J C fin i Kl'zrbeih K. Burkct. aged 2 years, I mo. I and 25 day*. On Ft. at th same p nee. a .laughter ot .Itti-oh and Sarah (..|.il art. Mr-.J Burket.) aged about 6 month*. 14 lax*. Truly man is mortal. The ahve ■>"tier again demonstrate to us that such i- i!m case. Ile-e is a mother, h"r child, nd! h"r sister'* child, all in a week s time have gene from time l" eternity* ll.>w sad ( Yet we mourn not a* those that have n>. t hope. Mrs Butket left US the blessed a* | umnce that he di.d in the Lord The children having been baptized wore run onnta d children of Christ,, nil arc: in paradise, waiting fwr the blos.-od resur rection of the jul at the second coming ot our Lorxl. "The Lord gave, ai d the Lord hath taken away ; bless <1 he the name of liici LorL" L On March 14, Lydia Dathetn, aged Gf-j ypar,'J months 19days On Thursday, Feb loth, 1877, in Co!- i lege township, William C. son of Jucot>i VI. and Mary Fishburn, aged 14 years, 11 months and one day. Ofdiphtheria, in Ferguson township, on February Til-t, ltusel Jerome, aged 11 years, three months and two days. Of same disca-e. Olin Wallace, aged two years si* months and five days, children of John F. and Anna Krehs. PUBLIC HALF. - There w ill he sold at Public Sale, on Thursday, April, {>th, it Sinking Creek Mills, the following property of Peter Bubel, of Potter twp.. dec d. t" w it : '2 GOOD HOKSKS. one 2-horsn wagon. liree Hogs, twenty shares of stock in the L C & S. C. railroad conipany one 2-horse sled, 1 Buggy, 1 double sen Harness, I Fly notls, Check lines, Suddh and Bridle, Plow, Doubletree, old I r .JI Sausage Machine and StuSer, Oak niui Pine Lumber Wheat, Bye. Corn, Oat*. Buckwheat, Mixture and Corn in the cm by the bushel and a variety of article- to. numerous to mention. Sale to comment** at 1 o'clock, p. m when terms will !• made known by S. r. BUBFL, J C KUKKL. A. LUKENUACH. ii arlo 3t Executols. ■PUBLIC SALE.— The undersigned will oiler the follow ing property ul Public ijnle, on Wednesday. March, 28th, at 12 rn viz : H TSI S, 4 Colts, Cows. Sl.cep, tour-bonm Wagons, 1 two-horse Wagon Chti and Gears, B ib-sled, Self rake Huh tiard Reaper and Mower. New Champ u Mower, Hay* Bake, '2 Drills, rliiy Ladders. Cornpliintcr, Centre Hull Ilorse-powei Machine and Shaker, Fanning mill Plows, Har-ows, Cultivators, Tug limi ne*- Buggy harr ess. Plow gears. Wagon Sol die. Plynctit, H .v fork, ropeand p i' !Co V .h- • . Fo h* 11 Si > . ■> N ' iG, iu b -u . .t. .. ..iiGG. * ROBBING TilK FX I'UKSS A Daiing Pl< t skillfully Fxreuted N> nr I lit* Snick v t ily. Pittsbuig, I'n . Mil 'li I' A tt'il-i hi .ipl mil fki'i.ii i mi'i utr.l • *!'*• i'li # hot v •. | i petr-Htt il m this Ik1 ni||lit Superintendent Uinghmi, of the .'Xpres* < on>|>iitiv, give* the following pariitulart this rv . ning Yidtrr.Uv nrtori.o n wlui the It itrKlo ft|irr nth rcai-hv-.l Iltudy Heed n telegram uni fended 'I hetir, Bingham. exi re ■> tiuusenger, whieh in 'iruoted It mi l> Uaust.r hi* |>a. ■ik• -. to .1 II Hrvk>et I. mi'leii it end return to Parker l.*t,ling Kid swell erdrr I'tiu w * deled Pittsburg, end signed' "Geo Hlll. l'uni Sup . inli lidi'tlt 'I .'III I-leti ii I:t ii.hi) Intuit) It this T\!'.egbenv Val . \ Kmilr. nd, f.i v mil * fr.uti this vity T ie Hurtalo e*jin - muili and irein going north no < t llu ie mi. 1 slop l>r -u|>|>ei Oi> the Arrival of the l: uin el Ti ui|ilelon H hikii -;i I. 11 !,■ ,i the ex |'re-or ,r .1 to, IMI - > iijjei Itll Kin ttint lie was ordered lo re et e him Klii' lake his run lo Pittsburg. Mr 11 > Kin a- >ed hint 1 ir lot .e --tiolit Slid ' • produced n le ."grain address elto ,I 11 Hi... k- ill.triu ling Brooke U> reliete Itigllain ul I entdrlon end bring Ihe -till.-- metier lo Pi(t*burg This wa il*.. signed (<■• fi e Itiiigl em. Superm en lent. Hugbam. atler the lrlis|ef to Hi took tie ! 'fill tri.lii lo Parker t .ii I lit. ;.- en eto th - el.r in • 1 ol the e*pr<- car. At lha depot in this city his good* were eheeke.i oil . . rieetly end , lin got into the w .*g>ui with the diier I" deliver the good* aid rip- rt el UIP gene -j a. otli. eon Fifth avenue. Ton r, hhery | | w it* eoinmiltud in the wagon betweit thei dep..', end the otliee lie jumped frontline: wagon, urnollecd ! -i lo" driVv , uhriiie*- [ hslf s .|;iet* trom the . fllee. I'm * ale w„ totltid open and inoiiel pat'Lagg* , amounting lo $4 tt.HI w.-te uii**iug on er- t rival et ihe otliee. Brook* had eul t! e railroad te .graph w re li l* tide of Twin p'pton drew the into a Wrtleti-h use ill" re and with a poekpt Hilruliiett -er.l , the bogu- iiies-eg.** wh-vh operated m *ue • ee*lully CHI N V.MKN Ml KDKKKU IN COLD Kid Kin. Sal. Francis O, Mareh 16 Last lltght ' .IX I'iir.tmrli elttp Oye I in e'earil g land j nenr t'hivo, lluite eounly were etta. ked in tiieir eahiti by a gelig of while*. Three ot the C'h hot dead, a fourth * di. d * -on after end the filtb i beyond hope of revevery, while th. nlth, who ua * wounded on y eea| ml death hy fe going i . lie -av - the murderer- -et the Cebin on , fire and then flrd He i xtinguihed th- 1 dames eh I gave en a still. The murders were Comin tied in told blood. No ciue liKs yet b. en I- und lo the .--a-su • Man* u. in iar erintt-s have be.-n leiedt!** perpe Ira'.ed .II C'i i attleii 11. the lie ghtn r .... i p Thi- er..wiling outrage ha- aroused the ■ oitizen*. end *'e| - ere t.eing taken lo d.s lUVer end p.itilsblhe murderers. | vj, H.\ NSLUM K STF. H kscopes ' H !:• a ith polished annul c •** and ' OXLI)V/. I. .\ 17 /. II'A, 1 2 nil fur it.NK DOLLAR ANDTW KNTY FIVE CENTS. *, We! ' .(.':■•* p ROOK i * i s i ATI ON - * J EK Y Store, N e 1, II unit's* H >ek. ' 1 — t I • : - • I ! ENVF.L ( !' E j j 6 cents per pack. i I j j KNVEL O P E s, ! j 7 cents per pack. : : ENVKL< P K S. ! : : 9 cents per pa. k, brt quality • '• l* -—~H ! At the I" t e.l' II sSt re. iTJ intf y II i: LPs >* .NT * MvIKCTs .1 .:iU4*y 19. by Shorllidge it C-. W h ite w heat. 1 >. K. 1 '* Ido Rye. 66 e| Corn, shelled, 45. I M Co n. eoh. in | Oat-. SO. I Parley, ry weigi.t. 61 Clever*eed C* t*' ?'■' el |HT f't pOUnd*. I P. tat."*- retail. I '*> Flour per barrel, arli-.b -nh*. s'* 7 >. ■ o r**tatl. $7 tai N v > Scotia plash r, ground. liHif. Cvuga " f'H. Ant hi a. ite c*'k! fl Chestnut per t.-n at yard, So |*> ■ Sinel! l"ve. 5' ■ Sioe. $5 . 11 Egg. !. Ilrissn, " > 1 B W iir.s Old Stand. J 8 Ar d£jvrv£ aall, s Mnyiiiitir. tit Siiu kof 1* si 11 ;tnd \N m I let ti'MMh-. 0/J 9 Pri 91 £ r J vy Pr 3 o9 ! | rOLITM ATTHN I'lON ! Having just returns- i from the Ka-l. and bought ai panic pricea, I a* now prepared to sell cbonpor tun ever bofort My -toi 1., consuls in part of DRY GOODS, GUOCKHIrIS, j' NOTIONS. HOSIEKY, HATS & CAI^, BOOTS !• SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS, ite., Ac. Ladies' and Cents' Underwear a spec iality. A I.AKUK STOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. Customers will find the stock com plete, and a call is ;!1 thut is required r to assure you that this is the he*t place in tha valley to huy your poods. Remember, we hare but one price for everyone. \VM. Woi.F. It XEC UT< )RS N ()T I('K. 4 j The Inst will ntid lelainent of \\ in I v i'ison. late of Potter twp., dee'd, hnvtnyl b< en Hilmilted to |>r< hate hy the U"gi-t. i | 111 Centre county. letter* tenlanietiliit .v i lhe-eut'der have he..|| duly issued to tin iiidcraigtte.l of which ail p.-raon* in nnv w.iv inlere ted wi . take notice W M ALLISON. pollers Mills. I'll J AS. A HEAVER. Hiimr (it Bellefonte, Pa. TTV\ ECUTOIt's NOTICE Letters tustftinontary on the est ale of Peter Ruble late of Poller township, de ' •eased, having lu en grant, dt the unde - signed, nil person* indebted to said e-t oe * are required to make immediate payniei, , ' and those havirg claims against the sun e ' t PKI Lk, .IAS RUBLE, 1 A. LUCKENBACII, : bmarCt. Kxecut r*. We will at>trt y >u in a bu-u.< s* NO you can make ssu u week with- M )aEY 1 ••• , Y It ... y . . I) dill A mrvnnt "gal. loiunwlml IIIVUDM lln "_v uuthfulnp.R, IIKIJIHK over an the 1 Ni.ti.i Branch, recently nued to rwoor xtv truTi' wgc Hh# rwtfVdrjJ ft." Vh> *| hi'i \ cent* a n>k w certainly tej-onahh, nft it a. .lie It l.ow eighty year, old, thi> aggrega'e will tn apt In lutf . through." ' (tin Is * A. M Hhoop, of Y eager ;.i in, Milttin county, (wh ■ hat heard liit ' twenty tlntil rtillit cry), w re elected J tut ice ot the Peace, ut the lute election, which Un.t- th" vet rstt h< 10 at the thro. iinUt of In twenty tifth \cr a. an ri pounder of ju tn?c to llmm that en The ink.und in I • Bice la he -n in ue over ■ne hundred year*. and -uty year., tn ajtutice no til' c (inrrtte. Khin 011 WdliiroiilY. Thlngi look tor pence in Kurupe Send u the name ot a new ttib.cribef. It F I'i ilio* ha. moved from Aaron.- burg to near Peitll Hat! Geo. In. Lee, of the Loop, will farm near Ty rone. MIIHHV Mttttr Kiruti Jan 31, by Sal i ,V M > Nlll ■ Win at. r. I. $1.35. Barley, 56 (torn,, 45 . I lata, to 118 He, 55 CloVei eeil, $8 1)5. (■r •jiol A uiu r It. $1.50. Mutter, 135 Kg**. iO. Lird t"0 CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, I.KYI NIHHII. it entablinhllient at Centre Hall. !•'• oi hand, alid tor nale. at the in on I realo • - de raten Carrtasps, Busies, & spring Wagons, I*I.AIM ASli KASCM not \ ehii lea of every 4ecnpliori maite u i •riler, and warialileii to he inaite ot I ; lent neasoned material, alut by tin niM.i • itdleii alut cointielent workmen. Mi tin - for hugg'e. a fid pring-wag"". A'l of |h> , >t in), iot * I pattern* m .de to older.ah (i iring of all itiioln ni to order Al| .iiill ot repairing done promptly arid a! lie iowevt poanilili ril.'. Pcmofi. wanting anything in ht linear. ci|Ueated to call and examine hi. work, .10-y will find it not to he excelled lor dur ability arid wear. ill ay Si f BRICK FOR SALE Kind rlaaa hrirl wiil he Mpt on hand for n'e by J (> Meininger at Ze'he'a Centre Hall hricK yard* Tina# brick arc ■t.-re.l .o low that it i I pay I irmui at a ii.tance to come here for them 1 Mending to continue ,n the manufae ureofhrick they will le kept cori'tanlly ■n liartd, mid fair InducetnenU offered to purchaser*. • 7 ug >f H K ZKKHK PENN S VALLEY INSTITUTE. Tt ■■ f r-t notion of thi Preparatory •v. ~id wtll ott' et CKNTHE 11A LL, on IHh LAST 1111 KSPAY. J in April, 187", and continue ten week. StudenU of Iwiii texe. will be prepared tor College. Teaching and Buonw Tuition from $5 $8 per term Hoard tier week, %'2 50 to i.75, Adiirw., O. W. hoKTSKY. no Howard. Pa. Jag. Harris vV Co NO BROCKEKIIOFK ROW. IRO I* A I N T S, OILS.FrC., J J AS. 11 AUKIb Ac CO. M'xfonie * ■ If you wih t" gr w Vegetable, f rl .ale, read § Gardening tor Profit! B If yvi i with to lu .on# a (' iiumrcial I ' v F! • • Sj B Practical Floriculture! I R If j vi w.'li t tfurd ■; f r H tne u*r ■ ottSv. re..l $ GARDENING FOR PIEASI'RE' All b\ Peter Hende am. 3 I' ■> esl k) each postpaid, by mail hj I 3 Our ft 1 L(. IN Fr ■ 5 ( ••tlv A A U I I i, 1877 I OF 3 KYKit Y I'll I >4. ■ F*p Ih f GARDEN i ■ FREE! B to a or B t > llio. who ' v • pun-ha.. I any ot pj S : ,b ve lc. . t .T■ i re H Bi. : )/l of 'ei ir i • t.l I r I B Cortiardt St New York f. b WJ'll I •. f.'Rblft'VaP iaJAiai.lWWtßWidWlMbw^ ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our POPULARITY For Low Prices Is Daily On The Increase. Having purchased the largest Stock of Goods in our line ever brought to Bellefonte, we are offering extra inducements to buyers. \| EN'S SI'ITS FOR 85 ANI) UP. MEN'S OVERCOATS. 83.50 UP. MUSI,INS FROM 5r A YAUI) UP. LADIES' HOSE. 5o A PAIR UP. ; LADIES'COATS, SHAWLS. TRIMMINGS, HATS, AND FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT THE VERY BOTTOM PRICES, MEN'S BOOTS AT 82 A PAIR. LADIES' FINE SHOES 81 A PAIR. I MEN'S HATS AS LOW AS 75 CENTS. A FULL SUIT OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50<\ AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. ROUGHTJAT ALL TIMES. GIVE US A'CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE gj v£ m r\ GALL WAm TO wym-mmmza PLAVZ —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 27 S. A" A. LORB. AMERICAN Shade Roller Comp. .Manufacturer* of and dealers in SritiNu a m> Common Curtaii Fix to men. Holland*, Opaque Shading-, Taste!*, Ac., 81 llawley Htreel,, Ma*. hole M atiufai turrrs of hWAfrs sj'RJNa yjXTi'Jths. K napp * hpring Fiilure*. lor Window Blinds, are the b*l in that line ever in vented and are scarce to be eirnlled for convenience No cords used t raie or lower t"e blinds lliinds rrinsin just where desired, l.v a simple touch f the hand. Nothing cimptnaU-d in Knapp'* Spring Future*, and are easily attached to any window, l'rite of ihee Firturea at d khade* no higher than the old and trouhlistome oner ('ah be tern at the res idence of the publisher of tbe Reporter. r H mar 8m \l' I KKBI.R A Horner at Law v • PrM|s< •lii,ll".i .Iv.u le all Immlkm. .a Ousted I. I,l* , I* I Is*, rif lit .* I ous nuu.,l, Of a.. •> ti. ft r r>.riu*i ui* 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO CASH BUYERS! GO TO 1.1). HOVKRS (Hi:\i' STORM |\ AARONSRURG,PENf A., TO BUY YOUR GOODS. • ■ ;<>; \V- have at prcsciif. on our counters, a and well selected stock of Dry tiunds. which we are ottering vcrv low to Cash hnvers: • * . "~1 COTTON GOOIH art- ndrancing M-n'a Hbirtiug, 121, 15. 20c |tr yd. V* 2Z th licnvy c*|> nation* to li e Blegelted Muslio, ft u> Jc " ■■■ CltinetM* Empire, —s mdliii o n- r Mackerel, Ixttke Herring and White Fish very low. = a TERMS positively CASH, or Country Produce. Respectfully, " Si ISAAC I). JiOYER , Aaronshurg. Pa. 2 tmm i siiaian hsv) ox AMoasm xxao 113*1 9 - I jR.S (i. GI'TKLIUB, Dentist, Millheim. (Urn bit j-mfftrtoail Mftimle PtlkC H# f pT*i *rw*j | i crfuram At! npfReu in lU It He U now fully ir-;.ermd w fIDMt blt4hl> OlbiMit pAit *** J. ZELLER &' SON DRUGGISTS Not! Brockerhofl Row.BtUeionu-,P llctiirra in llriigp. (Tirinlfitl*! Perf'tiuaery, Fnnc) Uttl At .| A,, Pure \% inc. and Liquors for nicdicr toir|>...... alwav. tri'l -ii II "J THE GREAT CAUSE HUMAN MISERY. •lu.t Published in a scaled -M *! >pc. i < < .it cent- A 1 e lr* cb ib ntDne trHl®Bl nii •lul t 'BBPuornm af Hall Aturr a *> 1> a(lartna)|| laatonul vlttieat tpmlkln# ind wttboat A*n#rnu rar|ttl aparalhtma. Usula iawtraa.enta. r umluli. t-.lnttn# .-at • mpio ul rura ml oner • rteln mn<3 1 al. t> ahfich aaary •sffen r tliir aba* Jititn. m| La, *; cara bunaall rhaapD. Pr *aJy aad rßdkaili TTti* le . lura vlll prut# boaa U*tUnaaaad Mil tb.a wndt umler aaal. In a |!ln rnmlnp- fa anj ildr-m Mid, cm raati*< of Mi casta at two poat •ttpa. Adltaa tha Til K rI'UVKKWKI.Is MKDITAI. f'O uel 41 Ana At Ymk *ne< !isi. ffip IR f* "j Wi liirblib in® P okplM, lron|vifii-b round Iron, like %l gpi \l ■•> t UMI h'MKt |f|t. CKNTRE HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. tf-'u.-ces.or to J. K. M iller A Son ) Dealer in Pure Drug* and Medicines, D>f Huff*, and Druggist's .undri-i ri'KE WISE ASD LIQUORS For medicinal purpose*. The bed brilldl of CIGARS AND TOBACCO alway. in .lock. Prescript . i atclull* Compounded. MILLER AN IKI T COTTLE Fashionable Tailor. 4'niire Hull. 11 v. ct.iicneil r<>• ( on ibe 2nd (I >or It; ;i A }• OfV !-m do Che i> rrepar • >1 t■ • tn.i tt aeti tf !! L',di'f atnl bi\ • garment., H vtiri tig t the 1t" ftvlw. and upon .li>>rte-t n tiee, ;fid all * rl wrrat.t" I t render -al isfsction Cuti' g and-cp.irn.g d ww. Veep' r T1 r M I*. WILSON". Aunrhi'\-hL. IT H llrlotit. !** Clflce in Mr. Hen nor*. Building. Beilaionte l*a . f<)H N F POTTER. Au.r r n7r ~t f' U* Killkim bU iuO •serial •tt*Dt|r>n il-n u> th. U.t itis Und. m proiwrn fr mW W ill dr." >il nd ' •■.>.<(• lr.l*U P*e4. M ir (MmliUm nuwtd. aurth ld of th.MKifl ItwtM, H.IUIn.I# alUail. D. F. LUSE, PA INTER, feL. offer* hn servicea to tha citizen* oi Ontre co'inty in Hoiuc, Mgti nn(l OrtiftmtnlA ■'Hinting, jMtrlplng, ornamenting and gliding, '(training ">AK, WALNUT. t'M KMTNUT. Etc. Plain ard Fancy Pn|er bunging. Orden respectfully solicited. Tortus reasonable iUOapr if BEATTY *'*<" Grand, Square and Upright. From limn K Ann of W m H La*' hr Jt Uro . Ilai.kers, FayoU.-, Ohio "Wa received tha piano and thin k It • vrry iim-iullol mil out br W titled ■ short lime to give it • good test If you with a word in favor of it wm will cheer i fully give it." Jn>l.r* It Hrown, Ku . Kdwnr ( |avilla 111 fl : "l HMUJ Piano received give et.llr iiw i..n" A iiriii> >HUN). Mend &• mu.T Adores* l K UK A ITT. Wokll.flMl BREONS' HOTEL, t MILKOY, FA. iha best table and bar, and excellent .tabling fr horse*. Also a fine resort tor] •ummer boarder*. Bum to depot, and dally stages u> Centre county. Charge reasonable. GEO BHKON. Prop r A RARECHANCE For a Sewing Machine. You can haee your choice of the follow j ing fir.t clam • wing machine. Nw American, St. John Dmnlir, I )anice, J-mger. Remington, Howe, ami Wrnd. At the •"jea in* Machine .tore of Bunnell A Aikrta, K*' v rit*4 u>i'L Le* wtovo A'" l par*. attachmenla an! neexiiet for .1: machine* lrea! inducement. for cash. Don't Ma< lin taken in jiart payment fr in a me. Send fit let. to the ah>vr part'. ai*> > i\i' a tj r> lurn man. Ida a i •■■■ i til | .y| y C, FA THOUSAND. Having ilwufflra, in a ailniMi pru* dentin B |witiveetir fr Cwn-ump iiot and ail Lung Co top anil*. I feel it mt •luti n>m.he known in .practical manner by furnishing •ample tvltie. free of charge, to all •ulferer*. my only mope • r numeration lemr that the no d wine wil perform a>l I claim for i . The inaredi ent are of the choice.' herbal pr.iduct and perfect all Addrr.* at -lice. I>r O. Ftinip. He.iwn. 2i t>rand Street, Jet., y City. N. J., or itiav he bad of J. K Miller A Son, Druggi-u ( eotre Hall. Pa j,i, 4 C T AL*x*>tutß c M. How■ a A LEX AN PL H & BOWER. At , /_V • • IMWfaei®. lipacta! atLatU 2"_ d h^, . W r 'twillT -uilota, ati U , S **" .. mu.l U^M, R>.nal.riur*d (at um la l'Utra, Vi , u , mL a, JZi. .I'eadj bM UaUC f.r •o<- u 'L.t J . Htlafaeuaa farm* atra,Uß ■ ira.. Ujlaa Wailar Pm. r |MIE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE liE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. The Bo Defence public and the people ot the country generally will be pleated to know that the old and well etlabliehed DRUG STORE, late the property of Jamee C. William., <>n Allegheny street, n.-*t door to Hick.'; hardware emporium, baa been re ofw-neii lor ousinea. and i bo ing rapidly re-stocked and lined out with the best and most popular DRUGS AFD MEDICINES Pfc-RFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything usually kept in a trst-cla.. Drug More l . KS. Id PTIO A HC.4 ftEFUI.- lyouiu|M>uiidt'd utull bourn of ihc day >.r night, and particular and prompt attention given to the want* of tanner- and others ,* u . '' v *' f'n country. Sion never c.c.ivh to til ie who want uii'U cinea or anything in the drug lin.. 1' 'undersigned horn-., by .triet attention to bu-ii.e • to merit .>,] receive the pub lic paionaire. U. M HER&IXtiXOK. fl ITly Ae , HII Hesiry Reiaiiart. WOODWARD UNDERTAKER. Coffins of alt styles made on shortest ro th f. Undertaking strictly a" nded to f'bargn. ... thle l su „ . BEATTY? 1A - vo ii Grand, Square and Upright. • TV..'u Khyder, of tba Irnt ol ny. " '•'< Manufactured , .... 1.11.. ol u* •>. Pa : "I out WUIM, i i know b< V to as pre** my gratification An receiving tba Dually Piano you shipped ma. It is at rati all I COUld Mb, wUb "T I|>UCt O I of our mart aminanl musician* triad it *r " iMika in tba moat favorable term*, eftvr thoroughly testing It." Best offer aver given. Money reftindH upon raturn of Piano and freight chn. g. • paid by ma ili P. Baatty) both way* if unsaliaisClorr, after a teat trial of fV ) ~ day. Piano* warranted for ai* year*. Andre**, D P. BKATTY. /glut a WfaaMngtnn. Nate J arse- . I CAUTION - Nntw t hereby given that all the live slock. farming ulen a si's household and kitchen furniture, to u gather with ail other property of Aie •• Kubn. of Harris tap. w purchased at .sheriff's Male by the undersigned. and i will be left in tba p.e*eion of Mr. Knhn at my pleasure All peraona ar • hereby caulloiied against meddling with tba came in ar.y inannar. U.r fit JOSIPH BITNBR. GRAHAM & SON / E' W , Haw ibetxrlaiiif mle in BelMu* Edwin C. Burts" CELEBRATED FINE SHOE- WIDTHS the &}jobb 3d Y)t>rh• WBOLBHAII nttTVll. PICA I. ** IS Calf Skins, SOLfc LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS All Kiud* of Cuunm Work Iladp To Order Bishep Sire**, BELLEFOXTE. Pn JO may if , issZk< I Mr v ft;t,A,tAi Ar " PENNaVALL Y BANKING CO. CBNTKB BALL. i"A. RBCEI\ K OBCUBITB. and allowlntcr est; Diumuiil Noire; Bur and ftwi Government Securities, Gold and Coupon*. P*Ta llorriß. Wm. B. Mingir, j Pres t. Ca*hier RFATTVO G o'^n DLI A 111 O Tongue Par lor Organs. Factory Established in.1866. Frbta the Press. From G. £> White, Editor Hacketts town, N. J. Herald. "The organ ha* a rich, deep and soul 'tiering tone : could not stay in the house without it It helps wonderfully to drive awapr the thoughts of hard times." The Lebanon Pa. Daily News, sajs : n 8 of one of those live . r '° r Pr-*"*, nienufariured ly D. F. Oeatty, Washington, N J This rgsn is a fine, solid black walnut ca-e, tnd in lone it cannot be surpassed by any instrument ot it* kind." From the Lowe,l Neb Register. "We received ibis week, direct from the manufacturer, D F. B*>aUy. Wash ington, N. J., his justly celebrated organ, elegant in appeeranre. and handsomely lun ished tinesoelled in richness and pow •r ol tone. We are n'ore t"an pleased with it and beacily recommend it to any one contempt sling of purchasing an or gan." Best offer given. Money refunded upon ■eturn ~. and Ireigbl charges paid by me(D. K Beatty) both ways if urirat sJactory. alter a tet trial of five dys Organ warranted lor su years. Agent* wanted ever} where, male or le male to canvass for tins superior instru ment. Addres, D. F. BEATTY. \ x-Hngtun. New Jersey A\ T - I* M' MAN US. Attorney at-lntv M Peiieionte, fa Office with Jto MeManus. esq 28jijl If ♦ -•*!* nt -.-ilTrsmert la Itoe h.> V / / /ite r1 uwr. • In ibiM arm. /> 111 wis of re n ii, nnv i 111 -ouiitn nttu is willing to \ kr lli At thr umplnjrnieut thst w, th prr week tn jour own ti-wn Yoa j-., be •* form hutus utrr iiusli' You curt *(> whole Uror to tbs work, or oulj your sr-nrr l • It cost* Bothing to try (he built,, , 1. rr.i- OeUit tree. AiUire,.- la onus. il. U* list I ,v Purtiaaa, foriUud, Mstue. 74ISPAP£HiS KEPT ON FH£ hT The Oft iCE c;' i '733 toss $- &K!LA|H \\' k*i-s- ■ siiisSßOfl ages'. 3d -.AA? _ w ac -