Til K < FNTRK RKPOR < KR. THURSDAY MA H 16, 1877. ~~ LODGE MFTIKGB rrvTRK lUM v., y.,;, I o MO. F.. ■ v*ntn tatfctlMA 11*11. j M. B*®ct H I*. A- '• Ot V Four l/tTXik. No M7. F. A M . moot® on M 'ndAjr on orafmr PI CH foil ir.oon In th# n th* S*tur*W on or boforo f > wk* wft#r. I onord Rhoao M*i(or. <1 W 8001. •** locaTTTEMS. Any of i iir lukirnVon who change post office* this spring should not neglect to in form tts, so the Reporter can be sent them accordingly. A'.wavs ffirr M •#" d, late J. C. Miller's. O'd rus ts ers and nevr ones are invited to call, as t! y w 11 aim to sell dry-goods, notions, . grceeries, drugs and medicines, as low as, el-ewhi-re, ard render tho utmost satisfac t'er. ns ' re-pec -. Ne*g ds constant ly received. 2t. ( Eaves has been inaugurated President, ar.J as bis party claims by fair means, we still have a Monarch in this country w .• reigns supreme, over the Clothing business in ibis section, aud this is no less a person than J Newman. !r.. of the Fa g!e Clothing H use, on A1 eghanv -tree:. Bellefonte. He has just returned from the ea'tern cities ard opened one of the finest and largest assortments ofC thing. Hats, Bo's and Sh es ever seen in this county. It will do.you good jut to drop in and I>. kat it. Ard be has made his figures so 1 low that no e***r merchant in the c unty ca-n coroe near as low by 15 per cent. He will sell you a nice suit for s•!,'a g<- i pair of pants lor sl. a splendid hat for 75c. Be sure ar.ch to be nut under the plow next summer. These lands arc* among the be-t w heat lands of the state. For particular' inquire of J. S. BARN HART, 16 nov 6m Bellefonte, Pa SfXDAY SCHOOLS I—Mr. Daniel P. Beatty, manufacturer and prop. et< r of the BEATTY PIANO, and Beatty's Gol den Tongue Pailor Organs, Washington, N. J., bus always made very liberal de ductions or, his instruments to Funday schools and other religious ( urpotes, we would therefore advise such as are with out one to address him in regard to it be fore purchasing one, as they aresn'd to be a very superior and durable instrument. See his advertisement. lm Harper's Magazi nc for March sustains the reputation of this elegant and popular monthly. "Contemporary Arts in France," i fustrnted. "The Prussian Wends a their Home," illustrated, "Litchfiel Hill," illustrated, "The Dis tribution of Animals," illustrated, "A Summer Cruise among the Atlantic Is lands," illustrated, "Popular Exposition of Some Scientific Experiments," illustra ted, Webster and the Constitution," nre among the moat interesting papers. "A Woman Hater," "About Dolly," "Ideals'" "Ercma, e,r my Father's Sin," "My Great Aunt's Will" and "Garth" (by Julia Hav/- tfio'ne) make up the fiction of the iiUDiber. ihero is also some average magazine po etry, and the editor's "Easy Chair," "Literary Record," "Scientific Record," "Historical Record" and "Drawer" areas •lteT-iing t4s jsual. POOR TIOI'SK FLECTION. \V< have in typo llio Sheriff* I'roilama lion fur the holding of an election for or against a poor house In ihi* county. A* the election i* to oonto off in * litilo over li\o weeks from this date on Api it Li - the proclamation will appear "in our r.exi is-ne, our space having already been tak< n up this week This is a subject which in ten-sta the tax paver* and should ho Calm Iv considered Thopr. plc.it thissidn ai wnvaopposi .ithofoUiulinxofsii. il an i<- slilutien, In km): nt it in iho light of dol lar* t. r. •! c*M The mint Par of pauper- in tin so township* have oyer been inpar.i lively fa\. and thai ho iova inal the poor homo sv si ain would inoraasa thoir tis. To soma Ji.trw is in the county such an in •t nut ion would boa ralial. Tin townships on the other tide the county, no doubt.* *'ll iota largely in lavor of a poor houso The number of paupers in many f them is targe, the population sparse, and consequently the l.t r tax heavy V poo* hop-, would relievo w.-uld them of part of tha bur-en nd throw it upon \\ alhor. Ferguson, Harr.s, tVllrjr, I*. Iter, Penh, Gregg, Haines, Mit. and probably • fitw others A farm Would have to ha pur. hated by the ~ nun i-s i. tiers ar.d tuitnb'v buildings erected In tome counties of the state tit.-se institutions are grossly mismanaged and entail a heavy tax upon tin citizen in consequence In a few whore -let ■ g t- I not practiced, and .he farm propetly man aged, the revenues . rived from lie labor ol paupers, pay for their k< | '.ng. Nt ■> w til have more to -iv upon this tubject hereafter. v'ttxNoKov AcpotNTXiKN r —There will he preaching in the Lutheran church at Churchville, March IS. at 10 o'clock, instead of 2 o'clock. In Centre 11*11 on san e day, at 2, p nt. instead ef 10 a tu. I.et all observe the change. Boldly does Isaac D. Boyer, at the cheap Anronsb'.trg store, proclaim a re ductien of prices ar.d in addition & per cent off for Cash. He promist-s bargains that cant bo beat, dust read his la'gc ad ver.is jm.-nt in the Reporter. With the approach oi -prig there will he a re-stocking of the well known e-tabhshntent : Sec cr \ C• . in tii Bush house block, with everything be longing t ■ the lino of groceries The firm is making great preparations and intend to go beyond all their former efToru t-> make their baa* Cent re county headquar ters for groceries. Headquarter* it was recognized already, and they will flow place themselves beyond all competition for quaiity of goods, completeness in as sortment and low prices. No house in the county ever was more deserving the good will of the public- Olp Vx'a-A. M Shoop, of Yeager town. Mifflin county, {who has heard hi* twenty third child cry), was re-elected I Ju-tioe of the Peaee, at the late elect-on, which lands the veteran hero a! the thre held of his twenty fifth year as an .x --pounder of ju-tice to those that err. The inkstand in hi* office ha* been in u-c over one hundred years, and sixty years, tn a justice's offh e—LewUtnvrn Gazette. Jur- rs, Third NVeek, March. Harris—D T NVeilacJ, Win Alien. T B St-'v, r F-rguson—R Gardner. A K Clcmson, J H dobnaon. .1 L Garten. Milesburg—.l Shirk. Boggs—ft Z ir.merman. Surini Geo Y g, H H v Haines— S Fltlingcr, Jacob NVn'f, J C Stover. P..iter—J T Lee. I) K.ei-her NValker—ll McErven, T B Rut crt, I. Lesh. i Penn—B Deininger. Phil- -burg—J ACa sanova, Uni. u—Jas A exanler. M-rion—E Art ley. Perry Cotnlo, S I Bennison Mi es—P Keisler. J K llostcrman, T | St. ver. i Gregg—A Cron->hle. Bellefon'.e—T B NVihon, J C liirpsr, | -v orth—J Cannon. Howard—J Slme. Rush F P Snii'.h. Liberty—Ja> Gunsnllus. H-lfmoon—John NVil-.in, Newman, of the Eagle Clothing Store. Bclle'oate. has been to the city a id attended to laying in a stock of readv ina le clothing. Newman is * grand s - : oe-s in the clothing business He know all about it—ccn'l bo cheated and don t cheat. He sells cheap, as all admit and sells vou more fr your money than was ever before obtained in this county. Far- , I mer.- if you would save in Clothing, go and see Newman before purchasing e'-e --j where. Hi* new stock is the moil corn ' , p'.ete ever brought to Bellefonle. I The Tyrone ilerald tells thi* story : . ; Many of our readers will remember thai i . Lewis Gonyer wa.- sent tc the penitentinry u about eighteen months since, f.r a term of - seven year;, for an outrage upon the p-T - ton of a little girl, rear Fhiiipsburg Tw . cr three weeks tg - Gonyer died in pri- in, ■f and when the news reached his wife, n she remarked : "I believo I'll go up b stair* and die, too." She went up stair r and some time afterward was discovered ■r in bed. cold and life!e-.. Jthe had beer. 1 - suffering from a cold, hut noo:.>- cor- er i her ca-e seri Noi-m can lei! what li wt- the real cause of her -ndd-m death, a it h.- ba* avowed that she w. uld never il again live with her litishnxid, and c-T.-id ered herself free as though he had never r been married. r TERRIBLE EXPLOSION IN A C< \L MINE • j London, March B.—An explosion took ( I piace to-day in the Worcester colliery near Swansea. All the miner* were at work at the lime. The number lost is not yet known. Sixteen bodies have alreadv i been taken out. I is thought that six more are in the pit, . SEVEN PERSONS LOSE THE IP LI VES IN A NR \V TOF. K CHURCH New \ ork. Morcb B—A panic in the church of St. Franci* Xavier in Sixteenth •treet near Sixth avenue to night, caured art: hof women from one of the galleries I and ;n the tumult which ensued six wo men nad one boy were trampled to death, Tht congregation was composed entirely of women and children, it being women's week in Lent. The number of person* in jured eoud not be ascertained. The bd ie* of the iinfortuna'es were taken to the Twentv-flflh precir.ct station hntje whe-e where they ramain awaiting t-. be identifi ed. 1 b> tnot violent snow storm of the win ter pievaied it St. Lui, on 9lh. Sever ■ 1 inches of snow fell, end t r ßTe l 0 f H |i kind* was much impeded Tip enow originated in Colorado end to the south <>f it, and has extended over Kansas. Indian Territory and part of Arkansas. A VOLCANO IN TUB OCEAN. Ban Francisco, March 9.—The Honolu lu Gazette of February 28 contains an ac count of a remarkable submarine volcanic "Utbrrnk in Kealakeakaun Bay, near the entrance to the harbor. The natives re port that the eruption occurred at three o'clock on the morning of the 24th, ap pearing like innumerable red, blue and green lights. In the afternoon several boats visited the eruption, cruising over the most active pTt, where the water was in a state- of pecu!iar activity, boiling and appearing as if pa, wa* traced inland from ihoro * neatly throo mih*. vatying in width from r ln tew atehe* I • thro ' font In ••mo phtcas * wnter uiii tech p. hi ring into the aby-- h*> r lon. Asov.ro *liok of mil' ,piake \\-,* toll by resident* of h iaivilio nn I Koll during 1 the ght of the rupth>n, wbich mint bave Jirroovlod the outbreak It ivn (juila •- vol. , tut n damage L reported. AN K* t'KS I lili' S \\ u.l, 1 lltirir I n Timri. Dublin, duly 2 Tho trial of tho < ottK nf l'urdon \* Lorb Longfork ho hoon exciting mi.oh rurloiiy Tho will in dti ute was made by A-hdphu* Cook,, |- a very eco till, Jg, ~t ■in 01 liv it Ihi , I lostltor 111 t O1 - tile * rth J > U*i ay I ,r, to tho second roii of tho defendant, a mi ii r and >ii*ißberiled tho p'aintiff, l > hthoho.r *t Uw l'ho to-lator ha* a*kt-o Char.,-* l'urd :i i-> come and live with t in n,i manage hi* properly. li nth-red to giveMr l'urdon an ann ult v ol • .V, , li wa>, dee'ared it -ulflcient, and ho thon o - fared to Ktio him a life imerot in tho pro. |ior:\ and lot it go afterward- to his hr •I or. Tho Rot Mr Lv*tr rector of K llu o*n, ;! was alleged, hail ijnarrotlod with tho plaintiff, and tried to sot hitu disin herited, and y icldtng to hi* indue 00. tho tottator altoro I hi* intention and cast abeu t van. .1- dlffCtl M r (MM ''tie r!- to leave the property t '. ovon writing to a -Iran.or ■ ! tho *tne name to come and ho made hi* heir. Tho will with that objocl uat executed, but afterward* fOToked like the other Tho clergvtnan, it was reprc touted, finally persuaded hiin to leave tho estate to Lord Longford * ton. It was represented in sentence for 110 plaint, that of late year* the testator wa* I rot competent to make a will, and *otne • trange instances ware given of his eccen tricitie- lie did not believo in Chr.sM anity, but believer! in the transmigration of soul*, and would not allow a doll to ho. hurt because he thought tho soul of hi* grandfather wa* in the animal. He expect od that hi* own *ou! would assume tho term ola fox. Ho had it tomb made on his domain wit li chair, and lounge* 111 it. ai d woi od to he buried in a jilting pM tion. He lad 6ddle shaped win lows put up in hi* bou**. Such pc*uliaritiet a* these wore Tried oB t -show that i- Di nd vra* weak a d incapable of resisting pre* •ore. On the other hand, counsel tor the de* fen.Jar.i produced a number of witness,* to prove that he wu a shrewd, intelligent man of literary t t.le*. that he iv.t* distal iefiej with the plaintiff and his father and complained of the r interference in his af fair*. and that lie was particularly anxi .* lor the welfare of his tenantry, and wish, rd to leave li is property to Lord Long ford's family, because he wa* a popular landlord. The solicitor who drew the will, ihe doctor, the nc nger of the bank, and ther witnesses swore positively a* to the estator's capacity. Baron Dowse, in charging the jury, vhich I e did at great length, said that, in lis opinion there was an overwhelming * eight -i evidence n support of the te.ta* tientarr capacity of the testator, and t , y bund a verdict accord ngly. EIGHT CHILDREN POISON ED Mauvh Chunk, Pa March S- Am g lie l ining population ola little vi age ailedSloektoaar#tkrrt families named, ievan*. Davi* and doll, * On Monday drs. Bevana wei tawny t obtain work or i-distance of some kind for ber family, tho were suffering with hunger. She lei, ier thrie children, g,-d two, t,iur and i\ ■ear*. ri'*| ecuvelv. alone. \\ bile -he ras gone tie children went out. a* one ofi hem ha* * nee explained, to find aime King to eat They we-'t out to a swamp ome distance from the bou*e, where they, lug up a while root —probably *i;ii pa**-, up—that they discovered thre. and a".'- if it. Thev were joined by three of Mr Davis' children and two of Mr Jones' in he meantime, and they all psrt.wik of the oot. In n short time they were seized with Violent convulsion*, and were found •y a boy namt-d John*, who came along ,nd he*rd fearful crie* coming from tho wamp. Millie Itevan*. aged two; Gus ie Jones.aged *ix ; and Mary Davis, aged wo, were d- ad. The other* were rolling n agony on the ground The boy procured lid. and the children w- re conveyed P heir homes. A doctor wo summoned, ind the sick children c treated with inudote*. Hopes arc entertained of their recovery. THE TROUBLES IN COLOMBIA— ANOTIIKK BATTLE. The President of the I'r i -n, ir. d : >- patch to the President of Panama, dated It -gu'.a. F. b. 4. says '"I have received nn official dUpatcb announcing a r> roplete victory over the united guerrilla* on the 27th of January. The enemy to the num ber of 4,00!) crc entrenched. The battle lasted all-day. nearly 1.000 were killed and many wounded."' The contract for introducing Chinese '! i ,rs in Peru ha* also been confirmed but it is d< ~btlit! if it on be earned out by thn contract or*. New York city !ia 0 suicide* last year. Thi- would half depopulate a city l'keCentre Hall. Cork anij ! I o*;s. —From carefully cot dticled experimt'DU iy il tivrrnl persons, it ha.- been ascertained that one bushel of corn will make a btt'e more than ten pounds of pork, gr< ss Taking the result a* a basis, the fol lowing deductions are made, which all farmers would do well t< lay by for a convenient reference, that ; When corn sells at 121 cent* per bushel, pork d>*ts 1 cents per pound. When corn costs 17 cents per bush el, pork co*ts 2 cent* (ier pound. Win n corn cu*t. 25 cents per busht.-i, pork costs 3 cents per pound When corn costs 33 cents per bushel, nork costs 4 cents |; r pound. When corn costs 50 c-nts per hush el, pork cos,* 5 cent* jx r pound. The following iat< n>eiits -how'what the farmer realigea on his ©ru whei sold in the term* of pork : When pork set * at 3 c'ot* p. r pound it hrmgs 25 cents per btt he I is corn. When pork sells at 4 ceil* p> r pound it corn. When pork -ells a' 5 cei ta per poun it brine* 45 nils | or I ushe, mi nn 3llt.lt'T MaRKKt 11KC "RT. —J i* •. '! i, h-. Sittiiii! A lliN 1 1: \V eat; r.-d, $1.85 Bst-ley, 55 (lorn,. 45 , Oats, to 2H l7e. >BS. f'lover-red. sN.'2">. Ground Alum Halt, $1.50. Butter, '25 Egg-, 80. Lir.i 00 MARRIAGES. In the I.uth. church of B'-rlin, Homer set Co ol the evening of the Ist. Miirch, t>v H'*v. ,1. W. Peffinberger. Rev. E. Ki*eher, of Centro Hall, to 3li* Anna J. Fhilioa. < f Berlin, I'a. DEATHS. On Thursday. Feb 15th, 1877, in Col lege tow-. iiKiU'.t HIUI In'.t ty!,v Ml kind" ■ k . GRAINING. PAPER HANGING, AM) (A IX I MINING, I'KOMPi LY AII I N Il I l <). Ci ,'imiii „ sp., ,l|, Ar or lor. In limit roooivo prin|>t ultoiiti ■ unit -ti - .'m I irintmiitcoii i'lmiifp. ii" l II'MHIIHI' I ' I , .1 N ll NKI.K A CO fprit i; M 11], I',!. IHOLAI.TV OR VIIK (ILLAMLV* CSSV LI 11H• I' S }>UNRRM#L'IIURL, MI TIIUN., I*>L, IJTIT << CHIEF JUSTICE READ THE OPINION OL THR O.I'EURT IN IH EA*E OF VUNN AND SCOT! 11, G-IIII*T THE PEOPLE UF ILLINOIS THE PRITU-I ,! IML *IR' < JS' ~ LT> IN INLAW TH LI \II .111 "11" 1 IF* .I ■ (' >R II>R*IFTI UF GRAIN I* l WARE HOUSE* •>' • L'l R -GO MID HRR |.LA*E IN IT EKT ITE HAV> I AG , THAN 1110 TUL> INHAFSIIUNT* IN WHICH IT GRAIN I* IUIMHI IN I'LL K. N' J ' IN *IHT'LI THR I' (I TIN F ILIHI'MIIT IIWIIII' V IS IN XED TEGI-LI „ .-R, R LIT WHIEA (MM •• STORED IN *UI H A I MI IT NOR THAT IHA IDENTITY OF ULTLERENT 1 •• T ► R PARCELS CANNOT BO ACCURATELY PRI U RN I. " |T. VID OIL BY ITIT* L.T GULALURE IT'LL KIL'MK MAKKKII. JM UJV 10, BY SLUML'DGE A: 1, \\ IT ILII W HE.I'. I 35, R-.1 '• 135 RYE. 55 E I'URN. SHELLED, 45. ,I' C.O U. COB, 40 J OAT*. 30. HURLEY, RYE WEIGHT, 55 A CLEVERAEED $Y L" JT'J '*.< IN-R 04 POUND', E PCULUM RETAIL, I I* l I FLOUR PER BARREL, WHOLESALE. $•" 75. RETAIL, $7 00 ' NOV I SCOTIA PIASTER, GROUND, IT' T0. CAYUGA " SOIO. E ANTHRACITE COAL: CHESTNUT PER TON AT YARD, $5 00. SMALL STOVE, " STI*I, 11 $5 -5. 4 i • ; BROKEN, WOLFS OLD STAND. AT At CIMtflS HALL, MAGNIFIED!I SLOCK OF LULL AND N\ IU TER HOODS. On b Prhb I Ltv; Prica i IMDLITE ATTENTION ! HAVING JUST RETURNED FRO TO THE EA*., AND 1 UIBTAT PANIC PRICE*. 1 AM NOW PREPARED J TO EL! CHEAPER THAN EI CR BEFORE. M>' L• I A CONSISTS IN PART OF DRY HOODS, 0 ROLTRIES, NO r IONS. HOSIERY, HATS aV CAPS, HOOTS IT SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS. AR. LAILLVA' ULI'I (LENT'' UU.LCRIVETTR IT SPEC IALITY. A LAKUK STOT'K OK READY - MADE CLOTHING ] C V.-TAN! !Y IU HAND. CUSTOMER* WILL FINTL THE STICK COM-J PIETE, N:D N CALL IS NIL THAT IS REQUIRED TO N-*'IRO YOU LHAT TH: I* THE IW-T PLACE IU THA VALLEV TO H I) YOUR GOML*. Remember, T a hare but one price for rrryvne. WM. WOLF. RIAUTIOS N ' .• I (IFTA LL IT ALL THE !)V- *T<>l K, FIRMINJ UTEN *IL, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE TO GETHER WITH I OTHER PROPERTY OF ALEX KUHN. OF HARRIS TWO. WI PURCHASED AT >HERITR SATO BY THE AND WILL T>E LEFT IN THE | O-FE N .MR. K JTIN IT NIV PLEA*ARE ALL PERSON* NR.- HEREBY CAUTIONED APAIRTL N R DING WITH THE A:.IC •R. AE-T MANNER. ISNRN'R 5T JOSEPH BITNF.R. S NOTH K - £ J '1 R A: WI. AND TR-TAMRN' OF NN M. \ I*NN. LATE "F POTTER TWP . DEC >l. HAI ING BEEN ADMITTED TO PROBATA BY THE REGUTER, CENTRE BOUNTY, LETTER* TESLANIENTARY THE'EUNDER HAY BEEN DULV ISSUED TO THEJ ITID'TMRIO'D "F WHICH ALL PERSON* IN ANV WNV INTERE'TED WILL TAKE NOTICE \V M ALLISON. 1* 'TER- MlL'*, I'A. JAS. A REAVER. JFIMARCT BELLAFONTA, PA. T pil( DTOI'B SOTK B LETTER* TETAMENL\RY P:I THE EITATE OF L'. OR RUBLE LITE . I POLLER TOWN-! IP. TIE • • A*ED HA*IN< BEEU GRANTED TO TH UND'-R "IT NOD. AIL P R*ON IND* L-TEIL T< RAID E*TATE AN- RR SETTLEMENT. SP KU LK. J J AH. RL'BLK. A ILL KEN BACH. BOAR 61 EXECUTOR*, J AMERICAN SHADE ROLLER COMP. | MANUFACTURTRS OF AND DEALERS IN , • SN.INI; AM* COMMON CKKTAIN FIX TURES. I II HAND*. D| QUE M A II. . 1 H--I-1-, AC.| ' 31 LLAWLU.'. MR.-CI, BOSI.UI, MASS. I L BOLE 11 AIIUFTNLIIT'-RS OF hWAJ J' S M'JtJSG ILX I'l'jßJ S ' KNNPP'* SPRING FIXU.N*. I R WIND, .S ■ HIINI'-. A"- THE IN *I IN 'HUT LINE EVER IN I VEINED AND ARE SCARCE TO BE EICELLI-D FOR I CONVENIENCE N CORD* TI*ED TO RAISE IN LOW.R T E BLIND* RIIIID* REMAIN JU WHERE DESIRED, L-V A *IIUPLE IMICH OF LB. JHAI I NOTL.II, K C TRIPLICATED IN KNAPP'- T SPI N* F IXTURI-S, A> I ARE EA*ILY ATTACHED |LOEI \' WINDOW. PRO '• OF II'"-1- KIXTURI III'ID SLIINLO- NO LIIPLO R THAN THE OLD AMI 1 TROUBLESOME ONE*. CAN 1 - -EEN AT LHER<* F IDEM '• OF THE PUBLI-' -R • F THE REPORTER. , I 8 INTIR 3NI FENCE PICKETS!! (. I— LA 111 I L RE I • I'LI TI ON IN PRICK , fifii': li N! i ij i j Jjljlj I i|! 1 WE FURNISH LI.E P.CKELS, MADE IROLN I ■ ll*.' 1 ROUND IRON, LIKE ILE-I*N AHOWN IN CUT, AT F MOENTB PER LU4EAL FOOT THEY MAKE A HAND-OMER MORE DURABLE, NUD CHEAPER PENTE THAN TIN. WOODEN PI 'TETS. I .''-END FOR CIRCULAR TO LEWIS, OLIVER & PH LLIPS. I MNNII'INTURI IS OF MERCHANT IT \IT 1 IKON, TJ T I L AND IT \UN L> I()R HIN T LI KS. ROLLS. NUTS, UAIII.RS. .ML I THEIR NEW LINO OT PATENTED WAGON HARD WARE, 01 A 02 WATER IT., AND 'l4 & 110 FIRST TIV., 'J _ PAT*BURG. PA. For MI <• hp Mll ttic leading Iron und Ilurtiwuro Merchant*. femur 4m. \\T P. REBER. \ itm 1 it Law. l • Prompt Attention siren tu ..;i;alooj en • ..tod 10 lii. . .ro in r im,rti'ld . < ntro count/. Of j with li. t. Furtipf. Ha*!!• r.tw. L i c lii Hatter I' elmr ,I'rv il- for aale at Win U 'ill'iiioin ' ! BRICK TOR SALE Firat .!. brie i will I'n mi ton I.mil r mln liy J < { |lrinln(r mi Zi-iliit* (Voire tin ,1 briek yard* TlirM brick ar iiffrrml n low that il will pay porfein* at dirlalHc In roiiin Iler lor thnltl ' 1 intituling to cunliiuni in Ihn inaiiul'iii it- urn iif brick tIII'V will tin kept roili'al'tl , in hand, miiil fair inducement* ottered I purch**r t _ 11 K 7K>ltiK PENNS VALLEY INSIITUTE Till- Cri-t *eiuon of llii* Preparalur I W. 1.1. itCIM KI IIA LL. .. mt LABT THURSDAY . Ii AbH 1877, Mtnl continue lon ueks tv.Uiient •if I. .in irii'i :i • fir. |m.. Ii .r C.illejft' I'liHi liirig Hint Murine** Tiiitii nfi.ini jk 1.. }•- j.pr term, Heard |n*r w.-ek, $2 60 l - 75, Addre-n, (. W. FOKTNEY. IIM '.ii Howard. IV Jus. Harris l\* CO INO lUiOCKKHHOFF KOW. IKON. \ All S. Paints OILS. ETC., —— it J AS. MAURI*- A I 0. Bellefonte. If you wih i.i grow Vegetable* for B ale, read Gardening for Profit! I 11 you w .li ; • Inni tnp a C •nruprcial I KbirLt. read Practical Floriculturo ! Ify. j-h u Cturd. f.-r il me u* B enlv. rea 1 GARDKItIKtr FOR FIEA6IRE! All l>v l'eter II -ndi* mn. Price $1 <1 c< K. t>o*tpa-I, by map B 8 Oar /T L . For I (' v A A O I' Jj, 1877 H i:%Kit) mix. (GARDEN aiU iitMrmg !, w-*h I . tl.iftii y F£E! la el! our rum Iter. I.f pa l veur-. ur I In lh.> • wh.i have part ta.d any o? I the nh"fr bmiiti j tn i ihrri .in re* PialO Paul ur Sued l ata fiu- fi I PETEF.'HENDERSON & Co ft ISrri'rnfn, M i rtr: (i ri L. >• J* . * H M ■I Caper*y Envelopes. ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our l'ol'l LARITY I'or Low I'rices Is Daily On The V I , Increase. Having purchased the largest Stork oHmmmls in our line ever brought to Bellefonte. we are offering extra inducements to buyers. * 'M X *s SRN V FOR S•"> AND UR. MEN*S OVER< OA TS MAO I T p. Ml - IN- FROM rc A YARD IP LADIES' LOSI: 5- \ PXIRIJP. L A DIES' C(!.\K SH\W I>\ TRIMMINGS. HAT- X\ D !' \ V Y < o<| )> JX <;i!K\l VXKIEIYAND \r THE VERY HOI"TOM PRICES MEN'S BOOTS AT 82 A PAIR. LAD'ES' FINE SHOES 81 A PAIR MENS HATS AS LOW AS 75 CENTS. A FELL SUIT OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50.-. AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. BOUUHT;AT ALL TIMES, GIVE US A;CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE "fil V£ m A GALL V7H2M7OW COM£ TDYOW)--B£ifl22aß2a 7MIPIACI ,j 1 —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 27 I 1 s. t A. Lllßli f |[ARRW ARK AND STOVES!! HARDWARE AND STOV ES .! COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. SPEARS, \N ri CLINKER, MLVKR MOON, PARLOR MMVES, THE HIIST IN r IK MARKh . *".** J* 4 NOTHINOJTO KtjUAI. 1 I IN sKUVK MOR BEAUTY. Price reduced to mil the lime*. sIuyiiEHANNA COOK STOVE- JMPROVI I), ANTI CLINKER. GRATE AND REVERSIBLE TOP PLATES. Warnntri the ln:! link >-r in I lie market. SOVEREI -N PoR I'A ii i.E U\Nr li* t ,|f at<-i n R hii m, i-rjr lililo ordiniri t "•IIIVOK, HIH' j i .1 ill,, r-, \V. hi,. hav< H lull In.- II I CM | Mill! iin iuni | ric PARLOR MOVE- J'r <- L mil lh tiad*. THOMAS A. HICKS A BROTHER, Bellefonte, Pa 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO CASH BUYERS! o TO I. 11. BOTER'S CHEAP STORE, IN AARONSBURG, PENFA. TO lIUY YOUR GOODS. :os We have at present, on our counters, a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, which we are offering veryllorw r to Cash buyers: COTTON GOODS are advancing Men's Shirting, 121,15,20 c per yd. Cl since the heavy exportation* to the Bleached Muslin, sto 16c " ■is Chinese Empire,—something not Unbleached, sto 10c *' w 1 S3 ► heretofore known in the history of our Sugar, 10,11,12 c per lb. mmd f-S —■* country Bet Whit®, I2le ** | mm mmm lii conseqm nee of t!ie." advaucr* Cotton L), IS, 22 and 'IK* " menu we have purchased a large Calicoes, 6,7,8 and 9c " • „ amount of goods, which we will sell to Lancaster Ginghams, . 10i: " consumers at such low prices that Beat Cotton Carpet Chain2sc ** J— Defy Competition. Bed Ticking, 14, 20, 25, 38c per yd. O mm ______ Split and double Zephyr . _ Black and White, 18c per ox. * f! r. , OUR LINE OF MOURNING CAL- 4 „ _ [~"i x IOOEB I - COMPLETE. All other colon, 20c " Bengal Plaids, 121 c per yd. Germantown Wool, 12ie M "* " Mills, 15c *• A large stock of Linaeed Oil, .j. Alpacas, 75. 50, 45.25 c " White Lead. (Lewis'). Putty, etc, M ' ' #r k sO. N. 1. ! bread, 15c per do*. on hand. Sold by special cmtrsct - P Mackerel, Lake Herring and White Fish very low. = ■J TERMS positively CASH, or Country Produce. Respectfully, £ zi ISAAC I), BOY Eli, Aaronshtirg. Pa mm '* ; sua ma iisvj ox xmo vskj xn:t) >1:4,1 s - I It. 8. G. GUTKLIIS. Dentist, Mlllhelm. HfftkbU 'mitttiln tkw U> th# t>ubh H# la (•r*s*arod 1© |*rf*- IV IV- \ i KNT Mill! iHI v. I'fc H-. A do)• tod by a'! the queen* of ftehloa Hond 'or ctnrw Ut I IY..ru*r and Medicine*, D>e .tuff*. and Drugg *'. >undri-. PIKE WISE ASD LKjL ORS For medicinal purpoM. The bel brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO •laraya in ttock. PretcriptioM ruefully Compounded. MILLER Jt SON IRA T. COTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. Centre Hall. H.rinr opened room* on the 2nd floor of Gift & Flory * building he i* prepar ed to manufacture nil kind* of men'* and boy'* garment*. according to the luteal tv!e, and upon horte*l notice, and all work warranted to render ati*faction Cutting and -epairing done. 7cpt y \\ir ii P WI Lfli 'N. Attorney.at-Law. If Rellefontc P* OflL o in Mr. Hen ner'* Rmlding. Beiletonle Pa * JOHN F POTTER Attorney at *' U> IV.!lrli..t !<)• ud *p*rl*t atteatKW ■•* t !1~. li.xlnc Und* e <" Mt# Will tl'aw op aod hnf wfcroilfdfad Mnrififfet 4> in ib duaittid. north aide of iKa nrmrl hmtaa, SUlMnlite '• tWft BREONS' HOTEL, .MlLitoy, p A Tm b**i table and bar and excellent U(M to Centre county. Cbarrn "•rooable. GEO BMON, Prop r A BAKECHANCE I - or a Sewing Machine. You can have your choice of the follow tog Omciaat - winn machine : >cw American, Sl John Dom*tir,i Dan ice, Singer, Remington, Howe, and Weed. At the Rearing M ,ch in . .tore of Bunnell A kiken, fc*- rkel Ureet. Ui>u>a. ~ aitacbaieiitf and needle, fori •11 machine*. Great inducement, for ca*h. IWt fail i 1 John, Bomeihin* entireU j Old Machin-i uten in part payment for new oner Send 60ct to the above nartv anu you will get by return mail, 1 doa. as sorted needle* for any machine SOnovly A MAN C>F A THOUSAND. Having diacuveted, in a manner alt&oatj providential, a positive cure for Con rump tion and all Lung Complaint*. 1 lee! it my ; duty to make known in a practical manner! bv furnithing a .ample bottle, free of charge, to all .offerer*, my only hope oi remuneration being that the medicine will 1 , perform ad I claim for ii. The iagredii •nt* are of the choicest herbal producf and perfectly f.- ; will b Seal free to alt Addre.. „t n.-e. I, () p ,llr tn. 2 rM Street. Jersey Oitt. I f. J. or .„.v ■y hud .-t J. K iliie-ri Ptin, I>r.,rri.i, I l i tre Ha I Pa jan 4 IS C . T . &5 X V * DE * C M Kowaa ! 1 LLXANDEK dt BOWEK. At j£* a '* ,0 (Alr bJtMUtt l heat lh,. I- S£lg- —* r jpHE PEOPLE'S DRUO STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. I nr B-' lrb ni-public rfld the p ople '•• country gener.l'v will b plew-at 'I >w Uihl the ..Id ,i. i fli eriabt ihed DRUG STORE, -l. the pr .pcrlv Of Jain.*r C WllllaOl-, nil Allegheny street, h, xi door hi Uicls* * hardware emporium. bar been re opened for bu*ine* and i* be ing rnpidiy re-stocked and htted out with the be*i and moat popular DRUCS AND MEDICINES. PKRFUM LRIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, nnd everything u.ually kept in a Cm-clear Drug More IV..ES. KIPTIO YftCAKHSVTJle lycouipoiiiKit.*! ut H || hotim ol the day or night, and particular ana prompt attention given to the wants of tanner* and other* who live in the country. .Store never closod to tnose who want medicines or • anything in the drug line. The undersigned hopes, by Strict attention to buMiie.-s to merit and receive the pub lic patonage. H M HEBRUrOTOH, . fl P r l ? Agent. Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD UNDERTAKER. Coffin* of all style* made on ihortestno l,oe - Undertaking strictly attended to Charge* raaaonahle 17 sue * * Nfl " e Wl " l,ar> - VOB in a busines* U-,,. :/lv. .vv -MI,M GRAHAM . i :>r_in t-.n-; could not May m the 1 r wi'houtit It bei| wonderfully to drive .wav the tbuwghu of hard time# " Th>. L'-hanon Ph. Daily News, aav* ; "We ere in re eipt of one of those fiv Fr|.r Ijronis mannlac ur, ! . 1 •" v\ nhiniri*ri. N ,1 Ti 'gse la a fie. —old black walnut a nd in one it cannot he surpassed bv am uiine!y luri.ished unexcelled in richneaa and |h.w. er ol tone, \V* arc more f.an pleas.-d with it and heartily recommend it so any one contempt.ting of purchasing D or gan." Beat offer given. Money refunded upon eeturn t oican and freight charges paid hynie(D. P Bcalty) both ways ii ur.si.t stacUiry. alter a teM trial of five dys Organ warranted for six year*. Again* w anted every w here, male or 1e male, to canvass for thi* superior in-tru ment. Addr-s* D. F. BEATTY. V ashington. New Jersey i \V ■'* *' " MAN US. Attorney at-law TV (vol lelouie. t*a Office with Ja McManus. esq sjul tf fTi nul auilraaraed "to time t imeVba* f / / / tcui fi'rtiis In thrc u.tntDs Lmw *]>/// uu ' Mlber hi. to nj p- !v. Hie vj/ 111 eouiiUv wto. is williac to n. :- alojdi- Ujr st the empioytaojit too ve iuru ■ i* 11 kWlwrwoek to roar owu town. You oootl not -*K*SV. , '"?^ I " #0 !S r aiht - Yon can *00^x00? . ftagjanJmLSL H FILE C 7SS Sims fo. MIMBH/HIA : *#b-. .1 -lb.rV.V4d vea-3, rd V> I*3 I "•. • ' * wr to*