The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 15, 1877, Image 2

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    ;? -Centre Reporter.
y i.n'tuk llali., IV, Mar. l.\. lb"
Mr. Ky,Btyw' Pod Master Qwmml,
led a Confederate regiment during the
late war, anil was a Democratic Senator
appointed to fill Andrew Johnson'- va
cancy; but at the late session of Cengrc ss
he was the first to make a speech from
the Democratic side looking to sou. •''
pacification through conciliation of and
co-operation with the incoming Repuhh
can administration.
Doth houses of the Pennsylvania I < g
islature have agreed to adjourn on the
?3d of Marc h and reassemble on the tirst
Tuesday of January next year.
The Senate has aboutt wo hundred an t
the House about five hundred lull# on
file, a large number being Intended t<
modify or repeal existing general laws in
order to meet special eases. The l"#a - ■
many of these bills wilt be likv yto1 n
cfit the State. It is utterly uselc-a to
send any new bills to llarrisburg. An
effort w as made by Mr. Jackson ; Mercer
to allow bilN not disposed oftlvs session
t * be carried over to next y ear. but tail
Por doing nothing,this legis .dure w.-.-
a perfect success.
Mr. Haves, w ho was not elected, in his
inaugural recommends a constitutional
amendment fixing the presidential term
it six years,and forbidding a re-election,
if the Reporter had been consulted, it
would have suggested that he al>o re
commend an amendment to prevent any
one li.A ejected to have even one
The rentisylvawia'niJiiwl pr-*nre
have Don Cameron retained a.- S c'y of
War, has .vme to nothing. The Came
rons jret nothing— Penney Ivaui.i breech
es f: ml no lodgment in a cabinet chair.
Simon can now pout, and Don hang h -
snout, and daddy and son canswearthat
Hayes has queer ways.
1: was lXin who forced Have-' nomi
nation at Cincinnati and now Richard
Thompson, of Terre Haut is SccV of
War. The Camerons by this time, may
think, like a great many others, that
Haves is a fraud after all.
Chicago may still be considered as
;> rkopolis or hog-town, rs the followit g
figures show Total summer jurfcirg.
I,Bl3,4o2;average weight, Ist).Tt*: num
ber of hogs packed regular so. * m, 1.602.-
633?; average weight 210.17. Total sum
mer and winter packing, 2,915,05",
a_--.;n-: 2.320.? to for 1875-76.
A writer in the Morning Patriot re
commends Hon. Clias. Mayer, of thi
judicial district, for Supreme Judge. A
purer and abler judge could not be
found. In this district he has the confi
dence of men of all parties, and he would
receive an almost nnaniipous vote.
We stated iu last week's Reporter that
the democratic column in the senate was
fust growing to the size of the radical
column, and may soon be a head higher.
A World correspondent of S, says that
fiie democratic column has not stood so
high in the I'aited States senate for
seventeen yearsjas it stood to-day. It cast
thirty-four votes against thirty-nine ro
' publican votes, requiring only a change
of three from the latter side to destroy
its political majority. If two senators
from Louisiana and one from South Car
olina are secured to the democrats, the
republicans will have but two majority
in the body, and it is quite sure that
they cannot maintain more than three
if.* nth Carolina is given to them.
For all practical party purposes, how
ever, their majority is pone now, as was
shown in the vote yesterday referring
the Ixiuisiana case, and as will be shown
hereafter in questions arising out of the
present complications. An examina
Ton of the listof republican senators who
go out with the Forty-fifth congress
shows unmistakably that after the 4th of
March. 1579, the senate will be demo
A set of thieves stole some goods and
brought it to their chief to receive their
reward. The chief accepted the stolen
goods, end then kicked the thieves out
oftbe back door. This don't have re-'
ference to the Mortons, Camerons, and j
Chandlers, who stole the presidency,
which they brought to their chief Hayes,
who accepted it, and then refused to
give them the expected cilices as their
Hayes has turned upon the leaders of
his party and Ihev are turning u|>on
him. In another column of this issue
of the Reporter will be found a sketch of
the reception Haves' cabinet appoint
ments and his southern policy net with
on the first and second days of his ad
mini-tration. Scripture says there is no
rest for the wicked.
History does repeat itself. Ia the
Joe Ritner campaign Peg Peaty and
the Stonebreakers were called into re
quisition by the enemies of the democ
racy. In the Hayes campaign Flizn •
Pinkston and Madison Wells were in
vented. 77<ei an election was to be
treated as if not held, now an election '
tor* treated as if not held.
Peg Beaty and Eliza Pinkston, let
these be the female gods of the modern
Baalim who stole the Presidency.
Hayes' send off is not at all a pleasant
one. He evidently will not be allowed
to enjoy the fraud by .tho fellows who
committed it. Blaine, Morton, and
other radical chiefs are on tlfe war path
against Hayes' southern policy and are
doing their best to bulldoze him out of
it. Blaine raved the second day of the
session, and on next day spoke again.
The sensation of h's speech was hisj
reading a telegram from Chamberlain of
South Carolina to Corbin, who is claim
ing a seat in the Senate, in which
Chamberlain states he had received
through a private measenger a letter
from Stanley Matthews and Evarts urg
ing him to step down and out, so as to
give place to the Hampton Government
and "yield up his rights for the good of
the country." This expressed the secret
tactics of Hayes' advisers, anil gave
Blaine an opportunity forthe iuo6t scath
ing denunciation]of Matthews and
Evarts. It could be seen at a glance be
was carrying the Republican Senators
with him. Ilis close was etnph ;ic and
threatening, declaring a* long as he had
strength to move or speak, lie would not
abate a jot of earnestness in the ci_ur. he
had espoused. At one poiut of his
speech he said lie threw down the gage;
of battle to any friend or defender of
Evarts and Matthews, and dared him to j
take it up. This was understood to menu i
Hayes just a£ much as Evarts.
EL„.Lu for and against a poor house
on Saturday, April 21. next.
IIA IF.s' <AniMl.
Secretary ofStnt* William M. Fvarta
if New York.
Secretary of the Treasury - .lolui Sher
man, of Ohio.
Seen tary oT War- lieorge W Met rary
of lowa.
Secretary of the Navy Richard M
Thompson, of Indiana.
Postmaster itenwral Pay id M. Key.
of Tennessee
Attorney General Charles IVvins, of
Secretary of the Interior Carl Schorr,
of Missouri.
The Pittsburg Post remarks I'he ap
pointment of Kvarts is simply the old
way to pay new debts made familiar to
the people by Grant. It is Mr. Peart#
contingent fee for professional services
rendered before the High-joints, in
maintaining the'great principle that the
only thing sacred in our Government is
forgery and fraud w in - :' tricked out in
legal form and phrase,
John Sherman, the Secretary of the
Treasury invented Hayes a# a Pre- leu
tial candidate in P75. and ho ha# his r,
ward. Sherman i# cold blooded ami
-elfish, and rank# next t > Mortem in bis
contempt ot consistency.
The appointment of Pari Schurt i#al#o
the discharge of a personal debt. It i#
the price jwtid for P e repudiation > ' tl ,
Fifth arenue conference and sulw . <nt
service on the stump among the Ger
mans. The Interior department, to
which Schut* is named, i# the most cor
rupt branch of the government. What
he will make out uf It is in thy* fu
Kx Senator Key, of Tennessee, ap
pointed Postmaster-General, voted for
Tilden and has been a lVimvrai all bis
life. If this is a sop thrv wn to conciliate
the foar and a half million of Democrat*
who voted against Hayes and elected
filden, we don't think its eflevt w d be
visible to the most microscropic vision.
It is an insult rather than a compli
Judge MiH'mry of lowa, Secretary of
War, if a Congrcaatuan of poiijiiderrsMe
experience, aiul oio of tlit* three or four
eading Republicans of the la*t Houee.
Putting a civilian in the War office,
Hayes too'* a military man for his law
idviser, in General Devlne of 110-tou,
who rose to be a division commander in
the army of the Potomac.
Last and least, cornea "Pick' Thomp
son, a Hoosicr politician, who is appoint
ed Secretary of the Navy to represent
Governor Morton's interests in Uie t ahi
It is confidently reported that 6cnxtor
Cameron spoke and voted against the
confirmation of Sherman in executive
session. Why one big scamp should op
pose a brother rascal who had a loading
hand in stealing the presidency may
puzzle some old women, but there is not
always honor among thieves at least uot
this time.
The President has decided not to fill
the vacancy on the Supreme Bom h at
present. Among the names which have
been pressed ujnm him are those of Cir
cuit Judge Dillon and Drummond, and
Caldwell, of Arkansas; Scott, of West
Virginia: Senator Howe, of Wisconsin,
and ex-Secretary Bristow. He delays
filling the appointment after a consulta
tion with the Chief Ju*ticc and the At
torney-General, and will not select x
*>ecretary Bristow, owing to ax-urances
that he could not be confirmed by the
And the reason why the senate would
refuse to confirm Brittow is because he
was the only true man in Grant's cabinet
and prosecuted the whisky thieves, for
which he had to leave the cabinet.
Even Grant does not take a great
tikning to the cabinet of Fraudulent
Hayes. loist week it was said in Wash
ington that the feeling among Republi
cans against the greater part of the new
Cabinet is best shown in the conduct of
ex-President Grant, who busied hiitiM-lf
in the retiring-rooms of the Senate in
talking to Senators againt the confirma
tion ofSchurx; while General Butler was
more openly on the floor of the cham
ber, denouncing to Mr. Conkling and
others the appointment of Mr IVvens.
The feelingof the Camerons has taken
the form of real grief. Young Don has
abandoned his impudent airs, and the
old gentleman has not worn so troubled
a look these manv davs.
The people of Monticello, X. Y., like
people generally all through the country
seem to have lost all regard for the U. S.
j Supreme judges, the S, who disgraced
I themselves in putting the cap sheaf on
the late presidential theft,by ru!ing"that
no evidence of fraud be received." The
people of Monticello showed their in
donation on Gby banging the judges in
effigy. A telegram gives the following
account of it: Justice Miller,
Bradley were banged in effigy in the
park in front of the Conrt House. Strong
was hanged on the right, Bradley in the
centre and Miller on the left. The in
scription on the placard attached to Jus
tice Strong was "I want God in the Con
stitution;" that on Justices Miller, 'Throw
conscience to the devil, fraud reigns su
preme;" and that on Bradley, "Xo man
worthy of the office of President should
b-willing to hold it if counted in or
placed there by fraud;" "I am crucified
between two thieves."
There will be a Judge of the Supreme
Court, Auditor General and State
Treasurer to elect next Xovember.
There is a bill before the legislature
requiring engineers of twenty horse
power engines to take out license before
they can be permitted to follow their
avocation. Such a law may have a good
effect and nrevent many accidents from
explosion by steam boilers, because their
management is too often entrusted to
men who know nothing about them, or
the principles of steam. It is thought by
manv that the law should apply to
smaller engines, because one often horse
power will often produce disastrous re
sults, and occasion great havoc, if not
properly managed.
According to an official statement of
the Servian War Minister, the Servians
jost 8,000 killed and]2o,ooo wounded dur
ing the late war.
It. L. Holland, the Chambersburgbank
robber, was sentenced Monday morning
to eight years' separate and solitary con
finement at hard labor in the Eastern
Penitentiary. The trial for jail, break
ing was proceeded with all day Monday,
and in the evening the jury retired and
found the prisoner guilty. He has not
been sentenced yet. He will now be
tried for grand larceny.
Tho most prominent candid ate* for
Sherman's place in the Senate lire Stanley
Matthews, Congressman Garfield, cx-
Gov. Noyrs, Judge Taft, A:.rn F. Perry,
Samuel Shellabarger. The real fight,
however, is practically narrowed down to
Matthews and Garfield, and the chance*
are in Matthews favor.
It is announced that the Fust National
hunk <>l Northumberland will close up it*
b i.rinets there being no profit in it.
The oil country appea's to be overstock
ed with laborers. The Edenburg Hcruld
say- about one person in fifteen seeking
eraploymczit at that point gets it.
Scburz and Key owed their cqpr
matiou to the voles of democratic senators.
Verily Hayes it stabled in his own
.YA'II ltlSi WI. Jill* I roll.
.I:KVT I.\l its MI nt IN MKI\N •> Ni \
l'KNV<\ 1 \ IMA.
ltnulford, MeKean Count) Pu . Match
The recent illvery of petroleum
as far north u* this loun, in oi>i tion
to the stubbornly maintained tin <>rj >-i
geologist# and expert# linn been followed
by an excitement cxcoeding that of tin
cuily day# of petroleum disc .very in this
SlotMeKean County Itordei on the
entities of Allegheny an.'. C*ltitraugu#in
New York State ami lie* northeast of the
great original oil territory That portion
of it in which the new oil holt hits hecn
piercvwl lies in the valley of tin I'uituiig
want Creek, a tributary of it . \lt it eiiy
River. It is alKiut two u.ih > wnlo ami
extend* northeasterly into Cattaraugus
County, ami the indication# are that it
continue# a* far a* Cuba, in Allegheny
County, then follows the Allegheny
Valley tor mile# westward Hie "Tuna'
Yatlev, aa they enll it, has now neatly
four hundred producing wi'!*, aiiilhuti of well# are in couraw of drilliug
Geologist# havo always insisted that the
strata of oil bearing sanil rock oonht not
be foil ml in New \oik state, but that
the tv has a most etleetive relutution lit
the faet that at 1 milestone, Cattaraugus
Count v. the riches', of vein# huvr been
Fourteen years ago Job Moses who
hail made a fortune in patent medicine*
came froai Rochester into the valley,
and after prospecting along its stieains
betiirue satistie.l that they tl>wd
' thrv ugh a rich oil district, lie settled at
Limestone, and . btaining control of
large tracts of land, put down several
well#, lie found indications of oil, but
no oil. In spite of the derision of his
neighbors, and the i osiuvc declaration#
j of geologists and experts that he .e
wasting hts inonev, Le is ntinned his
j test# until his means were exhausted.
! Slis great faith ill 'lie existence of oil in
the region, however, had induced other
j capitalist# to investigate and two years
igo the "aaud" we.# found, and oil flowed
iin abundance. Within lho past sixtcn
uion'hs not less than f "U0 liuve
been invi sted within a circuitoftwentv
mile#, latnd that two years ago would
have been dear at any price now #cl!#at
11,000 an acre. Within a distance of
four mile# three flourishing towns have
sprung into existence, and the town ol
Bradford, formerly consisting of a lurn
t>erman's tavern ami a few scattered
farm-houses, now ha# 3,500 inliahi
: tanta.
It is u singular fact that wbile the early
operator in the Bradford region could
not anything but "drv holes," the
present drilling is followed bv the re
verse. Gut of the hundreds of wells put
i down not half a Jojen have proved
j failures. At Glean and other poiutit iu
i Cattaraugus County, and as farinto Alle
gany as tuba, wrellsare being sunk. The
oil of the Bradford district is found at a
greater depth than in the old region.
Some wells are as deep as 1 ,4 feet, but
the average depth is 1,100. The "second
sand" of Bradford is the third, or oil*
bearing sand, of the lower districts.
Wells that were drilled by the first op
erators iu the valley to the depth of the
"holes' in the original tcrriL ry, and
then abandoned, have been dri!h 1
deeper and the oil-rock found. Another
peculiarity of the Bradford we'isis that
none of them arc what they call large
producing, the average W : ng about ten
barrels a day. This fa t, i -tead of be
ing a delriiueut, as the people in the
low er regions affirm, i- claimed to be an
advantage by the Bradford operators.
They argue that the territory being large
1 and the wells small the danger of ex
haustion is much less than it is i* in the
lower torrit ry where the oil urea- art
small and the wells large producer*.
Washington, MarvtilO 1 ■ or
eign relation* comm i',tee. at a meeting to
day, which was attended by all Its no-iu-
V- r, t-iceiSet tor f i kli- g. dc t
irep -rt in fv. r . f the t . nGruiati n i f
Mr. KvarU a* secretary of State, and the
committee tin pel', offices und p. t road
a'so authorised a lvorab!e report on the
nomination of Mr K.-y t" bo ;
As soon as the senate went it t > execu
tive setsion 10-day the various cabinet
I nomination* were in turn reported ha-. -
from the committees, aarouipanltd in '-ach
case with a unanimous recommendation
for confirmation. A motion was then
made to take up the nominatien of David
i M . Key, as postma-ter general, for innic*
1 d ate action A ring'c object in would
j iiave prevented action upon it bv it; 3 n-n
--! ate to day. but no objection ;. intcrp. ..
i •*]. A ▼ te upon the quertion of confirm
j mg it wa* taken by yeas and nays had re
sulted—yeas M, nays 2. the negative rotes
being ca-t by derooc-a'.s.
The rote seemed to be regarded as a
i test of the strength of the opposition to the
| remaining nominations, ar.d no further
. opposition wa| made against any of them
beyond a demand for a roll call in the
casts af Messrs Scburz and Kvarts.
Tie vote oti Mr. Schura nomination
was 41 for confirmation and 2 against it.
The vote on Mr. Evarts' nominatien
was about the same, quite a number of
senators on both sides having abstained
from voting, and the few negative votes
ic each instance being cast by democrats
Senator Csmcrsn (Pa.;, voted for Eearts,
Scburz and Key. 110 remarked that his
vote for Mr. Kvarts was under what be
regarded as the instructions ofhis commit
tee (on foreign relations) which had in
structed bim to report it favorably. Mr.
Conkling refrained from voting on this
nomination. The nominations of George
W. Mct'rnry, to be secretary of war;
Richard \V. Thorn p. -<>n, to be secretary of
the navy, and Charles Devins, to be attor
ney general, wuo confirmed without a
rail call or even a division of the senate in
cither ease.
The new of the confirmation of the
member* of the cabinet wa* received at
the White House and at the executive de
partments a'mott a* soon as the action of
the Senate was taken nnd elicited very
satisfactory expressions. Mr. Hayes sim
ply aid that he was very glad of the
prompt action.
In the investigation into iho Continen
tal Life Insurance C'omj a rj' affairs war
continued yesterday. Tho book* and
nearly every paper relating to the finan
cial transaction* of ihe company have been
(cratchiid and interlined, Onn document
produced by Mr. Scribner, purporting to
bo a trnnsfcr of certain dividends to K. C.
Frost on Mock that he formerly held in the
company, had the signature affixed in n
different kin.l of ink from that in which
the body of the instrument ws written.
Mr G Hilton Seribncr, having been ask
ed why he lranferred hi* 215 sham to K
('. Frost, replied that hi* lis shares were
purcha-ed by Bcribner at tho request of R.
C. Frot in order to throw the control ol
the company into the hand* of the now
fugitive officer*. For this service Scribner
received, in the thnpe of a loan, f 10.GV4,
which amount w* ultimately assumed hv
It. C. Frost. The other 100 shares were
subsequently purchased by Mr Frost, who
paid Scribner something over $17,0U0 for
thorn. One of Scribner's perquisites, ac
cording to his own testimony , was a mla
rv of (00 n year as auditor, although lie
frankly acknowledged that he never audi
ted any of the account* Another per
quisito wa i,5 j,#-r rent, divi lend ovi r and
above the published 7 per cent given to
him by the individual check of Luther
W. Frost. Still another gilded morsel
was a check for ?5,000, presumedly given
for examining the title to the property on
which tho company's ciliti. e -lands. Ho
acknowledged that lie received $5,000, but
the entry on the books is $8,(00.
Win. k. Spcn km mi, of Giikdaii', Ms. .
was arretted while killing hi* wife who
was rescued. The dead body of iiis sitter,
seventy yours >ld, was found in the wood
shed," the head and body almost cut to
piece*. Speakinu'i is a mill operative and
was insar.3 from liquor for a several days,
and was drunk wLon the murder was coax
lit rt in i. v\ II vil:u> IN nil
\NIII*V \T Till -I I I R
1 III' 1*1 Milfli! Slltl idled lllltl (In* lit
jecli m ol the Nomination*
N"l I ni|ii liable.
-pis ml !'<>) aleli to (be World
Washington, MARCH 7. Tin new Cab
inet of l'lfMill'tlt 11.1 VCH Wit* piecipitH
toil tlio Senate tins afternoon and
met with a rvu I'ti' ii * tint u* it was
< intteuiptuoti* l r the tii-i tune in tin
history "l llio li.nortiim-iit tln utufurni
title ut rourtosy, which is aa strongly en
grafted a* the lalilting rules of tht> Son
ate. W.l* igm ioil mill A Tlll'iiilit'R of tin
tu'ily who sits i: .i tti i'il us ii t si hi not Mill*
isti i w ;t* iih toil ti> with tho rest of hi*
a**>i iate* and laid oi or I.!! to morrow
when the I ouilintti'i'.* W ill ho appointed
tor tho Mssioil .lllil litli ll ol tlio IK,mlll*
tt> ll* ll* till Hot lln'i ! With possibly I'
hottoi t.ito will In rclcrii-d. Mi. litanies
! oitlou tn o*ooutt\o session iirovoiit
o.l their eon*.iteration to-iluy. Ifhohttil
Ulloil to muko it, however, there wen
hn'.f n ih,ten other* who wore ready ti
take that or am other pcrmtvihle wu\
to show the indignation of the Itepubll
own party over the iou>|H>*itioii of tho
Cabinet, and the dt-Mic I.* well thut ut
li'iist three e( it* members may hi
'.town bu into the \V hite House from
W henoe they i nine. Kepubiuanw eotlhl
tie heaiil in the eorriilor* of the Senate
ihi* afleinoon mnl ut the hotels this
evening denouncing in hitter terms the
new vdmiuistrution as now completed,
.nut deploring at the *ame time that it*
t.i .oi ha.! ever been de land elected
Cotuiug It] in the heels ol the new S ,uth
ern jhiliev, their hatred is so intensified there t* now no prospect of staying
the open nnd deelared iivolt. Mf*t*
Kvarts, Key and Hchtiri ate spoken of ni*
"lUiti-ltejitihlieana," "tireeley men," Ac.,
w hde the lattei is spot-tally singles! out
ior the mi *: \ioli nt form of putty an<l!
jiersonut abuse. It i* denied that hi !
represct.tsanybody, that he is a Kepubi
limn, that he has a loeal habitation and
a name, that in fait he i* any thing more
than a Itohemian adventurer or a lles
sian, wh > as SenatorMortou has it, "will
stand by the putty which will jiajr him
the largt st price for his speeches In the
canva**." Ihe feeling against Mr. Kvart*
abutee a little on his personal eharaetei
but is oiiite a* -i-\ore on bis political re
cord. l.u hurilM '1 tn tii(ssiiii; of ludiau
na, is spoken of aa an old fua*il, throw n
as a sop to Mr. Morton ut the last mo
ment, who jMssed the vigor of public
life over twenty years ago. i baric*
lH'Ven*, who Is named as Atborney-Uen
era!, waa as mueh of a surprise to the
public here aa was lloiie in the earlv
days of lira tit's tint Administration. .No
one knows him outside of Massachusetts
and people have gvJiic around all the
evening inquiring of each other : "Who
the devil is Devena? ' It is also charged,
that he is another l.iheral, who support-!
Ed Greeley four years ago, and is there
fire not entitled to no recognition now
Tin* l'rcsiJcDt appeared to be greatly
aaloni sited i*i hearing tlt the S-nalt
bad incontinently snubbed his nomina
tions, and seemed to think that the waya
of public men ami tiling in Washington
were not quite what bp bad expected
ilis liist it M.itt .* at. vfrc t nr. but t i
nothing to what is coming when he
issues orders which will result in dc.--
troying ihe b<.gus got* rnnient* of Cham
berlain ami Packard. "Grant will ncvei
forget," said a Republican Senator to
your correspondent to-nignt ''when he
attempted to cut loose from tiie jKiliti
ciana of tho Republican party ami man
age his administration without them. He
fai'.ed utterly, just as Mr. Haw w ill fall
If be has g >t nmre pluck than Grant, he
! will find himself where Andrew John
son landed, without a party or a follow
ling of any kind, except a few hungry
office mi V :ug Ib-iii rats." Tl*- ex
; preasian -pr*-i nt# the average seuti
; ment among the Itepublican Sc-naton
| and members and the office-holders ol
'he W'e Administration. Old siuion
|t 'auieron, like ltlaine, is for making tin
! light sharp, short and vigorous. Some
I : of them are doubtful of Blaine's leader
ship, and unions of it as well, hut they
will find that Mr. t < nkling will IK* at
I the front to-morrow, n valuable licuteii-
I ant to, if not a writable field marshal
with hi* ancient ami honorable enemy
the ncwr Senator from Maine.
Ills now very evident, after the whole
ground is gone owr, that three, if not
four, of the Cabinet nominations made
to-day cannot be confirmed without the
vote of the iH-rnocnitio Senat->rs. lloar.
it is -aid, can save I K-vens, w fiose name
, he snggi -ted t<* the I'resident, am! Sher
man w ill of course pull through; but the
' rest, it is believed, will he rejected —cer-
taiuly l>e rejected by Uepuhli.-an votua.
le!ay is going to increase, and not allay,
the ugly feeling show n this afternoon in
I executive session.
Brothers and Sister* indulging in the
Ways of the Ungodly.
According to the lies li-ig Esg'e a rath
er lively skirmish occurred in that town
, on !HI Sunday Evening, the theatre of
: of the disturbance being the Church of
the "Algemeine llrueder in Chrlsto."
| About a year ago Messrs Leaman arid
Matthews were ordained a- preacher- in
tho denomination. Recently the ROT.
Mr. Seagritt, the founder of the sect,
wrote to ltev. William, Scbasfler the pas*
tor in charge, not to a''w Loaman or
Mnttbews t>> speak in the church u mini--
ters of the Algemeino llrueder. The two
tabooed reverends appeared in the church
at the beginning of the service# and heard
the letter publicly road. At the close of
the service Matthews entered the pulpit
•nd asked tho people lo remain, as he had
somthir.g to say. Brother Scha-ffcr invi
ted him to "shut up." One Ntephen Wal
ter ordered to get "down and
out," whereupon ane Faust took Waiter
by the throat and commenced a choking
process. A hundred young men rtirh.d
to tha pulpit to sec fair play. In the
meantime a Mrs. Kissinger and a Mi.-*
Gaul had a set to, and 51 iss (iaul was sent
to grass by a square knock-down from the
opponent. A woman fainted, women
and children screamed, tlo ladies who had
babes in their arms escaped fr >m the
church as quickly as possible, to save
themselves and children from being hurl,
and ltev. Loam an and Matthews, and
Messrs. Ames Gaul, Henry Fisher and
other officers and members of tho Church
dashed out of tho rear door near the pulpit
and left the premises. During tho course
of this lively tilt a policeman appeared in
tbeichurch butlheyoungmcn ordered him >
to "clear out," and ho cleared, as the odds
were decidedly against him.
Choice Flower and Garden Heed.-.
SfrawberricH, l'eaehea, Ac..
Plant* of tho newest and flne-t improv-j
> d sorts, carefully packed and prepaid by
mail. My collection of Strawberries loui.
t ho first premium for the best Collection
at tho groat show of the Mass Horticul
tural Society, in Boston. I grow ovor 10"
varieties, the most complete collection in
tho country, including all the new, large!
American and imported kinds. I'ricciJ
de-cnpiivo Catalogues, gratis by mail.
Also, Itulhs, Fruit Trees, R.I-UI, Ever
greens, Choice Flower, Garden. Tree.
Evergreen, Herb, or Fruit Seeds, JJS pack
et* of either for $1 (•", by mail.
C C. Tho True Cape Cod Cranberry.
C. best sort for Upland, Lowland, or
Garden, bv mail, prepaid. SI 00 per 100. |
$6 00 per IWI. Wholesale Catalogue to.
the trade. Agents Wanted.
B M WATSON. Old Colony Nur—rie*
and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mas*
Established IMI2. Sinar
♦ ♦ ♦
Mr. Daniel F Ilealty, innnufarturer and
proprietor of tho Ilealty l'iuno and Ileat
ty's celebrated Golden Tongue"l'arlor Or
gans, Washington, S. J , is certainly aj
very reasonable arid g.-n. r.m.- man to trims
act business with. He makes this V.ryl
fair proposition to any who may favor him.
with'an order, as fid lows :"lf thu iii-tru !
merit dim I)l4 BTOTlMtllfaCtofJ alter a!
tost trial of live da;. - after r. re;\ dig it the
pure-hum money will he refunded upon the
r turn ol the in-'rument, and he v. 11 pay
freight charge# hoth way*. ' This if. cer
tainly tm exceeding, it -ni-r m, and safe
manner in which to transact busine-s with!
itiio. He wnrninta his instruments for six <
I'ears. Fee his advertisement. July I'd y
T hrce toverM looms, two ■ J; p.- (
coins with machines an 1 fixings belonging
o a carpet weaving shop, for tal cheap.!
\pjily to Wti . Ktlrngcr, Aaronaburg. |
[San Fram > Chronicle, November ]
Five of the ilmd Chiuatntn were buried
yesterday and two will be buried today.
A vvi greguti-ti > f tl' nit Chilian <>it . •
no.bled iii lliv> morgue I**l < veiling to
iw.tifhlc I'.lf .Slice f.r the dead, iu hi)-
Co; vl.iiii with tlieir barbarous tli tems
M >1 pl the bedie had bet nt "(lint d. t lit-If
, covering* forth.* grave being plain black
beVrs a nil lie I'll nil flilitl ie.'l Tllf t'lil-j
t iiaiiitin liad preyidfd a rough wooden
" headboard fur each of the deceased, uicli
>1 a liicll culi'ailti'd a Chinese scroll paint
ed in iHiHluk ii i> t to letter- For
. tlie Chinese phy li >ii a ho nit l an u! liiiif'
i Iv ili'ltli, tl f preparation# we*o iii.tff ri
t< naive. Twu Iliad boards hat bn-n pro
vided (or his grave, iho inscription* i t ||
mere aUlmrata, Nuniaii'Ui U>wU of nut
ai d caiidiea were placid around tlie ceffli
, ai d a laigc black butt.t filled with a vih
a .V scented il<|nid pat taking of a nitxtur*
- 'I aK .iliol and tU'pettline, reposed in gt ti
' uilramll) ut tin lira J of the body A<
' array > f small red tallow candle* burro -
with a tioklv glare on tlif floor around lb
, Coffin and flllrd the a|iarluifiit with a dm
t aitrccablf odfr. '1 lie niouriirit gathered
t around the doctor's cofllu and conaumn
1 n few moment* in mournful wailing ait
how lug llieir bodu > up and down in grin
unison, Tbcy thru passed the black hot
f t'f around tlie tjirc and racli took a lone
,• draught, completely filling liia mouth
I, When the la-t mourner HI tlir circle hit
*■ partaken of the decor lion they stood n
lent )' for a moment m llli distended cheek -
I W lieu suddenly at a signal of the pt-rn e
. superintending the cerctlioutet rat I
. mourner ejected his mouthful of llqui 1 it.
a a sow stream into the c flln over the
■ body of the deceaied physit, complete-
V y >:ttliralng h,* flolbltig The wailing
t i aallico reaumcd, only in a tuoredeterm
ined manner, while one or two began to
,1 build two Area on the floor with paper In
c the meantime Urge nunibera of heathen*
' had a arrived and began to flit up the
place o the infinite annoyance if'he un
( dertakera who have no proper appreciation
„ of the aolriiitiity of religious ceremonies
t at practiced ly the Mvi g"dt.s. When
- they saw the heathen* atari tig Art a on lb*
1 ' flo t, a it t.tier cit - deration for la • or
II three insurance companies induced tkttu
t . to turn the whole croud, mourners aotl all
~, uilo the street- The heathen* objected
p. strenuously to the proceeding, but when
i* they found that the undertakers were in<
• "Curable they stoutly declared that tley
* aid return on the morrow nnj mutne
B . V.
f | the ceremonies.
' Destruction ufa Hotel at Kama City,
f i Pittsburg, l'rnna . -March 6 A tele
-1 gram from Rum* City, ltnilr county,
_ l'i rttt* . says a fire broke out tb a morning
[, in ibo offi etf the Hatrman Ileusc there,
! caused by a lighted cigar or match throw u
- under the i . „nti r ant rig the Waste paper
1 It was din overcd by Mr Bateoian befors
tl bad mad* much headway. He ran fet
( water and on returning found the tiliu'i
.. room in flames, cutting of all n ape by
c the stairway from tba rooms ab '. e Mr
Hatcman ruthid thregh the flam \ and
succeeded in bringing out his son, bu
| they were both badly burned, ibi
c son dying afterward. The flames
[. w th fearful rapidity, and in le- than ha!
- an hour from the discovery o! ihe Ere tin
". building was cot.-umed. The hiwiics <
N!r. ilatoman and her daughters Minnie
Lou, 11"! •, and Wicne wtre burned bt
,j yoitd recognition. Ihe ■iy ofN Browt
tl ot Sproagle A Co. o< New York, was a',
c tnost consumed Thirty guest* were in th(
' b •.< at the lime of tb. fire. . . .i wt. >n
• ere injured by jumpu g trom the win
d >w The loss of property is light, abou
. $10,000; insurance. SO,OOtV
The alter,'.ion •'( l'ai. ■ i-ap'.-rers ii
called to "the inf rmation given in tki
6 historical book of th< Ma.t abet -11, chap
1 verses 4-7, wiiaiein we are told that itu
v mediately before the Babylonish captni
, ty the prophet Jeremiah was instructed It
dep sit in M ur,t Neb" the tii,-st vaiu
■. trea-urcs which the teirpla MnU tied—
S namely the Taberr.a V the Sacred A*h
nnd doubtless, the Tables of Stone, o
" which the Ark was merely the receptabli
" oft wbii h was written tho law of ti.e Ti :
Comniandments, traced there original v
we are told, by the finger of God himself
- They were In that mountain said to b<
ct ncealed. and if that historical book is t>
e be relied on, we must credit the fact tl.a
these sacred Ueasures arc there still
. Wen id it n be w. rth tbeexplorcr w ,i
" to seek for those in the place specified
f The discovery of them would threw grea
t light upon the old Testament anj the lan
gcage in which the Tablet were written.'
Matam ras, March C -The "m lilarj
court befsre which Gcner.-tl Cortina wa
, tried have found him guilty of kidnap
r ping, the penalty attached to which, it
. Meyico it death The £n Jing of the Cour
, has been sent to General Canalcs, Cmn
, wander of Northern M"*lco, f rhisa.n
I It is believed that the fit iing of the n ;
C tary court will be approved anil that Cor
t tina will be executed in n few days. lr
j consequence et his arrest quiet pres-ai's or
. the frontier and commerce is gradually re,
. riving, Telegraphic communication will
j the city ©! Mexico is being speedily r -to,-
r cd and the mails re-established.
There w ill be sold at Public Sale, on
Thursday, April, sth,
at limiting Creek Mills, the following
• property of Peter Kubel, of Tetter twp .
dec d. to wit :
'2 GOOD HOUSES, one 2 borse wag. n,
three llogs. twenty shares of s'.otk in
the L C. dc S. I', railroad company.
•>no 2-horse sled, 1 Buggy. 1 tkmble sett
Harness. V FlvnetU. Check lines. Saddle
an l Bridle, 1". wr, Jloubletree, old Iron.
;Sausage Machine and Stufler, Oak and
I*'ne Lumber. Wl.nat, By . Crr,, tjt,
Buckwheat, Mixture and Corn in the car
by the bushel and a variety of articles to
j numerous to mention. Saieto commence
at 1 o'clock, p. n., when terms will be
made k riown liy
* 8. T. RI BKL,
' marlfi ut Executors. |
— ,
I)l ; B LIC SALE.—
The unders gn. tl will offer the follow
ing property at Public Sale, on
Wetlncsday, March, 28th, at 12 m.
v ist : Horses, 1 Colls, Cows, She p, 2
four-horse Wagons, 1 two-horse Wagon,
• 'art and Gears. B 'b-sled. Self rake Hub
bard Reaper am! Mower, New Champion
Mower, Hay Rake, 2 Drills, Hay Ladders,
(lornplanter, Centre Hal! Hersc-power,
Much Hi" and Shaker, Fannir._ mill.
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Tug harness,
Bugiiv hurtle-.', Plow gear*. Wagon Sad
dle, Flynett. Hay fork, rope and pullies,|
Cow chains. Forks, llaltors, Ja.-, A long
credit will be given. AND. (lltHtid,
rU B L I C
nAL K !
\S'ill be exposed at public saloon Tliurs
day. MARCH loth.
at the late residence of W . W. Love, de-j
rinsed, 24 miles west of Centre Hill, hei
following personal pr pertv, viz : 2 work
HtiRSRS, one I year old MARK with
f val, 1 II year old coll. 1 spring colt, cows,
young Cattle, 1 breeding Sow, 1 plan atioii
Wagon, 2 <pring Wagons, 1 Carriage, 1
I family tiilaigh, Bob-oted, bur Lad I .
horse ltake. machine Ho--. Power and
Shaker, Pi. tHarrows, Milll.eitn t'ulti
valor, small Cullivalors, Corn-planter,
[<lain Drill. .It i i Roller, wind .Mill, I.ay
I'ofk, Hope I nil Pullies, 2 set*. TlJg liar
less. Breeciib ilnls. Ftonl Gears, 1 ft tl
ion bio Ham. -s, Ua.y by llio tun, L'orti by
.lie bu-licl, Cross cut law. C.'pp r kiltie,
Spear's antl-Cli.'iki r Coal stove, 1 Ton
dale stove, 1 Coal stove, im at. mid
•llier in tides too nuiuei on.' to im i tion
■in!o to coiiimenco at 10 o'clock when
i rio- w id be luntlc known by
L M. BOA 1.,
Admr'i. 1
I'mf. A*l!t i'# Opinion fil'tho Vuriuus'
\ imi* in Depart! Tin rt lo
' Ptof Fell* Adler, of Cornell, It-elurru
k. till "ilt'll Hill) | It. flu* III' bt'gall l>>
t 111 g I lot! ei tor 11 in u li I<J or 11 R■. trul h
. Mill •Ul tt-ll out Willi the object Of establish
ingthe |Klnt that the tlit>itrl4B of heaven
mid lioll i nnliuh no <r gle <■ I*ftiiit of tlo
t supernatural kimtrlolga . 'aimed lor
. uhe future life, ho *it ilia they Here
II t invarigbly till t <'i-llntuit 1011 of lino, ,
' | litvorltt) occupations here, net up Mitli the
,i, '.t>Jpt t ul nterinjt to the WPU i i .it of ilo
l ( j people. "There ii no mom," said he, "In
nil tlo it, in lily revelation* of tin- secret* ul
tlm grave than there i in ilia ml ol ilo
,i clairvoyant who l!rt discover* your wih-
B . o and thru prophetic. affirmatively what
hint rattled in y . tir mind a* a tie,rt>."
Alien nl Views ol liiMitn,
j, In ti|i|iort of thi> view of the origin of
the |irrtp|il luiiirf- in lho accepted form*
I htiittii IIMI hell, thtt l ec lnfer nave *
1 Mio|, of the IM It.-ft ol ravage tribe*
I llt'lt' '.og V all tin- North American frit
.g - Who, being tofol ■ •! ill" hunt, I inn git.*
lent ell 111 ho "a hn|i|>t hunting ground,'
til h"Wd that liia Touiouii ittbt *. •
i N i. horn I urope, n Warlike and gailnli
io.t|i!e, believed I ,-aven lobe a < oulinua
II ot itioii earthly liio MI a large alio
f ratider >< ale, and cv ci. g ,r the hall
'• l.eli g d the lilt no Ol W alhtil: I In w toil
d hi ti.,l n,I iif,j hall of the King w *
, M OWII 1 ' Hit ileo. Kg) ptiaii* alo
Persian* hav< . 'aid the lecturer, fatmei
•tr pl.t it to IF II on the • A-IK* j i, i
0 pl.
T . I.OAIING IHTT branch of MM auhjeut TI E
ettu'of 11 I,*i.!ried the *n wmf Ihe Hire.
. tiling religion* M al.'tueUhi-iit, Juda
1 tin nml Chiifliniilli Mahometan. tm. !>•
lit -aid, ill ill idr . of I <tr6l*. '. Heeled aim
. liy the Oat 1 life of the Oriofital in tin
nailing plan *ol the desert. Judaism. *
religion thai ha* t.lway* horn more prafti-
al than dogmatic, af.d In regnd to th
I Ictrilic. of wh.oh the utmost diversity
j, if opinion ha always hoo u *.lowed. lia
never attached the! Importance to the
>• loetrme , t f immortality thai ii might hat •
e- had hut for the abolition of it- organiaeti
prioslhood after the fall of Jerusalem 1
either the Pentateuch nor the writing'
the prophet*, ho oonunued. say any-!
10 thing in (upporl of ii ; when they aliuiei
lo .1, n t* in vague an l general term-.
1 lie i aimudicnl Itlm of ilrnvt-it.
ll* •In later day*, however,' continued'
ly. the speaker, "the idea wu Confirmed, and)
(|) :he Talmud it lull of legend, übuut the
future life. In ihetiineot th Talmud the 1
'at i>ri te Pot Upition til the Jew* Was th.
m -luJy of the law. and hence we have hem
f "It at* groat academy, wit h the deily h ill
.elf at t 'ho f Ritbhi." Hero idr Ad]'-'
' tol l it i re'ated m ijie Talmud thai on i<
' certain occasion a matter of law tamo up!
ill i :or ditut on in flu* I,mvorpy academy,!
j when God. iho Chitf Kahtii, took t> ,•
; vmw and all the atl • r rabbit an oppvwi'el
" view Finally tht ( t.ief itahbi lutum..ti
ll- ed from earth a man Well veire.l in law
•y *'id took hi* | in. i tf the !
view, the tpeaker taut that it had it* birth !
r among poor tn n. w 1.0, longing for wealth
I naturally drpii ted their heaven, t r Nra ;
JJerutalem. a* a place abounding in jewo:l
and valuablo metal*—a cilv which mi te
'be paved with gold, ulimo wall* were it •
v|he of pear!* "All there tiowr," !.. ad
fill, "are t •a; !y drawl* from earltiit
1 hr C'htiaiisn Iliiirrn lod Ilrll.
Thevari u* theor.o* o* hell, ~*,d l)r '
g Adler, buw u- ju*l '.lje r* i or,-. .ule of the'
0, picture. I! lli.o g*ve a description ot.
u |hall from a Chrirl an p. int of view, raid
that lJaate't "Dltina Corntn<l: m i.o
r Way eiagerale i tho he! ,f in regard t " it
ra uiiti added that that belief ua* maintained
>r in the intereal* of the tirie*Usoo<l. 'For,"
mid be, • then the prio*t kept n J now I
•.hoy kee.. the ignorant n.uMt* in iiibjee
•y '.ton by leact.u g fuch fal'acie* and they
r have ,vir. invented n third £b, thai oti
i( j purgatory, from which their prayer* and
matte* ate potent lo rave, and wh-ch fca
proved a | iei lul tourte af revenue I
lie ti.eCourch. Modern Chritlian iy *e.v*
Church \orhip the bighe*t s'bligation!
.tf n It called u| ON to fu.k.i, to MM Praia*
far.l heaven ; t.uiply a coi. *lial I'rote*.
''<* tan; Church with tnu-ic and p*alm-*ing~
, f ng. ' lit- deprecated the spread ot thei"
e faiicit , "which," *aid he. "ar# no*, barm-'
' le- for they ve rohhod man of peace,!
*' they have killed h.* low. lie lamealed !
in the ) ear* wasted w hi!e thaae belief* d.uni-1
natod the W- rid \ ar* tei I •! might have'
been ds-Vcled to the improvouieiit and
heneft of mankind "I* there. ' he naked
n> "no emancipat lon for the *pirituai •'aye''
n- Surely, there a power in what it tru*
ut that cannot be WtUltlood. The day will
come w I,on the censer th* bo buried wilh
the twoid. at.d llic old alUof supertlition
will crumiile *•. and icen will t*nd on
' earth feeling thai love and iruth nre thair;
ie l'aradi.e forever an J rover"
At (he conclusion of hi* lecture lr. AJ
ler announced lhal a* there had been for
some time a general belief ibit "brimtltme'
i- is a good mora' disinfectant amor g the
tw lower clac*. hi* r.eit lecture will be on
"The Knlight nm. nl of tho
of lleid'. 1 1 ral Tribute, a book of'at pugc*
i # with Colored t'lal'*-. deMwibe* fiOO variolic*
of Fiow- rs \ egooihlo-. Ilillbt, k<!. PriCt
' n lucent*. This work with 0 pkl*
Reid's Fresh Flower Seeds,
int ud ig Pansv ar<d Verber.n, for '£> ct*
14 Choice varuties and The Tribute, .'O
,ct*. Vegetable Seed•*ub*tiluted if pie
!. Mention thl* Paper. Eech—ter. N. Y.l
• Private Sale.
h ' A Choice I'arra trul Houw* antl Lot.
The following described property, a'.
John Emrnerl, dee'd, tituate in Harris
1. tap. Centre county, one FARM.c 'Main
ing one hundred and thirty three ncn
• v mor sorle , b un led by land* of Ii Kv
* • rhart. tie. d. Jarars Glenn. MeFar't-n.
p. Ir. Hendereon, dec d. and other* i* offer
ed at private a!*\ The farm i* well wa
'' tercd. a never failing *tream <*f water run
rl * 11r lughib • fnrin and within thirty'
v- \ar,!. oft!;, barn, a'.- ■. a w!l *f never*
.. fading watt rut the h ue, with go<>d ,
pump in T e impf ov merits arc n
arge FRAMK IIOUSK, iwo stories high
r- nlmo*t new ; a frani" hunk ham, forty
n live by eighty fee! and al) other nocrira
ry outbuilding* Tin-it one of the bcsi
producing farm* in this *oc I ion f. r al)
J * kind* of grain ;is n'l limcttone hind. A
11 large OUCH AUp of hoic frtiit on the
For particular* inquire of \Vtn. WerU
on the fa*m. Also one Houao and lot
iSlluate ! in lioaUhurg. Centre co , the
house i* two atoiin* high, with kitchen at
tached to it, and all neceaaary outbuild-;
ing* al*o u good stable, a never fading w
Well of water with good pump. The lot i*
well st with fruit free* of be*t quality.
Also two acres and ISU perches , ft v. "1-
•jlorit land situate near the German Re
formed church in Boalshurg within tw
■ squares of above house.
, JOSIAH NKKF, Kv t! rof J. F.m
--j j snort, dee'd. 90 nov S:n. i
II A li II W A li i;!
at the fairest Cash
Vvires, at
Gewisfowr, S • ;. '.HI. 187 H. sept Va.
- . ..-f
f JTH and market X
Alt the twat intent. e*perieiee end advantage* wa
I can oommand, continued at OA K H ALU, to prod uea the
[ lit Ten 1 'HI At'i jT CLOT It! NO for men end bojr Jk ■ A
lor eixteen yeera we have I ve•; et the old oornar of MP*
EtX'l M and MAIiICET. end tile jueineee dura thera haa Q
bun eo >li factory u> Uia end ouraelvM, that we Q
have decided not to change or move the Clothing T
Luaineaa away The |>eopte hknlhe place and ■weliketo 0
pleau the people, and we tjeiieve iltet we cen do It q
better than ever el the old piaoe.
The .alee of the paal year for aurpeeaed anything ▼
we ever dManiod of, end thia pule l In our power to P
atari iha f.pring <>t 1877 wilh a STILL LOWER SCALE
OF PRICES, end a claaa of gooda aoaxoallen* hat weare
not afraid to follow each Bale with our w rrantee, or I
ir . . ive lic the ..i - unworn and hand over to lie k| J
customer the money paid.
The kluie lina limn largely refitted, end there never Q
wee each e apioiviid UK-kof Mon'a.Boya' andChlldren'a X
clotlilng under the roof, nor were wo ever able to eel! eo
cheaply. Our word for It, and we are your friend* of O
sixteen yaara. A
6th u Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jn
Valentines v.y Co's .Yeic Store !
Valentines A* Co/s|
Humes*New Block
New Store,
New Good#,
Largest Stock,
Bwt Auortnmit,
lowest Price#.
Fair Dealing,
l>rv Good#,
Fancy Good#.
Hoot#, Shoe#,
Call and see us. 1
Iliive iTcttc.! a new GRAIN ELKY ATOR i>c their G'.i Viruanjir, buying grair
in cash on delivery, for
I * nlou liiijj iv d< ' * is.or. >u v * mor. promptly linn any otfcfr p)*cc in town
which tisakoi the N E\V ELEVATOK lh rio#i Je:r&w'o pUco to *U ffrtic.
: :
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
W: I Li Iv Ei S; Hi A R R E Ci 01 A! Li
from the old Baltimore mines. Also
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly for house use. at the lowest prices
which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to be as good a fertilizer as an
other plaster.
BF.I home, p l.
m:vi .111 It It AY,
at hi* e-tuhli-hment Rt Centre Hall. knu
on hand, and tor *ale. at the tno.i rontons
hie rule*.
& Sjfring Wagons,
PI. a in" and FaniV
and vehicles of every lie- ri|tiun made U
■ Tiler, and warranted to he made of th.
hot M isotied material and by the mm!
skilled and c ■ iiipotcnt wm kmen. Bodie
f ir bii;:i>e ai: i &e.. of the
'i i '■ vw 1 pattern- in dp ti. order, also
(leiii iiijr of al! find.- in ide to old r I i
i inds. >t| repairing June promptly ami at
ibt i" •Ml poaaihl* nta*.
l'ersn , \yuntiii - anything in hi- line are
n-fjue ei| to call and ex inline hi- .mil:,
t hey \* .111: ii el it not t.. he ex. el led i .>r dur
ability and near. may 8:f.
T ]. SPANOLIR, AUom(y-il i;
ft Bellefonte P. Offid
i.. r • • ■. r- „
Rin. .... nd- 1
ed to. , w o-tf j
Wooden and
Glasi and
All new as.i' desirable gooda at pricea
below what you are iu the
habit of payiug, We
have one price, nev
er misrepresent
gftodi a sjxs>
iality; it will prove
to your advantage to
satisfy yourselves by perat ri
al ii spectiou that the above
•tnu i. Nt < ntaii.c nothing but facts
Country Produce taken in trade a
full market value.
11. UKRMAN, Manager. lsa
We studj to please
PAINTER, ilffel,
otters hit s.ivicea to the citiztus of
Centre county in
* House, Mtfn and Ornamental
Striping, ornamenting i; ~i gi:jiii K
(•rail itig
I lain and Far.rv Paper hanging. Order* solicited. Term* reasonable
J'.O apr tf.
<' A. j.'oi:\iH)i:F.
la Mill at IMnr OroTa Mil!, u d i, r -
I,wed to Ua*lto theof Mttaate at a<l uu<••
and randor am desinyl wnh rin hi* lm la .
ittAtiatti. id boat l quality an 1 t reasonable rabtJ 7n
.artiou id no* dantufeamada a apirvbUt* Tr-ih r
Im II mt 5/1 a75
Char H. Held"
i look. Watchmaker & Jen elei
Millht-ira, Centre Co., Pa.
A1 kit d of CI.H-k. \Vth* and .lewelrJ of th,
*1 etjtvs. ai> hlM> tu© Maranvilla Patent Calender
I IK*ke. prmid*d with a complete index „f tfc* month
IL. "
I MMmSST"*" r " l,,lrßd 0D short ao
From it F. K'gun, firm Regan A
Oartar. p-y ber H*l|r and Weekly Tri
bune. Jnft an City, Mo,, after receiving
| 0 iDrUt in-ht, kin ;
"Porno rtui Ud - In good condition. 1
■rrt well ples*cd with U It U ail you rep
resent it !•> be."
From K K. Bald ridge. Bennington Fur
nace, Pa,, after receiving a t#Ul piano.
8.-aUy" repaired 4tb mat, all O. K„
•nd come* (ally up to your representation,
end egceml* our etpecta'inn*. While 1
100 t prole** t< he a judge in the matter.
Mr*. |J, <) a;,d pronounce* it of very
• wool to tie ; mid in try tnutb pleated witn
inducement* erer flared. Money
refunded upon return of Piano and freight
charge* paid by me (I). V. Hetty) blb
•ray* if uni.iti-factory, after a teat trial of
five day* Pun.** eurrantod for *li year*.
Agent* WBhted. Bend for rata ngitr Ad
drone. U. KHEAITY.
Wathlngton, New Jer*ey,
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store ba
boon opened by the undrr.igr . d In Cen
tire Hail, where be I* nr. pared to lei) at
ind* of Building and Ilou*e Fumblting
> Hardware, Nail*. Ac.
Circular and Hand .Saw*. Tenr <ts Haw*,
Webb Hit*'#, Clothe* Hack*, a full a**ort
,.ent of <! at* and Mirror I* r.t* Pii-tun
Frnmea, Bpoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table
Cutlery, .Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*,
Cock*, Hinge*. Screw*, Sah Spring*.
ilor*! Shoe*, Nail*, Ncrwa* Hod*. Oil*,
Pea Bell*, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Varn
Picture* fmnted in the*t *tyle.
Anything not on band, ordered upon
thortetl notice.
t-r Remember, all nod* offered cheap
er than el*ewbee
W. A. CUltllY.
CLXTBK II il l . I*4.
Would motbi r*pctfully inform the cil
s*ns of thi* rMnltjr, that be has •taro-iS *
! r.ew Hot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of IB* public Mtron
j tge. b<)U and 6ho made to order and
according to ttyle, and warrant* hi* work
(to equal any made elewbera. All kind*
if repairing dona, and charge; reasonable.
Qiea him a call fab 1* I*
Ftii'iiitiire Booms'
EZRA KKl'niil.i'K,
respectfully intorm* the citiietu of Cantr
county, that be ha* bough l out the old
stand of J. 0. Deiuicger, and ba* reduced
the price*. They have constantly on hand
and make to order
TABLES. Ac.. Ac.
Their stock of ready-made Furniture i*
'arre and warranted of good worVman*h ip
and i* all made under their own immed -
ale *uperTi*)oß, and it offered at rates
cheaper than eltewhtre.
Ca;l and *<w our ttock before purchasing
viae where. as feb. ly
D'F FORTSEY, Attorney at Law
Beliefonte, Fa. OCee o\er Key -
|i '<! bank mur It'l-V
HE>RT BROCK Kt.Uurr. J. I'. !U'(.HT
President, Cashier.
(Late MiiUken, Hoover A Co.)
And Ailow interest,
Dieccunt Notes,
HUT acj Bell.
Government Seen- i lie*, Gold A
•lilffWtf ( i upon*
Elegant style*, with va'uable improve
jinenu. New and BeautiAi! Sol" Stop*.
' (ver one thousand Organist* and lloi
• riant indorse these organ* and recommend
'them a* strictly Iw elm in Tone. M
, < banim and durability. Warranted for
' j*ir year*.
Most Lirgtol tad Igttrt Improved
Have been awarded the Highest Premi
j urn* in cinijietition with other* f>ir vita pi ic
ily, Durability, PrumplJ* **, and I'nno
like action
Pure, sweet, and evenly balsCc ed tone,
> i orchestral effect*, and instantaneous ac
jooaa which may be had to the reed*.
Send for Pri-e Lit Adder**
i Washington, New Jersey,
Harness. Saddles. &c
To. asdenUPMd. <UunutU to sol lb MpsUr
draand tor l. err ms. ewpertfellj ,-sUa ttieatim
(to* to U iuUk to Kts UDck ot
; aov offrrrd *lllto*M *tia4 IV,i*. .torn 01* tor
ltoroel • *d lK Urnr*. Uto Umt and auM Vacrd
Sf"o -*^? rt ee ' <* rsddVe. Hcrarm. l.Ur>.
Brt !!*•. of sfrf7 d**rrt£4oß sad q*iiVt . W hip*. sn4
IB fM-t etgryL iiuA t- oo*BpICw r\rmt cXmm B&all]|,|
imwttt. Hp no* offers at f-nrw* which will nil Uy#U*oe
The auditor appointed t> hear an 4 part
upon the eireptinn file.) to the account of
Dr. J M Blair, administrator ot the de
ceased and make report tbe-eof. A-., will
attend to the duties of bit '<rpointtaent at
hiscScein Belief.-no on Wednesday, the
iSth ot March, IfCT. at two o'clock p. tn,
when and where all par tie* interested
attend if they *ee proper.
C l"Y< ill' I >' OT IC E
Letters testameatory on the estate of
Samuel Huston, late of Potter twp
dee d having been granted to the undcr
#igncd. all person* indebted to said estate
are required to make immedtate payment,
and ln<o'' having claim* against the same
to present them ualy authenticated by law
for settlement.
|l f uret . „ Executor.
Aaronsburg. P*
Tuts standard article is cotn
poundod with the greatest care.
Its effects arc as a ouderfiil ami
as satisfactory as ever.
It restores gray or faded Lair to
its youthful color.
It removes all eruptions, itching
tmd dandruff. It gives the head a
cooling, soothing sensation of great
comfort* ami the scalp by its use
becomes white and clean.
By its tonic properties it restores '
the capillary glands to their normal
vigor, preventing baldness, and
making the hair grow thick and
As a dressing, nothing has been
found so effectual or desirable.
A. A. Hayes, M. D., State As
sayer of Massachusetts, says," The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent quality; and
I consider it the BEST
for its intended purposes."
Price, Ooe Dollar.
Buckingham's JDyo
This elegant preparation may be
relic! OH to change the color of the
heard from gray or any other un
desirable shade, to brown or black,
at discretion. It is easily applied,
being in one preparation, and quick
ly aud effectually produces a per
manent color, which will neither
rub nor wash off.
Manufaalured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
Z: by 11 Snggiiii, U* DMIM* U MMH-